November 2009 - SHARE Foundation


November 2009 - SHARE Foundation
P.O. Box 400
VOLUME 36 #1
I understand that some parents of other abled people have listed in their wills that upon
their death, I should be called to take care of their other abled child. I have never agreed to
that nor will I ever agree to it.
First of all, Sharing Meadows is a wonderful place. But it is not for everyone who is
other abled. (We’re talking about our residential program.) There is criteria for acceptance.
We have a proven program that really works. It has many facets to the program to reach a
multiplicity of personalities. The one program simply does not encompass everyone so we
have criteria for acceptance.
A while back a father of one of our villagers dropped by Kathleen Kelly’s office and
reported that he had worried what was to happen to his other abled child when he died. But,
since she was living at Sharing Meadows, he was no longer worried. Shortly after, that
father, in fact, died. And he died with great peace!
It is a great concern for many parents of other abled persons. The concern needs to be
faced. In general, the longer the other abled person lives at home, the more and more the
parent does for them. It’s easier! But it is not healthy to spoil an adult.
If a parent wants their other abled child to live at Sharing Meadows, now is the time to apply.
Archived issues of the Good News, information about Sharing Meadows’ residential program, and dates of coming events are all
available on our website:
This month the website had a total of 80,970 hits from the United States, China, France, the Russian Federation, Germany, Sweden,
Romania and Canada.
So much good has been accomplished at Sharing Meadows due to the providence of God and the generosity of our donors. During
this season of Thanksgiving, we want to thank all of you for your faithful support and encouragement. We are joyfully celebrating
the 15th anniversary of the residential program at Sharing Meadows and we realize that the successful growth of this program
couldn’t have happened without your help. We are truly grateful to each and every one of you.
Special thanks goes to Tom and Laurel Kuczynski, owners of McKay Printing for their continued gift of printing the GOOD
NEWS for us each month at no charge. They have continued to print the newsletter even during these uncertain economic times
and their generosity is deeply appreciated.
Thank you to all of our donors and friends. May God bless you abundantly at Thanksgiving and always!
Occasionally we have a need for items at Sharing Meadows and we put together a Wish List. Now that we are in the midst of
black walnut season we find we need:
If you have one in working condition that you are willing to donate to us, call the office at 219-778-2585 and we’ll arrange to pick it up.
VOL. 36 #1
By Kathleen Kelly
Thanksgiving. A simple word that speaks volumes. Most of us look forward to the holiday so we can spend time with loved
ones while enjoying a spectacular meal. Who hasn’t looked forward to freshly carved turkey accompanied by tasty stuffing, sweet
potatoes, an assortment of vegetables and of course, pumpkin pie topped with whipped cream? The only thing better than the
delicious food is having family and friends sharing the meal with us.
While I certainly enjoy Thanksgiving feasts, I need to look beyond the celebration of the holiday and reflecting on the many
blessings I have been given and decide how I can give back to others. A few years ago there was a popular movie called “Pay It Forward.”
The story was simple – when we are the recipient of an act of kindness, we should pay it forward and do a kind act for someone else.
I was reminded of that recently when I received two handwritten and heartfelt thank you notes from two of our villagers.
We had hosted a meeting in the Forcey House at Sharing Meadows that included a meal that was served to our guests and we
had some food left over. There wasn’t enough food for the entire community, just enough for one village, so we told the two
stewards from one of the villages who were on duty they were welcome to bring their villagers to the Forcey House and enjoy the
food. The next morning I received thank you cards from two of the villagers that were straight from their hearts. One of them
wrote, “Thank you for the party you gave us” and the other one scripted, “I do love you. Thank you for the dinner. I would like
to do something nice for you.” Those villagers truly understand not only thanksgiving but the importance of showing kindness to
others. We can learn so much from the villager’s gift of loving unconditionally.
Thanksgiving Day will find me sharing time with loved ones and thanking God for the many blessings He has given me
especially the love and affirmation the villagers share with me each day. May your Thanksgiving be happy and may you always
know the joy of paying it forward!
35 years of GOOD NEWS! This issue begins our 36th year of publishing and mailing our newsletter to your home each month.
Many people have told me they look forward to the newsletter each month to see what’s happening at Sharing Meadows. Thanks
to their faithful following, our newsletter has evolved from a simple mimeographed sheet to a professionally printed newsletter
complete with pictures. It has been a pleasure keeping you up to date with our progress, successes and struggles and we look
forward to many more years of sharing GOOD NEWS with you!
Available from the Villagers’ Gift Shop
During their work days, the Villagers group into the ceramic, weaving, nut husking and kitchen workshops in the St. Timothy Center
Camp Building and into the woodworking shop in the shed to produce unique, handmade items. The harvested raspberries have been
made into jam and added to our homemade applesauce. Ceramics of all shapes and beautiful colors have been made as vases, tea pots,
night lights, Christmas decorations, wind chimes and figurines. Lovely rugs and place mats have been woven in a variety of colors and
you can select a gift from wine racks to storage benches from the assortment of handcrafted wood items the villagers have made.
These items are displayed in the gift shop in the St. Tim Center for visitors to purchase Monday – Friday from 9am to 3pm. Samples
of these items are also available for viewing on our website ( and for ordering by telephone
(219.778.2585). We also offer gift shop certificates.
Share Foundation has received the following donations from the Knights of Columbus annual Tootsie Roll Drive.
$560.31 from Queen of All Saints Council #6347 of Knox, IN 46534
$625.00 from Nativity of Our Savior Council #9114 of Portage, IN 46368
Funds from the Knights of Columbus subsidize the year round Camp Values Retreats.
God Bless the Knights for their faithful generosity!
We are so fortunate to have a beautiful house on our grounds for the use of families with a
young child who is other abled. You are invited to relax as you enjoy our grounds and
experience daily life at Sharing Meadows, realizing that opportunities exist for your own child’s
future. The Forcey guest house has three bedrooms each with a private bathroom, a relaxing
great room overlooking a beautiful prairie and lake; and some welcoming individuals waiting
More photos are available on our website at
to make your acquaintance., and more details are available by
calling the Share Foundation office (219.778.2585).
VOL. 36 #1
Dinner Dance Gala
For the 15 year, the Share Our Dreams Gala helped raise
awareness and funds for Sharing Meadows. We want to thank a
very special group of twelve supporters who began working
tirelessly on this elegant evening months ago over early morning
coffee and biscotti at Giovanni’s Restaurant in Munster and
continued to meet and work until the job was done.
2009 Gala Committee:
Maryann Chevigny
Milford Christenson
Judy Gresko
Agnes Lasics
Maryann Markovich
Janice Speakes
Joyce Choncoff
Joan Collins
Trish Hayduk
Nancy LoDuca
Pat Ricciardi
Carol Ann Surfka
Janet Watson
Thank you to these wonderful people and to all of you who donated
to the auction or attended this evening. What would we do without
you! Hidden Winner: Elaine Turczynski, Rolling Prairie, IN 46371
If you haven’t purchased a copy yet, Father Blaney’s
autobiography, Sharing Love, is an inspiring tale of our founder
and president’s early life and adventures and the history of
Sharing Meadows. People who have read it enjoyed his easy
going style of telling stories. Some comments we’ve heard:
To remember Share Foundation in your will, the proper legal name is:
Share Foundation With the Handicapped, Inc.
P.O. Box 400
Rolling Prairie, IN 46371
“What a great read!”
“I’m reading it for the third time and enjoying it more each time!”
“I’m so immersed in the story, time passes quickly”
“The book makes me laugh out loud again and again”
GOOD NEWS is printed and donated by
See for yourself what people are raving about. Autographed
copies can be purchased for $10 each, with an additional charge
of $3 for shipping. Sharing Love makes an excellent Christmas
present that will be appreciated by your friends and family.
McKay Printing Services
In honor of Judy Back on her retirement,
int. Debbie Kohler
Happy Thanksgiving and blessings to Ann
Marie Itzoe and Family, your always in our
thoughts and prayers, int. Love, Mom &
Dad Kathi & John
For the Living members of the Bajusz &
Hodal Families, int. Ernie & Betty Bajusz
To Josephine Kern, Happy 95th Birthday
Mom, int. Love Bob & Arlene Beglin
Happy Birthday Ernest Bajusz, int.
Elizabeth Bajusz
In honor of all my children and their
families, int. Andrew S. Bencze, Jr.
God’s blessings to Marty & Joan Collins on
their 50th Wedding Anniversary, int. Joe &
Pat Ricciardi
In Thanksgiving, int. Joe & Nancy DeFrier
Good Health, Blessings & Successful surgery
for Phil Faroh, int. Ray & Anita Kozlowski
God’s Blessings to Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Gross
on their 50th Wedding Anniversary, int. Jack
& Judie Hilbrich
Mr. & Mrs. Bud Philipp
Thanksgiving for good Health for my Wife
& Son, int. Eugene Hanyzewski
May God bless our dad, Bill LaVelle, with
good health, int. Dave & Pam Walker
Welcome to Ella Rose & Eryn Lily
MacMillan, daughters of Gary & Kim
MacMillan, int. Theresa Meer
Remembering with love, my husband & our
brother-in-law, Edmund Madrzyk, on his
91st Birthday 11/3/09, and many more, int.
wife Mary (Sharbak) Madrzyk, Sisters-inlaw Irene Soley & Ellen Sharbak
In Thanksgiving: How do we thank our
God for “Us” and our beautiful life together,
three beautiful Children, (one a special
angel in Heaven) and 2 wonderful
grandchildren? How do we thank Him for
His love, generosity, and the miracles
bestowed on our family? Our way – “My
Lord and My God, I Love You, I Praise
You, I Thank You!” try it, He’ll like it!!, int.
Mike and Sharon Mannion
May God bless Eric Marshall with success,
int. Dotty Marshall
Happy, Happy Birthday to our Mom,
Theresa Meer!, int. Love, Your Family
Happy 80th Birthday to Henrietta Moeller,
12-1-09, int. Her Five Children
In honor of Tom Murray on his 85th
Birthday, int. Janet & Richard Scholtes
Happy Birthday to my dad, Tom Murray,
int. Kathy Murray Putta
In honor of Stan & Iona Nalewski on their
60th Wedding Anniversary, int. Clem &
Rita Sliwa
In honor of the School Sisters of Notre
Dame for their dedication to learning, int.
Michael Sobecki
Honoring Kathryn Bower & Brett Novak during
their 1st year of marriage, int. Susan Russell
Health & Blessings for a fast recovery
Bernard Opinker, int. Mr. & Mrs. L. Opinker
Birthday blessings for Mom, Josephine
Pasztor, int. Ray & Anita
In honor of Jubilarians of 75, 70 & 60, int.
Sister Margaret Pizarek
In honor of my mother Joan Polis, int. Tom
The best antiques really are old friends, a
very Happy Birthday to Mary Repay Nov.
3, 2009, int. Dolores Sidor
In honor of Sister Mary Rose on her 50th
anniversary in the source of God, int.
Lucille Schubert
Blessings to our family with the adoption of
2 Grandsons, int. Stella Sobilo
Happy Birthday Jane Spang, int. Dave &
Sandy Sobecki
In thanksgiving to St. Rita, int. S. Tomaszewski
In honor of Norman & Kathy Szymonik on
their 40th Wedding Anniversary, int. Uncle
Joe & Aunt Adele Kray
In honor of Judy Van Vlack, int. Chars &
Cilene Siedlecki
In remembrance of Samuel Aicher, int. M.
C. Pramuk
In memory of my dear loving brother,
George Z. Atamian, I miss you Bro, int.
Love your Sis “AZ”
In memory of George W. Bach husband of
Rosemary, who passed away 10/8/09; he will
be sadly missed by so many, int. Ellen Sharbak
In remembrance of George Bach, int. Ray
& Anita Kozlowski
In memory of the Bajusz & Hodal Families,
int. Ernie & Betty Bajusz
In memory of Anna Bajusz, int. Ernie &
Betty Bajusz
Happy Birthday James Bajusz in Heaven,
int. Ernie & Betty Bajusz
In loving memory of my husband Bobby L.
Baker, int. Doris Baker
In memory of friend Judith Bakota, int.
John & Marge Kuric
In memory of John Barta, may you rest in peace,
John, int. Love, Vita Quinn & Family
In remembrance of John Barta, int. Ann
Krucine Hott
In remembrance of Fernando Bayardo, int.
Linda Moran & Family
In memory of Susan Beltz, int. David Rybicki
Phyllis Uram, Dale & Lynsey
In memoriam to an esteemed teacher,
administrator, neighbor and friend, Mark S.
Biel, May he rest in peace, int. Ray Buell
In remembrance of the deceased members
of The Churley Family & The Biestek
Family, int. Mr. & Mrs. Marion Biestek
In loving memory of my dear husband,
Joseph Bobos, missing you so much, int.
your loving wife, Dolores
VOL. 36 #1
In loving memory of Kijowski & Bolanowski
families, int. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Bolanowski
In loving memory of niece Marge Stark
Cofer, int. Aunt Phyllis Stark
In remembrance of Dr. Terry Boris, int.
Adell & Larry Fellmet
In memory of Shirley Conces, int. Rich &
Maxine Conway
In remembrance of both our parents, int.
Bill & Bonnie Bosse
In loving memory of my dear friend & co-worker,
Kathy Corskovich, whose fun & generous spirit
is truly missed, int. Jill McNamara
With love, deceased members of Ed Bowen
Family, int. Ed & Mary Ann
In remembrance of Caroline Bowers – my
Buddy & Pal (who just happens to be my
Aunt) I will miss the talks & the laughs,
watching the Colts & ND games will not be
the same without you, int. Love “Sam”
In memory of Caroline Bowers, int. Karen
Auler & Daughters
Jean Bemis
Ann Bladecki
Pat & John Bowers
Maria Demko
Don & Sajana Gregory & Daughters
Jack & Angie Gregory
Jack & Lenore Gregory & Family
Jean Gregory
Joan Gregory
Dolores Hahn
Mr. & Mrs. LeRoy Hancock
Cecelia Hyska
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Hyska
Stan & Joy Hyska
David & Monica Kempf
Eleanor Lulinski
Pam & Tim Mallon
Ron & Carol Ryba
Estella Schaeffer
Nellie Schuman
Helen Semala
Dolores Shebel & Family
Michael & Eleanor Whiting
Patricia Wolford
Mary C. Wroblewski
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Zarazee
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Zarco
In loving memory of Andrea M. Buell on
her 75th birthday, int. Ray
Happy Birthday Andrea M. Buell, mom
and Grammie, int. Garry, Leanne, Meghen,
Allison, Gregory, Ashley, Nicholas, Haylah,
Hilary, Gregory II, Theresa, Amy and Anna
In loving memory of my daughter Pat
Callahan on her 5th anniversary of death –
Oct. 20, 2004, int. Mother Anne
In remembrance of William Crabtree, int.
Janet Watson
In memory of Mary Cubranich; Mom, we
love & miss you very much, int. Tony &
Donna Maicher
In loving memory of my husband – Joseph
Cziperle on the 10th anniversary of his passing
Nov. 4th, int. wife, Mary Ann & Family
In remembrance of deceased members of the
Daly & Duffy families, int. Margaret Daly
In remembrance of Bette Danko, int. David
& Annette Halfman
Betty Hines
In remembrance of Joseph Dedinsky, int.
Elizabeth Dedinsky
In loving memory of my son, John M.
Delmerico, on his 13th anniversary in
Heaven Nov. 2nd, int. Iris R. Delmerico
In remembrance of Jean & Chester
Demkowicz, int. Sandy & Wayne Demkowicz
In loving memory of my husband Chet
Demski on Nov. 26th our 62nd Wedding
Anniversary, also Happy Thanksgiving, int.
Doris Demski
In memory of Geri Diacek, int. Mr. & Mrs.
H. Pietrzak
In loving memory of Paul V. DiCento on his 3rd
Birthday in Heaven (Oct. 28), in our hearts
forever, int. Wayne & Linda Albertsen & Family
In loving memory of my dear father, Paul V.
DiCento on your birthday, with love and
remembrance, int. your Daughter Lorene
In remembrance of Joseph & Mary Dieters,
int. Elizabeth Dedinsky
In memory of Burns & Doherty Families,
int. Paul & Bette Doherty
In remembrance of my loving wife Theresa
Domasica, int. Mike Domasica
In remembrance of Jerry Carabin, int.
JoEllen Carabin
Lovingly remembering my husband
Chester Dominik, int. wife Dorothy
In memory of Tacye G. Chiluski, int. Phyllis
J. Ciez
In loving memory of my dearest Husband,
George E. Doppler, in remembrance of our 64th
wedding anniversary on Nov. 21, 1945, Precious
Memories, int. Your loving wife, Bernice
In remembrance of Raymond Chmielewski,
int. Ed Lebryk
In memory of Valarie Cloghessy, int. Sue
Milt & Eileen Cummings
Eileen Germek
Linda Moran
Patty Ruth
In loving memory of my dear husband,
Edward M. Dosen, int. Gloria Dosen
In remembrance of Helen Drehmel, int.
Lori Gustafson
Karen Kmiecik
Don & Dorothy Schelle
Elaine & Gerry Schultz
In memory of Michalene “Mickey” Dubiel,
int. Jean Krupa
Emily Pers & Family
Lorraine Svitko & Ron
In memory of Michalene “Mickey” Dubiel,
a grand ‘ole’ friend – rest in peace, int. Love
Evelyn Boyan
In memory of Tamara Dublak, int. Vera
Mr. & Mrs. Barney Zagrocki
In loving memory of my mother Angeline
Gorski, int. Agnes Cavin
In remembrance of Thomas J. Grabarek,
int. Kathleen Maicher
Sid & Connie Messamore
Richard J. O’Tolski
Robert B. O’Tolski
In memory of Craig “Butch” Grall, int.
“Casey” & Della Stayback & Family
In memory of Alice R. Duwer, int. Jean Krupa
In memory of my husband and soul mate, John
E. Grams, I love you, int. wife, Delores Grams
In loving memory of my dear husband, Don
Edinger, int. wife, Eileen
In remembrance of LoVena Handley, int.
Jim DeStefano
In memory of Clarence “Bud” Eidam, int.
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Breshock
In memory of Lois Hansen, int. Gary &
Peggy Masse
In memory of Judy Etchison a member for
many years and she will be missed, int.
Duneland Weavers Guild
In loving memory of my beloved sister
Mary Hathoot, int. Tom & Michele
Hathoot & Family
In memory of Jennifer R. Evans, int. Louis
& Frances Nuccio
In remembrance of Mary Hathoot, int.
Sandy & Keith Attar
Warren & Kay Attar
Michael & Lou Ann Bankowski
Gail Bonfield
Judi Brown
Burrows Family
Mary & Bob Canavan
Carpenter Family
Tom & Mary T. Carr
Sally Clapp
Jim & Elaine Clark
Kristin Cook
Richard & Sandra Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Cox
Jeff & Susan Cusick
Pat & Lori Cusick
Adele A. Danny & Family
Jennifer Dauterman
Jeff & Dianne Debald
Clement & Madeline DeRosa
Doug & Nancy Durham & Family
Tamara Eaton DDS
Janet Edwards
Mary Eggert
Kathy & Craig Enos
Jim & Nicole Faroh
Philip & Diane Faroh
Ken & Barb Fedder
Sandy & Ray Feldmeier
Ronald & Louise Flotow
Margaret Fogle
Donna M. Forbes
William & Anne Franz
Terry & Angie Frye
Gene & Catherine Garrabrant
Richard & Loretta Gill
Jim & Julie Gloy
Eugene J. Gondek
Gale & Michael Gonder
Adele & Joseph Greco
Chuck & Lori Greis
Saad Hawa Family
Dick & Marge Heinrich
Michael & Becky Hillmann
Debra Holtzlander
Mark, Yvonne, Eric, Kelly & Kara Jaske
Bob & Helen Johnson
Gena Jones
Kathleen Kelly
In remembrance of Harriet A. Farkas, int.
Bob & Barbara Cummings
Bea Farber
Annette Fingert
Alan & Eileene Kras
Ed & Nancy Nordmann
Myrtle Trubey
Lovingly remembering Herb Fischer (1126-94); we remember how you loved us, int.
Pat & Family
In memory of Herb Fischer, int. Nate,
Stacey, Oliver & Jon
In memory of my brother Edward
Foldenauer, int. Sister, Dorothy
In loving memory of my dear wife, Helen
Gard, on our 56th Wedding Anniversary, 1121-09, loving you and miss you Honey each
and every day. Also sending you Happy
Thanksgiving wishes as again will miss you
on one of your special holidays, again all my
love, int. your husband Frank R. Gard
In loving memory of my wife Marge
Gauthier, int. Dick Gauthier
Lovingly remembering Connie Gembala,
int. Alex E. Gambala
In loving memory of our parents, Hattie
Giba and Frank & Ann Zipko, int. Rich &
Barb Giba
In loving memory of our niece, Carrie S.
Glick, who passed away 7 yrs ago, 10-13-02.
We all miss you so very much – not a day
goes by that you are always in our thoughts
and part of all we do – you will be in our
hearts and prayers forever, int. Love you,
son Austin (would make you proud), parents
Ken & Anne Glick, brother Scott, sisters
Kim, Katharine & Allison, brother-in-laws
Allan & Danny, niece Jocelyn, uncle Wally
& aunt Joanie Wahl, uncle Mike & aunt
Lorraine Dreske, uncle Jim-Bo, and cousins
Michele, Brian, Tristan & Brayden
VOL. 36 #1
Russ & Ann Klosinski
Bernie & Sue Konrady & Family
Steve & Judy Kroczek
Lab Friends
Paul & Annette LaBerge
Jansen & Carol Lasley
Liddell Family
Bob & Shirley Long
Margaret Mahaffey
Pam & Tim Mallon
Donald & Norma Martin
Patricia McAnally
Peggy McAnally
Barbara & Mick McDaniel
John & Deborah Mengel
Bernadette Mikulski
Mike & Kathy Mikulski
Bob & Gerti Miller
Dr. & Mrs. David W. Miller
Katherine Moskovich
Verna Muckway
Beverly Novak
Jim Orlowski
Paula & Tom Oshinski
John Paretts
Daryl & Gloria Penfold
Sylvia Petoskey
Pitt Family
Jack & Kathleen Povlock
Bill Richmann
Jeanne Rissman
Robert & Angie Rose
CJ Rosenberger
Rowley Bushue & Company LLP
Adele Rudnick
Toni Sajewski
Jeff, Julie & Amber Santana
Gil & Mary Scheidt
Genevieve Schepanek
Michael & Karla Schoof
Michael & Diana Schultz
Nellie Schuman
Nancy Scott
Florence & Bill Shaver
Bob Shikany
Ed & Pat Shikany
JoAnne & Mary K. Shikany
Donna, Megan & Phil Skwiat
Madeline Smrt
Charles Tackett
Tadros Family
Larry & Gwen Tanber
Tony, Michael & Sylvia Thomas
Robert & Nancy Urschel
Helen Valvoda
M. E. Vaughan
Nick & Esterina Venice
Al Volle
Charles & Joan Vrtis
Jan & Gary Wagner
Michele Watts
Nora Werner
Jennifer & Samuel West
Ginny & John White
Annette & Gene Wienke
Candy Wilde
Andrea Zaknoun
John Zaknoun & Family
Laurance & Ann Zaknoun
Mary Zaknoun
Tony Zaknoun
Youssef & Lilian Zaknoun
Scott & Catherine Zimmerman
In remembrance of Aunt Genevieve
Hartford, int. Pat & Jack Ohms
In remembrance of Betty Korwek, int.
JoAnn & Dominic Noce
In memory of Mark Hayduk, int. Mr. &
Mrs. Ken Zarazee
In remembrance of Phyllis Hemphill, int.
Linda Moran & Family
In loving memory of my wife Genevieve on
her 9th anniversary in Heaven (11-15-2000)
& my daughter Diana on her 21st
anniversary in Heaven (11-13-1988), love
and miss you both God willing one day we
will be together, int. Loving & Devoted
Husband & Father Fred Korwek
In memory of Helen Herndon, int. Mrs.
Gloria Rudzinski
In memory of Florian Kosinski, int. Ray &
Anita Kozlowski
In loving memory of Ignac & Ann
Hodakowski, int. Bernice Hodakowski
In memory of Martin Kowalczyk, int. Mary Daly
Paul & Sally Hanyzewski
In loving memory of my parents, Marcel &
Michalina Hodupski, int. Zochna
In remembrance of Adeline Kowalski, int.
Phil & Joan Geoffrion
Jerry & Kathleen Gushrowski
Shank & Carol Hullings
Kathy, Dick & Judy Kovalcik
Larry & Pam Richmann
Rachel Spehler
In memory of Kelly Alan Hayes, int. Patrick
& Judy Hynes
In loving memory of Henry, Jean & Ted
Hodus, int. Zochna
In remembrance of Irene Howard, int.
Brian & Kathy Elwood Family
In loving memory of my wife Jane on our 58th
Wedding Annviersary, Oct. 3, int. Jim Hufford
In loving memory of Augie Ignelzi, int. The
Ignelzi Family
In memory of John & Stefania Jasinski, int.
In memory of my husband Walter Jasinski,
int. Delphine
Remembering with love, our sister, Joan
(Sharbak) Jones on her 79th birthday (1930 –
2008) on 10/28/09, int. Sisters – Mary
Madrzyk, Irene Soley & Ellen Sharbak
In memory of Vilma A. Juranovich, Vilma
we miss you!, int. Paul & Martha Burns
In remembrance of my dear friend Adeline
Kowalski, int. Dolores J. Kowalski
Remembering my sister
Kozlowski, int. Ray & Anita
In loving memory of my wife Dorothy
Kruczek, time doesn’t heal an empty heart,
int. Joseph Kruczek
VOL. 36 #1
In memory of Andrew J. Matalik on his 9th
birthday in heaven, int. wife Rose, Children
& Grandchildren
For Kevin – remembering you on your
birthday Oct.16th, int. The McDonnell Family
In memory of Chester Michnal on his 4th
anniversary Nov. 27, int. wife Bernice
For the souls of the John & Joanna Milcarek
Family; and Donald W. Meer, int. Theresa Meer
In memory of James L. Minich, Sr., int. Ted
Jerome Pizarek
In remembrance of my loving husband John
Moeller, int. Henrietta Moeller
In memory of Joan Mokrzycki, int. Mr. &
Mrs. Dan Zdrojeski
In loving memory of my wife Pat and son
David Molodet, I love and miss you, int.
John Molodet
In loving memory of Busia & Grandpa
Murzyn, int. Mark & Paul
In memory of my beloved husband, Gene
Murzyn, int. Sue
In remembrance of Gertrude M. Mysliwy,
int. Lorraine Svitko & Ron
In remembrance of Marcia Kyriakides, int. The
Conrad Family: Larry & Diana, Dan & Julia,
Tom & Ginger, Marg & Blair Rich & Betty
In memory of Sharon A. Nagel, int. Mike
Eugene & Jean Pasko
In memory of my wife Carol Muldoon
Lambros, the sunshine of my life, int.
husband Bill
In loving memory of my husband Frank
Nierengarten who passed away 7 yrs ago 1114-02, we all miss you, int. Your wife
Christine Nierengarten and Family
Lovingly remembering Charlene LaVelle,
int. Dave & Pam Walker
In memory of Marian Leets, rest well my
great friend, int. Mary Botnovcan
In loving remembrance of my husband
Kenny Noveroske, 5th anniversary in heaven
11-05-04, love and miss you more each day,
int. Lorraine
In remembrance of Margaret Lies on her
81st Birthday, int. Ralph J. Lies, Sr.
In loving memory of my sister, Kathy Lynn
Nowak, int. Rev. David G. Nowak
In memory of Danny Nowfel, int. Lee Borst
In memory of Kathleen Kemp, int. Marge Thiel
Lovingly remembering Margaret Lies on
her 6th year in Heaven, we all love & miss
her, int. Ralph J. Lies Sr. Family
In memory of Kristen M. Kennedy, int.
Louis & Frances Nuccio
In memory of Louise Ellison Light, int. Ed
& Pat Shikany
In memory of John Martin Kenny, int.
Arthur & Catherine Wilkinson
Lovingly remembering Lucian Lisak, int.
Shirley Lisak
In remembrance of Levenis Kiser, int. Toni
In remembrance of Kelli J. Longacre, int.
Steve, Jim, Phil & Friends with Aker
Construction, Inc.
Jim & Nicole Faroh
Philip & Diane Faroh
Remembering my Busia Bernice Kalemba
on her birthday, int. Love, Anita
In remembrance of Mary Kelly, int. Kelly
Kids Klub
In loving memory of William & Harriet
Kelly, int. Kelly Kids Klub
In loving memory of my mother Helen
Klein, int. Phil Drescher
In memory of Charles Knapp, int. Ray &
Anita Kozlowski
In memory of my wife Margaret on the
anniversary of her death Nov. 6, int.
Clement J. Kniola
In loving memory of Christine R. Kolisz,
int. your loving Husband Harry & Family
In memory of Richard Macek, int. Shirley
& Ardash Daronatsy
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Magurany
In remembrance of Fred Madjewski, int.
Eugene & Jean Pasko
In loving memory of Melanie Mailander
missing your little hands, always in our
hearts, int. Aunt Denise
In remembrance of Patricia Olszwski, int.
Angela Torrenga
In memory of my beloved wife, Millie Opat,
int. Fred Opat
In remembrance of Sonia Ann Ottoson, int.
Rose Dominik
In loving memory of Bill Pacholke on his 4th
year with our Lord, 10/8/05, we love you and
miss you very much, int. Love Nancy & Family
Lovingly remembering mom, Caroline R.
Pagels, on one year in heaven, we love you
and miss you, int. Love – Lloyd & Ken
In memory of Mario Palacios, int. Marge &
Tom Swanson
Lovingly remembering Daniel “Dago”
Pariso on his October 19th Birthday, int.
Karen Pariso
VOL. 36 #1
In loving memory of Louis & Theresa
Paunicka, int. Dolores J. Callahan
In memory of Margaret Schafer, what a heavenly
family reunion, int. Bill & Dotty McLaughlin
In memory of Kimberlie Ann Spangler, int.
Don & Fran Van Meter
In memory of Clarence Peckat, int. Greg &
Heather Ellis
Rosemary & Tim Ellis
Laura & Ross Wyatt
Remembering my Dad, Eugene Schell, with
love on his Birthday, int. Mary Ann Buchler
Happy Birthday to John T. Spear, int. your
wife Pauline and daughters June, Jacki &
Joann – We miss you!
In remembrance of Aunt Pauline Cebula
Pedersen, Big Hugs, int. Joe & Virgie Brach
Chet & Beth Trzupek
Remembering our special friend, Tom
Peklansky, on his birthday. You are so
missed from our lives, but we have
wonderful memories of times shared that
we will always treasure in our hearts. Rest in
peace, int. Ray & Paulette Strabavy
In memory of Tom Peklansky on his 5th
Thanksgiving and Birthday in heaven, Rest
in Peace, int. love, Lorraine, Cheri, Chris,
Cheryl, George, Tommy, Bridgitte, Jacob,
Sara & Madison
In memory of my husband Walter N. Perko,
loving you and missing you, int. Love always Bev
In remembrance of Ron Perzo, int. Anna
M. Lieber
In memory of Chuck Peters, int. Eileen &
Al Pramuk
I love you, Joe Pieters! int. wife Joann
In remembrance of Ester V. Poi, int. Jean Krupa
In loving memory of John M. Polis, int. Joan Polis
In remembrance of my father John Polis,
int. Tom Polis
In memory of Catherine Porsoska – my
beloved daughter, int. Mom
In memory of our dear husband & father
Richard Porsoska on your 1st Thanksgiving
in heaven, we miss you & ask you to
remember us to God from the other side!
We love you, int. your Family
In remembrance of Frank Powalski, it’s
been three years since you left us – just want
to wish you a Happy Birthday in heaven,
int. Love, Karen, Don & Family
In loving memory of Herbert J.
Scholl…Dear Uncle Herb who was the life
of the party!, int. Wayne & Linda Albertsen
In memory of Herbert J. Scholl, int. Janet &
Harry McAnerney
In remembrance of Adam Paul Schroeder,
death 11/6/2001, we think about you all the
time. Miss you so much, all our love, int.
Grandma & Papa John Ziomek
In loving memory of my sister Henriette
Semala 1st anniversary in heaven, Oct. 6,
2008, int. Sis Florence Sobkowiak
In remembrance of George E. Semancik,
int. Art & Marilyn Branco
Lorraine Ciesar
David & Mary Danielson
Tom Kusbel
Jerry Sutko & Daughters
Andrew & Georgette Vetroczky
In loving memory of Marilyn and Tom
Starr, int. Starr Girls and Families
In memory of our loving daughter, Rebecca
Lynn Stayback; 9 years you’ve been gone
but this day was your birth date, we still
miss you, November 10th, int. With Love,
Mom & Dad & Family
In memory of Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Stolarz,
int. Joan F. Polis
In loving memory of my sweetheart,
Violette A. Straka, int. Ken Straka
In memory of Daniel Sullivan, int. Dan &
Judy Murphy
In remembrance of Thomas Seremet, int.
Gus & Pat Tserbes
In memory of Agnes Suroviak, int. Mr. &
Mrs. Ken Halfacre
In loving memory of our sister-in-law,
Florence (Soja) Sharbak, on her 85th
birthday, 11/19/09, int. Mary Madrzyk,
Irene Soley & Ellen Sharbak
In loving memory of Mary Szafranski, int.
Dolores J. Callahan & Joey
Remembering with love our father,
Nicholas Sharbak, on his birthday Nov. 5
(1900-1977), int. daughters Mary Madrzyk,
Irene Soley & Ellen Sharbak
In remembrance of Mitchell Szafranski, int.
Chris Benjamin
Nelson Chun
Lynn Heafey
Kerry Nagai
In memory of Arlene Shaw, int. Earl Margraf
Lovingly remembering our son Larry
Szymkowski, int. Father Clarence &
Mother Dolores Szymkowski
In memory of Robert Shebish, int. John &
Pauline Vetroczky
In memory of Ann Tanber, int. Cheryl Bohlim
Remembering, with love, on Thanksgiving
Ted V. Sidor, you are always in our hearts,
int. Dolores, Children, Grandchildren, &
Great Grandsons
In remembrance of Chester & Victoria
Tatarski, Happy Thanksgiving to the best
parents anyone could ask for, your always in our
thoughts & prayers, int. Love, Karen & Don
In memory of Wally L. Sielski, int. Evelyn
W. Lisek
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Pfister
In loving memory of Ethel and George
Tomaszewski, int. Ken, Sue, Rich and Families
In remembrance of Kay Powalski, Happy
Thanksgiving, the Holidays aren’t the same
without you, we miss you, int. Love Karen,
Don & Family
In remembrance of Sylvester Sikora, int.
Chester & Mary Sikora
In memory of Michael J. Pryor, int. Mr. &
Mrs. Don Wentland
In remembrance of Kevin Sinnott, int.
Kathleen Kelly
In remembrance of Richard Rudnick, Love
& Miss you Dad, int. Love Dick
In memory of our Aunt Frances Skwiat, int.
Mary Onieliski & Family
In loving memory of Ciocia, Wuja &
Richard Rudzinski, int. Zochna
In remembrance of Dorothy Sobolewski,
int. George & Wilma Semancik
In loving memory of our wonderful father
James W. Ryan, int. Your Kids
In memory of John & Mary Sorota, int.
Helen Lewandowski
Remembering deceased families of Beda,
Pasko, Devoy & Samek, int. Helen & Family
In memory of my husband & father Joe
Sosinski on his 11th year in heaven Nov. 16th,
we all miss and love you always, int. Wife,
Delcie & Children & Grandchildren
In memory of Aniela Sarwacinski, int.
Bernice Sarwacinski
In loving memory of my husband Art (Stark)
its been 3 years since you departed on Nov. 17,
2006; and I miss you so much and have loved
you since we met in 1944, int. wife Phyllis
In memory of Rudy Sikich, int. Genevieve V. Bank
In memory of Raymond Topley, int. Mary
& Jim Blakely
Donna & Dan Blaney
In memory of our friend JoAnn Tumbiolo
on her 75th Birthday Oct. 12, int. Agnes,
Dorothy, Geri, Janet & Sally
In memory of Edward Tyika, int. Irene Matz
Anne M. Radde
Remembering Richard Urban on his 1st
anniversary in heaven Nov. 23, Love you &
Miss you, int. wife Darlene
Remembering our dad Richard Urban on his 1st
anniversary in heaven Nov. 23, Love you & Miss
you Dad, int. daughters Linda, Diana & Jodi
In loving memory of my husband and father
Richard Urban on his birthday in heaven
Oct. 22, int. wife Darlene & daughters
Linda, Diana & Jodi
In loving memory of my brother Richard
Urban on his birthday in heaven Oct. 22,
int. Sis Florence Sobkowiak
Happy Birthday Irene Ward in Heaven, int.
Ernie & Betty Bajusz
Fall Mini-Camp Dates
In remembrance of Gertrude A. Wasik, int.
Loving Family
In memory of Laura Wichlinski, int. Nita
In memory of Lee P. Wiegand, int. Clement
J. Kniola
Jane Mack
Michigan City, IN 46360
November 13 – 15
December 4 - 6
Christine Greenberg
Munster, IN 46321
19th Annual Spring Luncheon
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Halls of St. George
In remembrance of Michael Joseph
Yokubaitis, on Oct 23rd your 2nd anniversary
in heaven, we miss you, int. mother Mary A.
Hero & stepfather Joe Hero
Camille & Michael Liscinsky
Pacific Grove, CA 93950
In remembrance of Michael Zakula, int.
Brian Cummings
Milt Cummings
Nancy LoDuca
William A. O’Rourke
Winners receive a $100 gift certificate
to their favorite restaurant.
In memory of John Ziomek, int. Phillip &
Diane Faroh
Mike & Ann Fugate
Shirley Lisak
James W. Pizarek
P.O.Box 400
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Sunday, August 1, 2010
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