rockhampton - Australian Brahman Breeders Association
rockhampton - Australian Brahman Breeders Association
A A O SS I AT I RALIAN OC BR H BREEDER N S’ A M N O R A M H K PT C 2015 ST U A O N LT D SCHEDULE 30th June, 1st & 2nd July 2015 Rockhampton Showgrounds ENQUIRIES Committee: Brett Coombe.................................................................(07) 4997 1134 or 0400 084 887 Julie McCamley ............................................................(07) 4987 3068 or 0429 873 068 Wendy Cole ....................................................................(07) 4933 1405 or 0429 131 966 Terry Connor ..................................................................(07) 4934 1463 or 0407 153 996 Lynette Olive..................................................................(07) 4938 0124 Leanne Creedon ...........................................................(07) 4985 7404 or 0428 870 188 Renee Rutherford.........................................................(07) 4937 3502 Steve Little......................................................................0412 811 059 Tania Hartwig.................................................................0429 611 855 Dugall McDougall.........................................................0417 738 887 Tess Camm......................................................................0439 543 434 Stuart Kirk........................................................................0448 168 569 James Kent......................................................................0498 965 133 ’ A I AT I O N LT D 2015 A BR A OC STRALIAN M SS AU H N KHAMPTO C RO N B R E E D E R S For further information contact: Australian Brahman Breeders’ Association Ltd 07 4927 7799 or 2 PROGRAMME TUESDAY, June 30th, 2015 8.00am All cattle must arrive at the Rockhampton Showgrounds by 8.00am 8.00 - 10.00am Registrations, cattle allocation, preparation of bedding, weighing of steers & bulls 11.00am - 12.00pm Parading Demonstration & Practice Education Session 12.00pmLunch 12.45pm Introduction and Induction 1.00pm Educational Sessions, including: • Understanding MSA & Cooking Demonstration • Microphone Techniques • Shed Manners and Knot Tying • Careers in Agriculture • Ear Tagging Techniques • Artificial Insemination • Steer Judging Education sessions may vary for different age groups 5.00 - 5.30pm Attend to cattle 5.30 - 6.30pm Dinner 6.30pm Barbecue Cooking Teams Challenge WEDNESDAY, July 1st, 2015 Age Group 10 years & older Peewee 8.00am Prime Cattle Judging, • Prime Cattle Judging at the Showgrounds CQLX Gracemere 12.30pm Lunch 1.00pm Junior Judging Stud Cattle, Rockhampton Showgrounds 6.00pmDinner 6.30 - 8.00pm Pasture Olympics THURSDAY, July 2nd, 2015 8.00am Stud Cattle & Led Steer Judging 12.30pm Lunch 1.30pm Junior Parading Competition 6.30pm Presentation Dinner at Schwarten Pavillion, Rockhampton Showgrounds 3 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Heifer Futurity Class with Calf at foot Junior Judging Competition A. Trade Cattle Judging B. Stud Cattle Judging eifers eligible for this class must H have been shown at the 2014 Rockhampton Junior Beef Cattle Show. Age Groups (Age as of 1st day of competition) Pee Wee 8 and under 10 years 10 and under 12 years 12 and under 14 years 14 and under 16 years 16 and under 25 years Milk Tooth Led Steer or commercial heifer Under 500 kg liveweight. Over 500 kg liveweight. Commercial Replacement Heifer (milk tooth) Champion Led Steer Show Classes (Age as of April 1st, 2014) Reserve Champion Led Steer Interbreed registered Bull Classes Champion Led Commercial Heifer 5 - 15 months Reserve Champion Led Commercial Heifer Entries will be divided into classes following the close of entries depending on numbers of entries. Junior Parading Competition Age groups as for Junior Judging Competition. Calf Champion and Reserve Age Group Champion Interbreed registered Heifer Classes Overall age group champion will be judged on total points gained from competing in Trade Cattle and Stud Cattle Judging and Herdsman’s Award. Entrants must participate in all sections. 5 - 24 months Entries will be divided into classes following the close of entries depending on numbers of entries. Calf Champion and Reserve Junior Champion and Reserve Herdsman’s Award verall judged on care and attention of O exhibit throughout the show, sportsmanship, general attitude and knowledge of cattle. 4 5 ROCKHAMPTON JUNIOR BEEF SHOW 30th June, 1st & 2nd July 2015 Rockhampton Showgrounds ENTRY FORM ENTRIES CLOSE 12 JUNE 2015 participant information Name of participant D.O.B. of participant Entry Fee shirt size ( 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, L, XL, XXL ) First time showing Yes/No Animal Required Yes/No IMPORTANT: Please complete and return the enclosed Health/Medical Indemnity & Induction Forms for EACH CHILD with Entry Form. Extra copies can be downloaded from the ABBA website - Please indicate if the child/children will be staying: Onsite in Dorm Onsite Camping with_________________________ Offsite - Contact No.__________________________ Make cheques payable to the Australian Brahman Breeders’ Association Ltd. Please note fees apply to camping in the open end of the Schwarten Pavilion. Bookings will need to be made prior by contacting the Rockhampton Showgrounds Office - Phone 07 4937 4611 Full catering facilities are available. Adults are welcome to attend the presentation dinner at a charge of $30 (incl. GST) per adult. Dinner bookings close 12 June 2015 HH please note there will be No refunds after 12 June 2015 HH please complete: Date of payment............................................................................................... Payment by Amount received................................................. No. 12 yrs & over @ $100.00.......................................................................... No. under 12 yrs @ $90.00............................................................................. Cash Cheque Credit Card Visa Mastercard No. Adult Dinner @ $30.00............................................................................. Cardholders Name....................................................................................................................................................................................... Card Number............................................................................................................................................Expiry Date............/................ 6 Credit Card Direct Deposit BSB 064 710 A/C 1046 8783 Commonwealth Bank Cost– $100 (incl. GST) 12 years & over – $90 (incl. GST) under 12 years Includes any animals nominated, bedding levy & presentation dinner Complete the form and return with entry fees to: Australian Brahman Breeders Association, PO Box 796, Rockhampton Q 4700 Phone: 07 4927 7799 • Fax: 07 4922 5805 • Email: stud led steer animal information com. Heifer MALE/ FEMALE nlis no. or rfid Name of Exhibit Cost includes participant/s Presentation Dinner No. of adults attending the Presentation Dinner (cost $30/adult) D.O.B. of Exhibit Entry Fee Total $ ___________ No. of additional children (12 & over) attending the Presentation Dinner (cost $30/child) ___________ No. of additional children (under 12) attending the Presentation Dinner (cost $15/child) ___________ No. of additional children (under 3) attending the Presentation Dinner (FREE) name of parader ___________ Dinner bookings close 12th June 2015 please note there will be No refunds after 12th June 2015 Name of Adult/s & Children attending Presentation Dinner Presentation Dinner Total $ Parent/Guardian or over 18 yrs Entrant TOTAL $ I have read the conditions of entry and hereby apply to enter in accordance with the stated conditions. Name:........................................................................................................................................................................................ Phone/Mobile:................................................................................ Address:................................................................................................................................................................................................................State:.........................Postcode:....................... Email: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ABBA membership number (if charging to account) .............................................................. Signature: .................................................................................................................................. 7 8 CONDITIONS OF ENTRY 1. Entrants must be 4 years or over and under 25 years of age as of the first day of the show (Tuesday 30th June, 2015) 2. Each entrant may enter a maximum of six (6) heifers or steers to be exhibited in their respective classes, on the condition the additional animal is made available to another entrant unable to provide their own animal and wishing to participate in handler classes. 3. Steers must be milk tooth and will be weighed and mouthed at 8.00am on Tuesday 30th June, 2015. 4. Heifers of all breeds will be accepted and must be of purebred status registered with their respective breed societies. 5. All exhibits must have an acceptable temperament and be broken in to lead. Animals entered in the Classes 9 months and over must have nose rings on nose clips fitted. This clause will be strictly enforced. Neck straps are compulsory. 6. Heifers or steers must be exhibited by the owner or the owner’s nominee, as stated on the entry form. Owners may have more than one nominee. 7. Exhibitors to supply their own neck straps, halters, showsticks, cattle feed, water buckets, feed bins and equipment. Bedding will be supplied. 8. Entry fees: 12 years and over $100.00 per competitor / Under 12 years $90.00 per competitor (includes Presentation Dinner). 9. Accommodation for competitors will be available at the Showgrounds for participants if required. Full catering facilities will be available for the duration of the show. 10. Management and control of the Junior show will be in the hands of the ABBA Junior Beef Cattle Show Committee and all decisions will be final. 11. The Association will not be responsible for any accident that may be caused through or by any participant, and it shall be a condition of entry that each participant shall hold the Society harmless and indemnified against any legal proceedings arising from any such accident. 12. The lodgement of a completed entry form will be taken as a guarantee that the animals specified therein are free from all diseases as far as is known by the owner. In the case of an infectious disease being spread through or by an exhibit, the owner shall be held responsible. 13. Precautions will be taken to guard against fire and to protect the property at the show, but exhibits will not be insured at the cost of the Association. 14. The Association will not, under any circumstances, hold itself responsible for any loss, damage to, or misdelivery of any exhibits. 15. The Association will not, under any circumstances, hold itself liable for any accident on the ground or premises. 16. All cattle must be presented TICK FREE. 17. Strictly no Stud signs are allowed, and exhibitors are to provide their own shed cards. 18. NLIS Tagging All animals are required to carry NLIS tags before entry to the Showgrounds. NLIS reading will be arranged by the Committee. Please present NVD forms to the Junior Beef Office on arrival. 9 Snapshots from 10 Junior Beef 2014 11
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