1 - Shopper`s Guide
1 - Shopper`s Guide
October 19, 2016 Volume 36 Number 41 YOUR HOMETOWN Aliceville, AL IN 205.373.2916 CAR. RT. PRESORT **** ECRWSS **** LOCAL POSTAL CUSTOMER PRE-SORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID SHOPPERS GUIDE 70 2nd Avenue NE ALICEVILLE, AL WITH 35 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE... 11,953 COPIES GOING TO EVERY MAIL BOX THE PICKENS COUNTY AND SURROUNDING TRADE AREAS. SEE INSIDE FOR AD DETAILS! Shoppers Guide Hours: Monday - Thursday 8 am to 5 pm CLOSED FOR LUNCH 12 noon to 1:30 Friday 8 am to 1 pm CLOSED Saturday and Sunday Back at 1:30 FOR SALE - Carrollton Methodist Church parsonage 1800 sq ft, 4 bedrooms, 2 bath, move in ready, many extras, $89,900 call 367-7608. 10/5-10/19 TFN PETTY SERVICES - Cut Trees, Cut Grass, Fix, Paint your house; call 205-3756040 or cell 205-463-6525. TFN. B. Coalfire Sand & Gravel By the Yard or By the Load J.P. Cox Tractor & Dozer Work Available 3124 County Rd 37 • Reform, AL 35481 = == == = 205-399-6727 = = = E&M CONTRACTORS Ellis Turnipseed Owner/Operator Septic Tank Cleaning & Installation • Water Lines Installed McSHAN, AL • 375-2916 == REID’S ROOFING... leaks stopped, minor repairs; call Johnny Reid 375-6415. TFN. B. DOUG GOODMAN CONSTRUCTION CO. 1383 PEARSON RD. CARROLLTON, AL. 35447. PHONE: 205-367-8864 OR 662-5740170. TFN. B. DAVIDSON’S SERVICE CO., LLC Specializing in whole house rewiring & generators. Complete electrical service, residential, industrial, commercial and trenching. Serving Pickens County since 1975. David Davidson 375-2838 anytime or 4545052 cell. B. TFN. = HOME REPAIR SERVICE... rental property service, pressure washing, painting, sheetrock repair & replaced, doors & window replacement, electrical, laminate flooring installation & general repair. FREE estimates, call Chris Cabiness 399-3611. 10/12-10/19 HICK’S TREE SERVICE in Gordo; Randall Hicks 205-799-1348; over 25 years experience; FREE estimates; wood spliting and firewood available. 9/28-12/28 The Pickens County Shoppers Guide Page 3 DEADLINE FRIDAY 10 am October 19, 2016 Vote November 8, 2016 for Effective & Inovative Leadership WANT TO BUY - Cash paid for antiques and collectables, will buy whole estates. Call 205-367-8296. TFN. B. 373-7300 ALICEVILLE PAWN & GUN NEW Hours: OPEN Wednesdays! Monday thru Friday • 9 am to 6 pm Saturdays • 9 am to 1 pm LOW PRICES EVERYDAY! We buy Gold, Silver, Old Coins & Paper Money at TOP Prices! Need Money? Come get CASH for items of value! 725 MOBILE RD SW • HWY 17•ALICEVILLE Vote for Travis Bailey for Superintendent of Pickens County Schools Accountability • Character • Excellence Discipline • School Safety • Improvement Pd. Pol. Adv. by Travis Bailey, Sr., Carrollton, AL STOP TO BOTTOM TREE SERVICE Licensed & Bonded • 26 years experience FREE estimates; Adam Burroughs 205-765-7460. 8/31-10/19 WANT TO BUY antique soda bottles, milk bottles, signs, clocks, car tags, jugs, churns, cast iron, JW Howell stoneware jugs & Jim Dandy bug boxes from Gordo, top dollar paid, call Tim 205712-0465 or 303-0784. 8/310/26 FOR SALE - TD7E International dozer, 490 hrs, 100% under carriage $15,000; 555E New Holland back hoe 4x4, new tires, 2800 hrs $20,000; call 399-1265. 10/5-10/26 Randy Simpson 205-399-0159 ORANGE BEACH, AL. Beachside Condo for rent. 3 BR, 2 bath, 3 pools, 1 heated, tennis, exercise, sauna steps from the beach. Call 205-3992485 for dates & rates! 8/3112/28 CIRCLE H FURNITURE & ANTIQUES NEW Tires at Wholesale Prices! Washers & Dryers starting at $100 DEADLINE FRIDAY 10 am Lots of STORM Doors! Used Appliances... Stoves & Refrigerators Antiques PC COMPUTER SALES & SERVICE, Gordo; all computer needs, call 364-0767. B. TFN. GOSPEL CONCERT, Sat, Oct 22nd; Highland Baptist Church, Gordo; 5 pm. Featuring the Talley Trio from Morristown, TN. 9/7-10/19 Reform • next to old Family Dollar Bldg $5 /g al lo n! MILLER LAWN CARE SERVICES... servicing ALL your lawn care needs. No job too small or too big. Contact for info 205-7920751. 9/21-9/21/17 to www.warriorwholesalehomes.com Many more NEW & Used homes in stock. Excellent Financing Outstanding Customer Service Pa in t.. .$ Call Now... 205-371-6955 Hwy 69S • Moundville, AL YARD SALE - Sat, Nov 5th; Sapps Comm Ctr, 8:30 am - 3 pm. Asst sizes, items ranging from toddlers, girls, men & women clothes & shoes, other items as well. Sponsored by Ruby Jackson & Beatrice Smith. 10/19-11/2 Br an d WARRIOR HOMES, INC. “Best Deals in the South!” SPECIAL BREAK THROUGH SERVICE at Cluster Baptist on Oct 30th; 6 pm. Pastor Randy Brewer of Brooksville, MS will deliver the message. Pastor Tommy Cox, church undshepherd. 10/19-10/26 n • Brand New 32x76: 5 bed 3 bath - $59,900 • Brand New 28x76: 4 bed 2 bath - $47,900 • Brand New 28x60: 3 bed 2 bath - $39,900 • Brand New 3 bed Singlewides - $24,900 • Brand New 2 bed Singlewides - $21,900 10 /g al lo The Pickens County Shoppers Guide October 19, 2016 Lots of STORM Doors! Na m e Page 4 NEW Tires at Wholesale Prices! Washers & Dryers starting at $100 NEW 2 pc Living Room Suite Used Appliances Washers • Dryers • Stoves • Refrigerators Macon • across from Beck’s 662-228-3853 RED BARN FURNITURE & ANTIQUES • Antiques • Kids Recliners October 19, 2016 The Pickens County Shoppers Guide Page 5 ALICEVILLE HOURS: MON - SAT 7 AM TO 7 PM & SUNDAY 8 AM TO 6 PM FOOD STAMPS SHOPPERS WELCOME! 373-6396 QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED. NONE SOLD TO DEALERS. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO CORRECT ALL TYPOGRAPHICAL OR PICTORIAL ERRORS. Prices good October 19, 2016 thru October 25, 2016 16 OZ... GOLD MEDAL SEASONING SALT `1‚‚ 2/`8 2/`5 128 OZ...HAWIIAN 12 OZ...BAR S 12 OZ...GWALTNEY FAMILY PACK...FRESH BONE-IN ASSORTED PORK CHOPS `1fi· 8 OZ... KRAFT SHREDDED CHEESE 12 OZ..BAR S lb FAMILY PACK... SANDERSON FARMS 2/`5 2/`5 SALTINE CRACKERS ...........2/`3 PUNCH ....................................2/`4 PORK & BEANS.............................69~ VEGETABLE OIL......................2/`5 POPSICLES ..............................2/`4 KETCHUP ..................................... `1‚‚ CORN MUFFIN MIX......................59~ KIDNEY BEANS..............................88~ CHILI W/BEANS..........................89~ SPORTS DRINK .............................`1‚‚ PAPER TOWELS ..................`4·· 16 OZ...SHURFINE SHANK PORTION HAM . . . . `1··lb 1 LB PKG...TENNESSEE PRIDE DRUMSTICKS OR THIGHS FAMILY PACK...FRESH FRYER 99~lb 24 COUNT...PIGGLY WIGGLY WATER..................................... COOK’S WINGS CHARCOAL 12 PACK 12 OZ CANS... PEPSI PRODUCTS `1¤·lb BOLOGNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99~ SLICED BACON . . . . . . . . .`2‹· FRANKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99~ SAUSAGE . . . . . . . . . . .2/`5 SPLIT CHICKEN BREAST . . . .`1›·lb TENDERLOIN . . . . . . .`2··lb BEEF CUBED STEAK . . . .`3··lb TOP SIRLOIN STEAK . . . . .`3··lb BOTTOM ROUND STEAK . . .`3⁄·lb BOTTOM ROUND ROAST . . .`2··lb FAMILYPACK.. FRESH FRYER 7.7 LB... PIGGLY WIGGLY 2 COUNT...PET PET RITZ PIE SHELLS BONELESS PORK 2 LB BAG... SEA BEST WHITING FILLETS 2/`4 `4·· FAMILY PACK USDA FAMILY PACK...USDA BONELESS 15 OZ...VAN CAMPS 14 OZ BAG... FRESH EXPRESS 3 COLOR COLE SLAW 48 OZ...CRISCO 18 COUNT...BUDGET SAVER 24 OZ..HUNT’S 14 OZ... EAGLE BRAND MILK USDA BONELESS 99~ USDA BONELESS 2/`4 FRESH PRODUCE 8.5 OZ...JIFFY 16 OZ...BUSH’S 14 OZ...ARMOUR 32 OZ...GATORADE 8 ROLL PKG...BOUNTY BASIC FRESH 14.5 OZ...PIGGLY WIGGLY CUT BLUE LAKE GREEN BEANS 2/`1‚‚ 2/`5 BELL PEPPERS . . . . . .59~ PINEAPPLE . . . . . . . . LOOSE HEADS ICEBURG EACH `1⁄· LEMONS . . . . . . . . . . .`2fi· APPLES . . . . . . . . . . . .`2·· ONIONS . . . . . . . . . . . .`1fi· POTATOES . . . . . . . . . .`1fl· SWEET POTATOES . .`19·· LETTUCE . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 LB BAG... 3 LB BAG...RED DELICIOUS 3 LB BAG...YELLOW 5 LB BAG...RUSSET 40 LB BOX... 5#! #!" $$$ TOP Prices!! Brian Lewis 205-399-0218 or 205-373-2170 Septic Tank & Dirt Work ALICEVILLE FALL STREET FAIR- Oct 29th 10am-4pm; Featuring an automobile cruise-in craft & food vendors, live entertainment children & animal costume contest, door prizes throughout the day, children activities - including Tuscaloosa Barnyard petting zoo from 12pm-2pm; more information call 373-6611. FREE Prescription Saving Cards save up to 85% card ready to use. Get your FREE card today send S.A.S.E. to PO Box 4; Carrollton, AL 35447. B. TFN. FOR SALE - CKC Registered Miniature Pinchers (2) Red males. tails docked dewclaws removed 1st and 2nd shots, Vet checked; all CKC paperwork & health record. Call or text 205-369-8844 for pictures & more info. 9/21-10/26 www.pcshoppersguide.com WHOLE WOMEN’S DAY; Oct 30th at 4 pm, Prophetess Angela Kirksey of Kingdom. Building ministress, Mobile. Sponsored by Spirit & Truth, Apostle Aide Committee. 9/21-10/19 Quality Service • Great Rates FREE Estimates Call Robert Smith 205-399-1437 LIKE US ON FACEBOOK AL# 14055 bamasbesthvac@yahoo.com SPIRIT & TRUTH PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Fall Revival; She’s back, Oct 31st - Nov 4th at 7 pm nightly. Apostle Prophetess Katheleen Miles of House of Hope Minstries, Chicago, IL. Sponsored by Apostle Aide Committee. 9/21-10/26 TFN • ROOFING • VINYL SIDING • PLUMBING BANKS CONSTRUCTION LLC • CARPENTER Quality work at affordable prices • CONCRETE 205-399-2615 • PAINTING Alan Banks • ELECTRICAL FOR SALE- 20 ft long • & MORE trailer for heavy equip- Scott Banks, Owner ment $4500 OBO; call 1959 County Rd 57 LICENSED & INSURED Gordo, AL 35466 496-0701 9/28-10/19 ? ? ? ? ? ?? ?? ? ??6;#3?> 205-399-6271 TFN LAND FOR SALE - 1 acre lot located in Gordo on Hwy. 159, ½ mile from 4-way stop on right. $10,500; call 205-3991067. 10/5-10/19 FOR SALE - 2013 Deervalley Mfc home, bed, bath, (2400 Sq ft) 1.9 acres, den, office, jacuzzi, storm shelter, pond ready, Hwy 82 (2 miles from Columbus) 205-3995642. 10/5-10/26 '25+255&0-4135*5%.4)5(4"2 +.31/3504,5$- #13!04,/ • Timber Sales and Appraisals • Timberland Management • Site Preparation and Reforestation • Serving area Landowners Since 1956 John D.Rainer • Registered Forester SUTTON VINYL & ROOFING, INC. P.O. Box 609 • Reform, AL Office: 375-6393 Cell: 399-2342 ALICEVILLE FALL Bob Sutton • 205.399.1991 • Owner & Sales STREET FAIR: October 29th 10am-4pm; ENTER• Siding • Metal & Shingle Roofing • Awnings TAINMENT SCHED• Hardie Board • Replacement Windows ULE: 10am-11am: Dixie Rhythm Cloggers, 11am11:30am children/ animal 1586 12th Street NW • Gordo, AL 35466 costume contest; Office 205.364-7847 • Fax: 205.364-7849 11:30am-12:30am: Jesse Reese; 12:30pm- 1:30pm FOR SALE - One buck stove prefect conTaylor Martin; 1:30pm-2:30pm: Shonda the dition, One 300 gal gas tank (propane), 4 Suga Shack Diva (lead singer of the TIMEsmall Chandelier, 2 ceiling fan less then 75 ZONE Band) 2:30pm- 3:30pm: Taylor Mareach all prices to go call after 7pm 373tin; 3:30pm-4:00pm: Jazz Band. 6980. 10/5-10/19 TFN Page 6 The Pickens County Shoppers Guide October 19, 2016 CELEBRATE RECOVERY... welcome home! Every Fri night; First United Methodist Church, 807 3rd St NE, Reform. Small 6 pm food & fellowship; 6:30 worship; 7:15 or Large small groups & 7:45 Solid Rock Cafe. Info call 375-6846 or 246-1034; facebook: ReTracts of Timber form Fumc or www.celebraterecovery.com. B. TFN DEADLINE FRIDAY 10 am FREE - Puppies have had first shots (205) 463-0282 only after 5 pm. 10/5-10/19 SAMPLE BALLOT FOR SALE - 2010 Yukon SLT, fully loaded, 125K miles excellent shape one owner, well taken care of $23,500 call 331-9611. 10/5- 10/19 BENEFIT SINGING & SUPPER FOR JACK & PAULA SPEED - at Union Chapel Church in Ethelsville Old Hwy 82 4pm Oct 15th; plate $8 spaghetti, 2 sides, drink and dessert. Silent auction and singing at 6 pm. 10/510/19 10/19-10/26 Vote YES on Amendment #9 Remember to Vote Tuesday, November 8th October 19, 2016 The Pickens County Shoppers Guide Page 7 We honor our grandson... Cayden Norris Mordecai for Down Syndrome Awareness He continues to bring joy & happiness to everyone he meets. Hug a special needs child today! Love, Meme & Pop (Joan & Wayne Owens) TOWN OF PICKENSVILLE To the Citizens of the Town of Pickensville; on Monday October 31, 2016, I will officially be retired from the office of: Mayor of Pickensville. 12 year ago, on August 24, 2004 you cast your vote for me to represent you as Mayor; and, on Monday, October 4, 20104 I (along with 5 Councilmembers) was officially sworn in by Judge Kathy Marine, at 6 pm in front of Town Hall, to serve as your Mayor! This was a great Honor! And believe me, I never took this Honor lightly, nor your vote for grated! I have proudly served you with the best of my ability and always, in humility! In a few days I will be a regular citizen again and I look forward to that day. I’m happy to say, “during these 12 years, I have met some wonderful people, I have learned some valuable lessons, and I have made some lifelong friendships.” I can also say, “it has been an awesome journey, one I shall be involved in the community, hoping and helping to continue to make a difference, and I hope each of you will join me in my quest. Let us all join together and work with the New Leadership as they continue to unselfish civic service of working to make “Our Town” a better place to live and raise our families. Thank you again for your support and friendship! Mary Locke Fuseyamore Mayor 2004-2016 The Pickens County Shoppers Guide October 19, 2016 FOR SALE - 1993 Ford Ranger 98,000 miles with new tires - Excellent condition $2,500 Call 205-399-1443 or 375-6053. 10/1210/19 FOR SALE Mitts and Merrill limb chipper powered by ford good condition new tires $3500; call 205-399-1011. 10/12-10/19 HEAVY EQUIPMENT & AUTO REPAIR; all types major and minor repairs; 205-7656118. 10/12-11/02 FOR SALE - 12' aluminum boat, no leaks , Minn Kota trolling motor. 30lbs. Thurst. Battery $400.00 205-3996099. 10/12-10/19 REV. JESSIE NOLAND & THE ELBETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH FAMILY invites you to Annual Choir Day; Sunday, Nov 6th; 2:30 pm. All choirs, soloists & groups are asked to come & participate. 10/12-11/2 Richard’s Electrical & Remodeling Contractor Residential and Commercial - Licensed All types of repair & installation including generators. Specializing in the rewiring of old houses. Carl Richards TFN TFN Page 10 205-399-2432 FOR SALE 1995 Dodge long wheel base pick up truck six cylinder, chrome bumpers and wheels, not running but would be nice truck if repaired, call 205-662-5618 for details. 10/12-10/26 BIG HILL BAPTIST CHURCH 5TH SUNDAY SINGING; Oct 30th 1pm Guest singer New Highway; Pastor Trey Kelley. 10/1210/26 Place your classified online at www.pcshoppersguide.com Top Coat Painting Commercial & Residential Licensed & Insured FREE Estimates Owner Danny Hicks 205-454-3198 cell BENEFIT & LOVE PROGRAM- For Katina Sanders King; Sat, Oct 22nd @ 4pm Pickens County High School Reform. Please come out and support this love program. Several groups & soloists will be present. Everyone is invited to participate. No donation is too small. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FRIENDS & FAMILY OF KATINA SANDERS. 10/12-10/19 BRADSHAW- HARRELL FAMILY REUNION- October 22nd Forest Community building; Ethelsville doors open at 10am lunch at 12 noon. 10/12-10/19 DEADLINE FRIDAY 10 am October 19, 2016 Come and See! 12 month free replacement • Many more sizes available Fast friendly installation Experience the Fast Friendly Service You Deserve! Tire & Service 508 Mobile Road • Aliceville • 373-8619 Skylink Entertainment Gordo • 364-0394 TFN Made in the USA by North American Battery Systems Group 31 1000 cranking amp $85.94 with exchange Group 65 800 cranking amp We have a $67.45 with exchange NEW line Group 4D 1200 cranking amp of batteries $141.56 with exchange ALL with 12 month Group 78 1000 cranking amp FREE $72.51 with exchange replacement Group 75 850 cranking amp $55.20 with exchange The Pickens County Shoppers Guide Page 11 STUMP GRINDING You find it... We’ll grind it! 662-361-8379 All Stump Grinding Service Hard to Reach Places • Hillsides Backyards • Pastures FREE Estimates • Insured Lynden Classen • Owner COME JOIN US & CELEBRATE Pastor & Mrs. Curtis L. Gosa, Sr., 21st Appreciation Day on October 23, 2016, 11:00 am, at New Light Baptist Church, Reform. 10/12-10/19 FOR SALE- 2 bedroom, 1 bath mobile home with 2 porches, must move call 3999308. 10/12-11/02 Place your classified online at www.pcshoppersguide.com TFN 205-373-2496 WE BUY HARDWOOD LOGS AND TIMBERLAND. FOR SALE- Horton Bone Collector Cross bow special edition $200. Hunting club needing members in Tuscaloosa & Pickens Co area- Sipsey Hilltop Hunting Club. www.sipseyhillhuntingclub.com. Call 2420448. 10/19 STAGE PLAY FOR SPINA BIFIDA AWARENESS-Aliceville City Hall Sat, Oct 29, 5pm Guest speaker Minister Connie Jones for more info call 399-4190 or 3994250 10/12-10/26 DEADLINE FRIDAY 10 am Page 12 The Pickens County Shoppers Guide October 19, 2016 The Pickens County Sheriff's Office uses certain criteria in determining which arrests are listed in the weekly Sheriff's Office arrest report. All Felony Charges, All Drug Charges, All Non-Support (Child-Support) and All Bad Check arrests are listed in the paper. PICKENS COUNTY ARREST & WANTED Sheriff David Abston reports that the following individuals were arrested and booked into the Pickens County Jail for the week of October 2, 2016 through October 8, 2016 . Averette ZAverette Gipson Harcrow Hill Oden Mekel Averette of Harvest, Alabama was arrested by the Reform Police Peebles Williams Willis Atkins Department for Burglary 3rd, Possession of Burglary Tools and Carrying Concealed Weapon without Justin Tyler Atkins of Reform is wanted for Negotiating Permit. Worthless Instruments. Zsaquon Averette of Sylacauga, Alabama was arrested by the Reform Police Department for Burglary 3rd, Possession of Pickens County Sheriff's Office and Jail has entered a new conBurglary Tools, Giving False Name to Law Enforcement and struction phase and parking around the Sheriff's Office will be limited. Anyone coming for inmate visitation is asked to use Carrying Concealed Weapon without Permit. the public parking lot behind the Pizza Doctor. Designated Maurice Gipson of Aliceville was arrested by the Pickens "Handicap Parking" is available directly in front of the Sheriff's County Sheriff’s Office for Negotiating Worthless Instruments. Office. Tiffany Harcrow of Pickensville was arrested by the Pickens Pickens County Sheriff’s Office asks Pickens County residents County Sheriff’s Office for Six Counts of Unlawful Possession to call 911 immediately whenever they see suspicious vehicles or people in your communities. of Controlled Substance and Theft of Property 2nd. THE FIFTH SUNDAY MINISTER AND DEACONS- Oct 29th and 30th at the Lebanon District Center. Mt Calvary Baptist Church will serve as the host church. Rev James Bush, pastor. 10/12-10/26 10% OFF SALE! Terry’s Used Games Video Games & Systems Oglesby Construction We do all types of work and new construction. Decks • Vinyl Siding • Concrete • Metal & Shingle Roof • Level Floors • Bathrooms & Mobile Home Repair $2.00 Movies Disc Cleaning • Repairs Bring this ad in to receive a discount on your total purchase. 7/20-11/30 10/5-10/26 under the black & white awning • Carrollton • 205-764-3710 Monday - Friday 3 pm to 9 pm • Saturday 10 am to 7 pm Expires 10/31/16 THE FALL BOARD MEETING- will be the third Sat, Nov 19th at 10am at the Lebanon District Center. Rev Jesse Noland is the Moderator. 10/12-11/16 Sam 375-6922 or Cell 205-399-0785 JP Hill III of Reform was arrested by the Pickens County A scam sweeping Pickens County now is for unknown Sheriff’s Office for Domestic Violence 1st and Unlawful person(s) to call a residence, and identify themselves as working with the Internal Revenue Service and then demanding the Imprisonment. resident purchase a green dot money card and give them the Alexis Oden of Sylacauga, Alabama was arrested by the account number to pay an “outstanding” debt to the IRS. These Reform Police Department for Burglary 3rd, Possession of persons become belligerent and threaten to come to the home Burglary Tools and Carrying Concealed Weapon without within minutes with local police to arrest them if they do not make the payment as demanded. Please do NOT cooperate Permit. with these people. Lendell Peebles of Aliceville was arrested by the Pickens Yet another scam is when an unknown person calls and offers County Sheriff’s Office for Probation Violation. to install a free security system in exchange for placing a adverSchuyler Williams of Millport was arrested by the Pickens tising sign in the yard. Do not exchange information with these unknown persons. Speak only with persons you have requested County Sheriff’s Office for Criminal Non-Support. to speak with and persons you have verified yourself. Demeatrius Willis of Macon, Mississippi was arrested by the Carrollton Police Department for Kidnapping 2nd, Robbery Scammers are going door to door asking for financial assistance to help with funeral expenses for a relative, or, for repairing a 3rd, Domestic Violence 3rd and Theft of Property 3rd. broken down automobile. Please do not give to anyone you do not know and cannot verify there intentions. WANTED: The following individuals are wanted by the Pickens County Sheriff's Office. If you have any information Disclaimer: This arrest report was placed by the Pickens concerning their whereabouts please contact the Sheriff’s County Sheriff Department and all questions and comments should be addressed to the Sheriff’s department 367-2000. Office at 205-367-2000. FOR RENT Excellent place to park your mobile home, located Tabernacle Rd in Alabama 3 miles from Mississippi state line, water and sewer, with other perks, call 205 662-5618 for details. 10/12-10/26 WE NEED A BILLING CLERK: A busy family practice is looking to hire a experienced insurance billing clerk to post charges and insurance payments. Please send resumes to rbeams@pc3med.com. 10/1210/26 REV. JESSIE NOLAND & THE ELBETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH FAMILY invites you to Male Choir Day; Sat, Nov 5th; 6 pm. All male choirs, soloists and groups are invited. 10/12-11/2 FOR SALE 4' x 5' round rolls hay in field Pickensville, AL $ 25.00 per roll you pick up. Call Steve 205-799-3474. 10/19-11/9 BILLY’S CARPET CLEANING SERVICE - floors $30 room; $15 hall; $35 move furniture. Furniture $60 clean couch; $50 clean love seat; $40 clean chairs or recliners. Car & pickup $50 large car or $45 small car. Call 205-3441352. 8/1-11/2 FOR SALE - 24x6 1/2 ft trailer $1000; 16x6 1/2 ft trailer $750; 12 ft x 7 ft wide trailer $500, single axle; all trailers are metal, call 399-1265. 10/19-11/9 FOR SALE 2005 Chevrolet Trailblazer Red, Nice and Clean, looks good, runs good. $5,000 Call (205) 375-2854 or (205)310-1041. 10/19-11/2 HEALING AND DELIVERANCE at Burning Bush Ministry, Hwy 82, Reform; Sunday, Oct 30th at 3 pm. Evangelist John Earl (Poppa) Harris, guest messenger. Elder Gwen Benton, pastor. 10/19-10/26 EVANGELIST GENEVA H. TABB invites you to hear a End Time Word from God 5th Sunday, Oct 30th at 11:45 worship service at New Jerusalem Pentecostal Church in Aliceville. Pastor Nellie Woods; come & be blessed! 10/19-10/26 Place your classified online at www.pcshoppersguide.com October 19, 2016 The Pickens County Shoppers Guide Page 13 Sapps-Union Chapel VFD will have TREATS FROM THE TRUNK at their fire station on Saturday, October 29 from 5:00 – 6:30 PM for the children in the Sapps Community! Everyone invited! 10/1910/26 You are invited to come worship with us... CAMPBELL LAWN CARE grass cutting, weed eating, bush hogging, green fields & disking; residential or commercial & churches; call 364-6298 or 399-2252. 10/19-11/9 FOR SALE - 2012 Ford Taurus Limited, heated and cooled leather seats, sunroof, navigation, backup camera, 105,000 miles. Asking $12,500. Call or text Mark at 205399-1879. 10/19-11/2 Aliceville First United Methodist Church 307 Third Ave NE • Aliceville • 373-2263 Rev. Dr. Tim Alexander, Pastor Sunday School 10 am all ages Worship Service 11 am Celebrate Recovery 6:00 pm Wednesday Night 5:30 Fellowship Meal for Adults, Youth Groups, Children then Small Group Bible Study Lord’s Pantry Distribution Every 4th Tues 9-11 Senior Meal 3rd Monday 10:30 afumc@nctv.com • tim.alexander@umcna.org http://sites.google.com/a/nctv.com/aliceville-first-umc/home HICKS Builders, Inc. Owner Danny Hicks • State Licensed Builder • New Construction • Remodeling • Privacy Fences • Docks • Piers • Decks • Concrete Work Commercial & Residential FREE Estimates 205-454-3198 7/6-8/24 brandmuscle FOR SALE - 2014 Chevy Malibu LS, 136,000 miles. Looks and runs great! Asking $9,200. Call or text Mark at 205-3991879. 10/19-11/2 www.pcshoppersguide.com Page 14 October 19, 2016 The Pickens County Shoppers Guide FOR SALE- Kenmore washer & dryer $300, Queen size bed w/ mattress set 150. 1 Iron bake rack 50, 1 wood computer cabinet 50 . Serious inquires only. All item are in very good condition call 5357140 10/19-10/26 DEADLINE Friday 10 am PINE GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH, CARROLLTON WILL HAVE ANNUAL HALLELUJAH FESTIVAL OCTOBER 26, 2016 5:30 PM - 8 PM REV MARCUS WROGHT, PASTOR. **** Perrigin Electric State AECB Licensed & Insured Certified Electrician • Gordo • Pickens County & Surrounding Areas Specializing in... New home wiring, old house rewiring, mobile homes, power services, whole house surge protectors, generators, service & old fuse box upgrades, shops, barns, metal buildings, ceiling fans & wall plug additions, TV & telephone jack additions, tankless water heater wiring, maintenance on existing electrical for commercial building and general trouble shooting. NO job TOO small. Free estimates & 1099 work welcome. Quality work at a reasonable price. BRADY PERRIGIN 205-792-2888 TFN FOR SALE - 4500 backhoe attachment, good shape $2000; Polaris 4 wheeler 500 automatic, needs some work $1250; 500 Kawasaki Quad 4x4 needs front shaft, reworked motor $2500; call 399-1265. 10/1911/9 Place your classified online at www.pcshoppersguide.com FOR SALE - 9ft cooker, 36: diameter stand 54” tall with leg. Can cook as many as 25 Boston butt at a time at $300; Slide out 5hp pressure washer 1750psi Briggs& Stratton probably needs carbonator$75; call 3994789 10244 Pine Grove Rd Carrollton. FOR SALE- 4 truck 15” rims 5 hole; Hunter man wood heater; 15ft Bass boat trailer call 301-0579. 10/19-11/23 DUNCAN’S THRIFT STORE OPEN SATURDAY ONLY 9AM-4PM COUNTY RD 13. 10/19-11/09 FOR SALE- Twin set bed w/mattress $150, Queen size bed w/ mattress including 2 end tables & chest $350, I wire bakers rack $25; 3 pair of J. Renee shoes, one with purse $50, serious inquires only, good condition call 535-1740. 10/19-10/26 9 9 99 99 9 A A A A A 1FA>DGFHEF+<>E RAISED CATFISH Benevola Road - Hwy. 2 1FA>DGFH.H3FG?DH#?@H GA@EF HOURS: !$$% "##"% =)9788;*HGFH=667;9=; Thursday - 1 PM - 5 PM Friday - 1 PM - 5 PM Saturday - 1 PM - 5 PM 373-2740 TFN 9 !EBBE,-CH PATTON'S FARM We Accept Food Stamps 99 TFN 4:C00G/5H$<C25H4BA@EH&GF2 3GG@HBGDCH(GFH":?D<?/H%B:'C = = == == = ! %&**)( $'#)'"!( $<<C=C@A>D?D5@9;(B>D ?D#B;1>D?D3C<CA:D?D50CA=CA:D ?D8<D!@2>BD4B'0C9D ?D"8@@9D B%B8CA: +.'- ,*$"(&.%!)-# 4C;1D32==@A /*,6.D)&7-%67+ = Page 16 October 19, 2016 The Pickens County Shoppers Guide Gospel CELEBRA ION PICKENS The Capstone Quartet will be at Aliceville First United Methodist Church Sunday, October 23, 2016 at 6:30 pm 307 Third Ave NE • Aliceville Rev. Dr. Tim Alexander, Pastor Ne w L i fe Wor sh ip C e nt er together with West Alabama Food Bank will sponsor a Mobile Food Pantry Distribution to help the area residents who are in NEED of assistance! Applications for assistance will be accepted on Sat, October 22nd from 9 am to 12 noon at New Life Worship Center, 26185 Hwy 82 East, Gordo. No person shall on the grounds of race, natural origin, age, sex or handicap be excluded from participation in or be denied or otherwise subject to discrimination under this program. 10/12-10/19 TFN P&M Roofing & Construction Metal Roofs • Window Replacements New Flooring • Vinyl Siding Porches & Decks • Additions FREE ESTIMATES Owners: Pat Bailey Matt Bailey $ David Ring Evangelist Nashville, TN @ @ 205.292.9096 205.364.0319 @ @@ @@ @ !0.-- 1.,* ".1&+2'1 Heather & Jimmy Crimm Sign Artist 1/0(.*,3 $/1%32+2 2-23#)0 )(/033'/201 #"%'(&('&$( #"%'($'!&(
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Shopper`s Guide
The GES Fall Festival is a project of the Gordo Elementary PSO.
The GES PSO invites everyone to come out
to this special event and have a great time
and support our school!