Part-time degrees while you work!
Part-time degrees while you work!
Adult Course Guide 2015/16 ses Adult Part-time Cour urses Higher Education Co ssional fe ro P & t n e m e g a n a M Access Programmes and more... Part-time degrees while you work! Scan me to find out more TAKE YOUR PLACE It’s never too late to change career direction, move up the ladder or even begin a new hobby. At Solihull College you have the opportunity. This guide displays the breadth of courses on offer, from access programmes all the way through to our university-level degree courses. Throughout the guide, when you see the video symbol, click the link to view videos straight from our YouTube channel. Find out more about your course as well as the newly redeveloped facilities across our two stunning campuses. .. 03 .............................. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... on ......... Higher Educati .. 04 .............................. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... mes ... Access Program . 05 re ........................... o M d an n o ti Qualifica A Professional ... 06 .............................. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ............... How to Enrol ... ...... Directory ......... e rs u o C lt u d A ....................... 06 If you have any questions don’t hesitate to give us a call on 0121 678 7000 or email Upgrade your future at Solihull College. = Online Video ats to meet variety of form e available in a ad bility. m sa be di n or ca d/ n atio ng difficulty an All of our inform o have a learni wh s nt ica pl ap . the needs of 0121 678 7000 Admissions on Please contact Solihull College Adult Course Guide 2015/16 For more information visit or call 0121 678 7000 02 Do you want a university level qualification? Solihull College University Centre’s courses allow you to fit your studies around work and family life, with fees lower than most universities. We have been named as the best college in the Midlands for higher education student satisfaction (Which? University). We are also proud to have scored a 100% overall satisfaction rate for our Oxford Brookes courses. FLeXiBLe AnD PArt-tiMe stUDy ‘Take your first step on the university ladder’ hnCs / hnDs Higher national certificates / diplomas concentrate on both skills and knowledge of specific industries. Most HNCs / HNDs can take you directly onto the second year of a full honours degree. ‘Thought it was too late to gain a full degree?’ Up to £2000 cashback for all hnD courses with our Academic ! excellence scholarship Conditions apply Solihull College Adult Course Guide 2015/16 Join us at an open day! Foundation Degrees Find out more at A foundation degree is equivalent to the first two years of an undergraduate degree and can be topped up to gain a full honours degree. You may be entitled to a student loan to support your learning. top-up Degrees Top-up degrees allow you to upgrade your HND, foundation degree or equivalent qualification to a full honours degree. Top-up degrees studied part-time normally last 18 months. BA Degrees Full bachelor degrees are studied through lecture and seminar-based learning with practical components and are assessed through projects, written assignments and examinations. Master’s Degrees A master’s degree is a postgraduate qualification that involves a more in-depth understanding of a subject. We also offer a range of fulltime he courses. For more information visit our online HE prospectus ‘TYP HE’ at here are some comments from our he students: always available ‘The teachers are their own to help and will give ts are stuck spare time if studen with a problem.’ ‘Interesting, engaging, fun and creative coursework… excellent basis and grounding for my desired profession.’ r students available fo rt o p p u s e ‘Th ave any . I feel if I h g in d n ta ts is ou r anything out work o queries ab tors.’ lk to my tu ta n a c I e ls e Join Us At An oPen DAy! Find out more at University PArtnershiPs Solihull College works in partnership with a number of top universities to deliver a range of higher education qualifications including foundation, top-up, full bachelor’s degrees and postgraduate degrees. Students study here at the College but are enrolled at both institutions and gain a higher education qualification awarded by the University! For more information visit or call 0121 678 7000 03 S S E C AC S E M M A R PROG 97% of our access students went on to higher education last year! as : second mes provide a Access program new ng di -start a rewar chance to kick ol er you le scho future – wheth put your alifications – or without any qu . to raise a family career on hold ns rmal qualificatio There are no fo l onto able you to enro required to en , instead ss programmes ce ac r ou of y an es as ur life experienc we consider yo tions. the real qualifica Solihull College Adult Course Guide 2015/16 are the following in s e m m ra g ss pro We offer acce nagement a M d n a s s e in s l Bu l Education l Health l Science nce l Social Scie Humanities d n a e c n ie c S l l Socia Call 0 0121 678 70or0visit www.solihull.a ation for more inform For more information visit or call 0121 678 7000 04 A PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION AND MORE Our professional courses offer you the opportunity to develop the skills and knowledge required to enhance your career, whether you want to take your first step into a new industry, or to move up the ladder in your current role. Our programmes are accredited by world renowned chartered bodies and universities including: Association of Accounting technicians (AAt) Learn relevant and practical skills for the world of accounting and finance. Chartered institute of Marketing (CiM) Enhance your marketing and business development career with either a CIM or CAM qualification. Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) Study for your professionallevel papers with the leading global body for professional accountants; this can then lead to the award of the oxford Brookes University BSc (Hons) Applied Accounting. Solihull College Adult Course Guide 2015/16 institute of Leadership and Management (iLM) Develop and certify your leadership and management skills. Chartered institute of Personnel and Development (CiPD) Gain the knowledge and confidence needed to succeed in your Human Resources career. Find out what a professional qualification can do for you by scanning the QR code below or visiting Scan for videos of our Professional Qualifications Professional it training Further your career in IT with our well established Microso courses and range of other certifications. Being a member of a professional body will gain you invaluable links within your chosen industry and all the latest information about career opportunities. For more information visit or call 0121 678 7000 05 HOW TO ENROL If the course you are interested in does not require an interview you can drop into either of our Student Information Centres or pick up the telephone and start enrolling from Monday 9th June 2014. Courses marked with an ‘I’ in the prospectus require an interview before you can enrol. ADULt enroLMent sessions At BLossoMFieLD AnD WooDLAnDs CAMPUses To assist you further in making the right choice we have arranged the following enrolment sessions to provide an opportunity for you to discuss the most appropriate course for you. Blossomfield Campus tuesday 16th June 4.30-8pm thursday 3rd september 4.30-7pm saturday 5th september 10am-12pm Woodlands Campus Wednesday 17th June 4.30-8pm Monday 7th september 4.30-7pm Please note that you can continue to enrol on our courses outside of these dates. Courses marked with a t in the prospectus are suitable for telephone enrolment. You must be prepared to pay in full for your course fees, by either a credit or debit card (with the exception of American Express). with you to talk through all of the options available. Many of our courses are very popular and places fill up quickly, so it is best to enrol as soon as you can to avoid disappointment. Paying for your study For information on paying for your course and any support, loans or reductions for which you may be eligible, visit the Solihull College website. For more in-depth study, such as access courses and higher education programmes, you will need to complete and return an application form. You will then be invited to the College for an interview. If your course requires an interview or you need any further help or assistance then please contact us on 0121 678 7000 and our trained staff will be delighted to spend time Solihull College Adult Course Guide 2015/16 For an application form please contact us on 0121 678 7000 or apply online at ADULT COURSE DIRECTORY Course Index Access Programmes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07 A-Levels and GCSEs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07 Animal Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07 Art and Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07 Business and Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08 Catering and Hospitality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08 Computing and Professional IT Training . . . . . 08 Counselling and Mentoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 09 Early Years and Childhood Studies . . . . . . . . . . . 09 Engineering and Construction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 09 ESOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 First Aid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Health and Social Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Management and Professional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Retail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Social Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Sport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Teacher Training. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Travel and Tourism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Youth & Community Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Key: Disclaimer: poa = Price on application Va = Various study options available (contact the College for more information) T = Telephone enrolment I = Interview required pa = Per Academic Year The information in this guide was correct at the time of publication. However, it is sometimes necessary for the College to change details of courses offered, dates and times or fees at a later date. Please check the current position with the Student Information Centres before enrolling. We will do everything reasonably possible to ensure that the services identified within this guide are maintained to our high standards. For more information visit or call 0121 678 7000 06 ACCESS PROGRAMMES A-LEVELS AND GCSEs CONTINUED... While it is not necessary to have GCSEs in English, maths or science to enrol on our access courses at Solihull College, some universities may require some/all of these qualifications for entry on to their courses. Depending on your future plans, we can support you by offering the relevant additional qualifications, including GCSEs, alongside your access course. @ Blossomfield Campus Access to HE SOAAA110BCF0 TEAAA131BCF0 SOBAA110BCF0 HEOAA013BCF0 BMTAA153BCF0 CAMAA092BCF0 CANAA092BCF0 SCFAA021BCF0 Access to Higher Education Diploma: Social Sciences & Humanities Level 3 Access to Higher Education Diploma: Education Level 3 Access to Higher Education Diploma: Social Science Level 3 Access to Higher Education Diploma: Health Level 3 Access to Higher Education Diploma: Business & Management Level 3 Access to Higher Education Diploma: Graphic Design Level 3 Access to Higher Education Diploma: Photography Level 3 Access to Higher Education Diploma: Science Level 3 @ Woodlands Campus Access to HE SOAAA110CCF0 TEAAA131CCF0 SOBAA110CCF0 HEOAA013CCF0 Access to Higher Education Diploma: Social Sciences & Humanities Level 3 Access to Higher Education Diploma: Education Level 3 Access to Higher Education Diploma: Social Science Level 3 Access to Higher Education Diploma: Health Level 3 * Eligible for a 24+ Advanced Learning Loan Duration Day Time @ Blossomfield Campus Higher Education Programme HND Fees Students Fees Students Interview/ Aged 24+ Aged 19-23 Tel. Enrol 14/09/15-24/06/16 Va Va £1,500.00 * £3,000.00 I 14/09/15-24/06/16 Va Va £1,500.00 * £3,000.00 I 14/09/15-24/06/16 Va Va £1,500.00 * £3,000.00 I 14/09/15-24/06/16 Va Va £1,500.00 * £3,000.00 I 14/09/15-24/06/16 Va Va £1,500.00 * £3,000.00 I 14/09/15-24/06/16 Va Va £1,500.00 * £3,000.00 I 14/09/15-24/06/16 Va Va £1,500.00 * £3,000.00 I 14/09/15-24/06/16 Va Va £1,500.00 * £3,000.00 I Duration Day Time 14/09/15-24/06/16 Va Va £1,500.00 * £3,000.00 I 14/09/15-24/06/16 Va Va £1,500.00 * £3,000.00 I 14/09/15-24/06/16 Va Va £1,500.00 * £3,000.00 I 14/09/15-24/06/16 Va Va £1,500.00 * £3,000.00 I Fees Students Fees Students Interview/ Aged 19-23 Aged 24+ Tel. Enrol @ Blossomfield Campus GCSE English Day Time 14/09/15-06/06/16 Mo 16:00-18:00 £405.50 £405.50 I LAEBC121BCP0 English GCSE AQA 15/09/15-07/06/16 Tu 13:00-15:00 £405.50 £405.50 I LAEBE121BCP0 English GCSE AQA English GCSE AQA English GCSE AQA GCSE Mathematics MAMBB022BCP0 Mathematics GCSE AQA 14/09/15-06/06/16 15/09/15-07/06/16 15/09/15-07/06/16 14/09/15-06/06/16 MAMBC022BCP0 Mathematics GCSE AQA 14/09/15-06/06/16 MAMBE022BCP0 Mathematics GCSE AQA 16/09/15-08/06/16 MAMBD022BCP0 MAMBF022BCP0 GCSE Science Mathematics GCSE AQA Mathematics GCSE AQA SCNAA021BCP0 Human Health & Physiology GCSE AQA 4415 SCLAA021BCP0 Human Biology AS Level OCR H023 A Level Science SCMAA021BCP0 21/09/15-23/06/17 Va Va £4,950.00 pa £4,950.00 pa I SSAAA112BCF1 Social Studies BA Hons 2+2 Degree Warwick University 21/09/15-23/06/17 Va Va poa poa I Va Va Va poa poa I Duration Day Time 16/09/15-08/06/16 We 16:00-18:00 £405.50 £405.50 I 14/09/15-06/06/16 Mo 16:00-18:00 £405.50 £405.50 I Duration Day Time Veterinary Nursing Level 3 Diploma C&G 17/09/15-22/12/17 Va Va Canine Behaviour 15/09/15-17/11/15 HEAKA013BCF1 Youth & Community Work BA (Hons) Newman University @ Woodlands Campus GCSE English LAEBA121CCP0 LAEBB121CCP0 English GCSE AQA English GCSE AQA 16/09/15-08/06/16 GCSE Mathematics MAMBB022CCP0 MAMBC022CCP0 Mathematics GCSE AQA Mathematics GCSE AQA 14/09/15-06/06/16 * Eligible for a 24+ Advanced Learning Loan We Mo 19:00-21:00 19:00-21:00 Fees Students Fees Students Interview/ Aged 24+ Aged 19-23 Tel. Enrol £405.50 £405.50 £405.50 £405.50 I I ANIMAL CARE @ Blossomfield Campus Veterinary Care ANJAA033BCP1 Animal Care ANKAA033BCP0 ANLAA033BCP0 ANMAA033BCP0 Canine Care Welfare ANQAA033BCF1 19:00-21:00 £2.400.00 pa £130.00 £4,800.00 pa I £130.00 T £130.00 T Teaching Dogs 05/01/16-08/0316 26/04/16-28/06/16 Tu 19:00-21:00 £130.00 £130.00 Animal Behaviour & Welfare Foundation Degree (Oxford Brookes) 21/09/15-23/06/17 Va Va £6,000.00 pa £6,000.00 pa I 21/09/15-23/06/17 Va Va £6,000.00 pa £6,000.00 pa I Duration Day Time Higher Education Programme Degrees ANPAA033BCF1 Tu Fees Students Fees Students Interview/ Aged 19-23 Aged 24+ Tel. Enrol Veterinary Nursing Advanced Studies Foundation Degree (Oxford Brookes) Animal Behaviour & Welfare BSc (Oxford Brookes) 21/09/15-20/05/16 Tu Va 19:00-21:00 Va £130.00 £7,000.00 £7,000.00 T I ART AND DESIGN English GCSE AQA LAEBD121BCP0 Fees Students Fees Students Interview/ Aged 24+ Aged 19-23 Tel. Enrol Fees Students Fees Students Interview/ Aged 19-23 Aged 24+ Tel. Enrol LAEBA121BCP0 LAEBB121BCP0 Time Applied Biology Level 5 HND Diploma EDEXCEL Higher Education Programme - BA HONS Degree * Eligible for a 24+ Advanced Learning Loan Duration Day SCOAA021BCF1 ANRAA033BCF0 A-LEVELS AND GCSEs Duration Human Biology A2 OCR H423 Solihull College Adult Course Guide 2015/16 Mo Tu Tu Mo Mo 16/09/15-08/06/16 We 17/09/15-09/06/16 Th We 15/09/15-07/06/16 Tu 16/09/15-08/06/16 We 15/09/15-07/06/16 Tu 19:00-21:00 16:00-18:00 19:00-21:00 16:00-18:00 19:00-21:00 16:00-18:00 19:00-21:00 13:00-15:00 19:00-21:00 18:30-21:00 19:00-21:00 £405.50 £405.50 £405.50 £405.50 £405.50 £405.50 £405.50 £405.50 I I I I £405.50 £405.50 I £405.50 £405.50 I £405.50 £405.50 £455.00 £578.50 £578.50 £405.50 £405.50 £455.00 £578.50 £578.50 I I I I I @ Blossomfield Campus Access to HE CAMAA092BCF0 Access to Higher Education Diploma: Graphic Design Level 3 OCNWM Fees Students Fees Students Interview/ Aged 19-23 Aged 24+ Tel. Enrol CANAA092BCF0 Access to Higher Education Diploma: Photography Level 3 OCNWM 14/09/15-24/06/16 Va Va £1,500.00 * £3,000.00 I 14/09/15-24/06/16 Va Va £1,500.00 * £3,000.00 I CAQAA092BCP1 Photography Level 4 HNC Diploma EDEXCEL 21/09/15-24/06/17 Mo 09:00-16:00 £2,000.00 pa £2,000.00 pa I Photography Level 5 HND Diploma EDEXCEL 21/09/15-24/06/17 Va 09:00-16:00 £4,950.00 pa £4,950.00 pa I MENAA093BCF1 Creative Media Production (Moving Image) Level 5 HND Diploma EDEXCEL 21/09/15-24/06/17 Va 09:00-16:30 £4,950.00 pa £4,950.00 pa I CAPAA092BCF1 Fine Art BA (Hons) Oxford Brookes 21/09/15-22/06/18 Va 09:00-16:30 £7,000.00 pa £7,000.00 pa I Higher Education Programme HNC Higher Education Programme HND CASAA092BCF1 CARAA092BCF1 Graphic Design Level 5 HND Diploma EDEXCEL Higher Education Programme - Degrees * Eligible for a 24+ Advanced Learning Loan 21/09/15-24/06/17 Va 09:30-16:30 £4,950.00 pa £4,950.00 pa I The information in this guide was correct at the time of publication. Please see page 6 for full disclaimer. For more information visit or call 0121 678 7000 07 COMPUTING AND SPECIALISED IT TRAINING BUSINESS AND ADMINISTRATION @ Blossomfield Campus Access to HE BMTAA153BCF0 Access to Higher Education Diploma: Business & Management Level 3 OCNWM Higher Education Programme Degrees BMUAA153BCF1 Business Management & Communications Foundation Degree Oxford Brookes Duration Day Time 14/09/15-17/06/16 Va Va Fees Students Fees Students Interview/ Aged 24+ Aged 19-23 Tel. Enrol £1,500.00 * £3,000.00 I @ Blossomfield Campus Duration PROFESSIONAL IT TRAINING MTA Foundation IPABA061BCP0 MTA: Database Administration Fundamentals Va IPAAL061BCP0 MTA: IT Infrastructure Track IPAPA061BCP0 Va poa poa I Short Business and Administration Programmes Duration Day Time Writing Minutes Va Va Va £120.00 £120.00 I IPALA061BCP0 Managing Difficult People Va Va Va £120.00 £120.00 I IPAFA061BCP0 I IPAGA061BCP0 I IPAAO061BCP0 MCSA: 688 Managing and Maintaining Windows 8 IPACA061BCP0 MCSA: 410 Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 Communicate & Present With Confidence Va Va Va Va Va £120.00 £120.00 £120.00 £120.00 I I Train the Trainer Va Va Va £120.00 £120.00 I Appraising People & Performance Va Va Va £120.00 £120.00 I Coaching & Mentoring Va Telesales Techniques Va Exceptional Customer Service Va Dealing With Difficult Customers & Complaints Va Va Va Va Va Va Va Va Va £120.00 £120.00 £120.00 £120.00 £120.00 £120.00 £120.00 £120.00 I I Diversity & Equality Va Va Va £120.00 £120.00 I Personal Effectiveness Workshop Va Va Va £120.00 £120.00 I Building the Team Va Va Va £120.00 £120.00 I Va Va Va £120.00 £120.00 I Negotiation & Persuasion Skills Va Project Management - An Introduction Va Recruitment & Selection Va An Introduction to Leadership Motivating to Perform in the Workplace Va Va Va Va Va Va Va Va Va £120.00 £120.00 £120.00 £120.00 £120.00 £120.00 £120.00 £120.00 I Va £120.00 £120.00 I Learn How to Attract New Customers Va Va Va £120.00 £120.00 I Working with Costs & Budgets Va Introduction to Marketing Va Branding to Build your Business Va PRINCE2 Foundation (3 days) Va PRINCE2 Practitioner (2 days) Va * Eligible for a 24+ Advanced Learning Loan Va Va Va Va Va Va Va Va Va Va £120.00 £120.00 £120.00 £600.00 £500.00 £120.00 £120.00 £120.00 £600.00 £500.00 I I I I I @ Blossomfield Campus Food Safety HCLAA074BCP0 Food Safety Awareness In Catering Level 1 Award CIEH HCNAA074BCP0 Supervising Food Safety in Catering Level 3 Award CIEH HCMAA074BCP0 @ Woodlands Campus Food Safety HCLAA074CCP0 HCMAA074CCP0 HCNAA074CCP0 Va Food Safety In Catering Level 2 Award CIEH Va Va Va Duration Day Time Supervising Food Safety in Catering Level 3 Award CIEH Solihull College Adult Course Guide 2015/16 Va Time Va Food Safety Awareness In Catering Level 1 Award CIEH Food Safety In Catering Level 2 Award CIEH Day Va Va Va Va Va Va Va Va Va Va Va Va Fees Students Fees Students Interview/ Aged 19-23 Aged 24+ Tel. Enrol £60.00 £100.00 £240.00 £60.00 T £240.00 T £100.00 T Fees Students Fees Students Interview/ Aged 19-23 ^ Aged 24+ ^ Tel. Enrol £60.00 £100.00 £240.00 £60.00 T £240.00 T £100.00 18:00-21:00 £315.00 I £315.00 I Tu 18:00-21:00 £450.00 £450.00 £85.00 I IPANA061BCP0 MCSA: 685 Windows 7 Enterprise Desktop Technician Th Va Tu 18:00-21:00 £315.00 £315.00 £75.00 I Va Th IPAAN061BCP0 MCSA: 680 Windows 7 Configuring MCSA: 685 Windows 7 Enterprise Desktop Technician MCSA: 687 Configuring Windows 8 Va MCSA: 688 Managing and Maintaining Windows 8 IPAAQ061BCP0 IPAEA061BCP0 IPAAR061BCP0 IPAIA061BCP0 Va Th Va Tu 18:00-21:00 £450.00 £450.00 £85.00 I Va Th 09:30-12:30 £450.00 £450.00 £85.00 I Va Tu 18:00-21:00 £450.00 £450.00 £85.00 I Va Th 09:30-12:30 £450.00 £450.00 £85.00 I Va Tu 18:00-21:00 £450.00 £450.00 £85.00 I Va Th 09:30-12:30 £450.00 £450.00 £85.00 I Va Tu 18:00-21:00 £450.00 £450.00 £85.00 I Va Th 09:30-12:30 £450.00 £450.00 £85.00 I Va Tu 18:00-21:00 £450.00 £450.00 £85.00 I Va Tu 18:00-21:00 £450.00 £450.00 £85.00 I Va Tu 18:00-21:00 £450.00 £450.00 £85.00 I 15/09/15-12/01/16 Tu 17:30-20:30 £710.00 £710.00 I Va We 18:00-21:00 £595.00 £595.00 I Th 13:30-16:30 £240.00 £240.00 Va Va £240.00 £240.00 Va Va £240.00 £240.00 MCSA: 411 Administering Windows Server 2012 MCSA: 411 Administering Windows Server 2012 MCSA: 412 Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services MCSA: 412 Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services MCSA: 461 Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012 MCSA: 462 Administering Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Databases IPAAK061BCP0 Cisco CCENT Full Cost IPAAB061BCP0 Cisco IT Essentials (CITE) Pt 1 & 2 (Comp TIA A+) IPAOA061BCP0 Microsoft Project IPARA061BCP0 MOS Specialist Office 2010 (Word Excel PPT Access & Outlook) Distance Learning Pack Va IPATA061BCP0 I I MCSA: 410 Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 Microsoft Project £75.00 I £85.00 MCSA: 463 Implementing a Data Warehouse with Microsoft SQL Server 2012 IPAAT061BCP0 £315.00 £85.00 £450.00 IPAJA061BCP0 Applications £315.00 £450.00 £450.00 MCSA: 687 Configuring Windows 8 Cisco CCENT Full Cost 09:30-12:30 £450.00 18:00-21:00 Database Certification IPAHA061BCP0 09:30-12:30 Tu Server 2012 Certification IPAAS061BCP0 Duration Tu I Va Cisco CATERING AND HOSPITALITY Va £315.00 Va IPADA061BCP0 Va I £315.00 MCSA: 680 Windows 7 Configuring IPAKA061BCP0 I Va £315.00 09:30-12:30 Tel. Enrol IPAMA061BCP0 IPAAP061BCP0 Selling Skills Workshop MTA: Developer Track Desktop Certification I I £315.00 £315.00 Va Va 18:00-21:00 £315.00 28/09/15-24/06/16 Time Management Tu 09:30-12:30 I Fees Students Fees Students Interview/ Aged 19-23 Aged 24+ Tel. Enrol I Th £6,000.00 pa @ Various Locations £240.00 Va £6,000.00 pa IPAAM061BCP0 £240.00 MTA: Developer Track Va IPAQA061BCP0 18:00-21:00 Th Va Business & Management BA (Hons) Oxford Brookes Top Up Tu Va Va Materials Interview/ Time MTA: IT Infrastructure Track 28/09/15-23/06/17 BMVAA153BCF0 Fees Students Fees Students Aged 24+ Aged 19-23 Day 19/01/16-31/05/16 Va Va MOS Specialist Office 2013 (Word Excel PPT Access & Outlook) Distance Learning Va Tu We 09:30-12:30 17:30-20:30 18:00-21:00 £450.00 £710.00 £240.00 £450.00 £85.00 £710.00 £240.00 I I £55.00 £55.00 I I T T Continued overleaf.. T The information in this guide was correct at the time of publication. Please see page 6 for full disclaimer. For more information visit or call 0121 678 7000 08 COMPUTING AND SPECIALISED IT TRAINING CONTINUED... @ Blossomfield Campus Applications IPAUA061BCP0 IPAXA061BCP0 IPAVA061BCP0 IPAYA061BCP0 IPAWA061BCP0 IPAZA061BCP0 IPASA061BCP0 IPAAU061BCP0 MOS Specialist Office 2010 (Word & PowerPoint) Distance Learning Pack MOS Specialist Office 2013 (Word & PowerPoint) Distance Learning Pack MOS Specialist Office 2010 (Excel & Outlook) Distance Learning Pack MOS Specialist Office 2013 (Excel & Outlook) Distance Learning Pack MOS Specialist Office 2010 (Access) Distance Learning Pack MOS Specialist Office 2013 (Access) Distance Learning Pack Computing & Systems Development Level 4 HNC Diploma EDEXCEL Higher Education Programme HND IPHHB061BCF1 MEMAA093BCF1 IPHHD061BCF1 IPHHE061BCF1 IPHHF061BCF0 Computing & Systems Development Level 5 HND Diploma EDEXCEL Creative Media Production (Computer Game Design) Level 5 HND Diploma EDEXCEL Time Va Va Va £120.00 £120.00 T Va Va Va £120.00 £120.00 T Va Va Va £120.00 £120.00 T Va Va Va £120.00 £120.00 T Va Va Va £60.00 £60.00 T Va Th Va Higher Education Programme HNC IPHHA061BCF0 We 21/09/15-24/06/16 21/09/15-23/06/17 21/09/15-23/06/17 Business Systems & Technology Top Up Degree Newman University * Eligible for a 24+ Advanced Learning Loan Va Va 13:30-16:30 18:00-21:00 09:00-21:00 Va Va £60.00 £60.00 £315.00 £315.00 £315.00 £315.00 poa Tel. Enrol T £45.00 I £45.00 I poa £4,950.00 pa I £4,950.00 pa I Va Va £4,950.00 pa £4,950.00 pa I Va Va £6,000.00 pa £6,000.00 pa I 21/09/15-22/06/18 Va Va £6,000.00 pa £6,000.00 pa I 21/09/15-24/06/16 Va Va £6,000.00 £6,000.00 I Enterprise Information Systems Level 5 HND (Birmingham City University) 21/09/15-23/06/17 Business Systems & Technology BSc Newman University Materials Interview/ Day Va Web Design & Authoring Fees Students Fees Students Aged 24+ Aged 19-23 Duration Va Web Design & Authoring EARLY YEARS AND CHILDHOOD STUDIES @ Blossomfield Campus Level 2 DLFAA132BCP0 DLGAA132BCP0 DLHAA132BCP0 CHKAA015BCP0 CHLAA015BCP0 Level 3 DLJAA132BCP0 DLKAA132BCP0 DLPAA132BCP0 DLMAA132BCP0 DLNAA132BCP0 CHOAA015BCP1 Supporting Teaching & Learning in Schools Level 2 Certificate CACHE Supporting Teaching & Learning in Schools Level 2 Certificate CACHE Supporting Teaching & Learning in Schools Level 2 Certificate CACHE Children & Young People's Workforce Level 2 Certificate CACHE Children & Young People's Workforce Level 2 Certificate CACHE Supporting Teaching & Learning In Schools Level 3 Certificate CACHE Supporting Teaching & Learning In Schools Level 3 Certificate CACHE Supporting Teaching & Learning In Schools Level 3 Certificate CACHE Specialist Support for Teaching & Learning in Schools Level 3 Diploma CACHE Specialist Support for Teaching & Learning in Schools Level 3 Diploma CACHE CHNAA015BCF1 DLAAA132BCF1 Day Time 14/09/15-20/06/16 Mo 09:30-12:15 £1,140.00 £1,140.00 I 14/09/15-20/06/16 Mo 18:00-21:00 £1,140.00 £1,140.00 I 11/01/16-12/12/16 Mo 18:00-21:00 £1,140.00 £1,140.00 I 14/09/15-20/06/16 Mo 18:00-21:00 £1,147.00 £1,147.00 I 11/01/16-12/12/16 Mo 18:00-21:00 £1,147.00 £1,147.00 I 14/09/15-20/06/16 Mo 13:00-16:00 £1,417.00 * £1,417.00 I 14/09/15-20/06/16 Mo 18:00-21:00 £1,417.00 * £1,417.00 I 11/01/16-12/12/16 Mo 18:00-21:00 £1,417.00 * £1,417.00 I 14/09/15-20/06/16 Mo 18:00-21:00 £2,225.00 * £2,225.00 I Early Years for the Workforce Early Years Educator Level 3 Diploma CACHE 11/01/16-12/12/16 Mo 18:00-21:00 £2,225.00 * £2,225.00 I 14/09/15-19/06/17 Mo 18:00-21:00 £2,882.00 * £2,882.00 I Early Years Foundation Degree (Oxford Brookes) 21/09/15-19/06/17 Mo 13:00-21:00 £6,000.00 pa £6,000.00 pa I 23/09/15-22/06/16 We 13:00-21:00 £7,000.00 £7,000.00 I 23/09/15-21/06/17 We 13:00-21:00 £6,000.00 pa £6,000.00 pa I Duration Day Time 16/09/15-02/12/15 We 18:00-21:00 £395.00 £395.00 I 06/01/16-16/03/16 We 18:00-21:00 £395.00 £395.00 I 13/04/16-22/06/16 We 18:00-21:00 £395.00 £395.00 I Mo 09:00-20:00 £1,800.00 £1,800.00 I Higher Education Programme Degrees CHPAA015BCF0 Fees Students Fees Students Interview/ Aged 24+ Aged 19-23 Tel. Enrol Duration Early Childhood Studies BA (Hons) Oxford Brookes Top Up Special Educational Needs, Disability and Inclusive Practice Foundation Degree Newman University * Eligible for a 24+ Advanced Learning Loan ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION @ Woodlands Campus Electrical Engineering COUNSELLING @ Blossomfield Campus Counselling Level 2 HEWAA013BCP0 HEAJA013BCP0 Counselling Skills Certificate Level 2 NCFE Counselling Skills Certificate Level 2 NCFE Counselling Level 3 HEZAA013BCP0 Counselling Skills & Theory Award Level 3 NCFE * Eligible for a 24+ Advanced Learning Loan BUUAA052CCPA Duration Day Time Fees Students Fees Students Interview/ Aged 19-23 Aged 24+ Tel. Enrol 15/09/15-08/12/15 Tu 09:30-12:30 £343.00 £343.00 T 17/09/15-19/05/16 Th 13:00-16:00 £681.50 £681.50 I 12/01/16-19/04/16 Tu 09:30-12:30 £343.00 £343.00 T BUUAA052CCPW BUUAA052CCPS Engineering Requirements For Electrical Installation BS7671: 2008 (2015) Level 3 Award C&G 2382-15 Requirements For Electrical Installation BS7671: 2008 (2015) Level 3 Award C&G 2382-15 Requirements For Electrical Installation BS7671: 2008 (2015) Level 3 Award C&G 2382-15 Fees Students Fees Students Interview/ Aged 19-23 Aged 24+ Tel. Enrol ENJAA041CCP0 Engineering Subsidiary Diploma Level 3 EDEXCEL Va BUAAB052CCP0 Installing Electro-technical Systems & Equipment Buildings Structures & Environment Level 3 NVQ Diploma C&G 2357-13 Va Mo/We 18:00-21:00 poa poa I Va Mo/We 18:00-21:00 poa poa I Va Mo/We 18:00-21:00 poa poa I ENKAA041CCP0 BUAAC052CCP1 BUAAD052CCP1 Engineering Diploma Level 3 EDEXCEL Installing Electro-technical Systems & Equipment Buildings Structures & Environment Level 3 NVQ Diploma C&G 2357- 34 Installing Electro-technical Systems & Equipment Buildings Structures & Environment Level 3 NVQ Diploma C&G 2357-44 Va We 09:00-20:00 £1,800.00 £1,800.00 I Continued overleaf.. The information in this guide was correct at the time of publication. Please see page 6 for full disclaimer. Solihull College Adult Course Guide 2015/16 For more information visit or call 0121 678 7000 09 ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION CONTINUED... @ Woodlands Campus Duration Higher Education Programme HNC BUENA052CCP1 BUENB052CCP1 BUENC052CCP1 ENENA041CCP1 ENENB041CCP1 ENENC041CCP1 ENEND041CCP1 Construction & The Built Environment Level 4 HNC Diploma EDXECEL 21/09/15-23/06/17 Construction & The Built Environment (Building Services Engineering) Level 4 HNC Diploma EDXECEL Construction & The Built Environment (Civil Engineering) Level 4 HNC Diploma EDXECEL Aeronautical Engineering Level 4 HNC Diploma EDEXCEL Electrical & Electronic Engineering Level 4 HNC Diploma EDEXCEL Mechanical Engineering Level 4 HNC Diploma EDEXCEL Manufacturing Engineering Level 4 HNC Diploma EDEXCEL Higher Education Programme HND FIRST AID CONTINUED... Day Time Va Va Fees Students Fees Students Interview/ Aged 24+ Aged 19-23 Tel. Enrol £2,000.00 pa £2,000.00 pa I 21/09/15-23/06/17 Va Va £2,000.00 pa £2,000.00 pa I 21/09/15-23/06/17 Va Va £2,000.00 pa £2,000.00 pa I 21/09/15-23/06/17 Va Va £2,000.00 pa £2,000.00 pa I 21/09/15-23/06/17 Va Va £2,000.00 pa £2,000.00 pa I 21/09/15-23/06/17 Va Va £2,000.00 pa £2,000.00 pa I ENENF041CCF1 Aeronautical Engineering Level 5 HND Diploma EDEXCEL Electrical & Electronic Engineering Level 5 HND Diploma EDEXCEL * Eligible for a 24+ Advanced Learning Loan 21/09/15-23/06/17 Va Va £4,950.00 pa £4,950.00 pa I 21/09/15-23/06/17 Va Va £4,950.00 pa £4,950.00 pa I @ Blossomfield Campus Duration Day Time 09:30-12:30 Entry 1 ESOL - With Basic Literacy 14/09/15-02/12/15 Mo/Tu/We Entry 3 ESOL - With Basic Literacy 15/09/15-04/12/15 Tu/Th/Fr Level 1 ESOL - With Basic Literacy ESOL - With Basic Literacy Students must attend 9 hours per week, 3 mornings 9.30 - 12.30 ESOL All Levels - Evenings OLEAA122BCPA ** IELTS ** Qualification offered termly 15/09/15-03/12/15 14/09/15-03/12/15 21/09/15-01/12/15 @ Various Locations Level 2 - Blossomfield Tu/We/Th Mo/We/Th Tu 09:30-12:30 09:30-12:30 09:30-12:30 13:15-16:15 free free free free £210.00 free free free free £210.00 I I I I I First Aid at Work Level 3 Award HABC HEADA013CCP0 Paediatric First Aid Level 3 Award HABC HEAHA013CCP0 HEAEA013CCP0 Day Time Fees Students Fees Students Interview/ Aged 19-23 Aged 24+ Tel. Enrol Emergency First Aid at Work Level 2 Award HABC Va Va Va £70.00 £70.00 T HEABA013CCP0 Emergency First Aid at Work Level 2 Award HABC Va Va Va £70.00 £70.00 T HEABA013OCP0 Emergency First Aid at Work Level 2 Award HABC Va Va Va £70.00 £70.00 T HEAGA013BCP0 First Aid at Work Level 3 Award HABC Va £175.00 £175.00 T HEADA013BCP0 Paediatric First Aid Level 3 Award HABC Va £170.00 £170.00 T Level 2 - Woodlands Level 2 - Various Sites Level 3 - Blossomfield Va Va First Aid at Work Level 3 Award (Re-Qualification) HABC Va Va Va Emergency Paediatric First Aid Level 3 Award HABC Va Va Va Va Va £110.00 £110.00 £110.00 £110.00 £175.00 T Va £170.00 £170.00 T Va £175.00 £175.00 T Va £170.00 £170.00 T Emergency Paediatric First Aid Level 3 Award HABC Va Va Va HEADA013OCP0 Paediatric First Aid Level 3 Award HABC Va Va Va First Aid at Work Level 3 Award (Re-Qualification) HABC Va Va Va Emergency Paediatric First Aid Level 3 Award HABC Va Va Va Va Va £110.00 £110.00 £110.00 £110.00 £110.00 £110.00 £110.00 £110.00 T T T T HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE Access to HE Duration Day Time Fees Students Fees Students Interview/ Aged 24+ Aged 19-23 Tel. Enrol HEOAA013BCF0 Access to Higher Education Diploma: Health Level 3 OCNWM 14/09/15-24/06/16 Va Va £1,500.00 * £3,000.00 I HERAA013BCF1 Health & Social Care Level 5 Foundation Degree Oxford Brookes 22/09/15-20/06/17 Tu 09:30-17:00 £6,000.00 pa £6,000.00 pa I Duration Day Time 14/09/15-24/06/16 Va Va Duration Day Time Higher Education Programme - Degree HEOAA013CCF0 Access to Higher Education Diploma: Health Level 3 OCNWM * Eligible for a 24+ Advanced Learning Loan Fees Students Fees Students Interview/ Aged 19-23 Aged 24+ Tel. Enrol £1,500.00 * £3,000.00 I LANGUAGES @ Blossomfield Campus Italian Fees Students Fees Students Interview/ Aged 19-23 Aged 24+ Tel. Enrol OLGAA122BCPA Beginners Italian 21/09/15-30/11/15 Mo 18:30-20:00 £105.00 £105.00 T OLFAA122BCPA Beginners French 22/09/15-01/12/15 Tu 19:30-21:00 £105.00 £105.00 T OLHAA122BCPA Beginners Spanish 23/09/15-02/12/15 We 19:15-20:45 £105.00 £105.00 T Spanish Duration £175.00 Va Va Fees Students Fees Students Interview/ Aged 24+ Aged 19-23 Tel. Enrol Va Va First Aid at Work Level 3 Award HABC HEAEA013OCP0 Va Time Va HEAGA013OCP0 HEAHA013OCP0 Va Day First Aid at Work Level 3 Award (Re-Qualification) HABC Level 3 - Various Sites French HEABA013BCP0 HEAEA013BCP0 HEAGA013CCP0 Access to HE Fees Students Fees Students Interview/ Aged 19-23 Aged 24+ Tel. Enrol FIRST AID HEAHA013BCP0 Level 3 - Woodlands @ Woodlands Campus ESOL - ENGLISH FOR SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES Entry 2 Duration @ Blossomfield Campus Higher Education Programme HND ENENE041CCF1 @ Various Locations T T The information in this guide was correct at the time of publication. Please see page 6 for full disclaimer. Solihull College Adult Course Guide 2015/16 For more information visit or call 0121 678 7000 10 MANAGEMENT AND PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT AND PROFESSIONAL CONTINUED... All management and professional courses may be subject to additional membership fees and/or exam fees paid directly to the awarding body. @ Blossomfield Campus Accountancy - AAT Level 1 AFBAA151BCP0 AAT Level 1 Award in Accounting AFCAA151BCP0 AAT Level 1 Award in Accounting** AFDAA151BCP0 AAT Level 1 Award in Accounting** AFEAA151BCP0 AAT Level 1 Award in Accounting** AFFAA151BCP0 AAT Level 1 Award in Accounting** AFHAA151BCP0 AAT Level 1 Award in Accounting** AFGAA151BCP0 AAT Level 1 Award in Accounting AFIAA151BCP0 AAT Level 1 Award in Accounting** Level 2 AFJAA151BCP0 AAT Level 2 Certificate in Accounting** AFKAA151BCP0 AAT Level 2 Certificate in Accounting AFLAA151BCP0 AAT Level 2 Certificate in Accounting** AFMAA151BCP0 AAT Level 2 Certificate in Accounting AFNAA151BCP0 AAT Level 2 Certificate in Accounting AFOAA151BCP0 AAT Level 2 Certificate in Accounting** AFPAA151BCP0 AAT Level 2 Certificate in Accounting Level 2 Apprenticeship AAT Level 2 Certificate in Accounting (Apprentices must be supported by their employer) Level 3 AFQAA151BCP0 AAT Level 3 Diploma in Accounting AFRAA151BCP0 AAT Level 3 Diploma in Accounting AFSAA151BCP0 AAT Level 3 Diploma in Accounting** AFTAA151BCP0 AAT Level 3 Diploma in Accounting - Fast Track** Level 3 Apprenticeship AAT Level 3 Diploma in Accounting (Apprentices must be supported by their employer) Level 4 AFCAB151BCPF AAT Level 4 Diploma in Accounting** AFCAC151BCPF AAT Level 4 Diploma in Accounting AFCAD151BCPF AAT Level 4 Diploma in Accounting Level 4 Apprenticeship AAT Level 4 Diploma in Accounting (Apprentices must be supported by their employer) Duration 14/09/15-07/12/15 28/09/15-13/10/15 23/11/15-08/12/15 18/01/16-02/02/16 07/03/16-15/03/16 25/04/16-17/05/16 07/03/16-20/06/16 20/06/16-05/07/16 Day Time Fees Students Fees Students Interview/ Aged 24+ Aged 19-23 Tel. Enrol Mo Mo/ Tu Mo/ Tu Mo/ Tu Mo/ Tu Mo/ Tu Mo Mo/ Tu 18:30-21:30 09.30-15.30 09.30-15.30 09.30-15.30 09.30-15.30 09.30-15.30 18:30-21:30 09.30-15.30 £445.00 £445.00 £445.00 £445.00 £445.00 £445.00 £445.00 £445.00 £445.00 £445.00 £445.00 £445.00 £445.00 £445.00 £445.00 £445.00 I I I I I I I I 07/09/15-18/12/15 Mo/Fr 09/09/15-22/06/16 We 14/09/15-25/05/16 Mo/ We 15/09/15-24/05/16 Tu 11/01/16-20/06/16 Mo 11/01/16-22/06/16 Mo/We 14/01/16-23/06/16 Th 09:30-15:00 17:30-21:30 18:30-21:00 09:30-15:00 14:00-21:30 18:00-21:30 09:00-16:30 £950.00 £950.00 £950.00 £950.00 £950.00 £950.00 £950.00 £950.00 £950.00 £950.00 £950.00 £950.00 £950.00 £950.00 I I I I I I I Students to infill with classes above Va 14/09/15-27/06/16 Mo 15/09/15-28/06/16 Tu 15/09/15-29/06/16 Tu/We 11/01/16-01/07/16 Mo/Fr Students to infill with classes above Va poa poa I 14:00-21:30 09:00-16:30 18:00-21:30 09:15-16:00 £1,987.00 £1,987.00 £1,987.00 £1,987.00 * £1987.00 * £1987.00 * £1987.00 * £1987.00 I I I I Va 14/09/15-22/12/16 Mo/Th 16/09/15-21/12/16 We 17/09/15-22/12/16 Th Va poa poa I 18:00-21:30 09:00-16:30 14:00-21:30 £1,987.00 £1,987.00 £1,987.00 * £1987.00 * £1987.00 * £1987.00 I I I Va poa poa I 18:30-21:30 £695.00 £695.00 I 18:30-21:30 £695.00 £695.00 I @ Blossomfield Campus Day Time 14/09/15-27/06/16 Mo 18:30-21:30 £1,295.00 £1,295.00 I 14/01/16-30/06/16 Th 18:30-21:30 £795.00 £795.00 I Level 2 ISMM Apprenticeship in Sales and Marketing Va Va Va poa poa I ILM Level 2 Award in Leadership & Team Skills ILM Level 2 Award in Leadership & Team Skills ILM Level 2 Certificate in Leadership & Team Skills ILM Level 2 Certificate in Leadership & Team Skills Top-Up 14/09/15-09/11/15 18/04/16-13/06/16 14/09/15-29/02/16 Mo Mo Mo 18:00-21:00 18:00-21:00 18:00-21:00 £400.00 £400.00 £1,210.00 £400.00 £400.00 £1,110.00 I I I 16/11/15-29/02/16 Mo 18:00-21:00 £860.00 £750.00 I Digital Marketing - CAM MSFAA154BCP0 CAM Level 4 Diploma in Digital Marketing TBC CAM Level 4 Diploma in Digital Marketing (with exemptions) Apprenticeships - Sales and Marketing Leadership & Management - ILM Level 2 BMABA153BCP0 BMAVA153BCP0 BMACA153BCP0 BMADA153BCP0 Level 3 BMAEA153BCP0 ILM Level 3 Award in Leadership & Management BMAWA153BCP0 ILM Level 3 Award in Leadership & Management BMAXA153BCP0 ILM Level 3 Certificate in Leadership & Management 23/02/16-28/06/16 Tu 18:00-21:00 BMAFA153BCP0 ILM Level 3 Certificate in Leadership & Management 15/09/15-19/01/16 BMAGA153BCP0 ILM Level 3 Certificate in Leadership and Management - Top-up Level 5 19/04/16-28/06/16 Tu 18:00-21:00 £1,010.00 £1,010.00 I 16/09/15-22/05/16 We 14:00-20:30 £1,770.00 £1,770.00 I ILM Level 2 Diploma in Team Leading (Apprentices must be supported by their employer) Va Va poa poa I ILM Level 3 Diploma in Management (Apprentices must be supported by their employer) Va Va poa poa I 14/09/15-04/07/16 Mo 18:00-21:00 £1,195.00 £1,195.00 I 16/09/15-06/07/16 We 18:00-21:00 £1,195.00 £1,195.00 I 16/09/15-06/07/16 We 09:30-12:30 £1,195.00 £1,195.00 I 17/09/15-07/07/16 Th 09:30-12:30 £1,195.00 £1,195.00 I 09/09/15-22/06/16 We 09:30-13:30 £1,495.00 £1,495.00 I 10/09/15-23/06/16 Th 09:30-13:30 £1,495.00 £1,495.00 I 14/09/15-26/06/17 Mo 13:00-19:30 £2,095.00 pa £2,095.00 pa I Va Va Va £600.00 £600.00 I Human Resource Management - CIPD MSCAA154BCP0 CIM Level 4 Award in Integrated Communications (compulsory) 15/09/15-04/12/15 Tu 18:30-21:30 £425.00 £425.00 I 05/01/16-05/04/16 Tu 18:30-21:30 £425.00 £425.00 I MSEAA154BCP0 CIM Level 4 Award in Digital Marketing (optional) 12/04/16-21/06/16 Tu 18:30-21:30 £425.00 £425.00 I TBC BMAOA153BCP0 CIM Level 6 Award in Strategic Marketing (compulsory) 16/09/15-23/03/16 We 18:30-21:30 £660.00 £660.00 I MSIAA154BCP0 Level 4 CIM Level 3 Marketing Foundation Certificate in Marketing05/01/16-21/06/16 18:30-21:30 CIM Level 4 Certificate in Professional Marketing, comprising three of the Awards below: MSBAA154BCP0 CIM Level 4 Award in Marketing (compulsory) MSDAA154BCP0 CIM Level 4 Award in Customer Experience (optional) 12/04/16-21/06/16 Level 6 Tu Tu 18:30-21:30 CIM Level 6 Diploma in Professional Marketing, comprising three of the Awards below: £750.00 £425.00 £750.00 £425.00 I BMAPA153BCP0 CIM Level 6 Award in Mastering Metrics (compulsory) 24/02/16-29/06/16 We 18:30-21:30 £425.00 £425.00 I TBC We 18:30-21:30 poa poa I TBC CIM Level 6 Award in Driving Innovation (optional) CIM Level 6 Award in Digital Strategy (optional) Solihull College Adult Course Guide 2015/16 14/09/16-07/12/16 14/09/16-07/12/16 We 18:30-21:30 poa poa I Short Courses TBC I I I MSAAA154BCP0 CIM Level 3 Marketing Foundation Certificate in Marketing15/09/15-01/04/16 £1,310.00 £1,010.00 £750.00 Level 3 I £1,310.00 £1,010.00 £750.00 Marketing - CIM £1,310.00 18:00-21:00 £1,310.00 I I 18:00-21:00 Apprenticeship - ILM Level 3 £350.00 £350.00 Tu BMALA153BCP0 ILM Level 5 Diploma in Leadership & Management Level 2 Tu £350.00 £350.00 03/11/15-19/01/16 ILM Level 3 Certificate in Leadership and Management - Top-up 18:30-21:30 BMAMA153BCP0 ACCA Advanced Diploma in Accounting and Business Paper F4 Corporate and Business Law (English Law) 22/09/15-17/12/15 Tu /Th BMANA153BCP0 ACCA Advanced Diploma in Accounting and Business Paper F5 Performance Management 05/01/16-26/05/16 Tu /Th 18:00-21:00 18:00-21:00 Tu Accountancy - ACCA Va Tu Tu Level 3 Human Resource Practice BMAHA153BCP0 CIPD Level 3 Foundation Certificate in Human Resources Practice BMCAB153BCP0 CIPD Level 3 Foundation Certificate in Human Resources Practice BMAZA153BCP0 CIPD Level 3 Foundation Certificate in Human Resources Practice Learning & Development Practice BMAIA153BCP0 CIPD Level 3 Foundation Certificate in Learning & Development Practice Level 5 BMAKA153BCP0 CIPD Level 5 Intermediate Certificate in Human Resources Management BMCAC153BCP0 CIPD Level 5 Intermediate Certificate in Human Resources Management Level 7 BMAUA153BCP1 CIPD Advanced Diploma in Human Resources Management Students to infill with classes above 15/09/15-20/10/15 23/02/16-12/04/16 BMAYA153BCP0 Fees Students Fees Students Interview/ Aged 24+ Aged 19-23 Tel. Enrol Duration PRINCE2 Foundation (3 Days) PRINCE2 Practitioner (2 Days) * Eligible for a 24+ Advanced Learning Loan **Students need to attend all sessions Va Va Va £500.00 £500.00 I The information in this guide was correct at the time of publication. Please see page 6 for full disclaimer. For more information visit or call 0121 678 7000 11 RETAIL SPORT @ Various Locations World Host RECAA071BCP0 World Host The Principles Of Customer Service REEAA071BCP0 World Host Frontline Management Solutions REDAA071BCP0 World Host Sales Powered by Service Guide to Successful Retailing - Inspired by Mary Portas REFAA071BCP0 REGAA071BCP0 Retail Business Planning and Finance Driving Sales through Marketing Duration Day Time Va Va Va Va Va Va Va Va Va Va Va Va Va Va Va Fees Students Fees Students Interview/ Aged 24+ Aged 19-23 Tel. Enrol poa poa poa poa poa poa poa poa poa poa I I I I I REHAA071BCP0 Buying and Visual Merchandising Va Va Va poa poa I REIAA071BCP0 Visual Merchandising Introduction Va Va Va poa poa I REKAA071BCP0 Visual Merchandising Advanced Va Va Va poa poa I Visual Merchandising REJAA071BCP0 Visual Merchandising Intermediate Va Va Va poa poa I @ Blossomfield Campus @ Blossomfield Campus GCSE Science Duration Day Time SCNAA021BCP0 Human Health & Physiology GCSE AQA 4415 15/09/15-07/06/16 Tu 19:00-21:00 £455.00 £455.00 I SCLAA021BCP0 Human Biology AS Level OCR H023 16/09/15-08/06/16 We 18:30-21:00 £578.50 £578.50 I A Level Science SCMAA021BCP0 Access to HE SOAAA110BCF0 SOBAA110BCF0 SCFAA021BCF0 Human Biology A2 OCR H423 Access to Higher Education Diploma: Social Sciences & Humanities Level 3 SOAAA110CCF0 SOBAA110CCF0 19:00-21:00 £578.50 £578.50 I 14/09/15-24/06/16 Va Va £1,500.00 * £3,000.00 I 14/09/15-24/06/16 Va Va £1,500.00 * £3,000.00 I Applied Biology Level 5 HND Diploma EDEXCEL 21/09/15-23/06/17 Va Va £4,950.00 pa £4,950.00 pa I Access to Higher Education Diploma: @ Woodlands Campus Access to HE Tu Access to Higher Education Diploma: Social Science Level 3 Higher Education Programme HND SCOAA021BCF1 15/09/15-07/06/16 Access to Higher Education Diploma: Social Sciences & Humanities Level 3 Access to Higher Education Diploma: Social Science Level 3 * Eligible for a 24+ Advanced Learning Loan Duration Day Time Fees Students Fees Students Interview/ Aged 19-23 Aged 24+ Tel. Enrol 14/09/15-24/06/16 Va Va £1,500.00 * £3,000.00 I 14/09/15-24/06/16 Va Va £1,500.00 * £3,000.00 I Higher Education Programme - BA HONS Degree SSAAA112BCF1 Social Studies BA Hons 2+2 Degree Warwick University 21/09/15-23/06/17 Day Va Time Va Fees Students Fees Students Interview/ Aged 19-23 Aged 24+ Tel. Enrol £6,750.00 £6,750.00 I TBC TBC Sport & Exercise Sciences Level 5 HND Diploma EDEXCEL 21/09/15-23/06/17 Va SPPAA081BCF1 Sport & Exercise Science Foundation Degree Oxford Brookes 21/09/15-23/06/17 Higher Education Programme Degrees SPRAA081BCF0 Sport & Exercise Science (Coaching) BSc Oxford Brookes Fees Students Fees Students Interview/ Aged 24+ Aged 19-23 Tel. Enrol £915.50 £915.50 I Va £4,950.00 pa £4,950.00 pa I Va Va £6,000.00 pa £6,000.00 pa I 21/09/15-24/06/16 Va Va £7,000.00 £7,000.00 I Duration Day Time Mo 18:00-20:30 £307.00 £307.00 Mo 18:00-20:30 £307.00 £307.00 TEACHER TRAINING TEHAA131BCP0 Btec Level 3 Award in Education and Training 14/09/15-30/11/15 TEJAA131BCP0 Btec Level 3 Award in Education and Training 11/01/16-18/04/16 TELAA131BCP0 Btec Level 3 Award in Education and Training TEIAA131BCP0 TEKAA131BCP0 TEMAA131BCP0 Btec Level 3 Award in Education and Training Btec Level 3 Award in Education and Training Btec Level 3 Award in Education and Training Level 4 Certificate - Pearsons TEBAA131BCP0 Btec Level 4 Certificate in Education & Training 07/10/15-18/11/15 We 13/01/16-24/02/16 We 13/04/16-08/05/16 We 12/04/16-05/07/16 Tu 09:30-15:30 09:30-15:30 18:00-20:30 09:30-15:30 £307.00 £307.00 £307.00 £307.00 £307.00 £307.00 £307.00 I I I I I 04/11/15-04/05/16 We Tu 14.00-16.30 £708.50 * £1417.00 I TEEAA131BCP0 Btec Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training 28/09/15-13/06/16 Mo 17:00-21:00 £1,990.50 £1,990.50 I TENAA131BCP0 Getting to Grips with Grammar** 12/09/15-12/09/15 Sat 09.30-16.30 £50.00 £50.00 T 26/09/15-12/12/15 Va Va £1,403.00 £1,403.00 I 09/01/16-26/03/16 Va Va £1,403.00 £1,403.00 I TECAA131BCP0 TEFAA131BCP0 Teach English To Speakers Of Other Languages (CELTA) Level 5 Certificate UCLES Teach English To Speakers Of Other Languages (CELTA) Level 5 Certificate UCLES * £1417.00 I 12/01/16-14/06/16 English for Speakers of other Languages (ESOL) £708.50 £307.00 Btec Level 4 Certificate in Education & Training Level 5 Diploma - Pearsons 18:00-20:30 Fees Students Fees Students Interview/ Aged 24+ Aged 19-23 Tel. Enrol TEDAA131BCP0 I TEGAA131BCP0 Teach English To Speakers Of Other Languages (CELTA) Level 5 Certificate UCLES 16/04/16-02/07/16 Va Va £1,403.00 £1,403.00 I TEPAA131BCF1 Foundation Degree: Educational Practice (Oxford Brookes University) (Subject to Validation) 23/09/15-21/06/17 We 16:00-21:00 £6,000.00 pa £6,000.00 pa I 23/09/15-21/06/17 We 09:30-12:30 poa poa I 23/09/15-21/06/17 We 09:30-12:30 poa poa I 12/01/16-27/06/17 Tu 15:30-18:30 poa poa I Va Va Va poa poa I Higher Education Programme - Degrees TERAA131BCP1 SOCIAL STUDIES Duration January Start SPQAA081BCF1 TETAA131BCP1 @ Blossomfield Campus Time Fitness Instructing Level 2 Certificate CYQ (GYM) Higher Education Programme HND Level 3 Award - Pearsons Fees Students Fees Students Interview/ Aged 24+ Aged 19-23 Tel. Enrol Day SPSAA081BCP0 @ Blossomfield Campus SCIENCE Duration TEQAA131BCP1 TESAA131BCP1 Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Birmingham City University) Level 7 Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) Post Compulsory Education & Training (PCET) (Birmingham City University) Professional Practice in Education BA (Hons) (Birmingham City University) Top Up Degree (Subject to Validation) Masters in Teaching & Learning / Educational Leadership (Birmingham City University) * Eligible for a 24+ Advanced Learning Loan ** a one-day intensive refresher course for aspiring or practising teachers of ESOL The information in this guide was correct at the time of publication. Please see page 6 for full disclaimer. Solihull College Adult Course Guide 2015/16 For more information visit or call 0121 678 7000 12 TRAVEL AND TOURISM @ Blossomfield Campus TRKAA043BCP0 TRLAA043BCP0 Duration Day Time TBC 18:00-21:00 Duration Day Time Va Va Va Air Cabin Crew Level 2 (New Entrant) Award C&G 14/09/15-11/12/15 Air Cabin Crew Level 2 (New Entrant) Award C&G 04/01/16-29/04/16 TBC 18:00-21:00 Fees Students Fees Students Interview/ Aged 24+ Aged 19-23 Tel. Enrol £700.00 £700.00 £700.00 £700.00 I I YOUTH & COMMUNITY WORK @ Blossomfield Campus Higher Education Programme - BA HONS Degree HEAKA013BCF1 Youth & Community Work BA (Hons) Newman University Fees Students Fees Students Interview/ Aged 19-23 Aged 24+ Tel. Enrol poa poa I TAKE YOUR PLACE Blossomfield Campus Blossomfield Road, Solihull B91 1SB. Woodlands Campus Auckland Drive, Smith’s Wood, Solihull B36 0NF. T: 0121 678 7000 F: 0121 678 7200 E: Scan me to find out more The information in this guide was correct at the time of publication. Please see page 6 for full disclaimer. Solihull College Adult Course Guide 2015/16 For more information visit or call 0121 678 7000 13
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