Engineer`s Certificate for Trust Indenture


Engineer`s Certificate for Trust Indenture
Renaissance Commons Community
Development District
Engineer’s Certificate
Trust Indenture
Prepared for:
Renaissance Commons Community
Development District
Board of Supervisors
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 5, 2014
Prepared by:
949-A Clint Moore Road
Boca Raton, Fl 33487
Voice: 561-241-6455
Fax: 561-241-5182
Renaissance Commons CDD
September 5, 2014
Schnars Engineering Corp.
Purpose and Scope
Introduction / Project Description
Existing Public Facilities
1. Surface Water Management System
2. Water Distribution System
3. Sanitary Collection and Transmission System
4. Roadways
5. Parks
Facilities Inspection
Inspection Findings
Site Plan and Location Map
Phasing Plan
Master Drainage Pipe Network
949-A Clint Moore Road, Boca Raton, Florida 33487
Telephone (561) 241-6455 Fax (561) 241-5182 E-Mail:
September 5, 2014
Schnars Engineering Corp.
Purpose and Scope
This report is being prepared at the request of the Renaissance Commons Community
Development District (RCCDD) to comply with the requirements of Section 9.21 of the Trust
Indenture for the Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2005A. It is the intention of this document
to report on the yearly inspection of facilities owned by the RCCDD.
Introduction / Project Description
The Renaissance Commons Community Development District (RCCDD) was created for the
purpose of financing and managing the construction, acquisition and maintenance of the
infrastructure and other site related improvements of Renaissance Commons, a 84.91 gross
acre mixed use development located on the southeast corner of Gateway Boulevard and
Congress Avenue in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. See Site Plan for a graphical
representation of the development, attached hereto as Exhibit “A”.
The District improvements include roads, parks, and networks of lakes, storm drainage, water
and sanitary sewer systems that will provide service to 163, 354 sq.ft. of retail space, 219,917
sq.ft. of commercial space, 310 town home dwellings, 1,017 condominiums and 354 apartment
units as currently planned.
The District is located in Section 30, Township 42S, Range 43E, in Palm Beach County, City of
Boynton Beach, Florida. It is bounded on the west by Congress Avenue; on the south by the
SFWMD C-16 Canal; on the east by the Lake Worth Drainage District E-4 canal; and on the
north by Gateway Boulevard. The development may be accessed from the west by Congress
Avenue and the north by Gateway Boulevard. A location map is shown on Exhibit “A”.
Existing Public Facilities
Surface Water Management System.
The surface water management system serving the Project consists of inlets, manholes
and storm pipes that direct runoff to the on-site lake system for detention prior to
discharge into the adjacent LWDD E-4 Canal. The surface water management system
is complete and fully operational with no excess capacity available. The RCCDD owns
and maintains the seven lakes identified on Exhibit ‘A’ and the drainage piping network
within each phase of the project.
Water Distribution
The onsite water distribution system is composed of 6", 8", 10” and 12” diameter ductile
iron mains for potable service and fire protection. All water mains within Renaissance
Commons are complete, certified, and have been transferred by the RCCDD to the City
of Boynton Beach Utilities Department for ownership, operation, and maintenance.
949-A Clint Moore Road, Boca Raton, Florida 33487
Telephone (561) 241-6455 Fax (561) 241-5182 E-Mail:
September 5, 2014
Schnars Engineering Corp.
Sanitary Collection and Transmission System
The sewage collection and transmission system consists of two lift stations, 6", 8”, 12”
and 16” ductile iron force mains, 8" and 10” polyvinyl chloride (PVC) gravity pipe,
manholes and 6", 8” and 10” service laterals. The first lift station is located within Phase
1 and the second lift station is located in Phase 4A. The transmission system connects
to an existing 8” force main located on the east side of Congress Avenue at the
southwest corner of the project. The 8" and 10” PVC gravity pipe extends throughout
the project to serve all the phases. The entire sewer system for Renaissance Commons
is complete, certified and has been transferred by the RCCDD to the City of Boynton
Beach Utilities Department for ownership, operation, and maintenance.
The RCCDD proposes to own and maintain all of the roadways and its underlying land,
as identified in Exhibit ‘A’. The roads consist of two and four lane urban sections
constructed of 12” stabilized subgrade, 8” limerock base, 1-1/2” asphaltic concrete
surface course, curb and gutter and sidewalks. The RCCDD currently owns the land for
the roads identified as A-1 through A-7 and the improvements within roads A-1 through
The RCCDD owns and maintains 2.13 acres of parks and supporting improvements as
identified in Exhibit ‘A’ as H-1, F-1 and F-2.
Facilities Inspection
Inspections were performed between August 18th & 29th, 2014 of the facilities owned by the
RCCDD. A visual inspection was conducted of all the asphalt roadways, curb, gutter,
sidewalks, lakes and lake banks. All drainage catch basins, the discharge control structure, and
the drainage pipe connections to the catch basins and lakes were inspected for debris by
probing with a PVC pipe. The water was 5” above design water level due to recent rain events.
No inspection of the water and sewer system was conducted since these items are no longer
owned by the RCCDD. A phasing plan is shown on Exhibit ‘B-1’ and the drainage structure
numbers are shown on Exhibit ‘C’.
Field Inspection Findings
Surface Water Management System
All lake banks are properly sloped and stabilized with sod. There is some erosion at the
edge of water due to wave action and variable water level. The drainage system was
found to be clean and unobstructed except for the following locations:
Phase 1
a. Drainage Structures 82, 71, 72, 68, 12, 10, 78, 59, 17, 26, 32, 58, 90 & 91 have over
12” of accumulated sediment/debris that will require cleaning. Locate drain basin #’s
4, 74, and 75. Remove paper from grate to drain basin #39.
949-A Clint Moore Road, Boca Raton, Florida 33487
Telephone (561) 241-6455 Fax (561) 241-5182 E-Mail:
September 5, 2014
Schnars Engineering Corp.
Phase 3
Catch Basin # 8 & # 1 needs to be cleaned of sediment/debris.
Phase 4A
Catch basin # 29 & 30 needs to be cleaned of sediment/debris.
Phase 4B
Catch basin #’s 3, 4, 7, 8 & 9 need to be cleaned of sediment/debris.
Remove paper from drain basin’s # 5 & # 6. The Phase 4B items will be
addresses by K Hovnanian Homes when they final the project in the next couple of
Phase 6
Catch basin #’s 17, 18, 19 & 26 need to be cleaned of sediment/debris.
The asphalt surfaces, curb, gutter and sidewalks were observed to be in good condition
except at the following locations where cracking and displacement was noticed:
Sidewalk south of Corcoran’s on Renaissance Commons Blvd South-road A-5.
Sidewalk on Renaissance Commons Blvd South at the entrance to Monte Verde.
(Road A-5)
Sidewalk on Renaissance Commons Blvd North and Valencia Way on road A-5.
Sidewalk on Renaissance Commons Blvd North across from house #’s 1347 &
1465. (Road A-5)
Sidewalk on La Florence Circle east at house #’s 1221 & 1216, La Florence
Circle West at house # 1410 & La Florence Circle South at house # 1250. (Road
Sidewalk south of Park F-2 on Road A-6. (3 sections)
Sidewalk northeast side of Park H-1 on Road A-3.
Header curb broken and paver bricks have settled on Renaissance Commons
way intersection to the two parking garages.
Pavement settling between catch basin #17 & 14 on Road A-9.
Repair asphalt around catch basin #42 on Road A-2.
Repair broken “F” curb (two places) by catch basin #18 on Road A-10.
Pot holes have developed between catch basins 61 & 62 on road A-9
These areas should be removed and replaced. We can assist this effort by spray
painting the limits of replacement.
The paver bricks have major settlement & separation by the header band and many are
chipped and broken at the intersection of Renaissance Commons Blvd North & South
and Renaissance Way. (Road A-5 by catch basins #24 & 26).
There are potholes in Vistabella that will require asphalt patching around catch basin
# 7 # 9 and at the south entrance of Renaissance Commons Blvd North (Road A-7).
All landscaping and sod were observed to be in good condition with the exception of the
949-A Clint Moore Road, Boca Raton, Florida 33487
Telephone (561) 241-6455 Fax (561) 241-5182 E-Mail:
September 5, 2014
Schnars Engineering Corp.
north side of Park F-1 which needs sod on the north side up to the new sidewalk. Park
F-2 has two broken sections of sidewalk that will need replacement.
Perimeter Walls
a. The retaining wall at the south side of the property has the top cap missing in several
areas. The wall is starting to bulge between drain basin #7 & 15. There was a
scaffold lift for painting nearby which may have attributed to the damage.
b. The retaining wall on the west side of the property (south end) has material missing
on the homeowner’s side. There is erosion around the top of the wall which has
buried some of the drainage basins. There appears to have eureka palms and sea
grapes planted which are blocking sunlight from exposing the grass. These may
need trimming.
949-A Clint Moore Road, Boca Raton, Florida 33487
Telephone (561) 241-6455 Fax (561) 241-5182 E-Mail: