Nevada DOT LoIS - GIS-T


Nevada DOT LoIS - GIS-T
Nevada DOT LoIS
Location Information System
A Survey Monument Application
Presented by:
Eric Warmath, Nevada DOT
Bill Schuman, GeoDecisions
What is LoIS?
LoIS is Nevada DOT’s system for
maintaining Survey information.
Currently it is home to over 41,000 points
covering over 35 years of work.
It is currently used by Geodesy, Survey, and
Construction for NDOT Engineering work.
Now it will be available to the consultants,
private surveyors, and the public.
LoIS has existed at NDOT in one form or
another since 1970.
The first LoIS was a card system run on a
mainframe. One calculation per night!
The second LoIS was a Unix System working on
a flat file.
The third LoIS is a client-sever system using
GeoMedia desktop, SQL, and Tralaine.
The Project Guidelines
Upgrade the application from client server
to a real web based application meeting
Section 508 requirements.
Correct programming and network security
issues caused by the older version.
Improve performance.
Get it done on a small and tight budget.
The Project Architecture
Re-use the original SQL Server based data
importer module.
Replace the Tralaine software used for
coordinate calculation with Oracle.
Use Oracle for all associated data
warehousing and report generation.
Use GeoMedia Webmap Professional as the
map display and spatial query engine.
LoIS “Homepage”
This page shows the links
to queries, help, contact
information, the data
usage statement, and
the required plug-in for
users wishing to view
the data in map form.
This page also shows links
to other NDOT sites.
All about the Points
This screen
shows all the
options for
about a survey
Report view
Picture of a cap
Map view
Attribute Query -PLSS
The ability to
query by PLSS
is very
important to
the NDOT
A variety of
attributes are
available to
refine the
Attribute Query - Map
This map shows
the results of an
attribute query.
The green points
represent the
selected feature
Attribute Query - Report
This is the report
associate with the
previously mapped
points. A scroll
bar is provided to
view the full list.
The application
allows the user to
go from map to
report and report
to map.
The point data can
be exported for
upload into a GPS.
Map Query
With query by map the
user starts at the state
level and can zoom in to
an area. Scale
dependant reference
data becomes available
with zoom.
The user has the option
of fixed in and out
zooms, zoom extent,
zoom previous and
zoom to a interactive
window. A pan option is
also provided.
Spatial queries can then
be performed to find a
select set.
Spatial Query
The spatial query
can be performed
using a circle,
rectangle, or
The selected set
can then be refined
by attribute.
Map Report
combination of
points (single
point or multiple
points) can be
selected for a
report to be
Project Successes
Getting the work done! Overcoming a lot
of internal NDOT obstacles.
Completing over 95% of the perceived
initial requirements.
Meeting all the evolving NDOT Information
Systems standards.
Salvaging 1 of the 3 modules of the
previous version of the application.
GeoDecisions was able to deliver over a
week earlier than the end of contract.
Project Difficulties
Changing NDOT IS standards created unplanned
requirements. This resulted in the project being 8%
over budget and 60% over time.
Meeting turn around time for document reviews.
Unplanned replacement of the entire NDOT
Storage Area Network and Oracle Servers.
Getting it on the Internet!
Possible Updates
LPN Index – an index of photogrammetry
and mapping projects.
Control Sections – a database of location
references for right of way and pavement.
Flight Index – a database showing the
coverage of aerial photography taken by
the department.
All of these would be for internal use.
Thank you
You can access the LoIS site at
For additional information on the LoIS Project:
– Bill Schuman
– Eric Warmath
For information about the data in LoIS
NDOT Geodesy Section