Bro. Chip Santa Rosa Baptist Association
Bro. Chip Santa Rosa Baptist Association
Santa Rosa Baptist Association 6820 Hwy 87 N Milton, FL 32570 phone: 850.623.8873 f ax:850.623.1157 websit e: www .srassociat Director of Missions: Richard “ Chip” Fox, chip@ srassociat Int erim Administ rat ive Asst .: Patt i S midt , pat ti@ srassociat Inside this issue: View Director Of Missions View Community Connection 2 Church Ministry – Transformation 3 Church Ministry-Family 3 Leadership Team 4 Administrative Team 2 Calendar of Events: December 2015 Lottie Moon Christmas Emphasis 7-Exec. Comm. Christmas Dinner @ New Life 6:30pm 8-Ministers’Wives Fellowship 6pm 10– Navarre Ministers Mtg. 10am, Navarre First 14-Milton Ministers Mtg. 10:30am, SRBA Conf. Rm 17 Pace Peer Learning Grp. 10:30am, Immanuel 25—Jan 1st-Office Closed January 2016 8-9 VBS Preview Ridgecrest, NC 11-Milton Ministers Mtg. 10:30am, SRBA 11 - TAX UPDATE 10:30 SRBA Conf. Rm. 12-Minister Wives Fellowship 6pm, 14-Navarre Ministers Mtg. 10am, Navarre First 21 –ASSN. Prayer Conf. 6pm, SRBA Conf. Room 28-Pace Peer Learning Grp. 10am, Immanuel February 2016 1 - ASSN. Council Mtg. 12pm, SRBA Conf. Rm. 1 - Exec. Comm. Mtg. 6:30pm SRBA Conf. Rm. 8 –Pastor/Leader Stewardship Conf. 10:30 am, SRBA Conf. Room 9 State Evangelism Conf. Pensacola Bay ASSN. Greetings! I pray this Christmas Season finds you enjoying the real joy of the world. “Joy to the World, the Lord has come.” In recent days there has been much talk about the reduction of the International Mission Board appointed Missionaries. The last figures I heard was between 600—800 missionaries would be returning home. David Platt (President of IMB) in his letter to the IMB trustees shared four key factors to the changes that are taking place. First, because the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering has fallen below the $175 million goal for the last 4 years, they have set the goal at $151.8 million for 2016. This represents $23.2 million below the 2015 goal. Second, without this additional funding the IMB Missionaries will have to be reduced by 600— 800. This assumes the fact that these missionaries will accept a Voluntary Retirement Incentive. This will save the IMB about $15.5 million in 2016. Third, though they are reducing Global Engagment Expenses out of the IMB budget by $7.5 Million, it still means with the reduced missionary staff there will actually be a 10% increase per field personnel. It is hoped that this increase will be a tool to enable our missionaries to better make disciples and Multiply churches among unreached peoples and places. Fourth, IMB will no longer sell property and use the proceeds as a part of operating the budget. In addition, next year there is a current plan to offer a Hand Raiser Initiative (HRI) . These are IMB Staff/ Missionaries who would feel led of God to step down without any retirement benefit. In summary, these are the steps the IMB is taking to stop the financial deficit DECEMBER 2015 Volume 15 they have experience the last several years. Now, before you start blaming the IMB for bringing missionaries home, or the State Convention for not sending more of their Cooperative Program Receipts to the Southern Baptist Convention, let me share with you a discovery I made as I looked into our area gifts to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering (LMCO). From 2005 to 2009 the Churches of the Santa Rosa Baptist Association gave an average of $264,000 to the LMCO annually. From 2010 to 2014 our giving has dropped to an average of $106,000 annually. This represents a 60% drop in LMCO gifts. I have to tell you I was overwhelm when I saw these figures. It leads me to the question: why has this happened? Here are few reasons I’ve come up with. Around 2008 we saw a financial re cession., which may have affected giving to LMCO and to our churches. Churches are raising funds for their own mission trips instead of giving to support the Southern Baptist Missionaries. Because many of our churches no longer have a WMU, there is no missions emphasis program for giving to the LMCO. In some churches it’s no longer being promoted. If the leadership does not make it something that matters, you will have very little response from the Church Members. So, what’s the answer? It may be a combination of all of the above. I can tell you this.: If you want to give a gift to Jesus this year for His birthday, there is nothing more on His heart than reaching the world with the Gospel. Number 12 Bro. Chip View of Administrative Team 10/15/15 11/15/15 2015 Year End Total Avalon 100.00 1,100.00 Bagdad First 82.26 906.44 Berrydale 383.76 Billory 10/15/15 11/15/15 2015 Total Church 10/15/15 11/15/15 2015 Total Harold First 53.00 564.81 New Life 270.82 2,890.02 0.00 100.00 Olivet 431.98 5,229.99 3,953.53 Hic. Hammock Immanuel 1,895.83 24,506.67 Pine Level 200.77 2,970.93 162.00 1,688.00 James Street 85.32 398.40 1,440.84 31,676.10 Blackwater 47.69 570.37 Jay First 416.63 4,166.30 469.40 2,583.37 Calvary Christ Church 0.00 675.00 0.00 172.12 Providence 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Journey Korean Hope 60.00 600.00 Relevant Life 0.00 200.00 Cora 0.00 3,855.67 Live Oak 25.00 275.00 East Side 200.00 1,100.00 S. R. Shores 180.12 1,723.77 Living Truth 1,110.00 6,710.00 Ferris Hill 0.00 3,691.43 Springhill 25.00 250.00 Midway 0.00 111.00 Floridatown 150.00 1,350.00 Stump Springs Milton First 0.00 1,830.00 1,972.50 24,717.95 Friendship 618.94 7,920.24 Mission Casa 1,760.08 10,616.40 Garcon Point 0.00 0.00 Navarre First 100.00 1,100.00 703.84 7,749.28 GB First 0.00 0.00 New Bethel 211.18 1,407.07 13,156.96 159,529.00 Church Church 169.14 Pine Terrace Pleasant Home Wallace Woodbine Total GIFTS 41.30 We appreciate all of you and your giving; as you give to your church, the church gives to the association. In this way, we all work together for the Kingdom of God, seeing people saved and lives changed!! Thank you so much! View of Community Connection Team DISCIPLE NOW WEEKEND FEBRUARY 19 –20, 2016 Contact Bo Mills ( to get more info or to participate 2016 Dental Bus Dates for SRBA March 7-11, 2016 Olivet Baptist March 14 -18, 2016-Navarre First Baptist July 25 –29, 2016 Jay First Baptist DECEMBER 2015 Volume 15 Number 12 View of CMD-Family Life MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Enjoy delicious holiday treats, cottage tours and fun-filled family entertainment as our campus family celebrates with yours. From Bro. Chip and Patti While not expected, the following gifts would be a blessing for children in care: non-perishable food items, pajamas, paper goods, socks & personal hygiene items. Also, contact us to see if our Gingerbread gift needs are met on our campus! 850-968-1114 View of CMD-Transformation Attn: Pastors, Treasurers, Financial Secretaries, & Church Staff January 11, 2016 10:30am-12:30pm Conference SRBA Conference Room Led by Gary Townsend Lunch at a local restaurant will be provided. Please by email or phone 623-8873 This is a two-hour conference where church employer responsibilities will be presented with specific requirement for the latest tax issues. Emphasis will be given to church reporting and withholding requirements by the IRS tax code. Policies and structures related to employer provided benefits will also be presented. DECEMBER 2015 Prayer Conference “Building a Praying Life” January 21, 2016 At 6pm Immanuel Baptist Church, Welcome Cntr. Everyone Invited A light meal will be served-Please RSVP to or call 623-8873 Volume 15 Number 12 View of Churches NEW TO THE MEDIA CENTER A Biblical Marriage In a Broken Word - Bilble Study Kit Building a Marriage that Will go the Distance, Danny Akin Battle Plan for Prayer - Bible Study Kit Plan for Serious, Specific, Strategic Prayer, Kendricks Brothers Divorce Care - Kit—Find Help, Hope, Experience Healing Fervant –Book, Pricilla Shirer Hosea –Bible Study Kit Love that Changes Everything, Jennifer Rothschild It Happens After Prayer –Book Biblical Motivation for Prayer, H.B. Charles, Jr. Malachi - Bible Study Kit Love that Never Lets Go, Lisa Harper Survival Kit for New Christians - Book, Life Way War Room –Bible Study Kit on Prayer, LifeWay What Every Christian Ought to Know - Book, Adrian Rogers Coaching for Church Transformation John G. McInnis, Jr. The fourth step in leading the congregation to change is to Determine the Vision Path for the Church. This comes as the most appropriate action following the first three steps covered in the previous three articles Make Personal Preparation, Define Reality, and Establish a Visionary Team – and reminds us of the importance of keeping each step in proper sequence. Let’s start by defining Mission, Vision and Vision Path and how they relate to each other. Mission defines God’s eternal purpose for the church. A Mission Statement should be a brief sentence or two that answers the key question, “For what purpose did God establish the church?” The Mission Statement is the most general description and is essentially the same for all churches. The Mission of the church is eternal and reflects the perspective of the scriptures. Mission provides the framework and boundaries for the Vision. The Vision Statement is a clear and compelling picture of the preferred future to which God is calling leaders. The statement may be captured in several sentences or paragraphs and gives directions for the next 3-5 years. The Divorce Care & Grief Share recovery seminar and support groups meet at First Baptist Church Navarre. For more information, call Linda Jacobs @ 919-671-5423. Pleasant Home is seeking a part-time Minister of Music. Contact Rev. Brian Deida at 850-525-6447 or Jay First Baptist Church is seeking a bi-vocational Minister of Music. For more information please contact Dr. George Fredericks at 850-675-4587 or View of Leadership Team Vision originates from God and answers the question, “What is God’s specific call for our church?” The Vision perspective is gained through the Mission Statement, prayer by church leaders, discernment about God’s activity in the church and community, the church’s culture and context of ministry, and the vision created by the Leadership Team led by the Holy Spirit. Being open to God’s revelation of His preferred future is essential in discerning His vision. The Vision Path is a detailed description of the action steps that will be taken to achieve the vision. The strategies may take several pages to answer the key questions, “How will we achieve God’s vision for the church?” The Vision Path reflects what should happen in one year and is built on the Mission and Vision Statements, current reality assessments, and structural systems (space, leadership, organization, etc.) These questions will help in developing and communicating your church’s Vision Statement: How is the Vision Statement consistent with the circumstances of the church and community? Does this reflect God’s Vision for our future? Does it clearly indicate where God is leading? When people first read the Vision Statement, will they understand it? Does the Leadership Team have strong consensus about the Vision? When and how is Vision communicated to others? I s the Vision exciting? Will others want to be involved? Does the Vision make me want to be part of this church? DECEMBER 2015 Volume 15 Number 12 Ministers’ Peer Learning Groups The Milton Group will meet Dec. 14 at 10:30 at SRBA (Book is “Jesus Continued”) The Navarre Group will meet Dec. 10 at 10am at Navarre First (Book is “Jesus Continued”) The Pace Peer Learning Group will meet Dec. 17 at 10:30 at IBC Book Discussion on: "Visioneering” by Andy Stanley
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