Homespun Pieces and Stitches
Homespun Pieces and Stitches
Homespun Pieces and Stitches A publication of the Homespun Quilters’ Guild OCTOBER 2015 12th Board Meeting; 6:00 pm Location is at the home of Joyce Jones, 5413 Point Wood Circle, Waco at 6:00 p.m. All guild members are invited to attend. 19th Guild meeting/program 23rd 6:30 p.m. Program- Community Service Project Information for the November newsletter sent to Homespun Quilters’<> Guild Board Meeting Minutes HQG Board Minutes – Sept. 14, 2015 Present: Karen Woodard, Rose Schroeder, Evelyn Hackney, Jerry Mitchell, Karen Curlee, Jeraldine Fellbaum, Clara Jean Matustik, Joyce Jones, Cindy Bruce, Judy Mathews, Melva Magee, Kathy Bayer, Barbara Burr, Debbie Dewey. Meeting called to order by President, Karen Woodard. No changes to previous minutes. Old Business Treasurer: Melva Magee reported that after the books were audited she is has a $42.62 overage. Membership: Joyce Jones reported we now have 93 members. She received a letter from the Texas Quilt Museum in La Grange, TX. requesting a membership application. Programs: Rose Schroeder, reports that programs are set through May 2016. Rita Schormann says she would like to do a program and another workshop in the future. Other suggestions were Sharon Wilheim and Trish Stewart. Rose also reported that she has all of the volunteers needed for the TX. Education Extension Convention. Karen Woodard presented a Workshop/Program contract example. There were a few changes in wording suggested: minimum/maximum amount of students for workshops; guild will be responsible for room and board for the evening of the program; confirmation # will be provided after the contract is signed. Ticket sales for the 2015 quilt are around $700. 1 Rita Schormann is almost finished quilting the 2016 quilt. TAQG: Clara Jean Matustik will go with Chairman, Judy Mathews, to the Sept. meeting. Rose will try to go to the Nov. meeting since it will be about programs. HOT Fair: quilt entry forms and $5 fee are due Sept. 24th. Quilts are to be dropped off on Oct. 3rd from 9 AM-2PM. The quilts will be judged on Oct. 5th. Rose has a sign-up sheet for volunteers to sell raffle tickets on the 2015 quilt during the fair on Oct. 8 – 17. Volunteers will also pass out business cards with our Quilt Show information, applications to enter quilts, and applications to join the Guild. There will also be a booth for demonstrations. Quilt Show 2016: Cindy Bruce and Judy Mathews are in the process of mailing letters and business cards to other guilds and quilt stores. Kathy Bayer, Publicity Chairman will continue to advertise in the newspaper. She will check into advertising through Craig’s list. Evelyn Hackney brought a sample of a “Cabin Fever” logo for some posters. Kathy Bayer will work on reducing the size and adding all of the needed information, including the Guild website for those interested in entering quilts. She will try to get some printed before the fair. We will need 4 for the show. Karen Woodard will get the contracts to the judges since we still have no Chairman. Silent Auction: Barbara Burr will work on a prize incentive to bring in items. Bazaar Booth: Cindy Bruce reports that items are being turned in. Library: Jeraldine Fellbaum and Jerry Mitchell report that the library is doing well. The new cart helps. They are reorganizing the categories for ease in finding books. Karen Woodard reports that there is a 10’ x 10’ storage unit being held for us near the old one which will make the transfer easy. The cost will be $62 a month. A month’s rent will be knocked off if a year is paid for at once. Submitted by Secretary, Debbie Dewey Homespun Quilters’<> Guild Meeting Minutes Guild Minutes – Sept. 21, 2015 The meeting was called to order by Karen Woodard at 6:30. Our program was given by quilter and quilt judge, Brenda Jeske. Motion to approve last month’s minutes was made by Debbie Stubbs, 2nd by Evelyn Hackney. Karen Woodard announced that the sew-in will be Friday, Oct. 16th from 1 pm to 10 pm. Officer and Committee Chair Reports Rita Schormann passed out rules and regulations for the 2016 Quilt Show. Karen Curlee encouraged everyone to turn in their 12 1/2” cabin challenge blocks, and gave the Sunshine and Shadows updates. TAQG: Judy Mathews reported that the 2016 Rally Day speaker will be Kimberly Amore. She is known for her use of jelly rolls. The TAQG newsletter person would like to have a list of teachers, and quilters for distribution. 2016 Quilt Show: Judy Mathews and Cindy Bruce have mailed out letters and cards with the show information on it. They encourage everyone to help spread the word in our surrounding areas to friends and neighbors. Evelyn Hackney volunteered to be the Chairman for the Judges. Rose Schroeder thanked all of the volunteers for helping with the very successful Texas Education Extension Event. Karen Woodard announced that $173 in Quilt raffle tickets were sold at the event. Our total is now at $1,000. Members can pick up additional tickets to sell. 2 Rose reminded everyone that the quilt entry forms for the HOT Fair are due by Thurs. Sept. 24th. The 3rd of Oct. from 9 am to 2 pm is the drop-off time for quilts. The fair runs from the 9th through the 17th. She has a sign-up sheet for volunteers to man the raffle quilt. Bazaar Booth: Cindy Bruce reminded us that the Scrappy Hearts Bee has pillowcases for sale. They will also be available at the Quilt Show. Debbie Dewey showed an example of a non-slip sewing machine foot pedal pad. She didn’t have instructions with her. The website for the pattern is at: Evelyn Hackney gave the Community Service report. Jan Rogers was the UFO prize winner. The Oct. meeting will be our Community Service sew-in. (She’s splitting up the “red team”). Numbers were passed out, assigning people to groups. Silent Auction: Barbara Burr is holding a challenge for Bees and individuals to turn in items for the Silent Auction. Winners will be picked at the Dec. guild meeting. Bee Keeper: Linda Buckner announced that the Scrappy Hearts Bee donated 45 bibs to the church daycare center this week. Judy Mathews finished the church donation quilt using the leftover blocks from last year’s Guild raffle quilt. Joyce Jones reported 50 members and 6 visitors, including 1 new member, and 1 returning member tonight. Anna Polster was the prize winner. After Door Prizes and Show & Tell, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm. Submitted by Secretary, Debbie Dewey Homespun Quilters’ <> Treasurer Report HOMESPUN QUILTERS’ GUILD TREASURER REPORT OCT ( 8-10-15 TO 9-11-15) General Funds Balance Forward: 13,510.24 Income: 9-11-15 Membership 30.00 8-18-15 2016 Raffle Qlt tickets 92.00 8-18-15 Workshop-November 120.00 8-18-15 Shorman-Programs 200.00 8-17-15 Ads-Newsletter 25.00 8-17-15 Library 6.25 8-17-15 Membership 30.00 8-17-15 Door Prizes 58.00 8-17-15 Membership 30.00 Total Income 591.25 Expenses: 9-11-15 PO Box Rental Yearly 76.00 (ck1816) 9-11-15 Community Service 103.30 (ck1817) 8-10-15 Members Directories 485.00 (ck1815) 8-10-15 2016 Quilt show Business Cards 69.97 (ck 1814) Total Expense 734.27 BALANCE GENERAL FUND Submitted by: Melva Magee, Treasurer 13,367.22 3 Materials list for the Crazy Quilt Class using old linens. Saturday, October 24th, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm At least nine embroidered old linens. (An embroidered item can be standard floss embroidery, candle wicking, cross stitching, huck weaving, crewel embroidery, red work, black work. In other words, it should be embellished with thread or floss.) These can be pillowcases, dresser scarfs, samplers, chair back protectors, chair arm protectors, pillows, handkerchiefs, tea towels, table cloths, aprons. You can use anything that is embroidered. And the embroidered items do not have to be old and they do not have to be handmade. It would be a good idea to bring some fat quarters of solid fabrics and some small print fabrics. (In the samples you have seen, I used Aunt Grace type prints and solids that coordinate with the Aunt Grace type fabrics.) If you have these extra fabrics, you can back a thin handkerchief or an item that is open such as cut work or crochet. Crocheted doilies and trims can be incorporated into your design. Rotary cutter and medium size mat Ruler (I suggest one that is approximately 3 ½ inches wide x 12 to 18 inches long.) Sewing machine Your usual sewing supplies which should include (but not limited to) fabric scissors, paper scissors, pins, seam ripper. The pattern will be supplied as a part of the class fee. The class fee is $25 per person. Make the check out to Homespun Quilters’ Guild if you have not already paid. I will collect the money from those that have not paid at the next Guild meeting. If you cannot be at the next Guild meeting, please mail the check to me. If you have questions, please call or email. Rita Schormann 1025 Grand Oaks China Spring, TX 76633 254-836-9710 Upcoming Programs/Education Opportunities Reminder regarding Workshops – in order to confirm a spot for Workshops, payment must be received before the deadline date of the workshop along with the registration forms. Our next Workshop is November 17 and the deadline for payment is October 30th. After the deadline, if you have paid to attend the workshop and change your mind, you may not be able to get a refund. -Rose October 8 – 17, 2015 Homespun Quilter’s Booth at the Heart of Texas Fair and Rodeo; Volunteers needed and Members to enter quilts in the fair. Monday, October 19, 2015 Community Service Night 4 Saturday, October 24, 2015 Rita Schormann will be presenting a Workshop on making a crazy quilt using your old dollies and lace. Monday, November 16, 2015 Deborah Brizendine – “Just Stitchin” Tuesday, November 17, 2015 Workshop with Deborah Brizendine. Melissa Picha with Compass Center in Mt. Calm has kits available with pattern and fabric options. For more information on Programs contact Rose or Tina. For more information on Education Opportunities contact Barbara, Mary or Rose. Announcement in January, starting in February. Patty Field, Special Project Chairman The Upcoming Events/ Quilt Shows October 16-17, Texas Star Quilters Guild- Canton Civic Center, Canton, 9am-4pm, $3 (with a special program from The Pleasant Hill Quilters Group of Linden TX. “Underground Railroad” History and Quilts. February 1-6, 2016, Kathy Dunigan Academy of Appliqué, Hilton Dallas/ Rockwall Lakefront, Rockwall. Registration by June 1, 2015 Items are needed for the Silent Auction at the quilt show. Suggestions: Miniatures, size 24 x 24 or smaller Table runners Seasonal themed items sale really well Purses, bags Children’s items Contact Barbara Burr for more information 5 THE BUZZ ABOUT BEES Contact: Linda Buckner, Bee Keeper, The Homespun Quilters’ Guild sponsors many quilting bees to which members can belong. There are bees that meet at night as well as bees that meet during the day. Some bees may be highly organized where there is always some kind of group effort going on, and there are very “hangloose” bees whose members simply enjoy getting together to sew, talk and maybe eat! Some bees meet in public places while others meet in member’s homes. Bees may have limited membership because of space. If you are interested in joining a bee or forming a new Bee, please let me know and I will work with you. China Dolls Individual projects Daytime – Twice Monthly (Tuesday) DeeAnn Boatright, 254-723-2015 Material Girls Group & individual projects, Hand work, field trips, challenges Daytime – Weekly (Thursdays) Patty Field, 876-2817, Crazy Fools Hand Work Daytime – Monthly (Wednesday) Jackie Lott, 757-2044, 744-8496 (cell) Material Mavens Daytime - Bi-Monthly (Monday) Alice Baird or Judy Steward, 254-495-0905 Cut Ups Evening – Monthly (second Tuesday) Karen Fleuriet, 744-0012 Sew It Seams Community Service & Individual projects Daytime –Twice-Monthly (2nd & 4th Thursday) Karen Woodard, 972-768-6273 Happy Stitchers Individual projects; occasional group projects Evening – Monthly (Thursday) Nancy Pugh, 722-7833 Hewitt Needle Arts Daytime – Twice Monthly (Thursday) Liz Brisby, 848-9071 Loose Threads Hand Work, individual and group projects Daytime – Twice Monthly (Tuesdays) Evening – Twice Monthly (Tuesdays) Norma McAdams, 848-4714 Karen Curlee, 744-1830 Scrappy Hearts - Individual and group projects / Bazaar Booth Coordinators Daytime – Weekly (Thursdays) Linda Buckner, 848-4837 St. Louis Quilts from the Heart Individual and group projects Daytime – Monthly (Saturday) Maxine Hammonds, 772-0149 Stitch-a-Roos Machine Embroidery Meetings pending Priscilla Brown, 405-4861 6 Membership Information by Joyce Jones At our September Meeting with Brenda Jeschke presenting a program, "Judging Criteria Thru the Eyes of a Judge" we had 55 members present and 7 visitior Our visitors were: Sally Johnston Faye Kaiser Dodie Miller Kathleen Thompson Linda Easter Diane and John McClellan We had 2 returning members and 1 new member Returning Members: New Member: Meredith Ferguson 31 Oleander Waco, TX 76708 753-9851 3-9 Kathleen Thompson 7108 Ardennes Loop Ft. Hood, TX 76544 808-398-6445 (c) LovelylongarmQuilting@gmail. Com 2-26 Lisa Williams 1401 Valhalla Park Robinson, TX 76706 325-330-0888 (c) 6 - 5 (Birthday) We had a total of 394 Volunteer hours (Community and Education) Also, we had 86 hours of Volunteers for Texas Education Extension Association, Presentation, Workshop and Judging. Rose Schroeder needs volunteers for our Booth at the HOT Fair. This is a wonderful time to tell people about our Guild. You will be able to get into the Fair free as well as a Parking Pass. Call Rose and give her your name and times you can be there. Our October meeting is Community Service Night which is Marathon Piecing. Come join a team. {Members with this month’s birthdays are asked to be the guild “greeters” for the month. Thanks for helping make our guild warm and inviting to visitors.} October Birthdays Barbara Burr 13 Jerry Mitchell 19 Melva Magee 22 Robyn Barnes 29 7 Carolyn Self (4) Janine Hoffpauir Nancy McNeely (2) Vickie Ferguson (3) Aileen Boucher`(2) Angela Regan Anna Polster- Membership door prize The Power of Ten- Judy Hall, Texas Quiltworks The “power of 10” in quilting is not some higher mathematical formula that quilters all need to learn to make a quilt. It is a simple way to complete those projects we want to finish before we buy anymore fabric. 1) First, simply find the projects that you are no longer interested in completing and pass them on to someone else would love it as much as you once did. 2) List “10” projects that you would like to complete. Now remember “Only 10” is to be on the list. 3) Begin working on the projects on the list and spend time daily toward completing them. 4) Keep a list of projects and the hour worked. (This is good for community service hours for the guild) 5) Once three hours are spent on a project, move to the next. A quilters’ interest wanes and is usually spent after three hours. Now if a project requires two to four hours it doesn’t matter. Simply finish the project. Feel good about finishing it. 6) Find another project and add it to the list. Remember, only Ten Projects are your focus. 7) Continue to rotate the projects you are working on. 8) List the supplies needed to finish your projects. 9) Shop at your local quilt shop for items needed to finish. 10) The “Power of Ten” becomes a reality when you are able to share your project. Be sure to share your quilt at guild meetings, quilt shops, family and friends. Remember by showing your finished project you are inspiring someone else to finish a project. 8 9 “Texas Bonnie Blue” Get your tickets at the next guild meeting. $2,000 We are half way there and your support is needed in selling tickets. Our raffle quilt earned a 1st place ribbon in the large group pieced category AND best computerized machine quilting at the Temple Quilt Show Thank you Rita for handing out the entry packets at our meeting. > Also many thanks to Evelyn for volunteering for yet another responsibility, judges for our show! > > Remember the entry deadline is November 20th. However, The deadline is right before the holidays, so Rita Schormann and Karen and Jerry Woodard would appreciate receiving the entry forms as soon as possible. They have a great deal of work to accomplish getting ready for the show. > > I hope our challenge participants have sent in their entries. Also, we've had some wonderful show and tell quilts, so I hope to see them in our show. > > Some members have asked about antique quilts, and YES we would love to have them displayed in our show. We would also love to see quilts made by your mom or grandma, or other friend or relative, especially if it has special meaning to you. Quilters love to see quilts and read about the stories about the quilts. > > Please help us spread the word about our show. Anyone with contacts with sewing clubs, embroidery club, etc, please take some of our show cards. 10 Guild Challenge Stash Buster- must come from your stash See Susan Hutyra for more info. Due in the spring Sew- In>>>>> October 16, 1-10 pm Time Change November 1(Fall back/ gain an hour 11 2016 Quilt show Block Challenge The theme for the 2016 quilt show is Cabin Fever. Keeping in the same theme, we will have a block challenge for the show. Block specifics: 1. Unfinished 12 ½ inch block 2. Block content- must contain a “cabin”/ “house”. Remember the theme. 3. Leave a 1-inch imaginary border across the top and down the 2 sides of the block. Do not place any of the design in this area that could be distorted if the block must be re-sized. (see diagram below [ NO/OK]) 4. Technique- your choice (Can be paper pieced, pieced, appliquéd [machine, raw edge, or hand], embroidered.) 5. Due by December guild meeting. Dec. 14th (meeting 1 week earlier due the holidays). Can be turned in anytime between now and Dec. 14th . 6. Displayed at the January show for voting. 7. 12 squares will be given to a bee to put into a quilt for the Lakewood Christian Church raffle quilt. (Remaining blocks will be used for another quilt. 12 ½ inch NO 12 ½ inch OK 12 TAQG Texas Association Quilt Guild I keep talking about TAQG, but I am sure many of you would appreciate some explanation. Judy Mathews > TAQG stands for Texas Association of Quilt Guilds. > The mission statement is: To Share Information between guilds and Preserve the Art of Quilting. > This year they offer programs on contracts, sales tax, quilting of young people, scholarships, Rally Day, membership and programs, resources, and speaker's forum. > The TAQG board consists of energetic and knowledgeable quilters who share information and ideas. > I am very pleased to be your representative to this organization, which provides a wealth of information to its members. > > The TAQG newsletter editor is asking for a list of local teachers. > Many guilds are asking for local teachers to hire for programs and workshops. > If interested, please send me: > Your name > Type of work > Contact information > Description of your programs and workshops > There is no cost, just another service provided by TAQG > > TAQG website also has a list of resources, so any teacher, quilter, shop owners etc can be listed for free if they are a member of our guild. > If interested, please send me: > Name > Business name > City, State, Zip > Phone number > Email address > Website (if you have one) > Services offered 13 UFO Club Congrats to Jan Rogers for winning the monthly UFO project drawing. If any new member would like information on the UFO project, contact Evelyn Hackney at the next meeting. UFO Club- Make a list of unfinished projects that you need to complete and turn it in to Evelyn Hackney. When you finish one of the projects, bring it to the guild and your names goes into a monthly drawing for a prize. It’s coming .….. Watch for it .….. The Compass Centre 14 Estate Sale Baby Lock Ellure Plus Sewing and Embroidery Machine. Comes with Bernina Embroidery software, rolling carry case and many accessories. Beautiful machine, great condition. Contact Linda Easter for details and picture. 254 776-6559 or 15 10am-6pm 10am-4pm Monday-Friday Saturday Check us out on Face book 16