Orana Wildlife Park An Ideal Venue


Orana Wildlife Park An Ideal Venue
Orana Wildlife Park
An Ideal Venue
Orana Wildlife Park is operated by Orana Wildlife
Trust, a registered charitable trust and not-for-profit
organisation. The Park was established in 1976 and
is renowned for its commitment to conservation,
education and recreation.
Orana is New Zealand’s only open range zoo and
offers unique, up close encounters with endangered
animals. Visitors can hand feed giraffe, meet rhino
up close, see a tiger search for food, travel through
the Lion Reserve for extremely close views of the
“King of the Beasts” (contact us for costs and
conditions), see New Zealand kiwi and observe a
range of native birds and reptiles.
Scheduled animal feeds and guided tours occur
throughout the day. Visitors can interact with the
friendly Farmyard animals and enjoy the antics of
monkeys, meerkats, otters, porcupines, wild dogs
and more. A fabulous café and wildlife themed Gift
Shop are located on-site. Orana has something to
entertain visitors of all ages for the entire day!
Orana Wildlife Park is a fantastic venue for large
group barbecues, weddings, corporate events
and conferences.
Priestley’s Cuisine operates Orana’s fantastic
on-site café and Function Centre. We have a
wide range of delicious home style baking,
espresso style coffees, deli-selection and daily
specials. Priestley’s Cuisine caters to all events
and will tailor a menu to suit your requirements.
An Orana Wildlife Park membership is the best value
way to visit the Park on a regular basis.
McLeans Island Road, Christchurch
Ph: (03) 359 7109 ; Fax: (03) 359 4330
Visit Orana Wildlife Park as many times as you like!
As a member of Orana Wildlife Park you will be supporting our important conservation work. Members
receive unlimited Park admission (10am-5pm daily) for the duration of the subscription (until 30 June 2016).
Prices valid until 30 June 2016.
Membership valid to 30 June 2016.
Adult ............................ $69
Child (5 to 14 years) ............. $19
Pre-schooler ................ Free
Names of Adults: ________________________________________________________________________
Child name: _________________________ Child age: ______
Method of payment
Child name: _________________________ Child age: ______ I enclose my cheque for $ ........................
Child name: _________________________ Child age: ______
- or -
Please charge my Credit Card:
Child name: _________________________ Child age: ______ Visa
Visa Debit
Number of adults _________ @ $69 =
$ __________
Number .....................................................
Number of children _______ @ $19 =
$ __________
Name on Card...........................................
Number of family _________ @ $157 =
$ __________
Signature ..................................................
Total membership cost:
$ __________
Expiry date ................................................
Postal address: ______________________________________
Post code: ___________________ Phone: _______________
Email: ______________________________________________
Existing Orana Wildlife Park Membership number:
Please post to:
Orana Wildlife Park
PO Box 5130, Papanui
Christchurch 8542
Or scan and email to:
(under 5 years)
Concession ................... $157
(2 Adults & up to 3 Children 5-14 years)