90 (224) – 294 15 25 - Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi
90 (224) – 294 15 25 - Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi
Dear Researchers, Having established in 1980 and begun educational and academic activities in 1981, the Faculty of Agriculture consists of Horticulture, Field Crops, Food Engineering, Animal Science, Plant Protection, Biosystems Engineering, Agricultural Economics, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition and Landscape Architecture departments. Our departments carry out research and development activities primarily at the regional level but also at the national and international level. The faculty is a well-established academic institution with 37 professors, 37 associate professors, 10 assistant professors, 4 lecturers, 3 specialists, 41 research assistants and 33 administrative staff reaching to a total of 165 academic and administrative staff as of 2013. In this catalogue, information about expertise areas of academic personnel with their contact information can be found. Our academicians took part in national and international projects including 2 European Union FP-7, 1 State Planning Organization, 16 TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey), 38 Uludag University Scientific Research Projects Unit and 7 other projects. In addition, two academic staff served as consultant for BEBKA (Bursa Eskisehir Bilecik Development Agency), and one each for DOGAKA and TUBITAK-TEYDEB projects. A large number of academic staff are being consulted for reviewing and monitoring TUBITAK projects. The details of these projects are available in this catalogue. Our academic staff published 73 research papers in journals indexed in SCI (Science Citation Index), SCI-Expanded, SSCI (Social Science Citation Index) and other international indexes based on projects and graduate theses they conducted. Besides, 86 conference proceedings articles were presented in national and international congresses, symposia and /or workshops. Only in 2012, 30 graduate theses were completed and these thesis were submitted to the dissertation center of the Turkish Council of Higher Education (YOK) to render them accessible to other researchers worldwide. Our academicians wrote four international book chapters. Furthermore, 64 lecture notes, which are available in our faculty bookstore, were published in order to provide course material for our students. Within the framework of circulating capital activities and Uludag University Technology Development Zone (ULUTEK), testing, analysis and consultancy services are provided in our faculty. As can be seen in the catalogue, 145 different services have been continued to be offered. For example, the Department of Biosystems Engineering performed 75 agricultural machine tests requested by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock in 2012. Our academic staff actively participate in panels and workshops almost in all fields of agriculture to inform growers in accordance with the demands of various agencies, and public institutions. Such information meetings are also held at times in our faculty to share information and knowledge with growers and technical staff involved in agricultural and food sector. Our academicians appear at regional and national TV stations to share information with all of our stakeholders. Our faculty places great emphasis on collaborative work with private sector as well as public institutions and organizations and signed a cooperation protocol with MAY-AGRO Seed Company Ltd. in 2012 to carry out joint activities in education and research. In addition, we have an ongoing cooperation for educational training activities with SUTAS Dairy Company Ltd for many years. Our faculty is committed to increase the number of cooperation protocols based on the demands of the private sector. On the other hand, our faculty or their cooperating industry partner was awarded 3 patents owing to R & D projects between industry and university and 8 new patent applications have been filed. Best regards, Prof.Dr. İsmail Filya Dean OUR VISION To be a sustainable and environmentally friendly academic institution, successful at universal standards on education and research. OUR MISION To contribute to the production of science and technology by generating universal knowledge; to educate creative, entrepreneurial, dynamic, participatory individuals, having environmental awareness and mindful of institutional values and professional ethics, who are able to be successfully employed in academic institutions, public and private sector all over the world with their scientific formation and self-confidence. Prof. Dr. Erdogan BARUT Horticulture- Fruit Growing and Breeding E-mail: ebarut@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 14 73 EDUCATION •PhD, 1992, Uludağ University, Horticulture Department •MSc, 1987, Uludağ University, Horticulture Department •BSc, 1985, Çukurova University, Horticulture Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Fruit Growing • Fruit Breeding and Genetics PUBLICATIONS • Barut,E., Ipek,A., Gulen,H. 2009. Distribution of Olive (Olea europaea L.) Genotypes in the Southern Marmara Region of Turkey. Pak. J. Bot., 41(3): 1077-1080. • Ipek,A, Barut,E., Gulen ,H., Ipek, M. 2009. Genetic diversity among some blackberry cultivars and their relationship with Boysenberry assessed by AFLP Markers. African Journal of Biotechnology., Vol:8(19), 4830-4834. • Ipek,A., Barut,E., Gulen,H., Oz,A.T., Tangu,N.A., İpek,M. 2009. SSR analysis demonstrates that olive production in the southern Marmara region in Turkey uses a single genotype. Genetics and Moleculer Research, 8(4): 1264-1272 (2009). • Ipek,A, Barut,E., Gulen ,H., Ipek, M. 2010. Genetic Diversity Among Some Currants (Ribes spp.) Cultivars as Assessed by AFLP Markers. Pak. J. Bot., 42(2):1009-1012. • Ipek,A., Barut,E., Gulen,H., Ipek.M. 2012. Assessment of Inter-and Intra-Cultivar Variations in Olive Using SSR Markers. Sci.Agric., Vol:69, No: 5, 327-335. Prof. Dr. Vedat SENIZ Horticulture- Vegetable Growing and Breeding E-mail: vseniz@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 14 71 EDUCATION •PhD, 1977, Ankara University, Horticulture Department •BSc, 1969, Ankara University, Horticulture Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Vegetable Growing • Vegetable Breeding • Vegetable Seed Production • Biotechnology PUBLICATIONS • Erenoglu, B., Seniz, V. 2000. Investigation on differences ın fruit yield and quality of new strawberry hybrid cultivar candidates obtained from cross breeding program, 4th International Strawberry Symposıum, 9-14 July. • Demirel, F. and Seniz, V. 1997. A research on the utilisation possibilities of embryo culture in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) Acta Horticulture, 447:237-238. • Karakurt, R. and Seniz, V. 1997. The colon studies in some F1 hybrid varieties through the simple node culture method. Third International Symposium on In Vitro Culture and Horticultural Breeding. 16-21 June, Jerusalem, Israel, Acta Horticulture 447:239. Prof. Dr. H. Ozkan SIVRITEPE Horticulture- Vegetable Growing and Breeding E-mail: ozkan@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 14 74 EDUCATION •PhD, 1992, University of Bath - England, Horticulture Department •MSc, 1987, Uludağ University, Horticulture Department •BSc, 1985, Uludağ University, Horticulture Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Seed Physiology and Technology in Horticulture, • Vegetable Seed Production and Storage, • Vegetable Growing PUBLICATIONS • Sivritepe, H.O. and Dourado, A.M. 1995. The Effect of Priming Treatments on the Viability and Accumulation of Chromosomal Damage in Aged Pea Seeds. Annals of Botany. 75: 165-171. • Sivritepe, N., Sivritepe, H.O. and Eris, A. 2003. The Effects of NaCl Priming on Salt Tolerance in Melon Seedlings Grown under Saline Conditions. Scientia Horticulturae. 97(3/4): 229-237. • Sivritepe, H.O., Sivritepe, N., Eris, A. and Turhan, E. 2005. The Effects of NaCl Pre-treatments on Salt Tolerance of Melons Grown under Long-term Salinity. Scientia Horticulturae. 106(4): 568-581. • Sivritepe, N. and Sivritepe, H.O. 2008. Organic Priming with Seaweed Extract (Ascophyllum nodosum) Affects Viability of Pepper Seeds. Asian Journal of Chemistry. 20(7): 5689-5694. • Demirkaya, M., Dietz, K.J. and Sivritepe, H.O. 2010. Changes in Antioxidant Enzymes during Ageing of Onion Seeds. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca. 38(1): 49-52. Prof. Dr. M. Hakan OZER Horticulture- Vegetable Growing and Breeding E-mail: hozer@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 14 75 EDUCATION •PhD, 1992, Uludağ University, Horticulture Department •MSc, 1987, Uludağ University, Horticulture Department •BSc, 1985, Uludağ University, Horticulture Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Postharvest Physiology of Horticultural Crops PUBLICATIONS • Akbudak, B., Ozer, M.H., Erturk, U., Çavusoglu, S. 2009. Response of 1-MCP treated Granny Smith apple fruit to air and CA storage conditions. Journal of Food Quality. 32(1):18-33. • Ozer, M.H., Akbudak, B., Çetin, B. 2006. CA storage of fresh black Gemlik Olives. Journal of The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science, 75(1):85-90. • Akbudak, B., Ozer, M.H., Erturk, U. 2004. Effect of CA storage on quality parameters and storage period of apple cv. Granny Smith and Jonagold. Journal of Applied Horticulture, 6(1):48-54. • Erturk, U., Akbudak, B., Ozer, M.H. 2003. Quality changes of some apple cultivars stored in NA for long periods. Acta.Hort. (559):665-672. • Ozer, M.H., Erturk. U., Akbudak, B. 2003. Physical and biochemical changes during CA storage of cv.Granny Smith. Acta Hort. (599):673-679. Prof. Dr. Nuray SIVRITEPE Horticulture- Viticulture Growing and Breeding E-mail: nuray@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 14 79 EDUCATION •PhD, 1995, Uludağ University, Horticulture Department •MSc, 1987, Uludağ University, Horticulture Department •BSc, 1985, Uludağ University, Horticulture Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Plant Physiology in Horticulture, • Stress Physiology in Horticulture PUBLICATIONS • Sivritepe, N. and Eris, A. Determination of Salt Tolerance in Some Grapevine Cultivars Under in vitro Conditions. Turkish Journal of Biology 23(4): 473-485. 1999. • Sivritepe, N. Physiological Changes in Grapevines Induced by Osmotic Stress Originated from Salt and Their Role in Salt Resistance. Turkish Journal of Biology 24: 97-104. 2000. • Sivritepe, N. , Burak, M., Yalçın, T. Determination of Frost Resistance in Ata Sarısı, Uslu and Yalova İncisi Grapevine Cultivars. Uludağ universitesi Ziraat Fakultesi Dergisi 15(2): 25-38. 2001. • Sivritepe, N., Sivritepe, H.O., Eris, A. The Effects of NaCl Priming on Salt Tolerance in Melon Seedlings Grown Under Saline Conditions. Scientia Horticulturae 97 (3/4): 229-237. 2003. • Sivritepe H.O.; Sivritepe, N.; Eris, A. and Turhan, E. The effects of NaCl pre-treatments on salt tolerance of melons grown under long-term salinity. Scientia Horticulturae. 106: 568-581. 2005 Prof. Dr. Cihat TURKBEN Horticulture- Viticulture Growing and Breeding E-mail: cturkben@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 14 78 EDUCATION •PhD, 1989, Uludağ University, Horticulture Department •BSc, 1980, Ankara University, Horticulture Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Viticulture Growing and Breeding, • Post Harvest Physiology, PUBLICATIONS • Turkben, C. ve Eris A. Researches on the determination of cold storage abilities of some important table grape varieties grown in Marmara region Doğa-Tr. J. of Agriculture and Forestry, 14: 181-191, (1990). • Turkben, C. and Çetin, B. Handling and Marketing Problems of Seedless Raisin Grapes in Turkey. Small Fruit Review 1(4): 73-79 (2001). • Turkben, C. , Soylemezoglu, G., Ergul, A. and Ağaoğlu, Y.S., “Isoenzymatic Polymorphism Differentiation of Turkish Grapevine Cultivars by Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis” Bio Technology and Biotechnologycal Equipment 16/2002/1: 148-151 (2002). • Kosar, M., Kupeli, E., Malyer, H., Uylaser, V., Turkben, C. and Baser, K.H.C., Effect of Brining on Biological Activity of Leaves of Vitis vinifera L. (Cv. Sultani Çekirdeksiz) from Turkey. J. Agric. Food Chem., 55, 4596-4603, (2007). • Turkben, C. Storage of Tasble Grapes. ISBN 978-975-8377-74-9, 48 p. (2010). • Çelikkol, I. and Turkben, C. Effects of postharvest applications on berry quality, microbial population and morphological (epicuticular wax) deterioration of ready-to-eat table grapes. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment Vol.10 (3&4): 213-220, (2012). Prof. Dr. Hatice GULEN Horticulture- Fruit Growing and Breeding E-mail: hsgulen@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 14 77 EDUCATION •PhD, 2000, Çukurova University, Horticulture Department •MSc, 1992, Çukurova University, Horticulture Department •BSc, 1988, Çukurova University, Horticulture Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Plant Physiology, • Plant Biotechnology, • Plant Molecular Biology PUBLICATIONS • Gulen, H., Arora, R., Kuden, A., Krebs, S.L. and Postman, J. 2002. Peroxidase isozyme profiles in compatible and incompatible pear/quince graft combinations. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci., 127(2):152-157. • Gulen, H. and Eris, A. 2003. Some physiological changes in strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa cv. Camarosa) plants under heat stress. J. Hort. Sci. Biotech., 78 (6): 894-898. • Gulen, H. and Eris, A. 2004. Effect of heat stress on peroxidase activity and protein content in strawberry plants. Plant Sci., 166(3): 739-744. • Gulen H., Cansev A. and Eris A. 2009. Cold-hardiness of olive (Olea europaea L.) cultivars in cold-acclimated and non-acclimated stages: Seasonal alteration of soluble sugars and phospholipids. J. Agr. Sci. 147:459-467. • Gulen H., Ipek A., Ergin S., Akcay M. E. and Eris A. 2010. Assessment of genetic relationship among 29 introduced and 49 local sweet cherry accessions in Turkey using AFLP and SSR markers. J. Hort. Sci. Biotech. 85(5): 427-431. Prof. Dr. Bulent AKBUDAK Horticulture- Fruit Growing and Breeding E-mail: bakbudak@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 14 76 EDUCATION •PhD, 1999, Uludağ University, Horticulture Department •MSc, 1994, Uludağ University, Horticulture Department •BSc, 1991, Uludağ University, Horticulture Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Fruit Growing and Breeding, • Postharvest Physiology and Technology PUBLICATIONS • Akbudak, B. 2008. Effect of polypropylene and polyvinyl chloride plastic film packaging materials on the quality of ‘Yalova Charleston’ pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) during storage. Food Science and Technology Research 14 (1): 5-11. • Akbudak, B., Tezcan, H. and Eris, A. 2009. Evaluation of messenger plant activator as a preharvest and postharvest treatment of sweet cherry fruit under a controlled atmosphere. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition 60 (5): 374-386. • Akbudak, B., Bolkan, H. and Cohen, N. 2009. Determination of physicochemical characteristics in different products of tomato varieties. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition 60 (S1): 126-138. • Akbudak, B. 2010. Effects of harvest time on the quality attributes of processed and non-processed tomato varieties. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 45 (2): 334-343. • Akbudak, B. and Murat, S. 2012. Effects of preharvest and postharvest calcium and modified atmosphere treatments on storage and vase life of Gerbera. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment 10 (3-4): 968-971. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Umran ERTURK Horticulture- Fruit Growing and Breeding E-mail: umrane@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 14 81 EDUCATION •PhD, 1997, Uludağ University, Horticulture Department •MSc, 1991, Uludağ University, Horticulture Department •BSc, 1989, Uludağ University, Horticulture Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Temperature Zone Fruits (Propagation and Growing Techniques) • Agricultural Biotechnology (Tissue Culture) PUBLICATIONS • Erturk U, Dalkilic Z.2011. Determination of genetic relationship among some walnut (Juglans regia L.) genotypes and their early-bearing progenies using RAPD markers. Romanian Biotechnological Letters Volume: 16 Issue: 1 Pages: 5944-5952. • Akca Y., Ozgen M. , Erturk U. , Ercisli S. 2012. The effects of AVG and GA3 treatments on pistillate (female) flower abortion in “Sebin” walnut cultivar. Acta Sci. Pol., Hortorum Cultus 11(4): 179-185. • Erturk U. 2011 Effect of Variety on Successful Grafting and Development of Nursery Trees of Potted Walnut. Second Balkan Symposium on Fruit Growing,5-7 Eylul, Romanya. • Erturk U. Sivritepe N., Yerlıkaya C., Bor M., Ozdemir F., and Turkan I. 2007. Responses of the cherry rootstock to salinity in vitro. Biologia Plantarum 51 (3): 597600. • Sivritepe N. , Erturk U. , Yerlikaya C. , Turkan I., Bor M. and Ozdemir F. 2008. Response of the cherry rootstock to water stress induced in vitro. Biologia Plantarum 52 (3): 573-576. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Meryem IPEK Horticulture- Vegetable Growing and Breeding E-mail: msipek@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 14 85 EDUCATION •PhD, 2003, University of Wisconsin-Madison USA, Horticulture •MSc, 1998, University of Wisconsin-Madison USA, Horticulture •BSc, 1991, Çukurova University, Horticulture Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Horticulture Plants Biology, • Horticulture Plants Molecular Biology PUBLICATIONS • Ipek, M., A. Ipek ve P.W. Simon, “Comparison of AFLPs, RAPD Markers, and Isozymes for Diversity Assessment of Garlic and Detection of Putative Duplicates in Germplasm Collections,” J. Am. Soc. Hortic. Sci., 128, 246-252 (2003). • Ipek, M., A. Ipek, S.G. Almquist ve P.W. Simon, “Demonstration of Linkage and Development of the First Low-Density Genetic Map of Garlic Based on AFLP Markers,” Theor. Appl. Genet., 110, 228-236 (2005). • Ipek, M., A. Ipek ve P.W. Simon, “Sequence Homology of Polymorphic AFLP Markers in Garlic (Allium sativum L.),” Genome, 49, 1246-1255 (2006). • Ipek, M., A. Ipek, D. Senalik ve P.W. Simon, “Characterization of an Unusual Cytoplasmic Chimera Detected in Bolting Garlic Clones” J. Am. Soc. Hortic. Sci., 132 (5), 664-669 (2007). • Ipek, M., A. Ipek ve P.W. Simon, “Genetic Characterization of Allium tuncelianum: An Endemic Edible Allium Species with Garlic Odor,” Sci. Hortic.-Amsterdam, 115, 409-415 (2008). Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nuray AKBUDAK Horticulture- Vegetable Growing and Breeding E-mail: nakbudak@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 14 86 EDUCATION •PhD, 2005, Uludağ University, Horticulture Department •MSc, 1997, Uludağ University, Horticulture Department •BSc, 1993, Uludağ University, Horticulture Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Vegetable Growing and Breeding, • Tissue Culture PUBLICATIONS • Tokatlı (Akbudak), N. and Ozgur, M. 1999. The Effects of Vertical Training on Wires on Yield and Quality in Growing of Pickling Cucumber. Acta Horticulturae. 492: 221-225. • Cetin, B., Tipi, T., Turhan, S. and N. Akbudak 2003. Turkiye’de Dondurulmus Sebze Meyve Sanayiinin Ekonomik Yapısı ve Pazarlanma Sorunları. (Economic Situation and Marketing Problems of Frozen Fruit and Vegetable Processing Industry In Turkey).97 s. ISBN: 975-8629-33-6. • Akbudak, N., Tezcan, H., Akbudak, B. and seniz, V. 2006. The Effect of Harpin Protein on Plant Growth Parameters, Leaf Chlorophyll, Leaf Colour and Percentage Rotten Fruit of Pepper Plants Inoculated with Botrytis cinerea. Scientia Horticulturae, 109: 107-112. • Akbudak, N. and Bolkan H. 2010. Diagnostic method for predicting tomato seedling emergence. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 8(1):170-174. • Akbudak, N. and Akbudak B. 2013. Effect of Vacuum, Microwave, and Connective Drying on Selected Parsley Quality. International Journal of Food Properties, 16:205-215. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet IPEK Horticulture- Vegetable Growing and Breeding E-mail: maipek@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 14 84 EDUCATION •PhD, 2002, University of Wisconsin-Madison USA, Horticulture •MSc, 1997, University of Wisconsin-Madison USA, Horticulture •BSc, 1991, Çukurova University, Horticulture Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Biotechnology in Horticulture, • Molecular Markers, • Molecular Plant Genetics in Horticulture PUBLICATIONS • M.Ipek, A.Ipek, S.G.Almquist ve P.W.Simon, "Demonstration of Linkage and Development of the First Low-Density Genetic Map of Garlic Based on AFLP Markers", Theor. Appl. Genet. (ISI), 110, 228-236 pp., 2005. • A.Ipek, P.Masson ve P.W.Simon, "Genetic transformation of an Ac/Ds-based Transposon Tagging System in Carrot (Daucus carota L.)", Europ. J. Hort. Sci. (ISI) ,71, 245-251 pp., 2006. • A.Ipek, M.İpek ve P.W.Simon, "Association of Reversible Inactivation of Maize Transposable Element, Ds, with Tissue-specific Processing of the 35S:TPase Transcript in Carrot (Daucus carota L.)", J. Hortic. Sci. Biotech. (ISI), 81, 819-826 pp., 2006, • A.Ipek, H.Gulen, M.E.Akcay, M. Ipek, S.Ergin ve A.Eris, "Determination of Self-Incompatibility Groups of Sweet Cherry Genotypes from Turkey", Genet. Mol. Res. (ISI),, 10, 253-260 pp., 2011. • A.Ipek, E.Barut, H.Gulen ve M.Ipek, “Assessment of inter- and intra-cultivar variations in olive using SSR markers”, Sci. Agric. 69, 327-335, 2012. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cevriye MERT Horticulture- Fruit Growing and Breeding E-mail: cervmert@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 15 42 EDUCATION •PhD, 2005, Uludağ University, Horticulture Department •MSc, 1999, Uludağ University, Horticulture Department •BSc, 1995, Uludağ University, Horticulture Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Fruit Growing and Breeding, • Plant Cytology and Morphology PUBLICATIONS • Mert, C., A. Soylu 2001. Chemical thinning in some apple cultivars grafted on MM106 rootstock. Bahçe. 30(1-2):81-95. • Mert, C., A. Soylu 2006. Flower and stamen structures of male-fertile and male-sterile chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) cultivars. Journal of American Society for Horticultural Sciences 131(6):752-759. • Mert, C., A. Soylu 2007. Possible cause of low fruit set in the sweet cherry cultivar 0900 ziraat. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 87 (3):593-594. • Mert C. 2009. Pollen morphology and anatomy of cornelian cherry (Cornus mas L.) cultivars. HortScience 44(2): 519–522. • Mert C., A. Soylu 2010. Shoot location and collection time effects on meristem tip culture of some apple rootstocks. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 42(1): 549-557. Assist. Prof. Dr. Mehmet OZGUR Horticulture- Vegetable Growing and Breeding E-mail: mozgur@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 14 80 EDUCATION •PhD, 1991, Uludağ University, Horticulture Department •MSc, 1985, Uludağ University, Horticulture Department •BSc, 1982, Ankara University, Horticulture Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Protected Cultivation, • Soilless Culture, • Tissue Culture PUBLICATIONS • Eris, A. ve Ozgur, M. 1992. A Research on the Production of Cucumber ( Cucumis sativus L. ) in the Media of Perlite and Volcanic Tufa Under the Controlled Conditions. “Turkiye 1. Ulusal Bahçe Bitkileri Kongresi” (13-16 Ekim 1992, İZMİR), Cilt 2:363-368. • Ozgur, M. 2003. Advances in Vegetable Seedling Production in Turkey. IV. Sebze Tarımı Sempozyumu ( 17-20 Eylul 2002, BURSA) : 41-47. • Ozgur, M., Shehata, A. M., Skırvın, R. M., Norton, M. A., Mulwa, R. M. S., Uchanski, M., Hamblin, M.A. and Babadoost, M. 2004. An In Vitro Method to Rescue Embryos of Horseradish, a Repudedly Sterile Plant. Journal of Vegetable Crop Production, Vol. 10(2) : 99-105 • Ozgur, M. ve Koksal, N. 2010. Effects of Uniconazole Treatments to Control Seedling Length in Growing Ornamental Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. acephala) IV. Sus Bitkileri Kongresi (20-22 Ekim 2010, Erdemli-MERSİN) : 603-610. • Ozgur, M. 2011. Lettuce Production ( Lactuca sativa L.). Bahçe Tarımı-II. unite 7,(Ed . SENIZ, V., ERDOGAN, V.) T.C. Anadolu Üniversitesi Yay. No:2358, Açıköğretim Fakultesi Yay No:1355 :156-160. Res. Assist. Dr. Asuman CANSEV Horticulture – Fruit Growing and Breeding E-mail: auslu@uludag.edu.tr Phone: 0 (224) – 294 16 41 EDUCATION •PhD, 2008, Uludağ University, Horticulture Department •MSc, 2002, Uludağ University, Horticulture Department •BSc, 1998, Uludağ University, Horticulture Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Stress Physiology and Molecular Biology in Horticulture Plants • Biotechnology and Molecular Biology in Horticulture PUBLICATIONS • Eris, A., H. Gulen, E. Barut, A. Cansev, Annual pattern of total soluble sugars and proteins related to cold-hardiness in olive (Olea europaea L. cv. Gemlik). Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 82(4):597–604, 2007. • Cansev, A., H. Gulen, A. Eris. Cold-hardiness of olive (Olea europaea L.) cultivars in cold-acclimated and non-acclimated stages: seasonal alteration of antioxidative enzymes and dehydrin-like proteins. Journal of Agricultural Science. 147:51-61, (2009). • Gulen, H., A. Cansev, A. Eris, Cold-hardiness of olive (Olea europaea L.) cultivars in cold-acclimated and non-acclimated stages: Seasonal alteration of soluble sugars and phospholipids. Journal of Agricultural Science, 147:459-467, (2009.) • Cansev, A., H. Gulen, A. Eris, The activities of catalase and ascorbate peroxidase in olive (Olea europaea L. cv. ‘Gemlik’) under Low Temperature Stress. Horticulture, Environment and Biotechnology, 52(2):1-6, (2011) • Cansev, A., Y. sahan, G. Celik, S.Taskesen, H. Ozbey, Chemical properties and antioxidant capacity of Elaeagnus angustifolia L. fruits. Asian Journal of Chemistry 23(6):2661-2665, (2011) Res. Assist. Muge Kesici ZENGİN Horticulture – Fruit Growing and Breeding E-mail: mkesici@uludag.edu.tr Phone: 0 (224) – 294 16 41 EDUCATION •PhD, ----, Uludağ University, Horticulture Department •MSc, 2009, Uludağ University, Horticulture Department •BSc, 2006, Uludağ University, Horticulture Department RESEARCH ACTIVITIES • Plant Physiology • Plant Biotechnology • Plant Molecular Biology PUBLICATIONS • Gulen H., Çetinkaya C., Kadıoglu M., Kesici M., Cansev A. and Eris A. 2008. Peroxidase activity and lipid peroxidation in strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) plants under low temperature. J. Biol. Environ. Sci. 2(6): 95-100. • Zaimoglu, Z., Koksal, N., Basci, N., Kesici, M., Gulen, H. and Budak, F. 2011. Antioxidative enzyme activities in Brassica juncea L. and Brassica oleracea L. plants under chromium stress. J. Food Agr. Environ. 9(1): 676-679. • Ergin, S., Kesici, M., Gulen, H. 2012. Changes in H2O2 and Peroxidase Activities in Strawberry Plants Under Heat Stress. J.Agric.Fac.HR.U. 16(1):25-35. • Ergin, S., Gulen, H., Turhan, E., İpek, A., Koksal, N., Kesici, M. 2012. Protein in strawberry plants (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) under heat stress. 15th European Congress on Biotechnology, 23-26 September, 2012, Istanbul, New Biotechnology, Abstract Book, p, 22. • Kesici, M., Cansev, A., Ergin, S., Gulen, H. 2012. Protein and peroxidase activity in strawberry plants under the combined effects of drought, low and high temperature. 15th European Congress on Biotechnology, 23-26 September, 2012, Istanbul, New Biotechnology, Abstract Book, p, 185. Res. Assist. Bulent SENTURK Horticulture – Vegetable Growing and Breeding E-mail: senturkb@uludag.edu.tr Phone: 0 (224) – 294 14 66 EDUCATION •PhD, ----, Uludağ University, Horticulture Department •MSc, 2009, Uludağ University, Horticulture Department •BSc, 2007, Uludağ University, Horticulture Department RESEARCH ACTIVITIES • Seed Physiology and Technology in Horticulture, • Vegetable Growing, • Protected Vegetable Cultivation PUBLICATIONS • Gencer, N.S., Kumral, N.A., Sivritepe, H.o., Seidi, M., Susurluk, H. and Senturk, B. Olfactory Response of the Ladybird Beetle Stethorus gilvifrons to Two Preys and Herbivore-Induced Plant Volatiles. Phytoparasitica.37(3): 217-224. 2009. Res. Assist. Sevin TEOMAN Horticulture – Vegetable Growing and Breeding E-mail: sevinteoman@uludag.edu.tr Phone: 0 (224) – 294 14 66 EDUCATION •MSc, ----, Uludağ University, Horticulture Department •BSc, 2010, Uludağ University, Horticulture Department RESEARCH ACTIVITIES • Seed Physiology and Technology in Horticulture, • Vegetable Growing PROJECTS • The Effects of Organic Seed Priming on Seedling Quality and Performance of Tomato, Pepper and Aubergine. 2012-2013. Uludag University Scientific Research Projects HDP(Z)2012/15. Prof. Dr. H. Ozkan SIVRITEPE • Researches on Salt Tolerance in Peas (Pisum sativum L.). 2012-2015. Uludag University Scientific Research Projects OUAP(Z)2012/6. Prof. Dr. H. Ozkan SIVRITEPE • Project on training and increasing the production of chestnut cultivation in Bursa. 20092013. Turkish Republic Governorship of Bursa. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cevriye MERT • The Effects of Drought Stress on Plant Growth and Physiological Characteristics in Some Grapevine Cultivars. 2010-2012. Mustafa Kemal University Scientific Research Projects Unit. Project Nr. 1002 M 0107. Prof. Dr. Nuray SIVRITEPE • Researches on the currency of and intenseness of Verticillium wild in Bursa olive growing areas. 2008-2011. The Commission of Scientific Research Projects of Uludag University, Project number: 2008/13. Prof. Dr. Erdogan BARUT, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cevriye MERT PROJECTS • Determination of mineral nutrition of olive plantation in Bursa district and to overcome the deficiencies of some micro elements (Fe, Zn and B) and the determination of the relationships between the quality parameters and the nutritional elements. 2008-2011. The Commission of Scientific Research Projects of Uludag University, Project number: 2008/14. Prof. Dr. Erdogan BARUT, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cevriye MERT • Effect of Postharvest Different Treatments on Storage Period and Quality in Persimmon (Diospyros kaki). 2011-2012. Research Fund of the Uludag University, Project Number: HDP (Z)-2011/28. Prof. Dr. Bulent AKBUDAK • Studies on the Development of Walnut Industry in Turkey. 2008-2012. TUBITAK, Project no: 107G249-182. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Umran ERTURK • Identification of physical, chemical characteristics and rheological behavior of traditionally processed grape pekmez (grape molasses)(Vitis vinifera L.). 20112012.Uludag University, Scientific Research Projects Unit, Project Nr: UAP(Z)-2011/62. Prof. Dr. Cihat TURKBEN • Effects of some different pre-applications and modified atmosphere packing (MAP) on quality of fresh-cut table grape (Vitis Vinifera L. Cv. Alphonse Lavallée). 2010– 2011. Uludag University, Scientific Research Projects Unit, Project Nr: UAP (Z)-2010/11. Prof. Dr. Cihat TURKBEN PROJECTS Influence of domestic processing on some compounds of rose hip ( Rosa canina L. ) from vicinity of Bursa-Turkey. 2008 – 2009. Uludag University, Scientific Research Projects Unit, Project Nr: Z(U)-2009/25. Prof. Dr. Cihat TURKBEN Investigation of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activities of some raspberry (Rubus idaeaus L.) and blackberry (Rubus fruticosus L.) cultivars grown in Bursa during frozen storage. 2008 – 2009. Uludag University, Scientific Research Projects Unit, Project Nr: Z– 2008/20. Prof. Dr. Cihat TURKBEN Changes in chemical composition and morphology of epicuticular wax of some horticultural crops during storage. 2005–2008. TUBİTAK Project no: TOVAG-105O076. Prof. Dr. Cihat TURKBEN Determination of DNA profiles of some important olive varieties and hybrids and the development of olive genetic map using molecular markers. TUBITAK (Project # TOVAG1050071) (2005-2008). Prof. Dr. Hatice GULEN Identification of Some Local and Introduced Cherry Cultivars by AFLP and SSR Molecular Markers. 2006-2008. Uludag University, Research Foundation (Project # Z-2006/36). Prof. Dr. Hatice GULEN PROJECTS Mapping Nuclear Genes Housing Cytoplasmic Male Sterility in Carrot Using AFLP Markers. 2011-2014. TUBITAK (Project # TOVAG-1110119) Prof. Dr. Hatice GULEN Evaluation of Quality Attributes of Processing Tomatoes Harvested in Different Maturity. 2007-2008. Campbells Research and Development, Davis, CA, USA. Prof. Dr. Bulent AKBUDAK Changes in Contents of Some Quality Parameters, Carotenoids and Antioxidant Capacity in Fresh, Canned and Paste Tomatoes. 2007-2008. Campbells Research and Development, Davis, CA, USA. Prof. Dr. Bulent AKBUDAK Effect of Preharvest and Postharvest Different Treatments on Postharvest Quality and Vase Life. 2010-2012. Research Fund of the Uludag University, Project Number: UAP (Z) 2010/51. Prof. Dr. Bulent AKBUDAK High Temperature Effects on Antioxidant, Carbohydrate and Protein metabolism of Strawberry Plants. 2008-2010. TUBITAK (Project # TOVAG-1080061). Prof. Dr. Hatice GULEN THESIS • • • • • • • • Ergin, S. 2012. Effects of high temperature stress on enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants and protein metabolism in strawberry plants (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hatice GULEN). Murat, S. 2012. Effect of different treatments on the postharvest life of Gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii) (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Bulent AKBUDAK). Sengul, E. 2012. In vitro propagation of black mulberry (Morus nigra L.)( Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Umran ERTURK). Uysal, T. 2012. Investigation on cytological flower structure of olive cv Gemlik (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Erdogan BARUT). Celikkol, I. 2011. Effects of some different pre-applications and modified atmosphere packing (MAP) on quality of fresh-cut table grape (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Alphonse Lavallée (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Cihat TURKBEN). Gunaydın, O. 2011. Determination of differently expressed candidate genes in garlic (Allium sativum L.) effected by low temperature storage using cDNA-AFLP (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet IPEK). Kesici, M. 2009. High temperature tolerance of some strawberry (Fragaria ananassa) cultivars (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hatice GULEN). Senturk, B. 2009. The effects of osmotic conditioning treatments with NaCl on improving salt tolerance ability in pea (Pisum sativum L.) seeds (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. H. O. SIVRITEPE).0 INFRASTRUCTURE HORTICULTURE MOLECULAR BIOLOGY & BIOTECHNOLOGY LABORATORIES Protein and DNA analyzes of horticultural crops are routinely conducted in the Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Laboratories. In addition to the determination of total protein and carbohydrate specific proteins using the anti-body determinations and any changes in protein expression can be determined in the laboratories. Enzymes expression changes such as Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH) in plants under stress are determined. Gene expression and molecular marker investigations for DNA and RNA are carried out in the Laboratories. INFRASTRUCTURE HORTICULTURE PHYSIOLOGY LABORATORY Various researches on plant physiology and seed physiology are carried out in the Horticulture Physiology Laboratory. Performed researches in the laboratory are basically biotic and abiotic stress factors, aging, controlled deterioration and determination of the dormancy effects on seeds and plants. In addition, researches on seed priming before and after storage of the seeds to determine the effect on storage time and seed physiology are carried out. In the field of plant physiology, biotic and abiotic stress resistance in plants, the measurement of total protein content, proline determination, chlorophyll, carotenoids, anthocyanins and other pigments measurements, spectrophotometric analysis of plant secondary metabolites, plant antioxidant enzymes, and many other plant physiological measurement of enzyme activity analysis are carried out in the laboratory. Various researches on the seed enhancement technologies to determine the properties of the seed, viability tests, vigour tests in the area of seed physiology are carried out as well. INFRASTRUCTURE HORTICULTURE POST HARVEST PHYSIOLOGY LABORATORY Post-harvest preservation methods used in conjunction with Post-harvest Physiology are carried out in the laboratory. In addition, various parameters (weight loss, leaf relative water content, the digital dimension, height and diameter measurements, chlorophyll a, b and total chlorophyll content, modified atmosphere components, leaf and fruit rupture force, fruit firmness, fruit flesh and skin color, pH measurement, the amount of soluble solids, titratable acidity, ascorbic acid, tannins, carotenoids, total and invert sugar and the temperature, humidity, and wind speed) are researched in this laboratory to investigate the quality changes that occurred during the storage time of fruits, vegetables and ornamental. INFRASTRUCTURE HORTICULTURE PLANTS TISSUE CULTURE LABORATORY Tissue culture laboratory has a size of 50 square meter space. The Laboratory possess a refrigerator, oven, magnetic stirrer, autoclave , pH meter, Laminar Flow, micropipette sets, including centrifuge and climate cabinets. Researches on micro propagation of horticultural plants are carried out in this unit. In addition, physiological response such as salt, drought and abiotic stress and heavy metals conditions are also carried out to determine the in vitro performance of the rootstocks of varying fruit species. INFRASTRUCTURE HORTICULTURE CYTOLOGY LABORATORY Various researches on plant tissue and structural changes in the cells (morphological, cytological) are conducted in the Horticulture Cytology Laboratory. Basically researches in the laboratory cover plants, flower buds in different tissues, and in particular on the morphology and cytology. For this purpose, the marker dyes preparation, plant tissues staining, meiotic and mitotic cell division investigations, paraffin method applications, and cross-sectional sampling plant materials are performed in this laboratory. Prof. Dr. Esvet ACIKGOZ Field Crops- Cultivation and Breeding of Field Crops E-mail: esvet@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 14 68 EDUCATION •PhD, 1976, Ankara University, •BSc, 1972, Ankara University, Field Crops Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • General Forages Cultivation • Legumes Forages Breeding • Grasses Forages Breeding • Turfgrass Management PUBLICATIONS • Bilgili, U., F.O., Topac-Sagban, I. Surer, N. Caliskan, P. Uzun, and E. Acikgoz, 2011. Effects of Wastewater Sludge Topdressing on Color, Quality, and Clipping Yield of a Turfgrass Mixture. HortScience. 46: 1308–1313. • Uzun, A., S. Gucer and E. Acikgoz, 2011. Common Vetch (Vicia sativa L.) Germplasm: Correlations of Crude Protein and Mineral Content to Seed Traits. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 66 (3), 254-260. • Acıkgoz, E. M. Sıncık, A. Karasu, O. Tongel, G. Wıetgrefe, U. Bılgılı, M. Oz, S. Albayrak, Z.M. Turan and A. T. Goksoy 2009. Forage Soybean Production for Seed in Mediterranean Environments. Field Crops Res. 110:213-218. • Sincik, M. and E. Acikgoz, 2007. Effects of White Clover Inclusion on Turf Characteristics, Nitrogen Fixation, and Nitrogen Transfer from White Clover to Grass Species in Turf Mixtures. Commun. in Soil Sci. and Plant Analysis. 38(13): 1861-1877. • Bilgili, U. and E. Acikgoz, 2005. Year-Round Nitrogen Fertilization Effects on Growth and Quality of Sports Turf Mixtures. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 28, 299-307. Prof. Dr. Nedime AZKAN Field Crops- Cultivation and Breeding of Field Crops E-mail: nazkan@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 15 12 EDUCATION •PhD, 1974, Ege University ,Field Crops Department •MSc, 1970, Ege University, Science Faculty •BSc, 1969, Ege University, Science Faculty RESEARCH INTERESTS • Grain Legume Crops • Medicinal and Aromatic Plants PUBLICATIONS • Kacar, O. Goksu, E. and Azkan, N. 2009. Agronomic Properties and Essential Oil Composition of Basil Varieties and Landraces (Ocimum basilicum L.) in Turkey, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 21 (4): 3151-3160. • Kacar, O. Azkan, N. and Çoplu, N. 2009. Effects of Different Rooting Media and Indole Butyric Acid on Rooting of Stem Cuttings in Sage (Salvia officinalis L. and Salvia triloba L.), Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment (JFAE), 7 (3 & 4): 349-352. • Dogan, R., Kacar, O., Coplu, N. and Azkan, N. 2009. Characteristics of New Breeding Lines of Triticale, African Journal of Agricultural Research, 4: 133-138. • Kacar, O., Goksu, E. and Azkan, N. 2008. Effects of Morphogenetic and Diurnal Variability on the Hypericin Content in St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum L.), African Journal of Biotechnology, 7 (13): 2163-2168. • Kacar, O., Goksu, E. and Azkan, N. 2005. Determination of The Effects of Inoculation with Different Rhizobia on The Yield and Yield Components in Some Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Varieties and Lines in Bursa Conditions, The Journal of Agricultural Faculty Ege University, 42(3): 21-32 (in Turkish). Prof. Dr. Necmettin CELIK Field Crops- Cultivation and Breeding of Field Crops E-mail: ncelik@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 15 14 EDUCATION •PhD, 1980, Atatürk University, Field Crops Department •MSc, 1976, Kentucky University, Field Crops Department •BSc, 1969, Atatürk University, Field Crops Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Forage Crops, Pasture and Meadow • Crop Physiology PUBLICATIONS • Budakli Carpici, E., N. Celik and G. Bayram, 2010. Yield and Quality of Forage Maize as Influenced by Plant Density and Nitrogen Rate. Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 15(2):128132. • Turk, M., N. Celik, G. Bayram and E. Budakli, 2007. Effects of Nitrogen and Phosphorus on Botanical Composition, Yield and Quality of Rangelands. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 19(7):5351-5359. • Turk, M., N. Celik, G. Bayram and E. Budakli, 2007. Effects of Nitrogen and Potassium Fertilization on Yield and Nutritional Quality of Rangeland. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 19(3):2341-2348. • Budakli E., N. Celik, M. Turk, G. Bayram and B. Tas, 2007. Effets of Post-anthesis Drought Stress on The Stem-reverse Mobilization Supporting Grain Filling of Two-rowed Barley Cultivars at Different Levels of Nitrogen. Journal of Biological Sciences, 7(6):949-953. • Turk, M., N. Celik, G. Bayram and E. Budakli, 2007. Effects of Nitrogen and Potassium Fertilization on Yield and Nutritional Quality of Rangeland. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 19(3):2341-2348. Prof. Dr. A. Tanju GOKSOY Field Crops- Cultivation and Breeding of Field Crops E-mail: agoksoy@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 15 15 EDUCATION •PhD, 1992, Uludag University, Field Crops Department •MSc., 1987, Uludag University, Field Crops Department •BSc., 1983, Ankara University, Field Crops Department RESEARCH INTERESTS •Cultivation and Breeding Methods of Industrial Crops •Cultivation and Breeding Methods of Oil Crops •Cultivation of Fiber Crops PUBLICATIONS • Sincik, M., A.T. Goksoy and Z.M. Turan, 2011. The Heterosis and Combining Ability of Diallel Crosses of Rapeseed Inbred Lines. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici, 39(2):242248. • Acıkgoz, E. M. Sıncık, A. Karasu, O. Tongel, G. Wıetgrefe, U. Bılgılı, M. Oz, S. Albayrak, Z.M. Turan and A. T. Goksoy 2009. Forage Soybean Production for Seed in Mediterranean Environments. Field Crops Res. 110:213-218. • Sincik, M., Z.M. Turan and A.T. Goksoy, 2008. Responses of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) to Green Manure Cover Crops and Nitrogen Fertilization Rates. Am. J. Pot. Res. 85: 150158. • Demir, A.O., A.T. Goksoy, H. Buyukcangaz and Z.M. Turan, 2006. Deficit Irrigation of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) in a Sub-humid Climate. Irrigation Science, 24(4) : 279289. • Goksoy, A.T., A.O. Demir, Z.M. Turan and N. Dagustu, 2004. Responses of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) to Full and Limited Irrigation at Different Growth Stages., Field Crops Research. 87: 167-178. Prof. Dr. A. Ilhan TURGUT Field Crops- Cultivation and Breeding of Field Crops E-mail: iturgut@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 15 16 EDUCATION •PhD, 1994, Uludag University, Field Crops Department •MSc, 1989, Uludag University, Field Crops Department •BSc, 1987, Uludag University, Field Crops Department RESEARCH INTERESTS •Summer Cereals Cultivation •Summer Cereals Breeding •Corn Breeding PUBLICATIONS • Turgut, I., Duman, A., Wietgrefe, G.W., Acikgoz E. 2006. Effect of Seeding Rate and Nitrogen Fertilization on Proso Millet Under Dryland and Irrigated Conditions. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 29: 2119-2129. • Turgut, I., Duman, A., Bilgili, U., Acikgoz, E. 2005. Alternate Row Spacing and Plant Density Effects on Forage and Dry Matter Yield of Corn Hybrids (Zea mays L.). J. Agronomy & Crop Science 191(2):146-151. • Turgut, I., Bilgili, U., Duman, A., Acikgoz E. 2005. Production of Sweet Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) Increases with Increased Plant Densities and Nitrogen Fertilizer Levels. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B. Soil and Plant, 55(3): 236-240. • Turgut, I., Bilgili, U., Duman, A., Acikgoz E. 2005. Effect of Green Manuring on the Yield of Sweet Corn. Agron. Sustain. Dev. 25 (2005) 433-438. • Turgut, I., Yurur, N., Karasu, A. 1997. The Effective Factors Determining Sowing Density in Wheat Culture. Journal of Faculty of Agriculture Uludag Univ.,13:145-153. (in Turkish) Prof. Dr. A. Koksal YAGDI Field Crops- Cultivation and Breeding of Field Crops E-mail: kyagdi@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 15 17 EDUCATION •PhD, 1994, Uludag University, Field Crops Department •MSc, 1989, Uludag University, Field Crops Department •2003 BSc, Anadolu University, Department of Public Administration •BSc, 1986, Uludag University, Field Crops Department RESEARCH INTERESTS •Plant Breeding •Seed Science and Technology •Plant Genetics and Cytogenetics •Cereals PUBLICATIONS • Çifci E.A. and Yagdı K. 2011. Determination of Genetic Diversity of Durum Wheats Cultivated in Turkey. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Uludag University 25(2).7-18 (In Turkish) • Yagdı K., Karasu, A., Yurur N., Dogan R., Emeklier Y., Adak M.S., Ciftci C.Y., Dagustu N. 2011.Field Crops-I.(Textbook). University of Anadolu Pub.No:2256.(Author of Plant Breeding and Seed Science’s Chapters and Editör) (in Turkish). • Yagdı, K., Yılmaz, K., Sezer N., Aydemir T. ve Bagcı S.A. 2010. General Evaluation of Seed System and Field Crops Seed Production and Utilization in Turkey. UCTEA Chamber of Agricultural Engineers. VII.Technical Congress.Proceedings II. 861-875 (In Turkish) • Karaman S, Cetin B., Oguzlar A., Yagdı, K., 2009. Hedonic Price Estimation for the Turkish Bread Wheat Characteristics, Quality & Quantity, 43 (6): 895-902. • Yagdı,K. and Sozen,E. 2009. Heritability, Variance Components and Correlations of Yield and Quality Traits in Durum Wheat (Triticum durum Desf.).Pakistan Journal of Botany. 41 (2): 753-759. Prof. Dr. Nazan DAGUSTU Field Crops- Cultivation and Breeding of Field Crops E-mail: ndagustu@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 15 18 EDUCATION •PhD, 1996, Bath University, School of Biology and Biochemistry •MSc, 1990, Uludag University, Field Crops Deparment •BSc, 1988, Uludag University, Field Crops Department RESEARCH INTERESTS •Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Cultures •Plant Biotechnology •Plant Gene Transformations •In vitro selection and generation of disease resistance •Researches on Agronomic Characteristic of Wheat Genetic Materials Originated from Anatolia and Thrace •Analysis of Plant Cell Wall Degrading Enzymes (PGL, PL etc.) PUBLICATIONS • Dagustu N., G. Bayram, M. Sincik, M. Bayraktaroglu, 2012. The Short Breeding Cycle Protocol Effective on Diverse Genotypes of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 17 (2):124-128. • Dagustu N., M. Sincik, G. Bayram, M. Bayraktaroglu, 2010.Regeneration of Fertile Plants from Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) – Immature embryo. Helia, 2010, 33(52): 95-102. • Dagustu, N., 2008. Genetic Analysis of Grain Yield Per Spike and Some Agronomic Traits in Diallel Crosses of Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 32(4): 249-258. • Dagustu, N, P. D. Fraser, E. G. Enfissi and P. M. Bramley, 2008. Screening for High Callus İnduction and Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment, 22(4): 933-937. • Goksoy A. T., A. O. Demir, Z. M. Turan and N. Dagustu, 2004. Responses of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) to Full and Limited Irrigation at Different Growth Stages. Field Crops Research, 87(2-3): 103-273. Prof. Dr. Ugur BILGILI Field Crops- Cultivation and Breeding of Field Crops E-mail: ubilgili@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 15 19 EDUCATION •PhD, 2002, Uludag University, Field Crops Department •MSc, 1997, Uludag University, Field Crops Department •BSc, 1991, Uludag University, Field Crops Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Forage Crops, Pasture and Meadow • Turfgrass PUBLICATIONS • Bilgili, U., F.O., Topac-Sagban, I. Surer, N. Caliskan, P. Uzun, and E. Acikgoz, 2011. Effects of Wastewater Sludge Topdressing on Color, Quality, and Clipping Yield of a Turfgrass Mixture. HortScience. 46: 1308–1313. • Uzun, A., S. Gucer and E. Acikgoz, 2011. Common Vetch (Vicia sativa L.) Germplasm: Correlations of Crude Protein and Mineral Content to Seed Traits. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 66 (3), 254-260. • Acikgoz, E. M. Sıncık, A. Karasu, O. Tongel, G. Wıetgrefe, U. Bılgılı, M. Oz, S. Albayrak, Z.M. Turan and A. T. Goksoy 2009. Forage Soybean Production for Seed in Mediterranean Environments. Field Crops Res. 110:213-218. • Sincik, M. and E. Acikgoz, 2007. Effects of White Clover Inclusion on Turf Characteristics, Nitrogen Fixation, and Nitrogen Transfer from White Clover to Grass Species in Turf Mixtures. Commun. in Soil Sci. and Plant Analysis. 38(13): 1861-1877. • Bilgili, U. and E. Acikgoz, 2005. Year-Round Nitrogen Fertilization Effects on Growth and Quality of Sports Turf Mixtures. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 28, 299-307. Assoc. Prof.Dr. Aysen UZUN Field Crops- Cultivation and Breeding of Field Crops E-mail: uzunay@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 15 20 EDUCATION •PhD, 1997, Uludag University Field Crops Department •MSc, 1990, Uludag University Field Crops Department •BSc, 1988, Uludag University Field Crops Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Forages PUBLICATIONS • Uzun, A. and F. F. Asik, 2012. The effect of mixture rates and cutting stages on some yield and quality characters of pea (Pisum sativum L.)+oat (Avena sativa L.) mixture”. Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 17 (1):62-66. • Uzun, A., 2011. Effect of maturity stage and seed treatment on germination, seed dormancy, and certain pod and seed traits of common vetch (Vicia sativa L.). Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 9 (3&4):189-192. • Uzun, A., S. Gucer and E. Acikgoz, 2011. Common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) germplasm: Correlations of crude protein and mineral content to seed traits. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 66 (3):254-260. • Uzun, A. and E. Acikgoz, 2009. The Response of Pea Genotypes Differing in Testa Color to Waterlogging during Early Germination Stages. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 7 (2):347-351. • Uzun, A. and E. Acikgoz, 1998. Effect of Sowing Season and Seeding Rate on the Morphological Traits and Yields in Pea Cultivars of Differing Leaf Types. J. Agronomy & Crop Science, 181:215-222. Assoc. Prof.Dr. Ramazan DOGAN Field Crops- Cultivation and Breeding of Field Crops E-mail: rdogan@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 15 21 EDUCATION •PhD, 1994, Uludag University, Field Crops Department •MSc, 1986, Uludag University, Field Crops Department •BSc, 1983, Ankara University, Field Crops Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Cultivation and Breeding of Winter Cereals • Organic Farming in Field Crops • Standardization and Storage of Field Products PUBLICATIONS • Dogan, R., Kacar, O., Carpici, E. B. and Goksu, E., 2012. Effects of Drought Stress PostAnthesis Stage on Mobilization of Stem-Reserves Supporting Grain Filling of Some Triticale Cultivar and Lines. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science. 18(3):325-329. • Dogan, R., Kacar, O. and Goksu, E., 2011. Evaluation of Triticale Genotypes in Terms of Yield Stability for the Southern Marmara Region. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca 39(2):249-253. • Dogan, R., 2010. Evaluation of the Agronomical and Biochemical Characteristics of New Lines of Bread Wheat in Turkey. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca. 38(3):135-139. • Dogan, R., 2009. The Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis for Yield and Some Yield Components of Durum Wheat (Triticum turgidum var. Durum L.) In West Anatolia Conditions. Pakistan Journal of Botany. 41(3):1081-1089. • Dogan, R.; Goksoy, T. A.; Yagdı,K and Turan, Z.M. 2008. Comparison of the Effects Of Different Crop Rotation Systems on Winter Wheat and Sunflower Under Rain-fed Conditions. African Journal of Biotechnology. 7(22): 4076-4082. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet SINCIK Field Crops- Cultivation and Breeding of Field Crops E-mail: sincik@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 15 22 EDUCATION •PhD, 2004, Uludag University, Field Crops Department •MSc, 1998, Uludag University, Field Crops Department •BSc, 1995, Uludag University, Field Crops Department RESEARCH INTERESTS •Cultivation and Breeding of Industrial Crops •Cultivation and Breeding of Energy Crops PUBLICATIONS • Sincik, M., A.T. Goksoy and Z.M. Turan, 2010. Influence of Sowing Properties on Winter Oilseed Rape in a Sub-humid Mediterranean Environment. Not. Bot. Hort. Agrobot. Cluj. 38(1): 171-175. • Sincik, M., A.T. Goksoy and Z.M. Turan, 2009. Soybean Seed Yield Performances under Different Cultural Practices. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 33: 111-118. • Sincik, M., B.N. Candogan, C. Demirtas, H. Buyukcangaz, S. Yazgan and A.T. Goksoy, 2008. Deficit İrrigation of Soya Bean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] in a Sub-humid Climate. J. Agron. and Crop Sci. 194: 200-205. • Sincik, M., Z.M. Turan and A.T. Goksoy, 2008. Responses of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) to Green Manure Cover Crops and Nitrogen Fertilization Rates. Am. J. Pot. Res. 85: 150158. • Sincik, M. and E. Acikgoz, 2007. Effects of White Clover Inclusion on Turf Characteristics, Nitrogen Fixation, and Nitrogen Transfer from White Clover to Grass Species in Turf Mixtures. Commun. in Soil Sci. and Plant Analysis. 38(13): 1861-1877. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Oya KACAR Field Crops- Cultivation and Breeding of Field Crops E-mail: okacar@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 15 23 EDUCATION •PhD, 2003, Uludag University, Field Crops Department •MSc, 1996, Uludag University, Field Crops Department •BSc, 1993, Uludag University, Field Crops Department RESEARCH INTERESTS •Medicinal and Aromatic Plants •Grain Legume Crops PUBLICATIONS • Telci, I. Kacar, O., Bayram, E., Arabacı, O., Demirtas, I., Yılmaz, G., Ozcan, I., Sonmez, Ç. and Goksu, E. 2011. The Effect of Ecological Conditions on Yield and Quality Traits of Selected Peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) Clones, Industrial Crops and Products, 34: 1193– 1197. • Telci, I., Demirtas, I., Bayram, E., Arabacı, O. and Kacar,O. 2010. Environmental Variation on Aroma Components of Pulegone/Piperitone Rich Spearmint (Mentha spicata L.), Industrial Crops and Products, 32: 588-592. • Kacar, O. Goksu, E. and Azkan, N. 2009. Agronomic Properties and Essential Oil Composition of Basil Varieties and Landraces (Ocimum basilicum L.) in Turkey, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 21 (4): 3151-3160. • Kacar, O. Azkan, N. and Coplu, N. 2009. Effects of Different Rooting Media and Indole Butyric Acid on Rooting of Stem Cuttings in Sage (Salvia officinalis L. and Salvia triloba L.), Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment (JFAE), 7 (3 & 4): 349-352. • Kacar, O., Goksu, E. and Azkan, N. 2008. Effects of Morphogenetic and Diurnal Variability on the Hypericin Content in St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum L.), African Journal of Biotechnology, 7 (13): 2163-2168. Res.Assist.Dr. Gamze BAYRAM Field Crops- Cultivation and Breeding of Field Crops E-mail: gbayram@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 15 24 EDUCATION •PhD, 2005, Uludag University, Field Crops Department •MSc, 1999, Uludag University, Field Crops Department •BSc, 1995, Uludag University, Field Crops Department RESEARCH INTERESTS •Forage Crops and Pasture •Summer Cereals Cultivation PUBLICATIONS • Bayram G., E. Budaklı Carpici and N.Celik, 2011. A Research On The Determination Of Mixtures Of Perennial Grass and Legume Forages To Be Used For Artificial Range Establishment Under Lowland Conditions Of Bursa. IX. Field Crops Congress of Turkey , 12-15 September 2011, Volume:3, pp:1649-1655. (in Turkish). • G.Bayram, M. Turk, E.Budakli Çarpici and N.Celik.2009. The Effect Of Aeration And Application Of Manure And Fertilizer On The Hay Yield, Its Quality And Botanical Composition Of The Abandoned Range. African Journal of Agricultural Research 4(5): 498504. • Karasu A, M. Oz, G. Bayram and I. Turgut, 2009. The Effect Of Nitrogen Levels On Forage Yield And Some Attributes In Some Hybrid Corn (Zea mays indendata Sturt.) Cultivars Sown As Second Crop For Silage Corn. African Journal of Agricultural Research 4(3): 166-170. • Bayram G., E. Budakli and N.Celik.2009. A Research On Effects Of Different Seeding Ratios And Cutting Stages On Hay Yield And Quality in Mixtures Of Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and Hairy Vetch (Vicia villosa L.). VIII. Field Crops Congress of Turkey , 19-22 October 2009, Volume: 1, pp :501-504. (in Turkish) • Bayram,G., M.Turk, E.Budakli ve N. Celik, 2004. Azot, Fosfor, Potasyum ve Çinko Eksikliklerinin Mısır Bitkisinin Kök ve Gövde Gelişimi Üzerine Etkileri, Selçuk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 18(33):23-27. Res.Assist.Dr. Emine BUDAKLI CARPICI Field Crops- Cultivation and Breeding of Field Crops E-mail: ebudakli@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 15 24 EDUCATION •PhD, 2009, Uludag University, Field Crops Department •MSc, 2003, Uludag University, Field Crops Department •BSc, 2001, Uludag University, Field Crops Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Forage Crops and Pasture • Stress Physiology PUBLICATIONS • Budakli Carpici E. and M.M. Tunali, 2012. Effects of Mixture Rates on Forage Yield and Quality of Mixtures of Common Vetch Combined with Oat, Barley and Wheat under a Winter Intercropping System of Southern Marmara Region. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 10(2):649-652. • Budakli Carpici E., 2011. Changes in Leaf Area Index, Light Interception, Quality and Dry Matter Yield of an Abandoned Rangeland as Affected by the Different Levels of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilization. Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 16(2): 117-120. • Rattalino,J.I., E. Budakli Carpici, D. Sammarro and M. E. Otegui, 2011. Heat Stress Effects Around Flowering on Kernel Set of Temperate and Tropical Maize Hybrids. Field Crops Research, 123(2): 62-73. • Budakli Carpici, E., N. Celik and G. Bayram, 2010. Yield and Quality of Forage Maize as Influenced by Plant Density and Nitrogen Rate. Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 15(2):128132. • Budakli Carpici, E., N. Celik, G. Bayram and B.B. Asik 2010. The Effects of Salt Stress on the Growth, Biochemical Parameter and Mineral Element Content of Some Maize (Zea mays L.) Cultivar. African Journal of Biotechnology, 9(41): 6937-6942. Res.Assist.Dr. Esra AYDOGAN CIFCI Field Crops- Cultivation and Breeding of Field Crops E-mail: esra@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 15 26 EDUCATION •PhD, 2010, Uludag University, Field Crops Department •MSc, 2003, Uludag University, Field Crops Department •BSc, 1999, Uludag University, Field Crops Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Cereals • Plant Breeding • Plant Genetics and Cytogenetic • Seed Science PUBLICATIONS • Cifci E.A. and Yagdi K. 2012. Study of Genetic Diversity in Wheat (Triticum aestivum) Varities Using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD)Analysis. Turkish Journal of Field Crops. 17(1):91-95. • Çifci E.A. 2012. Estimate of Heterosis, Correlation and Path Analysis for Grain Yield per Spike and Some Agronomic Traits on Durum Wheat (Triticum durum desf). Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences. 22(3):747-752. • Cifci, E. A., U. Bilgili, K. Yagdi. 2010. Grain Yield and Quality of Triticale Lines. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment. 8(2):558-564. • Çifci, E.A. and K. Yagdi. 2007. Heterosis For Certain Yield and Quality Traits in Winter Triticale. Akdeniz Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi. 20(1):83-86. • Çifci, E.A. and K. Yagdi. 2007. Determination of Some Agronomic Traits by Diallel Hybrid Analysis in Common Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Ankara Univesity, Fculty of Agriculture, Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 13 (4) 354-364. (in Turkish). Res.Assist.Dr. Erdinc GOKSU Field Crops- Cultivation and Breeding of Field Crops E-mail: egoksu@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 15 25 EDUCATION •PhD, 2012, Uludag University, Field Crops Department •MSc, 2004, Uludag University, Field Crops Department •BSc, 2000, Uludag University, Field Crops Department RESEARCH INTERESTS •Grain Legume Crops •Medicinal Plants PUBLICATIONS • Dogan, R., Kacar, O., Carpici, E. B. and Goksu, E., 2012. Effects of Drought Stress PostAnthesis Stage on Mobilization of Stem-Reserves Supporting Grain Filling of Some Triticale Cultivar and Lines. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science. 18(3):325-329. • Telci, I. Kacar, O., Bayram, E., Arabacı, O., Demirtaş, I., Yılmaz, G., Ozcan, I., Sonmez, Ç. and Goksu, E. 2011. The Effect of Ecological Conditions on Yield and Quality Traits of Selected Peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) Clones, Industrial Crops and Products, 34: 1193– 1197. • Kacar, O. Goksu, E. and Azkan, N. 2009. Agronomic Properties and Essential Oil Composition of Basil Varieties and Landraces (Ocimum basilicum L.) in Turkey, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 21 (4): 3151-3160. • Kacar, O., Goksu, E. and Azkan, N. 2008. Effects of Morphogenetic and Diurnal Variability on the Hypericin Content in St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum L.), African Journal of Biotechnology, 7 (13): 2163-2168. • Kacar, O., Goksu, E. and Azkan, N. 2005. Determination of The Effects of Inoculation with Different Rhizobia on The Yield and Yield Components in Some Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Varieties and Lines in Bursa Conditions, The Journal of Agricultural Faculty Ege University, 42(3): 21-32 (in Turkish). Res.Assist. Irfan SURER Field Crops- Cultivation and Breeding of Field Crops E-mail: irfansurer@yahoo.com Phone: +90 (224) – 294 15 29 EDUCATION • PhD, ……., Uludag University, Field Crops Department •MSc, 2006, Uludag University, Plant Protection Department •BSc, 2002, Uludag University, Plant Protection Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Forage Crops • Turfgrass Management • Biofertilizer and Biological Control • Plant Protection • Entomology • Onion Pests PUBLICATIONS • Bilgili, U., F.O., Topac-Sagban, I. Surer, N. Caliskan, P. Uzun, and E. Acikgoz, 2011. Effects of Wastewater Sludge Topdressing on Color, Quality, and Clipping Yield of a Turfgrass Mixture. HortScience. 46: 1308–1313. Res.Assist. P. Ozlem KURT Field Crops- Cultivation and Breeding of Field Crops E-mail: ozlemkurt@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 15 25 EDUCATION •PhD, …….., Uludag University, Field Crops Department •MSc, 2012, Uludag University, Field Crops Department •BSc, 2009, Uludag University, Field Crops Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Plant Breeding • Plant Genetics and Cytogenetics • Seed Science and Technology • Cereals PUBLICATIONS • Kurt, P. O., Cifci, E. A., Yagdi, K. 2011. Putative Effects of Genetic Use Restriction Technologies. Journal Of Agrıcultural Faculty Of Uludag Unıversıty. 25 (2): 69-76. (in Turkish) • Yagdi, K., Cifci, E. A., Kurt, P. O. 2011. Developments in Seed Production of Field Crops in Turkey and Foreign Trade. 19 Mayıs University, Faculty of Agricultre, 4. Tohumluk Kongresi, 1 (1): 368- 374. (in Turkish) • Yagdi, K., Cifci, E. A., Kurt, P. O. 2011. The Importance of Using Quality Seed. Tarım Türk/ Tohum ve Fide. 37, 79-80. (in Turkish) Res.Assist. Emre SENYIGIT Field Crops- Cultivation and Breeding of Field Crops E-mail: esenyigit@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 14 67 EDUCATION •MSc, ……., Uludag University, Field Crops Department •BSc, 2010, Uludag University, Field Crops Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Winter Cereals PROJECTS • • • • • • • • Forage Type Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] Breeding for First Crop and Double Crop Growing Conditions. TUBITAK, TOVAG 112O149, 2012, Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Esvet ACIKGOZ Effects of Different Nitrogen Doses on Grain Yield and Yield Components of Some Bread Wheat Varieties. The Scientific Research Projects Unit of Uludag University, Project No: HDP(Z)-2012/38, Principal Investigator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ramazan DOGAN Examination of Flavonoid and Phenolic Acid Composition in Cultivated Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) Landraces of Turkey, Determination of Different Chemotypes, Variation of Their Major Components in Different Ecology and Evaluation of Their Antioxidant Activity, TUBITAK Project, TOGTAG-111 O 677, Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Isa TELCI (Gazi Osmanpasa University), Co-Investigator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Oya KACAR, 2012-2014. Determination of Effects of Cultivar, Nitrogen Rate and Application Time on Efficiency of Nitrogen Uptake and Use of Maize under Marmara Ecological Conditions. The Scientific Research Projects Unit of Uludag University, Project No: 2011/61, Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Necmettin CELIK A Research on Calibration of In-Season Nitrogen Fertilization Requirements of Some Maize Cultivars by Using Chlorophyll Meter (SPAD-502) at Different Growth Stages. TUBITAK, TOVAG 111O411, 2011, Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Necmettin CELIK Effect of Different Sowing Densities and Cutting Stages on Yield and Quality Characters of Pea (Pisum sativum L.). The Scientific Research Projects Unit of Uludag University, Project No: 2010/15, 20102012, Project Director: Assoc. Prof. Aysen UZUN The Effects of Chemical, Organic and Microbial Fertilization on Yield and Yield Properties of Pea (Pisum sativum L.). The Scientific Research Projects Unit of Uludag University, Project No: HDP(Z)2010/2, Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Nedime AZKAN Effects of Different Mixture Rates on Forage Yield, Physiological Aspects, Forage and Silage Quality of Some Annual Legume and Grass Species as Intermadiate Winter Crop System. The Scientific Research Projects Unit of Uludag University, Project No: 2009/16, Principal Investigator: Dr. Emine BUDAKLI CARPICI. PROJECTS • • • • • • • • Heat stress in maize (Zea mays L): Genotypic Differences in the Response of Physiological Determinants of Grain Yield. The Scientific Research Projects Unit of Uludag University, Project No: 2009/8, Principal Investigator: Dr. Emine BUDAKLI CARPICI. Development of High Seed, Forage and Oil Yielding Rapeseed (Brassica napus L. ssp. oleifera) and Turnip Rape (Brassica rapa L.) Variety Candidates. Uludağ University, Comission of Scientific Research Projects. Project number: Z(U)2009/27 (2009-2013). Principal Investigator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet SINCIK. Agricultural and Technological Characterization, Breeding and Registration of İnegöl Alası Confectionery Sunflower Population. The Scientific Research Projects Unit of Uludag University, Project No: UAP(Z)2009/17 (2009-2013). Principal Investigator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet SINCIK. The Research on The Possibilities of Short Breeding Cycle Protocol via In Vitro Immature Embryo Culture of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Uludağ University, Comission of Scientific Research Projects. Project number: Z(U)2009/28. Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Nazan DAGUSTU. Determination of Yield and Quality Properties in Mint (Mentha spp.) Clones Cultivated in Different (Aydın, Bursa, Izmir and Tokat) Ecologies, TUBITAK Project, TOGTAG-1060708, Project Director: Prof. Dr. Isa TELCI (Gazi Osmanpasa University), Assistant Researcher: Dr. Oya KACAR, 2007-2009. Common Vetch (Vicia sativa L.) Germplasm: Correlations of Crude Protein and Mineral Content to Seed Traits. The Scientific Research Projects Unit of Uludag University, Project No: 2006/58, Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Esvet ACIKGOZ Evaluation of the effects of Plant Densities and Nitrogen Rates on Stress Physiology Traits, Yield and Quality in Silage Corn (Zea mays L.). TUBITAK TOVAG-106O148, 2006-2008. Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Necmettin CELIK. Investigation of the Effect of Salt Stress on Chlorophyll and Proline Contents with Stomatal Characteristics of Silage Corn (Zea mays L.) Varieties. TUBITAK, TOVAG-106O004, 2006-2006, Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Necmettin CELIK. THESIS • • • • • • • • Balci, S., 2012. Effect of Mowing Height and Nitrogen Rates on Turf Quality of Buffalograss [Buchleo dactyloides (Nutt) Engelm]. Uludag University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, MSc. Thesis, 28 pp, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ugur BILGILI (in Turkish). Bayraktaroglu, M., 2012. Optimization of Plant Regeneration in Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L). Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, MSc. Thesis, 83 pp, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Nazan DAGUSTU (in Turkish). Canigenis, T., 2012. The Effects of Different Nitrogen Doses on Tuber Yield and Quality of N and NZ Type Sugar Beet Varieties. Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, MSc. Thesis, 57 pp, Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet SINCIK. (in Turkish). Caliskan, N., 2012. Effects of Plant Spacing and Nitrogen Fertilization on Buffalograss [Buchloe dactyloides (Nutt)Eengelm] Establishment. Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, MSc. Thesis, 56 pp, (Supervisior: Prof. Dr. Esvet ACIKGOZ) (in Turkish). Degirmenci, G., 2012. Determination Of Combining Ability And Hybrid Vigour In Sweet Corn (Zea mays saccharata Sturt.) . Uludag University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, MSc. Thesis, 71 pp, (Supervisior: Prof. Dr. Ilhan TURGUT). (in Turkish) Goksu, E., 2012. The Effects of Chemical, Organic and Microbial Fertilization on Yield and Yield Properties of Pea (Pisum sativum L.), Uludag University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, PhD. Thesis, 124 pp, (Supervisior: Prof. Dr. Nedime AZKAN) (in Turkish). Kurt, P.O., 2012. Investıgatıon of Yıeld and Quality Traits Performance of Some Advanced Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in Bursa Conditions. Uludag University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, MSc. Thesis, 72 pp, (Supervisior: Prof. Dr. Koksal YAĞDI) (in Turkish) Sozen, E., 2012. Hay Yield and Quality Performances of Diallel Crosses in Fodder Rape (Brassica rapa L.) Cultivars. Uludag University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, PhD. Thesis, 136 pp, (Supervisior: Prof. Dr. Esvet ACIKGOZ) (in Turkish). THESIS • • • • • • • • Tunali, M.M., 2012. A Research on Calibration of In-Season Nitrogen Fertilization Requirements of Maize by Using Chlorophyll Meter (SPAD-502) at Different Growth Stages. Uludag University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, MSc. Thesis, 76 pp, (Supervisior: Prof. Dr. Necmettin CELIK) (in Turkish). Kostereli, G., 2011. The Effects of Sowing Density on Yield and Yield Components in Sweet Sorghum x Sudangrass (Sorghum bicolor var. saccharatum (L.) Monlenbr x Sorghum sudanense (Piper) Stapf.) Promising Hybrids Sorghum Lines under The Ecological Condition of Bursa and Mustafakemalpasa. Uludag University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, MSc. Thesis, 76 pp, (Supervisior: Prof. Dr. Ilhan TURGUT). (in Turkish) Kayin, H., 2011. A Study on Heterosis and Inbreeding Depression in Sunflower. Uludag University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, MSc. Thesis, 124 pp, (Supervisor : Prof.Dr. Abdurrahim Tanju GOKSOY) (in Turkish). Kinabas, S., 2011. Effects on Quality Traits of Different Tempering Moisture and Time in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Uludag University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, MSc. Thesis, 91 pp, (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Koksal YAGDI) (in Turkish). Cifci E.A.2010. The Determination of Genetic Differences of Some Wheat Varieties Grown in Turkey by RAPD-PCR Method. Uludag University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, PhD. Thesis, 109 pp, (Supervisior: Prof. Dr. Koksal YAGDI ) (in Turkish) Kokar, P., 2010. Effects of Covering Materials and Irrigation Densities on Seedling Growing of Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). Uludag University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, MSc. Thesis, 42 pp, (Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Ugur BILGILI) (in Turkish). Oral, H.S., 2010. Variation of certain yield and quality characters in Bursa tobacco. Uludag University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, MSc. Thesis, 91 pp, (Supervisor : Prof.Dr. Abdurrahim Tanju GOKSOY) (in Turkish). Budakli Carpici, E. 2009. Evaluation of the Effects of Plant Densities and Nitrogen Rates on Stress Physiology Traits in Silage Corn (Zea mays L.) Production. Uludag University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, PhD. Thesis, 319 pp, (Supervisior: Prof. Dr. Necmettin CELIK) (in Turkish) THESIS • Karik, U., 2009. The Effect Of Different Planting Spacings On Drug Herb and Essential Oil Yield and The Quality of Essential Oil in Lemon Verbena (Lippia citriodora L.). Uludag University, Institute of Natural Sciences MSc. Thesis, 73 pp, (Supervisior: Prof. Dr. Nedime AZKAN) (in Turkish). • Gunduz, O., 2008. . Determination of superior hybrid combinations in sunflower and testing of their resistance to broomrape (Orobanche cumana Wallr.) in infested areas. Uludag University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, PhD. Thesis, 121 pp, (Supervisor : Prof.Dr. Abdurrahim Tanju GOKSOY) (in Turkish). • Tascilar, D., 2008. The Effects of Traditional, Twin Row Spacing and Different Plant Populations on Forage Yield, Grain Yield and Some Yield Components of Certain Corn Varieties in Adana Region. Uludag University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, PhD. Thesis, 124 pp, (Supervisior: Prof. Dr. Ilhan TURGUT) (in Turkish) INTERNATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS Research Visits • Dagustu, N., 05 June -05 September 2012, England, Royal Holloway, University of London, School of Biological Sciences, Division of Biochemistry, The grant taken from The Council of Higher Education (YOK), Turkey. • Surer, I., April 2010-April 2011, The Council of Higher Education, PhD Research Scholarship, University of Connecticut, USA. • Aydogan Cifci, E., and P.O.Kurt, 10-30 September 2010, International Training Workshop on Safe Production of Grain. Shenyang Agricultural University, P.R. China. • Budakli Carpici, E., 01 January-01 April 2010, Research via The Scientific Research Projects Unit of Uludag University, Bounes Aires University, ARGENTINA. • Dagustu, N., 17-21, September 2006, Technological Educational Institute of Crete LLP/ The ERASMUS programme . • Goksu, E. 01 October - 31 November 2006, Doctoral Research via ERASMUS Program. Department of Agroselviter, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Turin, ITALY. • Bilgili, U., 28 July 2004- 5 January 2005, TUBITAK-NATO-B1 scholarship on Turfgrass Research for 6 month, University of Nebraska, Department of Agronomy & Horticulture, Plant Science, Lincoln, USA. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS Research Visits • Dagustu, N., 15 June-15 September 2001, England, Royal Holloway, University of London, School of Biological Sciences, Division of Biochemistry, sunflower regeneration and gene transformation via Agrobacterium tumefaciens, The grant taken from the Royal Holloway, University of London, Turkey. • Bilgili, U., 8 February to 24 March 1998, The Second International Course on Protected Cultivation of Crops. The Institute of Agricultural Engineering. The Volcani Center. Bet Dagan, Israel. • Dagustu, N., 1991-1996, England, PhD, School of Biology and Biochemistry, Bath University England. Application of Tissue Culture in Generation of Resistance to Three Major Diseases of Carrot. Supervisors: Dr. Richard M. Cooper and Prof. Dr. Graham G. Henshaw. • Acıkgoz, E., 1989, Research visit to Nottingham University. • Acıkgoz, E., 1980-1981 , Research visit to Saskatchewan University. • Acıkgoz, E., 1979, Research visit to Hebrew University. • Acıkgoz, E., 1977-1978, Research visit to Utah State University. INFRASTRUCTURE Physiology and Cytology Laboratory There are incubator, fume cupboard, kjeldahl analysis (digestion, distillation and titration units), pure water system, soxhlet extractor, shaker in physiology and cytology laboratory. In addition, glass materials and chemical materials are available in this laboratory. In this area, crude protein and oil contents of different plants are determined. INFRASTRUCTURE Plant Tissue and Cell Culture Laboratory The researches at Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory are managed by Professor. Dr. Nazan Dagustu and postgraduate students. It has also been used for practical applications at plant tissue culture lectures for undergraduate students. The subjects studied are; anther culture, organogenesis, somatic embryogenesis, immature embryo culture, gene transformation. INFRASTRUCTURE Plant Physiology Laboratory The area of the laboratory is 20 m2 . In the laboratory, there are different devices such as climate chamber, water bath, oven, spectrophotometer, distilled water device, precision scales, planimeter, leaf area meter, chlorophyll meter, EC meter, pH meter, and a lot of different glass and chemical materials. The infrastructure of the laboratuary was formed greatly by the supports of project of TUBITAK and The Scientific Research Projects Unit of Uludag University. Studies and analyses in laboratory are performed mainly on stress physiology and forage quality. INFRASTRUCTURE Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Laboratory Field Crops Department Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Laboratory has an area of 18 m2 and there are a refrigerator, Neo Clevenger apparatus, electric heaters, precision scales and a variety of glass and chemical materials in this area. Sorting and weighing of plant samples, essential oil analysis, hypericin analysis and extraction processing are performed in this unit. INFRASTRUCTURE Seed Laboratory Field Crops Department Seed Laboratory has an area of 18 m2 and there are a refrigerator, deep freeze, Centrifuges, Electrophoresis Tanks, PCR (Thermal Cycler), PCR Imaging System, Micropipettes, Sedimantation device hectoliter device, Observation Seed Tray, Boiner Type Seed Divider, Microscope and glass and chemical materials are available in this laboratory. In the laboratory, physical, genetic and biological analysis of seeds and using DNA-based molecular methods, genetic diversity, fingerprints of varieties grown in our country and determination of F1 hybrids are carried out. INFRASTRUCTURE Forages Laboratory There are a incubator, drying oven, Ankom Fiber Analyzer (A220), desiccator and scale in laboratory of forages. In addition, glass materials such as petri dishes, cautery tubes, beakers, graduated cylinder, volumetric flasks and chemical materials are available in this laboratory. Drying and weighing of plant samples, ADF-NDF analyzes and germination test are performed in this unit. Furthermore, germination studies are carried out by students. Prof. Dr. O. Utku COPUR Food Engineering- Food Technology E-mail: ucopur@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 14 90 EDUCATION • PhD, 1989, Uludag University, Food Engineering Department • MSc, 1984, Ankara University, Food Engineering Department • BSc, 1981, Ankara University, Food Engineering Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Fruit and Vegetable Processing Technologies • Unit Operations in Food Engineering • Quality Assurance Systems PUBLICATIONS • Suna, S., Tamer, C.E., Çopur, Ö.U., Turan, M. E. 2013. Determination of antioxidant activity, total phenolics and mineral contents of some functional vegetable juice, JFAE, Vol 11 (2) (in press). • İncedayı, B., Tamer, C.E., Çopur, Ö.U., 2012. Effect of cold storage on antioxidant activity and total phenolics of minimally processed carrot (Daucus carota). BIT's 1st Annual World Congress of SQ Foods-2012. November 1-3, 2012. Shenzhen, China. • İncedayı, B., Tamer, C.E., Çopur, Ö.U., 2011. Effects of different peeling methods on quality of canned peppers. “Euro Food Chem XVI”. 06-08 July 2011, Poland, p. 50-51. • Suna, S., Öztürk A., Tamer, C.E., Çopur, Ö.U., 2011. Effects of different drying processes and pretreatments on quality Ppoperties and nutrients of Lentinus edodes (Shiitake) mushroom. “Euro Food Chem XVI”. 06-08 July 2011, Poland, p.120. • İncedayı, B., Tamer, C.E., Parseker Yönel, S., Çopur, Ö.U., 2010. Antioxidant capacity and total phenolics changes of minimally processed radish stored in an active modified atmosphere under refrigeration. Asian Journal of Chemistry. Volume 22 (10). 8131– 8142. Prof. Dr. Fikri BASOGLU Food Engineering – Food Technology E-mail: fbasoglu@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 14 92 EDUCATION •PhD, 1981, Ankara University, Food Science and Technology Department •MSc, 1976, Ankara University, Agricultural Microbiology Department •BSc, 1972, Ankara University, Agricultural Technology Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Edible Fats & Oils Technology • Food Microbiology PUBLICATIONS • Başoğlu, F., 2012. Edible Oils Technology. Dora Publication No: XXX, ISBN:978-605-4118-1, Bursa, XII+345s. 3. Edition (In Turkish). • Başoğlu, F., 2011. The Principles of Food Quality Control and Food Safety Management Systems. Dora Pressing, Publishing & Distribution Ltd. Co. ISBN: 978-605-4485-07-9,Bursa, X+252S.1.Edition (In Turkish). • Kumral A., Basoglu F., Sahin I., 2009. Effect of the use of different lactic starters on the microbiological and physicochemical characteristics of naturally black table olives of Gemlik cultivar, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 33: 651-664. • Şahan Y., Başoğlu F. & Güçer Ş., 2007. ICP-MS Analysis of a series of metals (namely: Mg, Cr, Co, Ni, Fe, Cu, Zn, Sn, Cd, and Pb) in black and green olive samples from Bursa, Turkey. Food Chemistry, 105: 395-399. • Başoğlu F., Doğan A., 1984. Determination of the triglyceride structure with type and quality of fatty acids in the 2-position of Turkish olive oils. Ankara University, Gratuate School of Natural and Applied Science. Summary of Ph.D. Thesis. Ankara University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences Publication No: T.Ü.T. 3. Ankara / Turkey. 19 pp.(Adv.: Prof.Dr.Muammer Kayahan-Ayten DOĞAN)(In Turkish). Prof. Dr. Duygu GOCMEN Food Engineering- Food Technology E-mail: duygug@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 14 95 EDUCATION •PhD, 1996, Uludag University, Food Engineering Department •MSc, 1991, Uludag University, Food Science and Technology Department •BSc, 1989, Uludag University, Food Science and Technology Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Cereal Science and Technology PUBLICATIONS • Kilci A., Gocmen D., 2012. Dıetary fiber and beta-glucan contents of oat tarhana: A Turkish fermented cereal food. Journal of Agricultural Science, 4(11): 72-77. • Aydin E., Gocmen D., 2011. Cooking quality and sensorial properties of noodle supplemented with oat flour. Food Sci. and Biotech. 20(2): 507-511. • Inkaya A.N., Gocmen D., Ozturk S., Koksel H., 2009. An investigation on the functional properties of chestnut flours and their potential utilization in low-fat cookies. Food Sci. and Biotech. 18(6): 1404-1410. • Gocmen D., Gürbüz O.,Yıldırım A., Dagdelen A.F., Sahin İ., 2007. The effects of wheat sourdough on glutenin patterns, dough rheology and bread properties. Eur Food Res and Tech, 225(5-6): 821-830. • Gocmen D., Elston A., Williams T., Parish M., Rouseff R.L., 2005. Identification of medicinal off-flavours generated by Alicyclobacillus species in orange juice using GC– olfactometry and GC–MS. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 40(3), 172-177. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mihriban KORUKLUOGLU Food Engineering-Food Science E-Mail: mihriban@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 14 97 EDUCATION •PhD, 1992, Uludag University, Food Science and Technology Department •MSc, 1987, Ege University, Agricultural Product Technology Department •BSc, 1983, Ankara University, Milk Technology Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Food Microbiology PUBLICATIONS • Kumral A., Korukluoglu M., Romero, C.,De Castro A., Ruiz-Barba J.L., Brenes M., 2013. Phenolic inhibitors involved in the natural fermentation of Gemlik cultivar black olives. European Food Research and Technology, (DOI 10.1007/s00217-012-1859-8), 236: 101107 • Korukluoğlu, M., Şahan, Y., Yiğit, A., Özer, E.T., Güçer, Ş., 2010. Antibacterial activity and chemical constitutions of Olea Europaea L. leaf extracts. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 34(3): 383-396. • Korukluoğlu, M., Gürbüz, O., Şahan, Y., Yiğit, A., Kaçar, O., Rouseff., R. L., 2009. Chemical characterization and antifungal activity of Origanum onites L. essential oils and extracts. Journal of Food Safety, 29: 144–161. • İrkin, R., Korukluoğlu, M., 2009. Growth Inhibition of pathogenic bacteria and some yeasts by selected essential oils and survival of L. monocytogenes and C. albicans in apple-carrot juice. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease, 6 (3): 387-394. • İrkin, R., Korukluoğlu, M., 2009. Control of some filamentous fungi and yeasts by dehydrated allium extracts. Journal für Verbraucherschutz und LebensmittelsicherheitJournal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety, 4 (1): 3– 6. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vildan UYLASER Food Engineering- Food Technology E-mail: uylaserv@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 14 99 EDUCATION •PhD, 1996, Uludag University, Food Science and Technology Department •MSc, 1988, Uludag University, Food Science and Technology Department •BSc, 1986, Uludag University, Food Science and Technology Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Food Biotechnology • Fermentation Technology • Food Microbiology PUBLICATIONS • Uylaser V., Incedayi B., Mert C., Soylu A. 2010. A research on suitability of some chestnut cultivars for candied chestnuts. Acta Horticulturae, 866 : 571-579. • Uylaser V., Incedayi B., Tamer C.E., Yilmaz N., Copur O.U. 2009. Physical-Chemical properties and fatty acid composition of Gemlik variety olives. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 21(4) : 2861-2868. • Koyuncu N., Uylaser V. 2009. Determination of benzoic and sorbic Acid in Turkish food using high-performance liquid chromatography. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 33 (3) : 361-369. • Incedayi B., Uylaser V., Copur O.U. 2008. A traditional Turkish beverage Shalgam (Şalgam): manufacturing technique and nutritional value. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 6 (3&4) : 31-34. • Akbudak B., Ozer M.H. , Uylaser V., Karaman, B. 2007. The effect of low oxygen and high carbon dioxide on storage and pickle production of pickling cucumbers cv. ‘Octobus’. Journal of Food Engineering, 78 : 1034-1046. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ozan GURBUZ Food Biotechnology-Food Technology E-mail: ozang@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 15 00 EDUCATION •PhD, 1998, Uludag University, Food Engineering Department •MSc, 1991, Uludag University, Food Science and Technology Department •BSc, 1989, Uludag University, Food Science and Technology Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Fermentation Technology • Food Biotechnology PUBLICATIONS • Gürbüz, O., Rouseff, R., Rouseff, J., Talcott, S.T. 2013. Changes in Muscadine wine sulphur volatiles produced with pectinase pre-treatment and traditional methods. J. Agri. Food Chem.,(in press). • Goncagül, G., Şahan, Y., Gürbüz, O., Kara, A. 2012 Effect of polyethylene glycol coating on Salmonella Enteritidis in artificially contaminated eggs. CyTA - Journal of Food 1-7, DOI: 10.1080/19476337.2011.653692. • Lagouri, V., Güldaş, M., Gürbüz, O. 2011. In-vitro antioxidant/free radical scavenging and antibacterial properties of endemic oregano and thyme extracts from Greece. Food Science and Biotechnology. 20:6 (1487-1493), DOI: 10.1007/s10068-011-0206-3. • Değirmencioğlu, N., Gürbüz, O., Değirmencioğlu, A., Sahan, Y., Özbey, H. 2011. Effect of MAP and vacuum sealing on sensory qualities of dry-salted olive. Food Science and Biotechnology, 20 (5): 1307-1313. • Gürbüz, O. 2011. Determination of trans-1,3 pentadiene in foods due to the presence of sorbic acid using SPME-GC-MS. Instrumentation Science & Technology, 39:1–15, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC., ISSN: 1073-9149 PRINT/1525-6030 ONLINE, DOI: 10.1080/10739149.2011.601386. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tulay OZCAN Food Engineering- Food Technology E-mail: tulayozcan@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 14 98 EDUCATION •PhD, 2000, Uludag University, Food Engineering Department •MSc, 1994, Uludag University, Food Science and Technology Department •BSc, 1992, Uludag University, Food Science and Technology Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Dairy Products Technology • Dairy Chemistry and Biochemistry • Principles of Nutrition PUBLICATIONS • Ozcan, T. & Kurdal. E. 2012. The effects of using a starter culture, lipase and protease enzymes on ripening of Mihalic cheese. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 65 (4): 585-593. • Ozcan, T., Horne, D. & Lucey, J.A. 2011. Effect of increasing the colloidal calcium phosphate of milk on the texture and microstructure of yogurt. Journal of Dairy Science, 94 (11): 5278-5288. • Ozcan, T., Akpinar-Bayizit, A., Sahin, O.I. & Yilmaz-Ersan, L. 2011. The formation of polycyclic hydrocarbons during smoking process of cheese. Mljekarstvo (Dairy), 61 (3): 193-198. • Ozcan, T., Lucey, J.A. & Horne, D. 2008. Effect of tetrasodium pyrophosphate on the physicochemical properties of yogurt gels. Journal of Dairy Science, 91 (12): 4492-4500. • Ozcan-Yilsay, T., Lee, W.J., Horne, D. & Lucey, J.A. 2007. Effect of trisodium citrate on rheological, physical properties and microstructure of yogurt. Journal of Dairy Science, 90 (4): 1644-1652. Assoc. Prof. Dr. C. Ece TAMER Food Engineering - Food Technology E-mail: etamer@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 15 01 EDUCATION • PhD, 2004, Uludag University, Food Engineering Department • MSc, 1999, Uludag University, Food Engineering Department • BSc, 1996, Ege University, Food Engineering Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Fruit and Vegetable Processing Technologies • Fermented Products Technology PUBLICATIONS • İncedayı, B., Tamer, C.E., Çopur, Ö.U., 2012. Effect of cold storage on antioxidant activity and total phenolics of minimally processed carrot (Daucus carota). BIT's 1st Annual World Congress of SQ Foods-2012. November 1-3, 2012. Shenzhen, China (Oral Presentation). • Tamer, C.E. 2012. Quality evaluation of canned cauliflower pickles prepared with different ingredients. African Journal of Agricultural Research. Vol. 7(10), 1550-1555. • Yıldız, B., Tamer, C.E., Çopur, Ö.U., 2011. physicochemical properties of pomegranate pestil (fruit leather). Eurofood Chem XVI - Translating Food Chemistry to Health Benefit. 6-8 July 2011. Gdansk, Poland. Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences. Vol 61. No: 1, 15. (Oral Presentation). • Tamer, C.E., B. İncedayı, S. Parseker Yönel, S. Yonak, Ö.U. Çopur. 2010. Evaluation of some quality criteria of low calorie pumpkin dessert. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 38 (1): 76-80. • Tamer, C.E., Ö.U. Çopur. 2009. Use of vacuum ımpregnation for minimally processed fruits and vegetables. 6th International Postharvest Symposium. 8-12 Nisan 2009, Antalya. (poster bildiri). Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yasemin SAHAN Food Engineering- Food Science E-mail: yasemins@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 15 02 EDUCATION •PhD, 2004, Uludag University, Food Engineering Department •MSc, 2000, Uludag University, Food Engineering Department •BSc, 1996, Uludag University, Food Engineering Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Food Chemistry PUBLICATIONS • Goncagul G., Sahan Y., Gurbuz O., Kara, A., 2012.Effect of polyethylene glycol coating on salmonella enteritidis in artificially contaminated eggs. CyTA – Journal of Food, 10(4): 268274. • Şahan, Y., 2011. Effect of Prunus laurocerasus L. (Cherry Laurel) leaf extracts on growth of bread spoilage fungi. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 17 (1): 83-92. • Cansev A., Şahan Y., Çelik G., Taşkesen S., Özbey, H., 2011. Chemical properties and antioxidant capacity of Elaeagnus angustifolia L. fruits. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 23(6): 2661-2665. • Korukluoğlu M., Gürbüz O. Şahan Y. Yiğit A. Kaçar, O., Rouseff, R.L., 2009. chemical characterization and antifungal activity of Origanum onites L. essential oils and extracts. Journal of Food Safety: 29,144-161. • Şahan Y., Başoğlu F., Güçer Ş., 2007. ICP-MS Analysis of a series of metals (namely: Mg, Cr, Co, Ni, Fe, Cu, Zn, Sn, Cd, and Pb) in black and green olive samples from Bursa, Turkey. Food Chemistry, 105: 395-399. Assist. Prof. Dr. Arzu AKPINARBAYIZIT Food Engineering - Food Technology E-mail: abayizit@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 14 98 EDUCATION •PhD, 1997, The University of Hull, UK, Department of Applied Biology •MSc, 1994, Uludag University, Food Science and Technology Department •BSc, 1991, Uludag University, Food Science and Technology Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Fermentation Technology • Microbial Oils Technology PUBLICATIONS • Akpinar-Bayizit, A., L. Yilmaz-Ersan, T. Ozcan. 2010. Determination of organic acid composition of boza as affected by raw material and fermentation process. International Journal of Food Properties, 13 (3): 648-646. • Akpinar-Bayizit, A. 2010. Analysis of mineral content of pomegranate juice by ICP-OES. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 22 (8): 6542-6546. • Tuna, S., A. Akpinar-Bayizit. 2009. The Use of β-glucosidase enzyme in black table olives fermentation. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 37 (2): 182-189. • Akpinar-Bayizit, A., T. Ozcan-Yilsay, L. Yilmaz. 2007. A study on the use of yoghurt, whey, lactic acid and starter culture on carrot fermentation. Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences, 57 (2): 147-150. • Fox, S. R., A. Akpınar, A.A. Prabhune, J. Friend, C. Ratledge. 2000. The biosynthesis of oxylipins of linoleic and arachidonic acids by the sewage fungus Leptomitus lacteus, including the identification of 8R-Hydroxy-9Z,12Z– octadecadienoic acid. Lipids, 35 (1): 23-30. Assist. Prof. Dr. Aysegul KUMRAL Food Engineering – Food Technology E-mail: ayseguly@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 1503 EDUCATION •PhD, 2005, Uludag University, Food Engineering Department •MSc, 2001, Uludag University, Food Engineering Department •BSc, 1998, Uludag University, Food Engineering Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Fermentation Technology • Food Biotechnology • Food Microbiology PUBLICATIONS • Kumral A., Korukluoglu M., Romero C., De Castro A., Ruiz-Barba J.L., Brenes M., 2013. Phenolic inhibitors involved in the natural fermentation of Gemlik cultivar black olives. European Food Research and Technology, 236:101-107. • Kumral A., Basoglu F., Sahin I., 2009. Effect of the use of different lactic starters on the microbiological and physicochemical characteristics of naturally black table olives of Gemlik cultivar, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 33: 651-664. • Gocmen. D., Gurbuz O., Yıldırım Kumral A., Dagdelen A.F., Sahin, I., 2007. The Effects of wheat sourdough on glutenin patterns, dough rheology and bread properties, European Food Research and Technology, 225 (5–6): 821-830. • Tamer. C. E., Kumral A., Aşan M., Şahin I., 2007. Chemical composition of traditional tarhana having different formulations, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 31 (1): 116-126. • Kumral A., Şahin I., 2003. Effects of some spice extracts on E.coli, S. typhimurium, L. monocytogenes, Y. enterocolitica and E.aerogenes, Annals of Microbiology, 53, 427-435. Assist. Prof. Dr. Lutfiye YILMAZ ERSAN Food Engineering- Food Science E-mail: lutfiyey@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 15 05 EDUCATION •PhD, 2006, Uludag University, Food Engineering Department •MSc, 2002, Uludag University, Food Engineering Department •BSc, 1999, Uludag University, Food Engineering Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Dairy Science and Technology PUBLICATIONS • Ozcan T., Yilmaz-Ersan L., Akpinar-Bayizit A., Sahin O.I., Aydinol P., 2010. Viability of Lactobacillus acidophilus La-5 and Bifidobacterium bifidum BB-12 in rice puding. Mljekarstvo (Dairy), 60(2):135–144. • Yilmaz L., Kurdal E., 2008. Effect of sorbic acid and potassium sorbate addition to the brine on microbiological and chemical properties of Turkish White Cheese during ripening. Food Science and Technology Research, 14: 437–444. • Yilmaz-Ersan L., Kurdal E., 2008. Viability of yoghurt and commercial probiotic cultures in set-type yoghurt-like fermented milks during storage. The IPA World Congress, 11-12 April, Los Angeles, CA, USA, Poster Session Abstracts, p 9, USA. • Yilmaz L., Ozcan-Yilsay T., Akpinar-Bayizit A., 2006. The sensory characteristics of berryflavored kefir. Czech Journal of Food Science , 24: 26-32. • Ozcan-Yilsay T., Yilmaz L., Akpinar-Bayizit A., 2006. The effect of using a whey protein fat replacer on textural and sensory characteristics of low-fat vanilla ice cream. European Food Research and Technology, 222 (1/2): 171–175. Res. Assist. Dr. Bige INCEDAYI Food Engineering - Food Technology E-mail: bige@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 15 04 EDUCATION • PhD, 2009, Uludag University, Food Engineering Department • MSc, 2005, Uludag University, Food Engineering Department • BSc, 2002, Uludag University, Food Engineering Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Fruit and Vegetable Processing Technologies PUBLICATIONS • İncedayı, B., Suna, S., 2012. Effects of modified atmosphere packaging on quality of minimally processed cauliflower. Acta Alimentaria, An International Journal of Food Science. Vol. 41 (4), pp. 401–413. • İncedayı, B., Tamer, C.E., Çopur, Ö.U., 2012. Effect of cold storage on antioxidant activity and total phenolics of minimally processed carrot (Daucus carota). BIT's 1st Annual World Congress of SQ Foods-2012. November 1-3, 2012. Shenzhen, China. • İncedayı, B., Tamer, C.E., Çopur, Ö.U., 2011. Effects of different peeling methods on quality of canned peppers. “Euro Food Chem XVI”. 06-08 July 2011, Poland, p.50-51. • İncedayı, B., Tamer, C.E., Parseker Yönel, S., Çopur, Ö.U., 2010. Antioxidant capacity and total phenolics changes of minimally processed radish stored in an active modified atmosphere under refrigeration. Asian Journal of Chemistry. Volume 22 (10). 8131–8142. • Incedayı, B., Tamer, C.E., Parseker Yönel, S., Çopur, Ö.U., 2009. A research on the dessert produced from modified atmosphere packaged pumpkins. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment. Vol.7 (2): 149-154. Res. Assist. Gokcen YILDIZ Food Engineering- Food Technology E-mail: gokceny@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 15 09 EDUCATION •PhD, 2009-…Uludag University, Food Engineering Department •MSc, 2009, Selcuk University, Food Engineering Department •BSc, 2006, Selcuk University, Food Engineering Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Food Biotechnology • Fermentation Technology PUBLICATIONS • Yıldız G., Bilgiçli, N. 2012. Effects of whole buckwheat flour on physical, chemical and sensory properties of flat bread, lavaş. Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 30(6) : 534-540. • Incedayi B., Yıldız G., Uylaser V. 2012. Research on colour stability of peeled ‘Sarıaşlama’ cv chestnut. Fifth International Chestnut Symposium, 4-8 September, ShepherdstownWV(USA), 33. • Uylaser V., Yıldız G. Turkben C. 2012. Implication of HACCP in table green olives production. IV Jornadas Internacıonales De La Aceıtuna De Mesa (IV Internacional Conference on Table Olives), 16-17 Feburary, Cordoba-Espana, 60. • Yıldız G., Uylaser V. 2011. A pseudo-cereal: Buckwheat. EuroFoodChem XVI, Translating Food Chemistry into Health Benefits, 6-8 July, Gdansk-Poland, Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences, 61 (1): 27. • Yıldız G., Sahin O.I. 2011. Laccase and its applications in food industry. International Food Congress, Novel Approaches in Food Industry, 26-29 May, Izmir-Turkey, 2 : 1047. Res. Assist. Senem SUNA Food Engineering- Food Technology E-mail: syonak@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 15 04 EDUCATION •PhD, 2009-…Uludag University, Food Engineering Department •MSc, 2009, Uludag University, Food Engineering Department •BSc, 2007, Selcuk University, Food Engineering Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Fruit and Vegetable Processing Technology PUBLICATIONS • Suna, S., Tamer, C.E., Çopur, Ö.U., Turan, M. E. 2013. Determination of antioxidant activity, total phenolics and mineral contents of some functional vegetable juice, JFAE, Vol 11 (2) (in press). • İncedayı, B., Suna, S., 2012. Effects of modified atmosphere packaging on quality of minimally processed cauliflower. Acta Alimentaria, An International Journal of Food Science. Vol. 41 (4), pp. 401–413. • Suna S., İncedayı B., Çopur, Ö.U. 2012. Health Effects of some Herbs Consumed as Tea. BIT's 1st Annual World Congress of SQ Foods-2012. November 1-3, 2012. Shenzhen, China. • Suna, S., Öztürk A., Tamer, C.E., Çopur, Ö.U., 2011. Effects of different drying processes and pretreatments on quality properties and nutrients of Lentinus edodes (Shiitake) mushroom. “Euro Food Chem XVI”. 06-08 July 2011, Poland, p.120. • Suna S., Özcan Sinir, G., Anlar, D. 2012. Application of HACCP to honey production process. Book of Abstract and Paper, 3rd International Mugla Beekeeping and Pine Honey Congress, pp. 401-411. 01-04 November 2012, Marmaris- MUGLA. Res. Assist. Gulsah OZCAN SINIR Food Engineering- Food Science E-mail: gulsahozcan@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 15 09 EDUCATION •PhD, 2011-…Uludag University, Food Engineering Department •MSc, 2010, The Ohio State University, Food Science and Technology Department •BSc, 2006, Trakya University, Food Engineering Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Fruit and Vegetable Processing PUBLICATIONS • Ozcan G., Barringer S., 2011. Effect of enzymes on strawberry volatiles during storage, at different ripeness level and in different cultivars. J Food Sci. 76: 324–333. • Ozcan Sinir G., Tamer C.E., Çopur Ö.U., 2012. Traditional drink sahlep and benefits (in Turkish). Gıda Teknolojisi. 16(12): 76-77. • Ozcan G., Barringer S., 2010. Changes in strawberry volatiles in mouthspace and nosespace during eating and headspace with and without enzyme activity. IFT Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA: 188-01. • Ozcan Sinir G., Tamer CE, Suna S., 2011. Sugar free sweeteners: Sugar alcohols. 4th International Congress on Food and Nutrition and 3rd SAFE Consortium International Congress on Food Safety, İstanbul, TURKEY. • Ozcan Sinir G., Suna S., 2012. Composition of honey and health effects (in Turkish). 3rd İnternational Mugla Beekeeping& Pine Honey Congress. pp. 439-444. 01-04 November 2012, Marmaris- MUGLA. Res. Assist. Goksen GULGOR Food Engineering-Food Science E-Mail: goksengulgor@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 15 06 EDUCATION •PhD, 2012-…Uludag University, Food Engineering Department •MSc, 2011, Uludag University, Food Engineering Department •BSc, 2009, Erciyes University, Food Engineering Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Food Microbiology PUBLICATIONS • Korukluoglu, M., Gulgor, G., 2012. Application possibilities of moulds for biotransformation of olive pomace which is waste of olive oil factory. ÇEVSA (Environment and Human Health Symposium), Ankara, (Poster). • Gulgor, G., Korukluoglu, M., Gurbuz, O., 2012. The composting of wine factory waste in the microbial way. ÇEVSA (Environment and Human Health Symposium), Ankara, (Poster). • Gulgor, G., Bektas, D., Korukluoglu, M., Kumral, A., 2012. The current approach to food package which contains Bisphenol A. 11st Food Symposium, Hatay, (Verbal announcement). • Gulgor, G., Bektas, D., Korukluoglu, M., 2012. Nutrigenetik. 3rd Food Safety Symposium, Istanbul, (Poster). • Gulgor, G., Ozcelik, F. November 2011. Using of Lactic Acid Bacteriae produced Bacteriocin as Probiotic. 7th Food Engineering Symposium. Ankara, Serial Number of Symposium Book: 26, 50, (Verbal Announcement). Res. Assist. Elif YILDIZ Food Engineering- Food Technology E-mail: elifyildiz@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 14 90 EDUCATION •MSc, 2013, Uludağ University, Food Engineering •BSc, 2010, Uludağ University, Food Engineering RESEARCH INTERESTS • Food Chemistry PUBLICATIONS • Akpınar-Bayizit, A., T. Ozcan, L. Yılmaz-Ersan, E. Yıldız, B. Delikanlı. 2011. Functional properties and anti-microbial activity of some macrofungal extracts. International Food Congress-Novel Approaches in Food Industry, May, 26–29, İzmir, Turkiye, 10– 15. • Ozcan, T., A. Akpınar-Bayizit, , L. Yılmaz-Ersan, B. Delikanlı, E. Yıldız. 2011. Bioavailability of food polyphenol. International Food Congress-Novel Approaches in Food Industry, International Food Congress-Novel Approaches in Food Industry, May, 26–29, İzmir, Turkiye, 842–847. • Akpınar-Bayizit, A., T. Ozcan, L. Yılmaz-Ersan, B. Delikanlı E. Yıldız. 2011. The use of microorganisms for vanilin flavour production. International Food Congress-Novel Approaches in Food Industry, International Food Congress-Novel Approaches in Food Industry, May, 26–29, İzmir, Turkiye, 4–9. PROJECTS • Determination of Composition of Arbutus unedo L. and Its Functional Properties. 20122013. U.U. Scientific Research Projects Unit, Project No: 2012/47, Principal Investigator: Assist. Prof. Dr. Arzu AKPINAR-BAYIZIT. • Investigation of Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Activities of Natural and Cultivated Blueberries (Vaccinium spp.) Grown in Turkey. U.U. Scientific Research Projects Unit, Project No: HDP(Z)–2012/16, Principle Investigator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ozan GURBUZ. • Investigation of Microbiologic and Dermatologic Effects of Polyethylene Glycol Polymers with Different Molecular Weights. U.U. Scientific Research Projects Unit, Project No: HDP(MPMYO)-2012/43 Research Scientist: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ozan GURBUZ • A research on production of herbal tea using natural herb extracts. U.U. Scientific Research Projects Unit, OUAP (Z) 2012/20. Principal investigator: Dr. Bige İNCEDAYI. • Effect of Micronutrient Elements (Fe, Zn and B) which Applied Foliar on Olive Oil Quality of Gemlik Type Olives. 2012-2014, U.U. Scientific Research Projects Unit, Z2012/27, Research scientist: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yasemin ŞAHAN. • Investigation of the Microbiological and Dermatological Effects of Different Molecular Weight of Polyethylene Glycol Polymers. 2012-2014, U.U. Scientific Research Projects Unit, HDP(MPMYO)-2012/43, Research scientist: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yasemin ŞAHAN. PROJECTS • Determination of Phenolic Compounds, Antioxidant Capacity, Fatty Acids Composition and Mineral Content of Turkish Table Olives. 2012-2013, U.U. Scientific Research Projects Unit, UAP(Z)-2012/5, Principal investigator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vildan UYLAŞER. • Effect of Different Animal Milk on the Antioxidant Properties of Kefir, 2012-2014, U.U. Scientific Research Projects Unit, Project Coordinator : Assist. Prof. Dr. Lütfiye YILMAZERSAN. • A research on effect of consumption of high fructose corn syrup on obesity and pancreas cancer. U.U. Scientific Research Projects Unit, UAP (Z)-2011/65. Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Ö. Utku ÇOPUR. • European Union Civil Society Dialogue II: Fisheries and Agriculture Grant Scheme (CSDII/FA). Better Training for Safer Food . European Union Project, TR0703.01-02-005. Working Group: Prof. Dr. Ö. Utku ÇOPUR, C. Ece TAMER. • The Effect of Gelatinization and Retrogradation Parameters On Formation of Resistant Starch from High Amylose Corn Starch. 2011-2013. U.U. Scientific Research Projects Unit, UAP(Z)-2011/64, Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Duygu GOCMEN. • The Effect of Oat Flour Supplementation on Tarhana Quality. 2011-2012, TUBITAK, 110O805. Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Duygu GOCMEN. PROJECTS • Foundation of Infrastructure of Uludag University Science and Technology Research Centre. 2011. Prime Ministry State Planning Organization. Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Ö. Utku ÇOPUR. • Project of Increasing Olive Efficiency in Kumyaka. 2011- , Bursa Eskişehir Bilecik Development Agency, Project number: TR41-10-027, Project Partner : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mihriban KORUKLUOGLU. • Determination of Chemical and Nutritional Properties of Cnicus benedictus L. 2011-2013, U.U. Scientific Research Projects Unit , Z-2011/26, Principal investigator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yasemin ŞAHAN. • Determination of Oleaster (Eleagnus angustifolia L.) Composition and Usage of Oleaster Flour in Cookie. 2010-2012, TUBITAK, 110O060, Research Scientist: Prof. Dr. Duygu GOCMEN. • Changing of Some Components and Identification of Efficient Lactic Acid Bacteria and Yeasts in Gemlik Variety Black Olive Fermentation. 2010- , U.U. Scientific Research Projects Unit, Project Number: 2010/49, Research Scientist: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mihriban KORUKLUOGLU. PROJECTS • Changes in some components during fermentation of Gemlik variety olives and identification of involved lactic acid bacteria and yeasts. 2010 – 2013, U.U. Scientific Research Projects Unit, UBAP(Z) 2010/49. Principal investigator: Asst. Prof. Dr. Aysegul KUMRAL. • Enhancement of the Colloidal Calcium Phosphate (CCP) of Milk: Impact on Yogurt Texture. 2010-2011. U.U. Scientific Research Projects Unit and University of WisconsinMadison/USA, Department of Food Science, Principal investigator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tulay OZCAN. • The Effects of Different Smoking Applications on the Properties of Smoked Circassian Cheese. 2009-2010. U.U. Scientific Research Projects Unit, Principal investigator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tulay OZCAN. • Fortification Applications for Soft Confectionery (Jelly Confectionery). U.U. Scientific Research Projects Unit, UAP(Z): 2010/16. Principal investigator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. C. Ece TAMER. • Chemical and Nutritional Properties of Oleaster (Eleagnus angustifolia L.) Fruit and Using in Cookie Production. 2010-2012, TUBITAK, TOVAG 110O060, Principal investigator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yasemin ŞAHAN. PROJECTS • Effect of some spice extracts on growth and aflatoxin production of Aspergillus parasiticus. 2009- , U.U. Scientific Research Projects Unit Commission. Project Number: 2009/24, Principle İnvestigator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mihriban KORUKLUOGLU. • Effects of K-Sorbate and Organic Acids on Some Food Spoilage Yeasts, M.Sc.Thesis. 2009-2010, U.U. Scientific Research Projects Unit, Project Number: 2009/7 (Short-Term Project), Principle İnvestigator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mihriban KORUKLUOGLU. • Influence of Domestic Processing on Some Compounds of Rose Hip (Rosa canina L.) from Vicinity of Bursa-Turkey. 2009, U.U. Scientific Research Projects Unit, Z(U)2009/25, Principal investigator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vildan UYLAŞER. • The Effect of Different Applications on Quality and Shelf-life of Some Minimally Processed Vegetables. U.U. Scientific Research Projects Unit, UAP(Z): 2008/30. Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Ö. Utku ÇOPUR. • Effect of freezing and frozen storage on phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) and blackberry (Rubus fruticosus L.) cultivars. 2008, U.U. Scientific Research Projects Unit, Z-2008/20, Research scientist: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vildan UYLAŞER. PROJECTS • Effect of different lactic and probiotic starters on the phytic acid content of boza produced using whole wheat flour. 2008 - 2009, TUBITAK, 108O877, Principal investigator: Asst. Prof. Dr. Aysegul Kumral • Determination of Whole-Fat Turkish White Cheese Characteristics, which is Produced by Animal and Microbial Milk-Clotting Enzymes with Different Starter Culture Ratio. 20082010. U.U. Scientific Research Projects Unit, Principal investigator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tulay OZCAN. • A Study on the Effect Indoor Air Quality of Livestock Barns on Animal Yield and Product Quality. 2008-2010. U.U. Scientific Research Projects Unit, with Biosystems Engineering Department, Research scientist: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tulay OZCAN. • Investigation of Nutritional Status of Olive Plantation in Bursa/Turkey in Which Determination of Some Micro Nutrient (Fe, Zn and B) deficiency and Relationship Between the Quality Characteristics . 2008-2012, U.U. Scientific Research Projects Unit, Z2008/14, Research scientist: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yasemin ŞAHAN. • Effect of different lactic and probiotic starter use on the phytic acid content of boza produced with whole-wheat flour addition 2008 -2010, TUBITAK, 108O877, Research scientist: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yasemin ŞAHAN. • Researches on The Possibilities of Usage of Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) Flour in Traditional Turkish Breads . 2008-2009, Selcuk University Research Projects Commission, 09201008, Research scientist: Res. Assist. Gökçen YILDIZ. THESIS • • • • • • • • Kilci, A., 2013. The Effect of Oat Addition on Tarhana Quality . Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences MSc. Thesis, 68 pp, (Supervisior: Prof. Dr. Duygu GOCMEN). (In Turkish). Kula, I., 2012. The investigation of the application of the six sigma quality management system in the food industry. Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences . MSc. Thesis (Supervisior: Prof. Dr. Fikri BAŞOĞLU). (In Turkish). Çinar, S., 2012. ISO 2200 and application in the food industry. Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences . MSc. Thesis (Supervisior: Prof. Dr. Fikri BAŞOĞLU). (In Turkish). Aslan, O., 2012, Enterotoxigenic status of S.aureus isolated from some foods and different antibiotic suscebility, MSc. Thesis, 33 pp, Supervisior: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mihriban KORUKLUOGLU, (in Turkish). Yıldız, S., 2012.Investigation of Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Activities of Natural and Cultivated Vaccinium spp. Grown in Turkey” Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences MSc. Thesis, (Supervisior: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ozan GURBUZ). (In Turkish). Dülger, D., 2012. Determination of Chemical and Nutritional Properties of Cnicus benedictus L. Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences MSc. Thesis, 134 pp, (Supervisior: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yasemin ŞAHAN. In Turkish). Kurtuldu, O., 2012. The Manufacturing of Probiotic Yoghurt with β-glucan. Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences MSc. Thesis, 101 pp, (Supervisior: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tulay OZCAN). (In Turkish). Delikanli, B., 2012. Determination of Textural Properties of Non-fat Yoghurt Enriched with Milk Protein Additives. Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences MSc. Thesis, 98 pp, (Supervisior: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tulay OZCAN). (In Turkish). THESIS • • • • • • • • İstanbullu, Y., 2011. Application of excellence model at food analysis laboratories. Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences . MSc. Thesis (Supervisior: Prof. Dr. Fikri BAŞOĞLU). (In Turkish). Karınca, M., 2011, Optimization of Vitamins and Minerals Fortified Jelly Production. Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences MSc. Thesis, (Supervisior: Prof. Dr. Ö. Utku ÇOPUR). (In Turkish). Peker, B. B., 2011, Effect of Lecitin and Poliferol Polyricinoleate (PGPR) usage on product quality in chocolate production. Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences MSc. Thesis, (Supervisior: Prof. Dr. Ö. Utku ÇOPUR). (In Turkish). Sahin, O.I. 2010. Determination of fatty acid profiles of some microalgae. Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, MSc. Thesis, 61 pp, (Supervisior: Assist. Prof. Dr. Arzu AKPINAR-BAYIZIT). (In Turkish). Kaya, D. 2010. Color stabilization of apple juice concentrate production. Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, MSc. Thesis, 64 pp, (Supervisior: Assist. Prof. Dr. Arzu AKPINAR-BAYIZIT). (In Turkish). Aydın, E., 2010. The Effect Of Oat Supplement On Noodle Qualıty. Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences MSc. Thesis, 65 pp, (Supervisior: Prof. Dr. Duygu GOCMEN). (In Turkish). Aydinol, P., 2010. The Effects of Natural Smoke and Liquid Smoke Applications on the Quality of Circassian Cheese. Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences MSc. Thesis, 121 pp, (Supervisior: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tulay OZCAN). (In Turkish). Canbulat, Z., 2010. The Manufacturing of Probiotic Yoghurt with Lactobacillus rhamnosus. Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences MSc. Thesis, 94 pp, (Supervisior: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tulay OZCAN). (In Turkish). THESIS • • • • • • • • Calışkan, A., 2010.The Effect of Lactic Acid Fermentation on the Organic Acid Composition of Apple Cider, Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences MSc. Thesis, (Supervisior: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ozan GURBUZ). (In Turkish). Eren Vapur, U., 2010. Determination of Whole-Fat Turkish White Cheese Characteristics which is Produced by Animal and Microbial Milk-Clotting Enzymes with Different Starter Culture Ratio. Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences Ph. D. Thesis, 239 pp, (Supervisior: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tulay OZCAN). (In Turkish). Öztürk, A., 2010, Effects of Different Pre-processes and Drying Methods on Quality and Nutritive Value of Some Eatable Mushroom Species. Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences MSc. Thesis, (Supervisior: Prof. Dr. Ö. Utku ÇOPUR). (In Turkish). Yavuz, M. 2010, Effects of K-Sorbate and Organic Acids on Some Food Spoilage Yeasts, MSc.Thesis, 31 pp, (Supervisior: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mihriban KORUKLUOGLU), (in Turkish). Yıldırım, T.Ş., 2010. Some food with therapeutic effect and their areas of use, Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences MSc. Thesis. (Supervisior: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vildan UYLAŞER). (In Turkish). Yılmaz, S. 2010, Applied Food Safety Systems and Control Methods in Turkey, Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences M.Sc.Thesis, 58 pp, (Supervisior: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mihriban KORUKLUOGLU), (in Turkish). Aka, A. 2009. Optimization of green olive paste production. Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, MSc. Thesis, 91 pp, (Supervisior: Assist. Prof. Dr. Arzu AKPINAR-BAYIZIT). (In Turkish). İncedayı, B., 2009, Effects of Different Applications on Quality of Fresh-Cut (Minimally Processed) Vegetables. Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences PhD Thesis. (Supervisior: Prof. Dr. Ö. Utku ÇOPUR). (In Turkish). THESIS • • • • • • • • Tosun, I., 2009. The Effects of Starter Culture and Ripening on Volatile Flavor Compounds of Brined White Cheese, Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences MSc. Thesis, (Supervisior: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ozan GURBUZ). (In Turkish). Özbey, H., 2009. nvestigation of Aflatoxin Contamination in Commercial Red Pepper Powder and Chili Powder in Turkey Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences MSc. Thesis, (Supervisior: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ozan GURBUZ). (In Turkish). Yonak, S., 2009, Optimization of Vegetable Juice. Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences MSc. Thesis, (Supervisior: Prof. Dr. Ö. Utku ÇOPUR). (In Turkish). Yönel Parseker, S., 2009, Optimization of Different Citrus Juice Concentrates Added Persimmon Nectar Production. Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences MSc. Thesis, (Supervisior: Prof. Dr. Ö. Utku ÇOPUR). (In Turkish). Alkın, E., 2008. Determination of trans-fatty acids on the milk processing stages. Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences . Ph. D. Thesis (Supervisior: Prof. Dr. Fikri BAŞOĞLU). (In Turkish). Çoksaygılı, N., 2008. An investigation of microwave energy to Listeria monocytogenes which was inoculated to kasap (butcher) meat ball. Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences . Ph. D. Thesis (Supervisior: Prof. Dr. Fikri BAŞOĞLU). (In Turkish). Inkaya, A.N., 2008. Researching of Opportunities for The Usage of Chestnut in Cookie Production. Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences MSc. Thesis, 50 pp, (Supervisior: Prof. Dr. Duygu GOCMEN). (In Turkish). Kazancı, Y.T,. 2008, Effect of Different Acid and pH on Color Stability in Cucumber Pickle Production, Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences MSc. Thesis. (Supervisior: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vildan UYLAŞER). (In Turkish). INTERNATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS Research Visits • • • • • • • Akpınar-Bayizit, A., 15-21 July 2012, Visiting Lecturer (Erasmus): Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic. Ozcan, T., 15-21 July 2012 , Visiting Lecturer (Erasmus): Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic. Gurbuz, O., 31 July-31 August, 2012. Identifying the Flavor and Aroma Volatiles in Blueberries. University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Citrus Research and Education Center, USA. Principle Investigator. Gurbuz, O., October 17- November 17, 2011. Identifying the Sulfur and Aroma Impact Compounds in Grapes and Wine Grown in Florida. University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Citrus Research and Education Center, USA. Research Scientist. Korukluoglu, M., 01.04-30.6.2011, Visiting Scientist: Instituto de la Grasa, Food Biotechnology Department, Sevilla – Spain. Kumral A., 01.04-30.6.2011, Visiting Scientist: Instituto de la Grasa, Food Biotechnology Department, Sevilla – Spain. Ozcan, T., 2010 (3 months), Visiting Scientist: University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, Department of Food Science, Madison-Wisconsin / USA. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS Research Visits • • • • • • Gocmen, D., 24th-31st May 2008 , Visiting Lecturer (Erasmus): Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Food Science (Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego) , Warsaw/Poland . Gurbuz, O., July 2008. The Mechanism Whereby Major Grapefruit Sulfur Aroma Impact Compounds are Formed During Thermal Processing and Storage and the Changes in Sulfur Headspace Volatiles in Citrus Juice Under Aerobic and Anaerobic Conditions. University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Citrus Research and Education Center, USA. Research Scientist. Gurbuz, O., April 2008. Erasmus- Faculty of Food Tech. and Nutrition, Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece. Erasmus Visitor. Ozcan, T., 2005-2006 (18 months), Visiting Scientist: University of WisconsinMadison, USA, Department of Food Science, Madison-Wisconsin / USA. Gocmen, D., 2003-2004, Visiting Scientist: University of Florida, Insitute of Food and Agric. Sciences, CREC, Lake Alfred-Florida/ USA. Korukluoglu, M., 2 March to 15 April 1997, Research visit to 1nd International Course on “Protected Cultivation of High Value Crops” in Cooperation with The Turkish Universities Akdeniz, Ankara, Cukurova, Ege, Uludag. The Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Volcani Center, Bet Degan., Israel. LABORATORIES INSTRUMENTAL ANALYSIS LABORATORY Several chemical and biochemical analysis are carried out in three laboratories in the Food Engineering Department with equipments like HPLC, GC-MS, GC, spectrofotometer, electrophoresis, texture analyser etc. Laboratory infrastructure was established with the project supports of Uludag University Scientific Research Projects Comission and TUBITAK. LABORATORIES PHYSICAL-CHEMICAL ANALYSIS LABORATORY In Food Engineering Department, there are two laboratories, one for preparatory laboratory, available for physical-chemical analysis. Several studies with fruit and vegetable products, milk and milk products, grain products, alcoholic beverages, fermented products and oil technology are carried out in these laboratories. LABORATORIES FOOD MICROBIOLOGY LABORATORIES Several studies on food microbiology are carried out in two seperate laboratories called Mycology and Bacteriology . PILOT PLANT Production and R&D of several foods are carried out in Food Engineering Pilot Plant. Also provides internship opportunity and practical education for students. Prof. Dr. Umran SAHAN (Chair of Animal Science) Animal Science – Animal Breeding E-mail: umran@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 15 53 EDUCATION • PhD, 1993, Uludag University, Animal Science Department • MSc, 1987, Uludag University, Animal Science Department • BSc, 1983, Ege University, Animal Science Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Poultry Production • Broiler Breeder Management • Welfare of Broiler and Layers • Ostrich Production • Sericulture PUBLICATIONS • Sahan, U., Ipek, A., Yılmaz-Dikmen, B,. Aydın, C., Kederli, E. 2011. The Effect of Oxygen Supplementation in the Hatcher at High Altitude on the Incubation Results of Broiler Eggs Laid at Low Altitude. Br. Poult. Sci., 52 (3): 388-394. • Sahan, U., Ipek, A., Altan, O., Yılmaz-Dikmen, B. 2006. Effects of Oxygen Supplementation During The Last Stage of İncubation on Broiler Performance, Ascites Susceptibility and Some Physiological Traits. Anim. Res., 55(2006) 145-152. • Sahan, U., Ipek, A., Yılmaz-Dikmen, B. 2004. Effects of Storage Length on Hatchability, Incubation Period and Chick Weight of Ostrich Eggs (Struthio camelus). Archiv Für Geflügelkunde, 68 (4):187-190. • Sahan, U., Altan, O., Ipek, A., and Yilmaz, B. 2003. Effects of Some Egg Characteristics on the Mass Loss and Hatchability of Ostrich (Struthio camelus) Eggs. Br. Poult. Sci., 44 (3): 380-385. Prof. Dr. Ibrahim AK Animal Science – Feeds and Animal Nutrition E-mail: selena@uludag.edu.tr Phone: 0 (224) – 294 15 52 EDUCATION • PhD, 1990, Uludag University, Animal Science Department • MSc, 1986, Uludag University, Animal Science Department • BSc, 1984, Ataturk University, Animal Science Department RESEARCH INTERESTS Ruminant Nutrition Feeds and Feed Additives Mixed Feed Technology Organic Livestock Farming Ostrich Husbandry and Nutrition PUBLICATIONS • Ak, I., 2012. University-Industry Cooperation in Vocational Education: Sutas Model. International Higher Education Symposium 2012, Aksaray University, 17-19 October 2012, Aksaray. • Hanoglu, H., Ak, I., Soysal, D. 2012. The Determination of Organic Lamb Fattening Performance and Slaughter Characteristics in the South Marmara Conditions in Turkey. V International Symposium of Livestock Production “ Sustainable Livestock Production, Biotechnology and Food Safety” 5- 7 September 2012, Skopje, Makedonia. • Ak, I., Alcicek, A., Karaman, S. 2010. Principles of Feeds and Animal Feeding in Organic Farming Turkey I. Organic Animal Congress. 1-4 July 2010, Kelkit – Gumushane. (In Turkish) • Polat, U., Oruc, H.H., Hanoglu, H., Ak, I., 2009. Comparative Evaluation of Biochemical Components of Blood Serum and Toxicological Parameters of Kivircik Lambs Fed on Conventional and Organic Fodder. Pakistan J. Zool., 41(2): 109-115. • Ak, I. 2008. Ecologic/Organic Agriculture and Environment. Editor. Ecologic Life Society Publications No:1, Ozsan Publisher, Bursa, 398 s. ISBN 978-9944-0-199-0-3. (In Turkish) Prof. Dr. Ismail FILYA Animal Science – Feeds and Animal Nutrition E-mail: ifilya@uludag.edu.tr Phone: 0 (224) – 294 15 55 EDUCATION • PhD, 1994, Uludag University, Animal Science Department • MSc, 1991, Uludag University, Animal Science Department • BSc, 1989, Uludag University, Animal Science Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Nutritional Biochemistry • Nutritional Physiology • Ruminant Nutrition • Feeds and Feed Technology PUBLICATIONS • Filya, I., Sucu, E., 2010. The effects of lactic acid bacteria on the fermentation, aerobic stability and nutritive value of maize silage. Grass and Forage Science, 65 (4): 446-455. • Filya, I., Muck, R.E., Contreras-Govea, F.E., 2007. Inoculant effects on alfalfa silage: Fermentation products and nutritive value. Journal of Dairy Science, 90: 5108-5114. • Filya, I., Sucu, E., 2007a. Effect of a chemical preservative on fermentation, aerobic stability and nutritive value of whole-crop wheat silage. Journal of Applied Animal Research, 32: 133-138. • Filya, I., Sucu, E., 2007b. The effect of bacterial inoculants and a chemical preservative on the fermentation and aerobic stability of whole-crop cereal silages. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 20: 378-384. Prof. Dr. Cengiz ELMACI Animal Science-Biometry and Genetics E-mail: elmaci@uludag.edu.tr Phone: 0 (224) – 294 15 54 EDUCATION PhD, 1995, Ankara University, Animal Science Department MSc, 1989, Ankara University, Animal Science Department BSc, 1986, Ankara University, Animal Science Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Genetics • Animal Genetics & Biotechnology PUBLICATIONS • • • • • • • • Elmaci, C., Öner, Y. and Balcıoğlu, M.S. 2006. Genetic Polymorphism of β-Lactoglobulin Gene in Native Turkish Sheep Breeds. Biochemical Genetics. 44(7/8): 379-384. Elmaci, C., Oner, Y., Ozis, S. and Tuncel, E. 2007. RAPD analysis of DNA polymorphisms in Turkish sheep breeds. Biochemical Genetics. 45(9-10):691-696. Oner, Y., Calvo, J.H. and Elmaci, C. 2011. Y Chromosomal characterization of Turkish native sheep breeds. Livestock Science, 136, 277-280. Oner Y, Pullu M., Akın O. ve Elmacı C. 2011. Bursa Bölgesinde Yetiştirilen İsviçre Esmeri ve Siyah Alaca Irkı Sığırlarda Beta Laktoglobulin (β-lg) ve Büyüme Hormonu (bGH) Gen Polimorfizmlerinin HaeIII ve MspI Restriksiyon Enzimleri Kullanılarak İncelenmesi. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg., 17(3):371-376. Oner, Y., Yesilbag, K., Tuncel, E., and Elmaci, C. 2011. Prion protein gene (PrP) polymorphisms in healthy sheep in Turkey. Animal, 5(11): 1728-1733. Şahin E., Karslı T., Elmaci C. and Balcıoğlu, M.S. 2011. Beta-Lactoglobulin Gene Types in Turkish Fat-Tailed Sheep Breeds (Short Communication). Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg., 17(6): 1032-1033. Oner, Y., Calvo, J.H., Serrano, M. and Elmaci, C. 2012. Short communication: Polymorphisms at the 5′ flanking region of the HSP90AA1 gene in native Turkish sheep breeds. Livestock Science, 150(1-3):381-385. Oner, Y., Calvo, J.H., and Elmaci, C. 2012. Investigation of the genetic diversity among native Turkish sheep breeds using mtDNA polymorphisms. Trop Anim Health Prod, DOI 10.1007/s11250-012-0313-z Prof. Dr. Aydın IPEK Animal Science- Animal Breeding E-mail: aipek@uludag.edu.tr Phone: 0 (224) – 294 15 57 EDUCATION • PhD, 1997, Uludag University, Animal Science Department • MSc, 1993, Uludag University, Animal Science Department • BSc, 1990, Uludag University, Animal Science Department RESEARCH INTERESTS Poultry Production Embryo Development and Incubation PUBLICATIONS • Ipek, A., Karabulut, A., Sahan, U., Canbolat, O., Yılmaz, B., 2009. The effects of different feeding management systems on performance of a slow-growing broiler genotype. Br. Poult. Sci., 50 (2): 213-217. • Ipek, A., Karabulut, A., Sahan, U., Canbolat, O., Yılmaz, B., 2009. The Effect of different diets on the behaviour of slow-growing broiler genotype. JAAR., 35: 87-90. Prof. Dr. Mehmet KOYUNCU Animal Science- Animal Breeding and Improvoment E-mail: koyuncu@uludag.edu.tr Phone: 0 (224) – 294 15 56 EDUCATION • PhD, 1994, Uludag University, Animal Science Department • MSc, 1990, Uludag University, Animal Science Department • BSc, 1987, Ankara University, Animal Science Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Small ruminant breeding • Animal behavior and welfare • Carcass grading and quality • Herd management PUBLICATIONS • Koyuncu, M., S.K. Uzun, S. Ozis and S. Duru, 2005. “Development of Testicular Dimensions and Size, and Their Relationship to Age and Body Weight in Growing Kıvırcık (Western Thrace) Ram Lambs” Czech J. Anim. Sci., 50 (6), 243-248. • Koyuncu, M., S.Duru, S.K. Uzun, S.O. Altıncekic and E.Tuncel, 2007. “Effect of Castration on Growth and Carcass Traits in Hair Goat Kids Under A Semi-Intensive System in The South-Marmara region of Turkey” Small Ruminant Research 72: 38-44. • Koyuncu, M. and H. Yerlikaya, 2007. "Effect of Selenium-Vitamin E Injections of Ewes on Reproduction and Growth of Their Lambs " South African Journal of Animal Science, 37(3): 233-236. • Koyuncu, M. and S. Duru, 2009. “Estimates of (co) Variance Components for Direct and Maternal Effects on Birth Weight of Karacabey Merino Lambs” Turk. J. Vet. Anim. Sci., 33 (3): 235-240. • Koyuncu, M. and O. Canbolat, 2009. “Effect of Different Dietary Energy Levels on The Reproductive Performance of Kivircik Sheep Under a Semi-intensive System in the SouthMarmara Region of Turkey” Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences, 18: 620-627. • Koyuncu, M. and S.O. Altıncekic. 2010. “Effects of progestagen and PMSG on estrous synchronization and fertility Kivircik ewes during natural breeding season” AsianAustralasian Journal of Animal Science, 23 (3), 308-311. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yasemin ONER Animal Science-Biometry and Genetics E-mail: onery@uludag.edu.tr Phone: 0 (224) – 294 15 62 EDUCATION •PhD, 2010, Uludag University, Animal Science Department •MSc, 2004, Uludag University, Animal Science Department •BSc, 1999, Uludag University, Animal Science Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Genetics • Molecular Genetics • Genetic Diversity PUBLICATIONS • Oner Y, Keskin A., Elmacı, C. 2010. Identification of BLAD DUMPS, Citrullinamia and Factor XI Deficiency in Holstein cattle in Turkey.Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances. 5(1):60-65. • Oner,Y., Calvo J.H.,Elmaci, C. 2011. Y Chromosomal characterization of Turkish native sheep breeds. Livestock Science, 136, 277-280. • Oner Y., Yesilbag, K., Tuncel, E., Elmaci, C. 2011. Prion protein gene (PrP) polymorphisms in healthy sheep in Turkey. Animal., 5(11): 1728-1733. • Oner Y., Calvo J.H., Serrano M., Elmaci, C. 2012. Short communication: Polymorphisms at the 5′ flanking region of the HSP90AA1 gene in native Turkish sheep breeds. Livestock Science, 150(1-3):381-385. • Oner Y., Calvo J.H., Elmaci, C. 2012. Investigation of the genetic diversity among native Turkish sheep breeds using mtDNA polymorphisms. Trop Anim Health Prod DOI 10.1007/s11250-012-0313-z Assist. Prof. Dr. Bilgehan YILMAZ DIKMEN Animal Science – Animal Breeding E-mail: bilgehan@uludag.edu.tr Phone: 0 (224) – 294 15 62 EDUCATION • PhD, 2007, Uludag University, Animal Science Department • MSc, 2001, Uludag University, Animal Science Department • BSc, 1997, Uludag University, Animal Science Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Poultry Breeding • Incubation Management PUBLICATIONS • Sahan, U., A. pek, B. Yılmaz-Dikmen, C. Aydın, E. Kederli. 2011. Effect of oxygen supplementation in the hatcher at high altitude on the incubation results of broiler eggs laid at low altitude. British Poultry Science, 52(3):388-394. • İpek, A., A. Karabulut, U. Sahan, O. Canbolat, B. Yılmaz Dikmen. 2009. The effect of different feeding management systems on performance of slow-growing broiler genotype. British Poultry Science, 50(2):213-217. • Yılmaz-Dikmen, B., U. Sahan, 2009. The Relationship Among Age, Yolk Fatty Acids Content and Incubation Results of Broiler Breeders. Poultry Science, 88(1):185-190. • Yılmaz-Dikmen, B., U. Sahan. 2008. The Correlations Between Breeder Age, Egg Quality Traits And Hatchability Of Broiler Breeders. World Poultry Science Journal, 64(2): 389. • Yılmaz-Dikmen, B., U. Sahan., 2007. Correlations between breeder age, egg cholesterol content, blood cholesterol level and hatchability of broiler breeders. British Poultry Science, 48(1): 98-103. • Yılmaz, B., A. Ipek, U. Sahan, 2006. Performance of Broilers Raised At Different Altitudes In South Marmara Region Of Turkey. Indian Veterinary Journal, 83 (5): 525-527. Lecturer Dr. Onder CANBOLAT Animal Science – Feeds and Animal Nutrition E-mail: onder@uludag.edu.tr Phone: 0 (224) – 294 15 58 EDUCATION • PhD, 2006, Uludag University, Animal Science Department • MSc, 1999, Uludag University, Animal Science Department • BSc, 1995, Uludag University, Animal Science Department RESEARCH INTERESTS Ruminant Nutrition Feeds and Feed Technology Determination of Nutritive Value of Feeds Nutritional Biochemistry and Physiology Ration Formulations for Ruminants PUBLICATIONS • Canbolat, O., Kalkan, H., Filya, I., 2013. The Use of Honey Locust Pods as A Silage Additive for Alfalfa Forage. Journal of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Kafkas.19(2): 291-297. • Canbolat ,O., 2012. Comparison of in vitro Gas Production, Organic Matter Digestibility, Relative Feed Value and Metabolizable Energy Contents of Some Cereal Forages. Journal of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Kafkas.18(4): 571577. • Canbolat, O., Kalkan, H., Karaman, S., Filya, I., 2011. The Effect of Essential Oils on the Digestibility, Rumen Fermentation and Microbial Protein Production. Journal of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Kafkas.17(4): 557-565. • Canbolat, O., Karabulut, A., 2010. Effect of Urea and Oregano Oil Supplementation on Growth Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Lamb Fed Diets Containing different Amounts of Energy and Protein. Turk. J. Vet. Anim. Sci., 34(2): 119-128. Res. Assist. Dr. Ekin SUCU Animal Science – Feeds and Animal Nutrition E-mail: ekins@uludag.edu.tr Phone: 0 (224) – 294 15 60 EDUCATION • PosDoc, 2012, Iowa State University, Animal Science Department Nutritional Physiology Unit • PhD, 2009, Uludag University, Animal Science Department • MSc, 2002, Uludag University, Animal Science Department • BSc, 1999, Uludag University, Animal Science Department RESEARCH INTERESTS Nuritional and Environmental Physiology of Farm Animals Ruminant Nutrition Feeds and Feed Technology PUBLICATIONS • Sucu, E., M.V. Sanz-Fernandez, S.C. Pearce, A. Nayeri, G.R. Murugesan, M.E. Persia, L.H Baumgard. 2012. Effects of heat stress on growth, carcass characteristics and metabolic responses in broiler chickens. Journal of Dairy Science. 95 (Supplement 2): 316 • Nayeri, A., Upah, N.C., Sanz-Fernandez, M.V., Sucu, E., Gabler, A.L., Boddicker, R.L., Snider, D.B., Defrain,J.M., Baumgard, L.H. 2012. Characterizing the temporal and seasonal pattern of plasma lipopolysaccharide binding protein during the transition period. Journal of Dairy Science. 95 (Supplement 2): 666. • Sucu, E., A. Nayeri, N.C. Upah, M.V. Sanz-Fernandez, S.C. Pearce, L.H. Baumgard. 2011. Determining the effectiveness of proteases on production variables in lactating Holstein cows. Journal of Dairy Science. 94 (E-Supplement 1): 873. • Baumgard, L.H., E. Sucu, S. Pearce, N.C. Upah, A. Nayeri, M.V. Fernandez, R.P. Rhoads. 2010. Review of nutrient partitioning. Proc. Pacific Northwest Animal Nutrition Conference. Vancouver, BC Canada. pp. 73-83. • Filya, I., Sucu, E., 2010. The effects of lactic acid bacteria on the fermentation, aerobic stability and nutritive value of maize silage. Grass and Forage Science. 65 (4): 446-455. Res. Assist. Seniz OZIS ALTINCEKIC Animal Science- Animal Breeding E-mail: senizozis@gmail.com Phone: 0 (224) – 294 15 61 EDUCATION • PhD Candidate, Uludag University, Animal Science Department • MS, 2005, Uludag University, Animal Science Department • BS,1999, Uludag University, Animal Science Department RESEARCH INTERESTS Small Ruminant Reproduction Small Ruminant Udder Linear Score Small Ruminant Body Condition Score Farm Animal Welfare PUBLICATIONS • Altıncekic, O. S., Koyuncu. M., 2012. Farm Animals and Stress. Animal Production, 53(1): 27-37.(In Turkish) • Altıncekic, O. S., Koyuncu. M., 2012. The Role of Breeders in Improvement of Welfare in Livestock. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Uludag University, 26(1): 131-141. (In Turkish) • Altincekic, O. S., Koyuncu. M., 2011. Relationship Between Udder Measurements and The Linear Scores for Udder Morphology Traits in Kıvırcık, Tahirova and Karacabey Merino Ewes” Journal of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Kafkas. 17(1): 71-76. • Altincekic, O. S., Koyuncu. M., Tuncel, E., Kaymakcı, M., 2011. The Change of Plasma Progesterone and Estradiol-17β Hormone Levels During Oestrous Period in Kivircik Ewes. Animal Production, 52(2): 1-10. (In Turkish) • Altincekic, O. S., Koyuncu. M., 2010. Effect of Transport Conditions on Animal Welfare. Animal Production. 51(1): 48-56. (In Turkish) Res. Assist. Süleyman Can BAYCAN Animal Science – Animal Breeding E-mail: scbaycan@uludag.edu.tr Phone: 0 (224) – 294 15 61 EDUCATION •MSc, 2008, Uludag University, Animal Science Department •BSc, 2002, Uludag University, Animal Science Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Poultry Breeding PUBLICATIONS • Baycan S.C., İpek. A., 2011. Lighting programs for Broiler production and recent lighting developments in use. 7. National Animal Science Conference, 14-16 Septemberl 2011. (In Turkish) • Baycan S.C., Şahan Ü., İpek. A., 2011. Effects of different age periods on blood cholesterol, calcium and phosphorus levels, egg production and shell quality in quails (Coturnix coturnix Japonica). GAP VI Agriculture Conference, 09-12 May 2011, 761766. (In Turkish) • Egg Production in Free-Range System, Poultry Congress, 07-09 October 2010. (In Turkish) Res. Assist. Nurcan KARSLIOĞLU KARA Animal Science – Animal Breeding E-mail: nkara@uludag.edu.tr Phone: 0 (224) – 294 15 60 EDUCATION • PhD Candidate, Uludag University, Animal Science Department • MSc, 2007, Uludag University, Animal Science Department • BSc, 2000, Mediterranean University, Animal Science Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Conformation Recording • Body Condition Score • Lameness and Hygiene Score • Behaviour and Welfare PUBLICATIONS • Karslıoglu Kara, N. and Koyuncu, M. 2011. Factors Aff ecting Animal Welfare During Transport in Cattle. Kafkas Univ. Vet Fac. Sci.17 (3): 511-516. • Kara N., A. Galic, M. Koyuncu, (2011). ” Effects of stall type and bedding materials on lameness and hygiene score and effect of lameness on some reproductive problems in dairy cattle” Journal of Applied Animal Research, 39:4, 334-338. • Karslıoglu Kara, N., Koyuncu, M., Tuncel, E. 2010. Longevity and Reasons for Culling in Holstein Dairy Cows. Animal Production. 51(1): 16-20.(In Turkish) • Karslıoglu Kara, N. and Koyuncu, M. 2011. Organic Dairy Farming and Welfare. Journal of Agricultural of Uludag University. 25(1): 165-173. (In Turkish) Res. Assist. Arda SOZCU Animal Science – Animal Breeding E-mail: ardasozcu@uludag.edu.tr Phone: 0 (224) – 294 15 61 EDUCATION • MSc Candidate, Uludag University, Animal Science Department • BSc, 2011, Uludag University, Animal Science Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Poultry Breeding • Silkworm Breeding Specialist Huseyin YERLIKAYA Animal Science – Feeds and Animal Nutrition E-mail:huseyiny@uludag.edu.tr Phone: 0 (224) – 294 15 59 EDUCATION • BSc,1994, Uludag University, Veterinary Medicine RESEARCH INTERESTS • Reproduction biology of livestock PUBLICATIONS • Nur, Z., Dogan, İ., Yerlikaya, H. ve Soylu, K., 2004. Relationship Between The Canine Sperm Membrane Integrity and Other Semen Characteristics. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences Vol.81, No1, pp 1119-1121. • Koyuncu, M., Ş.K. Uzun, Ş. Oziş and H. Yerlikaya. 2005. Effect of Vitamin-A,E and Selenium and Progestagen-PMSG on Reproductive Performance in Kıvırcık Sheep. The Indian Veterinary Journal, 82, 630-633. • Koyuncu, M., Ş.K. Uzun, Ş. Oziş and H. Yerlikaya. 2006. Effects of Selenium- Vitamin E or Progestagen-PMSG Injections on Reproductive Performance of Ewes. J.Appl. Anim.Res. 29: 137-140. Koyuncu, M. and H. Yerlikaya. 2007. Effect of Selenium-Vitamin E Injections of Ewes on Reproduction and Growth of Their Lambs. South African Journal of Animal Science, 37 (3): 233-236 (Short communication). • • Koyuncu, M., H. Yerlikaya and S.O. Altıncekic. 2008. Effect of Injecting with Dexamethasone and Progestagen-PMSG on Reproduction and Rearing of lambs in SemiIntensive Conditions. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 11 (4): 680-682. Specialist Hüseyin KARA Animal Science – Animal Breeding E-mail: kara33@uludag.edu.tr Phone: 0 (224) – 294 15 59 EDUCATION •MSc, 2007, Uludag University, Animal Science Department •BSc, 2003, Uludag University, Animal Science Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Poultry Breeding • Embryo Development and Incubation PROJECTS • Generate Parents and Hybrids With Superior Combining Ability For Yield and Quality in Producing Fresh Cocoon and Raw Silk. 2013. Tübitak-1001 Project No: 112O839, Principal Investigator: Prof.Dr. Umran SAHAN • Effect of Broiler Breeder Age And Egg Weight on Yolk Sac Absorption and Fatty Acid Content, Embryo Development, Incubation Results and Broiler Performance. Uludag University Scientific Research Fund, Project No: 2012-48, Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Umran SAHAN • Effect of oxygen supplementation in the hatcher at high altitude on Cronic Hypoxia, incubation results and Hematological Parameters, Broiler Performance after hatch and Ascites Syndrome of broiler eggs laid at low altitude. Uludag University Scientific Research Fund, Project No: 2008/21, Principal Investigator: Prof.Dr. Umran SAHAN • Effect of carvacrol on intake, rumen Fermentation, growth performance and carcass characteristics of growing lambs. Uludag University Scientific Research Fund, Project No: 2008/17, Principal Investigator. Prof. Dr. Mehmet KOYUNCU. • Estrus synchronization methods of different seasonal anoestrus applied Kıvırcık blood progesterone, estradiol-17β levels and some fertility parameters. Uludag University Scientific Research Fund, Project No: 2010/6, Principal Investigator. Prof. Dr. Mehmet KOYUNCU. PROJECTS • Linear mammary characteristics, mammary size, milk compositions and relationships between somatic cell counts and milk yield in crossbred goats. Uludag University Scientific Research Fund, Project No: 2010/6, Principal Investigator. Prof. Dr. Mehmet KOYUNCU. • The Effects of Different Embryo Temperatures on Embryo Temperatures on Embryonic Development, Incubation Performance and Chick Quality in Broilers. Uludag University Scientific Research Fund, Project No: 2012-14, Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Aydın IPEK. • Prion Gene Polymorphism in Turkish sheep breeds. Funded by Commission of Scientific Research Projects of Uludag University and The Scientific & Technological Research Council of Turkey, (Project number: Z-2007/7 / 106 O 718), Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Cengiz Elmaci. • Identification of BLAD, DUMPS, Citrullinamia and Factor XI Deficiency in Holstein cattle in Bursa Region. Funded by Commission of Scientific Research Projects of Uludag University, (Project number: Z-2008/15), Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Cengiz Elmaci. • mtDNA and Y Chromosomal Polymorphisms in Turkish Native Sheep Breeds, Funded by Commission of Scienetific Research Projects of Uludag University (Project number: Z(U) 2009/29), Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Cengiz Elmaci. PROJECTS • Investigation of Turkish native sheep breeds on HSP90AA1(heat shock protein 90kDa alpha(cytosolic), class A member 1) gene polymorphism, Funded by Commission of Scienetific Research Projects of Uludag University(Project number: UAP(Z) 2011/24), Member: Prof. Dr. Cengiz Elmaci. • Investigation of Turkish Native sheep Breeds for HSP90AA1 (heat shock protein 90kDa alpha (cytosolic), class A member 1) gene polymorphism. Uludag University Scientific Research Fund, Project No:(Z)2011/24. Principal Investigator : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yasemin ONER • Estimation of within breed genetic diversity in kıvırcık sheep breed and determination of genetic relationship between Pırlak and merino sheep breeds. Uludag University Scientific Research Fund, Project No:KUAP(Z)-2012/49 Principal Investigator : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yasemin ONER THESIS • Sahin, S., 2012. Myostatin and prolactin gene polymorphisms in Cattle. Uludag University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences MSc. Thesis, (Supervisior: Prof. Dr. Cengiz ELMACI). • Oner, Y., 2010. Detection of genetic diversity on Turkish sheep breeds by using mtDNA and Y chromosomal marker. Uludag University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. Dissertation (Supervisior: Prof. Dr. Cengiz ELMACI). • Sucu, E. 2009. Effects of lactic acid bacterial inoculants on the fermentation, aerobic stability and rumen ecology of maize silage. Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences of Uludag Univ., Dissertation, Bursa, 134p. (Supervisior: Prof Dr. Ismail Filya) • Baycan, S. C., 2008. Effects of different age periods on blood cholesterol, calcium and phosphorus levels, egg production and shell quality in quails (Coturnix coturnix Japonica). Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences of Uludag Univ. Master Thesis, Bursa. 49p. (Supervisior: Prof Dr. Umran Sahan) • Kalkan, H. 2008. Effects of Fibrolytic Enzymes on Nutritive Value of Wheat Straw. Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences of Uludag Univ., Dissertation, Bursa. 112p. (Supervisior: Prof Dr. Ismail Filya) INTERNATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS Research Visits • Sucu, E., July 2010- July 2012. Research Visit to Iowa State University, (Animal Science Department), Ames-Iowa, USA. • Oner, Y., March 2011-June 2011. Research visit to CITA (Centro de Investigatión y Tecnología Agroalimentaria de Aragón), Zaragoza Spain. • Oner, Y., September 2009- March 2010. Research visit to CITA (Centro de Investigatión y Tecnología Agroalimentaria de Aragón), Zaragoza Spain. • Elmaci, C., 15-19 September 2008. Applied Statistical Methods in Animal Genomics. Turning genomic information into understanding. Course organized by CIHEAM, Spain . • Elmaci, C., 13-24 June 2005. Biotechnology Tools for the Management of Biodiversity, Course organized by ICGEB and Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania. • Elmaci, C., 20-24 October 2003. Conservation and Management of Animal Genetics Resources, Course organized by CIHEAM and FAO, Spain. • Elmaci, C., 05 March-05 September 2002. Visiting Scientist, Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Israel. • Elmaci, C., 15-26 March 1999. Molecular Techniques in Animal Breeding, Course organized by CIHEAM and Leon University, Spain. INFRASTRUCTURE ANIMAL HUSBANDRY LABORATORY This laboratory is used for instructional purposes for undergraduate and graduate students. The laboratory is equipped with the necessary instruments and devices for reproduction biology (sperm collection, sponge application, insemination, microscope), carcass traits (slaughter and carcass equipments), management practices (numbering, dehorning, hoof care and castration) and milk quality (milk analyzer). INFRASTRUCTURE POULTRY BREEDING AND BEEKEEPING LABORATORY Major activities of this laboratory are: Determination of the internal and external quality characteristics of eggs Determination of the properties of the embryo Carry out researches on poultry production INFRASTRUCTURE FEEDS AND ANIMAL NUTRITION & FEED MICROBIOLOGY LABORATORIES Animal nutrition/feed analysis laboratories perform chemical, physical and microbiological analyses. At the same time, this laboratory provides testing services by performing several analysis on submitted samples and serves a reference source which specific laboratories can use to implement protocols appropriate to their specific situations. These laboratories are also used for instructional purposes for undergraduate and graduate students. We conduct scientific researches that are aiming to solve international, national and regional livestock feeding problems. INFRASTRUCTURE GENETIC VARIATION LABORATORY Several genetic mutation related to diseases and productive traits can be diagnosed by using molecular genetic methods. Genetic diversity between livestock breeds estimated by using these methods. Prof. Dr. Ozgur Akgun KARABULUT Plant Protection– Phytopathology E-mail: ozgurk@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 224 2941572 EDUCATION •PhD, 2001, Uludag University, Faculty of Agriculture, Plant Protection Division •MSc, 1998, Uludag University, Faculty of Agriculture, Plant Protection Division •BSc, 1995, Uludag University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection RESEARCH INTERESTS • Plant Pathology • Postharvest Technologies • Antagonist Yeast and Bacteria • Biological Control PUBLICATIONS • Ozkan, R., Smilanick, J.L., Karabulut, O.A. (2011). Toxicity of ozone gas to conidia of Penicillium digitatum, Penicillium italicum and Botrytis cinerea and control of gray mold on table grapes. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 60: 47-51. • Karabulut, O.A, Ilhan, K., Arsla,n U., Vardar, C. (2009). Evaluation of the use of chlorine dioxide by fogging for decreasing postharvest decay of fig. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 3: 313315. • Romanazzi, G., Karabulut, O.A., Smilanick, J.L., (2007). Combination of chitosan and ethanol to control postharvest gray mold of table grapes. Postharvest Biology & Technology, 45 (1): 134-140. • Karabulut, O.A., Romanazzi, G., Smilanick, J.L., Lichter, A. (2005). Postharvest ethanol and potassium sorbate treatments of table grapes to control gray mold. Postharvest Biology & Technology, 37 (2): 129-134. • Karabulut, O.A., Arslan, U., Ilhan, K., Kuruoglu, G. (2005). Integrated control of postharvest diseases of sweet cherry with yeast antagonists and sodium bicarbonate applications within a hydrocooler. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 37:135-141. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Himmet TEZCAN Plant Protection– Phytopathology E-mail: himmett@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 224 2941573 EDUCATION •PhD, 1991, Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture, Plant Protection Division •MSc, 1984, Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture, Plant Protection Division •BSc, 1982, Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection RESEARCH INTERESTS • Mycology • Applied Phytopathology • Fungicides PUBLICATIONS • Tezcan, H., Akbudak, N. (2009). Effects of foliar application of harpin protein against Verticillium dahliae on pepper grown in greenhouse conditions. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 7 (3&4) : 529 - 533. • Tezcan, H., Mert, C. (2009). Natural spread of chestnut blight on some grafted Turkish chestnut cultivars in an area infected with Cryphonectria parasitica ( Murr.) Barr. 1st European Congress on Chestnut( 13-16 October, 2009, Cuneo, Italy )( Poster presentation P.62 ). • Tezcan, H., Mert, C. (2007). Infection rates of Cryphonectria parasitica on grafted forest chestnut trees and possible occurance of hyphovirulence in Bursa District. Abstracts of International Workshop on Chestnut Management in Mediterranean Countries: Problems and Prospects. • Akbudak, N., Tezcan, H., Akbudak, B., Seniz, V. (2006). The Effect of harpin protein on plant growth parameters, leaf chlorophyll, leaf colour and percentage rotten fruit of pepper plants inoculated with Botrytis cinerea. Scientia Horticulturae 109( 2 ): 107-112. • Eris, A., Tezcan, H., Akbudak, B., Karabulut, O.A. (2004). Effect of calcium and fungicide treatments on postharvest fungal disorders in sweet cherries stored under normal and modified atmosphere packaging conditions. Ital. J. Food Sci., 16(3): 293-304. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ismail Alper SUSURLUK Plant Protection– Entomology E-mail: susurluk@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 224 2941579 EDUCATION •PhD, 2005, Christian Albrechts Universität (CAU), Germany •MSc, 1997, Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture, Plant Protection Division •BSc, 1994, Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection RESEARCH INTERESTS • Entomopathogenic Nematodes • Biological Control PUBLICATIONS • Susurluk, I.A., Kumral, N.A., Bilgili, U., Acikgoz E. (2011). Control of a new turf pest, Dorcadion pseudopreissi (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), by the entomopathogenic nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophora. Journal of Pest Science, 84: 321–326. • Susurluk, I.A. (2009). Seasonal and vertical distribution of the entomopathogenic nematodes, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (TUR-H2) and Steinernema feltiae (TUR-S3), in turf and fallow areas. Nematology, Vol 11 (2): 309-315. • Susurluk, A., Ehlers, R-U. (2008). Field persistence of the entomopathogenic nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophora in different crops. BioControl, 53: 627-641. • Susurluk, A., Ehlers, R-U. (2008). Sustainable control of black vine weevil larvae, Otiorhynchus sulcatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) with Heterorhabditis bacteriophora in strawberry. Biocontrol Science and Technology, Vol: 18 (6), 635-640. • Susurluk, A., Dix, I., Stackebrant, E., Strauch, O., Wyss, U., Ehlers, R-U. (2001): Identification and ecological characterisation of three entomopathogenic nematodebacterium complexes from Turkey. Nematology, Vol. 3 (8), 833-841. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Umit ARSLAN Plant Protection– Phytopathology E-mail: uarslan@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 224 2941575 EDUCATION •PhD, 1999, Uludag University, Faculty of Agriculture, Plant Protection Division •MSc, 1994, Uludag University, Faculty of Agriculture, Plant Protection Division •BSc, 1990, Uludag University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Field Crops RESEARCH INTERESTS • Phytopathology • Fungal Diseases of Cereals and Legumes PUBLICATIONS • Arslan, U., Ilhan, K., Karabulut, O.A. (2009). Antifungal activity of aqueous extracts of spices against bean rust (Uromyces appendiculatus). Allelopathy Journal, 24 (1): 207-214. • Arslan, U., Ilhan, K., Vardar, C., Karabulut, O.A. (2009). Evaluation of antifungal activity of food additives against soilborne phytopathogenic fungi. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 25, 537-543. • Arslan U., Karabulut, O.A., Yagdi, K. (2007). Reaction of wheat lines to leaf rust (Puccinia triticina) in Turkey. Bangladesh Journal of Botany, 36, 163-166. • Arslan, U., Ilhan, K., Karabulut, O.A. (2006). Evaluation of food additives and lowtoxicity compounds for the control of bean rust and wheat leaf rust. Journal of Phytopathology, 154, 534-541. • Karabulut, O.A., Arslan, U., Ilhan, K., Yagdi, K. (2006). The effect of sodium bicarbonate alone or in combination with a reduced rate of mancozeb on the control of leaf rust (Puccinia triticina) in wheat. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, 28, 484-488. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nimet Sema GENCER Plant Protection– Entomology E-mail: nsGENCER@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 224 2941574 EDUCATION •PhD, 1999, Uludag University, Faculty of Agriculture, Plant Protection Division •MSc, 1987, Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture, Plant Protection Division •BSc, 1984, Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection RESEARCH INTERESTS • Insect Ecology • Biological Control • Semiochemicals PUBLICATIONS • Gencer, N.S., Kumral, N.A., Sivritepe, H.O., Seidi, M., Susurluk, H., Senturk, B. (2009). Olfactory Response of The Ladybird Beetle Stethorus gilvifrons to Two Preys and Herbivore-Induced Plant Volatiles, Phytoparasitica, 37,217-224. • Gencer, N.S., Kovanci, O.B., Kovanci, B. (2009). Distribution and Current Status of Hesperiidae and Pieridae Species (Lepidoptera) Occuring in Bursa Province, Northwestern Turkey, Turk J Zool, 33 , 215-223. • Kumral, N.A., Susurluk, H., Gencer, N.S., Gurkan, M.O. (2009). Resistance to Chlorpyrifos and Lambda-Cyhalothrin Along with Detoxifying Enzyme Activities in Field-Collected Female Populations of European Red Mite, Phytoparasitica, 37 (1), 7-15. • Kovanci, O.B., Gencer, N.S., Larsen, T.E. (2009). The Deposition and Retention of a Microencapsulated Oriental Fruit Moth Pheromone Applied as an Ultra-Low Volume Spray in The Canopy of Three Peach Cultivars, Bulletin of Insectology, 62 (1), 69-74. • Gencer, N.S. Coskuncu K.S., Kumral, N.A. (2006). The colonization preference and population trends of larval fig psylla, Homotoma ficus L. (Hemiptera: Homotomidae). Journal of Pets Science, DOI: 80 (1): 1-8. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Orkun Baris KOVANCI Plant Protection– Entomology E-mail: baris@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 224 2941577 EDUCATION •PhD, 2003, North Carolina State University, U.S.A •MSc, 1998, Uludag University, Faculty of Agriculture, Plant Protection Division •BSc, 1996, Uludag University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection RESEARCH INTERESTS • Integrated Pest Management • Insect Sex Pheromones • Alternative Control Methods to Pesticides • Mating Disruption PUBLICATIONS • Kovanci, O.B., Kumral, N.A., Larsen, T.E. (2010). High versus ultra-low volume spraying of a microencapsulated pheromone formulation for codling moth control in two apple cultivars. International Journal of Pest Management 56: 1-7. • Kovanci, O.B., Gencer, N.S., Larsen, T.E. (2009). The Deposition and Retention of a Microencapsulated Oriental Fruit Moth Pheromone Applied as an Ultra-Low Volume Spray in The Canopy of Three Peach Cultivars, Bulletin of Insectology, 62 (1), 69-74. • Kovanci, O.B., Kovanci, B. (2006). Effect of altitude on seasonal flight activity of Rhagoletis cerasi flies Diptera: Tephritidae. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 96 (4) 345351. • Kovanci, O.B., Schal, C., Walgenbach, J.F., Kennedy, G.G. (2005). Comparison of mating disruption with pesticides for management of oriental fruit moth (Lepidoptera : Tortricidae) in North Carolina apple orchards. Journal of Economic Entomology 98 (4): 1248-1258. • Kovanci, O.B., Kovanci, B., Gencer, N.S. (2005). Sampling and development of economic injury levels for Anthonomus rubi Herbst adults. Crop Protection 24 (12): 1035-1041. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nabi Alper KUMRAL Plant Protection– Entomology E-mail: akumral@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 224 2941576 EDUCATION •PhD, 2005, Uludag University, Faculty of Agriculture, Plant Protection Division •MSc, 2001, Uludag University, Faculty of Agriculture, Plant Protection Division •BSc, 1998, Uludag University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection RESEARCH INTERESTS • Acarology • Insect Toxicology • Integrated Management with Olive Pests • Biological Control PUBLICATIONS • Kumral, N.A., Gencer, N.S., Susurluk, H., Yalcin, C. (2011). A comparative evaluation of the susceptibility to insecticides and detoxifying enzyme activities in Stethorus gilvifrons and Panonychus ulmi. International Journal of Acarology, 37(3): 255-268. • Kumral, N.A., Cobanoglu, S., Yalcin, C. (2010). Acaricidal, repellent and oviposition deterrent activities of Datura stramonium L. against adult Tetranychus urticae (Koch). Journal of Pest Science, 83(2): 173-180. • Kumral, N.A., Susurluk, H., Gencer, N.S., Gurkan, M.O. (2009). Resistance to chlorpyrifos and lambda-cyhalothrin along with detoxifying enzyme activities in fieldcollected populations of European red mites. Phytoparasitica, 37(1): 7-15. • Kumral, N.A., Kovanci, B. (2007). Susceptibility of female populations of Panonychus ulmi (Koch) (Acari: Tetranychidae) to some acaricides in apple orchards. Journal of Pest Science, 80 (3): 131-137. • Kumral, N.A., Kovanci, B., Akbudak, B. (2005). Pheromone trap catches of the olive moth, Prays oleae (Bern.) (Lep., Plutellidae) in relation to olive phenology and degreeday models. Journal of Applied Entomology, 129 (7): 375-381. Assist. Prof. Dr. Kadir ILHAN Plant Protection– Phytopathology E-mail: kadirilhan@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 224 2941571 EDUCATION •PhD, 2009, Uludag University, Faculty of Agriculture, Plant Protection Division •MSc, 2001, Uludag University, Faculty of Agriculture, Plant Protection Division •BSc, 1997, Uludag University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection RESEARCH INTERESTS • Biological Control • Bacterial Genetics • Postharvest Diseases • Induced Resistance PUBLICATIONS • Arslan, U., Ilhan, K., Karabulut, O.A. (2009). Antifungal activity of aqueous extracts of spices against bean rust (Uromyces appendiculatus). Allelopathy Journal. 24: 207-213. • Karabulut, O.A., Arslan, U., Ilhan, K., Kuruoglu, G. (2007). The Effect of Sodium Bicarbonate Alone or in Combination with Reduced Dose of Prochloraz Manganese on the Control of Wet Bubble of Agaricus bisporus. Biological Agricultulture and Horticulture 25: 55-65. • Arslan, U., Ilhan, K., Karabulut, O.A. (2006). Evaluation of food additives and low-toxicity compounds for the control of bean rust and wheat leaf rust. Journal of Phytopathology 154 (9): 534-541. • Ilhan, K., Arslan, U., Karabulut, O.A. (2006). The effect of sodium bicarbonate alone or in combination with a reduced dose of tebuconazole on the control of apple scab. Crop Protection 25 (9): 963-967. • Karabulut, O.A, Arslan, U., Ilhan, K., Kuruoglu, G. (2005). Integrated control of postharvest diseases of sweet cherry with yeast antagonists and sodium bicarbonate applications within a hydrocooler. Postharvest Biology and Technology 37: 135-141 Research Assist. Bilgi PEHLEVAN Plant Protection– Entomology E-mail: bpehlevan@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 224 2941578 EDUCATION •PhD, 2012-, Uludag University, Faculty of Agriculture, Plant Protection Division •MSc, 2011, Uludag University, Faculty of Agriculture, Plant Protection Division •BSc, 2008, Uludag University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection RESEARCH INTERESTS • Pheromones • Mating Disruption PUBLICATIONS • Kovancı O.B., Pehlevan B., Knight A., (2011). The Effect of Pheromone Dispenser Type and Application Method on the Efficacy of Mating Disruption Technique for Control of the Oriental Fruit Moth (Grapholita molesta (Busck)). The Fourth Plant Protection Congress of Turkey, 28-30 June, Kahramanmaras, Turkey. Research Assist. Tufan Can ULU Plant Protection– Entomology E-mail: tculu@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 224 2941578 EDUCATION •PhD, 2012-, Uludag University, Faculty of Agriculture, Plant Protection Division •MSc, 2012, Uludag University, Faculty of Agriculture, Plant Protection Division •BSc, 2009, Uludag University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection RESEARCH INTERESTS • Biological Control • Entomopathogenic Nematodes PUBLICATIONS • Ulu, T.C., Kongu, Y., Susurluk, I.A. (2011). Determination of heat and desiccation tolerance levels of entomopathogenic nematode, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora strains isolated from different regions of Turkey. The Fourth Plant Protection Congress of Turkey, 28-30 June, Kahramanmaras, Turkey. • Kongu, Y., Ulu, T.C., Susurluk, I.A. (2011). The factors that effecting on achievement of symbiont bacteria and egg isolation on in vitro production of entomopathogenic nematodes. The Fourth Plant Protection Congress of Turkey, 28-30 June, Kahramanmaras, Turkey. • Armagan, B., Ulu, T.C., Ikizer, T. (2010). Survey of Entomopathogenic Nematodes in Soil of Gorukle Region of Nilufer Town in Bursa. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Uludag University, 24 (1), 91-98. Research Assist. Sercan SEHIRLI Plant Protection– Phytopathology E-mail: ssehirli@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 224 2941580 EDUCATION •PhD, 2012-, Uludag University, Faculty of Agriculture, Plant Protection Division •MSc, 2012, Uludag University, Faculty of Agriculture, Plant Protection Division •BSc, 2010, Uludag University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection RESEARCH INTERESTS • Postharvest Technologies • Biological Control PUBLICATIONS • Sehirli S., 2012. Control of postharvest diseases of sweet cherry by using disinfectants within a hydrocooler system and their efficiency. V. Symposium on Horticultural Products' Storage and Marketing, 18-21 September, Izmir/ Turkey PROJECTS • Investigations on life table parameters and population dynamics of two spider mites [Tetranychus urticae (Koch)] on different table tomato varieties. 2012-2013, TUBITAK: TOVAG 112O339, Principle Investigator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nabi Alper KUMRAL. (In Turkish) • Effect of methyl salicylate on beneficial and pest arthropods in bean. 2012-2013, Uludag University Scientific Research Projects Unit: HDP(Z)-2012/17, Principle Investigator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nimet Sema GENCER. (In Turkish) • DetanMite Detection and analysis inter- and intra-specific variability of common pest and predatory mites using new molecular and imaging tools. 2011-2014, FP7-Marie Cruie- IRSES-269133, Co-Investigator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nabi Alper KUMRAL. • Alternative management applications on postharvest diseases of sweet cherry and bursa brown fig. 2011-2012, Uludag University Scientific Research Projects: HDP(Z) 2011/18, Principle Investigator: Prof. Dr. Ozgur Akgun KARABULUT. (In Turkish) • The population fluctuation of tomato leaf miner moth [Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae)] and alternative control by mass trapping in tomato fields of Bursa province. 2011-, Uludag University Scientific Research Projects Unit: (Z) 2011/ Principle Investigator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Orkun Baris KOVANCI. (In Turkish) PROJECTS • Antifungal Efficacy of Acids Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) Against Soilborne Phytopathogenic Fungi and Bean Rust (Uromyces appendiculatus). 2011-, Uludag University Scientific Research Projects Unit: (Z) 2011/63, Principle Investigator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Umit ARSLAN. (In Turkish) • Researchs on the effect of some syntethic semiochemicals on natural enemies in laboratory and field conditions. 2010-, Uludag University Scientific Research Projects Unit: (Z) 2010/45, Principle Investigator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nimet Sema GENCER. (In Turkish) • Effect of ozone gas and modified atmosphere packaing on postharvest diseases of pomegranate. 2010-, Uludag University Scientific Research Projects: (Z) 2010/13, Principle Investigator: Prof. Dr. Ozgur Akgun KARABULUT. (In Turkish) • The effect of herbivore induced plant volatiles on some important predator species. 2010-2011, Uludag University Scientific Research Projects Unit: HDP(Z)-2010/7, Principle Investigator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nimet Sema GENCER. (In Turkish) • Genetic selection for heat and desiccation tolerances of entomopathogenic nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophora isolates obtained from Turkey with hybridization and investigation of efficiencies of the hybrid strains in biological control and persistence in the soil. 2010-2013, TUBITAK: TOVAG 110O161, Principle Investigator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ismail Alper SUSURLUK. (In Turkish) PROJECTS • Determinaton of enhanced activity on detoxification enzymes and loss of susceptibility to insecticides and acaricides in some spider mite species. 2010-2013, Uludag University Scientific Research Projects Unit: (Z) 2010/12, Principle Investigator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nabi Alper KUMRAL. (In Turkish) • Efficacy of Oregano (Origanum vulgare L. ssp. hirtum) extract and ammonium bicarbonate against apple scab (Venturia inaequalis (Cooke) G. Wint.). 2008-2013, Uludag University Scientific Research Projects Unit: (Z) 2008/53, Principle Investigator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Umit ARSLAN. (In Turkish) • Determination of mite species and natural enemies, population development of important species on Solanaceae plants in Ankara, Bursa and Yalova provinces. 20082011, TUBITAK: TOVAG - 108O363, Co-Investigator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nabi Alper KUMRAL. (In Turkish) • Investigations on the potential use of Stethorus gilvifrons (Mul.) as a biological control agent for mite pests in vegetables and fruits. 2008-2010, Uludag University Scientific Research Projects Unit: (Z) 2008/16, Principle Investigator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nimet Sema GENCER. (In Turkish) THESIS • Gur, F., 2012. Effect of methyl salicylate on beneficial and pest arthropods in beans. Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, MSc Thesis. 108 p. (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nimet Sema GENCER). (In Turkish) • Ulu, T.C., 2012. Heat and desiccation tolerances of entomopathogenic nematode, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora isolates identified from turkey and comparison of their efficacies. Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, MSc Thesis. 68 p. (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. İ. Alper SUSURLUK). (In Turkish) • Sehirli, S., 2012. Control of postharvest diseases of sweet cherry by using disinfectants within a hydrocooler system and their efficiency . Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, MSc Thesis. 143 p. (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ozgur Akgun KARABULUT). (In Turkish) • Keten, A., 2012. Effect of ozone gas on postharvest diseases of Bursa brown fig. Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, MSc Thesis . 137 p. (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ozgur Akgun KARABULUT). (In Turkish) • Atalay, E., 2012. Investigations on biology, population dynamics and behavior of two spider mites [Tetranychus urticae (Koch)] on different tomato varieties . Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, MSc Thesis. 87 p. (Supervisor: Assist. Prof. Dr. N. Alper KUMRAL). (In Turkish) THESIS • Kongu, Y., 2012. Investigations on comparing of effectiveness of hybridized entomopathogenic nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophora strains and their parents . Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, MSc Thesis. 127 p. (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. İ. Alper SUSURLUK). (In Turkish) • Seidi, M., 2011. The effect of herbivore induced plant volatiles on some important predator species . Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, MSc Thesis. 89 p. (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nimet Sema GENCER). (In Turkish) • Pehlevan, B., 2011. The adult population fluctuations and damage levels of a new fruit pest Adoxophyes orana in different host plants in Turkey . Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, MSc Thesis. 122 p. (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Orkun Baris KOVANCI). (In Turkish) • Hephizli, P., 2011. Determination of the susceptibilities to insecticides and acaricides in different strains of the spider mite predator, the ladybird beetle Stethorus gilvifrons Mmuls.) (Coleoptera:Coccinellidae) . Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, MSc Thesis. 126 p. (Supervisor: Assist. Prof. Dr. N. Alper KUMRAL). (In Turkish) THESIS • Ozkan, R., 2011. Investigations on alternative control methods against postharvest diseases of tomatoes . Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, MSc Thesis. 64 p. (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ozgur Akgun KARABULUT). (In Turkish) • Yavuz, B., 2010. Antifungal efficacy of some plant extract against phytopathogenic fungi . Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, MSc Thesis. 67 p. (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Umit ARSLAN). (In Turkish) • Vardar, C., 2009. Application of various chemicals against postharvest diseases of strawberry by fogging method . Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, MSc Thesis. 96 p. (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ozgur Akgun KARABULUT). (In Turkish) • Ilhan, K., 2009. Evaluation of the efficacy of bacterial antagonists against grey mold (Botrytis cinerea pers: ex. fr.) in strawberry and monitoring population dynamics . PhD Thesis. 152 p. (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ozgur Akgun KARABULUT). (In Turkish) INTERNATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS Research Visits • Kumral, N. A., 04.11.2013-21.11.2013, Research visit to Agricultural Research Council, Biosystematics Division, Pretoria, South Africa. • Susurluk, I.A., 28.06.2012-20.07.2012, Research visit to e-nema GmbH, Kiel, Germany. • Ulu, T.C., 15.06.2010-15.09.2010, Research and internship visit Christian Albrechts University, Kiel, Germany. • Susurluk, I.A., 15.07.2009-18.09.2009, Research visit to Christian Albrecht University, Kiel, Germany. • Kovanci, O.B., 11.09-30.09.2009, Research visit to Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China • Kovanci, O.B., 14.04.2007-16.05.2007, Research visit to Kaiserslautern Technical University, Kaiserslautern, Germany. • Karabulut, O.A., 2004, Research visit to USDA ARS San Joaquin Valley Agr Sci, 9611 S Riverbend Ave, Parlier, CA 93648 USA for 6 months. • Karabulut, O.A., 2001, Research visit to USDA ARS San Joaquin Valley Agr Sci, 9611 S Riverbend Ave, Parlier, CA 93648 USA for 4 months. • Karabulut, O.A., 1998, Research visit to Agricultural Research Organization - the Volcani Center, P.O.B. 6, Bet-Dagan, 50250 Israel for 6 months. INFRASTRUCTURE Prof. Dr. Necati Baykal Phytopathology Laboratory It is a scientific laboratory of Phytopathology subdivision. In this laboratory, plant diseases caused by fungi are being studied. More emphasis is given to the diagnosis of plant pathogenic fungi, and measures to be taken against them. It is the first inspection place where diseased plant samples from growers are examined, the macroscopic and microscopic plant pathogens are diagnosed, and samples materials are stored. In addition, laboratory studies on fungicides are being carried out. INFRASTRUCTURE Postharvest Technologies Laboratory Postharvest technologies laboratory is under Phtyopathology subdivision. This laboratory specialized on postharvest conservation technologies, alternative control methods for chemicals, accepted as safe chemicals, efficacy tests on biocontrol agents, toxicity tests and osone gas experiments. INFRASTRUCTURE Prof. Dr. Necati Baykal Acarology and Toxicology Laboratory This laboratory is a specialized laboratory of Entomology subdivision. Plant pests and predator mites are studied in this laboratory in addition to the measurements of insect and mite resistance to pesticides. This lab includes devices such as triocular microscope, spray tower, microapplicator, multiple micro-plate reader, vertical electrophoresis, gel imaging system, refrigerated centrifuge, incubator, precision scales and various analytical measurement equipment. Three research projects funded by FP-7 Marie Curie, TUBITAK and Uludag University Scientific Projects Section are conducted in this laboratory, and 4 graduate students participate in these activities. INFRASTRUCTURE Entomology Laboratory In this laboratory, insect pests, which cause damage to the cultivated plants, are inspected carefully. After identification, detailed biological or ecological studies are conducted in specialized laboratories. The identification of the insect species, the preparation for identification, rearing of insect cultures, and conservation of insect samples are performed here. There is an olfactometer device that can measure the response of beneficial and harmful insects to various synthetic plant odours in the laboratory. Cultured insects in the climate chambers are transferred to this in order to measure their response to synthetic plant odours. According to the results, chemical odours with a potential use in applied entomology are selected and evaluated under field trials. INFRASTRUCTURE Nematology Laboratory In Nematology Laboratory, the isolation of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN), which are used to control harmful insects in agricultural crops, from the soil, their in vivo and in vitro production under laboratory conditions, reproduction experiments of EPN's, their tolerance to loss temperature and water, and the isolation of symbiont bacteria studies are carried out. In addition, plant parasitic nematode analyses are done in plant samples which are brought to the lab by the growers. INFRASTRUCTURE Student Laboratory The practical laboratory courses for undergraduate students are taught in this laboratory. This laboratory has binocular and stereo microscopes, insect samples, diseased plant parts, and general laboratory tools and equipment. INFRASTRUCTURE Cold Storage Cold storage rooms are used for post-harvest studies to store fruits and vegetables in cold weather. INFRASTRUCTURE Climate Chambers The climate chambers are mainly used for entomological studies. Moisture, temperature and light intensity can be adjusted in climate rooms so that biological studies can be done in a controlled environment. The department has 4 climate chambers that are being actively used. INFRASTRUCTURE Insect Museum The museum is composed of insect specimens that are mostly collected from Bursa province of northwestern Turkey. There are many different insect species belonging to many orders and families. Students have the opportunity to review insect museum at any time. Prof. Dr. Ali Osman DEMIR Biosystems Engineering-Land and Water Resources E-mail: aodemir@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 16 16 EDUCATION • PhD, 1989, Ataturk University, Agricultural Engineering/Agricultural Structures and Irrigation • BSc. and MSc, 1981, Ataturk University, Agricultural Engineering RESEARCH INTERESTS • Soil Mechanics • Design of Drainage Systems • Soil and Water Structures • Hydrology • Irrigation and Drainage SELECTED PUBLICATIONS • Turhan A., Kuscu H., Ozmen N., Aydinol P., Seniz V., Demir A.O., 2012. Effects of Soil Water Deficit at Different Growth stages on Yield and Quality of Processing Tomato. International Symposium on Biotechnology and Other Omics in Vegetable Science, 29 April - 2 May 2012, 43 pp., Antalya, Turkey (In Turkish). • Kuscu H., Demir A.O., 2011. Assessment of Irrigation Performance in Balikesir–Sindirgi Irrigation Association. 1stNational Agriculture Congress and Exposition on behalf of Ali Numan Kirac with International Participation.April 27-30, 2011.Eskisehir. (in Turkish) • Demirtas C., Demir A.O., 2011. The Use of Least Square Method in Land Leveling Projects on Geographic Information System (GIS). Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Uludag University, 25(1):27-40. (in Turkish) • Kuscu H., Boluktepe F.E., Demir A.O., 2009. Performance assessment for irrigation water management: A case study in the Karacabey irrigation scheme in Turkey. African Journal of Agricultural Research 4(2): 124-132. • Kuscu H., Demir A.O., Korukcu A., 2008. An assessment of the irrigation management transfer programme: case study in the Mustafakemalpasa irrigation scheme in Turkey. Irrigation and Drainage, 57: 15-22. Prof. Dr. Ismet ARICI Biosystems Engineering-Agricultural Structures E-mail: arici@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 16 18 EDUCATION •PhD, 1976, Bonn University, Agricultural Engineering •MSc, 1972, Bonn University, Agricultural Engineering •BSc, 1970, Ataturk University, Soil Science RESEARCH INTERESTS • Agricultural Structures • Land consolidation • Rural development PUBLICATIONS • Arici I., Korukcu A., 2012. Meteorology I, U.U. Agriculture Faculty Course Notes No:6, 88s (In Turkish). • Simsek E., Kilic, I., Yaslioglu E., Arici I., 2012. Ammonia Emission from Dairy Cattle Barns in Summer Season. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 11(12):21162120. • Arici I., Akkaya Aslan S.T., 2010. Designing of Lands Consolidation, U.U. Agriculture Faculty Course Notes No: 105, 205s (In Turkish). • Arici I., Yaslioglu E., 2009. Rural Planning , U.U. Agriculture Faculty Course Notes No:104, 88s (In Turkish). • Arici I., Simsek E., Yaslioglu E., Kilic, I. 2010. Desingning of dairy barns. Dairy Education Center Publications, No: 4, 45 s., Bursa (In Turkish). Prof. Dr. Kamil ALIBAS Biosystems Engineering-Agricultural Energy Systems E-mail: kalibas@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 16 01 EDUCATION •PhD, 1981, Ankara University, Agricultural Machinery •BSc. and MSc, 1976, Ankara University, Agricultural Engineering RESEARCH INTERESTS •The Using of Energy in Agriculture • Agricultural Machinery PUBLICATIONS • Ulusoy Y., Ulukardesler A.H., Alibas K., 2012. Possible Opportunities for the Use of Microalgae in Renewable Energy Production. Journal of Agricultural Machinery Science 8(3): 301-308. • Alibas K., 2010. Thermodynamics-1 with Solved Problems. U.U. Agriculture Faculty Course Notes No: 68. 253s (In Turkish). • Alibas K., 2010. Thermodynamics-2 with Solved Problems. U.U. Agriculture Faculty Course Notes No: 69. 145s (In Turkish). • Alibas K., 2009. Internal Combustion Motor. T.C. U.U. Agriculture Faculty Course Notes No: 70, 250 (In Turkish) s. • Acican T., Alibas K., Ozelkok I.S., 2007. Mechanical Damage to Apples during Transport in Wooden Crates. Biosystems Engineering 96(2): 239-248. Prof. Dr. Rasim OKURSOY Biosystems Engineering-Agricultural Machinery Systems E-mail: okursoy@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 16 02 EDUCATION •PhD, 1991, North Carolina State University, Biological and Agricultural Engineering/Power and Machinery •MSc, 1984, Ankara University, Agricultural Machinery •BSc. 1981, Ankara University, Agricultural Engineering RESEARCH INTERESTS • Design of Agricultural Machinery • Cultivation Machinery • Planting, Management and Fertilization Machinery • Irrigation Machinery and Fittings PUBLICATIONS • Tekin Y., Kul B., Okursoy R., 2008. Sensing and 3D Mapping of Soil Compaction. Sensors, 8: 3447-3459. • Uras A., Okursoy R., 2007. The Usage of Image Processing for Determination of Abrasion on Moldboard Plough Blades . Tarim Bilimleri Dergisi 13(3):253-260 (In Turkish). • Tekin Y., Okursoy R., 2007. Development of a Hydraulic-driven Soil Penetrometer for Measuring Soil compaction in Field Condition. Journal of Applied Sciences 7(6): 918-921. • Uras A., Okursoy R., 2006. Squeeze Problems and Solutions of Agricultural Soils. Onsekiz Mart University, 23. National Congress of Agricultural Mechanization. p:51-55 (In Turkish). • Tekin Y., Okursoy R. 2003. The Design of a Mechanical System for Hydraulic Driven Soil Cone Penetrometer. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Uludag University 17(1):119-1126 (In Turkish). Prof. Dr. Kemal S. GUNDOGDU Biosystems Engineering-Land and Water Resources E-mail: kemalg@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 16 20 EDUCATION •PhD, 1993, Uludag University, Agricultural Structures and Irrigation. •MSc, 1988, Cukurova University, Agricultural Engineering •BSc, 1985, Cukurova University, Agricultural Engineering RESEARCH INTERESTS •Land Consolidation •Irrigation and Drainage •GIS •Meteorolgy PUBLICATIONS • Gundogdu K.S., Akkaya Aslan S.T., 2008. Mapping multi-year groundwater salinity patterns in irrigation areas using time-series analysis of groundwater salinity maps. Hydrological Processes. 22(6), 821-826. • Gundogdu K.S., Akkaya Aslan S.T., 2007. Effects of Irrigation system management turnover on water-table and salinity of groundwater. J.Environ. Biol. 28(2):455459. • Gundogdu K.S., Guney I., 2007. Spatial Analyses of Groundwater Levels using Universal Kriging. Journal of Earth System Science, Vol.116, No. 1. • Gundogdu K.S., Arici I., Degirmenci H., Korukcu A., 2006. Basic Information System Directed at Monitoring and Evaluation in Irrigation Projects. Journal of Applied Sciences 6(2): 328-332. • Gundogdu K.S., Degirmenci,H., 2006. WATMAPGIS: Preparing of Groundwater Maps by Using Geographical Information Systems. Journal of Agronomy 5 (2): 262-266. Prof. Dr. Senih YAZGAN Biosystems Engineering-Land and Water Resources E-mail: senyaz@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 16 19 EDUCATION •PhD, 1992, Uludag University, Agricultural Structures and Irrigation. •MSc, 1988, Ankara and Uludag University, Agricultural Engineering •BSc, 1985, Ankara University, Agricultural Engineering RESEARCH INTERESTS •Irrigation •Planing of Irrigation Period •Water-Yield Relationships PUBLICATIONS • Demirtas c., Yazgan S., Candogan B.N., Sincik M., Buyukcangaz H., Goksoy A.T., 2010. Quality and Yield Response of Soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill) to Drought Stress in Sub–humid Environment. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 9(41):6873-6881. • Demirtas C., Erturk U., Yazgan S., Candogan B.N., Soylu A., 2008. Effects of different irrigation levels on the vegetative growth, flower bud formation and fruit quality of sweet cherry in western part of Turkey, Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 6(2): 173-177. • Yazgan S., Ayas S., Demirtas C., Buyukcangaz H., Candogan B.N., 2008. Deficit Irrigation Effects on Lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. Olenka) yield in Unheated Greenhouse Condition. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 6(2):357-361. Assoc.Prof.Ercan SIMSEK Biosystems Engineering-Agricultural Structures E-mail: esimsek@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 16 22 EDUCATION •PhD, 1996, Uludag University, Agricultural Structures and Irrigation. •MSc, 1989, Ankara and Uludag University, Agricultural Engineering •BSc, 1986, Ankara University, Agricultural Engineering RESEARCH INTERESTS •Design of Animal Barns •Planning of Agricultural Operation •Agricultural Construction and Structure Materials •Agricultural Air Quality PUBLICATIONS • Simsek E., Kilic, I., Yaslioglu E., Arici I., 2012. Ammonia Emission from Dairy Cattle Barns in Summer Season. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 11(12):21162120. • Simsek E., Kilic I., 2006. Building Environment and Interaction of Population Density and Position and Their Relationship to Layer Performance. International Journal of Poultry Science 5 (9): 856-862. • Simsek E., Kizil U., Lindley J.A., Yaslioglu E., 2002. Environmental Modeling of a Greenhouse Sheep Barn, Paper No: MBSK 02-107, 2002 ASAE/CSAE North-Central Intersectional Meeting, September 27-28, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. • Kizil U., Simsek E., Arici I., 1999. Comparision of Different Natural Ventilation Models For Free-Stall Dairy Barns. Conference: Construction, Engineering and Environment in Livestock Farming. Institut fur Landtechnick der Tu-MunchenWeihenstephan. Assoc.Prof. S.Tulin AKKAYA ASLAN Biosystems Engineering-Land and Water Resources E-mail: akkaya@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 16 25 EDUCATION • • • PhD, 2002, Uludag University, Agricultural Engineering/Agricultural Structures and Irrigation. MSc, 1997, Uludag University, Agricultural Engineering/Agricultural Structures and Irrigation. BSc,1994,Uludag University, Agricultural Engineering/Agricultural Structures and Irrigation. RESEARCH INTERESTS • • Land Consolidation Geogrophical Information Systems PUBLICATIONS • Akkaya Aslan S.T., Gundogdu K.S., 2007. Mapping multi-year groundwater depth patterns from time-series analyses of seasonally lowest depth-to-groundwater maps in irrigation areas. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies. 16(2):183-190. • Akkaya Aslan S.T., Gundogdu K.S., Arici I., 2007. Some metrics indices for the assessment of land consolidation projects. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences. 10(9):1390-1397. • Akkaya Aslan S.T., Gundogdu K.S., Yaslioglu E., Kirmikil M., Arici I., 2007. Personal, physical and socioeconomic factors affecting farmers’ adoption of land consolidation. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 5(2):204-213. • Akkaya Aslan S.T., Arici I., 2005. GIS─ Supported land consolidation planning information system: ARTOP. Die Bodenkultur, 56(2):103-110. Assoc.Prof. Ali VARDAR Biosystems Engineering-Agricultural Energy Systems E-mail: drvardar@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 16 05 EDUCATION •PhD, 2002, Trakya University, Agricultural Machinery •MSc, 1997, Trakya University, Agricultural Machinery •BSc, 1995,Trakya University, Agricultural Engineering RESEARCH INTERESTS •Renewable Energy Systems (solar energy, wind energy, ...) •The Using of Energy in Agriculture •Techno-economic analysis •Agricultural machinery PUBLICATIONS • Vardar A., Okursor R., Tekin Y., 2012. Wind Power Resource Eveluation for East-Thrace, Turkey. Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy 7(1):1-9. • Vardar A., Eker B., Durgut M.R., Kurtulmus F., 2011. Modeling studies on the relation between wind speed and height: Tekirdag sample. Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research 27(2):383-388. • Vardar A., Kurtulmus F., Darga A., 2011. Modeling studies on the relation between wind speed and height: Tekirdag sample. Local indications of climate change in Turkey: Bursa as a case example. Climatic Change 106(2):255-266. • Vardar A., Cetin B., 2009. Economic assessment of the possibility of using different types of Wind Turbine in Turkey. Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy 4(2):190-198. • Vardar A., Eker B., 2006. Design of a Wind Turbine Working with the Continuity Principal. Energy Exploration & Exploitation 24(4+5): 349-360. Assoc.Prof. Esref ISIK Biosystems Engineering-Agricultural Energy Systems E-mail: dresref@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 16 03 EDUCATION •PhD, 1994, Uludag University, Agricultural Machinery •MSc, 1989, Uludag University, Agricultural Machinery •BSc, 1986,Ankara University, Agricultural Machinery RESEARCH INTERESTS •Drying •Cooling •Physical Properties of Biological Materials PUBLICATIONS • Isik E., Izli N., Akbudak B., 2012. Microwave heat treatment of dent corn (Zea mays var. indentata sturt.): Drying kinetic and physical properties. African Journal of Biotecnology 11(11): 2740-2751. • Isik E., Izli N., Bayram G., Turgut I., 2011. Drying kinetic and physical properties of green laird lentil (Lens culinaris) in microwave drying. African Journal of Biotecnology 10(19):3841-3848. • Isik E., Unal H., 2011. Some engineering properties of white kidney beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). African Journal of Biotecnology 10(82):19126-19136. Assoc.Prof. Halil UNAL Biosystems Engineering-Agricultural Machinery Systems E-mail: hunal@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 16 07 EDUCATION •PhD, 2001, Uludag University, Agricultural Machinery •MSc, 1994, Uludag University, Agricultural Machinery •BSc, 1991, Ataturk University, Agricultural Machinery RESEARCH INTERESTS •Milking Machinery and Milk Cooling Storage •Physical Properties of Biological Materials •Design of Agriculture Machinery •Harvest Technology •Biomass Energy PUBLICATIONS • Unal H., Sincik, M., Izli N., 2009. Comparison of some engineering properties of rapeseed cultivars. Industrial Crops and Products, 30(1): 131–136. • Unal H., Zencirkiran M., Tumsavas Z., 2009. Some Engineering Properties of Cercis Siliquastrum L. Seed as a Function of Stratification and Acid Treatment Durations. African Journal of Agricultural Research 4(3):247-258. • Unal H., Akbudak B., 2008. Some quality properties of three sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) cultivars during shelf life. Italian Journal of Food Science 20(3): 391–399. • Unal H., Isik E., Izli N., Tekin Y., 2008. Geometric and Mechanical Properties of Mung Bean (Vigna Radiata L.) Grain: Effect of Moisture. International Journal of Food Properties 11:572–586. • Unal H., Alibas K., 2007. Agricultural residues as biomass energy. Energy Sources, Part_B: Economics, Planning, and Policy 2(2):123–140. Assoc.Prof. Hakan BUYUKCANGAZ Biosystems Engineering-Land and Water Resources E-mail: hbuyukcangaz@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 16 21 EDUCATION •PhD, 2001, Uludag University, Agricultural Structures and Irrigation. •MSc, 1995, Karlsruhe University, Water Structures and Agricultural Engineering Instute •BSc, 1988, Ankara University, Agricultural Engineering/Agricultural Structures and Irrigation. RESEARCH INTERESTS •Irrigation •Water Resources Planning and Management PUBLICATIONS • Buyukcangaz H., Steele D.D., Tuscherer S.R., 2012. The Evaporation Mapping in North Dakota. II. National Irrigation and Agricultural Structures Symposium, Ege University, agriculture Faculty, Department of agricultural Structures and Irrigation, 24-25 Mayis 2012, Izmir (In Turkish). • Buyukcangaz H., Yazgan S., Ayas S., Candogan B.N., Ayas F., 2008. Effects of Deficit Irrigation on Yield and Quality of Unheated Greenhouse Grown Green Bean. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 6(2):155-159. • Buyukcangaz H., Demirtas c., Yazgan S., Korukcu A., 2007. Efficient Water Use in Agriculture in Turkey: The need for Pressurized Irrigation Systems. Water International 32(5):776-785. • Buyukcangaz H., Korukcu A., 2007. Integrated Approach for Water Resources and Irrigation Management in Turkey. Water International 32(5):699-708. • Buyukcangaz H., Koksal E.S., Yazgan S., 2007. Diurnal variation of Remotely Sensed ET and Some Indices on Sweet Cherry Trees in Subhumid Climate Conditions. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 10 (9):1380-1389. Assoc.Prof. Erkan YASLIOGLU Biosystems Engineering-Agricultural Structres E-mail: yasli@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 16 24 EDUCATION •PhD, 2004, Uludag University, Agricultural Structure and Irrigation. •MSc, 1998, Uludag University, Agricultural Structures and Irrigation •BSc, 1995, Uludag University, Agricultural Engineering/Agricultural Structures and Irrigation. RESEARCH INTERESTS •Planning of Agricultural Structures •Rural Planning •The Relationships of Agricultural Structures and Environment PUBLICATIONS • Yaslioglu E., Akkaya Aslan S.T., Kirmikil M., Gundogdu K.S., Arici I., 2009. Changes in farm managment and agricultural activities and their effect on farmers’ satisfaction from land consolidation: The case of Bursa-Karacabey-Turkey. European Planning Studies 17(2): 328-340. • Yaslioglu E., Arici I., Kuscu H., Gundogdu K.S, Akkaya Aslan S.T., Kirmikil M., 2008. Adoption factors of irrigation systems whose projects are synchronized with land consolidation. Kuwait journal of Science & Engineering 35(2A): 1-10. Inst.Dr. Muharrem ZEYTINOGLU Biosystems Engineering-Agricultural Machinery Systems E-mail: mzeytin@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 16 06 EDUCATION • PhD, 1995, Uludag University, Agricultural Machinery. • MSc, 1989, Uludag University, Agricultural Machinery. • BSc, 1977, Academy of A.D.M.M., Mechanical Engineering Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Technical Drawing • Harvest Machinery • Knowledge of Machinery Materials • Methods of Manufacturing Machinery • Agricultural Machinery Structures PUBLICATIONS • Zeytinoglu M., Unal H., 2011. Determination of the Operational Parameters of a Planar Robot with Three Joints. International Journal of Robotics and Automation 1(5): 69-78. • Zeytinoglu M., 2010. Robot Practices in Agricultural Machinery . U.U. Agriculture Faculty Course Notes ,No: 106:67 (In Turkish). Res.Assist.Dr. Ilknur ALIBAS Biosystems Engineering-Agricultural Energy Systems E-mail: ialibas@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 16 08 EDUCATION • PhD, 2008, Uludag University, Agricultural Machinery. • MSc, 2001, Uludag University, Agricultural Machinery. • BSc, 1998, Uludag University, Agricultural Engineering/Agricultural Machinery. RESEARCH INTERESTS • Drying • Cooling • Mathematical Modelling • Physical Properties of Biological Materials • The Using of Energy in Agriculture PUBLICATIONS • Alibas I., 2009. Microwave, vacuum, and air drying characteristics of collard leaves. Drying Technology 27(11):1266-1273. • Alibas I., 2007. Microwave, air and combined microwave–air-drying parameters of pumpkin slices. LWT-Food Science and Technology 40(8):1445-1451. • Alibas I., 2007. Energy consumption and colour characteristics of nettle leaves during microwave, vacuum and convective drying. Biosystems Engineering 96(4):495-502. • Alibas Ozkan I., Akbudak B., Akbudak N., 2007. Microwave drying characteristics of spinach. Journal of Food Engineering 78(2): 577-583. • Alibas I., 2006. Characteristics of chard leaves during microwave, convective, and combined microwave-convective drying. Drying Technology 24(11):1425-1435. Res.Assist.Dr. Burak N.CANDOGAN Biosystems Engineering-Land and Water Resources E-mail: bncandogan@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 16 28 EDUCATION •PhD, 2009, Uludag University, Agricultural Structures and Irrigation •MSc, 2003, Uludag University, Agricultural Structures and Irrigation •BSc, 1999, Uludag University, Agricultural Engineering/Agricultural Structures and Irrigation RESEARCH INTERESTS •Irrigation •Irrigation Period Planning •Water-Yield Relationships PUBLICATIONS • Candogan, B.N., Sincik M., Buyukcangaz H., Demirtas C., Goksoy A.T., Yazgan S., 2013. Yield, Quality And Crop Water Stress Index Relationships For Deficit-irrigated Soybean [Glycine Max (L.) Merr.] In Sub-humid Climatic Conditions, Agricultural Water Management, 118: 113-121. • Candogan B.N., Yazgan S., 2010. The Effects Of Different Irrigation Levels On Vegetative Growth Of Young Dwarf Cherry Trees In A Sub-humid Climate. Pakistan Journal Of Botany, 42(5): 3399-3408. • Koksal E.S., Candogan B.N., Yildirim Y.E., Yazgan S., 2010. Determination Of Water Use And Water Stress Of Cherry Trees Based On Canopy Temperature, Leaf Water Potential And Resistance. Zemdirbyste-agriculture, 97(4): 57-64. Res.Assist.Dr. Muge KIRMIKIL Biosystems Engineering-Land and Water Resources E-mail: muge@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 16 23 EDUCATION •PhD, 2010, Uludag University, Agricultural Structures and Irrigation •MSc, 2002, Uludag University, Agricultural Structures and Irrigation •BSc, 1999, Uludag University, Agricultural Engineering/Agricultural Structures and Irrigation RESEARCH INTERESTS •GIS •Lands Consolidation •Rural Development PUBLICATIONS • Kirmikil M., Kaberli E., Keskin B., Akkaya Aslan s.T., Arici I., 2012. Land Consolidation and Secret Splintery, Example of Akoren Village of Karapinar in Konya City. II. National Irrigation and Agricultural Structures Symposium, Ege University, agriculture Faculty, Department of agricultural Structures and Irrigation, 24-25 Mayis 2012, Izmir (In Turkish). • Kirmikil M., 2011. Weather Events, Damages and Preventive Measures, Unite 9, Agricultural Meteorology . Anadolu University Publications No:2258, Open Education Faculty, No: 1255, ISBN: 978-975-06-0932-9 (In Turkish). • Arici I., Kirmikil M., 2006. Die Bedeutung der Flurbereinigung in der Turkei bei der Behebung der strukturellen Probleme in der Landwirtschaft”, Verband Deutsch – Turkischer Agrar – und Naturwissenschaftler e.V. (Hrsg), Deutsch – Turkischer Agrarforschung – 8. Symposium, 04 Oktober-08 Oktober 2005 Bundesforschungsanstalt (FAL) Braunschweig – Deutschland s. 279 – 285. Res.Assist.Dr. Ilker KILIC Biosystems Engineering-Agricultural Structures E-mail: ikilic@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 16 27 EDUCATION •PhD, 2011, Uludag University, Agricultural Structures and Irrigation •MSc, 2004, Uludag University, Agricultural Structures and Irrigation •BSc, 2001, Uludag University, Agricultural Engineering/Agricultural Structures and Irrigation RESEARCH INTERESTS •Agricultural Air Quality •Pollutant Gas, Odor, and PM Emissions and Dispersion from Animal Barns •Environmental Impact Assessment of Livestock Production Systems •Design of Animal and Plant Production Structures PUBLICATIONS • Chai L., Ni J.-Q., Diehl C.A., Kilic I., Heber A.J., Chen Y., Cortuse E.L., Bogan B.W., Lim T.T., Ramirez-Dorronsorof J.-C., Chen L., 2012. Ventilation rates in large commercial layer hen houses with two-year continuous monitoring, British Poultry Science 53 (1):19-31. • Lin X.J., Cortus E. L., Zhang R., Jiang S., Heber A. J., Kilic I., 2012. Thermal Environmental Control of High-Rise Layer Houses in California, Transaction of ASABE 55(5): 1909-1920. • Kilic I., Heber A., Wang K., Wang L., Li Q., Cortus E.L., Bogan B.W., 2011. Determining long term nitrogen mass balance for two commercial layer houses. ASABE Annual International Meeting, August 7-10, 2011, Kentucky, USA. • Kilic I., Heber A., Wang K., Wang L., Li Q., Cortus E.L., Bogan B.W., 2011. Heat and moisture productions and balances in two commercial layer houses. ASABE Annual International Meeting, August 7-10, 2011, Kentucky, USA. • Chen L., Lim T.T., Jin Y., Heber A.J., Ni J.Q., Cortus E.L., Kilic I., 2011. Airflow rate calculation and uncertainty analysis for mechanically-ventilated swine finishing rooms. In: Proceedings of International Symposium on Health Environment and Animal Welfare (ISHEAW-2011). Chongqing, China, October 19-22. Res.Assist.Dr. Nazmi IZLI Biosystems Engineering-Agricultural Energy Systems E-mail: nizli@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 16 04 EDUCATION •PhD, 2012, Uludag University, Agricultural Machinery. •MSc, 2007, Uludag University, Agricultural Machinery. •BSc, 2003, Uludag University, Agricultural Engineering/Agricultural Machinery. RESEARCH INTERESTS •Determination of Drying and Cooling Parameters of Agricultural Products •Mathematical Modelling •Physical Properties of Biological Materials PUBLICATIONS • Isik E., Izli, N., Akbudak B. 2012. Microwave heat treatment of dent corn (Zea mays var. indentata sturt.): Drying kinetic and physical properties. African Journal of Biotechnology, 11(11): 2740-2751. • Izli N., Isik E., Acican T., Gunasekaran S. 2010. Microwave Drying Characteristics of Bay Leaves (Laurus nobilis L.). IFT 10 Annual Meeting, 17-20, July, Chicago, USA. • Izli N., Isik E. 2010. Determination of economic cost, vigour and rate of germination in batch drying of maize seeds. International Agrophysics, 24: 93-96. Res.Assist.Dr. Ferhat KURTULMUS Biosystems Engineering-Agricultural Machinery Systems E-mail: ferhatk@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 16 00 EDUCATION •PhD, 2012, Uludag University, Agricultural Engineering/Agricultural Machinery. •MSc, 2007, Uludag University, Agricultural Engineering/Agricultural Machinery. •BSc, 2002, Uludag University, Agricultural Engineering/Agricultural Machinery. RESEARCH INTERESTS •Computer Vision, Sensing and Image Processing •Precision Agriculture •Machine Learning and Artificial Neural Network PUBLICATIONS • Kurtulmus F., Lee W.S., Vardar A., 2011. Green citrus detection using ‘eigenfruit’, color and circular Gabor texture features under natural outdoor conditions. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 78:140–149. • Kurtulmus F., Lee W.S., Vardar A., 2011. An Advanced Green Citrus Detection Algorithm Using Color Images and Neural Networks. Journal of Agricultural Machinery Science 7(2):145-151. Res.Assist.Asli AYHAN Biosystems Engineering-Agricultural Energy Systems E-mail: aayhan@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 16 09 EDUCATION •MSc, 2005, Uludag University, Agricultural Machinery. •BSc, 2002, Uludag University, Agricultural Engineering/Agricultural Machinery. RESEARCH INTERESTS •Biogas •Drying (with Vacuum and Hot Air) •Energy in Agriculture PUBLICATIONS • Ayhan Sahin A., Unal H., Alibas K., 2009. Greenhouse Heating by Biogas. Agroskop Agriculture-Food-Animal Journal, May-June issue, 18–21 (in Turkish). Res.Assist. Ezgi KABERLI Biosystems Engineering-Land and Water Resources E-mail: ezgikaberli@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 16 17 EDUCATION •MSc....., Uludag University, Agricultural Structures and Irrigation •BSc, 2010, Uludag University, Agricultural Engineering/Agricultural Structures and Irrigation RESEARCH INTERESTS •Irrigation Res.Assist. Bilge KESKIN Biosystems Engineering-Land and Water Resources E-mail: @uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 16 17 EDUCATION •MSc......, Uludag University, Agricultural Structures and Irrigation •BSc., 2010, Uludag University, Agricultural Engineering/Agricultural Structures and Irrigation RESEARCH INTERESTS •Land Consolidation PROJECTS • Determination of Ammonia Concentration and Emissions in Layer Barns with different Measurement Methods. 2012-2014, Uludag University, Scientific Research Projects Unit, OUAP-Z-2012/21, Pricipal Investigator: Res.Assist. Dr. Ilker KILIC • Investigate of Ownership Structure and it’s Effects in Land Consolidation Areas. 20122015, Uludag University, Scientific Research Projects Unit, UAP-2012/13, Pricipal Investigator: Res.Assit.Dr. Muge KIRMIKIL • Developing of Prototype on Concentrator Wind Turbines Intended for Agricultural Electricity in Rural Areas Where Wind Speed Potential are Low. 2010-2012, TUBITAK, TOVAG 112O150, Pricipal Investigator: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Ali VARDAR • Determination of the operation and design parameters of grain products during drying with microwave convective drying method. Uludag University, Scientific Research Projects Unit, Z-2009/26, Pricipal Investigator: Assoc.Prof.Dr.Esref ISIK • Determination of the operation and design parameters of grain products during drying with hot air flow. Uludag University, Scientific Research Projects Unit, Z-2009/15, Pricipal Investigator: Assoc.Prof.Dr.Esref ISIK. • A Study on Determination and Modelling of Emissions and Formation of Pollutant Gas and Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) in Dairy Cattle Barns. 2008-2011, Uludag University, Scientific Research Projects Unit, Z-2008/69, Pricipal Investigator: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Ercan SIMSEK. • Investigate of effects of indoor air quality in animal barns on productivity of animal and quality of product. 2008-2010, Uludag University, Scientific Research Projects Unit, Z2008/18, Pricipal Investigator: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Erkan YASLIOGLU . THESIS • Kirmikil, M., 2010 GIS supported analysis of land consolidations role for Rural Development in irrigated areas. Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences PhD. Thesis, 198 pp, (Supervisior: Prof. Dr. Ismet ARICI, in Turkish). • Kurtulmus, F., 2012 Developping Algorithms to Detect and Count Immature Peach in Colour Images Acquired in Natural Orchard Conditions Using Image Processing And Artificial Classifiers. Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences PhD. Thesis, 198 pp, (Supervisior: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali VARDAR, in Turkish). • Izli, N., 2012 Determination of the drying parameters of some agricultural products using thin layer drying theory with microwave convective drying method. Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences PhD. Thesis, 158 pp, (Supervisior: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Esref ISIK, in Turkish) • Kilic, I., 2011 Characterization of air pollutants in animal barns. Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences PhD. Thesis, 218 pp, (Supervisior: Prof. Dr. Ismet ARICI, in Turkish) • Candogan, B.N., 2009. Water-yield relationships of soybean. Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences PhD. Thesis, 132 pp, (Supervisior: Prof. Dr. Senih YAZGAN, in Turkish) • Alibas, I., 2008. Determination of operation and design parameters during cooling of some agricultural yield with different pre-cooling methods. Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences PhD. Thesis, 236 pp, (Supervisior: Prof. Dr. Rasim OKURSOY, in Turkish) • Bodur, S., 2008. Comparision of conservation tillage and conventional tillage in corn production in terms of machinery cost and grain yield. Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences PhD. Thesis, 90 pp, (Supervisior: Prof. Dr. Rasim OKURSOY, in Turkish) INTERNATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS Research Visits • Buyukcangaz, H., May 2010-December 2011, Visiting Scholar at North DakotaUniversity, Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Department, ND, USA • Ayhan, A., December 2010-December 2011, Visiting Scholar at Shenyang Agricultural Faculty, College of Engineering, ND, USA • Kilic, I, October 2009-April 2011, Visiting Scholar at Purdue University, Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department, IN, USA • Kurtulmus, F., April 2010-April 2011, Visiting Scholar at Florida University, Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department, FL, USA • Izli, N., December 2009-December 2010, Visiting Scholar at Wisconsin University, Biological Systems Engineering Department, WI, USA INFRASTRUCTURE The Workshop of Biosystems Engineering Department In the workshop of Biosystems Engineering Department, there are a lot of machine and their fittings belong to Agricultural Energy Systems and Agricultural Machine Systems. Research projects, course applications, MSc and PhD theses are conducted in this workshop. Testing systems (milking machineries, trailer etc.) about agricultural machinery exist in this facility. Also, It includes Batch air drying system, Wind turbine system, Thermic engines, Turning machine, vargel machine, Hardness testing Instrument and various equipment.. INFRASTRUCTURE Laboratory of Drying, Cooling and Properties of Biologıcal Materials Research projects, course applications, MSc and PhD theses about drying, cooling and physical properties of biological materials are conducted in this laboratory. This lab includes devices such as Pre-cooling systems (with air, vacuum and water), Air drying system, Microwave-convective oven, Static friction coefficient test system, Rupture strength and vacuum prototypes. INFRASTRUCTURE Laboratory of Thermic Engines This lab is especially used for thermic engines, thermodynamic and the natural sources of energy courses applications and Research projects, MSc and PhD theses . It includes different thermic enginee with various power and fuel types. There is also different models of fuel, injection systems and electric apparatus for internal combustion engines. INFRASTRUCTURE Laboratory of Renewable Energy Systems Research projects, some course practice, MSc and PhD thesis are conducted in this laboratory. This lab includes devices such as solar collector, wind turbine rotor test system, biogas production system prototype, electric fence model, and various milking machinery and equipment. INFRASTRUCTURE Laboratory of Irrigation and Drainage There are various tools and devices to be used in irrigation scheduling based on soil and plant monitoring in Irrigation and Drainage Lab of Biosystems Engineering Program. These tools and devices are infrared thermometer, pressure chamber, tensiometers, neutron probe and equipment for gravimetric sampling of soils. Infrared thermometer and pressure chamber which are associated with plant monitoring are used to measure the crop canopy temperature and leaf water potential, respectively. Soil monitoring based equipment such as tensiometers, neutron probe and gravimetric sampling equipment are used for measurement of the soil water content. In addition, there is a portable photosynthesis system used for measurements of leaf photosynthesis, transpiration and stomatal conductance related to the crop evapotranspiration in this lab. Sand box, sand/kaolin box and pressured membrane apparatus are also available in the lab to obtain the curves of soil water-holding characteristics. The field capacity, wilting point and available water-holding capacity that are important soil properties for the irrigation practices can also be determined by the aid of these curves. Additionally, there are double ring infiltrometer and laboratory permeameter that are used to measure infiltration rate and soil hydraulic conductivity, respectively. Infiltration rate and hydraulic conductivity, which are important soil properties, are used for designing of irrigation and drainage systems. INFRASTRUCTURE Laboratory of GIS The GIS Lab of Biosystems engineering Department is for use of courses involved in specific engineering computer software products. This lab is also used by undergraduate students for their individual studies in available times. GIS Lab with air conditioner and projector contains 35 computer terminals connected to a central server machine. Prof. Dr. Hasan VURAL Agricultural Economics-Agricultural Management E-mail: hvural@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 15 89 EDUCATION •PhD, 1987, Ankara University, Agricultural Economics Department •MSc, 1983, Ankara University, Agricultural Economics Department •BSc, 1981, Ankara University, Agricultural Economics Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Agricultural Economics and Statistics • Farm Appraisal • Agriculture and Food Marketing • Agricultural Cooperatives • Agricultural Finance • Project Preparation and Evaluation PUBLICATIONS • Vural,H. & I. Efecan, 2012. An analysis of energy use and input costs for maize production in Turkey. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment Vol.10 (2): 613-616. • Vural, H., 2012. Agriculture and Food Economics Statistics (in Turkish). Uludag University Pub. No. 107 • Vural H., Fidan H., 2009. Land marketing and hedonic price model in Turkish markets: case study of Karacabey district of Bursa province. African Journal of Agricultural Research. Vol. 4 (2), pp. 071-075, February 2009. • Vural H., Kahraman S., 2008. Socio-Economic Analysis of Beekeeping and the Effects of Beehive Types on Honey Production. . Not. Bot. Hort. Agrobot. Cluj, 2009 Volume 37, Issue 2. • Vural H.,2007. A quantitative approach to classification of agricultural regions in Turkey. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, vol. 5 (3&4): 471-474, 2007. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sertac DOKUZLU Agricultural Economics-Agricultural Management E-mail: sdokuzlu@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 15 92 EDUCATION •PhD, 2003, Uludag University, Agricultural Economics Department •MSc, 1997, Uludag University, Agricultural Economics Department •BSc, 1994, Ankara University, Dairy TechnologyDepartment RESEARCH INTERESTS • Agricultural Marketing • International Agricultural Marketing • Food Marketing • Agricultural Organizations and Cooperatives PUBLICATIONS • Gonenc, S., 2011. Hatay, Kahramanmaras and Osmaniye Olive Production Sector Report and Feasibility Workshop, East Mediterranean Development Agency, Hatay, p: 102, December 2011. • Guldas M., Gonenc S., Gurbuz O. 2008. A Statistical Approach to Predict the Sterilization Value for Canned Olives, Journal of Food Process Engineering, June 2008, Issue 31:3. • Gonenc S., Tanrivermis H., 2008. An Overview to Turkish Dairy Sector, International Journal of Dairy Technology, February, Vol: 60, No:1, 3-10 pp., • Gonenç, S., And E. Rehber, 2007. Privatization in Agro-Food Sector: The Case of Turkish Dairy Industry, British Food Journal, Vol: 109, Nr.9, 662-674 • Gonenc, S., And H. Tanrıvermis, 2007. Factors Affecting Informal Economy of Rural Turkey”, Journal of Applied Sciences, ISSN 1812-5654, Asian Network for Scientific Information, 7 (21):3138-3153 • Gonenç, S., H., Tanrıvermis And M., Bulbul, 2006. Economic Assesment of Hazelnut Production and the Importance of Supply Management Approaches in Turkey”, Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics, Vol. 107, No. 1, 19-32. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Serkan GURLUK Agricultural Economics-Agricultural Policy And Extension E-mail: serkan@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 15 95 EDUCATION •PhD, 2006, Uludag University, Agricultural Economics Department •MSc, 2001, Uludag University, Agricultural Economics Department •BSc, 1998, Uludag University, Agricultural Economics Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Environmental Economics (Environmental Valuation) • European Union (Common Agricultural Policy) • Hydro-economic Modelling in Basin Scale • Statistics-Econometrics PUBLICATIONS • Gurluk, S., Atanur, G., Turan, O. 2012. Economics of limiting congestion in urban forest recreation areas. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 27(5), 449-459. • Gurluk S., Rehber E., 2009. A study on environmental valuation of the Lake Manyas, Agricustural Economics Journal, 15(1-2): 9-15. (in Turkish) • Gurluk, S., Ward F. 2009. Integrated basin management: Water and food policy options for Turkey. Ecological Economics, 68(10): 2666-2678 • Gurluk, S. 2009. Economic growth, industrial pollution and human development in the Mediterranean Region. Ecological Economics, 68(8-9): 2327-2335. • Gurluk S. 2003. The Consumer Welfare Approach and Contingent Valuation Model on the Measurement of Irrigation Project’s Environmental Impacts, National Irrigation Conference, Aydin. (in Turkish) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tolga TIPI Agricultural Economics-Agricultural Management E-mail: ttipi@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 15 90 EDUCATION •PhD, 2002, Uludag University, Agricultural Economics Department •MSc, 1997, Uludag University, Agricultural Economics Department •BSc, 1993, Ankara University, Agricultural Economics Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Agricultural Production Economics • Agricultural Accounting • Farm Planning • Agricultural Project Preperation • Resource Use Efficiency PUBLICATIONS • Tipi, T., Cetin B., Vardar A., 2009. An analysis of energy use and input costs for wheat production in Turkey, Journal of Food Agriculture & Environment, Vol. 7 (2), 2009. pp. 352-356. • Tipi T, Yildiz N, Nargelecekenler M, Cetin B., 2009. Measuring the technical efficiency and determinants of the efficiency of rice (Oryza sativa) farms in the Marmara region of Turkey. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science 37(2):121-129. • Canan Ozbag, B., Tipi T., 2009. Comparative analysis of the certification process of the organic agricultural products in Turkey and other countries, 1. GAP Organic Agriculture Congress, Sanliurfa, 17-20 Nov. 2009, p.1018-1023. (in Turkish) • Vural H., Tipi T., 2010. Economical structure of animal production and its marketing problems in Turkey, Bursa Aongress, Bursa, 7-9 Oct. 2010, p.232-239. (in Turkish) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sule TURHAN Agricultural Economics-Agricultural Management E-mail: sbudak@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 15 94 EDUCATION •PhD, 2004, Uludag University, Agricultural Economics Department •MSc, 1998, Uludag University, Agricultural Economics Department •BSc, 1994, Uludag University, Food Engineering Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Agricultural Management • Food Management • Agricultural Insurance • Organic Farming • Competitive Strength in Food Industry PUBLICATIONS • Turhan, S., Cetin B., Canan Ozbag B., 2010. Implementation Of The Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) SystemIn A Frozen Fruit Company, Journal of Food Agricultural&Environment, VOL7(2)- (Food-55), Finland. • Turhan, S., Parseker Z., Erdal B.,Cetin B., 2010. The Impacts Of E- Commerce On Marketing: A Case Study Of Fruit And Vegetable Processing Industry, 9. Agricultural Economics Conference, p. 421-419, Sanliurfa. (in Turkish) • Gurbuz, B., Turhan S., 2009. An Evaluation of Turkey’s Accordance with EU Rivalry Laws and Policies in Terms of Turkish Food Industry, Uludag University, Faculty of Agriculture Journal, Vol.23(1), Bursa. (in Turkish) • Turhan S., Atay A., 2008. Ecological Agriculture in the World and in Turkey (5. Chapter) Ecological/Organic Agriculture and Environment, ISBN 978-9977-0-199-0-3, Ecological Life Society, Pub. No:1, p. 48-68, Bursa. (in Turkish) • Turhan S., B. Canan Ozbag, E. Rehber,. 2008. A Comparison of Energy Use in Organic and Convansionel Tomato Production, Journal of Food Agriculture & Environment, Vol (6) 3,4 s.318-322. Assist. Prof. Dr. I. Bulent GURBUZ Agricultural Economics-Agricultural Policy and Extension E-mail: bulent@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 15 91 EDUCATION •PhD, 2001, Uludag University, Agricultural Economics Department •MSc, 1995, Uludag University, Agricultural Economics Department •MSc, 1993, Cukurova University, Agricultural Economics Department •BSc, 1990, Cukurova University, Agricultural Economics Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Agricultural Extension • Rural Development • Rural Tourism Lect. Mustafa AKSUYEK Agricultural Economics-Agricultural Management E-mail: maksuyek@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 15 93 EDUCATION •BSc, 1989, Uludag University, Econometrics Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • Basic Information Technologies • Computer Software • Statistics • Econometrics • Mathematics for Economists Res. Assist. Ozlem TURAN Agricultural Economics-Agricultural Policy and Extension E-mail: ozturan@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 15 95 EDUCATION •PhD,2012-…. Uludag University, Agricultural Economics Department •MSc,2012, Uludag University, Agricultural Economics Department •BSc, 2000, Istanbul University, Faculty of Business Administration RESEARCH INTERESTS PUBLICATIONS • Turan, O., Aydin, P Gurbuz I.B. 2010. The Effects Of Global Economic Crisis On Food Security In The World And In Turkey 9. Turkish Agricultural Economics Conference Vol. 2, p. 942. (in Turkish) • Aydin P., Gurbuz I.B., Turan O., 2010 Rural Tourism Development Opportunities In Bursa Province Mountain District. 9. Turkish Agricultural Economics Conference Vol. 2, p. 949. (in Turkish) • Gurluk, S., Turan, O. 2009. World Food Crisis: Reasons and Impacts. Uludag University Faculty of Agriculture Journal, Vol. 22(1), pp:63-74, (in Turkish) Res. Assist. Burcu ERDAL Agricultural Economics-Agricultural Management E-mail: berdal@uludag.edu.tr Phone: +90 (224) – 294 15 98 EDUCATION •PhD,2012-…. Uludag University, Agricultural Economics Department •MSc,2012, Uludag University, Agricultural Economics Department •BSc, 2008, Uludag University, Agricultural Economics Department RESEARCH INTERESTS PUBLICATIONS • Turhan S. Erdal B., Cetin B., 2010. The Formation Of Red Meat And Influential Factors, 9. Agricultural Economics Conference, Sanliurfa, Vol. 1, p: 387 (in Turkish) • Turhan S., Parseker Z., Erdal B., 2010. The Impacts Of E- Commerce On Marketing: A Case Study Of Fruit And Vegetable Processing Industry, 9. Agricultural Economics Conference, Sanliurfa, Vol. 1, p: 412 (in Turkish) Res. Assist. Gokhan UZEL Agricultural Economics-Agricultural Policy and Extension E-mail: Phone: +90 (224) – 294 15 97 EDUCATION •MSc,2012-…, Uludag University, Agricultural Economics Department •BSc, 2012, Canakkale 18 Mart University, Agricultural Economics Department RESEARCH INTERESTS PROJECTS • Agricultural Inventory Study, BEBKA Development Agency Project , Bilecik Directorate of Agriculture. 2011. (Consultant: Prof. Dr. Hasan VURAL) • Economic Analysis and Determining Production Costs for Important Vegetables in Bursa, Uludag Uludag University Scientific Research Project UAP(Z)-2011/23. (Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Hasan VURAL) • Socio-economic Analysis of Beekeping in Antalya, Isparta and Burdur. Antalya Directorate of Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning.2011. (Consultant: Prof. Dr. Hasan VURAL) • A Study On Measuring Welfare Losses Arising From Visitor Congestion In Bursa Ataturk City Forest, Uludag University Research Fund Project UAP(Z)-2010/46. (Principal Investigator: Doc. Dr. Serkan GURLUK) • Economics of beekeeping and honey production in Bursa, Uludag University Scientific Research Project. 2009. (Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Hasan VURAL) • Building Trust for Quality Assurance in Emerging E-Commerce Markets for Food Chains; e-Trust. European Union 6. Framework.2006-2009 (Co-investigator: Doc. Dr. Sertac GONENC) THESIS • Aydin, P., 2012. Facilities of improving ecological tourism in the mountain region of Bursa province Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences MSc. Thesis, 208 pp, (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. I. Bulent GURBUZ) • Erdal, B., 2012, Financing of farms and crediting: A case study of fruit farms in central districts of Bursa province, Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences MSc. Thesis, 126 pp, (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tolga TIPI) • Simsek, D., 2012, The changes and effects of the supply and demand in agricultural and food products in the world and turkey Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences MSc. Thesis,261 pp, (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Serkan GURLUK) • Turan, O., 2012 Methods used in food security evaluation. Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences MSc. Thesis, 102 pp, (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. I. Bulent GURBUZ) • Parseker, Z., The economic evaluation of using information technologies in food supply chain, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences MSc. Thesis, 150 pp, (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Bahattin Cetin) INTERNATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS Research Visits • Gonenc, S., 2008. Austria, Innsbruck-Igls, 2nd International European Forum on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks, 18 - 22 February 2008. • Gurluk, S., May 2007 / February 2008, New Mexico State University, Department of Agricultural Economics and Business, Las Cruces, New Mexico-USA, Post-doctorate study granted by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey. • Gonenc, S., 2006. Bonn – Germany, Department of Food and Resource Economics, University of Bonn, Inauguration of the FoodNet Center, 7–8 November 2006. • Gurluk, S., 24 January / 04 February 2005, International Advanced Scientific Course on The Economics of Natural Resources and the Environment, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Zaragoza (CIHEAM), Spain. Vural, H.,1990 .Short course on Agricultural Marketing and Cooperatives , Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (MAICH), 5 May- 7 June 1990,Chania, Greece. • Gurluk, S., 31 May / 29 June 1999, International Scientific Course on Economic and Financial Planning for Rural Development Through Computer Usage, International Histadrut Institute, Israel. • Vural, H.,1993 . Short course on Foreign Marketing and Agriculture Marketing ,Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Zaragoza (MAICH), 7-19 January 1993, Zaragoza, Spain. AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS DPT. PROF. DR. ORHAN YAVUZ LIBRARY In the department library there are 5 computers that are open-access to the department students. There is also 1 projector that is used during seminars and meetings in our library. There are approximately 750 Turkish books and 300 foreign books in our library. Other than these books, Turkish Statistics Yearbooks , Annual Agriculture Yearbooks, Price Statistics that are published by Turkish Statistical Institute are received periodically by our library. Also other periodicals from institutions such as Istanbul Chamber of Commerce, Turkey Union of Chambers of Agriculture, Turkey Chamber of Agricultural Engineers also are delivered to the library. Prof. Dr. A. Vahap KATKAT Soil Science and Plant Nutrition E-Mail: vahap@uludag.edu.tr Phone: 0 (224) – 294 15 30 EDUCATION •PhD, 1977, Ankara University, Department of Soil Science •BSc, 1972, Ankara University, Department of Soil Science RESEARCH INTERESTS • Plant Nutrition and Soil Fertilization • Fertilizers and Fertilization • Soil and Water Pollution PUBLICATIONS • Celik,H., Katkat,A.V., Asik,B.B. and Turan,M.A., 2011. The Effects of Foliar Applied Humic Acid to Dry Weight and Mineral Nutrients Uptake of Maize Under Calcareous Soil Conditions. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 42(1):1-10 • Asik,B.B. and Katkat,A.V., 2010. Evaluation of wastewater sludge for possible agricultural use. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal.9 (6): 819-826 • Celik,H., Asik,B.B., Gurel,S. and Katkat,A.V., 2010. Potassium as an Intensifiying Factor for Iron Chlorosis. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology. 12(3): 359-364. • Unal,M., and Katkat,A.V., 2009. The effects of food industry sludge on soil properties and growing of maize (Zea mays L.) . Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment. 7(2) ; 435-440 • Celik,H. and Katkat,A.V., 2007. Some Soil Properties and Iron Nutrition Status of Peach Orchards. Journal of Biological and Environmental Sciences. 1(3): 111-115. Prof.Dr. Haluk BASAR Soil Science and Plant Nutrition E-Mail: bhaluk@uludag.edu.tr Phone: 0 (224) – 294 15 33 EDUCATION •PhD, 1995, Uludag University, Department of Soil Science •MSc, 1989, Ege University, Department of Soil Science •BSc, 1986, Ege University, Department of Soil Science RESEARCH INTERESTS • • • • • Plant Nutrition and Soil Fertilization Dry and Liquid Fertilizers, Fertigation Soilless Culture, Plant Nutrition, Fertilization of greenhouse plants Heavy Metal Pollution in Soil, Water and Plants Composting and Organic Fertilizer Production PUBLICATIONS • Basar,H. 2009. Methods for Estimating Phytoavailable Metals in Soils. Commun. In Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 40 (7&8):1087-1105 • Basar,H. 2006. Elemental Composition of Various Peach Cultivars. Scientia Horticulturae. 107: 259 – 263. • Basar, H. and C. Aydinalp. 2005 Heavy Metal Contamination of in Peach Trees Irrigated with Water From a Heavily Polluted Creek. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 28 (11): 2049 – 2063. • Basar,H., 2000. A Resarch About Chlorosis on Peach Trees in Bursa Region. Tr J of Agriculture and Forestry, 24:237-245. (in Turkish) • De Kreij,C. and H.Basar, 1995. Effect of Humic Substances in Nutrient Film Technique on Nutrient Uptake. J of Plant Nutrition, 18(4):793-802. Prof.Dr. Cumhur AYDINALP Soil Science and Plant Nutrition E-Mail: cumhur@uludag.edu.tr Phone: 0 (224) – 294 15 35 EDUCATION •PhD, 1996, Aberdeen University, Department of Plant and Soil Science •MSc, 1993, Uludag University, Department of Soil Science •BSc, 1986, Ege University, Department of Soil Science RESEARCH INTERESTS • • • • Soil Pollution and Treatment Soil Chemistry Soil Genesis and Classification Water Quality and Pollution Problems PUBLICATIONS • Aydinalp, C., Cresser, M.S., 2013. The Use and Abuse of Water Cycling., Introduction to Environmental Science : Earth and Man. Pearson Education. pp 315-337, ISBN 978- 0-13178932-6, U.K. • Aydinalp, C., 2012. Clean Energy for Better Environment. Intech, ISBN 978-953-51-08221, Croatia. • Aydinalp, C., 2012. An Introduction to the Study of Mineralogy. Intech, ISBN 978-953307-896-0, Croatia. • Aydinalp, C., Cresser, M.S., 2009. Distribution of Heavy Metals in Irrigated Vertisol Profiles in Semiarid Region of Turkey. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies. 18, (4): 539-545. • Aydinalp, C., FitzPatrick, E.A., Cresser, M.S., 2005. Heavy Metal Pollution in Some Soil and Water Resources of Bursa Province, Turkey. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 36, (13&14): 1691-1716. Assoc.Prof.Dr. Ertugrul AKSOY Soil Science and Plant Nutrition E-Mail: aksoy@uludag.edu.tr Phone: 0 (224) – 294 15 34 EDUCATION •PhD, 1995, Cukurova University, Department of Soil Science •MSc, 1988, Cukurova University, Department of Soil Science •BSc, 1985, Cukurova University, Department of Soil Science RESEARCH INTERESTS • • • • • Soil Genesis and Classification Soil Survey and Mapping Land Use Planning and Assessment Remote Sensing Geographic Information Systems PUBLICATIONS • Ozsoy G., E. Aksoy, M.S. Dirim, Z. Tumsavas, 2012. Determination of soil erosion risk in the Mustafakemalpasa River Basin, Turkey, using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation, geographic information system, and remote sensing. Environmental Management 50(4):679-694. • Aksoy E., G. Ozsoy, M.S. Dirim, Z. Tumsavas. 2010. Monitoring Temporal Degradation of Natural Resources in Bursa-Turkey. International Soil Science Congress on "Management of Natural Resources to Sustain Soil Health and Quality". May 26-28, 2010, Samsun, Turkey. Abstract Book pp.361. • Aksoy E., Z. Tumsavas, G. Özsoy. 2009. Land Usage Planning, Soil Protection and Land Usage Law, Problems and Suggestions TMMOB Bursa Kentine Çözümler Sempozyumu (06-07 Mart 2009) Bildiri Kitabı, Bursa. pp.52-57. (in Turkish) • Aksoy E., G. Ozsoy, M.S. Dirim. 2009. Soil Mapping Approach in GIS Using Landsat Satellite Imagery and DEM Data. African J. Agri. Res. 4(11):1295-1302 • Dirim M.S., E. Aksoy, G. Ozsoy. 2009. Remote Sensing and GIS Applications for Monitoring Multi-Temporal Changes of Natural Resources in Bursa-Turkey. J.Biol.Environ.Sci. 3(8):53-59. Assoc.Prof.Dr. Zeynal TUMSAVAŞ Soil Science and Plant Nutrition E-Mail: zeynal@uludag.edu.tr Phone: 0 (224) – 294 15 36 EDUCATION •PhD, 1999, Uludag University, Department of Soil Science •MSc., 1993, Uludag University, Department of Soil Science •BSc., 1989, Cukurova University, Department of Soil Science RESEARCH INTERESTS • • • • Soil and Water Conservation Soil Erosion Soil Fertility Soil Management PUBLICATIONS • Ozsoy, G., Dirim, M.S., Aksoy E and Tumsavas, Z. 2012. “Determination of Soil Erosion Risk in the Mustafakemalpasa River Basin, Turkey, Using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation, Geographic Information System, and Remote Sensing” Environmental Management, 50(4): 679-694, • Tekin, Y. Tumsavas, Z. and Mouazen, A. M.2012. “Effect of Moisture Content on Prediction of Organic Carbon and pH Using Visible and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy” Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 76(1),188–198, • Tumsavas, Z. and F. Tumsavas.2011. “The effect of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) application on runoff, soil loss and drainage water under simulated rainfall conditions”, Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, 9(2), 752-757. • Tumsavas, Z. and A. Kara. 2011. “The effect of polyacrylamide (PAM) applications on infiltration, runoff and soil losses under simulated rainfall conditions”, African Journal of Biotechnology, 10(15), 2894-2903 • Tumsavas, Z., ve A.V.Katkat. 2000. “A Research for Some Soil Samples from Bursa Region Sensitivity Against Water Erosion in Laboratory Conditions”, Türk Tarım ve Ormancılık Dergisi, 24(6), 737-744 (in Turkish) Assist.Prof.Dr. M. Sabri DIRIM Soil Science and Plant Nutrition E-Mail: sdirim@uludag.edu.tr Phone: 0 (224) – 294 15 37 EDUCATION •PhD., 1991, İstanbul University, Geochemistry Department •MSc., 1980, İstanbul University Geological Engineering Department •BSc., 1980, İstanbul University Geological Engineering Department RESEARCH INTERESTS • • • • • Geology and Geomorphology Soil Mineralogy Geological Survey and Mapping Consideration of Mining Areas Urban Renewal PUBLICATIONS • Ozsoy, G., E. Aksoy, M.S. Dirim, Z. Tumsavas. 2012. Determination of Soil Erosion Risk in the Mustafakemalpasa River Basin, Turkey, Using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation, Geographic Information System, and Remote Sensing. Environmental Management, 50(4): 679-694. • Aksoy E., G. Ozsoy, M.S. Dirim, Z. Tumsavas. 2010. Monitoring Temporal Degradation of Natural Resources in Bursa-Turkey. International Soil Science Congress on "Management of Natural Resources to Sustain Soil Health and Quality". May 26-28, 2010, Samsun, Turkey. Abstract Book pp.361.(in Turkish) • Tumsavas, Z., Aksoy, E., and Dirim, M. S., 2010. Fertility level determination of the soils in Non Calcic Brown forest great soil group by soil analysis. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 5 (11): 1310-1316. • Aksoy E., G. Ozsoy, M.S. Dirim. 2009. Soil Mapping Approach in GIS Using Landsat Satellite Imagery and DEM Data. African J. Agri. Res. 4(11):1295-1302 • Dirim, M. S., Aksoy, E. and Ozsoy, G. 2009. Remote Sensing and GIS Application For Monitoring Multi-Temporal Changes of Natural Resources in Bursa-Turkey. The Journal of Biological & Environmental Sciences, 3 (8):53-59. Assoc.Prof.Dr. Hakan CELIK Soil Science and Plant Nutrition E-Mail: hcelik@uludag.edu.tr Phone: 0 (224) – 294 15 39 EDUCATION •PhD., 2006, Uludag University, Department of Soil Science •MSc., 2000, Uludag University, Department of Soil Science •BSc., 1995, Ege University, Department of Soil Science RESEARCH INTERESTS • • • • Plant Nutrition and Soil Fertility Fertilization NFT – Plant Nutrition and Fertilization on Soilless Culture Soil, Plant, Water and Fertilizer Analyses PUBLICATIONS • H.Celik, A.V.Katkat, B.B.Asik, and M.A.Turan.2011. The Effect of Foliar Applied Humic Acid to Dry Weight and Mineral Nutrients Uptake of Maize Under Calcareous Soil Conditions, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 42(1): 29-38. • Celik,H. and A.V.Katkat.2010. Comparison of Various Chemical Extraction Methods used for Determination of the Available Iron Amounts of Calcareous Soils. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 41(3): 290-300. • Celik,H., B.B.Asik, S.Gurel, and A.V.Katkat.2010. Effects of Potassium and Iron on Macro Element Uptake of Maize. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 97(1):11-22. • Celik,H., B.B.Asik, S.Gurel, and A.V.Katkat. 2010. Potassium as an Intensifiying Factor for Iron Chlorosis. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 12(3): 359-364 • H.Celik, A.V.Katkat, B.B.Asik, and M.A.Turan.2010. Effects of Humus on Growth and Nutrient Uptake of Maize under Saline and Calcareous Soil Conditions, ZemdirbysteAgriculture, 97(4): 15-22. Assoc.Prof.Dr. Murat Ali TURAN Soil Science and Plant Nutrition E-Mail: maturan@uludag.edu.tr Phone: 0 (224) – 294 15 49 EDUCATION •PhD., 2007, Uludag University, Department of Soil Science •MSc., 2001, Uludag University, Department of Soil Science •BSc., 1996, Ankara University, Department of Soil Science RESEARCH INTERESTS • Fertilizers and Fertilization • Plant Nutrition and Soil Fertilization • Soil Regulators PUBLICATIONS • Turan, M.A., Asik, B.B., Katkat, A.V., Celik, H. 2011. Effects of Soil Applied Humic Substances to Dry Weight And Mineral Nutrients Uptake of Maize Plant Under Soil Salinity Conditions. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 39(1): 171-177. • Turan, M.A., Taban, N. , Turkmen, N. and Taban, S. 2010. Selenium concentration of garlic bulbs grown in different parts of Turkey. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 22 (8): 65636568. • Turan, M.A. ve Katkat, A.V. 2010. Effects of Sulphur Transporters on Maze Plants Grown on Different Soils” Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi Özel Sayı 473-479. • Turan, M.A., Taban, N. and Taban, S. 2009. Effect of calcium on the alleviation of boron toxicity and localization of boron and calcium in cell wall of wheat. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 37 (2): 99-103. • Turan, M.A., Awad Elkarim, A.H., Taban, N. and Taban, S. 2009. Effect of salt stress on growth, stomatal resistance, proline and chlorophyll concentrations on maize plant. African Journal of Agriculture Research, 4 (9): 893-897. Assist.Prof.Dr. Gokhan OZSOY Soil Science and Plant Nutrition E-Mail: ozsoyg@uludag.edu.tr Phone: 0 (224) – 294 15 38 EDUCATION •PhD., 2007, Uludag University, Department of Soil Science •MSc., 2001, Uludag University, Department of Soil Science •BSc., 1998, Trakya University, Department of Soil Science RESEARCH INTERESTS • • • • • Soil Genesis and Classification Soil Survey and Mapping Remote Sensing Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Soil Quality and Soil Health PUBLICATIONS • Ozsoy, G., E. Aksoy, M.S. Dirim, Z. Tumsavas. 2012. Determination of Soil Erosion Risk in the Mustafakemalpasa River Basin, Turkey, Using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation, Geographic Information System, and Remote Sensing. Environmental Management, 50(4): 679-694. • Aksoy E., G. Ozsoy, M.S. Dirim, Z. Tumsavas. 2010. Monitoring temporal degradation of natural resources in Bursa-Turkey. International Soil Science Congress on "Management of Natural Resources to Sustain Soil Health and Quality" May 26-28, 2010, Samsun, Turkey. Proceedings book pp.246-253 • Aksoy E., G. Ozsoy, M.S. Dirim. 2009. Soil mapping approach in GIS using Landsat satellite imagery and DEM data. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 4(11):12951302 • Ozsoy G.. E. Aksoy. 2007. Characterization, classification and agricultural usage of Vertisols developed on neogen aged calcareous marl parent materials. Journal of Biological and Environmental Sciences, 1(1):5-10. • Ozsoy, G., E. Aksoy, A.V. Katkat. Bölüm-1: Globalisation and Misusing of Soils. s.3-33. Sam, N., Sam, R. (editörler). Küreselleşen dünyada değişimin farklı yüzleri: Disiplinler arası bir yaklaşım. Ezgi Kitabevi, Bursa, 391 s., 2011. (ISBN:975-8606-97-9) (in Turkish) Res.Assist.Dr. Baris Bulent ASIK Soil Science and Plant Nutrition E-Mail: bbasik@uludag.edu.tr Phone: 0 (224) – 294 15 40 EDUCATION •PhD, 2011, Uludag University, Department of Soil Science •MSc, 2004, Uludag University, Department of Soil Science •BSc, 1997, Ankara University, Department of Soil Science RESEARCH INTERESTS • • • • Soil Pollution Organic Wastes Plant Nutrition Soil Fertility PUBLICATIONS • Celik, H., Asık, B.B., Gurel, S., Katkat, A.V. Effects of iron and potassium fertility on micro element uptake of maize, African Journal of Agricultural Research, 5(16): 2158-2168, 2010. • Asık, B.B., Katkat, A.V., Aydinalp, C., Biyikli, M. 2010. Agricultural Identity and Heavy Metal Concentration of Sewage Sludges, 5. Bitki Besleme ve Gübre Kongresi,15-17 Eylül 2010, Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi. Özel sayı, s. 580-585. (in Turkish) • Asik, B.B., Katkat A.V. 2010. Evaluation of waste water sludge for possible agricultural use, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 9 (6): 819-826. • Asik, B.B., Turan, M.A. Celik, H., Katkat, A.V. 2009. Effects of humic substances on plant growth and mineral nutrients uptake of wheat (Triticum durum cv Salihli) under conditions of salinity, Asian Journal of CropScience, 1 (2): 87-95. • Asik, B.B. ve A.V. Katkat. 2005. Possibility of using Food Fabric’s Water Sludge as a Irrigation Water, Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 19 (2): 23-31. Res.Assist. Serhat GUREL Soil Science and Plant Nutrition E-Mail: sgurel@uludag.edu.tr Phone: 0 (224) – 294 15 40 EDUCATION •PhD, 2013, Uludag University, Department of Soil Science •MSc, 2004, Uludag University, Department of Soil Science •MSc, 1999, Ankara University, Department of Soil Science RESEARCH INTERESTS • Plant Nutrition • Fertilization and Fertigation • Soilless Culture PUBLICATIONS • Celik, H., B.B. Asik, S. Gurel and A.V. Katkat, 2010. Potassium as an intensifying factor for iron chlorosis. Int. J. Agric. Biol., 12: 359–364. • Celik, H., B.B. Asik, S. Gurel and A.V. Katkat, 2010. Effects of potassium and iron on macro element uptake of maize. Zemdirbyste- Agriculture, 97 (1): 11-22. • Celik, H., B.B. Asik, S. Gurel and A.V. Katkat, 2010. Effects of iron and potassium fertility on micro element uptake of maize. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 5 (16): 2158-2168. • H. Basar, S. Gurel, and A. V. Katkat. 2009. Metal Status of Soils and Plants Irrigated with Water from Lake İznik, Turkey. 40: 2545–2561. • Basar, H., Gurel S., Katkat., A.V. 2004. Heavy Metal Concentrations of Different Soils Irrigated with Different Water Supplies in İznik Lake Region. U.Ü. Zir. Fak. Derg. 18 (1): 93 – 104. Res.Assist. Gunsu BARISIK Soil Science and Plant Nutrition E-Mail: gbarisik@uludag.edu.tr Phone: 0 (224) – 294 16 45 EDUCATION •MSc, candidate, Uludag University, Department of Soil Science •BSc, 2010, Uludag University, Department of Soil Science RESEARCH INTERESTS • Plant Nutrition Res.Assist. Ekin Ulas KARAATA Soil Science and Plant Nutrition E-Mail: ekinulas@uludag.edu.tr Phone: 0 (224) – 294 16 45 EDUCATION •MSc, candidate, Uludag University, Department of Soil Science •BSc, 2011, Uludag University, Department of Soil Science RESEARCH INTERESTS • • • • Soil Genesis and Classification Soil Survey and Mapping Remote Sensing Geographic Information Systems PROJECTS • Historical Progress of Mining (Bursa) Project. 2013. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü, Tabiat Tarihi Müze Müdürlüğü. Project No: 2013-08-16-03. Supervisor: Assist.Prof.Dr. M.Sabri DIRIM. (in Turkish) • Bursa Municipality 1/100.000 Scaled City Environment Plan, Analytic Analysis of Agricultural Fields and Soil Resources (Nature working group). Coordinator: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Ertugrul AKSOY. Researcher: Assist.Prof.Dr. Gökhan ÖZSOY, Res.Assist. Bulent Baris ASIK (in Turkish) • Foliar Applied Micro Nutrients (Fe, Zn and B) effects on Quality of Olives in Gemlik Region. U.U. Scientific Research Projects Comission, 2012-2014. Coordinator: Prof.Dr. Haluk BASAR (in Turkish) • Boron Status at Tea Farming Soils and Determining Boron Forms and Doses for Application to Tea Plants, Boron Yield-Quality Relationship” ULUSAL BOR ARAŞTIRMA ENSTİTÜSÜ, 2012-continue, Researcher: Assist.Prof.Dr. Murat Ali TURAN. (in Turkish) • Investigating of Heavy Metal Concentrations on Olive Plantations in Bursa Region by Soil, Leaf and Product Analyses. U.U. Scientific Research Projects Comission, 2011-2013. Coordinator: Prof.Dr. Haluk BASAR. (in Turkish) • Land Use and Soil Erosion Mapping Based on Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Supported by: U.U. Scientific Research Projects Comission, 2010-2011, Project No: YDP (Z)2010/5, Coordinator: Assist.Prof.Dr. Gökhan ÖZSOY PROJECTS • Some Limnoecologic Properties of Beyler Reservoir Lake. TUBITAK, CAYDAG 109 Y 013, 2009-2011. Researcher: Assist.Prof.Dr. Murat Ali TURAN (in Turkish) • Determining Agricultural Properties and Use Possibilities Investigation of Sewage Sludge. 2008-2011, TUBITAK TOVAG 107O834. Coordinator: Prof.Dr. Cumhur AYDINALP, Res.Assist. Bulent Baris ASIK (in Turkish) • Determining effect of Potassium on Fe Uptake and Fe Chlorosis on Maze Plant, Uludag University Scientific Research Projects Z-2008/52, (2008-2009). Coordinator: Assist.Prof.Dr. Hakan CELIK. (in Turkish) • Consideration of Some Trace and Heavy Metal Elements on Modelling of Uluabat Lake Water Quality. TUBITAK CAYDAG 107Y278. Assistant Coordinator: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Ertugrul AKSOY, Assist.Prof.Dr. Gokhan OZSOY. (in Turkish) • PCB Distribution in Soils of Bursa and Seasonal and Regional Determining of Changes on Soil/Air Sub-Sequence. TUBITAK CAYDAG 108Y084. Assistant Coordinator: Assoc.Prof.Dr Ertugrul AKSOY. (in Turkish) THESIS • Karaata, E.U. Generating Online Land Information Database of Uludag University Agriculture Faculty Research and Application Farm. Uludag University Institute of Science , Master Thesis (Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Ertugrul AKSOY). (in Turkish) • Gurel, S., 2013. Determining the Lack of Micro Nutrient Elements (Fe, Zn and B) on Pear Plants in Bursa Region. Uludag University Institute of Science , PhD Thesis (Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Haluk BASAR). (in Turkish) • Asik, B.B.,2011. Investigating Agricultural Usage Potential of Different Sewage Sludges. Uludag University Institute of Science , PhD Thesis (Supervisor: Prof.Dr. A. Vahap KATKAT). (in Turkish) • Biyikli, M., 2011. Effects of Ice Cream Fabric's Sewage Sludge on Maize Plant Growth. Uludag University Institute of Science , Master Thesis (Supervisor: Prof.Dr. A. Vahap KATKAT). (in Turkish) • Metin Unal, S., 2010. Investigation of Heavy Metal Pollution in Alluvial, Colluvial and Vertisol Soils in Bursa Region, Uludag University Institute of Science , Master Thesis (Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Cumhur AYDINALP) (in Turkish) • Albayrak, B.,2009. Determination of Nutrition Status of Shrub and Semi-Shrub Based Granny Smith Apple Variety Grown in South-East Marmara Region. Uludag University Institute of Science, Master Thesis (Supervisor: Prof.Dr. A. Vahap KATKAT). (in Turkish) • Mol, F., 2008. Effects of Chicken Manure Compost and Zeolite (Clinoptilolite) on Soil Properties and Growth of Melissa officinalis L. Plant. Uludag University Institute of Science, PhD Thesis (Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Haluk BASAR). (in Turkish) • Ozsoy, G., 2008. Determining the Risk of Erosion by Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems Uludag University Institute of Science , PhD Thesis (Supervisor: Doç.Dr. Ertugrul AKSOY) (in Turkish) INFRASTRUCTURE SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT NUTRITION DEPARTMENT INSTRUMENTAL ANALYSES LABORATORY Instrumental analyses laboratory has been established mainly with TUBITAK project foundations. The main analyses are being in soil, plant, water and fertilisers. INFRASTRUCTURE SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT NUTRITION DEPARTMENT RESEARCH GREENHOUSE Computer controlled 150m2 glasshouse and 500m2 plastic greenhouse equipped with hydrophonics and fertigation systems. INFRASTRUCTURE SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT NUTRITION DEPARTMENT RESEARCH LABORATORY Research laboratory, equipped with new technology systems which can perform each kind of soil and plant analyses. INFRASTRUCTURE DEPARTMENT of SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT NUTRITION, REMOTE SENSING AND GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS LABORATORY Monitoring and analyze natural resources with the newest remote sensing and GIS technologies. INFRASTRUCTURE DEPARTMENT of SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT NUTRITION, CARTOGRAPHY AND SOIL SURVEY LABORATORY To study and to interpret maps and aerial photos, to determine temporary soil boundaries and to evaluate other soil mapping works (office stage).