James Island O`Quinn Newsletter
James Island O`Quinn Newsletter
October/November 2013 James Island O’Quinn Newsletter Parents Guild President: Kristen Mulholland As fall arrives (and hopefully cooler weather), I hope everyone has settled into a routine for the school year. The Parents Guild (PG) started off the year with our annual volunteer registration at open house, the Sip ‘N Sob drop-in for parents, and Parent’s Night. It was nice to meet many of you at these events. Important Dates: October/November 10/7 Parents Guild meeting @ 6 pm Our first big PG event will be the Halloween Carnival on October 30-31. This event requires a lot of volunteers to run successfully so I hope you volunteer if you have the time. We look forward to seeing you at the carnival. This fall, the PG is also promoting our fundraisers—O’Quinn t-shirts, directories, and holiday wreaths. We would greatly appreciate your support! In November, we will have our annual Book Fair. The Book Fair will be held on November 11-15. Please stop by to purchase books for your child/children or to fulfill their teacher’s wish list. I would like to thank the PG Board, committee chairs, and volunteers! Without your support and generous donations we would not be able to do all we do for our teachers, staff, and students. I encourage each of you to volunteer, get involved in your child’s school, meet new people and develop new friendships. Wishing you all a wonderful fall season, Kristen 10/18 Field Day—All 5K at Porter-Gaud Stadium 10/21-22 Fall Break—school closed 10/30-31 Halloween Carnival* 11/04 Parents Guild Meeting @ 6 pm 11/08 Conference Day—5K Extended Hours Open 11/11-15 Box Tops for Education We have teamed up with Porter-Gaud to earn cash for James Island O’Quinn through the Box Tops for Education Program. Look for the pink Box Top on hundreds of participating products. Each Box Top helps earn money for our school. It’s as simple as 1-2-3! 1. Buy your favorite Box Tops products. 2. Cut out the Box Top from each package. 3. Drop off your Box Tops in the bin in the office labeled Box Tops. James Island O’Quinn will then receive a check for the Box Tops collected. Learn about more ways to help our school on the last page of the newsletter. Scholastic Book Fair 11/21 First Thanksgiving Play at Porter-Gaud—5K 11/25-26 Thanksgiving Feast* 11/27-29 Thanksgiving Holiday—school closed *see teacher for class details Character Critters Classroom Updates from your Teachers 2K It’s a good time to be in the 2’s at O’Quinn! We start off the month with Community Helpers. The children always enjoy visiting the fire truck and having our parents come in to share about their professions. The Two’s will also be very busy learning about nocturnal animals, spiders and decorating our rooms with “Spooktacular” Halloween projects. During the Season of Sharing we talk about being thankful for our family and friends. We will sing fall songs and learn all about Thanksgiving food so that we can cook some for Daddy and Mommy! We will have our Thanksgiving Feasts on Monday & Tuesday, November 19 & 20. Look for details for your child’s classroom feast to be posted soon. Being a good citizen by: Cooperating Obeying the rules Respecting people in charge Not littering 3K Our theme for the 3’s during October will be “Under the Full Moon”. The classes will talk about their nightly routines while learning about what can be seen in the night sky. We will also learn about nocturnal animals and even a nocturnal plant. Dr. Jean will be with us on October 15th to sing songs with us. We are thrilled to be having her come to the school. The month will end with Halloween crafts and pumpkin projects to get us ready for our annual PTO Halloween carnival. In November we will focus on “Harvesting a Healthy Feast”. We will discuss how fruits and vegetables are grown and how we need to eat them everyday to grow up healthy and strong. We will also go on a walking field trip to Publix where the children will get a tour of the store. We will have a canned food drive so we can promote sharing and giving. After collecting our canned food, we will sort and count the items. Our Thanksgiving Feast will be in the form of a picnic where we will encourage all packed lunches from home to be healthy. 4K Being fair to others by: Knowing and following the rules Sharing with friends and family Not blaming family and friends October is “brewing” with fun in the Fours! We begin with a visit from our local firefighters, continue with decorations for fall, and conclude with Halloween Parties and the much anticipated O’Quinn Halloween Carnival! Just when we think we’ve caught our breath, the next calendar page is November. Crafting totem poles, pouches, and dream catchers (an all time favorite!) help us develop a greater understanding of some tribes and their customs before we visit the Charleston Museum on Wednesday, November 6th. The Fours celebrate Thanksgiving with a “Feast of Thanks”. (More details about our trip to the Museum and our “Feast of Thanks” will be sent home at a later date.) And, before you know it, December has arrived! Don’t you wish you were four again?!? Kindergarten What a wonderful start we have had to our Kindergarten year! We spent some time getting to know all about one another and all about where we live during our “Me on the Map” unit. After exploring our great state of South Carolina, we are now moving our focus to habitats and tracks. We’ll learn about animals that waddle, bound, stride and gallop as we gear up to make our own tracks on Field Day at PorterGaud on October 18th! During our pumpkin study we’ll incorporate estimating, measuring, patterns, problem solving and writing. In November, we’ll explore the habitat and characteristics of a turkey and use our imaginations to take a ride on the Mayflower and see what life was really like for the Pilgrims as they traveled to America. Let’s not forget about sights words, journal writing, building friendships and having fun! Wreaths will be for sale soon! Be sure to be on the look-out so you can purchase them in time for the holidays! Director’s Notes It’s amazing that we are already into the month of October. Our “welcome back” decorations are down and our pumpkins, spiders, and ghosts are beginning to go up! We are looking forward to having our James Island Fire Department visit during Fire Prevention Week and our 5K field day on October 18. Of course the highlight of the month is the annual Halloween Carnival on October 30th and 31st. November will bring leaves and hopefully, cooler weather. Our Parents Guild Book Fair will be held on campus during the week of November 1115. Our month will end with a 3 day Thanksgiving Break, November 27-29. Our teachers continue to include our “Character Critters” into their weekly lessons. In September we focused on Carrie the Caring Cat, and for the next two months we will add our friends Cindy the Citizen Crab and Fran the Fair Frog. We appreciate any review you can provide at home because parents are the most important teachers your children have! Please be sure to let me know if I may be of any help to you and your family. Thank you for a wonderful start to the new year. Sharon This Month’s Teacher Spotlight, by Rossie Webber Donna Murphy Donna Murphy is one of our 5K teachers. She hails from Connecticut although she and her family have lived in Florida, Maryland, and California. Her parents live in Arizona, and Donna has driven across the country 4 times! Donna’s husband, Chris, works for Marriott hotels and their son, Elliot, is in the 5th grade at Stiles Point Elementary School. Donna worked for the Department of Education in Washington, D. C. but decided that office life was not for her! She met many wonderful teachers while at the Department of Education and decided that teaching was what she was meant to do. This is Donna’s second year at O’Quinn School and we are so happy that she is here. Although she hopes to continue teaching for many years, she is practicing to perfect her performance on a unicycle and on a surfboard! We hope she sticks with teaching. Jaxie Eby Wedding bells are in sight for Jacklyn Eby. Soon her name will change to Ferguson when she marries Ryan Ferguson in October. Jaxie is originally from Summerville but now resides in West Ashley. She started at O’Quinn in the 3’s last year and moved to the part time 2’s in August, 2013. This move was a result of a graduate school course that includes an internship with Charleston Collegiate School. Jaxie would ultimately like to work in the social work field with children in hospitals or schools. Stacy Brown Stacy Brown is not new to O’Quinn School. Her son, Harrison, attended O’Quinn School several years ago. We are so happy to have Stacy working with us in the 4’s now. This is her second year here. Stacy is originally from Estill, South Carolina but has lived in Charleston since 1998. Having children of her own helped Stacy realize that working in a school was the place for her. She is a graduate of USC but is a diehard Clemson fan—Go Tigers!! Halloween Carnival It’s that time of year again! Halloween Carnival will be held on October 30th and 31st. This year, in lieu of toy donations we are asking for a contribution of $3 per child, which can be paid in the front office or given to your child’s teacher. We also need lots of parent volunteers to make this event a success so please sign up to volunteer on the list in the front office or by emailing us at oquinnhalloween@gmail.com. Thank you! - Heather Davidson and Mollie Dadin (Halloween Carnival co-chairs) Community Outreach Thank you to those who contributed to the clothing drive! We had great success collecting items. The LOR is always in need of gently used clothing from infant to adult sizes for older children. Our first project for MUSC is coming up November 11th22nd. We are collecting change to purchase art supplies for the children. Please help by donating spare change. There will be a large jar in the front hallway for collection. We expect this will be a fun way to involve your children in giving to those who are less fortunate! Both organizations are in need of volunteers. There are opportunities to sign up on each website. Please don't hesitate to contact Jill Settle, Community Outreach Chair with questions or concerns: jillasettle@gmail.com This year we will support : the Lowcountry Orphan Relief (LOR) www.lowcountryorphanrelief.org and The MUSC Children's Hospital. www.musckids.org/childlife/wishlist.htm O’Quinn Quips Calling all O’Quinn Parents! We want to hear from you. Please send us a funny quote, saying or quip that your child has shared with you. We’ll list them here and add a little giggle to your day (let us know if you want to remain anonymous) . Email: kyndra56@gmail.com and Terra.burke@portergaud.edu We look forward to sharing them in the December Newsletter. Thanks! Scholastic Book Fair The book fair will be set-up in the hallway near the front office. Be sure to stop by and stock up the following dates and times: Nov. 11th -15th 7:30 am - 9:00 am & 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm Nov. 12th & 13th 11:15 am - 12:45 pm More ways to support James Island O’Quinn School: It’s easy to earn money for James Island O’Quinn school! Here are just a few of the simple steps you can take to ensure that small change adds up to big savings. You’ll benefit from these as much as the school. Thanks for your support! Like us on Facebook to stay up to date with all of the latest news. Earn money for your favorite school by clipping box tops (see article on page 1). To learn more about the Box Tops for Education program, please visit http://www.boxtops4education.com/ Link your Vic card to our school at: https://www.harristeeter.com/other/my_harris_teeter. Tell friends and grandparents to link us, too! Please stop by the Customer Service desk at the Harborview Publix and pick up a card for your keychain. When you check out, please give the cashier your card to scan. Please join us in an upcoming Spirit Night at a local restaurant. Be on the look-out for details that will follow soon! Mom’s Night Contact the Parents Guild Executive Board Committee President: Kristen Mulholland Vice President: Sara Corbett Treasurer: Mara Read Secretary: Heather Davidson Assistant Treasurer: Mary Plunkett Past President: Candace Jaruzel Standing Committee Chairs: Directory: Julie Foster Halloween Carnival: Mollie Dadin & Heather Davidson Social (Fall/Spring): Kristen Mulholland & Jill Settle Teacher Appreciation: Rory Couturier & Leah Ellis Book Fair: Kelly Duffy Community Outreach: Jill Settle Newsletter: Terra Burke & Kyndra Luce Fundraising: Sara Corbett Room Mom Liaison: Heather Davidson Out O’Quinn Moms head out monthly for happy hour. Kristen Mulholland organizes Mom’s Night Out (MNO). Please contact Kristen (mulhollk@musc.edu) if you would like to be added to the email list. Target Red Card Donate up to 1% of your purchases to O’Quinn when you sign up and use the free Target Debit REDcard. It works just like a check by drawing from your checking account. Card benefits include: 1. Save 5% on purchases at target and target .com 2. Free shipping at target.com 3. Extended return policy 4. 1% of all purchases donated to school of choice 5. Cash withdrawal at checkout. Simply enroll at any register or download and application online and take a blank check with you when applying in the store. Once your account is established you can manage your card online, which includes selecting O’Quinn as your school of choice. For more information visit www.target.com/tcoe or call 1-800-316-6142.