December 2013/January 2014 Newsletter
December 2013/January 2014 Newsletter
BFOHB Bereaved Families of Ontario Hamilton/Burlington Grief support for children and parents since 1988 December and January are like bookends of the calendar year. January signifies the beginning with December as the end that leans against our daily lives which fill the months in between. Feelings are often amplified at this time of year - happiness, joy, togetherness, friendship, hope and love. Symbols reinforcing the happiness of the Holiday Season surround us like never ending tinsel and we are often told that miracles and fresh starts are possible to those who believe. For grieving children and parents, this time of year can be viciously challenging and sometimes heartbreaking. Comfort is not felt by many from the language of the Season.The articles in this newsletter are dedicated to grieving children and parents as they cope in this Holiday Season. If you are bereaved, or are a caregiver to a bereaved child, I hope you find the articles helpful and you learn new and useful ideas about coping and activities for continuing bonds with the person who died. For those of you who are supporters of BFOHB and not bereaved, I hope you gain insight and find the information useful when spending time with bereaved family members or friends throughout the Holiday Season. PROGRAM UPDATE We offer a number of support groups and educational programs throughout the year. Our services are free and confidential. Pre-registration for groups is required, as is a commitment to attend all sessions. For more information, or to register, please call 905-318-0070. All our programs are finishing the Fall cycle. We are accepting intakes for two programs beginning in January and a full slate of programs for Spring 2014. Burlington-Children's TLC Program NEW!!! January- Perinatal Loss Support March- TLC Family Bereavement Camp Spring Perinatal Loss Support Group December 2013 January 2014 What Hope looks like this Winter at BFOHB Ÿ Wednesday, December 11, 2013 Healing with Hope - Dr. Lori Triano-Antidormi speaks about tips for Handling the Holiday Season. 2241 New St. Burlington 7-8:30pm Call 905-318-3370 to register. Free to attend and open to the public. Ÿ Tuesday, December 17, 2013 Family Tree of Lights at the Royal Botanical Gardens. A unique way to honour a loved one(s) who have died. RSVP your loved one(s) name(s) by December 16th. Names will be read again this year after the tree is lit and the listing of names will appear in local papers. See page 7 for details. Ÿ Wednesday, December 18, 2013 “When Grief Comes to Work” A FREE workshop for Supervisors and Managers. See page 8 for details. RSVP by December 17th. Ÿ Saturday, December 21- Monday, December 23 Angel Memory Tree at Eastgate Square. Saturday 9am-9pm, Sunday 10am-6pm, Monday 9am-9pm. Volunteers needed. See page 6 for details. Spring Bereaved Moms Spring Bereaved Parent Couples Group Spring Bereaved Dads Spring Children's TLC Program Spring Teens: Missing Pieces the Grief Puzzle ***Adults whose names have been placed on program waiting lists and anyone who needs grief support are encouraged to attend our monthly support series, Healing with Hope. Guest speakers or bereaved parents present educational topics related to grief and bereavement that address the importance of learning and implementing healthy coping strategies. This program is offered alternatively in Hamilton and Burlington. Page 1 Supporting Grieving Children & Teens During the Holiday Season – Cara Grosset MSW, RSW, CT be grateful for something to do Having said this, children also want time to have a break form their grief – children & teens don't grieve continuously – they naturally know that it is healthy to take a break and to engage in play with their friends – if they want to still go to their friends' homes or to sports games over the holidays, this is normal & healthy – it doesn't mean they aren't grieving their sibling's death. All of the young people I have talked to want to spend time with their friends over the holidays, they want to laugh, get outside and have fun Adults play a key role in helping children and teens grieve – especially over the holidays when emotions and memories can become more intense. Children and teens can have difficulty expressing their true emotions – they may not have the words to express themselves, so they may retreat inwards, or they may protect you from their feelings and hold things in so as not to hurt you more. In teens, you may see sadness turn to anger, or see them reach out to friends instead of you. These are normal reactions to this time of year when there is a great deal of pressure to be “normal” and joyful. In my role at BFO, I have the privilege to work with many bereaved children, teens and young adults. Over the past years I have been consulting with these young experts about what they need to help them cope with the holidays – and here is what they shared: Conversations & Connections – your children want to talk about the person who died – and they especially want to spend time together as a family – they want to talk about memories, share stories, ask questions – but remember, they also want to protect parents (caregivers) from further hurt, so talk to them about it being OK for you to cry together, everyone is hurting, but it is better to let it out than to keep it all in. Spend one on one time together if you can – you don't have to have lots of things planned, children just want to know that you are together, that they are loved & they will be safe. Provide opportunities for children and teens to be creative – let them make a holiday decoration, maybe one in memory of the person who died – draw pictures, write in a journal, write a letter to the person, bake together. Communicate openly – continue to use real language (dead, died) appropriate for the child's developmental stage. Change – include your child in decisions about how the holidays will change or how traditions will be continued – let them contribute ideas about how they would like to include the person who died in family traditions – maybe a new or homemade tree ornament, a candle lighting, a poem or song, a donation to a charity – if you have decided to go away for the holidays, just keep in mind that your grief packs itself along in your suitcase & comes along – when I talk to the kids they are about 50/50 between family's going away for their first holiday vs. those staying at home. Again, there is “Over the past years I have been consulting with these young experts about what they need to help them cope with the holidays – and here is what they shared.” It's OK to cry – you don't always have to be composed & together – maybe their time at school was when you could break down and let out some of your intense grief, and over the holidays you don't have that time – find ways to take care of yourself – keep in close physical contact through hugs, snuggling - let them know it isn't their fault that you are sad or upset, that it is normal to miss your family member – it is OK to feel however you feel at that moment, there shouldn't be expectations about how you 'should' feel. Care – take care of each other – be kind to yourselves – lower your expectations for the holidays – don't feel obligated to attend lots of functions, have people over, or have a perfect holiday. Young children have a natural exuberance and excitement about this time of year – let them feel this without added guilt – it's OK to be excited about Santa, Hanukah, gifts – it doesn't mean they don't miss the person or don't grieve deeply for them. With teens and young adults, you may see more anger or withdrawal – talk about ways to express this in healthy ways – talking, exercise, writing – talk about 'holiday cheer' (drinking) – over the holidays, they may have more access to alcohol or drugs, this is not a positive way to cope with their grief. Cara Grosset currently is the Coordinator of Missing Pieces: The Grief Puzzle for Teens program that was developed by BFOHB and operates in partnership with local School Boards. Cara was the 2013 Clinical Director for Camp Erin Hamilton. TLC Program for Grieving Kids no right or wrong – you do what works for your family, the good news is if it doesn't work so well this year, you can try something else next year! You are the centre of your child's world – they continue to need stability, consistency and routine – if you aren't able to provide that right now, that's OK – ask friends & family to help out, they'll Coming to Burlington 2014! NEW in Burlington!!! Call 905-318-0070 to Register your Child Holiday Aches – Shirley C. Ottman, Bereaved Mother After the first few holiday seasons after my daughter's death, I thought I had licked the holiday doldrums. After all, two, three, four years had passed. I was unprepared for the dull ache I battled throughout the holidays in 1993; however, it didn't dawn on me until the middle of January why. myself how lucky we were to have known and loved her, and to know and love her still. Later I realized what should have been obvious to me during the holidays. Although our family was altogether, it wasn't the same as it used to be. Teri was missing from the scene. It's one thing to hold her spirit in our hearts and December 1993 was the first time since 1989 that both my minds, and quite another to have her sitting in her usual surviving sons and their families, my step-daughter and place at the table or leading us in Christmas carols. her family had been all together during the holidays. I had been looking forward to having them all home at the same We all missed her, even after nearly eight years; and we time once again. The cousins (all my grandchildren) would talked about her often. We had a wonderful holiday be able to renew acquaintances, and I could watch their together that I wouldn't have missed it for the world. I hope interaction with interest and glee. we will have many more such reunions. Next time, though, I'll be wiser. I'll know why the ache is there, why the joy is Yet all during the season, I was plagued with a longing, an tempered slightly and why as long as I live my life and our all too familiar ache. I missed my daughter's presence. family's life together, will be forever altered. The difference Her widowed husband had remarried in May that year, will always be noticeable, I imagine. But then, the and he and his new wife were also included in our family difference Teri has made in each of our lives is and always gathering. I liked his new wife very much. But I suppose will be obvious too. subconsciously, I was reminded even more of my daughter's absence. As I wrote my Christmas letter to my daughter Teri and put it into her Christmas stocking, unbidden tears chased themselves down my cheeks. I pushed my thoughts away from sadness; I reminded Another Christmas - Brenda Hobbs - Bereaved Mother What can I possibly say to help someone through the holidays? I cannot recall how many times I have wished for magic words to ease someone else's pain. But, of course, there are no magic words. There aren't even any answers. But there are suggestions of ideas tried in the past. As bereaved parents and siblings, it is important to share our experiences with newly bereaved families who look to us for help. Our first Christmas without our son Jesse, we changed almost all of our normal activities. We traditionally had had dinner in my husband's parents' home. That first year, instead, we had dinner at my daughter's home. We invited friends who did not have family in the area. We shopped very little. The stores and crowds were too much to handle. We hung no decorations or stockings, had no tree - nothing. I stayed busy making candy and baking breads. We tried to help others less fortunate than ourselves. We donated toys and food to various charities. We participated in a Breakfast with Santa with Project Kind, the wonderful school Jesse had attended. Basically, we did what we had to do to survive. Friends and family seemed to understand or at least accepted our changes. Maybe they just didn't want to discuss it. Whatever! We survived those first holidays, much to our amazement. The second Christmas season we had a new one-month old granddaughter. She helped a lot. We all know that our children can never be replaced. But if there is someone or something else to focus on, even for awhile, it helps. We had dinner at our home that year. We put up decorations, including Jesse's stocking. We decided that anyone who wished could write Jesse a note and place it in his stocking. Between preparing dinner and loving the new baby, again we survived. Now this year we intend to return to Jim's parents. I don't dread Christmas nearly as much as before. I'm not really looking forward to it, but I don't panic at the thought. What I would like to suggest to others is to do what you need to do. Other peoples' expectations don't automatically have to be met. Discuss your feelings with family members. Remember, they hurt too. They will try to understand and respect your feelings. It takes a lot of time and energy to grieve. Allow yourself all the time you need. I hope that something I mentioned is of help to newly bereaved families. The holidays can be painful, but we shall survive them. Maybe next year will be easier, and the next even easier still. Maybe before too long, we can enjoy all the memories of Christmases past without so much pain. I wish you all a peaceful Christmas. Page 3 In Loving Memory December Craig Anderson Beloved son of Gordon and Joyce Brother of Bill and Graham Craig was born October 6th/1978 Died December 4, 1995 and Marilyn Sister of Deanna, Stephen, Michelle, and Logan Amanda was born November 4, 1982 Died December 28, 1995 Noah Campbell Beloved son of Darin and Kim Grandson of Noel and Pam Campbell and Dick and Anne Erechook Noah was born and Died December 5, 2006 Ian Cameron McNeil Beloved son of Cathy McNeil Brother of Ryan Ian was born August 6, 1974 Died December 27, 1991 Toni Marie Clement Beloved Daughter of Shirley and Jack Phillips Brother of Steven Loving mother of Jessica and Amanda Spouse of Shaun Toni was born October 17, 1968 Died December 12, 2010 Daniel Oliver Couch Beloved son of Denise Couch Brother to Heather and Jeff Fiance to Ashley Gilbert Daniel was born July 23, 1986 Died December 19, 2011 Jennifer Marie Currie Beloved Daughter of Linda Sister of Scott Jennifer was born September 11, 1980 Died December 19, 2003 Noah Davy Beloved son to Josh & Kelly Noah was born December 21, 2011 Died December 21, 2011 Lori Hey Beloved daughter of Brian and Cecilly Sister of Shawn, Brad, and Kevin Lori was born February 4, 1965 Died December 3, 1985 Lee Jenkinson Beloved daughter of Lynn and Bill Loving mother of Katie and Justin Sister of Bob, Mike, Ritchie, Shannon, Steven, Jackie, and Jennifer Lee was born on May 7, 1963 Died December 24, 2009 Amanda Marilyn Martin Beloved daughter of Glen (D) Martin Thien Phu Nguyen Beloved son of Kim Le-Butler and Greg Butler Brother of Anna Nguyen and Trinh Theresa Nguyen Martin was born August 13, 1995 Died December 31, 2009 Volunteers Needed for Angel Ornament Sales Dec 21-23 Christian Nusca Beloved son of Rosanne and Chris Brother of Natalie and James Christian was born December 1, 2007 Died December 24, 2007 Paul Pridham Loving father of Sherry Style And Kate MacBeth Loved Spouse of Sue Paul was born August 8, 1947 Died December 24, 2006 Julia Turner Beloved daughter of Tina and Paul Sister to Melaney and Jaclyn Julie was born March 29, 1996 Died December 23, 2011 We will be having some days of Angel sales at Eastgate Square (Mall) in Hamilton! December 21 - 9am-9pm December 22 - 10am-6pm December 23 - 9am-9pm Please call Cathy Rolph at 905318-0070 to schedule a time to help sell angels. You can also email Cathy at Page 4 In Loving Memory This January Christian Lee Barr Beloved son of Mike and Lois Christian was born February 15, 1972 Died January 4, 1993 Kelly Anne Barber Bell Beloved daughter of Bob and Donna Kelly was born August 26, 1975 Died January 16, 2013 Joshua Daniel Grossi Benson Beloved son of Doreen and Michael Brother of Matthew, James and Sarah-Maria Joshua was born on January 24, 2007 Died January 25, 2007 Lee-Anne Bishop Beloved daughter of Jennifer and Mike Sister to William, Carolyn, Jake and Jane Lee-Ann died January 24, 2011 Stephen Bering Beloved son of Janet Topa Stepson to Mark Topa Loving brother of Christopher Bering And Angela Selinger Stephen was born January 11, 1980 Died January 18, 2013 Madison Carrothers Beloved daughter of Stuart and Paula Sister of Regan and Aidan Madison was born January 18, 2001 Died January 18, 2001 Nico Ciardelli Beloved baby of Rob and Rose Brother of Kira Marie Nico was born still January 14, 2007 Jeff Corey Beloved son of Steve Jeff was born November 17, 1986 Died January 20, 2003 Aman Kaur Dulay-Gill Beloved daughter of Navdeep and Gurdeep Brother of Rajan and Nishaan Aman was born still January 22, 2006 Carina Fabbro Beloved daughter of Darlene and Julian Big sister to Nicholas Carina was born January 10, 2006 Died January 23, 2006 Andrew Fazio Beloved son of Karen Brother of Sarah Andy was born November 30, 1981 Died January 27, 2008 Paul-Michael Foster Beloved son of Margaret and Graham Brother of Amanda and Adele Brother-in-law to Andy and Aaron Paul Michael was born June 1, 1981 Died January 10, 2010 Sandra Freeman Beloved child of Jo Anne and Mike (D) Loving mother of Mike and Hudson Sister of Jaki and Andy Sandra was born May 2, 1967 Died January 26, 2011 Joel Hall Cherished spouse of Lisa Loving father to Annabelle and Bronwen Joel was born March 10, 1962 Died January 11, 2005 Martha-Ann Ena Hennessey Beloved daughter of Reginald (D) and Kamara Sister of Ryan Martha-Ann was born June 21, 1983 Died January 2, 1994 Sonya Ariz Lyall-Lakin Beloved daughter of Anil and Zarina Sister of Zain Sonya was born March 3, 1973 Died January 29, 2005 Bruce Dayton Mallory Beloved son of Carol Brother of Douglas and Janice Bruce was born March 11, 1968 Died January 20, 1990 Jason Molnar Beloved son of Steve and Glenn Brother of Michelle Walker Jason was born September 29, 1970 Died January 7, 2005 Joe Nukapiak Beloved son of Gord and Jeannie Nukapiak Loved grandson of Marlene Miller Brother of Anawak and Joe-Joe Joe was born March 16, 1985 Died January 3, 2003 Katie Padget Beloved daughter of Donna and Rick Sister to Kevin Katie was born May 17, 1986 Died January 13, 2012 Peter Piwtarak Beloved son of Jack and Helen Brother of Michael Peter was born September 2, 1969 Died January 5, 1998 Lisa Marie Scime Beloved daughter of Joe and Cecile Sister of Paul, Vince, Brenda and Norm Lisa was born July 1, 1967 Died January 8, 1993 Calum Michael David Sharrow Beloved son of Jessica Brother of Johanna Calum was born January 25, 2001 Died January 6, 2003 Amy Elizabeth Shewfelt Beloved daughter of Paul and Gail Sister of Erin and Kevin Amy was born March 5, 1982 Died January 18, 2004 Kerry Lee Smith Beloved son of Homer and Margaret Brother of Tracy L. Ouellette Kerry was born August 8, 1975 Died January 22, 1992 Brandon James Wilcox Beloved son of Ron and Karen Brother of Sarah and Katie Brandon was “born an angel” on January 19, 2001 Jonathan Matthew Wilcox Beloved son of Marlene Brother to Julie, Vince, Dawn and Steven Uncle to Christian, Matteo, Felicia Jonathan was born November 19, 1983 Died January 11, 2005 Maureen Ann Williams Beloved daughter of George and Donalda Sister of George and Janet Maureen was born February 25, 1957 Died January 8, 1993 Paul Andrew Woehl Beloved son of Diane and George Brother of David, Michael and Kathleen Paul was born June 27, 1967 Died January 27, 1997 Page 5 Volunteer Facilitator Training After your child died and you attended a BFOHB group, did you find that the support you received from your group facilitators rewarding? Have you thought about becoming a facilitator and helping other grieving moms and dads? If so, come to a training information evening on Thursday, January 23 at the BFO office. At the information session, you will hear from experienced facilitators about what the facilitator commitment looks like and what being a facilitator means to them. You will have the opportunity to ask questions, receive the training schedule and add your name to the training list. Angel Memory Tree Notice What Happens After the Training Information Night? Before the training sessions begin, Dr. Lori TrianoAntidormi, a Registered Psychologist and our Professional Consultant, will contact you to set up an interview, typically 30 minutes in length, to ensure you are emotionally fit for training, to review your interest in becoming a facilitator and to answer any questions you might have. Facilitator Training Information Evening Thursday, January 23 7:00pm - 8:30pm Bereaved Families Office 293 Wellington Street North, Suite 118 Email: 2013 Angel Ornaments It is with great pleasure that I share with you some good news! Even though our Angel Memory Tree Program at Limeridge Mall has come to a end, we will be having a three-day Angel Memory Tree at Eastgate Mall from Saturday, December 21Monday, December 23. As many of you know, we have played an active role in this community leading up to the Holiday Season by sharing our special tree of angels. As changes in corporate policies occur within the shopping centre industry, we will try our best to find new partners to host our very special tree. We are currently seeking volunteers to fill the time slots. Please contact Cathy Rolph at the BFO office for available times. See page 4 for details. Email: Phone: 905-318-0070 Angels are for sale! To order your angels, please call 905-318-0070 or stop by the office between the hours of 9am-4pm. Angels will also be for sale through our website and be available at the Family Tree of Lights at the Royal Botanical Gardens the week of December 16th. Please note: We also have the 2012 pewter angel in stock for those who did not purchase that design last year. They are $15.00 each for 2 for $25.00. A special thank you to one of our volunteers, Pam Wilson, for connecting BFO to Eastgate Mall. Lisa Lesnicki-Young, Executive Director Page 6 Join Bereaved Families of Ontario Hamilton/Burlington on December 17, 2013 for a loving memorial tree lighting ceremony sponsored by the Royal Botanical Gardens. Family Tree of Lights Bereaved Families of Ontario Hamilton/Burlington A contribution in your loved ones memory will illuminate a white light in his or her honour. The names of all the children and parents remembered in this special way will be listed in donated ads in the Burlington Post on December 20th and the Hamilton Spectator on December 24th. Please acknowledge on the form attached below if you wish the name of your loved NOT to be published. Please join us at the Lighting Ceremony on Tuesday, December 17th at the Royal Botanical Gardens on Plains Road, Burlington from 7:00-8:00pm. Entry will be complimentary for the tree lighting ceremony only. To ensure publication of names in the advertisements, we must receive your information by: Ÿ December 16th for the Hamilton Spectator and the Burlington Post ads. *Please complete the form below and return it with your donation or call our office at 905-318-0070. Your support is greatly appreciated. Bereaved Families of Ontario - Hamilton/Burington will be hosting a Family Tree of Lights to honour children, siblings, spouses and parents who have died. This special tree has been graciously sponsored by the Royal Botanical Gardens and will be decorated with crystal-clear lights that will shine brightly as a living memory this Holiday Season. The lights are an affirmation of our loved ones life and acknowledges our cherished memories. A complete listing of the names of the loved ones names will be published in community newspapers who have donated ad space, posted on our website, and mailed to donors accompanying their tax receipt. At the event, the names of the loved ones will be read aloud. How to Donate 1. Filling out the form below and mailing it or dropping it off to the BFO-HB office. 2. Online Please designate “Family Tree of Lights” and provide the name of your loved one to be listed. 3. Calling the BFO-HB office at 905-318-0070 and making your donation over the phone. Thank you to our friends at the Royal Botanical Gardens for making this special event possible. BFOHB Bereaved Families of Ontario Hamilton/Burlington 25 Years of Community Service Bereaved Families of Ontario - Hamilton/Burlington (BFOHB) Support for grieving children and parents since 1988 Yes! I want to give my support to Bereaved Families of Ontario-Hamilton/Burlington by contributing $____________________ in honour of (name(s) please)__________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Please do NOT publish my loved ones name(s). Name ______________________________________ Address ____________________________________ ___________________________________________ Email ______________________________________ Charge my credit card: __VISA __ MC __AMERICAN EXPRESS Name on card:____________________________________ Card Number_____________________________________ Expiration Date__________________ Signature________________________________________ *Tax receipts for donations over $25 293 Wellington Street North, Suite 118 | Hamilton, Ontario L8L 8E7 | Phone: 905-318-0070 | Fax: 905-318-9181 Charitable Registration # 86589 2319 RR0001 Date: Wednesday, December 18, 2013 Page 8 Ultimate Chef 2014 Event Update Hi Everyone! Here is an update on the planning of our Ultimate Chef Event 2014! This will be our 3rd year putting this event on at Liuna Station. To date, over $84,000 has been raised in support of the programs at Bereaved Families and over 550 people have attended. Please help us raise as much money as possible in support of grieving children and parents! See who are competing for the title of “Ultimate Chef 2014" by visiting the BFOHB website! You can support the event by: Ÿ purchasing a ticket or table Ÿ becoming a sponsor - $250-$5000 Ÿ donating a live or silent auction item Ÿ cash donation (listed as a Friend of the Chefs) Ÿ Supporting a Chef to win the “Big Daddy” Award by making a donation online in their name Ÿ volunteering at the event Most sincerely, Victor Lesnicki - Event Chair 25th Anniversary Event 25 Years Strong! Our friends from Smiths Funeral Home Great Food by Barry at the Legion! Special candle lighting for 25 years Thank you to everyone who attended the 25th Anniversary Event on Saturday, November 16 at the Royal Canadian Legion in Burlington. Over 100 guests had a fun filled evening of music, prizes, shopping in the silent auction and acknowledging the dedication that was needed to keep the BFOHB doors open for the past 25 years. Here’s to 25 years more! Prizes! Thank you to our evening sponsors: SILVER SPONSOR ALLEN J. WYNPERLE PERSONAL INJURY LAW The fabulous band “The Believers” with Tony Antidormi Page 9 Our Leadership Team BFOHB Leadership Team Executive Director: Lisa Lesnicki-Young Program & Volunteer Coordinator: Kamara Hennessey Administrative Assistant: Cathy Rolph Finances: Homer Smith & Rick Salter Professional Consultant: Dr. Lori TrianoAntidormi, Ph.D., C. Psych Missing Pieces for Teens Program Coordinator: Cara Grosset M.S.W., R.S.W., C.T. T.L.C for Kids Program Coordinator: Crystal Rutherford M.S.W., R.S.W., C.T. Crystal is also the Clinical Director for Camp Erin Hamilton and our TLC Family Camp. Board of Directors Board Chair: Jim Matz Vice Chair: Ryan Moffat Secretary: Annette Jansen Treasurer: Tim Sprague Past Chair: Darryl Rankin Director: Karen Demaline Director: Ryan Cloutier Director: Duane Mercer Director: Karen Van Luven Director: Greg Van Sickle Professional Advisory Committee Shauna Cassidy - High School Social Worker Karen Demaline - Community Social Worker Anne Elliott - Volunteer Kent Laidlaw - Trauma Specialist Lucinda Landau - Hospital Chaplain Jodi Pereira - Hospital Social Worker Sarah Pershick- Certified Child Life Specialist Crystal Rutherford - Halton Social Worker & Camp Erin Clinical Director Dr. Lori Triano-Antidormi - Psychologist Dianne Vanderwoude- Funeral Director We welcome submissions to our bimonthly newsletter and reserve the right to edit based on available space. Please email any submissions or suggestions to the Executive Director, Lisa Lesnicki-Young at Our Privacy Policy: Bereaved Families of Ontario - Hamilton/Burlington (BFOHB) respects your personal information and adheres to all legal requirements with respect to protecting your privacy. We do not rent, sell or trade our mailing lists or other personal information. We use your personal information to assist us in providing you with appropriate services and to keep you up-to-date on the activities of BFOHB including programs, services, special events, appeals for additional funding through periodic contacts and to volunteer. If at anytime you wish to be removed from any of our contact lists, please advise us by telephone at 905.318.0070 or by email at: and we will gladly accommodate your request. Bereaved Families of Ontario - Hamilton/Burlington There are no charges for any of our programs, however, donations are greatly appreciated. Yes! I want to give my support to Bereaved Families of Ontario-Hamilton/Burlington with my gift in the amount of $____________________. Charge my credit card: Name ______________________________________ Address ____________________________________ ___________________________________________ Email ______________________________________ __VISA __ MC __AMERICAN EXPRESS Name on card:____________________________________ Card Number_____________________________________ Expiration Date__________________ Signature________________________________________ Please bill me __________Monthly _________Annually Amount $ _____________________ 293 Wellington Street North, Suite 118 | Hamilton, Ontario L8L 8E7 | Phone: 905-318-0070 | Fax: 905-318-9181 Charitable Registration # 86589 2319 RR0001
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