4-H Stories From the Heart


4-H Stories From the Heart
MONTANA 4-H Connections
October 2015
In This Issue:
Page 1:
Page 2:
Contributions Sought for “4-H Stories from the Heart”
Montana Beef in the Schools Program
Text, Talk, Act
Page 3:
International and National News
Page 4:
Montana 4-H Foundation Update
Page 5:
Upcoming Dates and Deadlines
Contributions Sought for “4-H Stories From the Heart”
The NAE4-HA task force is eager to have ALL STATES represented in the upcoming volume of “More 4-H Stories From
The Heart”. We want stories of 1,000 words or less that are inspiring, funny, “tear jerkers”, and more. We want
heartfelt stories that document 4-H’s positive impact on your life or the life of someone close to you. We prefer that
stories are single spaced and written in a 12-point font with 1-inch margins. Stories written in first person are usually
Selected stories will be edited for “readability”, punctuation, grammar, and spelling. Authors of selected stories will
be asked to review and provide written permission to use the edited version of their story.
Proceeds from book sales will be used to create an endowment for the National 4-H Hall of Fame to assure this valuable recognition will continue long into the future. However, the book is not just about fundraising. We also want to
document the impact 4-H has had on thousands of young people, volunteers, staff and donors. These stories “from
the heart” do an excellent job of explaining why 4-H has been and continues to be the best youth development program in the world. For more information please see the 4-H Story Summary Form.
Stories will be accepted until at least the end of the year, and should be submitted as a Word document, e-mailed as
an attachment to:
Dan Tabler, dantabler2@gmail.com.
Montana Beef in the Schools Program
The Montana Farm to School Program at Montana Team Nutrition (housed at MSU Health & Human Development) is
working with MSU faculty, including MSU Extension Faculty, on a three-year research project to provide education
and outreach for beef to school efforts in Montana. If you participate in a 4-H project that is currently selling steers
to the schools to use in school meals, please contact the research team through Aubree Roth, Farm to School Coordinator/Montana Team Nutrition Program at 406-994-5996 or www.opi.mt.gov/Farm2School .
MONTANA 4-H Connections
On Tuesday, November 10th, 4-H is teaming up to bring Text, Talk, Act to all of our
4-H programs, free of charge.
Here are three things you can do to help out:
1. TRY IT - It’s easy! Simply text “START” to 89800 and follow the prompts. Text, Talk, Act is available for you to try
right now.
2. SHARE IT - Share this information with your local 4-H programs. Attached is an email for you to use to let them
know about this important opportunity.
3. HOST IT - Bring Text, Talk, Act to your 4-H program on November 10th, or simply do it with friends and family. It
takes less than an hour, and you can do it anytime that’s convenient for your group. Click here for tips on organizing Text, Talk, Act.
4-H’ers that host Text, Talk, Act can win $1,000 for their program. For more information, visit http://
With your help, we will empower 4-H’ers to raise awareness on mental health and become more comfortable
reaching out to peers in need.
If you are interested in learning more about Text, Talk, Act, please contact Raquel Goodrich
at rgoodrich@email.arizona.edu.
MONTANA 4-H Connections
International News
For more information on any of these opportunities, contact Stephanie Davison: sdavison@montana.edu
4-H Citizenship Programs
In 2016, 4-H members and selected chaperones can travel to Japan, Korea, Norway, or Costa Rica (tentative). Some
4-H Foundation funds are available to help offset the cost of the summer programs. Follow the links below to get
more information about each program (printable flyers).
Costa Rica
Quick reference to 2016 Outbound programs
IPYA - In addition to the summer Outbound programs, the Montana 4-H International Program for Young Adults
(IPYA) has opportunities for 19-30 year old former 4-H members to travel for 3-6 months. This program is supported
by the Geraldine Fenn endowment held by the 4-H Foundation. Travelers get up to 55% of their fees paid by the
endowment in exchange for reporting about their experiences across Montana when they return.
The deadline for applications (chaperones and delegates) is December 1, 2015. Go to www.montana4h.org to get
more information and application materials.
Academic Year Program to Japan 2016-2017. This program is for youth who want to study abroad for a year during high school. It is sponsored by LEX, a longstanding partner with 4-H. The application deadline is December 1. For
more information, follow this link, http://montana4h.org/pub/files/2016%20Japan%20AYP-OB%20flier.pdf.
National 4-H Conference is a working conference for up to four people who want to participate in roundtable discussions and engage with policymakers around current issues. Delegates must be between the ages of 15-19 and
willing to implement something related to what they learned in their home county or across the state.
Citizenship Washington (CWF) is a citizenship program for 4-H members 15-19. The Susan Dufner scholarship supports one CWF delegate 17+.
Leadership Washington Focus (LWF) is a leadership program for 4-H members in grades 7-9.
Participation in these programs varies by county so check with your Extension agent to find out how to apply. Adult
volunteers (25+) are encouraged to apply to chaperone.
National 4-H Conference – April 9-14 with a possible departure on April 8
CWF – June 11-18, 2016
LWF – June 20-24, 2016 with a possible departure on June 19.
MONTANA 4-H Connections
October 2015
MT 4-H Foundation Update
Please feel free to use this information in
your monthly newsletters and send us any
suggestions you many have to make this
easier or more useful to you. Contact:
406-994-5911 or 4hfdn@montana.edu
Greytak Calendars are here and
ready to be picked up! If you would
like to place an order, you can still
do so by contacting the MT 4-H
Foundation office. Please share this
easy fundraising opportunity
with your clubs!
People Partner Evaluations can
be turned in now. Let us know if
you need help with them and
please complete these as soon as
If you have a youth that is interested in being a Youth Member on the
4-H Foundation Board of
Directors, please contact the
Foundation Office at 406-994-5911.
Applications due Nov. 1st.
Celebrate the future of Montana 4-H with friends and the Montana
4-H Foundation at an exciting evening at the Broken Hart Ranch on
November 6th during Agriculture Appreciation Weekend.
See how 4-H continues to combine a strong tradition with cutting
edge skills through hands-on learning. Hear from youth and learn
how 4-H still builds knowledge and life skills in members to
contribute to their lifelong success.
Pair black tie with blue jeans and plan to attend this exciting event.
Add something green to your attire in support of Montana 4-H and
earn an extra drink ticket. All proceeds benefit Montana 4-H.
Payroll Deductions letters w ill
be going out soon. Thank you to
all those currently giving! If you
are not currently giving, please
consider any amount.
Programs Funded in September: (year
Innovative Programming Grant $200
Ongoing support for Shooting Sports,
International programs,
Bid on auction items including: Custom-made
SILPADA jewelry, CAT/GRIZ TICKETS, artwork,
and much more!!
MONTANA 4-H Connections
Upcoming Dates & Deadlines
Youth Member for 4-H Foundation Board of Directors applications due
Nov 1
MT 4-H Foundation Harvest Dinner & Auction
Nov 6
Text, Talk, Act
Nov 10
IPYA Applications Due
Dec 1
LEX Academic year Program to Japan Applications Due
Dec 1
See the 4-H website for more information on upcoming events!
Do You Have an Event You’d Like Posted on the MT 4-H Website?
If your county or club has an upcoming 4-H event that you’d like others in the state to know about, please email
Alana Dettwiler at dettwileraa@gmail.com with the details, and she’ll put it on the website calendar. Please
include the event name, day(s) and hours, location, details on eligibility to participate, and an event contact name,
email, and phone number.
Contact Us:
Pat Brown
Stephanie Davison 994-3502
Brett Schomer
Martha Klaumann
Sandra Germann
Todd Kesner
208 Taylor Hall
Bozeman, MT 59717-3580
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Montana State University and the Montana State University Extension Service
prohibit discrimination in all of their programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender,
religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital and family status. Issued in
furtherance of cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics, acts of
May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Dr. Jeff Bader, Director of Extension, Extension
Service, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717