Insights Newsletter


Insights Newsletter
VISIONS Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Spring 2014 Issue 02
Insights Newsletter
Senior Speak Out: Lady Ellie Shearing
TT has been a consumer
with VISIONS for over a year.
First coming to the Workforce
Development Department in
the fall of 2012 after attaining
a Commercial Cooking and
Catering Certificate, her progress
was halted as she faced financial
and family issues. She resumed
her job quest this past January, as
she has been very motivated to
change her life by getting a job
and helping her family.
TT came to VISIONS where
she worked with Career Services
Coordinator Brenton Hard.
He helped her gain focus and
prepare for getting the kind of
job she wanted. He helped her
improve job readiness skills
and interviewing strategies.
By February, Brenton made a
connection with the Manager
of an Auntie Anne’s Pretzel’s
franchise, and introduced TT.
Soon after, TT met with the
Manager, who quickly determined
that TT would be a valuable
employee for the company and
hired her as a baker for the shop.
TT was elated. “I am so excited
to finally have this chance to
begin a new career. Now I can
look forward to a future of
success.VISIONS helped me
make this happen.”
On January 27,VISIONS at Selis
Manor was privileged to welcome
Lady Ellie Shearing, the wife of the
late jazz pianist Sir George Shearing.
Lady Shearing contacted us here
at VISIONS expressing an interest
in our programs and wishing to
donate Braille books used by her late
husband George, one of the greatest
blind pianists of the 20th century.
She discussed with seniors at Senior
Speak Out (SSO) her life, traveling
with him for nearly 40 years. She was
a music teacher and singer in her
own right before marrying George,
and sang backup with Frank Sinatra.
Lady Shearing is down to earth,
easy to talk with, and completely at
home with the blind community. Lady
Ellie Shearing will donate books and
music from her late husband George
Shearing for the library at Selis
Lady Ellie Shearing with Daryl Sherman, jazz
vocalist/pianist and staff Rocky Simms
(Left to Right) VISIONS Board Members
Mannie Corman, Cynthia Stuen and Steve
Bernstein, Lady Ellie Shearing, Daryl Sherman,
Jazz Vocalist and Pianist and Nancy D. Miller,
To learn more about the exciting things happening at VISIONS
throughout the year:
Our Website:
GOING GREEN! If you want to receive future newsletters and appeals
by email, please send an email to Tara DellaVecchia at tdellavecchia@ with your name, email and mailing address. As we transition,
you may receive email and print copies.
Executive Director/CEO
Nancy D. Miller
VISIONS staff is preparing for
our 88th summer season at VISIONS
Center on Blindness VCB, and
the 2nd season of the pre-college
program at Manhattanville College.
Both programs focus on
acquiring enhanced mobility skills,
independent activities of daily living,
social networking, healthy eating and
emotional health.
Partially funded by the NYS
Commission for the Blind, blind
children and youth leave each
program with new confidence and
abilities. We invite you to the VCB
open houses on June 8 and August
3, 2014.
VISIONS 29th golf and tennis
outing was the best ever with 69
golfers and tennis players and 90
guests for dinner. Proceeds are
dedicated to VCB programs. We
thank the volunteer golf committee
for their commitment and hours
spent attracting sponsors and
participants and VISIONS staff that
made the day a great success.
VISIONS community advisory
boards have held very successful
events to both raise money and
awareness of vision loss. We also
thank VISIONS staff for their efforts.
VISIONS staff made excellent
presentations to inform the public
regarding vision loss and presented
at the annual NYS Commission for
the Blind Vision Rehabilitation and
Employment Institute in Albany, NY.
VISIONS Executive Director/CEO
held positive meetings welcoming
the new Commissioner of the NYC
Department for the Aging Donna
Corrado and the new Commissioner
of the federal Rehabilitation Services
Administration Janet LaBreck.
Both the senior center and
caregiver programs received very
good assessments from the NYC
Department for the Aging. We
also thank our major funders, the
Lavelle Fund for the Blind for an
employment sector grant, The
New York Community Trust and
JP Morgan Chase for funding the
Youth Coalition, and Readers Digest
Partners for Sight for children and
families program expansion.
We are delighted to introduce
new staff and Board members as we
continue to grow our services and
reach more blind people and families
in need.
Profiles of VISIONS Board
Members . . .
Frances Freedman
Fran Freedman, LMSW, is one of
VISIONS newest board members. She
worked with Executive Director/CEO
Nancy D. Miller in various partnerships
for over 30 years. “I have advocated for
the interests of people who are blind for
many years, and when the opportunity
to join this board arose, it was natural
for me to join with VISIONS,” said Ms.
Freedman, who has had an equally long
involvement with the aging network and
consumer issues.
Ms. Freedman recently retired as
Deputy Commissioner of the New
York City Department of Consumer
Affairs where she strengthened the
public education campaign regarding
the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC),
and developing the Office of Financial
Empowerment, the first municipal office
in the nation with a mission to educate,
empower and protect New Yorkers with
low incomes.
Ms. Freedman also worked with
Columbia University School of Social
Work (CUSSW) to create a course in
financial empowerment and financial
counseling, and a field placement
opportunity for which she served as
field instructor for three second-year
students. She is a past president of
the CUSSW Alumni Association, and
a recipient of the University’s Alumni
Medal. In 2013 she received the Social
Work Image Award from the New York
City Chapter of NASW.
She has created a new partnership
between VISIONS and the New York
Botanical Gardens. Her goal is to expand
programming for people who are blind
and partially sighted, including creating a
fragrance garden and offering internships
for blind people seeking work
experiences. Ms. Freedman is co-chair
of the VISIONS Board Development
VISIONS Insights
A Publication about VISIONS/Services for the
Blind and Visually Impaired
President, Board of Directors - Nancy T. Jones
Vice President, Board of Directors - Richard P. Simon
Treasurer, Board of Directors - Burton M. Strauss, Jr.
Secretary, Board of Directors - Carol Spawn Desmond
Executive Director/CEO - Nancy D. Miller
Editor, Fundraising and Grant Specialist - Rick Schwartz
Newsletter Design & Layout, Communications Assistant - Tara DellaVecchia
2 (212) 625-1616
VISIONS Center on Aging Senior Center Council
The first Senior Center Council
election at the VISIONS Center on
Aging was held in March.Yvonne
Whitehurst is President and Al
Cutolo is Vice President. Other
elected members of the executive
committee include Valerie Buckner,
Mary Conner, Doug Herrington and
Lillian Kinley. The Senior Center
Council’s first meeting in April
focused on bringing fresh new
ideas for programs and meals. Ms.
Whitehurst said, “I’m excited we
can enhance more of the programs,
bring in more events and increase
membership for the center.” Mr.
Cutolo echoing Yvonne’s sentiment,
stated, “I’m excited to increase
involvement and interest from the
VISIONS Director
of Rehabilitation
Discusses Multidisciplinary
William “Bill” Hixson, OTR,
of Rehabilitation gave an
inspiring presentation. As part
of a panel at the New York
State Commission for the Blind
Annual Vision Rehabilitation and
Employment Institute, Bill talked
about collaborations with other
professionals, the school, the
family and the client’s religious
community. Nancy D. Miller
VISIONS CEO was the panel
I think it will be great to be a
part of the council and have a voice
in the ongoing discussion of what
we hope to accomplish at VISIONS
Center on Aging. I think a key feature
is to ensure that participants are
responsible for what they want
to see happen at the center.” The
Council will hold its next meeting in
VISIONS Center on Aging Senior Center Council
from left to right:Yvonne Whitehurst, Doug Herrington, Mary Conner,Valerie Bucker
(not pictured: Al Culolo and Lillian Kinley)
Selis Manor Renovation
(Above) the new library space
Residents and visitors to Selis
Manor can attest that the long
awaited building renovations
have begun.VISIONS is working
collaboratively with the HDFC Board
of Directors, Arco Management
and the general contractor. Service
and programs are continuing in
the changing configurations of the
facility. In the first phase of work,
the basement level and east side of
the first floor have been closed off,
shifting programs to the auditorium
and conference room on the west
side, and the 2nd Floor. Please
contact Ann DeShazo, (646) 486-4444
Ext. 11, if there are any questions
or problems during the renovations.
Thank you all for your patience
during this work. The results will be
worth it. (212) 625-1616
LIONS Corner
VISIONS Center on Blindness VCB
Abed is a 22 year old native of
Lebanon who came to the United
States in 2009, where he graduated
from the University of Florida with
a degree in Economics. Abed has
been blind since birth with Macular
Degeneration, however he never
took advantage of any services that
are available to people who are blind
because he didn’t know they existed.
He relocated to New York City
where he obtained a job developing
tech tools for a financial consulting
firm. Because he was unfamiliar with
the range of adaptive equipment that
is available, he spent most of his time
in front of his computer screen trying
to read the tiny print. Through chance
he learned about VISIONS and VCB
and attended the “Health and WellBeing” weekend session in May.
It was the first time he has ever
been involved in a group with other
people who were blind. He became
aware of the assistive devices that
are available like enhanced screen
readers, audio converters and
navigation devices that he could use
at home and at his job. He learned
that his employer could get incentives
to obtain the office equipment
for him, and that he could obtain
assistance from the New York State
Commission for the Blind and other
government agencies.
He said, “The best part, it was
the first time in over two and a half
years since I’ve been in New York
that I was able to get out of the City
and participate in such a supportive
environment.VCB helped raise my
awareness of what I could accomplish
with the right tools.” He vows to
return for the 11-day summer session
at VCB, “Better Choices, Better
Health,” in August.
VCB held two successful
weekends in April and in May with
the Lions walk-a-thon.
The 29th Annual VCB Golf and
Tennis Outing was held on
Tuesday, May 20, 2014 co-chaired
by Robbie Davis, Ric Apter and
Bill Resnick. Former NFL players
Jude Waddy and Roman Oben
were joined by over 60 players
including Lions Club members.
The Somers Lions Club made a
$5,000 donation at the event.
VISIONS is a proud recipient of
two Lions grants. The Brooklyn
Bridge Lions Club will provide
matching funds for both grants.
The Brandel-Murphy Youth
Foundation has provided funding
to purchase equipment and
supplies for children and youth
who attend VCB.
The District 20-K1 Foundation
has provided funding to purchase
equipment at VISIONS at Selis
Manor to enable blind consumers
from Brooklyn and Queens to
participate in programs.
Lion Dina Nejman with VCB Director
Khaled Musa at VCB Lions Clothing
Drive on March 15, featuring Lions from
North Rockland, Putnam Valley, Monsey/
Ramapo, Pearl River, Blauvelt, and Nanuet
Lions Lions Clubs. Thanks to everyone
for their help.
4 (212) 625-1616
This year, for the second time,
the Brooklyn Advisory Board hosted
an evening at the Brooklyn Nets.
Seventy five advisory board members
and their guests purchased tickets
to attend the Nets game on January
21. Due to a big snowstorm, some
of the guests were unable to attend.
The Nets made it up to the VISIONS
ticket holders by inviting them to a
game the following week. GO NETS!
(Pictured Left Nicole
C. Kear, author of
Now I See You)
On June 6, the
VISIONS Brooklyn
Advisory Board
hosted its 24th Annual Luncheon and
Award Ceremony at the Marco Polo
Ristorante. The Brooklyn Advisory
Board members came out in force to
support this year’s honorees: Nicole
C. Kear, author of Now I See You, Kern
Augustine Conroy & Schoppmann, P.C.,
Steve Sherman, DO, MS.
On March 13, the Bronx Advisory
Board hosted its 21st Annual Dinner
and Award Ceremony. With over 150
attendees, the event raised $38,000.
Many thanks to our honorees: Mickey
Axelbank, Johanna Espinosa of Monroe
College, Carol Laurenzano of the NY
Yankees, Ralph Scottino of the Bronx
Rotary, and Michael Ungaro of Metro
We couldn’t have done it without
our sponsors: Metro Optics, the New
York Yankees, Securitas Security, Emblem
Health, Michael Stoller, Urban Health
Plan, and the Bronx Times Reporter.
Tween Self-Reliance Program
Visions Sunday Self Reliance
Program consists of rehabilitation,
prevocational and social services
for children within the ages of
10 to 13. This program provides
individual and/or group services
in vision rehabilitation training,
orientation and mobility,
technology training and parent
support groups.
The first session was held
on May 18th, 2014 at Visionary
Media, which is a music recording
studio in Manhattan owned and
operated by blind and visually
impaired musicians. The director
of Visionary Media, Brooke Fox,
provided a general overview on the
concepts and genres of the studio.
The children were mentored by
visually impaired audio engineers
who provided instruction on how
to operate a sound board of a
recording studio. They were given
the opportunity to observe and
navigate the controls of the sound
board during a band rehearsal.
Through this activity, the children
learned different career options
in the field of music production
and audio engineering. Overall, the
children were inspired by Visionary
Media staff members and band
members to follow their dreams
regardless of the obstacles and
challenges presented with vision
The next session was held
on June 1st, 2014. The children
participated in rehabilitation training
at Selis Manor. The staff provided
instruction on how to organize
and prepare a simple meal. Through
this activity, the children learned
to handle money, purchase items
and implement meal preparation
techniques. Also the children
discussed bullying and ways to
handle bullying with VISIONS
Certified rehabilitation counselor
Melissa Phipps. The parents held a
discussion on ways to identify and
handle bullying. They received a
listing of community resources.
Through this program, we gave
blind children opportunities to
explore and engage within the
community to become independent.
On May 13, the VISIONS Queens
Advisory Board held their 30th Annual
Luncheon; 229 guests attended at Terrace
on the Park.
On May 20, the 29th Annual VCB Golf
and Tennis Outing was attended by over
60 players and was our most successful
event in Greenwich, CT at the Fairview
Country Club. (212) 625-1616
New to Vision Rehabilitation:
A Client’s Story
IA was 39 years old and living in
upstate New York when he suffered
multiple strokes that caused vision
loss. Now legally blind he returned
to Brooklyn to live with his mother
and sister, but he is determined
to overcome his challenges. His
goal is to regain his independence,
return to his home and job upstate.
IA was referred to VISIONS by
the New York State Commission
for the Blind. A Certified Vision
Rehabilitation Therapist Nancy
Scharpenberg is working with him
to develop the skills he needs to
restore his independence. He is also
working with VISIONS Licensed
No one tells the VISIONS story
better than our participants. Below
are some of the letters we receive.
They inspire us and put smiles on
our faces. We hope they do the
same for you!
Dear Nancy Scharpenberg,
I absolutely love working with you! You
make learning so much fun! You have
taught me so much.You have such a fun
upbeat personality. Once again you are
fantastic! Working with you is the best!
Thanks again!
Social Worker Lisa Drzewucki
who has been coaching him on
the array of benefits and services
that are available and encouraging
him to take part in other VISIONS
programs. He now attends the Selis
Manor Community Center where
he joined a men’s support group
and is takes classes in photography
and creative writing. “He is turning
into a poet,” said Lisa. “He’s already
written three poems, and said he
found it helpful and enjoyable to
write and express his feelings.” To
see some samples of IA’s work, visit
VISIONS website at www/visions/
she received to 3 charities that had
meaning for our family.VISIONS was
one of the 3 we selected. When Rita
was emotionally struggling with this
new challenge in her life, Cara said,
“Mama, you have to think of the cane
as your “Staff of Awesomeness.” I
thought you would appreciate knowing
that, as well.
We hope this donation can help
others make use of your services.
Many Thanks,
Shelley, Rita S. and Cara
Hello John,
My name is Rebecca Ramos &
Dear Visions,
I have been a customer of Metro
A few years back my partner, Rita
Optics for over 15 years now. I was
S.,was able to use your services when
pleasantly surprised to find out at the
a diagnosis of Retinitis Pigmentosa
annual VISIONS fundraiser that Metro
necessitated use of a cane for the blind. Optics is a supporter of such a great
Rita met for a number of weeks with a organization. I wanted to say thank
competent and kind woman who really you so much! My 10 year old son who
helped her to learn how to navigate
is blind receives lots of services from
these new circumstances in her life.
VISIONS. I am so grateful for VISIONS
On January 25th our daughter, Cara, for all they do not only for Elijah but
became a Bat Mitzvah. We decided to
for my entire family.
donate a portion of the gift money
Thank you so much for supporting
6 (212) 625-1616
New Staff at VISIONS
Kinshasa Coghill, CVRT/CLVT
Samantha Enright, Employment Specialist
Michelle Leona Gooden, Customer
Service Representative
James Murphy, Customer Service
Honory Peňa,Youth Services Specialist
Karen Wheeldon, COMS
Betsy B. Armstrong, COMS
Joya Musa, COMS/TVI
Anna Nuńez, Program Assistant
Maria Rinklin, OMS/VRT
Melissa Palladino, Touro College - Social
Yvonne Vega, Manhattan Educational
Opportunity Center - Administration
VISIONS which affords my son, Elijah
the opportunity to grow & reach his
maximum potential!
Gracefully yours,
Rebecca Ramos
Dear Nancy Scharpenberg,
I can’t thank you enough for all of your
help! I really appreciate your time and
patience. I cant wait to learn even
more! You are an amazing teacher!
Thanks again for everything!
Upcoming Events
VCB Open House
August 3, 2014
Manhattan Advisory Board
Award Ceremony
September 10, 2014
For more information about these
events go to our website or email
Our Gratitude to . . .
VISIONS would like to thank the following friends for providing funding of
$10,000 or more:
CVS Pharmacy, Inc.
Estate of Mary F. Tubridy
Fiduciary Trust Company
JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A.
Moses L. Parshelsky Fdn.
Reader’s Digest Partners for Sight
$1,000 - $9,999:
American General Life Insurance Co.
Jane B. Anthony
Arnold K. Davis & Co., Inc.
BeneCard Services, Inc. - PBF
Douglas Andrew Borck
Dr. Gene Caiafa, Jr., DDS
Central Brooklyn Lions Club, Inc.
Chubb & Son, Inc.
ConocoPhillips Co.
Mannie Corman
D&D Elevator Maintenance, Inc.
Paul G. D’Onofrio
Ralph A. D’Onofrio
Dr. Sandra Delson
Demarest Lloyd Jr. Foundation
Elisabeth Depicciotto
District 20K1 Lions Club
Donald B. Marron Charitable Trust
Douglass Winthrop Advisors, LLC
Eifert, French & Ketchum
EmblemHealth Services, LLC
Envision Pharmaceutical Services Inc.
Express Scripts, Inc.
Dr. David and Leslie Fastenberg
Fraternal Order of Police
Georgica Advisors LLC
Gifts From my Father/Mother Inc.
Michael D. Greenspan
Holy Cross High School
Nancy T. Jones
Lions Club of Bedford Village
Lions Club of Pleasantville
Lions Club of Somers
Magnacare, LLC.
Main Street Radiology at Bayside,
Martha W Straus-Harry H Straus
McGraw-Hill Financial
William Melchior
Metro Optics Eyewear Inc.
Nancy D. and Gerald Miller
We also want to thank the following for their donation of
goods and services:
Susan Auerbach
Daniel Bernstein
Brookdale Foundation Group
Christine Grassman
Rocky Graziano
Nasser Hashash
Lyn Hill
Stephanie Hill Wilchfort
Jacob k. Javits Convention Center
Judd Kessler
Carol Laurenzano
Janis Lasky
Les Copain BVM U.S.A.
Manhattan Chamber of Commerce
Maria Luisa de Moreno
International Foundation
Provident Bank
Peter Roffman
Sacred Sound Yoga
VISIONS Board News
VISIONS thanks all our Board, Advisory Council and Advisory Board
Members.VISIONS welcomes the following members:
VISIONS Board of Directors
Donald Dunning, Frances Freedman
Brooklyn Advisory Board Members
Michael Lambert, Executive Director, Bed-Stuy Gateway BID
N.Y. Hunts Point Lions Club
National Vision Administrators, LLC
New York Citizen’s Committee on
Aging Inc
New York Community Bank
New York Yankees
Norman & Bettina Roberts
Foundation, Inc.
North Shore-LIJ Forest Hills Hospital
North Shore-LIJ Health System Fdn.
NY Hospital Medical Ctr of Queens
Anthony R. Orgera
Israel O. Owodunni
People’s United Bank
PDG Angelo Purcigliotti
Queens Public Comm. Corp.
William S. Resnick
Rochelle & David A. Hirsch
Foundation, Inc.
Rotary Club of Flushing
Henry Saveth
Kenneth D. Schlechter
Robert A. Schonbrunn
Sherman Realty Partners LP
Richard P. Simon
Sports Medicine & Rehab.
James A. and Jane Stern
Harriette and Burton M. Strauss, Jr.
Dr. Cynthia Stuen
The Baumann Family Foundation
The Frederick J. Haug Family
Trio Shoe Co., Inc.
Ira J. Udell, M.D
Vuksan Vataj
Voluntary Assoc. for Sr. Citizen
Claire Wagner Est. Heinbach Wagner
Lena J. Watson
PDG George Wiedmiller
John Winthrop
Wyckoff Heights Medical Ctr.
Special Thanks To . . .
NYC Dept of Youth & Community
NYS Office of Children & Family
Services / NYS Commission for the
Blind & Visually Handicapped
NYC Department for the Aging (212) 625-1616
VISIONS services are partially funded by the New York
State Commission for the Blind and the NYC Department
for the Aging; support from the Borough Presidents of the
Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Queens; Assembly Member
Richard Gottfried; New York City Council Speaker Melissa
Mark-Viverito and Council Members Maria del Carmen
Arroyo, Margaret Chin, Inez E. Dickens, Daniel R. Garodnick,
Corey Johnson,Ydanis Rodriguez, Annabel Palma, Deborah
Rose, Eric Ulrich, James Vacca, and, Mark Weprin.VISIONS is
a member of the Council of Senior Centers and Services of
NYC, the Disabilities Network of NYC, the New York Vision
Rehabilitation Association, and Vision Serve Alliance.
VISIONS was incorporated in 1926 and is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit
organization. Contributions to VISIONS are tax deductible to
the maximum extent allowed by law. A copy of our most recent
financials and IRS 990 are available by writing to VISIONS or
to the Office of the Attorney General, Charities Bureau, 120
Broadway, New York, NY 10271, or on-line at www.guidestar.
How to Reach Us
VISIONS Main Office:
By Phone: (212) 625-1616
By Mail: 500 Greenwich Street, 3rd Floor
New York, NY, 10013-1354
By Email:
By Fax: (212) 219-4078
VISIONS at Selis Manor:
By Phone: (646) 486-4444
By Mail: 135 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10011
By Email:
VISIONS Senior Center:
(212) 625-1616 Ext. 155
(212) 625-3301 or (888) 625-1616
VISIONS meets all of the Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Standards and is an accredited charity and member of the BBB
seal program for Charity Accountability.VISIONS is a seal-holding member of the GuideStar Exchange.VISIONS does not sell or
otherwise make available the names, addresses or phone numbers of our donors to anyone. However, donors of major gifts or
grants may be thanked by name in this newsletter, in VISIONS Annual Report, on the VISIONS website, in other print materials
such as brochures, or at appropriate events. If requested, we will refrain from thanking a donor publicly.VISIONS will honor all
requests to be removed from our mailing list or to limit the mailings you receive from us.We appreciate the generosity of our
supporters and are respectful of the privacy of our donors and friends.
Thank you.
We count on your support so we can serve blind people in need. When our appeal letter arrives, please
be as generous as you can.
VISIONS / Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired
500 Greenwich Street, 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10013-1354