Dinosaur to invade CherryVale Mall
Dinosaur to invade CherryVale Mall
Healthy Soles School C of Reflexology, LLC Susan Watson is an ACARET Accredited Instructor and NCBTMB INA Approved Provider for RNs Vitality 300-Hour Certification Program—every other Saturday and Sunday, or every other Monday and Tuesday, over 3 months time period Looking for a new career? Receive training from the author of “Practical Reflexology” with 18 years of experience. Healthy Soles School is located in Rockford, Illinois. Join the “Wellness Revolution.” Classes begin March 22, 2011. Contact Susan Watson, 1-866-737-2674, or www.healthysolesschool.com Naturally Rockford • Outdoors Health & Fitness • Sports Page C1 | Jan. 12-18, 2011 Health & Fitness – C2 Naturally Rockford – C2 Corporate Medicare program reports problems Naturally raised beef—no hormones or antibiotics By Jeffrey R. Cates Outdoors Dinosaur to invade CherryVale Mall From press release Rockford’s Burpee Museum of Natural History will unveil Jobaria at CherryVale Mall’s Center Court at a press conference Jan. 13. Jobaria is a sauropod (long-necked) dinosaur discovered in the Sahara Desert in 1997 by Dr. Paul Sereno of the University of Chicago. It was named “Jobar,” a creature of local legends, is 65 feet tall (non-rearing) and probably weighed close to 20 tons. It is likely that, similar to other sauropods, Jobaria would have traveled in small herds or family groups. Jobaria was found in the Tiouraren Formation, originally thought to represent the Hauterivian to Barremian stages of the early Cretaceous Period, or approximately 136 to 125 million years ago. The Jobaria is mounted in a rearing position—total height about 35 feet tall. Jobaria will be at CherryVale through May 15. “Giants: African Dinosaurs” opens Feb. 19 at the Burpee Museum of Natural History and runs through May 15. Burpee Museum of Natural History is at 737 N. Main St., Rockford. Hours are 10 a.m.5 p.m., daily, and admission is $7 for adults and children 3-17, and free to children younger than 3 and museum members. Contact the museum at (815) 965-3433 or visit burpee.org. Outdoors – C1 Photo provided Chicago to face Seahawks in playoffs Jan. 16 Saharan Desert sauropod named ‘Jobar’ at CherryVale thru May 15 By S.C. Zuba Sports Blackhawks Skille, Dowell and Crawford at Jan. 17 IceHogs game By Doug Halberstadt Jobaria is a sauropod (long-necked) dinosaur discovered in the Sahara Desert in 1997 by Dr. Paul Sereno of the University of Chicago. Sports – C3 Sports Columnist The Rockford IceHogs will welcome back three former ’Hogs and current members of the Stanley Cup champion Chicago Blackhawks Monday, Jan. 17, at the Rockford MetroCentre when they take on the San Antonio Rampage at 3:05 p.m. The special afternoon start time is because of the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. Fans will have an opportunity to meet or get reacquainted with Blackhawks forwards Jack Skille and Jake Dowell, along with goalie Corey Crawford. The players will be at the game signing autographs when the doors open from 2 to 2:45 p.m. and also during the first intermission of the game. The ticket to the game does not guarantee an autograph from the players. Because of high demand, no pictures will be allowed with the players, but patrons can take pho- • • • • • • • • • • General Family Care Cosmetic Dentistry Implants Dentures Digital X-rays In-Office Whitening Root Canal Treatment Insurance Processing Senior Discounts Financing Available tos while standing in line. Also, a strict oneitem-per-person policy will be in effect to allow as many people as possible to meet with the Blackhawks stars. Fans are encouraged to bring their ice skates as they can get on the MetroCentre ice following the game to skate with the IceHogs. Patrons without skates can go to the end zone area as well to get autographs and meet the IceHogs players. The IceHogs will be hosting a silent auction during the game with proceeds benefiting the IceHogs Charitable Foundation and Blackhawks Charities. The Chicago Blackhawks, Chicago Bears, Rockford IceHogs and other organizations will be donating prizes for the event. For tickets to the game, call (815) 9685222, visit icehogs.com or go to the MetroCentre Box Office. For more information about Blackhawks Day, call (815) 986-6465. 2 C Jan. 12-18, 2011 Health/Naturally Rockford/Outdoors Corporate ‘Medicare ADVANTAGE’ plans have limited coverage and a questionable future private insurance companies overhead and profit. Some have termed this “corporate welGuest Column fare.” In comparison, the American govern- By Dr. Jeffrey R. Cates ment spends only 2-1/2 cents on overhead for More than 10 million seniors have en- managing the original American Medicare rolled in a private corporate version of Medi- plan, leaving nearly 98 cents for medical sercare known as Medicare ADVANTAGE/ vices. Medicare ADVANTAGE insurers are Choice with the hope that such a plan would getting unwarranted subsidies that pad their be cheaper and offer more options for se- profits but don’t improve the care of seniors. niors. Unfortunately, multiple problems Dubious future—According to the chief have been reported with these corporate actuary for the Medicare program, “the adplans. Some of these have included fraudu- ditional payments to Medicare ADVANlent and/or unethical enrollments into Medi- TAGE plans, above and beyond the costs of care ADVANTAGE plans, failure to dis- traditional Medicare, is causing higher preclose the limitations of the plans, and high miums for all beneficiaries and speeding the costs to both the seniors and taxpayers. depletion of the Hospital Insurance Trust Fraud and abuse—Many seniors have Fund for Medicare.” Because of all these complained of high co-pays/deductibles and shortcomings, the future of these Medicare policy limitations. According to a Bloomberg ADVANTAGE plans is dubious. It is estinews report, Medicare received 2,700 com- mated that $150 billion in excessive overplaints about Medicare ADVANTAGE from head cost can be saved over a 10-year period beneficiaries over by eliminating taxfive months in 2007, payer gifts to these many of them involv- The Times reported that an audit corporations. Withing deceptive or abu- found that “tens of thousands of out the extra 12 to sive sales practices. Medicare recipients have been 19 percent in federal The Times reported these corvictims of deceptive sales tactics... funding, that an audit found porate Medicare that “tens of thouADVANTAGE sands of Medicare recipients have been vic- plans may cease to exist since they most tims of deceptive sales tactics and have had likely cannot match original American claims improperly denied by private insur- Medicare’s low 2.5 percent overhead. Of ers. The excessive restrictive control ex- course, the American taxpayer and seniors erted by some of these private plans has will win since $150 billion will be available been dubbed corporate communism. for medical services rather than corporate Limited acceptance—Due to the ad- overhead and profit. ministrative and financial challenges assoWhat can you do? You can contact your ciated with non-contracted Medicare AD- state representatives and senators and reVANTAGE plans, about 35 percent of medi- quest that they cut the excessive pork-barrel cal facilities will not accept Medicare AD- funding of these abusive and unnecessary VANTAGE plans; Mayo Clinic’s website corporate Medicare ADVANTAGE plans. If notes that they do not agree to the restric- you care for parents or other seniors, you tive terms and conditions associated with may wish to help them avoid being conned non-contracted Medicare ADVANTAGE into signing up for Medicare ADVANTAGE plans and will not accept them. Seniors with programs without having first reviewed the Medicare ADVANTAGE cannot receive care details and implications. If you have a Medifrom the many clinics that do not accept care ADVANTAGE plan, you may wish to Medicare ADVANTAGE. Seniors with Medi- switch back to Original American Medicare; care ADVANTAGE should contact their in- to do so, simply call 1-800-MEDICARE (1surance plan to obtain a list of in-network 800-633-4227) and request assistance. providers that they can see or switch to Dr. Jeffrey R. Cates is a chiropractor and trained as an orthopedic specialist with a original American Medicare. Corporate welfare—While a few enroll- master’s degree in biomechanical trauma. ees may get some trickle-down benefit from the His published works include several medical excessive funding, Medicare ADVANTAGE journal articles on quality assurance and plans are a huge tax burden to taxpayers. standards of care in health care. Dr. Cates’ Medicare ADVANTAGE corporations collect work is included in the searchable medical 12 to 19 percent more money per patient than literature available at the National Library original government Medicare amounting to of Medicine and National Guideline Clearan extra $1,140 for each Medicare ADVAN- inghouse. He is also co-author of the low-back TAGE plan enrolled. This bill is paid for by the systematic review and lead author of the Americantaxpayer.Accordingtoahealthecono- systematic review chapter on thoracic disormist at Boston University, each extra dollar ders of the profession’s best practice guideline given to these private corporations results in text. He maintains a private practice of chiroonly 14 cents of medical services to our seniors practic orthopedics with his wife, Dr. Chriswith the remaining 86 cents wasted on these tina Jensen, in Oregon, Ill. The Rock River Times Can naturally-raised beef find its place in the industry? From press release URBANA, Ill.—As consumer demand for naturally-raised beef continues to increase, researchers at the University of Illinois have discovered that naturally-raised beef can be produced effectively for this niche market as long as a substantial premium is offered to cover additional production and transportation costs. Naturally-raised beef is produced without hormones or antibiotics, whereas traditional systems take advantage of technologies the industry offers such as ionophores like Rumensin to improve feed efficiency and implants to improve gain and efficiency. “Producers are asking many questions about the value of natural programs and the premiums needed to remain profitable,” said Dan Faulkner, U of I professor of animal sciences. “Our goal was to find out the costs involved in natural systems focused on producing environmentally-friendly, locally-raised beef.” Researchers studied the effects of finishing management (confinement versus pasture) and production system (traditional versus naturally raised) on performance, carcass and economic characteristics in a group of early-weaned Angus x Simmental steer calves at the Dixon Springs Agricultural Center in Simpson, Ill. The calves were fed on fescue pastures or confinement feedlots. The study revealed that naturally-raised steers can be produced effectively in either confinement or with a pasture finishing system, but they require a substantial premium of $110 with today’s feed prices to justify the costs and returns. Faulkner said pasture finishing is $35 more profitable than confinement feeding using current feed prices, making it an attractive option for producers interested in raising locker beef for local markets with either natural or traditional production systems. “I think this information will benefit smaller operations that would like to pursue a naturally-raised market in a pasture finishing system, but may not be able to use a traditional confinement system,” Faulkner said. In addition, naturally-raised beef in ei- ther pasture or confinement settings resulted in beef with higher-quality grades. “There continues to be more interest in naturally-raised beef because organic beef standards are so high,” Faulkner added. “We need to increase consumer education efforts because naturally-raised beef is actually what many consumers are looking for these days.” Both organic and naturally-raised steers do not receive hormones or antibiotics. The major difference between naturally-raised beef and organic beef is that organic beef comes from cattle that are raised on organic pastures that have not been treated with chemicals or chemical fertilizers. In addition, these cattle can only be fed organic certified feeds. Faulkner also differentiated pasture-fed beef from grass-fed beef. “Grass-fed cattle cannot be fed any concentrate—they can only receive roughage,” Faulkner said. “And that roughage must meet strict guidelines set by the USDA. On the other hand, pasture-fed cattle have access to a finishing diet and pasture.” Pasture-fed cattle have carcass and meat characteristics that are the same as traditionally-finished cattle, he added. The meat characteristics of grass-fed cattle are quite different than the average consumer is used to eating. Faulkner said naturally-raised beef, regardless of finishing management, is a niche market that has great potential if consumers will pay premium prices. “As producers, we need to be responsive to consumer demand,” he said. “Currently, naturally-raised beef is a very small percentage of the market. But it is a market that is growing at several hundred percent a year, and has been identified as a niche that consumers are very interested in.” This research, “Confinement vs. Pasture and Traditional vs. Naturally Raised Finishing Influences Performance, Carcass, and Economic Characteristics of Early-Weaned Steers,” was published in The Professional Animal Scientist. Researchers include Faulkner, Dan Shike and Frank Ireland, all of the U of I. Natural Land Institute to host moonlight ski tour Jan. 19 From press release The Natural Land Institute (NLI) will host a fullmoon snowshoe/cross country ski tour from 4 to 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 19, at the Nygren Wetland Preserve, 3190 W. Rockton Road, Rockton, Ill. Naturalists will lead tours and describe the prairies, woodlands and wetlands at the 721-acre wildlife sanctuary. Rick Barton, member of the NLI board of trustees, said the tours are an opPhoto by Mark Blassage portunity to see the Nygren Nygren Wetland Preserve. Wetland Preserve during one of the most beautiful times of the year and to experience the can bring their own equipment, or adult landscape as it appeared to early residents and kids rentals are available for a $10 of the area. “Winter is a special time to donation to the NLI. A bonfire will be appreciate the natural beauty of the area,” burning to keep everybody warm, and a Barton said. “Add a full moon, and the warming building will also be open. Warm experience will awe you and your family.” drinks and refreshments will be served. Besides a full moon, luminaries will outThis “Winter at the Wetland” event is line some trails. Skiers and snowshoers free and open to the public. Sponsors are Paddle and Trail and NorthPointe Wellness. RSVP by Jan. 17 to (815) 964-6666 or nli@aol.com. The NLI, owner of the Nygren Wetland Preserve, has preserved forests, prairies and wetlands for native plants and animals since its founding in 1958. It is a private not-for-profit organization dedicated to conserving land, restoring habitat for wildlife, and protecting rivers and streams. Visit naturalland.org. D Fast Lane Automobile Guide Page D1 - Pullout | Jan. 12-18, 2011 Real Estate – D2 Eureka! Classifieds – D3 Horoscopes – D15 For Sale, For Rent and other Real Estate listings Find the car that best fits your budget in the classifieds What do the stars hold? Read this week’s horoscopes Auto News Winter driving—part two you are prone to leaving your lights on, consider having a relay installed that will turn them off for you automatically. If your battery is the least bit weak—have it tested (done free, in your car, at most parts stores). The battery may By Allen Penticoff Free-lance Writer seem weak because of poor terminal connections—which In the last Mr. Green Car (Dec. 29, 2010-Jan. 4, 2011), we can be cured by cleaning. If the battery tests weak—replace took a look at floor mats and wiper blades. We’ll continue to it. They have a tendency to die at the worst possible time. If examine some winter the vehicle is driven driving issues that you infrequently, keep the don’t often read about. battery charged. Dead/ If heavy snow falls weak batteries can or after getting out of a freeze. When they snow bank you feel a freeze, they are ruined. bad vibration as you Starters are often drive, stop and take a blamed for what is aclook at the outside and tually a battery/cable inside of the wheels to problem. Many startsee if any accumulaers are exposed to adtion of snow or ice is verse conditions low on stuck there that is the engine, where the causing an imbalance. connections are more To fix this problem: prone to corrosion— scrape it off; get it into have the connections a warm garage; or melt checked it with a hair dryer/ first before heat gun. replacing a On the subject of starter. tires, many of our “allStarters season” tires are not generally all that good in the don’t get Photo by Allen Penticoff snow (I know, I have a “weak”— set). Acceptable tread A side-by-side comparison of an “all-season” tire you would find on an SUV on they either patterns should have the left with a “winter tire” on the right. Lots of aggressive lugs for traction; work or open spaces creating however, the winter/snow tire is made of softer, more pliable rubber compounds they don’t. “lugs” and substantial and has substantial siping. A front-wheel drive vehicle with these snow tires H a v e “siping” (small slits) to would move like it had all-wheel drive in snow. All four tires should be the same. your oil grip the snow, slush changed to and wet that comes with winter. A dedicated “winter tire” the lowest recommended viscosity (typically 5Wwill also be made of a softer, more-pliable-in-cold rubber 30). This really aids in quick cold starting, as does compound. Check your present tires to be sure you have having synthetic oil. You don’t need to pump the plenty of tread on them. For best winter performance, gas to get modern vehicles going anymore. Turn consider buying more aggressive winter tread tires and put the key, and they run. There is no need to let them them on a spare set of used steel wheels. This spares your warm up, either. Start it, and drive gently until it nice aluminum wheels and low-profile tires from winter’s warms up. Long warm-ups can corrode the expotholes and salt, and also provides much better traction. haust system, waste fuel and pollute the air. Since With colder temperatures, tire pressure lowers. Check all engines go to “fast idle” until warmed up, if you tire pressure often, and fill to the proper pressure to ward off have to go down an icy drive right away, consider pothole damage and increase your gas mileage. Be sure to placing the transmission in neutral, then you are have caps on the valves to keep snow, dirt and ice out. It is not fighting the engine with your brakes as you go possible to get ice in the valve when trying to put in air— down the drive—I find I have more braking conthen air won’t stay in, but continue to gush out. Caps are trol and can go slower down the drive. very cheap. A caution for those of you with all-wheel or fourKeep your fuel tank full. The extra weight aids in trac- wheel drive: you don’t stop any faster than anyone tion, and if you get stuck in bad traffic, you have enough fuel else—but you can all too easily get going too fast. to keep warm until things get moving again. I do not use de- Anti-lock brakes are to help you steer when the icer in my fuel because getting “water” in the fuel is rare. wheels start to skid, not to help slow you down This stuff is methanol, and while it does work to absorb faster—in some cases they even work against water, methanol can damage your fuel system if not fully stopping quickly. Caution is the only preventive. diluted in gasoline. If you get water in your fuel line in the Buck it up...so what if it’s cold, we have winter winter, the gas line can freeze, for which the only cure is to every year—don’t waste fuel and pollute the air get the vehicle in a warm building until the line thaws out— trying to have a warm car to dash out to. Heated then the additive will help. seats are better than warming the whole car If being stuck comes along, it is not a bad idea to have a before you go—you can buy heated seat covers if blanket, a good book, a tow strap and jumper cables stowed your vehicle is not already so equipped. Don’t away. The tow strap could save you from an expensive tow wait in drive-through lanes—go in the nice, warm if someone comes along who can give you a pull when you’re building to do your business. stuck…or you can pull them out. Same for the jumper Even if you don’t get a chance to wash the cables—buy good quality cables, and please learn how to whole vehicle, remember to wash your filthy use them properly. Leaving your lights on is the leading headlights—it’ll make a big difference in night cause of dead batteries. This happens most often when we driving. Then, next chance you get, wash the use them in the daytime during bad weather—just look whole vehicle—it will last longer and be less back at your vehicle as you walk away—are the lights off? If expensive to maintain. Mr. Green Car Auto News ‘Green’ pastures have arrived in Detroit By Jim Hagerty Staff Writer The days of churning out millions of gas-guzzling SUVs, vans and sedans seem to be over in Detroit. Last week, Big Three automakers announced they have successfully overcome their decades-long addiction to large vehicles, and a focus Ford’s recent $550 on making lean, green fuel- million renovation of its efficient vehicles is now a Wayne, Mich., plant is bona fide reality. From hybrids to electrics, Detroit’s complete, and the products are now averag- production of the Focus ing about 25 to 30 miles per is in full swing. gallon and using less gas. Ford’s recent $550 million renovation of its Wayne, Mich., plant is complete, and the production of the Focus is in full swing. The 2012 lines will be available in four versions, including an electric car, unveiled Friday, Jan. 7. Even as foreign makers remain on top of the fuelContinued on page D15 ! 2 D The Rock River Times Jan. 12-18, 2011 1 & 2-BED APARTMENTS SE & NW Rockford. $450-$595. 815/964-6270. 1/12 HEAT INCLUDED! 1-BEDROOM APARTMENTS. Downtown Rockford. $395-$595. 815/ 964-6270. 1/12 NORTHWEST, 1-BEDROOM, $495 & 2-BEDROOM 1-BATH APARTMENTS, $560-$585. On bus line near stores, library, & hospital. A/C, coin laundry. HEAT, WATER, & GARBAGE included. No pets. Pay rent for January, and get 1/2 month’s rent in February free. Some Sec. 8 OK. 815/ 382-7667. 1/19 “M.R.A.A.” stands for Member of stands for Member of the Rockford Apartment Association , meeting their high standards of quality and ethics. Apartments 1- & 2-BEDROOM APT. $425$500/month, no deposit. Laundry, parking, storage. 815/9640344. 1/19 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 1,2,3,4-BR available. Please call 815/690-5288. 1/19/11 1-BEDROOM VICTORIAN 906 N. Court St. Heat, water, garbage included, off-street parking, freshly painted, partially furnished, big closets, plenty of cupboard space, big girly-girl bathroom, 8’ ceilings, carpeted, sculpture in yard. 1st plus deposit required. $425/ mo. Call Frank 815/964-9767. TFN WANTED ROCKFORD’S BEST TENANTS! 2-bedroom 1-bath Across from golf course. Air conditioning, carport, coin laundry, HEAT, WATER, GARBAGE INCLUDED. NON-SMOKING BUILDING. Pets? From $630/ month. Get 1/2 month FREE with good credit! 815/3827667, 779/772-4164. 1/19 1-BEDROOM APT. Rent $435. Deposit $295. Short-term lease OK. Off-street parking, coin laundry. 815/742-4721.1/12 1-BEDROOM UPPER UNIT 1520 15th Ave. $450/mo. Call Ron- 815/914-1337. 1/19 STUDIO APARTMENT - RIVER DISTRICT ***ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED!!!*** $500. Sec. 8 OK. Call 847/514-0775. M.R.A.A. 1/12 2-BEDROOM APARTMENT North Main & Halsted. Laundry in building, fresh paint. Clean! $550. Call 847/5140775. Sec. 8 OK. M.R.A.A. M.R.A.A.1/12 1- & 2-BEDROOM APARTMENTS East State & Alpine. Laundry in building. Fresh paint. Clean! Starting at $550. Call 847/514-0775. Sec. 8 OK. M.R.A.A. 1/12 1116 COURT ST. 2-BEDROOM Central A/C. No pets. $550/ $500 deposit. 509 Salters Ave. No pets. Small 2-bedroom house. Large yard. $450/ $400 deposit. 815/9803409. 1/19 RIVER FRONT: 2 STUDIO APARTMENTS APARTMENTS. $425/$425 deposit. 815/543-9363.1/26 2-&3-BEDROOM APARTMENTS for rent. New appliances, washer & dryer, new carpet. SE locations. $575 + deposit. 815/540-6757. 1/26 2202 SEVENTH ST., ROCKFORD 1-bedroom, $385/mo., deposit $385. No pets. 224/ 388-0286. 1/26 FOR RENT, LEASE OR SALE: 4-bedroom, furnished home on Beautiful North Twin Lake, Iowa. ALSO FOR SALE: Well established Restaurant/Grocery Business on Twin Lake Call 712-297-7607. (MCN) Houses NEW MILFORD - 6541 9TH ST. 3-bedroom, 1-bath, 1-car garage. Call Ron- 815/914-1337. 1/26 2-4-BEDROOM HOMES $595-$975. 815/964-6270. 1/12 MACHESNEY PARK 140 Wilson Ave. 3-Bedroom Ranch. Garage, fenced yard. 815/9646270. 1/12 UPDATED 2-BEDROOM. 3404 Montrose Ave. Rent $500. Sec. 8 OK. Call Ron 815/914-1337. 1/19 2-BEDROOM HOME - Cute & clean. Bonus room. Laundry hook-ups. 1-car garage. Fresh paint & carpet. No pets. 2826 8th St. $600 rent + deposit. 815/871-3682. 1/19 3-BEDROOM, 1-BATH, 1-CAR Garage. Large fenced-in yard. Orway Dr. $950 + deposit. 815/978-8932. 1/19 4-BEDROOM, 1½-BATH, 2-CAR Garage. 437 Hinkley. Sec. 8 OK. Call Ron - 815/914-1337. 1/19 3-BEDROOM HOUSE with garage & full basement. Fresh paint. Clean! Oakley & School. $725. Call 847/514-0775. Sec 8 OK. M.R.A.A. 1/12 ROCKTON: 2-BED, 2-BATH, 2-CAR RANCH RANCH. Very private on 8 acres & vineyard. Fenced for horses with stables & additional area for pasture available. $1,295/mo + $1,295 security deposit. Mov in Jan. 1, 2011. 815/3157529. 1/12 3 - BEDRO O M HO US E F O R RENT 2304 School St. $625 plus deposit. 815/962-3344, 815/980-6888. 1/26 BEAUTIFUL 2-BEDROOM HOUSE in Churchill's Grove for rent or rent to own. $900/ month. 512/961-6646. 1/5 5-BEDROOM 2-BATH HOUSE Appliances, trash included. $950 + sec. dep. Sec. 8 welcome. No pets. 815/9806354. 3/9 4-BEDROOM, 1½-BATH, 2CAR garage. 437 Hinkley. Sec. 8 OK. Call Ron 815/9141337. 1/12 Commercial Rental 3 STOREFRONTS AVAILABLE Will build to suit. 917 S. Main. Each space 1,400 sq.ft. mol. Contact Kerry Knodle, CCS, Inc. 815/963-6236, kknodle@ youthbuildrockford.org . TFN Vacation Rental 2-BEDROOM ALL FURNISHED MANUFACTURED HOME in senior park Zephyr Hills, FL. 3 for sale or rent for $1,200 - $1,800/mo. 815/6540997. 1/26 SUNNY WINTER SPECIALS At Florida’s Best Beach-New Smyrna Beach Stay a week or longer, Plan a beach wedding or family reunion. . Nwww.NSBFLA.com or 1-800-5419621. N-1/12 Roommate Wanted SENIOR SWM seeks SWF/ GOOD DRIVER. Offering FREE RENT, utilities, cable TV. Nonsmoker/drinker. 815/299-0094. 1/26 Lots For Sale OWN 20 ACRES Only $129. per/ mo.. $13,900 near growing El Paso Texas (safest city in America!) Low down, no credit checks, owner financing. Free map/pictures 1-866-623-6706 www.sunsetranches.com.N-1/12 Real Estate Wanted Homes For Sale ***FREE FORECLOSURE LISTINGS*** Over 400,000 properties nationwide. LOW Down Payment. Call NOW! 1800-785-4121. (MCN) SENIOR WANTS TO BUY SMALL HOUSE in the park around $30,000. 815/742-1513.1/26 LOOKING FOR A 3-BEDROOM HOUSE to rent with garage on east side. Call 815/262-2900. 1/26 Eureka! c l a s s i f i e d D s Jan. 12-18, 2011 D 3 DISCLAIMER NOTICE:: This publication does not knowingly accept fraudulent or deceptive advertising. Readers are cautioned to thoroughly investigate all ads, especially those asking for money in advance. Auto Parts and Accessories NEON 2.0 Overhead 16-valve engine (older-style). From reputable used parts-yard. $200. 815/494-6002. 1/12 WANTED: SET OF 4 CHROME OR ALLOY WHEELS for ‘08 Pontiac Grand Prix, w/ or w/o tires. 815/382-7667. 1/19 WANTED: PARTS FOR 1973 Mercury Grand Marquis. Call 815/312-1532. 1/26 TRAILER: 6½’x10’, 24” sides. Rear stabilizer. Like new. $900. 815/335-7675. 1/26 Page D3 Page D3 Pages D3, D4, D5 Pages D5-D6 Page D6 Page D6 Page D6 Page D2 DONATE YOUR CAR! Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Most highly rated breast cancer charity in America! Tax deductible/Fast, Free Pick-up! 1888-380-7845. (MCN) WANTED OLD JAPANESE MOTORCYCLES KAWASAKI Z1-900 (KZ900) 1972-1976, KZ1000 (1976-1980), KZ1000R (1982, 1983), Z1R, S1-250, S2-350, S3400, H1-500, H2-750, HONDA CB750 (1969-1975), SUZUKI GS400, GT380, CASH PAID, FREE NATIONWIDE PICKUP. 1-800-7721142, 310-721-0726. (MCN) Recreational Vehicles 1991 INDY POLARIS snowmobile, $400. 815-9885713. TFN Autos Wanted DONATE A CAR – HELP CHILDREN FIGHTING DIABETES. Fast, Free Towing. Call 7 days/ week. Non-runners OK. Tax Deductible. Call Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation 1800-578-0408. N-1/12 DONATE A CAR TODAY To Help Children And Their Families Suffering From Cancer. Free Towing. Tax Deductible. Children’s Cancer Fund of America, Inc. 1-800-469-8593 www.ccfoa.org. N-1/12 DONATE YOUR CAR! Breast Cancer Research foundation! Most highly rated breast cancer charity in America! Tax Deductible/Fast Free Pick Up. 8 0 0 - 7 7 1 - 9 5 5 1 . www.cardonations forbreastcancer.org. N-1/12 DONATE VEHICLE RECEIVE $1000 GROCERY COUPONS. NATIONAL ANIMAL WELFARE FOUNDATION SUPPORT NO KILL SHELTERS, HELP HOMELESS PETS. FREE TOWING, TAX DEDUCTIBLE, NON-RUNNERS ACCEPTED. 1-866-912GIVE. (ICAN) BEAUTIFUL BLACK BLOUSE with belt, size large. Tags still on it. Paid $50, will take $10. 815/543-1163. 1/12 SWEATERS Men’s size M-XL. Women’s size S-XL. Women’s coats M-XL. 815/877-4498. 1/26 Firewood WE HAVE DRY HARDWOODS Split, delivered, stacked. R.E. Marshall Nursery. 815/ 399-2001. In business 35 yrs. 3/2 Furniture SEARS SNOWPLOW BLADE 46” with mounting bracket. $95 OBO. 815/968-1780. 1/26 DUMP TRAILER SPECIAL! 6' x 10' , 10,000 lb. tandem axle $3,599.00 & up. 82" x 14' , 14,000 lb., tarp, wireless remote, 4-way tailgate, ramps, 4tie downs, scissor lift, 10 ga. Floor, LED lights, $6,799.00 without tarp $6,450.00. XL 12,000 lb. $5,399.00 (with this ad). Aluminum 54" x 10' tilt, aluminum floor $999.00. MCT motorcycle (pull-behind) $1,425.00. 4' x 6' utility powder coated, LED’s $635.00. Close-out sale on Aluminum Snowmobile 2, 3, & 4 place trailers. 515-972-4554 or www.fortdodgetrailerworld.com for inventory & prices. (MCN) Fashion & Clothing Antiques STUDIO PORTRAIT CAMERA Sheet film 8x10. Street parking meter, Duncan Miller. 815/ 877-4498. 1/12 Appliances ENTERTAINMENT CENTER holds up to 37” TV, $75. 815/ 988-5796. TFN 2 MICROWAVES, Vintage bottle collection, vintage jewelry, tower space heater. 815/9625376. 1/19 BOOKS, VINTAGE MAGAZINES MAGAZINES, old jewelry, pottery, artwork, mirrors, & unique collectibles. 815/395-1572. 1/26 COAST GUARDMAN’S MANUAL Third edition. Excellent condition. 819 pages. $10. 815/ 633-3743. 1/19 4 OFFICE CHAIRS Black frames, gray cushions, new, $20 each. Coffee table with matching sofa table, $5 each. 815/636-9811. 1/26 45 GALLON TANK - BIG “OSCAR THE GROUCH” inside. $50. 815/742-6632. 1/19 2-DRAWER PEDESTAL BEDS Twin-size. $75 each or $100 for both. 815/505-7721.1/26 MAGIC CHEF Black microwave oven. $20. Call 815/6371946. 1/19 OAK PROVINCIAL DINING ROOM TABLE with 6 chairs & buffet. $275. 815/871-7511 after 5pm. 1/26 Baby & Children’s Items KING SIZE MATTRESS box spring, & bed rail. All for $185. Contact 815/980-6354. 3/9 BABY MATTRESS - Like new from Small World. Value $225. (Used crib included.) Make Offer. 815/968-9781. 1/19 MEMORY FOAM THERAPEUTIC NASA VISCO MATTRESSES WHOLESALE! T-$299 F-$349 Q-$399 K-$499 ADJUSTABLES - $799 FREE DELIVERY 25 YEAR WARRANTY 90 NIGHT TRIAL 1-800ATSLEEP 1-800-287-5337 WWW.MATTRESSDR.COM. N-1/12 Electronics MULTI-TRACKER FOSTEX Digital FD-4. HP PSC 1610 All-inone printer, scanner, copier, prints photos .VCR. 815/9625376. 1/26 JVC MX-K30 Compact Component System. 1600 watts total power. Brand new, never used. Call 815/484-0442. 1/12 USED XEROX 5028 black and white office copier. Includes storage base; 15 page sorter; two letter size, one legal size and one 11”x17” size paper trays; one extra toner. Copy cartridge partially used. Automatic doc. feeder needs repair. $500 OBO. Call 815/964-9767 M-F, 9:305:00 and ask for Marilyn or Frank. TFN Equipment MEYERS SNOWPLOW & PUMP. $500 OBO. Call Sam 815/5056833. TFN JOHN DEERE SNOWPLOW BLADE- 42” with mounting bracket. $125 OBO. 815/9681780. 1/12 8HP SNOWBLOWER - Needs tune-up, $95. Jacobson 2-cycle snowblower, $75. 815/8717511 after 5pm. 1/12 VINTAGE ACCORDION Works great, nice, $175. Sewing machine & cabinet, $60. 815/ 397-4483. 1/12 SELLING VINTAGE LPs 45’s, picture sleeves. 50s, 60s, 70s rock, blues, soul, country, jazz. 815/765-2489. 1/12 Medical Equipment “FEATHERWEIGHT/ DELUXE MOTORIZED WHEELCHAIRS”. Absolutely at NO cost to you if eligible!! Back Braces, arthritis pumps to ease the pain. Medicare, HMO’S & Private insurance accepted. 1-800-6938896. (MCN) Misc. Items For Sale OLD BICENTENNIAL FLAG Beaded picture. $30. 815/ 543-1163. 1/26 2 FREESTANDING COCKTAIL BARS- Complete with chairs. Ideal for entertaining house guests. 815/962-5376. 1/26 Sporting Goods HUFFY BICYCLES His & Hers. 1980s, US-made mountain bikes. Like new. Both $200. 815/865-5892. 1/12 SCHWINN STATIONARY BIKE Older style. Great condition. Call 815/312-9076. 1/12 Thrift Store BROOKE ROAD THRIFT SHOP SHOP, 1404 Brooke Rd. Lots of clothes, shoes, knick knacks, and misc. Open Wednesday’s, 9-12. TFN CRUSADER THRIFT SHOP SHOP,, 310 7th Street - Open Mon.-Sat. from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Figurines in glass case, 1/2 price. 2 harwood tables, a few wedding dresses. Winter jackets on sale. TFN SECOND CONGREGATIONAL C HURC H T HRI F T S HO P. 318 North Church Street. Open Tuesday 9:00am 1:00pm. TFN FHC THRIFT SHOP, SHOP 710 Broadway. 815/299-3615, Open 9:00am-5:00pm, Monday-Saturday. Call for emergency after-hour appointments. TFN MLEA TREASURES THRIFT STORE STORE.. Special 5 for $5! Tues-Fri. 10am-5pm ,Sat. 9-4pm. 1626 Clifton Ave. 815/3124307. www.midwestLEA.org. TFN BOOKS TO BE DONATED TO CHURCH or school, etc. Thousands on various subjects. 815/397-5668. 1/26 ROCKFORD MEMORIAL AUXILIARY THRIFT SHOP 2830 Glenwood Ave. 815/ 971-4156. Hours: M-F 9:305. First and Third Sat. 9:3012:30. Clothes, house-wares, antiques, & more. TFN (1) BED SPREAD SPREAD, sheets (2 sets), pillow cases (2 sets), shams (2 pillows). 815/9864505. 1/19 www.rockrivertimes.com Read Us Online Page D2 ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medical, *Business, *Paralegal, *Accounting, *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. Call 800-401-2385 www.Centura Online.com. (MCN) JOHN DEERE RIDING MOWER as is, $120. Sewing machine, $60. Chopper mini-bike, as is, $300. 815/397-4483. 1/19 SINGER SEWING MACHINE MACHINE-Huge assortment of cherry wood cabinets.. All types/sizes. Willing to separate or sell as set. Must see! 815/7216318. TFN Page D6 Adoption LOVING MARRIED COUPLE WISHES TO ADOPT newborn baby. Stable home. Michelene & Richard 877-507-5471. hope2adopt@comcast.net.TFN A BABY TO CHERISH ADOPTION Happily married 4+ years, loving couple, wonderful life together! We have many blessings to offer a child - Financial Security, Values, Education and all the LOVE in our hearts. We welcome your call! DEBBY and GREG 800-486-1871 debbygreg@gmail.com. (ICAN) UNPLANNED PREGNANCY? Devoted, Loving Multi-Racial Family, Stay-Home Teacher Parents & Eager Big Brother Long to Adopt. 2 Dads. Support Available! Call Craig & Max: 1-877-506-2993. (MCN) PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? We can help you! Housing, Financial, & Medical Assistance available. Choose Adoptive family involved in adoption plans. Call 24/7. Forever Blessed Adoptions. 1800-568-4594. (MCN) Cleaning Services DAY’S CLEANING SERVICE: Buy Our Time, We Will Clean & Shine. $10 off 1st Visit. Multi-task cleaning service. 30 years experience in professional maid service. Bonded & insured. 815/3914589. 1/26 HOUSECLEANING Residential, Experienced, Reliable, References. $15/hr. Rockford-Roscoe-Rockton. 815/ 654-7005. 2/10 Clock Repair BEHIND THE TIMES CLOCKS Antique clock repair. One-year warranty on all repairs. Call 815/980-3188. 6/22/11 Computers ESR TECHNOLOGIES Electronic Recycling company now open. For more info call Nathan- 608/921-0711 or Garry 608/289-8508. 1/19 Education AIRLINES ARE HIRING - Train for high-paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA-approved program. Financial aid if qualified - Housing available. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 877-2050503. (ICAN) AIRLINES ARE HIRING – Train for high-paying Aviation Career. FAA-approved program. Financial aid if qualified - Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 866231-7177. (MCN) AIRLINES ARE HIRING – Train for high-paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA-approved program. Financial aid if qualified – Housing available. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance (888) 6861704. N-1/12 ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medical, *Business, *Paralegal, *Accounting, *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. Call 800www.Centura 510-0784 Online.com. N-1/12 GET YOUR DEGREE ONLINE *Medical, *Business, *Paralegal, *Accounting, *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. Call 800-510-0784 www.CenturaOnline.com. N-1/12 HANDS ON CAREER – Train for a high-paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA-approved program. Financial aid if qualified – Job placement assistance. Call AIM today (866)8546156. N-1/12 Financial $$$ ACCESS LAWSUIT CASH NOW!!! As seen on TV, Injury Lawsuit Dragging? Need $500-$500,000++ within 24/hrs after Approval? Compare our lower rates. CALL 18 6 6 - 3 8 6 - 3 6 9 2 . www.lawcapital.com.N-1/12 START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT! Pay off your credit card bills. One low monthly payment with affordable loan. Fast Approval available. Trouble credit OK.. Call Today 1-888613-6446. (MCN) CASH NOW! Cash for your structured settlement or annuity payments. Call J.G. Wentworth. 1-866-SETTLEMENT (1-866-738-8536). Rated A+ by the Better Business Bureau. (ICAN) Handyman PROFESSIONAL HANDYMAN S E R V I C E : Payment Plan Available. Kitchens, bathrooms, patios, tree trimming & removal, gutter clean-out and repair, roofing, flooring, plumbing, electric, painting, doors & windows, & much more. FREE estimates. 815/ 975-4268. 1/12 4 D Jan. 12-18, 2011 Eureka! Classifieds The Rock River Times 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012 Read us online at www.rockrivertimes.com RGD Broken Spring? Broken Cable? Need a New Garage Door?? Call Us for Quality Service & Best Prices Around! ROSCOE GARAGE DOORS & SERVICE INC. ***** The First Five-Star Dealer in the Stateline Area ***** We Stock Parts For Most Doors & Openers We Sell The Best & Service The Rest! Over 30 Years Experience 815-623-8283 Eureka! Classifieds The Rock River Times Jan. 12-18, 2011 D 5 $$ NEED CASH? $$ WE BUY JUNK CARS $200 & UP on select vehicles RUNNING OR NOT! FREE REMOVAL 815/399-1459 The Complete Handyman Handyman Complete services including painting, plumbing repairs, roof repairs, floor installations, etc. Quality assured, reasonable rates, FREE estimates. Charlie, 815/963-6586. TFN Affordable HANDYMAN PLUMBER. Complete home maintenance. Experienced, dependable. FREE ESTIMATES MATES. Call anytime G&S 815/975-5668. 2/2 JOSH OF ALL TRADES 815/988-1232. Painting, Electrical, Landscaping, Decks, & Odd Jobs. Friendly, Reliable, Fair. 2/23 Hauling CHAD’S HAULING SERVICE . Free estimates, yard waste, spring cleanup & removal of anything unwanted. Solid 6year reputation, 15% senior discount, fully licensed & insured. Call Chad, 815/9797593. 1/12 Health IF YOU USED TYPE 2 DIABETES DRUG AVANDIA between 1999 - present and suffered a stroke, heart attack or congestive heart failure, you may be entitled to compensation. Attorney Charles Johnson 1800-535-5727. (ICAN) MALE SIZE ENLARGEMENT FDA Medical Vacuum Pumps Gain 1-3 Inches Permanently. Testosterone, Viagra, Cialis FREE PILLS! 619-294-7777 Code IA www.drjoelkaplan.com (Discounts Available). (MCN) STOP SMOKING! Electronic Cigarette, Only $26.50 Delivered. NO Auto Ship, NO Gimmicks. Save Over a Carton of Cigarettes. 1800-408-5840; www.Stop Smoking12.com. (MCN) Massage Therapy CREATIVE TOUCH THERAPY: Alleviate stress, muscle tension, improve circulation, encourage overall well-being. Techniques meet your needs. Contact Glenn LMT 815/965itreasure 1787. finds@yahoo.com. 6/22 Misc. Services REACH OVER 28 MILLION HOMES with one ad buy! Only $2,795 per week! For more information, contact this publication or go to www.naninetwork.com www.naninetwork.com. N-1/12 REACH 2 MILLION HOUSEHOLDS! Do you have a product, service, or business that would be helped by reaching over 2.5 million households throughout Iowa and the surrounding states? The Midwest Classified Network will allow you to reach these potential customers quickly and inexpensively. For more information concerning a creative classified ad call this publication or Midwest Free Community Papers at 800-248-4061 or get information online at www.mcn-ads.com. (MCN) SEARCH THOUSANDS OF CLASSIFIED ADS FROM AROUND THE MIDWEST! Give it a try! Go to http://www.mw-ads.com. Ads from Free Papers offer you great bargains. (MCN) WANT TO ADVERTISE TO THE MIDWEST? Place your classified ads in the Midwest Classified Network anytime online at www.midwestfree classifieds.com. (MCN) TO INVESTIGATE OTHER ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES Call PaperChain at 931-9220484 or e-mail info@paperchain.com. (MCN) FREE HD FOR LIFE! Only on DISH Network! Lowest Price in America! $24.99/mo for over 120 Channels! $500 Bonus! 1877-805-7991. (MCN) **ALL SATELLITE SYSTEMS ARE NOT THE SAME. Monthly programming starts under $20 per month and FREE HD and DVR systems for new callers. CALL NOW 1-800-799-4935. N-1/12 DIRECTV SAVE up to $29/MO for 1YR! NO Installation fee! Free DVR/HD Upgrade! Packages Start $29.99/mo. Ends 2/9/11. New cust. only, qual. pkgs. DirectStarTV 1-800-2066525. (MCN) FREE HD FOR LIFE! Only on DISH NETWORK. Lowest Price in America! $24.99/mo for OVER 120 Channels! PLUS $500 Bonus! Call Today. 1-877478-1894. (MCN) FREE! FREE! FREE! Emergency Survival Dehydrated Food. 15+ Year Shelf-Life. Try It Free Now! 406-360-4444; makeaplan. myefoods.com (MCN) ***FOOD RIOTS*** Government Preparing NOW So MUST You! Emergency Food Reserves, NonPerishable - Nutritious- Affordable - Delicious. FREE SAMPLES/ Business Opportunity. 15YearFoods.com. (MCN) Piano Tuning DAVID HANSON- Piano Tuning. 815/708-5312. 2/2 Rural Living VISIT THESE WEBSITES FOR AG, IMPLEMENT & RURAL LIVING PRODUCTS & IDEAS: Cal.Co.Imp. John Deere Dealer: calhouncountyimplement.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Red Power Team: www.redpowerteam.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - Farmers Best White Popcorn: www.farmersbest popcorn.com. (MCN) Snow Removal SNOWPLOWING - 30 years experience. Small parking lots & driveways. 100% Insured. Foreman’s Lawn Lovers. 815/ 962-0551. 1/12 SNOWPLOWING Fall clean-up, gutter cleaning. Commercial & Residential. 815/3783059. 1/16 Tax Services FAST TAX REFUND. File your taxes online for as little as $14.95. Patriot Tax Solutions is simple, accurate and fast. FREE online help, 100% safe and secure. Log onto www.pub1.pattaxonline.com and file you taxes today. (MCN) Weddings & Occasions NEED A CARING MINISTER for counseling or for your special occasion? Inexpensive. 815/342-6064. TFN Weightloss WANTED: SERIOUS PEOPLE to Lose Weight The All Natural Way with DIET MAGIC™ - It Really Works! Call 708/203-2648 or Visit: www.symmetrydirect.com /PKobeissi. 1/26 LOSE WEIGHT, 10-100+ pounds, safely. Results guaranteed! Doctor approved. We’ve helped over 45 million people. Call 928-567-9362 or toll free 1-866-521-8518. www.bestwellness4you.com. (MCN) MIRACLE DIET! More you eat...more you lose! Follow this diet and see pounds miraculously disappear. Guaranteed! Start Today! Send $14.95 to: J’s EASY WEIGHT LOSS, Box 1188, Lady Lake, FL 32158. (MCN) Drivers DRIVERS: $2500 Sign-On Bonus! Regional Positions! 300mi from Davenport, IA. $.36 to .50cpm. System Drivers: $.35cpm. Plus $.02cpm Fuel & $.02 Safety Bonus. Excellent Hometime. CDL-A req. Jamie/Dolly: 800-593-6433. 1/12 DRIVER - HOME WEEKLY! NO Touch Freight! No forced NE/ NYC! 6 months experience. No felony/DUI last 5yrs. Solos & Teams Wanted. New Pay Package! 877-740-6262. www.ptl-inc.com. (ICAN) MIDWEST OWNER OPERATORS WANTED WANTED. 64% of revenue or up to 1.10 per mile loaded 1.00 per mile empty. Generous fuel surcharge paid all miles. Permits, and fuel taxes paid. FRONTIER TRANSPORT 800 991 6227. (ICAN) General Help Wanted SERENITY MASSAGE & AESTHETICS (5301 E. State) is looking for a licensed massage therapist to work evenings and some Saturdays. Interested applicants can read more at our website www.maintainyourserenity.com or call 815-316-1003. 1/26 PART-TIME TELEMARKETING OPPORTUNITY: Straight commission, evening hours only. Great supplemental income. For more info call 815/3322312. Ask for Leanne. 1/26 23 PEOPLE NEEDED TO LOSE 5-100 LBS. DR. RECOMMENDED! GUARANTEED! www.healthierfeeling.com. 1/26 $8000+ FOR ENVELOPES! Receive $6-$8 for every envelope stuffed with our sales brochures: Guaranteed! Postage, supplies furnished. 1-800-7787617. (MCN) THE JOB FOR YOU! $500 Signon-bonus. Travel the US with our young minded enthusiastic business group. Cash and bonuses daily. Call Joe 888-9139191 today. (MCN) MYSTERY SHOPPERS NEEDED Earn up to $150 per day Undercover Shoppers Needed to Judge Retail & Dining Establishments Experience Not Required Call Now 1-888-493-1952. (MCN) **ABLE TO TRAVEL** Hiring 10 people, Free to travel all states, resort areas. No experience necessary. Paid training & Transportation. OVER 18. Start ASAP. 1-757-383-0360.(MCN) ASSEMBLE MAGNETS & CRAFTS from Home! Year-Round Work! Excellent Pay! No Experience! Top US Company! Glue Gun, Painting, Jewelry, More! Toll Free 1-866-844-5091. (MCN) HELP WANTED! Make $1000 a Week mailing brochures from home! Guaranteed Income! FREE Supplies! No experience required. Start Immediately! www.homemailerprogram.net (VOID IN SD). (MCN) WORK FROM HOME. International company needs part-time and full-time help. $500$1,500/ mo. PT, $2,000$6,000/ mo. FT. Call 928-5679362 or toll free 1-866-7063168, www.bestbiz4life.com. (MCN) PRINT MEDIA BUYERBUYER-Database Support. Responsible for purchasing print media space, researching and development effective campaigns by combining various media products. Email your response to info@promedmgt.com. (ICAN) www.rockrivertimes.com Courtesy of The Rock River Times - Warning from the Better Business Bureau. Work-at-home and fraudulent employment opportunities. Work-at-home and business opportunity scams are frequently found online as well as in the classified sections. They promise high income for minimal work and minimal effort. However, when an interested consumer “applies”, they almost always ask for money up-front to pay for materials, training kits, or investment money. After sending payment, most consumers either have their checks deposited and never hear anything again, or obtain something that is completely useless- essentially junk mail. Internet employment opportunities, mostly found on job boards, looking for “shipping” or “billing managers”, “payment processors”, or anything with a financial sounding name, very frequently turn out to be fraudulent listings that are in actuality looking for victims to commit money laundering by accepting and forwarding payments. Mystery/secret shopping scam. Fraudulent mystery shopping promoters frequently use newspaper ads and internet solicitations to create an impression that they are affiliated with or work for respectable and reputable companies. The website that you will be led to often asks that you “register” and pay a fee in order to receive information about a certification program, a directory of mystery shopping companies, or baseless guarantees of obtaining mystery shopping positions. Most don’t exist, have already expired, or have nothing to do with legitimate secret shopping offers. 6 D Eureka! Classifieds Jan. 12-18, 2011 LOOKING TO INCREASE YOUR CASH FLOW? Need You Now! 8 Hours Minimum Gets You $2$6k Month! Call 1-800-4391087 Or Visit: www.8Hour WorkWeek.com. (MCN) FRAC SAND HAULERS with complete rigs only. Tons of Runs in warm, flat, friendly and prosperous Texas! Great company, pay and working conditions. 817-769-7621, 817-7697713. N-1/12 DRIVERS OWNER OPERATORS & Company. Flats/ Vans. Excellent pay/opportunity. Class A CDL w/at least 2 yrs. current exp. Blackhawk Transportation 888-3649755. (ICAN) DRIVERS - $1000 Sign On Bonus!!! REGIONAL and OTR Freight Increase. Great Pay and Benefits! Class A CDL and 1 year experience required 8 0 0 - 6 7 7 - 5 6 2 7 www.westsidetransport.com. (ICAN) EXPERIENCED TANKER DRIVERS NEEDED! Increased pay and home time. *Plenty of Miles *Steady Freight Call Prime today! 1-800-277-0212 www.primeinc.com. (ICAN) DRIVERS - FLATBED EARN $1.85/ mi or more! OWNER OPERATORS Up to $1000 Sign on Bonus No age restriction on tractors / trailers. CRST Malone 8 6 6 - 3 4 9 - 6 2 5 6 www.JoinMalone.com. (ICAN) DRIVERS - COMPANY FFE seeks 1 yr. exp OTR. ($1000 Sign on Bonus)! Start your new Career, Students Welcome! Also seek Owner Operators. Call 800-569-9232 or recruit@ffex.net. (ICAN) “YOU GOT THE DRIVE, WE HAVE THE DIRECTION” OTR Drivers APU Equipped PrePass EZ-pass. Pets / passenger policy. Newer equipment. 100% NO touch. 1-800-5287825. (ICAN) TRUCK DRIVERS WANTED Best Pay and Home Time! Apply Online Today over 750 Companies! One Application, Hundreds of Offers! http:// hammerlanejobs.com. (MCN) Industrial CNC MACHINIST NEEDED Lunquist Manufacturing Corp. 5681 11th St. Rockford, IL 61109. www.lunquist.com. 1/26 Seeking Employment PROFESSIONAL TRUCK DRIVER Over 30 years experience. Willing to drive anything to anywhere. Class A CDL. All edorsements. Will work for cash. 847/9715988. 1/12 LOOKING TO NETWORK WITH OTHERS who believe they have been wrongfully terminated from the Rockford School District. 815/874-1888. 1/19 SWM 50 seeking lady companion. Age & race unimportant. 815/968-1554. 1/12 THIS BISEXUAL MALE is seeking other guys for dating and possible roommate options. For more details call 815/ 218-0374. TFN DAVID HANSON- Piano Tuning. 815/708-5312. 2/2 GUITAR Electric, solid body Peavey “Tracer” Pro with hardshell, plush case. Like new $250. 815/865-5892. 1/12 JAZZ PIANO PLAYER WANTED For professional 5-piece jazz/ light pop band. Female singer, 2 guitars, drums & bass. Potential gigs already lined up. Decent money. Mostly covers/standards. Call 608/346-2171. TFN PERSONAL Business Opportunity $50/HR POTENTIAL. Get Paid to Shop and Eat. Retail Research Associate Needed. No Experience. Training Provided. Call 1-800-742-6941.. N-1/12 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY: NEED WORM GROWERS GROWERS. We buy Worms. Great Income potential in your garage, patio or backyard. No selling/ MLM. Fast multipliers. FREE 24 hour recorded information. 1-208-762-2414, www.ecologytek.com. (MCN) SWM 49 seeks female for friendship and dating, possibly more. Call 815/312-9076. 1/12 SWM 60 looking for SWF for dating, possible LTR. Motorcycling, campfires, and cuddling. 815/969-0601. 1/12 AFRICAN-AMERICAN ATTRACTIVE TRANSSEXUAL: Educated, outgoing, wants to meet gentleman. Race unimportant. Age 30-60. Serious calls only! 815/516-6298. TFN SWM 48 seeking SWF for friendship & dating. Call 779/ 423-7508. 1/12 SWM 28 looking for a Hispanic, Asian, or Jewish woman, 1842 for LTR, dating, and more. Kids OK. Serious calls only. 779/770-7194. 1/12 Public Announcement US COAST GUARD AUXILIARY Boating Safety Class- Feb. 12. Call 608/755-9942 for more info. 1/26 The Rock River Times Organ, Blood, & Tissue Donation 26-YEAR-OLD DAUGHTER desperately needs kidney Type A+. Waiting 6½ years. (630) 400-6849. TFN SINGLE YOUNG MOTHER with 2 children desperately needs kidney donor. Blood type O positive/negative. 815/3976703. TFN www.LinksForLifeCampaign.com Read the stories, see the faces of those desperately in need of a lifesaving organ transplant, or set up your own link for free. TFN The Rock River Times is now offering a special classifieds section reserved for individuals or families seeking organ donations donations. This is a totally FREE service for those who are in need. Please feel free to call: (815)964-9767,fax: (815)964-9825, or e-mail: contact@rockrivertimes.com your FREE 15-WORD AD for this special section section. For more information on organ & tissue donation, visit www.giftofhope.org To contribute to The Angela Rushford Children’s Organ Donation Fund, visit the Community Foundation of Northern Illinois’ Web site: www.cfnil.org www.cfnil.org.. BREAKFAST BENEFIT FOR VFW KITCHEN REBUILDING 1/30/11, 8am-11:30am at Lombardi Club - 209 Olive St. Contact Ross Pearson post 5149 for tickets ,$6. 815/9620267. 1/26 SEMI-RETIRED SWM 53 in search of attractive, honest, devoted woman for exclusive, quality LTR/marriage. 815/ 234-7999. 1/26 SWF 52 looking for SWM 5259 for friendship, companionship, honesty, maturity, dating, & fun. 815/7420936. 1/19 LOOKING FOR CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS to sponsor underprivleged & special needs children & adults. Call for details. 815/332-2312. 1/26 BISHOP EDWARD A. JOHNSON , SR SR. I’ll pray for you & you pray for me. Watch God change things! 815/388-4546. Donations welcome: 505 N. Main, Apt. 904, Rockford, IL 61103. We are looking for a place to hold worship services every Sunday. Reasonable price. Thank you & God Bless. TFN LOOKING FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS? TRY BIBLE CALL CALL. 24-hour automated service - 815/3162650. (Church of Christ). TFN POSITIVE IMAGE CHURCH Basic Life Skills Programs. Free. 1408 Elm Street. For information: 815/967-9061. TFN PRE-VATICAN II CHURCH is alive and well. St. Sebastian. Call 815/520-4374. TFN AL-ANON, support group for families and friends of alcoholics. Help-line: (815) 3990456. TFN WELCOME TO ST. SEBASTIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH CHURCH. Traditional liturgy every Sunday, 10:30 a.m., 2415 Charles St., Suite 20x1, Rockford, IL. Call 815/520-4374. TFN Rescued Pets 2 MALE & 1 FEMALE PURE GRAY KITTENS KITTENS. Very sweet & loving. Looking for foreverloving, indoor homes only. $10 each. Call 815/9807863. TFN CATS/KITTENS. Spayed/ neutered, shots, dewormed. $40 each. 815/332-5913. TFN GOOD LOOKING B&W MALE CAT. Very friendly & nice. Neutered, first shots. Looking for forever-loving indoor home. $20. Call 815/980-7863. TFN BEAUTIFUL FEMALE CALICO CAT CAT. Very sweet & loving, spayed, first shots. Looking for forever-loving indoor home. $20. Call 815/980-7863.TFN 3 PURE GRAY OLDER KITTENS. TENS.2 male, 1 female. Very loving & sweet. Neutered, first shots. Looking for forever-loving indoor homes. $20 each. Call 815/980-7863. TFN WANTED NEED CASH? DIABETIC TEST STRIPS WANTED WANTED. Will pay up to $14 a box. Quick & local. Nancy. 815/519-9966. TFN WANTED: Snowblowers, riding mowers, ATVs, minibikes, dirt bikes, power wheels, go-carts, antique vehicles, etc. Running or not. 815/397-4483. 1/19 CASH! FOR YOUR ANTIQUES, GOLD, SILVER, OR ANYTHING OF VALUE. Call 815/5581900. 1/12 For Sale AKC-REGISTERED COCKER SPANIELS SPANIELS. Black & tan. Females, $550. Males, $500. 815/633-0537. 1/19 YORKIE PUPPIES DOB 10/1/ 10. All shots except rabies, potty-trained, registered. 815/633-2726. 1/19 4 COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES available. Deposit $400 each. 815/319-1344. 1/12 4 SMALL & ADORABLE MALTESE/YORKIE MIX PUPPIES. 2 female, 2 male. $400-$450 each (negotiable). First shots. Taking deposits now. 815/2430900. 1/12 SHIH TZU PUPPY Female. Rare black color. All shots except rabies. $300. 779/537-9476. 1/26 Misc Pets WANTED: LOVING & CARING FOSTER HOMES for kittens & cats that haven’t been rescued yet, but desperately need to be as soon as possible. If you can help, please call me at 815/980-7863. Thanks so much. - Lori. TFN WANTED: SNOWMOBILES AND PARTS from the 70’s and 80’s., Kitty Cats and other small snowmobiles. 815/623-6591. TFN NEEDED FOR MY SON who is nursing home resident: his favorite music artist, Bob Segeralbums, records, CDs, etc. Thanks for calling, Don, 815/ 262-0214. TFN WANTED: FUTON & MATTRESS Reasonable. 815/742-1513. 1/12 LOOKING FOR SOMEONE TO TAKE OVER CELL PHONE CONTRACT. Lasts 8 mo. $59/ mo. 2 new phones. 815/5431163. 1/19 WANTED: LOOKING THOMAS THE TRAIN. Train, tracks, & table. Reasonable. 815/9689781. 1/19 WANTED: SET OF 4 CHROME OR ALLOY WHEELS for ‘08 Pontiac Grand Prix, w/ or w/o tires. 815/382-7667. 1/19 **OLD GUITARS WANTED!** Fender, Gibson, Martin, Gretsch, Prairie State, Euphonon, Larson, D’Angelico, Stromberg, Rickenbacker, and Mosrite. Gibson Mandolins/ Banjos. 1930’s thru 1970’ s TOP CASH PAID! 1-800-4010440. N-1/12 The Rock River Times Jan. 12-18, 2011 Public Notices Government Notices ! ! ! St. James Catholic School, Rockford offers a hot lunch program for its students. Hot lunch daily costs are as follows: · $2.00 a day which includes milk · $0.40 a day which includes milk for students whose parents qualify for free or reduced lunch based on one’s annual income · $0.30 a day to purchase milk only St. James Catholic School’s hot lunch program follows guidelines established by the United States Department of Agriculture and the Illinois State Board of Education. For additional information, please contact the school office at 815-962-8515. TRRT 1/12 Public Notices ! ! ! STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO ILLINOIS HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, as Assignee of STILLMANBancCORP, N.S., a National Banking Corporation, Plaintiff vs. RICKY COLWELL, a/k/a RICKY L. COLWELL, JULIE COLWELL, a/k/a JULIE A. COLWELL and UNKNOWN OWNERS, Defendants. NO. 09-CH-1865 PUBLIC NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Public Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in said Court in the above-entitled cause on November 3, 2010, I, Richard A. Meyers, Sheriff of Winnebago County, or such other Deputy as may be sitting in my stead, will sell at public venue to the highest and best bidder, the following described lands and premises in said Judgment mentioned or so much thereof as may be necessary to realize the amount due to satisfy said Judgment with the terms and conditions as set forth herein: A. The name, address and telephone number of the person to contact for information regarding the real estate is: Stephen G. Balsley BARRICK, SWITZER, LONG, BALSLEY & VAN EVERA 6833 Stalter Drive Rockford, IL 61108 (815) 962-6611 B. The common address of said property is: 209 Westfield Road, Winnebago, Illinois 61088. C. The legal description of the property is: Lot Five (5) as designated upon the Plat of Swan Acres Subdivision part of Block 60 of the Canal Trustee’s Addition to the Town of Winnebago, Village of Winnebago, Illinois, the Plat of which Subdivision is recorded in Book 35 of Plats on Page 282 in the Recorder’s Office of Winnebago County, Illinois; situated in the County of Winnebago and State of Illinois. Parcel ID No.: 14-09-379-011 D. A description of the improvements on the real estate is: Single family ranch style home consisting of two bedrooms, 1.75 baths, two-car attached garage located at 209 Westfield Road, Winnebago, Illinois 61088. E. The time and place of sale are: February 10, 2011, at 11:00 o’clock A.M. in the lobby of the New Justice Center at 650 West State Street, Rockford, Illinois. F. The terms of the sale are: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; the balance, in cer- tified funds, is due within twentyfour (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If the property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(I) and (g)(4). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. Dated at Rockford, Illinois, this 3rd day of January, 2011. /s/ RICHARD A. MEYERS, SHERIFF OF WINNEBAGO COUNTY PREPARED BY: STEPHEN G. BALSLEY BARRICK, SWITZER, LONG, BALSLEY & VAN EVERA 6833 Stalter Drive P.O. Box 17109 Rockford, IL 61110-7109 (815) 962-6611 TRRT 1/19 ! ! ! THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17 TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO Riverside Community Bank, a commercial bank, Plaintiff, -vsWayne E. Solik, Joan A. Ramirez, and City of Rockford, IL, Defendants. 2010 CH 677 NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure in the Winnebago County Circuit Court, made and entered in said Court in the above entitled cause on September 23, 2010, the Sheriff of Winnebago County, or such other deputy as may be sitting in his stead, shall on the 1st day of February, 2011 at the hour of 11:00 o’clock in the forenoon, at the County Justice Center, 650 West State Street in the City of Rockford, County of Winnebago, State of Illinois, sell at public auction sale with oral, open bidding, to the highest and best bidder for cash or cashier’s check, the property in the foreclosure judgment of September 23, 2010, described and therein directed to be sold, or so much thereof as may be necessary to realize the amount due to satisfy said judgment, such property being a house located at 1115 Island Way in the City of Rockford, Winnebago County, Illinois, and legally descried as follows: Lots Three (3), Four (4), Five (5) and the East Nine (9) feet in width of Lot Six (6) in Block Three (3) as designated upon the Plat of Hutchins Park, being a Subdivision of part of the Southwest One- Quarter (1/4) of Section 27, Township 44 North, Range 1 East of the Third Principal Meridian, the Plat of which Subdivision is recorded in Book 86 of Deeds on Page 328 in the Recorder’s Office of Winnebago County, Illinois, the West line of said premises being parallel with the line dividing said lots; situated in the County of Winnebago and State of Illinois. Permanent Index No. 11-27351-025, 11-27-351-026 and 11-27-351-024. This property is a house commonly known as 1115 Island Way, Rockford, Winnebago County, Illinois. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event Plaintiff in this case is the successful bidder at the sale, the Sheriff may accept Plaintiff’s receipt for its distributive share of the proceeds of sale in lieu of cash. The sale is subject to approval by the Court. Buyer may not be entitled to possession until thirty (30) days after confirmation of the sale by the Court. The foreclosure judgment does not provide for any specific time for inspection prior to sale of the property described above. Title will be conveyed subject to all general real estate taxes and assessments which are a lien upon the real estate, and easements, covenants, conditions and encumbrances of record, if any. The person to contact regarding information on the real estate described above is Riverside Community Bank, Attention: Traci Fagót, 2196 Holliday Drive, Dubuque, IA 52002; telephone number 563/589-2000. Dated at Rockford, Illinois this 2nd day of December, 2010. Riverside Community Bank, a Commercial Bank, Plaintiff BY: Thomas E. Laughlin, its attorney Thomas E. Laughlin #147 Attorney at Law 6833 Stalter Drive - Suite 204 Rockford, IL 61108 Phone (815) 316-3038 TRRT 1/19 ! ! ! STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO VILLAGE OF MACHESNEY PARK an Illinois municipal corporation, Plaintiff vs SAMUEL J. ARMATO, JR.; DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST CO., as Trustee under Novastar Mortgage Funding Trust 2006-6; MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., as nominee for 1st Step Mortgage Group Inc; ROCK RIVER WATER RECLAMATION DISTRICT; and UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NONRECORD CLAIMANTS, Defendants CASE NO. 10-CH-2537 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION The requisite Affidavit for Publication having been filed, Notice is hereby given you, Unknown Owners and Non-Record Claimants, Defendants in the above-entitled suit, that said suit has been commenced in the Circuit Court of the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit of Winnebago County, Illinois by said Plaintiff against you and other Defendants praying for the foreclosure of a Municipal Demolition Lien on certain real estate commonly known as 103 Greenview, Machesney Park, Illinois and legally described as follows: Lot Ten (10) in Block Thirty-three (33) as designated upon the Plat of North Park Fourth Subdivision of part of the South Half (1/2) of Section 25, Township 45 North, Range 1 East of the Third Principal Meridian, the Plat of which Subdivision is recorded in Book 23 of Plats on Page 8 in the Recorder’s Office of Winnebago County, Illinois; situated in the County of Winnebago and State of Illinois.. P.I.N. 07-25-454-007 and for other relief; that Summons was duly issued out of the Court against you as provided by law, and said suit is now pending. NOW THEREFORE, unless you, the above-named Defendants and Unknown Owners and NonRecord Claimants file your Answer to the Complaint to said suit or otherwise make your appearance herein, in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Winnebago County, at the Winnebago County Courthouse, 400 West State Street, Rockford, Illinois on or before the 7th day of February, 2011, default may be entered against you at anytime after such date and a judgment and decree of partition entered in accordance with the prayer of said Complaint dated at Rockford, Illinois this 5th day of January, 2011. Thomas A. Klein, Clerk of the Circuit Court, 17th Judicial Circuit, Winnebago County, Illinois. Prepared By: BARRICK, SWITZER, LONG, BALSLEY & VAN EVERA BY: CHARLOTTE A. LECLERCQ #6904 6833 Stalter Drive, 1st Floor Rockford, IL 61108 (815) 962-6611 TRRT 1/19 ! ! ! ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of Winnebago ss. This is to certify that the undersigned intend to conduct and transact a Publishing Company business in said County and State under the name of JUNGLE JEEP PRESS at the following post office addresses: 5116 Didier Ave., Rockford, IL 61101, (815) 988-9048; that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or transacting such business, with the respective residence address of each, are as follows: Angela Malavolti, 5116 Didier Ave., Rockford, IL 61101. SIGNED: Angela Malavolti, 1/6/ 11 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed) to before me, this 6th day of January, A.D. 2011. Margie M. Mullins, COUNTY CLERK By: Ava Turner, DEPUTY TRRT 1/26 ! ! ! ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of Winnebago ss. This is to certify that the undersigned intend to conduct and transact a Towing, Storage, Truck & Trailer Repair, General Hauling business in said County and State under the name of MIKE NELSON & FAMILY at the following post office addresses: 9283 W. State Rd., Winnebago, IL 61088, (815) 963-7411; that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or transacting such business, with the respective residence address of each, are as follows: Michael Eugene Nelson, 9283 W. State Rd., Winnebago, IL 61088. SIGNED: Michael E. Nelson, 1/ 4/11 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed) to before me, this 4th day of January, A.D. 2011. Margie M. Mullins, COUNTY CLERK By: Patricia Keinz, DEPUTY TRRT 1/26 ! ! ! ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of Winnebago ss. This is to certify that the undersigned intend to conduct and transact a Sales & Design business in said County and State under the name of SHS K & B DESIGN & CONSULTING at the following post office addresses: 4620 Charles St., Rockford, IL 61108, (815) 871-1868; that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or transacting such business, with the respective residence address of each, are as follows: Scott J. Herrmann, 4620 Charles St., Rockford, IL 61108. SIGNED: Scott J. Herrmann, 1/ 4/11 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed) to before me, this 4th day of January, A.D. 2011. Margie M. Mullins, COUNTY CLERK By: Patricia Keinz, DEPUTY TRRT 1/26 ! ! ! ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of Winnebago ss. This is to certify that the undersigned intend to conduct and transact a IT Support & Services business in said County and State under the name of TDH TECHNOLOGIES at the following post office addresses: 917 Willard Ave., Rockford, IL 61101; that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or transacting such business, with the respective residence address of each, are as follows: Troy Held, 917 Willard Ave., Rockford, IL 61101. SIGNED: Troy Held, 1/3/11 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed) to before me, this 3rd day of January, A.D. 2011. Margie M. Mullins, COUNTY CLERK By: Angela Reina, DEPUTY TRRT 1/26 ! ! ! STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION FOR NAME CHANGE OF: Kane Duc Nguyen, a minor. Case No. 11 MR 6 NOTICE Public Notice is given that, on January 5, 2011, I filed my petition in this Court praying for the change of my name from Kane Duc Nguyen, minor, to that of Kane Richard Bilodeau, pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided. Dated at Winnebago County, Rockford, Illinois, January 5, 2011. Kane Duc Nguyen, a minor, by Heather Bilodeau. his mother and next friend TRRT 1/26 ! ! ! STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO IN RE THE MARRIAGE OF: Tina L. Boyd, Plaintiff, vs. Melvin R. Boyd, Defendant. CASE NO. 11 D 15 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO defendant Melvin R. Boyd that plaintiff Tina L. Boyd has caused to be filed a PETITION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE in the above-captioned cause of action. In the event Melvin R. Boyd shall fail to file a response on or before February 11, 2011, a default may be entered against Melvin R. Boyd for the relief requested in the PETITION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE. Tina L. Boyd Petitioner Pro Se TRRT 1/26 ! ! ! IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: RICHARD E. BEILFUSS, Deceased. CASE NO. 2010 P 486 CLAIM NOTICE NOTICE is given of the death of RICHARD E. BEILFUSS. Letters of Office were issued on December 17, 2010 to ANITA THORSBAKKEN, who is the legal representative of the estate. The attorney for the estate is Anthony A. Savaiano, 535 Loves Park Dr., Loves Park, IL 61111. Claims against the estate may be filed on or before July 14, 2011, that date being at least six (6) months from the date of first publication, or within three (3) months from the date of mailing or delivery of Notice to Creditors, if mailing or delivery is required by Section 18-3 of the Illinois Probate Act, 1975, as amended, whichever date is later. Any claim not filed by the requisite date stated above shall be barred. Claims against the estate may be filed in the office of the Winnebago County Circuit Clerk--Probate Div. at the Winnebago County Courthouse, 400 W. State St., Rock- D 7 ford, IL 61101, or with the estate legal representative, or both. Copies of claims filed with the Circuit Clerk’s Office--Probate Div., must be mailed or delivered to the estate legal representative and to his/her attorney within ten (10) days after it has been filed. DATED: 1/6/11 ANITA THORSBAKKEN, EXECUTOR ANTHONY A. SAVAIANO #87 Attorney for Estate 535 Loves Park Drive Loves Park, IL 61111 815/654-3060 TRRT 1/26 ! ! ! ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of Winnebago ss. This is to certify that the undersigned intend to conduct and transact a Website Design and Computer Repair business in said County and State under the name of RELIABLE WEBSITE DESIGN AND REPAIR at the following post office addresses: 6053 Fincham Drive, Rockford, IL 61108, (815) 519-0691; that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or transacting such business, with the respective residence address of each, are as follows: Karla Fernet, 4010 Renn Hart Hills Rd., Loves Park, IL 61111. SIGNED: Karla Fernet, 1/6/11 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed) to before me, this 6th day of January, A.D. 2011. Margie M. Mullins, COUNTY CLERK By: Ava Turner, DEPUTY TRRT 1/26 ! ! ! ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of Winnebago ss. This is to certify that the undersigned intend to conduct and transact a Natural Healing and Beauty, Aromatherapy Tech, Therapeutic Massage business in said County and State under the name of REVIVIFY at the following post office address: 5406 Bennett St.,Loves Park, IL 61111; that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or transacting such business, with the respective residence address of each, are as follows: Tressa M. Rouse Catalani, 5406 Bennett St., Loves Park, IL 61111. SIGNED: Tressa Rouse Catalani, 1/7/11 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed) to before me, this 7th day of January , A.D. 2011. Margie M. Mullins,COUNTY CLERK By: Angela Reina, DEPUTY TRRT 1/26 Advertise With The Best Paper in Town! Call : 964-9767 8 D Public Notices Jan. 12-18, 2011 ! ! ! IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE SEVENTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS RESOURCE BANK, N.A., Plaintiff, vs. HAMPTON CROSSINGS, LLC, et al. Defendants. IN CHANCERY CASE NO. 09 CH 2070 NOTICE OF PENDENCY OF ACTION NOTICE is hereby given to UNKNOWN OWNERS and NONRECORD CLAIMANTS, of the Second Amended Complaint for Foreclosure filed in the above entitled case on the 16th day of September, 2010, and that they are named Defendants in the above entitled case, pursuant to the provisions of 735 ILCS 5/2206, 735 ILCS 5/15-1218, and 735 ILCS 5/15-1502, and that the above entitled mortgage foreclosure which is now pending in said court and the day on or after which a default may be entered against said Defendants is February 14, 2011 and that the following information applies to said foreclosure proceeding: (i) The names of all Plaintiffs and the case number are identified above. (ii) The court in which said action was brought is identified above. (iii) The names of the title holders of record are: HAMPTON CROSSINGS, LLC, an Illinois Limited Liability Company; JOHN A. SLACK, individually; BOULDER CREEK DEVELOPMENT, LLC, an Illinois Limited Liability Company; BOULDER CREEK DEVELOPMENT III, INC.,an Illinois Corporation; HAMPTON CROSSING II, LLC, an Illinois Limited Liability Corporation; JSC MECHANICAL, INC., an Illinois Corporation; PHILIP J. URSIN, AS TRUSTEE OF THE PHILIP J. URSIN REVOCABLE TRUST DATED JUNE 24, 2008; JOAN K. URSIN, AS TRUSTEE OF THE JOAN K. URSIN REVOCABLE TRUST DATED JUNE 24, 2008; LINDA J. NELSON; JAMES W. NELSON; GAYLON G. MACE; MARCELLA I. MACE; RICHARD D. DOWLING; CONNIE G. DOWLING; CORY A. DAHLENBURG; KATHRYN M. DAHLENBURG; THOMAS C. PECK; MILDRED A. PECK; ANDREW A. MARINI; ROBERT F. SCHACHT a/k/a ROBERT SCHACHT; ROBERTA SCHACHT a/k/a ROBERTA A. SCHACHT; JASON W. TIESMAN; MARK HENDERSON; HERSCHEL F. OXFORD; MARJORIE H. OXFORD; MATTHEW R. MELINE; ERNEST R. MANNO; SHIRLEY C MANNO; ERNEST EVANS; LINDA L. TOWNE; JUAN C. ARANGO; ROBERT F. GLINKE; SHIRLEY GLINKE; KENT BANK; NORTHWEST BANK OF ROCKFORD; MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC.; ALPINE BANK OF ILLINOIS; PHH MORTGAGE SERVICES; ALPINE BANK & TRUST CO.; AMCORE BANK, N.A.; BANK OF AMERICA, N.A.; HARRIS, N.A.; BYRON BANK; RIVERSIDE COMMUNITY BANK; COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC.; GREEN TREE SERVICING, LLC; JUSTEN KENT; LINDSAY KENT; SUSAN J. MCKNIGHT; JOYCE A. MCKNIGHT, AS TRUSTEE OF THE REVOCABLE TRUST FOR JOYCE A. MCKNIGHT DATED APRIL 23, 2007;MARLENE J. CHASE; LORI KOEPP; BARRY E. TOPE; DIANE M. TOPE; ROGER E. SNYDER; KATHLEEN E. SNYDER; J.P. MORGAN CHASE, N.A.; GREGORY A. WOJCIECHOWSKI AND CAROLYN A. WOJCIECHOWSKI, AS TRUSTEES UNDER THE TRUST AGREEMENT DATED JANUARY 13, 1995, AND KNOWN AS THE GREGORY A. WOJCIECHOWSKI AND CAROLYN A. WOJCIECHOWSKI TRUST AGREEMENT; FIFTH THIRD BANK (CHICAGO); HOLCOMB STATE BANK; DUBUQUE BANK & TRUST COMPANY; MIDWEST COMMUNITY BANK; BOULDER CREEK CONDOMINIUM HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION; BOULDER CREEK III CONDOMINIUMS; UNKNOWN OWNERS, NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS, UNKNOWN HEIRS, and LEGATEES. (iv) A legal description of the real estate sufficient to identify it with reasonable certainty is as follows: Lot 12 as designated on the Plat of Hampton Crossings No. 2, being a subdivision of part of the South- west Quarter of Section 27, Township 44 North, Range 2 East of the Third Principal Meridian, and a re-plat of Lot 3, Plat No. 1 of Hampton Crossings, Winnebago County, Illinois; according to the Plat thereof recorded May 21, 2003 in Plat Book 44, page 81A as Document No. 0346445, EXCEPTING THEREFROM Boulder Creek II Condominium, Boulder Creek IV Condominium and Plat of the Townhomes at Boulder Creek Condominiums. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM, that part of said Lot 12 bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot 11, as designated upon said Final Plat No. 2 of Hampton Crossings; thence South 01°01’43" East along the West line of said Lot 11, a distance of 112.56 feet to the Southwest corner of said Lot 11; thence South 90°00’00" West along a South line of said Lot 12, a distance of 92.53 feet; thence North 01°01’43" West, 110.95 feet to the centerline of a 50 foot ingress-egress easement as designated upon said Plat; thence North 88°58’17" East along the centerline of said 50 foot ingress-egress easement, 92.52 feet to the point of beginning. Part of Lot 12 as designated on the Plat of Hampton Crossings No. 2, being a subdivision of part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 44 North, Range 2 East of the Third Principal Meridian, and a re-plat of Lot 3, Plat No. 1 of Hampton Crossings, Winnebago County, Illinois; according to the Plat thereof recorded May 21, 2003 in Plat Book 44, page 81A as Document No. 0346445, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot 11, as designated upon said Final Plat No. 2 of Hampton Crossings; thence South 01°01’43" East along the West line of said Lot 11, a distance of 112.56 feet to the Southwest corner of said Lot 11; thence South 90°00’00" West along a South line of said Lot 12, a distance of 92.53 feet; thence North 01°01’43" West, 110.95 feet to the centerline of a 50 foot ingress-egress easement as designated upon said Plat; thence North 88°58’17" East along the centerline of said 50 foot ingress-egress easement, 92.52 feet to the point of beginning. (Building Site 12) Part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 44 North, Range 2 East of the Third Principal Meridian, Winnebago County, Illinois, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Replat of Lots 5 and 6 of Plat No. 1 of Hampton Crossings, being a subdivision of part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 44 North, Range 2 East of the Third Principal Meridian, the plat of which replat is recorded in Plat Book 43, page 190 in the Recorder’s Office of Winnebago County, Illinois; thence South 89°59’34" West along the South line of said re-plat, 429.85 feet to an angle point in the East line of Plat No. 2 of Hampton Crossings, being a Subdivision of part of said Quarter Section, the Plat of which is recorded in Plat Book 44, page 81A in said Recorder’s Office of Winnebago County, Illinois; thence South 00°00’26" East along an East line of said Plat No. 2 of Hampton Crossings, 90.47 feet; thence South 49°49’53" West along a Southeasterly line of said Plat No. 2 of Hampton Crossings, 254.68 feet; thence South 52°01’38" West along a Southeasterly line of said Plat No. 2 of Hampton Crossings, 307.38 feet; thence South 51°58’16" West along a Southeasterly line of said Plat No. 2 of Hampton Crossings, 323.66 feet to the North right of way line of Newburg Road (County Highway 84); thence North 88°58’36" East along the North right of way line of Newburg Road (County Highway 84), a distance of 303.44 feet to an angle point in said line; thence South 00°07’22" East, 15.03 feet; thence North 88°57’45" East along the North right of way line of said Newburg Road (County Highway 84), a distance of 818.51 feet to the West line of Plat No. 4 of Dixon and Nieman’s Northvale, being a subdivision of part of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 27, the Plat of which Subdivision is recorded in Plat Book 41, page 49A in said Recorder’s Office of Winnebago County, Illinois; thence North 00°00’33" West along the West line of said Plat, 638.11 feet to the point of beginning. Unit 29-1465 as designated on the Plat of Boulder Creek II Condominiums, being a part of Lot 14 as designated on the Final Plat No. 2 of Hampton Crossings, being a subdivision of part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 44 North, Range 2 East of the Third Principal Meridian, Winnebago County, Illinois; said Unit delineated on the Plat of Condominium recorded January 7, 2008 in Plat Book 48, page 138B as Document No. 200800800796, and created by Declaration of Condominium Ownership and By-laws recorded June 28, 2005 as Document No. 0536236; and by First Amendment to Declaration of Condominium recorded June 29, 2005 as Document No. 0536787; and by Second Amendment to Declaration of Condominium recorded March 30, 2006 as Document No. 0618326; and by Third Amendment to Declaration of Condominium recorded April 3, 2006 as Document No. 0618814 and re-recorded June 23, 2006 as Document No. 0637253; and by Fourth Amendment to Declaration of Condominium recorded April 4, 2006 as Document No. 0619098; and by Fifth Amendment to Declaration of Condominium recorded August 23, 2006 as Document No. 0650909; and by Sixth Amendment to Declaration of Condominium recorded January 7, 2008 as Document No. 200800800795; and by Seventh Amendment to Declaration recorded June 23, 2010 as Document No. 20101022929; and as may be amended from time to time, together with its undivided percentage interest in the common elements. Unit 42-1446 and Unit 42-1448 as designated on the Plat of Boulder Creek Condominiums, being a part of Lot 15 as designated on the Final Plat No. 2 of Hampton Crossings, being a subdivision of part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 44 North, Range 2 East of the Third Principal Meridian, Winnebago County, Illinois; said Unit delineated on the Plat of Condominium recorded March 14, 2007 in Plat Book 48, page 69B as Document No. 0713689, and created by Declaration of Condominium Ownership and By-laws recorded August 31, 2004 as Document No. 0458647; and by First Amendment to Declaration of Condominium recorded August 31, 2004 as Document No. 0458649; and by Second Amendment to Declaration of Condominium recorded October 6, 2004 as Document No. 0467013; and by Third Amendment to Declaration of Condo- minium recorded May 5, 2006 as Document No. 0626429; and by Fourth Amendment to Declaration of Condominium recorded July 13, 2006 as Document No. 0641094; and by Fifth Amendment to Declaration of Condominium recorded August 21, 2006 as Document No. 0650339; and by Sixth Amendment to Declaration of Condominium recorded October 31, 2006 as Document No. 0665534; and by Seventh Amendment to Declaration of Condominium recorded March 14, 2007 as Document No. 0713688; and by Eighth Amendment to Declaration of Condominium recorded September 11, 2007 as Document No. 200700758101; and as may be amended from time to time, together with its undivided percentage interest in the common elements. Unit 44-1440 and Unit 44-1442 as designated on the Plat of Boulder Creek Condominiums, being a part of Lot 15 as designated on the Final Plat No. 2 of Hampton Crossings, being a subdivision of part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 44 North, Range 2 East of the Third Principal Meridian, Winnebago County, Illinois; said Unit delineated on the Plat of Condominium recorded July 13, 2006 in Plat Book 47, page 179 as Document No. 0641095, and created by Declaration of Condominium Ownership and By-laws recorded August 31, 2004 as Document No. 0458647; and by First Amendment to Declaration of Condominium recorded August 31, 2004 as Document No. 0458649; and by Second Amendment to Declaration of Condominium recorded October 6, 2004 as Document No. 0467013; and by Third Amendment to Declaration of Condominium recorded May 5, 2006 as Document No. 0626429; and by Fourth Amendment to Declaration of Condominium recorded July 13, 2006 as Document No. 0641094; and by Fifth Amendment to Declaration of Condominium recorded August 21, 2006 as Document No. 0650339; and by Sixth Amendment to Declaration of Condominium recorded October 31, 2006 as Document No. 0665534; and by Seventh Amendment to Declaration of Condominium recorded March 14, 2007 as Document No. 0713688; and by Eighth Amendment to Declaration of Condominium recorded September 11, 2007 as Document No. 200700758101; and as may be amended from time to time, together with its undivided percentage interest in the common elements. Unit 53-1441 and Unit 53-1443 as designated on the Plat of Boulder Creek III Condominiums, being a part of Lot 15 as designated on the Final Plat No. 2 of Hampton Crossings, being a subdivision of part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 44 North, Range 2 East of the Third Principal Meridian, Winnebago County, Illinois; said Unit delineated on the Plat of Condominium recorded June 22, 2007 in Plat Book 48, page 92A as Document No. 200700740801, and created by Declaration of Condominium Ownership and By-laws recorded June 22, 2006 as Document No. 0637051; and by First Amendment to Declaration of Condominium recorded November 6, 2006 as Document No. 0666727; and by Second Amendment to Declaration of Condominium recorded June 22, 2007 as Document No. 200700740800; and as may be amended from time to time, together with its The Rock River Times undivided percentage interest in the common elements. Unit 59-1502 and Unit 59-1504 as designated on the Plat of Boulder Creek II Condominium, being a part of Lot 14 as designated on the Final Plat No. 2 of Hampton Crossings, being a subdivision of part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 44 North, Range 2 East of the Third Principal Meridian, Winnebago County, Illinois; said Unit delineated on the Plat of Condominium recorded June 28, 2005 in Plat Book 45, page 145 as Document No. 0536237, and created by Declaration of Condominium Ownership and Bylaws recorded June 28, 2005 as Document No. 0536236; and by First Amendment to Declaration of Condominium recorded June 29, 2005 as Document No. 0536787; and by Second Amendment to Declaration of Condominium recorded March 30, 2006 as Document No. 0618326; and by Third Amendment to Declaration of Condominium recorded April 3, 2006 as Document No. 0618814 and re-recorded June 23, 2006 as Document No. 0637253; and by Fourth Amendment to Declaration of Condominium recorded April 4, 2006 as Document No. 0619098; and by Fifth Amendment to Declaration of Condominium recorded August 23, 2006 as Document No. 0650909; and by Sixth Amendment to Declaration of Condominium recorded January 7, 2008 as Document No. 200800800795; and by Seventh Amendment to Declaration recorded June 23, 2010 as Document No. 20101022929; and as may be amended from time to time, together with its undivided percentage interest in the common elements. (v) A common address or description of the location of the real estate is as follows: Lots on Brady Lane, Rockford, Illinois 61108, 1451 Boulder Creek Way, Rockford, Illinois 61108, Lots on Boulder Creek Court, Rockford, Illinois 61108, 6100 Newburg Road, Rockford, Illinois 61108, 1463 Boulder Creek Way, Rockford, Illinois 61108, 1440 Brady Lane, Rockford, Illinois 61108, 1442 Brady Lane, Rockford, Illinois 61108, 1446 Dry Creek Bend, Rockford, Illinois 61108, 1448 Dry Creek Bend, Rockford, Illinois 61108, 1458 Dry Creek Bend, Rockford, Illinois 61108, 1460 Dry Creek Bend, Rockford, Illinois 61108, 1440 Stone Bridge Crossing, Rockford, Illinois 61108, 1442 Stone Bridge Crossing, Rockford, Illinois 61108, 1441 Stone Bridge Crossing, Rockford, Illinois 61108, 1443 Stone Bridge Crossing, Rockford, Illinois 61108, 1451 Stone Bridge Crossing, Rockford, Illinois 61108, 1453 Stone Bridge Crossing, Rockford, Illinois 61108, 1461 Stone Bridge Crossing, Rockford, Illinois 61108, 1463 Stone Bridge Crossing, Rockford, Illinois 61108, 1510 Boulder Creek Court, Rockford, Illinois 61108, 1512 Boulder Creek Court, Rockford, Illinois 61108, 1502 Boulder Creek Court, Rockford, Illinois 61108, 1504 Boulder Creek Court, Rockford, Illinois 61108, vacant and improved lots on the Northeast corner of Mulford Road and Newburg Road, Rockford, Illinois 61108. (vi) An identification of the mortgages sought to be foreclosed is as follows: Name of mortgagors: Hampton Crossing, LLC. Name of mortgagee: Resource Bank, N.A. Name of mortgage: Mortgages Date of recordings: March 6, 2001 County where recorded: Winnebago County Recording document identification: 0111496 and 0111497 /s/ Tait J. Lundgren Attorney for the Plaintiff Tait J. Lundgren Attorney for Resource Bank, N.A. The Foster & Buick Law Group, LLC 2040 Aberdeen Court Sycamore, IL 60178 (815) 758-6616 TRRT 1/19 ! ! ! IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE, ON BEHALF OF THE HOLDERS OF THE ASSET BACKED SECURITIES CORPORATION HOME EQUITY LOAN TRUST, SERIES AMQ 2006-HE7 ASSET BACKED PASSTHROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES AMQ 2006-HE7 PLAINTIFF, VS. ANGELA MITSIAS, CURRENT SPOUSE, IF ANY, OF ANGELA MITSIAS, UNKNOWN OWNERS, GENERALLY, AND NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS. DEFENDANTS. 10 CH 2184 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION AS TO UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS The requisite affidavit for publication having been filed, notice is hereby given to: ANGELA MITSIAS, CURRENT SPOUSE, IF ANY, OF ANGELA MITSIAS, UNKNOWN OWNERS, GENERALLY, AND NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS, Defendants in the above-entitled action, that a Complaint for Foreclosure and Other Relief has been commenced in the Circuit Court of Winnebago County, by said Plaintiff against you and other defendants, praying for the foreclosure of certain mortgages conveying the premises legally described as follows: PART OF THE EAST HALF (1/2) OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (1/4) OF SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH, RANGE 11, EAST OF THE FOURTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN BOUNDED AS FOLLOWS:, TO WIT: BEGINNING AT A POINT 665.04 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID QUARTER (1/4) SECTION AND 981 FEET WEST OF THE WEST LINE OF SAID QUARTER SECTION; THENCE EAST, PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID QUARTER (1/4) SECTION, 136 FEET; THENCENORTHPARALLELWITH THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID QUARTER (1/4) SECTION, 136 FEET; THENCE NORTH, PARALLEL WITH THE EAST LINE OF SAID QUARTER (1/4) SECTION TO THE CENTER LINE OF THE STATE ROAD, AS ORIGINALLY LAID OUT AND USED IN SAID QUARTER (1/4) SECTION; THENCE WEST ALONG SAID CENTER LINE, TO A POINT 981 FEET DUE WEST OF THE EASTLINEOFSAIDQUARTER(1/4) SECTION; THENCE SOUTH, PARALLEL WITH THE EAST LINE OF SAID QUARTER (1/4) SECTION TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, EXCEPTING THEREFROM, ALL THAT PART OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PREMISES LYING NORTHERLY OF THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF THE PREMISES CONVEYED TO THE STATE OF ILLINOIS BY WARRANTY DEED DATED SEPTEMBER 16, 1960 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 1235 OF RECORDER'S RECORDS ON PAGE 480 IN THE RECORDER'S OFFICE OF WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS; SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO AND THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. P.I.N. 14-02-300-015-0000 COMMON ADDRESS: 8190 W. State Road, Winnebago, IL 61088 And which mortgages were made by Angela Mitsias, as Mortgagor(s); and given to Argent Mortgage Company, LLC as Mortgagee; to wit: that certain "Mortgage" dated June 30, 2006 and recorded as Document No.0640433, that Summons was duly issued out of said court against you as provided by law, and that the said Complaint is now pending for foreclosure of said mortgages and for other relief. Now, therefore, unless you ANGELA MITSIAS, CURRENT SPOUSE, IF ANY, OF ANGELA MITSIAS, UNKNOWN OWNERS, GENERALLY, AND NONRECORD CLAIMANTS, file your Appearance and Answer to the Complaint in said action in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Winnebago County, Chancery Division, on or before February 4, 2011 default may be entered against you at any time after that day and a judgment entered in accordance with the prayer for relief in said Complaint. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT Penny A. Land Susan J. Notarius Kluever & Platt, LLC 65 E. Wacker Place, Suite 2300 Chicago, Illinois 60601 (312) 201-6679 Attorney No. 6194 Our File #: SPSF.0113 I334500 TRRT 1/19 Public Notices The Rock River Times ! ! ! IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS CITIMORTGAGE, INC., Plaintiff, -v.KENNETH JOHNSON, et al Defendants 08 CH 1735 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on September 3, 2009, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 12:30 PM on February 8, 2011, at the NLT TITLE, LLC., 6885 Vistagreen Way (West Entrance) ROCKFORD, IL, 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: LOT FOURTEEN (14) IN BLOCK NINE (9) AS DESIGNATED UPON THE PLAT OF ROCK VIEW ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS, THE PLAT OF WHICH ADDITION IS RECORDED IN BOOK 10 OF PLATS ON PAGE 4 IN THE RECORDER'S OFFICE, IN WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS; SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO AND STATE OF ILLINOIS. Commonly known as 2316 18TH AVE., Rockford, IL 61104 Property Index No. 11-36-235-014 The real estate is improved with a single family residence. The judgment amount was $102,488.88 Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds, is due within twentyfour (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/ 9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 151701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, contact Plaintiff's attorney: HAUSELMAN, RAPPIN & OLSWANG, LTD. , 39 South LaSalle Street - Suite 1105, CHICAGO, IL 60603, (312) 3722020 . Please refer to file number 082222-10073. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 606064650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. Case # 08 CH 1735 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I335835 TRRT 1/26 ! ! ! IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY - ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. PLAINTIFF Vs. Maskey Heath; Jeanne Heath; Rock River Water Reclamation District; Unknown Owners and Nonrecord Claimants DEFENDANTS 10 CH 02543 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION NOTICE IS GIVEN TO YOU: Jeanne Heath Unknown Owners and Nonrecord Claimants That this case has been commenced in this Court against you and other defendants, praying for the foreclosure of a certain Mortgage conveying the premises described as follows, to-wit: LOT TWENTY FOUR (24) IN BLOCK SIXTEEN (16) AS DESIGNATED UPON THE PLAT OF KINSEY'S LITTLE FARMS A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF THE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 1, AND PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER SECTION 2, ALL IN TOWNSHIP 43 NORTH, RANGE 1, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN THE PLAT OF WHICH SUBDIVISION IS RECORDED IN BOOK 13, OF PLATS ON PAGE 46 IN THE RECORDER'S OFFICE OF WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO AND STATE OF ILLINOIS. COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 3302 9th Street, Rockford, IL 61109 and which said Mortgage was made by: Maskey Heath, Jeanne Heath the Mortgagor(s), to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as Nominee for AFS Financial, Inc., as Mortgagee, and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Winnebago County, Illinois, as Document No. 0259092; and for other relief; that summons was duly issued out of said Court against you as provided by law and that the said suit is now pending. NOW, THEREFORE, UNLESS YOU file your answer or otherwise file your appearance in this case in the Office of the Clerk of this Court, Thomas A. Klein Clerk of the Circuit Court 400 West State Street, Room 103 Rockford, IL 61101 on or before February 14, 2011, A DEFAULT MAY BE ENTERED AGAINST YOU AT ANY TIME AFTER THAT DAY AND A JUDGMENT MAY BE ENTERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PRAYER OF SAID COMPLAINT. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. Attorneys for Plaintiff 15W030 North Frontage Road, Suite 100 Burr Ridge, IL 60527 (630) 794-5300 DuPage # 15170 Winnebago # 531 Our File No. 14-10-38934 NOTE: This law firm is deemed to be a debt collector. I335806 TRRT 1/26 ! ! ! 06-30915 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY - ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., AS TRUSTEE SUCCESSOR TO ARGENT MORTGAGE COMPANY, L.L.C. Plaintiff, vs. ELLA MARIE KING, ET AL., Defendants, 06 CH 758 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above entitled cause on August 17, 2006 Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Wednesday, February 9, 2011 at the hour of 9:00 a.m. at Rockford Title Company, 2820 McFarland Road, Rockford, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described mortgaged real estate: LOT 1 AS DESIGNATED UPON COUNTY CLERK'S PLAT OF LOT 1 BLOCK 3 COUNTY CLERK'S FIRST PLAT OF A PART OF GARRISON'S ADDITION, THE PLAT OF WHICH IS RECORDED IN BOOK 21 OF PLAT RECORDS, PAGE 355 IN THE RECORDER'S OFFICE OF WINNEBAGO COUNTY, IL, SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO AND STATE OF ILLINOIS. P.I.N. 11-14-332-018. Commonly known as: 731 Napolean Street, Rockford, IL 61103. The mortgaged real estate is improved with a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act. This information is considered reliable but is not warranted. Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. This sale is subject to unpaid real estate taxes, assess- ments, covenants, conditions, easements and restrictions of record. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. This pleading is a communication for the purpose of collecting the mortgage debt, under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. If you fail to dispute, in writing, the validity of this debt within thirty days, it will be assumed to be valid. Finally, any information you provide will be used for the purpose of collection. Upon payment, of each portion of the amount bid, the purchaser shall receive a Receipt of Sale. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the mortgaged real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection, except by the arrangement and agreement of the current owner or occupant. For information: JAROS, TITTLE & O'TOOLE, LIMITED, Plaintiff's Attorney, 20 North Clark Street, Chicago, Illinois 60602, (312) 750-1000. Phone calls will be taken only between the hours of 9:00 thru 11:00 A.M. When calling, please refer to file number 06-30915. INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122. I335405 TRRT 1/26 ! ! ! IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS LIBERTY SAVINGS BANK, FSB Plaintiff, -v.CARL F. PUMILIA A/K/A CARL PUMILIA, et al Defendants 10 CH 01214 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on November 18, 2010, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 12:30 PM on February 22, 2011, at the NLT TITLE, LLC., 6885 Vistagreen Way (West Entrance) ROCKFORD, IL, 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: THE NORTH HALF (1/2) OF LOT NINE (9) AND ALL LOT TEN (10) AS DESIGNATED UPON THE PLAT OF GITCHELL SUBDIVISION OF PART OF THE EAST HALF (1/2) OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 44 NORTH, RANGE ONE, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, THE PLAT OF WHICH SUBDIVISION IS RECORDED IN BOOK 14 OF PLATS ON PAGE 219 IN THE RECORDER'S OFFICE OF WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID PREMISES BEING PARALLEL WITH THE LINE DIVIDING SAID LOTS NINE (9) AND TEN (10); SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO AND STATE OF ILLINOIS Commonly known as 2812 N. ROCKTON AVENUE, ROCKFORD, IL 61103 Property Index No. 11-10-428-013 (190D179) The real estate is improved with a residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds, is due within twentyfour (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, contact Plaintiff's attorney: The Sale Clerk, CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. , 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 between the hours of 1 and 3 PM only and ask for the sales department.. Please refer to file number 14-10-19007. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. ARDC# 00468002 Case # 10 CH 01214 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I333696 TRRT 1/26 ! ! ! IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS CITIMORTGAGE, INC., AS SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO PRINCIPAL RESIDENTIAL, INC., ASSIGNEE OF FIRST OF AMERICA MORTGAGE COMPANY Plaintiff, -v.RANDALL R. COOK, UNIFUND CCR PARTNERS, UNDER MEMORANDUM OF JUDGMENT RECORDED AS DOCUMENT NUMBER 20090091770 Defendants 10 CH 1121 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on October 14, 2010, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 12:30 PM on February 2, 2011, at the NLT TITLE, LLC., 6885 Vistagreen Way (West Entrance) ROCKFORD, IL, 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: LOT EIGHT (8) IN BLOCK ELEVEN (11) AS DESIGNATED UPON THE PLAT OF E. H. MARSH'S PARK VIEW SUBDIVISION OF A PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (1/4) OF SECTION 14 AND OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (1/4) OF SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 44 NORTH, RANGE 1, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, THE PLAT OF WHICH SUBDIVISION IS RECORDED IN BOOK 4 OF PLATS ON PAGE 8, IN THE RECORDER'S OFFICE OF WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS; SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO AND STATE OF ILLINOIS. Commonly known as 2307-09 NORTH CHURCH STREET, Rockford, IL 61103 Property Index No. 11-11459-006 The real estate is improved with a single family residence. The judgment amount was $75,222.57 Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds, is due within twentyfour (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will Jan. 12-18, 2011 NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/ 9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 151701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, contact Plaintiff's attorney: LAW OFFICES OF IRA T. NEVEL , 175 N. Franklin Street, Suite 201, CHICAGO, IL 60606, (312) 357-1125 Please refer calls to the sales department. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. Case # 10 CH 1121 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I335632 TRRT 1/26 ! ! ! F10110316 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS Chase Home Finance LLC successor by merger to Chase Manhattan Mortgage Corporation Plaintiff, vs. Michael J. Giamalva a/k/a Michael Gaimvalva; Sarah J. Giamalva a/k/a Sarah Giamalva; City of Rockford; Unknown Owners and Non-Record Claimants Defendants. 10 CH 2379 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION The requisite affidavit for publication having been filed, notice is hereby given you, Michael J. Giamalva a/k/a Michael Gaimvalva and UNKNOWN OWNERS and NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS, defendants in the above entitled cause, that suit has been commenced against you and other defendants in the Circuit Court for the Judicial Circuit by said plaintiff praying for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage conveying the premises described as follows, to wit: PART OF LOT ONE (1) IN BLOCK TWENTY (20) AS DESIGNATED UPON THE PLAT OF RIVERSIDE ADDITION, CITY OF ROCKFORD, THE PLAT OF WHICH ADDITION IS RECORDED IN BOOK 4 OF PLATS ON PAGE 5 IN THE RECORDER'S OFFICE OF WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS, BOUNDED AS FOLLOWS, TOWIT: BEGINNING AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF SHERMAN STREET WITH THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF MYOTT AVENUE AS SHOWN UPON SAID PLAT; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF SHERMAN STREET, 91 FEET; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY, PARALLEL WITH THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF MYOTT AVENUE, 33 FEET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY, PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF SHERMAN STREET, 91 FEET TO THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF MYOTT AVENUE; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF MYOTT AVENUE 33 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING; SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO AND STATE OF ILLINOIS P.I.N.: 11-13-301-005 (Map No. 193C279) Said property is commonly known as: 1536 Myott Avenue, Rockford, Illinois 61103, and which said mortgage(s) was/were made by Michael J. Giamalva a/k/a Michael Gaimvalva; Sarah J. Giamalva a/k/a Sarah Giamalva and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds as Document Number 0214868 and for other relief; that Summons was duly issued out of the above Court against you as provided by law and that said suit is now pending. NOW THEREFORE, unless you, the said above named defendants, file D 9 your answer to the complaint in the said suit or otherwise make your appearance therein, in the Office of the Clerk of the Court at WINNEBAGO County on or before February 14, 2011, a default may be taken against you at any time after that date and a Judgment entered in accordance with the prayer of said complaint. This communication is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Steven C. Lindberg Attorney for Plaintiff FREEDMAN ANSELMO LINDBERG LLC 1807 W. Diehl Rd., Ste 333 Naperville, IL 60566-7228 630-983-0770 866-402-8661 630-428-4620 (fax). I335447 TRRT 1/26 ! ! ! IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY - ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS BAC HOME LOANS SERVICING, LP FKA COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS SERVICING LP PLAINTIFF VS CHRISTOPHER WILLIAMS A/K/A CHRISTOPHER D WILLIAMS; ROCK RIVER WATER RECLAMATION DISTRICT; UNKNOWN HEIRS AND LEGATEES OF CHRISTOPHER WILLIAMS, IF ANY; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS; DEFENDANTS 10 CH 2409 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION NOTICE IS GIVEN YOU, CHRISTOPHER WILLIAMS A/K/A CHRISTOPHER D WILLIAMS; UNKNOWN HEIRS AND LEGATEES OF CHRISTOPHER WILLIAMS, IF ANY; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS ; defendants, that this case has been commenced in this Court against you and other defendants, asking for the foreclosure of a certain Mortgage conveying the premises described as follows, to wit: LOT 2 IN BLOCK 1 AS DESIGNATED UPON THE PLAT OF WELDON SUBDIVISION OF A PART OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (1/4) OF SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 44 NORTH, RANGE 1 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, THE PLAT OF WHICH SUBDIVISION IS RECORDED IN BOOK 11 ON PAGE 11 IN THE RECORDER'S OFFICE OF WINNEBAGO COUNTY. SITUATED IN WINNEBAGO COUNTY, STATE OF ILLINOIS. Commonly known as: 910 MONTAGUE STREET, ROCKFORD, IL 61102 and which said Mortgage was made by, CHRISTOPHER WILLIAMS A/K/A CHRISTOPHER D WILLIAMS; Mortgagor (s), to M.E.R.S., INC. AS NOMINEE FOR FIRST HOME MORTGAGE Mortgagee, and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of WINNEBAGO County, Illinois, as Document No. 0357651; and for other relief. UNLESS YOU file your answer or otherwise file your appearance in this case in the Office of the Clerk of this County, Thomas A. Klein Clerk of the Court 400 West State Street Rockford, Illinois 61101 on or before February 14, 2011, A JUDGMENT OR DECREE BY DEFAULT MAY BE TAKEN AGAINST YOU FOR THE RELIEF ASKED IN THE COMPLAINT. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES Attorneys for Plaintiff Thirteenth Floor 1 North Dearborn Chicago, Illinois 60602 Tel. (312) 346-9088 Fax (312) 346-1557 PA 1035561 I336064 TRRT 1/26 ! ! ! STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION FOR NAME CHANGE OF: Irby Laverne Swatsell III, a minor. Case No. 11 MR 4 NOTICE Public Notice is given that, on January 3, 2011, I filed my petition in this Court praying for the change of my name from Irby Laverne Swatsell III, minor, to that of Irby Myers Burfield, pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided. Dated at Winnebago County, Rockford, Illinois, January 3, 2011. Irby Laverne Swatsell III, a minor, by Gary Wayne Burfield Jr. his father and next friend TRRT 1/26 10 D Public Notices Jan. 12-18, 2011 ! ! ! STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF LORALENE HOOPER, DECEASED. No. 10 P 434 CLAIM NOTICE NOTICE is given of the death of LORALENE HOOPER. Letters of Office were issued to Arbrillia Collins, 1626 McKinley Avenue, Beloit, Wisconsin 53511, who is the legal representative of the estate. The attorney for the estate is Randall S. Woodard, Bolgrien, Koepke & Kimes, S.C., 634 Blackhawk Boulevard, South Beloit, IL 61080. Claims against the estate may be filed on or before June 29, 2011 that date being six (6) months from the date of the first publication of this Notice, or, if mailing or delivery of Notice to creditors, if mailing or delivery is required by Section 18-3 of the Illinois Probate Act, 1975 as amended, the date stated in that Notice. Any claim not filed by the requisite date stated above shall be barred. Claims against the estate may be filed in the office of the Winnebago County Circuit-ProbateDivisionattheWinnebago County Courthouse, 400 West State Street,Rockford,Illinois,orwiththeestate legal representative, or both. Copies of claims filed with the Circuit Clerk’s Office - Probate Division, must be mailed or delivered to the estate’s legal representativeandtoherattorneywithin ten days after it has been filed. DATED: December 27, 2010. Attorney Randall S. Woodard for the Estate of LORALENE HOOPER This document prepared by: Attorney Randall S. Woodard # 949 BOLGRIEN, KOEPKE & KIMES, S.C. Attorneys for Estate 634 Blackhawk Boulevard South Beloit, IL 61080 TRRT 1/12 ! ! ! ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of Winnebago ss. This is to certify that the undersigned intend to conduct and transact a Photography business in said County and State under the name of REISE PHOTOGRAPHY at the following post office addresses: 1733 Hancock St., Rockford, IL 61103; that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or transacting such business, with the respective residence address of each, are as follows: Chris Reisetter, 1733 Hancock St., Rockford, IL 61103. SIGNED: Chris Reisetter, 12/21/10 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed) to before me, this 21st day of December, A.D. 2010. Margie M. Mullins, COUNTY CLERK By: Angela Reina, DEPUTY TRRT 1/12 ! ! ! STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO IN RE THE MARRIAGE OF: Ai Eddy Phongsa, Plaintiff, vs. Soyphet Phothisenh, Defendant. CASE NO. 10 D 1425 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO defendant Soyphet Phothisenh that plaintiff Ai Eddy Phongsa has caused to be filed a PETITION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE in the above-captioned cause of action. In the event Soyphet Phothisenh shall fail to file a response on or before January 28, 2011, a default may be entered against Soyphet Phothisenh for the relief requested in the PETITION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE. Ai Eddy Phongsa Petitioner Pro Se TRRT 1/12 ! ! ! STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO IN RE THE MARRIAGE OF: Rocio Lopez, Plaintiff, vs. Pedro I. Ramirez, Defendant. CASE NO. 10 D 1609 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO defendant Pedro I. Ramirez that plaintiff Rocio Lopez has caused to be filed a PETITION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE in the above-captioned cause of action. In the event Pedro I. Ramirez shall fail to file a response on or before January 28, 2011, a default may be entered against Pedro I. Ramirez for the relief requested in the PETITION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE. Rocio Lopez Petitioner Pro Se TRRT 1/12 ! ! ! IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS IN THE ESTATE OF: SYLVA F. PRINCIPALI, Deceased. CASE NO. 2010 P 497 CLAIM NOTICE NOTICE is given of the death of SYLVIA F. PRINCIPALI. Letters of Office were issued on December 13, 2010 to ANTHONY M. PRINCIPALI and DENISE A. CASTELLI, who are the legal representatives of the Estate. The Attorney for the Estate is William J. Howard, Howard, Hardyman & Worden, LLP, 124 North Water Street, Suite 100, Rockford, IL 61107. Claims against the estate may be filed on or before June 29, 2011, that date being at least six (6) months from the date of first publication, or within three (3) months from the date of mailing or delivery of Notice to creditors, if mailing or delivery is required by Section 18-3 of the Illinois Probate Act, 1975 as amended, whichever date is later. Any claim not filed by the requisite date stated above shall be barred. Claims against the estate may be filed in the office of the Winnebago County Circuit Clerk—Probate Division at the Winnebago County Courthouse, 400 West State Street, Rockford, Illinois, or with the estate legal representative, or both. Copies of claims filed with the Circuit Clerk’s Office–Probate Division, must be mailed or delivered to the estate legal representative and to his/ her attorney within ten days after it has been filed. DATED: 12/29/10 WILLIAM J. HOWARD Prepared by: Attorney William J. Howard (#11) Attorney for the Estate of Sylvia F. Principali 124 N. Water Street, Suite 100 Rockford, IL 61107 (815) 964-8888 TRRT 1/12 ! ! ! STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO In the Matter of the Estate of: PHYLLIS GENENE. ANDERSON, Deceased. Case No. 2010 P 456 CLAIM NOTICE NOTICE is given of the death of PHYLLIS GENENE ANDERSON ANDERSON. Letters of Office were issued on November 22, 2010, to DAVID L. ANDERZON ANDERZON, 1720 Mac Arthur Drive, Rockford, IL 61108, who is the legal representative of the estate. The attorney for the estate is Paul S. Godlewski, One Court Place, Suite 103, Rockford, IL 61101. Claims against the estate may be filed on or before June 30, 2011, that date being at least six [6] months from the date of first publication, or within three [3] months from the date of mailing or delivery of Notice to creditors, if mailing or delivery is required by 755 ILCS 5/18-3 of the Illinois Probate Act, 1975 as amended, whichever date is later. Any claim not filed by the requisite date as stated above shall be barred. Claimsagainst theestatemaybefiled in the office of the Winnebago County Circuit Clerk—Probate Division at the Winnebago County Courthouse, 400 WestStateStreet,Rockford,IL,orwiththe estate legal representative, or both. Copies of claims filed with the Circuit Clerk’s Office–Probate Division, must be mailed or delivered to the estate legal representative and to his/ her attorney within ten days after it has been filed. Dated: December 29, 2010 DAVID L. ANDERZON Independent Executor PAUL S. GODLEWSKI - #65 Attorney at Law One Court Place, Suite 103 Rockford, IL 61101 815/964-0058 TRRT 1/12 ! ! ! IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS Fifth Third Mortgage Company PLAINTIFF Vs. Max Sadik; Unknown Owners and Nonrecord Claimants DEFENDANTS 10 CH 02451 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION NOTICE IS GIVEN TO YOU: Max Sadik, Unknown Owners and Nonrecord Claimants Thatthiscasehasbeencommenced in this Court against you and other defendants, praying for the foreclosure of a certain Mortgage conveying the premises described as follows, to-wit: LOT NINE (9) AS DESIGNATED UPON PLAT NO. 1 OF ORCHARD VIEW ESTATES, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF THE NORTH HALF(1/2)OFSECTION3,TOWNSHIP 45 NORTH, RANGE 2, RECORDED IN THE RECORDER'S OFFICE OF WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS, IN BOOK 35 OF PLATS ON PAGE 270. COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 6617 Barkridge Road, Roscoe, IL 61073 and which said Mortgage was made by: Max Sadik the Mortgagor(s), to Fifth Third Mortgage Company, as Mortgagee, and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Winnebago County, Illinois, as Document No. 200900918093; and for otherrelief;thatsummonswasdulyissued outofsaidCourtagainstyouasprovidedby law and that the said suit is now pending. NOW, THEREFORE, UNLESS YOU file your answer or otherwise file your appearance in this case in the Office of the Clerk of this Court, Thomas A. Klein Clerk of the Circuit Court 400 West State Street, Room 103 Rockford, IL 61101 on or before January 28, 2011, A DEFAULTMAYBEENTEREDAGAINSTYOUAT ANY TIME AFTER THAT DAY AND A JUDGMENTMAYBEENTEREDINACCORDANCE WITH THE PRAYER OF SAID COMPLAINT. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. Attorneys for Plaintiff 15W030 North Frontage Road, Suite 100 Burr Ridge, IL 60527 (630) 794-5300 DuPage # 15170 Winnebago # 531 Our File No. 14-10-43960 NOTE: This law firm is deemed to be a debt collector. I334052 TRRT 1/12 ! ! ! ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of Winnebago ss. This is to certify that the undersigned intend to conduct and transact a Purses and Gifts business in said County and State under the name of BAND V GIFTS AND MORE at the following post office addresses: 2030 20th St., Rockford, IL 61104, (815) 9752762; that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or transacting such business, with the respective residence address of each, are as follows: Mandie Minnich, 2030 20th St., Rockford, IL 61104. SIGNED: Mandie Minnich, 12/ 27/10 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed) to before me, this 27th day of December, A.D. 2010. Margie M. Mullins, COUNTY CLERK By: Idella Blakely, DEPUTY TRRT 1/19 ! ! ! STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION FOR NAME CHANGE OF: Melissa A. Hutzler, Petitioner Case No. 10 MR 878 NOTICE Public Notice is given that on December 29, 2010, I filed my petition in this Court praying for the change of my name from Melissa A. Hutzler to that of Melysa A. Dosier, pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided. Dated at Winnebago County, Rockford, Illinois, December 29, 2010. Melissa A. Hutzler Petitioner Pro Se TRRT 1/19 ! ! ! STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO IN THE MATTER OF Ryley Engle, a minor Michael Engle, Plaintiff, vs. Kristin McNutt, Defendant CASE NO. 10 F 595 PUBLICATION NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO YOU, Kristin McNutt and all whom it may concern, that a Petition has been commenced in the Circuit Court of the 17th Judicial Circuit, Winnebago County, Rockford, Illinois, praying for custody of the person of the minor and other relief; that proper procedures according to the law have been taken and said suit is still pending. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that in the event Kristin McNutt shall fail to file a response on or before February 4, 2011, a default may be entered against Kristin McNutt for the relief requested in the Petition. Michael Engle Petitioner Pro Se TRRT 1/19 ! ! ! STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO IN THE MATTER OF: ADIANA LAYMAN, A Minor Case No. 2010 P 537 PUBLICATION NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO YOU, SABRINA LAYMAN, Mother of ADIANA LAYMAN, a minor, and unknown father, of ADIANA LAYMAN, a minor, and all whom it may concern. A Petition for Guardianship has been commenced by the petitioner, TANJA GRIFFIS, in the Circuit Court of the 17th Judicial Circuit, Winnebago County, Rockford, Illinois, asking for guardianship of the person of the minor. This matter is still pending. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that a hearing on this Petition for Guardianship will be held on Monday, January 24, 2011 at 10:00 a.m., in Courtroom 216 at the Winnebago County Courthouse, 400 West State Street, Rockford, Illinois, and unless you appear at that time and place the relief asked for in the petition may be granted. Thomas A. Klein Clerk of Circuit Court Prepared by: NANCY A. MINDRUP, Attorney at Law ARTHUR R. SWANSON, Attorney at Law Attorney for TANJA GRIFFIS One Court Place, Suite 101 Rockford, IL 61101 (815) 316-1101 TRRT 1/19 ! ! ! STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17 th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO CITY OF ROCKFORD, a municipal corporation, Plaintiff, vs. CHRISTOPHER and REGINA, HARTMAN, Defendants. Case No. 10 MR 356 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Notice is hereby given you, CHRISTOPHER and REGINA HARTMAN that the Plaintiff has filed a PETITION FOR ENFORCEMENT OF CODE HEARING JUDGMENT and that the above entitled suit has been commenced and is now pending against you in the Circuit Court of Winnebago County, in the State of Illinois, wherein the Plaintiff seeks Compliance with Code Violations and Payment of judgment regarding structure situated 219 Washington Street, Rockford, Illinois Illinois, whose legal description is as follows: SUNRISE SUBD OF PT N 1/2 NE 1/4 SEC 25-44-1 LOT 018 BLOCK 002 Property Commonly Known as: 219 Washington Street, Rockford, Illinois Tax Code No.: 11-25-205-023 and that the summons was duly issued out of said court as provided by the law. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that unless on or before 1/28/ 2011 you enter your appearance and/or file an answer to the Plaintiff’s complaint, judgment by default may be entered against you at any time thereafter. TOM KLEIN Clerk of the Circuit Court 17th Judicial Circuit Winnebago County, Illinois CITY OF ROCKFORD DEPARTMENT OF LAW Jennifer Cacciapaglia #1111 425 E. State Street Rockford, Illinois 61104 815/987-5540 TRRT 1/12 ! ! ! ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of Winnebago ss. This is to certify that the undersigned intend to conduct and transact a Insurance business in said County and State under the name of JOHN MITCHELL INSURANCE at the following post office addresses: 1324 Grant Ave., Rockford, IL 61103; that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or transacting such business, with the respective residence address of each, are as follows: John P. Mitchell, 1324 Grant Ave., Rockford, IL 61103. SIGNED: John P. Mitchell, 12/ 27/10 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed) to before me, this 27th day of December, A.D. 2010. Margie M. Mullins, COUNTY CLERK By: Patricia Keinz, DEPUTY TRRT 1/19 ! ! ! IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE SEVENTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT The Rock River Times WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS GERMAN-AMERICAN STATE BANK, Plaintiff, vs. MIGUEL GONZALEZ, VIRGINIA KLINE, JOSE GONZALEZ, CITY OF ROCKFORD WATER DEPARTMENT, UNKNOWN OWNERS, UNKNOWN TENANTS AND NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS, Defendant. NO. 10-CH-825 PUBLIC NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Public notice is hereby given that in pursuance of the decree entered in this Court in the above-entitled cause on the 7th day of September, 2010, I, RICHARD MEYERS, Sheriff of Winnebago County, or such other deputy as may be sitting in his stead, shall sell at public venue to the highest and best bidder, the following described lands and premises described in said decree, or so much thereof as may be necessary to realize the amount due to satisfy said decree, upon the following terms and conditions: A. The name, address, and telephone number of the person to contact for information regarding the real estate is: Jeffrey Sterling, GermanAmerican State Bank, P.O. Box 360, Pecatonica, IL 61063, (815) 239-1700. B. The common address of said property is: 314 N. Avon Street and 232 N. Avon Street, Rockford, Illinois. C. The legal description of the property is: TRACT I Lot Four (4) and the Southerly 18.48 feet of Lot Three (3) as designated upon the Plat of Beatson & Dobson Resubdivision of part of T.D. Robertson’s Subdivision of the Northeast part of the Northwest Quarter (1/4) of Section 22, Township 44, Range 1; also of Lot 1 in Block 4 and Lots 6, 7, 8 and 9 in Block 1 of Fitch and Carlin’s Subdivision, the Plat of which Subdivision is recorded in Book 12 of Plats on Page 14 in the Recorder’s Office of Winnebago County, Illinois, the Northerly line of said tract being parallel with the Southerly line of said Lot Three (3); situated in the County of Winnebago and State of Illinois. TRACT II All of Lot Six (6) as designated upon the Plat of Beatson & Dobson Resubdivision of part of T.D. Robertson’s Subdivision of the Northeast part of the Northwest Quarter (1/4) of Section 22, Township 44, Range 1; also of Lot 1 in Block 4 and Lots 6, 7, 8 and 9 in Block 1 of Fitch and Carlin’s Subdivision, the Plat of which Subdivision is recorded in Book 12 of Plats on Page 14 in the Recorder’s Office of Winnebago County, Illinois, EXCEPTING THEREFROM, the Northerly Six (6) feet of said Lot, the Southerly line of said excepted tract being parallel with the Northerly line of said tract being parallel with the Northerly line of said Lot ; situated in the County of Winnebago and State of Illinois. D. A description of the improvements on the real estate is: single family residence. E. The time and place of sale are: February 8, 2011, at 11:00 a.m. at the Winnebago County Public Safety Building, West State Street, Rockford, Illinois. F. The terms of the sale are: 100% cash or certified funds at the time of sale. The properties will be sold separately. Plaintiff assumes no responsibility for title expenses or closing costs. G. Title will be conveyed subject to all general real estate taxes which are a lien upon the real estate, and subject to special assessments, if any, and easements and restrictions of record. Dated at Freeport, Illinois, this 29th day of December, 2010. RICHARD MEYERS, Sheriff of Winnebago County, Illinois This Notice prepared by: Stephen S. Schmelzle, #451 Attorney for Plaintiff 208 W. Stephenson Street, Suite 201 Freeport, IL 61032 (815) 235-1188 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. TRRT 1/19 ! ! ! IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS GREEN TREE SERVICING, LLC Plaintiff, -v.BRUCE HARTMAN, et al Defendants 10 CH 01308 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on November 3, 2010, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 12:30 PM on February 7, 2011, at the NLT TITLE, LLC., 6885 Vistagreen Way (West Entrance) ROCKFORD, IL, 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: THE SOUTH EIGHTY (80) FEET OF LOTS FIFTEEN (15), SIXTEEN (16) AND SEVENTEEN (17) IN BLOCK FOUR (4) AS DESIGNATED UPON THE PLAT OF MARTIN'S SUBDIVISION OF LOG CABIN PARK, WHICH PLAT IS RECORDED IN BOOK 16 OF PLATS ON PAGE 45 IN THE RECORDER'S OFFICE OF WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AS SAID LOTS WERE LAID OUT IN SAID PLAT PRIOR TO ITS VACATION BY THE PLAT RECORDED IN SAID RECORDER'S OFFICE, IN BOOK 12 OF PLATS ON PAGE 97; SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO AND STATE OF ILLINOIS. Commonly known as 1620 LOG CABINAVENUE,ROCKFORD,IL61108 PropertyIndexNo.12-32-127-016The real estate is improved with a yellow aluminum one story single family home; one car attached garage. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/ 9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The CondominiumPropertyAct,765ILCS605/ 18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 151701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information: Visit our website at service.attypierce.com. between the hours of 3 and 5 pm. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES, Plaintiff's Attorneys, One North DearbornStreetSuite1300,CHICAGO, IL 60602. Tel No. (312) 476-5500. Please refer to file number PA1017140. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 606064650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES One North Dearborn Street Suite 1300 CHICAGO, IL 60602 (312) 4765500 Attorney File No.: PA1017140 Case # 10 CH 01308. I332580 TRRT 1/12 Public Notices The Rock River Times ! ! ! STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO IN RE THE MARRIAGE OF: Teresa Fernandez, Plaintiff, vs. Ricardo Fernandez Rosado, Defendant. CASE NO. 10 D 1597 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO defendant Ricardo Fernandez Rosado that plaintiff Teresa Fernandez has caused to be filed a PETITION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE in the above-captioned cause of action. In the event Ricardo Fernandez Rosado shall fail to file a response on or before January 28, 2011, a default may be entered against Ricardo Fernandez Rosado for the relief requested in the PETITION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE. Teresa Fernandez Petitioner Pro Se TRRT 1/12 ! ! ! IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY - ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE FOR CMLTI 2006-WF2 PLAINTIFF VS MICHAEL OBRIEN AKA MICHAEL K. OBRIEN AKA MICHAEL K. O'BRIEN; KARRIE OBRIEN AKA KARRIE L. OBRIEN AKA KARRIE L. O'BRIEN; CAPITAL ONE BANK (USA), NA, S/I/I TO CAPITAL ONE BANK; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS ; DEFENDANTS 10 CH 2295 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION NOTICE IS GIVEN YOU, MICHAEL OBRIEN AKA MICHAEL K. OBRIEN AKA MICHAEL K. O'BRIEN; KARRIE OBRIEN AKA KARRIE L. OBRIEN AKA KARRIE L. O'BRIEN; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS ; defendants, that this case has been commenced in this Court against you and other defendants, asking for the foreclosure of a certain Mortgage conveying the premises described as follows, to wit: LOT NINE (9) IN BLOCK FIVE (5) AS DESIGNATED UPON THE PLAT OF H. JOHNSTON'S SUBDIVISION OF PART OF THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 44 NORTH, RANGE 1 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, THE PLAT OF WHICH SUBDIVISION IS RECORDED IN BOOK 5 OF PLATS ON PAGE 3 IN THE RECORDER'S OFFICE OF WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS, EXCEPTINGTHEWEST118FEET INWIDTHOFSAIDLOT,THEEAST LINE OF SAID EXCEPTED TRACT BEING PARALLEL WITH THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT; ALSO PART OF LOTS ONE (1) AND TWO (2) IN BLOCK FIVE (5) AS DESIGNATED UPON SAID PLAT OF H. JOHNSTON'S SUBDIVISION, BOUNDED AS FOLLOWS, TOWIT: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWESTCORNEROFSAIDLOTONE (1); THENCE EAST ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT ONE (1); 38 FEET; THENCE SOUTH PARALLEL WITH THE WEST LINES OF SAID LOTS ONE (1) AND TWO (2), TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT TWO (2); THENCE WEST ON SAID SOUTH LINE 38 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT TWO (2); THENCE NORTH ON THE WEST LINES OF SAID LOTS TWO (2) AND ONE (1) TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING; SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO AND STATE OF ILLINOIS. Commonly known as: 2412 ANDREWS STREET ROCKFORD, IL 61101 andwhichsaidMortgagewasmade by, MICHAEL OBRIEN AKA MICHAEL K. OBRIEN AKA MICHAEL K. O'BRIEN; KARRIE OBRIEN AKA KARRIE L. OBRIEN AKA KARRIE L. O'BRIEN; Mortgagor (s), to WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Mortgagee, and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of WINNEBAGO County, Illinois, as Document No. 0575704; and for other relief. UNLESS YOU file your answer or otherwise file your appearance in this case in the Office of the Clerk of this County, Thomas A. Klein Clerk of the Court 400 West State Street Rockford, Illinois 61101 on or before January 28, 2011, A JUDGMENT OR DECREE BY DEFAULT MAY BE TAKEN AGAINST YOU FOR THE RELIEF ASKED IN THE COMPLAINT. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES Attorneys for Plaintiff Thirteenth Floor 1 North Dearborn Chicago, Illinois 60602 Tel. (312) 346-9088 Fax (312) 346-1557 PA 1034230 I332507 TRRT 1/12 ! ! ! OOMC.1334 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY - ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS INDENTURE TRUSTEE FOR ARGENT SECURITIES, INC. ASSET-BACKED PASS THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2005-W1; Plaintiff, vs. JAIMEE L. HOLSTE; CURRENT SPOUSE, IF ANY OF JAIMEE L. HOLSTE; UNKNOWN OWNERS, GENERALLY AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS; Defendants, 10 CH 1416 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above entitled cause on September 23, 2010 Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Wednesday, February 16, 2011 at the hour of 9:00 a.m. at Rockford Title Company, 2820 McFarland Road, Rockford, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described mortgaged real estate: LOT SIXTEEN (16) IN BLOCK FOUR (4) AS DESIGNATED UPON PLAT NO. 2 OF JEFFERSON HEIGHTS BEING A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF THE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 44 NORTH, RANGE 2, EAST OF THE THIRDPRINCIPALMERIDIAN,THE PLAT OF WHICH SUBDIVISION IS RECORDEDINBOOK26OFPLATS ON PAGE 27 IN THE RECORDER'S OFFICE OF WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS; SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO AND STATE OF ILLINOIS. P.I.N. 12-31-405-022. Commonly known as 3255 Dartmouth Drive, Rockford, IL 61108. The mortgaged real estate is improved with a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act. Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. For information call Mr. David C. Kluever at Plaintiff's Attorney, Kluever & Platt, L.L.C., 65 East Wacker Place, Chicago, Illinois 60601. (312) 2360077. INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122. I336145 TRRT 1/26 ! ! ! IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS CITIMORTGAGE, INC. Plaintiff, -v.PAUL JOHNSON A/K/A PAUL I. JOHNSON, et al Defendants 10 CH 01301 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on December 9, 2010, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 12:30 PM on February 9, 2011, at the NLT TITLE, LLC., 6885 Vistagreen Way (West Entrance) ROCKFORD, IL, 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: THE SOUTH FORTY (40) FEET AND EIGHT (8) INCHES IN WIDTH OF LOT NINE (9) IN BLOCK FIFTEEN(15)ASDESIGNATEDUPON THE PLAT OF C.E. SOVEREIGN'S AUBURNDALE SUBDIVISION; BEING A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (1/4) OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 44 NORTH, RANGE 1, EAST OF THE THIRDPRINCIPALMERIDIAN,THE PLAT OF WHICH SUBDIVISION IS RECORDED IN BOOK 3 OF PLATS ON PAGE 23 IN THE RECORDER'S OFFICE OF WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS; THE NORTH LINE OF SAID TRACT BEING PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT; SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO AND THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. Commonly known as 1512 GRANT AVENUE, ROCKFORD, IL 61103 Property Index No. 11-14-260-010 (194A840) The real estate is improved with a single family residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/ 9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 151701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, contact Plaintiff's attorney: The Sale Clerk, CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. , 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 between the hours of 1 and 3 PM only and ask for the sales department.. Please refer to file number 14-10-16547. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 (630) 794-9876 Attorney File No.: 14-10-16547 ARDC# 00468002 Case # 10 CH 01301 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I333716 TRRT 1/12 ! ! ! IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS HOME LOAN INVESTMENT BANK, FSB; Plaintiff, vs. ONKAR S. SANGHA; VEERINDRAJEET K. SANGHA; A.A.J. PETROLEUM CORPORATION, AN ILLINOIS CORPORATION; TARIQ MAZOOR AND UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NONRECORD CLAIMANTS; Defendants, 10 CH 230 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above entitled cause on September 9, 2010 Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Wednesday, February 16, 2011 at the hour of 9:00 a.m. at Rockford Title Company, 2820 McFarland Road, Rockford, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described mortgaged real estate: PARCEL I: ALL THAT PART OF BLOCK SIXTEEN (16) OF GREGORY AND GIDDINGS ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ROCKFORD, LYING SOUTHERLY OF A LINE WHOSE EASTERLY EXTREMITY IS IN THE WEST LINE OF SEVENTH STREET DISTANT 31.33 FEET NORTHERLY OF THE INTERSECTION OF THE WEST LINE OF SEVENTH STREET WITH THE NORTHLINEOFEIGHTHAVENUE, AND WHOSE WESTERLY EXTREMITY IS IN THE EAST LINE OF SEVENTH STREET DISTANT 126.33 FEET NORTHERLY OF THEINTERSECTIONOFTHEEAST LINE OF SIXTH STREET WITH THE NORTHLINEOFEIGHTHAVENUE, SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO AND STATE OF ILLINOIS. PARCELII: PARTOFBLOCK SIXTEEN (16) AS DESIGNATED UPON THE PLAT OF GREGORY AND GIDDINGS ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ROCKFORD, THE PLAT OF WHICH ADDITION IS RECORDED IN BOOK 46 OF DEEDS ON PAGE 388 IN THE RECORDER'S OFFICE IN WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS, BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO-WIT: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID BLOCK SIXTEEN (16), DISTANCE 126.33 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID BLOCK; THENCE NORTH, ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID BLOCKSIXTEEN(16),ADISTANCE OF 124.17 FEET TO THE CENTERLINE OF KEITH CREEK, RUNNING EASTERLY AND WESTERLY THROUGH SAID BLOCK; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY, UPSTREAM, ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF SAID KEITH CREEK, TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID BLOCK SIXTEEN (16), DISTANT 122.33 FEET NORTHOFTHESOUTHEASTCORNER OF SATO BLOCK; THENCE SOUTH, ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SATO BLOCK SIXTEEN (16), A DISTANCE OF 91.0 FEET TO A POINT 31.33 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID BLOCK; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO AND STATE OF ILLINOIS. Commonly known as 818 South 6th Street, Rockford, IL. P.I.N. 11-626-427-003 & 11-26427-001. The mortgaged real estate is improved with a commercial property consisting of a mini-mart/gas station. Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. For information call Mr. Francis L. Keldermans at Plaintiff's Attorney, Holland & Knight LLP, 131 South Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois 60603. (312) 263-3600. INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122. I336133 TRRT 1/26 ! ! ! IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS F10110262 JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., successor by merger with Bank One, N.A. Plaintiff, vs. Nina M. Booker; JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.; Unknown Owners and Non-Record Claimants Defendants. 10 CH 2307 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION The requisite affidavit for publication having been filed, notice is hereby given you, Nina M. Booker and UNKNOWN OWNERS and NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS, defendants in the above entitled cause, that suit has been commenced against you and other defendants in the Circuit Court for the Judicial Circuit by said plaintiff praying for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage conveying the premises described as follows, to wit: LOT 23 IN BLOCK 7 AS DESIGNATED UPON THE PLAT OF W.T. ROBERTSON'S SUBDIVISION OF A PART OF STOCKHOLM PARK SUBDIVISION, THE PLAT OF WHICH IS RECORDED IN BOOK 5 OF PLATS ON PAGE 67 IN THE RECORDER'S OFFICE OF WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS; SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO AND STATE OF ILLINOIS. P.I.N.: 12-30-381-006 Said property is commonly known as: 1326 25th Street, Rockford, Illinois 61108, and which said mortgage(s) was/were made by Nina M. Booker and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds as Document Number 0290214 and 402404 and for other relief; that Summons was duly issued out of the above Court against you as provided by law and that said suit is now pending. Jan. 12-18, 2011 NOW THEREFORE, unless you, the said above named defendants, file your answer to the complaint in the said suit or otherwise make your appearance therein, in the Office of the Clerk of the Court at WINNEBAGO County on or before February 14, 2011, a default may be taken against you at any time after that date and a Judgment entered in accordance with the prayer of said complaint. This communication is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Steven C. Lindberg Attorney for Plaintiff FREEDMAN ANSELMO LINDBERG LLC 1807 W. Diehl Rd., Ste 333 Naperville, IL 60566-7228 630-983-0770 866-402-8661 630-428-4620 (fax). I335443 TRRT 1/26 ! ! ! IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE SEVENTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO, STATE OF ILLINOIS STATE FARM BANK, FSB, ASSIGNEE OF MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR STATE FARM BANK, FSB, Plaintiff(s), vs. VALERIE GRANT, UNKNOWN TENANTS, UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS , Defendant(s). 10 CH 2289 PUBLICATION NOTICE The requisite Affidavit for Publication having been filed, notice is hereby given to you: VALERIE GRANT, NONRECORD CLAIMANTS, UNKNOWN TENANTS and UNKNOWN OWNERS, Defendants in the above entitled suit, that said suit has been commenced in the Circuit Court of Winnebago County, Chancery Division, by the said Plaintiff, against you and other Defendants, praying for foreclosure of a certain Real Estate Mortgage conveying the premises described as follows, to wit: LOT 27 AS DESIGNATED UPONTHEPLATOFCLOVERDALE ACRES, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF THE SOUTH 1/2 OF SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 46 NORTH, RANGE 2 THE PLAT OF WHICH SUBDIVISION IS RECORDED IN BOOK 36 OF PLATS OF PAGE 72 IN THE RECORDER'S OFFICE OF WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO AND STATE OF ILLINOIS Tax Number: 04-27-376-010 commonly known as 6338 ABERNATHY WAY ROSCOE IL 61073; and which said Real Estate Mortgage was made by VALERIE GRANT, and recorded in the Office of the Winnebago County Recorder as Document Number 200800807181 UNDER MODIFICATION AGREEMENT RECORDED AS 20101012115; that Summons was duly issued out of the said Court against you as provided by law, and that the said suit is now pending. Now, therefore, unless you, the said named Defendant, file your answer to the Complaint in the said suit or otherwise make your appearance therein, in the office of the Circuit Court of Winnebago County, located at THE WINNEBAGO COUNTY COURTHOUSE, 400 WEST STATE STREET, ROCKFORD, Il 61101, on or before February 14, 2011, default may be entered against you at any time after that day and a judgment entered in accordance with the prayer of said Complaint. Attorney No. 3635 LAW OFFICES OF IRA T. NEVEL, LLC Ira T. Nevel Timothy R. Yueill Greg Elsnic Michelle R. Ratledge Lauren Lukoff 175 North Franklin Suite 201 Chicago, Illinois 60606 (312) 357-1125 I336109 TRRT 1/26 ! ! ! STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO SS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: MARTYN J. DePOUTEE, Deceased. CASE NO. 2010 P 480 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIONWILL AND CLAIMS NOTICE is given of the death of MARTYN J. DePOUTEE. Letters of Office were issued on January 5, 2011 to Susan Kay Cesario, Lemont, Illinois who is the legal representative of the estate. The attorney for the estate is Attorney Nathan J. Noble, 215 South D 11 State Street, Belvidere, Illinois. Claims against the estate may be filed on or before July 12, 2011 that date being at least six (6) months from the date of first publication, or within three (3) months from the date of mailing or delivery of Notice to creditors, if mailing or delivery is required by 755 ILCS 5/18-3, whichever date is later. Any claim not filed by the requisite date stated above shall be barred. Claims against the estate may be filed in the office of the Winnebago County Circuit Clerk—Probate Division at the Winnebago County Courthouse, 400 West State Street, Rockford, IL 61101, or with the estate legal representative, or both. Copies of claims filed with the Circuit Clerk’s Office—Probate Division, must be mailed or delivered to the estate legal representative and to his/ her attorney within ten days after it has been filed. Dated: January 6, 2011 Susan Kay Cesario Independent Executor Nathan J. Noble, P.C. (#7449) Nathan J. Noble Attorney for Petitioner 215 South State Street Belvidere, IL 61008 815.544.3117 TRRT 1/26 ! ! ! Personal Property stored by the following individuals at A Place for Space Self Storage, P.O. Box 8116, Rockford, IL 61126, a self service storage facility, operated by A Place for Space Self Storage LLC shall be sold at public auction at 1339 S. Meridian Road. The Auction will be held on or after 2/19/11 at 8:00 am to enforce the Owner’s lien thereon. IF there are no bidders, the property will be otherwise disposed of by owner. These are all personal property items unless listed otherwise. 5315 Sandy Hollow Rd., Rockford, IL 61109 Peter Sparacino #S010 Niccole Beard #S016 Misheika Cole #S085 5112 Linden Rd., Rockford, IL 61109 Robert Johnson #227 Todd Hanneman #137 Samantha Wolff #100 Rayer Ludwig #405 Marcos Trejo #240 1821 Chrysler Dr., Belvidere, IL 61008 Eva Sanchez #C133 Tony Martinez #C064 1619 Meridian Road, Rockford, IL 61101 Jim Kisling #M037 & M075 Christopher Burns #M017 & M038 Jaleeia Adams #M066 3722 Baxter Road, Rockford, IL 61109 Rick Dickinson #B115 A Place for Space Self Storage L.L.C., Owner TRRT 1/19 ! ! ! STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO In the Matter of the Estate of: GREGORY S. FUDGE, Deceased. Case No. 2010 P 436 CLAIM NOTICE NOTICE is given of the death of GREGORY S. FUDGE FUDGE. Letters of Office were issued on November 8, 2010, to ROSE M. HUFF HUFF, 815 - 20th Avenue, Rockford, IL 61104 , who is the legal representative of the estate. The attorney for the estate is Paul S. Godlewski, One Court Place, Suite 103, Rockford, IL 61101. Claims against the estate may be filed on or before June 30, 2011, that date being at least six [6] months from the date of first publication, or within three [3] months from the date of mailing or delivery of Notice to creditors, if mailing or delivery is required by 755 ILCS 5/18-3 of the Illinois Probate Act, 1975 as amended, whichever date is later. Any claim not filed by the requisite date as stated above shall be barred. Claimsagainst theestatemaybefiled in the office of the Winnebago County Circuit Clerk—Probate Division at the Winnebago County Courthouse, 400 WestStateStreet,Rockford,IL,orwiththe estate legal representative, or both. Copies of claims filed with the Circuit Clerk’s Office–Probate Division, must be mailed or delivered to the estate legal representative and to his/ her attorney within ten days after it has been filed. Dated: December 29, 2010 ROSE M. HUFF Independent Executor PAUL S. GODLEWSKI - #65 Attorney at Law One Court Place, Suite 103 Rockford, IL 61101 815/964-0058 TRRT 1/12 12 D Public Notices Jan. 12-18, 2011 ! ! ! IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO-STATE OF ILLINOIS FIRST AMERICAN CREDIT UNION, a part of FIRST COMMUNITY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION, Plaintiff, vs. NORTH POINT DEVELOPMENT, INC., an Illinois corporation, ANDY L. RHEAD, SF WHITE SCHOOL LLC, SCHLICHTING & SONS EXCAVAING, INC.,ROCK RIVER WATER RECLAMATION DISTRICT, VILLAGE OF ROSCOE, UNKNOWN OWNERS and NONRECORD CLAIMANTS, Defendants. 10 CH 2417 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION The requisite Affidavit for Publication having been filed, Notice is hereby given you Unknown Owners and Nonrecord Claimants, that suit has been commenced in the Circuit Court of Winnebago County by the Plaintiff, First American Credit Union, against you praying for the foreclosure of a certain mortgages as follows: PARCEL I: Part of the Southeast Quarter (1/4) of Section 14, Township 46 North, Range 2 East of the Third Principal Meridian, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the East line of said Quarter (1/4) Section, 1039.50 feet North of the Southeast corner of said Quarter (1/4) Section, said point being the Northeast corner of Plat No. 4 of Northwood, being a Subdivision of part of said Quarter (1/4) Section, the Plat of which Subdivision is recorded in Book 36 of Plats on Page 120 in the Recorder's Office of Winnebago County, Illinois; thence South 88 degrees 50' 50" West, along the North line of said Plat, 1,338.86 feet, to the Northwest corner of said Plat and the East line of the Plat of Beaver Woods, being a Subdivision of part of the West Half (1/2) of the Southeast Quarter (1/4) of said Section 14, the Plat of which Subdivision is recorded in Book 32 of Plats on Page 93 in said Recorder's Office of Winnebago County, Illinois; thence North 00 degrees 08' 00" West, along the East line of said Plat of Beaver Woods, 1,604.82 feet, more or less, to the Northeast corner of said Plat and the North line of said Quarter (1/4) Section; thence North 88 degrees 43' 50" East, along the North line of said Quarter (1/4) Section, 720.65 feet, more or less, to a point 622.00 feet West of the Northeast corner of said Quarter (1/4) Section; thence South 00 degrees 00' 00" East, parallel with the East line of said Quarter (1/4) Section, 1261.72 feet; thence North 90 degrees 00' 00" East, 621.85 feet, more or less, to the East line of said Quarter (1/4) Section; thence South 00 degrees 00' 00" East, along the East line of said Quarter (1/4) Section, 332.12 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning; situated in the County of Winnebago and State of Illinois. PARCEL II: The North 48.5 acres of the East Half (1/2) of the Southeast Quarter (1/4) of Section 14, Township 46 North, Range 2 East of the Third Principal Meridian, EXCEPTING THEREFROM the land lying South of the North line of Plat No. 4 of Northwood Subdivision, the Plat of which is recorded in Book 36 of Plats on Page 120; ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM the land bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the Northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter (1/4) of Section 14, Township 46 North, Range 2 East, located in Roscoe Township, Winnebago County, Illinois; thence Southerly 536.5 feet along said Quarter (1/4) Section line; thence Westerly 622.0 feet on a line parallel to the North line of said Southeast Quarter (1/4) Section; thence Northerly 536.5 feet on a line parallel to the East line of said Quarter (1/4) Section; thence Easterly 622.0 feet to the place of beginning; FURTHER EXCEPTING THEREFROM: Part of the Southeast Quarter (1/4) of Section 14, Township 46 North, Range 2 East of the Third Principal Me- ridian, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the East line of said Quarter (1/4) Section, 1,039.50 feet North of the Southeast corner of said Quarter (1/4) Section, said point being the Northeast corner of Plat No. 4 of Northwood, being a Subdivision of part of said Quarter (1/4) Section, the Plat of which is recorded in Book 36 of Plats on Page 120 in the Recorder's Office of Winnebago County, Illinois; thence South 88 degrees 50' 50" West, along the North line of said Plat, 1,338.86 feet to the Northwest corner of said Plat and the East line of the Plat of Beaver Woods, being a Subdivision of part of the West Half (1/2) of the Southeast Quarter (1/4) of said Section 14, the Plat of which is recorded in Book 32 of Plats on Page 93 in said Recorder's Office of Winnebago County, Illinois; thence North 00 degrees 08' 00" West, along the East line of said Plat of Beaver Woods, 1,604.82 feet, more or less, to the Northeast corner of said Plat and the North line of said Quarter (1/4) Section; thence North 88 degrees 43' 50" East, along the North line of said Quarter (1/4) Section; 720.65 feet, more or less, to a point 622.0 feet West of the Northeast corner of said Quarter (1/4) Section; thence South 00 degrees 00' 00" East, parallel with the East line of said Quarter (1/4) Section, 1,261.72 feet; thence North 90 degrees 00' 00" East, 621.85 feet, more or less, to the East line of said Quarter (1/4) Section; thence South 00 degrees 00' 0 0 East, along the East line of said Quarter (1/4) Section, 332.12 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning; situated in the County of Winnebago and State of Illinois. NOTE: A portion of the above described premises is now known as Plat No. 1 of Glenwood Estates, being a Subdivision of part of the Southeast Quarter (1/4) of Section 14, Township 46 North, Range 2 East of the Third Principal Meridian, the Plat of which Subdivision is recorded in Book 49 of Plats on Page 28 in the Recorder's Office of Winnebago County, Illinois, EXCEPTING THEREFROM LOTS 14, 15 AND THE PARK, SOMETIMES REFERRED TO AS LOT 21; situated in the County of Winnebago and State of Illinois. P.I.N. Number: 04-14-426-007 (2009 $30.36) Lot Dimensions 9.53 acres Township Roscoe P.I.N. Number: 04-14-426-008 (2009 $152.14) Lot Dimensions 31.32 acres Township Roscoe NEW CODES FOR 2010: P.I.N. Number: 04-14-428-001 BRADLEY DRIVE Lot Dimensions 15.38 acres Township Roscoe P.I.N. Number: 04-14-426-009 BRADLEY DRIVE Lot Dimensions 9.44 acres Township Roscoe LOT 1 - 7962 GLENWOOD DRIVE P.I.N. Number: 04-14-426-017 Township Roscoe LOT 2 - 7938 GLENWOOD DRIVE P.I.N. Number: 04-14-426-016 Township Roscoe LOT 3 - 7916 GLENWOOD DRIVE P.I.N. Number: 04-14-426-015 Township Roscoe LOT 4 - 7894 GLENWOOD DRIVE P.I.N. Number: 04-14-426-014 Township Roscoe LOT 5 - 7870 GLENWOOD DRIVE P.I.N. Number: 04-14-426-013 Township Roscoe LOT 6 - 7848 GLENWOOD DRIVE P. I.N. Number: 04-14-426-012 Township Roscoe LOT 7 - 7826 GLENWOOD DRIVE P.I.N. Number: 04-14-426-011 Township Roscoe LOT 8 - 7802 GLENWOOD DRIVE/ 13901 BRADLEY DRIVE P.I.N. Number: 04-14-426-010 Township Roscoe LOT 9 - 13902 BRADLEY DRIVE P.I.N. Number: 04-14-427-001 Township Roscoe LOT 10 - 13888 BRADLEY DRIVE P.I.N. Number: 04-14-427-002 Township Roscoe LOT 11 - 13864 BRADLEY DRIVE P.I.N. Number: 04-14-427-003 Township Roscoe LOT 12 - 7803 GLENWOOD DRIVE11 3863 BRADLEY DRIVE P.I.N. Number: 04-14-428-002 Township Roscoe LOT 13 - 7821 GLENWOOD DRIVE P.I.N. Number: 04-14-428-003 Township Roscoe LOT 16 - 7889 GLENWOOD DRIVE P.I.N. Number: 04-14-428-006 Township Roscoe LOT 17 - 791 1 GLENWOOD DRIVE P.I.N. Number: 04-14-428-007 Township Roscoe LOT 18 - 7935 GLENWOOD DRIVE P.I.N. Number: 04-14-428-008 Township Roscoe LOT 19 - 7949 GLENWOOD DRIVE P. I.N. Number: 04-14-428-009 Township Roscoe LOT 20 - 7967 GLENWOOD DRIVE P.I.N. Number: 04-14-428-010 Township Roscoe and for such other relief as the Court may order, that Summons was duly issued out of said Court against you as provided by law, and that the suit is still pending. Now therefore, unless you, the said above named defendants, file your answer to the Complaint in the said suit or otherwise make your appearance therein, the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Winnebago County, in the City of Rockford, Illinois, on or before the 30th day after the first publication of this notice which is February 4, 2011. Default may be entered against you at any time after that day and a judgment entered in accordance with the prayer of said Complaint. KIM M. CASEY ARDC #6181726 Holmstrom & Kennedy, P.C. 800 N. Church Street P.O. Box 589 Rockford, IL 61105 (815) 962-7071 I334284 TRRT 1/19 ! ! ! ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of Winnebago ss. This is to certify that the undersigned intend to conduct and transact a Residential Remodeling business in said County and State under the name of HILDEN REMODELING at the following post office addresses: 3715 Guilford Rd., Rockford, IL 61107, (815) 289-2882; that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or transacting such business, with the respective residence address of each, are as follows: Peter Hilden, 3715 Guilford Rd., Rockford, IL 61107. SIGNED: Peter Hilden, 12/28/ 10 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed) to before me, this 28th day of December, A.D. 2010. Margie M. Mullins, COUNTY CLERK By: Ava Turner, DEPUTY TRRT 1/19 ! ! ! ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of Winnebago ss. This is to certify that the undersigned intend to conduct and transact a Handcrafted Candles and Body Products business in said County and State under the name of CANDLES AND SUDS at the following post office addresses: 4623 Pembrooke Place, Rockford, IL 61108, (815) 519-2718; that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or transacting such business, with the respective residence address of each, are as follows: Christina Barker, 4623 Pembrooke Place, Rockford, IL 61108. SIGNED: Christina Barker, 12/ 28/10 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed) to before me, this 28th day of December, A.D. 2010. Margie M. Mullins, COUNTY CLERK By: Patricia Keinz, DEPUTY TRRT 1/19 ! ! ! ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of Winnebago ss. This is to certify that the undersigned intend to conduct and transact a Computer Repair and Consulting business in said County and State under the name of APD COMPUTER’S at the following post office addresses: 2804 Summerdale Ave., Rockford, IL 61101, (815) 904-0231; that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or transacting such business, with the respective residence address of each, are as follows: Andrew P. Dyke, 2804 Summerdale Ave., Rockford, IL. SIGNED: Andrew P. Dyke, 12/ 30/10 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed) to before me, this 30th day of December, A.D. 2010. Margie M. Mullins, COUNTY CLERK By: Patricia Keinz, DEPUTY TRRT 1/19 ! ! ! IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF WINNEBAGOSTATE OF ILLINOIS FIRST BANK AND TRUST COMPANY OF ILLINOIS, an Illinois State Commercial Bank, Plaintiff, vs. REIC Rockford, LLC, an Illinois Limited Liability Company, JF ROCKFORD APARTMENTS, LLC, an Illinois Limited Liability Company, LCU PROPERTIES, INC., an Illinois Corporation, LAURANCE FREED, a/k/a LAURANCE H. FREED, and UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NONRECORD CLAIMANTS, Defendants. 10 CH 2535 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION The requisite Affidavit for Publication having been filed, Notice is hereby given you Unknown Owners and Nonrecord Claimants, that suit has been commenced in the Circuit Court of Winnebago County by the Plaintiff, First Bank and Trust Company of Illinois, against you praying for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage as follows: PARCEL I Part of the West Half (1/2) of the Northeast Quarter (1/4) of Section 10, Township 44 North, Range 2 East of the Third (3rd) Principal Meridian and all of Lot Thirty-five (35) as designated upon the Re-Plat of Quail Run Plat No. 2 being a Re-Subdivision of part of the West Half (1/2) of the Northeast Quarter (1/4) of Section 10, Township 44 North, Range 2 East of the Third (3rd) Principal Meridian, the Plat of which Subdivision is recorded in Book 38 of Plats on Page 104A in the Recorder's Office of Winnebago County, Illinois, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 36 as designated upon said Plat of Quail Run Plat No. 2; thence South 89 degrees 48'29" East, along the Southerly line of said Lot 36, a distance of 104.15 feet; thence North 50 degrees 38' 43" East, along the Southeasterly line of said Lot 36, a distance of 140.07 feet to the most Easterly corner of said Lot 36; thence Southeasterly, along the Northerly line of Lot 35 as designated upon said Re-Plat of Quail Run Plat No. 2 and along a circular curve to the left having a radius of 367.0 feet and whose center lies to the Northeast, an arc distance of 108.10 feet to a point (the chord across the last described circular curve course bears South 45 degrees 39' 00" East, 107.71 feet); thence South 35 degrees 54' 28" West, 140.00 feet to a point in the Southerly line of said Lot 35; thence Southeasterly, along the Southerly line of said Subdivision and along a circular curve to the left having a radius of 507.0 feet and whose center lies to the North, an arc distance of 262.27 feet to a point 450.0 feet perpendicularly distant East from the West line of the Northeast Quarter (1/4) of said Section (the chord across the last described circular curve course bears South 68 degrees 54' 32" East, 259.36 feet); thence South 00 degrees 11' 31" West, parallel with the West line of the Northeast Quarter (1/4) of said Section, 416.30 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 1 as designated upon the Plat of Harbor East, being a Subdivision of part of the Northeast Quarter (1/4) of Section 10, Township 44 North, Range 2 East of the Third Principal Meridian, the Plat of which Subdivision is recorded in Book 37 of Plats on Page 192A in the Recorder's Office of Winnebago County, Illinois; thence North 89 degrees 48' 29" West, along the Northerly line of said Lot 1, a distance of 450.0 feet to the West line of the Northeast Quarter (1/4) of said Section; thence North 00 degrees 11' 31" East, along the West line of the Northeast Quarter (1/4) of said Section, 608.34 feet to the point of beginning; situated in the County of Winnebago and State of Illinois. Common Address: 3474 Trainer Road, Rockford, IL 61114 P.I.N. No.: 12-10-251-015 Property Code: 154A 135A Common Address: 34xx Trainer Road, Rockford, IL 61114 P.I.N. No.: 12-10-251-025 Property Code: 154A 100C PARCEL II The Rock River Times Lot One (1) as designated upon the Plat of Harbor East, being a Subdivision of part of the Northeast Quarter (1/4) of Section Ten (10), Township Forty-four (44) North, Range Two (2) East of the Third Principal Meridian, the Plat of which Subdivision is recorded in Book 37 of Plats on page 192A in the Recorder's Office of Winnebago County, Illinois; situated in the County of Winnebago and State of Illinois. Common Address: 6526 Spring Brook Road, Rockford, IL 61114 P.I.N. No.: 12-10-251-026 Property Code: 154A 080 and for such other relief as the Court may order, that Summons was duly issued out of said Court against you as provided by law, and that the suit is still pending. Now, therefore, unless you shall file or otherwise make your appearance therein on or before February 4, 2011, judgment by default may be entered against you at any time therefore. Kim M. Casey - #6181726 HOLMSTROM & KENNEDY, P.C. 800 N. Church Street P.O. Box 589 Rockford, IL 61105 (815) 962-7071 I334604 TRRT 1/19 ! ! ! IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY - ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC PLAINTIFF VS DONALD E. GANRUDE; CHARLENE M. GANRUDE A/K/A CHARLENE M. PACK; UNKNOWN HEIRS AND LEGATEES OF DONALD E. GANRUDE, IF ANY; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS; DEFENDANTS 10 CH 2391 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION NOTICE IS GIVEN YOU, DONALD E. GANRUDE; UNKNOWN HEIRS AND LEGATEES OF DONALD E. GANRUDE, IF ANY; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS; defendants, that this case has been commenced in this Court against you and other defendants, asking for the foreclosure of a certain Mortgage conveying the premises described as follows, to wit: PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF FRACTIONAL SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 28 NORTH, RANGE 11 EAST OF THE FOURTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TOWIT: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 12; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 55 SECONDS WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 12 A DISTANCE OF 704.0 FEET; THENCE SOUTH PARALLEL WITH THE EAST LINE OF SAID QUARTER SECTION A DISTANCE OF 1095.22 FEET TO A POINT IN THE CURVED NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SHIRLAND ROAD; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG A CIRCULAR CURVE TO THE LEFT, SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 286,517.74 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 0 DEGREES 05 MINUTES 28 SECONDS (THE CHORD OF WHICH BEARS SOUTH 72 DEGREES 39 MINUTES 52 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 456.02 FEET) TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THIS DESCRIPTION; THENCE NORTH 17 DEGREES 41 MINUTES 55 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 273.45 FEET; THENCE NORTH PARALLEL WITH THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION A DISTANCE OF 809.77 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 54 SECONDS WEST PARALLEL WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION, A DISTANCE OF 200.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH, PARALLEL WITH THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION, A DISTANCE OF 791.09 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 17 DEGREES 41 MINUTES 55 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 350.63 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY RIGHTOF-WAY LINE OF SHIRLAND ROAD; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY, ALONG THE CURVED NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SHIRLAND ROAD, BEING A CIRCULAR CURVE TO THE RIGHT, SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 286,517.74 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 0 DEGREES 02 MINUTES 13 SECONDS (THE CHORD OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 72 DEGREES 36 MINUTES 01 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 185.0 FEET) TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO AND STATE OF ILLINOIS. Commonly known as: 7245 SHIRLAND ROAD ROCKTON, IL 61072 and which said Mortgage was made by, DONALD E. GANRUDE; Mortgagor (s), to NORTHWEST BANK OF ROCKFORD Mortgagee, and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of WINNEBAGO County, Illinois, as Document No. 0705529; and for other relief. UNLESS YOU file your answer or otherwise file your appearance in this case in the Office of the Clerk of this County, Thomas A. Klein Clerk of the Court 400 West State Street Rockford, Illinois 61101 on or before February 4, 2011, A JUDGMENT OR DECREE BY DEFAULT MAY BE TAKEN AGAINST YOU FOR THE RELIEF ASKED IN THE COMPLAINT. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES Attorneys for Plaintiff Thirteenth Floor 1 North Dearborn Chicago, Illinois 60602 Tel. (312) 346-9088 Fax (312) 346-1557 PA 1034558. I334561 TRRT 1/19 ! ! ! ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of Winnebago ss. This is to certify that the undersigned intend to conduct and transact a Selling of Books and Journals business in said County and State under the name of JOURNALING WITH COLOR at the following post office addresses: 5411 E. State St. #386, Rockford, IL 61108; that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or transacting such business, with the respective residence address of each, are as follows: Gloria Mullvain, 3904 Brendenwood Rd., Rockford, IL 61107. SIGNED: Gloria Mullvain, 12/ 30/10 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed) to before me, this 30th day of December, A.D. 2010. Margie M. Mullins, COUNTY CLERK By: Patricia Keinz, DEPUTY TRRT 1/19 ! ! ! ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of Winnebago ss. This is to certify that the undersigned intend to conduct and transact a Cleaning Services business in said County and State under the name of SHANTES CLEANING SERVICES at the following post office addresses: 2330 Kilburn Ave., Apt. 116, Rockford, IL 61101, (815) 4941680; that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or transacting such business, with the respective residence address of each, are as follows: Shante Wilson, 2330 Kilburn Ave., Apt. 116, Rockford, IL 61101. SIGNED: Shante Wilson, 12/ 30/10 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed) to before me, this 30th day of December, A.D. 2010. Margie M. Mullins, COUNTY CLERK By: Patricia Keinz, DEPUTY TRRT 1/19 ! ! ! ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of Winnebago ss. This is to certify that the undersigned intend to conduct and transact a Women’s Outreach Services business in said County and State under the name of WOMAN OF EXTRAOR-DI-NAR-Y VISION WITH A PURPOSE at the following post office addresses: 1419 Chestnut St., Rockford, IL 61102, (815) 9619125; that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or transacting such business, with the respective residence address of each, are as follows: Barbara J. Jones, 1419 Chestnut St., Rockford, IL 61102. SIGNED: Barbara J. Jones, 12/ 28/10 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed) to before me, this 29th day of December, A.D. 2010. Margie M. Mullins, COUNTY CLERK By: Idella Blakely, DEPUTY TRRT 1/19 The Rock River Times Real Estate Notices Jan. 12-18, 2011 D 13 Real Estate Notices THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17 TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO Riverside Community Bank, a commercial bank, Plaintiff, -vsWayne E. Solik, Joan A. Ramirez, and City of Rockford, IL, Defendants. 2010 CH 677 NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure in the Winnebago County Circuit Court, made and entered in said Court in the above entitled cause on September 23, 2010, the Sheriff of Winnebago County, or such other deputy as may be sitting in his stead, shall on the 1st day of February, 2011 at the hour of 11:00 o’clock in the forenoon, at the County Justice Center, 650 West State Street in the City of Rockford, County of Winnebago, State of Illinois, sell at public auction sale with oral, open bidding, to the highest and best bidder for cash or cashier’s check, the property in the foreclosure judgment of September 23, 2010, described and therein directed to be sold, or so much thereof as may be necessary to realize the amount due to satisfy said judgment, such property being a house located at 1115 Island Way in the City of Rockford, Winnebago County, Illinois, and legally descried as follows: Permanent Index No. 11-27-351-025, 11-27-351-026 and 1127-351-024. This property is a house commonly known as 1115 Island Way, Rockford, Winnebago County, Illinois. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event Plaintiff in this case is the successful bidder at the sale, the Sheriff may accept Plaintiff’s receipt for its distributive share of the proceeds of sale in lieu of cash. The sale is subject to approval by the Court. Buyer may not be entitled to possession until thirty (30) days after confirmation of the sale by the Court. The foreclosure judgment does not provide for any specific time for inspection prior to sale of the property described above. Title will be conveyed subject to all general real estate taxes and assessments which are a lien upon the real estate, and easements, covenants, conditions and encumbrances of record, if any. The person to contact regarding information on the real estate described above is Riverside Community Bank, Attention: Traci Fagót, 2196 Holliday Drive, Dubuque, IA 52002; telephone number 563/589-2000. Dated at Rockford, Illinois this 2nd day of December, 2010. Riverside Community Bank, a Commercial Bank, Plaintiff BY: Thomas E. Laughlin, its attorney Thomas E. Laughlin #147 Attorney at Law 6833 Stalter Drive - Suite 204 Rockford, IL 61108 Phone (815) 316-3038 TRRT 1/19 Single-family ranch style residential home consisting of two bedrooms with 1.75 baths, two-car attached garage, located at 209 Westfield Road, Winnebago, Illinois 61088, to be sold at auction pursuant to the Circuit Court of Winnebago County, Case No. 2009-CH-1865, ILLINOIS HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, as Assignee of STILLMAN BancCORP, N.A., a National Banking Corporation, Plaintiff, vs. RICKY COLWELL, a/k/a RICKY L. COLWELL, JULIE COLWELL, a/k/a JULIE A. COLWELL and UNKNOWN OWNERS, Defendants, by the Sheriff of Winnebago County at the New Justice Center, 650 West State Street, Rockford, Illinois at 11:00 a.m. on February 10, 2011 to the highest and best bidder, cash or certified check in full date of sale. Sale subject to Court approval. Buyer entitled to possession 30 days after sale confirmed by court. Property is to be conveyed in “AS IS” condition. Title subject to all general real estate taxes which are a lien upon the real estate, easements and restrictions of record. For more information, contact Attorney STEPHEN G. BALSLEY, 6833 Stalter Drive, Rockford, IL 61108, phone (815) 962-6611. TRRT 1/19 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE SEVENTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS GERMAN-AMERICAN STATE BANK, Plaintiff, vs. MIGUEL GONZALEZ, VIRGINIA KLINE, JOSE GONZALEZ, CITY OF ROCKFORD WATER DEPARTMENT, UNKNOWN OWNERS, UNKNOWN TENANTS AND NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS, Defendant. NO. 10-CH-825 PUBLIC NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Public notice is hereby given that in pursuance of the decree entered in this Court in the above-entitled cause on the 7th day of September, 2010, I, RICHARD MEYERS, Sheriff of Winnebago County, or such other deputy as may be sitting in his stead, shall sell at public venue to the highest and best bidder, the following described lands and premises described in said decree, or so much thereof as may be necessary to realize the amount due to satisfy said decree, upon the following terms and conditions: A. The name, address, and telephone number of the person to contact for information regarding the real estate is: Jeffrey Sterling, GermanAmerican State Bank, P.O. Box 360, Pecatonica, IL 61063, (815) 2391700. B. The common address of said property is: 314 N. Avon Street and 232 N. Avon Street, Rockford, Illinois. C. A description of the improvements on the real estate is: single family residence. D. The time and place of sale are: February 8, 2011, at 11:00 a.m. at the Winnebago County Public Safety Building, West State Street, Rockford, Illinois. E. The terms of the sale are: 100% cash or certified funds at the time of sale. The properties will be sold separately. Plaintiff assumes no responsibility for title expenses or closing costs. F. Title will be conveyed subject to all general real estate taxes which are a lien upon the real estate, and subject to special assessments, if any, and easements and restrictions of record. Dated at Freeport, Illinois, this 29th day of December, 2010. RICHARD MEYERS, Sheriff of Winnebago County, Illinois This Notice prepared by: Stephen S. Schmelzle, #451 Attorney for Plaintiff 208 W. Stephenson Street, Suite 201 Freeport, IL 61032 (815) 235-1188 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. TRRT 1/19 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS CITIMORTGAGE, INC. Plaintiff, -v.PAUL JOHNSON A/K/A PAUL I. JOHNSON, et al Defendants 10 CH 01301 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on December 9, 2010, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 12:30 PM on February 9, 2011, at the NLT TITLE, LLC., 6885 Vistagreen Way (West Entrance) ROCKFORD, IL, 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 1512 GRANT AVENUE, ROCKFORD, IL 61103 Property Index No. 11-14-260-010 (194A840) The real estate is improved with a single family residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, contact Plaintiff's attorney: The Sale Clerk, CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. , 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 between the hours of 1 and 3 PM only and ask for the sales department.. Please refer to file number 14-10-16547. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. Attorney File No.: 14-10-16547 ARDC# 00468002 Case # 10 CH 01301 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I333716 TRRT 1/12 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS LIBERTY SAVINGS BANK, FSB Plaintiff, -v.- CARL F. PUMILIA A/K/A CARL PUMILIA, et al Defendants 10 CH 01214 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on November 18, 2010, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 12:30 PM on February 22, 2011, at the NLT TITLE, LLC., 6885 Vistagreen Way (West Entrance) ROCKFORD, IL, 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 2812 N. ROCKTON AVENUE, ROCKFORD, IL 61103 Property Index No. 11-10-428-013 (190D179) The real estate is improved with a residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, contact Plaintiff's attorney: The Sale Clerk, CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. , 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 7949876 between the hours of 1 and 3 PM only and ask for the sales department.. Please refer to file number 14-10-19007. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. ARDC# 00468002 Case # 10 CH 01214 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I333696 TRRT 1/26 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS CITIMORTGAGE, INC., Plaintiff, -v.- KENNETH JOHNSON, et al Defendants 08 CH 1735 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on September 3, 2009, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 12:30 PM on February 8, 2011, at the NLT TITLE, LLC., 6885 Vistagreen Way (West Entrance) ROCKFORD, IL, 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 2316 18TH AVE., Rockford, IL 61104 Property Index No. 11-36-235-014 The real estate is improved with a single family residence. The judgment amount was $102,488.88 Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds, is due within twentyfour (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/ 18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, contact Plaintiff's attorney: HAUSELMAN, RAPPIN & OLSWANG, LTD., 39 South LaSalle Street - Suite 1105, CHICAGO, IL 60603, (312) 372-2020 . Please refer to file number 08-2222-10073. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. Case # 08 CH 1735 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I335835 TRRT 1/26 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS GREEN TREE SERVICING, LLC Plaintiff, -v.- BRUCE HARTMAN, et al Defendants 10 CH 01308 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on November 3, 2010, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 12:30 PM on February 7, 2011, at the NLT TITLE, LLC., 6885 Vistagreen Way (West Entrance) ROCKFORD, IL, 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 1620 LOG CABIN AVENUE, ROCKFORD, IL 61108 Property Index No. 12-32-127016 The real estate is improved with a yellow aluminum one story single family home; one car attached garage. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/ 18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information: Visit our website at service.atty-pierce.com. between the hours of 3 and 5 pm. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES, Plaintiff's Attorneys, One North Dearborn Street Suite 1300, CHICAGO, IL 60602. Tel No. (312) 476-5500. Please refer to file number PA1017140. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. Attorney File No.: PA1017140 Case # 10 CH 01308. I332580 TRRT 1/12 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY - ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS HOME LOAN INVESTMENT BANK, FSB; Plaintiff, vs. ONKAR S. SANGHA; VEERINDRAJEET K. SANGHA; A.A.J. PETROLEUM CORPORATION, AN ILLINOIS CORPORATION; TARIQ MAZOOR AND UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NONRECORD CLAIMANTS; Defendants, 10 CH 230 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above entitled cause on September 9, 2010 Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Wednesday, February 16, 2011 at the hour of 9:00 a.m. at Rockford Title Company, 2820 McFarland Road, Rockford, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described mortgaged real estate: Commonly known as 818 South 6th Street, Rockford, IL. P.I.N. 11-626-427-003 & 11-26-427-001. The mortgaged real estate is improved with a commercial property consisting of a mini-mart/gas station. Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. For information call Mr. Francis L. Keldermans at Plaintiff's Attorney, Holland & Knight LLP, 131 South Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois 60603. (312) 263-3600. INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122. I336133 TRRT 1/26 14 D Real Estate Notices Jan. 12-18, 2011 Attention Lawyers! IS NO W ACCEPTING CIVIL LA WSUITS FOR NOW LAWSUITS PUBLICA TION PUBLICATION TION.. Documents must be on file with the Clerk of the Circuit Court. No variations accepted. Documents compared. Rates begin at $8.20 per column inch. 815.964.9767 06-30915 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY - ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., AS TRUSTEE SUCCESSOR TO ARGENT MORTGAGE COMPANY, L.L.C. Plaintiff, vs. ELLA MARIE KING, ET AL., Defendants, 06 CH 758 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above entitled cause on August 17, 2006 Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Wednesday, February 9, 2011 at the hour of 9:00 a.m. at Rockford Title Company, 2820 McFarland Road, Rockford, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described mortgaged real estate: P.I.N. 11-14-332-018. Commonly known as: 731 Napolean Street, Rockford, IL 61103. The mortgaged real estate is improved with a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act. This information is considered reliable but is not warranted. Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. This sale is subject to unpaid real estate taxes, assessments, covenants, conditions, easements and restrictions of record. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. This pleading is a communication for the purpose of collecting the mortgage debt, under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. If you fail to dispute, in writing, the validity of this debt within thirty days, it will be assumed to be valid. Finally, any information you provide will be used for the purpose of collection. Upon payment, of each portion of the amount bid, the purchaser shall receive a Receipt of Sale. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the mortgaged real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection, except by the arrangement and agreement of the current owner or occupant. For information: JAROS, TITTLE & O'TOOLE, LIMITED, Plaintiff's Attorney, 20 North Clark Street, Chicago, Illinois 60602, (312) 750-1000. Phone calls will be taken only between the hours of 9:00 thru 11:00 A.M. When calling, please refer to file number 0630915. INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122. I335405 TRRT 1/26 OOMC.1334 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY - ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS INDENTURE TRUSTEE FOR ARGENT SECURITIES, INC. ASSET-BACKEDPASS-THROUGHCERTIFICATES,SERIES2005-W1; Plaintiff, vs. JAIMEE L. HOLSTE; CURRENT SPOUSE, IF ANY OF JAIMEE L. HOLSTE; UNKNOWN OWNERS, GENERALLY AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS; Defendants, 10 CH 1416 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above entitled cause on September 23, 2010 Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Wednesday, February 16, 2011 at the hour of 9:00 a.m. at Rockford Title Company, 2820 McFarland Road, Rockford, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described mortgaged real estate: P.I.N. 12-31-405-022. Commonly known as 3255 Dartmouth Drive, Rockford, IL 61108. The mortgaged real estate is improved with a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act. Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. For information call Mr. David C. Kluever at Plaintiff's Attorney, Kluever & Platt, L.L.C., 65 East Wacker Place, Chicago, Illinois 60601. (312) 236-0077. INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122. I336145 TRRT 1/26 The Rock River Times IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS CITIMORTGAGE, INC., AS SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO PRINCIPAL RESIDENTIAL, INC., ASSIGNEE OF FIRST OF AMERICA MORTGAGE COMPAN Plaintiff, -v.- RANDALL R. COOK, UNIFUND CCR PARTNERS, UNDER MEMORANDUM OF JUDGMENT RECORDED AS DOCUMENT NUMBER 20090091770 Defendants 10 CH 1121 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on October 14, 2010, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 12:30 PM on February 2, 2011, at the NLT TITLE, LLC., 6885 Vistagreen Way (West Entrance) ROCKFORD, IL, 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 2307-09 NORTH CHURCH STREET, Rockford, IL 61103 Property Index No. 11-11-459-006 The real estate is improved with a single family residence. The judgment amount was $75,222.57 Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 151701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, contact Plaintiff's attorney: LAW OFFICES OF IRA T. NEVEL , 175 N. Franklin Street, Suite 201, CHICAGO, IL 60606, (312) 357-1125 Please refer calls to the sales department. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. Case # 10 CH 1121 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I335632 TRRT 1/26 Do you have trouble finding The Rock River Times when you really want it? Why not subscribe? Call 964-9767 It doesn’t cost much and you’ll always know where your copy of the best paper in town is — your mailbox! Reach a worldwide audience! Advertise online with The Rock River Times for as little as $7.65 per week! Call 964-9767. The Rock River Times Horoscopes/Fast Lane/News Your Horoscope Photo courtesy of peachygreen.com The Chevy Volt is a plug-in electric hybrid. 15 By Guy Spiro progress and are willing to let your guard down a little more now. After a long, drawnout process with a work aspect, everyone is beginning to see a shift in productivity. Financial windfalls from this will be evident shortly. LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22)— New business, new friends and new social activities will begin to emerge during this lunar cycle. Take advantage of these powerful positive influences, and say yes to invitations to impromptu gatherings. A change in your appearance is evident as well. You radiate health and sensuality. Your efforts personally and professionally are beginning to “pay off.” SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21)—An emphasis on romance emerges this week, and for some of you, it may be the clarification you’ve needed for quite some time. It may be better to be on your own than to be connected to something that doesn’t meet your emotional or intellectual criteria. Others may find they have gone through a major turning point with love and are ready to take the next step. No matter which place you find yourself in this week, you will surely see growth and development in this area. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21)—An offer of work or additional business will be available now. Check it out. This may be just the advantage you need to make your long-term goals a reality. An element of stagnation has been present anyway, and this will provide a breath of fresh air into your daily routine. It appears as though you may need to hash out some emotional aspect with a female. Go for it, and choose your words carefully. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19)— Retrace your steps, and see how you may have gotten into this rut that you’ve allowed yourself to get into. Remove those who are not a productive part of your long-term goals and dreams. Time has a way of sneaking up on us all. Your progress with emotional or financial situations may be affected by your choice of comrades. Surround yourself with those who have a positive influence. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18)— Legal matters will be resolved in your favor shortly. An unexpected financial situation puts you at the top of your game. An idea you had in the past will fall into place now. Timing is everything. Take this opportunity to move forward with a career or creative project. This will be the year this is well received and understood. PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20)— Don’t make any promises you can’t keep at this time. It’s better to gather more information about an individual or a source before you jump in too deep. Contacting an individual from your past may not work out as you anticipated. It may be better for you to let this sit for now. Progress with financial debt slowly, but surely, evolves. Think about your long-term goals. For an extended astrological forecast or psychic consultation, contact Denise at (815) 398-3983. ‘Green’ pastures have arrived in Detroit ! Continued from page D1 efficient market—most notably Toyota, with its groundbreaking Prius—Ford, General Motors and Chrysler aren’t backing down. Chrysler and G.M. have both emerged from bankruptcy and have a handle on federal bailout relief efforts. Both are poised to join Ford in seriously challenging Japanese companies in becoming the go-to providers of reliable and quality green machines. General Motors unveiled the Volt, a plug-in electric hybrid last month, while its Buick compact sedan is predicted to average more than 31 miles per gallon. Although Chrysler still lags in the profitability department, its partnership with sister company Fiat should propel it alongside Ford and G.M. in time to chase foreign companies from the top of the ladder. D Astro-Weather By Denise Guzzardo Week of Jan. 12-18, 2011 This Week: Fear and frustration continue to mount until midweek. Keep in mind this is at the tail end of a very turbulent time frame. We will see relief by week’s end. Romantic elements will improve through the month of January. Emotional clarity arrives, and communication continues to expand and develop. This would not be the best time to hash out all deep-seated issues. Only touch what is unavoidable now. ARIES (March 21 to April 19)—You have been in a position to support another who is in an unhealthy relationship. Now might be a good time to step back and look at any progress this person has developed on his or her own. You should not get into the habit of holding this person up. This will create a strain on you and drain your energy. Midweek brings a surprise encounter with an individual from your past. This brings positive results. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20)—Unexpected developments with family have a surprise twist this week for the better. Someone provides you with an answer to a prayer. Another is able to help you sort out your behavior in the recent past. The underlying negative influences of another will be exposed. From there, you will move forward with clarity and confidence. Work aspects are favorable by week’s end. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20)— A female has been working against your relationship sector behind the scenes. Information you receive now needs to be dealt with effectively. Avoiding this or going into denial about it will only compound the problem. Providing support to a loved one is your best bet now. Validating “their feelings” is crucial at this time. What comes to light needs to be taken seriously. CANCER (June 21 to July 22)— Single Cancers find so many choices with love during this lunar cycle, it may be a bit difficult to choose at this time. Take your time, and allow all of the characteristics of these individuals to come to light. For one, you do not need a crybaby on your hands—keep that in mind. While attached Cancers are looking to improve their relationship sectors, this is a time when you will see major improvements. Try to keep the past out of the present. LEO (July 23 to Aug. 22)— Information you receive now needs to be taken to heart, even if it is not presented in “the best possible light.” Someone is concerned, and he or she may be able to see something you are currently not able to visualize. Try to listen to the facts and not allow the delivery of this to cloud your judgment. This information will be valuable in the months to come. VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22)—More clarification comes to light regarding a relationship this week. You’re more comfortable with the Jan. 12-18, 2011 Since 2004, in what initially looked like a series of radical moves and the downfall of the American auto industry, Chrysler, G.M. and Ford have closed a total of 17 plants in the United States and Canada. The moves seemed suicidal, as each plant was in the business of accommodating the blue-collar, livingrugged-in-the-heartland pickup truck market. However, execs say the shifts were necessary, especially in the wake of monstrous crude oil prices and Obama administration incentives for making fewer gas-chugging vehicles. According to numbers, more than 45 grants worth about $2.5 billion allowed the Big Three to do prompt and detailed manufacturing research related to answering the immediate call to be more efficient. General Motors grabbed $240 million to design the Volt, spokesmen said. Meanwhile, all three companies are preparing for crude oil prices to reach the neighborhood of $120 to $130 a barrel as early as this year. If and when that occurs, reps say, the American auto industry will remain strong to service a growing market of green drivers. “All of us know energy is going to be more expensive going forward,” Ford President and CEO Alan Malally said. “Consumers are coming together around the world on quality as a reason to purchase and fuel efficiency as a reason to purchase.” Week of Jan. 12-18, 2011 WEDNESDAY, Jan. 12—High energy from the past two days will remain active through today. Reread and apply. It is joined by two more major energies. The first is related to and is a continuation of yesterday’s positive energies. Plan some kind of interesting, fun and perhaps unusual activities. This energy is very good for anything involving the uses of energy and power, along with science, technology and magic. Make the best possible use of it. The second is very good for communication and taking relationships to deeper levels. This may involve sexuality, so sensitivity may be called for; but this is not a cautionary energy, as the combination of these two planets often is. Aside from the major energies, watch the late predawn into the early morning for a period of potential for some very bad moods. Once past that, most of the daytime is open. Some minor aggressiveness may occur in the late afternoon, but good moods should be dominant from the mid afternoon through the evening. Do be aware of a short moon void of course period tonight running from 8:46 until 9:36, when the moon enters Taurus. At that point, the energy will lift noticeably, and general moods will tend to become more down to earth and concerned with enjoyment. THURSDAY, Jan. 13—High, primarily positive, energy from the past few days remains very much with us through today. Reread and apply, making good use of it. It is joined by two more major energies. The first indicates a general shift in thinking, communication and transportation matters toward a more down-to-earth and disciplined mode. This is Mercury entering Capricorn, where it remains until Feb. 3, when it enters Aquarius. The second is related to and expands recent positive energy. This is gofor-it energy for anything one is involved in. Take an energetic, expansive and confident approach, and much may be accomplished. Minor energies are not as cooperative as one would like. Good choices will be necessary, as moods will swing. The best moods will run through the mid-morning, and a cooperative approach will serve best. Watch for minor relationship issues, coercive attitudes and erratic emotional responses. Don’t let little things spoil your chances for bigger things. FRIDAY, Jan. 14—The high positive energy from the past several days will tend to linger through today. Reread the forecasts and apply well, making the best possible use of it. Yesterday’s great energy for almost any activity will be the strongest, so continue to go for it. Aside from the major energy, watch the late predawn into the early morning for minor irritability and erratic hard attitudes. The rest of the morning is open. The early into the mid-afternoon may have some more minor irritability, along with coercive and pushy attitudes. This shouldn’t amount to much for most of us, and once past it, moods will start to improve with some very good moods through the evening into the late night. Have a great time tonight, but watch for some minor spaciness in tomorrow’s early to mid-predawn. SATURDAY, Jan. 15—A major energy today indicates a general shift in approach to the uses of energy and power toward a more independent, free-thinking and humanitarian mode. This is Mars entering Aquarius, where it will remain until it enters Pisces Feb. 22. Be aware of a short moon void of course period this morning. It runs from 6:46 until 7:22, when it enters Gemini. At that point, the energy will lift, and general moods will tend to become more communicative. Late Friday-night social scenes will be very highly energized as far through today’s predawn as most of us will want to take them. Be aware of some minor spaciness. Watch for the overserved; most people, however, will be having a good time. Watch the midday for minor hard attitudes and erratic irritability. These will pass quickly, if they’re noticed at all. Another brief period of hard attitudes and erratic irritability occurs in the late afternoon to early evening, but this shouldn’t amount to anything, either. Social scenes will not be as positively energized as last night, but should still go well with the right choices. Do watch for some potential for relationship issues very late tonight, but this, again, should be short lived and not a big deal. Choose well, and enjoy. SUNDAY, Jan. 16— Late Saturday-night party scenes will not be nearly as positive as last night’s, and you may want to call it an early one if things are not to your liking. Watch the early predawn for minor relationship issues and the mid-predawn for mild irritability. The rest of the predawn through most of the morning is open. The late morning into the midday may have minor aggressiveness, but with a disciplined approach, moods lift and become more positive through the afternoon. The evening through the late night is open. Relax and enjoy. MONDAY, Jan. 17—Be aware of four major energies today. The first is very good for meditation, prayer or any other spiritual activity one may be involved in. Light will be shed on these kinds of things, and positive communication will be beneficial. Be open to the intuitive process, pay attention to dreams, and listen for and follow guidance. The second is related and is great for any sort of fun, unusual and stimulating activities. This energy is also excellent for making progress in science, technology and magic. A novel approach to authority may be rewarded as well, but be careful with your approach. The third is good for taking relationships to deeper levels and initiating positive change. A sexual component may accompany this, which, while it should not be threatening, may need to be handled with sensitivity. The fourth is very good for looking within, seeing more deeply and making needed positive changes. Make very good use of this combination of energies. Do be aware of and work around the moon void of course period that runs from 11:55 this morning until 1:27 this afternoon, when the moon enters Cancer. At that point, the energy will lift, and general moods will tend to become more sensitive, protective and nurturing. Minor energies are of little to no help, and good choices will be needed to get the most from this day. TUESDAY, Jan. 18—High energy from yesterday will remain very much with us through today. Reread yesterday’s forecast and apply well, making very good use of it. You will notice energy levels rising through today as tomorrow’s full moon rolls in. Consider today to begin the full moon period, and remember that anything going on will tend to be inflated by it. Aside from the major energy, watch the mid into the late morning for erratic relationship issues and spaciness. The early evening may have a period of hard attitudes, and the later evening into the late night may have some aggressiveness and irritability to deal with. Make the right choices, and don’t let little things turn into big ones. Guy Spiro, editor of the Monthly Aspectarian magazine and Astro-Weather (lightworks.com), has been a professional astrologer, astrology teacher and Tarot reader for 30 years. Visit http://www.guyspiro.com/ Untitled-5.html for more information. The monthly Astro-Weather overview is available online at rockrivertimes.com. Rockford Network of Professional Women conduct Scholarship Search ! Group offers $2,500 education scholarship to qualified woman; luncheon meeting Jan. 17 at Forest Hills Country Club From press release The Scholarship Committee of the Rockford Network of Professional Women (RNPW) will kick off the 2011 Scholarship Search from 11:45 a.m.-1 p.m., Monday, Jan. 17, at the luncheon meeting at Forest Hills Country Club, 5135 Forest Hills Road. RNPW will offer a $2,500 education scholarship this spring to a qualified woman who wishes to enrich her professional life. Scholarships are open to RNPW members or non-members at least 23 years of age living in the greater Rockford area. The scholarship may be used in a degreed program at an accredited institution. AnapplicationformisavailableontheRNPW website, www.rockfordnetwork.biz, along with more application information. For more information, contact Scholarship Chairman Jan Bowman at jan.bowman@comcast.net or call (815) 262-9497. Luncheon reservations may be made on the website with payment via PayPal or credit card or by calling (815) 977-7477. 16 D Jan. 12-18, 2011 Sports The Rock River Times East dominates Vikings on glass, wins going away By Matt Nestor wanted to make them shoot outside shots.” Sports Columnist Henderson was also the key cog in stretches for the The East E-Rabs (12-3, 5-1) are not a very big team. But offense as well. The junior scored 20 points and was 6-6 from they make up for that with waves of athletes who wear their the free-throw line to lead the way for East. opponent down. “Javon is really coming into his own,” Sackmaster said. They used that to their advantage against Guilford (7-9, “Mentally, he is approaching the game like he has been 3-2). Steve McNease scored 12 points, mostly on put- playing on the varsity level for two years, and that’s what backs from his 10 rebounds, as East pulled away from we need from him.” Guilford 67-52. Guilford was led by Brandon Blankenship, who scored “They pounded on the glass, something that I thought we 17 points. Quavion Kimble also chipped in 15 points and were able to get under coneight rebounds. But a 6-17 trol in the third quarter, but performance from the freewe weren’t able to maintain “When you don’t knock down free throws, that throw line kept the Vikings that the entire game,” Vicrawling closer than hurts. It’s tough to win ball games shooting from kings Head Coach Bobby seven in the second half. Heisler said. “It’s tough to that low of a percentage.”—Guilford Head “When you don’t knock win that rebounding battle Coach Bobby Heisler down free throws, that when you only have one or hurts,” Heisler said. “It’s two guys doing that.” tough to win ball games McNease made his presence known all over the floor for shooting that low of a percentage.” the E-Rabs in their physical performance. The junior atFor East, they get ready for some major measuring-stick tacked the glass early and had three big blocks for East on games. They have contests with Boylan and conferencethe defensive side. leading Auburn on deck, and Sackmaster thinks that will “The nice thing with Steve is, yeah, he’s tall, but he has be a good chance to find out how far his team has come. great length,” East Head Coach Roy Sackmaster said. “The hope from here is that we continue to get better,” he “Most players have a difficult time getting shots up over said. “The way we do that is to not get content with the wins him. He didn’t have it going from outside, but he’s the we’ve had. We’re about to get into the tough part of the kind of player that can still make an impact with blocks schedule, and we’ll see if we’re for real or not.” and rebounds.” In other NIC-10 action: McNease was not the only E-Rabs player who attacked the ! Boylan (12-2, 4-1) was able to exact revenge for their glass. Alonte Holliday had 11 rebounds to go with his 8 only conference loss from last season, but just barely, points, Deontray Austin scored 11 with seven rebounds, and topping Freeport (5-8, 1-4) by a score of 59-56. Armani even point guard Javon Henderson grabbed six rebounds. Flannigan scored 16 to lead Boylan, while Pretzels sopho“We wanted to come out physical,” Henderson said. “We more Quavion Scott led all scorers with 17. Photo by Matt Nestor Alonte Holliday of East looks to trap Guiford’s Marcus Hardison. Holliday had 8 points and 11 rebounds in a 67-52 win over Guilford. ! Belvidere North (5-7, 3-2) picked up an impressive road win over Harlem (6-8, 1-4), topping the Huskies 67-61 in overtime. Brandon Schwebke scored 23 points for the Blue Thunder. ! Auburn (10-3, 5-0) stayed unbeaten in the conference behind 21 points from Fred Van Vleet as the Knights topped Jefferson (5-10, 1-4) by a score of 77-42. ! Hononegah (9-4, 3-2) continued their recent surge with 11 players getting into the scorebooks in a 73-47 win over Belvidere(5-10, 0-6). Check out the Bad Boys of Racing Jan. 14-15 in Hoffman Estates By Doug Halberstadt Sports Columnist It’s been said that the only difference between men and boys is the cost of their toys. Some very expensive toys—and the men who ride them—will be playing in the dirt this weekend. The Bad Boys of Racing will be taking over the Sears Center in Hoffman Estates Friday and Saturday (Jan. 14-15) evenings. Thousands of yards of dirt will be brought into the arena and shaped into a giant indoor Super Cross-type track. The huge jumps will send the riders flying 70 feet through the air. The two nights of motorized adrenaline-pumping action will feature several rounds of qualifying and main events. In addition to the daredevils on motorcycles, the Fourth Annual Chi-Town Indoor Hot Rod Mud Bog Champion- children ages 12 and younger. Tickets purchased at the box ships will also thrill those in attendance. The modified and office on the day of the event go up $2 for all adult tickets. Youth super modified four-by-fours tickets remain the same. The will race and romp through $37 and $22 tickets are VIP the dirt, dust and mud, vy- In addition to your tickets, it might be a wise tickets that allow fans go down ing for the title of the biggest idea to pack a pair of earplugs. onto the event floor for a speand baddest in Illinois. cial pre-race event to meet Tickets are now on sale by the riders, see the track and phone at 1-888-SearsTIX, online at SearsCentre.com or at bikes up close. The show begins at 7:30 p.m. both evenings. This is one of those sporting events that pushes the the Sears Centre Box Office. Individual Suite rentals are available. Call Krista at (847) 649-2227 or e-mail decibel level above and beyond comfortable for most people. In addition to your tickets, it might be a wise idea to pack a Krista.pulcini@searscentre.com. Ticket prices: $37, $22, $17 and $12 for adults and $7 for pair of earplugs. The Rock River Times Jan. 12-18, 2011 Sports C 3 Bears have everything to lose in matchup with underdog Seahawks By S.C. Zuba Sports Columnist Let me, if I may, pose a question to you. What happens when a bad football team makes the playoffs? The answer: anything. Anything can happen when a team—any team—makes it into the playoffs. The low-dwelling Seattle Seahawks earned a playoff berth when they clinched the pathetic NFC West with a dismal record of 7-9. Now, the only record that matters for the Seahawks is their 1-0 playoff record. This Sunday, Jan. 16, the Chicago Bears will welcome those undefeated Seahawks to Soldier Field for the divisional round of the playoffs. Now, before Bears fans go high-fiving one another and celebrating in the streets, keep one thing in mind: the Seahawks are not supposed to be playing in this game. They deserve to be watching the playoffs at home like the rest of the sub-.500 teams in the Photo courtesy of everyjoe.com Seattle Seahawks quarterback Matt Hasselbeck brings his career 5-5 playoff record to Soldier Field Sunday, Jan. 16. Hasselbeck threw for 3,001 yards, 12 touchdowns and 17 interceptions this season. NFL—and that is a scary mindset for a team to have. The only difference between the Seahawks and the other bottom-feeding teams in the NFL is that the Seahawks have a date with the Bears this Sunday, and they have absolutely nothing to lose. And that is the only thing that matters now. If there’s one thing sports have taught me, it’s when a team has nothing to lose, rarely do they just give up. People love to root for the underdog, and for good reason. Nobody expected the Seahawks to be here— and they know it. In this game, the 11-5 NFC North champion Bears have a lot to lose. The Seahawks have nothing to lose. They’re not supposed to be here. They weren’t supposed to defeat the defending Super Bowl champion Saints last weekend. But they did. They are playing on the house’s money, and loving every minute of it. This, however, isn’t the first time these two teams have met this season. Remember back to mid-October when the Seahawks made a joke of the Bears at Soldier Field? The Seahawks stole that game, 23-20, in a game where the Bears’ offense gave up six sacks and went 0-12 on third down. Let’s hope the Bears learned from that game. The Bears have unfinished business with the Seahawks, and it’s my hope that they are licking their lips as they prepare for this game. It’s simple—the winner gets to play for a chance to represent the NFC in the Super Bowl. If that alone doesn’t psych you up for this game, there might be something wrong with you. It’s the playoffs, anything can happen— and the Seahawks are proving that. Share your thoughts with S.C. Zuba via email at samuelczuba@gmail.com. NFL Divisional picks: Bears, Steelers, Patriots and Falcons will advance By Doug Halberstadt Sports Columnist At noon, Sunday, Jan. 16, the Chicago Bears will play the Seattle Seahawks at Soldier Field in their push toward the Super Bowl. The rest of the NFL playoff match-ups have the Baltimore Ravens facing the Pittsburgh Steelers, the New York Jets playing the New England Patriots and the Green Bay Packers taking on the Atlanta Falcons. The Bears and the Seahawks have already played one another one previous time this year. That game was also in Chicago. Seattle beat the Bears 23-20 Oct. 17. Seattle quarterback Matt Hasselbeck threw for four touchdowns in last weekend’s upset victory over the defending Super Bowl champion New Orleans Saints. While Hasselbeck was torching the Saints’ secondary, the Bears had the weekend off. In October, Hasselbeck and Bears quarterback Jay Cutler had fairly similar afternoons. Hasselbeck threw for one touchdown. Cutler didn’t throw a touchdown or an interception in that game. Hasselbeck was 2540-0-242. Cutler went17-39-0-290. I think the Seahawks spent all of their playoff coins in the big win against the Saints last weekend, and their season will come to a close with a loss to Chicago in the second round. The Ravens and the Steelers will meet one another for the third time this year. The clubs split the season series with close wins on each other’s home turf. These two teams really do not like one another. “If you want to play somebody, you want to play your rival,” Ravens nose tackle Kelly Gregg said of next Saturday’s divisional-round game against the Steelers at Heinz Field. “Those are the kind of games you love. You’re trying to beat your nemesis.” Despite sharing 12-4 records in the regular season, the Steelers won the AFC North and a first-round bye as the No. 2 seed in the AFC behind New England, while the Ravens are the fifth seed. Even though they lost to the Ravens 17-14 at home in week four of the regular season, I’m taking the Steelers to take advantage of their home field and knock the Ravens out of the playoffs. The Patriots are at home against the New York Jets. It was just a little more than a month ago that the Patriots dismantled the Jets in front of a national television audience on Monday Night Football, winning 45-3. New England quarterback Tom Brady went 21-of-29 for 326 yards and four touchdowns in Kimble leading Vikings back up standings By Matt Nestor Sports Columnist The NIC-10 is not traditionally a league flush with big post players. But a look around the conference shows a number of talented players with some pretty good size. But the best big man in the conference may be the smallest post player around. Quavion Kimble of Guilford, at 6foot-1-inch, isn’t a very tall post player. But the senior is still an intimidating presence down low, where his muscle and brute strength help him overpower anyone in his way. “He’s the type of kid that can take a game over,” East Head Coach Roy Sackmaster said of the Vikings star. “He’ll go through you and get put-backs. He’ll step back and hit a shot. He’s 6-foot-1, and he can play above the rim. He’s the key to their team.” It’s not hard to figure out why the undersized center is so effective. If you ask anyone with the Vikings, they are quick to give you the answer. “It’s his heart,” Guilford Head Coach Bobby Heisler said. “He works extremely hard. He works hard in practice and in the weight room. He’s a very good student. He always hits the glass hard. He’s the one guy we can always count on that is always going to attack the glass.” And with that effort, Kimble has helped lead a balanced Vikings attack with 12 points and six rebounds a game. And thanks to that, Guilford also finds itself in the top half of the conference standings. Upcoming Events at Severson Dells Read more at http://seversondells.com/calendar/ or call 1-815-335-2915 Jan. 16 Coyote Clan and the Family Plan Meet at MacQueen Forest Preserve Sunday, 1:30 p.m.–??? 1-815-335-2915 The Coyote Clan is a group of 6th-to-9th graders that get together once a month to learn and have fun in a variety of locations in Northern Illinois. This month the whole family is invited to come to the lodge at MacQueen Forest Preserve. There is fireplace inside to keep us warm and there will be a winter wonderland to explore during the day along the South Branch of the Kishwaukee River. $5 per family for the day. You must call for reservations. Jan. 18 Moral Ground Essay Discussion Tuesday, 6:00–7:30 p.m. 1-815-335-2915 The Four Rivers Environmental Coalition hosted the editors of a book entitled Moral Ground: Ethical Action for a Planet in Peril this past Oct. to speak to our community. A discussion/reading will be led by Don Miller on several of the essays. It will be a great night for sharing thoughts, munchies and maybe a fire. Call 815-335-2915 and pay a $3 fee to get the essays mailed to you ahead of time if you don’t own the book. Photo courtesy of pardonmybias.com Former Northern Illinois University running back Michael Turner has rushed for 5,198 yards in his seven-year career. In his five career postseason games, Turner has carried the ball 64 times for 250 yards and two touchdowns. that game. I doubt he’ll be able to duplicate that performance, but I do expect Brady and his teammates to come away with the victory. The Packers managed to keep their Super Bowl hopes alive by defeating the Eagles in Philadelphia last Sunday, Jan. 9. To advance to the conference championship game, they’ll have to beat another bird of prey in their home nest. This week, they face the Falcons in Atlanta. This will also be a rematch for these two teams. The Falcons beat Green Bay 20-17 in the Georgia Dome earlier this year. The Falcons should win this game. They are an outstanding 20-2 at home under Matt Ryan, they have the NFC’s leading rusher in former Northern Illinois University Huskies running back Michael “The Burner” Turner (1,371 yards and 12 touchdowns), and they have a defense that has been very opportunistic, picking off 22 passes (fourth in the league) and recovering nine fumbles. Ryan was fantastic in the first match-up between the two teams, completing 24 of his 28 passes for 197 yards and a touchdown, all of which included a game-winning drive with a minute left after the Packers tied the game up at 17 on an Aaron Rodgers pass. Turner also had a very successful day, rushing for 110 yards on 23 carries, tacking on a touchdown of his own. I look for the Falcons to win for the second time in two tries against the Packers this season. Last week, I was 1-3 in the Wild Card games. I really hope I don’t fare that poorly again this week; however, if I do, I also really hope the game I do get correct is the Bears. GO, CHICAGO! Doug Halberstadt can be reached via e-mail at Dougster61@aol.com. When things get tough for Guilford, Kimble is whom they turn to. He can create his own shot from anywhere on the court, and has range out to the 3-point line. More than anything else, however, it’s his experience that is the key. The Vikings play mostly juniors, so the senior big man often has to show his younger teammates the right way to do things. “They look to him,” Heisler said of his team leader. “He’s a senior, which is one part of it, but he’s a very good player. And it’s easy for the kids to respect that and to look for him for leadership, because he’s been there before. We have very limited experience on this team, and he’s provided a good example thus far.” Quavion Kimble of Guilford is averaging 12 points, six rebounds per game. Photo by Matt Nestor 4 C Jan. 12-18, 2011 The Rock River Times