December 2013 Senior Center Newsletter
December 2013 Senior Center Newsletter
December 2013 SHIRLEY DOANE SENIOR CENTER NEWSLETTER 1412 Sixth Street E • Menomonie, WI 54751 • Phone 715.235.0954 • N OTE FROM THE D IRECTOR Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. ‘Chasing the Light’ For fourteen years my family had a wonderful Yorkinese dog named Gismo. One of the fun things the kids and I liked to do was take a pin light and flash it in front of Gismo and the chase was on. He’d run back and fourth trying to catch that light and finally drop in a heap on the floor in exhaustion. Gismo is no longer with me, but this time of the year reminds me to quit chasing after the wrong light, when I try to seek my contentment through ‘buying things’, ‘giving things’ or ‘doing things’ that just leaves me exhausted...until I focus once again on the light that draws me to personal relationships and the giving and receiving of love. That’s where I find my true contentment. This Christmas season may you find yourself chasing after the light that brings you true contentment. December highlights added to our regular activities… Homemade Donut & Bake Sale Dennis & Sue Beety Joy DeWyre Tiiu Feirn Jan Link Marian Schmitz Sharon Zachow Dennis & Sue Beety Diane Colson Carol Egan Eileen Howe Marie Wintgens Thursday, Dec 5, 9-11 a.m. This annual donut and bake sale is the Senior Center’s December fundraiser. Call 235-0954 if you would like to donate a baked good for this sale, or if you would like to pre-order your donuts ahead of time. Donuts are $3 per dozen. Chair Yoga ($2.50-members, $5-non) Tue’s & Thu’s 8:30-9:15 a.m. Ongoing Classes (No class Dec 24) Stronger Seniors Gentle Resistance (FREE) Mon & Thu, 1:30-2:30 p.m. Ongoing Classes (No class Dec 23 & 26) Zumba Gold *NEW ($2) Thank You to all of you who were new, or renewed your memberships during November Mon’s 12-12:45 p.m. & Wed’s, 9-9:45 a.m. This class is a tamer version of Zumba. (No class Dec 23 & 25) On behalf of the Shirley Doane Senior Center’s board of directors, staff and volunteers, we’d like to wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Senior Center’s Christmas Dinner & Raffle Wednesday Dec 18, 11:45 a.m. We’re having ham, cheesy potatoes, candied yams, salad, dinner roll and of course, dessert. You won’t want to miss it! Stop by the Senior Center to buy your raffle tickets, $1 each or 6 for $5. December Calendar & Menu December Holidays (Senior Center Closed) Halloween Pictures & Misc Christmas Holiday Christmas Holiday New Year’s Holiday Tuesday, December 24 Wednesday, December 25 Wednesday, January 1, 2014 Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas. - Calvin Coolidge Until we meet again, Shari S H I RL E Y D O A N E SENIOR CENTER Thanksgiving Pictures Volunteer Appreciation Dinner Annual Meeting / Pie Sale Adult Day Services / Snow Days Donut & Bake Sale Christmas Raffle Christmas Card Article written by: Rachael O’Mera I suppose this is a good time to pause and take a final look back at the old year, has it been good for you--apart from our aches and pains that go along with our age! I must say it is hard to realize another year is behind me. It seems things keep us all bustling about which definitely adds to the time. However, I recently heard that other sites in the county are closing their doors due to lack of attendance. Most are from the smaller towns and it is evident that as the older people can no longer attend, the newer "retirees" aren't replacing them. This center is doing alright and that is definitely because of you all. My main purpose is to serve you who participate in the services offered her at the Center. If I do my job successfully along with the other staff, we anticipate you will continue to take advantage of the programs. If there is anything I can do better to make your time more enjoyable, I am open to suggestions. Could I suggest one of the ways to prevent boredom is to spend a relaxing, enjoyable time in the atmosphere here at the Senior Center socializing with friends and neighbors--plus it helps keep the brain active. You'll reap good benefits. MERRY CHRISTMAS Homemade Donut & Bake Sale Thursday, December 5 9-11 a.m. THE SHIRLEY DOANE SENIOR CENTER’S ANNUAL HOMEMADE DONUT & BAKE SALE. Alzheimer’s Caregivers Support Group 3rd Wednesday of every 10--11:30 am month 10 at the Shirley Doane Senior Center December 18, 2013 questions call Lynn Shaffer 715715-232232-4006 Proceeds go toward Senior Center activities and programs. Foot & Nail Clinic Please call the Senior Center for an appointment at 715-235-0954. The Foot Clinic will be held the 1st, 2nd & 3rd Wednesday of this month. Next Dates: Dec 4, 11, 18 Time: 8:30 –11 a.m. Place: Senior Center Fee: $13 per person Arby Brown, LPN, Nurse & Ruth Potter, RN, Backup Nurse Muriel Wolf & Yvonne Vaughn, Volunteer foot care assistants. Appointments are required as time is limited Page 2 IF INTERESTED IN VOLUNTEERING, PLEASE CALL THE SENIOR CENTER AT 715-235-0954 THANK YOU! Quote of the month… Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen. - Ralph Waldo Emerson Christmas for Kids… Please help spread the warmth and joy of the holiday season. Donate a new toy to the Christmas for Kids program. Your ‘one’ gift will bring many smiles to an area youngster. New clothing, toys or cash donations will be gratefully accepted through December 14, 2013. Cash donations can be made out and mailed to: Christmas for Kids, c/o United Way of Dunn County, PO Box 3266, Menomonie, WI 54751 Drop box locations: Senior Center, local banks, grocery stores, Shoppes Off Broadway. December 2013 Community Events… December 7…NORTH HEIGHTS MUSICAL-” It’s A Wonderful Life”- Leaving the Shirley Doane Senior Center —9:30 A.M. Returning around 6 P.M. December 2,5,19,12,16,19…STRONGER SENIORS EXERCISE— @ Shirley Doane Senior Center 1:30-2:30 p.m. every Monday and Thursday. (No class Dec 23 or 26th) December 3,5,10,12,17,19,26,31…CHAIR YOGA @ Shirley Doane Senior Center- 8:30-9:15 a.m., $2.50 per time members or $5 non-members. (No class Dec 23) December 6,13,20,27…FRIDAY BINGO @ Shirley Doane Senior Center- 1 p.m. December 2,9,16,23,30…CERAMICS @ Shirley Doane Senior Center- Mondays, 1 p.m.-3:00 p.m. December 3,10,17,31…CRAFTS @ Shirley Doane Senior Center- Tuesdays, 8:30 a.m-2:00 p.m. December 3,10,17,31...BRIDGE @ Shirley Doane Senior Center- 1 p.m. December 4,11,18…BINGO & DUPLICATE BRIDGE @ Shirley Doane Senior Center- 1 p.m. December 4,11,18…FOOT AND NAIL CLINIC @ Shirley Doane Senior Center- 8:30 a.m. Fee: $13.00. Appointments required 235-0954. December 4,11,18…SENIOR CENTER WEDNESDAY LUNCHES — Every Wed. 11:45 a.m., cost: $5 members, $6 non-members. December 5…DONUT AND BAKE SALE @ Shirley Doane Senior Center- 9am-11a.m., This is a Shirley Doane Senior Center December Fundraiser. Homemade donuts and baked goods. December 5,12,19,26...500 CARDS @ Shirley Doane Senior Center- 12:45 p.m. December 10…SENIOR CENTER BOARD MEETING @ Shirley Doane Senior Center- 9 a.m. December 17…ALH FREE BLOOD PRESSURE/SUGAR CLINIC @ Shirley Doane Senior Center- 9-10:30 a.m. December 18…CHRISTMAS DINNER & RAFFLE @ Shirley Doane Senior Center- 11:45 a.m. December 2,4,9,11,16,18,30…ZUMBA GOLD @ Shirley Doane Senior Center- Exercise program on Mondays from 12:30-1:15 p.m. & Wednesdays from 9:00-9:45 a.m. here at the Senior Center. Call 715-235-0954 with questions. December 18…. ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT GROUP @ Shirley Doane Senior Center 10:00 A.M.. December 24,25, Jan 1…SENIOR CENTER CLOSED FOR CHRISTMAS & NEW YEARS HOLIDAYS HAPPY DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS! Daisy Jennings ........................ 1 BJ Lovett ................................. 1 Nancy Weber ........................ 3 Art Scammell ......................... 4 Ruth Ann Schoenoff ............. 4 Karen Wisemiller.................. 4 Julie Zinsli................................ 4 Lois Prochnow ...................... 5 Marlene Sabelko.................... 6 Marlene Hayes ....................... 7 Larry Laird .............................. 7 Ted Stearns ............................ 7 Margie Stauss ......................... 7 Virginia Gierke....................... 8 Gary Moore ........................... 8 William Uetz .......................... 8 Judy Block ............................. 10 Lila Dean ............................... 10 Arlene Smeltzer .................. 10 Joe Boerner.......................... 12 Dorothy Burrell .................. 12 Dorothy Dale ...................... 12 Wilma Erickson................... 12 Roger Natwick .................... 12 Mary Lestrud ....................... 12 Bill Schoch ............................ 13 Jerome Hendrickson.......... 13 Agnes Welsch...................... 14 Stan Huftel............................ 15 Eileen Stark .......................... 15 Rosalie Werner................... 15 Emma Wiehe ....................... 15 Sharon Zachow ................... 16 Jeanne Larson ...................... 16 Denise Skinner .................... 17 Bea Axelsen ......................... 18 Esther Bauer ........................ 18 Don Erdman ........................ 18 Marge McCabe .................... 18 Jim Knutson ......................... 19 Elizabeth Spader.................. 19 Janet Fassino ........................ 20 Donna Price ......................... 20 Edna Schaefer ...................... 20 Margaret Breisch ................ 21 Jean Geissler ........................ 21 JoAnn Knutson.................... 21 Scotty Sutliff ......................... 21 Dick Toycen ........................ 21 Richard Creaser.................. 22 Jane Larsen ........................... 22 Carmen Podoll .....................22 Diane Stehr ...........................22 Orval Gabriel .......................23 Vivian Puddicombe..............24 Lavern Jaeger ........................ 25 Donna Piersall ...................... 26 Jacq Collins ........................... 27 Joanne Gust .......................... 28 Carol Ewert .......................... 28 Mildred Tunnyhill ................ 28 Curtis Buerkle...................... 29 Roy Cropp ............................ 29 Jane Culbert.......................... 30 David Lee .............................. 30 Phyllis Robelia ...................... 30 Carol Skouge........................ 30 Page 3 Shirley Doane Senior Center 2013 Board of Directors Board President: Steve Wood Board Vice President: Mike Brandt Board Secretary: Julie Stratton Backup Secretary: Mary Budd Memorial Fund Treasurer: Ruth Potter DEC. DATES SENIOR CENTER CLOSED Tuesday, December 24 Christmas Holiday Wednesday, December 25 Christmas Holiday Wed, January 1, 2014 New Year’s Holiday HOLIDAY DONUT & BAKE SALE Mary Turri Katie Harrington Jacq Collins Lorraine Manor Carmen Podoll Becky Berg Barb Welch Thursday, Dec. 5, 9-11 a.m. Pre-order our famous donuts and buy baked goods for your holiday entertaining. A December Senior Center Fundraiser. Senior Center Director: Shari Homstad Asst to the Dir/Bookkeeper: Donna Collins Office Assistant/Server: Rachael O’Mera ADS Manager: Diane Piontek Webmaster: Joe Hagaman Board meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at 9:00 a.m. If you are interested in attending, please let us know one week in advance. Website: Email address: Phone: 715.235.0954 Fax: 715.235.1346 CHRISTMAS DINNER & RAFFLE AT CENTER Community Friendship Dinner Wednesday, December 18, 11:45 a.m. A baked ham dinner with cheesy potatoes, candied yams, vegetable, salad dinner roll & dessert. Shirley Doane Senior Center is a 501 (C) (3) non-profit organization supported in part by United Way of Dunn County. The Center supports United Way campaign efforts. 1412 6th Street East Menomonie, WI 54751 715-235-0954 Web: SENIOR CENTER SH I RLEY DO ANE Return Service Requested Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Menomonie, WI 54751 Permit No. 345 SPECIAL DONATIONS & MEMORIALS GIVEN IN NOVEMBER Yvonne Vaughn ~ Join your friends for some great food and wonderful fellowship. Menu includes: Ham, cheesy potatoes, candied yams, vegetable, salad, dinner roll and dessert. Raffle prizes will be drawn here! In memory of Merlin "Bud" Canon Darlene & Len Britton ~ Donation in honor of Lois Meier’s birthday **Thank you to these board members who came to the City Council meeting in November to show their support of the Senior Center’s Subsidy request ~ Mike Brandt, Mary Budd, Jack Collins & Steve Wood.. Mike and Jacq did a great job speaking on the Center’s behalf. Did You Know… The Shirley Doane Senior Center is a 501 (c) (3)? All cash donations given to the Menomonie Senior Center during 2013 can be used as a tax deduction. If you haven’t saved your ‘thank you letters’ let us know, and we will be happy to send you a copy for your tax records. Thank you so much for helping to support your Senior Center! Halloween Dinner with St. Joe’s 3rd Grade Class Pictures... Page 5 Yesteryear Thanksgiving Dinner Pictures. Thank you to all of you for making it so much fun! Page 6 A SPECIAL INVITATION TO: 2013 Senior Center Volunteers IF YOU HAVE VOLUNTEERED DURING 2013 at any of our many events, activities or programs, you are cordially invited to a Volunteer Appreciation Dinner Dinner,, and you don’t even have to cook it! This is our thanks to you, because you do make a difference in 715--235the lives of the seniors that your giving reaches out to. RSVP required, call 715 235-0954. 0954. Date: Time: Place: Thursday, January 23, 2014 11:45 a.m. Shirley Doane Senior Center OFFICIAL NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING SHIRLEY DOANE SENIOR CENTER DATE: Thursday, January 23, 2014 TIME: 12:30 p.m. Directly following the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner T H A N K Y O U ! Insert Page Thank you to all 45 of you that donated all the wonderful pies for the Senior Center’s ANNUAL PIE SALE! And...Thank you to all of you who bought these wonderful PIES! The proceeds will go toward your many activities and programs here at the Senior Center. Diane Piontek Program Manager Are you or anyone you know caring for a loved one and finding it hard to get those little errands ran? Or maybe you just need to have a little extra time for yourself! We offer drop off services Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 10 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Your Senior Center is working hard to meet this growing need in the Menomonie area. We serve adults of all ages who need a little extra help with caregiving and offering this care at a reasonable rate. Our ADS program is open Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m., three days a week, fifty-two weeks a year, except holidays and bad weather days. We accept new people any day or days and any combination of hours during these three days a week. If you know of anyone who would benefit from this program give us a call at 715-235-0954 or just stop by and visit any time. Just a reminder that the Shirley Doane Senior Center will be closed for the day because of weather when the Menomonie Schools are closed. Most of the local television and radio stations announce these closings. SENIOR CENTER’S DONUT & BAKE SALE THURS DEC 5 9AM - 11AM Shirley Doane Senior Center 1412 Sixth Street • Menomonie, WI All proceeds go towards the Senior Center programs and activities SHIRLEY DOANE SENIOR CENTER PRESENTS: ANNUAL CHRISTMAS RAFFLE Raffle Prize Drawings: Wednesday, Dec 18, 2013 during Senior Center’s Christmas Dinner 11:45 a.m. Raffle ticket Price $1 each or 6 for $5 Raffle Prizes: (Need not be present to win) (most prizes lovingly made by our ceramic & craft day participants) • Christmas Quilt (Queen) • Crocheted Afghan • Apron • Mr & Mrs Santa Dolls • Ceramic Snowman Buy Your Christmas Raffle Tickets Here! Stop in the office or call the Shirley Doane Senior Center for tickets 715-235-0954 Insert Page DECEMBER 2013 (ENP) Elderly Nutrition Program & Wednesday Senior Center Menu subject to change ENP meals located at Tantara Apt’s Mon-Tue-Thu-Fri MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY’S SENIOR CENTER Friendship Dinners THURSDAY FRIDAY 2 Seasoned chicken breast with vegetable, Sweet potatoes, Mandarin oranges, Pudding 3 Tator tot casserole, Mixed vegetables, Bread, Peaches, Cookie 4 Soup & Salad Bar: Chicken Noodle Soup Chili Salad Dessert 5 Bratwurst, Sauerkraut, Boiled potatoes, Carrots, Bun, Ketchup and mustard, Peaches 6 Turkey tetrazzini, Steamed peas, Bread, Fruit crisp 9 Scalloped potatoes and ham, Steamed cabbage, Bread, Banana 10 Egg salad on wheat bread, Homemade tomato basil soup, Sunshine salad, Pumpkin bar 11 Meatballs/Gravy Over Noodles Vegetable Salad Dessert 12 Chicken broccoli rice casserole, California blend, Pears, Bread, Pudding 13 Baked ham, Baked potato, Glazed carrots, Dinner roll, Pineapple tidbits 16 Meat sauce, Rotini, Mixed green salad, Dressing, Corn, Breadstick, Cookie 17 Baked cod, Tartar sauce, Macaroni & cheese, Creamed peas, Cornbread, Strawberries, Shortcake 18 Christmas Dinner Ham Cheesy Potatoes Sweet Potatoes Fruit Salad Dinner Rolls Dessert 19 Salisbury steak, Mashed potatoes, Gravy, Stewed tomatoes, Bread, Mandarin oranges 20 Roast turkey, Sweet potatoes, Green bean almandine, Dinner roll, Tropical fruit mix 23 24 Beef stew with Merry Christmas carrots, onions Senior Center and potatoes, Closed Biscuit, Orange, Pudding 25 Merry Christmas Senior Center Closed 26 Pork loin, potatoes/gravy Creamed corn, Bread, Applesauce cake 27 Oven browned chicken, Baked potato/sour cream, Broccoli, Bread, Banana 30 Chicken chow mein, White rice, Chow mein noodles, Carrots, Breadstick, Pineapple tidbits, Fortune cookie 31 Roast beef, Gravy, Rice pilaf, California blend, Dinner roll, Fruit crisp January 1, 2014 Happy New Year! Senior Center Closed