LEVEL DESiGNER Adrover Joris Tel : 06-72-37-06-65 Email : Fascinated by the new technologies and video games. To see my realisations I invite you to visit my site TRAINING validation 2006 Programming, Maintenance and computer networks. car license validation 2008 BAC pro MRIM (Informatique & Réseaux) 28 ans photo tennis rugby rock cinema 2010 validation 2012 DUT Service et Réseaux de Communication Design and implementation of multimedia projects 2013 GAMAGORA Game/Level design Design and production Video games. Game design, level design, serious gaming, other certificate : certificate Cisco niv II EXPERIENCES Cyanide studio 2015 2016 level designer (Currently) Exploration game « Call Of Cthulhu » Ubisoft Annecy 2015 Cyanide studio 2013 2014 Awabot 2013 Infographiste Freelance 2011 2012 Digital Creation (18 month) Grand Angle 2009 2010 Photographer / graphic designer (12 month) level /Quest designer (9 mois) I worked on « Assassin’s Creed Syndicate» level designer / Cinematic Artist (1 year) Stealth game « Styx : Master of Shadows » Game designer (5 month) Creation of game concept for a new range of products. under armour, le canapé, le mastroquet, minuster, one team ... Taking studio view, event, industrial, packaging, photo retouching. Joris ADROVER SKILLS 65% 55% Graph English 100% 80 85 60 40 75 40 20 80 70 50 50 60 - adapt to technical constraints - Adapt methods Working at production - Knowledge video games and mechanical play 0% Unreal 4 Hammer Unity Photoshop 3ds max Flash premiere after effect HTML 5 CSS 3 Prog Design graphics 35% Level design 50% Script visuels Blueprint, uScript 35% Assets 2D 35% Level Builder 30% ActionScript 3 25% Animation flash 2D 20% Notion : python, C++... 40% 3D Placeholder Rational 30% level design