Suncoast Treasured Times


Suncoast Treasured Times
Suncoast Treasured Times
Suncoast Research & Recovery Club Newsletter
Volume: 26 Issue: 6
I would like to extend condolences to
Jay & Karen Ganz on the passing of
their daughter, Tricia Ann Gadberry
May 27th. The link below will allow you
leave comments for Jay & Karen.
Date: June, 2016
June 27, 2016
Bill Jackson’s
Outdoor Adventure
9501 US 19 N
Pinellas Park, FL 33782
7:00 PM
It is officially summer now, the time of
year when the water is almost as warm
as the air and both are pretty warm.
You can hang up the wet suit for the
next few months and replace it with
sun screen. If you are going out to the
beaches you will want to get out early
in the morning or late in the evening.
Of course you want to pay close
thunderstorms. It can be deceiving
when the sun is shining from the west
and storms are coming from the east.
Keep an eye on the “anvil” of the clouds.
That is the very top of the cloud
extending out in front of the storm, it
is the most dangerous part for
lightning which can reach up to 5 miles.
Program: Open Forum
Come with questions
Club Mailing Address:
6476 Fairway View Blvd.
St. Petersburg, FL 33707
Elected Officers and Board
President: Tom Jones
Vice Pres.: Joe Szemer
Secretary: Suzi Jones
Treasurer: Gerri Adams
Board Member: Jim Adams
Board Member: Stan Flack
Board Member: Paul Hill
Board Member: Mike Miller
(941) 722-2198
Board Member: Mark Prue
(813) 390-6944
Newsletter Editor: Tom Jones
Webmaster: Mike Miller
(941) 722-2198
Competition: Chris & Georgia Duerden
Library: Tom Killian
Refreshments: Jim Adams
Hunts & Raffle: Joe Szemer
Ambassador: Jay Ganz
(941) 423-0351
Coming Events:
June 27th Regular June Meeting
July 25th Regular July Meeting
Meeting Minutes
May 23, 2016
The meeting was called to order at
The night’s program was a presentation
by Dr. Bob on fossils. He explained why
Florida is one of the hot spots for
fossils and the many varieties that are
found together throughout the state.
Break was taken at 8:00
The meeting was called back to order
at 8:15pm.
Birthday Ambassador
Stan Flack
Thomas Gajentan
Jill Hill
Robert Earhart
Dimitur Alipiev
Karen Ganz
Jim Adams
June Hermansen
Wayne Cree
Jocelyn Myers
Pauline Asklar
Morris Johnson
The treasurer's report was given by
Gerri Adams. The winners of the
competition table were announced and
the raffle was held. Meeting was
adjourned at 8:45 pm.
The Club Coin Clues
Have been posted on
Lost and Found
Surfs Up
Chris. About 10 minutes
later Mike got lucky and
pulled the ring from the
surf. Chris and Michelle
were overjoyed and we at SRARC are
happy to report that with the ring
returned and the weather turning
much nicer the vacation will turn out to
be a fond memory with a good story to
share with friends and family. Team
SRARC just keeps collecting those
A Little Too Late
Chris body surfed into the beach on
the tropical storms Colin's waves,
rolled over and then felt his wedding
ring slip off of his finger and disappear
into the ocean forever.
Chris and Michelle finally got away for
a long awaited vacation to the warm
waters of Florida this week. Then
Tropical Storm Colin showed up to
wreak it and then Chris lost his ring
made this vacation a disaster. A couple
of hours later Michelle googled lost
ring Siesta Key and up popped SRARC
on Ring Finders. She contacted Tom
and he passed her onto Mike Miller.
Mike set a hunt up for the next day at
5:00 pm. Mike and Mark Sillence
showed up and went to work after a
few instructions from Michelle and
Jason and his wife were visiting St
Petersburg from Walton, KY. While
here they decided to take the family
to Clearwater Beach for the day. Upon
arriving at the beach they took some
pictures then decided to go in the
water. Jason walked out into the water
about knee deep and at that time his
wife asked him if he should take his
ring off to make sure he didn’t
it. At that time he looked down and it
out “Oh my God that is it”.
was already gone. They went back to
After a round of hugs for
their umbrella and looked at the
all the couple left the
pictures they had just taken and sure
beach to enjoy the
enough it was on his finger right
before he went in the water.
vacation that was
After looking for the ring for some
time they reluctantly got in the car and
headed back to St Petersburg. Jason
destined to be a bad
memory but now has
a “great story” as Jason puts it.
was broken hearted because he would
never see his wedding band again. That
afternoon he decided to search the
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
internet to see if there was someone
that could hunt for the ring. He found and contacted Tom
Jones. Tom told Jason to meet him at
Clearwater Beach at 6:30 that same
Tom, Ed Osmar and Dimiter Alipiev met
up the couple at the beach and started
Anthony and Ryan were down from
hunting. As the three were searching
Pittsburg visiting friends on Pass-A-
the water Ed noticed the couple
Grille Beach just in time to experience
standing in the water about 20 yards
Tropical Storm Colin. On Monday, June
north of the hunt site. Ed thought, I
6, Anthony noticed the Bimini top on
bet that is where they lost it. Moments
the pontoon boat behind the house
later as he reach the spot Ed called out
where they were staying was starting
“is it silver colored?” Jason and his
to blow off. He went out in the wind
wife ran over and she read the
and rain to remove the top and
inscription inside the band and yelled
inadvertently his wedding band fell off
his finger and into the water between
Thanks again to the Ringfinders Group
the dock and the boat. Thinking that it
of SRARC, another couple will be
was gone forever he contacted some
headed back home with a great story
friends looking for suggestions on how
and not a sad memory.
to get his ring back.
We’ll Be Right There
One of his friends has a friend that is
a member of Treasure Net Forum who
contacted Stan Flack to try and locate
the ring. Stan went out on Thursday
and hunted for a short while and
decided to try the search when the
tide went out later that evening. He
contacted Tom Jones to do another
hunt at low tide.
Friday evening Tom and Joe Szemer
went to the site to perform a second
hunt. Just like most docks there was a
lot of trash on the bottom. After 30
minutes and recovering everything
from bolts to electric motor parts Tom
moved under the boat motor and got a
good target. When his scoop surfaced
Dan was at the beach on Madeira Beach
with his family enjoying the water
when he realized that his ring was lose
and decided to take it off and put it on
a larger finger. When he took it off he
fumbled it and it fell into the water
and it disappeared in the sand. At this
time Dan used good logic and had his
father in law stand in the spot so Dan
could triangulate some land marks to
the ring was laying on
make it easier to locate the spot.
the top of the ball of
He Googled metal detector rental and
mud. Tom yelled out, “I
got it”. Everyone on
the dock ran over to
watch Tom hand the ring up to
found SRARC. He called Stan Flack
who was just finishing a hunt on Sand
Key Beech and Stan told him he would
be there as soon as possible. Stan was
joined by Ed Osmar and the two
They got a sand sifter and started
Within 10 minutes
sifting but not luck, they could not find
Stan found the ring
the ring. Joe googled metal detector
and returned it to a
rental and contacted Phil Myers’s
very happy Dan.
Detector Depot in Tampa who referred
him to Tom Jones. Joe contacted Tom
It’s In The Hole
and asked for his help. They had
circled the beach chairs around the
area and kept a vigil till Tom could get
to the site. Tom arrived and headed
out to the beach with Kara. She
pointed out the hole in the sand where
the umbrella had been and said that
the ring had to be somewhere around
Kara and Joe were visiting Long Boat
Key from Oklahoma City. They went
out to the beach behind the condo
where they were staying with their
family. Kara handed her husband Joe
her wedding band while she was putting
sun screen on her daughter. Joe put
the ring on his little finger so as not to
remembered that she had given her
ring to Joe asked for it back. That is
when Joe realized that the ring had
it. Tom turned on his detector and
started hunting around the hole, once
he circled the hole he swung the coil
over the umbrella hole and got a hit, he
yelled out “it’s in the hole”. He kicked
some sand out
with his foot
brother in law who was watching
intently said, there it is as he reached
down and picked up the ring.
fallen off. He knew that it couldn’t be
Needless to say Kara started jumping
far since he had not moved from the
up and down as she ran to Tom and
area by the umbrella.
hugged him.
Good work Ringfinders team.
Thank you for your time and
Classified Adds
Did You Know?
Sound travels at 767 miles per
hour. That is 12.7 miles per minute
and .21 miles per second. If you
count 1 Mississippi 2 Mississippi
and so on after you see the flash
of lightning you can judge how far
away the lighting struck. If your
count is 5, then you are within 1
mile. Consider this, some lightning
bolts will start 5 miles above the
ground which means a safe
distance would be 25 Mississippi.
Suncoast Treasured Times
6476 Fairway View Blvd.
St. Petersburg, FL 33707
Suncoast Research & Recovery Club
Official Newsletter
Dedicated to Research, Recovery
And the Preservation of
Florida’s Historical Artifacts.
Treasure Hunters Code of Ethics
I WILL respect private property and do no treasure hunting without the permission of the property owner.
I WILL appreciate and protect our heritage of natural resources, wildlife and private property.
I WILL fill all my excavations, remove and properly dispose of all trash that I find.
I WILL use thoughtfulness, consideration and courtesy at all times, leaving gates as I found them.
I WILL assist law enforcement and other government agencies or private citizens as needed.
I WILL NOT litter.
I WILL NOT destroy property, buildings, or what is left of ghost towns and deserted structures.
I WILL NOT tamper with signs, structural facilities or equipment.