2010 Annual Report - Fond du Lac Area Foundation


2010 Annual Report - Fond du Lac Area Foundation
2010 Annual Report
By definition,
the Fond du Lac Area Foundation is a tax-exempt organization that helps donors in the Fond du Lac area address their charitable interests. We do not operate programs ourselves, nor are we
an umbrella for a group of charities. We are a donor-driven link between charitable donors and the organizations and programs they
wish to support.
The Fond du Lac Area Foundation does not compete with the other
non-profit organizations in our community. In fact, we provide
many grants to the non-profit organizations to help them carry out
their missions.
Some donors choose to earmark their gift for specific organizations,
favored causes, or general areas of interest. Others choose to let the
Foundation decide how their gift can best be used in the community.
are distributed to support
youth, families, the elderly, health
and human services, education and
scholarships, arts and culture, and
the environment. The Fond du Lac
Area Foundation affords the donor
an opportunity to provide a legacy
that will live on in perpetuity.
Let the Fond du Lac Area Foundation help you to carry out your charitable objectives. Your generation’s
“helping hand” will make the community a better place for the next
People don’t give to the Foundation . . .
they give to their community,
through the Foundation.
Message from the Chairman and Executive Director
Many people want the assurance that their charitable dollars can stay right
here...in their own community...to make a difference. The Fond du Lac Area
Foundation offers that assurance.
For 35 years, the Fond du Lac Area Foundation has been an enduring
philanthropic resource for our community. In spite of the economic uncertainties
faced by our country, the endowment model put in place by our founders has
allowed the Fond du Lac Area Foundation to continue to award grants to make
this community a better place. Due to the generosity of people who care about
this community, the Fond du Lac Area Foundation was able to provide almost
$850,000 in charitable grants in 2010 to support the needs and invest in the
strengths of the Fond du Lac community.
Please read and enjoy this annual report. Read about the impact some of our
grants are making. Many of your friends and neighbors have established their
own funds or contributed to others. See the good work the charitable grants are
You have lived here, maybe raised your family here or have your business here.
Wouldn’t you also like to make a difference here? Why not consider your own
community when you think of your will and estate plan? Do it to create your own
legacy. Do it to make a difference. Do it to carry on your family name. Do it for
the financial advantages. The Fond du Lac Area Foundation staff will help you
achieve your charitable dreams...whatever they may be. You can make this
community a better place. What will your legacy be?
Call us at 920-921-2215 or visit www.fdlareafoundation.com to learn more.
Steve Millin
Sandi Roehrig
Executive Director
The Fond du Lac Area
“The mission of the
Fond du Lac Area Foundation is creating a better
community by promoting philanthropy, awarding
effective grants, and providing leadership on
important community issues . . . today and forever ”
2010…..Year In Review (This report covers the period: January 1-December 31st, 2010)
Added 20 funds bringing the total to 272 currently.
Awarded grants totaling more than $1,100,000.
Awarded scholarships to local students, totaling more than $145,000
Website Homepage ........................................................................................................................... 3
Donor Options—Kinds of Funds ...................................................................................................... 4
The Funds………………………………………………………………………………………..5-18
Women‘s Fund ............................................................................................................................... 19
Grant Guidelines............................................................................................................................. 20
Grant Highlights ............................................................................................................................. 21
Celebration of Giving Event……………………………………………………………………… 22
Grant Spotlights………………………………………………………………………………...23-24
Sophia Foundation .......................................................................................................................... 25
Wording for Bequest (Will Wording)........................................................................................ 32-33
Scholarships............................................................................................................................... 34-35
Financial Information………………………………………………………………………….…...36
Foundation Volunteers………….………………………………………………………………….37
Acorn Funds: Making a Difference….A Little at a Time………………………………………….38
Charitable Remainder Trust Information…………………………………………………………..39
Board of Directors and Staff……………………………………………………………………….40
Gift/Memorial/Honorarium Cut-Out .................................................................... Inside Back Cover
Confirmed in Compliance with National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations
From One Generation
. . . To The Next
Fond du Lac Area Foundation
About Us
Donor Information
Scholarship Information
Financial Information
Grant Guidelines
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Oakfield Community
Foundation Fund
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The Fond du Lac Area Foundation exists for
the good of the community. The purpose of
the Fond du Lac Area Foundation is to build a
permanent & lasting endowment to support
the charitable needs of the community.
The Foundation provides the following:
· A service to donors who have a
charitable dream. The Foundation
works with them to ensure that their
charitable dream is set up properly,
documented and carried out to the
donor's specifications.
· Grants for the charitable good of the
community to support health and human services, education, the arts, the
environment, etc.
· The Foundation acts as a neutral
convener and collaborator to work
with individuals and organizations to
determine unmet needs within our
community and find ways to meet
those needs.
Save the date: Foundation‘s
Annual Dinner September 22,
2011, at South Hills.
Complete News Archives
Mission: Creating a better community by promoting philanthropy, awarding effective grants, and providing leadership on important community issues . . . today and forever.
Vision: The Fond du Lac Area Foundation will support
efforts to enhance the quality of life in the Fond du Lac
Fond du Lac Area Foundation
Phone: (920) 921-2215
Fax: (920) 921-1036
384 N. Main Street—Suite 4
Fond du Lac, WI 54935
©2007 Fond du Lac Area Foundation
This is a print-out of our homepage on our website.
Check it out at:
Establishing a fund is easy. Foundation personnel can meet with you to learn about your charitable
intentions. Your fund can be named to honor your family or the charitable intention you wish your fund to
support. Foundation personnel will explain the kind of funds that can be established and the variety of ways
to give.
Most of our funds are established as endowment funds which means that the original contribution is
invested and the income or a percentage of the market value is available annually to support the charitable
purpose. An endowment will provide perpetual and ongoing support for a charity or charitable purpose.
Donors may also utilize their fund on a “pass-through” basis which simply means to contribute to the fund
and then to pass that contribution on to their charity or charitable purpose. Some donors combine the use of
―pass-through‖ options within their endowment fund. A third option would be to establish a fund as a
―spend-down‖ fund. A “spend-down” fund is one that will only be in existence until the charitable
objective is accomplished.
When deciding on a fund there are numerous options that we give our donors to choose from. These are:
Undesignated Fund: These are funds that are granted at the discretion of the Fond du Lac Area Foundation‘s Board of
Directors. They determine where the money is most needed in the community. Undesignated funds offer great
flexibility in meeting existing and future community needs.
Designated Fund: The donor names the charity or charities that will receive the income from the fund.
Field of Interest Fund: The donor specifies that income from the fund be used to support a particular area of
community life, such as the arts, social services, education, the environment, elderly, youth, etc.
Donor Advised Fund: Within certain guidelines the donor may make suggestions on grant distributions from the fund.
Temporary or Non-Permanent Fund: This fund will help a donor accomplish a specific charitable project that may
be short-term in nature. Two examples of this fund would be:
1.) a fund to accept contributions for a capital campaign or for a specific project.
2.) a fund that would provide a charitable benefit for a limited amount of time and then would be ―spent-down‖.
Supporting Organization: This is a separate legal entity that is recognized for tax purposes and has its own governing
body. It receives public charity status because of its affiliation and common purpose to the community foundation.
How much money do I need to create a fund?
A gift of $5,000 will establish a fund. Another option is an acorn fund. Acorn Funds allow donors to build meaningful permanent funds over time with an initial contribution of $1,000. All contributions are accumulated until the
donor‘s goal for the fund is realized.
Can I only give cash as a donation?
Cash is always acceptable to give; however, donations of shares of stock will usually offer the donor the greatest
benefit. Some of these benefits are:
* The donor may use the full appreciated value of the stock as the tax deduction (not the low basis price)
* The donor owes no capital gains taxes
* Donating shares of stock is very simple to do
* You may be able to give more using stock than cash
What other ways can I give?
Besides the ways that were mentioned above, you can also contribute by donations of real estate, securities, personal
property, life insurance policies, charitable remainder trusts, and even cash or property given through a will.
and their Purpose:
A donor may start a new fund or add to any of our existing funds
Charles & Merle Henkel Fund
These funds are the Community Foundation‘s
most responsive type to address changing
needs of our community. They are granted at
the discretion of the Community Foundation‘s
Board of Directors. They allow for the necessary flexibility and discretion to meet a broad
range of existing and future community needs.
This fund was established by bequest of Charles
& Merle Henkel in memory of Charles.
Jean and Art Kaemmer Family Fund
This fund was established by Mr. & Mrs. Arthur
Erwin J. Kaiser Fund
This was the Foundation‘s first fund. It was established
from the funds of the Children‘s Home when it closed.
This fund was established by Erwin J. Kaiser in honor
of his wife, Ruth, and his daughters, Jeanette Hinn and
Marilyn Indermuehle, and in memory of his wife, Irene,
his father, Ludwig Kaiser, his mother, Emilie Kaiser,
and his brother, Reverend Paul Kaiser.
Dr. Ivan and Mary Adrian Fund
Charles L. Ludden Family Fund
Community Fund
This fund was established by Dr. Ivan and Mary
Martha Anderson, Selma Schlicher,
Meta Anderson & Elsie Tuttle Fund
Alice and Robert Moser Fund
Barbara R. Nelson Memorial Fund
Stephen M. & Karla J. Peterson Fund
Robert G. and Marian H. Petri Fund
Eleanor & William Rutz Memorial Fund 1983
This fund was established by bequest to memorialize
Eleanor and William Rutz.
Ronald B. Sadoff Fund
Arthur H. and Thelma C. Sadoff
Community Fund
This fund was established by George Burrows in
memory of his wife, Shirley.
Allan L. and Helen M. Edgarton Fund
This fund was established by family and friends of
Arthur and Thelma Sadoff, in memory of Arthur and
in honor of Thelma.
This fund was established by Helen Edgarton in
memory of Allan Edgarton.
Donald N. & Janet Julka Fund
This fund was established by the family and friends in
memory of Ronald Sadoff.
This fund was established by Eleanor Briggs.
George and Shirley Burrows Fund
This fund was established as a memorial by the family
and friends of Robert and Marian Petri.
This fund was established by Irene Brenner.
Eleanor Briggs Community Fund
This fund was established by Stephen & Karla Peterson.
This fund was established by Bob & Margaret
Brandenburg in memory of their parents & in
honor of Margaret.
Irene and Arno Brenner Fund
This fund was established by Robert Nelson in memory
of his wife, Barbara.
This fund was established by bequest from
Harold Berkholtz and was established to honor the
Berkholtz family.
Bob & Margaret Brandenburg Fund
This fund was established by Robert Moser in memory
of his wife, Alice Schwake Moser.
This fund was established by Martha Anderson
and her sisters, Selma, Meta, & Elsie.
Berkholtz Family Community Fund
This fund was established by Charles L. Ludden.
David and Kathryn Sweet Family Fund
This fund was established by David & Kathryn Sweet.
John & Sally St. Peter Fund
This fund was established by bequest of Janet Julka.
This fund was established by John & Sally St. Peter.
Florian F. Frazier & Jane H. Koll
Frazier Fund
Field of Interest Funds are established by donors
who wish to contribute to an area of concern but
do not want to designate a particular organization. Donors may specify that income from
their gift be given to a particular area of community life: the arts, social services, education,
the elderly, youth...
Howard and Lorene Alexander Music
Award Fund
This fund was established by bequest of Fond du Lac
pediatrician, Dr. Jane Koll Frazier. The fund is to be used
for the benefit of youth in the Fond du Lac Area.
Fond du Lac County Disaster Relief Fund 2008
This fund was established by members of the Fond du
Lac community to support families in the county who
have suffered losses due to flooding.
Friends of the Arts Fund
This fund was established to honor and memorialize
Lorene and Howard Alexander. The purpose of this fund
is to support music in the Fond du Lac Area.
This fund was started with a matching grant from Firstar
Bank. The purpose of this fund is to address the unmet
arts and cultural needs of the Fond du Lac community.
Jim & Mary Arthur Music Fund
Catherine and John Gaffin Fund
This fund was established by Mary Arthur and the family
and friends of Jim Arthur to support big band education
and activities for youth and adults in the Fond du Lac
This fund was established by bequest. The income is
used to assist in provision of services for elderly persons
residing in the Fond du Lac area.
Grace and Heinie Beau Music Fund
This fund was established by Paul Graham in memory of
Carol Jane Graham to provide financial assistance for
unmet needs of families who care for the disabled.
Carol Jane Graham Memorial Fund
This fund was established by the Board of Directors of
the Grace & Heinie Beau Music Scholarship Fund in
memory Grace & Heinie Beau. The purpose of this fund
is to develop an appreciation of jazz and skills in jazz
performance within the youth of Fond du Lac and the
surrounding communities.
Community Health Plan and
Wellness Fund
Lewis C. Hack & Lois E. Hack
Scholarship Fund
Dr. Mike and Lynne Homes, ―Excellence in
Education‖ Fund
This fund was established by Dr. & Mrs. Homes in memory of their son, Matthew. ―The purpose of this fund is to
support projects within the Fond du Lac area public
schools that promote student wellness (emotional; social;
physical) and emphasize its relationship to positive academic achievement.‖
This fund was established by bequest of Elmer Dixon.
The income from this fund is to be used to provide medical assistance to Fond du Lac County children with special medical needs not covered by insurance.
Environmental Enrichment Fund
Harry and Ann Horner Fund
This fund was established in memory of Harry Horner.
The income will be used to assist in funding programs to
benefit children and youth.
Hornung-Verbeten Fund
Income from this fund is to be used, but not limited, for
education research, development and support of wildlife
habitat, elimination of pollution and toxic contamination,
community awareness and creation of attitudes and ideas
which foster respect for our environment.
Fondy Acoustic Music Alliance Fund
This fund was established by the Estate of Lois E. Hack
to provide scholarships for post high school education.
This fund was established to provide charitable grants to
projects that promote good health, healthy habits, and
wellness practices in the Fond du Lac area.
Elmer & Nellie Dixon Children’s
Medical Fund
This fund was established by bequest to honor the
Hornung and Verbeten families. The fund‘s purpose is to
help the poor and needy of the Fond du Lac community.
Donald N. & Janet Julka Music Fund
This fund was established by bequest in honor of Donald
& Janet Julka to benefit local school music programs.
This fund was established to support concerts or workshops in Fond du Lac County involving acoustic music.
―J‖ Fund
by her nephew Leigh Taylor to provide monetary assistance at the classroom level for equipment, materials
and supplies in the areas of Special Education, Library
Science, and/or the Arts.
This fund was established by Janet M. & David J.
Schmidt to make the Foundation more visible in the
E. C. Kiekhaefer Fund
Rienzi Cemetery Historic
Preservation Fund
This fund was established by bequest to honor Mr. E.C.
Kiekhaefer. The purpose of this fund is to support
charitable, scientific and education purposes, including
but not necessarily limited for the provision of scholarships.
Jim and Marie Kuber Fund
Lee and Lauretta Sterr Fund
This fund was established by Jim and Marie Kuber to
enhance the lives of the lonely elderly in the Fond du
Lac area.
This fund was established by Marilyn McGalloway
in memory of her husband, William, his parents, John
& Mary McGalloway, his aunt, Florence Sheridan, and
his grandparents, William & Katherine Donovan.
Dr. Edward W. and Myrtle G.
Vetter Fund
Lois and Graham Whiting Arts &
Humanities Fund
This fund was established in celebration of Audrey
Martin‘s 90th birthday by her family to support the
work of the Women‘s Fund of the Fond du Lac Area
Scott McCann Fund
ALJ-CAJ Williams Fund
The Women’s Fund
This fund was established by various donors in the
community to affect positive change in the lives of
women by developing and providing funding, engaging
women in philanthropy, and creating understanding of
the strengths and challenges of women in our community.
This fund was established by the Oakfield Community
to provide support to the Oakfield Community.
Oakfield Schools Fund Leila McChain Memorial
This fund was established by Helen Williams to memorialize and honor her parents, Chester A. and Jennie
Williams, and her grandparents, Albert L. and Jeanette
Williams. The income of this fund will be used primarily for historical preservation projects within the Fond
du Lac area.
This fund was established in memory of John Newman
by his wife, Connie, and family and friends to provide
scholarships to graduating seniors of Fond du Lac High
Oakfield Community Foundation
This fund was established by bequest of Graham Whiting. The purpose of this fund is to support the arts and
humanities in the Fond du Lac community.
This fund was established by bequest of LaVerne
McCann. The purpose of this fund is to support nonreligious organizations that provide assistance to people
in financial need, victims of domestic violence, or
wholesome activities and guidance for the youth of the
John Newman Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by Mrs. Vetter as a memorial
to her husband, Dr. Edward Vetter. The purpose of this
fund is to provide assistance for the medically related
charitable needs of the community.
The purpose of this fund is to accumulate principal and
income to be used in the future for business development within Fond du Lac county.
Audrey Martin Endowment Fund
This fund was established by David Sterr, Gene Sterr,
Karen Sterr, Mary Lynn Crist, and Joan Camezon, in
memory of their parents, Lee and Lauretta Sterr. This
fund will assist people who are hard of hearing with
assistive listening devices in any of the churches in FdL
County. This also can be used for beautification projects (flowers, trees, or memorial benches) in the city of
Fond du Lac.
William D. and Marilyn M. McGalloway Fund
for the Homeless & Hungry
Center for Enterprise Development
Inc. Fund
This fund was established for grants restricted to the
following purposes: maintenance of Rienzi Cemetery as
a whole or of certain historic, public, or artistically significant portions of the property.
Arline Taylor Weber Fund
This fund was established by Jeannette M. Weber,
David Taylor Weber, Paul J. Weber, Calvin &
Ernestine Taylor, John & Mary Weber, and Ella
Krueger in memory of Arline Taylor Weber to support
the special needs of women and girls in our community.
This fund was established in honor of Leila McChain,
Field of Interest - Scholarships
The Carew Family Fund
AAUW Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by James and Jeanette
This fund was established by the Fond du Lac Branch
of the American Association of University Women.
The purpose of this fund is to provide college scholarships and graduate fellowships for women.
Mary E. Abel Scholarship Fund
Community Education Opportunities
George M. & Margaret E. Corcoran and
Thomas & Catherine Fitzgerald
Memorial Fund
This scholarship was established by Harold Berkholtz
to provide scholarships for children related to American
Legion Members.
American Legion Post #156 NFDL
Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by bequest of Margaret E.
Corcoran. It will provide scholarships for students who
express an interest in a medical field including nursing.
Donald P. & Marjorie W.
Cummins Fund
This scholarship was established by members of Dreier
Bushee-Vanderboom Post 156 to support the NFDL
School District Badger Boys and Badger Girls state
delegates through 2013. After that, the fund will support scholarships to graduating seniors of NFDL High
Eloise Rueping Atkinson
Scholarship Fund
Donald D. Dennis Memorial
Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by Jane G. Dennis in partnership with the UW Fond du Lac and colleagues, family,
and friends of Professor Dennis as a memorial to him.
The purpose of this fund is to award an annual scholarship to a student of UW Fond du Lac with a special
interest and/or a proficiency in history, political science, or philosophy.
Elmer and Nellie Dixon
Scholarship Fund
The purpose of this fund is to provide scholarships for
area students who plan to take art courses in college.
This fund was established by bequest of Elmer Dixon.
The purpose of this fund is to provide scholarships for
post-high school students graduating from Fond du Lac
County high schools and studying in fields related to
agriculture or Protestant Christian Ministry and who are
financially needy.
Ben Booher Memorial Scholarship Fund 2007
This fund was established by Ben‘s parents, Gregory
and Deborah Booher, and family and friends, in memory of Ben Booher. The purpose of the fund is to provide scholarships to graduating seniors of Oakfield
High School.
Ron Brien Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by Donald Cummins and his
children: Dorothy, Nancy, Byron, Pat, Mary & Carolyn
in memory of Marjorie Cummins. Its purpose is to
provide scholarships to non-traditional students to attend college.
This fund was established in memory of Eloise Rueping
Atkinson‘s past family contributions to this community
and to pass on some of the fruits of successful lives to
future generations. The purpose of this fund is to encourage and reward academic excellence, achievement
and good citizenship on the part of students who are
preparing for college enrollment.
Harold Berkholtz Art Fund
This fund was established by various donors to provide
opportunities for low income parents to have options
when making decisions concerning educating their
child/children by providing scholarships to low income
families to help pay tuition cost for students in 6-12.
This fund was established in memory of Mary Abel by
her children, Brian, Allen, Anne, and Maureen. The
scholarship is awarded annually to a graduating senior
who resides in FdL County and plans to major in
elementary education.
American Legion Scholarship Fund
Arnold and Meta Firle Scholarship Fund 1996
This fund was established by Arnold and Meta Firle.
The purpose of this fund is to provide scholarships to
graduates of Fond du Lac city high schools who plan to
pursue a degree in an art related field.
This fund was established by Schenck S.C. to provide
an annual scholarship to a Fond du Lac area high
school student intending to major in accounting or a
business related field.
Fond du Lac County Medical Society
Scholarship Fund
Neil and Marion Hobbs Fund
This fund was established by the Fond du Lac County
Medical Society. The purpose of this fund is to award a
scholarship to a graduating high school senior in Fond du
Lac county who is planning to pursue a career in a health
related field.
Giddings and Lewis Scholarship Fund
Webster M. Hurst Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by Timm Hurst in honor of his
father, Webster Hurst. The purpose of this fund is to provide renewable scholarships to graduating seniors of Fond
du Lac High School.
This fund was established to support scholarships for
G&L employees and their families.
The Fond du Lac Fire Department– Chris
Henning Scholarship Fund
IAM Lodge #1947 Scholarship Fund
This fund was established to provide scholarships for
members or immediate family members of Local IAM
Lodge #1947.
This fund was established in memory of Chris Henning by
members of the FdL Fire Department with contributions
from David & Cheryl Henning (parents of Chris), family,
friends, and members of the FdL Fire Department. This
fund will provide scholarships to FdL County graduates
pursuing a career in paramedics.
Izaak Walton League of America– A.D.
Sutherland Chapter Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by Donald Thuerwachter. The
purpose of this fund is to provide college scholarships for
Fond du Lac County High School graduates who are entering or continuing education in conservation, ecology, or
directly related undergraduate fields of study.
The Fond du Lac Fire Department– Josh
Polhamus Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by members of the FDL Fire
Department with contributions from Josh‘s Memorial
Fund, Bud & Audrey Polhamus (parents of Josh), family,
friends, and members of the FDL Fire Department. This
fund will provide scholarships in the field of fire fighting.
Jan Jacobi Scholarship Fund
To provide a music camp scholarship for a student at each
of the three middle schools in the Fond du Lac School
Fond du Lac High School Scholarship Fund 2007
Dani Johnson Memorial Fund
This fund was established by Fond du Lac High School
to provide scholarships to Fond du Lac High School
David & Rita Metzger
Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by Marion Hobbs in memory
of her husband, Neil Hobbs. This fund will provide
scholarships for graduating seniors of Fond du Lac High
School who plan to major in the field of business.
This fund was established by Cindy Champeau in memory
of her daughter, Danielle ‗Dani‘ Mariah Johnson. It will
be used to provide scholarships for graduating seniors who
live in the North Fond du Lac School District.
This fund was established by David and Rita Metzger as a
memorial in honor of Georgina Dobson Hendricks. The
purpose of this fund will be to provide scholarships for
post secondary education for graduating seniors of Fond
du Lac High School.
Bernie Jones Memorial Scholarship Fund
Jim Gescheidle Scholarship Fund
Alan R. Lemery Choral Scholarship Fund 2007
This fund was established by Dorothy Lemery and family
and friends in memory of Alan Lemery to provide scholarships to graduating seniors of FDL High School who plan
to major in choral or music education.
This fund was established by Mary Gescheidle in memory
of her husband, Jim. This fund will be used to provide
scholarships to graduating seniors of Fond du Lac High
School who have either participated in the Student Custodial Program established by Jim Gescheidle or who have a
parent that is working as a maintenance or custodial
worker in the Fond du Lac School District.
Jim Gilmore Law Enforcement
Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in memory of Bernie Jones
by his family and friends. Two scholarships are awarded
annually to: 1) a traditional student and 2) a nontraditional student who attends the UW - Fond du Lac.
Edna N. Chase Laird Education Fund for
Women & Girls
This fund was established by Eileen J. Laird in memory
of her mother, Edna N. Chase Laird and will provide
scholarships to women and girls of very limited financial
means in the fields of service, social work, nursing,
healthcare technology, teaching, environmental protection
and improvement, animal care, etc. which benefits others.
This fund was established by Jim Gilmore to provide financial support for young men and women whose goal is
to become law enforcement officers.
Leonard/Lewis Scholarship Fund
annual college scholarship to a high school senior who
lives in or attends school in Fond du Lac County.
This fund was established by Dorothy Theisen in memory of Dorothy's father, Dr. Charles W. Leonard, her
mother, Gertrude Lewis Leonard, & her grandmother,
Louisa Langlois Lewis. It will be used to provide an
annual scholarship to one or more Marian College students.
Edward A. & Ethel F. Malone Fund
Harold Reinecke Fund
This fund was established by the Malone Revocable
Trust. It will be used to provide scholarships for students to attend St. Mary‘s Springs High School.
Francis J. Roberts Scholarship Fund
Cliff & Mary Rohde Scholarship Fund
Agnes Rose Memorial Scholarship Fund 2005
This fund was established in honor and in memory of
Agnes Rose. The purpose of this fund is to provide
scholarships to non-traditional students.
John Newman Memorial Scholarship Fund 2010
Rita J. and Robert E. Rucks Scholarship 1995
This fund was established as a component fund in
memory of John Newman by his wife, Connie, and
family and friends to provide a scholarship to a graduating senior of Fond du Lac High School. John was a
long time middle school teacher in Fond du Lac.
This scholarship was established by Robert Rucks in
memory of his wife, Rita, who was an avid and excellent baker and cook. It will provide an annual scholarship to a second year student of Culinary Arts at Moraine Park Technical College.
Frank & Leta Sabish Scholarship Fund 2009
This fund was established by Fond du Lac High School
in memory of Frank and Leta Sabish to provide annual
scholarships for students of Fond du Lac High School
as selected by representatives from Fond du Lac High
This fund was established by the Francis & Ruth
Oberreich Foundation at the recommendation of Kathryn Montgomery. It will be used to support a music
camp scholarship for students who attend Theisen
Richard J. & Andrea M. Patin
Scholarship Fund
Alma Salchert Math Scholarship Fund
Melody Schmidt Memorial
Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by the Chapter DO of PEO
Sisterhood to award scholarships to area women.
Robert N. and Alice M. Promen Fund
This fund was established by the Fond du Lac High
School. The purpose of this fund is to provide one or
two annual scholarships to students of Fond du Lac
High School who are proficient in math.
This fund was established by Richard Patin in memory
of Andrea Patin to provide scholarships to CEO scholars who attend St. Mary‘s Springs High School.
P.E.O. Chapter DO Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by the children of Cliff and
Mary Rohde to award scholarships to students at St.
Mary‘s Springs & Fond du Lac High Schools.
This scholarship was established in memory of Jeffrey
Merrill, who was 15 years old when he died tragically
while competing in a Goodrich High School hockey
game in 1989. Scholarships are awarded annually to a
Goodrich High School graduate who has lettered in at
least two varsity sports.
Francis & Ruth Oberreich
Foundation Fund
This scholarship was established by the Fond du Lac
High School. The purpose of this fund is to provide a
scholarship to a Fond du Lac High School student for
the purpose of encouraging creative prose writing.
Nathan Manis Scholarship Fund
To support a $1,000 scholarship each year to a
Fond du Lac High School student.
Jeffrey L Merrill Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was established in memory of Harold
Reinecke, former 4-H and Agriculture Agent for FDL
county. Annually a student majoring in agriculture or
conservation receives a $500 scholarship in the name of
Harold Reinecke.
This fund was established by friends and students of
Melody Schmidt as a memorial. It was established to
keep the memory of Miss Schmidt, who was a general
music teacher and enthusiastic environmentalist, and
her work with the students at Chegwin school alive
This scholarship was established by Robert and Alice
Promen. The purpose of this fund is to provide an
through a perpetual memorial scholarship. This scholarship will be awarded annually to subsidize musical
instrument rental for students who cannot afford the
rental fee.
seniors who major in education, basing awards on financial need, exceptional character, and scholastic
Searl Family Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by Fond du Lac High School
to support scholarships to Fond du Lac High School
Treleven Scholarship Fund
This annual scholarship fund was established by Kathleen E. Searl Birkby to provide a college scholarship to
a Goodrich High School graduate who has lettered in
Varsity Hockey and one other Varsity sport, exemplifying sportsmanship and teamwork.
Sabish Scholarship Fund
Frances and John Welles Science
Scholarship Fund
Wetter Memorial Scholarship Fund
John and Dixie Wier Scholarship Fund
Roy & Minna Willis Scholarship Fund
John D. and Jane A. Wilson Fund
This fund was established in memory of John Wilson.
This scholarship will be awarded to a graduate of Fond
du Lac High School based on financial need as well as
scholastic achievement.
This fund was established by the Herman C. Stieg
Revocable Trust DTD, Lela A. Vandermolen, Trustee.
The purpose of this fund is to provide scholarships for
college or continuing post high school education for
worthy recipients who might otherwise not be able to
afford the costs of attending
Jerome N. and Gerda F. Strupp
Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by bequest of Minna Willis.
Scholarships are awarded annually to a graduating
senior of St. Mary‘s Springs, Winnebago Lutheran
Academy, and Fond du Lac High Schools. Scholarships are awarded based on the worthiness, need of the
student, and satisfactory scholarship. Good citizenship
and good moral and personal character shall also be
This fund was established by the estate of William G.
Spallas. This fund will be used to assist one or more
students in veterinary school.
Herman C. Stieg Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was established by Dr. John Wier in
memory of his wife, Dixie. Scholarships are awarded
annually to promote proficiency in American History,
English and English Composition by students of Fond
du Lac High School.
This fund was established by friends and family of
Marian Simons in memory of her lifetime contributions
to the musical life of Fond du Lac. The purpose of the
fund is to provide an annual scholarship to an outstanding Fond du Lac High School music student who
plans to major in music.
William G. Spallas Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by Fond du Lac High School.
This fund was established by past and present members
of Sigma of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. The purpose of
this fund is to provide college scholarships for women
who reside in Fond du Lac County.
Marian R. Simons Scholarship Fund
This fund was established to provide support for scholarships for graduating seniors of Laconia High School
who have plans to major in a science related field.
This fund was established as a component fund by
Sabish Middle School. The purpose of this fund is to
provide college scholarships for graduating seniors
from a Fond du Lac public high school who also attended Sabish.
Sigma Scholarship Fund
David Eldon Wohler Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was established by Eldon and Marian
Wohler as a memorial to their son, David, who died
unexpectedly in 1989. This award is available annually
to a Fond du Lac High School graduate planning to
study in the field of pharmacy.
This annual scholarship fund was established by Gerda
Strupp, family and friends, in memory of her husband,
Jerome Strupp; a teacher, principal, personnel director
and superintendent of Fond du Lac public schools. He
also served in an adjunct capacity for Marian College.
Income from this perpetual fund is to provide scholarships for graduating Fond du Lac public high school
Susan M. Henken Zibung
Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by Dr. Willard & Dolores
Henken in memory of their daughter, Susan M. Henken
Zibung to provide a scholarship to a second year
student at MPTC pursuing a degree in nursing.
These funds allow donors to work actively
with the Community Foundation in selecting
charitable recipients. Recommendations and
personal insights from donors are the driving
force behind Donor Advised funds. Contributors are active participants in the distribution
of the income of the fund, sharing their preferences with the Board of Directors as fund
distributions are determined.
Arlene Abler Fund
This fund was established by Arlene Abler.
Alliance to the Fond du Lac County
Medical Society Fund
Altrusa International of
Fond du Lac Fund
This fund was established by members of Altrusa
International, Inc.
This fund was established by Helen Bauer in
memory of her husband Felix Bauer.
George J. and Mary C. Becker Fund
This fund was established by the Fond du Lac County
Bar Association. The purpose of this fund is to support
the charitable and educational projects of the Fond du
Lac County Bar Association.
Giddings and Lewis Foundation Fund
This fund was established to provide broad charitable
community support.
This fund was established by Jim & Ginny Gilmore to
support worthy causes in their name and memory of
Jim‘s first wife, Candace and his father Marv, and to
honor his mother Millie.
Thomas J. & Christine A. Gross Fund
This fund was established by Thomas &
Christine Gross.
Robert C. & Beverly J. Gross Fund
Roger and Ruth Gormican Fund
This fund was established in memory of Ruth
Hierl Insurance Charitable Fund
This fund was established by Hierl Insurance.
This fund was established by Mary C. Becker in
memory of her husband, George J. Becker.
Elizabeth ―Betty‖ M. Benzie Fund
FDL County Bar Association
Endowment Fund
This fund was established by Robert C. &
Beverly J. Gross.
This fund was established by Tom & Jinny Baker.
Felix and Helen Bauer Family Fund
This fund was established by Barry Rosenblatt, and his
son Ben, in memory of Ben‘s good friend, Del Briggs.
Gilmore Family Fund
This fund was established by its members. The income
will be used to benefit health related projects as chosen
by members of the Alliance to the Fond du Lac County
Medical Society.
Tom and Jinny Baker Fund
Del Briggs Fund
Dorothy & Ervin Klumpyan Fund
This fund was established by Joseph Colwin, in
honor of Dorothy Klumpyan, and in memory of
Ervin Klumpyan, who are the parents of his wife,
Dawn Colwin.
This fund was established by Betty Benzie.
Tim and Cathy Mathweg Fund
Berger Family Fund
This fund was established by Tim and Cathy Mathweg.
This fund was established by Joseph and Judith Berger.
Mercury Marine Fund
Richard L. & Ann E. Blamey
Family Fund
This fund was established by Mercury Marine to
support the charitable needs of the Fond du Lac area.
This fund was established by Dick and Ann Blamey.
Arthur and Florence Michler Fund
Raymond R. & Jeanne A. Colwin Fund
This fund was established in memory of Arthur and
Florence Michler.
This fund was established by the trust of Jeanne A.
Colwin in memory of Raymond and Jeanne.
Richard J. & Patricia A. Miller Fund
This fund was established by Richard & Patricia Miller.
John & June Neumann Fund
This fund was established by RB Royal Industries, Inc.,
John W. Neumann Jr., and James W. Neumann.
Charles E. Pike Family Fund
This fund was established by family, friends, and business associates of Mr. Pike in honor of his retirement.
Jacquelyn M. Plaisance Peterson Fund 2007
This fund was established by Steven J. Peterson and
Lisa A. Washa in memory of Jacquelyn M. Plaisance
Bob & Dorothy Royea Family Fund
This fund was established by Bob Royea in memory of
his wife, Dorothy. Dorothy was also the mother of
Foundation Executive Director, Sandi Roehrig.
Warren and Florence Schellinger
Memorial Fund
This fund was established by Warren and Florence‘s
daughter, Bonnie, and son-in-law, Dan Springborn in
memory of Warren and Florence Schellinger.
Donald and Mary Lou Smith Fund
This fund was established by Gary Smith and his wife,
Janet, in memory of his father, Donald Smith, and in
honor of his mother, Mary Lou Smith.
Society Insurance Charitable Fund
Michael Wolfe. The fund currently awards annual
scholarships to graduates of Fond du Lac High School.
Edgar A. Wright, Jr. Fund
This fund was established by Edgar A. Wright, Jr.
Designated funds allow those individuals who
want to support a certain charity to specify
certain charities as recipients of their gifts.
Charitable agencies and organizations benefit
from placing the management and investment
of their endowments with the Community
Foundation. The income of each fund is disbursed to each organization for use as its own
Board of Directors deems appropriate.
4-H Endowment Fund
This fund was established by the 4-H Leaders Association to provide financial support for the 4-H Leaders
Association and the educational programs it provides.
4-H Non Endowed Fund
This fund was established by the Fond du Lac County 4
-H to benefit Fond du Lac County 4-H programs.
George R. Abel Galloway House Fund
This fund was established by the Stone Foundation.
This fund was established by Brian Abel, Allen Abel,
Anne Abel, and Maureen Abel Andrejeski to honor
their father, George Abel. The income of this fund is
designated for repairs or needs for the Carriage House
and the Mill at the Galloway House and Village.
Stormo Family Fund
Grace and Arch Adrian Fund
This fund was established by Society Insurance, a mutual company.
Stone Foundation Fund
This fund was established by Dr. K. Alan and Sharon
H. Stormo. Successor donor advisors to Dr. K. Alan
and Sharon shall be their eight children.
Thomas & Marilyn Tobin Fund
This fund was established by Thomas H. Tobin, Jr. in
memory of Marilyn and Sean Tobin and in honor of
Bobbi, Briana, and Chloe Tobin.
Dr. David & Mary Weber Fund
This fund was established by Dr. David and Mary Weber to provide charitable support to the community.
Patrick Whealon Fund
This fund was established by various contributors in
memory of Pat Whealon.
Michael J. Wolfe Memorial Fund
This fund was established by Michael‘s parents, Jim &
Cathy Wolfe, and family and friends in memory of
This fund was established as a memorial in recognition
of the contributions to the community of Fond du Lac
through music. The purpose of this fund is to provide
an annual endowment to the music department of the
Fond du Lac Area Catholic Education System
(FACES), for use by the music department in the acquisition and maintenance of instruments, equipment
and music to foster the instruction of students in the
musical arts.
Miles and Florence Adrian
Memorial Fund
This fund was established by bequest. The income is
distributed annually to the music departments of Fond
du Lac High School, St. Mary‘s Springs High School,
the three FDL middle schools and the FDL Symphonic
Advocap Endowment Fund
This fund was established ADVOCAP. The purpose of
the fund will be to support ADVOCAP‘s mission to create Cerebral Palsy Endowment Fund
opportunities for people and communities to reduce poverty This fund was established by the Board of Directors of Cereand increase self sufficiency in Fond du Lac County.
bral Palsy for Mideast Wisconsin and will be used to support
the mission of their agency in the Fond du Lac area.
Ag Ambassador Program Fund
This fund was established by members of the Farm Progress Civil War Memorial
Days 2000 Board of Directors to provide support for the Ag The income of this fund is used to preserve the Civil War
Ambassador Program which is a committee of the Associa- Memorial Statue at Veteran‘s Park. A wreath is placed at the
tion of Commerce Foundation. The Ag Ambassador Program Civil War statue each Memorial Day.
promotes agriculture education and awareness.
Charity Club Fund
Mary Callahan Becker
Educational Fund
This fund was established by members of the Charity Club of
1988 Fond du Lac. The purpose of this fund is to provide support
This fund was established by Mary Callahan Becker in mem- for the children of Fond du Lac.
ory of her parents and grandparents who were prominent in
the history of St. Patrick‘s Church. Income is distributed The Child Care Provider Training Fund
annually to provide scholarships for students to attend To support training for state licensed non-profit child care
Bethany Christian Services Fund
1999 Cops for Kids Foundation Endowment Fund 2010
This fund was established by friends of Bethany Christian This fund was established by the Board of Directors of the
Services. Income will be distributed annually to support the Cops for Kids Foundation to provide ongoing support for the
work of Bethany Christian Services in the Fond du Lac area. work of the Cops for Kids Foundation.
Harold Berkholtz WRAA
Publication Fund
Cops for Kids Non-Endowed Fund
1991 This fund was established to provide support for the work of
The income from this fund is used to provide financial sup- the Cops for Kids Foundation in the Fond du Lac area.
port to the Wisconsin Regional Artists Association for publiJohn Ebert Internship in Archives or Museum
cation of the organization‘s newsletter, ―Contour Notes‖.
Studies Fund
Harold Berkholtz FDL Regional
Art Fund
This fund was established by Maureen Betz in honor of and
1994 in memory of her husband, John Ebert, who dedicated his life
This fund is used to provide cash awards to the artists exhibit- to the study and preservation of history. This fund will proing in the annual FDL Regional Exhibit and Workshop held vide an annual summer internship at a local historical society
in Fond du Lac County for graduate level students in the field
at the FDL Public Library.
of either archives or museum studies.
Bone Marrow Fund
This fund was established by a community initiative from
various donors. The purpose of the fund is to increase the
number of local people who register as potential bone marrow
donors by supporting the $65.00 cost per person associated
with the blood testing for donors to register as a bone marrow
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Fond du Lac
County Fund
Fond du Lac Arts Council Fund
This fund was established by the Fond du Lac Arts Council,
Inc. Its purpose is to provide annual financial support for the
projects and needs of the Fond du Lac Arts Council, Inc.
which includes Windhover Center for the Arts.
Fond du Lac Center for Spirituality
and Healing Fund
1997 This fund was established by the Board of Directors of the
This fund was established by the Board of Directors of Big Center for Spirituality and Healing to support the Center.
Brothers Big Sisters of Fond du Lac County. The income
Fond du Lac High School Performing Arts
from this fund is to be used as needed by the Board of DirecCenter Fund
tors of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Fond du Lac County.
This fund was established by the direction and recommendaBrooke Industries Fund
1986 tion of the Board of Directors of the Fond du Lac Area Foundation. It is a restricted endowment for special program supThe income from this fund is to be used by the Board of
port, enhancements, and replacements for the FDL High
Directors of Brooke Industries as needed.
School PAC.
FDL Public Library Endowment Fund 1993
Directors of the FDL Senior Center to be used as
This fund contains the Esella Mertes Memorial Book
Fund which is used to purchase fairy tale and folklore
materials for the Youth Library. Other additions to the
fund will be used to improve library services.
FDL Public Library Endowment Fund
Friends of Women in Recovery Fund
This fund was established by the Board of Directors of
the Fond du Lac Public Library to enhance the publicly
supported library services.
Galloway House and Village Fund
Fond du Lac School District
Endowment Fund
Thomas & Jeannine Guilfoile Fund
This fund was established to support Fond du Lac
School district related programs on an annual basis.
FDL Symphonic Band
This fund was established by the Fond du Lac
Symphonic Band, Ltd. The purposed of this fund is to
provide financial support for the Fond du Lac
Symphonic Band.
FDL Symphonic Band
This fund was established by the Fond du Lac Woman‘s
Club in honor of the former Fond du Lac Branch of the
Federated Women‘s Club. Its purpose is to provide the
KIND NEWS publication for 4th graders in the Fond du
Lac public school district.
Free S.P.I.R.I.T. Riders
Endowment Fund
This fund was established by Free S.P.I.R.I.T. Riders,
Inc. with the income to be used by Free S.P.I.R.I.T
Riders to continue to enrich the lives of children and
adults from Fond du Lac and the surrounding area with
disabilities through safe, therapeutic interaction with
FAVR (Friends Aware of Violent
Relationships) Fund
This fund was established by the Board of Directors of
FAVR to provide annual financial support for the work
of FAVR.
Friends of the FDL Senior Center Fund
This fund was established by an anonymous donor. The
income of this fund will be available to the Board of
The income of this fund is available to provide
financial support for the Galloway House and Village.
This fund was established by Thomas & Jeannine
Guilfoile. The purpose of this fund is to provide
an annual grant to the Samaritan Free Clinic of
Fond du Lac.
Darel and Donna Handley Family Fund 1995
This fund was established in memory of Darel
Handley by his family. The income of this fund will
be available to provide assistance to local boy scout
Horizon Fund
This fund was established by members of the Board
of Directors of the Symphonic band to support the
Symphonic Band‘s programs.
FDL Woman’s Club Fund
This fund was established by the Friends of Women in
Recovery to support the work of Beacon House.
This fund was established from a gift from the Horizon
Foundation, Inc. The income of this fund is to be used
to aid retarded individuals or organizations assisting
retarded individuals.
The Interservice Club Pool Fund
This fund was established by the Interservice Club
of Fond du Lac. Participating clubs are Evening
Optimist, NFDL Optimist, Noon Optimist, Twilight
Optimist, Evening Lions, Noon Lions, St. Peter Lions,
Morning Rotary, Noon Rotary, Lakeside Evening
Kiwanis, Kiwanis of Fabulous Fond du Lac, Noon
Kiwanis, Soroptimist, Fond du Lac Jaycees, and the
Exchange Club. The fund will be used for pool passes
for area children and families who would otherwise
not be able to afford to use the pools. Other pool
needs may also be considered.
Andrew & Ellen Humleker Family Fund 1999
This fund was established by Andrew O. and Ellen B.
Humleker. The income of this fund will be to provide
general support to the Boys & Girls Club of Fond du
Lac County.
Margaret Banta Humleker Fund
This fund was established by Margaret Banta
Humleker. The income of this fund may be distributed
to support the work of the FDL County Arc.
Klanderman Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Ralph G. & Shirley R. Martin—Salvation
Army Childcare & Food Pantry Fund 2000
This fund was established by Walter D. and Wanda H.
Klanderman. The purpose of this fund is to award
scholarships to Lake Lundgren Bible Camp. The scholarships will provide financial assistance for eligible
youth to attend the camp.
Paul E. & Margaret Kremer Fund
This fund was established by Ralph & Shirley
Martin. It will provide annual support for the childcare program and the food pantry programs of the
Salvation Army of Fond du Lac.
George D. & Marilyn J. McCallum
This fund was established by Paul Kremer, Sr. Mary
Kremer, Ann Buslee & Jane Cherry, children of Paul &
Margaret Kremer in memory of their parents. 75 % of
the income will be used to support education in the Fond
du Lac area. 25% will be used to support Lakeside Park.
Leonard A. Krolczyk Fund
LaVerne McCann Fund
This fund was established by the family of Leonard A.
Krolczyk. The purpose is to support Lakeside Park and
community environmental improvements.
This fund was established by Harold Kurtz in memory
of Dr. William Fenelon and Genevieve Dobyns, special
teachers who had an impact on Harold‘s life. The
purpose of this fund is to provide two awards each year
in their names.
Patricia G. McGalloway FdL Public
Library Fund
This fund was established from the Patricia G. McGalloway Estate. It is to provide an annual grant to the
Fond du Lac Public Library to be used for general library needs
This fund was established by Ann & Arnold Leestma to
support the FDL Lutheran home & The First Presbyterian Church of FDL.
Mary Lou Lindroth Fund
This fund was established by LaVerne McCann to
provide assistance to Fond du Lac area law enforcement officers and their families when an officer is injured or killed in the line of duty.
Harold Kurtz Teacher Appreciation Fund 2009
Ann and Arnold Leestma Fund
This fund was established by Marilyn McCallum in
memory of her husband George. The purpose of the
fund is to provide support to Fond du Lac High School
to provide bus passes for students who can‘t afford
Elaine & Robert Middleton Fund
This fund was established by Elaine Middleton in
memory of Robert Middleton. It will be used to provide educational, cultural and charitable support in the
Lomira and Brownsville areas.
This fund was established to provide an annual grant to
the Wisconsin Regional Artists Association to support
the production of a color catalogue and for other art
educational purposes.
Oakfield School DistrictEva B. Smith Fund
Ralph G. & Shirley R. Martin-Arc Fund 2000
This fund was established by the Oakfield School District to provide an annual grant to the Oakfield School
District to be used as recommended by the Oakfield
School Board.
This fund was established by Ralph & Shirley Martin.
It will provide annual support for the Arc of Fond du
Lac, Inc.
Ralph G. & Shirley R. Martin—Covenant
United Methodist Church Music Department
―Did you know you could establish a Designated
Fund to support your favorite church, school, or
park, in addition to traditional charitable
This fund was established by Ralph & Shirley Martin.
It will provide annual support for the music department
at Covenant United Methodist Church in Fond du Lac.
Ralph G. & Shirley R. Martin—Hospice Home
of Hope Fund
This fund was established by Ralph & Shirley Martin.
It will provide annual support for the Hospice Home of
Hope in Fond du Lac.
Operation Welcome Home Fund
This fund was established by family, friends, and
the community in support of soldiers from C.
Company 2/127 Infantry WIARNG, who served
in Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2005 and 2006.
The Schreiner Fund
Peter V. & Patricia Andrew Popp Fund 2009
This fund was established by Patricia Popp in
memory of her husband Peter V. Popp, Sr. to support
the grants of the Women‘s Fund of the Fond du
Lac Area Foundation.
Lyman and Laura Powell Fund
This fund was established by insurance policy
proceeds in memory of Lyman Powell, for support
of the Fond du Lac YMCA.
Program Service Fund
Income generated helps to offset the operating costs
of the Community Foundation and reduces the
administrative costs that might otherwise have
to be assessed to the other funds of the
Community Foundation. Contributions of any
amount are welcome.
Rawhide Boy’s Ranch Fund
This fund was established by bequest of Elmer
Dixon. The income of this fund will be used to
support the needs of the Rawhide Boy‘s Ranch of
New London, Wisconsin.
Residential Services Fund
The income of this fund may be available to the
board of directors of Residential Services to be used
as needed.
Rotary Charities Fund
This fund was established by the Board of Directors
of the Rotary Club. Income will be distributed
to the board of directors as requested.
Salvation Army Childcare Program
This fund was established to provide income to the
Salvation Army for their childcare program.
Nathan H. and Laura M. Schmidt Fund 1992
This fund was established by Nathan and Laura
Schmidt to provide income to be used for youth and
youth-related activities at the Church of Our Saviour.
Adrian Schmitz, Jr. Fund
Income from this fund will be used to provide tuition aid
to incoming freshman to attend St. Mary‘s Springs High
This fund was established by Bernard and Maureen
Schreiner to provide educational scholarships for students entering the food service field.
Service League Fund
The income of this fund will be used to support the
charitable work of Service League, Inc.
Sons of Zebedee Scholarship
Program Fund
The income of this fund will provide tuition assistance
for the benefit of children who are members of the
―Sons of Zebedee‖ and wish to pursue an education in a
Catholic elementary or high school.
Soroptimist Feminarum Fund
The income of this fund will be used to benefit women
and will be distributed annually to the Board of Directors of the Soroptimist International of FDL.
South Shore Chorale Fund
This fund was established by the Board of Directors of
the South Shore Chorale. The purpose of this fund is to
support the mission and programs of the South Shore
Chorale, Inc. (formerly the FDL Oratorio Chorus)
The Spartan Foundation Fund
This fund was established by friends of the Rosendale/
Brandon School District. It will be used to benefit
the students of the Rosendale Brandon School District
by providing support for the programs, clubs, organizations, extra curricular & co-curricular activities affiliated
with the School District.
St. Joseph’s Scouting Committee
This fund was established by the members of the St.
Joseph‘s Scouting Committee to provide an annual grant
to the Boy Scout Troop 777 of Holy Family Parish of
Fond du Lac, WI, to support the troop‘s religious and
scouting awards.
This fund was established by Mr. & Mrs. Adrian
Schmitz in memory of their son, Adrian Schmitz, Jr.,
who died at the age of 18 after a lengthy illness.
Jerry & Dixie Sullivan Family Fund
2001 Leona and Marie Weier Horizon Fund
This fund was established by Jerry & Dixie Sullivan.
25% of the income will be used to support the operations of the Fond du Lac Area Foundation. Increments
of 12% will be used to support Hospice Hope of Fond
du Lac, Samaritan Clinic of FDL, the FDL Arts Council,
,the FDL Community Theater & the FDL Public Library
for adult programs such as speakers, book discussion
classes, etc. and 15% to support St. Vincent de Paul Society of Fond du Lac.
Carl and Delnia Tonjes
Endowment Fund
This fund was established by the Estate of Leona C.
Weier to assist retarded citizens in the Fond du Lac
Community. It was established in memory of her sisters, Marie and Esther.
Marguerite and Henry Wetter Fund
This fund was established by bequest. The income is to
be used to provide memberships to the YMCA for those
who cannot afford them.
The Windhover for the Arts Fund
1990 This endowment fund was established with a grant from
This fund was established by Carl & Delnia Tonjes.
60% of this fund is established as an unrestricted fund
to support the general charitable needs of the community. The remaining 40% of the income of this fund is
to be distributed as follows:
10% -Covenant United Methodist Church Endowment
10% - Fond du Lac YMCA Foundation, Inc.
10% - Carroll College Endowment Fund
10% - Chapter BD PEO Sisterhood
the Board of Directors of the Fond du Lac Area Foundation. Its purpose is to provide annual financial support
for the programs and operations of Windhover Center
for the Arts.
The United Commercial Travelers of
Fond du Lac Fund
Acorn Funds allow donors to build meaningful permanent funds over time with an initial contribution of
$1000. All contributions are accumulated until the donor‘s goal for the fund is realized. The purpose for the
fund may be determined initially or when the donor‘s
goal is realized.
Acorn: Ahern Fund
Acorn: Todd and Betty Berens
Acorn: Donald E. Castle
Acorn: Herre Fund
Acorn: Theodore and Dorothy Heinle Fund
Acorn: Fond du Lac Humane Society Fund
Acorn: Steve & Mary Millin
Acorn: Helen B. Perry Fund
Acorn: DeNyse Peterson Children’s Education Fund
Acorn: Petri
Acorn: Phi Sigma Kappa– Matt Flanigan Fund
Acorn: Planned Giving Fund
Acorn: Sager Fund
Acorn: Jane & Bob Shirek
Acorn: Toriello Fund
Acorn: JoAnn Ward
Acorn: Earl A. & Mary M. Wohlust
Acorn: Women’s Fund- Sheli Sadoff Fund
This fund was established by members of the United
Commercial Travelers Fond du Lac Council No. 192. It
will be used to provide support for the Boys and Girls
Club of Fond du Lac.
United Way Fund
This endowment fund was established so that people
could give to the United Way during their working years
and also as a bequest. The income from this fund is
distributed annually to the United Way of Fond du Lac.
UW-Fond du Lac Foundation Fund
This purpose of this fund is to provide funding to the
UW Fond du Lac Foundation to benefit UW Fond du
Visiting Nurse Association Fund
The income of this fund is distributed to furnish nursing
service to the public.
David Taylor Weber Memorial Fund
YMCA Foundation Fund
The income of this fund is to be used for the support of
the Fond du Lac YMCA.
This fund was established by Arline Taylor Weber in
memory of her son. The income of this fund is used to
provide support for the Fond du Lac High School Band
to purchase equipment or materials.
Women‟s Fund grants $7500 to tutoring program for girls
The Women‘s Fund has granted $7500 to the Girls + Math = Opportunities (GMO) Tutoring Centers. GMO is a program
that assists middle school girls with school work in the field of mathematics. The tutoring centers will be located in the middle schools and will provide additional assistance to girls with their math homework and projects beyond what is provided
through their daily curriculum.
Imagine…a world in which the potential of all women and
girls is fully realized.
In 2007 the Women of Achievement award was established by the
Women‘s Fund of the Fond du Lac Area Foundation to honor
and recognize local women who through visionary thinking,
entrepreneurial spirit, leadership, philanthropy, and tireless efforts
have made a significant difference or greatly enhanced the quality
of life in our community .
The 2011 Women of Achievement recipient was Judy Goldsmith.
Judy Goldsmith receiving
her award from WF
President, Katie Hornung
Additional 2010 Grant Awards
Boys and Girls Club SMART Girls
HOPE Mentoring Program
Girl Scout Leadership Experience
SAFENET program
Arc: Equine therapy for women
Habitat for Humanity: woman‘s build
Youth for Christ Teen Parents
Grant Focus Areas
 Education
 Leadership Development
 Financial Self-Sufficiency
Previously recognized Women of Achievement
Marian Sheridan
Keynote Speaker
2011 WF Luncheon
Coordinator of School
Heath and Safety Programs
for the FDL School
2010—Barbara Lent
Virginia Gilmore
Mary Fran Merwin
Ruth Michels
Dr. Joan Regan
Shelly Stayer
Congregation of the
Sisters of St. Agnes
The Women’s Fund Gratefully
Acknowledges Our Founding Donors
Save the Date: April 17, 2012
Women’s Fund Luncheon
“Power of the Purse”
Come and join the Women‘s Fund as they present their annual
―Women of Achievement‖ award, hear an inspiring keynote
speaker, and learn about the important projects being supported by
WF grants.
Agnesian HealthCare
CitizensFirst Credit Union
Fond du Lac Area Foundation
J.F. Ahern Company
The Reporter/Gannett Foundation
Sophia Foundation, Inc.
WF Mission Statement
The Women’s Fund of the Fond du Lac Area Foundation affects positive change in the lives of women by developing and
providing funding, engaging women in philanthropy, and creating understanding of the strengths and challenges of women
in our community.
WF Board of Directors: President Katie Hornung, Vice President Rae Nell Halbur, Secretary Mary Jo Keating, Treasurer Sandi Roehrig,
Elise Barnhart, Helen Carew, Laurice Freeman, Ann Freund, Kristi Fry, Lori Garbisch, Molly Haack,
Paisley Harris, Sally Herre, Carol Hyland, Gayle Hytrek, Therese Massey, Sheli Sadoff,
Sharon Teschke, Alyson Zierdt, and Catherine Zimmerman
The Fond du Lac Area Foundation is dedicated to improving the quality of life in our geographic area. The Foundation
makes grants in the areas of education, health and human services, youth services, arts and culture, and the environment. Grants
are made for programs likely to make a clear difference in the quality of life of a substantial number of people.
The Foundation tends to favor projects that:
propose practical solutions to current community problems
promote cooperation among agencies without duplicating services
stimulate others to participate in problem solving
promote volunteer involvement
strengthen an agency’s effectiveness or stability
address themselves to prevention as well as remediation
Because of limited resources, the Foundation cannot respond to all worthwhile causes. In general, the Foundation does not
building funds
capital campaigns
religious organizations for religious purposes
political parties
endowments and debt reduction
scholarly research
annual fundraising drives
community services which are supported by tax dollars
travel grants
projects outside our local geographic area
When applying for a grant, include the following information:
1) Completed Fond du Lac Area Foundation grant application. (See page 2)
2) A statement containing the following information: (3 pages or less)
Summary of the project or proposal. (Include Agency Budget and Project Budget)
Other principal sources of support. (Both confirmed and potential)
Outcomes of the project - who will be better off, and how, at the end of the project.
If the project will be continued, how will it be supported in the future.
How are you working collaboratively with other local organizations to use your funding sources
effectively to provide benefit to the people you are serving?
3) A copy of the IRS Federal Tax Exemption determination letter. [501 (c) 3]
4) A complete list of the organization‘s officers and directors.
The grants committee will adhere to the following grants schedule:
July 31 . . . . . . . . . grant request deadline for consideration at the August/September Board of Directors Meeting
January 15 . . . . . . grant request deadline for consideration at the February/March Board of Directors Meeting.
You will be notified of the decision of the Foundation‘s Board of Directors.
Send the completed information to:
Fond du Lac Area Foundation
384 North Main St. – Suite 4
Fond du Lac, Wisconsin 54935
Phone (920) 921-2215
Fax (920) 921-1036
Questions: Email info@fdlareafoundation.com
Building a Strong Community
Grant Support
Since the Fond du Lac Area Foundation was formed it has now invested more than $10 Million
dollars back into the community in the form of grants. These grants have helped to make our
community a better place to live, work and grow. These grants address needs ranging from Social Services, Health, the Arts, the Environment, Education, Leadership, other non profit organizations, and various emerging needs that have come up over time. In 2010, the Foundation
awarded more than 400 grants for more $1,100,000.
2010 Grants
Grant Dollars by Fund Type
Donor Advised
Field of Interest
$ 96,044
2010 Grants By Area of Impact
Arts & Culture
Community Development
Education & Scholarships
Historic Preservation
Human Service
Celebration of Giving Dinner &
2010 Legacy Award Winners
The Fond du Lac Area Foundation awarded their prestigious ―Legacy‖
awards at their 6th annual ―Celebration of Giving‖ dinner on September 14th,
2010. The ―Legacy‖ award was established in 2005 to recognize outstanding philanthropy and significant commitment to the Fond du Lac community.
The event was attended by 225 people and the Foundation also
recognized over 50 people in attendance who have already established funds
to benefit the community. Ann and Richard Blamey talked about how the
Fond du Lac Area Foundation has helped them to achieve their charitable
objectives. The Blamey‘s currently have two funds at the Foundation. Ann
was also honored for her 10 years as a Foundation board member and for her
vision and dedication in furthering the mission of the Foundation.
Charter Communications was recognized with a Community Partner
Award. They partnered with the Foundation on flood relief efforts for Charter employees and also supported promotional advertising for the Fond du
Lac Area Foundation. Mike Hill and Caitlin Breuer accepted on behalf of
Charter Communications.
The first ―Legacy‖ award of the evening was presented to The Stone
Family. Peter, Barbara, Adam, Jill & Eric Stone were all in attendance to
accept the award. The Stone Family has a strong history of commitment to
the community: personal, business, and philanthropic. The family also has a
strong tradition of charitable support for hundreds of community projects
and organizations that impact the people in the communities where their
businesses exist. Throughout the years, members of the Stone Family have
been involved in leadership positions in multiple service organizations.
The second ―Legacy‖ award of the evening was presented to Agnesian
HealthCare. Bob Fale, President & CEO of Agnesian HealthCare accepted
the award on behalf of Agnesian. Agnesian HealthCare is a non-profit
hospital that provided $16M in service to the community in 2009, including
education programs, in-kind gifts, care for patients in financial need, and
service to patients with inadequate insurances. Community outreach is an
essential part of its beginning, its history and traditions, and its identity
today. They are a proud community partner that employs 2,800 people.
They have a continued commitment to the community by looking for ways
to engage and provide valuable resources that support wholeness of the
body, mind, and spirit. They also provided support to more than 135
different programs and organizations in the Fond du Lac Area in 2009.
“Legacy” Award
Established to honor those who are
known for their dedication and
commitment to making a difference
in the quality of life in the
Fond du Lac area.
Legacy Recipients:
The Stone Family: (from left) Eric, Jill,
Adam, Barbara and Peter
Legacy Recipient:
Agnesian HealthCare President & CEO
Bob Fale and Foundation Executive
Director Sandi Roehrig
Retiring Foundation Board Member
& Fund Holder Ann Blamey along
with husband Dick, daughter Heather
and mother and fund holder Marilyn
Community Partner Award: Charter
Communications– Caitlin Breuer &
Mike Hill of Charter and FAF Executive
Director Sandi Roehrig
2010 Grant Spotlights
YMCA- During the past several years the YMCA developed a vision for helping Fond du Lac serve others
through collaboration that would become a model for other communities across the nation to follow. Through
these efforts the Y was able to reinvest in downtown through a new facility by relying heavily on partners who
believed in the same vision and stood next to us in support for this cause. You see, the vision statement for the
Fond du Lac Area Foundation is as follows; to create a better community by promoting philanthropy, awarding
effective grants and providing leadership on important community issues today and forever. It is that simple,
with the help and support from the Fond du Lac Area Foundation the YMCA is now in place to address quality of
life issues like youth obesity, diabetes or give support to an entire family in need of healthy activities for a greater
quality of life and more. The YMCA is fortunate to have friends like the Fond du Lac Area Foundation helping
us build a healthier community. Together we can always improve the quality of life and so much more.
- Greg Giles, CEO/Executive Director FDL YMCA
Boys & Girls Club- The Fond du Lac Area Foundation‘s annual support for our Boys & Girls Club is vital to the
success of the after school programs. Through our partnership, we are able to purchase all the necessary supplies to
deliver the highest quality programs for children and families who need us most in the Fond du Lac community.
As a result, over 1300 children attend the Boys & Girls Club of Fond du Lac annually. While in the Club our
members improve their grades in school, develop healthy habits, socialize with friends and gain the necessary
skills and confidence for future success. Our volunteers and staff members positively impact the lives of hundreds
of children every single day and we couldn‘t be the best at what we do without support from our amazing partners
like the Fond du Lac Area Foundation! -Ryan Scheel, CPO Boys & Girls Club of Fond du Lac
2010 Grant Spotlights
Windhover Center for the Arts-Thanks to the support of the Fond du Lac Area Foundation, the
Fond du Lac Arts Council and Cleveland's Rock and Roll Hall of Fame collaborated on a British Invasion
Perspective in Windhover Center's Great Hall Gallery from October 2009- Feb 2010.
The British Invasion at Windhover Center was a free exhibit with the ultimate intent of allowing a national
museum experience for community members who would not otherwise have the opportunity to travel to
destinations such as Cleveland or other major American cities.
Without the generous support of the Fond du Lac Area Foundation, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame's
British Invasion touring exhibit would not have made a stop in downtown Fond du Lac.
-Kevin Miller, Executive Director of the Windhover Center for the Arts
Children‟s Museum of Fond du Lac- The Children‘s Museum of Fond du Lac is committed to
providing hands on learning experiences that will help children succeed in school, work and play.
Through the support of the Fond du Lac Area Foundation, we are able to reach out to the community to
ensure wide spread use of our programs and exhibits that support healthy childhood development and
educational initiatives.
-Andrea Welsch, Executive Director
Sophia Foundation‟s
Commitment to Creating
Caring Community
The Sophia Foundation believes caring community asks individuals, as well as, organizations and communities to co-create environments where leaders and citizens are given opportunities to learn
and serve together; to foster hope, and explore possibilities for its
people. The Sophia Foundation is committed to creating communities where Robert Greenleaf‘s credo ―caring for persons, the more
able and the less able serving each other‖ is lived out.
With that intention, nineteen members representing the Fond du
Lac community attended the June 8-10, 2011 Greenleaf Center for
Servant Leadership‘s 21st Annual International Conference in Dallas, Texas.
Servant Leadership is a philosophy and set of practices based on the
writings of Robert Greenleaf from his 1970‘s essay, ―The Servant
as Leader.‖ The leadership model puts serving others – including
employees, customers, and community – as the number one priority. This conference provided a unique opportunity for current and
emerging leaders from the Fond du Lac area and around the world
representing business, higher education, healthcare, government,
non-profit, and faith sectors to focus on the ethical, practical and
meaningful benefits of servant leadership.
Fifteen full and partial scholarships to attend the servant leadership
conference were provided by the Sophia Foundation with support of
a grant from the Fond du Lac Area Foundation. The Sophia Foundation primarily supports individuals and organizations in the Fond
du Lac area by providing educational opportunities that build
awareness for, and put into practice, dialogic and servant leadership
principles. The scholarship program supports creating a community of stakeholders with a common language and dedication to
living out servant leadership principles in the Fond du Lac area.
Attendees from the Fond du Lac area that attended the June conference included Sophia Foundation founder Ginny Gilmore and Executive Director Christa Williams. Additional attendees included,
Jim Gilmore – retired FDL Country Sherriff; Sandi Roehrig – FDL
Area Foundation; Erin Gerred – FDL County; Julie Pieper –
MPTC; Leslie Jaber-Wilson – Marian University; Lindsay Blumer
– Ripon College; Yung Pin-Lu – Marian University; Christie Trinoskey and William Wuske – CitizensFirst Credit ; Sue Roettger –
Mid-States Aluminum; Steve Thiry – FDL Police Department;
Linda Selk-Yerges – ASTOP; Susan Kolb – Cedar Valley Communities; Barb Senn – St Mary‘s Springs; Lindee Kimball – Solutions
Center; and Kate Treichel and Cathy Wolfe – Agnesian Healthcare.
Sophia Foundation
Board of Directors
Pictured are the Sophia Foundation
Board of Directors, Advisors and Staff.
Seated from left: Virginia Gilmore,
Ginger Timchak, Sandi Roehrig, and
Gary Boelhower. Standing, Christa
Williams, Linda Selk-Yerges, Terri Sexton, Jim Gilmore and Cathy Wolfe.
The Sophia Foundation was established
by Virginia Gilmore as a supporting
organization under the Fond du Lac
Area Foundation, in 2002. Our mission
is to nurture the spirit, dignity and potential of people through transformative
compassionate leadership.
To learn more about the Sophia Foundation‘s commitment to
―creating a caring community‖ contact
Christa Williams at
920-979-7407 or fdlsophiafoundation@gmail.com.
January 1, 2010 thru December 31, 2010
4-H Leaders Association
4-H Leaders Association/
Green Bay Packers Fdn
NFL Programs
ACUITY Charitable Fdn
J.F. Ahern Co.
John & Susan Ahern
Tim & Rose Ahern
Tony & Linda Ahern
Alliant Energy
Anonymous (6)
Assurant Health Foundation
/Match-Linda Quartaro
Clarence & Mary CouncilAustin
Mary Ann Austin
Baker Cheese
Theresa Bangart
Harold & Zoe Barfknecht
Helen Bauer
BCI Burke Company, LLC
Todd & Betty Berens
Catherine Birschbach
Lillian & C. Emil Borglund
Wright Foundation
Richard & Ann Blamey
Family Fund of FAF
Bob & Margaret
Bruce & Nancy Braun
Laura Braun
Harley & Barbara Buchholz
Tom & Nancy Bullock
Eugene A. Burg
George Burrows
John Candela
Tom & Helen Carew
Lorna Champion
Dr. Chen Kang Chang
Chapter DO P.E.O.
Charity Club Inc.
Charity Marathon Club
Charter Communications
Christ Child Society-FDL
CitizensFirst Credit Union
Harry & Bonnie Classen
Congregation of Sisters of
St. Agnes
Members of the Board of
Directors of the
Cops for Kids Fdn.
Culver‘s Restaurants/ Rick
& Pat Miller
Richard & Rita Dieter
Terrence & Jacqueline
June Eilertson
Exchange Club of FDL
FDL Area Association of
FDL County Bar
FDL County Dept of Social
FDL Community Health
FDL County Medical
FDL County Medical
Society Alliance
FDL Morning Rotary
FDL Optimist Club
FDL Rotary Club Charities
Tom Flader
Fondy Acoustic Music
Alliance Group
Dr. Douglas & Diane
Lillian Fox
Fox Valley Savings Bank
Harry & Judith Friedman
Gallery & Frame Shop/
Julie Balson
Gannett Foundation
Jim & Ginny Gilmore
Rodney Glaeser
Louis Glasnapp
Grande Foundation
Great Lakes Energy
Tom & Kathryn Groeschl
Tom & Chris Gross
Thomas & Jeannine
Windhover Foundation/
Matching Jeremy Gysbers
Mr. & Mrs. David Hanke
John & Mary Heisler
Dr. Willard & Dolores
Tom & Sally Herre
Audrey Hillmann
Holiday Automotive
Charmaynne Honold-Searl
Ty & Beverly Howard
Jim & Sharon Hubbard
Mary Huberty &
Kent Linton
Scott & Kelly Huck
Mrs. Peter D. Humleker, Jr.
Bob & Carol Hyland
Brian & Kristin Johnson
Larry & Sandy Johnson
Jed & Cynthia Keller
David & Gudrun Kenyon
Steven & Donna Klabunde
Richard & Joan Kleinfeldt
Dorothy Klumpyan
Marilyn Knipfer
Frederick J. Krueger
Don & Barb Kurki
Tai Ho & Evelyn Kwon
Eileen Laird
Thomas & Jean Lambeseder
J.J. & P.M. Law
Arnold & Ann Leestma
Kristin Lenz
Alfred & Lylia Liebetrau
Mary Lou Lindroth
John & Charmaine Luczak
M & L Management/
Manor Care Health Services
Tim & Cathy Mathweg
Marilyn McGalloway
Mrs. Marion McGowan
Mercury Marine
Melody Merkel
Andrew & Michele Mertens
Dale R. & Ruth Michels
Family Foundation
Michels Corporation
James & Marjorie Miller
Steve & Mary Millin
Milltrax Inc/Culver‘s
C.E. & L.J. Moore
Mary Mundl
Don & Audrey Nevala
Kriss & Sandy Novak
Pat & Marilyn O‘Brien
Gary & Linda Ott
Lewis & Lori Pain
Helen Pagel
Patrick Inc/Culver‘s
Richard Patin
Helen B. Perry
Betty Pinno
William & Beverly Preston
Lawrence & Lynn Rinzel
Pete & Rhonda Roehrig
Alan & Linda Roetker
Marie Rosenfeldt
Roundy‘s We Care Program
Robert & Marilyn Rucks
Sabish Middle School
Sadoff Family Foundation
Steve & Mimi Sager
Daisy I. Santa
Sabish Middle School
Leo & Maureen Santini
John & Linda Schroeder
Linda Selk-Yerges
Service League of FDL
C.D. Smith Construction Co
Mary Lou Smith
Society Insurance
Joyce Soderstrom
Marguerite Soffa
Soroptimist International
of FDL
Gary & Catherine Steele
John & Sally St. Peter
Mike & Mary Strigenz
K. Alan & Sherry Stormo
Jerry & Dixie Sullivan
Dr. & Mrs. William
James P. & Anne C.
Al & Grace Tollefson
Larry & Mary Toriello
John & Mary Townsend
Donald Trott
Dr. & Mrs. Mojmir Vrtilek
JoAnn Ward
Dr. David & Mary Weber
John & Frances Welles
Wellpoint Associate Giving
Campaign-Jana Gurrath
Wisconsin Regional Artist‘s
Ray & Carla Wifler
David & Nancy Witkowski
Earl & Mary Wohlust
Edgar A. Wright, Jr.
George & Nancy Younkin
Lynne Zwerg
In Memory of Mike Ahern
Joe & Judith Berger
In Memory of Gloria
Beverly Gross
In Memory of Jim Arthur
Mary Arthur
In Memory of Lee
Ray & Rae Nell Halbur
Steve & Dori Lichty
In Memory of Charlie
John & Susan Ahern
Karen Baker
Bank of America Foundation Matching: Todd
Betty P. Beardsley
Mary C. Becker
Chris & Judy Bernier
Marcel & Heather Biro
Lyle Birschbach
Susan Bovinet & Steve
Dale & Virginia Brooks
Hon. Henry & Ruth Buslee
Cynthia DeBakker-King
Myron & Christine
Bob & Cheri Fishelson
Todd & Trish Fortune
Foy & Springborn, S.C.
Thomas & Doris Gilles
Tom & Sue Hierl
Linda Hoffmann
Ed Huck
Claudia Huettl
Michael & Stephanie Korb
Michael & Kathy
Ken & Carol Loest
Mid States Aluminum
Foundation Inc.
Patricia Moses
Northern Jet Management
Rick & Toni Nuss
Darlene Ottery
Steve & Karla Peterson
Jack & Barbara Pollei
Sadoff & Rudoy
Industries, LLP
Victoria Sadoff
Steven & Mimi Sager
Maureen Schreiner
Robert & Jane Shirek
Mark & Marcia Sondergard
Mrs. Jerome Strupp
Mr. Kim Suhs
Jerry & Dixie Sullivan
Phillip Twohig
In Memory of Alice Lydia
Friends of Alice Lydia
Bob & Sue Steinbarth
In Memory of Joe Berger
Arlene Abler
Ahern-Gross Inc./ Tom &
Chris Gross
John & Susan Ahern
Bob & Lila Alexander
Jacqueline Anderson
Betty Benzie
Ronald & Joan Beyer
Charles Birringer
Trace & Cindy Blakely
Mrs. Carol Block
Philip & Jerilynn Boettner
Gerard & Bernadette
Susan Bovinet & Steve
Bud & Carol Browning
Hon. Henry & Ruth Buslee
David & Patricia Casetta
Fred Christ
Harold & Joyce Cohen
Larry & Debra Conger
Paul & Joan Cunningham
Ronald & Lynne
Nancy Daleiden
Lou & Donna D‘Andrea
Chris & Laurie Develice &
Discovery Coach
Dr. Mike & Mary Doyle
Ducks Unlimited Winnebago Flyway Chapter
Renee Dufore Russell
Dan & Liz Edgarton
Ellen Entringer
William & Jean Everson
Jeffrey & Anne Faris
Stephen & Donna Faris
FDL County Economic
Development Corp.
Mary Pat Flanagan
Frederick & Marilyn Fleury
Mary Ann Flood
Dr. Doug & Diane Fownes
Nancy Freund
Rose Gagnon
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Galow
Travis & Susan Gee
Myrtle Gilboe
Jim & Ginny Gilmore
Ethel & Bill Gofen
Theodore & Jean Goldman
Bernie & Lenora Goldstein
Baylee Z. Gordon
Robert & Sharon Grinnell
Thomas & Jeannine
Darrell & Margie
John & Mary Heisler
Dr. Willard & Dolores
Margaret Hicken
Tom & Sue Hierl
Arthur & Claudia Hintz
Elmer & Ardine Hintz
Dr. James & Mary
Holiday Automotive/Mike
John & Janet Hubbell Widl
Wayne Huberty
Terri Jacobson
Royce & Richard Karpinen
Jason & Nicole Keifenheim
& Family
Brian & Robyn King
Joel & Donna Klanderman
Karen Kollmann
Sharon Korneli
Stuart & Wendy
Kosikowski & Family
Carol Kraus
Douglas & Judy
Dr. David & Jean Lawrence
Dr. John & Barbara Lent
Greg & Denise Lewis &
Enid & Jerome Liess
Kathleen Ludden
Shirley Martin
Hyllis McArthur
Patrick & Diane McClone
Tom & Barb McGuire
Tom Meiklejohn
Larry & Carol Merrill
William & Dena Meyst
Rick & Pat Miller
Ann Milner/Hometown
Dr. & Mrs. C.E. Moore
Patricia Moses
Linda Mueller
Michael & Renee Nolan
Rick & Toni Nuss
Mary Jane O‘Brien
Verda Otten
Donald & Jean Otto
Michael & Melissa Ott
Richard & Patricia Otto
Jay & Marjo Parsons
John & Gloria Peterson
Alice Pickart
Jack & Barbara Pollei
Patricia Popp
Michael & Tina Potter
Bradley & Jill Randall
Donald & Marilyn Raube
Dale Rauwerdink
John & Bonnie Redding
Gretchen Rieser
Francis & Monica Roach
Roland & Diane Robinson
Dale & Judith Rockow
Bob & Sandi Roehrig
William & Judith Roemer
Robert & Marilyn Rucks
Dr. Jim & Shirley Rupple
Victoria Sadoff
Elizabeth Schmidtt
Cynthia Schmitt
Donald & Sherri Schmitz
Maureen Schreiner
Joe & Kathy Schumacher
James & Lois Schwartz
John & Joan Shanahan
William & Karen Shaw
Joseph & Holly Shea
Kathleen Siminow
Mary Smit
St. Francis Home, Inc.
Greg Stewart
Jerry & Dixie Sullivan
Dr. David & Kathy Sweet
Marlene Thompson
John & Maria Townsend
Philip Townsend
Kenneth Tran
Travel Leaders
Mark & Patty Trepanier
Dr. Tim & Merrie Twohig
Philip Twohig
US Bank
Dirk Van Pelt & Gloria
Mary Walrath
Dr. John & Marlys Welsch
Bill & Penny Werner
Julie Weston & Family
Sue Williams
Wayne & Laurel Wilson &
Richard & Jean Winkler
Jeffrey & Vickie Woodruff
Edgar J. Wright
Mr. & Mrs. John Wright
Kenneth & Carolyn
Joanne Zimmerman
In Memory of Ray
Shirley Martin
In Memory of Donald
George & Judith Lendved
In Memory of Benjamin
Deborah Croft
M. Catherine Miller
John & Mary Wisniewski
Kenneth & Carolyn
In Memory of Del Briggs
Barry Rosenblatt
In Memory of Ora
Ralph & Shirley Martin
In Memory of Audrey Mae
Rick & Pat Miller
In Memory of Shirley
Burrows at Christnas
Tad & Cate Hildenbiddle
Wayne & Christy Scheer
Rich & Barbara Tock
In Memory of Mary
Catherine Costello Brown
4-H Leaders Association
In Memory of Patrick
Ralph & Shirley Martin
In Memory of Joe Cruz
Beverly Gross
In Memory of Donald &
Marjorie Cummins
Byron & Leone Cummins
In Memory of Richard Bray Richard & Nancy Reves
Marilyn McGalloway
In Memory of Roger L.
In Memory of David
Rick & Pat Miller
Gerald & Claire
In Memory of Dorothy
Dirk Van Pelt & Gloria
Jim & Cheri Basler
In Memory of Ron Brien
Ronald Altenburg
James & Linda Burkhardt
James Gettel
William Goodman
& Chris Gross
Mary Jo Krueger
Michael & Carol
David & Karen Maccoux
Todd & Linda Mueller
Randall & Barbara Olm
Schenck SC
Steve Shellman
Richard & Sandy Skalitzky
David & Nancy Streck
Terry & Susan Strittmater
Brian & Barbara Strnad
James & Jodi Tarala
In Memory of Roland L.
Shirley Martin
In Memory of Rita
Service League of FDL
In Memory of Alice Draves
Cindy Buchholz
Harley & Barbara Buchholz
Jeanette Burke
Julia Coates Draves
Susan Draves
Audrey Fink
Joan Gratton
Dr. James & Mary
Heritage Club of FDL
Thomas & Helen Holland
Eleanor Holman
Shirley Lentz
Robert & Marion Mach
Vivian Paduano
Sam & Carol Sarra
Kurt & Susan Sroka
Joe & Sue Stephany
Mrs. Jerome Strupp
Virginia Wagener
John & Florence Williams
In Memory of Arnold &
Meta Firle
FDL Tent & Awning /
John & Sandy Buser
In Memory of Ellen Flood
Bob & Sandi Roehrig
In Memory of Peter P.
Elizabeth Frank
In Memory of Fred &
Margaret Freund
Alliant Energy Foundation,
Inc./Matching Ann & Bill
In Memory of Robert
Bob & Sandi Roehrig
In Memory of Jim
Wellpoint Associate Giving
Campaign-Chris Amadon
In Memory of Jake Gores
Bob & Sue Steinbarth
In Memory of Kathleen
Bob & Bonnie Badura
In Memory of Brooke
Joel & Donna Klanderman
In Memory of Carol Jane
Paul Graham
In Memory of Ida Graham
John Candela
Grande Cheese Executive
Wayne & Mary Matzke
In Memory of Alice
Warren Larson
In Memory of Frances
George & Judith Lendved
Robert & Kathleen
David & Joyce Jones
J.R. & Mary Liz Julka
Nickole Kawleski
Milan & Katica Kojcinovic
Robert & Jane Konik
In Memory of Mark Heller Diane Looker
Joe & Judith Berger
John & Susan Maloney
David & Marsha Matthews
Daniel & Kristine McLain
In Memory of Susan
Betty Misel
Dr. Willard & Dolores
Duwayne & Edith Moore
Patricia Muckerheide
Mrs. Jerome Strupp
Mary McCullough Koenigs
Bonnie & Mark Murray
Timothy & Kathleen
In Memory of Chris
FDL Firefighters Local 400 Socorro Olsen
David & Cheryl Henning
William & Christine Retert
Jane Ronsman
Arthur & Sandra Schierland
In Memory of Frank
C.J. & J. Schneider
Rick & Pat Miller
Ann Seibel
Bob & Sandi Roehrig
Dr. & Mrs. D.L. Senger
Peter & Jennifer Zacherl
Dale & Nancee Shipe
Robert & Jane Shirek
Jill Wagner
In Memory of Matthew J.
James & Florence Williams
Mike & Lynne Homes
Donna Wirth
Dennis & Joan Yakaites
Jeffrey & Mary Zehren
In Memory of Ellen
Gail Zimmerman
Wilfred & Helen Pagel
In Memory of Dani
In Memory of Colleen
Stanley & Karen Stahmann
Robert & Cheri Fishelson
Rick & Pat Miller
In Memory of Dennis
Patricia Popp
David & Anna McEnroe
Bob & Sue Steinbarth
In Memory of Janice
James & Kari Adamson
In Memory of Bernie Jones
John & Amy, Becky, Angie, Anonymous
Jenny Ahlstrom
Linda Cuccinotto
Alpha Theta Chapter
Donald Jones
Mark & Margaret Bohn
Jack & Barbara Pollei
Marjorie Bowton
Friends of Bernie Jones
Mary Kay Brockman
Chegwin Elementary
In Memory of Nick Kallas
Beverly Gross
Elizabeth Coerber
Paul & Wendy Dille
In Memory of Virginia
FDL School District/
Lakeshore Activity Acct. Jim & Cheri Basler
Ruby Gebhardt
Craig & Julie Gruening
In Memory of Shirley
Nancy Hammock
John & Barbara Hanisch
Bob & Sue Steinbarth
Helen Heimerl Schallern
Kimberly Henning
In Memory of Mary
Laura Henning
Ralph & Shirley Martin
In Memory of Dr. Michael
Beacon Foundation
Dr. John & Barbara Lent
Maggie Shea
Paul & Sharon Stelter
In Memory of Trudy
Patricia Popp
In Memory of Mae
Judith Berger
In Memory of Joel
American Association of
University Women-AAUW
In Memory of Marie
Bob & Sue Steinbarth
In Memory of Leonard
Krolczyk on his birthday
and at Christmas
Michael & Cecilia Krolczyk
In Memory of Michael H.
Faith Krueger
In Memory of Patsy Krug
Schenck SC
In Memory of Marie Kuber
Christine Twohig
Maureen Schreiner
In Memory of Dorothy
Bob & Jane Shirek
Earl & Mary Wohlust
Roger & Jane Ziebell
In Memory of Carl
Rick & Pat Miller
In Memory of Howard
Shirley Martin
In Memory of Luke Martin
Stephanie Martin
In Memory of Ralph
Joe & Judith Berger
Mary Jo Berenz
Todd & Tanya Berenz
Kathi Breit
Marion Chadbourne
David & Julia Crouch
Mr. & Mrs. James Curcio
Richard & Betty Dahlke
Merry Damrow
David & Rose Faucher
Audrey Fink
Jim & Ginny Gilmore
Patrick & Anna Guy
Steve Hinkley
Bill & Kathy Humke
Amy Johnson
Robert Johnson
Jeanne Kebble
Joel & Donna Klanderman
Michael & Nancy Kneeland
Allen & Patricia Knuth
Kenneth Martin
Rick Martin & Debra Wothe
Audrey Martin
Shirley Martin
Marilyn McCallum
William & Lori McMahon
Patrick & Marysue Michels
Robert & Flora O‘Hagan
Bob & Sandi Roehrig
Harold & Elizabeth
Arthur & Margaret Seibel
John & Patricia Stoecker
Orin Treadwell
Virginia Wagener
James & Florence Williams
In Memory of Jeffrey
Merrill at Christmas
Earl & Charlotte Morgan
In Memory of Mary Fran
Joe & Jaye Ciontea
In Memory of Donald Mix
Jim & Cheri Basler
Bob & Sandi Roehrig
Rob & Kelli Royea
In Memory of Albertus
4-H Leaders Association
In Memory of John
Dave & Janet Ahern
Chuck & Sandy Ahner
Marge Albert
Bill & Sheri Amidon
Kathy Amidon
Bob & Gerrie Anderson
Mary Arthur
Jerry & Mary Jean Aspatore
In Memory of Peter
Richard & Marge Baccus
Jim & Cheri Basler
Mary Barbeau
Kim Berndt
Shane & Jeanette Braun
In Memory of Harold
Harold & Kathi Breit
Rick & Pat Miller
Mark & Joan Breitung
Bob & Sandi Roehrig
Mary Brickle
John & Carol Brzezinski
Karen Buck
In Memory of George
Nancy Burkholder
Richard & Ann Blamey
Ed Burns Family
Family Fund of FAF
Pete, Kathy & Beth Burns
Scott & Laurie McCallum
Mark & Therese Burazin
Lorna Champion
Phil & Lynn Conrad
In Memory of Clare
Rick Davies & Sons
Steve & Maggie
Ron & Sandy Davis
Larry & Deb Debbert
Tom & Mary Dobyns
Laura Dow
In Memory of Jeffrey
Jarrod & Angie Duel
Terry & Gisele Burnett
Glen & Tammy Eichorn
John & Jeannine Dempsey
Dale & Patty English
Larry & Carol Merrill
Jack & Kathy Erickson
Paul Masini
FDL County Clerk of
David & Janine Nelson
Courts Staff
Ronald & Marcia Petak
Tom & Marilyn Faris
Dale & Vi Frank
Roger Freiberg
In Memory of Jeffrey
Tom & Lorna Friess
Merrill on his Birthday
Charlie & Marlene Andrews Tim & Sue Girard
Harold & Bev Bloedow
Jim Goebel
John & Jeannine Dempsey
Lyle & Jody Goebel
Robert Merrill
Ray & Nancy Graff
Charlotte & Earl Morgen
Doug & Tammy Guse
David & Janine Nelson
Mark & Margaret Haak
Karen Habriga
Chuck & Janet Halfman
Joe & Louise Hesen
Geno & Kathy Hilbert
Art & Claudia Hintz
Dan & Paula Homuth
Jan Hulderson
Just Fare: Carol Smith &
Marilyn Halley
Art & Karen Kalsbeek
Brian & Mel Kolstad
Kathie Kraemer
Virgil & June Kramer
Kyle & Lisa Krusick
Paul & Pam Lane
Dorothy Lange
Gary Larson
Jan Larson
Dale & Sandy Lehman
Dave Leisses Family
Marlene Leisses
Terrence & Anne Lemke
John & Linda Lepien
Glenn & Ruth Lutze
Joan Malson
Don & Carol Marschall
John & Maggie Matysik
John & Pat Maurer
Bob Meier
Lynn & Judith Mellenthien
Larry & Carol Merrill
William & Dena Meyst
Michael & Lynn Moon
Duwayne & Edith Moore
Mary Muehlius
Red Mullenbach
Shaun Mullenix
Don & Audrey Nevala
John & Toni Nevicosi
Connie Newman
Lillian Nolan
John & Bonny Oberg
Helen Pagel
Pat & Jim Pappenfuss
Geraldine Parker
Joe & Barb Pentek
Don & Janet Rabbitt
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Rameker
Paul & Nancy Rameker
Kathy Reimer
Manfred & Jean Reinbacher
Ron & Marilyn Repp
Fran & Monica Roach
Jeff, Debra & Zack Rogers
Liz Roy & Peter Roy
Mary Runde
Bernie Schmitz
Chuck & Ann Schob
Rosemary Schorse
Norman & Christine Scott
Roger & Char Searl
Larry Sharratt Family
Bob & Jane Shirek
Lewis & Carol Smith
Michael & Gloria Smith
Mark & Sharon Steger
Barb Stephany
Jim & Sonya Stevens
James & Mary Strasser
John & Joanne Talaska
Jerry & Jane Thompson
Ward & Louise Trastek
Bruce & Marilynn
Van Buren
Karen Parker Vermeer
Buddy & Mary Jo Vescio
Nathan Wessel
Gary & Karen White
Bill & Evie Whittaker
Todd & Dawn Whittaker
Julie Willey
Bernard & Betty Wuest
Chuck, Leslie, Max & Ben
Chris Zuraff
In Memory of Margaret
Sigma of FDL
In Memory of Teckla Olig
Bob & Sandi Roehrig
In Memory of Raymond L.
Sandra L. Panzer
In Memory of Bob &
Dorothy Royea
Jim & Cheri Basler
In Memory of Evelyn
Joel & Donna Klanderman
In Memory of Myrtle Sabel
Bob & Sue Steinbarth
In Memory of Lee &
Lauretta Sterr
Joan Haber
Karen Sterr
In Memory of Arthur &
Thelma Sadoff
Sadoff Family Foundation
In Memory of Ronald B.
Sadoff Family Foundation
In Memory of Carl & Alice
Jerry & Elaine Hansen
In Memory of George
4-H Leaders Association
In Memory of Emil Schmid
David & Darlene Hanke
In Memory of Melody
In Memory of Their Parents Schmidt
Bill & Christine Retert
Sam & Elise Barnhart
The Schmidt Family
In Memory of Robert &
In Memory of Bernie
Marian Petri
Society Insurance/Tom Petri Schreiner
Kevin & Kay Blanck
Mike & Kris Blanck
In Memory of Josh
David & Sandra Cerutti
Dr. Doug & Diane Fownes
Bud & Audrey Polhamus
Roundy‘s We Care program Jim & Ginny Gilmore
Tom & Jeanine Guilfoile
David & Roxann Kay Grube
In Memory of Agnes
Diane Krist
Promen Perrizo
Richard & Patricia Redman Arnold & Ann Leestma
Dr. John & Barbara Lent
Jane Matenaer
In Memory of Jack A.
William & Dena Meyst
Beatrice Mooney
Dirk Van Pelt & Gloria
William O‘Brien, Jr.
Congressman Thomas Petri
Dr. & Mrs. James Rupple
In Memory of Miles Rahn
Charles & Jean Smith
Sigma of FDL
John & Sally St. Peter
Ward Torke
In Memory of Harold
Dr. Timothy & Merrie
Dr. Willard & Dolores
Lupe Ugent-Ewert
JoAnn Ward
James & Kathleen Wildes
In Memory of Thelma
Dennis & Linda Wilkes
Wisconsin Restaurant Asso.
Joel & Donna Klanderman
Lake to Lake
In Memory of Shirley M.
In Memory of Robert
Dr. James & Mary
Rick & Pat Miller
In Memory of Agnes Rose
Harold & Zoeneida
In Memory of Jean
Bob & Lori Hornung
In Memory of Ruth
Rick & Pat Miller
In Memory of Jerome
Dr. Willard & Dolores
Mrs. Jerome Strupp
In Memory of Lois Theel
Taft 23 4-H Club
In Memory of Bob Tiedt
Bob & Bonnie Badura
In Memory of Carl &
Delnia Tonjes
Jeffrey & Lynn Cummisford
In Memory of Richard &
Dorothy Trepanier
Dr. & Mrs. Gay Trepanier
In Memory of John Will
Ahern-Gross/Tom & Chris
In Memory of my Parents
Chester & Jennie Williams
& Brother and Sister Chet
& Helen Williams
Sue Williams
In Memory of Chester &
Helen Williams
Faith Williams
In Memory of my brother,
Chester Williams on his
Susan Williams
In Memory of my sister,
Helen Williams on her
Susan Williams
In Memory of Jeff Wilson
Bob & Jane Shirek
In Memory of Michael
Barbara Fuhrman
David & Linda Geiger
Betty Wolfe
Jim & Cathy Wolfe
Mary Wolfe
Fondy Auto Electric
Shane Abitz
Jon Anthes
Wayne Baker
Jean Baus
Bob Boehning
Scott Boehning
Jay Bonnett
Mike Fisher
Ryan Fochs
Karen Fryman
Tom Gruetzmacher
Mike Henke
Joe Laudolff
Sherri Linzmeyer
Craig Marquard
Jamie Ostram
Jonathon Pionke
Glenn Schoener
Cathy Seibel
Larry Seth
Justin Wagner
Jason Wagner
Steve Weisnicht
John Winter
Mary (Cathy) Wojkiewicz
In Memory of Louis “Bob”
Michael & Cecilia Krolczyk
In Honor of John & Susan
Tom & Sally Herre
In Honor of Ron & Betty
Ahrens 50th Wedding
Leslyn Shires
Earl & Mary Wohlust
In Honor of Joe & Jen
Braun‟s 5th Wedding
Bob & Sandi Roehrig
In Honor of George
Burrows at Christmas
Tad & Cate Hildenbiddle
Wayne & Christy Scheer
Rich & Barbara Tock
In Honor of Mary Lynn
Crist at Christmas
Joan Haber
Karen Sterr
In Honor of Ellen Flood at
Molly & Tanner Flood
In Honor of Sr. Deborah
Golias‟s 50th Jubilee
Bob & Sandi Roehrig
Donna Jost
Mary Jo Keating
Joan Kleinfeldt
Judith Koeppler
In Honor of JoAnn Ward
Kreative Kraftwerks/Julie
on her „Windy‟ Award
Bob & Sandi Roehrig
In Honor of Cathy Ritter
In Honor of the Volunteer
Val Krueger
In Honor of Bill & Saloah Sigma of FDL
Service of Brad Sabel
Brunswick Foundation
Ann Leestma
Hageman‟s 50th
In Honor of Sue Williams
John & Barbara Lent
In Honor of Sandi Roehrig John & Mary Heisler
Leslyn Shires
Kristin Lenz
on her birthday
Sheli Sadoff
Therese Massey
In Honor of George &
Mary Fran Merwin
In Honor of Jordy & Pat
Nancy Younkin‟s
In Memory of Mary
Dale & Ruth Michels Family
Hansen‟s 50th Wedding
In Honor of Jim & Shirley 60th Anniversary
Arnold & Ann Leestma
Bob & Teri Panzer
Rupple‟s 50th Wedding
Lyle & Kitty Hansen
Bob & Jane Shirek
Pat & Marysue Michels
Robert & Mary ZacherlKim Molitor
Barbara Mulloy
In Honor of Mary
Arnold & Ann Leestma
Ann Muthig
Sigma of FDL
Robert & Candace Michaels
Jane Paynter
Bob & Sandi Roehrig
Peggy Perdue
Wendy Petak
In Honor of Dick & Renee Peter & Jennifer Zacherl
Karla Peterson
Knar‟s 50th Wedding
Susan Ahern
Jeffrey Reed
In Honor of my Mother &
Bob & Sandi Roehrig
Alliant Energy Foundation, Sylvia Reed
Father Jan & David
Agnesian HealthCare
Inc./Matching Ann & Bill Rebecca Ries
Schmidt at Christmas
Linda Quartaro
Bank of Oakfield
Theresa Riggs
In Honor of Clark & Inez
Daniel & Patricia Schmidt
Frank & Jerilyn Bartzen
Leanore Rommelfanger
Koechel‟s 50th Wedding
Dave & Donna Whealon
Karen Betten
J. F. Ahern Co.
Lacey Sadoff
Bob & Sandi Roehrig
Nancy Bliss
Susan Ahern
Mary Rowe Schmitz
Susan Buechel
Agnesian HealthCare
Jodie Schneider
In Honor of Richard
David & Betty Clark
Associated Bank
Ivan & Betty Reetz
In Honor of Allan & Marge Schoener‟s Birthday
Gregory & Barbara Deer
Bonnie Baerwald
Mary Rogers
Loehndorf‟s 60th Wedding Izaak Walton League on
behalf of Duwayne & Edith James & Mary Havey
Theresa Bangart
Sadoff Family Foundation
Lorna Champion
Joe Heinzelman
Elise Barnhart
Rita Shannon
Charmaynne Honold-Searl
Ellen Bestor
Marguerite Soffa
Robert Hungerford Family
Heather Biro
Stone Foundation, Inc.
In Honor of Tim
In Honor of Mary Lou
David & Gundron Kenyon
Margaret Brennan
Dee Strong
Mathweg‟s 25 years of
Smith at Christmas
Michael & Cecilia Krolczyk Joyce Kindschuh
Diane Cappozzo
Amy Thomas
Alliant Energy Foundation
Dorothy & Randy Klumb
Crystal Carew
Anne Thomas
James & Penny Kottke
Tom & Helen Carew
Mary Thompson
In Honor of Sophia
Al & Judi Messner
Marion Chadbourne
Maria Townsend
In Honor of Marilyn
Maureen J. Oster
Oak Central LLC/Kris
Fred & Celeste Christ
TJ Twohig
Dick & Ann Blamey Family
CitizensFirst Credit Union
Kay Vandervort
Fund of the FAF
Congregation of Sisters of
Kathleen Waldschmidt
In Honor of Karen Sterr at Oakfield Enterprise Inc./
Steve Wonser
St. Agnes
Deborah Walgenbach
Gary & Lynn Crist
Hildegarde Ogle
Mary Doyle
Mary Wehner
In Honor of Jim Nintzel‟s
Joan Haber
Tom & Jean O‘Laire
Susie Elbing
Mary Weiland
retirement from City
Sandra Panzer
Ellen Flood
Linda Wendt
Tom & Sally Herre
Judy Flood
Penny Werner
In Honor of Dr. & Mrs. K. Ivan & Betty Reetz
Greg & Melissa Ryan
Ann Freund
Mary Wiegert
Alan Stormo
Elissa & Erin Hoffman
Sadoff Iron & Metal Co.
Lori Garbisch
Julie Wilson
In Honor of Rep. Thomas
Gabrielle S. Stormo &
Jason & Laura Schneider
Janet Graham
Janine Younkin
Petri Speech
Northeastern WI Chapter of Nicolaus P. Malnick
Gary & Ann Seyfert
The Grande Foundation
William & Alyson Zierdt
Financial Executives
Jeffrey & Laura Stormo
Bob & Lisa Sheahan
Molly Haack
Catherine Zimmerman
Joel, Tanya, Kit, Finny & Eli Duane & Vicki Stelsel
Shelia Hafemann
Edwin Urban
Paisley Harris & John
In Honor of Kathy Phillips
Sigma of FDL
Joe & Tina Uttendorfer
Tom & Sally Herre
In Honor of Sherry Stormo Carol Whyms
Chapter K PEO Secret Sister
Chuck & Katie Hornung
In Honor of Jack &
Lori Hornung
Barbara Pollei‟s 55th
In Honor of Jerry & Dixie
Chrys Hyde
Sullivan at Christmas
In Honor of Marian Cook‟s Jane Hyde
Katy Sullivan
Tom & Chris Gross
Carol Hyland
90th Birthday
Susan Sullivan & William
Arnold & Ann Leestma
Margaret L. Schmitz
Gayle Hytrek
In Honor of Joan Haber at
Gary & Lynn Crist
Karen Sterr
In Honor of David
Richter‟s 70th Birthday
Lyle & Kitty Hansen
Mary Sullivan & Gary
In Honor of Tom & Syd
Henke‟s 50th Wedding
Joe Bird
In Honor of My Mom
Mildred Lomurro
Marian Sheridan
In Honor of Morgan
Marian Sheridan
In Honor of Carla
Ellen Mercer
Maggie Shea
In Honor of Bethany
Nier, A woman of
strength, courage &
Conni Potratz
In Honor of Marian
Sheridan‟s Birthday
Ann Marie Ross
Sheli Sadoff
In Honor of Ann
Blamey on Mother‟s
Stacy Shedivy
In Honor of Catharine
On Mother‟s Day
Rick & Toni Nuss
In Memory of Ellen
Chuck & Katie Hornung
Catherine Zimmerman
In Memory of my
Gifts from Mary Lou
Geraldine Holmes Fry Soffa at Christmas in
Kristi Fry
honor of the following:
Christine Baier
Jennifer Callies
In Memory of Kris
Mary Dalhaimer
Sharon Teschke
Charlene Grover
Lavonne Held
Debra Johnson
In Memory of Mary
Cheryl Klauck
Lou Keating
Chuck & Katie Hornung Mary Kracht
Catherine Zimmerman
Marcy Mackle
Cynthia Mueller
Karen Pfeifer
In Memory of Anne
Mary Richter
Georgene Moffitt
Dawnine Schmitz
Mary Ann Tuttle
In Memory of Lena
In Honor of the
Tina Potter
Members of the 1st
FDL Book Club:
Celeste Christ
In Memory of Mary
Ann Freund
Fran Merwin
Virginia Gilmore
Ann Marie Ross
Dan & Kris McLain
Sheli Sadoff
Sheli Sadoff
Mary Lou Soffa
Marian Sheridan
Linda Tack
In Honor of my Mom
Audre Bostwick
Nanci McGray
In Honor of Jessica
Tina Potter
In Honor of Barb
JoAnn Hall
In Honor of Cassie
Rosenmeier at
Sheli Sadoff
In Memory of Betty
Susan Bovinet & Steve
In Honor of Mary Lou
Mary Jo Keating
In Memory of Charlie
Betty Beardsley
In Memory of Dawn
Ray & Rae Nell Halbur
In Memory of Mildred
Kennedy Busch
Joan Bowser
In Memory of Kathryn
Melody Merkel
In Memory of Loraine
Ray & Rae Nell Halbur
In Memory of my
Mother, Mildred
Wettstein Tack
Christine Twohig
In Memory of Lois
Sharon Teschke
In Memory of my sister
Geraldine White
Kristi Fry
In Honor of my Book
Club members at
Lori Renderman,
Marian Sheridan, Kim
Patt, Pam Minsch
Sheli Sadoff
In Honor of Katie Alt
In Memory of Margaret Cari Wiesen
Mary Ann Austin
In Honor of my
daughter‟s Ashley,
Rhianna & Maria
Carla Altepeter
In Honor of Marian
Sheridan at Christmas
Ann Marie & Mark
In Honor of My Mom
Mary Lou Smith
Maggie Shea
In Honor of my
Jillian Stafford
Molly Haack
In Honor of Vi Egan
Kathleen Candee
In Honor of My Mom,
In Honor of Ann Marie Dee Strong
Katie Hornung
Ross on her birthday
Sheli Sadoff
In Honor of our daugh- Marian Sheridan
In Honor of Linda
ter, Amanda Clark
Tack on her
Chuck & Katie Hornung In Honor of Sheli
Sadoff on her Birthday Ann Marie Ross
In Honor of our daugh- Janet French
Sheli Sadoff
ter, Jessica Fillebrown Bill & Ann Freund
Marian Sheridan
Chuck & Katie Hornung Laura Herrera
Sandi Roehrig
In Honor of our daughIn Honor of Ann
ter, Stephanie Tack
Freund on her birthday Ann Marie Ross
Chuck & Katie Hornung
Ann Marie Ross
Sheli Sadoff
Marian Sheridan
In Honor of Ginny
at Christmas
Bob & Sandi Roehrig
In Honor of Val
Graczyk at Christmas
Bob & Sandi Roehrig
In Honor of Barbara
Judith Berger
Denise Carlson
Virginia Gilmore
John Lent
Ellen Mercer
Maggie Shea
In Honor of Sheli
Sadoff at Christmas
Ann Marie & Mark
Bob & Sandi Roehrig
In Honor of Carol
Colleen Dreher
In Honor of Sr. Julia
Katie Hornung
In Honor of Marlys
Welsch on Mother‟s
John & Andrea Welsch
In Honor of my daughIn Honor of my daugh- ters, Courtney &
ter, Amanda
Cassidy Williams
Christa Williams
Molly Haack
In Honor of Ruth
In Honor of Maggie
Leslie Jaber-Wilson
Shea‟s birthday
Michael & Cecilia
In Honor of My Mom,
Marian Sheridan
Eunice Zwicky
Ann Schneider
How Can I Establish a Charitable Fund Through My Will?
Bequests should include language for the appropriate type of fund you wish to create. The following
is suggested language you may use. Select language for the type of fund you wish to create from
Section 1: a-d below and add the language from Section 2.*
1. Type of Fund (Select one)
a) To Create an Unrestricted Fund
I bequeath to the Fond du Lac Area Foundation (―Foundation‖) the sum of $____________________ (or
the property described herein or the remainder of the property which I own at the time of my death), for
the purpose of establishing an Unrestricted Fund (―Fund‖). The Fund shall be administered by the Foundation in perpetuity for charitable purposes of benefit to the area served by the Foundation. Distribution
from the Fund shall ordinarily be made according to the Foundation‘s spending policy for said charitable
purposes, subject to the schedule of fees adopted by the Foundation for investing and administering the
b) To Create a Field of Interest Fund
I bequeath to the Fond du Lac Area Foundation (―Foundation‖) the sum of $____________________ (or
the property described herein or the remainder of the property which I own at the time of my death), for
the purpose of establishing a Field of Interest Fund (―Fund‖). The Fund shall be administered by the
Foundation in perpetuity for the purpose of
____________________________________________________________ (Charitable Purpose). Distribution from the Fund shall ordinarily be made according to the Foundation‘s spending policy for said
Charitable Purpose, subject to the schedule of fees adopted by the Foundation for investing and
administering the Fund.
To Create a Donor Advised Fund
I bequeath to the Fond du Lac Area Foundation (―Foundation‖) the sum of $ ____________________ (or
the property described herein or the remainder of the property which I own at the time of my death), for
the purpose of establishing a Donor Advised Fund (―Fund‖). The Fund shall be administered by the
Foundation in perpetuity for charitable purposes. The Advisor(s) to this Fund shall be
whose address(es) is ____________________________________________________________________
It. Is understood that this Fund will be administered for charitable purposes in accordance with the ―Donor
Advised Guidelines Policy Statement,‖ a copy of which has been provided to the undersigned and is
incorporated by reference into this agreement.
d) To Create a Designated Fund
I bequeath to the Fond du Lac Area Foundation (―Foundation‖) the sum of $ ____________________ (or
the property described herein or the remainder of the property which I own at the time of my death), for
the purpose of establishing a Designated Fund (―Fund‖). The Fund shall be administered by the Foundation in perpetuity for the benefit of________________________________________________________
(―Charitable Designee(s).) In the event of the dissolution of the Charitable Designee, the Foundation shall
thereafter continue to hold the funds constituting the Fund and shall distribute according to the Foundation‘s spending policy therefrom to such organizations as in the opinion of the Foundation‘s Board of
Directors most nearly meet the purposes and objective of the Charitable Designee.
2. Form Language to Be Used For All Bequests
The Fund hereby created (is established in memory/honor of ___________________________________
________________________________________________ and) shall be known as the
___________________________________________ Fund. The Board of Directors of the Foundation
shall have full authority and discretion as to the investment and reinvestment of the assets of the Fund.
The Fund and all funds therein shall be administered by the Foundation subject to its Declaration of Trust
and Bylaws, including the power contained therein for the Board of Directors of the Foundation to modify
any restrictions or conditions if in their sole judgment, (without the approval of any trustee, custodian, or
agent) such restriction becomes, in effect, unnecessary, incapable of fulfillment, or inconsistent with the
charitable needs of the area served by the Foundation.
It is intended that the Fund shall be a component part of the Foundation and that nothing in this document
shall affect the status of the Foundation as an entity which is a qualified charitable organization. This
document shall be interpreted in a manner consistent with the foregoing intention and so as to conform
with the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code and any regulations issued pursuant thereto applicable to the intended status of the Foundation.
*The above language is intended to be used in the establishment of an endowment fund. For
suggested bequest language for a spend-down fund, please contact Fond du Lac Area Foundation staff.
A Note to Professional Advisors:
Did You Know? . . .
More than 70% of Americans donate to charities during their lifetimes.
Among taxpayers who itemized deductions, 90% made charitable donations.
Because our tax system accords special benefits to those who give, professional advisors have a unique
opportunity to help your clients achieve other financial, personal, or business goals through charitable
The single most important step a professional advisor can take to help your clients obtain the benefits
of planned giving is to integrate the ―charitable question‖ - ―Are there any charitable or community
needs you would like to address?‖ - into your regular interactions with clients.
The Fond du Lac Area Foundation is a vehicle for philanthropy. It does not promote any one charitable
cause, but exists to help donors (your clients) to achieve their charitable objectives. By working together with the Foundation, you will be better serving your clients wishes and needs.
Many people who have made other arrangements for their charitable giving wish they would have
known about the Fond du Lac Area Foundation‘s ability to use endowment funds to help them continue
to support the charitable entities they cared about throughout their lifetimes.
Call the Fond du Lac Area Foundation office at 921-2215 to explore charitable options that might better
serve your clients. Your service to them will be more valued with the satisfaction your clients will feel.
Ten Reasons to Give Through Community Foundations
1. Local organization with deep roots in the community.
2. Professional staff has broad expertise regarding community issues and needs.
3. Highly personalized service, tailored to each individual‘s charitable and financial interests.
4. Donor Advised Funds help people invest in the causes they care about most.
5. Accept a wide variety of assets, and can facilitate even the most complex forms of giving.
6. Partner with professional advisors to create highly effective approaches to charitable giving.
7. Maximum tax advantage under state and federal law.
8. Multiplying the impact of gift dollars by pooling them with other gifts and grants.
9. Building of endowment funds that benefit the community forever and help create personal legacies.
10. Community leader, convening agencies and resources to create positive change.
Awarded for 2010
Elizabeth Waters Scholarships
Amy Nelson
Alissa Swenson
Meghan Krueger
Webster M. Hurst Fund
Jennifer Hopp
Rylee Inks
Erica Scharf
Meg Kirchhoff
Megan Cramer
Mercury Marine
IAM Local #1947 Fund
Joseph Belisle
Todd Fuller
Halie Hackbarth
Miranda Kissinger
Danielle Kuhn
Alison Lemmenes
Todd Picchiottino
Tiffany Picchiottino
Juliana Race
Sadie Rick
Bryanne Schoepke
Corissa Sonnenfeld
Joan Van Grinsven
Kieran Weed
Haleigh Zillges
Mary E. Abel Scholarship
Joseph Phillips
Alliance to the FdL County
Medical Society Fund
David Rebedew
American Legion– Berkholtz Fund
Joseph Phillips
Eloise Rueping Atkinson Fund
Alyssa Morgen Cody Jackson Adam Joslyn
Berkholtz Art Scholarship
Emily Cruz
Philip Ohlinger
Jon Feyen
Cassandra Fryman
Zachary Geelan
Kyle King
Tyler Koenigs
Jordan Lefeber
Timothy McGill
Tyler Picchiottino
Morgan Pitz
Josh Reitz
Anna Rick
Alicia Schumacher
Laura Sperger
Kathryn Ward
Jacob Woolsey
Ashley Zimpher
Samantha Nelson
Dani Johnson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Ben Booher Memorial Scholarship Fund
Kayla Ruplinger
Kristen Nyberg
George & Margaret E. Corcoran &
Thomas & Catherine Fitzgerald Scholarship
Bernie Jones Memorial Scholarship Fund
Crystal Weinkauf
Amy Pinno
David Rebedew
FDL Area Foundation
“Kiekhaefer Awards”
Elmer & Nellie Dixon Scholarship Fund
Samantha Benton
Jeffrey Gilboy
Ashley Julka
Peter Plagenz
Paige Vossekuil
Benjamin Zuberbier
Tanya Gassner
Melissa Garfoot
Steven Gross
Ryan O’Leary
Caleb Riedeman
Benjamin Zak
Luther Zuberbier
Arnold & Meta Firle Scholarship Fund
David Nett
Kristin Gunnink
Kirsten Nyberg
Marki Klapperich
Kayla Sperbeck
Joseph Phillips
Grant Bauer
Shannan Soyk
UW Fond du Lac
Marian College
Patsy Krug Memorial Scholarship
Maggie Nett
Donald & Marjorie Cummins Scholarship
FDL County Medical Society Scholarship Fund
Kathleen Bauer
Maggie Schoenborn
James Gescheidle Scholarship
Alissa Swenson
FDL Fire Department- Chris Henning
Jim Gilmore Law Enforcement Fund
Phillip Seibel
Chapmin Hendricks
Alan R. Lemery Choral Scholarship
Emily Hackl
Nathan Manis Memorial Scholarship
Sigma Fund
Erin Rieder
Catherine Vollmer
Jeffrey L. Merrill Fund
Marian R. Simons Scholarship
Samuel Warner
Cameron Pieper
David & Rita Metzger Scholarship
William Jeffrey Caldwell
Erika Schilling
Joshua Gutzmann
PEO– Chapter DO
Kathleen Bauer Amy Goebel
Karen Martin
FdL Fire Department– Josh
Polhamus Scholarship Fund
Samuel Goldapske
Robert & Alice Promen Fund
Tyler Fredrickson
Harold Reinecke Fund
Ashley Julka
Agnes Rose Memorial Fund
Laura Cameron
Lisa Paolasini
Dion Meux
Nancy Zahn
Rita & Robert Rucks Fund
Roxanne Scheel
Cliff & Mary Rohde Scholarship Fund
Kara Cunningham
Sabish Student Council Scholarship
Brianna Vollmer
Melody Schmidt Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Josephina Vang
Bernard & Maureen Schreiner Fund
Roxanne Scheel
William G. Spallas Veterinary Scholarship
Angela Ahlstrom
Francis & Ruth Oberreich Fund
Joe Phillips
Karen Martin
Matthew Hedrick
Herman C. Stieg Scholarship
David Rebedew
Diane Cole
Cassandra Sommerfeldt Cassandra Fryman
Bret Galligan
Ashley Julka
Christopher Martin
Brittany Schregardus
Kristi Smet
Ann Wenzel
Nicholas Wenzel
Angela Ahlstrom
Laura Goeser
Rylee Inks
Erin Koffman
Jill Narges
Catherine Vollmer
Margaret Ward
Xai Xiong
Jerome N. & Gerda F. Strupp
Scholarship Fund
Amy Nelson
Izaak Walton League of America A.D. Sutherland Chapter Scholarship Fund
Bryce Brewer
John & Dixie Wier Scholarship Fund
Kara Cunningham
Sarah Lally
Meg Kirchoff
Roy & Minna Willis Scholarship Fund
Mollie Zuberbier
Meg Kirchoff
Amber Lisowe
John D. & Jane A. Wilson Scholarship Fund
Sara Wirtz
David Eldon Wohler
Scholarship Fund
Carly Salter
Michael J. Wolfe Fund
Searl Family Scholarship Fund
Jordan Stokes
Jessica Lakin
Susan M. Henken Zibung Memorial Fund
Warren & Florence Schellinger Memorial Fund Ashley Schicker
Youth for Christ Scholarship
Lydia Swast
Additions to Funds
Investment Income
Income (loss) on investments
Other Income
Total Revenue and Support
Total Disbursements
Change in Net Assets
Net Assets - Beginning
Net Assets - Ending
Grants and Expenses
Administrative Expenses
Program Related Expenses
Other Disbursements
Supporting Organization Sophia Foundation, Inc.
Total Net Assets
Growth of the Fond du Lac Area Foundation
M 04
Auditors: Huberty & Associates SC
Trustees: US Bank and National Exchange Bank & Trust
This is a summarized financial statement. The complete audited financial statements and
IRS Form 990/990T are available upon request. A reproduction fee may be assessed.
Vern Jurgens
Eunie Jurgens
Greg Booher
Debbie Booher
Jim Wolfe
Cathy Wolfe
Debbie Wolf
Gary Feucht
Marlene Feucht
Vicki Moon
Mike Kuechler
Dr. Karen Meyer
Dr. Oliver Clements
Dr. Clark
Bob Shirek
Jane Shirek
Jim Gilmore
Ginny Gilmore
Ron Riemersma
Brian Skortz
Ryan Sarazin
Sherry Stormo
Mary Weber
Cory Schneider
Bonnie Springborn
Ruth Holstein
Lori Kotnick
Mary Gescheidle
The Fond du Lac Area Foundation
would like to extend a special thank you to the
following individuals who have so generously
volunteered their time and talents to help
with Foundation projects. Thank You!
Brad Miller
Mike Schmitz
R. Scott Blamey
Hannah Wagner
John Lent
Clarence Austin
Angie Blamey
Rita Dieter
Brian Jones
Kathy Jones
Cheryl Hay
Christa Williams
Lisa Steinacker
Janet Graham
Jeanne Weber
Sharon Stormo
Diane Cappozzo
Arlene Costello
Linda Krebsbach
Terry Mabee
Bethany Rusch
Linda Selk-Yerges
Samantha Twohig
Linda Scheuerman
Claudia Wiersema
Joan Bowser
Anne Thomas
Sharon Stoffel
Melissa Hayes
Jan Collins
Sheli Sadoff
Mary Matzke
Aileen Andrews
Anne Abel
Connie Thome
Sharon Vollendorf
Nancy Johnston
Sally St. Peter
Brenda Gudex
Kylie Braun
Claire Zacherl
Jim Gaffney
Cindy Gaffney
Sara Hathaway
Joan Kleinfeldt
Rita Dieter
Mary Braun
Kristin Lenz
Keith Wendt
Mary Christenson
Mary Klima
Carol Browning
Mary Austin
Joni Greenfield
Cele Preston
“Everyone can be great, because everyone can serve.”
-Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Acorn Fund:
Make a difference . . . a little at a time
When you think of local philanthropists, you probably think of the rich and famous. Well, think again.
Thanks to the Acorn Society, the rest of us now can build up charitable endowment funds that support annual
charitable grants and have extraordinary long-term impacts.
The Acorn Society helps you harness the power of the financial markets to multiply the value of your contributions
over time. All you have to do is make regular contributions - and take a charitable tax deduction for the amount
contributed each year. Investing even small amounts regularly will build an endowment that grows dramatically
over time.
When your Acorn Fund ―matures‖ by reaching a pre-determined value, it becomes a permanent charitable fund
within the Fond du Lac Area Foundation. At that point your contributions may cease and your fund begins making
annual grants to the causes you designate.
And here‘s the best part: it never stops. Every year, generation after generation, the causes you care about will
receive support from the Acorn you plant today.
Let’s Suppose . . .
. . . you started an Acorn Fund 10 years ago with annual contributions of $1,000 and a goal of providing college
scholarships for needy, talented students. You decided that the fund would begin making grants after 10 years . . .
10 YEARS AGO: Begin making tax deductible contributions of $1,000 annually.
NOW: Through annual contributions totaling $10,000
and their investment returns, your fund‘s value has
grown to approximately $18,000 and it becomes a
grant-making fund within the Fond du Lac Area
10 YEARS FROM NOW: Investment returns have
kept your fund growing and giving. It already has
generated more than $11,000 in scholarships and its
value has risen to approximately $28,000.
25 YEARS FROM NOW: Your Acorn Fund is now a
―mighty oak‖. It has generated more than $38,000 in
grants and its value has risen to more than $54,000.
The growth in grants and value continues over the
years ahead.
Consider the Future With The Fond du Lac Area FoundationWith a Charitable Remainder Trust
Giving through a Charitable Remainder Trust allows you to receive income for the rest of your
life, knowing that whatever remains will benefit the an endowment fund at the Fond du Lac
Area Foundation..
A Charitable Remainder Trust has two parts. First, it provides income in the form of a unitrust
(a percentage of the value of the trust assets, which are re-determined annually) or annuity (a
percentage of the initial value of the trust assets) to the donor or another person. Second, it provides a tax deductible gift to charity.
To establish a CRT the donor transfers cash, appreciated stocks, real estate or other assets to the
trust. The assets may then be sold, free of capital gains tax, and the proceeds reinvested. The
income beneficiary receives income from the trust for life, or for a term of years. Ultimately,
the trust remainder will pass to the Foundation.
Income from a Charitable Remainder Trust may exceed the interest and dividends that the donor received when holding the assets. Trust income can be paid to someone other than the donor, including a sibling, dependent parent, friend or former employee. And annuity payments
can be received immediately or deferred until a later time.
An excellent option is to create an endowed fund for the charity or charities that you support
with a CRT. Endowed funds at the Foundation can be named in honor of an individual or family, and stand as a lasting legacy of giving.
Advantages of a Charitable Remainder Trust
The donor takes an income tax charitable deduction when the trust is established.
The donor avoids capital gains tax that would otherwise be due on appreciated assets
used to fund the trust.
A CRT may provide a higher return than the transferred assets were yielding.
Income payments may be deferred, thereby allowing the donor to save for future expenses (such as retirement of a child‘s education) on a tax deferred basis.
The size of the donor‘s estate is decreased, helping to reduce or eliminate estate taxes.
The organizations you support benefit far into the future with a gift to the endowment
fund at Fond du Lac Area Foundation.
To learn more about how a Charitable Remainder Trust can help you achieve your financial and
charitable goals, please contact: Sandi Roehrig, Executive Director of the Fond du Lac Area
Foundation at (920) 921-2215, or sandi@fdlareafoundation.com
Please note: This information should not be considered as legal, tax or financial advice. Consult
your professional advisor for further information and guidance.
The Board of Directors play an integral part in the activities of the Fond du Lac Area
Foundation. Board members are appointed because of their demonstrated knowledge of
the community and commitment to community service. They are responsible for policymaking, fiduciary oversight of the Foundation‘s investments and final decisions on
grants. The members of this volunteer Board of Directors are appointed for three-year
terms by leaders of representative and diversified local groups.
Steven G. Millin
John A. St. Peter
Financial Advisor
Edward Jones Investments
Edgarton, St. Peter, Petak,
& Rosenfeldt
Appointed by the Board of
Directors of the Fond du
Lac Area Foundation
Appointed by the President
of the Fond du Lac
County Bar Association
President & CEO
Mid-States Aluminum Corp
Appointed by the Senior
Judge of Fond du Lac
Victoria A. Sadoff
Community Leader
and Volunteer
Appointed by the Board
of Directors of the Fond
du Lac Area Foundation
Tom Herre
Stephen M. Cramer
Mimi Sager
City Manager
City of Fond du Lac
Chief Financial Officer
Mercury Marine
Community Leader &
Retired Teacher
Appointed by the Board
of Directors of the Fond
du Lac Area Foundation
Appointed by the Board of
Directors of the Fond du
Lac Area Foundation
Appointed by the President
of the Fond du Lac
School Board
Stephen L. Franke
Patricia A. Miller
Culver’s Restaurants
CPA & Manager
Schenck SC
Appointed by the President
of the City Council
Appointed by the Board of
Directors of the Fond du
Lac Area Foundation
Jack E. Twohig
Brian P. Johnson
Jack Twohig’s Carpet One
Executive Vice President
Michels Corporation
Appointed by the
Branch #3 Circuit Judge of
Fond du Lac County
Appointed by the Board of
Directors of the Fond du
Lac Area Foundation
Fond du Lac Area Foundation Staff
Sandi Roehrig
Executive Director
Stephen M. Peterson
Joseph J. Braun
Director of Finance
& Development
Sue Steinbarth
Executive Assistant
Scholarship Director
Jenny Zacherl
Nancy Witkowski
Executive Assistant to the
President & Manager of
Community Relations at
Grande Cheese
Appointed by the President
of the Fond du Lac
Association of Commerce
John E. Ahern
Tom D. Baker
*George Becker
*Joseph Berger
Ann E. Blamey
Dale G. Brooks
*Allan Edgarton
A.D. Edgarton
Thomas J. Gross
*Ellen Humleker
Donald G. Jones
Richard C. Kleinfeldt
David M. Klumpyan
*C. L. Ludden
Dr. William C. Mauthe
James W. Neumann
*Marian Petri
H. Jack Pollei
Marie Rosenfeldt
*Bernard Schreiner
Sharon H. Stormo
Kathryn Sweet
Thomas H. Tobin, Jr.
*Carl W. Tonjes
Mary Toriello
*denotes deceased
What charitable entity would you like to support?
Would you like to . . .
• fund a scholarship?
• provide annual support to your church or school?
• provide support for the arts in the community?
• provide support for the poor and the needy?
support a specific organization such as the United Way, Bethany House, the Senior Center,
The Fond du Lac Area Foundation
can ensure that your charitable wishes will be carried out for you . . . now and forever.
Call the Foundation office at (920) 921-2215 to find out just how easy it is.
This Gift Gives Forever ! ! !
Holidays, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Special Occasions, Memorials
Your tax deductible donation to the Fond du Lac Area Foundation, in the name of a family member, friend, or
business associate lasts a lifetime. The Fond du Lac Area Foundation will send an acknowledgment announcing your donation (no dollar amount mentioned).
Next time your invitation says, ―No gifts, please,‖ and you know you would like to do . . . something,
consider a contribution in honor of the occasion to the Fond du Lac Area Foundation. Your contribution will
not only honor the special occasion, but it will also help to support the charitable needs of this community.
Enclosed is my gift of $ ____________
Name: ________________________________________________________________
(Print your name as you wish it to appear in Foundation publications.)
City/State/Zip: __________________________________________________________
Check here if you wish your gift to be anonymous.
Is your gift a memorial or honorarium? A letter advising of your gift, without references to the amount, can
be sent to the person(s) you indicate.
Yes, please send a letter acknowledging the gift
The gift is
 in honor of:
 in memory of:
Send the acknowledgment letter to:
Name: _____________________________________________________
City/State/Zip: ______________________________________________
384 N. Main Street, Suite 4
Fond du Lac, Wisconsin 54935
(920) 921-2215 Fax: (920) 921-1036
From One Generation
. . . To The Next