NEWSLETTER - Woodbridge Township School District
NEWSLETTER - Woodbridge Township School District
John F. Kennedy Memorial High School October 2015 Volume 24, Issue 1 NEWSLETTER A State of New Jersey Best Practice School A National & State of New Jersey “Learn & Serve” Leader School A New Jersey Governor’s School of Excellence Kennedy Ranked Among Best Schools in New Jersey John F. Kennedy Memorial High School is dedicated to creating a successful future for each student. Recently, JFK was nationally recognized for its academic achievements and outstanding performance. For the year of 2014, The U.S. News & World Report ranked John F. Kennedy as number 54 out of 516 high schools in New Jersey. JFK placed number 1,897 out of over 29,070 high schools in the country, which earned the school a silver medal. Staff and students are extremely proud to be awarded such high standings. Each year, The U.S. News & World Report classifies schools both on a national scale and state-to-state. This is determined by measurable academic outcomes, test scores, and economic factors. To produce the Best High School rankings, U.S. News collaborates with the Washington, D.C.-based American Institutes for Research, one of the largest behavioral and social science research organizations in the world. A three-step process determines the rankings. First, schools are evaluated by their statewide proficiency tests. Scores factor in the percentage of economically disadvantaged students enrolled in each school to identify those that perform better than statistical expectations. Schools that move forward are compared by their least-advantaged student population. This highlights each school’s ability to perform better than average for similar students in the state. Finally, schools that make it through the first two steps are judged nationally by college readiness performance--the percentage of students who take and pass Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate exams. In order to win a gold or silver medal and be numerically ranked, all of these requirements must be fulfilled. The staff at John F. Kennedy encourages students to pursue interests in academics, athletics, and the arts. JFK offers a wide variety of courses and urges students to push themselves to their full potential. According to U.S. News, the college readiness level at JFK is 26.3, which reflects the growing student participation in Advanced Placement classes. High School Proficiency Assessment results are also included in JFK’s current ranking: 95 percent of students are proficient in English and 90 percent are proficient in Math. These praiseworthy numbers evidence the motivation and achievement of our students. Many factors contribute to making John F. Kennedy Memorial High School one of the nation’s best schools. This recognition by The U.S. News & World Report is proof that our school community is committed to academic excellence. There is no doubt that Kennedy students will continue to shine and prosper. Congratulations for being one of the best schools in New Jersey and the best school in Woodbridge Township. Published with pride for our school community John F. Kennedy Memorial H.S. A State of New Jersey Best Practice School A Message From Our Principal The 2015-2016 school year is well underway and your sons and daughters should be engaged in curricular and extra-curricular activities at this point. At our opening class assemblies this year, the important theme of “Success…Nothing Less” was emphasized to our students. Our students are being challenged to achieve excellence in Academics, Athletics and the Arts. In addition, treating all of their peers with respect as well as respect to all adults in the building is a goal that will be stressed throughout the school year. The reinforcement of the theme by parents and guardians will certainly increase our students’ chances for a successful school year and high achievement. We are especially proud of the following achievements during the 2014-2015 school year: US News & World Report rank JFKMHS #54 in NJ AP enrollment up. Most ever WTSD history – great scores - congrats 13 students scored 800 on the SAT- Math or Verbal section 2 Commended Scholars NHS – was able to collect 90 pints of blood Our students collected over 5,000lbs of food during the 2014-2015 school year Raised $6,000 for several charity organizations Sr. members of our Band & Chorus received 1st Place Honors in competitions held in Williamsburg VA and Boston, MA. GMC – Championships in Boys’ and Girls’ Volleyball 54% of our students made the Honor Roll We had students go to Carnegle Mellon, Rutgers University, Stevens Institute of Technology, NYU, Boston University, Purdue University, and University of North Carolina. JFKMHS Teachers ranked 91st in State by October 2015 John F. Kennedy has strong traditions of academic excellence and established partnerships with its community. Kennedy’s diverse community is a microcosm of today’s society. We value our diversity, acknowledge the many different languages spoken by our students, and strive to recognize and celebrate the uniqueness of each individual. This uniqueness coupled with a strong sense of community lends itself to the following quote. "What makes a good school has very little to do with how rich or poor the students are or the type of curriculum that's taught. It has very little to do with special programs, expensive playing fields, snappy uniforms, or whether the school is wired to the internet. What makes a good school, whether it's public or private, religious or non-religious, charter or non-charter is a feeling. A feeling shared by the entire staff and student body that their school is special. A feeling that their school really belongs to them." —P. Manna That's JFKMHS. Please be assured that our entire staff is committed to the theme “Success…Nothing Less” as we work with your sons and daughters this school year. Each and every one of us, from teachers and administration to support staff, are dedicated to providing the best possible educational experience for our students. Our children, our community, and our future deserve no less. We wish our students the very best for the 2015-2016 school year. A National & State of New Jersey Service-Learning Leader School Page 2 John F. Kennedy Memorial H.S. A State of New Jersey Best Practice School John F. Kennedy Memorial High School Newsletter The John F. Kennedy Memorial High School Newsletter is published four times a year. It is prepared at Kennedy using Microsoft Publisher. The electronic file is made available on the JFK Website. Michael A. Cilento, Principal Sherry Wandras, Vice Principal Steve Caroscio, Vice Principal Newsletter Staff: Brittany Miller, Editor Danielle Salsman, Editor 2015 — 2016 School Calendar September First Day of School ..................................................................... September 2 Labor Day .................................................................................... September 7 Rosh Hashanah ........................................................................ September 14 Yom Kippur................................................................................ September 23 October Employee In-Service Day............................................................... October 12 November Fall Break .............................................................................. November 2—6 Thanksgiving Recess ........................................................ November 26—27 December Winter Recess .................................................................... December 24—31 WOODBRIDGE TOWNSHIP SCHOOL DISTRICT CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION DR. ROBERT ZEGA SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS JOHN BADER ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT FOR CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION BRIAN WOLFERMAN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR/ BOARD SECRETARY January Winter Recess (cont’d) .....................................................................January 1 Martin Luther King Day .................................................................. January 18 February Presidents’ Day ............................................................................ February 15 March Spring Recess ............................................................................. March 25-31 April Spring Recess (cont’d) .......................................................................... April 1 May JOANNE SHAFER DIRECTOR OF PERSONNEL SERVICES Memorial Day ....................................................................................... May 30 JULIE BAIR DIRECTOR OF SPECIAL SERVICES Primary Election Day ............................................................................. June 7 BOARD OF EDUCATION Last Day of School .............................................................................. June 22 JOHN GOLDEN, PRESIDENT EZIO TAMBURELLO, VICE PRESIDENT MARIE ANDERSON FRANK DELLAPIETRO III DANIEL HARRIS BRIAN MOLNAR BRIAN F. SMALL JONATHAN TRIEBWASSER EILEEN ZULLO October 2015 June PLEASE NOTE: Unused storm days will be used to extend Spring Recess and/or Memorial Day Recess. Additional inclement weather days will be made up during other vacation times at the discretion of the Board of Education. A National & State of New Jersey Service-Learning Leader School Page 3 John F. Kennedy Memorial H.S. A State of New Jersey Best Practice School Join the JFK Parent-Faculty Forum The Parent-Faculty Forum is an organization of concerned JFK parents and staff members. Throughout the course of the school year, the Parent-Faculty Forum hosts various fundraisers to raise money for scholarships for our JFK students. The dues for the Parent-Faculty Forum are $10 per family. In order for your child to be eligible for a scholarship from the Parent-Faculty Forum, your family must be paid members. Please join the Parent-Faculty Forum and help support our students. Fill out the form below and return it with your check for $10 to the Main Office, Attention: Parent Faculty Forum. Please make your check payable to John F. Kennedy Memorial High School PFF. Funds raised during the course of the school year will benefit your child! JOHN F. KENNEDY MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL Parent-Faculty Forum Membership NAME OF STUDENT(S):______________________________ PHONE #_____________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME__________________________________STUDENT(S) GRADE(S):__________ ADDRESS________________________________________________________________________________ STUDENT(S) HOMEROOM(S)______________________ $10 Check Enclosed Please do not send cash through the mail Interim Report and Report Card Dates Marking Period Starts Interim Reports Posted Ends Report Cards Posted Parent Access 1 9/2/15 10/8/15 11/16/15 11/20/15 2 11/17/15 12/22/15 2/1/16 2/5/16 3 2/216 3/7/16 4/13/16 4/19/16 4 4/14/16 5/17/16 6/14/16 6/22/16 October 2015 A National & State of New Jersey Service-Learning Leader School Page 4 John F. Kennedy Memorial H.S. A State of New Jersey Best Practice School Don’t miss out on the CAMELOT 2016 – This year’s theme is Kennedy Redefined Offer 1 Offer 2 Offer 3 Offer 4 Expires October 2nd Expires November 6th Expires February 26th Expires May 27th $ 85 $ 90 $ 95 $ 100 Yearbook, Name, Icons, Then & Now $ 140 Icons Free $157 $3 per Icon Up to 4 Icons $162 Unavailable Yearbook, Name, Icons $ 90 Icons Free $ 107 $3 per Icon Up to 4 Icons $ 112 Unavailable Yearbook Only Purchasing Information: Order online at or Download an order form from Mrs. Miller’s School Wires Add to Cart: Personalized Name and Icons Senior Then and Now’s—Pictures and messages are to be email to Mrs. Miller when purchasing. Recognition Ad’s—build your own page! October 2015 A National & State of New Jersey Service-Learning Leader School Page 5 John F. Kennedy Memorial H.S. A State of New Jersey Best Practice School JFK Welcomes New Staff Members Mrs. Rachel Algier is excited to join the JFK Science Department as a Chemistry teacher. After graduating from Edison High School, she attended the University of Notre Dame and earned a B.S. in Chemical Engineering in 1996 (Go Irish!). She has spent the past 19 years in various roles in the Chemical and Petroleum Refining Industries. She is a recreational runner who completed the Honolulu Marathon in 2013 in addition to several half marathons. Her first love as a child was dance and she still enjoys taking classical ballet classes. Most weekends you can find her cheering on her 10 year old son and 7 year old daughter on the pitch, diamond, field, court, or stage. Mr. Timothy Blockus is happy to join the JFK science department and pass on his infinite wisdom of chemistry! Before being hired in Woodbridge Township, Mr. Blockus worked as an industrial chemist while October 2015 concurrently tutoring math and science at Middlesex County College. Mr. Blockus matriculated at NJIT and Rutgers-Newark were he followed his passions of biology and chemistry. In his free time, Mr. Blockus is always looking for an adventure in the mountains with his three dogs! Mrs. Gabriela McCann has recently joined the Foreign Languages department as a French Teacher after working for almost six years teaching French at the middle school and high school levels. She holds a degree in Education with a minor in French Language and Literature, and has worked as a kindergarten teacher for five years prior to earning her bachelor’s degree in French at Montclair State University. She is currently working towards her MA at Rutgers University, while serving as an advisor for the French Honors Society here at JFK. Avid travel and outdoors enthusiast, Mrs. McCann is hoping to pass her passion for languages and exploration on to her students. Ms. Aimen Rahman is excited to join the Math Department at JFK High school! She graduated from JFK in 2010 and feels right at home. Miss Rahman graduated from Kean University with a bachelor’s degree in mathematics. She was the assistant spring 2015 track coach at JFK and is looking forward to meeting the track team this spring. Miss Rahman hopes she can make math relatable and fun for all her students! A National & State of New Jersey Service-Learning Leader School Page 6 John F. Kennedy Memorial H.S. A State of New Jersey Best Practice School JFK Welcomes New Staff Members Ms. Christine Scott transferred from Iselin Middle School to JFK this year. After three years of teaching choir at IMS, she is thrilled to see so many familiar faces in the choir program here at JFK! In addition to the choirs, Miss Scott will also be teaching History of Pop Music and Music Theory 1. Originally from Rockaway, NJ, Miss Scott graduated summa cum laude from Mason Gross School of the Arts at Rutgers University in 2012. Her Bachelor’s Degree is in Music Education. She played the clarinet in several collegiate-level ensembles, including the Grammy-nominated Rutgers Wind Ensemble. Before teaching at Iselin Middle School, Miss Scott worked with middle and high school band programs at many different October 2015 schools around northern and central NJ. On the weekends, she leads team-building programs on a low ropes & zip-line course at the Jockey Hollow Girl Scout Camp in Mendham, NJ. She is also tour manager for the RockNRoll Chorus, a professional a cappella group. In her spare time, Miss Scott loves to watch Law and Order and attend Muay Thai classes. Last, but not least: Miss Scott is excited to be a part of the choir family here at JFK and to preserve the longstanding legacy of choral excellence left here by Ms. Verilli! “SUPERIOR!” Mrs. Karen Viteri is excited to join the JFK Mustang family! A nativeborn in Peru, Mrs. Viteri was raised in Jersey City for most of her life. However, two years ago she has made Woodbridge Township her new home and loves it! After 8 years of teaching for the Jersey City Public Schools, she is enthusiastic to begin a new chapter in her career as a Business teacher in JFK. Mrs. Viteri obtained her Associates Degree in Information Systems from Saint Peter's College, then continued to obtain her Bachelor's Degree in Business Management at Kean University, and in 2008 graduated from Saint Peter's College with a Master's Degree in Education. When Mrs. Viteri is not chasing after her 4 and 6 year old girls and spending family time, she is cuddling with her cat and two dogs while reading or knitting. A National & State of New Jersey Service-Learning Leader School Page 7 John F. Kennedy Memorial H.S. A State of New Jersey Best Practice School French Honor Society Update By: Priyanka Bansal, President, 12th grade During the 2014-2015 schoolyear, the French Honor Society accomplished many goals. From spreading awareness of French Week in school, to organizing charity work outside of school, the club was involved in many activities all through the year. In the current 2015-2016 schoolyear, under the new advisement of Ms. McCann, we are preparing for one of our most involved years yet! Our plans to have frequent bake sales, get involved in French Week again, take some surprise field trips, bond over a Secret Santa event, and of course take our annual cultural fair to the neighboring middle school will all be assisted and run by our advisor, Ms. McCann and our senior officers, Priyanka Bansal and Laila Abbas. With over 30 participating members this year, we hope to make the planned events successful. For now, the French Honor Society has its main focus on the Induction Ceremony, which will be held on October 21, 2015. The ceremony will engage the audience in a variety of performances and traditions from the French, Spanish, and Chinese Honor Societies. We urge you all to come and help kick off a wonderful year! National Honor Society Service Projects By: Mrs. Colleen Ryan-Kurowsky John F. Kennedy Memorial High School’s National Honor Society has already begun two service projects to begin the school year. First, NHS had a bake sale at the first football game and raised $37.45. This money will go towards purchasing peanut butter, jelly and bread. NHS is working with Kean University on an event titled Operation Peanut Butter & Jelly. After school on October 1, 2015, NHS members will make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and they will be distributed to the homeless in Newark. October 2015 The following week NHS had another bake sale at the football game and raised $122.36. All proceeds will be donated to the Alzheimer’s Association. NHS would like to thank everyone who donated. In October, NHS members will be raising funds for Making Strides against Breast Cancer. In addition, they will hold a breakfast for veterans in November. Throughout the year NHS members will continue to display the four pillars of this prestigious society: character, scholarship, leadership, and service. A National & State of New Jersey Service-Learning Leader School Page 8 John F. Kennedy Memorial H.S. A State of New Jersey Best Practice School Semifinalist for National Merit Scholarship By: Mrs. Alison Kirk The John F. Kennedy Guidance Department is proud to announce that senior David Tian has been honored as a Semi-Finalist in the 2015 National Merit Scholarship Program. The National Merit® Scholarship Program is an academic competition for recognition and scholarships that began in 1955. High school students enter the National Merit Program by taking the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholar ship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT®)— a test which serves as an initial screen of approximately 1.5 million entrants each year– and by meeting published program entry/ participation requirements. It is no surprise David has come so far in this elite competition. David’s stellar transcript reflects success in the most challenging courses available at our high school, and will have completed 16 AP courses by his June graduation. A National AP Scholar, David’s competitive resume includes participation In Governor’s School for Engineering and October 2015 Technology at Rider University and an array of leadership activities. More specifically, he leads our Senior Class and Math Team as president. His resume also includes the office of Treasurer of National Honors Society and a member of both Spanish and Science Honors Society. David has displayed athletic talents both in the pool as a member of our varsity swim team for several consecutive seasons and has participated on our volleyball team. There seems to be no limit to David’s accomplishments and potential for collegiate success. We wish him all the best for continued success at the university level and beyond. A National & State of New Jersey Service-Learning Leader School Page 9 John F. Kennedy Memorial H.S. A State of New Jersey Best Practice School Seniors Honored By National Merit Scholarship By: Mrs. Alison Kirk John F. Kennedy Guidance is proud to announce that five JFKMHS seniors have been honored as Commended Students in the 2016 National Merit Scholarship Program. Zia Bedi, Caitlyn C. Connelly, Elisa Liang, zarna Ray, Aditya Sridhar are the scholastically talented seniors who are the recipients of this great achievement. National Merit Commended Students place among the top five percent of more than 1.5 million students who entered the competition October 2015 by taking the PSAT/NMSQT. Although Commended Students do not continue in the competition for National Merit® Scholarships, some of these students do become candidates for Special Scholarships sponsored by corporations. We sincerely hope this letter of recognition will enhance these students’ educational opportunities and encourage them in their pursuit of academic and collegiate success. Congratulations to Zia, Caitlyn, Elisa, Zarna and Aditya! A National & State of New Jersey Service-Learning Leader School Page 10 John F. Kennedy Memorial H.S. A State of New Jersey Best Practice School Dancing into the New School Year By: Ms. Michelle Perosi, Co-Advisor Dance Exchange has already hit the ground running and dancing! Their first meeting took place the second week of school where 2015-2016 Dance Exchange Company Managers were elected! Congratulations to Shivani Desai and Lance Toledo our fearless, organized leaders! Dance Exchange meets every Tuesday and Thursday after school in the auditorium in preparation for our January Showcase. Dance Exchange is a student run club. The students choreograph original works and teach their peers. The following genres will be showcased in January: Hip Hop, K-Pop, Dub -Step, Classic Bollywood, Contemporary, Bollywood Fusion, and of course back by popular demand a “Teacher’s Dance “featuring some of JFK’s “Finest!” Dance Exchange kicks off their season on Monday, September 28th with a Master Hip Hop Class taught by Guest Artist Mr. Jay T Jenkins. Jay T has worked with such artists as Missy Elliot, Salt and Pepa, and Jennifer Lopez! This class is open to all students and faculty! Come one come all! Math Team Preps for Upcoming Season By: Mr. Patrick McGroarty, Advisor The Math Team has currently twenty members composed of ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth graders. Mr. McGroarty is the advisor and our two co-captains are Aditya Sridhar and David Tian. When we attend Math Team competitions, we are allowed to bring ten people to compete. A competition will consist of candidates doing ten math problems in one hour without a calculator. This year we are scheduled for six away competitions and two home meets. Our first competition is an away meet at Montgomery High School on Wednesday, September 30th. Here’s hoping for a great season! JFK Fashion Club Evolves to FCCLA By: Ms. Dawn Santana, Co-Advisor We are extremely excited to be offering the FCCLA club to the Kennedy students this year. Ms. Santana will be converting fashion club into a FCCLA chapter of New Jersey FCCLA . The FCCLA stands for Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. This is a national Career and Technical Student Organization that provides personal growth, leadership development, and career preparation opportunities for students in Family and Consumer Sciences education. This club will not only include students interested in Fashion October 2015 as a career but students with culinary and baking aspirations as well. With the combined efforts of Coadvisors Ms. De Araujo and Mrs. Puri this organization will allow our students to compete in both state and national competitions. For more information about this organization please visit . A National & State of New Jersey Service-Learning Leader School Page 11 John F. Kennedy Memorial H.S. A State of New Jersey Best Practice School Mustang Sports Update from the Athletic Director Winter Sports Physicals Winter Sports at JFK are Boys and Girls Basketball, Boys and Girls Bowling, Boys and Girls Indoor Track, Ice Hockey (Colonia) CoedSwimming, Competition Cheerleading and Wrestling. Winter Sports Physicals for the 2015-2016 school year will be due on November 2nd along with the signature page and emergency contact form. Physicals can be turned in to the main office or the Athletic Director, Mr. Daly. Emergency Forms, Concussion Forms, NJSIAA Steroid Testing Consent Forms and the Student/Athlete Contract can all be found on our Athletics homepage. These forms should be printed and filled out in their entirety. Please submit the Concussion Forms and NJSIAA Steroid Testing Consent Forms to the main office. Please submit the Emergency Forms and Student/Athlete Contract to the HEAD COACH. If the student has already had a physical in the past 365 days they need to turn in a health history questionnaire. FALL 2015 SPORTS UPDATE To keep up to date with the MUSTANG Athletics please visit the John F. Kennedy Memorial High School website at http:// or follow on Twitter @jfkmhs. If you have any questions about our athletics programs please contact Sean Daly, the Athletic Director, at 732-602-8656 Sports Physicals are different than those physicals required to enter JFK. All Sports Physicals are valid for 365 calendar days. Students who have a valid physical that will expire after the due date or during the season are asked to schedule the appointment within a reasonable amount of time after the physical expires. PLEASE NOTE: A Sports Physical MUST be completed by a physician, not a chiropractor. Also, ALL information in PART A and PART B should be completed and no information should be left blank. If for some reason you will be getting a Sports Physical out of state please bring these forms with you to the physician. October 2015 A National & State of New Jersey Service-Learning Leader School Page 12 John F. Kennedy Memorial H.S. A State of New Jersey Best Practice School JFK Athletics Fall Varsity Program Offerings Winter Spring Football Boys’ Soccer Girls’ Soccer Boys’ Cross Country Girls’ Cross Country Girls’ Tennis Girls’ Volleyball Cheerleading Wrestling Boys’ Basketball Girls’ Basketball Boys’ Bowling Girls’ Bowling Coed Swimming Boys’ Indoor Track Girls’ Indoor Track Ice Hockey (Colonia) Competition Cheerleading Baseball Softball Boys’ Tennis Boys’ Volleyball Golf Boys’ Outdoor Track Girls’ Outdoor Track You can only participate in ONE SPORT per SEASON Over 50% of student-athletes participate in 2 sports each year Over 25% of student-athletes participate in 3 sports each year Over 50% of student-athletes are on the honor roll Sport Football Boys’ Soccer Girls’ Soccer Boys’ Cross Country Girls’ Cross Country, Indoor and Outdoor Track & Field Girls’ Tennis Boys’ Baseball Boys’ Volleyball Girls’ Volleyball Wrestling Boys’ Basketball Girls’ Basketball Boys’ and Girls’ Bowling Coed-Swimming Boys’ Indoor and Outdoor Track & Field Golf Ice Hockey Softball Boys’ Tennis Cheerleading Comp-Cheerleading Head Coach Questions? Please contact the Athletic Director: Sean Daly Athletic Office: 732-602-8656 Fax: 732-326-9336 Main Office: 732-602-8650 October 2015 A National & State of New Jersey Service-Learning Leader School Page 13 John F. Kennedy Memorial H.S. A State of New Jersey Best Practice School Girls’ Tennis Returns 6 Members and 1 Coach By: Coach Michelle Simonitis The Girls’ Varsity Tennis season is underway and as of September 24th, the Girls’ Varsity Tennis Team holds a record of 3-3. This season there are 6 returners from last year’s varsity line-up and the solo athlete that has worked her way into this season’s varsity roster is senior, Munisa Khamrakulova. Munisa is playing 2nd Doubles this season with teammate, Clarissa Mercado, a junior here at JFK. Additional players in the varsity line-up include: Thevuni Athalage (Senior) at 1st Singles, Priya Agarwal (Junior) at 2nd Singles, Priyanka Patel (Senior) at 3rd Singles and 1st Doubles duo, Ragi Nandha (Junior) and Megha Patel (Sophomore). Along with Munisa there is another new member to the Varsity Tennis team and that member is Coach Michelle Simonitis. Coach Simonitis is not a newcomer to coaching staff here at JFK as she coached the tennis team for 8 straight seasons from 2003-2010. Coach Simonitis is back and ready to take on the White Division this season after taking a few years off to spend time with her two younger sons. The lady mustangs will compete in the Greater Middlesex County Tournament at the end of September in addition to the NJSIAA State tournament which begins October 1st. Young Girls XC Team Making Strides By: Coach Robert Seavy Despite some tough early defeats, the girls’ cross country team is showing great improvement. Although their record is 1-3, the young team is gaining valuable experience and the girls are looking forward to the rest of the season. The team is led by sophomore Stuti Vyas, who has already earned a medal this year by finishing 30th out of 147 runners in the sophomore race at the Bernie Magee Invitational in Morris Plains. Fellow sophomore Harvinder Kaur and junior Nidha Rabbitwala have formed a solid top three that are competitive with any team in the white division. Also making important contributions on and off the course are seniors Rujuta Patel and Fion Chan. They hope October 2015 to lead the team to strong performances in future meets, such as the Six Flags Invitational and the GMC Championships. A National & State of New Jersey Service-Learning Leader School Page 14 John F. Kennedy Memorial H.S. A State of New Jersey Best Practice School Boys’ Cross Country Finds Success on New Course By Coach Rachael Rotella The John F. Kennedy boys cross country team opened the 2015 season with a 1-1 record at the Thompson Park. The Mustangs were led by senior Thambu Jisnnu at the meet who helped the team take home a win against South Plainfield and a loss against Monroe Seniors Wyatt Emme, Rahual Mahju, Thambu Jisnnu, Mehul Patel, Sharyar Ajmal, Nate Brown, and Neil Thaker are dedicated to their team, competitive nature right from the start when only a week later at Thompson Park they defeated Spotswood 28-29 and lost to crosstown rivals Woodbridge High School by only 3 points bringing their record to 2-2. Even our freshmen are gaining recognition. On September 19th Preetham Anumapuram won a medal at the Bernie Magee Invitational for placing 26th out of 207 runners. Newcomer Keshav Kalia was a point scorer in our very first meet and ran with varsity at Shore Coaches invitational in October. Part of cross country running's appeal is the natural and distinct characteristics of each venue's terrain and weather. Terrain can vary from open fields to forest hills. We run in the rain, in the mud and this year’s varsity team took on the dreaded Holmdel ‘bowl’ on October 3rd one of the toughest hills imaginable at about 1 ½ miles, not to mention the 400 meter climb from the start line. Freshman Preetham Anumapuram, Keshav Kalia and Shyamal Patel are ready to race! getting in early morning practices all summer long and encouraging hard work from their peers every day after school. The 2015 team includes seven seniors, three juniors, six sophomores and four freshmen who work hard and stay positive. The team has shown their The team poses for a photo at the Fall Sports Pep Rally Coach Rotella announces the team at the Fall Sports Pep Rally October 2015 Goals such as running a personal best time or winning a medal help us focus and inspire us to excellence, but in the end we run cross country because we love it and appreciate the way it shapes our views and interaction with the world we live in. This running we love is immune to variations in economics, fads or the competitiveness of our teams. We run on. Good luck to all the JFK Fall sports programs this season! A National & State of New Jersey Service-Learning Leader School Page 15 John F. Kennedy Memorial H.S. A State of New Jersey Best Practice School Cheerleaders Participate in NCA Camp By: Coach Stacy Napolitano This summer, the Mustang Cheerleaders participated in the National Cheerleaders Association cheerleading camp. The girls spent 3 full days reviewing basics, learning new skills, and performing Morgan Lyons and Julia miniature Fischer, two All-American routines. nominees Throughout the camp process, nineteen of our cheerleaders were nominated for the NCA All-American squad. In order to be A group of All-American Nominees on the first day of NCA camp October 2015 nominated, each cheerleader had to show superior skills in an area of cheerleading including, but not limited to, jumps, tumbling, spirit, and stunting, just to name a few. At the conclusion of camp, each girl was required to perform in front of the NCA judging panel in order to make the All-American Squad. Out of the nineteen girls nominated, two senior cheerleaders were chosen to represent John F. Kennedy Memorial High School. Marissa Murray and Morgan Lyons both demonstrated exceptional skills in a number of categories placing them on the 2015 NCA All-American Squad. Both Marissa & Morgan will be representing JFKMHS at the Buffalo Wild Wings Citrus Bowl in Orlando, Florida this winter. Morgan Lyons and Marissa Murray, who will represent JFK on the 2015 NCA All-American Squad A National & State of New Jersey Service-Learning Leader School Page 16 John F. Kennedy Memorial H.S. A State of New Jersey Best Practice School Boys Varsity Soccer 2015 By: Coach Bill Trenery The 2015 Boys Varsity Soccer Team, comprised of 5 graduating seniors, are led by captains Nick Lepinski and Noah Miranda. This year’s team is competing in the tough GMC White Division and faces numerous obstacles, including overcoming a 1-6 start to the season. The team looks to come together and compete at a high level in both the GMC and NJ State tournaments. The remainder of the team is comprised of seven juniors, four sophomores, and three freshmen. The experience of the seniors of the team, coupled with the sense of urgency for success from the underclassmen, leaves the Mustangs poised for success. Come support the team at home games on our turf field in Lou Bartha Stadium. The coaches wish the best of luck to all of our seniors and thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to the soccer program. Congratulations to all the senior athletes at JFK, you will be missed. Girls Volleyball Enters 9th Season By Coach Bob Hugelmeyer The JFK Girls Volleyball program entered its ninth season this fall. Last year’s youth and inexperience is maturing into a solid group of veteran players. The Mustangs have opened their season with a 4-2 record, and have high hopes of competing for GMC Red Division and Conference titles. Coach Hugelmeyer is proud of the effort put forth so far this year, and looks forward to a continued commitment to excellence as the season progresses. Our varsity team consists of senior captains Francesca Garison and Lauren Fernandez, Juniors Maura Farley, Kiley Williams, Samantha Impaglia, Shannen Gallery and Tara DellaTorre, and Freshman Juliana Impaglia and Ariana Silva. Mustang Football to Play Thanksgiving Day By: Coach Andrew Maurizio The football team has gotten off to a slow start this 2015 season with an 0-3 record. The mustang football team is starting 8 new faces on offensive and 9 new starters on defense. The young team is lead by seniors Andrew Roberts, Mark Rudolf and Cristian Cardosa who are in the top 5 in the county in offensive and defensive statistics after week 3. The Mustangs will be hosting St. Joe's on October 2015 October 2nd, Bishop Ahr on October 9 for homecoming and senior night will be against Perth Amboy October 23. The football team will be finishing off the season by playing cross town rival Woodbridge on Thanksgiving. This will be the first time the two teams will play each other on Thanksgiving day. A National & State of New Jersey Service-Learning Leader School Page 17 John F. Kennedy Memorial H.S. A State of New Jersey Best Practice School Congratulations to the “Top 8” Candidates of the 2015 Homecoming Court Left to right: Zia Bedi, Keri Wagner, Marissa Murray, Skylar Keller, Rujuta Patel, Cassidy Kaznowski, Brittany Lichtenberg, Justine Fernandez October 2015 A National & State of New Jersey Service-Learning Leader School Page 18 P R O U D T O B E John F. Kennedy Memorial High School 200 Washington Avenue Iselin, NJ 08830 A N A M E R I C A N JFK Memorial High School Important Telephone Numbers Main Office: 732-602-8650 Attendance:732-602-3509 Guidance: 732-602-8669 Athletics: 732-602-8656 Nurse: 732-602-8664