2012 Spring Herd Builder Classic
2012 Spring Herd Builder Classic
2012 Spring Herd Builder Classic Sale Opens for Bidding on Friday, May 18 at 8:00 am EST Sale Begins Closing Lot 1 on Sunday, May 20 at 7:00 pm EST Progeny from top quality, winning genetics! Smokin Cannon **ENNOBLED** Yata Hey Riverboat Captain Lots out of Cannon: Lots out of Yata Hey: Lots out of Captain: Lots out of Brooke’s Mountain: 2, 7, 12, 17 22 and 26 1, 6, 11, 16, 21 and 29 3, 8, 13, 18, 23, 30 and 33 10, 19, 25 and 31 Brooke’s Mountain FREE delivery up to 400 miles of Felicity, Ohio View catalog online at www.RiverviewBoerGoats.com Online auction. Bidding begins closing on Lot 1 on Sunday at 7:00 pm EST. When there are no new bids after 5 minutes, the lot closes and the next lot begins the countdown to close. Viewing: at the farm by appointment online videos at your leisure Register to view or bid • No buyer’s premium 2012 Spring Herd Builder Classic Dear Friends: Pam and I are excited about the sale offering for the Spring Herd Builder Classic. For the past few years, many of our loyal customers have expressed an interest in purchasing young breeding age does prior to the normal breeding season. As they say, the customer is always right. We encourage you to evaluate the sale offering critically and in comparison to top programs in the nation. We believe you will not find the lots offered lacking. Our program has ennobled several animals in the past few years and our show results are solid. Perhaps the most important aspect of our program is that our goats are not “hot house” goats. Certainly, you need to feed a boer goat, but goats from our program are normally easy keepers. They will look pretty much the same several months after you accept delivery as they do in their photos and video clips. Regarding the video clips, we have gone to substantial effort to provide them. We have done so because we believe a live view of the goat is important when one is considering a purchase. Watching the doe or buck spin about a small sale ring is not as revealing as watching them meander around a large pen. If you have an interest in any of our lots, please take a few minutes to view the associated clip. In that vein, if you wish to visit our farm to preview the goats, we encourage you to do so. Please call to schedule a mutually convenient time. We hope you will take a few minutes to review the catalog and, if the spirit moves you, throw a bid or two during the sale. Yours truly, Alan & Pamela Motta Riverview Boer Goats Online Sale Registration: This sale is online only. We have partnered with EDJEAuctions.com to bring you this sale. To bid, you must register for our sale through EDJEAuctions.com. To do so, go to www.EDJEauctions.com. The Spring Herd Builder Classic will be listed as an available auction. Click on the “Register to Bid” button and enter the required information. We will be notified of your registration. 2012 Herd Builder Classic – Reference Sires RBG DOB: 11/24/2008 EGGS RYALS MAGNUM**ENNOBLED** (10020971) RRD GUNSMOKE P502 **ENNOBLED** 1/2005 (10136730) RRD MAGNUM'S BEAUTY *ENNOBLED* (10043948) Sire: 4-K GOAT FARM SMOKIN GUN **ENNOBLED** 11/2009 (10374548) RRD REMFIRE P493 **ENNOBLED** 7/2004 (10136693) RRD R883 **ENNOBLED** 5/2008 (10211090) RRD P508 (10136788) RBGO SMOKIN CANNON **ENNOBLED** 8/2011 RRD BRASS SHOT S916 **ENNOBLED** 12/2006 (10218337) RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** 12/2007 (10269132) RRD R879 (10202375) Dam: RRD V832 (10360175) RRD GUNSMOKE P502 **ENNOBLED** 1/2005 (10136730) RRD T241 (10269027) RRD R764 (10180562) RBG DOB: 11/24/2008 RYALS TOPBRASS *ENNOBLED 2001* (10043943) RRD P603 MR. MONROE **ENNOBLED** 5/2007 (10159427) RRD N171 (10101218) Sire: 4-K GOAT FARM V104 MAVERICK **ENNOBLED** 11/2009 (10325230) RRD REMFIRE P493 **ENNOBLED** 7/2004 (10136693) RRD R883 **ENNOBLED** 5/2008 (10211090) RRD P508 (10136788) RBGO RIVERBOAT CAPTAIN MZURI (95333075) EGGSORCIST *ENNOBLED 10/2001* (10038430) EGGSEMPLARY (10009775) Dam: E.G.G.S. R810 **ENNOBLED** 11/2009 (10232407) POWELL HOLMAN DUKE (10002199) POWELL/HOLMAN 2SIS 445N (10138535) KARE JESTIC (10039193) RBG DOB: 9/7/2009 RYALS TOPBRASS *ENNOBLED 2001* (10043943) JRA1 AGNEW’S BO-HOWDY **ENNOBLED** 1/2006 (10179494) EGGS MACEY **ENNOBLED** 3/2004 (10110813) Sire: D C W –BO JANGLE **ENNOBLED** 3/2008 (10306381) National Champion 2006 EGGSONERATE *ENNOBLED 2002* (10071320) DCW Lexus **ENNOBLED** 12/2006 (10219339) HART P72 DCW’S FREEDOM **ENNOBLED** 3/2005 (10171746) BLUE GAINEY’S YATA-HEY (10484659) POWELL/HOLMAN BINGOS CLASS ACT (10182459) DOWNEN T119 (10269467) RRD N308 (10103587) Dam: BLUE GAINEY’S WEEKO (10412701) RYALS TOPBRASS *ENNOBLED 2001* (10043943) BLUE GAINEY’S SPICE (10224368) DSM 8B110 BEA *ENNOBLED 2002* (10050192) Reg No: 10453224 Pedigree Ennoblements: 10 This Smokin Gun **ENNOBLED** son accumulated almost all of his own ennoblement points before he was nine months old. He could easily be the poster child for the classic roman head. Length and mass is no accident. Both his sire and dam have it. Smokin Cannon is one of Riverview Boer Goats great second generation herd sires. Lots out of Cannon are 2, 7, 12, 17, 22 and 26. Reg No: 10472474 Pedigree Ennoblements: 7 RBGO Riverboat Captain is a Maverick **ENNOBLED** son out of an Eggorcist doe who has all his own ennoblement points and simply needs a few more kid points and inspections for ennoblement. You only need to look at his hip and forearm to understand why he was retained as one of Riverview Boer Goats great second generation herd sires. The profile picture does not do justice to his width. We hope you can see our attention to structure when you review our herd sires. Lots out of Captain are 3, 8, 13, 18, 23, 30 and 33. Reg No: 10484659 Pedigree Ennoblements: 9 Blue Gainey’s YataHey is a son of DCW Bo Jangle, 2006 National Grand Champion. RBGO purchased Yata-Hey as an outcross to add size to our predominant Ryal’s genetics. Yata’s first flush at RBG resulted in over 100 kid points and two state fair ABGA fullblood buck grand championships. A wether Yata sired in 2011 was overall grand champion at the Michigan State Fair. A buck is only as good as his progeny. Yata has proven himself to be very good. Lots out of Yata Hey are 1, 6, 11, 16, 21 and 29. 2012 Herd Builder Classic – Reference Sires RBG DOB: 2/19/2007 EGGSTREME **ENNOBLED** 3/00 (10001995) EGGS RYALS MAGNUM**ENNOBLED** (10020971) EGGSELLENT**ENNOBLED**8/2000 (10009773) Sire: RRD GUNSMOKE P502 **ENNOBLED** 1/2005 (10136730) EGGS RYALS MAGNUM**ENNOBLED** (10020971) RRD MAGNUM'S BEAUTY *ENNOBLED* (10043948) POWELL/HOLMAN 2SIS 105J (10007877) 4-K GOAT FARM SMOKIN GUN **ENNOBLED** 11/2009 RRD REMINGTON M160 **ENNOBLED** 3/2003 (10095469) RRD REMFIRE P493 **ENNOBLED** 7/2004 (10136693) RRD M151 **ENNOBLED 05/2003** (10095462) Dam: RRD R883 **ENNOBLED** 5/2008 (10211090) RYALS TOPBRASS *ENNOBLED 2001* (10043943) RRD P508 (10136788) RRD MS. M84 (10068360) RBG DOB: 3/20/2010 EGGS RYALS MAGNUM **ENNOBLED** (10020971) RRD GUNSMOKE P502 **ENNOBLED** 1/2005 (10136730) RRD MAGNUM’S BEAUTY *ENNOBLED* (10043948) Sire: 4-K GOAT FARM SMOKIN GUN **ENNOBLED** 11/209 (10374548) RRD REMFIRE P493 **ENNOBLED** 7/2004 (10136693) RRD R883 **ENNOBLED** 5/2008 (10211090) RRD P508 (10136788) RBGO BROOKE’S MOUNTAIN Z7 (10497460) RYALS TOPBRASS *ENNOBLED 2001* (10043943) JRA1 AGNEW’S BO-HOWDY **ENNOBLED** 1/2006 (10179494) EGGS MACEY **ENNOBLED** 3/2004 (10110813) Dam: D C W –T56 (10306384) EGGSONERATE *ENNOBLED 2002* (10071320) DCW LEXUS **ENNOBLED** 12/2006 (10219339) HART P72 DCW’S FREEDOM **ENNOBLED** 3/2005 (10171746) RBG DOB: 03/04/2006 EGGS RYALS MAGNUM**ENNOBLED** (10020971) RYALS TOPBRASS *ENNOBLED 2001* (10043943) RRD NIKITA J34 (10020541) Sire: RRD P603 MR. MONROE **ENNOBLED** 5/2007 (10159427) TOP GUN NO 2 *ENNOBLED* 7/2000 (96151003) RRD N171 (10101218) RYALS EGGSPECTING (10038421) 4-K GOAT FARM V104 MAVERICK **ENNOBLED** RRD REMINGTON M160 **ENNOBLED** 3/2003 (10095469) RRD REMFIRE P493 **ENNOBLED** 7/2004 (10136693) RRD M151 **ENNOBLED 05/2003** (10095462) Dam: RRD R883 **ENNOBLED** 5/2008 (10211090) RYALS TOPBRASS *ENNOBLED 2001* (10043943) RRD P508 (10136788) RRD MS. M84 (10068360) Reg No: 10374548 Pedigree Ennoblements: 12 Smokin Gun was overall Reserve Grand Champion Pair of Senior Breeding Bucks with his half brother Maverick at the 2008 ABGA Nationals. Smokin Gun and Maverick were also overall Reserve Grand Champion Produce of Dam at the 2008 ABGA Nationals. Gun has 12 ennoblements in his pedigree. His impressive length, powerful front and breed standard head combine for an impressive package. Smokin Gun is one of the foundation sires at Riverview Boer Goats. Lots out of Smokin Gun are 9, 15, 24 and 27. Reg No: 10497460 Pedigree Ennoblements: 12 RBGO Brooke’s Mountain Z7 is a son of ennobled Smokin Gun. Brooke’s Mountain is heavily muscled and has massive bone. The last time I showed Z7, he was Grand Champion overall. His offspring possesses their sire’s gentle nature. He throws kids with correct bites and correct udders. He is now owned by Larry and Cindy Casavant in upstate New York. If you want to add muscle and mass to your herd, do not hesitate to contact them. Lots out of Brooke’s Mountain are 10, 19, 25 and 31. Reg No: 10325230 Pedigree Ennoblements: 10 Maverick was third in his class and one of Reserve Grand Champion Pair Senior Breeding Bucks and Produce of Dam at the 2008 ABGA Nationals. When he was described by the Judge at the Nationals, it was said that he was the most complete buck in the class. He is clearly a world class buck with 10 pedigree ennoblements and was overall grand champion many times. Maverick has attained his ennoblement in 2010. He is one of the foundation sires at Riverview Boer Goats. Lot 5 is out of Maverick. 2012 Herd Builder Classic – Reference Sires RSTAR DOB: 1/21/2010 ZAF TCB (10281458) PDF V627 (10329340) KALR 1/2 RED SURPRISE S78 (10237897) Sire: LAZY S-T RED BARON (10432548) KALR SURPRISE SURPRISE (10178155) KALR T62 (10288043) HBS M56 (10081362) EMERT RED HOT EXPRESS Z3 OUTBACK BOERS OUT PLAY **ENNOBLED** 4/2009 (10219687) R A THUNDER RED (10283371) RA MOLLY **ENNOBLED** 2/2009 (10211850) Dam: EMERT MISS THUNDER RED V5 (10374569) KALR RED GUESS (10112798) KALR R26 (10178170) KALR N21 (10112163) LAND OF GRACE DOB: 4/3/2009 RYALS TOPBRASS *ENNOBLED 2001* (10043943) RRD P603 MR. MONROE **ENNOBLED** 5/2007 (10159427) RRD N171 (10101218) Sire: 4-K GOAT FARM V104 MAVERICK **ENNOBLED** 11/2009 (10325230) RRD REMFIRE P493 **ENNOBLED** 7/2004 (10136693) RRD R883 **ENNOBLED** 5/2008 (10211090) RRD P508 (10136788) RBGO RIVERBOAT DEEP WATER Y35 UBORA **ENNOBLED** 8/1999 (96010029) DOW2 FLATT CREEK SA STINGER (10000901) TRI-QUEST CIA (96005016) Dam: RICHADSONS PRISSY (10020430) RMR-SA-KENO (10020430) RMR-SA-KELLY (10020449) Reg No: 10496944 Reg No: 10474053 A strong all red pedigree that goes back to some of the great red bucks from Texas. A really nice thick buck with excellent bone, a wide chest and correct on his feet. This buck has consistently produced muscle and mass. He has proven to be an excellent wether producer. Lots out of Red Hot Express are 4 and 28. Pedigree Ennoblements: 6 Riverboat Deep Water is a Maverick **ENNOBLED** son over old Richardson genetics. He has a powerful loin and excellent breed standard head. His massive forearms illustrate the muscle he will bring to your herd. Deep Water’s genetic package was tested in 2009 on the Kentucky Buck Test where he placed 7th out of approximately 50 bucks. Deep Water is 1 and 1 on his udder, fully pigmented and has a good bite. A legitimate herd sire for show prospects or meat production. Lot 14 is out of Deep Water. Future Reference Sires 2012 Spring Herd Builder Classic Bring your semen tank to the pickup location. Semen will be available from these Riverview Boer Goat Sires. 4KGF Maverick **ENNOBLED** 4KGF Smokin Gun **ENNOBLED** Circle R Hollywood Hotshot **ENNOBLED** RBGO Smokin Cannon **ENNOBLED** 4KGF Fully Loaded **ENNOBLED** RBGO Maverick’s Ace (soon to be Ennobled) RBGO Riverboat Captain Blue Gainey’s Yata-Hey RBGO King Kong RBGO Bad Ass A1 RBGO Lady’s Man $75 $75 $60 $75 $75 $60 $50 $60 $40 $75 $75 Where there’s quality in quantity! 2012 Spring Herd Builder Classic Sale Lots 2012 Spring Herd Builder Classic Lot No. 1 RBG DOB: 3/6/2011 Sex: doe fullblood Reg No: pending Pedigree Ennoblements 6 JRA1 AGNEW'S BO-HOWDY **ENNOBLED** 1/2006 (10179494) D C W -BO JANGLE **ENNOBLED** 3/2008 (10306381) DCW LEXUS **ENNOBLED** 12/2006 (10219339) Sire: BLUE GAINEY'S YATA-HEY (10484659) DOWNEN T119 (10269467) BLUE GAINEY'S WEEKO (10412701) BLUE GAINEY'S SPICE (10224368) RBGO Natalie A26 TOP GUN NO 2 *ENNOBLED* 7/2000 (96151003) BBO CRAZY HORSE (10152414) BMW TRIBUTE'S CHANNEL M76 *ENNOBLED* 12/2003 (10074326) Dam: EGGS R004 (10232392) GAR ADUWA-SASQUATCH *ENNOBLED* (96212013) E.G.G.S.TASY (10001990) NKAI (10001552) RBGO Natalie is a powerful doe out of a son of the 2006 ABGA National Grand Champion, Bo Jangle. Yata Hey is near ennoblement and has produced some truly outstanding kids for Riverview Boer Goats. Natalie's dam was purchased at the Showstopper and Natalie is her finest production. Natalie is a perfect 1 and 1 on her udder, fully pigmented and has a good bite. To appreciate how powerful this doe is, you need to watch her video. Call me if you are not impressed, I have a good opthamologist I can refer you to. Lot No. 2 RBG DOB: 5/21/2011 Sex: doe fullblood Reg No: pending Pedigree Ennoblements 6 RRD GUNSMOKE P502 **ENNOBLED** 1/2005 (10136730) 4-K GOAT FARM SMOKIN GUN **ENNOBLED** 11/2009 (10374548) RRD R883 **ENNOBLED** 5/2008 (10211090) Sire: RBGO SMOKIN CANNON **ENNOBLED** 8/2011 (10453224) RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** 12/2007 (10269132) RRD V832 (10360175) RRD T241 (10269027) RBGO Beatrice A116 DER BO MAN (10242121) RIVER RIDGE'S BOCEPHIS (10310746) DER PAINT-ME RED (10225995) Dam: RBGO BELLA 734 (10377745) *GE1 745R (*044500227) GE1 - 80T **ENNOBLED** 12/2010 (10320785) *GE1-N25A-NELLIE (*014410702) I gave this doe a dowdy name as a counterpoint to her stunning beauty. RBGO Beatrice is hot! I mean "what up!" . . . 1 and 1 on her rack, full pigmentation and a perfectly matched set of pearly whites. If this gal was human, she might tempt me to leave Pam (Pam has asked me to leave several times, but I'm too scared to go it alone). It is important for you to watch the video on this gal. Everything about her screams: "Show Me!" Even if you don't show,she can still be your trophy doe, used to awe and impress your friends and enemies. Beatrice is wide bodied and wide tracking. She has a great head, wonderful horn set and has muscle and bone to back it all up. This doe could sing the Pussycat Dolls signature song "Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me?" The video of that song is also pretty interesting -- but I digress. Throw a bid or two on this doe, you won't be sorry. 2012 Spring Herd Builder Classic Lot No. 3 RBG DOB: 3/22/2011 Sex: doe fullblood Reg No: 1054 4569 Pedigree Ennoblements 6 RRD P603 MR. MONROE **ENNOBLED** 5/2007 (10159427) 4-K GOAT FARM V104 MAVERICK **ENNOBLED** 11/2009 (10325230) RRD R883 **ENNOBLED** 5/2008 (10211090) Sire: RBGO RIVERBOAT CAPTAIN (10472474) EGGSORCIST *ENNOBLED 10/2001* (10038430) E.G.G.S. R810 **ENNOBLED** 11/2009 (10232407) POWELL/HOLMAN 2SIS 445N (10138535) RBGO Ruby A36 RRD GUNSMOKE P502 **ENNOBLED** 1/2005 (10136730) RRD R868 (10202373) RRD P489 (10136530) Dam: RBGO CRYSTAL 502 (10307081) RBBG ANTELOPE CREEK KING MIDAS (10008604) ACR THE MIDAS TOUCH (10307080) TWISTER'S AUS. SIDEWINDER 98 (10055957) RBGO Ruby is out of RBGO Riverboat Captain, a Maverick son we have used as a herd sire and a foundation doe we call Crystal. Captain has had a successful show career and Crystal has consistently produced showquality offspring. Ruby is 2 and 2 on her udder, 95% pigmented and has a good bite. When you view her video, you will see how easy she moves and how tight her shoulders are. She tracks well and expresses a lot of muscle. Check out her bubble butt, breed character roman nose and wide stance. This is a powerful package! Lot No. 4 RBG DOB: 2/28/2011 Sex: doe fullblood Reg No: pending Pedigree Ennoblements 0 PDF V627 (10329340) LAZY S-T RED BARON (10432548) KALR T62 (10288043) Sire: EMERT RED HOT EXPRESS Z3 (10496944) R A THUNDER RED (10283371) EMERT MISS THUNDER RED V5 (10374569) KALR R26 (10178170) RBGO Constance A33 ARAPAHO P03 LLBG S134 5B VASHA SA Dam: JH48 JP23T RD N1 JH48 G77 CNE PLAYMATE RBGO Constance is out of a solid red buck that Rising Star Boer Goats uses as a herd sire. We used the buck because we wanted some red genetics and because Monty Manning, the buck's owner, has an eye for wether production. The bubble butt and level top wether producers are after are clearly present on this doe. She is a tight package. She is fully pigmented, has a good bite and is 2 and 2 on her udder (has an additional nonfunctional on one side which should not hurt her in the ring). Watch her video for a better understanding of just how good she is. 2012 Spring Herd Builder Classic Lot No. 5 RBG DOB: 11/24/2008 Sex: buck RYALS TOPBRASS *ENNOBLED 2001* (10043943) RRD P603 MR. MONROE **ENNOBLED** 5/2007 (10159427) RRD N171 (10101218) Sire: 4-K GOAT FARM V104 MAVERICK **ENNOBLED** 11/2009 (10325230) RRD REMFIRE P493 **ENNOBLED** 7/2004 (10136693) RRD R883 **ENNOBLED** 5/2008 (10211090) RRD P508 (10136788) RBGO Riverboat Captain fullblood Reg No: 1047 2474 Pedigree Ennoblements 7 MZURI (95333075) EGGSORCIST *ENNOBLED 10/2001* (10038430) EGGSEMPLARY (10009775) Dam: E.G.G.S. R810 **ENNOBLED** 11/2009 (10232407) POWELL HOLMAN DUKE (10002199) POWELL/HOLMAN 2SIS 445N (10138535) KARE JESTIC (10039193) RBGO Riverboat Captain is just a little over three years old. We do not usually sell older bucks, but we have a surplus of herd sires (7) and are running out of separate pens. Riverboat Captain is being offered because he is still young and we believe can improve most breeding programs. I know that last statement is pretty bold, but I can back it up; Captain sired lots 3, 8, 13, 18, 23, 30 and 33. Look at the photos for these lots and watch the videos. If you still aren’t convinced, consider this: Captain is a son of Maverick ENNOBLED. Maverick was third in his class at the 2008 ABGA Nationals behind RRD Right on Target and I cannot remember the buck that won the class. Any of you that are familiar with our program know that Maverick changed everything for us. This direct son of Maverick, RBGO Riverboat Captain, can do the same for you. To make Captain, we flushed a doe we purchased at the Showstopper. That single flush ennobled the doe. There is power in the line! I must be out of my mind to sell this buck. My idiocy gets even worse; he has 54 ABGA show points of his own. He is 1 and 1 on his teat structure . . . could explain the great teat structures on most of his progeny. His bite is show quality even now. Wait, there’s more (I feel like this is starting to sound a little like a late night infomercial)! Do you see how massive this buck is? How tremendous his bone is? How nice his head and horn set is? How wide tracking he is? How wide and level his top is? How stacked his pedigree is? Is, is, is, is, I could go on. Is he going to be your next herd sire? That’s the question you need to answer in the affirmative. Progeny from Riverboat Captain in this sale. Lot 3 - Ruby Lot 8 – Francine Lot 13 – Annabel Lot 18 – Brandywine Lot 23 – Estelle Lot 30 – Sniper Lot 33 – Tall Order 2012 Spring Herd Builder Classic Lot No. 6 RBG DOB: 3/24/2011 Sex: doe fullblood Reg No: 1054 0925 Pedigree Ennoblements 4 JRA1 AGNEW'S BO-HOWDY **ENNOBLED** 1/2006 (10179494) D C W -BO JANGLE **ENNOBLED** 3/2008 (10306381) DCW LEXUS **ENNOBLED** 12/2006 (10219339) Sire: BLUE GAINEY'S YATA-HEY (10484659) DOWNEN T119 (10269467) BLUE GAINEY'S WEEKO (10412701) BLUE GAINEY'S SPICE (10224368) RBGO Hey Doll A34 EGGSFILE *ENNOBLED* 3/00 (10020970) MINCEY S573 SA (10256852) MC 2R868 SA (*I02135089) Dam: OWO SHELBY (10367190) 125 MINCEY M53 (10085498) MINCEY R204 (10237612) DOWNEN K337 (*I01213031) WETHER PRODUCERS -- WAKE UP AND PAY ATTENTION NOW! RBGO Hey Doll is out of our outcross herd sire, Yata Hey, a Bo Jangle son (Ennobled/2006 ABGA National Grand Champion). This buck will be Ennobled when one more kid with 5 points gets inspected. I know, I know, wether producers could give a rat's a_ _ about ennoblement, but hey, this buck also produces champion wethers. In fact, last year's Michigan State Fair Grand Champion. On the bottom side, Shelby. Shelby is a modern style, smooth-shouldered, big butted rip who has also produced. She birthed Locked and Loaded, a buck that sold to Land of Grace Farms that we put around 70 points on in less than 9 months. I'm sorry, wether focus, her offspring are freaky muscled. Hey Doll is 2 and 1 on her udder, fully pigmented and has a good bite. This is a heavily muscled, clean-fronted, tight skinned doe with a big butt. Watch the video! Lot No. 7 RBG DOB: 3/16/2011 Sex: doe fullblood Reg No: pending Pedigree Ennoblements 6 RRD GUNSMOKE P502 **ENNOBLED** 1/2005 (10136730) 4-K GOAT FARM SMOKIN GUN **ENNOBLED** 11/2009 (10374548) RRD R883 **ENNOBLED** 5/2008 (10211090) Sire: RBGO SMOKIN CANNON **ENNOBLED** 8/2011 (10453224) RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** 12/2007 (10269132) RRD V832 (10360175) RRD T241 (10269027) RBGO Caprice A39 DOWNENS ZACHARIAS **ENNOBLED** 2/2006 ARK NEWTOWN FARMS PIPER CUB (10360604) DOWNEN N85 (10134522) Dam: 188 GAGE HILL MERCEDES (10475393) DSM 0B134 (*I0180049) NEWTOWN FARMS DOLLY (10452102) NEWTOWN FARMS EMMA (*051007598) RBGO Caprice is an awesome RBGO Smokin Cannon ENNOBLED, daughter among several great Cannon daughters. As I will no doubt mention again, Cannon generally throws mostly show goats. We believe this doe will show. She is 2 and 2 on her udder, has a good bite and is fully pigmented. Caprice’s dam is a doe we purchased from Bill Cate of Chicago. Bill swore the doe would work wonders with our genetics and I believe he is correct. When you watch the video, near the beginning, when Caprice approaches the fence and lifts her head . . . will you look at that level top! She is wide tracking and easy moving. She has a wide top and is quite simply, packed with muscle. She has a great breed standard head and excellent horn set. The only thing she’s lacking is a place in your herd; help her get there. 2012 Spring Herd Builder Classic Lot No. 8 RBG DOB: 3/21/2011 Sex: doe fullblood Reg No: pending Pedigree Ennoblements 6 RRD P603 MR. MONROE **ENNOBLED** 5/2007 (10159427) 4-K GOAT FARM V104 MAVERICK **ENNOBLED** 11/2009 (10325230) RRD R883 **ENNOBLED** 5/2008 (10211090) Sire: RBGO RIVERBOAT CAPTAIN (10472474) EGGSORCIST *ENNOBLED 10/2001* (10038430) E.G.G.S. R810 **ENNOBLED** 11/2009 (10232407) POWELL/HOLMAN 2SIS 445N (10138535) RBGO Francine A51 GLENDER GENETICS VOLKER (10274366) GE1 745R (10312160) GE1 - P83B (10312161) Dam: GE1 - 80T **ENNOBLED** 12/2010 (10320785) EGGS "BIAS" (10038422) GE1-N25A-NELLIE (10295195) GE1 F87 (10295198) Oh my, look at this paint. An ennobled dam and sired by a Maverick over Eggorcist son that has over 50 of his own points. She is a perfect 1 and 1 on her udder, fully pigmented and has a good bite. RBGO Francine is one tight package -- heavily muscled, tight shoulders, wide tracking, up on her pasterns. This is the kind of complete package you can build a program around. Make sure you watch her video -- it's so sexy it will make you blush! Lot No. 9 RBG DOB: 5/31/2011 Sex: doe fullblood Reg No: pending Pedigree Ennoblements 11 EGGS RYALS MAGNUM**ENNOBLED** (10020971) RRD GUNSMOKE P502 **ENNOBLED** 1/2005 (10136730) RRD MAGNUM'S BEAUTY *ENNOBLED* (10043948) Sire: 4-K GOAT FARM SMOKIN GUN **ENNOBLED** 11/2009 (10374548) RRD REMFIRE P493 **ENNOBLED** 7/2004 (10136693) RRD R883 **ENNOBLED** 5/2008 (10211090) RRD P508 (10136788) RBGO Bewitched A139 RRD REMINGTON **ENNOBLED 03** (10095469) RRD GAUGE P529 **ENNOBLED** 7/2004 (10136756) RRD MS M27 **ENNOBLED 11/2003** (10068309) Dam: RRD RBGO VENUS 740 (10374423) RRD GUNSMOKE P502 **ENNOBLED** 1/2005 (10136730) RRD 2DOX SENSATIOUS (10322044) 2DOX GODIVA A NRC-04 **ENNOBLED** (10108154) RBGO Bewitched is a Smokin Gun ENNOBLED over an exquisite Gauge ENNOBLED 2-DOX doe. This is one of the strongest pedigrees in the midwest . . . and the offspring matches the pedigree. Bewitched is 1 and 1 on her udder, has a good bite and is 80% pigmented. This doe has a massive chest and a big butt. A smooth moving doe with a great head, level top and powerful hip -- a package you can appreciate. If this doe was human, she'd be a super model. For goodness sake, look at her neck extension and 11 ennoblements . .. are we crazy to sell her? I can hardly take my eyes off the video to write this description. Do you see how wide she tracks? I'm serioius -- you have to try to buy this doe. Watch her video and you will be bewitched! 2012 Spring Herd Builder Classic Lot No. 10 RBG DOB: 5/18/2011 Sex: doe 50% Reg No: pending Pedigree Ennoblements 5 RRD GUNSMOKE P502 **ENNOBLED** 1/2005 (10136730) 4-K GOAT FARM SMOKIN GUN **ENNOBLED** 11/2009 (10374548) RRD R883 **ENNOBLED** 5/2008 (10211090) Sire: RBGO BROOKE'S MOUNTAIN Z7 JRA1 AGNEW'S BO-HOWDY **ENNOBLED** 1/2006 (10179494) D C W -T56 (10306384) DCW LEXUS **ENNOBLED** 12/2006 (10219339) RBGO Mountain Avalanche A181 Dam: boer x RBGO Mountain Avalanche (Ava) is a Brooke's Mountain daughter with a 1 and1 udder, good bite and full pigmentation. If you compare descriptions on all the Brooke's Mountain daughters in the sale, it is startling how all are so similar. If you are near upstate New York, I encourage you to call Larry and Cindy Casavant for some breedings. Consistent correctness and mass are no accident. Ava should clarify for you what a percentage show doe should look like. When you watch her video, you have to appreciate the combination of elegance and mass in a correct package. Wide top, smooth shoulders, long neck, wide base -- this doe is crazy good. Lot No. 11 RBG DOB: 3/6/2011 Sex: doe fullblood Reg No: pending Pedigree Ennoblements 6 JRA1 AGNEW'S BO-HOWDY **ENNOBLED** 1/2006 (10179494) D C W -BO JANGLE **ENNOBLED** 3/2008 (10306381) DCW LEXUS **ENNOBLED** 12/2006 (10219339) Sire: BLUE GAINEY'S YATA-HEY (10484659) DOWNEN T119 (10269467) BLUE GAINEY'S WEEKO (10412701) BLUE GAINEY'S SPICE (10224368) RBGO Ms. Yata A22 TOP GUN NO 2 *ENNOBLED* 7/2000 (96151003) BBO CRAZY HORSE (10152414) BMW TRIBUTE'S CHANNEL M76 *ENNOBLED* 12/2003 (10074326) Dam: EGGS R004 (10232392) GAR ADUWA-SASQUATCH *ENNOBLED* (96212013) E.G.G.S.TASY (10001990) NKAI (10001552) RBGO Ms. Yata is absolutely an exciting opportunity. I encourage you to watch her video before you study her pedigree. When you see her on the move, it's Game Over. Her pedigree is simply a bonus. This show quality doe is 2 and 2 on her udder, fully pigmented and has a good bite. Her sire, Yata Hey, is one kid inspection away from ennoblement. Her dam, Maria, was purchased for over $3,000 from one of the top programs in the nation. If you are new to the industry, I am going to give you some unsolicitated advice: a few does like this will separate you from almost any producer near you. Focus on quality -- in time, with diligent breeding, numbers will come. With those numbers will come additional quality if you start with the right foundation. Ms. Yata is that foundation. 2012 Spring Herd Builder Classic Lot No. 12 RBG DOB: 6/26/2011 Sex: buck fullblood Reg No: 1055 0495 Pedigree Ennoblements 10 Lot No. 13 RBG DOB: 3/24/2011 Sex: doe RRD GUNSMOKE P502 **ENNOBLED** 1/2005 (10136730) 4-K GOAT FARM SMOKIN GUN **ENNOBLED** 11/2009 (10374548) RRD R883 **ENNOBLED** 5/2008 (10211090) Sire: RBGO SMOKIN CANNON **ENNOBLED** 8/2011 (10453224) RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** 12/2007 (10269132) RRD V832 (10360175) RRD T241 (10269027) RBGO Shockwave A138 RRD P603 MR. MONROE **ENNOBLED** 5/2007 (10159427) 4-K GOAT FARM V104 MAVERICK **ENNOBLED** 11/2009 (10325230) RRD R883 **ENNOBLED** 5/2008 (10211090) Dam: RBGO RIVERBOAT LADY EGGSORCIST *ENNOBLED 10/2001* (10038430) E.G.G.S. R810 **ENNOBLED** 11/2009 (10232407) POWELL/HOLMAN 2SIS 445N (10138535) From the opening few seconds of Shockwave’s video, when he approaches the camera and turns his head to the side, his measure is established. Fred Homeyer believes you can tell how good a goat is simply by evaluating the head. If you stop the video at the point I describe, Shockwave’s classic roman nose is stunning. He has calm, well-spaced eyes which belie his gentle nature. This buck was shown several times and loves to be handled. He’s the first to approach the gate of his pen to be petted; quite the Casa Nova. About those ABGA shows, he was class winner 6 times, accumulating 6 ABGA points. Success in the show ring is Shockwave’s heritage. His sire, Smokin Cannon and his grandsire, 4KGF Smokin Gun are both ennobled. His dam RBGO Riverboat Lady has her own 50+ points and is on her way to ennoblement. For those that are interested, his teat structure is 2 and 2, completely separated. Shockwave has a good bite and is fully pigmented. He is just under a year old but could have an immediate impact on your program. He will add width and muscle and show pretty. fullblood Reg No: 1054 0921 Pedigree Ennoblements 6 RRD P603 MR. MONROE **ENNOBLED** 5/2007 (10159427) 4-K GOAT FARM V104 MAVERICK **ENNOBLED** 11/2009 (10325230) RRD R883 **ENNOBLED** 5/2008 (10211090) Sire: RBGO RIVERBOAT CAPTAIN (10472474) EGGSORCIST *ENNOBLED 10/2001* (10038430) E.G.G.S. R810 **ENNOBLED** 11/2009 (10232407) POWELL/HOLMAN 2SIS 445N (10138535) RBGO Annabel A54 GLENDER GENETICS VOLKER (10274366) GE1 745R (10312160) GE1 - P83B (10312161) Dam: GE1 - 80T **ENNOBLED** 12/2010 (10320785) EGGS "BIAS" (10038422) GE1-N25A-NELLIE (10295195) GE1 F87 (10295198) RBGO Annabel is out of one of Riverview Boer Goat's ennobled does, 80t and a Maverick son, RBGO Riverboat Captain. If you purchase this doe, please show her . . . this is a great doe. She is 1 and 1 on her udder, fully pigmented and has a good bite. Please watch her video -- you need to see how this doe moves. Annabel moves free and easy. She is thick and has a stacked pedigree. Look at her breed standard head. She will advance your program. 2012 Spring Herd Builder Classic Lot No. 14 RBG DOB: 3/2/2011 Sex: doe fullblood Reg No: pending Pedigree Ennoblements 8 RRD P603 MR. MONROE **ENNOBLED** 5/2007 (10159427) 4-K GOAT FARM V104 MAVERICK **ENNOBLED** 11/2009 (10325230) RRD R883 **ENNOBLED** 5/2008 (10211090) Sire: RBGO RIVERBOAT DEEP WATER Y35 (10474053) DOW2 FLATT CREEK S4 STINGER (10000901) "RICHARDSONS" PRISSY (10133160) BOSQUE VALLEY MANDY 23L (10074172) RBGO Gwyneth A11 RRD P603 MR. MONROE **ENNOBLED** 5/2007 (10159427) 4-K GOAT FARM V104 MAVERICK **ENNOBLED** 11/2009 (10325230) RRD R883 **ENNOBLED** 5/2008 (10211090) Dam: RBGO RIVERBOAT ROSIE (10453236) EGGSORCIST *ENNOBLED 10/2001* (10038430) E.G.G.S. R810 **ENNOBLED** 11/2009 (10232407) POWELL/HOLMAN 2SIS 445N (10138535) RBGO Gwyneth is a double bred Maverick ENNOBLED doe. Her sire is Deep Water, a Maverick son, and her dam, Rosie,is a Maverick ENNOBLED over Hannah (our name) ENNOBLED, doe. The pedigree is stacked. You can see from the photos and video that the tight breeding worked. This doe is 1 and 1 on her udder, has a good bite and is fully pigmented. She has an extended neck over a wide top. She tracks wide and is larger than most does her age. Powerful pedigree does not always equal a powerful doe -- in this case with 8 ennoblements, it does. She will show well under judges that seek power. If you are a power player, buy this doe. Lot No. 15 RBG DOB: 6/8/2011 Sex: doe fullblood Reg No: pending Pedigree Ennoblements 8 EGGS RYALS MAGNUM**ENNOBLED** (10020971) RRD GUNSMOKE P502 **ENNOBLED** 1/2005 (10136730) RRD MAGNUM'S BEAUTY *ENNOBLED* (10043948) Sire: 4-K GOAT FARM SMOKIN GUN **ENNOBLED** 11/2009 (10374548) RRD REMFIRE P493 **ENNOBLED** 7/2004 (10136693) RRD R883 **ENNOBLED** 5/2008 (10211090) RRD P508 (10136788) RBGO Raven A130 TLB R263 LUKAS (10174576) TLB 741 **ENNOBLED** 1/2011 (10430806) POWELL/HOLMAN 26R (10182654) Dam: JARS BB, TOO (I-10492315) DKLK JRP TY *ENNOBLED 2003* (10081495) JARS X-SPEDIA (I-10486613) PBL 2B606 (*I02175037) RBGO Raven is a Smokin Gun ENNOBLED daughter. Her dam is a flush doe we purchased at the Cowboy Classic. Raven is 2 and 2 on her udder, fully pigmented and has a good bite. She is show quality and can move right to the foundation female pen after her show career ends. I cannot stress enough to those new to the industry to buy from reputable breeders. I describe these does in great detail so that a purchaser knows what they are getting. Raven is exactly as I describe to you as to udder, bite and pigmentation or you can reject her when she is delivered. That is an RBGO policy that nobody will match. Watch Raven's video and you will understand why we are not afraid to offer a bold guarantee. 2012 Spring Herd Builder Classic Lot No. 16 RBG DOB: 3/26/2011 Sex: buck fullblood Reg No: 1054 0779 Pedigree Ennoblements 6 JRA1 AGNEW'S BO-HOWDY **ENNOBLED** 1/2006 (10179494) D C W -BO JANGLE **ENNOBLED** 3/2008 (10306381) DCW LEXUS **ENNOBLED** 12/2006 (10219339) Sire: BLUE GAINEY'S YATA-HEY (10484659) DOWNEN T119 (10269467) BLUE GAINEY'S WEEKO (10412701) BLUE GAINEY'S SPICE (10224368) RBGO Babe Magnet A28 RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** 12/2007 (10269132) RRD AMMO V704 **ENNOBLED** 4/2009 (10321932) RRD T257 (10269014) Dam: RBGO AMMO CAMO BABE (10430887) RRD REMINGTON M160 **ENNOBLED** 3/2003 (10095469) RRD T537 (10302949) RRD S2 (10221026) RBGO Babe Magnet is a heavy boned, powerful buck with a tremendous breed character head. He exudes power. His sire, Yata Hey, was acquired to add length and heigth to our Ryals genetics, and he has done just that. Yata produces exceptional wethers (2011 Michigan State Fair Grand Champion) and very modern, clean fronted does. The dam of Babe Magnet is out of the $32,500 RRD Ammo and is a full paint with awesome power. We believe this buck represents the best of what his sire and dam have to offer. He is 80% pigmented, has clean teats on one side and has a good bite. Check out the video to see the future of the industry. Lot No. 17 RBG DOB: 5/20/11 Sex: doe fullblood Reg No: pending Pedigree Ennoblements 7 RRD GUNSMOKE P502 **ENNOBLED** 1/2005 (10136730) 4-K GOAT FARM SMOKIN GUN **ENNOBLED** 11/2009 (10374548) RRD R883 **ENNOBLED** 5/2008 (10211090) Sire: RBGO SMOKIN CANNON **ENNOBLED** 8/2011 (10453224) RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** 12/2007 (10269132) RRD MS. M27 *ENNOBLED 11/2003* (10068309) RRD T241 (10269027) RBGO Donatella A125 BBR BATES BUFORD **ENNOBLED** 2/2009 (10224376) J R P RUSTY (10365440) BRUS P29 (10175027) Dam: KTBG SOCKS (I-10514131) TDH BUDDY DOG (*i01089003) MKJF 10P (10385372) SCS RED PEPPER (*I01113092) RBGO Donatella is sired by RBGO Smokin Cannon, ENNOBLED. He throws a lot of show quality kids and Donatella is no exception. She is 2 and 2 on her udder, has a good bite and is fully pigmented. Her dam KTBG Socks is a high capacity doe we purchased at the Cowboy Classic for our embryo program. From the tip of Donatella’s nose to the tip of her tail, her phenotype screams: “Show Me!” An excellent roman nose flows into sweeping breed character horns to create a beautiful head. Her wide and powerful chest seamlessly transitions to her shoulders and into her barrel. This entire front assembly is tight and her level top continues the transition to her wide set hind quarters. The doe tracks wide and well. A wonderful opportunity to improve your operation. 2012 Spring Herd Builder Classic Lot No. 18 RBG DOB: 6/6/2011 Sex: Doe Fullblood Reg No: 1054 4582 Pedigree Ennoblements 6 RRD P603 MR. MONROE **ENNOBLED** 5/2007 (10159427) 4-K GOAT FARM V104 MAVERICK **ENNOBLED** 11/2009 (10325230) RRD R883 **ENNOBLED** 5/2008 (10211090) Sire: RBGO RIVERBOAT CAPTAIN (10472474) EGGSORCIST *ENNOBLED 10/2001* (10038430) E.G.G.S. R810 **ENNOBLED** 11/2009 (10232407) POWELL/HOLMAN 2SIS 445N (10138535) RBGO Brandywine A87 EGGSFILE *ENNOBLED* 3/00 (10020970) MINCEY S573 SA (10256852) MC 2R868 SA (10256850) Dam: OWO BRANDI (10367188) EGGS STRA BIGG (I2242058) CJG R187 (10250730) CHANTILLY LACE (95040003) RBGO Brandywine is 2 and 1 on her udder, fully pigmented and has a good bite. Her sire is a Maverick son, RBGO Captain, we have used for three years. We prize Maverick genetics for sure but really appreciate the does produced by his line. Take a look at her video. When you see this doe move, you like her even more. Lot No. 19 RBG DOB: 5/31/2011 Sex: Doe 50% Reg No: 1055 0497 Pedigree Ennoblements 5 RRD GUNSMOKE P502 **ENNOBLED** 1/2005 (10136730) 4-K GOAT FARM SMOKIN GUN **ENNOBLED** 11/2009 (10374548) RRD R883 **ENNOBLED** 5/2008 (10211090) Sire: RBGO BROOKE'S MOUNTAIN Z7 JRA1 AGNEW'S BO-HOWDY **ENNOBLED** 1/2006 (10179494) D C W -T56 (10306384) DCW LEXUS **ENNOBLED** 12/2006 (10219339) RBGO Mountain Meadow A143 Dam: boer x RBGO Mountain Meadow is a 50% boer cross sired by RBGO Brooke's Mountain. Brooke's Mountain is a massively muscled, heavily boned show buck we sold to Larry and Cindy Casavant in upstate New York. All of the does in this sale out of Brooke's Mountain are excellent but this doe may be just a tick better than excellent. Meadow is 2 and 2 on her udder, fully pigmented and has a good bite. She is smooth and easy moving, has an excellent head, level top and plenty of muscle. Her video shows a doe with a lot of class. I love her roman nose, classic feminine wedge and excellent horn set. 2012 Spring Herd Builder Classic Lot No. 20 RBG DOB: 5/9/2011 Sex: Doe Fullblood Reg No: 1054 7841 Pedigree Ennoblements 6 EGGS RYALS MAGNUM**ENNOBLED** (10020971) RRD REMINGTON M160 **ENNOBLED** 3/2003 (10095469) MISS RRD L87 Sire: RRD GAUGE P529 **ENNOBLED** 7/2004 (10136756) RYALS TOPBRASS *ENNOBLED 2001* RRD MS. M27 *ENNOBLED 11/2003* (10068309) MISS RRD L22 RBGO Precise A89 BBR BATES BUFORD **ENNOBLED** 2/2009 (10224376) J R P RUSTY (10365440) BRUS P29 (10175027) Dam: KTBG SOCKS (I-10514131) TDH BUDDY DOG (*i01089003) MKJF 10P (10385372) SCS RED PEPPER (*I01113092) You cannot say RBGO Precise isn't trying to get your attention. Look at this direct daughter of Guage. Another show prospect that has perfect breed character, 2 and 2 on her udder, fully pigmented and a good bite. We have added video clips this year and you are crazy if you do not watch them. The video on this doe is incredible. I have often said I would buy does like RBGO Precise if I weren't selling them. Take your program to a whole new level; add this doe to your show string. Lot No. 21 RBG DOB: 3/26/2011 Sex: Doe Fullblood Reg No: 1054 0929 Pedigree Ennoblements 6 JRA1 AGNEW'S BO-HOWDY **ENNOBLED** 1/2006 (10179494) D C W -BO JANGLE **ENNOBLED** 3/2008 (10306381) DCW LEXUS **ENNOBLED** 12/2006 (10219339) Sire: BLUE GAINEY'S YATA-HEY (10484659) DOWNEN T119 (10269467) BLUE GAINEY'S WEEKO (10412701) BLUE GAINEY'S SPICE (10224368) RBGO Hey Babalicious A14 RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** 12/2007 (10269132) RRD AMMO V704 **ENNOBLED** 4/2009 (10321932) RRD T257 (10269014) Dam: RBGO AMMO CAMO BABE (10430887) RRD REMINGTON M160 **ENNOBLED** 3/2003 (10095469) RRD T537 (10302949) RRD S2 (10221026) RBGO Babalicious is the modern gal that all the wether producers should be after. She’s a freak and has a little chrome on her ear to enhance that bad girl image. Her sire, Yata Hey, is a Bo Jangle (2006 ABGA National Grand Champion ENNOBLED) son who has a track record for wether production. He sired the 2011 Michigan State Fair Grand Champion wether. Her dam, an RBGO Ammo daughter, is a paint and in our flush program. Babalicious is fully pigmented, has a good bite and is 2 and 2 on her udder. One side will not pass in the show ring, but is separated sufficiently to be easily nursed. This doe moves so smoothly and her skin is almost tight enough to drum on. Have I said enough? . . . not done yet. Look at her head, beautiful breed character. Her neck is long and slender sloping into smooth, sleek shoulders. Plenty of bone too. RBGO Babalicious is a “Babe.” Watch her video and e-mail me if you do not agree. 2012 Spring Herd Builder Classic Lot No. 22 RBG DOB: 5/20/2011 Sex: Doe Fullblood Reg No: Pending Pedigree Ennoblements 7 Lot No. 23 RBG DOB: 3/27/2011 Sex: Doe RRD GUNSMOKE P502 **ENNOBLED** 1/2005 (10136730) 4-K GOAT FARM SMOKIN GUN **ENNOBLED** 11/2009 (10374548) RRD R883 **ENNOBLED** 5/2008 (10211090) Sire: RBGO SMOKIN CANNON **ENNOBLED** 8/2011 (10453224) RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** 12/2007 (10269132) RRD MS. M27 *ENNOBLED 11/2003* (10068309) RRD T241 (10269027) RBGO Frigate A123 BBR BATES BUFORD **ENNOBLED** 2/2009 (10224376) J R P RUSTY (10365440) BRUS P29 (10175027) Dam: KTBG SOCKS (I-10514131) TDH BUDDY DOG (*i01089003) MKJF 10P (10385372) SCS RED PEPPER (*I01113092) RBGO Frigate is almost as big as a warship. Frigate is also 2 and 2 on his teat structure, fully pigmented and has a good bite. He is out of our show string building buck, Smokin Cannon ENNOBLED and a flush doe we purchased at the Cowboy Classic. The doe has never failed to produce triplets, so fertility on this buck is unquestionable. At RBGO we select maybe 10 bucks a year to develop out of 150 to 200 males born each year. Our sires are either ennobled or very close to ennoblement. All that combines to produce bucks of distinction that can produce in any program. You get the benefit of all our hard work. I tell current and future customers that a purchase from RBGO is like having a time machine. Purchase our genetics and leap forward in time to the point of genetic development we currently occupy. Not a bad deal for only the price of a buck. The buck in the photos and video easily impresses, a strong level and wide top, lots of bone and muscle, a massive chest, great head and horn set and a Cannon son to boot. Come join RBGO in the future -- buy this buck. Fullblood Reg No: Pending Pedigree Ennoblements 6 RRD P603 MR. MONROE **ENNOBLED** 5/2007 (10159427) 4-K GOAT FARM V104 MAVERICK **ENNOBLED** 11/2009 (10325230) RRD R883 **ENNOBLED** 5/2008 (10211090) Sire: RBGO RIVERBOAT CAPTAIN (10472474) EGGSORCIST *ENNOBLED 10/2001* (10038430) E.G.G.S. R810 **ENNOBLED** 11/2009 (10232407) POWELL/HOLMAN 2SIS 445N (10138535) RBGO Estelle A29 GLENDER GENETICS VOLKER (10274366) GE1 745R (10312160) GE1 - P83B (10312161) Dam: GE1 - 80T **ENNOBLED** 12/2010 (10320785) EGGS "BIAS" (10038422) GE1-N25A-NELLIE (10295195) GE1 F87 (10295198) RBGO Estelle is another Captain / 80t doe. Recall that Captain is a Maverick son near ennoblement and 80t is already ennobled. Estelle is a perfect 1 and 1 on her udder, fully pigmented and has a good bite. Beautiful head, level top, powerful loin and big butt. This wide tracking doe needs to find a place on your farm. Watch her video and breed her for the sequel. 2012 Spring Herd Builder Classic Lot No. 24 RBG DOB: 3/15/2011 Sex: Doe Fullblood Reg No: Pending Pedigree Ennoblements 8 EGGS RYALS MAGNUM**ENNOBLED** (10020971) RRD GUNSMOKE P502 **ENNOBLED** 1/2005 (10136730) RRD MAGNUM'S BEAUTY *ENNOBLED* (10043948) Sire: 4-K GOAT FARM SMOKIN GUN **ENNOBLED** 11/2009 (10374548) RRD REMFIRE P493 **ENNOBLED** 7/2004 (10136693) RRD R883 **ENNOBLED** 5/2008 (10211090) RRD P508 (10136788) RBGO Annie Get Your Gun A145 EGGSFILE *ENNOBLED* 3/00 (10020970) MINCEY S573 SA (10256852) MC 2R868 SA (I02135089) Dam: OWO REBA (10367186) CNR CONAN **ENNOBLED** 11/2008 (10049156) CNR N104 (110104594) CNR M28 (10068951) RBGO Annie Get Your Gun (Annie) is a perfect 2 and 2 on her udder, fully pigmented and has a good bite. She is sired by one of our ennobled herd sires, Smokin Gun. This doe would be an excellent addition to any herd. Watch her video and you will see a doe of excellent structure that moves free and easy. Annie has 8 pedigree ennoblements. Her dam generally has triplets, so I would expect Annie to be highly fertile. Add some Smokin Gun genetics to your program. Lot No. 25 RBG DOB: 5/2/2011 Sex: Doe 50% Reg No: Pending Pedigree Ennoblements 5 RRD GUNSMOKE P502 **ENNOBLED** 1/2005 (10136730) 4-K GOAT FARM SMOKIN GUN **ENNOBLED** 11/2009 (10374548) RRD R883 **ENNOBLED** 5/2008 (10211090) Sire: RBGO BROOKE'S MOUNTAIN Z7 JRA1 AGNEW'S BO-HOWDY **ENNOBLED** 1/2006 (10179494) D C W -T56 (10306384) DCW LEXUS **ENNOBLED** 12/2006 (10219339) RBGO Mountain Mist A183 Dam: boer x RBGO Mountain Mist is a 50% boer cross out of RBGO Brooke's Mountain. Brooke's Mountain is a Smokin Gun, Ennobled, son that we sold to Larry and Cindy Casavant in northern New York. The last time I showed him, he was Grand Champion overall. Mountain Mist is a perfect 1 and 1 on her udder, fully pigmented and has a good bite. As you view her video, study her confirmation. She is a wide based doe -- this characteristic is easy to appreciate but difficult to breed. She has a level top with tight shoulders -- no scapula movement. She is extremely tight as you transition from her shoulders to her rack -- the wether producers are nuts over this feature. RBGO Mountain Mist would be an excellent addition to your herd. 2012 Spring Herd Builder Classic Lot No. 26 RBG DOB: 3/22/2011 Sex: Buck Fullblood Reg No: Pending Pedigree Ennoblements 11 RRD GUNSMOKE P502 **ENNOBLED** 1/2005 (10136730) 4-K GOAT FARM SMOKIN GUN **ENNOBLED** 11/2009 (10374548) RRD R883 **ENNOBLED** 5/2008 (10211090) Sire: RBGO SMOKIN CANNON **ENNOBLED** 8/2011 (10453224) RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** 12/2007 (10269132) RRD V832 (10360175) RRD T241 (10269027) RBGO Broadside A78 RYALS TOPBRASS *ENNOBLED 2001* (10043943) JRA1 AGNEW'S BO-HOWDY **ENNOBLED** 1/2006 (10179494) EGGS MACEY **ENNOBLED** 3/2004 (10110813) Dam: D C W -T56 EGGSONERATE *ENNOBLED 2002* (10071320) DCW LEXUS **ENNOBLED** 12/2006 (10219339) HART P72 DCW'S FREEDOM **ENNOBLED** 3/2005 (10171746) RBGO Broadside is a son of RBGO Smokin Cannon, ENNOBLED. He is 2 and 2 on teats and fully pigmented. His bite is correct but not show ready. He needs to have a tooth pulled to allow his adult teeth to come in correctly. This buck is massive, yet he moves free and easy. He has 11 pedigree ennoblements. If you are looking for a herd sire to produce show goats, Broadside is your buck. Watch his video for the WOW! factor. Lot No. 27 RBG DOB: 3/25/2011 Sex: Doe Fullblood Reg No: Pending Pedigree Ennoblements 7 EGGS RYALS MAGNUM**ENNOBLED** (10020971) RRD GUNSMOKE P502 **ENNOBLED** 1/2005 (10136730) RRD MAGNUM'S BEAUTY *ENNOBLED* (10043948) Sire: 4-K GOAT FARM SMOKIN GUN **ENNOBLED** 11/2009 (10374548) RRD REMFIRE P493 **ENNOBLED** 7/2004 (10136693) RRD R883 **ENNOBLED** 5/2008 (10211090) RRD P508 (10136788) RBGO Inez A24 FSE 9122 BLUE CHIP *ENNOBLED* (10054100) FSE 3109 (10188174) FSE 2018 FRANCE (10149285) Dam: CJG 5813 (10378598) RED NECK RAMBO (94138001) CJG H70 (96299049) RNGC BETTY (95173022) RBGO Inez is a direct daughter of RBGO Smokin Gun, Ennobled. She is 2 and 2 on her udder, fully pigmented and has a correct bite. The Smokin Gun, Ennobled, line has been quite prolific for the production of show animals. Wether you show or not, animals that are correct and exhibit breed character should be what you are striving to produce. Inez is a wide bodied, wide tracking, clean fronted doe with a bright future. We appreciate what she has to offer and hope you do too. Watch her video for a full illustration of what we are talking about. 2012 Spring Herd Builder Classic Lot No. 28 RBG DOB: 2/24/2011 Sex: Doe Fullblood Reg No: Pending Pedigree Ennoblements 0 PDF V627 (10329340) LAZY S-T RED BARON (10432548) KALR T62 (10288043) Sire: EMERT RED HOT EXPRESS Z3 (10496944) R A THUNDER RED (10283371) EMERT MISS THUNDER RED V5 (10374569) KALR R26 (10178170) RBGO Red Hot Scarlett A43 DER BO MAN (10242121) RIVER RIDGE'S BOCEPHIS (10310746) DER PAINT-ME RED (10225995) Dam: RBGO RAINBOW X806 (10421179) TND M52 (*I00082101) TND R004 (10196104) PEN H01 PENNS LATY LOU (*I03112026) RBGO Red Hot Scarlett is 2 and 2 on her udder is fully pigmented and has a good bite. Scarlett does have a broken front tooth but her bite is perfect. She has a massive chest and top. This is a great goat, I mean she looks like a beer barrel with legs. I’m not kidding, watch the video. Also important to realize, she is loaded with red genetics. Her sire, Red Hot Express, is a solid red buck standing at Rising Star Boer Farm. Monty and Denise Manning purchased this buck for two reasons, the red influence and also the buck’s wether producing lineage. The muscle and mass of the sire is expressed in Scarlett. Scarlett’s dam is a roan-colored doe we bred out of a River Ridge doe we purchased several years ago. So there you go – a powerful doe loaded with red possibilities. Lot No. 29 RBG DOB: 5/21/2011 Sex: Doe Fullblood Reg No: Pending Pedigree Ennoblements 7 JRA1 AGNEW'S BO-HOWDY **ENNOBLED** 1/2006 (10179494) D C W -BO JANGLE **ENNOBLED** 3/2008 (10306381) DCW LEXUS **ENNOBLED** 12/2006 (10219339) Sire: BLUE GAINEY'S YATA-HEY (10484659) DOWNEN T119 (10269467) BLUE GAINEY'S WEEKO (10412701) BLUE GAINEY'S SPICE (10224368) RBGO Yolanda A111 RRD P603 MR. MONROE **ENNOBLED** 5/2007 (10159427) 4-K GOAT FARM V104 MAVERICK **ENNOBLED** 11/2009 (10325230) RRD R883 **ENNOBLED** 5/2008 (10211090) Dam: RBGO BETTY Y104 (10511828) ANR WIDELOAD **ENNOBLED** 9/2009 NGC-08 4-K GOAT FARM RBGO WIDELOAD JESSICA X7 (10435519) JWN HILO (10264364) RBGO Yolanda is a Yata Hey daughter. Wether producers should pay particular attention. Yata Hey produced the 2011 Michigan State Fair Grand Champion wether. Yolanda is fully pigmented, has a good bite and is 3 and 3 on her udder. She is wide tracking and wide topped. She carries plenty of muscle on a large frame. She has the classic feminine wedge, a great head and horn set and moves free and easy. Watch her video and you will see what I mean. 2012 Spring Herd Builder Classic Lot No. 30 RBG DOB: 3/17/2011 Sex: Buck Fullblood Reg No: Pending Pedigree Ennoblements 6 RRD P603 MR. MONROE **ENNOBLED** 5/2007 (10159427) 4-K GOAT FARM V104 MAVERICK **ENNOBLED** 11/2009 (10325230) RRD R883 **ENNOBLED** 5/2008 (10211090) Sire: RBGO RIVERBOAT CAPTAIN (10472474) EGGSORCIST *ENNOBLED 10/2001* (10038430) E.G.G.S. R810 **ENNOBLED** 11/2009 (10232407) POWELL/HOLMAN 2SIS 445N (10138535) RBGO Sniper A61 GLENDER GENETICS VOLKER (10274366) GE1 745R (10312160) GE1 - P83B (10312161) Dam: GE1 - 80T **ENNOBLED** 12/2010 (10320785) EGGS "BIAS" (10038422) GE1-N25A-NELLIE (10295195) GE1 F87 (10295198) RBGO Sniper is out of one of our herd sires, RBGO Riverboat Captain. Captain is a son of Maverick, ENNOBLED. Captain has all of his own points for ennoblement. Sniper is 1 and 2 on his teat structure, fully pigmented and has a good bite. This buck is complete. Check out his video. Lot No. 31 RBG DOB: 5/4/2011 Sex: Doe 50% Reg No: Pending Pedigree Ennoblements 5 RRD GUNSMOKE P502 **ENNOBLED** 1/2005 (10136730) 4-K GOAT FARM SMOKIN GUN **ENNOBLED** 11/2009 (10374548) RRD R883 **ENNOBLED** 5/2008 (10211090) Sire: RBGO BROOKE'S MOUNTAIN Z7 JRA1 AGNEW'S BO-HOWDY **ENNOBLED** 1/2006 (10179494) D C W -T56 (10306384) DCW LEXUS **ENNOBLED** 12/2006 (10219339) RBGO Mountain Flower A182 Dam: boer x RBGO Mountain Flower is a 50% boer cross doe. Her sire, Brooke's Mountain is a heavy-boned, long loin buck with significant breed character. He is now owned by Larry and Cindy Casavant of upstate New York. The buck produced several excellent does for RBGO and this is one of them. Mountain Flower is 2 and 2 on her udder, fully pigmented and has a good bite. She is wide and level topped. She has capacity and elegance, moves free and easy, and should make a great addition to your herd. Check out her video. 2012 Spring Herd Builder Classic Lot No. 32 RBG DOB: 5/9/2011 Sex: Doe Fullblood Reg No: 1054 7842 Pedigree Ennoblements 6 EGGS RYALS MAGNUM**ENNOBLED** (10020971) RRD REMINGTON M160 **ENNOBLED** 3/2003 (10095469) MISS RRD L87 Sire: RRD GAUGE P529 **ENNOBLED** 7/2004 (10136756) RYALS TOPBRASS *ENNOBLED 2001* RRD MS. M27 *ENNOBLED 11/2003* (10068309) MISS RRD L22 RBGO Precision A95 BBR BATES BUFORD **ENNOBLED** 2/2009 (10224376) J R P RUSTY (10365440) BRUS P29 (10175027) Dam: KTBG SOCKS (I-10514131) TDH BUDDY DOG (*i01089003) MKJF 10P (10385372) SCS RED PEPPER (*I01113092) RBGO Precision is a direct daughter of Gauge. Gauge has more progeny points than any other buck in the ABGA registry. When you study this doe, you will understand why Gauge has had the impact on the industry he has had. I encourage you to watch her video, this is one tremendous doe. Her natural stance is wide. She is a level-topped, easy moving doe that is 2 and 2 on her udder, has a good bite and is 90% pigmented. I would venture to say, this is probably my favorite doe in the sale. I had her identified for my show string. Lot No. 33 RBG DOB: 3/16/2011 Sex: Buck Fullblood Reg No: Pending Pedigree Ennoblements 6 RRD P603 MR. MONROE **ENNOBLED** 5/2007 (10159427) 4-K GOAT FARM V104 MAVERICK **ENNOBLED** 11/2009 (10325230) RRD R883 **ENNOBLED** 5/2008 (10211090) Sire: RBGO RIVERBOAT CAPTAIN (10472474) EGGSORCIST *ENNOBLED 10/2001* (10038430) E.G.G.S. R810 **ENNOBLED** 11/2009 (10232407) POWELL/HOLMAN 2SIS 445N (10138535) RBGO Tall Order A48 GLENDER GENETICS VOLKER (10274366) GE1 745R (10312160) GE1 - P83B (10312161) Dam: GE1 - 80T **ENNOBLED** 12/2010 (10320785) EGGS "BIAS" (10038422) GE1-N25A-NELLIE (10295195) GE1 F87 (10295198) RBGO Tall Order is 1 and 1 on his teat structure, fully pigmented and has a good bite. This buck has a powerful loin and square hip. We would like to change his hind legs but offer him because he can advance a lot of programs based on his other positive attributes. He is out of an ennobled doe and a buck with more than 50 of his own show points. 2012 Spring Herd Builder Classic TERMS AND CONDITIONS PAYMENT Cash, personal checks, cashier checks and traveler checks will be accepted. Business and personal checks will be accepted, however those paying via checks will be provided with a copy of the registration certificate at settlement time. Once the check clears, the Buyer will be mailed the original registration certificate. All monetary funding must be in U.S. currency. The right of property shall not pass until after full settlement is made. Should any Buyer fail to settle for his or her purchase, the Seller or Sellers reserves the right and full power to resell the animal to the best advantage either publicly or privately, without further notice. Any loss arising from such resale, together with any and all expenses incurred, shall be payable by the defaulter. All settlements must be made with the clerk of the sale before any goats will be released. BIDS AND DISPUTES Bids will be accepted online through the auction service provider’s website. The auction service provider’s determination of the final bid/buyer will be conclusive. INTERNET BUYERS Internet bids will be accepted and are subject to the terms and conditions established by EDJEauctions.com. Seller assumes no responsibility for the bidding thereon. Internet buyers must register with EDJEauctions.com to utilize the service. EDJEauctions.com does not charge a buyer’s premium. TRANSPORTATION Transportation is the Buyer’s responsibility. Buyers are responsible for coordinating transportation of their purchases. Buyer will have thirty (30) days from sale date to arrange pick up at the farm. Riverview Boer Goats will travel 400 miles north, east, south and west to accomplish free delivery to a central location. Buyers availing themselves of this service must meet Riverview Boer Goats at a central location within a two hour timeframe set by Riverview Boer Goats. Only one trip in each direction shall be arranged. Purchaser must notify the Sales Clerk that free delivery has been selected or the paragraph above applies. Riverview is extremely careful with goats they haul, but offer no guarantee of non-injury during free delivery. Do not ask Riverview to haul your goats if you do not have your own insurance. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS The above terms of the sale shall constitute a contract between the Buyer and the Seller and be equally binding to both. Resale of animals following purchase in the sale, constitute a separate transaction and the rights and obligations of the two (2) parties connected, therefore, are not covered by the term and conditions of this sale. ANNOUNCEMENTS Every effort was made to assure the accuracy of this catalog, however all announcements posted on Seller’s website will take precedence over the printed material in the catalog. Buyers are therefore cautioned to pay attention to any such announcements. Seller’s website is www.RiverviewBoerGoats.com. 2012 Spring Herd Builder Classic LIABILITY Although every precaution will be taken to protect the safety and comfort of the Buyers, neither the Sales Management, nor the Seller assumes any responsibility in this matter and they disclaim any liability, legal or otherwise, in case of an accident or loss of property. REGISTRATIONS/TRANSFERS Buyers are responsible for forwarding the forms and transfer fees to the registry of their choice. INSURANCE Buyers are advised to insure their purchases. GUARANTEE Bucks: Should any buck seven (7) months of age or over, fail to prove a breeder after being used on does known to be breeders, the matter shall be reported in writing to the Seller within six (6) months following the date of purchase. Seller will then have the right and privilege of ninety (90) days to prove the buck is a breeder. Seller is not responsible for damage caused by foreign bodies after the animal has been sold or of sickness not apparent at the time of the sale. There is no guarantee that semen collected from the buck will freeze. In cases where the animal has been mistreated in care, housing or nutrition in any way, this guarantee is null and void. No other guarantees are written or implied. Does: Does are guaranteed to be breeders. In the event a female greater than 12 months of age at the date of sale is claimed to be a non-breeder, after having been bred regularly to a buck known to be a breeder, and after having been treated by a licensed veterinarian, the matter must be reported in writing to the seller within four (4) months following the date of purchase. Seller shall have six (6) additional months in which to prove any such female a breeder and may use any registered buck of the breed available to him. In the event a female less than 12 months of age at the date of sale is claimed to be a non-breeder, after having been bred regularly to a buck known to be a breeder, and after having been treated by a licensed veterinarian, the matter must be reported in writing to the seller within twelve (12) months following the date of purchase. Seller shall have six (6) additional months in which to prove any such female a breeder and may use any registered buck of the breed available to him. Any female returned will be at the buyer’s risk. No guarantee is given that a pregnant female will deliver live kids or that she will carry kids full term, or the kids carried will not be mummified. Seller is not responsible for damage caused by foreign bodies after the animal has been sold or for sickness not apparent at the time of the sale. No other guarantees are either written or implied. In cases where the animal is subject to any hormone or surgical reproduction techniques after the sale, or has been mistreated in care, housing, or nutrition in any way, this guarantee is null and void. SETTLEMENT Transportation charges on animals returned to Seller are the responsibility of Buyer. No incidental expenses such as feed, care, veterinary charges, etc. will be charged by either party when making the settlement. If Seller is successful in proving the animal in question to be a breeder, the Buyer, at his or her expense, will reclaim the said animal. Should the Seller fail to prove the animal a breeder, then the Buyer is guaranteed a satisfactory replacement, FOB ranch, or location of origin, or a refund of the actual purchase price paid FOB selling point. In no event, shall the Seller be responsible for more than the purchase price. Should a dispute arise over the quality of a replacement, there will be a cash settlement. 2012 Spring Herd Builder Classic Thank You For Your Support! Mark your calendar for this Fall’s Herd Builder sale! 2012 Fall Herd Builder Classic Saturday, September 8, 2012 Progeny from top quality, winning genetics! www.RiverviewBoerGoats.com Goats available all year by private treaty. Riverview Boer Goats 2783 Bert-Reed Memorial Road Felicity, OH 45120 513.876.4160 513.739.9383 cell pam@RiverviewBoerGoats.com
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