CEscoffier DMUG2013w and some applications
CEscoffier DMUG2013w and some applications
1 CALPUFF MODEL OVERVIEW AND SOME APPLICATIONS Dr. Christelle Escoffier 9 December 2013 DMUG meeting, St Martin in the fields, London Content CALPUFF model characteristics CALPUFF validation studies for near-field and longrange applications CALPUFF applications Cumulative Impact Odour nuisance evaluation REGULATORY STATUS CALPUFF is used in over 100 countries and it is accepted for use in near-field/far-field applications by many international environmental agencies in Australia, Canada, Chile, China, Iceland, Italy, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and others CALPUFF is one of the two main USEPA Guideline Models CALPUFF is the preferred model recommended for BART assessments (EPA,2005) CALPUFF is used by United Nations/International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA, 2010) in its SIMPACTS software package (a simplified approach for estimating impacts of electricity generation) – used worldwide in developing countries CALPUFF is recommended by U.S. Federal Land Manager’s Air Quality Related Values Workgroup (FLAG, 2010) U.S. Interagency Workgroup on Air Quality Modelling – Phase 2 (IWAQM, 1998) OVERVIEW Non-steady-state Lagrangian Puff Model Design for fenceline (~meters) to long-range transport (hundreds of kilometres) 3D-variable meteorological data (to represent complex meteorology events) Sea breeze, complex terrain, stagnation 2D-spatial variability of terrain and landuse and their associated parameters Temporal change of landuse can be modelled (snow, flooding, etc) OVERVIEW Averaging time from 1-hour to one+ year Sub-hourly time steps allowed in version 6 of models • Point, area, line, and volume sources • Buoyant or non-buoyant sources • Special modules for fires, flares and overwater platforms Open source model – can be used for research, development, regulatory applications, etc… Available at http://www.src.com New GUI (windows 7 and 64bit compatible) developed by Exponent (available soon) CALPUFF IS A NON-STEADY-STATE LAGRANGIAN PUFF MODEL Allows variable curve trajectory Follow terrain in valley / variability in wind speed/direction Meteorological conditions vary and are not assumed steady-state Spatial variability due to winds and turbulence fields Spatial variability of geophysical surface conditions Retains information of previous hour Stagnation, Recirculation, Fumigation Allows calm and low wind speeds Includes causality effects (plume does not extend to infinity, size of plume depends on wind speed) EXAMPLE: Tall stack point source - coastal area Tall stack = 75 m No building downwash Display: Wind vectors Mixing height (m) Concentrations (μg/m3) Land/Sea breeze is shown on a 2-day period EXAMPLE: Tall stack point source - coastal area Tall stack = 75 m No building downwash Display: Wind vectors Mixing height (m) Concentration (μg/m3) It shows: Curve trajectory Remember previous hours Spatial variability of wind & landuse Spatial variability of mixing height Causality effects EXAMPLE OF NON-STEADY-STATE MODELS Lagrangian Puff models CALPUFF SCIPUFF Particle Dispersion models KSP (Kinematic Simulation Particle Model) TAPM (The Air Pollution Model) Hysplit (HYbrid, Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory) Eulerian grid models CMAQ CAMx CALGRID CALPUFF DESIGNED FOR NEAR-FIELD Stack tip downwash Building downwash (PRIME and ISC) Dispersion options PG Dispersion, Dispersion parameters internally calculated Plume rise Boundary layers (different for overwater and overland) Subgrid scale For coastline effect For complex terrain Fogging and icing – cooling tower Visible plume length calculation CALPUFF DESIGNED FOR LONG-RANGE Chemistry schemes options Wet deposition Aqueous phase oxidation of SO2 in cloud and rainwater Scavenging coefficient method Function of precipitation type (rain vs. snow) Dry deposition Resistance-based deposition model Plume tilt effects (gravitational settling) Recirculation, Stagnation, Flow reversal Boundary conditions Puff Splitting / Vertical Wind Shear CHEMISTRY Secondary Pollutant Formations (NO3, SO4, SOA) Original Scheme MESOPUFF II scheme (NOX, SO2) and RIVAD/ARM3 (NO2, SO2) User-specified diurnal cycle of transformation rate (NOX, SO2) New Schemes ISORROPIA (as in CMAQ) Aqueous phase oxidation of SO2 For SOA (CalTech SOA routine from CMAQ-Madrid) NO2/NOX ratio (empirical function in CALPOST from NOX/NO2 measurements to estimate NO2 from NOX) Time decay 23 nuclear species Parent and daughter species Half life decay (half life values – 2.5 minutes to 2-8 days to > 1 year) METEOROLOGICAL DATA FOR CALPUFF Single-met station (same as for AERMOD or ISC) – lit version Plume will go in a straight line (directed by met station wind), cannot reproduce changes due to changes in valley orientation 3D-meteorological data (from CALMET diagnostic model) – recommended way to use the model Allows full potential of model (including complex terrain modeling) 2D geophysical domain needed (terrain + landuse + parameters) Input to CALMET Observations (upper air sounding and weather meteorological stations) Prognostic models such as WRF, MM5, ETA, RUC, TAPM Sources for WRF & MM5 (if used as input from CMAQ (already developed) or can be purchased from various data providers as single point meteorological stations) Options to run CALMET Observations only (OBS mode) Prognostic models outputs only (NOOBS mode) Observations and Prognostic models outputs (HYBRID mode) New GUI Interface CALApps: Example CALMET New GUI Interface CALApps: Example CALMET New GUI Interface CALApps: Example CALMET Hourly Meteorological Data: CALMET output (3D) Or ISCMET output (1D) Or AERMET outputs (1D) CALPUFF DISPERSION MODEL Emissions: Varying emission files CALPUFF OUTPUT: Predicted Concentration Fields Predicted Dry Flux Fields Predicted Wet Flux Fields CALPUFF output list File Relative Humidity Data Temperature Data Density Data Optional Files: -Hourly Ozone - Subgrid Scale Coastal Boundary -Complex Terrain Receptor Data -Complex Terrain Hill Data -Boundary File for Mass Flux Diagnostics -User-Specified Velocities -User-Specified Chemical Conversion Rates -Input Restart File Postprocessors to extract and view data: CALPOST CALUTIL CALSUM, etc... NEAR-FIELD VALIDATION Example: Kincaid Tracer • Kincaid Power Plant • Tall stack (187m) located in flat farmland in Illinois • 200 SF6 samplers in arcs of: 7 arcs < 10 km: 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10 km 5 arcs > 10 km: 15, 20, 30, 40 and 50 km • 171 hours of tracer experiments • Data Quality Index (QI) QI = 3 (best quality, well-defined maximum observed) QI = 2 (a maximum is identified, but true max may be different) QI = 1, 0 – not used Kincaid SF6 (Development) Ordered by Rank (QI=3) Arc-Max 3 1000 1:1 Line 2x Line (Overprediction) 2.8 2.6 0.5 Line (Underprediction) Modeled Chi/Q (ns/m3) 2.4 2.2 AERMOD 2 100 CALPUFF v5.8 CTDM CALturb PsvPsw CALPUFF v5.8 CTDM PG 1.8 CALPUFF w/ turb. disp AERMOD v07026 NoSVW PsvPsw ISCSCT3 ISCMET 1.6 CALPUFF w/ PG disp 1.4 1.2 101 1 10 ISCST3 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 100 2.2 Observed Chi/Q (ns/m3) 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 1000 Kincaid SF6 (Development) Ordered by Rank (QI=2,3) Arc-Max 3 1000 2.8 CALPUFF v5.8 CTDM CALturb PsvPsw 2.6 CALPUFF v5.8 AERMET CALturb PsvPsw Modeled Chi/Q (ns/m3) 2.4 2.2 AERMOD v07026 PsvPsw 2 100 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 101 1 10 ISCSCT3 ISCMET 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 100 2.2 2.4 3 Observed Chi/Q (ns/m ) 2.6 2.8 3 1000 LONG-RANGE VALIDATION Example: European Tracer Experiment (ETEX) • Designed for emergency response model evaluation • PMCH tracer release in Oct and Nov 1994 from north western France • 12-hour release starting on Oct 23, 1994 at 16:00 UTC • 3-hour average samples at various times over 168 samplers in 17 countries ~300 km Source: Scire et al. 2013 300 km x 300 km box • Most samplers over 300 km away with tracer measured to over 2000 km from release site ETEX BASE – CALPUFF 36KM MMIF (run with some errors) ETEX 4 – CALPUFF 12-KM CALMET - Run on the left was performed by a third-party with some errors in settings and a lower meteorological resolution. Meteorology is an important parameter for long-range applications using lagrangian models - By making setting corrections and properly using wind shear with the 12-km MM5 fields, the model performance is dramatically better and comparable to other models results such as CMAQ, HYSPLIT, FLEXPART (not shown) Source: Scire et al. 2013 A Few Examples of CALPUFF Applications Regulatory applications (coal-fired, gas-fired, biomass power plants, aluminium smelters, refineries, etc...) Road traffic modelling (special slug options for nearsource impact) City-wide modelling / Airport modelling Cumulative impacts assessment Forecasting system development (MM5/CALMET/CALPUFF) Spray dispersion modelling (coupled with AGDISP) Odour nuisance evaluation APPLICATION: Cumulative Impact Assessment in the USA Sea Breeze Case – July 7, 1988 – 1:00pm LST 71.5W 72.0W Site A is considered 70.0W the main source and the location of 43.0Nthe meteorological station used in AERMOD 70.5W 71.0W 4760 Sea 4740 Breeze Land UTM North (km) Breeze C B 4720 Sites B and C are the locations of the background sources to be added to the 42.5N cumulative impact Assessment 1 2 4700 A Wind vectors display from CALMET model 3 4680 4660 4640 260 280 300 320 340 UTM East (km) 360 380 400 Within the PSD program, 42.0N if Source A’s impact is above SILs, a cumulative impact assessment is required 420 APPLICATION: Cumulative Impact Assessment in the USA: Sea Breeze Case – July 7, 1988 – 1:00pm LST 71.5W 72.0W 70.5W 71.0W 70.0W UTM North (km) 43.0N CALPUFF plumes from 3 sources 4760 Project facility in land breeze area (A) 4740 Two background sources in sea breeze area (B & C) C B 4720 1 42.5N 2 4700 AERMOD model using meteorological observations (A) close to project facility A 3 4680 4660 42.0N 4640 260 280 CALPUFF plume direction 300 320 340 UTM East (km) 360 380 400 AERMOD plume direction 420 To be applied for all sources (A, B & C) in the cumulative application APPLICATION: Odour Nuisance Evaluation in NSW, Australia Most odours are a complex mixture of many odorous compounds Odour is a Nuisance: Odour detection is frequently below the health standard Dynamic Dilution Olfactometry is the preferred method of measuring odour and is endorsed worldwide Compound Workplace standard (ug/m3) Odour Threshold (ug/m3) Odour strength is quantified in terms of odour units, a measure of odour concentrations Ethyl mercapton 43 0.075 – 2.5 Hydrogen sulfide 470 0.7 – 7 Methyl mercapton 33 0.04 - 4 APPLICATION: Odour Nuisance Evaluation, NWS Australia Why modelling odour with CALPUFF? Description Steady-State plume models Non-Steady-State puff model ‘Memory’ of previous emissions allows build-up of odours under stagnant conditions which occur typically through the night Stagnation and retention No ‘memory’ of previous hours emissions Treatment of calms Unable to treat calms Assume non-zero wind Well-suited to treating calms. Puffs are able to diffuse without being advected. Causality effects Straight line trajectories, plume travels to infinity even after 1-hour Allows variable/curved trajectories Spatial and temporal variability Spatially constant met. Conditions Spatially varying met. conditions Recirculation / flow reversal Not suitable 3D circulation through combination of prognostic model data Note: When high resolution meteorology is available , sub-hourly time steps could be modelled with CALPUFF APPLICATION: Odour Nuisance Evaluation in NSW, Australia Example: sewage treatment plant -point sources, volume sources and area sources are modelled -Species modelled: Odour (in OU) -2 OU and 7OU plotted POPULATION DENSITY OF AFFECTED COMMUNITY (PERSONS PER KM2) IMPACT ASSESSMENT CRITERIA (ODOUR UNITS) NOSE RESPONSE TIME AVG. Urban areas (≥~ 2000) and/ or schools and hospitals 2.0 ~ 500 3.0 ~ 125 4.0 ~ 30 5.0 ~ 10 6.0 Single residence (≤ ~ 2) 7.0 Source: Approved Methods for the Modelling and Assessment of Air Pollutants in NSW, DECCW 2005 Odour impact assessment (1-second averaging time (nose response time) ) Concentrations predictions are in 1-h average (if meteorological data are hourly) A ‘peak to mean ratios’ method is applied to the 1-hr averaging period predictions of CALPUFF Predictions are interpreted as one second averaging period values APPLICATION: Odour Nuisance Evaluation in NSW Adjustment to 1-hr averaging period to sub-hourly period 1/5th Power Law The 1/5th power law is frequently used to estimate < 1-hour odour concentrations. C1 = C0 * ( t0 / t1 ) p where : C0 = the initial (1-hour average) concentration C1 = the concentration at the desired avg. period t0 = the initial (60-minute) averaging period t1 = the desired averaging period (minutes) p = power law exponent (0.2) OR Peak-to-Mean ratio (PtM) The PtM takes into account the ratio of the peak smelled by the nose over a short-period and the average dispersion model result over 1-hour Tables with variable Peak-to-Mean ratios as a function of type of source, stability and near-field/far-field are available in DECCW (2005). CALPUFF has settings options to handle the variable peak-to-mean ratios CONCLUSION CALPUFF is used in over 100 countries and it is accepted for use in near-field/far-field applications by many international environmental agencies CALPUFF is designed to model concentrations at a few meters from sources and for long-range transport It is has been evaluated and validated for all ranges Inputs are 3D-variable meteorological data to represent complex meteorology events and complex terrain (flow in valleys, slopes flow, sea breeze in coastal area, etc...) Because of its characteristics, it is a good tool for applications involving (but not limited to) Sea breeze, complex terrain, stagnation, cumulative impact analysis with background sources, odour modelling, etc... THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Contact Information: Dr. C Escoffier cescoffier@exponent.com
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