good neighbor. great bank.
good neighbor. great bank.
2013 COMMUNITY ANNUAL REPORT GOOD NEIGHBOR. GREAT BANK. Table of Contents OUR PEOPLE, PLANNING, AND IDEAS.............. p.2 Dear Friends of Dime Bank.........................................p.3 Growth in Assets, Deposits, and Capital.....................p.4 COMMITMENT TO COMMUNITY ...................... p.6 Investing in the Community.......................................p.7 Organizations We’re Involved In...............................p.9 MEET OUR TEAM ............................................. p.10 LOCATIONS ..................................................... p.12 WHAT MAKES A GREAT BANK? GOOD PEOPLE, PLANNING AND IDEAS. “With input from our board, the community and our leadership team, we seek to make best use of resources in support of vital causes.” 2 Some members of the Community Reinvestment Act Committee: Lee-Ann Gomes, Director; Karen Roman, Residential Lender; Nick Caplanson, Chief Executive Officer and David Stanland, Chief Financial Officer DEAR FRIENDS OF DIME BANK, This year, the theme of our annual report brings together two things that we, as community bankers, think about all the time. We are driven to be a great bank and provide excellent service and convenience to our customers. But, also, we think about how we can be a good neighbor and a valuable contributor to the broad community… individuals, organizations, and businesses in our region. This year, it is very easy for me to say that Dime Bank was a good neighbor simply by looking at the level of community involvement of our extended team of people. Our employees, directors and corporators generously donated thousands of hours of their time to a growing list of organizations in southeastern Connecticut and Rhode Island. The broad spectrum of organizations that we touched through donations of time, service, and of course dollars, was incredibly noteworthy. I invite you to take a few In 2013, we added to our lending team to prepare for future growth keenly aware of the needs of local Bank strives to make us a good customers and the problems that neighbor and a valued corporate our neighbors face. Since we are citizen in our local communities. locally managed, we can be active I also consider Dime to be a great Early in 2013, I hosted the first in helping to address these needs bank because of the high marks “Community Bank President’s quickly. Whether an issue involves we receive relative to the service Round Table” credit availand convemeeting with ability, mannience that local bank power, ideas, we provide presidents or financial for our custo discuss donations, a tomers. Our our role in community great staff the financial bank like and team of industry and our responsibility to Dime is often retail bankers be good neighbors. We touched in the mix of and lenders In 2013, the Dime Bank Blue Crew supported more than 40 non-profits with over 825 on numerous topics, and the community deserve a lot volunteer hours participants commented that leaders lendof credit, but thriving and vibrant communities ing a helping hand. in order to achieve true excelare usually homes to good comlence, a great bank must also munity banks. A local bank is a A good neighbor helps people, manage a host of variables that tremendous resource and is more supports causes that benefit a affects how it operates, must important to our communities than broad group and looks to immaintain reasonable profitability most people even realize. Because prove the quality of life in their and financial strength, and must we live and work here, we are corner of the world. I am proud to have long term vision. Like all say that every employee at Dime banks, Dime faces a new set of regulatory rules being moments to review, in the pages that follow, a list of those we have helped this year. 3 YEAR GROWTH DEPOSITS FIVEFIVE YEAR GROWTH ININ DEPOSITS 600 4 $46.6M During 2013, 40 we added to our lending 2004for 2005 2006 growth, 2007 2008and 2009 team to prepare future also wished Bob Giffen, our SVP of commercial lending, well as he began to transition into his retirement. Bob’s contributions over twenty years at the bank were significant and numerous. Not only did he lead the effort to grow our commercial lending presence in the marketplace, he also helped to perpetuate a positive business culture that is often cited by customers as one of the reasons they like to do business with us. Our overall business performance resulted in earnings of $3.2 million, placing 0 300 us in a solid financial position for the 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 200 year. We are also very proud to say that careful management, our finan100 FIVE YEAR GROWTHthrough IN ASSETS 2012 2013 cial foundation has never been stronger. $736.1M 0 $707.1M Our capital now exceeds $82.5 million FIVEFIVE YEAR GROWTH IN YEAR IN ASSETS ASSETS2011 750 2012 2009GROWTH 2010 2013 and our regulatory capital ratios are the $736.1M $707.1M 700 750 highest they have ever been – more than FIVE$634.1M YEAR GROWTH IN ASSETS $729.8M two times the level required $736.1M by the 650 700 $679.4M $707.1M $634.1M $729.8M federal regulators for a well-capitalized 750 600 650 institution. $679.4M 400 100 From a financial 100 standpoint, our business continued to show positive 0 trends with deposits growing over 2009 2010 2011 $17 million, assets now reaching $736 million and our efforts in lending to consumers and small businesses yielding excellent results. It was perceived by the public that when the recession started in 2008, many banks slowed or even stopped lending to borrowers; 600 Dime Bank never stopped lending. In fact, we lent more (over $900 550 million) during the past five years, 2009GROWTH 2010IN CAPITAL 2011 TEN YEAR than during the five years preceed90 TEN YEAR GROWTH IN CAPITAL ing the financial crisis. We have been 90 80 $82.5M eager to provide credit to qualified $79.4M 80 TEN YEAR GROWTH IN CAPITAL 70$75.0M consumers and businesses through$64.8M $65.2M TEN YEAR GROWTH IN CAPITAL $69.5M $58.3M $57.5M 70 out the economic downturn$64.8M and have $65.2M 90 60 $52.3M $58.3M $57.5M plenty of liquidity available to continue 60 $46.6M $52.3M 80 50 making good$46.6M loans. 50 $506.4 MILLION $506.4 MILLION $487.5 MILLION $487.5 MILLION 500 200 $467.1 MILLION $467.1 MILLION 600 300 $427.0 MILLION $427.0$523.8 MILLION MILLION 400 FIVE YEAR GROWTH IN DEPOSITS $523.8 MILLION $523.8 MILLION 500 $506.4 MILLION $487.5 MILLION $467.1 MILLION 200 $427.0 MILLION implemented as a result of the DoddFrank Act. We spent a considerable amount of time and effort ensuring that FIVE YEAR GROWTH IN DEPOSITS we are 100 percent in compliance with 600 all new regulations. It’s not easy, but it is essential. This effort will carry through 500 into 2014 as fourteen new regulations 400 become effective and impact how we 300 conduct business. $46.6M 70 40 2004 700 550 $634.1M $729.8Mthis financial 2009 2010Our long 2011term vision 2012 uses2013 strength to leverage opportunities that $679.4M 650 2012 2013 600 550 $79.4M $75.0M $82.5M 2009 $69.5M $79.4M $82.5M $75.0M $69.5M $64.8M $65.2M 2005 2006 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $58.3M 2007 2008 $57.5M 2010 60 2011 2012 2013 $52.3M 50 $46.6M $46.6M 40 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 may arise, and we plan to consistently grow the bank while maintaining a keen eye on risk. and 2010 2011The recession 2012 2013sluggish economy continue to affect our region as well as the state at large, so new business will be more difficult to generate going forward than it has been in years past. Our focus on service will continue to be the differentiating factor, and our personalized approach will help us build forward momentum and help us grow. During this past year, we were pleased to be recognized for our personalized approach as readers of Norwich Magazine voted Dime Bank the “Best Financial Institution” in Norwich. This past fall, Attorney Vincent Naccarato retired from our board after serving nearly ten years as a director. Vin was instrumental in helping us build a presence in Westerly which represented a new market for us back in 2004. His guidance and expertise will be missed but we look forward to welcoming him as an honorary corporator at our annual meeting and value his continued strong affiliation with the bank. We also welcomed Steven Bokoff of Goldblatt Bokoff, LLC, to our board as a new director during the year. Steve is very community-minded and, as a local CPA, understands numbers and the challenges of running a business in an industry that is heavily regu- lated and impacted by the complexities of the current economy. We welcome Steve and look forward to his insight and expertise complementing our existing board. I would like to conclude by saying thank you to our employees, directors, and corporators. Thank you for your continued support, your ideas, your hard work, and your passionate dedication to Dime Bank. Our bank has never been financially stronger and our direction remains crystal clear. I am extremely confident that as we begin 2014 and move forward into the future we will always be a good neighbor and we will always be a great bank. With my sincerest gratitude, Since launching mobile banking in 2011, traffic has increased 225%. Nicholas Caplanson, President and Chief Executive Officer OUR MISSION: Dime Bank will remain a mutual, community-oriented financial institution offering competitive products to meet the needs of consumers, businesses, non-profits, and municipalities. The hallmark of Dime is the personalized manner in which it serves its customers and supports its communities. Dime Bank is committed to providing a positive work environment where employees are valued and respected. In support of United Community & Family Services (UCFS), Dime employees wore “One in every 14” t-shirts, promoting accessible healthcare. 5 WHAT MAKES A GOOD NEIGHBOR? COMMITMENT TO COMMUNITY. Erica Gee, Training Officer (Center) with students from Our Piece of the Pie program, along with members of the Dime Team TM 6 “In Dime Academy THIS2013, IS AN AREA FOR A PULL offered 32 educational OUT QUOTE FROM THE programs over OFFERS 1,250 CONTENTto THAT individuals.” AN ENGAGING OVERVIEW. CREATING SOUND FINANCIAL FUTURES THROUGH COMMUNITY EDUCATION Dime Academy™, established in 2012, saw increased popularity and activity in its second year. As a community bank, providing free and accessible financial education is core to our mission and echoes our long-standing philosophy of commitment to community. Our regional economy and neighborhoods thrive when everyone has the skills and insights to achieve a successful financial future. In 2013, Dime Academy™ offered 32 educational programs to over 1,250 individuals — including students, parents, young adults, newlyweds, retirees, and entrepreneurs. We achieved this successful outreach through partnerships with schools from elementary to secondary levels; counseling resources such as SCORE of Southeastern Connecticut; and a wide range of non-profit providers such as NAACP, Bethsaida, and Our Piece of the Pie (OPP). PROGRAMS INCLUDED: • Get Smart About Your Finances • Credit for Life • America Saves • Banking Basics • Budgeting and Check Writing • Managing a Business and its Finances (Quickbooks) • Internet Marketing • Customer Loyalty Programs Dime Academy™ programs are offered throughout southeastern Connecticut and Rhode Island, at accessible sites such as area schools, libraries, and Dime Bank branches. Through financial education, Dime provides the tools for self-sufficiency and financial success. INVESTING IN HUMAN CAPITAL The future is in our classrooms, today. At Dime, we believe the next generation of community and regional leaders (as well as community bankers!) deserve our full support. As a result, Dime has been awarding scholarships to regional high school students since 1995. This popular and meaningful program was established to help deserving students attain a college education while recognizing their academic and community achievements. the roster and pacesetters for those that followed. In support of access to care, Dime also made major contributions to Nautchaug Hospital and United Community & Family Services (UCFS) in 2013. While such merits are outstanding and deserve notice, Dime also recognizes students who demonstrate our core values through community involvement and extracurricular activities. In mid-June of this past year, Nick Caplanson, president and CEO of Dime Bank, presented scholarships to ten local students from Norwich, New London, East Lyme, Griswold, Ledyard, Montville, Sprague, Stonington and Westerly. “We are proud to be able to provide scholarships to these outstanding students,” shared Nick on that day. “Their involvement in the community and total engagement in extra curricular activities, all while maintaining academic excellence, gives us all great hope for the future.” ASSURING A HEALTHY COMMUNITY In 2013, Dime Bank supported many vital campaigns. We are especially proud of our multiyear commitment to the new L+M Cancer Center — we were the first financial institution on Dime team members serve on more than 50 regional boards in towns where we have branch locations. WE’RE ALL ON BOARD, IN SO MANY WAYS As you will see in the following pages, well before the work day begins and more afterhours and on weekends, Dime Bank employees give their time generously through a wide variety of service. Why? Because being a good neighbor means being an active part of what matters to others. From our financial skills, to simply an extra set of hands, Dime’s employees work hard for the preservation and improvement of the neighborhoods where we live, 7 work and play. A SOLID FOUNDATION OF GIVING THE TRIED AND TRUE BLUE CREW From collecting coats for the disadvantaged to parking cars at charity events, our team rolls up their sleeves and digs in deep to help non-profit groups. The Dime Bank Foundation is An employee-created honored to share community outreach that in 2013, we initiative, now in its fifth provided over year, the Blue Crew $168,000 to 66 continues to be a point When the community calls, The Blue Crew answers — 24/7. non-profit of pride for all involved. organizations. As the very definition of non-profit designated on that day. Established being a good neighbor, “The The benefiting charity is noted on in 1998, the Crew” devotes time, talents lapel stickers and through on-site Foundation and resources to help make the signage, raising awareness as well furthers Dime’s world a better place, one local as funds. commitment to challenge at a time. community with tangible This win-win idea is popular From collecting coats for the returns to the people we serve. amongst a team who enjoys disadvantaged to parking cars Our mission is to improve the weekly dress-down days and at charity events, our team well-being and quality of life for equally enjoyed by regional rolls up their sleeves and digs non-profits who have been direct this region by providing funding in deep to help non-profit to organizations offering vital beneficiaries. As an unexpected groups throughout southeastern resources to individuals within the Connecticut and Rhode Island. In bonus, vendors and customers will join on some Fridays, adding Dime’s service area. 2013, the Dime Bank Blue Crew to the success. GOOD PARTNERSHIP. supported more than 40 nonGREAT FUTURES. profits with over 825 volunteer In 2013, Blue Jeans Days raised hours. nearly $14,000 in support of 38 Whether through donations different organizations. made by the Bank, the Dime NOTHING BRIGHTENS A Foundation or collaborating with DAY LIKE BLUE JEANS non-profits, we work hard to make a difference. The Davis Dime Bank’s Blue Jeans Days family always dreamed of have become a Friday tradition having a home they could call for our entire staff. Employees their own. Partnering with are welcome to wear blue jeans Habitat for Humanity and Dime to work each Friday, in exchange Bank, the Davis family became for a $5 donation to the charity/ proud owners of a place to call “home,” pictured here, and we’re equally proud to call them new Dime Bank partners with Habitat for “neighbors.” Humanity, one of our most popular Blue Crew projects, on the Davis family home in Norwich. A LIVING MISSION — OUR TEAM’S COMMITMENT TO COMMUNITY. Spirit of Broadway Theater Sprague Board of Finance Sprague Board of Selectmen Stonington Borough Merchants Association Three Rivers Community College Foundation United Community & Family Services United Way Waterford Country School Waterford Education Foundation Westerly Lions Club The William W. Backus Hospital William W. Backus Hospital Foundation WWB Corp. (Subsidiary of William W. Backus Hospital) WE’RE EVERYWHERE — BLUE CREW EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES: American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer American Diabetes Association Step Out/Walk To Stop Diabetes ARC Day of Caring at Camp Harkness Big Brothers Big Sisters Bowl For Kids’ Sake Center for Hospice Care Southeast Connecticut Walk Connecticut Schooner Festival Coventry Regional Farmers‘ Market‘s Autumn Soups and Stews/Harvest Festival Eastern Connecticut Chamber Home Show Fish Tales, Tugs & Sails Family Event Greater Norwich Area Chamber of Commerce (Auto Show, Rock the Docks and Dragon Boat Race) Greater Westerly Heart Walk Greater Westerly/Pawcatuck Chamber Duck Race Habitat for Humanity Integrated Day Charter School Rummage Sale Ledyard Light Parade & Carole Sing Madonna Place 13th Annual Trivial Pursuit March of Dimes March For Babies Montville Light Parade Mystic Area Shelter & Hospitality Iron Chef Competition & Auction for Action (MASH) Mystic Irish Parade New England Science & Sailing Oyster Fest Norwich Arts Council Concert Norwich Hospitality Center/St. Vincent de Paul Place New London Chowder Fest New London Main Street Food Strolls New London Rotary (Brewfest and Sailfest Road Race) Norwich Free Academy Family Day Norwich Rotary Golf Tournament Norwich Sunrise Rotary 3rd Annual Great Rotary Duck Race Otis Library Fall Festival Sails Up 4 Cancer Salvation Army Bell Ringers Stonington COMO Fair United Way (Mobile Food Pantry and Food Drive) Walk Now for Autism Speaks The WARM Center Westerly Area Rest Meals, Inc. Waterford Country School Golf Tournament 7,000+ TOTAL VOL UNTEER HOURS 2013 FOR WHERE THERE’S A BOARD, THERE’S A DIME TEAM MEMBER SHARING TIME AND TALENT: Alliance for Living Bethsaida Community Catholic Charities Center for Hospice Care SE CT City of Norwich Police Station Community Foundation of Eastern CT Covenant Shelter Eastern CT Chamber of Commerce Eastern CT Chamber of Commerce Foundation Estate and Tax Planning Council of Southeastern CT First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Endowment Girl Scouts of Connecticut Greater Westerly-Pawcatuck Area Chamber of Commerce Horses Healing Humans Integrated Day Charter School James A. Greenleaf Jr. Memorial Trust Fund Lawrence+Memorial Hospital Lyme-Old Lyme Junior Women Montville Commission on Aging Montville Education Foundation Montville High School Career and Technical Partnership Montville Rotary Club Mystic Area Shelter & Hospitality National Bone Marrow Association New London Community Center Planning Collaborative New London County Historical Society New London Local First New London Landmarks New London Main Street New London Renaissance New London Rotary Club Niantic Main Street Greater Norwich Area Chamber of Commerce Norwich Community Development Corporation Norwich Free Academy Norwich Redevelopment Agency Norwich Sunrise Rotary Renaissance City Development Association Rogers Lake West Shores Association Safe Futures Salem Zoning Board of Appeals Salvation Army Southeastern Connecticut Housing Alliance Southeastern Connecticut Enterprise Region 9 GOOD COLLABORATION. GREAT TEAM. 10 CORPORATORS: Dr. Sultan Ahamed Dr. Jan J. Akus Mr. William R. Allen Dr. Matthew D. Amaro Mr. Timothy S. Ashburner Dr. Tom P. Bell Mr. Neil H. Blinderman Mr. Kenneth J. Capano, Sr. Mr. Pasquale A. Cavalieri Mr. Leo M. Chupaska Atty. George A. Comolli Mr. James P. Cronin Mr. John C. D’Amato, Jr. Atty. Donald J. DiFrancesca Ms. Carolyn E. Ferrara Ms. Catherine M. Foley Mr. William E. Geer Atty. Glenn M. Gordon Ms. Beverly J. Goulet Mr. Stephen M. Greene Mr. William J. Griffin IV Atty. Harry B. Heller Ms. Sharon H. Hewes Ms. Susan Howard Ms. Jennifer King Mr. Bruce A. Kirchner Atty. Thomas J. Liguori, Jr. Atty. Harold M. Lubin Mr. John B. Malia Mr. Joseph M. Mastronunzio Ms. Maria C. Miranda Ms. Deborah A. Monahan Dr. Ricardo Ochoa Mr. Todd C. Postler Mr. Mark H. Powers Mr. Robert P. Reed The Honorable Linda M. Salafia, Ret. Mr. Andrew R. Schilke Mr. Edward K. Schilke Ms. Susan E. Soderberg Mr. David A. Whitehead Mr. Charles C. Whitty Ms. Jenny C. Wronowski HONORARY CORPORATORS: Mr. Frederic B. Allyn, Jr. Dr. Francis M. Baldino Dr. Michael G. Betten* Mr. Craig F. Bode* Ms. Hazel Judith Brown* Mr. Francis J. Buckley, Jr.* Atty. John A. Cotter Mr. Ralph G. Fargo, Sr. Mr. Paul M. Higgins, Jr.* Mr. Walter W. Juzwic Ms. Nancy S. Klotz Mr. Clifford P. Kumpf, Sr. Mr. Leonard A. Levine Dr. Leland D. Loose Ms. Mary R. Miskiewicz Atty. Vincent J. Naccarato Mr. Jerome T. Rogers* Mr. John M. Smith Ms. Esther B. Williams *Retired Directors THANK YOU BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Front Row – Linda L. Mariani, Attorney, Senior Partner, Mariani & Reck; Nicholas Caplanson, President/CEO, Dime Bank; Roland J. Harris, Site Development and Land Planning Consultant Back Row – Robert A. Staley, Retired Managing Director, Cornerstone Real Estate Advisers; Mark E. Tramontozzi, MD, General/Vascular Surgeon, The William W. Backus Hospital; Steven L. Bokoff, Managing Partner, Goldblatt Bokoff, LLC; Lee-Ann Gomes, Supervisor of Social Work, Norwich Human Services; James M. Kirker, Attorney, James M. Kirker, P.C. Our deepest gratitude to Vincent J. Naccarato, Attorney, Principal Partner, Naccarato & Fracassa, who retired from Dime’s Board of Directors in October 2013. Attorney Naccarato, of Westerly, Rhode Island, provided nearly a decade of generous service to the community of Dime Bank, supporting our growth in all areas. Thank you, Vin, for all you have done to assure that the mission and resources of Dime Bank remain strong and stable. PRESIDENT Nicholas Caplanson, Chief Executive Officer SENIOR VICE PRESIDENTS Cheryl Calderado, Admin, Sales, Svcs. & Mktg. Thomas McAvoy, Jr., Trust & Investment Services Brian McNamara, Chief Lending Officer David Stanland, Chief Financial Officer/ Treasurer Johnna Taylor, Chief Credit Officer VICE PRESIDENTS Anthony Antoch, Sr Commercial Lender Arthur “Chuck” Barton, Sr Commercial Lender Robert Buckley, Commercial Lender Elizabeth D’Amato, Commercial Lender Paige Dest, Compliance/BSA Officer Mildred Devine, Trust Officer Denise Magario, Sr Residential Lender Deborah Malone, Controller Kimberly Misenti, Loan Operations Manager Joan Nagle, Branch Administrator Diane Papadakos, Director of Marketing & Sales Shawn Pishka, Operations/Facilities Manager Karen Roman, Sr Residential Lender ASST. VICE PRESIDENTS John Adams, Technology Manager Cheryl Blanchard, Financial Advisor Ted Burrows, Loan Workout & Collections Officer Donna Ceccarelli, Norwich Corporate Branch Manager Laraine Cellucci, Stonington Branch Manager Allison Cone, Operations Administration Officer John Estelle, Commercial Lender Rebecca Frechette, East Lyme Branch Manager Christopher Gauthier, Commercial Lender Andrew Harvey, Information Security Officer John Keating, Finance Officer Peter Lampasona, Jr., Retail Operations Manager Lorie Mocek, Norwichtown Branch Manager Julie O’Connor, Credit Manager Kevin Owren, Westerly Branch Manager Shalin Peck, Deposit Ops/eBanking Manager Meg Polubiatko, Residential Lender Deirdre Sullivan, Executive Admin & Project Mgr. Catherine Tiffany, Taftville Branch Manager CORPORATE OFFICERS James Burns, Financial Advisor Melissa Colli, Marketing Community Relations Officer Joanne Gagnon, Loan Closing Manager Karyn Garside, New London Branch Manager Robert Greatorex, Underwriter Julie Lumpkins, Marketing Research Officer Monica MacNeil, Montville Branch Manager Colleen Miller, Ledyard Branch Manager Cheryl Morin, Loan Processing Manager Denise Ogden, Commercial Lender Nancy Potter, New London Branch Manager Lynn Roberts, Trust Administration Officer Theresa Salas, Norwich Downtown Branch Manager Darlene Serra, Benefits & Payroll Manager Heather Smith, Accounting Supervisor Jesse Aguilar Phyllis Alexander Benjamin Barning Mary Anne Bastien Jacquelyn Baudro Brian Bergeron Deliela Bettencourt Sandra Blanchard Christopher Bohara Michelle Boiselle Kathleen Bolton-Kelley Catherine Brosnan Cheryl Brown Andrea Bundy Laura Burdick Ovidio Chaparro Stacey Chauvin Cheryl Chmielewski Julie Cinami Laura Citrak Samantha Corey Gina Cote Nicole Davis Christopher Delucia Luz Dickinson Amber Digangi Kathleen Donahue Diane Eichner Rachel Engle Gale Ennis Paul Espinosa Corrie Faille Andrew Fitch Wendy Fitzgerald John Florence Kyle Fracchia Chelsea Funk Sandra Gaitan-Brown Daisy Garcia Terri Gaskell Erica Gee Gina Godish Maureen Goff Stephanie Gromko Sandra Hill Indu Jain Paula Jello Nicole Johns Geoffrey Kisby Lisa Krauss Colette Ladd Nicole Lafayette Jean Lemire Debra Lewis Maurya Locas Adam Lozis Sheila Maheu Pauline Mandry Ana Martinez Melissa Mathieu Janet Maulucci Tammie McClure Michelle McDonough Mary-Ellen McLaughlin Jillian Melton Wendy Michaud Karen Miller Jeanna Miner Susan Mocek Ann Moore Cindy Moran Katherine Morano Cathy Morton Brandishea Moses Theresa Mullen Tamie Murray Austin Newsome Nancy O’Brien Edward Olenkiewicz Brenda Pappagallo Keona Peake Allison Perkins Joanne Perras Jennifer Piner Amber Platt Merlin Rajamohan Brenda Ramesar Melissa Raymond Harry Reed Aaron Rekas Korine Reynolds Samantha Rivera Maureen Rondeau Laura Ryan Ryan Savage Della Schimmel Cidalia Schott Anne Scribner Lynn Semmelrock Mary Shaw Geraldine Smith Lauren Sperduto Randy Sperry Deborah Stearns Kathleen Strenkowski Bryan Sweet Marilyn Taylor Erin Tirrell Susanne Tracey Kenneth Useted Rosanne Viadella John Vincent Michelle Walenczyk Lynn Wallace Jessica Watrous Ashley Webster Mary Youmans Gail Zagarenski Anne Zeppieri 11 Drs. Marcus (L), Matthew (C) and Michael Capalbo (R) of Capalbo Dental Group of Westerly, Wakefield and Wickford with Tony Antoch, Senior Commercial Lender (Seated) Seema Mukherjee of Kumon Math and Reading Center of East Lyme and Glastonbury (L) with Chris Gauthier, Commercial Lender David Cartwright (L), owner of Central Auto Group in Plainfield and Fairfield with Bob Buckley, Commercial Lender . GOOD LOCATIONS. GREAT SERVICE. NORWICH CORPORATE* 290 Salem Turnpike; Norwich, CT 06360 860.859.4300 LEDYARD* 744 Colonel Ledyard Highway; Ledyard, CT 06339 860.464.8925 WESTERLY* 131 Franklin Street; Westerly, RI 02891 401.596.4744 NORWICH DOWNTOWN* 33 Broadway; Norwich, CT 06360 860.889.2318 MONTVILLE* 563 Norwich-NL Turnpike; Montville, CT 06382 860.848.0659 ATM ONLY LOCATIONS NORWICHTOWN* 115 West Town Street; Norwich, CT 06360 860.892.4047 NEW LONDON* (In Shaw’s Cove) 668 Bank Street; New London, CT 06320 860.437.4366 TAFTVILLE* 630 Norwich Avenue; Taftville, CT 06380 860.887.0554 NEW LONDON* (In ShopRite) 351 North Frontage Road; New London, CT 06320 860.437.6222 EAST LYME* 18 Chesterfield Road; East Lyme, CT 06333 860.739.2192 STONINGTON BOROUGH* 4 Cannon Square; Stonington, CT 06378 860.535.0034 Backus Hospital 326 Washington Street; Norwich, CT 06360 Near Gift Shop & in Emergency Department Norwich Free Academy (In Atrium Building) 305 Broadway; Norwich, CT 06360 Fiddleheads Food Co-op 13 Broad Street; New London, CT 06320 *ATM Locations Member FDIC| Equal Housing Lender
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