festival guide canllaw yr wyl
festival guide canllaw yr wyl
HIJINX THEATRE international arts festival gŵyl gelfyddydol ryngwladol June 21 - 30 Mehefin 2012 festival guide part of rhan o canllaw ^ yr wyl Photo/Llun: Jeff Busby Back to Back Theatre small metal objects Book now / I archebu wmc.org.uk/unity 029 2063 6464 hello! shwmai! Welcome to the fifth Unity Festival! Presented by Hijinx Theatre, Unity celebrates inclusive arts bringing together international, national and local performers. We have a packed programme of performances and workshops including theatre, dance, comedy, cabaret, music and a dedicated Family Weekend. Read on to find out more and make sure to check wmc.org.uk/unity for full details. ^ Croeso i'r bumed W yl Undod! Mae Undod, a gyflwynir gan Hijinx Theatre, yn dathlu celfyddydau cynhwysol sy'n dwyn ynghyd berfformwyr rhyngwladol, cenedlaethol a lleol. Mae gennym raglen lawn o berfformiadau a gweithdai yn cynnwys theatr, dawns, comedi, cabaret, cerddoriaeth a Phenwythnos i'r Teulu. Darllenwch ymlaen i gael mwy o wybodaeth a chofiwch edrych ar wmc.org.uk/undod i gael y manylion llawn. festival highlights uchafbwyntiau'r wyl ^ queen st / heol y frenhines tickets available at: / tocynnau ar gael o: Sherman Cymru: 029 2064 6900 shermancymru.co.uk Wales Millennium Centre/Canolfan Mileniwm Cymru: 029 2063 6464 wmc.org.uk 21 7pm 22/23 1.30pm 7pm 24 1pm 4pm Back to Back Theatre (Australia/Awstralia) small metal objects £14 £10 (Cons/Gost) Site Specific Theatre / Theatr Safle-Benodol small metal objects takes place amidst the shoppers outside Queens Arcade on Queen Street. On a raised seating bank, each audience member is given a set of headphones and invited to eavesdrop on a disarmingly personal drama playing out somewhere in the crowd. Presented in association with Sherman Cymru & Wales Millennium Centre. Caiff small metal objects ei pherfformio ynghanol y siopwyr y tu allan i Arcêd y Frenhines ar Stryd y Frenhines. Ar eisteddle uwch, caiff pob aelod o’r gynulleidfa set o glustffonau ac fe’u gwahoddir i glustfeinio ar ddrama hynod bersonol yn cael ei pherfformio rywle yn y dorf. Fe’i cyflwynir ar y cyd â Sherman Cymru a Chanolfan Mileniwm Cymru. Photo/Llun: Jeff Busby Jun Meh weston studio, wales millennium centre stiwdio weston, canolfan mileniwm cymru £10 £7 (Cons/Gost) tickets available at: / tocynnau ar gael o: Jun 25 Meh 7pm TAN Dance in association with Wolfgang Stange & WNO love songs & silent movie Dance / Dawns (Wales/Cymru) TAN’s inclusive company Take This presents Love Songs, an exploration of dreams and make belief featuring singers from Welsh National Opera and Silent Movie, slapstick dance inspired by Laurel & Hardy. Photo/Llun: TAN Dance Wales Millennium Centre/Canolfan Mileniwm Cymru: 029 2063 6464 wmc.org.uk Jun 26 Meh 7pm Laurence Clark (UK/y DU) inspired Comedy / Comedi “Intelligent and incredibly mischievous” ****Metro If you’re skeptical when told to climb every mountain, reach for the skies and follow your dreams then this is definitely the show for you. Photo/Llun: Andy Hollingworth Mae cwmni cynhwysol TAN sef Take This yn cyflwyno Love Songs, sy’n ymchwilio i freuddwydion a dychymyg yn cynnwys cantorion o Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru a Silent Movie, dawns slapstic wedi'i hysbrydoli gan Laurel a Hardy. Os ydych yn amheus pan fydd rhywun yn gofyn i chi ddringo pob mynydd, anelu'n uwch a dilyn eich breuddwydion yna dyma'r sioe i chi yn bendant. 27 Meh 7pm Grupo Dançando com a Diferença (Portugal/Portiwgal) desafinado (out of tune) Dance & Live Music / Dawns a Cherddoriaeth Fyw Fresh from the sunny island of Madeira, Dançando’s Desafinado brims with energetic dance and seductive bossa nova rhythms that are guaranteed to get under your skin. O ynys heulog Madeira, mae Dançando gan Desafinado yn llawn dawnsfeydd bywiog a rhythmau bossa nova hudolus sy'n sicr o’ch swyno. Photo/Llun: Dançando Jun 28 Meh 7pm Ramesh Meyyappan (UK/y DU) skewered snails Physical Theatre / Theatr Gorfforol A wonderfully dark story of a dysfunctional family brought to life by a dynamic ensemble cast. Skewered Snails is a funny and horrifying tale of unconditional love powerfully told through imaginative physicality. Photo/Llun: Mike Wright Jun Jun 29 Meh 7pm José Galán & Danza Mobile (Spain/Sbaen) cierra los ojos y mirame (close your eyes and see me) Dance & Live Music / Dawns a Cherddoriaeth Fyw A passionate flamenco performance depicting the life of a blind singer who battles adversity but ultimately finds solace in his art. Photo/Llun: Rachel Alvarez Stori dywyll wych am deulu amherffaith wedi’i hactio gan gast ensemble dynamig. Mae Skewered Snails yn stori ddoniol a brawychus am gariad diamod wedi’i hadrodd drwy gyfrwng symudiadau corfforol llawn dychymyg. Perfformiad fflamenco nwydus yn disgrifio bywyd canwr dall sy'n brwydro yn erbyn helbulon bywyd ond sy'n cysuro ei hun yn y pen draw drwy ei gelfyddyd. 30 Meh 7pm Spymonkey with Hijinx Theatre (UK/y DU) the closing Cabaret Theatre / Theatr Cabaret Throughout the festival, Spymonkey will be working with a specially gathered group of performers to create an anarchic cabaret that will bring the curtain down on Unity 2012. “the greatest Ticket includes entry to Unity Festival Wrap Party, clowns working featuring rock band Vaguely Artistic. in Britain today” ^ Drwy gydol yr W yl, bydd Spymonkey yn gweithio gyda (Time Out) ^p o berfformwyr a gasglwyd ynghyd yn arbennig i grw ^yl Undod 2012. greu cabaret anarchaidd a fydd yn ddiweddglo gwych i w ^ Mae’r tocyn yn cynnwys mynediad i Barti Cloi Gwyl Undod, lle bydd y band roc Vaguely Artistic hefyd yn perfformio. Picture/Llun: Ceri Legg Jun festival exhibition arddangosfa'r wyl ^ f Jun 7 Meh - Jul 31Gorff Juan Torre - Exhibition (Spain/Sbaen) Level/Lefel 2 Glanfa imágenes para tocar Juan Torre’s magnificent photographs of musicians are finished with a relief effect, enabling people with little or no sight the ability to “see” the images through touch. Reach out and feel guitar strings, microphones and even arm hair in this groundbreaking exhibition. Mae gan ffotograffau gwych Juan Torre o gerddorion effaith gerfwedd arnyn nhw sy’n galluogi i bobl sydd â nam ar eu golwg neu sy’n ddall “weld” y delweddau trwy eu cyffwrdd. Estynnwch law a theimlwch dannau'r gitâr, microffonau a hyd yn oed flew braich yn yr arddangosfa arloesol hon. unity family weekend penwythnos undod i’r teulu wales millennium centre / canolfan mileniwm cymru Jun 23 - 24 Meh A weekend of performances taking place in and around Wales Millennium Centre designed especially for children and families. See listings overleaf for venues. Penwythnos o berfformiadau yng Nghanolfan Mileniwm Cymru ac o'i hamgylch wedi ei gynllunio'n arbennig i blant a theuluoedd. Gweler y amserlen dros y dudalen am leoliadau. 11am 1.30pm 4pm Tin Bath Theatre (UK/y DU) both days y ddau ddiwrnod Help Sophie Bee solve a honeybee murder mystery in a giant beehive tent. Bee Detective is a multisensory adventure, combining performance, projected animation and waggle dancing! Picture/Llun: James Merry bee detective (Children must be accompanied by an adult). Kids will also love the free waggledance workshop at 2.30pm each day. Helpwch Sophie Bee i ddatrys dirgelwch llofruddiaeth gwenynen fêl mewn pabell cwch gwenyn anferth. Mae Bee Detective yn antur amlsynnwyr, sy'n cyfuno perfformiad, animeiddio tafluniedig a dawnsfeydd siglo! (Rhaid i blant fod yng nghwmni oedolyn.) Bydd y plant wrth eu boddau hefyd yn y gweithdy dawnsfeydd siglo am 2.30pm bob dydd. every 20 mins from 12.30pm both days y ddau ddiwrnod Kazzum (UK/y DU) curious curios f Marvel at the weird and wonderful in the Curious Curios pop-up museum. Rhyfeddwch at y pethau gwirion a gwych yn amgueddfa dros dro Curious Curios. £5 Age/Oed 6+ Picture/Llun: Claire Horton tickets: / tocynnau: 029 2063 6464 wmc.org.uk 12pm 2pm 3.30pm Sun/Sul Kazzum (UK/y DU) paper people f Photo/Llun: Kazzum 12pm 2.30pm 3.30pm Sat/Sad Little ones will love the Paper People who tell stories using characters made out of newspapers from the back of their mobile newspaper stand. Catch them around the Centre. Bydd plant bach yn dwli ar y Paper People sy'n adrodd straeon gan ddefnyddio cymeriadau wedi'u gwneud o bapurau newydd o gefn eu stondin papurau newydd symudol. Byddant i’w gweld o amgylch y Ganolfan. 2pm & 5pm Sat/Sad Zim Zam (France/Ffrainc) the rocket family show f The Rocket Family Show is a touchingly funny display of acrobatic antics that will have audiences gasping in amazement. Mae'r The Rocket Family Show yn berfformiad doniol o gampau acrobataidd a fydd yn synnu a rhyfeddu cynulleidfaoedd. 3pm both days y ddau ddiwrnod Theater Maatwerk (Netherlands/Yr Iseldiroedd) la bateria de Maria f These feisty musicians have a disagreement to settle between themselves. With vivid costumes, great beats and a good sprinkling of glitter, this is a family feud not to be missed. Mae angen i'r cerddorion ewn hyn dorri dadl rhyngddynt eu hunain. Gyda gwisgoedd lliwgar, curiadau gwych a thipyn o gliter, dyma ddadl deuluol na ddylid ei cholli. Our BSL Interpreter is available for any Family Weekend event on request via Unity ‘Info Desk’. Mae ein Dehonglydd BSL ar gael ar gyfer unrhyw ddigwyddiad Penwythnos i’r Teulu ar gais drwy ‘Ddesg Wybodaeth’ Undod. free events/digwyddiadau am ddim Meh 6pm Glanfa Jun 25 Meh 6.30pm Hijinx Theatre’s Odyssey group (Wales/Cymru) two gold and a bronze f Photo/Llun: Ceri Legg 25 Wales Millennium A comical look at winning and losing presented by Hijinx Theatre’s participatory drama group, Odyssey. ^p drama Golwg ddoniol ar ennill a cholli gan grw cyfranogol Hijinx Theatre sef Odyssey. conFUSION (Wales/Cymru) tom v olly f Community dance choreographed and performed by young people with learning difficulties. Tracks by Tom Jones & Olly Murs. Glanfa Mae'r ddawns gymunedol hon, sy'n defnyddio rhai o ganeuon Tom Jones ac Olly Murs wedi ei threfnu a'i pherfformio gan bobl ifanc ag anawsterau dysgu. Jun in conversation Meh with National Theatre Wales (Wales/Cymru) and the cast of in water i’m weightless 26 6pm Japan Room f Join John McGrath, Kaite O’Reilly and cast members in conversation on In Water I’m Weightless, a radical, athletic production performed by a cast of Deaf and disabled performers. Photo/Llun: NTW Jun f Jun StopGAP Dance Company (UK/y DU) f 27 SPUN productions 2pm & 6pm Fusing techniques of street theatre and integrated dance, StopGAP dancers plunge into the imaginary world of an interactive TV show, introducing you to some surprising characters. Meh Glanfa Gan gyfuno theatr stryd a dawns integredig, mae dawnswyr StopGAP yn taflu’u hunain i fyd dychmygol sioe deledu ryngweithiol lle cewch gyfarfod ag ambell gymeriad hynod. Photo/Llun: christophotographic Ymunwch â John McGrath, Kaite O'Reilly ac aelodau'r cast mewn sgwrs am In Water I’m Weightless, cynhyrchiad radical, athletaidd wedi ei berfformio gan gast o berfformwyr Byddar ac anabl. Does dim angen archeu. Meh 6.30pm Glanfa Anjali 2012 Dance Company (UK/y DU) f the reflection In a duet inspired by an image of the moon shining on water, Anjali explores the sound and silence of movement. Set to a beautiful soundtrack, this is a piece that will move you. Mewn deuawd a ysbrydolwyd gan ddelwedd o olau’r ^r, mae Anjali yn ymchwilio i sain a thawelwch symudiadau. lleuad ar ddw Gyda thrac sain o gerddoriaeth hyfryd, dyma ddarn a fydd yn eich gwefreiddio. Jun 28 Meh 8pm unity gig f Come and enjoy an evening of eclectic live music including flamenco and bossa nova from our visiting companies and local acts The Plummets and Funky Love Posse. Bar ffresh Dewch i fwynhau noson o gerddoriaeth fyw eclectig gan gynnwys fflamenco a bossa nova gan ein cwmnïau gwadd a pherfformwyr lleol sef The Plummets a Funky Love Posse. Jun Hijinx Theatre (Wales/Cymru) f 29 snooks brothers aquatic 5.30pm Interactive theatre duo the Snooks Brothers are seeking applicants for their mens synchronised swimming team. Bring your trunks and join the try outs in this disruptive aquatic comedy. Meh Glanfa Photo/Llun: Vipul Sangoi 28 Photo/Llun: Malwina Matusiewicz Jun wmc.org.uk/unity Photo/Llun: Ceri Legg / m Centre Canolfan Mileniwm Cymru Jun 29 Meh 6.30pm Glanfa Frank McDaniels Movement (UK/y DU) these are the moves i make f A physical exploration of the restrictions we all face in life, inspired by choreographer Frank McDaniels’ personal experience of disability. Archwiliad corfforol o'r cyfyngiadau a wynebir gan bob un ohonom mewn bywyd, wedi ei ysbrydoli gan brofiad personol y coregraffydd Frank McDaniels o anabledd. Photo/Llun: Frank McDaniels Mae'r ddeuawd theatrig ryngweithiol, y Snooks Brothers yn chwilio am ymgeiswyr ar gyfer eu tîm nofio cydamserol i ddynion. Dewch â'ch dillad nofio a chymerwch ran yn y comedi dyfrol trafferthus hwn. workshops / gweithdai / f Wales Millennium Centre Canol Throughout the week, companies involved in Unity will be running workshops on a variety of performance skills. Workshops are free but by application only. Email unity@hijinx.org.uk or call 02920 300 331 for an application pack. Photo/Llun: Malwina Matusiewicz Drwy gydol yr wythnos, bydd cwmnïau sy'n rhan o Undod yn cynnal gweithdai ar amrywiaeth o sgiliau perfformio. Mae'r gweithdai am ddim ond rhaid gwneud cais amdanynt. E-bostiwch unity@hijinx.org.uk neu ffoniwch 02920 300 331 i gael pecyn i wneud cais. Jun 22 Meh 10am1pm Jun Hijinx Theatre (Wales/Cymru) A practical look at the devising processes to be used in creating Hijinx’s next touring production ‘The Adventures of Sancho Panza’, with Director James Williams and Writer Glenys Evans. Golwg ymarferol ar y prosesau dyfeisio a gaiff eu defnyddio wrth greu cynhyrchiad teithiol nesaf Hijinx ‘The Adventures of Sancho Panza’, gyda'r Cyfarwyddwr James Williams a'r Awdures Glenys Evans. 25 Taking Flight Theatre (Wales/Cymru) 10am4pm Silent comedy workshop involving slapstick and physical comedy. Meh BSL interpreted / Gwasanaeth dehongli BSL Gweithdy comedi mud yn cynnwys slapstic a chomedi corfforol. Jun StopGAP (UK/y DU) Meh Inclusive dance workshop based around a sequence from the company’s performance on the Glanfa, SPUN Productions. 26 10am4pm Gweithdy dawns cynhwysol yn seiliedig ar ran o berfformiad y cwmni ar y Lanfa, sef SPUN Productions. wmc.org.uk/unity lfan Mileniwm Cymru Jun Danza Mobile (Spain/Sbaen) Meh José Galán and the flamenco dancers from Danza Mobile will teach participants this most traditional of Spanish dances. 27 10amBydd José Galán a'r dawnswyr fflamenco o Danza Mobile yn dysgu 4pm cyfranogwyr sut i ddawnsio dawns fwyaf traddodiadol Sbaen. Jun 28 Grupo Dançando com a Diferença (Portugal/Portiwgal) Practical workshop for adults of all abilities on inclusive dance, Meh including contact improvisation and Laban techniques. Jun 29 Photo/Llun: Mike Wright 10am- Gweithdy ymarferol i oedolion o bob gallu ar ddawns gynhwysol, 4pm gan gynnwys byrfyfyr cyswllt corfforl a thechnegau Laban. Ramesh Meyyappan (UK/y DU) Join Ramesh Meyyappan for a workshop about how to tell Meh stories using mime, choreography and sign mime. 10am- Ymunwch â Ramesh Meyyappan ar gyfer gweithdy sy'n dangos sut i 4pm adrodd straeon drwy ddefnyddio meim, coreograffi a meim arwyddion. just turn up/galwch i mewn The Centre/Y Ganolfan f Don’t miss Community Music Wales’ rhythmic percussion workshop and Touch Trust’s dance workshop on the Glanfa stage at lunchtimes. No need to prebook, just turn up! See listings for details. Peidiwch â cholli gweithdy taro rhythmig Cerdd Gymunedol Cymru a gweithdy dawns Touch Trust ar y Lanfa bob amser cinio. Does dim angen archebu ymlaen llaw! Gweler y amserlen am amseroedd. community events /digwyddiadau cymunedol Pierhead Building f Come and enjoy performances from local community arts groups, including theatre, dance and exhibitions. No need to book, just pop along on the day. Dewch i fwynhau perfformiadau gan grwpiau celfyddydol cymunedol lleol, gan gynnwys dawns, theatr ac arddangosfeydd. Does dim angen archebu.Dewch i'n gweld ar y diwrnod. Jun 25 Meh from 12 noon Celf o Gwmpas performance installation Jun 27 Meh 3pm Building the Future Together window on our world Jun 29 Meh 3pm Rhondda Cynon Taff Community Arts a triple bill of dance theatre Jun HIJINX THEATRE wmc.org.uk/unity 029 2063 6464 @HijinxTheatre #unityfest #gwylundod search/chwiliwch ‘Unity Festival’ e 21 - 30 Mehefin 2012 Photo/Llun: Rachel Alvarez José Galán & Danza Mobile cierra los ojos y mirame listings at a glance f free / am ddim £ cost / pris Jun 7 Meh - Jul 31 Gorff all day Juan Torre - Exhibition: imágenes para tocar Level 2 Glanfa f Jun 21 Meh 5pm 7pm Spymonkey & Hijinx Theatre: the opening Back to Back Theatre: small metal objects BSL Interpreted Glanfa f Queen St £ Jun 22 Meh 10am 1.30pm 7pm Hijinx Theatre: sancho panza workshop Back to Back Theatre: small metal objects Back to Back Theatre: small metal objects Urdd Hall w Queen St £ Queen St £ Jun 23 Meh* 11am 12 noon 12.30-1.30pm Tin Bath Theatre: bee detective Kazzum: paper people Kazzum: curious curios Beehive Tent £ Walkabout f Glanfa f The Notables: gig Tin Bath Theatre: bee detective Back to Back Theatre: small metal objects Zim Zam: the rocket family show Tin Bath Theatre: waggledance workshop Kazzum: curious curios Glanfa Beehive Tent Queen St Glanfa Beehive Tent Glanfa Kazzum: paper people Theater Maatwerk: la bateria de Maria Kazzum: paper people Tin Bath Theatre: bee detective Kazzum: curious curios Walkabout Glanfa Walkabout Beehive Tent Glanfa every 20 mins 1pm 1.30pm 1.30pm 2pm 2.30pm 2.30-3.30pm f £ £ f w f every 20 mins 2.30pm 3pm 3.30pm 4pm 4.30-5.30pm f f f £ f every 20 mins 5pm 7pm Zim Zam: the rocket family show Back to Back Theatre: small metal objects Glanfa f Queen St £ Jun 24 Meh* 11am 12 noon 12.30-1.30pm Tin Bath Theatre: bee detective Kazzum: paper people Kazzum: curious curios Beehive Tent £ Walkabout f Glanfa f Back to Back Theatre: small metal objects Tin Bath Theatre: bee detective Kazzum: paper people Tin Bath Theatre: waggledance workshop Kazzum: curious curios Queen St Beehive Tent Walkabout Beehive Tent Glanfa every 20 mins 1pm 1.30pm 2pm 2.30pm 2.30-3.30pm £ £ f w f every 20 mins 3pm 3.30pm Theater Maatwerk: la bateria de Maria Kazzum: paper people Glanfa f Walkabout f w workshop / gweithdy cipolwg ar yr amserlen 4pm Tin Bath Theatre: bee detective 4pm Back to Back Theatre: small metal objects 4.30-5.30pm Kazzum: curious curios Beehive Tent £ Queen St £ Glanfa f every 20 mins Jun 25 Meh 10am 12 noon 6pm 6.30pm 7pm Taking Flight: silent comedy workshop BSL Interpreted Japan Room Celf o Gwmpas: performance installation Pierhead Building Hijinx Theatre’s Odyssey Group: two gold and a bronze Glanfa ConFUSION: tom v olly Glanfa TAN Dance/Wolfgang Stange/WNO: love songs & silent movie Weston Studio w StopGAP Dance Theatre: inclusive dance workshop Community Music Wales: open percussion workshop National Theatre Wales: in conversation Laurence Clark: inspired Urdd Hall Glanfa Japan Room Weston Studio w w Urdd Hall Glanfa Glanfa Pierhead Building Glanfa Weston Studio w w Grupo Dançando com a Diferença: inclusive dance workshop Urdd Hall Community Music Wales: open percussion workshop Glanfa Anjali 2012 Dance Company: the reflection Glanfa Ramesh Meyyappan: skewered snails Weston Studio unity gig Bar ffresh Funky Love Posse Glanfa w w Ramesh Meyyappan: mime & sign mime workshop Urdd Hall Touch Trust: open dance workshop Glanfa RCTCA: a triple bill of dance theatre Pierhead Building Hijinx Theatre: snooks brothers aquatic Glanfa Frank McDaniels Movement: these are the moves i make Glanfa Danza Mobile/José Galán: cierra los ojos y mirame Weston Studio w w f f f £ Jun 26 Meh 10am 1pm 6pm 7pm f £ Jun 27 Meh 10am 1pm 2pm 3pm 6pm 7pm Danza Mobile: flamenco workshop Touch Trust: open dance workshop StopGAP: SPUN productions Building the Future Together: performance StopGAP: SPUN productions Grupo Dançando com a Diferença: desafinado f f f £ Jun 28 Meh 10am 1pm 6.30pm 7pm 8pm 10pm f £ f f Jun 29 Meh 10am 1pm 3pm 5.30pm 6.30pm 7pm f f f £ Jun 30 Meh 7pm 8.30pm Spymonkey & Hijinx Theatre: the closing Wrap Party: with vaguely artistic Weston Studio £ (Free for ticket holders of the closing) * Our BSL Interpreter is available for any Family Weekend event on request via Unity ‘Info Desk’. HIJINX THEATRE Bee Detective, Skewered Snails and Inspired have been commissioned by the Unlimited programme, part of the London 2012 Cultural Olympiad. Unlimited is principally funded by the National Lottery through the Olympic Lottery Distributor and is delivered in partnership between London 2012, Arts Council England, Creative Scotland, Arts Council of Wales, Arts Council of Northern Ireland and the British Council. queens arcade, queen st, cardiff arcêd y frenhines, stryd y frenhines, caerdydd StopGAP SPUN Productions is part of wales millennium centre, cardiff canolfan mileniwm cymru, caerdydd cf10 5al For all bookings and for further information, including all you need to know about the venues: wmc.org.uk/unity 029 2063 6464 I archebu ac am ragor o fanylion am y lleoliadau: wmc.org.uk/undod