all aboard!! - Agape of North Alabama, Inc.


all aboard!! - Agape of North Alabama, Inc.
Staff Members:
Danny Holmes
Jessica Pritchard
Executive Director
Social Worker
Vicki Rhodes
Mona Madaras
Director of Social Services
Social Services Assistant
Leah Norton
Alyse Taylor
Asst. Director of Social Services
Administrative Assistant
Marci Blackshear
Heather Watkins
Social Worker
Event Planning & Marketing Asst.
Alli Clark
Sonya Carlson
Resource Development Coordinator
Mandy Hollaway
Case Worker
Board Members:
Sandra Shipman, Chair
Jay Dryden, Vice Chair
Carroll Roberson, Treasurer
Ruth King, Secretary
Ryan Bowerman
Don Champion
Craig Cheek
Ashley Jones
Billy Lenoir
Idova Lewis
Cheryle Luchini
Gray Marsee
Bennie Pinckley
Barry Scott
Delois Smith
Irma Steelman
David Yielding
May 2012
In This Issue:
P. O. Box 127
Madison, AL 35758
Open Letter to
AGAPE’s Supporters . . . . . . Page 2
Return Service Requested
Please join us for the
Healing Hope
Counseling Group . . . . . . . . . Page 3
Fundraising News . . . . . . . . .Page 4
Mother’s Day . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
The Saving Way
Adoptacadabra . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6
Make a difference when you shop!
I would like to purchase Dinner & Auction Tickets
Name: ________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________
E-mail: _____________________ Phone:____________
Tickets = $35 per person
Table (seats 8) = $250
*Please visit for full pricing details.*
Mail Checks to:
AGAPE of North Alabama, Inc.
ATTN: Dinner & Auction
P.O. Box 127
103 Mountain Brook Blvd.
Madison, AL 35758
AGAPE is a partner with We-Care is an online shopping
network that allows shoppers to choose a
non-profit organization to receive a portion
of their sales as a donation. All you have to
do is log in to the site, set AGAPE of North
Alabama as your favorite organization, and
then start shopping! You can choose from
hundreds of popular retailers such as Target,
eBay, AT&T, Gap, and Enterprise Rent-ACar. Some retailers even offer special
coupons when you shop through We-Care!
Registration is free and takes less than
one minute!
Mandated Reporting . . . . . . . Page 7
AGAPE’s 2012 Calendar of Events
Back Cover:
Staff & Board Roster
Upcoming Events &
Dates to Remember
Dinner & Auction
“Training Up Children”
Thursday, June 28th at
Huntsville Depot Roundhouse
Purchase your tickets & tables by June 25th!
Table Sponsor for 8 - $250
Individual Tickets - $35
Visit our website at for more
information and to purchase tickets!
Vicki Eason
Saundra Hill
Phyllis Ridley
Dot Frahm
David Campbell
Mayfair Builders Class
In Honor
Billy & Becky Martin
“Happy 50th Anniversary!!”
Buck & Alma Sanders
Turner & Geraldine Paseur
“Their Christian Lives”
Doyle & Grace Wright
Sue R. Pennington
“Happy Birthday!”
Eugene & Peggy Harrison
Fred & Gail Segrest
Morley Real Estate Group
Mardina Wammack
“Merry Christmas”
Patricia Vines
In Continued
Toni Marie Carlisle Brocato
Rayon & Norma Carlisle
Wesley Clark
Linda Parker
Minnie Louise Dunlap
Jan Kennedy
Tammy Balch
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Brown
Billy Joe Esslinger
Peggy Wallace
William Harold Hamm
Wilford & Eleann Schmidt
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Brown
Georgia Heffington
Dr. & Mrs. Martin Smithers
Tom & Barbara Bryant & Family
Van B. Ingram
Gloria Ingram
Hosielene Lawson
Katherine Fowler
Larry & Carolyn Hayes
Ken & Merry Barfield
Barbara Kirkpatrick
Bill McBride
Paul & Ruth King
Bob Mercer
Larry & Carolyn Hayes
David & Janice Moore
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Brown
Glenn Morton
David & Janice Moore
An Open Letter to AGAPE’s Supporters
Dear Friends,
Not quite a year ago, AGAPE was blessed to move from the second floor of the
Mastin Lake Church building in north Huntsville to a newer, self-contained office
building located in south Madison (just west of Zierdt Road, between I-565 and
Redstone Gate 7).
This move has been an incredible blessing for everyone affiliated with AGAPE – our
staff and Board, as well as the children and families we work with – offering a safe,
comfortable and convenient place for us to carry on the important work of AGAPE.
Unfortunately though, I fear that some of you – our incredibly generous and loving
supporters – may not know how this move came about. Hopefully, this open letter
will clear up any misunderstandings.
When Robby Koester, our former Director of Development, was hired, he was given
two tasks: (1) find a facility for AGAPE to use and call its own and (2) find a way to
finance that facility that doesn’t impact our children and families in a negative way.
After an exhaustive – and sometimes exhausting – search, the facility that we now
occupy was found. About the same time, Robby was led to an incredibly generous
family who understood our desire, saw our need, and was willing to step up and
purchase a facility for us.
That’s right, you read the last sentence correctly. AGAPE’s “new-to-us” office
building is being purchased by one special family’s gift and not by general funds
donated to the care and support of AGAPE’s children and families.
While I respect the privacy of this family and their wish for anonymity, I’ve asked for
and received their permission to share their incredible gift with you. I do this because,
over the past few months, I’ve had several individuals ask questions or share
concerns. “Why, when AGAPE is able to afford such a nice building, do we continue
to solicit donations? How can we say that AGAPE has very real financial needs when
we just purchased a building?”
The answer is this: AGAPE’s building is being purchased for us by a gift given
specifically for that purpose. Our ability to care for and support AGAPE’s children
and families – the source of our need – isn’t impacted by the building purchase. (I’m
glad to say, though, that it does affect us in other ways, e.g., increased morale and
peace of mind, etc. In turn, these contribute to increased productivity.)
So what does this mean to you? It depends. If you’ve thought we might not need
your support because either (a) we have so much money that we can afford a “new”
building or (b) we might be using funds given for the care of children to building
payments, perhaps the revelation will reshape your thoughts and allow you to at least
continue – even increase – your giving. If you’ve had no concerns about our move,
this revelation probably won’t mean anything because you’re already giving as you’ve
The bottom line is this: AGAPE really does need your help, not because of our
building - but because of our children. As their needs increase, so do ours. Friends,
as Executive Director AND a co-supporter of AGAPE, I ask you to please help. Help
AGAPE as we continue to help the children of the Lord!
Executive Director
4-6-Foster Parent Retreat (Joe Wheeler)
28-Office closed for Memorial Day
23-Fall Fest/Foster Parent Training
5-Terrific Tuesday
11-Adoption Celebration
19-Terrific Tuesday
28-AGAPE Dinner & Auction
1-Annual Supporter’s Dinner
22-23-Office closed for Thanksgiving
4-Office closed for Independence Day
10-Terrific Tuesday
24-Terrific Tuesday
8-Breakfast with Santa
24-25-Office closed for Christmas
31-Office closed for New Year’s Eve
3-Office closed for Labor Day
10-AGAPE Golf Classic
January 2013
1-Office closed for New Year’s Day
The Facts about Mandated Reporting
Mandatory Reporting is a term used to describe the action to be
taken if you think anyone is at imminent or immediate risk for
physical, sexual, financial abuse or neglect. Reportable incidents can
be on behalf of a child or even an adult that is incapacitated in some
way. ABUSE is defined as harm or threatened harm to a person’s
welfare. ALL school teachers, officials and social workers are
required by law to report this directly to the Alabama Department of
Human Resources in their county. Anyone who might suspect this is
encouraged to also report. If you hear or suspect abuse, do not ask
for details. This should be done by trained professionals such as a
forensic interviewer. Reporting should be based on firsthand
knowledge and experiences. If you are unsure of whether or not you
should report an incident, DO IT!! It could save a life!
Madison County Department of Human Resources: (256) 535-4500
Leave a message for intake After Hours Number: (256) 535-4500;
The voicemail will provide an “after hours” number to contact.
To Search by county visit:
Linda Vaughn
Christine Turner
Wilford & Eleann Schmidt
Helen Tuten
Glenn & Lisa Weeks
Jim & Irma Steelman
Linda Parker
Jerry & Mildred Smelser
Walter Vinson
Ken & Merry Barfield
Jerald & Christa Babe
Danny & Amy Holmes
Linda Parker
Jerry & Mildred Smelser
Jim & Irma Steelman
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Brown
Roger Vondohlen
James & Dot Harris
Mickey Walker
Mayfair Builders Class
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Brown
Olin Warmack
Doyle & Grace Wright
Marge Warren
Gene & Ruby Zahnd
The Imlay Family
The Nick Zahnd Family
Joe & Cornelia Bain
Jim Webb
Dave & Louise Mellberg
Ruby Willingham
Glenn & Betty Tatum
Anita Simmons
As of 04/23/2012
William “Bill” Orman
AGAPE of North
Alabama wishes to
extend our condolences
to the family of William
“Bill” Orman. Bill passed
away April 8th at his
home in Tuscumbia after
an extended illness.
Between 2000 and 2006,
Bill served as a marriage
and family counselor at
AGAPE. He will long be
remembered as a caring,
compassionate and
considerate individual.
Terry Martin
Bob & Lillian James
Byron, Dana, Robyn
and Stacie Terry
Cleo Strickland
Bob & Linda Baccus
George & Clara Kemp
Bill & Jane Harris
Phil & Betty Bentley
Greg & Paige Kemp
Michael & Peggy Balliet
Linda Parker
Noel & Linda Tallon
John & Betty Black
Reba Franklin
Jeannette Adrey
Chamsie Phillips
Kathleen Tate
Betty Ann Gray
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Mattox
Hal & Grace Stubbs
Vann & Christine Bragg
Jim & Brenda Ray
Joe & Carol Carden
Steve & Lisa Wilson
Joe Ed & Glenda Bragg
James & Suzan Boyce
Conway & Carole Anne Ellers
Jeff & Jane Smith
John & Lisa Burton
nn Fundraiser benefiting AG
The Second Annual Sam Ma
ch of Christ in Florence, Ala
was held at Cross Point Chur
ACADABRA", featuring Brian
on March 16, 2012. "ADOPT
evening! Brian is a comedy
Staron, was truly a magical
d with Disney World and he
magician currently employe
ce and AGAPE. Approximate
ow and the adults laughed as
sed over $2,600! Brian also
as the children! The event rai
t sales to AGAPE.
donated 10% of all his t-shir
Mark, Melissa & Kate Thompson
Mary Lynn Stutts
Scott & Dana Averbuch
John & Jo Price
Jeff & Diane Brown
George Kidder
Jerry & Mildred Smelser
Virginia Montgomery
John & Martha Lou Benton
Ken & Jane Newlin
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Brown
Betty Jo Tucker
James Tucker & Family
James & Reba Deaton
Loretta Jones
Bill & Brenda Chandler
Ken & Merry Barfield
John & Jo Price
Barbara Kirkpatrick
Rejetta Balentine
Iva Jean Lawrence
Noel & Linda Tallon
John & Betty Black
Huntsville-Madison County
Airport Authority
Stanley & Shirley Plattenburg
J.B. & Joan Hagan
Greg Smith
Danny & Amy Holmes
Linda Parker
Jerry & Mildred Smelser
Dave & Louise Mellberg
Jim & Irma Steelman
Charles & Annette Hall
Buster D. Walker
s sponsors: Challenge Youth
Thanks to all of the generou
, Dr. Todd Chastain, DMD, Bil
Conference, Tim Davenport
issioner and the staff at Colbe
ancial Advisor and a special
rd work
ron Mann for all of their ha
ble. We look forward to next
to ma
Don’t forget the Spring Avon Fundraiser! If you would like to
place an order, please contact Sandra Moore at
(256) 721-9400 by Tuesday, May 1.
Please plan now to attend the Summer ALANA meeting. The
meeting will be held on Saturday, August 18, 2012 at 10 a.m.
at Plainview Church of Christ.
AGAPE would like to give a special thanks to ALANA for their
recent generous donation. This money will be used for the
Foster Family Retreat, May 4-6, 2012.
AGAPE Launches ‘Healing Hope’
Counseling Group
For many women, the desire to have a child is an essential part of life. For
women who are denied this experience through miscarriage, infertility, or
a failed adoption, a myriad of responses are expected- anger, guilt, denial,
grief, and many emotions in between. Although each of these three
experiences is unique, they share the common understanding of hopes
and dreams for children that are thwarted. These three experiences affect
millions of women each year in the United States and this silent grief often
goes unrecognized and the needs unmet.
Miscarriage is defined as pregnancy loss before 20 weeks (Resolve, 2005).
Miscarriage is not uncommon. In fact, one in six pregnancies end in
miscarriage prior to 12 weeks and this tragedy affects more than 670,000
women in the United States each year (Resolve, 2005). According to the
2002 National Survey for Family Growth, sponsored by the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services, approximately 7.4% or 2.1
million married women between the ages 15-44 have been diagnosed
with infertility (Myrick & Hercik, 2009). Similarly, for private adoptions in
the United States, a birth family is matched with an adoptive family and an
adoption plan is made for the unborn baby. Caughman and Motley (2009)
in their book You Can Adopt note that about one in every three birth
families considering private adoption for their unborn child change their
minds between being matched with an adoptive family and the placement
date. Regardless of whether the baby has been placed in the adoptive
family’s home or even been born yet, the loss of this child is still
experienced as a death to the expectant adoptive family.
AGAPE of North Alabama is excited to announce the launch of Healing
Hope, a new ministry to specifically address the needs of women dealing
with grief as a result of miscarriages, infertility or failed adoptions. Coping
with a loss is difficult and time often does not heal all wounds. With
Healing Hope, women can gain support by joining other women who are
experiencing or have experienced a similar loss. Using a faith-based
approach, this group will meet for 10 informative support group sessions
to discuss topics of interest followed by an open forum to ask questions
and share experiences.
If possible, we ask that you please pass this information to churches,
doctors’ offices, schools, family or friends who you know that might be
interested in this group. Space is limited, so please contact our offices for
more information and to reserve your spot at 256-859-4481 or at
Assistant Director of Social Services
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Brown
Melba Peters
Linda Parker
John & Ruth Redmon
David & Patty Jenerick
David Shipman
Ken & Jane Newlin
Connell Taylor
Ken & Merry Barfield
Andrew Vaughn
Ron & Sara Adams
Elizabeth Ann Vickery
The Hutson Foundation
Charles Yarbrough
Peggy Wallace
In Memory
Alice Aldrup
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Brown
Homer Atchley
Jim & Irma Steelman
Grady Atkinson
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Brown
Hessie Fay Bedingfield
Lynda Holbert
Emmett Benford
Danny & Amy Holmes
Jim Bentley
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Brown
James Braswell
Ruth Boseck
Charles Brewer
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Brown
Rita Brewer
Jim & Irma Steelman
Helen Broadway
Robert & Lillian James
Mary Cannon
Doyle & Grace Wright
Robert Christensen
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Brown
Bill Clark
Lin & Joy Turner
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Brown
June Clemons
Jim & Irma Steelman
Robert Cobb
Linda Parker
Ron & Sara Adams
Dave & Louise Mellberg
Ray Cole
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Brown
Ramona Cook
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Brown
Lucille K. Cowart
Loretta Jones
Rejetta Balentine
Larry & Carolyn Hayes
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Brown
Laquita Daniel
Barbara Kirkpatrick
Rubye Davis
W. Huntsville Church of Christ
Golden Seniors
Rejetta Balentine
Nancy DeWine
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Brown
Leon Draper
Kathleen Murphy
Carolyn Durante
S.G. Evans
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Brown
Mary Farrar
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Brown
Mary Frye
Mayfair Bridge Builders Class
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Brown
Bill Galloway
Linda Parker
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Brown
Mrs. Gammage
Nella McKee
Amanda Gates
Jim & Irma Steelmen
John E. Glazner
Isola & Nell Baites
Gary Green
Ruth Boseck
Jack Harris
Linda Parker
Mrs. Holcomb
William & Debbie Steelman
Eric & Diane Moore
Arnold Hornbuckle
Linda Parker
Mrs. Igo
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Brown
Bailey Johnson
Doyle & Grace Wright
Olene King
Ernest & Shirley Hargrave
Larry & Gale Jones
Dorothy Knight
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Brown
Charles Lawler
Lincoln Church of Christ
Buddy Lawson
Gene & LaRue Cannon
Ted Cannon
Paul Ledbetter
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Brown
Richard Leonard
Curtis & Joan McLellan
Blanch Looney
LaRue Cannon
Lorraine McGill
Curtis & Joan McLellan
Elizabeth Miller
William & Debbie Steelman
Eric & Diane Miller
Don Mincher
Ken & Merry Barfield
Robert & Judy Gray
Linda Parker
Jim & Irma Steelman
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Brown
Dennis Modzell
Virginia Montgomery
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Brown
Mildred Moore
Jim & Irma Steelman
Happy Mother’s Day!
The staff at AGAPE recognizes the value and importance of mothers and the influence they
have on their children. Every mother hopes for her children to “arise and call her
blessed” (Proverbs 31:28). With permission, we would like to share a letter written by an
AGAPE adoptee to her mother:
Make a gift to AGAPE of North Alabama in honor of your mother for Mother’s Day! For
each gift received, AGAPE will send a card expressing your generosity and love for your
mother & will include your gift in our next newsletter. What better way to honor your
mother than to give to abused and neglected children in her name this Mother’s Day!!
Help AGAPE help The Saving Way
Event Planning & Marketing Assistant
AGAPE is excited to announce a new development in the
continuation of our partnership with The Way Recovery
Center ( Beginning in June, there will be a
Saving Way truck parked in the AGAPE parking lot EVERY 1st
WEEKEND OF THE MONTH from Thursday - Sunday for you to conveniently drop off your
donations. We sincerely appreciate our supporters who are interested in making in-kind
donations to benefit AGAPE. We will happily accept donations of clothes, furniture, books,
electronics, and kitchenware. Those gifts will be sold at The Way’s thrift store, The Saving
Way, and AGAPE will receive 35% of the proceeds from those items. Please join us in
supporting this important mission! For details, please contact Heather at (256) 859-4481.
J.C. Nabors
Curtis & Joan McLellan
Geraldine Nabors
Curtis & Joan McLellan
Johnnie B. Neill
Lincoln Church of Christ
Irene Nipp
Jim & Irma Steelman
Bill Orman
Danny & Amy Holmes
Clifford Payne
Nellie Corlew
Bill Pierce
Jackie E. Warren
Vann Pruitt
Don Gardner
Ernest & Shirley Hargrave
Emmett Sanford
Curtis & Joan McLellan
Roger Schlittler
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Brown
Marc Shores
Gene & LaRue Cannon
Harold & Nella McKee
Gene & Wilma Cannon
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Brown
Leta Sims
Rejetta Balentine
Glennis Martin Smith
Rejetta Balentine
Wilford & Eleann Schmidt
Larry & Carolyn Hayes
Francis, Margaret & Thomasine
Peggy Wallace
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Brown
O.Y. Smith
Curtis & Joan McLellan
Modena Spivey
Peggy Wallace
Linda Parker
John D. Thomson
Ken & Merry Barfield
John & Daisy Smith
David & Janice Moore
Jim & Irma Steelman
Paul & Ruth King
L.T. Spears
George & Tracy Jones
Dr. Jim Wright
Jonsey Jones
Joseph Castellano
Billy & Melissa Wall
Betsy McKenzie
Bonnie & Don Dalton
Jim Drinkard
Anita Hand
Nelson & Mary Ann Sonnenburg
George A. Smith, II
Fred & Gail Segrest
Ann Higgins
Cheryl Harrison
Charles & Jo Gray
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kelly
Carl & Betty Jo Harris
Lin & Joy Turner