The Fab Baobab
The Fab Baobab
The Fab Baobab 4 Commonly known as the „upside down tree‟ the Baobab is a vital tool for communities living across rural Africa. 2 5 But just how much do you know about the fab Baobab? Click on the numbers and discover the many secrets it has to hold… 8 9 7 1 3 6 The Fab Baobab The Baobab tree gets slimmer in the summer sun. TRUE or FALSE 1 The Fab Baobab The Baobab tree gets slimmer in the summer sun. TRUE or INCORRECT 1 The Fab Baobab TRUE! In winter the Baobab drinks lots of water, and stores it in the trunk– making it thicker. In the summer, when there is less water around, the Baobab uses the water it stored in the winter, so it gets thinner! The Fab Baobab The leaves of the Baobab are very small, some no bigger than 5cm long. TRUE or FALSE 2 The Fab Baobab The leaves of the Baobab are very small, some no bigger than 5cm long. TRUE or FALSE 2 The Fab Baobab FALSE! The leaves of the Baobab can be up to 10cm long. They can be used as an ingredient in a cooking sauce. They can also be used as a medicine to treat: • Fever • Stomach ache • Diaorreah • Asthma 2 The Fab Baobab The average life-expectancy of a Baobab tree is 500 years TRUE or FALSE 3 The Fab Baobab The average life-expectancy of a Baobab tree is 500 years INCORRECT or FALSE 3 The Fab Baobab FALSE! The Baobab is very difficult to kill, and they have been known to live for over 2,000 years! However, when a Baobab does die, it‟s very sudden. They rot from the inside and crash to the ground with a THUMP. The Fab Baobab 4 The Baobab can grow up to 50m tall. TRUE or FALSE The Fab Baobab 4 The Baobab can grow up to 50m tall. INCORRECT or FALSE The Fab Baobab 20m FALSE! The Baobab can grow up to 20m tall. It has also been known to grow 15m in girth (all the way around the trunk). The Fab Baobab The fruit from the Baobab tree can be used as a medicine, a drink and musical instrument! TRUE or FALSE 5 The Fab Baobab The fruit from the Baobab tree can be used as a medicine, a drink and musical instrument! TRUE or INCORRECT The Fab Baobab TRUE! The fruit of the Baobab has many uses: • It makes a refreshing and nutritious drink. • It can be used a medicine to treat the common cold. • The seeds can be used to make flour. • The hard shell can be used as a container, and is often turned into a musical instrument! The Fab Baobab The roots of the Baobab are used to make dye for textiles and paint. TRUE or FALSE 6 The Fab Baobab The roots of the Baobab are used to make dye for textiles and paint TRUE or INCORRECT 6 The Fab Baobab TRUE! The roots of the Baobab are crushed in order to make a dye for textiles and paint. The Fab Baobab The wood from the Baobab is used to make canoes and paper. TRUE or FALSE 7 The Fab Baobab The wood from the Baobab is used to make canoes and paper. TRUE or INCORRECT 7 The Fab Baobab TRUE! The wood from the Baobab is ideal for making paper and canoes. It can also be used as a firewood, and in great for firing pottery. However, the wood from the Baobab is only usually only used after the tree has died. The Fab Baobab The bark of the Baobab tree is the only part that has no real use – it can‟t be turned into anything! TRUE or FALSE 8 The Fab Baobab The bark of the Baobab tree is the only part that has no real use – it can‟t be turned into anything! INCORRECT or FALSE 8 The Fab Baobab FALSE! The bark from the Baobab can be used to make a strong rope. This means that people can: • pull water from wells • tie furniture joints together • make rafts The bark can also be used as a medicine to treat fever. The Fab Baobab Local villagers often hollow out the trunk of the Baobab tree and use it as a cold store room. TRUE or FALSE 9 The Fab Baobab Local villagers often hollow out the trunk of the Baobab tree and use it as a cold store room. TRUE or INCORRECT 9 The Fab Baobab TRUE! In older trees the trunk is normally hollowed out because it provides a great cold store for food and drink. 9 The Fab Baobab CONGRATULATIONS! You are now an expert on the Baobab tree. Did you know that one tree could do so much?! In fact, locals often call the Baobab “The Nurse” because so many of its parts can be used for medicine. Because of its huge size and many uses, the Baobab tree is very important to communities in Africa.