Nutritional Supplements
Nutritional Supplements
® Nutritional Supplements ® Feel Your Best ALTRUM Multis page 4 1 FREE SHIPPING Order $100 or more in ALTRUM products and receive free ground shipping anywhere in the continental U.S. A.J.’s Signature Formulas — OR — page 10 2 BUY WHOLESALE Become a Preferred Customer and pay wholesale prices for all ALTRUM products – a savings of approximately 25 percent. To become a Preferred Customer, visit the ALTRUM website at, use the Referral Number on the back of this catalog and add the Preferred Customer membership to your shopping cart. You’ll pay regular ALTRUM shipping rates, but still save more than regular online/catalog customers. You’ll also pay wholesale prices on future orders for the duration of your P.C. membership. Superfood Supplements page13 Technical Supplements Feel Your Bestt With These ALTRUM Core Supplements page14 SAVE NOW On Future Health Care Costs Nutritional Drink Mix CORE NUTRITIONAL PRODUCTS page 20 ALTRUM Testimonials ® page 21 Vitamin Ordering page 23 2 ALTRUM ORDER NOW! Toll Free 1-800-956-5695 See page 23 Nutritional Supplements PROTECT Your Health! U Ultra Multis provide more than 86 lifesustaining ingredients in each tablet, including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients, enzymes, herbs, amino acids and more. ALTRUM nutritional supplements are your foundation for good health. The core products include the Ultra Multi, an advanced, mineral, herbal, superfood, multi-vitamin supplement; Ultra Daily Enzymes, an advanced digestive enzyme formula; Nutritional Oils, a premium essential fatty acid formula featuring omega-3; and, Ultra Probiotics, a universal probiotic formula that provides ÓÈ°xLÛiViÃGvLiiwV>VÀyÀ>VÕÌÕÀið/ iÃivÕÀ ALTRUM products help provide a powerful start to your health program and a more vibrant life. Experts report the standard American diet is likely inadequate in supplying all of the nutrients needed for optimal health. ALTRUM Multis are an exceptional way to ensure you are getting all of the nutrition you need.* Compare Ultra Multis to the best multi >Ì>Þ i>Ì v`ÃÌÀi°9ÕܽÌw` a comparable formula anywhere for less than $60. ^At time of manufacture. “I believe one of the most important contributing factors to my excellent health is the vitamin supplements I take. Of course, I’m referring to our Ultra Multis and the rest of the ALTRUM nutritional supplements. They are truly superior products. Include them in your daily regimen along with exercise and a healthy diet. You’ll feel a lot better, and chances are you’ll live longer.” ** — Al Amatuzio Founder and chairman of the board, AMSOIL INC. Learn how to become a Preferred Customer and order at wholesale prices on page 27. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. DEALERS/PREFERRED CUSTOMERS 1-800-777-7094 #NNVGUVKOQPKCNUCDQWV#.647/PWVTKVKQPCNRTQFWEVUCTGPQPUEKGPVKƂETGRQTVUCPFCTGPQVKPVGPFGFVQFTCYCP[FKTGEVECWUGCPFGHHGEVNKPMDGVYGGPFKUEWUUGFGXGPVUQTTGUWNVUo 3 Multi-Vitamins Mineral, Superfood, Herbal, Multi-Vitamin Supplement Become a Preferred Customer today and pay wholesale prices. 25 12 13 8 2 8 Vitamins & Minerals Veggies Herbs Super Foods Digestive Enzymes B Vitamins Ultra Multi Ultra Multi (with Iron) is much more than a standard multivitamin. Its 86 ingredients give you more than 14 supplements in one formula. With more than 25 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients, enzymes, herbs and amino acids, Ultra Multi is your foundation for well-being. * This unique formula is balanced and whole for optimum health and vitality.* Formulated to support: • Heart health* • Energy and mood* • Immunity* • Brain Function* Ultra Multi with Iron Stock# DNU01 DNU01 Units EA CA Pkg/Size (1) 180 ct. (6) 180 ct. Wt.Lbs. 0.7 4.8 Wholesale Price 33.45 191.10 Catalog Price 49.75 297.20 A.J.’s Ultra Multi (without Iron) A.J.’s Ultra Multi (without iron) is the same innovative formula as Ultra Multi, but without the iron. This formula is especially ideal for women past child-bearing age and men more than 50 years of age. Don’t compromise on quality; one tablet of Ultra Multi contains more nutrition than best-selling one-per-day multivitamins.* Ultra MultisVÌ>«ÀiÃiÀÛ>ÌÛiÃ]ÃÜiiÌiiÀÃ]>ÀÌwV>VÀÃ]>``i` animal derivatives, yeast, wheat or corn. What Can Ultra Multis Do For You? No other multiple vitamins compare in the number of energy-supporting ingredients. Ultra Multis May Nutritionally Help • Boost energy* • Protect heart* • Keep mind sharp* • Combat stress and fatigue* • Strengthen immune system* • Improve mood* The Gold Standard for Nutritional Supplements • Complete – 86 ingredients • Correct nutrient balance • Superfood base 1450 mg. • Highest-quality standards • Premium potencies I Have a Lot More Energy “There’s absolutely no question I have extra energy with my ALTRUM Ultra Multis. Donna and I work our AMSOIL business about 70 hours a week. It’s nice to be able to wake up and handle a call in the middle of the night and then lie right back down and go to sleep and feel good in the morning. If you asked me about the positive effects of ALTRUM Ultra Multis, I would say you not only feel good, you have a lot more energy.” ** — AMSOIL Direct Jobber Bill Durand *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. #NNVGUVKOQPKCNUCDQWV#.647/PWVTKVKQPCNRTQFWEVUCTGPQPUEKGPVKƂETGRQTVUCPFCTGPQVKPVGPFGFVQFTCYCP[FKTGEVECWUGCPFGHHGEVNKPMDGVYGGPFKUEWUUGFGXGPVUQTTGUWNVUo 4 ALTRUM BOOST Your Energy With ALTRUM Multis “When my sister moved to California, she ran out of ALTRUM Ultra Multi vitamins and decided to go to the local health store and get some one-per-day vitamins,” said AMSOIL Direct Jobber Shirley Alquist. “It wasn’t long before she emailed me and said she had to have her ALTRUM multis. The others just don’t hack it or have the energizing effect of Ì iƂ/,1ÕÌðÌÜ>Ã}`ÌÜà iÜ>ýÌÃ>ÌÃwi` with any other product on the market.” ** DID YOU KNOW ? Six ALTRUM Ultra Multi tablets are recommended for ultimate nutrition, but even one tablet of the Ultra Multis contains more nutrition than best-selling one-per-day multis. A.J.’s Ultra Multi A Multi-Vitamin, Mineral, Superfood, Herbal Supplement M Same great formula as the Ultra Multi but without the iron. Ultra Multis are your foundation for great nutritional support in this age of fast food and on-the-go lifestyles. ALTRUM Ultra Multis are the best all-in-one multi supplements on the market today. They are a great way to ensure you are getting all the nutrients you need in an advanced, effective form.* A.J.’s Ultra Multi without Iron Stock# DWI01 DWI01 Units Pkg/Size EA CA (1) 180 ct. (6) 180 ct. Wt.Lbs. 0.7 4.6 Wholesale Price 33.45 191.10 Catalog Price 49.75 297.20 “No other premium multi on the market gives you so much value in an all-in-one, convenient-to-use formula.” ** — Al Amatuzio Daily Nutritional Support Smaller Tablets D Daily Nutritional Support is the original formula of the Ultra Multis. It is equivalent to one dozen supplements in one premium formula. Its smaller size makes it easier to swallow. There are 54 life-sustaining ingredients in the Daily Nutritional Support multi, including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients, enzymes, herbs and amino acids. Daily Nutritional Support Stock# DNS01 DNS01 Units EA CA Pkg/Size (1) 180 tablets (6) 180 tablets Wt. Lbs. 0.6 3.8 Wholesale Price 21.50 123.00 Retail Price 33.40 199.45 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. #NNVGUVKOQPKCNUCDQWV#.647/PWVTKVKQPCNRTQFWEVUCTGPQPUEKGPVKƂETGRQTVUCPFCTGPQVKPVGPFGFVQFTCYCP[FKTGEVECWUGCPFGHHGEVNKPMDGVYGGPFKUEWUUGFGXGPVUQTTGUWNVUo DEALERS/PREFERRED CUSTOMERS 1-800-777-7094 5 A Superior Digestive Formula Ultra Daily Enzymes Ultra Daily Enzymes is a superior digestive aid. Ultra Daily Enzymes is an advanced reformulation of our original enzyme formula, Daily Enzyme Support. Ultra Daily Enzymes contains higher potencies of the original premium digestive enzymes, along with seven additional health-enhancing enzymes. Ultra Daily Enzymes Stock# DEU01 DEU01 Units EA CA Pkg/Size (1) 90 ct. (6) 90 ct. Wt.Lbs. 0.2 1.2 Too Few Enzymes Metabolic enzymes are the keys to cell life; they power every biological process. / i Õ>L`Þ>ÃÀiµÕÀiÃëiVwV`}iÃÌÛiiâÞiÃvÀ À>`}iÃÌ°Ƃ`iwViVÞv`}iÃÌÛiiâÞiÃV>ÕÃià the body to divert metabolic enzymes to the work of digestion >`ÀLÃÌ iL`ÞvÌ iLiiwÌÃvÌ ÃiiâÞið/ à process depletes energy stores and ages the body ahead of its time.* Most adults don’t have enough digestive enzymes in their systems because cooking and processing food destroys the natural enzymes present in raw foods.* Moreover, our bodies produce fewer digestive enzymes as we age. This lack of enzymes leads to poor digestion. Poor Digestion Leads to Poor Energy Food provides the basic nutrients required for energy, growth and healing. However, even eating a balanced, healthy diet won’t do any good unless your body has the digestive enzymes to break down what you eat into absorbable nutrients.* As digestive enzyme levels decrease, digestive problems V>i>`ÌÕÌÀiÌ`iwViViÃ]LiÃÌÞ]}>Ã]L>Ì}] `}iÃÌ]>V`ÀiyÕÝ]ÃÕ}}à iÃÃ]V ÀVv>Ì}Õi] candida, parasites, high cholesterol and a host of other health problems.* Wholesale Price 24.85 142.20 Catalog Price 37.05 221.45 How To Use Ultra Daily Enzymes ALTRUM Ultra Daily Enzymes contain proven, powerful digestive enzymes. Regular use may help eliminate digestive problems and supply your body with better absorption of nutrients from the food you eat.* Take one capsule per meal, or break open a capsule and sprinkle on food or mix in water for even faster digestive action to help you feel better faster. Take an extra capsule to help digest heavier meals or to combat indigestion, heartburn or bloating.* Ultra Daily Enzymes also may help the following: • Relieve indigestion* • Increase stamina and energy* • Strengthen immune system* • Help digest fats* • Eliminate gas and toxins* • Slow aging* Enzymes unlock food’s nutrients and turn the food we eat into energy that our bodies can use.* *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. %JGEMYKVJ[QWTRJ[UKEKCPYJGPWUKPIRTGUETKRVKQPOGFKECVKQPUCNQPIYKVJHQQFUWRRNGOGPVU @#VVJGVKOGQHOCPWHCEVWTG 6 ALTRUM Ultra Daily Enzymes Raw foods contain the enzymes to aid in digestion. For proper digestion of nutrients to occur, primary enzymes are required: Ultra Daily Enzymes, when used with one of the Ultra Multis, provides maximum nutritional support, supplying nutrients from both food and supplementation.* LIPASE: Breaks down fat in butter, cheese and meat LACTASE: Breaks down lactose in milk sugars PROTEASE: Breaks down protein in meats, nuts and cheese AMYLASE: Breaks down carbohydrates, starches and sugars that are prevalent in potatoes, fruits, vegetables and snack foods CELLULASE:Ài>Ã`ÜwLiÀ]Ì i«>LÃÀLÕÌÀiÌÃvÀvÀÕÌÃ>`Ûi}iÌ>Lið C ALPHA-GALACTOSIDASE: Breaks down legumes (beans) and cruciferous vegetables. Ultra Daily EnzymesÃÕ««iÃÌ iÃiwÛi«À>ÀÞiâÞiÃ>`ÃiÛiÀ>>``Ì>iâÞiÃÌ >Ì>ÃÃÃÌÌ i`}iÃÌÛi«ÀViÃðI “My favorite ALTRUM supplement is the Ultra >ÞâÞið7Ì `>ÞÃvwÀÃÌÌ>} them I could tell the enzymes were improving my digestion. I had less gas production and no heartburn. I was immediately happy with the product. I have just never had an enzyme product that worked so well.” Become a Preferred Customer today and pay wholesale prices. — Preferred Customer Jake Dale ** Advanced Digestive Enzyme Formula Your key to unlocking the nutrients in food! The Ultra Daily Enzymes (DEU) contain a potent blend of 13 broad spectrum, highly active, concentrated, plant-derived enzymes to assist in the digestion of all food groups. This formula also contains a special prebiotic blend that supports the flora necessary for a healthy digestive system.† SUGGESTED USE: 1 capsule three times daily with meals, or as otherwise desired. This product is best when used as a part of a total nutritional program including the ALTRUM Ultra Multis & Altrum Ultra Probiotics. †This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Distributed by ALTRUM Nutrition Div. of AMSOIL INC. Superior, WI 54880 (715) 392-7101 PRODUCT CODE ® Supplement Facts Serving Size 1 capsule Servings per Container 90 Amount per Serving Proprietary Enzyme Blend 206 mg Amylase 8,500 DU 1,000 LU Lipase Protease 30,000 HUT Peptidase 5 LAPU Glucoamylase 12 AGU Invertase 250 SU Alpha Galactosidase 100 GaLU Beta Glucanase 10 BGU Hemicellulas 1,000 HCU Phytase 4 PU Malt Diastase 150 DPU Lactase 500 ALU Cellulase 300 CU Proprietary Prebiotic Blend 100 mg FOS (fructooligosaccharide), IMO (isomaltooligosaccharide) % Daily Value ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Daily Value not established. Other ingredients: Plant fiber, gelatin capsule (gelatin and water). *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. #NNVGUVKOQPKCNUCDQWV#.647/PWVTKVKQPCNRTQFWEVUCTGPQPUEKGPVKƂETGRQTVUCPFCTGPQVKPVGPFGFVQFTCYCP[FKTGEVECWUGCPFGHHGEVNKPMDGVYGGPFKUEWUUGFGXGPVUQTTGUWNVUo DEALERS/PREFERRED CUSTOMERS 1-800-777-7094 7 Ultra Probiotics PRODUCT FEATURES ALTRUM Ultra Probiotics is a universal probiotic formula providing 26.5 billion ÛiViÃGvLiiwV>VÀyÀ>VÕÌÕÀið Ultra Probiotics features nine premium strains of probiotics with 3.2 billion viable units^ of Lactobacillus bulgaricus. L bulgaricus is known as the “king of «ÀLÌVûqÌ iÕÛiÀÃ>ÌiÃÌ>yÀ> rejuvenator. It conditions the GI tract and is the key to supporting healthy cultures of the other probiotics.* May Help: • Improve digestion and absorption of vitamins* • Manufacture vitamins needed by the body* • Inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria that cause digestive stress* Ultra Probiotics Probiotics play an essential role in maintaining overall health by supporting the digestive and immune systems.* Ultra Probiotics Stock# DUP01 DUP01 Units EA CA Pkg/Size (1) 60 ct. (6) 60 ct. Wt.Lbs. 0.3 1.8 Wholesale Price 24.95 142.50 Catalog Price 38.60 231.00 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. %JGEMYKVJ[QWTRJ[UKEKCPYJGPWUKPIRTGUETKRVKQPOGFKECVKQPUCNQPIYKVJHQQFUWRRNGOGPVU @#VVJGVKOGQHOCPWHCEVWTG 8 ALTRUM ORDER NOW! Toll Free 1-800-956-5695 See page 23 Longevity Enzymes™ Renew the Body, Extend Youthfulness* 7 >ÌÃÌ iLiiwÌv>}viÜÌ ÕÌÞÕÌ vÕiÃö/ i enzymes in Longevity Enzymes™ are known as “systemic enzymes” that aid the body in staying youthful and energetic. The natural supply of metabolic enzymes that run our bodies ÃÌi`]>`ÕÃÌLiÃÕ««iiÌi`ÀÌ iÀiÃÕÌ}`iwVÌ may cause chronic health problems and accelerated aging.* Longevity Enzymes also assists the body in many vital functions. Both ALTRUM enzyme formulas help you maximize and conserve precious metabolic enzymes that run, renew and revitalize the body.* Supplementing With Longevity Enzymes Take two capsules twice daily on an empty stomach between meals with a glass of water. This is the easiest way to get systemic enzymes into the bloodstream to go about their remarkable cleansing and anti-aging duties. * To bring joint comfort, one can double the daily dosage.* The key to using Longevity Enzymes, or any nutritional supplement, is ÌÀiV}âiÌ >ÌLiiwÌÃVi}À>`Õ>ÞÌ ÀÕ} `>ÞÕÃi° Allow 90 days for results.* ** Longevity Enzymes Support Metabolic Enzymes That May: • Renew the body* • Slow the aging clock* • Extend productive lifespan* • Strengthen the immune system* • Bring joint and muscle comfort* Longevity Enzymes™ L Longevity Enzymes™ Stock# DZM01 DZM01 Units EA CA Pkg/Size (1) 90-count (6) 90-count Wt.Lbs. 0.2 1.2 Wholesale Price 25.35 144.90 Catalog Price 37.65 225.25 0QVG+H[QWCTGRTGUGPVN[WUKPIDNQQFVJKPPKPIFTWIURNGCUGEQPUWNVYKVJ[QWTRJ[UKEKCPDGHQTGUWRRNGOGPVKPI[QWTFKGVYKVJU[UVGOKEGP\[OGU *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. &QPQVVCMGVJKURTQFWEVKH[QWCTGRTGIPCPVQTNCEVCVKPI DEALERS/PREFERRED CUSTOMERS 1-800-777-7094 9 A.J.’s Signature Formulas Ƃ°°½Ã-}>ÌÕÀiÀÕ>ÃVÕ`iwÛiÕÌÀÌ>ÃÕ««iiÌÃ`iÃ}i` ëiVwV>ÞvÀ } «iÀvÀ>Vi>`LiÌÌiÀ i>Ì °I A.J.’s Prostate Formula Protect Prostate Health and Preserve Male Function* A.J.’s Prostate Formula is a natural, nutritional formula containing 14 vital prostatesupporting ingredients that includes lycopene, saw palmetto and pumpkin seed. “It is never too early to start preventative care and there is no better supplement to help you do that than A.J.’s Prostate Formula.” — Al Amatuzio A.J.’s Prostate Formula Stock# DPF01 DPF01 Units EA CA Pkg/Size (1) 60 ct. (6) 60 ct. Wt.Lbs. 0.2 1.2 Wholesale Price 28.20 161.40 Catalog Price 41.95 251.10 A.J.’s Prostate Formula May Help: • Provide nutritional support for a healthy prostate* • Enhance healthy male function* • Reduce the number of trips to the bathroom at night* • Maintain normal prostate size with advancing age* 1PN[CRJ[UKEKCPECPRTQRGTN[FKCIPQUGRTQUVCVGFKUQTFGTU5GGMRTQORVOGFKECNCVVGPVKQPYJGPPGEGUUCT[ *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. #NNVGUVKOQPKCNUCDQWV#.647/PWVTKVKQPCNRTQFWEVUCTGPQPUEKGPVKƂETGRQTVUCPFCTGPQVKPVGPFGFVQFTCYCP[FKTGEVECWUGCPFGHHGEVNKPMDGVYGGPFKUEWUUGFGXGPVUQTTGUWNVUo 10 ALTRUM Boost Your Energy, Strength, Vitality Roborant Energy Roborant Energy™ is a unique combination of herbs that nutritionally support the body’s ability to build and maintain a natural state of health and energy.* The word “Roborant” means strengthening; to restore vigor, strength and endurance, to have the “strength vÌ i>°»/ Ã`iwiÃÌ iÃiÛi body-vitalizing “Root of Life™” herbs found in Roborant Energy. This “Root o Life” supplement provides missing of nutritional elements that restore cellular nutrients daily for natural energy function. Use A.J.’s Roborant Energy for daily restoration of vigor, strength and endurance.* Rhodiola rosea is one of the seven “Root of Life™” herbs in Roborant Energy and has been used for centuries. It provides a natural plant extract that may increase physical strength and enhance mental stamina while nutritionally supporting the body’s ability to combat fatigue and handle stress.* Nutritionally supports healthy, normal function to help: • Restore strength, endurance and vital energy* • Increase mental performance and attention* • Increase work capacity and productivity* • Speed recovery from fatigue and workouts* • Fight depression and emotional stress* • Increase well-being* Roborant “Root of Life™” Plant Extracts Roborant Energy™ is an exclusive blend of seven legendary “Root of Life™” herbs known for promoting strength, endurance and vital energy.* • Rhodiola Root is said to have a stimulating effect that can increase vital energy, help reduce mental and physical fatigue and boost energy levels. This adaptogen may help restore the body’s balance, which may help increase overall resistance to stress. • White panax ginseng is said to have a stimulating effect that can increase vital energy, help reduce mental and physical fatigue and boost energy levels. This adaptogen is said to help restore the body’s balance, which may help increase overall resistance to stress.* • Astragalus Root has been used for many thousands of years to replenish vital energy. Considered “King of Herbs” in China.* • Suma Root supplies nutrients that support the body’s recuperative functions and well-being.* • Schizandra is used to increase energy, boost muscular activity and improve the cellular energy of the entire body for a healthier, longer, more active lifespan.* • Siberian Ginseng Root is reported to stimulate both mental and physical activity and improve the work of brain cells.* • Gotu Kola is renowned for strengthening and revitalizing the body and brain.* Supplement Facts Serving Size: 2 capsules Servings per Container: 30 Proprietary Herbal Energy Blend Stock# DRE01 DRE01 Units EA CA Pkg/Size (1) 60-count (6) 60-count % Daily Value 1.150 g ** White Panax Ginseng (root), Eleuthero extract (root), Astragalus extract (root), Gotu Kola extract (herb), Schisandra extract (fruit), Rhodiola extract (root), Suma (root). Become a Preferred Customer today and pay wholesale prices. A.J.’s Roborant Energy Amount per Serving ** Daily Value not established. Other ingredients: Rice flour, gelatin capsule (gelatin and water), vegetable stearate, silicon dioxide. The strength and vitality of the steadfast oak and its robust mineral-absorbing roots are the driving concepts behind Roborant Energy™, a powerful blend of mineral-rich “Root of Life™” herbs.* Wt.Lbs. 0.2 1.2 Wholesale Price 29.35 168.00 Catalog Price 43.65 261.15 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. DEALERS/PREFERRED CUSTOMERS 1-800-777-7094 11 A.J.’s Male Power A.J.’s Male Power is a premium product designed for men who want to naturally promote healthy male potency and stamina.* A unique formulation of twelve nutrients provides optimum masculine nutritional support to help maintain youthful male strength and vigor.* A.J.’s Male Power Stock# DMP01 DMP01 Units EA CA Pkg/Size (1) 60 ct. (6) 60 ct. Wt.Lbs. 0.2 1.2 Wholesale Price 14.70 84.00 Catalog Price 20.65 123.20 A.J.’s Brain Power A.J.’s Brain Power is specially formulated with the power of ginkgo biloba to help you maintain your mental edge. This multi-faceted product delivers the potent rejuvenating herbs gota kola, schizandra and ginger to keep your mind and memory sharp.* Ginkgo biloba is one the most well-known botanicals for brain health. Ginkgo may help improve cognitive function and memory and slow mental aging.* A.J.’s Brain Power contains the highest quality ginkgo extract in a base of supporting herbs to provide optimum mental nutritional support. Suggested Use: For best results, take one capsule twice daily. Talk with your doctor before taking with any prescription medications or if you have any medical conditions. A.J.’s Brain Power Stock# DBP01 DBP01 Units EA CA Pkg/Size (1) 60 capsules (6) 60 capsules Wt.Lbs. 0.2 1.2 Wholesale Price 15.55 89.10 Catalog Price 23.40 139.55 Become a Preferred Customer today and pay wholesale prices. A.J.’s Super Energy A.J.’s Super Energy is a natural way to boost energy. This refreshing and invigorating “stay awake” formula contains caffeine, guarana, ginseng, bee pollen, kola nut, cayenne, and schizandra. It is intended for use by adults when extra energy and vitality are desired. * The recommended dose of A.J.’s Super Energy contains about as much caffeine as a cup of coffee. For occasional use only. Not intended for use as a substitute for sleep. Not for children under 18 years of age or individuals with serious health concerns. A.J.’s Super Energy Stock# DSE01 DSE01 Units EA CA Pkg/Size (1) 60 capsules (6) 60 capsules 12 ALTRUM Wt.Lbs. 0.2 1.2 Wholesale Price 12.55 72.00 Catalog Price 18.60 110.90 ORDER NOW! Toll Free 1-800-956-5695 See page 23 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. Superfood Supplements Rounding out the basic requirements for proper nutritional supplementation are the superfoods, an exceptional source of phytonutrients (plant nutrients). Superfoods are natural, nutrient-rich food supplements derived from nature’s plant sources, providing a multitude of health LiiwÌðƂvÌ iÃiÃÕ«iÀv`ÃÜÌ Ì iiÝVi«Ìv}>ÀV®>ÀivÕ`Ì iƂ/,1Õ̽ÃÃÕ«iÀv`É iÀL>L>Ãi° Ãi«À`ÕVÌà from this category for additional superfoods. Daily Garlic Support D Garlic has been used for more than 5,000 years by various cultures as one of the most important overall health-promoting herbs of all time. It may nutritionally support and help maintain healthy immune system*, normal blood pressure*, cardiovascular health* and good joint nutrition.* Each ALTRUM Daily Garlic Support capsule provides 500 mg of garlic extract (bulb). One bottle contains 120 capsules. Daily Garlic Support Stock# DGS01 DGS01 Units EA CA Pkg/Size (1) 120 Capsules (6) 120 Capsules Wt.Lbs. 0.4 2.4 Wholesale Price 13.80 78.60 Catalog Price 20.45 121.15 Superfood Phytonutrient Support Boost Joint Nutrition with Deep Greens* S / iÀi>Ài>Þ« ÞÌÕÌÀiÌÃÛi}iÌ>LiÃÌ >ÌÜià Õ`VÃÕi`>Þ]LÕÌÌ>ÞLi`vwVÕÌÌi>ÌÌ iÀiVi`i`wÛi`>Þ servings. That’s why supplementing with nutrient-rich, concentrated vegetables, as found in Superfood Phytonutrient Support, can provide high levels of health-providing phytonutrients. This formula is packed with phytonutrients naturally occurring in vegetables and deep greens.* Phytonutrients nutritionally support healthy, normal function and structure in the entire body such as joint comfort and ease of mobility*, antioxidant activity that provides cell protection* and promotes good general health.* SivÌ i« ÞÌV iV>Ã-Õ«iÀv`* ÞÌÕÌÀiÌ-Õ««ÀÌVÕ`iy>Û`Ã]ÃÕvÀ>« >i]`iÃ]iÌ Þ}ÀÕ«Ã]ÞV«ii and the carotenoids. Superfood Phytonutrient Support contains nine super-vegetable concentrates including broccoli, tomato, spinach, carrot, V>ÕyÜiÀ]>i]LiiÌ]LÀÕÃÃiëÀÕÌÃ>`ViiÀÞ°I Superfood Phytonutrient Support Stock# DPN01 DPN01 Units EA CA Pkg/Size (1) 75 tablets (6) 75 tablets Wt.Lbs. 0.3 1.8 Wholesale Price 12.70 72.60 Catalog Price 18.70 111.55 13 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. Technical Supplements / iƂ/,1/iV V>-Õ««iiÌÃiÃV«ÀÃi`v«ÀiÕÃÕ««iiÌÃ`iÃ}i`ÌiiÌëiVwVÕÌÀÌ>ii`ð They can enhance, improve and protect your overall health. Joint Formula is premium nutritional support for healthy joints, cartilage and connective tissue. This comprehensive formula has optimal levels of key joint health ingredients MSM, glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, boswellia, calcium and manganese. Studies show these ingredients are natural, safe and effective alternatives to help bring comfort and ease to joint and muscle movement. Like all ALTRUM supplements, the effectiveness of Joint Formula is even greater with one of the Ultra Multis and Ultra Daily Enzymes.* Joint Formula Stock# DJF01 DJF01 Units EA CA Pkg/Size (1) 60 ct. (6) 60 ct. Wt.Lbs. 0.3 1.8 Wholesale Price 18.60 106.50 Catalog Price 30.15 180.10 Joint Formula Eases Dealer’s Discomfort Dealer Monty Osborne’s medication for rheumatoid arthritis was reduced twice after he started using Joint Formula. “The only thing I’ve done different is start taking ALTRUM Joint Formula.” *The doctor read the Joint Formula label and said: ‘Keep taking them.’ I feel better now than I’ve felt in years.” ** — AMSOIL Dealer Monty Osborne Become a Preferred Customer today and pay wholesale prices. Joint Formula is an ALTRUM top seller. Users of Joint Formula have reported their joint discomfort is under control after only 30 days.* *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. #NNVGUVKOQPKCNUCDQWV#.647/PWVTKVKQPCNRTQFWEVUCTGPQPUEKGPVKƂETGRQTVUCPFCTGPQVKPVGPFGFVQFTCYCP[FKTGEVECWUGCPFGHHGEVNKPMDGVYGGPFKUEWUUGFGXGPVUQTTGUWNVUo 14 ALTRUM Your Body Needs the Best Oil Essential fatty acids in Nutritional Oils and Ultra Omega 3 May Help • Protect heart and arteries* • Regulate brain function and nerve impulses* • Support the immune system* • Improve skin and hair* • Provide natural fat-burners* • Normalize cholesterol, blood lipids and triglycerides* Ƃ`iwViViÃ>Þi>`ÌëÀLiÃÃÕV >Ã`ÀÞ]ÃV>ÞÃ>`iVâi>°"Ì iÀVL>>ViÃ>Ài`ÀÞ >À>` hair loss, nail problems, gallstones, irritability, liver problems, varicose veins, vulnerability to infections, low body weight and more.* Make a Health Change for the Better Nutritional Oils is a vital supplement for a healthy lifestyle, providing essential oils your body needs daily to remain healthy. ÌÃ>>iiÃÃiÌ>v>ÌÌÞ>V`vÀÕ>«ÀÛ`}i}>Î]È>`*Ƃ]Ƃ>`ƂvÀ£Óää}i>V vy>Ý] LÀ>}i>`wà «iÀ`>Þ°/ iÃiƂÃ>Þ i«ii«ÞÕÀL`ÞwiÞÌÕi`>`ÀÕ}ivwViÌÞ°I Nutritional Oils ALTRUM Nutritional Oils includes three exceptional sources of iÃÃiÌ>v>ÌÌÞ>V`Ãwà ]y>ÝÃii`>`LÀ>}i]>ÃÜ>à Omega 3-6-9---in one comprehensive product. This well rounded blend supports heart, immune, metabolic, joint and skin health.* Nutritional Oils Stock# DNO01 DNO01 Units EA CA Pkg/Size (1) 90 ct. (6) 90 ct. Wt.Lbs. 0.4 2.4 Wholesale Price 22.75 129.90 Catalog Price 33.95 202.30 Ultra Omega-3 Ultra Omega-3 is a concentrated omega-3 formula that provides an ideal source of the highest-quality EPA and DHA essential fatty acids vÀ«ÀiÕiVÕ>À`ÃÌi`>Ài«`ÃvÀwà ð ALTRUM Ultra Omega-3 and Nutritional Oils are manufactured using a patented cold process of molecular distillation. During this process } Û>VÕÕ«ÀiÃÃÕÀiÃÕÃi`ÌiÛ>«À>ÌiÌ iwà °/ iV`iÃ>Ìi (omega-3 fatty acids) is caught on a cooled surface. No heat is ever used in this process. This form of molecular distillation guarantees removal of all impurities while maintaining the quality of the omega-3 v>ÌÌÞ>V`ðÌÌ>iÃ>««ÀÝ>ÌiÞ£ä}>Ãv«ÀiÕwÃ Ì produce 1 gallon of top-grade marine lipids using this patented process.* Ultra Omega-3 Stock# DUO01 DUO01 Units EA CA Pkg/Size (1) 60 ct. (6) 60 ct. Wt.Lbs. 0.2 1.2 Wholesale Price 14.25 81.60 Catalog Price 20.20 120.35 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. DEALERS/PREFERRED CUSTOMERS 1-800-777-7094 15 Refuel Your Mental Power Memory Focus M Provides Advanced Nutrients to Keep You Mentally Sharp* ALTRUM Memory Focus provides the highest-quality, proven brain nutrients. It is formulated in the right dosages so the nutrients it provides may protect the brain’s function against the effects of aging, stress and free-radical damage. It >Þ>à i««ÀÌiÀ>L`yÜÌÌ iLÀ>°I Mental clarity directly affects quality of life. Now, recharge your brain with this combination of nutrients optimized to help support sharp mental focus, thinking power and vibrant memory.* Memory Focus Stock# DMF01 DMF01 Units EA CA Pkg/Size (1) 100-count (6) 100-count Wt.Lbs. 0.4 2.4 Wholesale Price 29.75 170.10 Catalog Price 42.30 253.00 Nutrition to Power Your Mind* Memory Focus: multi-nutrient mental clarity formula providing the most advanced premium quality nutrients.* Suggested Use: Take 3 to 6 capsules daily, with or without food. This product is best as part of a program including the ALTRUM products: Ultra Daily Enzymes, DNU Ultra Multis and Vision Power (your best anti-oxident formula). Memory Focus may be better adsorbed if taken between meals. Store in cool, dry place with lid tightly closed. Warning: Consult your health care professional before taking this product if you are undergoing treatment for a health condition or are presently using any prescription medications. Do not take if you are pregnant or lactating. *This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Distributed by ALTRUM Nutrition Div. of AMSOIL INC. Superior, WI 54880 (715) 392-7101 Product Code DMF-01 Supplement Facts Serving Size 6 Capsules Servings per Container Approximately 16 Amount per Serving Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine HCl) Folate (as folic acid) Vitamin B12 (as methylcobalamin) Proprietary Focus Blend DMAE Bitartrate, Chinese Skullcap extract (root), Asian Ginseng root Proprietary Healthy Brain Blend L-Tyrosine, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, Blueberry extract (fruit), Green Tea extract (leaf), Alpha Lipoic Acid, Ginkgo extract (leaf), Vinpocetine, Astaxanthin Boron (as boron citrate) 40 mg 150 mcg 100 mcg 1.0 g % Daily Value 2000% 38% 1667% ** 2.9 g ** 250 mg ** * Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. ** Daily Value not established. Other ingredients: Magnesium stearate, gelatin capsule (gelatin and water), cellulose, silicon dioxide. Memory Focus gives you all of the premium nutrients at a fraction of their individual cost. You would pay more than $100 to buy these ingredients separately. Memory Focus provides the correct dosages you need to help make a difference in your brain health.* *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. 16 ALTRUM ORDER NOW! Toll Free 1-800-956-5695 See page 23 Vision Power Vision Power Protect Your Eyes It’s never too late to start improving your sight. The nutrients in Vision Power may help support lifelong protection of your vision. Vision Power Stock# DVP01 DVP01 Units EA CA Pkg/Size (1) 100-count (6) 100-count Wt.Lbs. 0.2 1.2 Age-Defying Antioxidants for Your Entire Body Your eyes are particularly vulnerable to free-radical damage, but Vision Power provides protection you need. You get the combined eye-defending antioxidant power of carotenoids, lutein, lycopene, zeaxanthin, alpha lipoic acid and much more. Nutritionally supports normal, healthy function that may help: • Night vision* • Keep eyesight strong, sharp and clear* • End eye strain, blurred vision & dry, irritated eyes* • Reduce free-radical damage* • Promote circulation & nourish eye tissue* • Strengthen and protect eyes from harmful UV radiation* Become a Preferred Customer today and pay wholesale prices. Wholesale Price 31.00 177.30 Catalog Price 47.90 286.65 POWERFUL Eye Formula Vision Power provides the most highly-prized, essential nutrients that may potentially help to strengthen and protect your eyes and your entire body. Vision Power gives you all the proven nutrients in one easy-to-use product.* SUGGESTED USE: 6 capsules daily, preferably 3 capsules with each meal. For nutritional eye maintenance, take 3 daily. For highest premium nutritional eye support take 6 per day. Each 6 capsules provide: Bilberry extract (25% or 80 mg Anthocyanins) ..................................... 321 mg (Bilberry, one of the most effective ingredients for eye health, is the foundation of Vision Power. It has been used by herbalists for centuries to help strengthen vision. )* Lutein (as Esters from Marigold) .....................................................................15 mg Alpha Lipoic Acid ........................................................................................... 60 mg Quercetin (as Dihydrate)............................................................................... 300 mg Lycopene/Eye health blend: (Carrot root; Schisandra berry; Ginkgo biloba extract 80 mg; ÞiLÀ} Ì>iÀ>«>ÀÌÃÆ-«>V Æ>iÆ/>ÌÆÀVVyÀiÌiÝÌÀ>VÌÆ Lycopene 4 mg; Zeaxanthin 1100 mcg) ................................................... 1115 mg Triphala Complex: /iÀ>>LiiÀV>]/iÀ>>V iLÕ>]LV>vwV>î ...................... 150 mg Vision health proprietary blend: (l-Taurine; N-Acetyl Cysteine 250 mg; l-Glutamine; l-Glycine; Glutamate; l-Methionine; l-Glutathione 10 mg) ........................ 1360 mg Vitamin A (Natural Carotenoids from D. salina) ............................................ 2250 IU Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) ............................................................................... 75 mg Vitamin E (d-Alpha Tocopherol Succinate) .................................................... 37.5 IU If you are pregnant, lactating or taking blood thinning drugs consult a health care professional before using this product. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. DEALERS/PREFERRED CUSTOMERS 1-800-777-7094 17 Ultra Calcium Complex Support Bones and Connective Tissue Calcium is a vital health-building mineral that helps keep bones and teeth strong.* It also plays a key role in many vital bodily functions, such as blood pressure regulation, nerve impulse transmission, muscle contraction and blood clotting.* Ultra Calcium Complex is a state-of-the-art, premium, multiple-source calcium formula containing several highly absorbable forms of calcium, including carbonate, aspartate and citrate. Vitamin D-3 and many additional co-factors have been included and balanced in the formula for optimal calcium absorption and use.* Ultra Calcium Complex contains 500 mg. of calcium and 200 mg of magnesium in three capsules. Calcium is best absorbed in capsule form.* 1ÌÀ> >VÕ «iÝÃ>`>ÞÃÕ««iiÌLiÃÌÕÃi`LÞÌ ÃiÜÌ >``Ì>V>VÕii`ÃLiÞ`Ì ÃiÃ>ÌÃwi`LÞÌ i ALTRUM Multis.* Ultra Calcium Complex Stock# DUC01 DUC01 Units EA CA Pkg/Size (1) 90 capsules (6) 90 capsules Wt.Lbs. 0.3 1.8 Wholesale Price 12.65 72.30 Catalog Price 19.00 113.10 Coenzyme Q-10 For Heart, Immune System, Gums and Energy* Coenzyme Q10, or CoQ10, plays several vital roles in overall health. CoQ10 is one of the most important antioxidant supplements for protecting heart health and supporting normal cardiovascular function. Statin medications may deplete naturally occurring CoQ10. Supplementation with ALTRUM CoEnzyme Q10 may promote healthy levels and may also help strengthen the heart, support the immune system, keep gums healthy and increase energy.* Coenzyme Q-10 Stock# DEQ01 DEQ01 Units EA CA Pkg/Size (1) 60 ct. (6) 60 ct. Wt.Lbs. 0.1 0.8 Wholesale Price 17.50 100.20 Catalog Price 26.15 156.25 Vitamin C-600 Controlled Release Support Healthy Connective Tissue* and Cellular Health* Controlled release Vitamin C-600 Formula with Rosehips provides 600 mg. of this potent antioxidant per tablet. Vitamin C is an essential antioxidant vitamin that protects cells against the damage caused by free radicals.* It nutritionally aids normal growth and repair of tissue – including bones and cartilage, and may support the body’s immune system.* Each tablet contains 600 mg. of vitamin C in a controlled release form, providing continuous release of this nutrient throughout a six to eight hour period. Use C-600 Formula with Rosehips when additional vitamin C is required beyond that found in your daily ALTRUM Multi. Vitamin C-600 with Rosehips Stock# VB020 VB020 Units EA CA Pkg/Size (1) 100 tablets (6) 100 tablets Wt.Lbs. 0.4 2.4 Wholesale Price 6.10 36.60 Catalog Price 11.25 66.05 Stress Management System Loaded with B-complex, Vitamin C and Zinc ÕÀ}ÌiÃv } ÃÌÀiÃÃ]Ì iL`Þii`Ã>``Ì>>ÕÌÃvëiVwVÕÌÀiÌðv>VÌ]>Þ`ÃÀ`iÀÃÌ >Ì>ÀÃi vÀÃÌÀiÃÃÀiÃÕÌvÀÕÌÀÌ>`iwViVið-ÌÀiÃÃwÀÃÌ>vviVÌë>ÀÌÃvÌ iL`ÞÀi>Ìi`ÌÌ iiÀÛÕÃÃÞÃÌiÃÕV >à the digestive and intestinal systems.* Stress Management System contains B-complex vitamins that are required nutrients for proper functioning of the nervous system. This formula also contains nutrients important for the production of anti-stress hormones, the functioning of the immune system and the use of B-complex vitamins such as vitamin C, zinc, choline and inositol. These B-complex vitamins are also ViâÞiÃÛÛi`iiÀ}Þ«À`ÕVÌ>`>ÞLiÕÃivÕw} Ì}`i«ÀiÃÃÀ>ÝiÌÞ°I Stress Management System is designed to be used for those under unusually high stress along with a healthy, well-balanced diet and one of the ALTRUM Multis.* Stress Management System Stock# VB010 VB010 Units EA CA Pkg/Size (1) 120 tablets (6) 120 tablets Wt.Lbs. 0.3 1.8 Wholesale Price 12.00 68.70 Catalog Price 18.20 107.85 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. 18 ALTRUM Nutritional Drink Mix Provides Protein, Nutrition Boost ALTRUM NUTRITIONAL DRINK MIX ALTRUM Nutritional Drink Mix >Ã>ÀV V V>Ìiy>ÛÀ°Ì`iÛiÀà } µÕ>ÌÞÜ iÞ «ÀÌi]wLiÀ]ÛÌ>Ã>`iÀ>Ã]iâÞiÃ]«À«ÀiÌ>ÀÞvÀÕÌLi`>`]> metabolite that can help maintain lean muscle mass. Simply combine one scoop with 8 ounces of cold milk or water for a delicious nutrition boost any time of the day, or combine with fruit and ice for a delicious smoothie. Ingredients in Nutritional Drink Mix • Protein – 10 g — an excellent source • Fiber – provides 5 g — an excellent source • Enzyme blend — contains protease (digest protein), amylase (digest carbs) and lipase (digest fats) to help assimilate nutrients in the formula • HMB — to help maintain muscle mass • Antioxidant powder — a blend of healthy fruits and vegetables • Non-fat milk — contains a form of niacin (niacinamide riboside) that can help maintain a healthy weight • Vitamins and minerals — 30 percent of daily value • Flavor — Chocolate U >ÀÌwV>ÃÜiiÌiiÀà Nutritional Drink Mix Stock# DPS01 DPS01 Vitamin Organizer Stock# G3300 (US) G3300 (Can) Units EA (1) EA (1) Wholesale Price 3.99 4.80 ALTRUM Blender Bottle Stock# G3267 (US) G3267 (Can) Units (1) (1) Wholesale Price 7.99 9.70 Units EA (1) CA (4) Wt. Lbs. 2.2 9.2 Wholesale Price 48.00 192.00 Catalog Price 70.60 282.40 Catalog Price 4.65 5.30 Catalog Price 9.25 10.70 G3267 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. DEALERS/PREFERRED CUSTOMERS 1-800-777-7094 19 Strengthen Your Health & Vision Total body bod health supports su orts healthy eyes. An ideal visi vision protection plan includes Vision Power plus the ALTRUM core products: one of the Ultra Multis, Ultra Daily Enzymes, Ultra Omega-3 and Ultra Probiotics°ÀiÛi}Ài>ÌiÀ i>Ì LiiwÌÃVÕ`iLongevity Enzymes™ and Roborant Energy™.* ** Vision Power provides the proven nutrients you need for optimal eye health.* Longevity Enzymes™ supports metabolic enzymes that renew the body. Relief of joint and muscle `ÃVvÀÌ>Ài>}Ì i>ÞLiiwÌðI Ultra Multis bring you powerful ingredients to keep your body running at «i>ivwViVÞ°iiÌ i difference.* Roborant Energy™ is a unique strengthening elixir of restorative herbs for vigor, strength and endurance.* • Nutritional Oils provides premium omega-3 from LÀ>}i]y>Ý>`wà ð Ultra Daily Enzymes are the key to unlocking nutrition from your food. Includes 13 powerful digestive enzymes plus prebiotics.* • Ultra Omega-3 is a concentrated omega-3 «À`ÕVÌvÀwà ð *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. 2NGCUGEJGEMYKVJ[QWTRJ[UKEKCPYJGPWUKPIRTGUETKRVKQPOGFKECVKQPUKPEQODKPCVKQPYKVJHQQFUWRRNGOGPVU 20 ALTRUM ® Customers are saying...** These Supplements are the Best! ** ‘I Love the Nutritional Drink Mix’ “I love the Nutritional Drink Mix. This is the fourth brand that I’ve tried over the years and it is tops. It is delicious compared to the other brands that you want to swallow as quickly as you can because of the taste. Nutritional Drink Mix is a great replacement for a meal with all the vitamins and nutrients. It takes away the desire for an unhealthy snack between meals.”** — Direct Jobbers Marla and Wes Stauffer ‘Sold on Vision Power’ 7 iÀiVÌLLiÀ>Ûi>ÌÕÀi`{n] iÃÌ>ÀÌi`iÝ«iÀiV}¸y>ÌiÀû>` ¸y>à iÀø ÃiÞiðƂÌ Õ} ÃÛÃÀi>ëiÀviVÌ]Ì i`VÌÀÃ>`Ì iÃiÃÞ«Ìà are something that comes with aging. Mann ordered a case of Vision Power and by the third month the spots in his vision were gone. "I have not noticed them since. I am sold on Vision Power, and I am never going to stop taking it." ** — Direct Jobber Dave Mann ALTRUM Program Keeps Dealers Healthy, Active “While many of the ALTRUM products work to keep you healthy with a strong immune system, a few of the products give you noticeable change in your health. With the use of A.J.’s Ultra Multis, Vitamin C, Coenzyme-Q10 and Daily Garlic Support, neither Donna nor >Ûi >`Ì iyÕÞi>Àð/ i>ÃÌÌiÜ>ÃÌÌÜÀÜ>㣰»II — Direct Jobbers Pat and Donna Grady ‘The Results Have Been Tremendous’ “I’ve been taking ALTRUM supplements now for about six or seven months and I have to tell you how much more energized and healthier I feel. The results have been tremendous. I just feel generally better, I feel stronger, healthier overall. I’m balanced, not having symptoms of menopause. I just couldn’t believe what a difference the vitamins made for me. With my good diet, exercise and ALTRUM supplements I am truly proof of good health now and for many years to come. I am a 100 percent believer.” ** — Dealer Laurie Serba Dealers Stay Active With ALTRUM Supplements Dealers Chip and Jillian Hayes started using ALTRUM supplements in the 1990s. Through the years, they have fashioned a supplement regimen that works for them and includes a variety of the products. “We really give the ALTRUM vitamins and supplements a lot of credit for how healthy we feel.” ** — Dealers Chip and Jillian Hayes *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. #NNVGUVKOQPKCNUIKXGPCDQWV#.647/0WVTKVKQPCNRTQFWEVUCTGPQPUEKGPVKƂETGRQTVUCPFCTGPQVKPVGPFGFVQFTCYCP[FKTGEVECWUGCPFGHHGEVNKPMDGVYGGPFKUEWUUGFGXGPVUQTpTGUWNVUqCPF EQPUWOKPIVJGPWVTKGPVUEQPVCKPGFKPVJGRTQFWEVUFGUETKDGF4GUWNVUCTGKPFKXKFWCNCPFYKNNXCT[HTQORGTUQPVQRGTUQP DEALERS/PREFERRED CUSTOMERS 1-800-777-7094 21 The Gold Standard in Nutritional Supplementation SAVE SAVE NOW! NOW! Preferred Customer Program Start out right and become a Preferred Customer Preferred Customers pay wholesale prices for ALTRUM products and receive the ALTRUM News monthly. • Six-month trial membership — $10 • One-year membership — $20 See next page 27 for details You can improve your quality and length of life with ALTRUM nutritional supplements. ** Become a Preferred Customer today and pay wholesale prices. An AMSOIL lubrication specialist understands that taking good care of a vehicle early in its life can add years, even decades, of quality performance to the vehicle. He knows there are simple common-sense principles to caring for a vehicle’s powertrain, chassis and body that can eliminate most problems later in its life. These principles also apply as an excellent model of understanding human health, performance and longevity. These principles are the foundation upon which AMSOIL and ALTRUM alike are built. ** — Direct Jobber Dave Mann *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. 2NGCUGEJGEMYKVJ[QWTRJ[UKEKCPYJGPWUKPIRTGUETKRVKQPOGFKECVKQPUKPEQODKPCVKQPYKVJHQQFUWRRNGOGPVU #NNVGUVKOQPKCNUIKXGPCDQWV#.647/0WVTKVKQPCNRTQFWEVUCTGPQPUEKGPVKƂETGRQTVUCPFCTGPQVKPVGPFGFVQFTCYCP[FKTGEVECWUGCPFGHHGEVNKPMDGVYGGPFKUEWUUGFGXGPVUQTpTGUWNVUq CPFEQPUWOKPIVJGPWVTKGPVUEQPVCKPGFKPVJGRTQFWEVUFGUETKDGF4GUWNVUCTGKPFKXKFWCNCPFYKNNXCT[HTQORGTUQPVQRGTUQP 22 ALTRUM How to Order TOLL-FREE TELEPHONE ORDERING Dial 1-800-956-5695 (Contiguous 48 States Only). Hours: 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central Time, Monday through Friday, except for statutory holidays. When calling, please provide the Referral Customer Number (from the back cover of the catalog). TECHNICAL QUESTIONS Direct all technical questions to the ALTRUM Division, AMSOIL INC., AMSOIL Bldg., Superior, Wisconsin 54880 or call (715) 392-7101 or email SHIPPING AND HANDLING Continental U.S. – Customers receive free shipping on orders of QTOQTG1TFGTUNGUUVJCPCTGEJCTIGFCƃCVUJKRRKPI fee of $8.50. Free standard ground shipping on orders of $100 or more is valid only for catalog orders shipped to a valid address in the continental United States. AMSOIL does not ship to PO Boxes. The $100 threshold does not include taxes, fees or other charges. AMSOIL reserves the right to cancel any order due to unauthorized, altered or ineligible use of this offer and to modify or cancel this offer at any time. No price adjustments will be provided on previous purchases. AMSOIL Dealers, Preferred Customers and accounts are ineligible for free shipping. Alaska – Add 7.5 percent to product prices for extra freight expenses. Additional freight charges will be applied based on destination within Alaska and total order weight. See Shipping Info at for additional details. 1 FREE SHIPPING Order $100 or more in ALTRUM products and receive free ground shipping anywhere in the continental U.S. — OR — 2 BUY WHOLESALE Become a Preferred Customer and pay wholesale prices for all ALTRUM products – a savings of approximately 25 percent. To become a Preferred Customer, visit the ALTRUM website at, use the Referral Number on the back of this catalog and add the Preferred Customer membership to your shopping cart. You’ll pay regular ALTRUM shipping rates, but still save more than regular online/catalog customers. You’ll also pay wholesale prices on future orders for the duration of your P.C. membership. Hawaii – Orders are shipped using the most cost-effective method and actual freight charges will be applied when orders are shipped. See Shipping Info at for additional details. Military Post Boxes – AMSOIL INC. ships orders to APO and FPO addresses for customers’ personal use only. Orders are shipped using U.S. Mail Parcel Post and orders will be charged actual freight costs, which will be charged at the time the order is shipped. See Shipping Info at for additional details. Vitamin orders under 10 lbs. are delivered by the USPS. Please provide a valid mailing address. PRODUCT DAMAGED DURING SHIPPING If there is visible damage to your order upon delivery, refuse the order. It will be returned to AMSOIL INC. for inspection and a new order will be sent at no extra charge to you. If you discover hidden damage after accepting delivery of your order, call 1-800-956-5695 for damaged product instructions. Start buying wholesale today! SALES TAX INFORMATION ALTRUM has an established Sales Tax Rate for all states. Because ALTRUM is sometimes required to collect city, county and other taxes as well, the tax rate ALTRUM charges may be higher than just your sales tax. NOTE: Freight charges are subject to sales tax in Connecticut, Georgia, Nebraska, Nevada and Wisconsin. RETURN POLICY All unopened containers may be returned within 30 days of order, freight pre-paid, to ALTRUM for a full refund of the purchase price and sales tax (shipping and handling fees are non-refundable). Call 1-800-956-5695 for instructions prior to returning any product. HAWAII ALTRUM products are available through independent Dealers and selected retailers. QUESTIONS For questions on shipping, sales tax, damaged products, instructions, etc., call 1-800-956-5695, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central Time, M - F, except for statutory holidays. Prices subject to change without notice. DEALERS/PREFERRED CUSTOMERS 1-800-777-7094 Want More? Try an AMSOIL/ALTRUM Dealership AMSOIL and ALTRUM products are sold through independent Dealers. You can start an independent AMSOIL/ALTRUM Dealership for less than $50 and put as much — or as little — time into it as you want. There’s always plenty of support , never any hassles. No quotas Ìw° ÛiÌÀÞÀiµÕÀiiÌð9Õ½ÀiÌ iLÃð̽ÃÌ i`i> business opportunity. You can sell to commercial and retail accounts as well as individuals. It’s up to you . . . extra money, a full-time income or rock-bottom prices on AMSOIL and ALTRUM products. 23 REORDER AUTOMATICALLY Feel Your Best With ALTRUM Nutritional Supplements REORDER AUTOMATICALLY Set up a schedule in your shopping cart S when you order online. Your credit card w will be charged when the items ship. The ALTRUM Auto-Ship pp program g makes sticking to your healthy lifestyle easy. Get what you need, when you need it. You can control the items you have on Auto-Ship and the credit card you want to be charged for each reorder. Choose from one of the convenient reorder schedules to get started. ® Core Nutritional Products ® AUTO-SHIP PROGRAM *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. 2NGCUGEJGEMYKVJ[QWTRJ[UKEKCPYJGPWUKPIRTGUETKRVKQPOGFKECVKQPUKPEQODKPCVKQPYKVJHQQFUWRRNGOGPVU @#VVKOGQHOCPWHCEVWTG ® Refer to this number when ordering toll-free or register as a Preferred Customer at 1-800-956-5695. Credit card orders only Referral #_________________________________ ALTRUM, 925 Tower Ave., Superior, WI 54880 • 715-392-7101 • Printed in the USA. © 2015 AMSOIL INC. All rights reserved. The ALTRUM logo is a registered trademark of ALTRUM G1670 5/15
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