Anthony Bourdain: tales from Hell`s kitchen
Anthony Bourdain: tales from Hell`s kitchen
05 Apr 2001 loginljoin logout your account whyjoin? rtheLoungeFreebies IChew On This l How To r'LoungeAround I New Release I RestaurantReview FWhatsln Season rWineClub 'Grocery & Wine Shopping ) DiscussionBoards I Email ) Chat I lnTouch t Organiser ' F i n do u tm o r e . . . 6 br€ efiSr** ChewOn This AnthonyBourdain:TalesFrom Margaret Ambrose Hell's Kitchen page 1 of 2 Anthony Bourdain wouldeatlamb'$ balls,buthewouldn't eatbear's claws.He'deattigerpenissoup* butonlyif it wasn'tan endangered speciesof tiger.Hewouldnevereat rl{cw w*lld* y*u ba*anee live monkeybrain("1couldn'thurt a w liitlemonkey''),but he would- and recentlydid * eat a live,pulsating cobra'sheart. He wants us to know that he's not scaredof food, bui if all rf he revealsin his grittyexpos6 of ihe restaurantkitchenscene, Kitchen to be believed,you don'timaginethere'smuch Canfidentialis that wouldscarethis man. a . q t Bourdain,who has workedfor 25 yearsas a chef in some of the swankiestand dodgiestrestaurantsin New York, has testosterone*pumped, spilledhis guts in a hyperbole-filled, tell-allstoryaboutthe lifeof a chef and all the scumbagsand riff-raffhe's shared his kitchenwith. Servedwith a meaiy side order of blood,drugs and sex, KitchenConfidentialispart memoir,part historicaltour of ltlewYork restaurants,and part collectionof thoughts-of{he-daya la Bourdain:Yaurbody is not a temple, it's an amusementpark. Enjoy the ride and Vegetariansare the enemy af everythinggaod and decent in the human spirit. *€ ir-:i*::.ri;:::rIs veL-_$ups!:_s_t J_ amre_o,! r. C,heJ BecomeAn Unstressed Chef. ChefsWithAttitude 1 : "l did my best to be offensive.I find it a totallyobncxious "l'm proudof the book,"Bourdainexplainswithoutshame. book.I get sick of myselfnow and again,but then it is me talking.I wouldloveto say that it was a torturousprocessto write but it was pretlyeasy - a sustainedrant. That's the way I talk in the kitchen." YummyApron "l l-,{sww*}tds yau ha$ance deliberately wantedto writeit in kitchenese.I wantedit to soundlike me a littlebit drunkon a Saturdaynightaftera reallybusyshift,talkingto othercocks. I wantedit to sound I wrote to my fellowprofessionals. authenticand recognisable in it thinking,at best,it wouldbe a cult itemfor professionals the States- maybethere would be a few food-smearedcopies kickingaroundin kitchens.I reallydid not anticipatethat it wouldbe a big success,and I didn'texpecthow manycivilians - mcaningnon-restaurant people- wouldread it." BrevilleChar-GrillPlus r$ilS*W Thesedaysthe conceptof the celebritychef mightbe a bit ho- rur, r rrr> uury, dr ru I rrrb cl rau sudr y, rru o gotkitchencred,man.Andhe'sgotmcrethanoneverysharp knifeattached to'san imagehe'sproudof."l ihinklggy is cool that'sthewayto growoldgracefully." with Compat$+*e ycnrrtcver? €w Bourdain relishes describing in vividandsometimes disturbing detail,thefilthy,madcooks,outof controlon amphetamines andheroin,of whichhe wasone."WhenI startedout,drugs - absolutely wereeverywhere topto bottom.Thewhole the businessfrom ownership to thedishwashers." Andthentherewasthesex.Likemostcultbooksor movies. youstop there'sthe momentin KitchenCanfidentialwhere andthink,nope,he'spushedit toofar- | don'tbelievethat. It'sthe BrideStory.Let'sjust sayit involvesa weddingparty comingintotherestaurant andthebridebeingso enraptured by thefoodandthechefwhopreparedit thatnotlongintothe evening, she'sslippedoutof theparty,he'sabandoned his post,andthey'rein thecarparkdoingthe BigNasty."A lot of peopledon'tbelievethatstory,"he says."Butit'strue.You haveto remember, it wastheseventies, man." \ffiw;s'i WMFGrandGourmetKn Set Bl-s-ck i a i t*_ . fe* *t {".,* l^r' Can3-eef _Ee_lOrga The Good Oil On Spar Olive( Under-co-ver Pestols Best ChefsWithA!fll It'$overtwentyyearsdownthetrack,andSourdainis notthe sameman.Likethewashedup rockershe'sso often comparedto, beneathihe roughexteriorand past-behavior The thatlegendsaremadeof,there'sthenewBourdain. Bourdain whowon'tallowdrugsin hiskitchen, whois happily married, andwhoclaimsthatoneof thebestthingsabout havingan international bestselleris hisabilityto afford comprehensive healthinsurance andsavea bit of a nestegg for histwilightyears. Th""h*f,o**, "l"un,,."ud on... lWl \" B r i d al Cl a r e e r l F o o d & W i n e l F a c e & B o d y l H o m e & L i v i n g l P r e g n a n c y & Arlq&Entertainmed I Belatisnshjp_c I Hsme AbslltlJslPriuaeyI Sse!_rjty lT.erms_&*Qsndltjan€ I Contact-Us I HelpI F_eedUask Pty.Ltd.All rightsreserved O 1999-2000 05 Apr 2001 login/join logout your account why join? rthelounge Freebies t Chew On This r How To I LoungeAround 'New Release t RestaurantReview *Whats In Season lWine Club rGrocery& Wine Shopping il @ l DiscussionBoards 'Email 'Chat ,InTouch I Organiser 'Findoutmore '@ Gre*nG lr'sG.*f.col!L8u. ChewOn This AnthonyBourdain:TalesFrom Hell's Kitchen Margarei Ambrose page 2 ol 2 The long hoursof cocaineand heroin-induced lrenzycame to an end when he foundhimselfsittingin the streetin the snow, for drug money,surroundedby friends sellinghis possessions who had been badlybeatenin some drug deal gonewrong. He turnedhis back on his addictfriends("lt was hard to leave thoseguys behind,but I didn'twant to die.")but foundthat the kitchenenvironmentwasn'tsomethinghe neededto leave was actuallyhelpfulin his recovery. "l thinkfor a recoveringdrug addictit's perfect* it's one of the few businessesthat will haveyou.As long as you can get it togetherto show up on time and do a goodjob, you know,you couldhavetwo's a veryforgivingbusinessin that respect* there are a lot of recoveringdrug addictsin my cornerof the world." Bourdainoftenmakesa militaryanalogyfor life in the kitchen - there'sa hierarchy,and specificduties,which,he says, "You're meansyourday-to-daylife is relianion others. workingshoulderio shoulderwith peoplein a small,hoi, confinedspacefor most of yourwakinghours,everyday. One of the thingsthat I loveaboutthe businessis thai you have all these very differentpeoplefrom differentbackgroundsthrown together,and you'reforcedto becomeiniimateand relyon each otherin a very beautifulway." Bourdainmaintainsit was the structuredlifestyleof the kitchenthat not onlyenabledhim to becomeclean,but also to "l discoverhis own skills. am as much in lovewith the lifestyle and my crew and the ideaof runninga day to day operaticn, as I am with food." Compatibl* with ynu:rlou*r?' t*- J-am ie-O--li-vel : Superstar. _CheJ BecomeAn UnstressedChef ' ChefsWith Attitude. i: i : r t l _ . l krc rel GA ffi YummvApron It'sa lifestylethat has also enabledhim to producesuch an " acclaimedbook. I don'tknow if I couldhave beena writer withoutbeinga chef first.Writingrequiresdiscipline.lf I had to put writingas anotherthingI do today,I don'tknow if I would havethe urge." h"{*w.!usllid* you halarrc* 3 "truelove",it's a place While the cultureof the kitchenis his he's not planningon spendingeverywakinghour in the future. Althoughhe stillhas the roleof ExecutiveChef,at the New York brasserie,Les Halles,he'sgot morefingersin the pie. "l'm workingon a bookcalledlhe Cookb lourwhich will also be a televisionshow.where I eai mv wav aroundthe world* BrevilleChar-GrillPlus alsobeeneatingsomehumblehomecooking. In MexicoI wentto visitrelativesof my cooks- mostof themcomefrom thisarea* andI visitedtheirMomsandtheirGrandmothers andljust atesimplecountry food." l{*w we{$ds you ha$amee ffi WMFGrandGourmetKnife BlockSet It was in Vietnamthatthe unfortunate cobralosthis heartto "Yep,zippedrightoutof thecobratableside," Bcurdain. he laughs."lt waskindof likea hyperactive mussel.Mywaiter, whcwashandling thecobra,hada bandage on hishand, whichdidn'texactlyfill mewithconfidence" But I wasn't scared." To saythatno foodfrightens Bourdain wouldn't be entirely true."Genericcookingscaresme - restaurants wherethe foodtastesexactlythesamein Melbourne as it doesin Tulsa, - thatdisturbs Oklahoma me.I liketheideathatcuisine reflectsits regionor neighbourhood." "l'm alsoa littlefrightened by thetrendtowardswhatthe - youknow,labfood, Frenchhavebeencallinglaboratoire hyper-sanitary testinglaboratories makingfood.Whilethis maybe thewaveof thefuture,it makesme feelold andoutof touch,anda littlebitfrightened of thefuture." KitchenConfidentialby AnthonyBourdainis published by BloomsburyPublishingand retailsfor $29.95. Discussionboard links: seewhatotherreadersare saying, andputyouropinionforuardl Note:You maybe askedto log in to viewthe discussion . Krtshen-c-q!.fide!1ie! r fndige_gtion r Womenwhoeatoutqyqy_lght Librarylinks: readotherrelatedarticles . -Q_o_9_K tttg-Belgs Daltlje_s_ r Djgjggelp_elengeS r lnternationalcuisine Sendthis articleto a friend,just enterthe email addressesbelow. You: lmargaret@thelou Fri€nd: Or, you can alsoprintthis article. Clickthe buttonbelowto bringup a new "printer friendly''windowto print this article. 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