GHS 2013 Dec Newsletter - Gitxsan Health Society
GHS 2013 Dec Newsletter - Gitxsan Health Society
Page Gitxsan Health Society Newsletter December 2013 MESSAGE FROM THE EXE CUTIVE HEALTH DIRECTOR Another year has passed and we are coming into the Christmas season. Christmas is a special time of the year and we hope that it is filled with creating great memories with family and friends. In the past year First Nations health has changed from receiving funds from Health Canada to now receiving funding from the First Nations Health Authority. This change took place in October. BC is leading the way for all First Nations in Canada. For the first time we are going to be given the opportunity to have a say in the program and services. Programs and services will be according to the needs of the community based on what we see as being important and relevant. In the New Year we will be having community meetings to showcase our programs and to give updates on the health transfer. Please continue to read our newsletters, flyers, Facebook page, and visit our webpage to keep up to date with our activities. Gitxsan Health is growing each year with the number of staff and programs. Our programs assist our members from prenatal stage to elder. Our staff continues to work towards improving the manner in which we serve the clients, by attending workshops and training, learning best practices. Gitxsan Health is working towards accreditation which will compare our policies and procedures to other agencies and organizations. We are very happy to provide services and programs that not only contribute to the health needs of those that are ill but to the mental and spiritual wellness. Many of our programs provide laughter and meals throughout the year; now that we have the shuttle bus we will be able to take groups out of town. Thank you. Julie Morrison, Executive Health Director Inside this issue: Mental Health Program 1 Nursing Coordinator Report 4 Cancer Care Nurse Report 6 COHI/ Dental Report 8 Educator/AIDS Walk Coordinator . 9 Scabies Info 10 Fund Raising Report 12 PCAP/MCH December Calendar 13 Patient Travel Info 14 Gwalyeinsxw 16 December Calendar Community 17 Engagement Hub News Scabies Info &Upcoming Events Page 2 M E N TA L H E A LT H PRO G R A M Community Counselling Services in Kispiox Ricardo Pickering, MC, PGCC, CCC Lipsi gya’a Amuwast There is a new mental health counsellor in Kispiox, at the Gitxsan Health Station. Ricardo (Rick) Pickering is a six years Hazelton resident. He is a certified Canadian counsellor and holds professional qualifications as Master of Counselling in Counselling Psychology. In addition to the time in the Hazeltons, Rick also has counselling experience with Cree and Ojibwa Peoples in Ontario. Rick was working for the school district 82 as children and youth itinerant counsellor for the Hazeltons. He enjoys talking about hunting, fishing , First Nation’s culture in general and Gitxsan culture, in particular. Please call or drop in for a consultation or a chat. Axdi si didalasxw [Confidentiality guaranteed] Anxiety & Depression Substance abuse Anger & Grief Spiritual issues Child and Youth issues Treatment centre applications Phone 250-842-6236 Ext 24 Mon-Fri 8:30 to 4:30 Page 3 M E N TA L H E A LT H PRO G R A M We are pleased to announce that we have a new Mental Health Counsellor on staff, Ricardo Pickering, MC, PGCC, CCC. Welcome aboard Ricardo! We look forward to working with you. We offer CONFIDENTIAL Counseling services to members from Gitanmaax, Kispiox, and Sik-e-dakh . If you would like to see anyone in our Mental Health Team, please call either Alf Brady, Mental Health Counselor at GHS Main Administration Office, 4260 Government Street, Hazelton at 250 842-5165, or Tamara MacLeod, Mental Health Counsellor (Mondays, Tuesdays, & Wednesday only) at the Sik-e-dakh Health Centre at 250 842-6876 or Ricardo Pickering at the Kispiox Health Centre at 250 842-6236. We will have on call counseling services to members from Gitanmaax, Sik-e-dakh and Kispiox during this Christmas season. If you need to talk to a Counsellor, please call the 1 800 number below and the Call Centre will put you through to one of our counselors. This CONFIDENTIAL service will be available from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. . on December 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, & 31, 2013 . FOR THOSE IN CRISIS DURING THE HOLIDAYS: If you are feeling overwhelmed, depressed, sad, confused, suicidal or if you just need someone to listen, please don’t hesitate to call us at: Tel: 1 866 489-8122 Other Resources Available: 9-1-1 or the Hazelton Wrinch Memorial Hospital 250-842-5211 Crisis Line for all: 1-888-562-1214 (available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week). It is confidential and they do not have call display. Youth Support Line 1-888-564-8336 (teen) that operates from 4:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., 7 days a week. After hours calls are directly forwarded to the 24 hour Crisis Line. Youth Chat Website for youth in crisis. for online chatting. Operates from 4 p.m. to 11 p.m, 7 days a week. For Suicidal Crisis, call 1-800-SUICIDE OR 1-800-784-2433 Page 4 N U R S I N G CO O R D I N ATO R PRO G R A M R E P O RT Winter Update T’is the season to be jolly, live a healthy and safe lifestyle over the holidays and always. Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year to all of you and your families. Staffing Based on number of home care clients needing weekend coverage, we now have coverage on the weekends. We have two part- time, Personal Care Aides, in addition to our two full- time Personal Care Aides on staff. We are in the process of hiring one casual Licensed Practical Nurse and one casual Personal Care Aide to fill in when staff are away. Our Heart Health Nurse, Fernanada Polanco, B.SN. and Cancer Care Nurse, Rose Austin, CHLPN are fitting in quite well with Gitxsan Health Society. Please contact your health station if you would like to be referred to any one of them. Fernanda Polanco, Heart Health Nurse will be changing her schedule to work Tuesday to Friday each week effective December 3, 2013. You can contact her at the Sik-e-dakh Health Centre. Our Community Health Nurses are very busy with community health, immunizations, and home care. We are all very busy and continues as we prepare for the flu season and winter. Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapist Services Gitxsan Health Society has secured Physio and Occupational Therapist services three times a month effective December 5, 2013. Jocelyn Chandler, Physiotherapist will be in Gitanmaax on December 10, 2013 and in Kispiox and Sikedakh on December 10, 2013. If you would like to see the physiotherapist, please contact the nurses from Gitanmaax, Kispiox and Sikedakh so that a referral can be filled in to see Jocelyn. Caitlyn Debruyne, Occupational Therapist will start December 18, 2013, she will be stationed out of the Sik-e-dakh Health Centre. Caitlyn will provide occupational therapist services to community members over 18 years of age. If you would like to see the Occupational Therapist, please contact the Community Health nurse from either Gitanmaax, Kispiox and Sik-e-dakh so that a referral can be filled in to see Caitlyn. Your health is our first priority, so please ensure your local health centre has your current phone number and address if it has changed in the last six months. Thank you. Page 5 N U R S I N G CO O R D I N ATO R PRO G R A M R E P O RT CO N T ’D Healing Touch and Traditional Healing We now have Healing Touch with Cathy Clay in the Health Station. If you would like to put your name on the list, please contact the nurses at the health stations. We have traditional Healing with Rhonda Wilson in the Health Stations. If you would like to see Rhonda, please, phone the nurses at the health station to put your name on the list. Flu Season Flu vaccines are available in each health station. Flu Walk In Clinics 10:30 a.m.—3:30 p.m. Please phone the health station to make sure a nurse is available Gitanmaax Health Station Mondays Kispiox Health Station Tuesdays Wednesday in Sik-e-dakh Wednesdays Flumist is available for children 2 to 9 years of age. Flu vaccine available for ages 6-23 months and all community members. Elders or those with chronic medical conditions. Pneumococcal vaccine will be available.( pneumococcal vaccine is 1 time only for elders 65 years and over). It is recommended that you have your pneumococcal vaccine every 10 years if you have a chronic medical condition. ( your doctor will give you a doctors note if you need to have your pneumococcal vaccine every 10 years) Thank you very much to the Gitxsan Health Staff for doing an awesome job for the community members. Mavis Sebastian, Nursing Coordinator Page 6 C A N CE R CA R E N U R S E R E P O RT The Community Health Licensed Practical Nurse will be responsible for carrying out the goals of the GHS to foster healthier Gitxsan families and communities by assisting the delivery of home and preventative health services at the Community level within the GHS service area. The primary focus is Cancer Care and working closely with cancer care patients/clients to provide support and health information. Contact Information: Rose Austin, Community Health & Cancer Care Nurse Email: Wednesdays @ Gitanmaax Health Centre Thursdays @ Hagwilget Health Centre Fridays @ Kispiox Health Centre Phone: 250-842-6320 Phone: 250-842-5272 Phone: 250-842-6236 If you have been diagnosed with Cancer, undergoing testing for Cancer, or a survivor of Cancer please feel free to contact me should you require health information or support. Community Resources::: The Canadian Cancer Support Office is located at Wrinch Memorial Hospital and support staff are available on Wednesdays from 1pm to 3:30 pm. Please feel free to stop by the office to pick up any informational pamphlets that might be of use to you or your family member. They are a great resource to have should you have any questions. BC Cancer Agency – Centre for the North (Prince George) has an Aboriginal Cancer Care Coordinator/Patient and Family Counselling Services, her name is Dana Marshall. Office hours are Tuesday to Friday. Telephone contact number is 250-645-7330 local 687553. They assist all Aboriginal patients and families with emotional and practical support. The coordinator will make referrals to community agencies and assist patients and families when going through their cancer journey. Kordyban Lodge is located adjacent to the Centre of the North and provides accommodation, full meal service, supportive, informative, educational and recreational facilities to cancer patients. For more information or to register call the Canadian Cancer Society toll free number 1-888-939-3333 or email: Page 7 C A N CE R CA R E N U R S E PR O G R A M R E P O RT CO N T ’ D Cancer Connect is a service provided by Canadian Cancer Society, to provided one to one support from trained volunteers who have experienced a similar cancer. For more information contact their toll free number at 1-888-939-3333 On-line Resources BC Cancer Agency website : Information about their services is available on the Coping with Cancer section of the BCCA website Canadian Cancer Society: offers information, education and practical and emotional support services to cancer patients and families Call For Volunteers We would like to compile a list of volunteers that might be available to help those who need assistance with transportation to and from their medical appointments; and also volunteers who would be able to escort clients to the medical appointments. Must have a valid driver’s license. If you are interested in volunteering please forward your name and contact information to my email address which is or call your local health station and express your interest in volunteering. Finally, I would like to wish you all the very best in the holiday season that is quickly approaching. May you be surrounded with good energy and good memories. Rose Austin, Cancer Care Nurse/CHLPN IMMUNIZATION CLINICS: Available from 10:30 a.m.—3:30 p.m. Gitanmaax Health Centres Tuesdays Sik-e-dakh Health Centre Wednesdays Kispiox Health Centre Thursdays Open to adults, children & infants. Protect your child from many childhood diseases by having them immunized on time. Vaccines trigger your child’s own immune system to make antibodies to fight diseases. For immunizations to work it is important for your child to have the immunizations on time. Page 8 CO H I / D E N TA L PRO G R A M The dental program has been very busy. especially since September. We have gone into the schools to do screenings on the children to get an idea of who needs what for dental procedures. We are now starting to carry out treatment plans prescribed by Jackie. All school kids seen by Jackie were sent home with a “score card” explaining what was done and what is recommended. If you have confirmed your child to take part in the COHI program, thank you. If not, it is not too late. Please call me at the office 842-6236 ext 26. The past few months have gone by FAST! It is already December! Jackie will be away until January 6, 2014. We wish you a safe and fantastic Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Ursula Muldoe, Dental Assistant Limit children to one half cup of pure, unsweetened juice once a day during a meal and offer fruit and water or milk instead! CHEW YOUR JUICE Fruit is a healthy food or snack for people of all ages. Fruits contain many vitamins and minerals as well as fibre. Eating an orange or banana or apple or any other fruit often satisfies hunger and thirst. When we choose juice instead of fruit we lose much of the nutritional value of the fruit as well as increase the number of calories we are consuming. For example: one orange juice box contains the same amount of juice as squeezing five oranges one orange contains 45 calories, vitamins, minerals and fibre one juice box contains 112 less nutritious calories because the fibre and other good parts of the orange aren’t used one orange contains 2 spoons of natural sugar one juice box (unsweetened) contains 6 spoons of sugar When children drink juice frequently they are getting much more sugar and many more calories than they need. Children who drink juice frequently can also have more cavities! Page 9 E D U CATO R / A I D S WA L K C O O R D I N ATO R PRO G R A M Hello my name is Marilyn Morrison, my mum is Terry Boucher from Lhtako Dene, my dad is Tom Dennis Sr from Wet’suwet’en, I am in the Gilseyhu Clan (big frog) My hubby is Evan Morrison from Kispiox and I have a son, Sandy I have worked at Gitxsan Health for a year or so, one day a week at the Gitanmaax Health Station 250-842-6320 I also work at Positive Living North in Smithers at 250-877-0042. The best way to get a hold of me is by email: I am a Community Educator. I provide workshops for all ages of people, child, youth, adult, elder. I am also available for health fair booth. Some of the workshops we provide include evaluation, information handouts, door prizes: - Frontline Warriors Positive Prevention which is HIV101 and a personal story shared with a person living with HIV -HIV/HCV 101: what is HIV and HCV and how can we prevent it -Healthy Relationships: workshop on boundaries and communication styles -Aboriginal People & HIV /AIDS -STI’s: Sexually Transmitted Infections and prevention -Gender & self esteem: 1st Nations view of gender identity and self esteem -Health Fair Booths: We can host a booth at your health fair -Games: HIV Bingo, Sex in a cup, condom relay, Hep C bingo, banana split game, a different way to present HIV/ HCV prevention If you have a workshop idea, I will be happy to make a workshop that can fit your needs, we are working on one for Living with HIV: Stigma and Discrimination The last week in November was AIDS Awareness week . December 1st was World AIDS Day and Aboriginal AIDS Awareness Day. The week after World AIDS Day/ Aboriginal AIDS Awareness Day is Aboriginal AIDS Awareness Week Call or email me to set up a time for a workshop, we can work within any time frame you have and different audiences Marilyn Morrison Educator/ AIDS Walk Coordinator Positive Living North Bulkley Valley 3862 F Broadway, PO BOX 4368 Smithers BC V0J 2N0 250-877-0042 toll free: 1-866-877-0042 Page 10 S C A B I E S I N FO R M AT I O N What is scabies? Scabies is an infestation of the skin caused by a very small insect-like parasite called a mite. The female scabies mite lays her eggs just under the surface of the skin. The eggs hatch in 3 to 4 days and the larvae move out to the surface of the skin where they mature. There they mate and repeat the life cycle, gradually spreading the infestation. How is scabies spread? Scabies is usually spread by extended, close personal contact with an infested person. Sharing clothes, towels or bedding are less common ways of becoming infected with scabies. People are often embarrassed to learn they have scabies; however, it can happen to anyone and does not mean poor personal hygiene. What are the symptoms? For 2 to 6 weeks after infestation, there may be no symptoms. Then you will develop a red rash and will usually begin to feel an extreme itchiness. This is often worse at night. Rashes appear more commonly in the webs between the fingers, the insides of the wrists and elbows, the breasts, the male genitals, the belt line, the back and the buttocks. Infants may have a rash on the head, neck, palms or soles. Scratching can result in a secondary infection of the skin.’ What if I have a weakened immune system? If you have a weakened immune system, such as Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection, you are at risk of developing a severe case of scabies known as crusted (Norwegian) scabies. Crusted (Norwegian) scabies is highly contagious and difficult to treat because of the large number of mites found in and on the skin. For more information on HIV, see HealthLinkBC File #08m HIV and HIV Tests. How do I know I have scabies? The most common sign of scabies is constant, intense itching. In some cases, you will be able to see the tiny, grayish white scabies - also known as burrows. They look like wavy, thread-like lines just under the skin surface. These are usually hidden by scratching before you are seen by a health care provider. Because itchiness and skin rashes have many causes, only your health care provider can say for sure if you have scabies. Your health care provider can do this by looking at a tiny sample of skin scrapings under the microscope. Page 11 S CA B I E S I N FO R M AT I O N How do I know I have crusted (Norwegian) scabies? Signs of crusted (Norwegian) scabies include: Scaly, crusted sores on hands, feet, scalp, face, and body; Skin on the face flaking off; Hair loss; Mild itching. How is scabies treated? Scabies will not go away without treatment. See your health care provider before treating scabies. There are a number of lotions or creams that you can buy from pharmacies. It is important to read the label carefully and follow directions exactly. Some treatments may not be suitable for children, pregnant women, or breastfeeding women. Because adults do not normally get scabies above the neck, you should not have to apply the lotion to your face and scalp. However, your health care provider may recommend applying the lotion to the head and scalp of children. Itchiness will continue for 1 to 2 weeks after treatment. This is common and will get better. Do not repeat the treatment unless advised by your health care provider. Your health care provider may recommend a second treatment 1 week after the first treatment. Crusted (Norwegian) scabies is very contagious and can be difficult to treat. Medicine used to treat regular scabies may not work. For more information, speak with your health care provider. How do I prevent spreading scabies? If a person in your family or household has scabies, there is a good chance that others will have it too. They may not have symptoms yet. For this reason, all household members should be treated at the same time. Children may return to school or daycare after they have completed their treatment. Inform your public health unit if the person who has scabies: Attends school or day care; or Lives in a nursing home or other setting where close personal contact is difficult to avoid. To prevent further spreading, make sure to vacuum and clean clothes and bedding. What should be cleaned? Put on clean clothes and bedding after the treatment. Bedding and clothing that came into contact with infested skin in the 3 days before treatment began should also be washed. They should be washed with detergent in hot water and dried on the hot cycle. Mites die if they are not in contact with skin for 3 days or more. Any clothing that cannot be laundered should be stored for several days to 1 week before reuse. You do not have to wash items such as mattresses and furniture. It is a good idea to give your house a thorough vacuuming, including soft or upholstered furniture. Info from Page 12 We wish everyone that we serve good health , happiness and peace throughout the coming year Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! Gitxsan Health Society Board & Staff FREE 3D MOVIE MATINEE FROZEN DATE: DECEMBER 30, 2013 PLACE: TRI-TOWN THEATRE TIME: 2 P.M. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE! FREE MOVIE, POPCORN & DRINK Get your ticket from your BFI youth worker in Gitanmaax, Kispiox or Sik-e-dakh. Children under 7 must be accompanied by their parent. Rides available at the 1 p.m. from the Sik-edakh Band Office at 1 p.m. and from the Kispiox Gas Bar NOVEMBER & DECEMBER 2013 FUND RAISING EFFORTS OF GHS We had a Loonie Auction at the Community Luncheon on November 7, 2013 at the Anglican Church and raised $296.00 for the Movember Canada Prostate Cancer Fund. We had another Loonie Auction on December 5, 2013 and raised $220.00 for the Hazelton Food Bank. We would like thank the GHS staff who generously donated items for the two auctions. A BIG thank you to Elizabeth (Bubby) Harris for donating many items to our Food Bank Loonie Auction. Your generosity is very appreciated. Thank you to the many people that came out to support our fundraising efforts. Ha’miiya! 2 9 16 23 30 Office hours 9:00 AM- 8 15 22 29 Mon 1 Sun Lunch @ PCAP 11:301:30 Budgeting Budgeting 31 Office hours 9:00 AM-2:30PM 24 17 9:00AM Kispiox 27 Office hours 20 13 Shopping Smithers 9:00AM Kispiox 6 Fri 28 21 14 7 Sat May you have the gladness of Christmas which is hope; The spirit of Christmas which is peace; The heart of Christmas which is love. ~Ada V. Hendricks We would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 26 grief recovery @PCAP 1:30-3:30PM 25 19 Positive Indian Parenting @ PCAP 1:303:00PM 12 Lunch Kispiox 11:30-1:00 Budgeting 5 Thu 18 10 11 Swimming Smith- Positive Indian Parenting @ PCAP 1:30-3:00PM ers 4 Lunch @ PCAP 11:301:30 Budgeting Wed 3 Tue PCAP/MCH December 2013 Calendar Page 13 Page 14 PAT I E N T T R A N S P O RTAT I O N Seasons Greetings from the Patient Transportation department! Our office will be open during the Christmas holidays except for the stat holidays of December 25 & 26, 2013 & January 1, 2014. The Patient Transportation Program is now funded by the First Nations Health Authority (FNHA). For the next two years, we will still follow the National NIHB Medical Transportation Policy Framework guidelines and policies. The Medical Transportation Benefits program provides supplementary benefits intended to ensure that eligible clients, from Gitanmaax, Sik-e-dakh, and Kispiox that reside within the service area of Houston to Terrace, have access to medically required services . It is not intended to cover all costs that may be associated with a client’s medical condition and travel requirements . The most economical and efficient mode of transportation must be used, taking into consideration the client’s medical condition and the urgency of the situation. We do submit a Benefit Exception request whenever there is a medical travel request that is outside of the client travel policies. It is at the discretion of the FNHA office on whether or not it is approved for payment. Policy/Guidelines: Travel is provided to the nearest health care facility. Clients must be referred to a specialist by a GP, family physician or other health professional. Medical travel will not be provided for a person making his/her own appointment. Confirmation that health care services were accessed by the client must be obtained for all medical travel after return from the trip All ICBC, WCB and social assistance claims are not covered. Medical Escorts will be provided where it is medically, legally and physically warranted. An escort will not be approved while the patient is in the hospital unless the escort is required upon release or the medical condition is terminal. Dental travel is not provided when there is a provider in the local area who is willing to work with the FNHA Dental Benefits Program. Travel for dental services that are not within the local service or are not to the closest provider require prior approval by Dental Officer at the FNHA office. Prenatal travel & accommodation is not provided for mother/parent unless it is approved by FNHA Benefit Exception office. The “Hazelton's Community Directory 2013” can be found on our Gitxsan Health Society website: You will be able to look up contact information for emergency services, health services, social services and government office in your community or to look for fun stuff to do with your family. Download your own copy and print it off or save it on your computer. Brought to you by the Hazelton's Wellness Task Force Committee. Melanie Angus, Task Force Coordinator Ph.: (778)202-1817 Page 15 PAT I E N T T R A N S P O RTAT I O N PRO G R A M CO N T ’ D Clients must have referral from a Counselor for treatment at a Treatment Centre. Private mileage is at $.20 per kilo-meter. Parking fees are not covered at hotels. Parking fees are paid for parking outside of a specialist office or hospital for appointments only. Local taxi is not covered. Taxi vouchers are provided for out of town specialist appointments if the client travels by bus, train or airplane. Accommodation and meals are provided. Medical travel of 3 or more days duration require confirmation by attending specialist and approval by the FNHA Benefit Exception office. An allowance will be provided for private accommodation. Thank you. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from Yolanda Stevens and Cherilyn Wilson Patient Transportation (250) 842-5001 OR 1-800-663-9935 Weekends Only For Emergency Medical Travel Requirements please call 250 842-8629, Fridays 4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Saturdays & Sundays from 8 A.M.—8 P.M. Winter Flight Cancellations During the winter months, there may be weather conditions that will prevent flights from landing in Smithers or Terrace. If your patient travel flight is cancelled while you are on route home and you need a hotel room for the night, or if you are rerouted to another airport, please call 842-8251 after hours. Page 16 GITXSAN HEALTH SOCIETY FREE FAMILY ICE SKATING SKEENA ICE ARENA TIME 1 – 4 P.M. Free hot dogs & hot chocolate Children under 7 must be accompanied by their parent. Children should wear warm clothing and a helmet. Sik-e-dakh Band Office will provide rides at the Sik-e-dakh Band Office at 12 p.m. Kispiox Band Office will provide rides at the Kispiox Gas Bar at 12 p.m. 9 16 Free Skating 1 –4 at Skeena 30 Free 8 15 22 29 31 New Years Eve 24 Christmas Eve 17 John Field Elem Sch Xmas Concert 10 PCAP office 930-430 3 PCAP office Tue Jan 1 New Years Day 25 Christmas Day 18 New Hazelton Elem Sch Xmas Concert Thu 5 Main Office 930430 3 Swim with Gmaax 27 Kitamaat Kitamaat Swim Swim with Kis- with Sik-E-Dakh Contact your youth wkr piox Jan 2 Kitamaat 26 Boxing Day Fri 7 28 21 13 John Field Ginger14 bread & Shortbread Decorating 6 John Field Gingerbread Houses Decorating 19 Kispiox Elem Sch 20 John Field Xmas Gingerbread & ShortConcert bread Decorating 12 Kispiox 11 AIRS Forum 94pm-6pm 12noon Gmaax Cook Night 3pm-5pm 4 Gmaax Drop-in Craft Night Wed ~NUTRITION EDUCATION~LIFE SKILLS~SPORT ACTIVITIES~CULTURAL ACTIVITES~WORKING WITH 9-12 YEARS OLD Gwalyeinsxw Club Leader: Donalee Sebastian Ph: 250-842-2320 Fax: 250-842-2326 Email: Movie Matinee—2 p.m. Tri Town 23 2 Kispiox Drop-in Cook Night 4pm-6pm Mon 1 Sun December 2013 Gwalyeinsxw kids club Sat Page 17 Page 18 December 2013 Upcoming Events December 9, 2013 Dental Screening for Moms & Babies (Pre-natal, newborns to 5 yrs of age) at the Gitanmaax Health Centre from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. with Jackie Cosman, Dental Therapist & Ursula Muldoe, COHI/Dental Assistant. Thank you. December 9 –13, 2013 Weight Loss Challenge Final weigh in at any of our GHS Health Centres in Gitanmaax, Sik-e-dakh or Kispiox. For info, call Shelley at 250 842-2319. December 10, 2013 PCAP/MCH Client Swimming Trip to Smithers. Shuttle bus schedule: Kispiox Health Centre at 9 a.m., Sik-e-dakh Health Centre at 9:15 a.m., PCAP/MCH office at 9:30 a.m. and 10 a.m. at Chevron in New Hazelton. For info, call PCAP/MCH office at 250 842-2319. December 13, 2013 PCAP/MCH Client Shopping Trip to Smithers. Shuttle bus schedule: Kispiox Health Centre at 9 a.m., Sik-e-dakh Health Centre at 9:15 a.m., PCAP/MCH office at 9:30 a.m. and 10 a.m. at Chevron in New Hazelton. For info, call PCAP/MCH office at 250 842-2319. December 16, 2013 Gitanmaax Elder’s Lunch & Wellness Day at the Gitanmaax Hall from 10 a.m.—3p.m. Free Haircuts, have your nails done. Prizes! For info, call the Gitanmaax Health Centre at 250 842-6320. Co-sponsored by Gitanmaax BFI program. December 17, 2013 Kispiox Elder’s Lunch & Wellness Day at the Kispiox Hall from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Free Haircuts, have your nails done. For information, call Sheri at 250 842-6236. Thank you to Kispiox Band Council for the use of the hall. December 19, 2013 Healing Touch—3 appointments available at the Gitanmaax Health Centre for 10 a.m. , 11 a.m. & 12 p.m. Please call the Gitanmaax Health Centre to book an appointment at 250 842-6320. December 20 & 21, 2013 Mixed Volleyball tournament at the Hazelton Secondary School . For more information, please contact Richard at 250 842-2320. December 23, 2013 Free Skating for families! At the Skeen Ice Arena from 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. Children under 7 must be accompanied by their parent. Free Hot dogs & hot chocolate. Rides available for Sik-e-dakh members at the Sik-e-dakh Band Office at 12 p.m. Rides available for Kispiox members at the Kispiox Gas Bar at 12 p.m. Page 19 December 24, 2013 Community Luncheon Turkey Dinner Place: Anglican Church. Time: 12 p.m. Note: We are having the dinner on the December 24, 2013 instead of the usual Thursday lunch (December 26, 2013). December 24, 26, 27, 30 & 31, 2013 Gitxsan Health Society hours of operation will be from 9:00am to 2:30pm with a one hour lunch break. The Kispiox Health Centre & the Sik-e-dakh Health Centre will be closed. Call the Main Administration office for Patient Travel or for Mental Health Counsellors at 250 842-5165. Thank you. December 25 & 26, 2013 Merry Christmas! All GHS Offices & Health Centres will be closed. For emergencies, please call 9-1-1 or go to your nearest hospital. Thank you. December 27, 2013 Kitimat Swimming Trip for Gitanmaax Youth For information, please contact Richard at 250 842-2320 GHS BOARD MEMBERS Gitanmaax Reps. Rose Morrison Dianne Shanoss Kispiox Reps. George Muldoe Sadie Harris Sik-e-dakh Reps. Perry Sampson Jr. Tony Sampare Off Reserve Reps. John Olson William Starr ————————————— GHS Main Office (250) 842-5165 Patient Transportation December 30, 2013 Frozen at 2 p.m. Free Matinee—Frozen Place: Tri-Town Theatre Time: 2:00 p.m. First Come, First Serve! Free movie, popcorn & drink for participants. See your local BFI/ Youth Worker in Gitanmaax, Kispiox or Sik-e-dakh for tickets. Rides available for Sik-e-dakh members at the Sik-e-dakh Band Office at 1 p.m. Rides available for Kispiox members at the Kispiox Gas Bar at 1 p.m. Children under 7 should be accompanied by their parent. January 1, 2014—Happy New Year!! All GHS Offices & Health Centres will be Closed. For emergencies, please call 9-1-1 or the Crisis Line for all: 1-888562-1214 available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week . For Suicidal Crisis, call 1-800-SUICIDE OR 1-800-784-2433 or the Youth Support Line 1-888-564-8336 (teen) available 4 to 11 p.m. daily, 7 days a week. After hours call are directly forwarded to the Crisis Line. (250) 842-5001 1-800-663-9935 (Emergency Cell) weekends only 250 842-8629 Gitanmaax Health Centre (250) 842-6320 Sik-e-dakh Health Centre (250) 842-6876 Kispiox Health Centre (250) 842-6236 PCAP/MCH Office (250) 842-2319 FAST & IRS Office (250) 842-2320 This newsletter is proudly produced by Gitxsan Health Society
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