is a great eye


is a great eye
Tom van de Ven, high-tech test consultant
A High-tech tester is a great eye-witness
A high-tech tester
is a
Workshop high-tech testing
Experience exploratory testing in a high tech environment
and learn why good eye-witness skills can help you.
Tom van de Ven, High Tech testconsultant
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Workshop outline
 What do you want to learn?
Some preparation
Set the rules for testing this SUT
Start with demo of the high-tech system under test
Go test!
Process results
 Discuss your experiences with
testing in this high-tech
 Wrap-up!
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What do you want to learn?
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Prepare yourselves
 High-tech product in its environment
 Degrees of freedom explode rapidly
 Degrees of freedom you’ve missed
 Can’t test it all
 Limited time due to HW delivery, PCB delay, other discipline delay, …
 Good practice:
 Exploratory testing
 Use knowledge-dinosaurs within the organisation
 Pay attention to “all” the details!
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Prepare yourselves
Definition of Exploratory Test
”An interactive process of simultaneous learning,
test design, and test execution.”
Exploratory testing is not against the idea of scripting. In some contexts, you will achieve your
testing mission better through a more scripted approach; in other contexts, your mission will
benefit more from the ability to create and improve tests as you execute them. I find that
most situations benefit from a mix of scripted and exploratory approaches.
James Bach
Exploratory Testing Explained
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Prepare yourselves
 Charter
 States the mission and perhaps some of the tactics to be used.
 Sometimes charters are written down.
 Optional to use test design techniques to define charters (eg. CTM)
 Timebox
 Defines the period of time in which the tester design, learn and
execute test
 Notes
 Not mandatory for freestyle, but is recommended. Should be used
when executing session based exploratory.
 The only written output of an exploratory test except for bug reports.
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Testing rules in this workshop are
 Exploratory testing
 15 minutes preparation time for all
• Create your own ET template
• Create your own test charter
 10 minutes execution time per group
• Everyone can watch
• No comments!
 Process results: 10 minutes for all
 Present your findings
 Evaluation time
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 Test the CheapTV 2.0 from Flatscreen Inc. before it is demo-ed at the
 Current status:
• Under construction by dev: “demo mode”
• Base functions should be working
 Give test advice on the subjects
• Switch inputs
• Stability
and use your own TV-watching-skills/common sense to do this within this
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Demo of the high-tech system under test
 The lead engineer
will give you a demo
 Pay attention!
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Go test!
Proces results
How did it go?
Did you use other test design techniques?
What would you change to this ET approach?
Would you do this kind of testing again?
Where would you use ET?
Can you reproduce your tests?
 How do you present your test advice?
 Is it difficult to conclude a negative test advice?
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 You have to pay attention during a demo
Be a good eye-witness
 Use all preparation time you can get
Being prepared, fit, rested, focussed helps
 Write down every detail of SUT, environment,
data and test steps to make it reproducable
Use your eye-witnessing skills
Finish with the all-important eye-witness report
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Degrees of freedom in high-tech
environments are quickly out of our control.
Exploratory testing is very usefull, using
knowledge-dinosaurs. Test engineers with
great eye-witness skills are crucial to make
it a success.
In short: Yes, a high-tech test engineer is a great eye-witness!