Dearne walking map
Dearne walking map
1.5 0.5 0.75 TRE BR I TON S WIN DSO RS T CEN RE S GR AN GE C F ARM B6 4 11 THU RN SC OE BRIDGE LANE Place of Worship Fields End Business Park L O CKWOOD RO AD S TREET GOS LING GATE R OAD AIN LE AVE S DA NUE ET POPLAR AVENUE MANOR AVE HO STRAIGHT LANE E B6 098 FURL ONG ROAD 98 B60 ROAD RN HA W THO ED B EN A L CON I S TONDR IV CE METER RO AD E MEXBOROUGH ROAD CUMBERL AN D WAY WEST AV THECRESC ENT EEN P RIORY ROAD T HU E CHFIELD NSCOE ROA D AVE DEARNE ROAD GREEN GATE C L O OM E GAR DENS HIGHG ATE LA NE RN SCOE ROAD RINGW AY CAERNA EDINBU AVE R FURLO NG IA L ME RC COM BIL LIN GL EY VIE W LOWFIEL D ROAD LO WFIELD GROVE DOVE CLOSE RSPB Adwick Nature Reserve RD CALDER EAD WATERM H UT B6 SO River Dearne 098 D R IVE R DER WE RW EN WAY NT TW AY DE NU S EGRE A VE E HIGHGATE LAN HIG HG ATE LANE D ROA B62 73 PONTEFRA CT R OAD SALTERS BROO K NICHOLA S LA NE VE COMMERCIAL ROAD A6 195 SE O BRO W OO DSID E VI EW ROAD CALDER O N DRIVE CH ST VE DRI K ENDAL DRIVE LA NE Bolton upon Dearne R C HUR BARN BURG H LINDALE GARDENS Recreation Centre T SO UT H E RM ERE Sports Field HIGH STREET AD H RO WAT CONI S T OADWATER BR ILL MH VIEW CHAPEL STR EET S TAT ION RO AD NK DC LADYCROF KHILL'S AVE PIC B E TE GAITSK CLOSE ELL D ERRARI C ANB IE LDS PARKG A KEN OA F URLONG R CARR HEAD LANE CORONA DRIVE TION GH PRINCESS CLOSE MEL B OU RN E INGSFIELD LANE BROADWAT ER Bolton Ings RINGW AY PENN YF M MAORI AVEN UE CR ST EA OFT CR CO M O NW E VIEW ALTH RVON CR GR D R ROA ASTE DONC Sports Field PA RK E ND R OA D Playing Field THU RNS COE ROA D S WAY OSS O DY DRIVE NE SS P CRO STUMGARDENS D S TE GA W IE L CARR FIELD LANE Rec Grd WES T V W IE CRES C E NT HIGH STREET WI N D AV E G A TES Y WA RF AY SW OS CR FA I RING Football Grd Youth Centre CRES IE W TV WES RIVE ND FTO CRO HALL B R LANE The Dearne Playhouse T HIGH STREE Goldthorpe Industrial Estate THE FA IRF IEL D AY SW ER NV MA R DER W WA ENT Y E AN BA RN SLE Y DE ARN EL 33 A6 DERW ENT WA Y CARR FIEL D WELFARE VIEW EET R ER AST LESLEY ROAD Govt Offs GOLD THORPE ROAD 33 A6 ATH RO AD NV ERS WA Y FT ROAD H O M ECRO D DR K MAR JACKS ON RAILW ST AY VIE W HIGHFI AVENU ELD E VENUE PE A WASHINGTON ROAD MIL LRA C E DR MA E AV RT BE O P R COMMERCIAL ROA D MEADOW OAD RE LFA W E IEW V HIGHGATE OORBRIDG E CR LAWNWO O HIGHGATE COURT Highgate C OMMERCIAL ROAD DR PROBERT AVENUE DUDLEY DRIVE WES TMORE WILLIAMS CLO SE RO ST A 6195 KINGFISH ER B6 098 B ARNS LEY R ST R MAIN C DO N D NFIEL ME LTO LANE BARNSLEY ROAD REET KING ST QUEEN ST EET STR VE R BEE A ST ORI ST VICT IVE RAT OPE C O- E EN BILLINGLE Y GR NICHOLAS LANE O HOLLY G R EN HLE KATROVE G RD RY'S MA ST ET STRE RA NO ILTON HAM RD Library BA RN SLEY ROA D Business Park Phoenix Park Open Space Post office A635 B6411 LID GET LANE AD E D AN Billingley Billingley Green TREE T ENG I NE LANE KL KIR ST E R RY GROVE 35 A6 HA PE L CR AN EW ELL LA NE HILLCREST Building TL FLA EE T BARROWFIELD ROAD School RSPB Nature AReserve NE TR VER S T The Thurnscoe Business Centre ROAD WFIELD BARRO AGNELL AV AN S GEO RG ES TRE ET WI N DSOR STREET Rec Grd DRIVE NO RM ALBI ON DRI VE DEIGHTONBY STREE T LS TR EE T GAR DEN ST JOH NS T SC H OL STREET O SHEP HER DL AN E KING SWA Y SAXO NS STATIO N R Sure OAD Start TURNESC G R P DRI V NO LINDLEY CRE S VE NU E HAMPOLE BILL I NG LE YDRI V E GRANGE STREET TUD OR STR EET ER SCH OO AD STOT FOL GRAN GE R O W CHUR CH S TREE T CHAP EL ST REET SH D RIVE H A LL WE B62 73 DEIG HTO NB YS TR ET EE T R ILL R O BURNSID E MER RILL ROAD LOW GRANGE ROA TFIEL W ES RECTORY LANE SOUTHFIE L D L ANE H IGH S TREET Proposed cycle route 2012 Railway with station Trans Pennine Trail with National Cycle Network route number T Bowling Club Football Grd PAR K RD E CLAYTON LANE LA NE EY GL IN BI LL (may be muddy and require walking boots) B641 1 HOLL Y BU TREET NE LA Footpath N R OAD Thurnscoe Medical Centre T EE TR RS E T AS NC ET LA TRE KS YOR C LA E DDRIV DERRY GROVE P AG NE L (may be muddy and mountain bike recommended) HOUGHTO T SAIN NS HELE CL ETH IG H S TREE ST RE HIGH T BIL volumes may vary according to the time of day) (traffic Traffic-free cycle route Unsurfaced bridleway OAD LO BUTCHER STREET E Signed cycle route AN YL LE G Advisory cycle route LIN B6411 D OVE RS TR HA C MO NR OA D D MON STRE SAL ET RICH MON ROAD D W ENSLE Y ST HOUGHTO N RD OM Key LAN E RES DC CLAYTON AV E LING AMO RE LE YS WILLO W R OA HAM ROA D ROTHER HOUG HTO N RO AD L PANGBOURNE RD OD C WO TH ORN HAN T EE B64 11 Thurnscoe M ROAD MERRILL NE L LA CHAPE EET STR ICK SW UN BR E ET RE ST LAN CHALLENGE 1 CH AP EL LAN E BRU NSW ICK STR EET C RO MW ELL WHINS IDE CRES RES RC BYR ON S T 273 Great Houghton OE 2 PRINCESS ROAD E CLAYTO N L AN 0.25 BUR N I DE S B6 EBEN STRE EZER ET E THU RNS C N O R FOLK ROAD River Dearne D OA RL IN GT O W SW AY IELD OKF BOL TON ROA D FAR FIE LD CRO WT REE LAN E RO AD OAD RECREATION ROAD Sticking Hill P © Crown copyright and database rights 2011 Ordnance Survey Licence Number 100022264 To Mexborough Montague Hospital AD RO Wath upon Dearne RS W AY BRO A63 3 MAN VE ADWIC K ROAD MA NOR CK WI AD WHITW WA MOOR R OAD MARVE L WAY NE G LA ST IC KIN HAR LIN GT ON B6098 THE WAY TR E ANE EL A633 MANVE RS A6023 MA N NE LA OR Brookfields Park O CR NE R EAR N HA Adwick upon Dearne H ROAD OUG OR XB ME D DE AR NE RO AD Bolton Common Warehouse U CK H A SE D 0 Miles Rec Grd RLE SS 1 Warehouse JOH N ST RE ET DLE C LI FF HA B62 73 AVE NU E 0.5 ST O NE LAN BRIDGE E HI GH ST Rec Grd THU R ODE SA V PLE ASA NT 0 Kilometres Knabs Hill HO RS R EM LO OAD OOR RN ER GARR AB PINFIE LD C LOS E LS T Dearne Get Cycling and Walking! Get prepared ! Keeping active is crucial for both your physical and mental well-being. Regular physical activity such as walking or cycling can help protect you against heart disease, stroke, obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, some cancers and poor mental health. But just as importantly, it’s great fun and can be done alone or with family and friends. Look after your bike Adults should aim to be moderately active for 30 minutes a day, on five or more days of the week. Young people should achieve at least 60 minutes of moderate activity every day of the week. One very simple way to get your 30 minutes is with active travel – walking and cycling for those everyday journeys. Building regular physical activity into your normal daily routine will help you lead a longer, healthier life. Why not start by swapping a journey you normally make by car and try walking or cycling instead? Reasons to walk Walking is good for your heart and lungs, and is great for strengthening your muscles, bones and joints ●● Walking helps improve your mood and boosts self-esteem ●● Walking burns as many calories as jogging over the same distance. ●● Check: ●● moving parts often ●● your brakes ●● your tyres ●● for damage ●● Get your bike serviced. Plan your journey Use this map to plan your route ●● Use cycle routes provided for cyclists ●● Avoid hazardous areas ●● Find a safe place to cross the road ●● Use pedestrian crossings whenever possible. ●● Cycling at night Wear something bright or reflective ●● By law you must use front and rear lights and a red rear reflector at night ●● Make sure all lights and reflectors are clean and are working properly. ●● Cycle helmets ●● Reasons to cycle Cycling is perfect for travelling short distances in urban areas ●● On average, cyclists live two years longer than non-cyclists ●● Cycling firms the thighs and bottom, and can even help tone the tummy muscles. ●● 2011 Local Cycling and Walking Map Did you know? Dearne Did you know? Consider wearing a cycle helmet, especially children. Make sure your helmet is the right size, is properly fitted and conforms to a recognised standard i.e. BS EN 1078. If you cycle at least 20 miles a week you are half as likely to have heart problems as those who don’t cycle at all. Cycling burns 300 calories an hour, so if you do it twice a day, the numbers soon add up. Get Smart - Get Active in Useful contacts Get trained - Bikeability Get legal! Travel South Yorkshire Bikeability Barnsley has been established to provide cycle training to the new National Standard for Cycle Training. It is a partnership between Barnsley MBC, SportActiv and the School Sport Partnership. A cyclist must exercise due care and attention at all times, and obey the Highway Code, including all traffic signs and traffic signals. The Highway Code has a special section for cyclists. Bikeability is Cycling Proficiency for the 21st Century. It provides appeal and incentive for children and parents alike to undertake quality cycle training to gain the knowledge to ride safely and well on today’s roads. You CAN cycle….. The partnership delivering public transport in the area; includes timetables, ticket and pass details, and travel information. Tel: 01709 51 51 51 Sustrans Regional Office (Yorkshire) Sustrans, 1st Floor, Leeds Bridge House, Hunslet Road, Leeds LS10 1JN Tel: 0113 245 0006 CTC (Cyclists’ Touring Club) The UK’s National Cyclists’ Organisation. Tel: 0844 736 8450 Barnsley Active Travel Walking for Health Local Health Walks Adam White Be Active Development Worker, Dearne Renaissance Centre, Priory Road Bolton-Upon-Dearne, S63 8AE Tel: 01709 881849 Email: Dearne Valley Impact Walking Group Andrew King Tel: 01709 894927 Email: Barnsley & Penistone Ramblers Email: White Cross Walkers Tel: 01709 890341 Email: Birdwell Wheelers All aspects of cycling are covered; Touring, racing, recreational and social. Details of these can be found on the website. www.Birdwell RSPB Dearne Valley Old Moor Email: Cycle training is the vital life-skill required before “more children cycling, more safely, more often” can become a reality, and all the associated benefits of a new generation of young people cycling can be realised including better health and fitness for cyclists and less congestion for us all. To try to reduce the number of cycling casualties, we organise three levels of cyclist training for both children and adults. 1. Bikeability Level 1 a basic cyclist training course for 7–9 year olds on bridleways and byways but you must give way to walkers and horse riders ●● on canal towpaths but a British Waterways Permit is required ●● on cycle tracks and bus lanes if the lane signs include a cycle symbol. ●● You CANNOT cycle….. on a pavement or a footpath unless there is a right to do so ●● on open land without the permission of the landowner ●● at night without appropriate lights and reflectors. ●● On all routes…… ●● 2. Bikeability Level 2 off and on-road training for 10–16 year olds 3. Adult Cyclist Training - all levels 17 years and above To book your school for Bikeability sessions please contact Chris Peel on 01226 736644 or email (please allow at least four weeks notice for a new session). This project is funded through the Building Healthy Communities (BHC)URBACT programme. Barnsley is one of ten BHC partners across Europe currently implementing projects which address factors which influence urban health, developing healthy polices for our communities. The map includes, links to education, employment, health, shops and local community support in and around the Dearne area. Get Smart Get Active Please be courteous! Always cycle with respect for other cyclists, motorists, pedestrians, people in wheelchairs and horse riders and acknowledge those who give way to you. Cycle security advice Always lock your bike when you leave it and lock it to something solid like a cycle stand ●● Lock your cycle in a well lit area ●● Ensure your cycle is easily identifiable. Make a note of the frame number, model, colour and accessories. ●● The Trans Pennine Trail Barnsley is at the heart of the Trans Pennine Trail. For further information contact Mandy Loach, Trans Pennine Trail Officer, Trans Pennine Trail Office c/o Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council, P O Box No 597, Barnsley, S70 9EW E-mail: