Jackson County Planning Commission


Jackson County Planning Commission
Jackson County Planning Commission
Staffed by the Region 2 Planning Commission (R2PC)
120 W. Michigan Avenue • Jackson, MI 49201
Phone (517) 788-4426 • Fax (517) 788-4635
Grant E. Bauman, AICP
R2PC Principal Planner
(517) 768-6711
DATE: October 10, 2013
TIME: 6:00 p.m.
PLACE: 5th Floor Commission Chambers
Jackson County Tower Building
120 W. Michigan Avenue
Jackson, Michigan 49201
Comments will be solicited on each item following
discussion and prior to any final action.
1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
2. Public Comment [3 MINUTE LIMIT]
3. Approval of Minutes
Approval of the September 12, 2013 Meeting Minutes [ACTION] ............................................................ 3
4. Approval of Agenda
Approval of the October 10, 2013 Meeting Agenda [ACTION]
5. Request(s) for Review, Comment, and Recommendation
a. Consideration of township zoning amendment(s)
(1) #13-14 – Rezoning (Spring Arbor Township) [ACTION] ................................................................ 7
(2) #13-15 – Rezoning (Blackman Township) [ACTION] ................................................................... 13
b. Consideration of Master Plan(s) [N/A]
6. Other business
a. Unfinished Business
(1) Jackson County Master Plan
b. New Business [N/A]
7. Public Comment [2 MINUTE LIMIT]
8. Commissioner Comment
9. Adjournment
Jackson County Planning Commission
Staffed by the Region 2 Planning Commission (R2PC)
120 W. Michigan Avenue • Jackson, MI 49201
Phone (517) 788-4426 • Fax (517) 788-4635
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Jackson County Tower Building ● Jackson, Michigan
Members Present:
Ted Beals, At Large; Nancy Hawley, At Large; Jennifer Morris Coe, At Large; Jim Videto, Agriculture, Amy Torres, Industry and Economics and Carl Rice, Jr., Jackson
County Board of Commissioners
Members Absent:
Jonathan Williams, At Large; and Jack Ripstra, Environmental
Liaisons Present:
Grant Bauman, R2PC Principal Planner
Others Present:
Ryan Pennewill, applicant for CZC #13-13, and Theodore Hilleary
Item 1.
Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. Those
in attendance rose and joined in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Item 2.
Public Comment. No comments were made by the public.
Item 3.
Approval of Minutes. Commissioners considered the minutes submitted for the August 8th
meeting. Commissioner Beals requested that Bruce Pindzia be identified as the Waterloo Township Zoning Administrator. He also asked that in the future, staff include a short synopsis of the
request for each CZC case as well as the township planning commission’s recommendation.
A motion was made by Commissioner Beals, and seconded by Commissioner Morris Coe, to approve the minutes as amended. The motion was approved unanimously.
Item 4.
Approval of the Agenda. A motion was made by Commissioner Morris Coe, and seconded by
Commissioner Rice, to approve the agenda. The motion was approved unanimously.
Item 5.
Request(s) for Review, Comment, and Recommendation
a. Consideration of Township Zoning Amendment(s).
(1) #13-13 – Rezoning (Blackman Township). Staff summarized its report regarding
the proposed rezoning of a 23.65 acre parcel of property along Ridge Road (Section 9)
from Planned Residential (PR-1) to Suburban Residential (RS-1) which will allow the applicant to build a single-family home. The Blackman Township Planning Commission
recommended approval of the rezoning. Staff noted that the rezoning would maintain
the residential character of the area and allow for the property to be developed. He
concluded by advising the Commission to recommend approval of the request (please
see the staff report).
A motion was made by Commissioner Rice, and seconded by Commissioner Morris Coe,
to recommend approval of the proposed rezoning. The motion was approved unanimously.
b. Consideration of Master Plan(s). No master plans were submitted for review.
9/12/13 JCPC Minutes | Page 2
Item 6.
Other business
a. Unfinished Business. There was no unfinished business before the Commission.
b. New Business.
(1) The Resignation of Commissioner Cameron. Staff informed the Commission of the
resignation of Tommy Cameron as the education representative. He accepted a job with
the Lenawee County Intermediate School District (ISD).
A motion was made by Commissioner Rice, and seconded by Commissioner Morris Coe,
to recommend accept the resignation. The motion was approved unanimously.
Staff noted that the process for replacing Commissioner Cameron is underway.
(2) The Election of the JCPC Secretary. Commissioner Beals asked Commissioner Morris
Coe to consider assuming the role of Secretary and she agreed.
A motion was made by Commissioner Beals, and seconded by Commissioner Rice, to
appoint Commissioner Morris Coe as the JCPC Secretary. The motion was approved
(3) Proposed Amendments to the JCPC Ordinance. Staff asked the Planning Commission to recommend approval of the following proposed JCPC Ordinance amendments to
the Jackson County Board of Commissioners:
Section 102 (C) — an incorrect cross-reference citation was changed from Section
102 (E)(5) to Section 102 (E)(4).
Section 102 (G) — this subsection is not needed given that the only ex-officio
member eligible to serve on the Commission is a single County Commissioner.
Section 105 (A) & (B) — references to the “Jackson County Clerk” have been replaced with references to the “Office of the Jackson County Administrator/Controller” given that the Administrator’s office handles all other nominations
for positions appointed by the County Board.
Sec. 105 (B) — the number of required nominations for each office (i.e., seat) is
reduced from two to one, given that many of the offices only received nominations
for a single candidate when the Commission was initially appointed.
Sec. 109 (B) — references to a “plan” were changed to a “county master plan”
in order to clarify when the approval of two-thirds of the Commission is required.
A motion was made by Commissioner Morris Coe, and seconded by Commissioner Rice,
to recommend the proposed amendments to the Jackson County Board of Commissioners. The motion was approved unanimously.
(4) Jackson County Master Plan. Staff suggested that it was time to begin working on a
new edition of the County’s master plan. Commissioners discussed the suggestions and
requested that staff provide guidance on the various master planning options, to begin
updating background materials, and to collect the various plans that will provide needed information. It was also suggested that the new edition of the Plan should take a
more holistic view which reflects the changes occurring in Jackson County.
A motion was made by Commissioner Videto, and seconded by Commissioner Morris
Coe, directing staff to begin work on the master plan and to send out the required notice of intent. The motion was approved unanimously.
9/12/13 JCPC Minutes | Page 3
Item 7.
Public Comment. Mr. Hilleary informed Commissioners of the recent activities of Jackson’s
Walkable Community Taskforce, including the eventual connection of the trail network linking
the City of Jackson to the Village of Concord and the trail extending southwestward from the Village of Stockbridge and other destinations further to the east.
Item 8.
Commissioner Comment. Commissioner Videto reminded the Commission of the September
18th planning and zoning workshop in Napoleon. Commissioner Beals informed the Commission
of a webinar on wildfire mitigation that he attended. Commissioner Hawley announced the Regional Prosperity Initiative Meeting for “Region 9” on September 19th.
Item 9.
Adjournment. A motion was made by Commissioner Morris Coe, and seconded by Commissioner Videto, to adjourn the meeting at 6:40 pm.
Jackson County Planning Commission
Staffed by the Region 2 Planning Commission (R2PC)
120 W. Michigan Avenue • Jackson, MI 49201
Phone (517) 788-4426 • Fax (517) 788-4635
Project #:
County Planning Commissioners
Grant E. Bauman, AICP
October 10, 2013
Rezoning proposal in Section 21 (T3S-R2W) of Spring Arbor Township
CZC #13-14
Proposal: The rezoning of a large portion of a property from Rural Non-Farm Residential
(RNF-1) to Suburban Residential (RS-1).
The applicant wishes to develop the subject property (ID# 060-12-21-130-001-00) for single-family residential
Location and Size of the Property
The subject property has an area of less than an acre. It is located on the southern edge of the unincorporated village of Spring Arbor. The property fronts Broadway Street, east of Teft Road (see Figure 1).
Land Use and Zoning
Current Land Use – The subject property is vacant. Aerial photography shows, and a site visit confirms,
that it hosts a mix of trees and scrubby field (see Figure 6).
Future Land Use – The future land use map in the Spring Arbor Township Master Plan places the subject
property on the eastern edge of an area along Teft Road, and south of M-60, recommended for low-density
residential uses (see Figure 2). Agricultural uses are recommended to the east of the subject property. The
countywide future land use map in the Jackson Community Comprehensive Plan also places the subject
property in an area recommended for residential uses (see Figure 3).
Current Zoning – The subject property is zoned RNF-1 and land to the south is zoned AG-1 (agricultural).
Properties to the north, east, and west are zoned RS-1 (see Figure 4).
Public Facilities and Environmental Constraints
Water and Sewer Availability – Municipal water and sewer services are currently available (see the attached Zoning Worksheet Form).
Public Road/Street Access – Broadway Street, a paved local subdivision street, provides direct access to
the subject property. The street dead-ends further to the east
Please note that the proposed use is listed for informational purposes only. It should not be utilized in making the rezoning decision.
Circumstances may change tomorrow which make the proposed use impractical. All of the uses that the proposed zoning designation
would allow are pertinent to the rezoning request.
CZC #13-14
Environmental Constraints – The National Wetlands Inventory indicates the wetlands extend into the
subject property from the south (see Figure 5). However, Spring Arbor Township indicates no known environmental constraints (see the attached Zoning Worksheet Form).
Analysis and Recommendation
Township Planning Commission Recommendation – The Spring Arbor Township Planning Commission recommends approval of the proposed rezoning to RS-1 (see the attached Zoning Amendment Form and other
background information).
Staff Analysis – Spring Arbor Township’s Zoning Plan contains the following criteria upon which a rezoning
request must be considered:
1. Is the proposed rezoning consistent with the policies and uses proposed for that area in the Master Plan?
The Plan calls for low-density residential uses, which equates to RNF-1 or RS-1 zoning.
2. Will all of the uses allowed under the proposed rezoning be compatible with other zones and uses
in the surrounding area?
All of the allowable uses in the proposed rezoning should be compatible given that the subject parcel is bordered by an AG-1 zone to the south and a RS-1 zone to the north, east and west.
3. Will public services and facilities be significantly adversely impacted by a development or use allowed under the requested rezoning?
The proposed RS-1 zoning should have no greater impact on the public services and facilities available in the area than the existing RNF-1 zoning.
4. Will the uses allowed under the proposed rezoning be equally or better suited to the area than
uses allowed under the current zoning District?
Given that they allow similar uses, the proposed RS-1
zoning should be equally suited to the area as the existing RNF-1 zoning.
Staff Recommendation – Based upon this analysis, staff advises
the Jackson County Planning Commission to recommend APPROVAL of the rezoning to Suburban Residential (RS-1).
Suggested Actions:
(1) Recommend APPROVAL
(2) Recommend DISAPPROVAL
(3) Recommend APPROVAL WITH
(4) Take NO ACTION
CZC #13-14
Figure 1
Figure 2
Generalized Municipal Future Land Use
CZC #13-14
Figure 3
Countywide Future Land Use
Figure 4
Generalized Municipal Zoning
CZC #13-14
Figure 5
National Wetlands Inventory
Figure 6a
Aerial Map
CZC #13-14
Figure 6b
Aerial Map
Jackson County Planning Commission
Staffed by the Region 2 Planning Commission (R2PC)
120 W. Michigan Avenue • Jackson, MI 49201
Phone (517) 788-4426 • Fax (517) 788-4635
Project #:
County Planning Commissioners
Grant E. Bauman, AICP
October 10, 2013
Rezoning proposal in Section 32 (T2S-R1W) of Blackman Township1
CZC #13-15
Proposal: The rezoning of properties from Urban Residential (RU-1) to Office (O-1).
The applicant wishes to construct an office building on the northern property (ID# 000-08-32-203-011-00)
and anticipates the future development of the southern property (ID# 000-08-32-203-012-00).2
Location and Size of the Property
The subject sites, which have a combined area of 1½ acres, front both Evanston Drive and Laurence Avenue
south of Savoy Street. They are located in Section 32 (T2S-R1W) of Blackman Township (see Figure 1).
Land Use and Zoning
Current Land Use – The subject properties are vacant. Please see the original Township report for more
Future Land Use – The Blackman Charter Township Master Plan places the subject properties on the western edge of an area recommended for office uses. Please see the original Township report for more information. The Jackson Community Comprehensive Plan places the subject properties in an area recommended
for residential uses, although nearby commercial areas are located to the north and west (see Figure 1).
Please see the original Township report for more information.
Current Zoning – The zoning of the two subject properties is split. Their frontage along Laurence Avenue is
zoned O-1 (Office District) while their frontage along Evanston Drive is zoned RU-1 (Urban Residential District). Please see the original Township report for more information.
Public Facilities and Environmental Constraints
Water and Sewer Availability – Municipal sewer and water services are available to the subject properties. Please see the original Township report for more information.
In the spirit of full disclosure, it is important to reveal that JCPC Staff also prepared the staff report upon which the Blackman
Township Planning Commission based its recommendation. Due to this factor, rather than repeating much of the information
included in that report, this report will simply refer to the original Township report.
Please note that the proposed use is listed for informational purposes only. It should not be utilized in making the rezoning decision.
Circumstances may change tomorrow which make the proposed use impractical. All of the uses that the proposed zoning designation
would allow are pertinent to the rezoning request.
CZC #13-15
Public Road/Street Access – Laurence Avenue/Airport Road is an arterial thoroughfare. Please see the
original Township report for more information.
Environmental Constraints – The National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) indicates that there are no wetlands
located within the subject properties. Please see the original Township report for more information.
Analysis and Recommendation
Township Planning Commission Recommendation – The Blackman Township Planning Commission recommends approval of the proposed rezoning to O-1 (see the attached Zoning Amendment Form and other
background information).
Staff Analysis – Blackman Township’s Zoning Plan contains the following criteria upon which a rezoning request must be considered:
1. Is the proposed rezoning consistent with the policies and uses proposed for that area in the Master Plan?
The Blackman Charter Township Master Plan calls for office uses between Laurence Avenue and Evanston Drive.
2. Will all of the uses allowed under the proposed rezoning be compatible with other zones and uses
in the surrounding area?
Allowable office uses in the O-1 District should be compatible with the adjacent RU-1 District. Please
see the original Township report for more analysis.
3. Will public services and facilities be significantly adversely impacted by a development or use allowed under the requested rezoning?
The proposed expansion of the O-1 zoning district should have no greater impact on most of the
public services and facilities available in the area than the existing RU-1 zoning. Please see the original Township report for more analysis.
4. Will the uses allowed under the proposed rezoning be equally or better suited to the area than
uses allowed under the current zoning district?
The overwhelming majority of the uses allowed under the proposed O-1 zoning should be equally or
better suited to the general area than the uses allowed under the existing RU-1 zoning. Please see
the original Township report for more analysis.
Staff Recommendation – Based upon this analysis, staff advises
the Jackson County Planning Commission to recommend APPROVAL of the rezoning to Office (O-1).
Note: It may be prudent to encourage sole access to the
properties via Laurence Avenue as they are developed,
limiting Evanston Drive to residential traffic. At the present time, neither Section 5.13, Access to Public Streets,
or Section 5.20, Curb Cuts and Driveways, of the Zoning
Ordinance limit access to through (i.e., doublefrontage) lots to a single road or street. The Township
may wish to address this issue in the near future.
Suggested Actions:
(1) Recommend APPROVAL
(2) Recommend DISAPPROVAL
(3) Recommend APPROVAL WITH
(4) Take NO ACTION
CZC #13-15
Figure 1
Countywide Future Land Use
JCPC Case #: 13-15
Return to: Jackson County Planning Commission c/o Region 2 Planning Commission 120 W. Michigan Avenue Jackson, Michigan 49201
Please submit with the Planning Commission meeting minutes and any reports/exhibits the Commission used to make its recommendation with this form. Use a separate
form for each proposed zoning change. Please include a legal description/survey with rezoning requests in addition to the Parcel ID Number
A copy of this form with the JCPC recommendation will be mailed back to the Clerk, who will return a copy to the JCPC with the Township Board Action.
THE BLACKMAN CHARTER TOWNSHIP PLANNING COMMISSION submits the following proposed zoning change to the Jackson County
Planning Commission for its review, comment, and recommendation:
(Provide the legal and popular property descriptions, the Parcel ID Number(s), the number of acres, and the section(s) in which the
property is located. Attach additional sheets if more space is needed. Attach a map showing all changes and additions.)
____Laurence Avenue properties north of Wildwood Avenue________________________________________________________
1. The above described property has a proposed zoning change FORM __Urban Residential District___(RU-1)________________
ZONE TO OFFICE (O-1)____________________________________________________________________________________
2. PURPOSE OF PROPOSED CHANGE BUILD NEW OFFICE BUILDING_________________________________________________
The following Article(s) and Section(s) is amended or altered: ARTICLE __________________ SECTION ____________________
The NEW SECTION read as follows: (Attach additional sheets if more space is needed.) ___________________________________
C. PUBLIC HEARING on the above amendment was held on: month September
day 5
year 2013
D. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING was published/mailed on the following date: month August day 22 year 2013
(Notice must be provided at least fifteen days prior to the public hearing.)
E. THE NEWSPAPER (having general circulation in Township) carrying the NOTICE: Jackson Citizen Patriot
The PROPOSED ZONING AMENDMENT described herein was duly considered by the Township Planning Commission and will be
forwarded to the Township Board with a recommendation to (X ) APPROVE or ( ) DISAPPROVE.
_____________Scott Ambs_________________________( ) Chair or (x ) Secretary ____09___/__17____/_2013___ (enter date)
1. Date of Meeting: month ____________ day _____________ year _____________
2. The JCPC herewith certifies receipt of the proposed amendment on the above date and:
( ) Recommends APPROVAL of the zoning change
( ) Recommends DISAPPROVAL of the zoning change for the reasons stated in the attached letter.
( ) Recommends APPROVAL of the zoning change for the reasons stated in the attached letter.
( ) Takes NO ACTION.
___________________________________( ) Chair or ( ) Secretary _______/ __________/ ________ (enter date)
1. Date of Meeting: month _______________ day ____________ year ______________
2. The ______________________ Township Board herewith certifies that a legally constituted meeting the on the above date
and that the proposed amendment ( ) PASSED, ( ) DID NOT PASS, or was ( ) REFERRED ANEW to the Township Planning Commission
Township Clerk
JCP Case #: 13-15
Return to: Jackson County Planning Commission
c/o Region 2 Planning Commission
120 W. Michigan Avenue
Jackson, Michigan 49201
Please submit with the "Zoning Amendment Form" for a district boundary change (rezoning), not a text amendment.
Township Case #: 1428
Township of: Blackman
Township official we may contact: Dan Gough Zoning Administrator
Phone #: (517) 788-4345
Applicant: HOWARD IVEY
Phone #: (517) 782-9677
Rezoning Request:
From: Urban Residential (RU-1)
To: Office District (O-1)
Property Location:
Section(s): 30
Quarter Section(s):
Legal Description and/or Survey Map//Tax Map (please attach)
Yes No (please do not use only the Parcel ID Number)
A- .71 Acres parcel 000-08-32-203-011-00 &
parcel B - .80 Acres parcel 000-08-32-203-012-00
Parcel Size (if more than one parcel, label "A" - "Z")
Please attach location map
What is the existing use of the site? VACANT PROPERTY
What is the proposed use of the site? OFFICE BUILDING
What are the surrounding uses (e.g.: agriculture, single-family residential, highway commercial, etc.)?
What are the surrounding Zoning Districts?
What is the suggested use of the site on the Township's Land Use Plan Map? OFFICE (O-1)
Is municipal water currently available:
Will it be made available?
No If yes, when?
Is municipal sewer currently available: Yes
Will it be made available?
No If yes, when?
Does the site have access to a public street or road? : Yes
Are there any known environmental constraints on the site?
Other (please specify)
Please attach the minutes of the Planning Commission,
Yes, the minutes are attached.
No, the minutes are not attached.
Please attach copies of any reports, exhibits or other documented provided to the Planning Commission.
Yes, copies of documentation are attached.
No, copies of documentation are not attached.
Please attach any public comments, letters, or petitions.
Yes, public comments are attached.
NO, public comments are not attached.
Please include any additional information or comments as an attachment.
To: Blackman Charter Township Planning Commission
From: Grant E. Bauman, AICP
Principal Planner
Figure 1
Date: September 14, 2013
Subject: Case #1428 Rezoning
Location. The subject properties (ID# 000-08-32203-011-00 and ID# 000-08-32-203-012-00) are bordered by the Lawrence Avenue/Airport Road corridor to the east and Evanston Drive to the west,
north of the intersections with Wildwood Avenue in
the northeast quarter of Section 32 (see Figure 1).
Request. The applicant wants to rezone both properties so that they are entirely located within an existing O-1 District in order to build an office on the
northern property. The development of the southern
property is anticipated at some point in the future
(see Figure 1).1
Applicant(s) David C. Vanderklok (Studio (Intrigue) Architects LLC) is the applicant. The properties are
owned by Howard Ivey, who has authorized the rezoning request (please see the attached background
Staff Findings
Land Use and Zoning
Existing Land Use – The subject properties are vacant. Aerial photography shows (and a site visit confirms) that they are open grassy fields (see Figure 5).
Future Land Use – The future land use map in the Blackman Charter Township Master Plan places the
subject properties on the western edge of an area recommended for office uses (see Figure 2). Lowdensity residential uses are recommended on the west side of Evanston Drive. The countywide future
land use map in the Jackson Community Comprehensive Plan places the subject properties in an area
recommended for residential uses, although nearby commercial areas are located to the north and west
and an industrial area is located to the south (see Figure 3).
Please note that the proposed use is listed for informational purposes only. It should not be utilized in making the rezoning
decision. Circumstances may change tomorrow which make the proposed use impractical. All of the uses that the proposed
zoning designation would allow are pertinent to the rezoning request.
(517) 788-4635
120 West Michigan Avenue • Jackson, Michigan 49201 • ℡ (517) 788-4426 •
Figure 2
Figure 3
Township Future Land Use
Countywide Future Land Use
Figure 4
Current Zoning
Current Zoning – The zoning of the two subject
properties is split (see Figure 4). Their frontage along
Laurence Avenue is zoned O-1 (Office District) while
their frontage along Evanston Drive is zoned RU-1
(Urban Residential District).
Proposed Zoning – The applicant wants to rezone
both properties so that they are completely within
the existing O-1 District.
Public Facilities and
Environmental Constraints
Water and Sewer Availability – Municipal sewer
and water services are available to both of the subject properties.2 Jackson County’s online GIS service
also reveals the presence of the Laurence Avenue
Drain along the eastern edge of the properties.
Public Road/Street Access – Laurence Avenue/
Airport Road is an arterial thoroughfare while Evanston Drive is a local street.3
Environmental Constraints – Neither of the subject properties is in a floodplain, wetland, or
groundwater recharge area. Nor do the properties contain hydric soils or productive agricultural soils.4
See Maps A16 and A17 of the Blackman Charter Township Master Plan, respectively.
See Map A13 of the Blackman Charter Township Master Plan.
See Maps A7, A12, A4, A6, and A5 of the Blackman Charter Township Master Plan, respectively.
Analysis of Findings
and Recommendation
Blackman Township’s Zoning Plan contains the following criteria upon which a rezoning request must
be considered:
Figure 6
Aerial Photograph
1. Is the proposed rezoning consistent with
the policies and uses proposed for that area
in the Master Plan?
The Master Plan calls for office uses between Laurence Avenue and Evanston Drive.
2. Will all of the uses allowed under the proposed rezoning be compatible with other
zones and uses in the surrounding area?
Allowable office uses in the O-1 District
should be compatible with the adjacent RU1 District. However, telecommunication facilities are also allowed as a permitted or
conditional use in the O-1 district and hospitals are also allowed as a conditional use.
3. Will public services and facilities be significantly adversely impacted by a development or use
allowed under the requested rezoning?
The proposed expansion of the O-1 zoning should have no greater impact on most of the public
services and facilities available in the area than the existing RU-1 zoning. However, Evanston
Drive may become more congested if it provides direct access to non-residential development
4. Will the uses allowed under the proposed rezoning be equally or better suited to the area
than uses allowed under the current zoning District?
The overwhelming majority of the uses allowed under the proposed O-1 zoning should be equally or
better suited to the general area than the uses allowed under the existing RU-1 zoning, given the size
of the subject properties. The only exceptions are
telecommunication facilities. However, it should be
noted that those facilities can already be sited on the
eastern half of those two properties.
Staff Recommendation – Based upon this analysis, staff advises the Blackman Charter Township Planning Commission
to recommend APPROVAL of the rezoning to Office (O-1):
Suggested Actions:
(1) Recommend APPROVAL
(2) Recommend DISAPPROVAL
(3) Recommend APPROVAL WITH
(4) Take NO ACTION
Note: It may be prudent to encourage sole access to the properties via Laurence Avenue as they are
developed, limiting Evanston Drive to residential traffic. At the present time, neither Section
5.13, Access to Public Streets, or Section 5.20, Curb Cuts and Driveways, of the Zoning Ordinance
limit access to through (i.e., double-frontage) lots to a single road or street. The Township may
wish to address this issue in the near future.
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2013 - 6:00 pm
Members present: Ambs, Bachus, Brockie, Decker
Members absent: Williams
Others Present: Dan Gough, Zoning Administrator
list of names present in file.
Motion by Brockie, supported by, Ambs to approve the Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting
held on September 5, 2013.
Roll Call: Ayes 3, Nays 0 Motion Carried.
Vanant Land / Evanston Dr - Parcels # 000-08-32-203-011-00 and 000-08-32-203-012-00
Requested by: Howard Ivey
The applicant presented their request.
Mary Woodring, 1024 Evanston Dr spoke about her concern that the Planning Commission not allow an
entrance off of Evanston Dr.
Motion by: Ambs, Supported by: Brockie, to concur with the recommendation from Region @ Planning
and approve the request for zoning change for RU-1 to O-1.
Roll Call: 3 Ayes, 0 Nays - Motion Carried.
An agent for some of the Townships Used Car Dealers requested the Planning Commission to review
Section 5.9 - Storage of Materials, Section 5.9(d) to possibly reduce the setback currently required.
Planning Commission asked the Zoning Administrator to have Region 2 to review Section 5.9 - Storage of
Materials and make a recommendation on possible changes.
The Planning Commission revied the final section of the ordinance. All changes were noted and document
will be presented for adoption at the next meeting.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:34 pm
Scott Ambs, Secretary