Newsletter Oct 2014 - Naperville Community Unit School District 203
Newsletter Oct 2014 - Naperville Community Unit School District 203
Steeple Run Elementary Super Star News! O ct o be r 2014 Follow Steeple Run on Twitter @SteepleRun203 Principal’s Letter Dear Steeple Run Families, We hope the first few months of the new school year at Steeple Run have been a great experience for you and your children. At the writing of this letter, Steeple Run’s enrollment is about 481 students. We have many new families, and want to share some information about ways to get involved and volunteer at school. Home and School is one organization that provides a great amount of support to our school. Home and School is our parent organization, made up of multiple committees that work to support our students, staff, and school. Another great organization is SFCP (School, Family, Community, Partnerships). SFCP is an organization that is comprised of parents and staff, and is focused on supporting our school improvement goals here at Steeple Run. Another district organization is NEF (Naperville Education Foundation). NEF supports students and teachers throughout the district. All of these organizations would welcome volunteers. Joining these organizations is also a great way to meet other families! Please call Steeple Run’s main office if you are interested in volunteering or want to learn more. We are happy to get you connected with the right person to answer your questions. The construction continues to move forward here at Steeple Run. It was a very exciting day for the students when our new gym was finally complete and open for class! The students are really enjoying the new multi-purpose room and gym. Another positive is that we have received all of the glass for our new doors and windows, as well as a new display case that is located outside the main office! There is still work such as siding and landscaping being completed on the exterior of the building. When we are given an official completion date, and all projects are complete, we will schedule a ribbon cutting ceremony with the district offices. We will communicate the details of this event once they become available. Our Fall Fun Party is scheduled for October 31st. This year the parties will be held in the gym, and we will have a parade at the end of the school day. More detailed information will be sent home in the coming weeks. Other events in October include: Parent/Teacher conferences on October 9th and October 10th, Fifth graders will be heading to Outdoor Ed, and Vision and Hearing Screening takes place this month. The specific dates for these events will be on our website and in the weekly “Week at a Glance” that is sent out. We are very excited to announce that three of our 5th grade students were honored at the September 15th District 203 School Board meeting for being “MISSION MAKERS”. They demonstrated the characteristics of being self-directed learners, community contributors, and collaborative workers for gathering several times a year to clean up the garbage in the field, and on the playground. Steeple Run is very proud of them! Thank you again for entrusting us with your most precious gift…your children! Debbie Doyle Nancy VanNess Principal Assistant Principal Event Calendar 10/9 NO SCHOOL Parent - Teacher Conferences 5:00 - 8:00pm Fall Book Fair NO SCHOOL Parent - Teacher Conferences 8:00 - 10:00am Fall Book Fair 10/22 7:00pm H&S Meeting in the LRC 10/31 2:00pm Fall Fun Party Costume Parade 10/10 Home & School President’s Letter Five Fun Reasons It’s Great To Be Back In School! 5. Pizza Day! One day a week both of my boys are unanimous in their decision to purchase their lunch…which saves about 10 minutes during the morning routine for me (bonus)! Not sure what’s for lunch? Check out the lunch menu under Quick Links on Steeple Run’s website: http:// 4. Snack Time! What a great way to add fresh fruit and/or vegetables to your child’s day during snack time at school. Feeling stuck on the same 2 or 3 choices each week? Try following the color schedule at school. Choose strawberries or cherry tomatoes for red day, a tangerine or cantaloupe on orange day, pineapple or yellow pepper slices on yellow day, kiwi or cucumber slices on green day and blueberries on blue day. Have fun with it and your child(ren) will too! 3. Specials! Every morning we look on our color chart to see what the special of the day is going to be. Who doesn’t love playing a good game of Fire & Ice in PE, using charcoal to create a picture in Art, picking out new books to read from the LRC or learning about a new instrument in Music? What a great conversation starter when asking your child(ren) how their day was in school…mine always seem to remember what they did in their special of the day! Check the Upcoming Events section on the Steeple Run website for the color of the day. 2. Tweet! Tweet! Be sure to follow Steeple Run on Twitter @SteepleRun203 to learn more about our school and celebrations! Not on Twitter? No problem! You can check out our Twitter feed on the Steeple Run website. 1. Home & School Events! Hopefully you all were able to enjoy a great evening at the annual Steeple Run Family Picnic. Thank you to Donna Wagner and Heather Stade for organizing a fun event. Thank you also to Bob Richards, Scott Gray and Tom Wirsing for leading the way to help our 3rd, 4th & 5th graders on the climbing wall. More fun is on the way! Be sure to visit the upcoming book fair in the LRC on October 9th & 10th during parent/teacher conferences. We’ll end the month with lots of smiling faces during the Fall Fun Party that will be held on October 31st! We welcome you to join us for our next Home & School meeting that will be held on Wednesday, October 22nd @ 7pm in the LRC. Please feel free to contact our Executive Board with any questions and/or comments. We would love to hear from you! Dora Kolody Liz Hall President Vice-President 630-352-1651 773-484-3535 Michelle Banas Joy Szymczak Secretary Treasurer 630-548-3992 630-428-9330 Meet Our New Teacher! My name is Olga Cano, I’m 37 years old. I grew up in the Little Village neighborhood by 26th street and Sacramento in Chicago. When I graduated 8th grade my family moved to Berwyn. I have been married for 9 years. I have 2 dogs “Choco” and “Chespi”. My favorite sports team is the Chicago Cubs. On my time off I enjoy running. The last book I read was The Divide by Matt Taibbi. Jazz, pop, and samba are among the genres of music I appreciate. I have chosen a career in education because I believe that it is one of the most important functions performed in our culture. I believe that teachers individually and collectively have the ability to not only change the world, but to improve it. I began teaching in 2001 as a first grade bilingual teacher in Pilsen Academy. I then moved to Sawyer School in the south side of Chicago. I taught Kindergarten and first grade during my 11 years at Sawyer. I enjoyed my time with Chicago Public Schools they helped shaped who I have become as teacher. Please join us for our Annual Fall Bo ok Fair Thursday, October 9 5:00-8:00 pm Be on the lookout for Spirit Wear sale flyers! or Friday, October 10 8:00 - 10:00 am They will be sent home soon It's a great time to stock up on some new books for your home library or check out the teachers' wish lists and make a purchase to add to their classroom libraries. Thank you Karrie Camp for adding a decorative touch to our new front entrance! Steeple Run School Website Want to find out about upcoming events? Need to check an event time? Lost a flyer that was sent home by backpack mail? Need to find out what’s for lunch? Take a look at our Steeple Run School Website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help earn funds for Home and School (H&S) while doing Are you a Target shopper? If so, you can WK*U&KDLU*LIWV/5&'RQ of Education Program accumulates 1% of all purchases made at a &OLPELQJ:DOO3( your weekly shopping! Target’s Take Charge &XUULFXOXP(QKDQFHPHQWV Target store or at and distributes this donation to us in September. As an added bonus, using your 3ULQFLSDO'LVFUHWLRQDU\)XQG Target Card automatically gives you 5% off your total purchase every time you shop! In September 2014, H&S 7RWDO'RQDWLRQWR6FKRRO received $1,519. Thank you to the 52 cardholders who designated our school! If you have not yet designated )DPLO\0RYLH1LJKW our school, once you become a cardholder of a Target Credit Card®, Target Debit Card®, or Target® Visa® Credit )LHOG7ULSV Card, visit and enter our school name or school ID #47560 or call 1-800-316-6142 )LIWK*UDGH3DUW\ +HDOWK6DIHW\'UXJ$ZDUHQHVV 6)&3 6WDII$SSUHFLDWLRQ STEEPLE RUN ORCHESTRA NEWS &RQIHUHQFH0HDOV Our Steeple Run orchestras are well underway and looking forward to lots of learning and performing! 0LVFHOODQHRXV*LIWV 7HDFKHU$SSUHFLDWLRQ:HHN Our first concert will be on Tuesday, Nov.18, at 7:30 p.m. at Jefferson Junior High School. th grade summer beginners and 5th grade All 47RWDO6WDII$SSUHFLDWLRQ returning players will participate along with the Jefferson 6th, 7th, and th 8 grade orchestras. Fall beginners will not participate in the November concert, but will be included on the 7HDFKHU$OORZDQFHV Steeple Run lunchtime concerts on Monday, Dec. 15. 7RWDO3URJUDP([SHQVH Our District Honors Strings Orchestra will be starting up soon, and selected fifth graders have been invited to 727$/ on Tuesday, Oct. 14, between the hours of 3:30 and 5:00 at Washington Junior High School. Honors audition Strings rehearsals will be held on Tuesdays from 3:30-4:30 at Washington Junior High starting on Tuesday, Oct. 21, and the Honors Strings/Honors Band Concert will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 4, at 7:30 p.m. at Naperville Central High School. Calling all Fifth Graders! Book Grabbers Book Club is starting in November. Book Grabbers is our book club designed just for kids. We will be reading 3 fantastic books, and will have an after school discussion and fun activities which relate to the book. Nov 6th – Because of Winn-Dixie by Kate DiCamillo To find out what your child is studying in art class please follow Ms. Dostal on Twitter @msdostal Nov 20th - Everything on a Waffle by Polly Horvath Dec 4th – Regarding the Fountain by Kate Klise All meetings are held after school at Steeple Run until 3:30PM. Steeple Run will supply the books so there is no running to the library. Grab a friend & join Book Grabbers today!! Flyers will be going home in mid-October. For more information, contact Sheri Dolejs at Steeple Run Elementary Dess ert Bonus Days Contest Help your class be the While Earning top seller and earn an Additional Funds EXTRA RECESS for Our School For a limited time this month, we will be participating in a Dessert Fundraiser with Market Day! This year they are offering a variety of pies/cakes – including several new exciting flavors – which you will find on the dessert order form along with prices at MARKETDAY.COM. Talk with family, friends, neighbors and co-workers. Our goal this year is to sell 300 Desserts. If each student sells just one dessert we will exceed our goal. The more we sell, the more money Home and School receives to put towards resources for our children’s education!! 100-499 Desserts – Earns 30% Profit 500+ Desserts – Earns 45% Profit Just in time for the Holidays… Indulge, save time, support our school… Order a DESSERT today!!! Orders due: Friday, October 31 Make checks payable to: Market Day Please convert all cash to checks Order online at WWW.MARKETDAY.COM by Monday, Nov. 3rd. Pick up date: Nov. 6th, 5:30 – 6:15 pm at Steeple Run multi-purpose room Questions: Call/email Sherri Petrucci H(630)778-1965 M(630)330-3087 Online orders count toward Extra Recess and Market day bonus items. !"#$%&' (#)# *+', , )' & -'&!"#$ %&'++++" .+++& &!'!"#&&!"# '#'###' / *'&''##/ 0&1!"#
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