wastEcon brochure - Solid Waste Association of North America


wastEcon brochure - Solid Waste Association of North America
AUGUST 22 - 25, 2016
Register Today
and SAVE 20%
See next page for details
SAVE 20%
20% Off Full Conference or Training Package Registration!
Register Online at WASTECON.org
Save 20% — Use Promo code: 20ADV at checkout to OR bring this Advanced Brochure to
the WASTECON® registration desk in the Indiana Convention Center for 20% Savings off the
WASTECON® 2016 Full Conference or Training Package Registration.
Safety Summit returns! • Celebration of Excellence featuring SWANA Safety Award Winners •
Hot Topics: Food Waste, Waste in the Circular Economy & much more...
Facility Tours • Over 200 Exhibitors • Indiana & Ohio Chapters’ Indy Motor Speedway ‘Racin’ & Rockin’ Wednesday
Night Event • YPs Present: The Student Solid Waste Design Competition, YP Meet & Greet, & Minute Mentoring •
Elected Officials Track • SWANA Training & Exam Center
WASTECON® is the premier solid waste industry-focused conference
that brings you the latest news, education, advancements and
products to help you achieve success in your business, all in one
setting. The 54th Annual WASTECON conference will take place in
Indianapolis, Indiana, from August 22-25, 2016.
WASTECON® maintains the standard of excellence you’ve come
to expect from SWANA by offering opportunities to see what’s new
in collection, processing, marketing and management of compost,
recyclables and solid waste.
New for 2016!
Co-Located with
Join thousands of industry professionals for training, technical
sessions, exhibits and networking opportunities. Explore a variety
of new topics and expand your knowledge of what’s happening
in solid waste management. Exhibitors welcome attendees to join
them for the opening night kick-off celebration with complimentary
drinks, hors d’oeuvres and light buffet. WASTECON will once again
be featuring world class exhibitors showcasing their cutting edge
products and services.
WASTECON is a federally registered trademark.
Contact VIP Meetings & Conventions:
800-926-EXPO (800-926-3976)
Business Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. PST
Online at www.wastecon.org
Email: reservations@swana.org
SWANA’s 4th Annual Safety Summit is back at WASTECON.
SWANA recognizes that, in this industry, #SafetyMatters.
That’s why we’ve curated a program track that focuses solely
on safety. Speakers will show attendees how to change
behaviors and create a safety culture, as well as how to
navigate inspections and reduce liability.
Check out www.swana.org/safety.
Sponsorship opportunities are available for the Safety Summit.
Contact Bob Jonas for more information 703-609-3974 or bjonas@swana.org
How to download the WASTECON app:
• Search “SWANAevents” on the Apple App Store
and Google Play.
• Go to SWANA.org/app from your smart phone
for more information and to download.
• Available on iPhone, iPad, Android and as HTML5
for Blackberry and Windows.
Interested in sponsoring the
Contact Bob Jonas Today
Exhibits@SWANA.org | 703-609-3974
AUGUST 22 - 25, 2016
This interactive app will allow you to:
• View the complete event
schedule, explore all of the offered
sessions and get detailed presenter
S WA N A . org
• Keep your pulse on the most
popular sessions and events by
accessing the app’s Activity Feed,
which highlights useful comments,
photos, ratings and more.
• Receive announcements and
obtain the most up-to-date event
• Earn points and badges – top the leaderboard!
• Expand your professional network and have fun!
To register and for more details, visit WASTECON.org
Check Out the Industry’s New products and Services
To register and for more details, visit WASTECON.org
SWANA’s 2016 Lawrence Lecturer
Nora Goldstein
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Nora Goldstein is Editor of BioCycle, the Organics Recycling Authority, published by
The JG Press, Inc. in Emmaus, PA (www.biocycle.net). BioCycle is in its 57th year
of publishing. Nora has authored numerous articles on all facets of zero waste, food
recovery and recycling, composting and anaerobic digestion. Additional responsibilities
at BioCycle include BioCycle Conferences, BioCycle National Surveys, and BioCycle’s
FindAComposter.com®, FindADigester.com and FindOrganicsHauler.com, free online
directories. She is a recipient of the US Composting Council’s Hi Kellogg Award for
Outstanding Service to the Composting Industry, and the American Biogas Council’s
Biogas Visionary Award. Nora serves as a Board Member Emeritus of the American
Biogas Council
ISWA World Congress Kick-Off
Thursday, August 25, 2016
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
SWANA hosts the ISWA World Congress on September
25-27, 2017, in Baltimore, Maryland. This kick-off is your
opportunity to learn how two major waste industry events
will blend into one SUPER conference that should top your
budget and travel requests for 2017. You shape the world,
but the world shapes you too – we’re all interconnected in
the modern sustainable waste management industry and the
circular economy.
The Thursday event at WASTECON will introduce you to key ISWA leaders who will be instrumental in shaping
the 2017 program.
Philip Heylen – Vice Mayor for Culture, Economy, City Maintenance and Property Management for the City of
Antwerp, Belgium. He chaired the 2015 ISWA conference in Antwerp and will share his vision of the look and feel
of an ISWA conference and what makes it such a special gathering.
Carlos RV Silva Filho, Diretor Presidente, Abrelpe.org – Carlos serves as vice president of ISWA. ABRELPE
was created in 2003 to provide information on “the Panorama of Solid Waste in Brazil.” Agencies, companies and
universities have praised the gathering and publication of this data as a comprehensive source of information for
the country.
More international speakers to be announced.
You’ll learn more about the ground-breaking reports that ISWA has produced in collaboration with other
international organizations, reports containing unique economic data that can help you understand the broad
perspective of sustainable global waste management and how that impacts your work in ways you might not
have considered. This session, and the ISWA Congress in Baltimore, are your window to a different cultural
perspective, the unique uses that other countries find for their discards, and how the global economy is impacted
by what happens outside North America.
Interested in exhibiting? Contact exhibits@swana.org
Recognizing that organics management is the hottest topic in solid waste management today, SWANA has lined
up a series sessions on Wednesday to explore how different organizations are collecting and processing food
scraps and other organics. You’ll discover examples to apply in your own community and contacts for follow up
conversations after WASTECON ends.
Organics Collection: From One Kitchen to the Next
8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. and 9:15 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.
This is a two-part presentation. The first session will start with a report from Jeremy O’Brien, SWANA’s Director
of Applied Research, on findings from a recently completed project by the SWANA Applied Research Foundation
on organics collection. Then, using a series of questions posed to each panelist, the moderator will catalyze an
open conversation on the current state of the collection and management of organic waste. Part one will focus
on residential collection, and part two will cover commercial collection.
Uneaten Food: Envision Opportunities, Not Waste
10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
This session builds on SWANA’s Spring conference (SWANApalooza) with updates on what is being done to
reduce, recover and reuse food waste. You’ll hear updates on the EPA/USDA goal to reduce “food scraps”,
the ReFED report, The Roadmap to Reduce U.S. Food Waste, and the practices of leaders committed to save
resources, create jobs, alleviate hunger, conserve water, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions — all while
stimulating a new multi-billion dollar market opportunity.
The Great Organics Debate
(Lunch and Learn)
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
(Ticket required for this event)
Many technologies are used or proposed to manage organic wastes (not just food scraps), including
landfilling, composting, anaerobic digestion, wastewater treatment, waste-to-energy and other conversion
technologies. Advocates for each technology claim to have the most cost-effective, environmentally
sound method for organics management. Some technologies base their claims of benefits or added value
on negative information about other technologies they want to displace. Who can you believe?
During your lunch, experts will debate the pros and cons of several technologies and try to separate
key information from misinformation. Topics may include relative costs, GHG emissions, other pollutant
emissions, odor, energy, transportation and water use. Participate in audience polls to determine which
position is most persuasive.
What we hope you learn from Wednesday’s organics focus:
1) Organics management may be the most important waste management issue of the next decade.
2) Many technologies exist for managing organic wastes.
3) Understanding the pros and cons of each technology is important to making the best choice for
YOUR community.
To register and for more details, visit WASTECON.org
Technical Divisions are SWANA’s name for special interest areas. They help you connect with professionals who are trying
to solve the same challenges. It’s the best way to track hot topics in your industry segment and access specific expertise.
Pages 10 and 11 highlight the hot topics “curated” by Technical Division leaders for WASTECON® 2016. Organized by the
division leadership, curated sessions engage participants in conversation and shape the future of our profession.
I Need Millions of Dollars to Support My Program – How Do I Get It?
Curated by the Collection and Transfer Technical Division
Public decision-makers are confronted with citizens/ratepayers asking for solid waste services to be provided
quicker, cheaper and faster. In a nutshell, the mantra is typically doing more with less. The Great Recession of
2008 resulted in a reduction of waste tonnages received by solid waste facilities, as well as reduced revenues
for solid waste systems. Until recently, most agencies kept the rates stable. How can solid waste directors fund
their need for replacement collection vehicles, landfill equipment and facility expansions? How do they proceed
on a cost of service/rate study to fully fund their agency’s needs going forward? Three solid waste directors
recently faced these funding issues during the course of conducting a third-party, cost of service/rate study.
Each has a different “spin” on how solid waste systems can be funded and how it can be presented to political
The Final Outcome: Summary of the Final NSPS and EG Rules for Landfills
Curated by the Landfill Gas and Biogas Technical Division
After several years of working with EPA and other stakeholders and a lot of uncertainty, the landfill industry
must begin to comply with the newly promulgated NSPS and EG rules for landfills. In this session, experts from
the Rules and Regulation/Advocacy Committees of the Landfill Gas and Biogas Division will summarize the
final elements of the updated rules and assess the anticipated impacts the rules will have on landfills and the
LFG industry. The rule summary will cover key components of the new/updated rules as well as timetables for
rule implementation. In assessing impacts, the experts will detail impacts as they relate to additional costs for
compliance, compliance liability, and operational issues. The panel will also set forth important industry positions
on how best to address certain rule criteria.
The Elephant in the Room: Calculating a Waste Diversion Rate
Curated by the Planning and Management Technical Division
The methods for calculating a waste diversion rate are as varied as there are people or organizations that
calculate it. What should be the accepted method? Is there a standard that we could all agree upon? The
Planning & Management Technical Division wants to talk about the “elephant” and get it out in the open.
We are proposing a project involving SWANA HQ, Technical Divisions, Applied Research Foundation, U.S.
EPA, & NWRA to develop guidelines and recommendations for how to approach waste diversion rates. This
presentation will be the first of a two-part series and include examples of diversion rate calculations from across
the country that our presenters will bring. Part 2 will be presented at WASTECON 2017. We expect a lively
discussion of the main issues and a compelling start to the dialogue.
Strategies for Success from the Best of the Best
Curated by the Waste-to-Energy Technical Division
SWANA not only recognizes excellence, but also wants to encourage and promote “Best in Class” procedures.
We have invited some Excellence Award winners to share how they came up with their ideas, how they
implemented them, and how they measure their success. While the awards were for excellence in specific
technical divisions, the discussion will focus more on the “how” than the “what” of the operational, environmental
and safety achievements that earned them their awards. These companies will share winning strategies to help
you in your efforts to continually improve and share your facility’s excellence.
Interested in exhibiting? Contact exhibits@swana.org
These curated discussions are your opportunity to meet “your people” face to face. Working together in these sessions is
the best way to make connections and find your niche in the solid waste profession. In addition to the topics featured in
these pages, dozens more presenters are being selected to dig deep into the subject matter of SWANA’s seven technical
divisions. Look for those on the WASTECON® website.
Aggressive Recycling Goals? Let’s Strategize to Achieve Them!
Curated by the Sustainable Materials Management Technical Division
(formerly the Recycling and Special Waste Technical Division)
On one side, nationwide recycling goals trend towards aggressive recycling, on the other side, there are
discussions on sustainability of recycling – particularly scrutiny for economical unviability. Join us for this
interactive simulation session where the audience will be placed in a situation as decision makers. The situation
is to achieve recycling goals by focusing on three tiers of sustainability – environmental, social and economic.
The audience, serving as decision makers for the fictional “Green&Thrifty County”, will be provided a problem
statement with pertinent data and constraints. The problem is intended to resemble a real-world scenario in
the U.S. The problem will focus on Green&Thrifty County trying to achieve a state 75 percent recycling goal by
maximizing profit while balancing environmental and social concerns. Specifics of the problem statement will
be provided at the beginning of the session. The audience will be split into groups as county commissioners.
Concluding the session, we will focus on solutions presented by each group. Post-conference, session
organizers will submit a paper for publication opportunities.
NEW! Educational Mobile Workshops
As an alternative to classroom sessions, SWANA has developed new mobile workshops. These workshops are included in
your full conference registration. Tours are free, yet separate registration is required. Seating is limited.
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
8:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Tour 5: Organic Waste Composting Facility
GreenCycle, Indianapolis, IN
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Tour 6: Electronics Recycling Facility
RecycleForce, Indianapolis, IN
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Tour 7: Lamp and Mercury Recycling Facility
Lighting Resources, Greenwood, IN
To register and for more details, visit WASTECON.org
at WASTECON 2016
Choose from our extensive course list of 2-day, 3-day and 4-day technical training
courses. All courses are suitable to prepare for certification exams.
One-day Training Courses:
Landfill Operations Basics - 10 CEUs
Monday, August 22 – 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
hrough interactive classroom exercises and discussions this course reviews current basic landfill operation
processes focusing on effectiveness and safety. Learn the role of the sanitary landfill in an integrated
solid waste management system; key functions and processes in landfill operations; basics of landfill gas,
leachate management, groundwater monitoring, equipment selection, cell construction, litter management
and accident prevention. Qualifies for Indiana Landfill Operator certification training.
Two-Day Courses:
Managing MSW Collection Systems - 20 CEUs
Monday, August 22 – Tuesday, August 23, 8:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
anaging Collection Systems addresses the collection of residential solid waste and recyclables
from single family and multi-family residences. The course includes a discussion of state-ofthe-art technology and best practices as reported in the literature and practice. The course
provides information that will assist individuals and organizations in the planning, operations and
management of residential solid waste and recyclables collection systems.
Organics Collection - 30 CEUs
Monday, August 22 – Tuesday, August 23, 8:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
rganics Collection is one the hottest trends in solid waste management today. This course discusses the
specifics of developing an organics collection program. The course includes extensive discussion of case
studies of existing residential, commercial and institutional organic collection programs.
Three-Day Courses:
Managing Composting Programs - 30 CEUs
Monday, August 22 – Wednesday, August 24, 8:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
his course addresses concepts critical to successfully managing composting
programs including the rationale for composting, planning and site development, economics
and operations. This course includes information on new practices, emerging technologies, and
management issues inherent in municipal composting programs. The course consists of class
lecture, classroom activities and a facility tour.
Transfer Station Management - 30 CEUs
Monday, August 22 – Wednesday, August 24, 8:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
his course addresses the factors in the design, operation and management of a transfer station. It
deals with how to effectively communicate and overcome the challenges in planning and operating
a transfer station and how planning and design affect construction and operation. You will also
learn how a well-planned, designed and operated transfer station provides advantages and
flexibility to a waste management system.
Interested in exhibiting? Contact exhibits@swana.org
Three-Day Courses, continued:
Managing Integrated Solid Waste Management Systems - 30 CEUs
Monday, August 22 – Wednesday, August 24, 8:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
his course addresses the issues confronting managers of integrated municipal solid waste
management systems. Master concepts of planning, developing and managing solid waste
systems are discussed along with specific system management issues. The course is taught
by MSW managers, systems planners and officials with years of experience in planning,
budgeting, personnel management, and policy issues as they relate to MSW management.
The course also serves as preparation for the MSW Management certification exam.
Managing Recycling Systems - 30 CEUs
Monday, August 22 – Wednesday, August 24, 8:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
his course provides the information needed to successfully plan, develop, market, and manage
recycling programs. It also addresses collection, processing, end-use standards application and
protection of human health and the environment.
NEW! MOLO Boot Camps are coming to the Summer Training Center!
Manager of Landfill Operations (MOLO) 5-Day Bootcamp - 30 CEUs
Sunday, August 21 – Thursday, August 25, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
WANA offers a unique experience to optimize your time, energy and money
by attending this four-day intense Boot Camp format. The Manager of
Landfill Operations (MOLO) course provides a comprehensive study
of efficient landfill operations, including site design, compliance with
regulations, and issues to consider when planning, operating, and
closing landfills. Bootcamp includes Course Materials, Certification
Exam fee, Guest Lecturers , Networking Event, Facility Tour, Complimentary
Fun Run Registration, Bootcamp 2016 T-shirt, WASTECON Opening and
2-day Tradeshow. Light Breakfast, Lunch and Snacks provided (on days of
instruction only).
MOLO Reboot Camp for Recertification 4-Day Bootcamp – 30 CEUs
Sunday, August 21 – Wednesday, August 24 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
et the most out of WASTECON® by attending this four-day experiential recertification bootcamp. Networking
with classmates, attendees and exhibitors. The course includes a full-day multiple facility tour, Two Halfday advanced topic workshops, Guest Speakers, Product Demonstrations, 2016 WASTECON® conference
sessions, Tradeshow and Opening Reception. Light Breakfast, Lunch and Snacks provided (on days of
instruction only).
Indicates Certification
Prep Courses
Exam check-in: 7:30 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.
Exam Center 1: Wednesday, August 24 | 8:00 a.m - 11:30 a.m.
Recommended for courses ending on Tuesday or Exam Only registrations
Exam Center 2: Thursday, August 25 | 8:00 a.m - 11:30 a.m.
Recommended for courses ending on Wednesday
Certification Exam for MOLO Bootcamp: Thursday, August 25 | 1:00 p.m.
To register and for more details, visit WASTECON.org
Interested in exhibiting? Contact exhibits@swana.org
On Your Mark. Get Set. GOLF!
The Hoosier and Buckeye SWANA Chapters invite you
to join the WASTECON 2016 Golf Tournament
Monday, August 22, 2016
9:00 a.m. Tee Time
Held at the Brickyard Crossing Golf Course at the famed Indianapolis Motor
Speedway. This Pete Dye designed golf course has four holes inside the racetrack.
Located: 4400 W. 16th Street • Indianapolis, IN 46222
(Bus transportation from conference hotel available).
Cost: $125.00 per player - Limited availability | Registration begins at 7:30 a.m.
Cost includes: Golf, Cart, Range Balls, Beverages, Breakfast, Lunch, Prizes
Club rental: Rental Clubs are available at the course for $70.00 per set. Contact the
course for information: 317-492-6417 • Email: golfshop@brickyard.com
Deadline: Registration must be
received before August 5, 2016.
For complete details, visit
WASTECON.org and look under
“Events” for the golf tournament.
To register and for more details, visit WASTECON.org
Welcome to Indy!
As our host city, Indianapolis offers a convenient central U.S. location for easy access by car, train
(Amtrak), bus or plane for all attendees and exhibitors.
If flying, your WASTECON experience has you landing at Indianapolis International Airport
(IND). Take an easy shuttle ride from the airport to downtown hotels surrounding the Indiana
Convention Center.
The Indianapolis Convention Center is within easy
walking distance of the Marriot Complex. This complex
contains four hotels all under one roof and all
connected by overhead skywalks for your convenience.
Contact VIP Meetings & Conventions:
800-926-EXPO (800-926-3976)
Business Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. PST
Online at www.wastecon.org or Email: reservations@swana.org
Please note that VIP Meetings is the official housing partner of WASTECON.
Avoid other companies claiming to be the official hotel provider for WASTECON.
A vibrant downtown offers outstanding options for dining, shopping, performing arts, museums,
professional sports events and more—all within easy walking distance.
Our host city features the Indianapolis Motor Speedway (also the site
for Wednesday Night’s Networking event) and car racing’s Hall of
Fame Museum.
Looking to work out or wind down after a long day at
WASTECON? Jog and walk along the Central Canal, or better still,
treat your significant other to a relaxing gondola ride through the
downtown Canal District serenaded in Italian by your gondolier. Hop on a
bike from a Pacers’ bike share station and take a spin around the city on two wheels.
Entertainment and culture? Visit the Indianapolis Museum of Art or head downtown and enjoy art displays,
follow the Cultural Trail and enjoy unique restaurants and shops all in close proximity to a sprawling urban park
and outdoor concert venue.
Bringing the kids to WASTECON®? Add the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis to your
list of things to do, followed by a stop at the zoo at the White River State Park.
Ready for some football? Come in early or stay after
WASTECON® for preseason games on Saturday at Lucas Oil
With Indy and WASTECON® combined—you have all the makings
for a great trip to renew your industry connections, expand your solid waste knowledge
AND enjoy this great destination for visitors of all ages.
Interested in exhibiting? Contact exhibits@swana.org
Educational Tours
Separate registration fee required.
Monday, August 22, 2016
Tour 1: Waste Processing and Disposal Facilities:
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
1. Covanta Indianapolis EfW Facility, Indianapolis, IN
2. South Side Landfill, Indianapolis, IN
3. Ray’s Indianapolis Recycling Facility
Tour 2: LFG to Electricity
8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
1. Caterpillar Lafayette Engine Center, Lafayette, IN
2. Twin Bridges Landfill, Danville, IN
Tour 3: Truck Manufacturing and Maintenance
8:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
1. Republic Langsdale Truck Maintenance Facility, Indianapolis, IN
2. Cummins Midrange Engine Plant (CMEP), Columbus, IN
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Tour 4: Truck Transmission Manufacturing
12:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
1. Allison Transmission Inc., Indianapolis, IN
Photo courtesy of South Side Landfill
Photo courtesy of Cummins Engine
Please see https://swana.org/Events/WASTECON/FacilityTours.aspx for more details.
To register and for more details, visit WASTECON.org
Get SWANA Certified!
Certification can be the key to a higher salary and greater job fulfillment.
Join the SWANA strong, and get certified to demonstrate your commitment
to the industry, your career, and your employer.
If you are taking an exam only, register for either day.
Exam check-in: 7:30 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.
Exam Center 1: Wednesday, August 24 | 8:00 a.m - 11:30 a.m.
Recommended for courses ending on Tuesday or Exam Only registrations
Exam Center 2: Thursday, August 25 | 8:00 a.m - 11:30 a.m.
Recommended for courses ending on Wednesday
Certification Exam for MOLO Bootcamp: Thursday, August 25 | 1:00 p.m.
Certification Exams are offered for nine disciplines:
Bioreactor and Leachate Recirculation Landfills • Collection Systems
Composting Programs • Construction & Demolition Materials Management
Integrated Solid Waste Management Systems • Landfill Management (MOLO)
Recycling Systems • Transfer Station Management
Interested in exhibiting? Contact exhibits@swana.org
(Ticket required for this event)
Monday, August 22, 2016
5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. - SWANA Head’s Up Ice Breaker,
7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. - Reception, Exhibit Hall
Ticket Required
American State Fairs promote community involvement and traditions
in a family-friendly environment. We’re continuing the celebration of
the Indiana State Fair (held August 5-21) during the 2016 WASTECON
opening celebration, taking place on Monday, August 22.
As with any State Fair, you can enjoy old-time favorites: “deep-fried
everything” foods, games and sideshows. (We’ll probably skip the
livestock judging.)
Everyone’s welcome – bring friends,
colleagues and family to this fun
evening that promises a one-of-akind experience for the WASTECON
(Ticket required for this event)
Tuesday, August 23, 2016 | 8:30 – 9:45 | Sagamore Ballroom
On Tuesday morning, SWANA inducts officers for the coming year and presents
awards to individuals, organizations and Chapters to recognize extraordinary effort
and achievement. Come celebrate the accomplishments of your industry peers at
our annual breakfast and see who takes home the trophies for excellence.
SWANA’s WASTECON’s 2nd Annual
5K Fun Run-Walk for Charity
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
6:15 a.m. (Race begins promptly at 7:00 a.m.)
Registration Fee: $35 (Includes event registration, T-Shirt and Race Bib)
SWANA is thrilled to invite you to participate in the 2nd Annual WASTECON 5K Fun Run/
Walk with proceeds supporting Indiana Children’s Wish Fund. (indianachildrenswishfund.org)
Mission: “We grant wishes to Indiana children, ages 3-18, who have been diagnosed with a life-threatening or terminal
illness. Our mission is to bring joy, something to look forward to, and a sense of normalcy to special kids in our state. We are
Indiana Children’s Wish Fund. Help us grant the next wish!”
To register and for more details, visit WASTECON.org
What is SWANA’s Young Professionals (YPs) Group?
YPs are individuals, age 35 and younger, who represent the future
of the solid waste industry. YPs are the NEXT generation of SWANA.
The SWANA Young Professionals group continues to grow and
expand across North America, with more than 500 members busy
this past year speaking at SWANA events, leading teams, mentoring
students and making strides in every aspect of the industry.
Featured YP events
YP Networking Event, featuring “Minute Mentoring”
Monday, August 22, 2016 | 9:30 – 11:00 p.m.
Ready…Set…NETWORK! We know how difficult it is to meet other young professionals in the field,
which is why the SWANA Young Professionals (YPs) group is hosting its Annual YP Networking Event at
WASTECON® 2016. Attendees will have the opportunity to expand your professional network, talk and laugh
with friends, win amazing door prizes, and benefit from the guidance and advice of well-established industry
professionals through the “Minute Mentoring” portion of the night. Door prizes will be a warded, and a cash
bar will be available. We hope to see you there!
(For YP attendees and invitees only)
SWANA’s National Solid Waste Design Competition for Students
Monday, August 22, 2016 | 10:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
The SWDC is a student team competition held at SWANA’s WASTECON®
conference to solve a “real world” problem faced by solid waste professionals.
The competition aims at providing design experience for students interested in
pursuing an education and/or career in solid waste management.
This year will feature NEW teams, a NEW problem statement, and NEW excitement as we follow last year’s
much talked about event. You don’t want to miss the LIVE team presentations and judging as it takes place
during the WASTECON 2016 conference in Indianapolis, IN. ALL ARE WELCOME!
Don’t miss these “must attend” YP Activities Throughout the Conference!
Perfect if you’re looking for a little bit of…
Fun! : Visit the YP Exhibit Hall Lounge to meet your peers in person or
kick back and relax with a quick game of Giant Jenga or Cornhole.
Education: Make sure to check the program for YP hosted educational
sessions to sharpen your skills and hear from inspiring speakers. See
next page for details.
Information: Attend the YP Annual Meeting and information session to
learn all about the exciting YP initiatives underway at SWANA and hear
more on the triumphs and successes of YPs working in the solid waste industry.
Contact struxon@swana.org to receive an invite to YP activities
at WASTECON or sign up as a mentor or sponsor.
Interested in exhibiting? Contact exhibits@swana.org
YP Hosted Educational Sessions
Getting YPs engaged within SWANA: a YP Info Session
Tuesday. August 23, 2016 | 10 a.m. – 11 a.m.
This session starts with an overview of the Young Professionals (YP) Group, the structure both nationally and
locally, volunteer opportunities and current volunteer needs. A panel of current YP volunteers will share the YP
Group achievements over the past year as the YPs continue to grow and provide new programs to involve waste
management young professionals. Select YPs will share their experiences on how the YP Group has enhanced
their professional careers and ways start engaging the YPs within your organizations to take advantage of the
SWANA YP network and offerings.
Moderator: Richard Schofield, Quebec Chapter YP Rep and IB Rep
YP Annual Meeting
Tuesday, August 23, 2016 | 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Entrepreneurship in Waste Management
Wednesday, August 24, 2016 | 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
This workshop session aims to shed light on new entrepreneurship ideas in the waste
management industry and highlight current challenges and opportunities. Participants
will discuss entrepreneurship in the context of the following fields: waste prevention,
waste collection, and waste treatment; formulate new business ideas; and be motivated to implement new forms
of intrapreneurship within their own organizations. The session will bring together professionals, decision/policy
makers, and entrepreneurs in a way to address challenges, identify opportunities, and share the most effective
process and recommendations to create a successful business. The session is open to all but the number of
attendees is limited to 60 people so arrive early!
Moderator: Ashley Evans, YP Steering Committee Chair
Go to
to Register at the
Special YP rate!
YPs at WASTECON sponsored by:
To register and for more details, visit WASTECON.org
SWANA invites you to exhibit and/or sponsor at WASTECON, one of the world’s largest convention and expo
for waste management professionals in both the private and municipal sectors.
As the premier solid waste conference in the industry, do not miss this opportunity to showcase your
products and services in front of thousands of industry professionals as they gather at a convenient
Indianapolis destination­—sure to grow our International participation and draw executives from the East and
West coasts. Please join us in thanking our many sponsors.
If interested in exhibiting or sponsoring,
please contact Bob Jonas at 703-609-3974 or bjonas@swana.org
SWANA Thanks Our Many Recent Sponsors
Interested in exhibiting? Contact exhibits@swana.org
5:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Tickets Required
New for 2016!
Co-Located with
1100 Wayne Avenue, Suite 650
Silver Spring, MD 20910
SAVE 20%
20% Off Full Conference or
Training Package Registration!
Register Online at WASTECON.org
Save 20% — Use Promo code: 20ADV at checkout to OR bring this adv to the WASTECON®
registration desk in the Indiana Convention Center for 20% Savings off the WASTECON® 2016
Full Conference or Training Package Registration.
Safety Summit returns! • Celebration of Excellence featuring the SWANA Safety Award Winners •
Hot Topics: Food Waste, Waste in the Circular Economy & much more...
Facility Tours • Over 200 Exhibitors • Indiana & Ohio Chapters’ Indy Motor Speedway ‘Racin’ & Rockin’
Wednesday Night Event • YPs Present: The Student Solid Waste Design Competition, YP Meet & Greet, &
Minute Mentoring • Elected Officials Track • SWANA Training & Exam Center