203 255 191 159 Roma AV Parking Structure P C NORTH CAMPUS 26 CENTRAL CAMPUS Centennial Engineering 46 G H University Advisement & Enrichment Center ity BLVD. Tight Grove 103 Central AV E. I 21 P B J 93 P K Girard BLVD. 15 P R Redondo CT. 155 P A 59 59 62 B D P Bookstore Yale Park George Pearl Hall 102 C P R 198 115 (South) P A P 195 16 193 Visitor Parking S SOUTH Girard PL. Fire Station A E Redondo RD. Parsons Grove d. HOUSING Johnson Gym City of Albuquerque Reservoir 104 Blv 156 P A Johnson Field Popejoy Hall 21 9 105 89 A Art Hodgin Hall Art Annex 88 Mesa Vista Hall 73 P E 17 nte Mo ta Vis Central AVE. Albuquerque International Sunport 2.3mi / 3.7km L Harvard Parking Services P B 157 Tennis Courts 56 Student Health 19 34 Terrace 125 Univers P B 85 us 92 K 60 84 121 J C D 82 83 119 122 Mesa Pine st. Ash st. Ash st. 126 Pine st. Maple st. 128 127 Student Union 35 AVE. A I mp L E 70 56 24 P B 2 South Campus 1.0mi / 1.6km CNM 0.4mi / 0.6km 18 22 112 Copper 129 F Ca 91 STUDENT 94 Carlisle Gym 46 H 81 79 4 Union Square Cornell Mall 12 2.3 mi / 3.7 km 1.2mi 1.9km ATC / Rail Runner 68 Cornell 47 G 88 67 Smith Plaza 14 116 SOUTH CAMP. 17 Zimmerman Library 66 69 23 140 61 65 Po ck nd Mi tc he ll Ha ll 14 77 64 P C 53 8 Roma AVE. La Posada Dining Hall 55 s H al l Yale Mall CNM 25 74 Social Sciences M,G,Q S ATC Yale BLVD. Yale 25 Avenida Caesar Chavez 0.6mi 1.0km Sc ho le P AVE. Alumni Memorial Chapel P B P D 75 P 16 0.6mi m 1.0km 11.0 0km km 123 Roma Du 25 P D 58 15 C Dr. Mart entral in Luther King Jr. / 1.6 km 1.0 mi Maxwell Museum 176 Police (Admin.) 76 57 13 Information Technologies Building 153 Economics Mall 14 10 P Lomas 51 48 Terrace Univers it y 25 P C 87 172 78 20 P 11 Dane Smith Hall 20A P S P University House Buena Vista 13 42 Redondo E. 29 Buena Vista RD. (W est) Indian School DR. 167 as RD. Campus Index Map 15 Lomas BLVD. 160 150 168 149 194 Las Lom 44 P Admin 269 P Y 152 Las Lomas RD. 1.2 mi 1.9 km 286 144 Girard BLVD. UNM Parking Shuttle H 12 DR. G,C ZIA H Yale Parking Structure Revere PL. (East) ST . 12S 232 Vassar 190 235 Barbara & Bill Richardson Pavilion 151 192 187 . 202 P J 182A 165 RD University Hospital P 207 171 185 hi RD. e dg Ri P C 184 Sigma C Surface Parking Lot La sL ma Permit Type oRequired s Physics and Astronomy 175A 182B 182C Frontier AVE. Patient Parking 207 P GC 226 264 201 235A 207 M 158 Stanford P Metered Parking 211 alu d 227 P M 175 Yale BLVD. Parking Structure Spruce P University BLVD. Hospital 178 Frontier AVE. Vassar RD. Sciences Building de S 11 247 205 215 Medical 253 229 Cam ino Food Services 11 H 268 228 183 Mesa V ista 299C Basic 220 UNM Campus Library 266 234 Q 246 225 P P M John & June Perovich Business Center 40 P T Student Housing 248 289 DR. P 231 Redondo RD. 1049 249 P M 204 147 See Campus Building List for building No. P O 299B 1.2mi 1.9km UNM Building Marble P Admin N Mtns. 162 P A N O 18 Vassar 274 200 M 299D S T L Physical Plant Dept. 146 14 Visitor / Info Center 99 K 250 Valley Princeton 25 422 10 99 J 273 . 221 Domenici Center Columbia I SCALE 263 500 ft 200 P M d a lu LV D icio 421 sB 1.0km N P 299A P M 216 om Planning & Campus Development :: 0.6mi Space LManagement Office :: spacemgt@unm.edu :: UPDATED: 02-28-2013 208 219 251 a G Legend H AVE. . BLVD eS od erv el S od 252 Tucker Yale in Cam CENTRAL CAM PUS M AP 276 236 Colum 238 AVE. Tucker in Cam dical Arts 242 257 P Q Planning and Campus Development • Space Management • spacemgt@unm.edu 3/1/2013
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