VUELCO NEWSLETTER ISSUE3 Autumn/Winter 2013 VUELCO Workshop 7 and 8 November 2013 Start: October 1, 2011 Duration: 48 months The Second VUELCO workshop was attended by scientists and civil protection officials involved in volcanic risk management at different levels. This was a great opportunity to pool expertise from around the world in pursuit of a greater understanding of volcanic unrest. The great development of scientific knowledge in recent years has helped to improve the understanding of natural phenomena. It has granted a better characterization and description to the point that sometimes we can foresee their development and take action to prevent possible situations of risk. The abstract book and programme are available on the VUELCO website. VUELCO Steering Group and DET Committee 25 September 2013 The VUELCO Steering Group, DET and Advisory Board met at Engineers' House in Clifton, Bristol on 27-9 September 2013. Delegates came from around the world including Ecuador, Germany, France, Italy, Mexico, Spain and the West Indies. There were presentations on each work package, together with question and answer sessions and full discussion about the science undertaken. 1 European Partners: University of Bristol (UK) (Coordinator) University of Leeds (UK) University of Munich (D) CSIC (Spain) INGV (Italy) DPC (Italy) CNRS (France) Overseas Partners: Geophysical Institute (Ecuador) UNAM (Mexico) University of the West Indies (UWI) VUELCO WEBSITE www.vuelco.net See website to follow us on Facebook and Twitter Bristol Meeting 2013 Campi Flegrei Field Trip November 2013 VUELCO Simulation Exercise, Campi Flegrei, Italy February 9-14 February 2014 Campi Flegrei will be the target volcano for the next simulation exercise. The focus of this exercise will be communication, models and unrest. The location of the simulation meetings will be Rome following a field trip to Campi Flegrei, Naples. VUELCO members, DPC staff, CGR members and INGVOV staff (Vesuvius observatory) will all participate. The VUELCO group will assume different roles during the simulation with the possibility of themed groups working together. Tools developed in the VUELCO project such as numerical models, cost benefit analysis, and signal processing will be employed to interpret raw data. In addition, communication protocols as well as legal and educational tools will be tested. Recent VUELCO Publications Pichavant, M., Di Carlo, I., Rotolo, S., Scaillet, B., Burgisser, A., Le Gall, N., and Martel, C. (2013) – Generation of CO2-rich melts during basalt magma ascent and degassing. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 166, 545-561. Request PDF Longo, A., Barsanti, M., Cassioli, A., Papale, P., A finite element Galerkin/leastsquares method for computation of multicomponent compressible– incompressible flows, Computers & Fluids, Volume 67, 30 August 2012, Pages 5771, ISSN 0045-7930, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compfluid.2012.07.008. Request PDF Phillipson, G., Sobradelo, R., Gottsmann, J., Global volcanic unrest in the 21st century: An analysis of the first decade, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, Volume 264, 15 August 2013, Pages 183-196, ISSN 0377-0273, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2013.08.004. Sobradelo, R., Bartolini, S., Martí, J., HASSET: a probability event tree tool to evaluate future volcanic scenarios using Bayesian inteference Bulletin of Volcanology 76 http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00445-013-0770-x 1-15 J Bartolini, S., Cappello, A., Martí, J., and Del Negro, C.: QVAST: a new Quantum GIS plugin for estimating volcanic susceptibility, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 13, 30313042, doi:10.5194/nhess-13-3031-2013, 2013. View PDF Moretti,R., Arienzo, I., Civetta, L., Orsi,G., Papale, P., Multiple magma degassing sources at an explosive volcano Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Volume 367, 1 April 2013, Pages 95-104 (Request pdf) Rome Conference 2013 Ecuador Reports … Workshop in Ecuador On 28 and 29 November 2013, the Instituto Geofisico of the Escuela Politecnica Nacional (IG EPN) and the Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos of the Cotopaxi province (SGR-Cotopaxi) carried out two workshops / conversations related to a series of prevention methods entitled "Speaking of the volcano." These talks, supported by the VUELCO project aimed to strengthen the understanding of volcano reawakening and prepare the local population for possible eruptions from Cotopaxi volcano through conducted training programs in the field of volcanic risk for those populations living in areas of potentially hazardous zones close to Cotopaxi. 2 Photo 3. Personnel of the Instituto Geofisico and the Risk Management Secretary of Cotopaxi province and school authorities of the Juan de Dios Morales school at Mulalo parish (Picture credits P.Espín, IGEPN) These meetings took place in the parish of Mulaló and at the Education Unit of Juan de Dios Morales located south of Cotopaxi volcano, both with a very positive response. Local authorities of Mulaló, officials of the IG-EPN, SGR- Cotopaxi, National Police, Fire Department and the general population actively participated. The IG-EPN and SGR-Cotopaxi also participated as observers of an earthquake drill in the School of Juan de Dios Morales, a very important activity that allows young citizens to learn, understand and practice what to do in the event of a volcanic eruption. After the simulation evaluation, suggestions and recommendations were issued to faculty and students of that school. Additionally, the IG-EPN left teaching materials to school authorities in order to promote a culture of prevention. These workshops were planned during a meeting held in Latacunga in October 2013 with the participation of Instituto Geofisico’s researchers and SGR officials. The importance of these activities arose from preliminary results of research surveys conducted by Dr. Ryerson Christie of the University of Bristol, related to risk perception of local populations around Cotopaxi volcano, that demonstrated the vital importance of prevention education activities and workshops in the area. In the future, the project scope will also involve populations from the areas of Los Chillos and Tumbaco, both located within the northern valley of Cotopaxi, and Latacunga city, located in the southern valley. The project will run until 2015 and community meetings will be held regularly. Photo 4. Conversation about hazards related to Cotopaxi volcano with students from the Juan de Dios Morales school at Mulalo parish. (Picture credits P.Espín, IGEPN). Photo 5: Delivery of learning materials and risk management surveys to authorities of the Juan de Dios Morales school by the IGEPN in order to promote a culture of prevention about volcanic hazards. (Photo credits P.Espín, IGEPN). Pedro Espin, Gorki Ruiz, Andres Ordóñez, Liliana Troncoso, Mario Ruiz Photo Credits: Photo 1. Conversation about hazards related to Cotopaxi volcano with students from the Juan de Dios Morales school at Mulalo parish. (Picture credits P.Espín, IGEPN). Photo 2: Conversation with authorities and population of Mulaló, officials of SGR-Cotopaxi, National Police and Fire Department. This talk dealt about strengthening the prevention programs in case of a Cotopaxi reawakening. (Picture credits P.Espín, IGEPN). THE SIX TARGET VOLCANOES The VUELCO project will be conducting research on the following volcanoes: Flegrei, Italy Cotopaxi, Ecuador Morne aux Diables, Dominica Popocatépetl, Mexico Soufrière Hills, Montserrat Teide, Tenerife Further details of each volcano can be seen at www.vuelco.net ABOUT VUELCO VUELCO is an international multi-disciplinary consortium, combining fundamental research into causes and effects of volcanic unrest with uncertainty assessment and probabilistic forecasting to improve communication, decision-making and management during volcanic unrest. The primary project objective is to significantly improve our understanding of the processes behind volcanic unrest and the ability to forecast its outcome aiding decisionmaking and management in an unrest situation. See www.vuelco.net for further details. 3 Photo 6: Delivery of learning materials to authorities of the Juan de Dios Morales school by the IG-EPN in order to promote a culture of prevention about volcanic hazards. (Picture credits P.Espín, IGEPN). FUNDING The VUELCO project is funded by a €3.5 million grant by the EC. CONTACT DETAILS: Dr Jo Gottsmann, Project Co-ordinator: j.gottsmann@ bristol.ac.uk Mrs Clare Williams, Project Manager: clare.williams@bristol.ac.uk THE SIX TARGET VOLCANOES The VUELCO project will be conducting research on the following volcanoes: Flegrei, Italy Cotopaxi, Ecuador Morne aux Diables, Dominica Popocatépetl, Mexico Soufrière Hills, Montserrat Teide, Tenerife Further details of each volcano can be seen at www.vuelco.net 4
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