bragfaux - Adepticon


bragfaux - Adepticon
Last Update: 01.30.15
AdeptiCon reserves the right to modify, update, clarify, or change event rules in the interest of making AdeptiCon the best
event possible. No fundamental rules changes will be made after 2/1/2015.
The Bragfaux Event will be run using ALL of the following:
o The rules presented in the Malifaux 2.0 book
o The most recent Errata and FAQs
o The M2E Gaining Ground Tournament packet
o With the following changes/additions superseding rules presented in the Gaining Ground Tournament
All Models must be fully painted (3 color standard) and based with the following exceptions: Any non-Grey plastics
produced by Wyrd. However, given this is the Masters.......I would hope people put some work into those models
as well. I mean....come's the Masters. Also, any non-Grey models that have not had some effort put into
them will disqualify the player from a painting score.
Proxies are allowed at this event for models that are not available readily before FEBRUARY 15, 2015. The official
cards must be used. No photocopies/prints allowed. All proxies MUST BE approved by the Tournament Organizer
proxy, think to yourself “If I put this model in front of someone who plays Malifaux often would they know what it
represents without me saying anything?” If so, it will likely be approved. If not, it will likely not be approved. Send
photos of your proxy to for approval.
You must have the latest official printed stat card for each model, including proxy models. For Errata models that
have not made it into the Wave 2 Arsenal Decks, this means a printout of the Errata Card from the Download
Section of the Wyrd website. The tournament staff will not be able to provide printouts. So, don’t leave home
without them.
All players are expected to abide by the AdeptiCon Conduct Policy.
The models used in your army must comply with the AdeptiCon Model Policy (all models MUST be WYSIWYG and
If illegal units or rules violations are found in a player's list, at a minimum, the models in violation will be removed
from all subsequent play. Tournament points may be deducted and award eligibility may be forfeited. Please use
the feedback form on the AdeptiCon 2015 website to ask any questions you or your club may have regarding rules
issues or legal units in advance!
AdeptiCon Tournament Judges' and Officers' rulings are final and arguments or poor conduct by players will not be
tolerated. AdeptiCon reserves the right to remove players from the event or AdeptiCon itself with no refunds
Number of Rounds: 3
Round Time Limit: 120 minute time limit, including 15 minutes for crew selection and setup.
Strategy Selection: Specially selected Scenarios from Cross Roads. See the AdeptiCon 2015 Malifaux Bragfaux
Scenarios on the AdeptiCon website
Scheme Selection:
o Round 1 - A Line in the Sand, Vendetta, Bodyguard, Frame for Murder, Power Ritual
o Round 2 -A Line in the Sand, Protect Territory, Assassinate, Distract, Deliver A Message
Round 3 - A Line in the Sand, Cursed Object, Entourage, Plant Evidence, Take Prisoner
Game Size: 50 Stones
Crew Construction: At the start of the Tournament, the player will sign up with a specific faction and follows the
Hiring restrictions for that faction as normal in each round.
Scoring: Domination Format [TP/Diff/VP]
The right of claiming that you were Smarter, Faster and Stronger than all the rest… You know, Bragging Rights!
FRIDAY, MARCH 20TH (10:00AM – 6:00PM)
10:0AM – 10:30AM
10:30AM – 12:30PM
12:30PM – 1:30PM
1:30PM – 3:30PM
3:30PM – 4:00PM
4:00PM – 6:00PM
Round 1
Break and Table Assignments
Round 2
Break and Table Assignments
Round 3
Niccolo has a habit of painting things in their true form. Time to go find him and figure out the true nature of some of your
SET UP: After hiring Crews but before deploying, each player secretly notes down two models in their own Crew. Place a
30mm Niccolo Marker in the center of the board. This model is Ht 2 and impassable. Each player places their notes
underneath the Niccolo model.
DEPLOYMENT: This scenario uses Corner Deployment.
SPECIAL: Any model within 2” of Niccolo may take a (1) Interact Action to push him up to 4” in any direction.
Any model within 2” of Niccolo may take a (1) Interact Action with Niccolo and name an enemy model. Niccolo paints a
portrait of the named model and reveals its true nature. The model’s controller selects one of the opponent’s notes from
beneath Niccolo and reveals it. If the noted model is the one the player named, she gains control of that model
permanently. Discard any revealed notes.
Ulix has raised hisself a gen-yoo-ine golden piggy. Only the slickest hog wrestler gest ta taste the golden bacon.
SET UP: Before deploying, place four Mud Slick pieces of terrain on the table. Players alternate placing the Mud Slicks until
all four are placed. These terrain pieces are 3’ by 3’ and Ht 0. Any model which ends a move or push in a Mud Slick terrain
piece is immediately pushed up to 3” in any direction by the opposing player. Then, place a 30mm Golden Piglet in the
center of the table.
DEPLOYMENT: This scenario uses blind deployment
SPECIAL: The Golden Piglet belongs to neither crew. (See stat card)
VICTORY: At the end of every Turn after the first, any Crew with 2 or models in base contact with the Golden Piglet earns 1
In this corner we have the Terror of the Three Kingdoms, he puts the Thunder in Ten Thunders, welcome Black Cloud! And in
this corner we have the Green Grappler, the Bane of the Bayou, everyone’s favorite masked Gremlin, Manchaaaaa
SET UP: After hiring Crews but before revealing them to the opposing player, each player secretly selects one of their
Enforcer models to be their Wrestler. Randomly determine a player to place their Wrestler in the center of the table, then
the other player places their Wrestler in base Contact with it. After both Wrestlers have been placed, each player secretly
writes down a number between 0 and 4 (this is their Bet).
DEPLOYMENT: Standard Deployment
SPECIAL: The two Wrestler models may not take Attack Actions against any other model except the opposing Wrestler. No
other model may target an enemy Wrestler with an Attack Action. Each Leader may Target a friendly Wrestler within 6”
with a (1) Interact Action to flip a card which may not be cheated and apply one of the following Conditions to the Wrestler
depending on the card for the remainder of the Turn:
Black Joker: No effect
Crow – Viper Cloud: Any model damaged by this model’s Ml Attacks gains the Slow Condition.
Ram – Panda Belly: This model’s Ml Attack Actions which deal damage, deal +1 damage.
Tome – Divine Egg Punch: Once per Turn, after dealing damage with a Ml Attack, this model may discard a card to
immediately make a (1) Ml Attack.
Mask – Sleeping Mantis: This model gains a +1 Df.
Red Joker: Reactivate.
VICTORY: When one of the Wrestler models is killed or sacrificed, each player reveals their Bets. The player who’s Wrestler
is still in play scores a number of VP equal to the number they noted down for their Bet. The player who’s Wrestler was
killed or sacrificed, must subtract their Bet from their final VP total.
At the end of every Turn, any Crew which killed or sacrificed two or more non-Peon enemy models scores 1 VP. A Crew may
not score more VP in this way than 4 minus the amount they placed for their Bet. (For Example, if a player wrote down 4
for their Bet, they would not be able to score any VP in this manner, if she wrote down 3 for their Bet they would only be
able to score 1 VP in this manner, etc).