JFSA Cleveland
JFSA Cleveland
As a special friend of JFSA please enjoy reading our 2013 Annual Report. We appreciate your commitment to improving people’s lives and we thank you for your support. J e wish F ami l y S e rvic e A ssociation of c l e v e l and • 2 0 1 3 annua l r e port Our Mission Association of Cleveland, a private, non-profit organization, serves WHO WE HELP HOW WE HELP Jewish Family Service 02 Letter from the Board Chair and President & CEO 03 Annual Highlights HOW WE HELP 04 Ascentia: Pathways for Community Living 08 JFSA Care at Home 12 Families at Risk and individuals in 14 College Financial Aid Program 16 Alyson’s Place - JFSA Medical Clinic general communities HOW YOU HELP Foundations & Grantors 18 Endowments & Funds Guided by traditional 22 JFSA Donors Jewish values of 32 Hebrew Shelter Home Donors communal responsibility and social justice, JFSA is committed to enhancing every individual’s ability to thrive in our community. WHO WE ARE 17 in Northeast Ohio. HOW YOU HELP to strengthen families both the Jewish and WHO WE HELP Table of Contents 34 PLAN Donors 36 In-Kind Donations & Services 37Volunteers WHO WE ARE 38 Unrestricted Financials 39 JFSA Leadership 2013 ANNUAL REPORT 01 Letter from the Board Chair and President & CEO Dear Friends, Philip M. Cohen As we reflect upon our efforts on behalf of the community over the last year, we are most grateful for the support we have received from Board members, donors, and volunteers, that has enabled us to build upon JFSA’s mission to strengthen individuals and build community. This August, our successful fundraising event honoring Board members Grant Dinner and Trish Adler for their advocacy for the prevention of homelessness and domestic violence, raised awareness of JFSA’s mission and generated much needed support and enthusiasm for JFSA programs and services. This support has become critical to our ability to continue to provide life enhancing services to the elderly, individuals with disabilities, as well as families who find themselves facing unanticipated crises for one reason or another. Over the last ten years we have continued to face significant cuts in funding from governmental sources, while at the same time we have heard and witnessed a greater demand for quality, home-based services for each of the populations we serve. Susan L. Bichsel, Ph.D. “We are most grateful for the support we have received from Board members, donors, and volunteers, that has enabled us to build upon JFSA’s mission to strengthen individuals and build community.” 02 At a time when our national health care system is undergoing significant changes in its payment and service delivery systems, JFSA has needed to adapt quickly to these changes in order to stay both financially viable and, at the same time, attuned to our clients needs. This winter we are thrilled to announce the opening of Alyson’s Place, our new primary care medical clinic located within the Drost Family Center. Alyson’s Place will provide primary health care to JFSA clients, in addition to the full complement of other services and supports they receive through JFSA. Convenient access to health care, provided by professionals who can then coordinate other necessary services and supports for the individuals served within JFSA, will further enhance client care. We take this opportunity to recognize and thank our dedicated Board of Directors, the Jewish Federation of Cleveland and the many organizations, donors, volunteers, and staff for their generous and sustaining support. Philip M. Cohen Board Chair JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE ASSOCIATION OF CLEVELAND Susan L. Bichsel, Ph.D. President and CEO Who we Ascentia: Pathways to community living jfsa care at home of direct service to adults with intellectual disabilities. 645 497 Individuals families at risk 140 $968,000 in funding supported needy Holocaust Survivors including assistance with food, medical equipment, clothing, dental, hearing, vision, personal care, and case management. 911 older adults and their families gained peace of mind through JFSA’s Lifeline emergency medical alert button. An anonymous donor covered the cost of 50 children of emergency shelter were provided through the Hebrew Shelter Home. were delivered by JFSA volunteers to the frail and elderly at home. to attend jewish overnight summer camp. women and their children found help and support through Family Violence Services. 2,284 local high school students participated in Know Abuse™ Teen Dating Violence Prevention sessions. 225 students 250 students were awarded received college financial aid in the form of grants and loans totaling $730,000 thanks to endowed funds held at the Jewish Federation of Cleveland. in grants, loans and scholarships . 135 students received $441,513 from 25 different donor funded scholarships. $1,172,913 WHO WE ARE college financial aid program 1,400 nights kosher meals HOW YOU HELP with disabilities accessed services to help them obtain meaningful employment. care were delivered to older adults, including personal care, home support, transportation, companionship, and light housekeeping. 48,192 HOW WE HELP residential sites throughout northeast ohio with serious mental illness were served Individuals through JFSA Ascentia mental health services and plan’s holistic recovery program. 290,571 hours of private duty nursing WHO WE HELP 400,000 hours Operated in over Help *For the time period July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013. 2013 ANNUAL REPORT 03 Ascentia: Pathways to Community Living Helping people connect to our community. Meet Eric. A lifelong Clevelander, Eric grew up in a happy home with a tight-knit family. His mother and father supported and encouraged him to follow his passion and become a nurse. But after Eric lost both of his parents, he suffered from depression and had difficulty focusing on daily activities. Paying his bills on time and keeping up the house became a challenge. “I stopped looking for work and I wasn’t fun to be around,” explains Eric. At his father’s funeral, a cousin of Eric’s handed him a business card with JFSA’s phone number. “It was important for me to get my life back,” says Eric, “I called within the next couple of days.” brothers,” remarks Eric, who feels safe and independent in his new home. “I live in a secure environment with my own room and within walking distance to many stores,” he explains. Today, Eric is thriving in a HUDfunded group residence with the help of JFSA and Jewish Community Housing, along with staff who keep him on track and housemates who feel like family. “I have three new Eric also participates in JFSA’s art therapy which has given him a creative outlet and taught him to have more patience with himself. His relationships with others have also improved. He hopes to get his nursing license reinstated and is excited to start taking courses again to advance his degree. He also enjoys many hobbies including collecting coins, playing tennis, watching movies, and reading. Everyone involved at JFSA is willing to help others. Without JFSA I really don’t know what I would do. 04 JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE ASSOCIATION OF CLEVELAND “Everyone involved at JFSA is willing to help others” says Eric. “They take the time and resources to get you back on your feet! Without JFSA I really don’t know what I would do.” How Ascentia Helps Housing & Residential Services offer residential sites for people with disabilities, mental illness, autism, hearing impairment, traumatic brain injury, and supported living sites. Cognitive Enhancement Therapy (CET) is an evidencebased practice that helps people with schizophrenia and related mental illnesses improve their processing speed, cognition, and social cognition using computer exercises, psycho-educational groups, and one-on-one coaching. “It’s hard to imagine not having the Transitions Program and JFSA being a fundamental part of our family,” says Lev. “I am amazed at the level of independence Sari has, as well as the commitment and engagement of the staff. It is evident that this is more than just a job for them. They really care.” WHO WE ARE Clinical & Therapeutic Services include psychiatry, medication management, nursing, counseling, cognitive enhancement therapy, and art therapy. Sari lives in her own apartment and gets help from her JFSA home health aide every morning and evening. She helps Sari prepare for her day, as well as coordinate meal preparation and daily chores. Transportation to various activities, such as bowling or movie nights, is also coordinated through JFSA. “They’re like a second family to me,” says Sari of the JFSA staff. HOW YOU HELP At first letting her daughter live independently was difficult for Sari’s mother, Barbara. “In the beginning it was a little scary letting her go. But my comfort level has definitely increased as I’ve watched Sari blossom,” she says. HOW WE HELP The journey from adolescence into young adulthood, and the responsibility that comes with it, can be intimidating for any individual. For 23 year-old Sari, the journey has been a smooth one with help from JFSA’s Transitions Program, which assists young adults with mental disabilities transition from their parents’ home to independent living. It’s a dream come true for Sari and her family. “All families hope their children will be autonomous,” says Lev, Sari’s father. “JFSA helps make that a reality.” WHO WE HELP JFSA staff are like a second family to me. Adult Day Support is designed for people with developmental disabilities. Activities include community field trips, creative arts, health and wellness education, exercise and fitness programs, and interactive computer games. 2013 ANNUAL REPORT 05 Ascentia: Pathways to Community Living Helping people connect to our community. Meet Gary. When Gary was first diagnosed with schizophrenia, the implications of his illness didn’t hold much meaning for him. “It was just a word to me,” says Gary, “I didn’t understand what it meant for me or my life.” But the effects of his illness soon became apparent. Working as an engineer, the pressure and stress of his job made it difficult to manage his illness and perform his work. After he lost his job and then his home, Gary moved in with his parents. “I felt constrained and that there was no hope for my future,” he says. Then a friend told Gary about JFSA’s PLAN membership program. also credits his experience in CET (Cognitive Enhancement Therapy) for his ability to form friendships and feel more at ease in social situations. “PLAN changed my life for the better,” explains Gary. He participates in many of the social and recreational activities, such as nature hikes, bike rides, volleyball and softball, and movie nights. Membership in PLAN gives Gary an opportunity to meet new people and build a stronger connection to the community. He “Life is more fun now,” says Gary with a smile. His positive outlook also led to his employment with PLAN as a Program Assistant, providing guidance and support for other PLAN members. For other families facing a difficult diagnosis, Gary offers this advice: “There is a light at the end of the tunnel. PLAN can help you get there.” How Ascentia Helps PLAN is a membership organization for individuals with mental illness, cognitive disabilities and autism spectrum disorder, and offers more than 80 hours per month of social, recreational, and wellness programming. 06 Supportive Employment Services help clients develop new employment roles as part of the recovery process. Clients receive individualized assistance with interviewing skills, resume writing, job leads, work attire and other support as needed. JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE ASSOCIATION OF CLEVELAND Community Integration and Wellness offers opportunities to connect to the community through a variety of social and recreational activities, including team sports, aerobic exercises, weight-lifting, field trips to museums and sporting events, dances, holiday parties and movie nights. WHO WE HELP HOW WE HELP There is a light at the end of the tunnel. PLAN can help you get there. HOW YOU HELP WHO WE ARE Horvitz YouthAbility program serves disabled and at-risk youth by engaging them in volunteer service, vocational activities, and social enrichment. Family Advocacy & Support Services help families navigate mental health and intellectual disability provider systems, assist with obtaining government benefits, referrals, lifetime planning, pooled disability trust, representative payee program and transition from child to adult services or adult to nursing home services. Community Support Services help people with mental illness accomplish daily activities of living as well as offer intensive case management for people with acute or chronic care needs. 2013 ANNUAL REPORT 07 JFSA Care at Home Helping individuals live independently. Meet Raising two sons with Fragile X Syndrome may seem like an overwhelming challenge, but Jeanne understood that with a little ingenuity and a solid care plan, her sons, Brent and Stephen, could one day live on their own as happy, healthy, independent adults. Her vision became a reality four years ago when Brent and Stephen moved into their own home, equipped with innovative technology to help them live independently. Setting up the home wasn’t easy. “Finding an agency willing to work with us and understand what we needed was difficult,” she remembers. But with recommendations from JFSA, Jeanne secured a grant to create the unique home for her sons. A series of sensors throughout the home prompt the brothers to complete tasks such as brushing their teeth or shaving. “We can keep an eye on them, but the technology in the house gives them the ability to learn and do things on their own,” explains Jeanne, who enjoys peace of mind knowing her sons are safe. A JFSA home health aide helps Brent and Stephen three nights a week. “Sue is terrific,” says Jeanne of their home health aide. “She provides guidance to our sons for everything from cooking to personal hygiene.” “It’s been everything I dreamed it would be,” says Jeanne. “Brent and Stephen are so proud of themselves, and as parents, we are comfortable knowing that they are safe and happy in their home. JFSA was crucial in making that happen.” How JFSA Care at Home Helps Skilled Nursing Registered nurses work with primary care physicians to develop a care plan to provide assessment, treatment and instruction for ongoing care, including skilled nursing, physical, occupational or speech therapy, home health aides, or use of Medical Social Workers to provide counseling and referral to community resources. 08 Home Health Aides provide a variety of services, such as personal care (help with bathing, dressing, and grooming); home support (meal planning, preparation, and shopping); physical support (assistance with walking, home exercise, and rehabilitation activities); medication reminders; companionship, and light housekeeping. JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE ASSOCIATION OF CLEVELAND JFSA Lifeline “HomeSafe” and “GoSafe” are high quality medical emergency alert systems that use innovative technologies to enable people to have peace of mind knowing that help is always available at the touch of a button. Both systems include fall detection capabilities and are manufactured by Philips Lifeline and approved by the FDA. WHO WE HELP HOW WE HELP WHO WE ARE JFSA Personal Medication Dispenser is an easy-to-use automatic pill dispenser that helps maintain the proper medication schedule. It includes an audio reminder and push button to dispense medications at preprogrammed times. HOW YOU HELP Brent and Stephen are so proud of themselves, and as parents, we are comfortable knowing that they are safe and happy in their home. JFSA Personal Assistance offers individualized help with household management responsibilities, such as bill paying, organizing paperwork, negotiating with credit card companies and medical claims management. Home Cleaning Services offer expert cleaning in the home, as well as trained staff who can identify potentially dangerous situations, such as a client’s declining health or forgetfulness. 2013 ANNUAL REPORT 09 JFSA Care at Home Helping individuals live independently. Meet Morton. Morton made what most people consider the “right” choices for a successful life. He graduated from college with a degree in business and thought the road to greatness lay ahead of him. But life took a detour when Morton became the responsible caregiver for his ailing mother and disabled brother. Morton was a father figure to his brother and a rock for his mother, living with her and taking care of her as she struggled with Alzheimer’s. “I was her shoulder to cry on, her dependable source of energy,” he explains. When both his mother and brother passed, Morton was devastated. The funeral expenses were overwhelming and he was unsure of where to turn. That’s when a friend from his synagogue referred him to JFSA. Now Morton has case managers who visit him every couple of weeks to see how he is doing, look over his finances, and work on strategies for managing his home and make sure Morton has everything he needs to be healthy and comfortable at home. Despite some hardships, Morton has moved forward with his life with the support of his JFSA case managers. “They bring me up and keep me going. I look forward to their visits because without them, I don’t think I could pull myself together.” He appreciates that someone is always there to keep an eye on him and thinks of JFSA as an extended family. “Other people don’t understand what I’m going through. JFSA does a better job than anyone I know.” Other people don’t understand what I’m going through. JFSA does a better job than anyone I know. 10 JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE ASSOCIATION OF CLEVELAND WHO WE HELP Meet This isn’t the first time Estelle has relied on JFSA Care at Home services. When her husband was ill and still living at home, Estelle turned to JFSA home health aides who helped with his personal care. “I took care of him for a long time, but sometimes I needed help,” remembers Estelle. Thanks to JFSA, Estelle has less to worry about and more time for enjoying the things she loves. WHO WE ARE But frequent dizzy spells had this grandmother of six and great grandmother of two concerned, especially since living on her own after her husband passed away last March. “Being alone can be scary,” explains Estelle. Instead of waiting for the problem to get worse, Estelle took action and called JFSA for help. With JFSA’s Lifeline program, the fear of falling is now more manageable. Estelle also has a home health aide who visits her twice a week to help with showering and other light chores around the house. No longer able to drive herself, Estelle also counts on her home health aide to take her to doctors appointments when other transportation is unavailable. HOW YOU HELP At 89 years old, Estelle is sharp as a tack and living independently in the home she and her husband built 56 years ago. She still does her own laundry and cooking, and enjoys word games and puzzles which help keep her mind sharp. A lifetime collector of beautiful antiques, Estelle is proud of the unique and warm atmosphere she has created in her home. HOW WE HELP Estelle. How JFSA Care at Home Helps Kosher Home Delivered Meals are fully cooked kosher meals prepared with the guidance of registered dietitians under orthodox rabbinical supervision. Meals include an entrée of beef, chicken or fish, plus soup, three side dishes, dessert, bread, margarine, fruit, and milk (packaged separately). Holocaust Survivor Support Services offers specialized services to meet the needs of Holocaust Survivors, including care coordination, counseling, financial assistance, reparations assistance, Café Europa and many other social supports. Family Consultation Service offers professional guidance in determining the needs of an aging family member, along with an individualized assessment of how to keep them safe at home. 2013 ANNUAL REPORT 11 JFSA Families at Risk Helping individuals and families overcome adversity. Meet Pesha. When Pesha first came to Cleveland over two years ago, she was escaping an abusive husband whose mistreatment of her and her youngest son had turned from dangerous to deadly. She knew she had to protect her son, a teenager at the time. She also knew it was too dangerous to move in with her eldest daughter and grandchildren, her only relatives in Cleveland. Unsure of where to go for help and safety, a friend suggested calling JFSA. Initially, Pesha was reluctant to move into the Hebrew Shelter Home because she feared her son might run away. But after visiting, they both agreed it would be a safe and comfortable place to stay while they began to rebuild their lives. With the help of JFSA support groups and therapy, Pesha and her son were both able to understand the depth of their abuse and begin to heal. “It’s like being in a tornado,” she explains. “You can’t see it yourself because you are spinning inside of it. JFSA pulled me out of that so I was able to have clarity again.” In addition to serving as a physical and emotional safe haven, the Hebrew Shelter Home was also a place where Pesha felt free to practice her religion without fear or ridicule. “Everyone there is very respectful, even if they aren’t Orthodox Jewish, like me,” she explains. “I knew I never had to worry about my religion because I had the support of the entire Jewish community.” Today, Pesha feels happy and proud of her life. “The Hebrew Shelter Home is incredible,” says Pesha. “I look at my son now and I see a healthy young man. I look at myself and I see a strong, independent woman. JFSA helped make that possible.” Pesha also has advice for other women seeking shelter from abuse. “No one should feel ashamed of abuse,” she advises. “Feel proud that you are trying to change your situation and pursue a better life.” How JFSA Families at Risk Helps Hebrew Shelter Home offers emergency shelter and transitional housing for women and children affected by domestic violence or the threat of homelessness. 12 Know Abuse™ Family Violence Services includes counseling, case management, educational support groups, community education, professional training, justice system advocacy, and legal assistance. JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE ASSOCIATION OF CLEVELAND Know Abuse™ Teen Dating Violence Prevention offers education and outreach on dating relationships and bullying in the form of ‘theatre with a message’ to local area high schools and middle schools. WHO WE HELP Meet Know Abuse™ Peer Leadership Institute offers student peer leadership training to schools interested in creating their own peer to peer teaching model. Summer Campership offers full financial aid to eligible children and teens, ages 10 - 15, to attend a Jewish overnight camp. Brianna says she continues to learn new things from the program in her new role as director. Koby agrees, Emergency Financial Assistance Fund* helps individuals and families cope with crises such as layoffs, threat of eviction, and loss of utilities. noting that another major benefit is helping others and becoming a better person in the process. “I’ve had the opportunity to use the skills I learned through Know Abuse™ in real life and direct friends to resources that can help. I’m more aware now of what actions are appropriate or inappropriate, thanks to my experiences in this program.” WHO WE ARE Now in its twelfth season, these two talented cast alumni are directing the play and bring a unique vision to the dramatization. “The work we do as directors is very collaborative,” explains Koby. “We can offer insight for new cast members based on our experiences playing the characters, but we also make sure to include the veteran members input into our own decision making,” adds Brianna. HOW YOU HELP Before auditioning for JFSA’s Know Abuse™ play, college freshmen Koby Picker and Brianna Williams, had never acted. “It was something I had always wanted to try, but was too afraid,” remembers Brianna, a Shaker Heights High School graduate. Encouraged by their friends and other cast members, she and Koby, a Solon High School graduate, both became veteran actors in the contemporary play about teen dating violence, bullying, and other unhealthy relationship behaviors. HOW WE HELP Brianna and Koby. Jewish Community Employment-Related Support Program* helps individuals gain employment through job search coaching and support. *In collaboration with the Jewish Federation of Cleveland. 2013 ANNUAL REPORT 13 JFSA College Financial Aid Program Helping students achieve their educational goals and dreams. Meet Jeff. Jeff is a fourth year dental student at Case Western Reserve University and father to a 2 year-old and a newborn. With a growing family and expenses mounting, Jeff was able to turn to JFSA for help. Jeff and his wife Ellie, with their two children Suri and Mayer. “Professional education is incredibly expensive,” explains Jeff. “It’s important to look in every nook and cranny to find every bit of help.” Thanks to JFSA’s College Financial Aid Program, Jeff received two awards, the Gutarts and Keller Scholarships. “Applying for scholarships can be very intimidating. You feel like you have a one in a million chance, but with JFSA it was an easy and comfortable process,” remarks Jeff. Scholarships aren’t the only thing Jeff has received in his three years of working with JFSA’s staff. Advice about everything from his federal loans, to living in Cleveland, has also been a great help to him. “JFSA is a huge resource for the Jewish community,” exclaims Jeff. “I feel if I needed anything at all, someone here can help me.” Jeff is appreciative of the help he has received from JFSA and the families that created the scholarships. “Cleveland families creating scholarships for other Cleveland kids, it’s a really wonderful thing to give back to the community,” notes Jeff. “I hope one day I can do the same.” Without JFSA, Jeff would have to take on more costly federal loans and would be even deeper in debt. Now he and his growing family will be better able to build a successful future. Jeff remarks, “I am so grateful to JFSA and everything they have done for me.” Family Named Scholarships The Morris Abrams Award in International Relations* The Jack W. and Shirley Berger Memorial Scholarship* The Jack W. and Shirley Berger Scholars Fund* The Sophie and Henry Billys Scholarship* The Dr. Grace F. Brody Scholarship* Bruml Family Scholarship The Frank Joseph & Elaine Sara Garron Memorial Scholarship* 14 JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE ASSOCIATION OF CLEVELAND The Eleanor R. Gerson Education Fund* The Eleanor R. Gerson Scholarship Fund for New Americans* Gutarts Family Scholarship The Solomon and Jennie Hurvitz Scholarship* Ruth and Charles Jacob Scholarship The Jaffe Family Community Service Scholarship* The Mrs. Bert Keller Fund* WHO WE HELP HOW WE HELP Applying for scholarships can be very intimidating. You feel like you have a one in a million chance, but with JFSA it was an easy and comfortable process. HOW YOU HELP WHO WE ARE The Meisel Family Scholarship* Raskind Family Scholarship Barney & Sarah Richman Memorial Scholarship Rosskamm Family Scholarship Amy Saltzman Scholarship Mark Saltzman Scholarship for Business Shelly Saltzman Scholarship for Education The Irving I. Stone Support Foundation* William Wortzman Family Education Fund Yoda-Newton Share the Luv Scholarship The Howard S. Young Scholarship* Helen and Morris Zupnick Memorial Fund* *Operated under the auspices of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland. 2013 ANNUAL REPORT 15 Alyson’s Place – JFSA Medical Clinic Delivering primary health care to clients. On November 13, 2013, a ribboncutting ceremony was held to celebrate the opening of Alyson’s Place, JFSA’s new primary care medical clinic. The clinic represents a major step forward in client care and will give JFSA clients access to affordable quality healthcare services conveniently located in the Drost Family Center. The heart of the clinic belongs to the memory of Alyson Spira Arenberg for whom the clinic is named. She had a special gift for reaching out to others in need and was fascinated by issues of wellness and healing. She challenged those around her to embrace life to the fullest. In a tribute to Alyson’s creative spirit, the clinic is filled with cheerful and brightly colored artwork created by JFSA art therapy clients and with art created by Alyson herself and her family. The establishment of Alyson’s Place could not have happened without a special collaboration between JFSA, family members, local business leaders, and health care institutions. Led by Life Directors, Myrna and Jim Spira, that collaboration included support from Margo and Bob Roth, Will Sukenik, Thomas Galvin, Dr. David Rosenberg, University Hospitals health system, and The Mount Sinai Health Care Foundation. The addition of Alyson’s Place promises many positive outcomes for JFSA clients and their families, such as improved care coordination, reduced hospital admissions and readmissions, lower rates of hospital emergency department use, and reduced healthcare costs overall. The clinic will be staffed by a primary care physician and advanced nurse Myrna Spira and her two grandchildren, Abe and Liv, cut the ribbon to open Alyson’s Place. 16 JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE ASSOCIATION OF CLEVELAND Alyson Spira Arenberg (Of Blessed Memory) practitioner. In addition to working with JFSA clients, the nurse practitioner will consult with other JFSA staff regarding best practices and treatment guidelines in screening and managing a client’s physical health conditions and review challenging and complex cases. Clients will be able to access all the services typically available from a physician’s office, such as a variety of lab tests, well patient visits, immunizations, EKG, etc. Individuals will have access by referral to specialty services within University Hospitals, if needed. Care will be coordinated through JFSA’s recently implemented electronic medical health record system. foundations & Grantors Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services Board of Cuyahoga County The Cleveland Foundation Legacy Village Lyndhurst Community Fund Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, Inc. Cuyahoga County Department of Justice Affairs - Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) The Harry K. & Emma R. Fox Charitable Foundation WHO WE HELP Cuyahoga Arts & Culture Many thanks to the following Jewish Federation of Cleveland Centennial Initiative funds which support JFSA’s Ascentia Endowment: Giant Eagle Foundation National Council of Jewish Women, Cleveland Section Ohio Attorney General State Victims Assistance Act (SVAA) Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Ohio Department of Job and Family Services Ohio Department of Transportation Specialized Transportation Program Alvin Gray Centennial Initiative Ascentia Endowment Fund Richard Horvitz Centennial Initiative JFSA Ascentia Endowment Fund Isenstadt JFSA Ascentia Endowment Fund Jewish Community Housing/ Immerman Fund WHO WE ARE Mt. Sinai Health Care Foundation Aron and Dorothy Drost Centennial Initiative Ascentia Endowment Fund HOW YOU HELP The Milton and Tamar Maltz Family Foundation Becker/M&M Realty JFSA Ascentia Endowment Fund HOW WE HELP Jewish Federation of Cleveland and its Supporting Foundations and Special Purpose Funds Anonymous The Bobby Fund The Peggy and John Garson Family Foundation The Nathan L. and Regina Herman Charitable Fund Meisel Family Foundation David and Ruth Moskowitz Family Charitable Foundation The Maurice Saltzman Youth Panel The Nathan and Fannye Shafran Foundation Michael and Anita Siegal Family Foundation Norma and Ernie Siegler Family Foundation David and Robert Stein Family Foundation Gertrude A. Steiner Memorial Fund to Assist the Needy and Indigent The Treu-Mart Fund Weisman Family Fund Marvin Lader JFSA Centennial Initiative Ascentia Endowment Fund Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services Edward J. Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) The William J. and Dorothy K. O’Neill Foundation The Elisabeth Severance Prentiss Foundation Michael Talty and Helen Talty Charitable Trust Western Reserve Area Agency on Aging This list represents program grants received between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013. 2013 ANNUAL REPORT 17 foundations & Granters Funds ENDOWMENT List represents program grants received between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013. These funds maintain the principal in perpetuity and allow JFSA to use the income where it is designated. Gifts to these funds are recognized in the donor listings starting on page 22. Ascentia Endowment Supports Ascentia programming and services for people with intellectual disabilities and mental illness. Includes the JFC/Ascentia Centennial Initiative Endowment Fund.* Deborah Ann Baker Memorial Fund Supports clients with little financial resources to enjoy quality of life activities. Gift of Fannie** and Ed** Baker. Berns Newborn Thomas Endowment Fund to Support Older Adults in Need Provides subsidies for services and purchases for needy older adults who strive to remain safely, securely, and comfortably in their homes. Gift of Karen & Norton Newborn and matching gifts from Robert Immerman. Irene and Eugene Brudno Fund to Serve Persons with Severe Mental Illness Supports services for persons with severe mental illness and to fund Ascentia management and infrastructure costs. Gift of Irene** and Eugene** Brudno Charitable Trust. Lynne and Philip Cohen Family Fund for Youth Programming Supports programming for youth. Gift of Lynne Marcus Cohen and Philip Cohen. Families at Risk Endowment Fund Supports the Hebrew Shelter Home and Family Violence Services for individuals experiencing homelessness, domestic violence, and/or financial hardships and supports Know Abuse™ teen outreach and prevention. Funded in part with matching gifts from Robert Immerman. Richard Horvitz and Erica HartmanHorvitz YouthAbility Program Endowment Fund Supports YouthAbility programming. Gift of Richard Horvitz and Erica Hartman-Horvitz. Jewish Community Housing/JFSA Centennial Initiative Endowment Fund* Supports affordable supportive housing for individuals with disabilities and other at-risk populations. Toby Bresky accepts a bouquet of flowers from Board member Cynthia Bruml on the occasion of her retirement from JFSA after 25 years of service. This list represents funds as of 9/30/13. *Operated under the auspices of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland. **Of Blessed Memory 18 JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE ASSOCIATION OF CLEVELAND JFSA permanently restricted general Endowment Fund Supports long term sustainability of the Agency. Funded in part with matching gifts from Robert Immerman. JFSA Volunteer Activities and Education Endowment Fund Supports JFSA volunteer activities and educational enrichment for JFSA staff supporting volunteer activities. Gift of Anonymous. WHO WE HELP Kesher Fund Supports programming in the Orthodox Jewish community. Gift of the Klein, Jaffa and Halpern families. Endowment Fund. Gift of Norma and Harvey Kotler. MRDD Endowment Supports programming Don Zaas awards Basya Gluzman with the Lois Zaas Volunteer of the Year Award. Spira Ascentia Fund Funding for Ascentia programming. Gift of Jim Spira. PLAN Endowment Supports PLAN’s quality The Wirtshafter Family Fund Provides of life programs and holistic recovery services that help those challenged by chronic mental illness progress in their recovery. Funded in large part by a gift from the Maltz Family Foundation. for communications to Ascentia families. Gift of William Wortzman. Sarah and Josephine Rosin Fund Supports programming for individuals with mental disabilities. Gift of the Trustees of the Sarah Rosin Trust. Abraham and Pauline Segal Fund for In-Home Support of the Elderly Supports funding for older adults who wish to remain at home. Gift of Rita Saslaw, Michael Saslaw, and Maryellen S. Oberman. Anne Wortzman Fund for Work, Social and Recreation Skill Building for persons with Mental Disabilities Supports Ascentia programming for individuals with intellectual disabilities and mental illness. Gift of William Wortzman. WHO WE ARE Cary and Barbara Root Fund for Fostering Ascentia Communications through Technology Supports funding unrestricted endowment support to JFSA. Gift of John & Linda Wirtshafter. HOW YOU HELP and residential services for adults with intellectual disabilities. HOW WE HELP Harvey Kotler and Norma Kotler Endowment Fund Supports Families at Risk The Wortzman and Levine Family Endowment Fund in honor of Susan Bichsel Provides unrestricted endowment support to JFSA in honor of Susan Bichsel. Gift of the Wortzman and Levine families. Other General Endowment Funds Established by the JFSA Board of Directors. JVS Endowment Fund Kaufman Scholarship 2013 ANNUAL REPORT 19 non-ENDOWMENT Funds These funds have been designated to support specific programs, projects or needs. Hope and Stanley Adelstein JFSA Care at Home Fund Supports JFSA Care at Home services for needy adults who wish to remain in their home. Gift of Hope and Stanley Adelstein. Trish and Mark Adler Fund for Group Home Residents Supports quality of life enhancements for residents of supportive living sites and group residences. Gift of Trish and Mark Adler. Marilyn and Marshall Bedol Fund for Social and Recreational Programming for the Special Needs Community Supports social and recreational outings for adults with mental illness and/or mental disabilities. Gift of Marilyn and Marshall** Bedol. Susan Bichsel Discretionary Fund Supports client needs and staff recognition. Gift of the JFSA Board of Directors in honor of President and CEO Susan Bichsel. Norman J. Danzig Memorial Fund Establishes the Danzig Award for Lay Leadership and supports the professional development of young lay leaders. Gift of the JFSA Board of Directors in memory of board member Norman Danzig. Irving and Gloria Fine Fund for Quality of Life Enhancements Supports quality of life funding for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Gift of Irving and Gloria Fine. Peter Hoke Memorial Fund to Support Ascentia Mental Health Services Supports activities, outings, events, and unfunded needs of Ascentia clients. Gift of donors in memory of Peter Hoke. Holocaust Survivor Life Enhancement Fund Supports basic needs and life enhancements for Holocaust Survivors. Gift of Phyllis and Frank Hulewat. Anne and Alex Miller Fund Supports services to the elderly. Gift of Anne** and Alex** Miller. Katherine A. and Noah D. Rusnak Fund for Individual and Family Needs Supports YouthAbility members participate in Parade the Circle with a homemade float and handmade tie dye t-shirts. **Of Blessed Memory This list represents funds as of 6/30/2013. 20 JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE ASSOCIATION OF CLEVELAND funding to improve the health and functioning of individuals and families. Gift of Susan Bichsel and Stephen Rusnak. Planned gifts Alan R. Schonberg Fund to Strengthen Families Supports funding for families in need. Gift of the JFSA Board of Directors in honor of Alan Schonberg’s** tenure as Board Chair. Eleanor Steigman Fund for Older Adult Services Supports programming for older adults. Gift Anne Wortzman Fund for Work, Social and Recreation Skill Building for persons with Mental Disabilities Supports Ascentia programming for individuals with intellectual disabilities and mental illness. Gift of William Wortzman. Lois Zaas Fund for the Maturing Community Supports programming for the older adult community. Gift of Donald Zaas. Irene and Sidney Zehman Library Fund Supports the purchase of books for the Zehman Library at the Drost Family Center. Gift of Roslyn Wolf** and Judy Sherman** in honor of their parents. WHO WE ARE of contributors in honor of Life Director Eleanor Steigman’s lifetime of community service. HOW YOU HELP Spira Ascentia Fund Funds innovative initiatives that further the mission of Ascentia. Gift of Jim and Myrna Spira. Anonymous (3) Marilyn Bedol Eugene Brudno** Irene Brudno** Bonnie and Mike Cole Peggy Einstein Gloria B. and Irving B. Fine Amelia Gluck** Judy and Don Jacobson Judah L. and Esther C. Hexter Judith Kalman Eda Kochman** Homer McDaniel** Jean McDaniel** Deborah S. Metzel Sarah Rosin** Anne Rosenberg Phyllis Saul** Sanford Saul** Myrna and James Spira Jan and Will Sukenik Sally Wagner Isaak Wekselman** John Wirtshafter William Wortzman Renee Zinn HOW WE HELP JFSA Board member and Signature Event honoree Grant Dinner and his family, Katie, Jennifer and Emily. WHO WE HELP JFSA Board member and Signature Event honoree Trish Adler and her two daughters, Samantha and Shelby. The following individuals have invested in the future of JFSA, Hebrew Shelter Home or PLAN through a bequest, gift annuity or other planned gift arrangement. These planned gifts help to secure and sustain high quality programming and services well into the future. **Of Blessed Memory List represents commitments as of 12/2/13. 2013 ANNUAL REPORT 21 JFSA Donors This donor list represents gifts to JFSA Annual Campaign, Endowment, Named Donor Funds, Scholarships, Tribute Gifts and Program Gifts between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013. All gifts to JFSA’s Signature Event held on August 20, 2013 are included in the donor totals below. The financial results from this event will be included in next year’s Annual Report. $100,000 + Robert Immerman The Estate of Eda Kochman $50,000 – $99,999 Robert and Margo Roth* Will and Jan Sukenik/Sukenik Family Foundation William Wortzman $20,000 – $49,999 Anonymous Lynne Marcus Cohen and Philip Cohen* Dinner/Weinberg/Miller/Kahn Families Rick Horvitz & Erica Hartman-Horvitz/ The Richard Horvitz and Erica Hartman-Horvitz Foundation Leonard and Joan Horvitz Tamar and Milton Maltz Karen and Norton Newborn James and Myrna Spira* Sandra and Tim Wuliger*/The Sandra and Tim Wuliger Family Foundation $10,000 – $19,999 Anonymous Trish and Mark Adler Jules and Fran Belkin* Irving and Gloria Fine Dolores and James Kleinman The Ken and Julie Moelis Foundation Terren Peizer Shelly and Mark Saltzman* Gail and Ed Weintraub $5,000 – $9,999 Scott Erikson receives the Kim Chapman Young Volunteer of the Year award from Linda Chapman. Anonymous (2) Stanley and Hope Adelstein* Cynthia and Robert Bruml Gerald and Marty Conway Lois J. Davis Mark Hoffman* Marv and Carol Lader/Lader Family Foundation Martin and Lois Marcus* Sam and Clare Minoff* Patricia and Charles Mintz* Shari and Michael Perlmuter Julie and Peter Raskind Alan** and Carole Schonberg Daniel and Ellen Zelman* $2,500 – $4,999 Anonymous Susan Bichsel and Steve Rusnak Robert and Eileen Blattner Michael and Bonnie Cole* Dana Consler Melvyn and Wendy Dinner Sally Good Sid Good Donald and Judy Jacobson Jewish Family Experience Suellen and Lawrence Kadis* Andrew and Joan Kohn Harvey and Norma Kotler* Joel and Sharon Peerless Charles Ratner and Ilana Horowitz Ratner* Betty Rosskamm* Richard and Barbara Schreibman Ava Seave and Bruce Greenwald SS&G Financial Services, Inc. David and Penny Strauss Ulmer & Berne, LLP Michael and Danielle Weiner John and Linda Wirtshafter Donald Zaas *Recommended by these individuals from their donor advised funds of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland. **Of Blessed Memory ***Matching Gift We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of these lists. Please contact the Marketing & Development Department with any corrections at 216.504.6451. 22 JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE ASSOCIATION OF CLEVELAND JFSA $1,000 – $2,499 2013 ANNUAL REPORT WHO WE ARE *Recommended by these individuals from their donor advised funds of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland. **Of Blessed Memory ***Matching Gift We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of these lists. Please contact the Marketing & Development Department with any corrections at 216.504.6451. HOW YOU HELP Stanley and Barbara Meisel Patricia and Charles Mintz Rita Nagusky Karen and Norton Newborn Barbara Zaas Partington and David Partington Shari and Michael Perlmuter Kim and Paul Pesses Michael and Barbara Peterman Charles and Maxine Rosenbaum Charles and Gayle Rosenberg Robert and Margo Roth Jackie and Fred Rothstein Donald and Toni Scherzer Alan** and Carole Schonberg Robert and Sandy Schwartz Melvin and Maude Shafron Eric Shaw Robert Silverman Barbara Solomon Eleanor Steigman David and Penny Strauss Will and Jan Sukenik Jay Wachs Lynn and Harold Wasserman Thomas and Doris Weil Gail and Ed Weintraub Leo Weiss** Judy and Steven Willensky John and Linda Wirtshafter William Wortzman Tim and Sandy Wuliger Donald Zaas HOW WE HELP Louise Abrams and Robert Fuerst Linda Azoff Selma Baron Marilyn and Marshall** Bedol Gary and Janice Bilchik Paul and Noelle Blumberg Toby and Norman Bresky Lynne Marcus Cohen and Philip Cohen Michael and Bonnie Cole Lois J. Davis Chicky Drost Morton and Natalie Epstein Morton and Carol Frankel Harold and Nancy Friedman Delores and Martin Goldfarb Sally Good Sid Good Steven and Edith Greenberg Kent and Jerrye Hayes John and Elaine Hibshman Robert Immerman Fred and Sally Isenstadt Joanne Klein and Marshall Nurenberg Dolores and James Kleinman Andrew and Joan Kohn Sue Ellen and Jeffrey Korach Marvin and Carol Lader Kathy and Robert Leb L. Douglas and Jeannette Lenkoski Adam and Nancy Levin Herbert and Cookie Marcus Martin and Lois Marcus WHO WE HELP Anonymous Hinda and Howard Abramoff Ian and Gloria Abrams Louise Abrams and Robert Fuerst Alson Jewelers Linda Azoff Helaine and Joe Banner Michael Baron and Beth Segal Marilyn and Marshall** Bedol* Michael and Michele Belkin Stuart and Lora Berkowitz Kathy and Gary Bigham Wendy Blattner and Tom Inck Jay Blaushild Barnett and Carole Bookatz John Brelus Bruck Family Foundation, Inc. Scott and Carol Burg Ethan and Gena Cohen Ellen E. & Victor J. Cohn Supporting Foundation Jeffrey and Marti Davis Morton and Natalie Epstein Eric Fox Sandy and Sheila Fox Morton and Carol Frankel* Dan and Laura Geller Thomas Gerson* Meryl Golden Marshall and Sandra Goldman Bruce and Lynn Goodman Fran Gordon Mark and Jo Goren Alvin Gray Steven and Edith Greenberg* Harley and Rochelle Gross* Michael and Abbey Guggenheim Rotislav and Inga Gutarts Kent and Jerrye Hayes J. David and Rebecca Heller John and Lori Herman Robert and Susan Hurwitz The JFSA Continuous Giving Society exists to provide special acknowledgement to long-term donors and to bring distinction to those individuals who support JFSA through ten or more consecutive years of giving. Ongoing annual support by consecutive donors strengthens our ability to create and sustain critical programs and services. The following individuals have made gifts to JFSA for ten consecutive years or more for the period ending June 30, 2013: 23 Barbara Solomon* Stellar Benefits Group Anthony and Susan Visconsi Sally Wagner Nina and Norm Wain Family Foundation Charles and Joan Whitehill Jonathan Wise and Cheryl Davis Jillian Wolstein Gary and Nina Yarus Albert Yedid YouthAbility served as the official greeters at JFSA’s Signature Event “Two Leaders. One Light.” David Hutt and Diane Burgin Hyatt Legal Plans Helen Ingram Irving and Wally Kaplan Richard and Roberta Katzman* Adelle Kendis* Sue Ellen and Jeffrey Korach Melissa and Lee Korland Jacob and Rachel Koval Susanna Lachs and Dean Adler Andrew and Chris-Anna Lazar Sherelynn Lehman Sandra Lipman* Shelley Milin Marcus and Greg Marcus Richard and Margaret Margolis* Joel and Rochelle Marx Stanley and Barbara Meisel* Allan and Nancy Pearl Elisabeth Plax Larry and Julia Pollock* Ronald and Deborah Ratner Reminger Co., L.P.A Kevin and Sharon Robertson David and Enid Rosenberg Larry and Georgia Rothstein Kyla and Mitchell Schneider Robert and Sandy Schwartz Eric Shaw Ilene Shaw Robert and Eileen Sill John Sinnenberg and Cassi Handler $500 – $999 Hallie and Greg Abrams Diane Attell Brian Bailys Gary and Janice Bilchik B’nai Jeshurun Congregation Howard and Deborah Bobrow Sandra Buzney Chagrin Highlands Rotary Club Debbie Chickering Jennifer and Ben Cohen Nan Cohen and Daniel Abrams* Barbara Curtis Harlan Diamond Daniel and Paula Dreyfuss Darcy and Kenny Edelman Rosalyn and Jerome Ellerin John and Kathy Eyerman Ronald and LuAnne Fisher Judy and Les Fishman Ginny and Gadi Galili Amy Wain Garnitz and David Garnitz Marc Glassman Shari and Michael Goldberg Billie Goldenberg Jeffrey and Jodi Gottlieb Herbert Goulder Penny and Robert Greenberger Jean Heflich John and Lori Herman Karen and Roger Hess David and Janet Hlavac Fred and Sally Isenstadt J & F Snow Removal and Lawn Care Elizabeth D. Klein and Earl Pike Rik and Nancy Kohn* Irene and Richard Kretch Kenneth Liffman Shannon Long Dale and Barbara Markowitz McCarthy, Lebit, Crystal & Liffman Co., L.P.A. Lois Metzger David Miller* Jill and Josh Miller Michael and Susan Miller Stephanie and Jared Miller Harriet and Mel Morris Janisse Nagel and Ken Marblestone Rita Nagusky ORT America, Inc. Kim and Paul Pesses* Progressive Insurance Foundation*** Albert and Audrey Ratner* Nadine Resor Anne Rosenberg Charles and Carole Rosenblatt Bennett Rubin and Jill Okun Susan and Steven Rubin Robert and Florine Rusnak Gordon and Evelyn Safran Donald and Toni Scherzer Florence Schreibman Paula and Michael Sieger John and Lynda Siff Heidi and Rick Solomon Eleanor Steigman* Mark and Fran Steinbock Vic and Marjorie Strimbu Bruce Tallisman Paul Taylor Pam and Harry Tepper Judith Ulrich Jack and Blanche Valancy Andrei and Carmen Vermont Dominic A. Visconsi, Sr. Louise and Greg Warner Cathy and Robert Weiss Marilyn Wise The Nathan Wisneski Fund Gerald and Iris Zahler Kenneth and Paula Zeisler *Recommended by these individuals from their donor advised funds of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland. **Of Blessed Memory ***Matching Gift We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of these lists. Please contact the Marketing & Development Department with any corrections at 216.504.6451. 24 JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE ASSOCIATION OF CLEVELAND $250 - $499 Adele Adler raises her auction paddle at JFSA’s Signature Event “Two Leaders. One Light.” HOW YOU HELP WHO WE ARE Michael and Joyce Moshontz Helen and David Nagusky Rabbi Robert Nosanchuk and Joanie Berger Robin and Jason Ott Debra Pando Blaushild Barbara Zaas Partington and David Partington Michael and Barbara Peterman Miriam and Martin Plax Robert and Sylvia Reitman Thierry and Wendy Riek Susan and Mark Ringel Robert and Eleanore Risman Brian and Beth Robins Cary and Barbara Root Charles and Maxine Rosenbaum Allen Roth and Sharon Meckler Roth Jackie and Fred Rothstein* Peter and Aliki Rzepka Kenneth and Sheri Sacks* Bill and Lisa Schonberg Jill Schumacher and Gordon Friedman Diana Selman M & J Shafran Foundation Charna Sherman* Robert and Patricia Shiels Paula and Michael Sieger Monica Silver HOW WE HELP Members of B’nai Jeshurun Congregation deliver Passover food bags to home bound elderly clients of JFSA. WHO WE HELP Sheldon and Terry Adelman Adele Adler Berkowitz-Kumin-Bookatz Susan and Daniel Borison Beth and Robert Brandon David and Avril Burg Sandra Buzney California Pizza Kitchen, Inc. Elizabeth and Keith Chelm Raymond Cofta Rachel Colman Catherine Connell Jo and Pieter de Haseth Steven and Julie Deutch Ruth and Gerald Dombcik Fran and Mark Doris Chicky Drost Michael and Grace Drusinsky Cherie Dubyak Robert and Darlene Duvin Avroy and Roslyn Fanaroff Rabbi Chaim Feld and Barrie Feld Susan and Mitch Frankel Matthew and Tammy Friedman Cynthia Fuerst* Marci and Brent Garson vic and joan gelb* General Electric Employees Brian Gingerich and Dulcey Barr Norman and Bunny Ginis Jeffrey and Kerry Glueck Jordan and Jennifer Goldberg Mike and Beverly Goldie Merle and Harriet Gorden Andrew and Judy Green Brian Green Michele Greene Stacie and Jeffrey Halpern Robin and Lenny Heiser Robert and Tammy Heksch Robert Hexter John and Elaine Hibshman* Evan and Michelle Hirsh Miriam Hoffman Betty Holdstein Michael and Jane Horvitz* Jerry and Debbie Isaak-Shapiro William Jones Loren and Fern Kendis Jayna Kennedy Joanne Klein and Marshall Nurenberg James and Arlene Kokinda Bradley and Jenny Kotler Isay Krainsky Michael and Bella Lebowicz Leikin Motor Co. Adam and Nancy Levin Alan and Peggy Lipp Marilyn Lowitt The Mandel Foundation Herbert and Cookie Marcus* Lisa and Marc Millard Harriet Morse *Recommended by these individuals from their donor advised funds of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland. **Of Blessed Memory ***Matching Gift We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of these lists. Please contact the Marketing & Development Department with any corrections at 216.504.6451. 2013 ANNUAL REPORT 25 George Simon Mendel Singer Rabbi Joshua and Ilana Hoffer Skoff Lauren and Steven Stilman Shimon Stone Suzy and Rick Stone The Temple - Tifereth Israel Michael and Lara Thomas Vendors Exchange International Laura and David Vexler Elizabeth Vitriol Trust Agreement Michael and Peggy Wager* Joni and Steve Wasserman Philip and Peggy Wasserstrom Eleanor Weisman Sally Wertheim Judy and Steven Willensky* Caryn Wolf-Wechsler Dara and Alan Yanowitz YouthAbility $100 - $249 Anonymous (6) Robin and Michael Abrams Jodi and Joel Adelman Barbara and Hymie Akst Shawna and Josh Altman Sherri Appleton and Marty Resnik Area Temps Denise and Richard Arnstine Selma Baron Dale and Susan Bass James Begam Thomas Begam Annie and Mike Belkin Steven and Julie Belkin Roger and Linda Benjamin Susan Berger and Robert Brown Lynne and Irv Berliner Stanley Bernath Susan Berneike Jack and Ronni Bialosky Myrna Arlen Bloch and Kurt Bloch Paul and Noelle Blumberg Flora Blumenthal Lori and Robert Borlin Judith Borodkin Herbert and Helen Braun Alan Braverman Teri and Jaimie Brenkus George and Mary Broteck Stanley and Barbara Brown Mark and Victoria Byrne Rebecca and Irad Carmi Elaine Chaplin Florence Chelm* Barry and Lynn Chesler Hillel Chiel and Elizabeth Dreben Todd Stern and his two sons, Aden and Gabe, volunteered at the Annual Chanukah party for Holocaust Survivors and provided everyone with warm gloves for the winter. Percy and Carol Sue Clark Cleveland Chapter of WEB Joseph and Marlene Cohen Kenneth and Deborah Cohen Phyllis and Sidney Cohen Ronald and Marilyn Cohen Marc Collin and Rita Cydulka Lori and Joseph Compton Neil Cornrich Gregory and Margaret Couch Rosemary Creeden Thomas and Sondra Cristal William and Judith Day Carol Dayton Anthony DeMauro William and Mary Denihan Gary and Andrea Desberg Donna Driscoll Leslie and John Dunn Lyndsi Dvorin Marion and Kathleen Eldridge Deborah and Alan Erenrich The Family Club Joseph Felber* Marion and Steven Fish Lindsay Flack Rina and Samuel Frankel Ann and Marc Freimuth Bernard and Linda Friedman Harold and Nancy Friedman* Jane Friedman* Mady Friedman Molly and Sanford Friedson Gia Lai Ira Goffman Pearl Goldstein Barbara and Lev Gonick Ray Gonzalez and Pamela Bertaud Louis and Roseann Gottlober Lottie Gray Bernard and Janet Greenberg Rona and Bruce Greenwald Michael Greff Robert and Sally Gries Lynn and Robert Gross Jeffrey Grover Lisa Hacker *Recommended by these individuals from their donor advised funds of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland. **Of Blessed Memory ***Matching Gift We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of these lists. Please contact the Marketing & Development Department with any corrections at 216.504.6451. 26 JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE ASSOCIATION OF CLEVELAND WHO WE HELP Members of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland’s Young Leadership Division participate in the 2012 Day of Caring by helping JFSA clients bake a cake. WHO WE ARE Cindy and Keith Polster Scott and Cindy Polster Martin Powers Chuck and Anna Price Heddy and Leonard Rabe Ronald and Nancy Rafal John J. Ready & Associates Lauren Rich Fine and Gary Giller Tricia and Rob Risman Rabbi Daniel Roberts and Elaine Rembrandt Barbara Robinson Debra Robinson Becky and David Rocker Michael and Jodi Rogoff Nancy Rome Charles and Gayle Rosenberg Robert Rosenthal Matthew and Shawna Rosner Harriet Roth Debbie and Barry Rothschild Jay and Leslie Rotsky Shelly Rowse Patty and Eric Rubin Rachel Rubin Minda Rudnick and Michael Zabell Rebecca Schein Nate and Gayle Schneider HOW YOU HELP L. Douglas and Jeannette Lenkoski Stephen Levin and Lyn Fitz-Gerald Levin Marcia Levine Vicki and Gary Lieberman Irwin Lowenstein and Heather Ross-Lowenstein* Beverly Ludwig Fisher Steven and Maureen MacIntyre Rabbi Sharon Marcus and John Marcus Angela Markowitz Rabbi Yossi Marozov Yoel Mayerfeld Andrew and Minda Meyer Hedy and Michael Milgrom Paul and Lynn Millet Jeffrey and Glorina Morris Jill Morris-Boardman Karen Leizman Moses and Barry Moses Milton and Esther Moss* Thomas and Pamela Murphy Harold and Patricia Musick Marilyn and Richard Myers Judith and Ronald Neuger The O’Brien Law Firm LLC The Park Synagogue Michael Patterson Michael and Paula Penzner Deborah and Scott Picker HOW WE HELP Norman and Diane Halpern Bernice and Zev Harel Jane Harkey Robert and Lisa Heiser Kathryn Hemsath Karin Hess-Hopkins Dorothy Hodnichak James Hojnacki Lois Horvitz Marguerite Hughes Wilson Huhn and Nancy Wollam-Huhn Cari Immerman Impullitti Landscaping Jeanne Irvin Gary and Lara Isakov Lara and Ronnen Isakov Dennis and Helen Israelstam Loren Israelstam Jamie Belkin Events Brian Jereb Jerusalem Grill, LLC David and Annette Johnson Bradley Kates Sara Kay Daniel and Cynthia Kelly Jonathon and Bonnie Klarfeld Stuart and Theresia Kline N. Herschel** and Maxine Koblenz Laura and David Kosak Teri and Craig Koslen Steven Kotler Ralph and Terry Kovel Margaret and Dennis Kovit Amy and Mark Krantz Keith and Kristen Kraus Georgene Kravitz Derrick Kruger Barbara and Larry Kupps Barbara and Ronald Lang Renee Lang Dexter Lark Tom and Jane Lassar Raleigh and Patrick Leahy Kathy and Robert Leb Sharon and Jamie Lebovitz Jonathan Leebow Barbara Leidner *Recommended by these individuals from their donor advised funds of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland. **Of Blessed Memory ***Matching Gift We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of these lists. Please contact the Marketing & Development Department with any corrections at 216.504.6451. 2013 ANNUAL REPORT 27 Suzanne and Henry Schneps Harvey and Diane Scholnick Richard and Allison Schultz Rachel and Joel Schwarz Daniel Schweid and Carolee Lesyk Jay and Sharon Seaton Gary and Mary Ann Shamis Michael Shapiro Robert Sherman Naomi Shiffman Alvin and Laura Siegal Scott Sill Pauline Silverman Robert Silverman* Seymour Simmons** Marv and Judy Solganik Sonkin & Koberna Co., L.P.A Dennis and Raycine Spector Mary Steffens Terri and Howard Steindler Susie and Brian Stern James and Edith Stevenson Leonard Tracht Yuriy Tumanov Rabbi Allison Vann and Charlie Vann John and Joan Veres Felix and Inna Vilinsky Roni and Benjamin Wallace Maurice Weidenthal The Adolf Weinberger Foundation Arthur and Jennifer Weisman Pamela and Steven Weisman Audrey and Ethan Weiss David and Joy Weiss James and Eileen Wilkoff Evan Witt Clifford and Linda Wolf* Nancy Wolf and Eric Greenfield Rosalyn Wolf Daniel and Laura Wolkoff Carol Wortzman Edward Wortzman Rollyn Wyatt Donna Yanowitz* Sandy and Gene Zuckerman Residents of Ruach House are excited to take their annual trip to Cedar Point, along with their JFSA staff members. Up to $100 Anonymous (10) Tom and Abby Abelson Carolyn Adelstein Edythe and Bennett Adler Jessie and Fred Adler Ken and Fern Adler Allison Agin Cindy and Jerald Aizen Thomas and Leslie Andrzejewski Barbara and Lee Appel Roger and Miriam Arnstine Luisa Aviv Mindi and Michael Axner Carolyn and James Bankhurst Ellen Barrett Robin Barrisch Rabbi Rosette Barron Haim and Marshall Barron Rachael Baum Lois Becker Harry Beer Laura and Douglas Bell Steven Berger Kirk and Faye Berkowitz Rebecca Berliner Ronald and Judith Bernon E.J. Bloom Charles Bonacci Thomas and Jodi Bonda Debi Boxerbaum David Bradford and Susanna Goulder Toby and Norman Bresky Phyllis Brody The Bronfman Youth Fellowships in Israel, Inc. Lois Bruck Shoshana Buccholz-Miller and Victor Miller Roy Buchinsky Edwin and Lorraine Calhoun William and Nancy Carlson Linda and Howard Chapman Alan Charnas Michael and Mimi Charnas Sveta Chudy Avery and Susannah Cohen Robin and Lawrence Collins William and Ilse Cooper Coopertown PTO Rhoda Crabbe Cecilia and David Cristol Cynthia Datzman Jay and Jane Davis Richard and Cynthia Demsey Iona and Richard Dettelbach *Recommended by these individuals from their donor advised funds of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland. **Of Blessed Memory ***Matching Gift We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of these lists. Please contact the Marketing & Development Department with any corrections at 216.504.6451. 28 JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE ASSOCIATION OF CLEVELAND HOW YOU HELP Irene and Roger Knipper Anita Koblitz Kenneth and Audrey Koblitz Marcia Korenstein Alan and Carole Koster Julie and Matthew Kotler Bertram Kramer Eleanor Krongold Beth and Alan Kuhel Cindy Kula Carolyn Lampl Douglas and Regina Lantsberg Ruth and Max** Lebovitz Jacob and Elaine Lebowitz Ruth Lee Carol Leibow Margaret Leiser Ruth Lester Harry and Caren Lever Abbie and David Levin Jeffrey Levinson Debbie and Richard Lewis Scott and Shelly Lewis Lisa and Philip Linden Nathan and Marilyn Lipsyc HOW WE HELP David and Lynn Heiman James and Carolyn Herman Barry and Caryn Hersch Steven Hershkowitz Stephen and Amy Hoffman Joel and Laura Holland Scott and Pamela Isquick Issi’s Place, Inc. Pauline Jacobson Bertha Jaffe Amy Johnson Freida Johnson-Jones Emily and Ronald Kabert Stephen Kadish Lawrence and Sharon Kahn Jon Kaplan Martin and Penny Katz Olivia Kaufman Linda Kelly Liz Kiggen Ivor Kiwi Jonathan and Abbie Klein Joshua Klein Sidney and Linda Klein Ernest and Marcia Kline WHO WE HELP WHO WE ARE David and Karen Disner Vera and Ronald Dombcik Peggy and Gary Dorfman Millicent Driver Joan Drnek Kathleen Durkin Walter Duvall Lester and Eleanor Einhorn Marcia and Monroe Elbrand Elite Vending Service, Inc. Barbara Evenchik Elizabeth and John Feighan Robert and Marcia Fein Richard Felber Ferrous Processing & Trading Co. Phyllis Fine Scott Finerman Paul and Diane Fisher Jonathan Forman Lawrence and Bonnie Frankel* Sherman and Shirley Frankel Michael and Julie Frayman Jay and Hope Fromson John and Laura Gaglione Phyllis Asquith Gary Joseph Gelles and Mia Buchwald Gelles David and Ellen Gellin Gerald Gerschman Warren and Myrna Gill David Glaser M. E. Gleason Richard and Elayne Glueck Betty Gold Delores and Martin Goldfarb Francine Goldsmith Miriam and Marcy Goldstein Lisa and Ronald Golovan Susan Goodwyn Earl and Connie Gordon Joyce Gordon Joan Goulder Alan Greenberg Jeremy and Deborah Greene Barbara Gross and Terrence Pollack Anne Gullia Valentina Gulyayeva Shirley Haber JFSA staff Allison Retter and Debbie Isaak-Shapiro prepare roasted corn at Gross Schecter Day School’s Annual Kosher Rib Burn Off. *Recommended by these individuals from their donor advised funds of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland. **Of Blessed Memory ***Matching Gift We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of these lists. Please contact the Marketing & Development Department with any corrections at 216.504.6451. 2013 ANNUAL REPORT 29 Annette Lusher Sandra Lusher-Waterhouse and Bruce Waterhouse Patricia Lyden M & O Electric, LLC Wendy Maayan Lorrie and Alvin Magid Bruce and Rita Mandel Beth and Loren Margolis Annette Markell James and Nancy Mastrian Jeff and Hedid Mattlin Arthur and Sally** Mayers Marlene Mayers Esther Meckler Eugene Medovoy Rosalie and Jack Meiland Donald and Sara Messinger Irina Mikhalev Marvin and Renate Miller Pia Miller David and Kelly Millet Cindi Morris Dana Morris Sheilah Moshogianes Donna Moss Michael and Margery Moss Kathy Mulcahey Miriam Muskin New Jersey Performing Arts Center Yvette Peck Newlin and Harold Newlin Ann and Charles Newman Louis and Charlotte Orkin Paladar Latin Kitchen Park Synagogue Sisterhood Michael Patterson Henry and Bonnie Pikkel Benson and Francine Pilloff Cheryl and Allen Plotkin Mariya Pomeranets Richard and Charlene Ratner Melody Reedy Gloria Resnick Charles and Sally Rich Ray and Thelma Rivin Merrill and Sharon Roback Beth Robbins The 2013-2014 Know Abuse™ Cast and Advisory Panel. Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory Carol Ronder Alan and Pamela Rosenbaum Brian Rosenfelt Jonathan** and Alice Roth Eugene Roytberg Mark Sack Mauri and Judith Salzman Sheri and Billy Sax Marci Schlessel Sevel and Richard Sevel Bernard and Victoria Schmelzer Cathy Schreiber Sara Schrode Rieda Schubert Laura Sears Alice and John Seelye Neal and Cheri Shapero Loren and Brenda Shapiro Roma and Dick Shapiro William and Esther Shimansky Arthur** and Margery Shorr Stephen and Sharon Shucard Leonard Shulman and Joan Sorkin Shulman Susan Shvartz Bella Shwartstein Harvey and Adrienne Siegel Alan Silverman Loramae and Ronald Simkoff Ann and Phillip Singer Patricia and Jerry Smith Yelyzaveta Sokolnykova Vivian Solganik Barbara and Richard Speer Donna and Howard Sperber Scott and Jody Spero Suburban Temple-Kol Ami Judith and Lawrence Tavens Jennifer and Neil Tramer Richard and Barbara Trau Maggie Tuggle Charles Varkala Vladimir and Larisa Vaynshteyn Lisa and Peter Vinocur Jay Wachs Kittie Warshawsky Lynn and Harold Wasserman Frances Weathers Barbara and David Weber Thomas and Doris Weil Cynthia and Michael Weiner Elaine and Milt Weinstein Richard Weintraub *Recommended by these individuals from their donor advised funds of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland. **Of Blessed Memory ***Matching Gift We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of these lists. Please contact the Marketing & Development Department with any corrections at 216.504.6451. 30 JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE ASSOCIATION OF CLEVELAND Lee and Marla Weisberg Jennie Weisinger Fred Weisman Wendy Weisman-Dermer and Daniel Dermer Burton and Betty Lou Weiss Fern Weiss and Ken Friedlander Jay Vee and Linda Weiss Leo Weiss** Linda and Jay Weiss Stephen and Naomi Weiss George and Josephine Weisz Earlean Welch Melanie and Scott Weltman Carly and Jonathan Wilbur Idelle Wolf Daniel and Ellen Worthington Yogurt Vi Marilyn and Joel Zaas Ileane and Fredrick Zacharchenko Laura and Roger Zeefe Yuri Zelenkov Burton and Sandra Zucker WHO WE HELP HOW WE HELP HOW YOU HELP Chief William Dennihan (ADAMHS Board), Debbie Chickering, Ascentia Executive Director, enjoy JFSA’s Client Art Show “The Neighborhoods of Cleveland.” WHO WE ARE “The Neighborhoods of Cleveland” was featured at the Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage, The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and at the offices of the ADAMHS Board. *Recommended by these individuals from their donor advised funds of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland. **Of Blessed Memory ***Matching Gift We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of these lists. Please contact the Marketing & Development Department with any corrections at 216.504.6451. 2013 ANNUAL REPORT 31 hebrew Shelter home Donors This donor list represents gifts to the Hebrew Shelter Home received between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013. $20,000 + The Milton and Tamar Maltz Family Foundation Clare and Sam Minoff* $5,000 - $19,999 The Human Fund Philanthropic Fund The Sukenik Family Foundation Daniel and Ellen Zelman* $2,500 - $4,999 Anonymous $1,000 - $2,499 Lois J. Davis Stacie and Jeffery Halpern Robert and Elayne Kwait Park Synagogue $500 - $999 David and Hedy Adler Daniel and Paula Dreyfuss Rachel Edwards The Richard Horvitz and Erica Hartman-Horvitz Foundation Larry and Julia Pollock* Steven and Lauren Spilman The Temple - Tifereth Israel Religious School Students $200 - $499 Yehuda and Barbara Baskin Marilyn and Marshall** Bedol* Jules and Fran Belkin* Susan Bichsel and Steve Rusnak Stacia Dearmin Alfred and Harriet Fader Lawrence and Bonnie Frankel* vic and joan gelb* Sally Good Walter and Esti Gumpertz Adam and Amalia Haas J. David and Rebecca Heller Alan and Beverly Israel Donald and Judy Jacobson Melvin and Lola Kamins Dolores and James Kleinman Harvey and Norma Kotler Steven and Sandra Laserson Maj Helps Shelley Milin Marcus* and Greg Marcus Beno and Elaine Michel* Michael and Sherry Milner The Pampered Chef Robert and Margo Roth* Risa Shatz Roth and Mark Roth Michael and Anita Siegal* Gail and Edward Weintraub William Wortzman Martha Zlotnik $50 - $199 Ian and Gloria Abrams Michael and Brenda Altose Sherri Appleton and Marty Resnik Jonathan Baskin and Dahna Gordon-Baskin Lynne and Irv Berliner Myrna Arlen Bloch and Kurt Bloch Stephen Brown and Betsy Mahlke Scott and Carol Burg Bonita and Arnold Caplan Elizabeth and Keith Chelm Florence Chelm* Barry and Lynn Chesler Hillel Chiel and Elizabeth Dreben Nan Cohen and Daniel Abrams* Lynne Marcus Cohen and Philip Cohen* Melvyn and Wendy Dinner Chicky Drost Carl and Emily Einstein Bruce and Sharon Epstein Morton and Natalie Epstein Deborah and Alan Erenrich Bennett and Sharon Fagin Cindy Feuer Dennis and Marcy Fisher Ronald Fleeter David Fleshler and Carla Tricarichi Rina and Samuel Frankel Elisha and Anna Fredman Ann and Marc Freimuth Madeline Friedman Marci Friedman Steven and Harriet Friedman Avrum and Phyllis Froimson Joseph Gelles and Mia Buchwald Gelles Howard and Suri Goldman Mark and Jo Goren Steven and Edith Greenberg* Gary Gross Michael and Raquel Haas Jean Heflich Paula and Daniel Herman David Hutt and Diane Burgin Gary and Lara Isakov Dennis and Helen Israelstam M. Orry and Sheila Jacobs Daniel Jaffe and Beth Hellerstein William Jones Sandra Kahn Gary Kaplan and Roberta Karsh Kaplan Benjamin and Michelle Katz Barry Kislowicz and Kalany Rubin Pam and Reed Kleinman Stuart and Theresia Kline Edward and Roslyn Kowit Isay Krainsky Harvey Kugelman and Karen Rubin-Kugelman Debra and Jonathan Lee Ellyn Lefko Adam and Nancy Levin Charles Lissauer* Martin and Lois Marcus James and Susan Marder Joseph Mendes & Mollie Mendes Family Charitable Fund Mel and Harriet Morris Nachama Moskowitz Rita Nagusky Kenneth Oif and Marilyn Frankel Oif Shari and Michael Perlmuter Ronald and Nancy Rafal Mark and Susan Ringel Anita Rosenbaum Susan and Steven Rubin *Recommended by these individuals from their donor advised funds of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland. **Of Blessed Memory ***Matching Gift We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of these lists. Please contact the Marketing & Development Department with any corrections at 216.504.6451. 32 JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE ASSOCIATION OF CLEVELAND HOW YOU HELP WHO WE ARE Anonymous Adele Adler Ahavath Israel Charity Fund Cindy and Jerald Aizen Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple Barbara Appel Charles and Saralee Apple Robin Avery and Michael Lauer Philip and Pessy Baskin Rachel Berman Gary and Janice Bilchik Robert and Eileen Blattner Marlyn Bloch Jaffe and Ari Jaffe Lori and Robert Borlin Toby and Norman Bresky Richard and Jacqueline Brooks Peter and Tamar Brosse Arthur and Karen Brown David and Avril Burg Rebecca Chesler Jeffrey and Arielle Cohen Theodore and Vicky Cohn Janis and Ronald DeVito Joan Drnek Hayley and Larry Dubin Nancy Dudwick Leonard and Karen Ehrenreich Rosalyn and Jerome Ellerin Roberta Feinstein George and Bela Fischer Walter Frank Matthew Frankel Jeffrey and Ann Joy Pickholtz Deborah and Harold Polster Phylis and Lawrence Pomerantz Joanne Prober Leatrice and Irving Rabinsky Leah Ratner David Richter Anita Rothschild and Steven Wexberg Philip and Toby Rosenberg Arthur Rosner and Tena Tarler Rosner Ellen Rossen Erika Rudin-Luria and Rabbi Hal Rudin-Luria Sheri and Billy Sax Alan and Elissa Schabes Herbert and Retha Schabes Amy Schechter Bernard and Victoria Schmelzer Tamara and Martin Schneider Jack and Phyllis Schubert Melvin and Maude Shafron Eliav and Caroline Sharvit Mark Shoag Irving and Lolly Silber Marvin and Judith Solganik Donna and Howard Sperber Allan and Tanita Taub Hillary Taylor Sanford and Beth Timen Ronald and Natalie Titlebaum Philip and Hasida Toltzis Steven and Lori Toth Richard and Jane Warn Martin and Helaine Weisberg Leo Weiss** Stephen and Naomi Weiss William and Barbara Wieder David and Tamara Wilkof Maxene Zion HOW WE HELP Up to $50 Jacqueline Freedman Loren and Andrew Frieder Judith Friedman Molly and Sanford Friedson Ida Fromovitz Bernice and Donald Gandal Joyce Garver Keller Herbert Geduld Karen and Bruce Gilbert Deborah Givens Shelley and Gary Goldin Chaim Evan and Esther Goodman Beverly and Stanley Gordon Ernestine Gottesman Sharona Grunspan Dahlia and Larry Harris Philmore Hart Stanley and Jacalyn Hazen Ursula Heinen Lesley and Arthur Hirsh Betty Holdstein Helene and Arthur Indianer Jerome and Rhoda Jacobs Matil Jacobs Laura and Jeffrey Jaffe Robert and Lisa Jaffe Richard and Roberta Katzman* Suzanne and Arnold Kaufman Merle and Robert Kiwi Jonathan and Abbie Klein Joshua Klein Stuart Kleiner Seymour and Gail Kopelowitz Marcia Korenstein Joan and Tauber Kornblut Marcia Kritzler Paula and Jeffrey Lebowitz Marlene Lefton Karen and Scott Lewis Martin and Marla Lipman Sandra Lusher-Waterhouse and Bruce Waterhouse The Madav IX Foundation Jeffrey Marks Esther Meckler Yisroel and Sherrie Mendenhall Hadassa and Oren Meyers Lillian Milder Bruce Millman Jeffrey and Glorina Morris Howard and Erika Nathan Neil and Isabel Parks WHO WE HELP Gerald and Hermina Saidel Richard and Allison Schultz Walter and Paula Schwartz Stuart and Roberta Sears Leslie and David Seiger Michael and Barbara Shapero Rita Shtull Stephen and Barbara Somogyi Doris Sopher Elizabeth and Joshua Sunshine Tibor’s Kosher Meat Market, Inc. Lisa and Scott Wasserman Susan Weingold Norman and Cecile Weissman George and Josephine Weisz David and Carol Willen Gerald and Iris Zahler M. Cory Zucker *Recommended by these individuals from their donor advised funds of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland. **Of Blessed Memory ***Matching Gift We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of these lists. Please contact the Marketing & Development Department with any corrections at 216.504.6451. 2013 ANNUAL REPORT 33 Plan Donors This donor list represents gifts to PLAN (Planned Lifetime Assistance Network of Northeast Ohio) received between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013. $100,000+ $2,500 - $4,999 $100 - $249 The Estate of Jean McDaniel Morton and Carol Frankel* Anonymous (2) Harvey and Norma Kotler Albert Augustus John and Joan Avery $50,000 - $99,999 Homer and Gertrude Chisholm Gerald and Martine Conway $20,000 - $49,999 $1000 - $2,499 Michael and Nicol Coxon Robin Herrington-Bowen Michael Klein Ceres Foundation Howard and Sue Maier* The Milton and Tamar Maltz Family Foundation Claudia Metz $10,000 - $19,999 Robert and Margo Roth $5,000 - $9,999 Gerald and Beatrice Camiener Jo and Pieter de Haseth Lee and Amy Handel C. Mark Hayes Kent and Jerrye Hayes $500 - $999 Richard and Gail Bowen David and Michele Camiener Mary Meredith Dobyns Vickie and Gregory Leyes Robert and Meredith McCreary Preformed Line Products*** Progressive Insurance Foundation*** Jeffrey and Mary Sopko The Nathan Wisneski Fund Blanche Bertaud Susan Bichsel and Steve Rusnak Barbara Bolek Lance Buhl John Burkhart Javier and Barbara Clemente Jean and John Cregan Driftwood of Olde Naples Condo James Goldsmith and Nancy Shaw Goldsmith Sally Good William and Constance Hawke Dorothy Hildt Graham and Susan Hoggins Marcia Hollinger Anne and J. David Hunter Lawrence and Karen Katz David and Amy Woodard Audrey Kellermeyer $250 - $499 James and Kathe Mayer* Marion Kaufman Bruce Kendrick Elizabeth McBride Mary and Robert Murphy Robert and Peggy Ratcheson Jill Schumacher and Gordon Friedman Terri and Howard Steindler Robert and Juanita Storey Jacquie Houser presents the PLAN Volunteer of the Year Award to Melanie Young. Donna Beletic Jonathan and Rochelle Straffon Gail and Ed Weintraub L. Douglas and Jeannette Lenkoski Lillian Milder Jeffrey Moss E. Motch Lawrence Novak and Donna Schaaf William and Barbara Oberdick William and Amelia Osborne Richard and Cheryl Pace PNC Wealth Management Charles and Maxine Rosenbaum Ronald** and Marcia Schumann Susan Silver *Recommended by these individuals from their donor advised funds of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland. **Of Blessed Memory ***Matching Gift We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of these lists. Please contact the Marketing & Development Department with any corrections at 216.504.6451. 34 JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE ASSOCIATION OF CLEVELAND Diana Treco Stephanie and Nicholas Ulmer Greg and Sharon Vranekovic Donna Wetzel William Wortzman Edward and Jane Young Up to $100 HOW WE HELP This past year, three families that have long been supporters of PLAN made substantial gifts in various ways to ensure its continued operations. Gerald and Marty Conway challenged other PLAN families with a matching gift opportunity, which raised $100,000 for the PLAN Endowment. Inspired by the Conway’s generosity and leadership, Homer and Gert Chisholm made a $50,000 endowment gift. Original founding members Jean and Holmer McDaniel (of blessed memory) provided for PLAN in their estate, which resulted in a gift of $100,000. WHO WE ARE For a family who has a son, daughter, or sibling dealing with a chronic mental illness, helping that loved one progress in their recovery remains a top priority. One of the major resources families turn to for support is Planned Lifetime Assistance Network of Northeast Ohio (PLAN) and its Holistic Recovery Program, which includes a vast array of social and recreational outings, volunteer opportunities, and special interest group activities. These services play a critical role for members, helping them to improve their quality of life in a supportive community of families and professionals. HOW YOU HELP *Recommended by these individuals from their donor advised funds of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland. **Of Blessed Memory ***Matching Gift We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of these lists. Please contact the Marketing & Development Department with any corrections at 216.504.6451. WHO WE HELP Elizabeth Augustus Stephen Bassett Gerry and Kathleen Bennett Ronald Berschig Lawrence Bole and Anita Vento Donald and Therese Cairns James and Mary Derrick Greg and Edie Dore Patricia and Dennis Gabriel Gary Goldberg Hollie Goldberg Ray Gonzalez and Pamela Bertaud Russell and Cynthia Hammer Henry Hatch Lawrence and Linda Hatch Robert and Adele Himler Grace Lin Sylvia and Victor Matthews Donald and Barbara Meckler Harriet and Mel Morris James and Jane Murphy Joseph and Lucy Oliver Richard and Marilyn Paulson Ella Quintrell Bruce Rankin James and Mary Robertson Lynn and Kennan Salzbrenner Laura Silver Rebecca Storey Charles and Evelyn Terkun Raymond and Donna Timko Andrew and Rena Wellman Gail Wetzel Walter Wisnieski Marilyn Woodard “We are fortunate that so many families continue to support PLAN’s mission. These three families, in particular, have demonstrated exemplary support for PLAN that encourages others to invest in the future of PLAN as well,” says Kent Hayes, JFSA Board Member. 2013 ANNUAL REPORT 35 In-kind Donations JFSA, Hebrew Shelter Home, and PLAN are extremely appreciative of the many in-kind goods and services received by the following individuals and organizations between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013. Moshe and Nili Adler Agnon School Aish’s Chayil Bill Amato Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple Ruth Baker BBYO Beachwood Endodontic Specialists, Inc. Beachwood Fire Department Beachwood Police Department Beachwood Recreation Patti Berns Beth El Congregation Beth Hamidrosh Hagodol-Heights Jewish Center Faith Blau B’nai Jeshurun Congregation Hallie Bram Kogelschatz Boy Scouts Pack 0095 Boy Scouts Pack 119 Morris and Sophia Brick Sandra Buzney Cedar Sinai Synagogue Cindy Chaiten Charisma Hair Design Andrew and Lucy Chess Sandra Cinch Cleveland Clinic Sleep Disorder Center Cleveland Hillel Foundation Lynne Marcus Cohen and Philip Cohen Phyllis and Sidney Cohen Community Quilters Congregation Kol Chadash Congregation Shaarey Tikvah Cathy Cooper Creekside Financial Advisors, LLC Lois J. Davis Sarajane and Samuel Dolinsky Michelle Drerup Valerie Duchon JoAnn Dunlevey Enviro Chemical Billie and Rick Erickson The Friendship Circle Fantasy Candies Femme Gemmz Liz Ferro Fireside Books Flowers by Stazzone The Fresh Market Fuchs Mizrachi Jodie Goldman Heidi Goldstein Susan Goodwyn Bruce Gottlieb Green Road Synagogue Gross Schechter Day School Hairways Beauty Salon Michael Helgott J. David and Rebecca Heller Sheila and Robert Hinnes Andrew Hoffman Horvitz YouthAbility Jacqueline Houser Claire Huntington Louis and Beth Innenberg George and Jane Jasper Jewish Community Center Jewish Federation of Cleveland Women’s Philanthropy Jewish Federation of Cleveland Young Leadership Division The Jewish Relief Society Joss Boutique David and Judy Kaufman Knuth’s Kol Halev Donna Kramer Ladies & Gentlemen Salon & Spa Penny Lashner Terry Lester Let My People Grow Families Eliana Levine Cynthia Lipman Los Habaneros Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage Angela Markowitz Mayfield Village Racquet Club Metropolitan Market Miles Farmers Market Karen Leizman Moses and Barry Moses National Council of Jewish Women, Cleveland Section Hailey Nudelman Ohio Department of Agriculture Paladar Latin Kitchen Park Synagogue Pat O’Brien’s Fine Wine and Spirits Puff N’Stuff Susan Rapoport We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of these lists. Please contact the Marketing & Development Department with any corrections at 216.504.6451. 36 JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE ASSOCIATION OF CLEVELAND Elaine Rembrandt Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory Root-InfoTech David and Enid Rosenberg RSVP Leslie and David Seiger Sheraton Furniture Jeffrey Silver, DDS Peter Smilovits, DDS Snow Brothers Appliances SS&G Financial Services, Inc. Todd and Jennifer Stern Richard Streem, DDS Suburban Temple-Kol Ami Susan’s Dress Shop Taza Lebanese Grill Temple Emanu El Temple Israel Ner Tamid The Temple-Tifereth Israel The Shul Tikvat Yisrael Trader Joe’s Ayelet Travis Gary Truxton The Tutoring Center Adrienne and Melvin Wasserman Whole Life Dentistry Nancy Wolf and Eric Greenfield Sherri Wolf Caryn Wolf-Wechsler William Wortzman Wortzman & Gingerich Company Albert Yedid Melanie Young Regina Adler and Miriam Perel celebrate the Fourth of July at JFSA’s Café Europa social program for Holocaust Survivors. jfsa Volunteers Glenn Moore Katie Mulholland Jennifer Murphy Bob Murphy Jamaica N. Janisse Nagel Monica Nemeth Ethan Newburger Austin Oberfeld Eli P. Nadav Pecha Gary Petler Deborah Picker Koby Picker Jake R. Leonard R. Eva Racz Bruce Rankin Thelma Rivin Danyelle Roan Scott Robertson Jacob Rogers Jenny Rosenberg Raquel Rosenberg Marcie Rosenthal Jaime Rotsky Kelly Rubanenko Andrew S. Brittney S. Courtney S. Jared S. Justin S. Andrew Sandor Martin Schneider Nate Schneider Carole Schonberg Maude Shafron Amy Shahinian Alexa Shankman Ford Shelton Stephen Shucard Sonya Shultz John Siff Lynda Simon Eden Skoff Rachel Slack Maureen Sokolov Vivian Solganik Dennis Spector Howard Sperber Trudy Stearns Celia Steinhoff Todd Stern Dana Stratz Donna Sulzer Hannah Szabo Tibor Szabo Sherry Tanious Michael Tesler Yael Tesler Richard Truog Gary Truxton Marieo Vassar Vladimir Vaynshteyn Marie Vishon Brittany W. Maya Watson Michael Weatherhead Margy Weinberg Aliza Weiss Emily Weiss Claire Whiteman Ronald Wiesenthal Brianna Williams Jeff Williams Jerad Williams Louiza Wise Ian Wisneski Gary Woodard Elayna Y. Melanie Young Marilyn Zaas Olga Zullig WHO WE ARE Beth Innenberg Louis Innenberg Bertha Jaffe Brian Jasper Jane Jasper Carol Johnson Janet Jones Shira Josefovitz George Julien Milton Kaden Meir Kamchaji Fern Kendis Scott Kendis David Kendrick Beryl Khabeer Svetlana Kleinerman Dolores Kleinman Ernest Kline David Kloock Marcia Korenstein August Kovacik Amy Kramer Gilbert Krantz Carrie L. Kaleb L. Sydney Lapin Anita Lechner Colin Leverette Marjorie Levine Julie Lin Emily Ludwig Leonard Lurie Taylor Lurie Annette Lusher Brianna M. Carly Madden Hitomi Maeno Matt Maier Jennifer Mann Sarah Markowitz David Maxey Savanna McCarthy Bryson Mercer HOW YOU HELP Cathy Cooper Jeremy Cronig Heather D. Carly D. Liza Daroff Zoe Davidson Casey Dawson Greg Dore Tasha Dore Blaise E. Billie Erickson Scott Erickson Ken F. Rick Faluski Melvyn Fernando Molly Fields Alice Fingerhut Hannah Firestone Rose Fischietto Lori Frankel Halle Fromson Erin G. Jeremy G. Mattvey G. Noah G. Carly Gains Marci Garson Nancy Gluck Basya Gluzman Brad Goble Erika Gold Gary Goldberg Bentzion Goldman Francine Goldsmith Sari Gonick Rachel Greene Lee Haas Neil Heller Rivka Hirschfeld Sharon Hirsh Elise Holman Megan Horn Lisa Ingber HOW WE HELP Ben A. Robin Abrams Allison Agin Cindy Aizen Lynn Algeri Sanford Asnien Shosh Ault Linda Azoff AC B. Emilie B. Evan B. Irene B. Ted B. Omar B. Ciauna Banks Max Barnett Marina Baskin Bethany Baughman Rachael Baum Ernest Benchell Betty Berliner** Stanley Bernath Pam Bertaud Maxine Bilchik Barbara Blatt Judy Blum Mary Boksansky Hannah Borison Betti Buck Susan Burkhart Lauren Burke Beverly Byrd-Lloyd Nicole Caine Lindsay Campbell Sandra Carrel Linda Chapman Bruce Chelnick Sophia Cheng Josh Chernomorets Nate Chernomorets Andrew & Lucy Chess Phyllis Cohen Neil & Laurel Conway The Volunteer Advisory Committee produced an excellent Annual Volunteer Recognition Luncheon. WHO WE HELP Last fiscal year JFSA, the Hebrew Shelter Home, and PLAN volunteers provided 2,144 hours of service to the community through a variety of volunteer activities, including delivering meals to homebound seniors twice a week, visiting with Holocaust Survivors, participating in teen outreach education, and many other activities that support JFSA’s mission. Because these services are delivered by volunteers, JFSA saves approximately $401,708 a year.* JFSA, the Hebrew Shelter Home, and PLAN could not be successful without these volunteers and we thank them for their tireless efforts. *Source: www.independentsector.org **Of Blessed Memory 2013 ANNUAL REPORT 37 Unrestricted financials July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013 All financial data is audited. Audit is available for inspection at the agency. Revenue and Funding Sources Government (Reimbursements for Client Services)1 $ 14,077,354 Grants and Contributions 3,909,013 Jewish Federation of Cleveland/United Way Services 2,597,787 Private Pay 3,787,309 2 Other3 477,059 Total $ 24,848,522 Operating Expenses by Client Population Adults with Disabilities and Residential Services $ 11,835,287 Home Care 5,248,944 Older Adults 2,051,339 College Financial Aid Program 784,231 Families at Risk 720,850 Total Direct Services 20,640,651 (plus) General Administration 3,296,844 Total Operating4 15.2% Private Pay 1.9% Other $ 23,937,495 13.7% 56.7% Government 3.1% General Administration Familes at Risk 3.3% 10.5% Jewish Federation of Cleveland/ United Way Services Revenue and Funding Sources 15.7% Grants and Contributions College Financial Aid Program 8.6% Older Adults Operating Expenses by Client Population 49.4% Adults with Disabilities and Residential Services 21.9% Home Care (1) Government Sources: Western Reserve Area Agency on Aging, The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Cuyahoga County Board of Mental Retardation/Developmental Disabilities, ADAMHS Board, State of Ohio, Ohio Department of Human Services. (2) Includes grants from public and private foundations and grants from government sources. (3) Includes investment income (realized and unrealized gains and losses), rental income, management fees and individual contributions. (4) Excludes an unfunded pension expense decrease of $846, 533 and an interest rate swap expense decrease of $15, 140. 38 JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE ASSOCIATION OF CLEVELAND JFSA Leadership JFSA Management Team Board Officers Susan L. Bichsel, Ph.D. President & Chief Executive Officer Vice Chair David Hlavac, MBA Vice President & Chief Financial Officer Philip M. Cohen* Cynthia Bruml Suellen Kadis Treasurer Ethan Cohen* Assistant Treasurer Secretary Bruce Goodman Larry Rothstein Robert Schwartz Leo Silberman Judy Ulrich Sally Wagner John Wirtshafter* Jonathan Wise President & CEO Susan L. Bichsel, Ph.D. * Board Committee Chair/Co-chair ** Of Blessed Memory Debbie Chickering, MBA Executive Director, Ascentia Donna Dixon, RN, CP Clinical Manager, JFSA Care at Home Homecare Ginny Galili, MSSA Executive Director, Families at Risk Lisa Goodlow, RN, BSN MSM, NE-BC Associate Executive Director, JFSA Care at Home - Homecare Angela Markowitz Executive Assistant to the CEO & CFO Jeff Morris Director of Operations Karen Leizman Moses, Esq. Major Gifts Officer WHO WE ARE Hinda Abramoff Trish Adler* Linda Azoff Michael Baron Gary Bilchik Janice Bilchik, NCJW Representative Eileen Blattner* Cynthia Bruml* Mike Cole* Grant Dinner* Cynthia Fuerst Sid Good* Mark Goren Michael Guggenheim Kent Hayes* Jean Heflich* John Herman Donald Jacobson, Special Advisor David Kaufman Nathan Klein Andrew Kohn, At Large Melissa Korland Harvey Kotler* Sherelynn Lehman Patricia Mintz* Janisse Nagel Shari Perlmuter Kevin Robertson Cary Root* Marilyn Bedol* Robert Blattner, At Large Robert Deitz Chicky Drost Morton Epstein Harold Friedman David Goldberg Sally Good Herbert Goulder Alvin Gray Robert Immerman, Immediate Past Chair Dolores Kleinman* Marvin Lader Arthur Mayers Chuck Mintz Karen B. Newborn* Elmer Paull Michael Peterman Charles Rosenberg Alan Schonberg** James Spira Myrna Spira Eleanor Steigman David Strauss Will Sukenik Phillip Wasserstrom Sally Wertheim William A. Wortzman Robert Bologa, MBA Senior Director of Human Resources HOW YOU HELP Board Directors Life Directors Susan Berneike, MPH Director of Developmental Disabilities Services, Ascentia HOW WE HELP Michael Weiner Incoming Board Chair Phil Cohen accepts the gavel from outgoing Board Chair Bob Immerman. WHO WE HELP Chair Thomas Petersen Controller, Director of Finance Thierry Riek, MBA Director of Planning & Performance Anne Rosenberg Director of Marketing & Development Sheri Sax, RD, LD, LNHA Associate Executive Director, JFSA Care at Home, Older Adult Services Stephan Schwartz, Ph.D. Associate Executive Director, Ascentia Timothy Williams Chief Information Officer 2013 ANNUAL REPORT 39 jfsa Center for Cognition and Recovery, LLC. Ascentia: Pathways to Community Living College Financial Aid Program Hebrew shelter home 40 Families at Risk Services PLAN of Northeast Ohio Alyson’s Place JFSA Medical Clinic JFSA Care at Home Ascentia: Pathways to Community Living Services and housing for individuals with disabilities 216.292.3999 | www.ascentia.org College Financial Aid Program Scholarships, grants, and loans for college-bound students 216.292.3999 | www.jfsa-cleveland.org JFSA Care at Home Services and home care for older adults 216.378.8660 | www.jfsacareathome.org PLAN of Northeast Ohio (Planned Lifetime Assistance Network) Membership-based activities for people with mental illness 216.321.3611 | www.planneohio.org Families at Risk Services Safety-net services for homeless or at-risk women and families 216.378.3420 | www.knowabuse.org Center for Cognition and Recovery, LLC. Provider of CETCLEVELAND® programming and training 216.504.6428 | www.cetcleveland.org Hebrew Shelter Home Emergency shelter and short-term housing 216.401.9925 | www.jfsa-cleveland.org Alyson’s Place - JFSA Medical Clinic Primary medical care for JFSA clients 216.292.3999 | www.jfsa-cleveland.org JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE ASSOCIATION OF CLEVELAND we are JFSA. Lake Erie is Our Campus. Chardon Mayfield Heights South Euclid Lyndhurst Richmond Rd. Cedar Rd. Chesterland University Heights HOW YOU HELP Cleveland Heights Gates Mills 271 Chagrin Blvd. Pepper Pike Burton Chagrin Falls Warrensville Heights WHO WE ARE Beachwood Shaker Heights HOW WE HELP Richmond Heights WHO WE HELP Our Community Bainbridge 480 Maple Heights Stow Drost Family Center PLAN Offices Administrative Offices Community Residential Sites 2013 ANNUAL REPORT 41 Non-profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Cleveland, OH Permit No. 77 Jewish Family Service Association of Cleveland 3659 S. Green Road, Suite 322 Beachwood, OH 44122 216.292.3999 www.jfsa-cleveland.org Follow us on: MEMBER: Jewish Federation of Cleveland, United Way Services, Association of Jewish Family and Children’s Agencies (AJFCA), International Association of Jewish Vocational Services (IAJVS), Ohio Council of Behavioral Healthcare Providers, Ohio Council for Homecare, Ohio Providers Resource Association, Ohio Domestic Violence Network, Jewish Women International, Tina Project. CERTIFIED: Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, Medicare and Medicaid. LICENSED: Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities. ACCREDITED: Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF). CONTRACT AGENCY: Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services Board of Cuyahoga County, Cuyahoga County Board of Developmental Disabilities, Geauga County Board of Developmental Disabilities, Summit County Board of Developmental Disabilities, Western Reserve Area Agency on Aging (WRAAA), PASSPORT, Cuyahoga County Department of Human Services, Ohio Department of Job and Family Services. JFSA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization | A Drug Free Workplace | Proud to serve all families regardless of religious affiliation.
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