Sacramento Elks Lodge


Sacramento Elks Lodge
Lodge 6 first organized – Feb. 25, 1877; Instituted – Dec. 21, 1895 (As Lodge 328); Redesignated Lodge #6 – March 5, 1908; Newsletter “SIX” first published – July 1911
Sacramento Elks • 6446 Riverside Blvd, Sacramento, Ca 95831 • October 2014 • Vol. cV, No. 6
Exalted Ruler’s Message
ello Fellow Elks, last month started off
with First Lady Irma’s Salsa Smackdown. It was another fun Sunday at the
Lodge — salsa tasting, music, nachos, raffle
and a great Mexican dinner. Awards were
given to the top three winners in each salsa
category that ranged from hot and zesty to mild
and sweet. Thanks go out to all the contestants, volunteers
and attendees. Another fun event was Birthday night. Tommy
Ventanas serenaded attendees with
music and songs of some of the
great “crooners” of our time. The
Steak and Chicken BBQ came to
an end in September and I’d like to
say thanks to Leading Knight Tom
Brunette for chairing this event
that supports the Purple Pig, and a
special thanks to all of the BBQ’s
Cindy (Lodge Bartender) dedicated volunteers. We’re now
& Irma (First Lady)
back to our regular Wednesday
Night dinners, you can contact the Lodge office for tickets
and menu for the week. Cost remains the same, $10.
This month we have the annual parking lot sale on Saturday, October 11 from 8am to 2pm. Spaces are on a first-come,
first-serve basis. If you have just a few items to sell and would
like to donate the proceeds to the Lodge, you can drop those
items off at the Elks 6 booth. On the 21st, North Central
District Grand Exalted Ruler Jeffie Moffet (Forest) will be at
Sacramento 6 for a “visitation.” After her meeting with Lodge
officers and chairpersons, there will be a dinner and all members and guests are invited. We will hold a Fish Fry on Sunday
the 26th with all proceeds going to the Elks National Foundation. On Halloween night, which happens to fall on Friday
Night Happy Hour, the Lodge invites you to stop by and, if
you come in costume, a contest will be held later that evening.
Next month, November, we celebrate Portuguese Night in
the Lounge on the 2nd. The CHEA Mid Term Conference will
be held on the 7th and 8th at the Doubletree by Hilton Hotel
here in Sacramento with registration beginning on Thursday
the 6th. . Also planned on the 6th is a Mexican Fiesta Dinner
hosted by Sacramento 6 here at our Lodge with Karaoke
following. Tickets for this dinner are available in the Lodge
office and I encourage you to attend, it’s a great opportunity
to meet fellow Elks from Lodges throughout California
and Hawaii. November also brings the annual Holiday
Arts & Crafts Faire on Saturday the 8th from 9am to 3pm.
This year it was decided that all crafts are to be “handmade” — no re-sales. This is a good opportunity to get
those last minute “special” Christmas items and stocking
stuffers. And, believe it or not, it’s time to start making
plans for New Year’s Eve. The theme this year is “Stardust.”
Our hosts have planned Fred Morgan, a 15-piece band for
your enjoyment, and a complete prime rib dinner served by
Rayna’s Gourmet Catering. Festivities begin at 7pm with hors
d’oeuvres and party favors. The evening will also include the
traditional “Eleven O’clock” champagne toast and balloon
drop at midnight. Cost is $62.50 per person and dress is
formal or dark coat for men. Tickets now on sale.
On a weekly basis we offer Sunday Breakfast, Monday
Night Football, Wednesday Night Dinners, Thursday Night
Karaoke and Friday Night Happy Hour. On the second
Sunday of each month, Sunday Jazz. With other special
events scattered throughout the months and our continued
charitable activities, hopefully, there is something for everyone to support and enjoy. Your officer corps and committee
members have strived throughout the year to put this Lodge
on a financially healthy and active track. Your participation in this journey by volunteering or attending events has
been key to the successes achieved to date. “In the spirit of
Elkdom,” and with your continued support, let’s keep this
journey moving forward and have some fun along the way!
~ Hank Peralta, Exalted Ruler
From the Leading Knight
The chair of charity
elcome to another great month as we are soon approaching winter, so please test your heaters and
make sure everything is working prior to the cold
weather. It is often said that a little goes a long way towards
changing tomorrow. Back in 1950 who would have ever
imagined that the Elks Major project, solely supported by
(continued on page 2)
The Six
Published Monthly
Sacramento Elks Lodge No. 6
6446 Riverside Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95831
Send articles/photos to:
PER Darnell Lawrence, Editor,
or bring to Lodge Office.
Deadline: No later than the 8th of each month.
2014-2015 Lodge Officers
Exalted Ruler............................... Hank Peralta
Leading Knight..................Thomas L. Brunette
Loyal Knight............................. Ron Domingos
Lecturing Knight....................... David Y. Osaki
Secretary........................Thomas D. Rotharmel
Treasurer..................................Anthony Muljat
Esquire...................................Catherine Barone
Tiler.............................................Elisa Immoos
Chaplain................................ DeAnna Marwin
Inner Guard............................ Cherylann Rapp
Organist.................................. Marilyn Hooten
Trustee Chairman..........................Anita Neves
Trustees.............................. George T. Kastanis,
Robert W. Van Gundy, Conrad DeCastro,
Boyd “Gunner” Lester
2013-2014 Officer of the Year
Adrian S. Bansch
2013-2014 Elk of the Year
James A. Von Bergen
Secretary/Event Reservations............. 422-6666
Office Hours
Monday-Wednesday............... 8:30am-5:30pm
Thursday-Friday.......................... 8:30am-4pm
Closed Saturday & Sunday
DeAnna Marwin............................... 422-8351
Fax: 422-1985.....................
Office Hours
Monday- Wednesday........................ 9am-5pm
Friday-Saturday................................ 9am-5pm
Special evening appointments.... Cell: 607-8347
LOUNGE ........................................ 422-3050
Lounge Hours
Sunday......................................... 8:30am-7pm
Monday-Wednesday......................... 1pm-9pm
Thursday......................................... 1pm-11pm
Friday .................... 1pm-9pm (if event, 11pm)
Saturday.......................................... 11am-7pm
Free WiFi available while
enjoying your favorite beverage.
Check out our website or
Page 2
Membership REPORT
As of April 1, 2014 Total Members: 679
Dropped:..................................... 8
Transfers out:.............................. 3
Absolute dimit:............................ 2
Deceased:.................................... 3
Loss....................................... 16
As of September 2014 Total Members: 680
New members initiated:....... 9
Transfers in:......................... 3
Reinstatements:.................... 5
Gain............................... 17
Lapsation Report
6 months delinquent: 46
1 year delinquent: 16
Investigation: September 9, 2014
Indoctrination: September 23, 2014 Balloting: September 16, 2014
Initiation: October 7, 2014
By Initiation
Davis Lori L., Sac (95831) Unemployed DeAnna R. Marwin
LaBella, Michelle D., Sac (95831) State of CA (Ret)
Linda D. Pohl
Lukenbill, Terese M., Sac (95819) Unemployed Thomas D. Rotharmel
Reynolds, Maribeth, Sac (95831) Collection Representative DeAnna R. Marwin
Elk of the Month
– September –
Vera Lambert
Leading Knight
Fitness Center
Hours 5am-10pm daily
(except the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays,
Lodge Meeting dates; 5am-7pm).
(continued from pg. 1)
voluntary donations from the Elks and their friends, would distribute a
record $3.6 million in the year 2000? Also who would have thought the
Elks Major Project would become one of the largest private, non-profit
philanthropic projects in the nation? Not a single dollar comes from
federal or state funds, a fact that we are very proud of. So whenever
you get a chance, keep up the good work by dropping your coins and/
or dollars into the Purple Pigs. There are also other ways to donate, and
one of them is the “52 Week Club.” So if you would like to know more
or have questions about how to belong to the “52” just send me a note
or email and I will help you get started.
Wednesday Night Dinner Summer BBQ is now over, and the numbers show our attendance was up and I am very proud to report the
profits exceeded $2,500. Our team of great volunteers did a great job of
getting it done and making the wonderful event possible. The smiles on
the faces of the members who attended say they enjoyed it – “greatly.”
Thanks so much to all of the attendees and the volunteers for supporting the event and Elks Major Projects. Remember, members make the
lodge. See the bulletin for the menu on our on-going Wednesday Night
Dinners as we need to support the event throughout the year. Coming to
dinner is a great way to enjoy a good time with your family and friends.
There are many upcoming events around the North Central District, so
plan to attend a few of them as well as the events at our Lodge. Please
open your email ads for additional information.
So fellow Elks until next month, be charitable to all mankind and
remember our whole influence in life is determined by the good deeds we
do rather than by the emotions we feel. Continue to give and support the
children and give to the Purple Pig. ~ Tom Brunette,
October 2014
Chaplain’s Prayer
An Inspirational Prayer
Judging or valuing others
Lord, inspire me to give of my best and make good use of
the talents you have given me.
Show me how to be positive in attitude, appreciating and
valuing others, always being ready to encourage and give
Sometimes I draw conclusions about people in terms of
what I think is meant by “success” and “failure,” but the
“failure” of one person might count as a great “success” of
someone with other talents.
Lead me never to judge people but to accept others as
they are, knowing that it is together, each with our differences, that we build up your Kingdom. Amen. (NH)
Please let me know if you or another Elk is in need of
our support and do not forget, I am so anxious to hear your
favorite prayers, please feel free to contact me.
~DeAnna Marwin, Chaplin,
Around the Lodge
hanks to the outstanding efforts of the PM Crew and
Jim Callaghan our 11th Hour Clock, on the stage
which is probably from
the Lodge downtown, to its
original grandeur. The PM
Crew removed the face of the
11th Hour Clock and found
the glass was etched. They then
removed about 90% of the
paint and took the clock to the
expert, our member Jim Callaghan. Jim, an Art Major and
professional artist, removed the
remaining paint and replaced it
with a paint that makes regular glass look like stained glass.
For over a month, Jim restored the painting by dropping
one drop of paint at a time onto the glass and using a dentist
pick to spread the paint. Great job Jim!
uge KUDOs to the Luau Crew for an outstanding and
superb event. Well over 250 Lodge members, friends
and family attended. The Luau Crew cooked all of
the outstanding food, which gave the feeling of being on
a Hawaiian Island.
They also
put up the
and did
the kitchen
Thanks to
the Golf
Club for the
table setup.
The Luau was exciting with lots of dancing to the music of
Doug Meredith. Great to have Doug back. He and his dancers’ great moves brought a huge amount of electricity to the
Lodge Room. Our guests shared many positive comments.
They often said they are looking forward to future events at
the Lodge and to next year’s Luau. Hopefully all of the Luau
Crew will return and we’ll get even greater Lodge participation. Also thanks to the Scouts for helping out and to the
attendees for generously tipping them. Your tips are of great
use to our Scouts. Until next year! ~ Dave Osaki
If you wish to give KUDOS to any member for his/her
service to the Lodge or the community please send an email
to Darnell Lawrence, Bulletin Editor (darnell.lawrence@ or or drop off a letter at the
Lodge Office. Have Cathy place your request in my mail
slot. Please submit your KUDOS by the 9th of the month.
he weather is cooling and the leaves are turning. Everyone is on top of their game. At Turkey Creek the
top team with a net 52 (WHAT!) Don Seay, Ed Lapp,
Bob Luttrell and John Firenza. Second Place team was Steve
Sterns, Darryl Tatum, Tom
ack in March Jim Von Bergen and the PM Crew did an
SCHEDULED Tournaments
Ratharmel and Buddy GalOct 1 • Auburn Valley
outstanding job of erecting the “ELKS 6” sign and in
lagher. Closest to the pin
Oct 15 • Castle Oaks
September the Trustees wanted it painted blue. Pictured awards went to Harry DunOct 29 • Micke Grove
is Steve Clazie as he
lop and Buddy “The Ringer”
Nov 12 • Cavanaugh
applies a coat of blue
Gallagher Congratulations
paint. You can now
to all!
easily see our Lodge
2nd Friday of every Month
from the street. No
GETAWAY/PAUL FRYE INmore people saying “I
VITATIONAL on August 10-12 was a blast. Tom’s hospitalalways wondered what ity room was great with Jane Gallagher tending the bar and
that building was”
Buddy Gallagher co-hosting the event. The golf courses were
and we now we know
great, the weather was cool and the scramble competition
our way back to the
was fierce. The dinners were delicious, with an open bar and
Lodge. Thanks Steve
MC Tom Rotharmel entertained everyone. Tom’s golf outfits
and the PM Crew for a job well done.
are always something special. We wish to thank one and all
~ Bulletin Editor, Darnell Lawrence for joining us on this great trip. — Gary Rios, President
October 2014
Page 3
arking Lot Sale
October 11
8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Open to vendors, 6-8am
$15 per space
Snacks sold by Elks volunteers
Sun. Oct. 26
In the Lounge, 3:30pm
Dinner 5pm
Cost: $10
Chef Tom Rotharmel
Proceeds to ENF for ENF Month
Save Portuguese
Sunday, Nov. 2
Birthday Night
Thursday, Nov. 20
Saturday, November 8
9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Vendor Registration, contact Lodge Office for
forms and payment. Dealine, Nov. 3.
Half table, $35~Full, $60~Floor space, $80
Food available, served by Elks #6
Contact Mary Jo Mefford, 916/691-3059,
Magical New Year’s Eve Dance into 2015 with Fred Morgan’s
15-piece Big Band ~ Complete Prime
Rib dinner by Rayna’s Gourmet
Catering ~ enjoy hors d’oeuvres, party
favors, 11 O’clock champagne toast
& midnight balloon drop Festivities from 7:30pm to 12:30am ~
Cost $62.50 per person ~ tickets available
in the Lodge Office
Dress: Formal or Men Dark Suit For more info contact Committee Chairs
Ron & Jerry Landreth Brusato
with Santa
Sunday December 21
Take your child’s picture with Santa
during breakfast, 8:30-11
Pictures, free ~ Breakfast, $9
Sunday Breakfast
October 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
Call for menu
Page 4
~ Free Event ~
Bring a dish if you like
Tuesday, December 16
Coin Collection starts at 5pm
Egg & Dinners by the PERS
Lodge Meeting at 7pm
with the Sacramento
2nd Sunday of each month ~ 12 to 5 p.m.
every Sunday morning ~ 8:30-11 am ~ Cost: $9
Specials Eggs Benedict & Corned Beef Hash. In addition, eggs as you like them, pancakes,
Wednesday Night
Dinners Cost: $10
Friday, October 31 ~ 6pm
Happy Hour Drink Prices
Traditional Jazz Society
Come and enjoy a great breakfast with your family and friends
waffles, biscuits & gravy, juice & coffee.
Halloween Party
Jazz bands in the
Main Ballroom (nominal fee),
Emblem Room (free) & Lounge (free)
Plenty of food available for purchase
House Wine $325 • Well Drinks $3 • Draft Beer $2
Hors d’œuvres available
4-7pm (except when Elk event scheduled)
Come on down & enjoy the fun!
Sales tax included on all meals.
From the Editor
Society of the Honor Guard —
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
ast month’s article, part 2 of 3, on the
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier was
about the selection and training of the
guards of the Society of the Honor Guard
who guard the tomb 24 hours a day every
day of the years. This month we will review
their lifestyle, weapons, walking the mat and dedication;
next month I will introduce you to a local Tomb Guard.
sentinels will confront people who cross the barriers at the
tomb or who are disrespectful or loud.
After the evening bolo, non-ceremonial changes and
walks in battle dress uniforms are performed until the next
morning’s bolo. During this time, the Commander of the
Relief usually conducts entire relief training. With repetition and meticulous attention to detail the relief works
together on the various sequences emphasizing uniformity
and cohesion. These night hours are the time when the
trainees hone their skills. The mechanics of guard duty come
naturally to very few. Trainers spend countless hours providing feedback and teaching the nuances of guard duty.
Over the years there have been several different types of
weapons used by the Tomb Guards. The changes in weapons
reflect the changes in the Army, including M1903 Springfield rifle, M1 Garand and M14 rifles, M1911 .45 ACP
and M9 9mm Beretta pistols. Tomb Guards currently carry
M14 rifles, which are unloaded and affixed to ceremonial
rifle stocks (hand-made by Tomb Guards). These rifles are
cleaned daily and kept ready for use at all times.
Walking the Mat
There is a meticulous routine that the guard follows when
watching over the graves. The Tomb Guard marches 21 steps
south down the black mat laid across the Tomb, turns and
faces east, toward the Tomb, for 21 seconds. Turns and faces
north, changes weapon to outside shoulder, and waits 21 seconds. Marches 21 steps down the mat, turns and faces east for
21 seconds. Turns and faces south, changes weapon to outside
shoulder, and waits 21 seconds and repeats the routine until
the soldier is relieved of duty at the Changing of the Guard.
After each turn, the Guard executes a sharp “shoulderarms” movement to place the weapon on the shoulder closest to the visitors to signify that the Guard stands between
the Tomb and any possible threat. Twenty-one was chosen
because it symbolizes the highest military honor that can be
bestowed — the 21-gun salute and the total of 1776.
The sentinels have metal plates built into the soles and inner
parts of their shoes to allow for a more rugged sole and to give
the signature click of the heel during maneuvers. The sentinels
wear sunglasses because of the bright reflection from the marble
surrounding the Tomb and the Memorial Amphitheater.
The guard change is very symbolic, but also conducted in
accordance with Army regulations. The relief commander
or assistant relief commander, along with the oncoming
guard, are both required for a guard change to take place.
The guard being relieved will say to the oncoming guard,
“Post and orders remain as directed.” The oncoming guard’s
response is always, “Orders acknowledged.” During changes
when the public is witnessing the ceremony, the commander
will inform the public that the ceremony is about to take
place and that those in attendance should remain silent and
standing throughout the entire event.
The relief is led by the Commander of the Relief (Staff
Sergeant) who is responsible for its operation, welfare and
morale. Ideally, the relief consist of two teams, each consisting
of an assistant relief commander (Sergeant) and four additional Tomb Guards. There are three reliefs on duty utilizing
24 hour rotational shifts. The Tomb Guards’ day begins at
5 a.m. with arrival at the Tomb Quarters located below the
Memorial Amphitheater, which is where the Tomb Guards
live and work during their on-duty time. The Tomb Guards
inspect the quarters, prepare their uniforms, review orders and
receive their duty assignments. At 6:30 a.m., the Tomb Guards
inspect the trainee’s readiness and uniforms. If prepared, the
Tomb Guard may allow trainees to walk the morning “bolo”
(“be on the look out,” and is the first and last guard change
and walk prior to public Arlington National Cemetery [ANC]
hours). The Tomb Guard may allow a trainee to walk the mat
in full ceremonial uniform as practice at 7 a.m. The evening
bolo will be the final change and walk of the day.
During ANC public hours, the Tomb Guards perform
several changing of the guard and wreath laying ceremonies,
and walking the mat. The Changing of the Guard ceremony
takes place every half-hour during the summer, and every
hour during winter. Although all walks are sacrosanct, the
most coveted walk for a Tomb Guard is the noon walk
known as “Noon Moon.” This walk is the most visited and
therefore highest profile Changing of the Guard and Walk
of the day. Tomb Guards also conduct retreat and retire the
colors in accordance with the military tradition.
During this same time, the trainees perform “mirror
time,” a part of Tomb Guard training where the trainee
practices weapons, manual and movements in front of several ceiling-to-floor mirrors in the Tomb Quarters. They also
conduct uniform preparation, study knowledge, check-in
wreaths and alert the Tomb Guards of the next Changing of
the Guard by performing a “quarter till.” The “quarter till”
is also a time to present Tomb Guards with special knowledge “high-speed” or certain motivation for the privilege of
“Walking the Mat.”
The soldier “Walking the Mat” does not wear rank insignia, so as not to outrank the Unknowns, whatever their ranks
may have been. Non-commissioned officers (usually the relief
commander and assistant relief commanders), do wear insigThe Tomb Guards, work on a team rotation of 24 hours
nia of their rank when Changing of The Guard only. They
on, 24 hours off, for five days, taking the following four days
have a separate uniform (without rank) that is worn when
off. A guard takes an average of six hours to prepare his unithey actually guard the Unknowns or are “Posted.”
form — heavy wool, regardless of the time of year — for the
(continued on page 6)
The duties of the sentinels are not purely ceremonial. The
October 2014
Page 5
From the Editor (continued from pg. 5)
EL Kampers News
ur Sept. 4-7 kampout to River
Point Landing in Stockton was a
fantastic trip. Our next planned trip is November 1316, but Wagonmasters Steve & Joan Clazie and Jim & Sandy
Callaghan have yet to
decide on a location. We
will discuss this more at
our next meeting at the
Remember, Lodge
members’ friends and
families are always
welcome to join us. Our fun times are centered on FOOD,
chit chat, games, cards and more FOOD. We usually need
10 or more rigs to get the use of
a campsite’s clubhouse. So get
your rig and join the fun. Dues
Wed., Oct. 8, 6pm
are $20 a year. Come check us
out and join our fun group!
~ Janelle, 427-8113, email Nov. 13-16 — TBA
Meeting dates
t’s not too late to sign up for
our October 9th bus trip to the Silver Legacy in Reno.
We welcome everyone, Elks and non-Elks. For the cost
of $29 you’ll receive a $10 gambling voucher and a $5 food
voucher. The PERL’s will serve coffee, donuts and muffins at
Gold Run plus there’s a $1 raffle and $1-a-card Bingo that
includes cash prizes, just in case you have gambling fever. On
the way home we’ll watch a movie and celebrate with the
Please give us call, we would love to hear from you. ~
Patti Lewis (PERL’s President) 916.381.7764 or Jean Grassi
(Assistant President) 916.485.2119
next day’s work. In addition to preparing the uniform, guards
also conduct physical training, Tomb Guard training, participate in field exercises, cut their hair before the next work
day and, at times, are involved in regimental functions. After
serving honorably and having passed the sequence of tests,
a Tomb Guard is permanently awarded the Badge. Since the
first award on February 7, 1958, fewer than 700 soldiers have
completed training and been awarded this Badge, including
three women. A small number of Tomb Guard Identification
Badges have also been retroactively awarded to soldiers who
served as Guards before 1959. The badge was first issued only
as a temporary wear item, meaning the soldiers could only
wear the badge during their tenure as members of the Honor
Guard. Upon leaving the duty, the badge was returned and reissued to incoming soldiers. In 1963, a regulation was enacted
that allowed the badge to be worn as a permanent part of the
military uniform, even after the soldier’s completion of duty at
the Tomb of the Unknowns.
The Badge is one of the Army’s higher honors and can be
taken away from the soldier if he or she does not continue
to maintain the highest military standards or to disgrace the
tomb in any way, even after the recipient has left the service.
~ PER Darnell Lawrence
M2M Monthly TIPS
Is it time to sell your home? The real estate market is still
strong going into fall. Finally for many, the losses in equity
from 2007 have come around and those who owed more
than their house was worth have regained their equity. Many
times I have heard from homeowners, “Do you know what
my house used to be worth?” My answer to that is, it was
only worth that much if you had sold it. Home prices go up
and, yes, sometimes go down. It’s the nature of real estate.
There are so many factors as to why this time it hit us so
hard. One of the factors is the new housing market almost
October/November Birthdays
3 Robert T. Dias
Shannon E. Lewis
Leroy R. Winter
4 Angelo N. Corso
Joseph A. Ignoffo
Jacqui Koukol
Darnell Lawrence
Boyd G. Lester
Cydne B. Valenzano
5 James Haas
Gary E. Miller
Robert F. Ruiz
6 Roy L. Arnold
Arlene Bennett
Bill E. Shaw
7 Bernard N. Lew
9 Kenneth J. Horst
Richard K. Shewmaker
10 William E. Corrie
Tony Moreno
Dale A. Thornburg
Page 6
11 Ronald M. Garcia
Kenneth L. Hockman
12 Brian L. Tracy
13 Jerald A. Brunner
14 Lance E. Chun
James B. Lange
16 Juan R. Lopez
Joe F. MacIas
19 Henry Heydt
Jack U. Simas
20 Michael K. Hjelmeland
Geraldine L. King
21 Steve Byrne
Jose Hernandez
Donald D. Seay
22 Michael F. Back
23 Tom Hope
Robert W. Shires
25 Darrell G. Christensen
26 Chester P. Dereng
Victor N. Yee
27 Joseph Collins
Keith B. Howard
Ronald J. Payne
28 Shirlee M. Leonard
Gary McGrew
29 R. Michael Burbridge
Raymond J. Thielen II
30 James A. Finley
Peter G. Grassi
31 Patricia M. Colmer
1 Randy A. Ohara
Don Spickelmier
Daniel George Tichy
2 Lillie J. Brown
Joe Campoy, Jr.
3 Richard Reyes
4 Martin L. Anderson
5 George R. Bianco
Edward W. Gilbert, Jr.
Hank J. Peralta
6 Stephen H. Helsel
Manuel J. Viera, Jr.
Stephen D. Williams
7 Ernie Facio
Michael D. Garcia
8 Ron J. Pedrioli
9 Douglas W. Kelly
10 William C. Tyson
11 Gary W. Balding
Edgar Moreland
12 Edmund B. Abay
Darryl L. Mock
Robert E. Nevis
Steven Sterns
14 Gerald S. Bakarich
17 Frond G. Hausey
18 Arturo Gandara
19 Debbie J. Eto
Randi L. Jenkins
Paul M. Milkey
William Rinehart
20 Gene E. Cronin
Robert W. Demarco
21 Selso Vargas
22 Benjamin
Gary J. Grayson
John F. Maguire
Johanna Thommen
23 David A. Thomas
24 Alan G. Cordano
Edward J. Garcia
C. Michael Pleschner
James E. Saggs
27 George H. Capewell
John E. O’Donnell
29 Malcolm A. Harleaux
Pamela J. McKinnon
Gregory F. Patton
30 Robert L. Jackson
Alvin E. Ricci. Jr.
October 2014
M2M Monthly TIPS (continued)
came to an abrupt halt. Houses were not selling, builders
could not proceed to build the next phase of subdivisions,
money from lenders was tight, and some subdivisions just
never got completed. Construction workers got laid off.
Luckily the new home market is coming along. Builders are
building again. Construction workers are working again, at
least those who weren’t forced to start a new career.
The available inventory on the market is low and that
drives the prices up ever so slightly. Those who bought at the
peak of the market back in 2006 are most likely still under
water with their equity. Home ownership is back to what I
call a good market, where it is a long term investment and
paying off your loan and owning your home outright is the
goal. No more is it get rich quick in a year or two so you can
live the lifestyle of spend, spend, spend. Those who concen-
trate on making their payments and reinvesting every few
years into repairs are the ones who will one day retire and
hopefully be able to enjoy it. ~ Ron Roberts, PER Big Heart
Realty, BRE#01037639, 916/806-0118
Protect Your Retirement against Market Volatility — As
an investor, you’re well aware that the financial markets will
always move up and down. But once you retire, you may feel
that you have less time to recover from this type of volatility.
How can you protect yourself?
For starters, allocate your investments among a variety
of assets — stocks, bonds, certificates of deposit, government
securities and so on. This can help you avoid the full force of
downturns that may primarily affect just one type of investment. Also, choose investments that have performed well across
many market cycles. Past performance can’t guarantee future
success, as you’ve heard, but you’ll help yourself greatly by
choosing quality investments. For example, look for stocks
with real earnings and a history of earnings growth, and only
consider fixed-income vehicles that are considered “investment
grade.” Finally, don’t make emotional decisions, such as selling
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MLO# 315346
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(916) 443-7917
Serving the community since 1921
October 2014
Page 7
Sacramento B.P.O.Elks No. 6
6446 Riverside Blvd.
Sacramento, CA 95831
Coming Events
Oct 11
Oct 12
Oct 26
Oct 31 Parking Lot Sale
Sunday Jazz
ENF Fish Fry
Halloween Party
U.S. Postage
Sacramento, CA
Permit No. 225
Meeting Schedule
Lodge Meetings.............................. 1st & 3rd Tuesday ~ 7pm
Officers.....................................................2nd Tuesday ~ 5pm
Board of Directors....................................3rd Monday ~ 5pm
House Committee...........................1st & 3rd Monday ~ 6pm
Audit Committee..................................... 2nd Monday ~ 5pm
Membership Committee...................... 2nd Wednesday ~ 5pm
Meetings open to all members. Schedule subject to
change, contact the Lodge office to confirm.
October 2014
Phone 422-6666 For Reservations
 Golf – Auburn Valley
Dinner 6:15pm
 Sunday Breakfast
 Sunday Breakfast
 Jazz Sunday
 Sunday Breakfast
 Sunday Breakfast
ENF Fish Fry
 Boy Scouts
 House Comm 6pm
 PM Crew 8am
 Quilt Club 10am
 Boy Scouts
 Audit Comm 5pm
 Boy Scouts
 Board of
Directors 5pm
 House Comm 6pm
 PM Crew 8am
 Quilt Club 10am
 Officers Mtg 5pm
 PM Crew 8am
 Quilt Club 10am
 Karaoke 7:30pm
 Karaoke 7:30pm
 Karaoke 7:30pm
 Golf – Micke Grove
Dinner 6:15pm
 Marine Corps
 Karaoke 7:30pm
 Karaoke 7:30pm
 Bridge 12 noon
Happy Hour 4-7pm
Dinner 6:15pm
 Golf – Castle Oaks
Dinner 6:15pm
 PM Crew 8am
 Quilt Club 10am
 Boy Scouts
 Membership
Comm 5pm
 El Kampers 5:30pm
Dinner 6:15pm
Purchase Tickets At Lodge
 Golf Luncheon
 Bridge 12 noon
Happy Hour 4-7pm
Parking Lot Sale
 Bridge 12 noon
Happy Hour 4-7pm
 Bridge 12 noon
Happy Hour 4-7pm
 Bridge 12 noon
Halloween Party
Nov 1