July 19, 2016 - Encinitas Union School District
July 19, 2016 - Encinitas Union School District
AGENDA FOR REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ENCINITAS UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT 101 South Rancho Santa Fe Road Encinitas, California 92024 Welcome to the meeting of the Encinitas Union School District Board of Trustees. CLOSED SESSION The Board will meet in Closed Session to consider matters of litigation, employee negotiations, student discipline, employee grievances, personnel qualifications, or real estate negotiations authorized by the Brown Act. A report of action(s) taken in Closed Session will be presented as an item on the Public Session Agenda. PUBLIC COMMENT Members of the audience may address the Board of Trustees on items that are within the Board’s subject matter jurisdiction. Speaking time is limited to three (3) minutes per speaker with a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes per topic. Persons wishing to address the Board should submit to the Executive Assistant to the Superintendent, prior to the meeting, a blue Public Comment card available on the information table. If the item is on the Board Agenda, please place the item number on the blue Public Comment card. You will be called upon, when the item is addressed by the Board. If the item is not on the agenda, you will be called upon by the Board President during the Public Comment section. Please address the Board of Trustees from the podium by first stating your name and address. In accordance with the Brown Act, no action may be taken by the Board of Trustees on non-agenda items; however, the Board may 1) acknowledge receipt of the information; 2) refer the matter to staff for further study; or 3) place the item on a future agenda. CONSENT ITEMS All matters listed under consent are those in which the Board has previously deliberated or are considered routine items of business. An administrative recommendation for each item is contained in the agenda item description. There will be no separate discussion of these items prior to the time the Board of Trustees votes on the motion unless members of the Board, staff, or public request specific items to be discussed or pulled from the Consent Items. To address an item on the consent calendar, please follow the procedure described under Public Comment. PUBLIC INSPECTION OF DOCUMENTS In compliance with Government Code § 54957.5, non-exempt writings that are distributed to a majority or all of the board in advance of a meeting or less than 72 hours prior to the meeting, may be viewed at the district office, 101 So. Rancho Santa Fe Road, Encinitas, CA 92024 or at the scheduled meeting. In addition, if you would like a copy of any record related to an item on the agenda, please contact the Office of the Superintendent at (760) 944-4300, ext. 1111. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, disability-related modifications, or accommodations, including auxiliary aids or services, in order to participate in the public meetings of the Board of Trustees, please contact the Office of the Superintendent at (760) 9444300, Extension 1111. Notification prior to the meeting will enable the District to make the necessary arrangements to ensure accommodation and accessibility to this meeting. AGENDA FOR REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ENCINITAS UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT 101 South Rancho Santa Fe Road Encinitas, California 92024 July 19, 2016 CLOSED SESSION – 4:45 p.m. OPEN SESSION – 6:00 p.m. AGENDA (A copy of the agenda is available online at www.eusd.net prior to the close of business on the Friday preceding or 72 hours in advance of the meeting. A printed copy may also be obtained at the District Office. In compliance with Government Code 54957.5, agenda-related documents that have been distributed to the Board less than 72 hours prior to the board meeting are available for inspection at the District Office.) 1. CALL TO ORDER / PUBLIC SESSION (Courtesy reminder: Please set all cell phones to vibrate or turn off.) 2. ROLL CALL: Mrs. Emily Andrade Ms. Patricia S. Sinay Mrs. Carol Skiljan Mr. Gregg Sonken Mrs. Marla Strich 3. CLOSED SESSION a. CONSIDER PERSONNEL ISSUES Government Code Sections § 11126 and 54957 b. BEGIN PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Title: Superintendent Government Code § 54957 4. RECONVENE - PUBLIC SESSION Courtesy reminder: Please set all cell phones to vibrate or turn off. 5. OPENING FUNCTIONS a. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE b. REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION Government Code 54957.1 c. WELCOME TO THE PUBLIC – Mrs. Emily Andrade, Board President d. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT The purpose of this item is to allow the Superintendent to report on activities and achievements of the District’s staff and students during the recent weeks. e. APPROVAL OF AGENDA f. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 21, 2016 AND SPECIAL MEETING OF JULY 7, 2016. Agenda of Regular Board Meeting July 19, 2016 Page 2 6. PUBLIC COMMENT – Non-Agenda Items Members of the audience may address the Board of Trustees on items not on the agenda that are within the Board’s subject matter jurisdiction. Speaking time is limited to three (3) minutes per speaker with a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes per topic. Persons wishing to address the Board should complete and submit, prior to the meeting, a blue Public Comment card available on the information table. Please address the Board of Trustees from the podium by first stating your name and address. See cover page for additional information. In accordance with the Brown Act, no action may be taken by the Board of Trustees on non-agenda items; however, the Board may 1) acknowledge receipt of the information; 2) refer the matter to staff for further study; or 3) place the item on a future agenda. 7. PRESENTATION / INFORMATION a. PRESENTATION OF STUDENT POPULATION PROJECTIONS BY RESIDENCE: 2016-17 TO 2022-23 Representatives, Scott Torlucci and Jacob Gomez, from Davis Demographics and Planning, Inc., will present the Student Population Projections by Residence, School Year 2015-16 Report for School Years 2016-17 through 2022-23, to the Board of Trustees. b. BOARD POLICY AND ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATION: BP AND AR 3050 – STUDENT WELLNESS – DISCUSSION AND CONTINUATION OF FIRST READING In keeping with the California School Board policy and administrative regulation updates including revisions, deletions, and new policies reflecting changes in Education Code, the Board of Trustees were presented with the Student Wellness policy and regulation for first reading at the June 7, 2016 meeting. The updates to this policy will be discussed. c. JOB DESCRIPTIONS FOR FIRST READING - ENRICHMENT TEACHER: DISTRICT AND SCHOOL SITE The new funding structure for the District’s Health and Wellness program, and to provide District support for the site enrichment programming needs, necessitated the need to create District Enrichment Teacher and the Site Enrichment Teacher job descriptions. The District Enrichment Teachers will be paid 100% by the District and the Site Enrichment Teachers will be paid 60% by the site and 40% by the District. d. JOB DESCRIPTION FOR FIRST READING - SITE INTERVENTION TEACHER School sites provide intervention to students needing additional support to meet grade level standards in the areas of language arts and math. This necessitates the need to create the Site Intervention Teacher job description. The Site Intervention Teacher position(s) will be paid 100% by the sites. The number of intervention teachers, their work calendar and hours are to be determined by each site on an annual basis depending on need and funding. ● Encinitas Union School District is a Tobacco-Free District. Smoking is prohibited on District property at all times. ● Any individual with a disability, who requires reasonable accommodation to participate in a Board meeting, may request assistance by contacting the Superintendent’s Office at 760.944.4300, Ext. 1111. Agenda of Regular Board Meeting July 19, 2016 Page 3 8. ACTION ITEMS a. APPROVAL OF UNIFORM COMPLAINT REPORT SUMMARY The Uniform Complaint Report Summary is presented to the Board of Trustees and San Diego County Office of Education on a quarterly basis as required by the Williams Settlement. The report indicates how many complaints were received by the District for: Instructional Materials, Facilities, Teacher Vacancy and Misassignment. Action Recommended: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the Uniform Complaint th Report Summary for the 4 Quarter, April 1, 2016 – June 30, 2016. b. RESOLUTION 01-1617 – GROUNDS DEPARTMENT RELOCATION AND INTENDED USE OF BUILDING It is recommended the Board of Trustees adopt Resolution 01-1617, which describes the relocation and intended use of one portable building on the Ocean Knoll campus. The building and parking area will be fenced off and kept separate from the campus and shall not be accessible to pupils. Action Recommended: It is recommended the Board of Trustees adopt Resolution 01-1617 – Grounds Department Relocation and Intended Use of Building. ROLL CALL VOTE: Members Mrs. Andrade, Ms. Sinay, Mrs. Skiljan, Mr. Sonken, Mrs. Strich c. ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS The Board of Trustees officially accepts gifts and donations on behalf of the district in accordance with Education Code 42032 and Board Policy 3290. The Board greatly appreciates the generous support of our parent and community organizations that give of their time and money in support of public education. The Board recognizes that many of the donations are intended for specific programs and services at selected schools and will honor that request provided the donations are aligned to the district’s vision and policies, and comply with state and federal law. Action Recommended: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees accept the donations received by the district in support of the educational programs and services provided through the schools and authorize the Superintendent to send a written letter of appreciation to the donor on behalf of the Board of Trustees. 9. CONSENT ITEMS a. APPROVAL OF CONSENT ITEMS All matters listed under Consent are those on which the Board has previously deliberated or which can be classified as routine items of business. An administrative recommendation for each item is contained in the agenda supplements. There will be no separate discussion of these items prior to the time the Board of Trustees votes on the motion unless members of the Board, staff, or public request specific items to be discussed or pulled from the Consent Items. To address an item on the consent calendar, please follow the procedure described under Public Input. Action Recommended: Approve Consent Items 9.a through 9.l. ROLL CALL VOTE: Members Mrs. Andrade, Ms. Sinay, Mrs. Skiljan, Mr. Sonken, Mrs. Strich ● Encinitas Union School District is a Tobacco-Free District. Smoking is prohibited on District property at all times. ● Any individual with a disability, who requires reasonable accommodation to participate in a Board meeting, may request assistance by contacting the Superintendent’s Office at 760.944.4300, Ext. 1111. Agenda of Regular Board Meeting July 19, 2016 Page 4 9. CONSENT ITEMS (continued) Business Services Consent Items b. FINANCIAL REPORT Financial reports are made to the Board of Trustees on a monthly basis so that the Board is kept informed of the financial activities of the District. Action Recommended: Accept and review monthly financial report. c. RATIFICATION OF REVOLVING CASH Payments from the Revolving Cash Fund at Mission Federal Credit Union are made to vendors when expeditious payment is required, in conformance with Education Code 42800.5. Action Recommended: Ratify payments to vendors from the Revolving Cash Fund at Mission Federal Credit Union in the amount of $0.00 from June 1, 2016 through June 30, 2016. d. RATIFICATION OF PAYMENT WARRANTS Issuance of warrants requires ratification by the Board of Trustees on a monthly basis. Action Recommended: Ratify issuance of warrants #14123504 through #14140141 in the amount of $4,906,229.41 from June 1, 2016 through June 30, 2016. e. RATIFICATION OF PURCHASE ORDERS A listing of all purchase orders shall be submitted to the Governing Board per Education Code Section 17605. The issuance of purchase orders requires ratification by the Board on a monthly basis. Action Recommended: Ratify and approve purchase orders issued from June 1, 2016 through June 30, 2016 in the amount of $2,020,112.82. f. RATIFICATION OF APPROVAL TO BID LANDSCAPING AT PARK DALE LANE Public Contract Code 22030 specifies any public works project involving expenditure of more than $45,000 but less than $175,000 can be informally bid under the California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act (CUPCCAA). This project falls under the guidelines of CUPCCAA. Action Recommended: All efforts will be made to present to the Board of Trustees for award of bid at the completion of the bidding process. In the event that timing of the award does not coincide with a Board meeting, the Board authorizes the Assistant Superintendent of Business Services to bid, award (or reject) the bid, and approve change orders as necessary for the landscape project. g. APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER FOR ENVIROPLEX, INC. It is recommended the Board of Trustees approve the following change order for additional work performed by Enviroplex, Inc. in regard to the 8 Modular Classrooms at Ocean Knoll Elementary. Action Recommended: Approve change order as recommended. ● Encinitas Union School District is a Tobacco-Free District. Smoking is prohibited on District property at all times. ● Any individual with a disability, who requires reasonable accommodation to participate in a Board meeting, may request assistance by contacting the Superintendent’s Office at 760.944.4300, Ext. 1111. Agenda of Regular Board Meeting July 19, 2016 Page 5 9. CONSENT ITEMS (continued) h. APPROVAL OUT OF STATE TRAVEL – OCEAN KNOLL Ocean Knoll Elementary School Teacher, Cori Drabinski, received a scholarship from Engineering is Elementary (EiE) to attend the “Linking the E & M in STEM” Conference on August 4 - 5, 2016 in Boston, Massachusetts. The conference will be held at Boston’s Museum of Science. Action Recommended: Approve Out of State Travel for Cori Drabinski to attend the “Linking the E & M in STEM” Conference on August 4-5, 2016 in Boston, Massachusetts. Pupil Personnel Services Consent Items i. RATIFICATION OF MOU WITH RADY CHILDRENS HOSPITAL PSYCHIATRY DEPARTMENT It is recommended that the Board of Trustees ratify the MOU with Rady Childrens Hospital Psychiatry Department to provide mental health services to students and their families with funding from EPSDT (Medi-Cal) and Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) for the 2016 - 2017 school year. Action Recommended: Ratify MOU with Rady Childrens Hospital Psychiatry Department for services provided for the 2016 - 2017 school year. j. RATIFICATION OF MOU WITH CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR THE TUITION FOR SPECIAL EDUCATION STUDENTS ENROLLED IN THE ESY REGIONAL PROGRAM IN SUMMER 2016 It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the MOU Carlsbad Unified for the Tuition Agreement for the Extended School Year (ESY) regional program provided by Carlsbad Unified at Jefferson Elementary during the summer of 2016. Action Recommended: Approve MOU with Carlsbad Unified Union School District for the Tuition Agreements for ESY during the summer of 2016. Administrative Services Consent Items k. CERTIFICATED / MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL Items relating to leave requests, hirings, resignations, retirements, salary schedules and mileage adjustments, reclassification, terminations and like personnel actions for certificated, certificated confidential, and certificated supervisory personnel and job descriptions are covered herein. Action Recommended: Approve and/or ratify recommended personnel actions. l. CLASSIFlED / MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL Items relating to leave requests, hirings, resignations, retirements, salary schedules and mileage adjustments, reclassification, terminations and like personnel actions for classified, classified confidential, and classified supervisory personnel and job descriptions are covered herein. Action Recommended: Approve and/or ratify recommended personnel actions. ● Encinitas Union School District is a Tobacco-Free District. Smoking is prohibited on District property at all times. ● Any individual with a disability, who requires reasonable accommodation to participate in a Board meeting, may request assistance by contacting the Superintendent’s Office at 760.944.4300, Ext. 1111. Agenda of Regular Board Meeting July 19, 2016 Page 6 10. BOARD / SUPERINTENDENT COMMUNICATIONS General written and /or oral communications and discussion to include appropriate or timely Reports by Board or Superintendent on matters relating to: Strategic Planning, Encinitas Educational Foundation, Legislative Action Network, North Coastal Consortium Special Education, California School Board Association, Upcoming Projects, Current Activities, Curriculum Updates, Business and Facilities Updates, Personnel Updates, Instructional Materials Updates, Goals and Objectives, Conference Reports, Interagency Agreements and Activities, Committee Reports and written communications. 11. CLOSED SESSION (If Required) 12. ADJOURNMENT 13. 2016 BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE OF AGENDA ITEMS A schedule of agenda items for 2016 can be accessed below. This schedule reflects the recurring items as required for legal compliance and scheduled school and departmental presentations, however, is subject to change as needed. 2016 Board Agenda Schedule SCHEDULEDBOARDMEETINGS January19,2016 February16,2016 March15,2016 April19,2016 May24,2016 June7,2016 June21,2016 July19,2016 August23,2016 September13,2016 October18,2016 November15,2016 December13,2016 ● Encinitas Union School District is a Tobacco-Free District. Smoking is prohibited on District property at all times. ● Any individual with a disability, who requires reasonable accommodation to participate in a Board meeting, may request assistance by contacting the Superintendent’s Office at 760.944.4300, Ext. 1111. ENCINITAS UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT AGENDA ITEM: 5.f. MEETING DATE: July 19, 2016 n ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Recognition Roll Call Vote Required District Target: LEGAL COMPLIANCE Subject: APPROVAL OF MINUTES Background: The Board of Trustees must review and approve the minutes from scheduled meetings in order for the minutes to be considered official. Attachments: Minutes from the regular meeting of June 21, 2016 and special meeting of July 7, 2016. Fiscal Impact: None Recommendation: Approve of the minutes from the regular meeting June 7, 2016 and special meeting of July 7, 2016. Prepared by: Timothy B. Baird, Ed.D., Superintendent Submitted by: Timothy B. Baird, Ed.D., Superintendent ___________________________________________________________________________________ MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: ENCINITAS UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT 101 South Rancho Santa Fe Road Encinitas, California 92024 BOARD OF TRUSTEES June 21, 2016 Board President Emily Andrade opened the meeting and welcomed those in attendance at 5:01 p.m. Members Present: Mrs. Andrade, Ms. Sinay, Mrs. Skiljan, Mr. Sonken, Mrs. Strich Members Absent: None At 5:03 p.m., the Board of Trustees convened to Closed Session: CONFERENCE REGARDING LABOR NEGOTIATIONS, Conference with Labor Negotiator, Agency Representative: Timothy Baird, Superintendent, Employee Organizations: Teachers of Encinitas (TOE) and Classified of Encinitas (COE), Government Code § 54957.6, and CONSIDER PERSONNEL ISSUES, Government Code Sections § 11126 and 54957. At 6:02 p.m., the Board of Trustees reconvened to Open Session and Board President Emily Andrade welcomed those in attendance. Board President Emily Andrade reported that no action was taken in closed session. The flag salute was led by Allan Juliussen. The Superintendent reported the following Good News: th • The 6 grade promotion ceremonies at each of our schools were th held on June 17. Congratulations to the 6 grade students! Thanks to the teachers, staff, parents, and community for their continued support and encouragement of our students. • The DLI Pathways to Literacy Awards ceremony was held at Paul th Ecke Central on June 15. Congratulations to the 6 grade students from Capri and Paul Ecke who were honored for their participation in the DLI program. th • Laura Philyaw, principal at Capri, shared that eleven 4 grade students were winners in the Museum of Photographic Arts contest for San Diego County. Their artwork will be displayed at the Museum of Photographic Arts (MOPA) museum in Balboa Park. • Capri staff members, Jen Inaba and Nancy Jois were nominated for an Excellence in Special Education Award given by the NCCSE. • Adriana Chavarin, principal at Paul Ecke Central, shared a note of thanks from the parents of a student in ASPIRE. The parents commended the ASPIRE staff for creating a fun and educational program for students in the after-school program. • Christie Kay, principal at La Costa Heights, shared that Lissa Dawson was recognized as the San Diego County Association of School Psychologist’s Outstanding School Psychologist for 201516. • In addition, principal Kay shared a parent note thanking the staff at La Costa Heights for their dedication, innovation, and commitment to providing the very best services to their student. The parent specifically thanked Shelley Hirshberg, Malain Gaines, Jean Serbin, and Jamie Salter. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL CLOSED SESSION PUBLIC SESSION REPORT OF CLOSED SESSION FLAG SALUTE GOOD NEWS June 21, 2016 Page 2 of 7 • • • • • • Jennifer Bond, principal at Ocean Knoll, shared a parent note thanking Kindergarten teacher, Nancy Kamp for a great school year. In addition, the parent commended principal Bond for her leadership at the school. Lisa McColl, principal at Mission Estancia, shared a parent note thanking teacher, Alex Bulisache for her guidance throughout the school year. Jodi Greenberger, principal at Park Dale Lane, shared a note about teacher Dave Lesinski. Parents commended Mr. Lesinski for a great school year and his consistent communication. EUSD’s SWPPP internship program has been spotlighted in the news recently. Articles are available on the district’s Facebook page. Farm Lab is in the running to win a $15,000 grant Gardens to Good grant from Nature’s Path. Voting is open through July 4. The 2016-2017 school year will begin on Monday, August 22. Moved by Mrs. Strich and seconded by Mr. Sonken, the Board of Trustees unanimously approved the agenda. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Moved by Ms. Sinay and seconded by Mrs. Strich, the Board of Trustees unanimously approved the minutes of the regular meeting of June 7, 2016. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 6-7-2016 In accordance with Proposition 39, an Annual Report was prepared by the Proposition P Bond Citizens Oversight Committee and presented to the Board of Trustees by Chairperson, Allan Juliussen. The report is an overview of the responsibilities and activities of the committee over the past year and a financial breakdown of expenditures in the 2015-2016 school year, through April 7, 2016. In the fall of 2016, the incoming Chairperson will present an update on the final expenditures through June 30, 2016, following the closure of the budget for the 2015-2016 school year. The Board of Trustees thanked the committee members for their efforts and recognized Allan Juliussen for serving as Chairperson. CITIZENS OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE ANNUAL REPORT Leslie Schneider, of 774 Fieldstone Lane, addressed the Board of Trustees in regards to a concern about the membership of the oversight committee. The following individuals spoke to the Board of Trustees in support for the ASPIRE program site leads: Ankita Mylatore of EUSD, Timothy Sullivan of EUSD, and Scott Hendries of CSEA; Jeff Eddington, of 2416 Calle San Clemente in Encinitas, shared concerns about Board practices; and Anna Hysell of Encinitas, requested an update on the concerns shared about district leadership at the June 7 meeting. PUBLIC COMMENT Dr. Leighangela Brady, Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services, presented an overview of the District’s LCAP, which incorporated community feedback received during 2015-2016, including a public hearing on June 7, 2016. The LCAP was submitted to the Board of Trustees for first reading at the June 7, 2016 meeting. ADOPTION OF THE EUSD LCAP Moved by Mrs. Strich, seconded by Mrs. Skiljan, the Board of Trustees adopted the EUSD Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), by the following vote: AYES: Mrs. Andrade, Ms. Sinay, Mrs. Skiljan, Mr. Sonken, Mrs. Strich NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Motion carried. June 21, 2016 Page 3 of 7 Dr. Timothy Baird, Superintendent, presented an update on the proposed budget for 2016-2017, including the proposal for the enrichment teacher program. The enrichment teacher program proposal for 2016-2017 is available on the district’s Health and Wellness webpage. PRESENTATION AND ADOPTION OF THE 2016-2017 BUDGET The following individuals addressed the Board of Trustees in support of yoga and the enrichment teacher program: Georgia Spoorer of Carlsbad, Audra Moore of 7074 Sitio Corazon in Carlsbad, Jacqueline Rosso, of 1420 Avenide de la Adels, and Rebecca Conley, of the Paul Ecke Central PTA. The following individuals addressed the Board of Trustees about increasing parent engagement and in opposition to the enrichment teacher program: Michael Rodin, of 7959 La Selva Way in Carlsbad and Peter Greybill, of P.O. Box 1031 in Cardiff. Moved by Mrs. Skiljan, seconded by Mrs. Strich, the Board of Trustees adopted the 2016-2017 proposed budget to include expenditures for the enrichment teacher program for the 2016-2017 school year, to include yoga at least one time per week, with further discussion by the school sites to determine the remainder of the enrichment teacher program, by the following vote: ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Mrs. Andrade, Ms. Sinay, Mrs. Skiljan, Mrs. Strich NOES: Mr. Sonken ABSENT: None. Motion carried. Moved by Mr. Sonken, seconded by Mrs. Skiljan, the Board of Trustees approved the EUSD Local Education Agency (LEA) Plan, by the following vote: APPROVAL OF EUSD LEA PLAN AYES: Mrs. Andrade, Ms. Sinay, Mrs. Skiljan, Mr. Sonken, Mrs. Strich NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Motion carried. Moved by Mrs. Strich, seconded by Ms. Sinay, the Board of Trustees approved the Spring 2015-2016 Consolidated Application Reporting System (CARS) for Categorical Funding Report, by the following vote: SPRING 2015-2016 CARS REPORT AYES: Mrs. Andrade, Ms. Sinay, Mrs. Skiljan, Mr. Sonken, Mrs. Strich NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Motion carried. The Board of Trustees received the Public Disclosures of Proposed Collective Bargaining Agreement (AB1200) documents. PUBLIC DISCLOSURES OF PROPOSED COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT (AB 1200) June 21, 2016 Page 4 of 7 Moved by Mrs. Strich, seconded by Ms. Sinay, the Board of Trustees approved the Tentative Agreement between the Teachers of Encinitas and the Encinitas Union School District, by the following vote: AYES: Mrs. Andrade, Ms. Sinay, Mrs. Skiljan, Mr. Sonken, Mrs. Strich NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Motion carried. At 7:40 p.m., the Board of Trustees opened the public hearing. Art Schmidt, of 1972 Circle Park Lane, spoke to the Board of Trustees in support for the easement and traffic flow improvements at Paul Ecke Central Elementary School. Public comment closed at 7:43 p.m. Moved by Mrs. Skiljan, seconded by Mr. Sonken, the Board of Trustees approved Resolution 40-1516 – Grant an Easement for Right-of-Way purposes to the City of Encinitas, by the following vote: APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN TOE AND EUSD PUBLIC HEARING AND RESOLUTION 401516 – GRANTING AN EASEMENT FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY PURPOSES TO THE CITY OF ENCINITAS ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Mrs. Andrade, Mrs. Skiljan, Mr. Sonken, Mrs. Strich NOES: None. ABSTAIN: Ms. Sinay ABSENT: None. Motion carried. Moved by Mr. Sonken, seconded by Mrs. Strich, the Board of Trustees approved the School Capacities report for 2016-2017, by the following vote: AYES: Mrs. Andrade, Ms. Sinay, Mrs. Skiljan, Mr. Sonken, Mrs. Strich NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Motion carried. Moved by Ms. Sinay, seconded by Mrs. Skiljan, the Board of Trustees approved the job description and salary schedule for the Business Services Department position of Accounting Technician, by the following vote: AYES: Mrs. Andrade, Ms. Sinay, Mrs. Skiljan, Mr. Sonken, Mrs. Strich NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Motion carried. Moved by Mr. Sonken, seconded by Mrs. Strich, the Board of Trustees approved the recommended updates to Board Policy and Administrative Regulation: BP and AR 5117 – Interdistrict Attendance, by the following vote: AYES: Mrs. Andrade, Ms. Sinay, Mrs. Skiljan, Mr. Sonken, Mrs. Strich NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Motion carried. SCHOOL CAPACITIES FOR 2016-2017 APPROVAL OF JOB DESCRIPTION – BUSINESS SERVICES DEPARTMENT APPROVAL OF BOARD POLICY AND ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATION 5117 – INTERDISTRICT ATTENDANCE June 21, 2016 Page 5 of 7 Moved by Ms. Sinay, seconded by Mrs. Skiljan, the Board of Trustees approved the recommended updates to Board Policy 1700 – Community Relations, by the following vote: APPROVAL OF BOARD POLICY 1700 – COMMUNITY RELATIONS AYES: Mrs. Andrade, Ms. Sinay, Mrs. Skiljan, Mr. Sonken, Mrs. Strich NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Motion carried. Moved by Mrs. Strich, seconded by Ms. Sinay, the Board of Trustees ratified the award of Bid B-2207 for installation of two portable classrooms at Capri to MA Stevens Construction for the sum of $326,136.00, by the following vote: RATIFY AWARD OF BID B-2207 – TWO PORTABLE CLASSROOMS AT CAPRI AYES: Mrs. Andrade, Ms. Sinay, Mrs. Skiljan, Mr. Sonken, Mrs. Strich NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Motion carried. Moved by Mrs. Strich, seconded by Ms. Sinay, the Board of Trustees ratified the award of Bid B-2208 for asphalt and concrete work to be performed at various sites throughout the district to Santa Fe Paving for the sum of $44,960.00, by the following vote: AYES: Mrs. Andrade, Ms. Sinay, Mrs. Skiljan, Mr. Sonken, Mrs. Strich NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Motion carried. Moved by Mr. Sonken, seconded by Mrs. Strich, the Board of Trustees ratified the award of Bid B-2210 for the repair, replacement, and installation of a rubberized running track to be performed at Paul Ecke Central to Zasueta Contracting, Inc. for the sum of $50,360.00, by the following vote: AYES: Mrs. Andrade, Mrs. Skiljan, Mr. Sonken, Mrs. Strich NOES: None. ABSTAIN: Ms. Sinay ABSENT: None. Motion carried. Moved by Mrs. Strich, seconded by Ms. Sinay, the Board of Trustees graciously accepted the donations received by the district in support of the educational programs and services, by the following vote: RATIFY AWARD OF BID B-2208 – ASPHALT PROJECTS AT VARIOUS SITES RATIFY AWARD OF BID B-2210 – RUNNING TRACK AT PAUL ECKE CENTRAL ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS AYES: Mrs. Andrade, Ms. Sinay, Mrs. Skiljan, Mr. Sonken, Mrs. Strich NOES: None ABSENT: None Motion carried. Moved by Ms. Sinay, seconded by Mrs. Skiljan, the Board of Trustees approved the following consent items, by the following vote: ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Mrs. Andrade, Ms. Sinay, Mrs. Skiljan, Mr. Sonken, Mrs. Strich NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF CONSENT ITEMS June 21, 2016 Page 6 of 7 9-b 9-c 9-d 9-e 9-f 9-g 9-h 9-i 9-j 9-k 9-l 9-m 9-n Accepted monthly financial report for May 2016. Approved enrollment report for May 2016. Ratified payments to vendors from the Revolving Cash Fund at Mission Federal Credit Union in the amount of $0.00 from May 1, 2016 through May 31, 2016. Ratified issuance of warrants #14111670 through #14123095 in the amount of $1,145,425.76 from May 1, 2016 through May 31, 2016. Ratified and approved purchase orders issued from May 1, 2016 through May 31, 2016 in the amount of $8,166,193.95. Authorized renewal of annual contracts for the 2016-2017 fiscal year. Approved the renewal of employment contracts for the 2016-2017 school year for the Assistant Superintendent of Administrative Services and Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services. Approved the renewal of the child care contract with Boys and Girls Club of San Dieguito for the 2016-2017 school year. Approved the contract with the Magdalena Ecke YMCA to operate a preschool at Flora Vista for the 2016-2017 school year. Ratified the revised Award of Bid B-2202, for installation of solatubes, window replacement, and administration building upgrades at Ocean Knoll to Straight Line General Contractors, Inc. for the sum of $1,728,500.00. Ratified the revised Award of Bid B-2203, for installation of solatubes at Capri Elementary to MA Stevens Construction for the sum of $1,124,778.00. Certificated / Management Personnel: Retirements: Jeanne Benowitz, Wendy Craig, Darice Fenton, Nanci Gorton, Pat Keene, Michelle Lyons, Patrick Mahaffey, Kerry Ojeda, Deringo Rose, Laurie Rose, Holley Schooley-Calvo, Denise Sizer, Mary Stubstad; Resignations: Gina Crozier, Mike Guerena, Jennifer Adams, Chiarra Bialkowski; Leave(s) of Absence: Scott Garner, Miriam Sikking, Emily Slade, Sara Smith, Bree Dvorak Whitehead, Carrie Emm; Re-Employment for 2016-2017 School Year: Jessica Alban, Mary Boutwell, Alexandra Bulisache, Larissa Castile, Brian Charles, Elaine Cook, Nicole Cristalli, Cassie Eick, Jennifer Green, Anne Kolb, Amy Langevin, Tim McLean, Kaley Powers, Rachel Scheuring, Christina Sweeney, Deanna Vincent, Janee Walker; Employment: Heather Hultgren; Appointment: Glen Warren; 2016 ESY Summer Appointments: Timothy McLean, Elizabeth Thompson, Ashley Kates, Elaine Cook, Kelly Jernigan, Rachel Gilbert, Dave Lesinski, Alana Howell, Meagan Wilson, Chastity Johnson, Shelly Sims, Kim Brown Sleichter, Denise Donar, Karen Shuff; 2016 EL Summer Intervention Program Appointments: Eric Mugg, Elizabeth Loza, Nerel Winter, Elvia Palacios Martinez, Kami Cottrell, Maritza Ham, Karri Roberts, Zonia Ancona, Marsi Bahbahani, Christina Sweeney, Julie Stansell, Patricia Poalillo. Classified / Management Personnel: Employment: Emmanuel Casas, Diana Darnell, Brianna Vogel; Change in Education Technology Specialist position in work days from 260 to 215 days: Heather Hultgren; Resignations: Allie Blankemeier, Ashleigh Caudill, Amanda Cockle, Judy Esquivel, Wen Yu Lin, Sandra Ostroske, Amy O’Sullivan, Dulce Salazar, Andrew Silveira, Rebecca Wiles; Retirements: Janet England, Judith Sturgeon, Walter Buckingham, Wayne Buckingham; Leaves of Absence: Ashley James, Roque Ramos; 2016 EL Summer Intervention June 21, 2016 Page 7 of 7 Program Appointments: Amy Leon, Eloisa Cruz; 2016 ESY Assignment: Sharon Argus; 2016 ESY Program assignments as IA/SC: Lindsay Ahlgren, Debra Barbato, Joy Braiotta, Karen Burch, Deborah Caplas, Maria Casas, Meganne Chiles, Archana Dube, Karen Edwards, Terry Fruchier, Lana Ghosh, Tatiana Giraldo, Sadie Good, Esther Graciano, Israel Hernandez, Nick Hoffman, Josefina P Ibarra, Ashley James, Lillian Lauman, Betty Marandi, Nicolette Matol, Robert McIver, Karen Meador, Michelle Melsh, Bettina Meyer, Jennifer Murphy, Patricia Neil, Rebecca Ramirez, Candy Raymond, Marcy Raymond, Janell Rice, Julieta Ruiz, Janet Sachrison, Sierra Satterstrom, Jacob Sherreitt, Shaina Sullivan, Timothy Sullivan, Lauren Taylor, Julie Triantafilo, Brianna Vogel; 2016 ASPIRE Program Assignments as Extended Day Program Leads: Michelle Bartz, Francisco Gurrola, Jamie LaBree, Chelsey Mills, Ankita Mylatore, Angella Sterling, Timothy Sullivan; 2016 ASPIRE Program Assignments as Extended Day Program Assistants: Adriana Aguilar, Jeremy Alguire, Roxy Antunez, Harold Bell, Emmanuel Casas, Caroline Charlton, Olga Corella, Dianna Darnell, Emily De La Cruz, Maria Fernandez, Lauren Fong, Raul Francisco, Randall Garcia, Joshua Guzman, Erin Hansen, Laura Harding, Jordan Henson, Taylor Hoff, Nicholas Hoffman, David Hollingsworth, Melissa Jiminez, Brock Kafka, Rebecca Kafka, Kelly Kentera, Sierra Kohls, Cara Macedo, Michelle Melsh, Briana Meyer, Tracy Mueller, Baylee Olsen, Catalina Ortiz-Aguilera, Marla Penaloza, Felipe Pezzoli, Veronica Portillo, Laila Rahman, Rebecca Ramirez, Taylor Rendon, Erica Roloff, Kendall Seewald, Robin Sickels, Elizabeth Stevenson, Daffne Villalobos, Brianna Vogel, Jonathan Ye. The next regular Board of Trustees meeting is scheduled for July 19, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will be held in the District Office Board Room. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. _______________________ Patricia S. Sinay Clerk, Board of Trustees BOARD / SUPERINTENDENT COMMUNICATIONS ADJOURNMENT _______________________ Timothy B. Baird, Ed.D. Superintendent ENCINITAS UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT 101 South Rancho Santa Fe Road Encinitas, California 92024 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES July 7, 2016 The meeting was Called to Order by Board President Emily Andrade at 8:30 a.m. Members Present: Mrs. Andrade, Ms. Sinay, Mrs. Skiljan, Mrs. Strich Members Absent: Mr. Sonken The flag salute was led by Emily Andrade. There were no requests from the public to address the Board of Trustees. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL FLAG SALUTE PUBLIC COMMENT The Board of Trustees and the Superintendent toured the summer programs. Visits included the Extended School Year (ESY) and ASPIRE programs at Olivenhain Pioneer Elementary School and the English Learner (EL) Summer Intervention Program at Paul Ecke Central Elementary School. SUMMER PROGRAM SITE TOURS AT OLIVENHAIN PIONEER AND PAUL ECKE CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS The next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees is scheduled for July 19, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. in the District Office Board Room. MEETING SCHEDULE The meeting adjourned at 11:05 a.m. _______________________ Patricia S. Sinay Clerk, Board of Trustees _______________________ Timothy B. Baird, Ed.D. Superintendent ADJOURNMENT ENCINITAS UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM: 7.a. MEETING DATE: July 19, 2016 o ¨ ¨ n o ¨ ¨ o Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Recognition Roll Call Vote Required District Target: Legal Compliance Subject: DAVIS DEMOGRAPHICS & PLANNING PRESENTATION OF STUDENT POPULATION PROJECTIONS THROUGH 2022 Background: Davis Demographics & Planning has updated and analyzed demographic data relevant to the District’s facility planning efforts. They will present their report on projected district wide student population through 2022-2023. Attachments: None Fiscal Impact: None Prepared by: Ami Shackelford, Assistant Superintendent, Business Services Submitted by: Timothy B. Baird, Ed.D., Superintendent ___________________________________________________________________________________ MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: ENCINITAS UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM: 7.b. MEETING DATE: July 19, 2016 ¨ ¨ n n ¨ ¨ o ¨ Action Consent First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Recognition Roll Call Vote Required District Target: Legal Compliance Subject: BOARD POLICY AND ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATION: BP AND AR 3050 – STUDENT WELLNESS – DISCUSSION AND CONTINUATION OF FIRST READING Background: In keeping with the California School Board policy and administrative regulation updates including revisions, deletions, and new policies reflecting changes in Education Code, the Board of Trustees were presented with the Student Wellness policy and regulation for first reading at the June 7, 2016 meeting. The updates to this policy will be discussed. Attachments: Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 3050 Recommendation: Accept for First Reading and Continue Discussion of Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 3050 – Student Wellness. Prepared by: Timothy B. Baird, Ed.D., Superintendent Submitted by: Timothy B. Baird, Ed.D., Superintendent ___________________________________________________________________________________ MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: ENCINITAS UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM: 7.c. MEETING DATE: July 19, 2016 ¨ ¨ n n ¨ ¨ ¨ Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Roll Call Vote Required District Target: PERSONNEL ACTION Subject: JOB DESCRIPTIONS FOR THE DISTRICT AND SITE ENRICHMENT TEACHERS - FIRST READING Background: The new funding structure for the District’s Health and Wellness program, and to provide District support for the site enrichment programming needs, necessitated the need to create the District Enrichment Teacher and the Site Enrichment Teacher job descriptions. The District Enrichment Teachers will be paid 100% by the District and the Site Enrichment Teachers will be paid 60% by the site and 40% by the District. The rate of pay will be $200 a day and the work calendar will be 160 days. Attachments: Job Descriptions for: District Enrichment Teacher Site Enrichment Teacher Fiscal Impact: The rate of pay will be $200 a day and the work calendar will be 160 days. The number of enrichment teachers, their work calendar and hours are to be determined on an annual basis depending on need and funding. Recommendation: Accept the job descriptions for District Enrichment Teacher and Site Enrichment Teacher for First Reading. Prepared by: Angelica Lopez, Assistant Superintendent of Administrative Services Submitted by: Timothy Baird, Ed.D., Superintendent ___________________________________________________________________________________ MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: DISTRICT ENRICHMENT TEACHER July 19, 2016 PRIMARY FUNCTION: To provide K-6 grade students with health and wellness through a balanced program that includes physical movement and character development. ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES • Provide yoga based physical movement • Provide instruction in health and wellness including working with students to discuss the District World Ready Traits and Skills • Teach other specialty classes as needed • Assists with the continual development, implementation and evaluation of the health and wellness program • Attend and participate in collaboration meetings to share best practices • Collaborate with grade level teams to align the specialty classes with classroom curriculum • Attend school events and functions to provide information to parents and community members and to promote the specialty classes offered • Provide yoga instruction to staff and community members as determined by individual school sites • Maintain a clean classroom environment and instructional mats daily • Ensure that the yoga/exercise equipment for group group yoga/exercise classes is safe, clean, and in proper working order. • Other related duties as assigned QUALIFICATIONS Knowledge of: • Knowledge of curriculum and instruction, state standards and frameworks • Safety practices pertaining to physical component of curriculum • Technology as a tool to enhance learning • Modern office methods, equipment and procedures • District operations, policies, rules and regulations Ability to: • Be a self-motivated, self-directed learner, collaborative team player, constructive thinker and problem- solver • Communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing • Establish and maintain cooperative and effective working relationships with others • Work independently with little direction • Demonstrate interpersonal skills using tact, patience and courtesy • Present professional development • Maintain regular and consistent attendance Education, Licenses and Other Requirements: • Bachelor’s Degree • California Multiple Subjects teaching credential authorizing service at the elementary level Experience: • Teaching yoga to K-6 students • Pedagogy and content knowledge PHYSICAL DEMANDS: The physical demands described here are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this job. This position requires frequent district wide travel. The employee is occasionally required to stand; walk; sit; reach with hands and arms; and stoop, kneel, crouch, or crawl. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. WORK ENVIRONMENT: The work environment characteristics described here are representative of those an employee encounters while performing the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. The noise level in the work environment is usually moderate. OTHER: • Possession of an appropriate, valid California driver’s license and employeeprovided transportation required. Approved: SITE ENRICHMENT TEACHER July 19, 2016 PRIMARY FUNCTION: To augment the learning for K-6 grade students with a variety of specialty classes. ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES • Teach a specialty class to include but limited to: science, garden, nutrtion, music, physical fitness, world languages, coding, technology and video production, etc. • Development, implement and evaluate the specialty program curriculum • Attend and participate in collaboration meetings to review curriculum and share best practices • Colloborate with grade level teams to align the specialty classes curriculum • Attend school events and functions to provide information to parents and community members and to promote the specialty classes offered • Other related duties as assigned QUALIFICATIONS Knowledge of: • Knowledge of curriculum and instruction, state standards and frameworks • Curriculum development • Technology as a tool to enhance learning • Modern office methods, equipment and procedures • District operations, policies, rules and regulations Ability to: • Be a self-motivated, self-directed learner, collaborative team player, constructive thinker and problem- solver • Communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing • Establish and maintain cooperative and effective working relationships with others • Work independently with little direction • Demonstrate interpersonal skills using tact, patience and courtesy • Present professional development • Maintain regular and consistent attendance Education, Licenses and Other Requirements: • Bachelor’s Degree • California Multiple Subjects teaching credential authorizing service at the elementary level Experience: • Teaching specialty classes to K-6 students • Pedagogy and content knowledge PHYSICAL DEMANDS: The physical demands described here are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this job. This position requires frequent district wide travel. The employee is occasionally required to stand; walk; sit; reach with hands and arms; and stoop, kneel, crouch, or crawl. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. WORK ENVIRONMENT: The work environment characteristics described here are representative of those an employee encounters while performing the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. The noise level in the work environment is usually moderate. Approved: ENCINITAS UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM: 7.d. MEETING DATE: July 19, 2016 ¨ ¨ n n ¨ ¨ ¨ Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Roll Call Vote Required District Target: PERSONNEL ACTION Subject: JOB DESCRIPTION FOR SITE INTERVENTION TEACHER - FIRST READING Background: The school sites provide intervention to students needing additional support to meet grade level standards in the areas of language arts and math. This necessitates the need to create the Site Intervention Teacher job description. The Site Intervention Teacher position(s) will be paid 100% by the sites. The work calendar and hours are to be determined by site on an annual basis depending on need and funding. The rate of pay will be $25 an hour. Attachments: Job Descriptions for Site Intervention Teacher Fiscal Impact: The rate of pay will be $25 an hour. The number of intervention teachers, their work calendar and hours are to be determined by the school site on an annual basis depending on need and funding. Recommendation: Accept the job description for Site Intervention Teacher for First Reading. Prepared by: Angelica Lopez, Assistant Superintendent of Administrative Services Submitted by: Timothy Baird, Ed.D., Superintendent ___________________________________________________________________________________ MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: SITE INTERVENTION TEACHER July 19, 2016 PRIMARY FUNCTION: To provide differentiated instruction to K-6 grade students in order to meet grade level standards. ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES • Teach small group instruction in the areas of language arts and math • Provide support in academic content areas • Development, implement and evaluate the intervention program curriculum • Collaborate with grade level teams to communicate student progress • Other related duties as assigned QUALIFICATIONS Knowledge of: • Knowledge of curriculum and instruction, state standards and frameworks • Second Language Acquisition • Curriculum development • Technology as a tool to enhance learning • Modern office methods, equipment and procedures • District operations, policies, rules and regulations Ability to: • Be a self-motivated, self-directed learner, collaborative team player, constructive thinker and problem- solver • Communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing • Establish and maintain cooperative and effective working relationships with others • Work independently with little direction • Demonstrate interpersonal skills using tact, patience and courtesy • Present professional development • Maintain regular and consistent attendance Education, Licenses and Other Requirements: • Bachelor’s Degree • California Multiple Subjects teaching credential authorizing service at the elementary level • English Learner Certification Experience: • Teaching intervention classes to K-6 students • Pedagogy and content knowledge PHYSICAL DEMANDS: The physical demands described here are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this job. This position requires frequent district wide travel. The employee is occasionally required to stand; walk; sit; reach with hands and arms; and stoop, kneel, crouch, or crawl. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. WORK ENVIRONMENT: The work environment characteristics described here are representative of those an employee encounters while performing the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. The noise level in the work environment is usually moderate. Approved: ENCINITAS UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM: 8.a. MEETING DATE: July 19, 2016 n Action ¨ Consent ¨ First Reading ¨ Information ¨ Presentation ¨ Public Hearing ¨ Roll Call Vote Required District Target: Legal Compliance, Williams Settlement Subject: UNIFORM COMPLAINT REPORT SUMMARY Background: The Uniform Complaint Report Summary is presented to the Board of Trustees and San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) on a quarterly basis as required by the Williams Settlement. The report indicates how many complaints were received by the District for: Instructional Materials, Facilities, and Teacher Vacancy Management. Attachment: Quarterly Uniform Complaint Summary, from the SDCOE Uniform Complaint Quarterly Reports Database Fiscal Impact: None Recommendation: Approval of the Quarterly Uniform Complaint Report Summary for the 4th Quarter, April 1 – June 30, 2016. Prepared by: Leighangela Brady, Ed.D., Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services Submitted by: Timothy Baird, Ed.D., Superintendent ___________________________________________________________________________________ MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: QUARTERLY UNIFORM COMPLAINT REPORT SUMMARY For submission to Encinitas Union School District Governing Board and San Diego County Office of Education District Name: Encinitas Union School District Quarter covered by this report: 2015-16, 4th Quarter, April – June 2016 Please fill in the following table. Enter 0 in any cell that does not apply. Number of complaints received in quarter Number of complaints resolved Number of complaints unresolved Instructional Materials 0 0 0 Facilities 0 0 0 Teacher Vacancy Management 0 0 0 Totals: 0 0 0 Submitted by: Leighangela Brady, Ed.D. Title: Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services ENCINITAS UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM: 8.b. MEETING DATE: July 19, 2016 █ o o ¨ ¨ o Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing o Recognition o Roll Call Vote Required District Target: Legal Compliance Subject: RESOLUTION 01-1617 – GROUNDS DEPARTMENT RELOCATION AND INTENDED USE OF BUILDING Background: It is recommended the Board of Trustees adopt Resolution 01-1617, which describes the relocation and intended use of one portable building on the Ocean Knoll campus. The building and parking area will be fenced off and kept separate from the campus and shall not be accessible to pupils nor faculty. The resolution, assuring that the portable building will not be accessible to pupils will be submitted to the Division of the State Architect (DSA), as required under the California Administrative Code, Section 4-310. Recommendation: It is recommended the Board of Trustees adopt Resolution 01-1617 – Grounds Department Relocation and Intended Use of Building. Fiscal Impact: None Attachments: None Prepared by: Angelica Lopez, Assistant Superintendent of Administrative Services Submitted by: Timothy B. Baird, Ed.D., Superintendent ___________________________________________________________________________________ ENCINITAS UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT RESOLUTION 01-1617 GROUNDS DEPARTMENT RELOCATION AND USE OF BUILDING Whereas, the Encinitas Union School District’s (EUSD) Facilities Department would like to relocate one portable building on the Ocean Knoll Elementary School Campus, for use by the EUSD Grounds Department only. The building and parking area will be fenced off and kept separate from the campus and shall not be accessible to pupils nor faculty. The California Administrative Code, section 4-310 requires DSA approval for Access Compliance only and requires Board resolution; and Whereas, the portable building noted above shall not be used for school purposes. No pupils or teachers, as such, will be permitted to use or enter the said building for said purposes or be subjected to a hazard resulting from its collapse. A copy of this resolution will be submitted to the Division of State Architect. Therefore, Be It Resolved that the Board of Trustees of the Encinitas Union School District hereby designates this portable building for use by the EUSD Grounds Department only, at its July 19, 2016 meeting. _____________________________________ Patricia S. Sinay, Clerk ________________________ Date ENCINITAS UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM: 8.c. MEETING DATE: July 19, 2016 n ¨ ¨ o ¨ ¨ o ¨ Action Consent First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Recognition Roll Call Vote Required District Target: LEGAL COMPLIANCE Subject: ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS Background: The Board of Trustees officially accepts gifts and donations on behalf of the district in accordance with Education Code 42032 and Board Policy 3290. The board greatly appreciates the generous support of our parent and community organizations that give of their time and money in support of public education. The Board recognizes that many of the donations are intended for specific programs and services at selected schools and will honor that request provided the donations are aligned to the district’s vision and policies, and comply with state and federal law. Attachments: Donations Report Fiscal Impact: $9,312,50 Income Recommendation: Accept the donations received by the district in support of the educational programs and services provided through the schools and authorize the superintendent to send a written letter of appreciation to the donor on behalf of the Board of Trustees. Prepared by: Ami Shackelford, Assistant Superintendent of Business Services Submitted by: Timothy B. Baird, Ed.D., Superintendent ___________________________________________________________________________________ MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: ENCINITAS UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT Acceptance of Gifts July 19, 2016 SCHOOL ITEM DONATED BY VALUE Capri Cash for Field Trip Buses Capri PTA $921.50 Mission Estancia Cash for 6th Grade Camp Scholarships Mission Estancia PTA $2,891.00 Ocean Knoll Cash Encinitas Self Storage $500.00 Park Dale Lane Cash for Creative Writing Project Richard Helmstetter $2,500.00 Park Dale Lane Cash for Creative Writing Project Nancy Mullane $2,500.00 ENCINITAS UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM: 9.a. MEETING DATE: July 19, 2016 n Action Consent First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Recognition n Roll Call Vote Required ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ District Target: LEGAL COMPLIANCE Subject: CONSENT ITEMS Background: All matters listed under Consent are those on which the Board has previously deliberated or which can be classified as routine items of business. An administrative recommendation on each item is contained in the agenda supplements. There will be no separate discussion of these items prior to the time the Board of Trustees votes on the motion unless members of the Board, staff, or public request specific items to be discussed or pulled from the Consent Items. To address an item on the consent calendar, please follow the procedure described under Public Input. Attachments: None Fiscal Impact: None Recommendation: Approve the following consent items 9.a. through 9.l. Prepared by: Timothy B. Baird, Ed.D., Superintendent Submitted by: Timothy B. Baird, Ed.D., Superintendent ___________________________________________________________________________________ MOTION BY: VOTE: SECONDED BY: Mrs. ANDRADE Ms. SINAY Mrs. SKILJAN Mrs. STRICH Mr. SONKEN ENCINITAS UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM: 9.b. MEETING DATE: July 19, 2016 ¨ Action n Consent ¨ First Reading n Information ¨ Presentation ¨ Public Hearing o Recognition ¨ Roll Call Vote Required District Target: LEGAL COMPLIANCE Subject: FINANCIAL REPORT Background: Financial Reports are made to the Board of Trustees on a monthly basis so that the Board is kept informed of the financial activities of the District. Attachments: Financial reports Fiscal Impact: None Recommendation: Review monthly financial report. Prepared by: Ami Shackelford, Assistant Superintendent of Business Services Submitted by: Timothy B. Baird, Ed.D., Superintendent ___________________________________________________________________________________ MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: ENCINITAS UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT Cash Collections June 2016 Developer Fees Rent Lost Books Day Care Sixth Grade Camp Field Trips Paid Invoices PO Reimbursements MOU Reimbursement - SEAS BTSA Consortium Reimbursement Poll Stipened Donations Abatements: IRS Refund Check Copies Medi-Cal Insurance Cobra $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 8,552.68 156.00 1,670.00 152,317.95 623.50 4,084.85 12,340.65 9,628.04 73,424.55 6,024.00 840.00 100,032.01 369,694.23 $ 377,975.84 2,066.94 29.10 155.43 4,011.72 2,018.42 8,281.61 ENCINITAS UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT DEVELOPER FEES SUMMARY FY 2015-16 JUNE DATE PAID 05-23-16 06-06-16 06-07-16 06-08-16 06-09-16 06-22-16 06-23-16 06-23-16 PROJECT OWNER San Dieguito Heritage Museum Vincent Marrero Kikkawa Hart Hutchens Dulich Larry Doran Larry Doran Project Address 450 Quail Gardens Dr 1330 Hymettus Ave 2554 Meadowmist Ln 1084 Nardo Rd 825 Cornish Dr 127 A-D W. Jason St 1578 N Coast Highway 101 1578 N Coast Highway 101 APN # SQ FT 254-112-84-00 265-341-09-00 258-274-46-00 258-231-10-00 251-230-51-00 254-054-67-00 254-054-67-00 528 1,690 669 664 552 545 3,412 4,544 TOTALS TOTAL FOR JUNE 2016 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 8,552.68 RESIDENTIAL FEE 2,687.10 1,063.71 1,055.76 877.68 866.55 820.44 7,371.24 COMMERCIAL PROJECT FEE TYPE Temp Modular Building addition addition addition addition addition demo 2896, rebuild 3412 $ 1,181.44 commercial bldg C'bad Units $ 0 1,181.44 3 3 Total New Dwelling Units for Current Month Total New Dwelling Units for FY 2015-16 Enc Units 3 119 ENCINITAS UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM: 9.c. MEETING DATE: July 19, 2016 ¨ n ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ o ¨ Action Consent First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Recognition Roll Call Vote Required District Target: LEGAL COMPLIANCE Subject: RATIFICATION OF REVOLVING CASH Background: Payments from the Revolving Cash Fund at Mission Federal Credit Union are made to vendors when expeditious payment is required, in conformance with Education Code 42800.5. Attachments: None Fiscal Impact: $0 Recommendation: Ratify payments to vendors from the Revolving Cash Fund at Mission Federal Credit Union in the amount of $0 from June 1, 2016 through June 30, 2016. Prepared by: Ami Shackelford, Assistant Superintendent, Business Services Submitted by: Timothy B. Baird, Ed.D., Superintendent ___________________________________________________________________________________ MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: ENCINITAS UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM: 9.d. MEETING DATE: July 19, 2016 ¨ n ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ o ¨ Action Consent First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Recognition Roll Call Vote Required District Target: LEGAL COMPLIANCE Subject: RATIFICATION OF WARRANTS Background: Issuance of payment warrants requires ratification by the Board on a monthly basis. Attachments: Payment warrant reports provided to the Board Fiscal Impact: $4,906,229.41 Recommendation: Ratify issuance of warrants #14123504 through #14140141 in the amount of $4,906,229.41 from June 1, 2016 through June 30, 2016. Prepared by: Ami Shackelford, Assistant Superintendent of Business Services Submitted by: Timothy B. Baird, Ed.D., Superintendent ___________________________________________________________________________________ MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: June 2016 Warrant Board List Warrant ID Vendor Name 14123504 14123505 14123506 14123506 14123506 14123506 14123507 14123508 14123509 14123509 14123509 14123510 14123511 14123512 14123513 14123514 14123515 14123515 14123516 14123517 14123518 14123519 14123520 14123521 14123522 14123523 14123524 14123525 14123526 14123527 14123528 14123529 14123529 14123529 14123530 14123530 14123531 14123532 14123533 14123534 14124210 14124211 14124212 14124213 14124214 14124215 14124216 14124216 14124216 14124216 14124216 14124216 14124216 14124216 14124217 14124218 14124218 14124218 ATTAINMENT COMPANY, INC APLUS ELECTRONICS, INC. AMAZON.COM LLC AMAZON.COM LLC AMAZON.COM LLC AMAZON.COM LLC KRISTINE BEVERLY CARRIE BROWN CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DIST CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DIST CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DIST CALIFORNIA WEEKLY EXPLORER INC CAV INC CHAMPAGNE BAKERY CHG MEDICAL STAFFING, INC. COAST 2 COAST COACHING DATEL SYSTEMS DATEL SYSTEMS DAILY JOURNAL CORPORATION ENCINITAS FORD FRANKLIN COVEY FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS, INC. DAN GRIDER HYPHENET, INC. SHER HOFF LOUIS MCLEAN KING MAYER REPROGRAPHICS ORIENTAL TRADING CO., INC. OBR ARCHITECTURE INC. OBR ARCHITECTURE INC. PRACTI-CAL INC PREMIER AGENDAS INC PREMIER AGENDAS INC PREMIER AGENDAS INC SCHOOL OUTFITTERS.COM SCHOOL OUTFITTERS.COM SEASIDE HEATING & AIR EDEN STANTON SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY VISION SERVICE PLAN ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES ARMSTRONG GARDEN CENTER AMAZON.COM LLC AT&T BJ RENTAL STORE, INC. DANNIELLE BROOK CAROLINA BIOLOGICAL SUPPLY CAROLINA BIOLOGICAL SUPPLY CAROLINA BIOLOGICAL SUPPLY CAROLINA BIOLOGICAL SUPPLY CAROLINA BIOLOGICAL SUPPLY CAROLINA BIOLOGICAL SUPPLY CAROLINA BIOLOGICAL SUPPLY CAROLINA BIOLOGICAL SUPPLY DIGA-LO OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT Payment Date 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/3/2016 6/3/2016 6/3/2016 6/3/2016 6/3/2016 6/3/2016 6/3/2016 6/3/2016 6/3/2016 6/3/2016 6/3/2016 6/3/2016 6/3/2016 6/3/2016 6/3/2016 6/3/2016 6/3/2016 6/3/2016 Invoice Item Description ITEM # GO-MINRP2W - GO NOW RUG OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL LIFEPROOF NUUD IPAD AIR WATERP MANFROTTO 035RL SUPER CLAMP WI MANFROTTO 196AB-2 2-SECTION SI RAM MOUNT RAM TAB-TITE QUICK R REIM - EXPENSES FOR MTG / FL REIM - EXPENSES FOR CIVICS TUITION FOR CRAMER A. TO ATTEN TUITION FOR REULE, S TO ATTEND TUITION FOR RUBIDOUX, B TO ATT FLORA VISTA 4TH GRADE STUDENT HOME TO SCHOOL TRANSPORTATION OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-16 FISCAL OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-16 FISCAL COAST-2-COAST LUNCHTIME EXERCI ITEM #145754 - LASERJET M506DN ITEM #S01 - HP BLACK - ORIGINA OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-2016 FISC TUITION FEES FOR THE 2016 TLIM LIBRARY BOOKS FOR CAPRI ELEMEN REIM - MEDICARE JUNE 2016 ITEM #23671 - DELL IMAGING DRU REIM - MILEAGE JAN-MAY 2016 REIM-MEDICARE - APR / JUN 2016 OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL ITEM #IN-12/1912 - 36 PIECE MU ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES FOR A S 130395 - SCHEMATIC DESIGN AND LEA MEDI-CAL BILLING OPTION FO CLAE-M10 ELEMENTARY AGENDAS HANDBOOK PAGES (4) PAGEFINDER ITEM #CFA-CF900-517NPL - BIG S ITEM #CFA-CF900-903NPL - PLAYP HVAC SERVICE DISTRICT-WIDE PER REIM - MEDICARE - MAY / JUL 20 OPEN PO FOR THE REMAINDER OF T OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-16 FISCAL WEEKLY RENTAL OF WORKSHIRTS FO OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL MAYLINE BTCT6LDC BRIGHTON SERI CALNET TELEPHONE SERVICE FOR T OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-2016 FISC ITEM #225299 - YOUNG SCIENTIST ITEM #226015 - YOUNG SCIENTIST ITEM #227885 - SMALL OWL PELLE ITEM #228756 - YOUNG SCIENTIST ITEM #228925 - YOUNG SCIENTIST ITEM #229910 - BRAIN DISSECTIO ITEM #229930 - EYE DISSECTION ITEM #756515 - Clip Lead,s 14 TRANSLATIONS for 2015-2016 OPE ITEM #OD47646 - REALSPACE ECON ITEM #ZJK-9366H - WORKPRO 1500 ITEM #ZJK-9478H - REALSPACE SA Amount Charged to Fund 124.19 652.00 54.24 32.27 33.39 26.99 228.16 38.88 16,041.14 17,008.64 17,841.14 750.00 37,145.00 97.64 2,521.75 1,292.00 678.24 389.56 240.24 1,164.21 1,794.00 14.99 170.50 60.16 208.19 950.10 559.67 119.57 19,125.43 11,180.97 198.76 919.75 42.89 67.22 261.89 107.09 471.68 365.40 984.30 143.04 171.18 19.95 278.43 1,436.43 54.00 1,598.04 636.68 565.01 102.44 787.16 481.69 8.31 8.32 130.14 224.00 75.58 377.99 388.78 June 2016 Warrant Board List Warrant ID Vendor Name Payment Date 14124218 14124218 14124218 14124219 14124220 14124221 14124222 14124222 14124223 14124223 14124223 14124223 14124223 14124224 14124224 14124224 14124224 14124225 14124226 14124227 14124228 14124228 14124228 14124228 14124229 14124230 14124231 14124231 14124231 14124231 14124232 14124233 14125269 14125270 14125271 14125272 14125273 14125274 14125274 14125275 14125276 14125277 14125278 14125279 14125280 14125281 14125282 14125283 14125284 14125285 14125286 14125287 14125287 14125288 14125289 14125289 14125290 14125291 OFFICE DEPOT 6/3/2016 OFFICE DEPOT 6/3/2016 OFFICE DEPOT 6/3/2016 FRONTLINE TECHNOLOGIES GROUP, LLC 6/3/2016 FIT KIDS AMERICA 6/3/2016 GEM INDUSTRIAL ELECTRIC, INC. 6/3/2016 HEINEMANN 6/3/2016 HEINEMANN 6/3/2016 HYPHENET, INC. 6/3/2016 HYPHENET, INC. 6/3/2016 HYPHENET, INC. 6/3/2016 HYPHENET, INC. 6/3/2016 HYPHENET, INC. 6/3/2016 LIFE LAB SCIENCE PROGRAM 6/3/2016 LIFE LAB SCIENCE PROGRAM 6/3/2016 LIFE LAB SCIENCE PROGRAM 6/3/2016 LIFE LAB SCIENCE PROGRAM 6/3/2016 LEARNING HEADQUARTERS 6/3/2016 LIBRARYSKILLS, INC. 6/3/2016 ORIENTAL TRADING CO., INC. 6/3/2016 PREMIER AGENDAS INC 6/3/2016 PREMIER AGENDAS INC 6/3/2016 PREMIER AGENDAS INC 6/3/2016 PREMIER AGENDAS INC 6/3/2016 PROFESSIONAL TUTORS OF AMERICA 6/3/2016 SAN DIEGUITO WATER DISTRICT 6/3/2016 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC 6/3/2016 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC 6/3/2016 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC 6/3/2016 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC 6/3/2016 SEASIDE HEATING & AIR 6/3/2016 SHIFFLER EQUIPMENT SALES, INC. 6/3/2016 AMERICAN TIME & SIGNAL CO. 6/6/2016 ADVANCED READING SOLUTIONS LLC 6/6/2016 APRENDE TUTORING 6/6/2016 CHG MEDICAL STAFFING, INC. 6/6/2016 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO - DEPT OF AGRICULTUR6/6/2016 DAVE BANG ASSOC.,INC 6/6/2016 DAVE BANG ASSOC.,INC 6/6/2016 DIGA-LO 6/6/2016 ROTARY CLUB OF ENCINITAS 6/6/2016 EDCO WASTE & RECYCLING SERVICE 6/6/2016 GINGER WOOD'S SPEECH & LANGUAGE SERVICES 6/6/2016 ICES EDUCATION, LLC 6/6/2016 MISSION FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 6/6/2016 MISSION FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 6/6/2016 MISSION FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 6/6/2016 MAINTEX 6/6/2016 OXFORD TUTORING, INC. 6/6/2016 PRACTI-CAL INC 6/6/2016 PERKS DETAILING 6/6/2016 RESCUE ROOTER 6/6/2016 RESCUE ROOTER 6/6/2016 SAN DIEGUITO WATER DISTRICT 6/6/2016 SOUTHWEST SCHOOL SUPPLY 6/6/2016 SOUTHWEST SCHOOL SUPPLY 6/6/2016 SUTTON TREE SERVICE, INC 6/6/2016 SISC III COBRA ADMINISTRATION 6/6/2016 Invoice Item Description OPEN PO FOR 2015-2016 FISCAL Y OPEN PO FOR TE 2015/16 FISCAL OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-16 FISCAL AESOP SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR EUSD E LUNCH TIME FITNESS PROGRAM AT OCEAN KNOLL MODULAR CLASSROOM ISBN 978-0-325-02692-3 / 0-325 ISBN 978-0-325-06047-7 / 0-325 DELL BLACK IMAGING DRUM CARTRI DELL CYAN IMAGING DRUM CARTRID DELL MAGENTA IMAGING DRUM CART DELL YELLOW IMAGING DRUM CARTR MFR# PK496 - Dell Imaging Drum CHANGE AROUND US - GRADE 2: TE EARTH IS HOME - GRADE 1: TEACH GREAT EXPLORATIONS - GRADE K: HOW THINGS WORK - GRADE 3: TEA REGISTRATION FEE FOR LHQ SPRIN ITEM #5000 - WHITE SHELF MARKE MULTIPLE ITEM ORDER PER ATTACH CLAE-M10 ELEMENTARY AGENDAS CLAM-M10 MIDDLE SCHOOL AGENDAS HANDBOOK PAGES (4) PAGEFINDER OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL WATER SERVICES FOR THE 2015/16 ITEM SCHOOL SMART #1004615 - S ITEM SCHOOL SMART #1004634 - B ITEM SPORTIME #1293606 - PLAYG ITEM SPORTIME #1293616 - PLAYG HVAC SERVICE DISTRICT-WIDE PER THIS PO REPLACES PO 1763 WHICH OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-2016 FISC OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-16 FISCAL INSPECTION / APPLICATION FEE F LESS COLTON JOINT USD PIGGYBAC POURED IN PLACE RUBBER SURFACI OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL 2015/16 ROTARY MEMBERSHIP AND TRASH REMOVAL DISTRICT-WIDE FO OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL FACIAL TISSUE, WHITE 100 SHEET OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL LEA MEDI-CAL BILLING OPTION FO OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-2016 FISC MAIN LINE REPAIR AT CAPRI ELEM MATERIALS NEEDED TO COMPLETE R WATER SERVICES FOR THE 2015/16 GLUE STICKS, NON TOXIC, PURPLE PAPER, CONSTUCTION, WHITE 12X1 OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-2016 FISC COBRA PAYMENT FOR ASSISTANT SU Amount Charged to Fund 120.41 178.19 28.45 944.91 2,400.00 263,197.50 5,791.51 5,791.51 115.06 99.36 99.36 99.36 184.90 89.67 89.66 85.35 89.67 175.00 612.53 241.53 825.56 372.31 55.28 87.53 1,479.00 3,635.80 98.24 99.79 34.47 108.35 65.00 361.33 735.97 1,333.75 4,163.25 2,117.50 99.00 (1,364.14) 27,282.75 4,217.70 30.00 3,642.80 5,400.00 208.60 642.35 1,148.04 1,591.99 556.85 11,507.00 23.31 110.00 13,354.00 429.00 2,477.27 466.56 1,283.04 4,000.00 1,056.67 June 2016 Warrant Board List Warrant ID Vendor Name Payment Date 14125292 14125293 14125294 14126039 14126039 14126040 14126041 14126041 14126041 14126041 14126042 14126042 14126043 14126044 14126045 14126046 14126047 14126048 14126049 14126050 14126051 14126052 14126053 14126054 14126055 14126056 14126057 14126058 14126059 14126060 14126061 14126062 14126063 14126064 14126064 14126064 14126064 14126065 14126066 14126066 14126066 14126067 14126068 14126068 14126069 14126070 14126070 14126070 14126071 14126072 14126073 14126074 14126075 14126076 14126077 14126078 14126078 14126079 24 HOUR ELEVATOR, INC 6/6/2016 TEACH-N-TUTOR 6/6/2016 WESS TRANSPORTATION 6/6/2016 ARENSON OFFICE FURNITURE 6/9/2016 ARENSON OFFICE FURNITURE 6/9/2016 AMERICAN PEST CONTROL 6/9/2016 AMERICAN SPEECH HEARING ASSOCIATION 6/9/2016 AMERICAN SPEECH HEARING ASSOCIATION 6/9/2016 AMERICAN SPEECH HEARING ASSOCIATION 6/9/2016 AMERICAN SPEECH HEARING ASSOCIATION 6/9/2016 APPLE INC 6/9/2016 APPLE INC 6/9/2016 APLUS ELECTRONICS, INC. 6/9/2016 ABDO PUBLISHING CO 6/9/2016 AMAZON.COM LLC 6/9/2016 ABA EDUCATION FOUNDATION 6/9/2016 KAMMY AMBERG 6/9/2016 JENNIFER ADAMS 6/9/2016 BOUND TO STAY BOUND BOOKS 6/9/2016 SCHOOL STEPS, INC 6/9/2016 BRIGGS TREE FARM 6/9/2016 SHERILYN BUCHANAN 6/9/2016 MARILYN BIECK 6/9/2016 WAYNE BUCKINGHAM 6/9/2016 JANET BERGER 6/9/2016 LAURIE BISSON 6/9/2016 TIFFANY BRIGHT 6/9/2016 BALFOUR BEATTY CONSTRUCTION, LLC 6/9/2016 MICHELLE BARTZ 6/9/2016 CAPSTONE PRESS 6/9/2016 CHRISTIAN COSSIO 6/9/2016 JESSICA CONN 6/9/2016 AMANDA CAIN 6/9/2016 CADAN TECHNOLOGIES DBA CADAN ASSISTIVE6/9/2016 CADAN TECHNOLOGIES DBA CADAN ASSISTIVE6/9/2016 CADAN TECHNOLOGIES DBA CADAN ASSISTIVE6/9/2016 CADAN TECHNOLOGIES DBA CADAN ASSISTIVE6/9/2016 CHELSEA CHARLES 6/9/2016 DOMTAR CORPORATION 6/9/2016 DOMTAR CORPORATION 6/9/2016 DOMTAR CORPORATION 6/9/2016 JAMES DOW 6/9/2016 EDCO WASTE & RECYCLING SERVICE 6/9/2016 EDCO WASTE & RECYCLING SERVICE 6/9/2016 EDM ZAP PARTS INC. DBA MODULARHOSE.COM6/9/2016 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS, INC. 6/9/2016 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS, INC. 6/9/2016 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS, INC. 6/9/2016 VINCENT L. FORTUNA 6/9/2016 ERIN FERGUSON 6/9/2016 OLGA VERONICA GONZALEZ 6/9/2016 GROUP ADMINISTRATIVE CONCEPTS, INC. 6/9/2016 JENNIFER GOLDSTON 6/9/2016 SHAUNA GILBERT 6/9/2016 ADRIANNE GREEN 6/9/2016 HANDWRITING WITHOUT TEARS 6/9/2016 HANDWRITING WITHOUT TEARS 6/9/2016 RUTH HAWKINS 6/9/2016 Invoice Item Description ANNUAL PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANC OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL BUS TRANSPORTATION OF CAPRI EL ITEM #303A - COMMUNITY AMERICA ITEM #JE3672-29 - COMMUNITY JE OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-2016 FISC ITEM # 0113047, 0113047M - AUD ITEM # 0113325, WEB8067 - AUDI ITEM #0113288, WEB8055 - AUDIO ITEM #WEB14558 - AUTISM: SUPPO PART # HH7H2LL/A - BELKIN WIRE PART #MB110LL/B - APPLE KEYBOA OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL BOOKS FOR THE FLORA VISTA ELEM AND TO THINK THAT I SAW IT ON OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-56 FISCAL REIM-PPD TRAINING EXPENSES REPLACE OVERAGED WARRANT FLORA VISTA ELEMENTARY BOOK OR OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-16 SCHOOL OPEN PURCHASE ORDER FOR 2015-1 REIM-MEDICARE JUNE 2016 REIM-MEDICARE 06/06 - 06/30/16 MILEAGE REIM - MAY 2016 REIM - MEDICARE MAR-APR 2016 REIM - MILEAGE MAY 2016 MILEAGE REIM - MAY 2016 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVIC REIM - BOOST CONF PPD LIBRARY BOOKS FOR EL CAMINO CR MILEAGE REIM - MAY 2016 REIM- EXPENSES FARM CONCERT MILEAGE REIM - MAY 2016 PART # PA2S - INCLUSIVE - PRET PART #10002600 - ABLENET, INC PART #10033900 - ABLENET, INC PART #80000015 - ABLENET INC REIM - MATH BOOK PURCHASE ITEM #3R12420 - 2 PART XEROX C ITEM #3R12424 - 3 PART XEROX C ITEM #8R12590 - FAN-OUT PADDIN MILEAGE REIM - MAY 2016 OPEN PO FOR 1 ROLL ON/OFF (40 OPEN PO FOR REFUSE CONTAINER ( ITEM #110221 - SPRING CLAMP KI ITEM #70090M-100 - LABEL PROTE LIBRARY BOOKS - SPANISH - FOR LIBRARY BOOKS SPANISH NONFICTI REIM-MEDICARE JUNE 2016 REIM - EXP F/INK 2 GO TRAINING OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL REIM - BTSA PROGRAM EXPENSES REIM - EXPENSES F/SOAR PARTY REIM - NGSS TRANS SYM PPD CODE: LN LETTERS AND NUMBERS ITEM # ILN - KINDER WORKBOOK " REIM - MEDICARE JUNE 2016 Amount Charged to Fund 378.56 522.50 830.00 6,072.75 4,254.21 1,624.00 63.20 63.20 63.20 199.00 75.55 105.84 1,231.20 480.38 15.94 287.50 123.82 3,467.53 553.72 41,915.00 127.29 104.90 243.60 125.77 487.20 7.02 16.95 48,000.00 179.46 2,202.78 48.76 60.17 425.00 229.48 181.49 162.72 34.42 55.67 481.40 332.17 23.88 115.88 377.86 395.44 37.29 133.67 2,208.78 24.49 872.92 19.90 7.88 10,294.24 393.00 6.45 49.12 914.77 914.77 170.50 June 2016 Warrant Board List Warrant ID Vendor Name 14126080 14126081 14126082 14126083 14126084 14126085 14126086 14126087 14126088 14126089 14126090 14126090 14126090 14126091 14126092 14126092 14126093 14126093 14126094 14126095 14126096 14126097 14126097 14126098 14126099 14126100 14126101 14126102 14126103 14126104 14126105 14126106 14126107 14126108 14126109 14126109 14126110 14126111 14126111 14126111 14126111 14126111 14126111 14126111 14126111 14126111 14126111 14126111 14126111 14126111 14126111 14126111 14126111 14126111 14126111 14126111 14126111 14126111 VIRGINIA HILL LISA HOFF CARMEN HESSE CHASITY JOHNSON O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE STORES INC LOGICNOW LIMITED KELLY MARTIN CAPONETTO KERRI KANTOR LAWN MOWERS PLUS INC. LUX ART INSTITUTE SUE LIESGANG SUE LIESGANG SUE LIESGANG JAMIE LABREE LINGUAL LEARNING, LLC LINGUAL LEARNING, LLC MISSION FEDERAL CREDIT UNION MISSION FEDERAL CREDIT UNION MISSION FEDERAL CREDIT UNION MAYER REPROGRAPHICS MONOPRICE, INC. JENNIFER MCNEIL JENNIFER MCNEIL ANKITA MYLATORE DONNA MIRZAIAN CYBER EDUCATION CONSULTING LAURIE MARTINO PAPA PATHWAY COMMUNICATIONS POALILLO, PATTY HEATHER PAPANDREA LAURA PHILYAW JENNIFER PIRAZZINI ELAINE REILLY SARAH B. RUSSELL SARAH B. RUSSELL SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC Payment Date 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 Invoice Item Description REIM-DUP SCHOOL FEE PYMT MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT REFUND - 1/2 DAY ASPIRE PYMT MILEAGE/REGIST REIMBURSEMENT OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-2016 FISC OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL CONSULTING SERVICES FOR THE 20 MILEAGE REIM - MAY 2016 OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-2016 FISC 23 STUDENTS TO LUX ART FOR LE REIM - EXP FOR CHOW AND CHAT REIM - PPS CHOW/CHAT REIM-FOOD: PARENTING CLASSES REIM - EXP FOR BOOST CONF ELD LINKS LEVEL 1 SUBSCRIPTION ELD LINKS LEVEL 2 SUBSCRIPTION OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL USB WALL CHARGER FOR IPAD REIM - BASKET PURCHASE REIM-ONTARIO TRAINING EXPENSES REIM - EXP FOR BOOST CONF. MILEAGE REIM-05/24/16 PPD CYBER CONSULTING SERVICES FOR MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT REGISTRATION FEES FOR ATTENDAN VGA 3.5 WITH HDMI STAINLESS ST REIM-DOLLAR STORE EXPENSES REIM-FARM COOP EXPENSES REIM - SUPPLIES - DLI INTRVIEW MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT MEDICARE REIM - 07/14 - 06/15 MEDICARE REIM - 07/15 - 06/16 ITEM # SS 088308 - CONE, BOUND ITEM #1328683 - VEST, SCRIMMAG ITEM #1328687 - VEST, SCRIMMAG ITEM - PULL BUOY #8009D (SS#14 ITEM - PULL BUOY #8011D, (SS#1 ITEM - SCHOOL SMART #016168 S ITEM - SCHOOL SMART #016256 B ITEM - SCHOOL SMART #089124 S ITEM - SCHOOL SMART #1004615 ITEM - SCHOOL SMART #1004633 ITEM - SHIELD 830 (SS #1282655 ITEM - SPORTIME #008963BOUNDA ITEM - SPORTIME #1293605 RED ITEM - SPORTIME #1293606 PLAY ITEM - SPORTIME #1293609 PLAY ITEM - SPORTIME #1293616PLAYG ITEM - SPORTIME #1293618 PLAY ITEM - SPORTIME #708331SOFTBA ITEM - VOLLEY #210-30-6 (SS #0 ITEM - VOLLEY 090-30-6 (SS#008 MIKASA #T8000S (SS #029854)TE Amount Charged to Fund 2,846.10 123.16 68.00 47.54 22.12 687.40 200.00 73.82 173.02 184.00 555.17 70.49 155.50 210.38 3,900.00 1,950.00 4,616.74 270.72 1,904.26 1,056.14 1,941.87 111.66 117.87 90.42 37.80 750.00 91.80 160.00 234.81 74.56 55.49 68.53 85.10 12.64 1,510.80 1,360.20 40,639.55 9.31 12.97 7.79 2.44 2.26 36.20 69.80 25.13 52.91 80.62 66.90 14.66 6.28 15.47 32.41 85.13 6.20 10.96 69.45 26.85 30.96 June 2016 Warrant Board List Warrant ID Vendor Name Payment Date 14126111 14126112 14126113 14126114 14126115 14126116 14126117 14126118 14126119 14126120 14126121 14126121 14126121 14126122 14126123 14126123 14126123 14126124 14126125 14126126 14127774 14127775 14127776 14127777 14127778 14127779 14127779 14127780 14127781 14127782 14127783 14127784 14127785 14128451 14128452 14128453 14128454 14128455 14128456 14128457 14128458 14129255 14129256 14129257 14129257 14129257 14129257 14129257 14129257 14129257 14129257 14129257 14129257 14129257 14129257 14129257 14129257 14129257 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC 6/9/2016 SERGIO MARTINEZ 6/9/2016 HILDA SMITH 6/9/2016 MATTHEW SCHROEDER 6/9/2016 PATRICIA SINAY 6/9/2016 CAMILLE SOWINSKI DBA SOWINSKI CONSULTING 6/9/2016 JESUS BENITO SOTELO 6/9/2016 CELESTINA SACHS 6/9/2016 VERIZON WIRELESS 6/9/2016 VARIDESK, LLC 6/9/2016 WESS TRANSPORTATION 6/9/2016 WESS TRANSPORTATION 6/9/2016 WESS TRANSPORTATION 6/9/2016 TAMI WILSON 6/9/2016 SHERRI WEXLER 6/9/2016 SHERRI WEXLER 6/9/2016 SHERRI WEXLER 6/9/2016 MARGIE WILHELM 6/9/2016 MARIA WASKIN 6/9/2016 LISA WOOTTEN 6/9/2016 ARIZONA MACHINERY DBA STOTZ EQUIPMENT6/10/2016 CHAMPAGNE BAKERY 6/10/2016 DEMCO 6/10/2016 ENCINITAS FORD 6/10/2016 GEM INDUSTRIAL ELECTRIC, INC. 6/10/2016 HAWTHORNE LIFT SYSTEMS 6/10/2016 HAWTHORNE LIFT SYSTEMS 6/10/2016 THE INSTITUTE FOR EFFECTIVE 6/10/2016 INTERPRETERS UNLIMITED 6/10/2016 M. IKEDA GLOBAL TRANSLATIONS 6/10/2016 OLIVENHAIN WATER DISTRICT 6/10/2016 PROGRESSUS THERAPY LLC 6/10/2016 WESS TRANSPORTATION 6/10/2016 AMERICAN PRODUCE DISTRIBUTORS 6/13/2016 A&R WHOLESALE DIST. INC 6/13/2016 CALIFORNIA DEPT. OF EDUCATION 6/13/2016 CATALINA OFFSHORE PRODUCTS, INC 6/13/2016 DRIFTWOOD DAIRY, INC. 6/13/2016 DIGA-LO 6/13/2016 KERRY OJEDA 6/13/2016 SEASIDE HEATING & AIR 6/13/2016 AMERICAN PRODUCE DISTRIBUTORS 6/14/2016 ARIZONA MACHINERY DBA STOTZ EQUIPMENT6/14/2016 BSN SPORTS/US GAMES 6/14/2016 BSN SPORTS/US GAMES 6/14/2016 BSN SPORTS/US GAMES 6/14/2016 BSN SPORTS/US GAMES 6/14/2016 BSN SPORTS/US GAMES 6/14/2016 BSN SPORTS/US GAMES 6/14/2016 BSN SPORTS/US GAMES 6/14/2016 BSN SPORTS/US GAMES 6/14/2016 BSN SPORTS/US GAMES 6/14/2016 BSN SPORTS/US GAMES 6/14/2016 BSN SPORTS/US GAMES 6/14/2016 BSN SPORTS/US GAMES 6/14/2016 BSN SPORTS/US GAMES 6/14/2016 BSN SPORTS/US GAMES 6/14/2016 BSN SPORTS/US GAMES 6/14/2016 Invoice Item Description SPORTIME #004774 - LANYARD, NY MILEAGE REIM - MAY 2016 REIM - MEDICARE APR-JUN 2016 MILEAGE REIM - MAY 2016 MILEAGE REIM - 5.10.16 OPEN PO FOR 2015-16 FISCAL YEA MILEAGE REIM - MAY 2016 MILEAGE REIM - MAY 2016 VERIZON PHONE PLANS FOR EUSD 2 VARIDESK PRO PLUS 36 - 36 X 30 CAPRI 5TH GRADERS TRANSPORTATI CAPRI ELEMENTARY 4TH GR STUDEN ROUND TRIP BUS TRANSPORTATION MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT REIM - AMAZON BATTERY PURCH REIM-SANDCASP TRAINING EXPENSE REIM - MEDICARE MAY 2016 REIM - ELL TRAINING/PARENT MTG REIM - MATH BOOK PURCH NEW TRAILER FOR GROUNDS / ITEM OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-16 FISCAL ITEM #WS 14200320 - KAPCO EASY OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-2016 FISC OCEAN KNOLL MODULAR CLASSROOM RENTAL OF FORKLIFT WHILE EUSD SUBLET HAULING AND ENVIRONMENT TUITION REIMBURSEMENT FOR IEP OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 SCHOOL OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 SCHOOL WATER SERVICE FOR THE 2015/16 OPEN PO FOR THE 2014-15 FISCAL CAPRI ELEMENTARY 4TH GR STUDEN OPEN PO FOR THE PURCHASE OF PR OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-16 FISCAL OPEN PO FOR THE REMAINDER OF T OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL OPEN PO FOR 2015/16, NOT TO EX MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT HVAC SERVICE DISTRICT-WIDE PER OPEN PO FOR THE PURCHASE OF PR OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-2016 FISC ITEM #1040128 - ROPE, OLYMPIC, ITEM #1040173 - JUMP ROPE, 10" ITEM #BSN 1269062 - STOPWATCH, ITEM #BSN 1353 - INFLATOR NEED ITEM #BSN 1539 - INFLATOR, ELE ITEM #BSN 3435 - BASKETBALL NE ITEM #BSN 347140 - FRISBEE, TO ITEM #BSN 40870 - EQUIPMENT BA ITEM #BSN MSFB - FLAG BELTS, A ITEM #BSN SNBC1XXX (759) - NYL ITEM #GAMECRAFT 1039900 - BEAN ITEM #VOIT 4483 - VOLLEYBALL, ITEM #VOIT VCF6SHXX (4575) - F ITEM #VOIT VCF6SHXX (4575)- F ITEM #VOIT VCF9SHXX (4572)- F Amount Charged to Fund 3.96 27.97 365.40 77.60 77.33 3,575.00 56.38 375.00 2,568.05 853.20 921.50 978.00 471.00 14.36 27.49 40.98 73.76 170.50 61.69 65.73 3,780.00 217.32 177.01 2,024.22 149,150.00 461.17 266.00 23,207.94 430.24 302.50 10,579.82 11,760.00 834.00 1,109.84 2,584.33 644.80 367.29 5,464.48 48.17 27.11 373.40 3,641.65 200.00 19.44 4.86 10.58 1.04 62.23 4.15 6.09 7.62 27.52 8.85 20.41 9.98 88.92 19.33 14.52 June 2016 Warrant Board List Warrant ID Vendor Name Payment Date 14129257 14129258 14129259 14129259 14129260 14129260 14129260 14129260 14129260 14129261 14129262 14129263 14129263 14129264 14129265 14129266 14129267 14129268 14129269 14129270 14129271 14129272 14129272 14129273 14129274 14129275 14129276 14129277 14129278 14129278 14129279 14129280 14129281 14129933 14129934 14129935 14129936 14129937 14129938 14129939 14129940 14129941 14129941 14129942 14129943 14129943 14129943 14129943 14129943 14129944 14129945 14129946 14129947 14129947 14129948 14129948 14129949 14129950 BSN SPORTS/US GAMES 6/14/2016 JENNIFER BOND 6/14/2016 DENISE DONAR 6/14/2016 DENISE DONAR 6/14/2016 OFFICE DEPOT 6/14/2016 OFFICE DEPOT 6/14/2016 OFFICE DEPOT 6/14/2016 OFFICE DEPOT 6/14/2016 OFFICE DEPOT 6/14/2016 EDEN FARMS DBA EDEN TROPICS 6/14/2016 FIREHAWK 6/14/2016 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS, INC. 6/14/2016 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS, INC. 6/14/2016 ECOLAB EQUIPMENT CARE 6/14/2016 GOODMAN FOOD PRODUCTS INC. 6/14/2016 MAGDALENA ECKE FAMILY YMCA 6/14/2016 MAYER REPROGRAPHICS 6/14/2016 PURCHASE POWER 6/14/2016 PRDREPAIR INC. DBA PRINTER REPAIR DEPOT6/14/2016 POALILLO, PATTY 6/14/2016 SAN DIEGO CTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION 6/14/2016 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC 6/14/2016 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC 6/14/2016 S&S WORLDWIDE, INC 6/14/2016 MATTHEW SCHROEDER 6/14/2016 KIM SLEICHTER 6/14/2016 NANCY SIMM 6/14/2016 SISC III COBRA ADMINISTRATION 6/14/2016 VECTOR RESOURCES INC 6/14/2016 VECTOR RESOURCES INC 6/14/2016 MICHELE WEGMAN 6/14/2016 WILLIAMS, ILEA 6/14/2016 YMCA 6/14/2016 AMAZON.COM LLC 6/15/2016 BOUND TO STAY BOUND BOOKS 6/15/2016 BEST BEST & KRIEGER LLP 6/15/2016 UC REGENTS / BIRCH AQUARIUM @ SCRIPPS 6/15/2016 CAMEO PAPER & JANITORIAL SUPPLY 6/15/2016 CARD 6/15/2016 CAV INC 6/15/2016 CULVER-NEWLIN/ 6/15/2016 DEAN & ASSOCIATES 6/15/2016 DEAN & ASSOCIATES 6/15/2016 DAILY JOURNAL CORPORATION 6/15/2016 OFFICE DEPOT 6/15/2016 OFFICE DEPOT 6/15/2016 OFFICE DEPOT 6/15/2016 OFFICE DEPOT 6/15/2016 OFFICE DEPOT 6/15/2016 EWING IRRIGATION 6/15/2016 EDEN FARMS DBA EDEN TROPICS 6/15/2016 WEST ED 6/15/2016 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS, INC. 6/15/2016 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS, INC. 6/15/2016 GANDER PUBLISHING 6/15/2016 GANDER PUBLISHING 6/15/2016 GO GREEN AGRICULTURE, INC. 6/15/2016 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE STORES INC 6/15/2016 Invoice Item Description ITEM #VOIT VCS66HXX (1435) - S REIM - ELAC RECLASS CELE SUPP MILEAGE REIM - MAY 2016 REIM - NURSE SUPPLIES F/ SITES OPE - 2015/16 OPEN PO, NOT TO OPEN PO FOR 2015-16 SCHOOL YEA OPEN PO FOR 2015/16, NOT TO EX OPEN PO FOR TE 2015/16 FISCAL OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-2016 FISC OPEN PO FOR THE REMAINDER OF T OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-2016 FISC LIBRARY BOOKS FOR LA COSTA HEI LIBRARY BOOKS, ENGLISH, FOR CA OPEN PO FOR 2015/2016 FISCAL Y OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-16 FISCAL OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL OPEN PO FOR PITNEY BOWES POSTA OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL REIM - DOLPHIN $ STORE PURCH REGISTRATION FEE FOR DISTRICT ITEM ##716167 - CONES, BOUNDAR ITEM SCHOOL SMART #1004633 - B MULTI-ITEM ORDER FOR THE ASPIR REIM - NEW PHONE PLAN PURCH REIM - SUPPLIES FOR EOY MTG OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-16 FISCAL CISCO TELEPHONY VOIP SUPPORT F OPEN-PO FOR 2015-16 FISCAL YEA MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT REIM - SUPPLIES FOR SCIENCE YMCA PLAYGROUND PARTNERS SERVI SPHERO SPRK EDITION APP ENABLE LIBRARY BOOKS LIST #770371 OPEN PO FORT HE 2015/16 FISCAL CAPRI ELEMENTARY 5TH GRADE STU GLOVES, VINYL, DISPOSABLE, POW OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-16 FISCAL HOME TO SCHOOL TRANSPORTATION ITEM #VSHD1672 - HUTCH WITH GL CONSULTING SERVICES RELATED TO STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTI OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL ITEM #965799 - HON IGNITION MI OPEN PO FOR 2015-16 SCHOOL YEA OPEN PO FOR TE 2015/16 FISCAL OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-16 FISCAL OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 SCHOOL OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-2016 FISC OPEN PO FOR THE REMAINDER OF T CALIFORNIA HEALTHY KIDS SURVEY ISBN # 9780547004655 - SCIENCE LIBRARY BOOKS FOR CAPRI ELEMEN ITEM #1011013 - SEEING STARS K ITEM #1025037 - DECODING WORKB OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-16 FISCAL OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-2016 FISC Amount Charged to Fund 79.31 69.67 65.29 117.48 34.54 31.61 58.25 135.87 195.91 672.64 1,914.40 1,114.15 733.63 149.43 715.35 49,892.50 157.79 800.00 428.64 37.12 55.00 51.08 20.79 5,670.59 143.99 30.66 25.44 26,785.00 1,603.50 3,531.25 12.64 32.00 540.00 842.34 534.17 3,304.70 930.00 102.38 3,460.90 32,475.00 774.02 1,480.00 4,699.00 132.52 481.67 155.78 30.44 56.97 1,169.68 507.60 541.74 687.86 183.82 984.27 589.93 58.95 180.00 18.99 June 2016 Warrant Board List Warrant ID Vendor Name Payment Date 14129951 14129952 14129953 14129954 14129954 14129954 14129954 14129954 14129954 14129954 14129955 14129956 14129957 14129958 14129959 14129960 14129961 14129962 14129963 14129963 14129963 14129963 14129963 14129963 14129963 14129964 14129965 14129966 14129966 14129966 14129967 14129968 14129969 14129970 14129971 14129972 14129973 14129974 14129975 14129976 14129976 14130731 14130731 14130732 14130733 14130734 14130735 14130736 14130736 14130736 14130736 14130737 14130737 14130738 14130738 14130739 14130740 14130740 LEABO FOODS DISTRIBUTION, INC. 6/15/2016 MELISSA HAIDER, MPT 6/15/2016 MAYER REPROGRAPHICS 6/15/2016 MAINTEX 6/15/2016 MAINTEX 6/15/2016 MAINTEX 6/15/2016 MAINTEX 6/15/2016 MAINTEX 6/15/2016 MAINTEX 6/15/2016 MAINTEX 6/15/2016 NORTH COUNTY STUDENT TRANSPORTATION 6/15/2016 NATIONAL UNION FIRE INSURANCE 6/15/2016 NETSTYLE CORP 6/15/2016 OAK GROVE INSTITUTE FOUNDATION INC 6/15/2016 P&R PAPER PRODUCTS 6/15/2016 QUILL 6/15/2016 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC 6/15/2016 SAN DIEGO CTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION 6/15/2016 SOUTHWEST SCHOOL SUPPLY 6/15/2016 SOUTHWEST SCHOOL SUPPLY 6/15/2016 SOUTHWEST SCHOOL SUPPLY 6/15/2016 SOUTHWEST SCHOOL SUPPLY 6/15/2016 SOUTHWEST SCHOOL SUPPLY 6/15/2016 SOUTHWEST SCHOOL SUPPLY 6/15/2016 SOUTHWEST SCHOOL SUPPLY 6/15/2016 SCHOLASTIC CLASSROOM MAGAZINES 6/15/2016 SAN DIEGO REFRIGERATION, INC. 6/15/2016 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC. 6/15/2016 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC. 6/15/2016 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC. 6/15/2016 SEASIDE HEATING & AIR 6/15/2016 SMART & FINAL #427 6/15/2016 S&S BAKERY 6/15/2016 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY 6/15/2016 T.E.R.I. - THE COUNTRY SCHOOL 6/15/2016 USS MIDWAY MUSEUM 6/15/2016 WINKLER INSPECTION SVC. LLC 6/15/2016 LEXIA LEARNING SYSTEMS 6/15/2016 WESS TRANSPORTATION 6/15/2016 ZERO GRAVITY MANAGEMENT, INC. 6/15/2016 ZERO GRAVITY MANAGEMENT, INC. 6/15/2016 APPLE INC 6/16/2016 APPLE INC 6/16/2016 AMAZON.COM LLC 6/16/2016 CONSTRUCTION TESTING & ENG.INC 6/16/2016 CORNERSTONE EDUCATIONAL CONSULTANTS6/16/2016 DEL MAR UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT 6/16/2016 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS, INC. 6/16/2016 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS, INC. 6/16/2016 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS, INC. 6/16/2016 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS, INC. 6/16/2016 GEM INDUSTRIAL ELECTRIC, INC. 6/16/2016 GEM INDUSTRIAL ELECTRIC, INC. 6/16/2016 INNOVATIVE LEARNING CONCEPTS 6/16/2016 INNOVATIVE LEARNING CONCEPTS 6/16/2016 LEE'S LOCK AND SAFE, INC. 6/16/2016 OBR ARCHITECTURE INC. 6/16/2016 OBR ARCHITECTURE INC. 6/16/2016 Invoice Item Description OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-16 FISCAL OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL MR.DIGESTER ODOR- ELIMINATOR, POLISH SINKS/COUNTERS 32 OZ. B SHAMPOO CARPET BONNET MAINSHEE TOWELS, ROLL TYPE 6 ROLLS PER VACUUM BAG, FOR BACKPACK VACUU VACUUM BAG, SHAKE OUT CLOTH FO VACUUM BELT FOR THE SANITAIRE BUS TRANSPORTATION FOR FLORA V LA COSTA HEIGHTS 6TH GRADE STU ITEM #LPY34 - POLYESTER LANYAR OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-16 FISCAL FILE FOLDER HANGING LETTER, 25 PRE-ARRANGED CUSTOMER OUTAGE F REGISTRATION FOR ATTENDANCE TO EASY REACHER, TO PICK UP TRASH LINERS, TRASH FOR 44 GAL CAN20 LINERS, WASTEBASKET ORDER BY T MOP, TOILET BOWL PLASTIC HANDL RAGS, TURKISH COTTON, 25 LBS/C RAZOR BLADES, SINGLE EDGE, 100 ULTRA CLEAN BLEACH 4 PER CASE SCHOLASTIC NEWS 1 SUBSCRIPTION OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL INDEX CARDS 3X5, WHTE, RULED, PUNCH, PAPER, 1 HOLE, 1/4", PL STAPLER, FULL LOAD, BLACK META HVAC SERVICE DISTRICT-WIDE PER Open PO for the 2015-16 fiscal OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-16 FISCAL OPEN PO FOR THE REMAINDER OF T SCHOOL TUITION FOR MASON WEB F CAPRI ELEMENTARY 4TH GRADE FIE INSPECTION SERVICES FOR CARPI LEXIA READING CORE5 STUDENT SU BUS TRANSPORTATION FOR THE SIS REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES SURVEY SERVICES FOR OCEAN KNOL EWASTE FEE IPAD AIR 2 WI-FI 64GB SPACE GR SCHOOL PRO HEAVY DUTY SHARPENE INSPECTION SERVICES FOR GEOTEC OPEN PO FOR INTERNATIONAL BACC OPEN PO FOR THE NORTH COUNTY C ISBN #9780547004655 - SCIENCE ISBN #9780618858286 - SCIENCE LIBRARY BOOK ORDER FOR LA COST LIBRARY BOOKS FOR LA COSTA HEI INSTALLATION OF SCHOOL MARQUEE MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR INSTALL ITEM #TM1814W - TOUCHMATH, UPP ITEM TM1815W - TOUCHMATH, UPP OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-2016 FISC ADDITIONAL MEETINGS, NOT TO EX ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES FOR FAR Amount Charged to Fund 9,863.57 5,330.25 80.00 2,396.05 187.14 1,658.88 1,003.86 51.32 672.62 103.68 690.00 123.20 250.00 12,496.41 2,485.60 207.36 1,072.00 50.00 321.41 2,811.03 972.00 6.09 1,085.40 35.67 300.67 433.14 105.80 324.00 19.18 76.46 957.32 287.44 1,792.60 5,964.58 5,395.53 707.00 140.00 20.00 1,284.00 276.00 1,410.00 2,400.00 383,616.00 34.60 3,101.00 6,693.58 15,844.83 910.44 33.05 3,617.98 911.22 9,197.00 583.00 229.00 229.00 72.64 1,050.00 5,725.00 June 2016 Warrant Board List Warrant ID Vendor Name Payment Date 14130740 14130741 14130742 14130743 14130743 14130744 14130744 14130745 14130746 14131465 14131466 14131467 14131468 14131469 14131470 14131471 14131472 14131473 14131474 14131475 14131476 14131477 14131478 14131479 14131480 14131481 14131482 14131483 14131484 14131485 14131486 14131487 14131488 14131489 14131490 14131491 14132913 14132913 14132913 14132914 14132915 14132916 14132917 14132917 14132917 14132918 14132919 14132919 14132920 14132920 14132921 14132921 14132922 14132923 14132924 14132925 14132926 14132927 OBR ARCHITECTURE INC. 6/16/2016 RANCHO SANTA FE PROTECTIVE 6/16/2016 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC 6/16/2016 VOYAGER FLEET SYSTEMS INC 6/16/2016 VOYAGER FLEET SYSTEMS INC 6/16/2016 VECTOR RESOURCES INC 6/16/2016 VECTOR RESOURCES INC 6/16/2016 LEANNE CONSTANTINE VENNEMEYER 6/16/2016 KIM VICKERY 6/16/2016 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES 6/17/2016 APLUS ELECTRONICS, INC. 6/17/2016 ACSA FOUNDATION FOR ED.ADMIN. 6/17/2016 AT&T 6/17/2016 LANI ASATO 6/17/2016 KONO BLACKBURN 6/17/2016 CARD 6/17/2016 DEPENDABLE NURSING 6/17/2016 DAVIS DEMOGRAPHICS 6/17/2016 CHERYLANN L DEERING 6/17/2016 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS, INC. 6/17/2016 GINGER WOOD'S SPEECH & LANGUAGE SERVICES 6/17/2016 CHERIE HEID 6/17/2016 LEE'S LOCK AND SAFE, INC. 6/17/2016 ANGELICA LOPEZ 6/17/2016 KIMBERLY LAKIN 6/17/2016 MAYER REPROGRAPHICS 6/17/2016 MAINTEX 6/17/2016 GAYLE MESTEL 6/17/2016 OPNW OFFICE INTERIOR CONCEPTS 6/17/2016 ALISON ODEN 6/17/2016 PROGRESSUS THERAPY LLC 6/17/2016 JENNIFER RACINE 6/17/2016 CASSIE RICHARDSON 6/17/2016 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY 6/17/2016 ASHLEY TARQUIN 6/17/2016 ERIN TERRY 6/17/2016 APPLE INC 6/21/2016 APPLE INC 6/21/2016 APPLE INC 6/21/2016 BJ RENTAL STORE, INC. 6/21/2016 BOOKPAL, LLC 6/21/2016 COAST 2 COAST COACHING 6/21/2016 CHEFS' TOYS & STAR RESTAURANT EQUIP 6/21/2016 CHEFS' TOYS & STAR RESTAURANT EQUIP 6/21/2016 CHEFS' TOYS & STAR RESTAURANT EQUIP 6/21/2016 DISCOVERING JUSTICE 6/21/2016 EAST BAY RESTAURANT SUPPLY INC 6/21/2016 EAST BAY RESTAURANT SUPPLY INC 6/21/2016 FUN AND FUNCTION 6/21/2016 FUN AND FUNCTION 6/21/2016 JOHN M. GERARDY DBA GERARDY PHOTOGRAPHY 6/21/2016 JOHN M. GERARDY DBA GERARDY PHOTOGRAPHY 6/21/2016 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE STORES INC 6/21/2016 LOW VOLTAGE 6/21/2016 SCHOOL SERVICES OF CA. INC. 6/21/2016 SAN DIEGUITO TROPHY 6/21/2016 SEASIDE HEATING & AIR 6/21/2016 REGENTS OF THE UNIV. OF CALIFORNIA 6/21/2016 Invoice Item Description TASK 3: PERMITTING (SEE 10-14OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-2016 FISC GAS AND ELECTRIC CHARGES FOR T OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-16 FISCAL OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL LABOR COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH TH OnSSI MEDIA SERVER - INTEL COR OPEN PO for 2015-16 WITH L VEN WEEKLY RENTAL OF WORKSHIRTS FO OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL OPEN PO FOR THE 2016-17 FISCAL CALNET TELEPHONE SERVICE FOR T OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-16 FISCAL OPEN PO FOR NURSING SERVICES F OPEN PO FOR THE REMAINDER OF T MEDICARE REIM MAY-AUG 31, 2016 LIBRARY BOOK ORDER FOR EUSD'S OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-2016 FISC REIM - INTERVIEW SNACK PURCH OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL VACUUM BAG, FOR BACKPACK VACUU ENVELOPES, WINDOW W/D.O. RETUR OPEN PO FOR THE 2014-15 FISCAL OPEN PO FOR THE REMAINDER OF 2 REFUND - SS DEDUCTION ERROR OPEN PO FOR THE REMAINDER OF T MILEAGE REIM - APR-JUN 2016 MILEAGE REIM - MAY 2016 E-WASTE FEE / RECYCLING FEE IPAD AIR 2, WI-FI 16GB - SPACE IPAD AIR 2, WI-FI, 16 GB - SPA OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-2016 FISC ITEM # 9780698119567 - PHOEBE COAST-2-COAST LUNCHTIME EXERCI ITEM # SMF34Y-1-S - BEV AIR SC ITEM # VCSWRHD - CAMBRO VERSA REFRIGERATION DELIVERY SET UP TEACHER RESOURCE CURRICULUM GU MODEL NO. H-137-UA-12D - CABIN MODEL No. H-137-UA-12D - CABIN ITEM # CF 5886 - COZY CANOE, P ITEM # EQ4150 - JOKI HANGING C BLANK ID CARDS (SET OF 100) COLOR RIBBON FOR ZENIUS COLOR OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-2016 FISC OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-16 FISCAL OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL ITEM # TC366BL - METEOR STAR A HVAC SERVICE DISTRICT-WIDE PER OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL Amount Charged to Fund 800.00 585.00 987.27 222.65 1,964.18 1,000.00 2,301.75 1,250.00 18.50 113.04 1,080.00 246.00 177.38 13.00 14.00 8,769.00 730.00 4,250.00 1,096.20 761.47 2,400.00 100.00 364.56 30.45 26.00 44.10 119.75 7.00 567.00 14.00 4,480.00 1,200.00 364.46 503.39 77.81 26.68 41.19 1,608.09 4,069.20 36.00 168.99 2,992.00 7,001.09 9,310.20 150.00 575.00 18,632.16 14,905.73 111.86 124.29 30.24 81.00 53.19 1,238.24 295.00 155.52 195.00 60.00 June 2016 Warrant Board List Warrant ID Vendor Name Payment Date 14132928 14132929 14133642 14133643 14133643 14133644 14133645 14133646 14133647 14133647 14133647 14133647 14133648 14133649 14133650 14133651 14133652 14133653 14133654 14133655 14133655 14133655 14133655 14133656 14133657 14133657 14133657 14133657 14133657 14133657 14133657 14133657 14133657 14133657 14133657 14133658 14133659 14133660 14133661 14133662 14134867 14134868 14134868 14134869 14134870 14134871 14134872 14134873 14134873 14134874 14134874 14134875 14134876 14134877 14134878 14134879 14134880 14134881 VIRCO MFG. CORP. WESS TRANSPORTATION ARMSTRONG GARDEN CENTER AMAZON.COM LLC AMAZON.COM LLC DIXIELINE LUMBER DEPENDABLE NURSING DAILY JOURNAL CORPORATION CHEFS' TOYS & STAR RESTAURANT EQUIP CHEFS' TOYS & STAR RESTAURANT EQUIP CHEFS' TOYS & STAR RESTAURANT EQUIP CHEFS' TOYS & STAR RESTAURANT EQUIP EWING IRRIGATION GRANGETTO'S FARM & GARDEN KONICA MINOLTA LAWN MOWERS PLUS INC. MAINTEX PERMA-BOUND BOOKS SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC SIMPLER LIFE EMERGENCY SIMPLER LIFE EMERGENCY SIMPLER LIFE EMERGENCY SIMPLER LIFE EMERGENCY SAN DIEGUITO TROPHY SOUTHWEST SCHOOL SUPPLY SOUTHWEST SCHOOL SUPPLY SOUTHWEST SCHOOL SUPPLY SOUTHWEST SCHOOL SUPPLY SOUTHWEST SCHOOL SUPPLY SOUTHWEST SCHOOL SUPPLY SOUTHWEST SCHOOL SUPPLY SOUTHWEST SCHOOL SUPPLY SOUTHWEST SCHOOL SUPPLY SOUTHWEST SCHOOL SUPPLY SOUTHWEST SCHOOL SUPPLY TARGET SPECIALTY PRODUCTS ULINE VAUGHN IRRIGATION SERVICES,INC VERIZON WIRELESS, PARTS YMCA ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES CHERYL ANDERSON CHERYL ANDERSON BRIGGS TREE FARM AMANDA CAIN DS SVC OF AMERICA, INC DBA SPARKLETTS OLGA VERONICA GONZALEZ HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES HYPHENET, INC. HYPHENET, INC. LEICHTAG FOUNDATION MAGDALENA ECKE FAMILY YMCA MAYER REPROGRAPHICS MIM MICHELOVE PERMA-BOUND BOOKS PAPA SAN DIEGUITO TROPHY 6/21/2016 6/21/2016 6/22/2016 6/22/2016 6/22/2016 6/22/2016 6/22/2016 6/22/2016 6/22/2016 6/22/2016 6/22/2016 6/22/2016 6/22/2016 6/22/2016 6/22/2016 6/22/2016 6/22/2016 6/22/2016 6/22/2016 6/22/2016 6/22/2016 6/22/2016 6/22/2016 6/22/2016 6/22/2016 6/22/2016 6/22/2016 6/22/2016 6/22/2016 6/22/2016 6/22/2016 6/22/2016 6/22/2016 6/22/2016 6/22/2016 6/22/2016 6/22/2016 6/22/2016 6/22/2016 6/22/2016 6/23/2016 6/23/2016 6/23/2016 6/23/2016 6/23/2016 6/23/2016 6/23/2016 6/23/2016 6/23/2016 6/23/2016 6/23/2016 6/23/2016 6/23/2016 6/23/2016 6/23/2016 6/23/2016 6/23/2016 6/23/2016 Invoice Item Description ITEM # ZROCK18 - CHAIR, ZUMA S BUS TRANSPORTATION FOR OCEAN K OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL MOTOROLA BP40 VHF 8 CHANNEL 5 MOTOROLA MAG ONE BPR40 BATTERY OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-2016 FISC OPEN PO FOR NURSING SERVICES F OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL ITEM #98268031 - GROSSFILLEX U ITEM #SMF34Y-1-S - BEV AIR SCH ITEM #VCSWRHD - CAMBRO VERSA C MARKET UMBRELLA BASE, 16" STEM OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-2016 FISC OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-2016 FISC MONTHLY LEASE FOR 25 COPY MACH OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-2016 FISC ITEM #S2 F030BU - SUPER SOAKER LIBRARY BOOKS FOR FLORA VISTA GAS AND ELECTRIC CHARGES FOR T ITEM #0300021 - WATER POUCHES ITEM #0702011 - EMERGENCY BLAN ITEM #0801060 - LUGGABLE LOO ( ITEM #1002020-3 - 12 HOUR GREE 2015-16 OPEN PO , NOT TO EXCEE ENVELOPES 10X13, GUMMED W/FAST ERASER WHITE BOARD FELT SANFOR PAPER CLIPS #1 REGULAR 10 BOXE PAPER CLIPS JUMBO 10BOXES/PK PEN, DRY ERASE, BLACK, CHISEL PEN, DRY ERASE, RED, CHISEL TI SCISSORS, 5", POINTED TIP FOR SCISSORS, TEACHERS, 7", SHARP STAPLES, STANDARD POINT, FULL TAGBOARD, PLAIN, WHITE 100 SHE TAPE DISPENSER, 3/4" PLASTIC OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-2016 FISC ITEM # H-2917 - ADJUSTABLE WID OPEN PO FOR BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY LG-VN251S LG COSMOS 3 UPGRADE PLAYGROUND PARTNERS SERVICES F WEEKLY RENTAL OF WORKSHIRTS FO REIM - CLASSROOM SUPPLIES OPEN PURCHASE ORDER FOR 2015-1 OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-16 FISCAL MILEAGE REIM - MAY 2016 OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-2016 FISC OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL EWASTE FEE P2717H 27" LED LCD HDMI/VGA MO MOU WITH LEICHTAG FOUNDATION F OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-16 FISCAL OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL REIM - FARM LAB SUPPLIES PAPA MEMBERSHIP FOR ERIC SMITH OPEN PO FOR EMPLOYEE AND RETIR Amount Charged to Fund 79.61 415.00 55.20 366.59 25.98 210.87 3,170.00 20.15 958.31 7,059.36 4,693.84 372.05 873.78 370.57 4,428.61 405.98 100.14 1,612.27 20,953.80 148.36 24.11 182.37 66.33 46.40 194.72 946.09 138.24 405.00 353.81 353.81 776.82 228.10 129.60 853.80 24.62 1,939.67 727.11 560.62 14.38 540.00 54.90 57.80 49.99 47.87 225.00 239.88 41.96 3,409.66 274.72 4.00 356.40 577.75 13,239.60 503.59 771.88 59.94 45.00 1,220.94 June 2016 Warrant Board List Warrant ID Vendor Name 14134882 14134883 14134884 14134885 14134886 14134887 14134888 14134888 14135984 14135985 14135986 14135987 14135988 14135989 14135990 14135990 14135991 14135992 14135993 14135994 14135995 14135995 14135996 14135997 14135998 14135999 14136000 14136001 14136002 14136003 14136004 14136005 14136006 14137265 14137266 14137266 14137267 14137267 14137267 14137267 14137267 14137267 14137267 14137267 14137267 14137268 14137269 14137269 14137270 14137271 14137272 14137273 14137273 14137274 14137275 14137276 14137277 14137278 SAN DIEGO ZOO SHRED-IT USA LLC PAT SPIRIT MARGARET TORRES VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS, PARTS WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY AMERICAN PRODUCE DISTRIBUTORS A&R WHOLESALE DIST. INC CHRISTY WHITE ACCOUNTANCY CORP DRIFTWOOD DAIRY, INC. DIGA-LO FAGEN FRIEDMAN & FULFROST LLP FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS, INC. FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS, INC. GRAYBAR ELECTRIC GO GREEN AGRICULTURE, INC. GOODMAN FOOD PRODUCTS INC. HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES HYPHENET, INC. HYPHENET, INC. KONICA MINOLTA LEE'S LOCK AND SAFE, INC. LEABO FOODS DISTRIBUTION, INC. PERMA-BOUND BOOKS P&R PAPER PRODUCTS UNITED SITE SERVICES SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC SUPPLYWORKS SMART & FINAL #427 S&S BAKERY VERIZON WIRELESS, PARTS AMERICAN TIME & SIGNAL CO. ACCU-CUT ACCU-CUT AMAZON.COM LLC AMAZON.COM LLC AMAZON.COM LLC AMAZON.COM LLC AMAZON.COM LLC AMAZON.COM LLC AMAZON.COM LLC AMAZON.COM LLC AMAZON.COM LLC BJ RENTAL STORE, INC. CEILINGS BY GEORGE INC. CEILINGS BY GEORGE INC. COAST 2 COAST COACHING DUNN-EDWARDS CORPORATION DIGA-LO GST INC. GST INC. HEINEMANN LEE'S LOCK AND SAFE, INC. PERMA-BOUND BOOKS PEARSON EDUCATION PATHWAY COMMUNICATIONS Payment Date 6/23/2016 6/23/2016 6/23/2016 6/23/2016 6/23/2016 6/23/2016 6/23/2016 6/23/2016 6/27/2016 6/27/2016 6/27/2016 6/27/2016 6/27/2016 6/27/2016 6/27/2016 6/27/2016 6/27/2016 6/27/2016 6/27/2016 6/27/2016 6/27/2016 6/27/2016 6/27/2016 6/27/2016 6/27/2016 6/27/2016 6/27/2016 6/27/2016 6/27/2016 6/27/2016 6/27/2016 6/27/2016 6/27/2016 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 Invoice Item Description FLORA VISTA KINDERGARTEN STUDE OPEN PO FOR 2015/16 FISCAL YEA MILEAGE REIM - JUNE 2016 MEDICARE REIM - JUN-DEC 2015 VERIZON PHONE PLANS FOR EUSD 2 REPLACE DAMAGED DEVICE NUMBER CLEANER, DRY ERASE WHITE BOARD DUSTER, 30"-59" EXTENDABLE HAN OPEN PO FOR THE PURCHASE OF PR OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL AUDITING SERVICES FOR ENCINITA OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-16 FISCAL OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL ISBN #9780547004655 - SCIENCE LIBRARY BOOKS FOR MISSION ESTA OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-2016 FISC OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-16 FISCAL OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-16 FISCAL E WASTE FEE MICROSOFT SURFACE PRO 4 COMPUT OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-2016 FISC OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL LIBRARY BOOKS FOR PARK DALE LA OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-16 FISCAL OPEN PO FOR 2015-2016 FISCAL Y GAS AND ELECTRIC CHARGES FOR T OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-2016 FISC Open PO for the 2015-16 fiscal OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-16 FISCAL SAMSUNG CONVOY 3 PUSH TO TALK OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-2016 FISC ITEM #DS151J - DIE CUT GIFT TA ITEM #H1210J - HEART #2 / 9 15 Avery Weatherproof Laser Shipp ETA hand2mind, Plastice Hanhel Learning Resource Jumbo Tweeze Learning Resource Primary Scie Learning Resources Precision S Learning Resources Student The Nesco SB-01 Stainless Steel El RODE SM4 MICROPHONE SHOCK MOUN Rubbermaid 1785784 Clear Rough OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-2016 FISC LABOR CHARGES FOR REMOVAL/INST REMOVE EXISTING 2 X 4 CEILING LUNCHTIME RECESS CO-ED SOCCER OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-2016 FISC OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL DA-LITE 40197 - PROJECTION SCR DA-LITE PROJECTION SCREENS BRA ISBN 978-0-325-02776-0 / 0-325 OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-2016 FISC LISTED BOOKS OF VARIOUS TITLES ISBN # 9781428405295 - DRA2 KEPSON PROJECTOR, LCD MULTI MED Amount Charged to Fund 325.00 708.03 5.89 734.30 2,305.85 7.19 321.41 309.48 2,052.06 1,713.48 4,961.25 246.03 289.00 4,625.18 1,289.79 313.67 5,148.92 360.00 150.53 108.87 24.00 10,281.60 3,270.22 217.88 3,332.99 1,853.57 829.07 147.21 40,174.96 1,135.07 178.97 427.89 11.99 2,092.69 161.54 48.46 31.27 54.69 30.33 91.54 109.77 43.72 21.59 66.14 457.68 54.00 1,310.00 918.00 2,304.00 93.16 1,372.76 96.44 14.03 2,723.76 61.94 1,376.34 1,121.39 484.70 June 2016 Warrant Board List Warrant ID Vendor Name 14137279 14137279 14137279 14137279 14137279 14137280 14137281 14137282 14137283 14137284 14137284 14137284 14137284 14138498 14138498 14138498 14138499 14138500 14138501 14138502 14138503 14138504 14138504 14138504 14138504 14138504 14138504 14138504 14138504 14138504 14138504 14138504 14138504 14138506 14138507 14138508 14138509 14138510 14138510 14138510 14138510 14138510 14138510 14138510 14138510 14138510 14138510 14138510 14138510 14138510 14138510 14138510 14138510 14138510 14138510 14138510 14138510 14138511 SOUTHWEST SCHOOL SUPPLY SOUTHWEST SCHOOL SUPPLY SOUTHWEST SCHOOL SUPPLY SOUTHWEST SCHOOL SUPPLY SOUTHWEST SCHOOL SUPPLY S&S BAKERY SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY TARGET SPECIALTY PRODUCTS VECTOR RESOURCES INC WESS TRANSPORTATION WESS TRANSPORTATION WESS TRANSPORTATION WESS TRANSPORTATION AMAZON.COM LLC AMAZON.COM LLC AMAZON.COM LLC AT&T SUSAN BROMLEY DIGA-LO JENNIFER DUNLAP KEVIN DEVANEY OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT ENCINITAS FORD FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS, INC. ANGELA FILLOON GAMETRUCK INLAND EMPIRE HEINEMANN HEINEMANN HEINEMANN HEINEMANN HEINEMANN HEINEMANN HEINEMANN HEINEMANN HEINEMANN HEINEMANN HEINEMANN HEINEMANN HEINEMANN HEINEMANN HEINEMANN HEINEMANN HEINEMANN HEINEMANN HEINEMANN HEINEMANN IXL LEARNING Payment Date 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 Invoice Item Description ERASERS, PENCIL, SOFT PINK 3 D FASTENERS, PAPER, ROUND HEAD 1 PAINT, FINGER, BROWN, 16 OZ.12 PEN, DRY ERASE, BLUE, CHISEL P PEN, DRY ERASE, GREEN, CHISEL OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-16 FISCAL OPEN PO FOR THE REMAINDER OF T OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-2016 FISC OPEN-PO FOR 2015-16 FISCAL YEA BUS TO TRANSPORTATION FOR PARK BUS TRANSPORTATION FOR CAPRI E BUS TRANSPORTATION FOR LA COST BUS TRANSPORTATION FOR PARK DA CABLE EXTENSION SUPERSPEED USB MOREAD DISPLAYPORT TO VGA ADAP STAND IN MY SHOES KIDS LEARNI CALNET TELEPHONE SERVICE FOR T TRANSLATIONS for 2015-2016 OPE 839236286001 / 839742086001 OPE - 2015/16 OPEN PO, NOT TO OPEN P.O. FOR 2015/16 FISCAL Y OPEN PO FOR 2015-16 SCHOOL YEA OPEN PO FOR 2015/16, NOT TO EX OPEN PO FOR TE 2015/16 FISCAL OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-16 FISCAL OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-2016 FISC OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 SCHOOL Open P.O. for Capri for the 20 PAPER, XEROX 8 1/2X14 WHITE 10 OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-2016 FISC LIBRARY BOOKS FOR OLIVENHAIN P EUSD - ASPIRE SUMMER PROGRAM ISBN 978-0-325-00655-0 - FOUNT ISBN 978-0-325-00656-7 - PINNE ISBN 978-0-325-00657-4 - PINNE ISBN 978-0-325-01061-8 - FOUNT ISBN 978-0-325-01062-5 FOUNTAS ISBN 978-0-325-01063-2 - FOUNT ISBN 978-0-325-01064-9 - FOUNT ISBN 978-0-325-02776-0 - FOUNT ISBN 978-0-325-02823-1 - FOUNT ISBN 978-0-325-04708-9 - CALKI ISBN 978-0-325-04709-6 - CALKI ISBN 978-0-325-04710-2 - CALKI ISBN 978-0-325-04711-9 - CALKI ISBN 978-0-325-04714-0 - CALKI ISBN 978-0-325-04753-9 - CALKI ISBN 978-0-325-04754-6 - CALKI ISBN 978-0-325-04755-3 - CALKI ISBN 978-0-325-04756-0 - CALKI ISBN 978-0-325-04757-7 - CALKI ISBN 978-0-325-04758-4 - CALKI UPGRADE IXL SITE LICENSE (30 T Amount Charged to Fund 305.68 64.80 42.51 353.81 353.81 445.86 244.31 1,204.89 250.00 471.00 942.00 982.50 417.00 33.29 53.45 21.94 142.82 8.40 481.62 43.00 28.00 76.88 49.34 236.01 266.09 179.22 12.72 454.30 29.24 109.55 360.18 25.81 212.50 107.95 4,617.19 24.00 750.00 70.13 70.13 105.20 622.85 622.85 778.56 798.45 1,383.55 1,383.57 463.57 463.57 463.57 463.57 624.03 520.62 520.62 539.12 780.93 1,041.26 1,041.26 48.00 June 2016 Warrant Board List Warrant ID Vendor Name Payment Date 14138512 14138513 14138514 14138515 14138516 14138517 14138518 14138519 14138520 14138521 14138522 14138523 14138523 14138523 14138523 14140092 14140093 14140094 14140095 14140096 14140097 14140098 14140099 14140100 14140101 14140102 14140103 14140103 14140104 14140105 14140106 14140107 14140108 14140109 14140110 14140111 14140112 14140113 14140114 14140115 14140116 14140117 14140118 14140119 14140120 14140121 14140121 14140122 14140123 14140124 14140125 14140126 14140127 14140128 14140129 14140130 14140131 14140132 KELLY MARTIN CAPONETTO 6/29/2016 CHRISTIE KAY 6/29/2016 AMY LEON 6/29/2016 MIM MICHELOVE 6/29/2016 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC. 6/29/2016 REUBEN H. FLEET SCIENCE CENTER 6/29/2016 LELAND RITCHIE 6/29/2016 SAN DIEGUITO WATER DISTRICT 6/29/2016 SAN MARCOS UNIFIED 6/29/2016 CELESTINA SACHS 6/29/2016 VERIZON WIRELESS, PARTS 6/29/2016 WESS TRANSPORTATION 6/29/2016 WESS TRANSPORTATION 6/29/2016 WESS TRANSPORTATION 6/29/2016 WESS TRANSPORTATION 6/29/2016 SHANKAR ARCOT 6/30/2016 BEST BEST & KRIEGER LLP 6/30/2016 DANNIELLE BROOK 6/30/2016 SUSAN BARTSHE 6/30/2016 KELLY BUTLER 6/30/2016 BROOK BUTLER 6/30/2016 ERIN BUTSON 6/30/2016 JACKIE CONNOLLY 6/30/2016 NATALIE CHRIST 6/30/2016 CHG MEDICAL STAFFING, INC. 6/30/2016 DIBELS DATA SYSTEM 6/30/2016 DIGA-LO 6/30/2016 DIGA-LO 6/30/2016 LISSA DAWSON 6/30/2016 DENISE DONAR 6/30/2016 ENCINITAS UNION SCHOOL DISTRCT 6/30/2016 OFFICE DEPOT 6/30/2016 FIREHAWK 6/30/2016 GRANGETTO'S FARM & GARDEN 6/30/2016 MALAIN GAINES 6/30/2016 SUSIE GOTO 6/30/2016 HEINEMANN 6/30/2016 HYPHENET, INC. 6/30/2016 CARL HULLE 6/30/2016 CHRISTIE KAY 6/30/2016 ASHLEY KATES 6/30/2016 NANCY KAMP 6/30/2016 MISSION FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 6/30/2016 ALICE MUELLER 6/30/2016 OBR ARCHITECTURE INC. 6/30/2016 PERMA-BOUND BOOKS 6/30/2016 PERMA-BOUND BOOKS 6/30/2016 PITNEY BOWES GLOBAL FIN. SERV. 6/30/2016 PERRY LEUNG 6/30/2016 HEATHER PAPANDREA 6/30/2016 JENNIFER NICOLE RICHTER 6/30/2016 SAN MARCOS UNIFIED 6/30/2016 SUTTON TREE SERVICE, INC 6/30/2016 STATER BROS. MARKET 6/30/2016 CAROL SKILJAN 6/30/2016 STRAIGHT LINE GENERAL CONTRACTORS, INC.6/30/2016 JULIE STANSELL 6/30/2016 SULLIVAN SOLAR POWER OF CA, INC. 6/30/2016 Invoice Item Description CONSULTING SERVICES FOR THE 20 Reimb. Bulletin boards Reimb.Supplies Reim. Supplies OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-2016 FISC FLORA VISTA 5TH GRADE STUDENT WATER SERVICES FOR THE 2015/16 LUNCH FOR PARENTS AND STUDENTS Mileage Reimb. 16 days SAMSUNG CONVOY 3 PUSH TO TALK BUS TRANSPORTATION FOR FLORA V BUS TRANSPORTATION FOR OCEAN K BUS TRANSPORTATION FOR OLIVENH FEE FOR ADDITIONAL HOURS (.5 / OPEN PO FORT HE 2015/16 FISCAL SOC SEC REIM - 06/2016 REIM - SCHOOL SUPPLIES REIM - IB CONFERENCE REIM - IB CONFERENCE REIM - IB CONFERENCE REIM - MEDICAL PREM 06-07 2016 MILEAGE REIM - FEB AND MAR '16 OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-16 FISCAL PAUL ECKE CENTRAL ELEMENTARY OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL MILEAGE REIM - MARCH 2016 CSN conference 04/26/16 REVOLVING REIM F/2303,04,07 PO 1185 - LC OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-2016 FISC OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-2016 FISC REIM - PPD REIM - POSTAGE 6TH GR CAMP PO 2253 - FOUNTAS & PINNELL LI ITEM # MFR# PK496 - DELL IMAGI Reimb. supplies REIM - PART FOR KEYBOARD LC REIM - IB CONFERENCE Reimb. Mileage 130395 - SCHEMATIC DESIGN AND LIBRARY BOOKS FOR OCEAN KNOLL PO 2391 - FV OPEN PO FOR PITNEY BOWES QUART REIM - IB CONFERENCE CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVE TUITION FOR STUDENT (#14002585 OPEN PO FOR THE 2015-2016 FISC OPEN PO FOR THE 2015/16 FISCAL Travel Expense Washington DC OCEAN KNOLL MODERNIZATION PROJ REIM - IB CONFERENCE SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC PROJECT AT Amount Charged to Fund 75.00 29.65 29.19 530.74 971.03 658.00 7.50 2,230.40 300.00 400.00 11.99 476.00 830.00 2,461.50 91.50 99.50 1,635.40 799.02 156.60 106.67 186.76 203.57 341.00 94.61 2,079.00 10.00 22.67 2,853.17 98.28 50.00 2,211.79 53.22 2,474.40 15.44 500.00 22.95 27.15 58.20 86.00 128.70 32.39 44.02 9,043.38 12.96 6,850.00 2,728.74 20.12 543.75 9.50 184.12 6,300.00 19,320.53 2,000.00 943.24 1,920.83 260,842.78 279.27 652,365.95 June 2016 Warrant Board List Warrant ID Vendor Name 14140132 14140133 14140134 14140135 14140136 14140137 14140138 14140138 14140138 14140139 14140140 14140141 SULLIVAN SOLAR POWER OF CA, INC. SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY TROXELL COMMUNICATIONS T.E.R.I. - THE COUNTRY SCHOOL TANDUS CENTIVA US, LLC KATHY TIRAL WESS TRANSPORTATION WESS TRANSPORTATION WESS TRANSPORTATION LESLIE WRIGHT LUCRETIA WOOLF GERRY ANN YARYAN Payment Date 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 Invoice Item Description SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC PROJECT PER OPEN PO FOR THE REMAINDER OF T ITEM #SSI SSLFX79E2 - STARBOAR SCHOOL TUITION FOR MASON WEB F PO 2363 - FINAL INVOICE REIM - FOUND BOOK - PDL PO 1375 - EC PO 2346 - OK PO 2425 - PE REIM - MEDICARE FOR 07.2016 Medicare Reimb. June 2016 Total Amount Charged to Fund 2,010,101.20 51.57 2,408.40 1,541.58 5,361.47 25.00 982.50 921.50 525.00 52.27 243.60 121.80 4,906,229.41 ENCINITAS UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM: 9.e. MEETING DATE: July 19, 2016 ¨ n ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Recognition Roll Call Vote Required District Target: Legal Compliance Subject: RATIFICATION OF PURCHASE ORDERS Background: A listing of all purchase orders shall be submitted to the Governing Board per Education Code Section 17605. The issuance of purchase orders requires ratification by the Board on a monthly basis. Attachments: A list of Purchase Activity from June 1, 2016 through June 30, 2016. Fiscal Impact: $2,020,112.82 Recommendation: Ratify and approve purchase orders issued from June 1, 2016 through June 30, 2016. Prepared by: Ami Shackelford Assistant Superintendent of Business Services Submitted by: Timothy B. Baird, Ed.D., Superintendent ___________________________________________________________________________________ MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: PURCHASING - JANUARY 2015 ENCINITAS UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT FROM 01/01/15 THRU 01/31/15 PO NUMBER PO DATE 0000002478 0000002479 0000002480 0000002481 0000002482 0000002483 0000002484 0000002485 0000002486 0000002487 0000002488 0000002489 0000002490 0000002491 0000002492 0000002493 0000002494 0000002495 0000002496 0000002497 0000002498 0000002499 0000002500 0000002501 0000002502 0000002503 0000002503 0000002504 0000002505 0000002506 0000002507 0000002508 0000002509 0000002511 0000002522 0000002523 0000002524 0000002526 0000002528 0000002529 0000002530 0000002532 06/01/16 06/02/16 06/02/16 06/02/16 06/02/16 06/02/16 06/02/16 06/02/16 06/03/16 06/03/16 06/04/16 06/04/16 06/04/16 06/04/16 06/06/16 06/06/16 06/06/16 06/06/16 06/06/16 06/07/16 06/08/16 06/09/16 06/09/16 06/09/16 06/10/16 06/10/16 06/10/16 06/13/16 06/13/16 06/13/16 06/13/16 06/13/16 06/13/16 06/14/16 06/15/16 06/16/16 06/16/16 06/17/16 06/17/16 06/20/16 06/20/16 06/20/16 OPERATING UNIT 0100 SOUTHWEST SCHOOL SUPPLY 610 0100 WESS TRANSPORTATION 181 0100 ULINE 640 0100 OFFICE DEPOT 610 0100 OPNW OFFICE INTERIOR CONCEPTS 610 0100 QUILL 610 0100 SOUTHWEST SCHOOL SUPPLY 610 0100 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC. 610 0100 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO - DEPT OF AGRICULTUR 191 0100 PAPA 443 0100 CAMEO PAPER & JANITORIAL SUPPLY 610 0100 MAINTEX 610 0100 SOUTHWEST SCHOOL SUPPLY 610 0100 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 610 0100 HAWTHORNE LIFT SYSTEMS 610 1300 CYBERSOFT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 640 0100 GEM INDUSTRIAL ELECTRIC, INC. 161 0100 VERIZON WIRELESS, PARTS 600 0100 VERIZON WIRELESS, PARTS 600 2139 IMPACT CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC. 590 0100 AMAZON.COM LLC 415 0100 VERIZON WIRELESS, PARTS 600 0100 HYPHENET, INC. 160 0100 SAN MARCOS UNIFIED 551 2139 COSOGO LLC 590 0100 SEASIDE HEATING & AIR 444 0100 SEASIDE HEATING & AIR 444 0100 EDCO WASTE & RECYCLING SERVICE 650 4000 DAVE BANG ASSOC.,INC 495 0100 PRESIDIO NETWORKED SOLUTIONS, INC. 415 0100 NETXPERTS, INC. 415 2139 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC 590 0100 SAN DIEGO CTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION 190 0100 HYPHENET, INC. 600 0100 DIBELS DATA SYSTEM 190 0100 SAN DIEGO RESTAURANT SUPPLY 640 0100 SAN MARCOS UNIFIED 503 0100 AMAZON.COM LLC 500 0100 EDUCATIONAL TESTING SERVICE 500 2139 MA STEVENS CONSTRUCTION 590 2139 MA STEVENS CONSTRUCTION 590 0100 HEINEMANN 130 FUND SUPPLIER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT STORES FIELD TRIPS-TRANSPORTATION NON-CAPITALIZED EQUIPMENT STORES STORES STORES STORES STORES PROF/CONSULT SRV&OPERATE EXP TRAVEL AND CONFERENCES STORES STORES STORES STORES RENTL,LEASE,REPAIR&NON-CAP IMP PROF/CONSULT SRV&OPERATE EXP PROF/CONSULT SRV&OPERATE EXP MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES BUILDINGS&IMPROVMNTS OF BUILDS MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES OTH TUIT-X COST/DEFIC PMTS-SCH MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES NON-CAPITALIZED EQUIPMENT PROF/CONSULT SRV&OPERATE EXP UTIL/HSKP-WASTE DISPOSAL BUILDINGS&IMPROVMNTS OF BUILDS EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT PROF/CONSULT SRV&OPERATE EXP TRAVEL AND CONFERENCES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES PROF/CONSULT SRV&OPERATE EXP NON-CAPITALIZED EQUIPMENT MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES BUILDINGS&IMPROVMNTS OF BUILDS BUILDINGS&IMPROVMNTS OF BUILDS MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES $ 1,085.40 $ 453.00 $ 727.10 $ 212.50 $ 567.00 $ 207.36 $ 4,404.60 $ 419.64 $ 99.00 $ 160.00 $ 102.38 $ 6,193.29 $ 4,506.32 $ 630.89 $ 727.16 $ 11,750.00 $ 9,780.00 $ 12.00 $ 12.00 $ 83,810.00 $ 92.97 $ 8.19 $ 58.20 $ 19,320.53 $ 19,440.00 $ 3,090.00 $ 1,920.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 23,982.75 $ 167,858.35 $ 167,902.82 $ 1,072.00 $ 50.00 $ 360.40 $ 10.00 $ 36,077.12 $ 300.00 $ 65.24 $ 504.47 $ 1,124,778.00 $ 326,135.00 $ 27.14 $ 2,020,112.82 ENCINITAS UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM: 9.f. MEETING DATE: July 19, 2016 ¨ Action n Consent Calendar ¨ First Reading ¨ Information ¨ Presentation ¨ Public Hearing o Recognition ¨ Roll Call Vote Required District Target: Legal Compliance Subject: RATIFY APPROVAL TO BID LANDSCAPING AT PARK DALE LANE Background: Public Contract Code 22030 specifies any public works project involving expenditure of more than $45,000 but less than $175,000 can be informally bid under the California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act (CUPCCAA). This project falls under the guidelines of CUPCCAA. This project is part of new installation of solar arrays at the site. Due to placement of the structure, the front of the school will need to be landscaped. Attachments: None Fiscal Impact: Competitive Bidding Process, Cost to Be Determined Recommendation: All efforts will be made to present to the Board of Trustees for award of bid at the completion of the bidding process. In the event that timing of the award does not coincide with a Board meeting, the Board authorizes the Assistant Superintendent of Business Services to bid, award (or reject) the bid, and approve change orders as necessary for the landscape project. Prepared by: Ami Shackelford, Assistant Superintendent of Business Services Submitted by: Timothy Baird, Ed.D., Superintendent ___________________________________________________________________________________ MOTIONED BY: SECONDED BY: PASSED AND ADOPTED by said Board of Trustees on July 19, 2016, by the following vote: AYES: _____ MEMBERS NOES: _____ MEMBERS ABSTAIN: _____ MEMBERS ABSENT: _____ MEMBERS STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) SS I,_____________________________, Clerk of the Board of Trustees, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true, and correct copy of a resolution duly passed and adopted by said Board at a regularly called and conducted meeting held on said date. ENCINITAS UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM: 9.g. MEETING DATE: July 19, 2016 Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing o Recognition o Roll Call Vote Required o █ o ¨ ¨ o District Target: Legal Compliance Subject: APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER FOR ENVIROPLEX, INC. Background: It is recommended the Board of Trustees approve the following change order for additional work performed by Enviroplex, Inc. in regard to the 8 Modular Classrooms at Ocean Knoll Elementary. • Change order # 1 Add 8 Electrical outlets in floors one each per classroom Original contract $1,224,016.00 Total fiscal impact in change orders: $6,330.00 Recommendation: Approve change order as recommended. Fiscal Impact: Change Order # 1 $6,330.00 Attachments: None Prepared by: Angelica Lopez, Assistant Superintendent of Administrative Services Submitted by: Timothy B. Baird, Ed.D., Superintendent ___________________________________________________________________________________ ENCINITAS UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM: 9.h. MEETING DATE: July 19, 2016 o Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing o Recognition ¨ Roll Call Vote Required n ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ District Target: Legal Compliance Subject: APPROVAL OF OUT OF STATE TRAVEL – OCEAN KNOLL Background: Ocean Knoll Elementary School Teacher, Cori Drabinski, received a scholarship from Engineering is Elementary (EiE) to attend the “Linking the E & M in STEM” Conference on August 4 - 5, 2016 in Boston, Massachusetts. The conference will be held at Boston’s Museum of Science. The cost of the travel will be covered through a scholarship from Engineering is Elementary (EiE). Any additional costs related to the travel will be covered by school site funds. Attachments: None Recommendation: Approve Out of State Travel for Cori Drabinski to attend the Linking the E & M in STEM Conference on August 4 - 5, 2016 in Boston, Massachusetts. Prepared by: Timothy B. Baird, Ed.D, Superintendent Submitted by: Timothy B. Baird, Ed.D., Superintendent ___________________________________________________________________________________ ENCINITAS UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM: 9.i. MEETING DATE: July 19, 2016 ¨ n ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ o ¨ Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Recognition Roll Call Vote Required District Target: Legal Compliance Subject: Ratification of MOU with Rady Childrens Hospital Psychiatry Department to provide mental health services to students and their families with funding from EPSDT (Medi-Cal) and Mental Health Services Act (MHSA). Background: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees ratify the MOU with Rady Childrens Hospital Psychiatry Department to provide mental health services to students and their families with funding from EPSDT (Medi-Cal) and Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) during the 2016 - 2017 school year. Attachments: On file at the District Office, Pupil Personnel Services Department Fiscal Impact: None. Services are provided at no charge. Recommendation: Ratify MOU with Rady Childrens Hospital Psychiatry Department for services provided during the 2016 - 2017 school year. Prepared by: Maria Waskin, Director Pupil Personnel Services Submitted by: Timothy Baird, Ed.D., Superintendent __________________________________________________________________________________ MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: ENCINITAS UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM: 9.j. MEETING DATE: July 19, 2016 ¨ n ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ o ¨ Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Recognition Roll Call Vote Required District Target: Legal Compliance Subject: Ratification of MOU with Carlsbad Unified School District for the Tuition for Special Education students enrolled in Extended School Year regional program provided during the summer of 2016 Background: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the MOU Carlsbad Unified for the Tuition Agreement for ESY regional program provided by Carlsbad Unified at Jefferson Elementary during the summer of 2016. Attachments: None. Fiscal Impact: $1,468.80 Recommendation: Approve MOU with Carlsbad Unified Union School District for the Tuition Agreements for ESY during the summer of 2016. Prepared by: Maria Waskin, Director Pupil Personnel Services Submitted by: Timothy Baird, Ed.D., Superintendent __________________________________________________________________________________ MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: ENCINITAS UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM: 9.k. MEETING DATE: July 19, 2016 o Action n Consent Calendar ¨ First Reading ¨ Information ¨ Presentation ¨ Public Hearing ¨ Roll Call Vote Required District Target: PERSONNEL ACTION Subject: CERTIFICATED/MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL Background: Throughout the school year the District is in need of hiring new employees due to requests for leaves of absence and/or letters of resignation. This requires Board approval. Attachments: None Fiscal Impact: None Recommendation: Approve the following staff recommendations: • Anne Crenshaw, Teacher of Special Assignment/Farm Lab, effective July 1, 2016 • Rondalee Ravicchio (Ronnie Kraft), Program Specialist, effective July 1, 2016 Approve the following leave(s) of absence for the 2015-2016 school year. • Catherine Brazier, Teacher, effective June 6, 2016 Prepared by: Angelica Lopez, Assistant Superintendent of Administrative Services Submitted by: Timothy Baird, Ed.D., Superintendent ___________________________________________________________________________________ MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: ENCINITAS UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM: 9.l. MEETING DATE: July 19, 2016 ¨ n ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Roll Call Vote Required District Target: PERSONNEL ACTION Subject: CLASSIFIED/MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL Background: Throughout the school year the District is in need of hiring new employees due to requests for leaves of absence and/or letters of resignation. This requires Board approval. Attachments: None Fiscal Impact: None Recommendation: Approve the following employment: • Guilibaldo Aguilar, effective July 1, 2016 • Saul Galicia, Site Custodian, effective July 1, 2016 • Juan Carlos Maldonado, Site Custodian, July 1, 2016 • Olga Mironchinko, Site Custodian, July 1, 2016 • Melissa Martinez, Human Resources Technician, effective July 1, 2016 • Lori Alguire, District Receptionist/Office Assistant, effective July 6, 2016 • Yolande Reilly, Executive Assistant, Business Services, August 1, 2016 Approve the following employment changes: • Maria Montalvo, Site Custodian, from 3 hours to 8 hours a day, effective July 1, 2016 Accept the following resignation(s): • Ankita Mylatore, Extended Day Site Lead, effective July 25, 2016 • Doretha Sherman, Food Services I, effective June 17, 2016 Approve the following leave(s) of absence: • Thomas Lieberg, Site Custodian, effective June 20, 2016 Prepared by: Angelica Lopez, Assistant Superintendent of Administrative Services Submitted by: Timothy Baird, Ed.D., Superintendent ___________________________________________________________________________________ MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: