JUNE 1982 VOL.5 NO.2 quarterly a bulletin of the IEEE computer society technical committee batabase Engineering Contents Engine~ring Data Management Project within the IPAD Activities 2 HR. Johnson and D.L. Berr,hardt Using Retational Database a Circuit System for 10 Design A. Haskin and R. Lone Performance of Database in VLSI Systems A. Beetem, J. Management 15 Design Milton, and G. Wiederhold Using a Relational Database Management System for Computer Aided Design Data 21 A. Guttman and M. Stonebraker DAVID: Design integrated R.H. Katz Aids to VLSI Databases using 29 Associate Editors, Chairperson, Technical Committee on Database Database Engineering Engineering Batory Prof. Jane Liu Prof. Don Digital Computer Laboratory University of Illinois Dept. Urbana, III. 61801 University (217) 333-0135 Gainesville, Florida 32611 of Computer and Information Sciences of Florida (904) 392-5241 Prof. Alan Hevner College of Business and Management University of Maryland College Park, Maryland 20742 Editor-in-Chief, Database (301) 454-6258 Engineering Dr. Won Kim Dr. David Reiner IBM Research Sperry K55-282 100 North Road 5600 Cottle Road Sudbury, San Jose, Calif. 95193 Research Center Mass. 01776 (617) 369-4000 x353 (408) 256-1507 Randy Katz Dept. of Computer Science University of Wisconsin Prof. Madison, Wisconsin 53706 (608) 262-0664 in contributions Database Opinions expressed of the IEEE vidual author rather than the official Engineering Bulletin is a quarterly publication Computer Society Technical Committee on Database Engineering. Its scope of interest includes: data structures and models, access strategies, access control techniques, database architecture, database machines, intelligent front ends, mass storage for very large data bases, distributed database systems and techniques, database software design and implementation, database utilities, database security and related areas. Contribution to the Bulletin is hereby solicited. News items, letters, technical papers, book reviews, meeting previews, summaries, case studies, etc., should be sent to the Editor. All letters to the Editor will be considered for publication unless accompanied by trary. Technical papers are a request unrefereed. to the con are those of the indi position of the TC on Computer Society, or Database Engineering, the IEEE organizations with which the author Membership may be affiliated. Engineering Technical Commit Computer Society members, student in Database tee is open to IEEE members, and associate members. (Application form in this issue.) from Letter This the tional to the of issue is Newsletter Engineering how Data database design Database Editor Guest environment. We in Academia and have of reports to current research Industry: Boeing Computer groups Research at San Jose, Stanford University, U.C. I.B.M. and the University of Wisconsin—Madison. five The papers fall into their design describe requirements, The papers design data from from the three viewpoint I.B.M. and The categories. and environment of the Wisconsin group data its CAD come systems built to very from Services, Berkeley, from Boeing management applications builder. describe The by database being people. from Stanford and address Berkeley, papers, whether conventional database systems can provide formance for CAD applications. Interestingly groups devoted Management, i.e., Design apply tradi the to new applications area of system techniques of topic the the to support two remaining the question of adequate per enough, the two conclusions! different these is two by immediately struck constructed hierarchically design “complex objects (e.g., “composite objects”, objects”, “ragged relations”, hierarchy”), and the pervasive need to keep “design “reasonable.” costs accessing reading In themes: common All of these are just into database them. papers beginning system data research as Design database reports, for support to are one snapshots structures. management we enter the of We works—in—progress. how and problems they map of We are far from solving all is beccming an important area of understand the mid—1980s. Yours truly, J~1 Randy H. Madison, 1 in Data Engineering Management Activities Within the IPAD Project H. R. 3ohnson D. L. Bernhardt Boeing Computer Services Seattle, Washington ABSTRACT In this paper summarize we the research and management systems by the IPAD project 1.0 the at development in engineering Boeing Company. data base Introduction 1976 NASA awarded the Boeing Company a contract to develop IPAD (Integrated Programs for Aerospace-Vehicle Design). The specific goal of IPAD was to increase productivity in the United States aerospace industry through the application of computers to manage engineering data. The contract included a requirement for Boeing to form an Industrial Technical Advisory Board (ITAB) to guide the development of IPAD Members of ITAB represent major manufacturing (aerospace and other) and i] computer companies. NASA, Boeing, and ITAB have worked together since that time to analyze engineering design methodologies; to establish requirements for integrated, computer based systems for managing engineering data, and develop software to Results have included development of the RIM and IPIP demonstrate these concepts. In . data base management communication. comprehensive 2.0 and systems network a facility IPAD documentation and software is in the discussion of IPAD Requirements for objectives Engineering Data and for public intertask mu1ti-~st domain. ee2] for a products. Management Early in the IPAD contract, the engineering design process was analyzed and a This requirements for engineering data management were identified. The following briefly summarizes these requirements. documented number of work was n3 4]. , Some of the more obvious requirements included: scientific data types for both scatar and non-scalar FORTRAN interface; support for selection elements in matricies; support for a (large matricies) attributes; projection of data with respect to specific defining and manipulating geometry data and interfacing graphic display systems. and this with design drafting and Multiple levels and styles of data description are required to provide for differing data requirements and for data independence to support a variety of users in a dynamic environment. Specifically, the network and relational data models are required. ‘This work is funded under NASA contract NASI-14700. 2Correspondence Boeing Company, may be addressed to the IPAD Program Management P. 0. Box 24346, Seattle, WA 98124, M/S 73-03 2 Office, The dividing a data base into logical partitions, each containing data A logical partition, referred to in the following as a an engineering task. include “data set”, may tuples/records from one or more relations/record types. A relation/record type may span data sets. Facilities must be provided to restrict access Support is required for associated with to data sets. This meta-data may user description of data sets. include information such as sources, uses, time of creation, and the quality of data in the data set. The data manager must support user access to this meta-data. The data manager must also support required to support the iterative nature of the design process. provide for efficient access to versioned data sets while manager minimizing physical redundancy across versions. Comparative analysis of versions of a data set should be supported, along with facilities for tracking the history of change to a particular design. Versioning The of data sets is data must supported to release (approve or sign off) a data set and to insure changed once released. New versions may be created and modified to design changes. A mechanism must be that it cannot be record Long term archival of data sets must be supported by the data manager. Archived data Data describing archived data sets must be sets must be available upon user demand. available for online perusal. The data manager must support interactive retrieval and and ad hoc queries. update to support interactive design The data manager must support distributed processing in a loosely coupled network of heterogeneous machines so that data may be communicated between geographically dispersed divisions of the same firm as well as firms which have received subcontracts for portions of the design work. The data set is one natural unit of transfer within the network. A uniform interface to system facilities should be of the system and communication with other provided to facilitate learning and use users. To support the total CAD/CAM environment, the data manager must also provide support to manufacturing in the traditional sense in terms of providing support for shop scheduling, accounting material requirements planning, inventory control of finished goods, and the function. It must also provide for the generation of machine tapes to aid in the transfer of the design which exists in the data base to the tools which will machine the parts of the designed product. See 5] for a more complete description of these requirements. Finally, the data This should include manager must triggering on provide capabilities user meta-data so to support project management. that the creation of data sets may be scheduled and progress monitored by the system. 3.0 The RIM Data Base Management System The RIM (Relational Information Managment) data base management system was developed on the IPAD project to explore relational data base concepts prior to the development of IPIP. RIM has been enhanced by the University of Washington and The 3 Boeing Company in cooperation with ITAB and the IPAD Project. A RIM data base may be accessed in read mode by multiple base is restricted to single user, when it is opened for update. RIM supports a single level of data definition. Schema definition may be entered and modified Rules Relations users. are Access to the data organized interactively through a into schemas. menu relationships within and between relations may be declared. constraints, although the user may turn rule checking off and on. data on used as RIM provides several scientific support also supports a tolerance approximation of equality. It types. specified interface. can be Rules capabilities with its matrix, vector, and real data capability which supports qualification by user- algebra-level (including join) and calculus-level (excluding join) data through an interactive interface, along with facilities for manipulation RIM supports the calculus-level data manipulation commands retrieved data. formatting RIM offers both commands for FORTRAN programs via subroutine calls. RIM is written available on primarily several hosts: RIM have been many of these FORTRAN supplied to organizations. The IPIP Data Base Management 4.0 The 66, but will compile in FORTRAN 77. It CDC, UNIVAC, VAX, and PRIME. More than 130 copies universities and corporations. RIM is used on a daily basis in IPIP (IPAD Information time over manage engineering IPIP supports multiple data models, user access which may through interfaces in a distributed environment. supported. Composite objects called structures, multiple tuples from multiple relations, may be declared and Scientific data types and arrays of base management system is intended to CAD and CAM environments. To this end, levels of schemas, and concurrent, multiple data multiple through multiple application consist in System Processor) data is of are manipulated as entities to manage geometry and other scientific data. Data may be partitioned logically into data sets to support concurrent access, versioning, releasing, a general description of IPIP. and archival procedures. See 6]for developed a general purpose network facility for intertask communication in a IPAD network has been The hetergeneous distributed processing environment. of ISO with accordance in layered protocol. Access to IPIP specifications implemented for network. See a general description of the this data via is and IPIP-managed 7] written network the are IPIP and network facility. primarily in Pascal. IPAD has 1PJP is in early stages of release and consequently example, the latest version of IPIP supports not versioning, releasing, or archival; and some is in an evolutionary state. For locking aspects of data sets, but facilities for the declaration and of the initial integration testing. Application interfaces are limited to FORTAN programs. IPIP proper, its schema compilers, and CDC and DEC FORTRAN precompilers execute on CDC CYBER series machines operating under the NOS operating system. DEC VAX 11 FORTRAN programs against the CYBER-resident data manipulation of structures are in base may be submitted via the IPAD network from a VAX 11/780 (operating under the VMS operating system) and then executed on the VAX, DML commands being forwarded to the CYBER for execution and results being returned via the network to the VAX. 4 Application Currently, 4.1 programs IPIP is Compliance submit and executing only in receive a test data in native environment at the machine Boeing representation. IPAD site. With Standards objective of IPIP has been compatibility with specifications for data manipulation languages which seem to be leading to a standard. It was felt that this approach would take advantage of previous work and tested constructs, would facilitate migration between standard compliant systems and IPIP, and should facilitate incorporation of IPIP extensions into standards. Given the work of CODASYL and ANSI committees and the relationships between these committees, and given the engineering requirement for a FORTRAN interface, the IPIP Logical Schema Language (LSL) was based upon a subset of the 1978 CODASYL DDL 8] and the IPIP Data Manipulation Language (DML) was based on a subset of the 1978 Extensions and departures from these specifications CODASYL FORTRAN DML 9] Some of these are discussed in the following sections. were made in some instances. One major definition and . 4.2 Integration of User Interfaces and Capabilities Integration has been a major objective of IPIP: integration of user interfaces and A single Logical Schema Language (LSL) and Data integration of capabilities. Manipulation Language (DML) supports both the relational and network data models and applications, be they interactive or written in one of several programming languages. The LSL is used at both the conceptual and external levels of data definition Internal Schema Language (ISL) resembles the LSL as nearly as possible. features such as the structure-defined composite objects for geometry are with other data mangement . The Scientific integrated capabilities. Most aspects of data definition and data data ioJ manipulation are invariant are or very similar models, application environments, and logical and physical descriptions. The DATA MODEL clause in the LSL determines which data model specific constructs (e.g., CODASYL set or relational foreign key) may be used in a particular schema. Relational across The HOST corresponding network constructs. specifies which host language rules must be used in a particular schema to name relations and attributes and to specify data types. (Alternate, host-independent names may be specified for readibility.) An application treats both a simple object and a structure-defined composite object in the same way (i.e., as a relation/record). model specific constructs resemble LANGUAGE clause in the LSL and ISL The advantages of this integration are several: less language to learn for users of multiple data definition and/or data manipulation environments; uniformity of semantics across environments; access to common data at any level of logical schema through any IPIP-supported data model or application environment; support for the shop where just one data model and/or application environment is desired; availability of capabilities traditionally ascribed to one environment in other environments; commonality in implementation supporting multiple environments. Data Architecture ~ 4.3 By data architecture we mean the framework for configuring data manipulation. Data definition for IPIP is organized into schemas, together to provide data independence and various views of data. commands appear in application programs and interactive sessions. 5 definition and data which Data may be tied manipulation There three types of IPIP schemas: internal, logical, and mapping. The IPIP internal to the internal schema of the ANSI DBSG 10] and the storage of the CODASYL DDLC IPIP logical schemas correspond to ANSI are schema corresponds schema s] . The conceptual and external schemas and also to CODASYL schemas and subschemas. IPIP mapping schema is used for mapping between schemas of the other two types. IPIP data base is described by logical schemas mapped application program or session may An levels of Logical schemas to arrangement can be provide single level of internal schemas and one or more underlying logical and/or internal schemas. An be formulated against logical schemas at any level. a to configured for in the centralized comprehensive, base—level logical (conceptual) ANSI definition and of CODASYL tree structure data base a through a schema. configurations of logical schemas can be coupled by mapping one logical multiple logical schemas or by invoking multiple logical schemas in a single application program or session. This provides for decentralized definition of a data base This coupling capability may be used for a variety or of a federation of data asesll]. of purposes ranging from integration of existing data bases with minimal change to data definition, to decentralization of data administration over multiple clusters of shared and/or private data. Multiple tree schema to The to vary the depth of logical schemas supports control of data independence data cluster. The ability to couple logical schemas horizontally supports control independence of data and data administration across data clusters -additional over of ability a independence. Data independence is enhanced in both cases by mapping schemas, since change often involves only interschema mappings. dimensions of JPIP provides for the use pre-runtime binding of programs and logical schemas. Programs regardless of whether underlying schemas have been bound. of may be bound at runtime Together, the richness of the IPIP data architecture along with IPIP binding options permits tradeoffs between degrees of data independence and the overhead of creating, maintaining, and referencing data description. 4.4 The Support for Multiple Data Models IPIP LSL and DML support both the relational and network data models. These languages were based on subsets of the 1978 CODASYL DDL and FORTRAN DML Included were those CODASYL constructs supporting sets for which specifications. relationships are determined by states (value or null) of corresponding attributes in Constructs specific to other set selection criteria were excluded. owner and members. Inclusion of some constructs (e.g., for set ordering and for multiple member types) was deferred for one reason or another. and RETENTION clauses which specify constraints on members with/from owners were retained and extended with respect to the handling of null attributes and dovetailed with an IPIP extension (MEMBERSHIP clause), which provides for member records to be put into ownerless ‘potential’ set occurrences and to be associated automatically by IPIP with an owner when it is created as well as providing for the CODASYL option where owner must exist whenever member does (referential integrity in relational terminology). IPIP extensions include explicit clauses governing IPIP propagation (both from owner to member and The CODASYL INSERTION association/disassociation of 6 owner) member to of record deletion. system propagation bidirectional For The CODASYL SOURCE clause which owner to member was extended to of item state from provides provide for for propagation. support of the relational data model, a FOREIGN KEY clause was using syntax which retained the relational flavor of the concept, but Clauses were included to specify insertion, retention, and syntax. direct more included in the LSL paralleled set membership options in terms of item states. Propagation of record (tuple) item state may be specified relative to foreign keys as well as to sets. deletion and provides for operations relative to foreign keys (by name) paralleling CODASYL operations relative to sets. A WHERE phrase was incorporated into the IPIP FIND, FETCH, MODIFY, and DELETE commands to support specification of more general conditions for calculus-level operations. Relation name in a DML command may be qualified by a cursor name to support program definition of multiple relations, concurrently, over a single schema-defined relation. The IPIP DML included in the LSL to govern which data model dependent foreign key, or both) may be used in a particular schema. A DATA MODEL clause (i.e., constructs set, was treated as synonyms in IPIP languages, and may be used A DOMAIN clause, which was model specified. interchangeably regardless included in the LSL and ISL to provide for user-declaration of data types, may be used with either data model. And it is intended that in future releases of IPIP that regardless of data model specified, DML commands across relations (records) may be expressed either in the CODASYL style of referencing schema-declared relationships (e.g., FETCH ‘RELATION’ and ‘RECORD’ are of data items of A, items of B VIA (name of) schema-declared set or foreign key relating A and is the criteria defining that relationship) or in the relational B; where in-line of style specification of relationship criteria (e.g., FETCH items of A, items of B a1=b1, WHERE a1=b1, The unified an=bn ... ... a~=b~). approach in fully 4.5 Other Scientific Currently, attributes arrays. this time. join is not available at this time. support for the network and relational data models is described 6, 12]. more or to The full relational Capabilities of IPIP relations may be integer, real, character, or boolean scalars projection on individual elements of an array is not supported at Selection and capabilities for data set partitions of a data base are supported. A data set is implicitly on first user access. Data set intersections with relations are the Access by data set is supported by IPIP indexing units of locking data for read/update. (B-tree). IPIP indexing and address conversion structures have been designed to support access to versions of data sets while minimizing physical redundancy of data across versions. Data sets may be used in specifying data to be processed by a prototype for facility transferring data between IPIP and RIM data bases. Initial declared supported to manage geometry and other a logical schema to consist of tuples from a network of relations related tree or as by foreign keys. A structure may also be defiiied in terms of records and sets. A relation/record in one logical schema may be mapped to Such a relation/record is said to be structure-defined. A a structure in another schema. is (retrieval and update) as an entity through operations on a structure manipulated Composite objects scientific data. called structures are A structure is defined in 7 structure-defined relation; the A user accesses commands used structure-defined data at the on non-structure defined records. entity (e.g., surface, curve, segment) level. command may result in IPIP processing of multiple underlying tuples as schema-declared constraints and propagated actions for relations and single user specified by foreign keys within A when same the user On store, IPIP will generate values for unique keys will sequence retrieved data according to schema the structures-defined record. User productivity is the structure. does not. IPIP specification for inclusion in enhanced through support of entities which are natural to his application. Data integrity is enhanced through definition of structure processing in the schema, as opposed to complicated command sequences being embedded in numerous applications. 5.0 Distributed Processing Some initial capabilities for distributed processing are in place. This includes the IPAD network and the VAX interface to CYBER data bases (see Section 4.5). The ability to loosely couple IPIP data bases (see Section 4.3) has extensive potential for distributed data management. A prototype facility is available for transferring data between IPIP and RIM data bases One area for further investigation here is the use of IPIP on a copy and replace basis. and RIM in tandem to manage global and local data bases; data sets being copied to RIM for local locks on use. Questions arise as to the implications data sets which span program executions. 8 for versioning of data sets and/or REFERENCES i] W. E. Swanson. 2] R. E. Miller. “Industry Involvement in IPAD Through the Industry Technical Advisory Board”, Proceedings of IPAD National Symposium, NASA Conference Publication 2143 September 1980, pages 21-26. “IPAD Products and IPAD National pages 219—234. 3] D. D. Symposium, Implications for the Future”, NASA Conference Publication Meyer. “Reference Design Process”, IPAD Proceedings of 2143 September 1980, Document D6-IPAD-70010-D March 1977. 4] 3. W. Southall. “Integrated D6-IPAD-70012-D 5] T. R. Data Fisher, E. Information Processing Requirements”, IPAD Document June 1977. G. McKenna, D. D. Management Requirements”, Meyer, and 3. E. Schweitzer. IPAD Document “Manufacturing D6-IPAD-70038-D December 1981. 6] D. L. Comfort, H. R. 7] F. M. Ives, D. M. Kirkwood, and 3. G. Tanner. “Executive and Communication Service to Support the IPAD Environment”, Proceedings of IPAD National Johnson, and D. D. Shull. “An System”, Proceedings of IPAD National Symposium, 2143 pages 145-178, September 1980. Engineering Data Management NASA Conference Publication Symposium, NASA Conference Publication 2143 September 1980, pages 95-144~. 8] 9] 10] ii] 12] 13] CODASYL Data January 1978. Description Language Committee. CODASYL COBOL Committee. A. Kiug Report “Journal of “Journal of Development”, Development”, October 1978. Tsichritzis, Editors. “The ANSI/X3/SPARC DBMS Framework”, the Study Group on Data Base Management Systems AFIPS Press, 1977. and D. of Heimbigner and D. McLeod. “A Federated Architecture for Data Base Systems”, Proceedings of the National Computer Conference 1980, pages D. 283-289. Larson, and 3. D. Lawrence. “Network and Relational Data Modeling in a Common Data Base Architecture Environment”, Sperry Univac Research Report TMAOO72O, Roseville MN. March 1979. H. R. Johnson, 3. A. Herron, 3. E. Schweitzer, and E. R. Warkentine. “An Approach for Management of Geometry Data”, Proceedings of IPAD National Symposium, NASA Conference Publication 2143 September 1980, pages 179-202. R. P. Dube, G. 3. 9 Using a Relational Database System for Circuit Design Roger Haskin Raymond Lone Research IBM 5600 San The revolution threaten The to make circuit in Cottle Road Jose 95193 technology poses problems that design automation systems obsolete. fabrication conventional many CA complexity of modern computer systems increases both the of data to be managed and the number of designers accessing the Also, the long turnaround time necessary to correct chip design requires extensive simulation to be done prior to circuit fabri size amount data. errors and Data cation. network necessary specification remain consistent as to (i.e. the the parts simulation and must wires), and be correlated this difficulty of adapting the usually ad-hoc data management existing design systems to handle larger designs has in interest employing modern database technology on their of while many However, tive for manage use in data facili created behalf. modern database systems make them attrac environment, the fact that they were intended to features design a business the design evolves. The ties to correlation must of compromise their ability to be integrated into a design system. At 1]) IBM to San Jose improve 2]. described in in the process of modifying System R are we Some of this work is ability to handle design data. briefly, the extensions we are making include: Research, its Complex Objects are a facility that allows the user to declare and to specify structural relationships among semantically related data. Fig. 1 shows a logic block). complex object for a simplified ‘module’ (e.g. Complex objects are implemented by defining three new column types. The I’IODULES.tiID, PARTS.PID, FUNCTIONS.FID, and SIGNALS.SID columns are all of The PARTS.MID, SIGNALS.I’IID, FUNCTIONS.PID, AND the new type IDENTIFIER. all of PINS.FID are type COMP_OF, denoting that the tuples in these hierarchical descendents of relations are (i.e. of) components higher-level objects (e.g. a pin belongs to a function residing on a part is PINS.SID of of a module). type REF. which is used to express The complex object mechanism allows parti non-hierarchical references. the relations (e.g. object PARTS, containing components tioning FUNCTIONS, etc.), and expressing the connectivity among elements of the partitions (e.g. saying which gates are wired to which). Fig. 2 shows a small example fragment of a logic diagram expressed in this schema. Entries in the MID, PID, FID, and SID columns are shown as integers, but are (machine id, timestamp). really system generated unique values Complex objects retain the use of value matching to define the partitions and connections, and also retains the relational query language to perform data manipulation (although see the comment below). However, by defining the object structure to the system, it is possible to provide enhanced performance and integrity checking. 10 MODULES MID~ MODULE 1 NAME PARTS PID~’1ID~ PART NAME SIGNALS LSID~ SIGNAL NAME ] FUNCTI ONS rFIDIPID~ FUNCTION NAME 1 PINS LFID~PIN PIN Fig. 1 - NAME ~SID~I/Q~ Complex Object Conversational Transactions. be highly and A is database transaction inconsistent. is defined b. the design Logic Designs database is likely to the period during which the System designed for transactions that complete quickly (i.e. fractions of a second), R only a few records, inputs that are known address two problems of standard a. of Gedanken This poses problems for the transaction management control facilities of System R (as it would for most other access and Use for interactive. concurrency systems). Schema have in to span was advance. transaction Conversational transactions management: Changes made by a transaction can be backed out (e.g. due to system Backout is intolerable when the transaction spans an incon crashes). sistency due to a long series of interactively entered changes. It is standard practice to suspend (block) a transaction attempting to locked object until the lock is acquired (i.e. a rather than access informing the transaction and letting it decide what do). Interactive users would undoubtedly find such suspensions bothersome. applications, the programts data access patterns map In these situations, complex objects. complex objects are a more appropriate lock granularity than relations or tuples. The heart of conversational the mechanism transaction is a facility for acquiring locks on entire complex objects, thus including them in the lock graph Conversational locks 2,3]). persist past end of transaction until An attempt to acquire a conversational explicitly re1eased by the user. lock on an already locked object returns an error rather than suspending In most well interactive onto the transaction. Database-Data many done base Structure Interface. To achieve adequate performance, (e.g. display management, simulation) will probably be using memory-resident data structures. Perhaps the overriding data issue is how fast these structures can be built from data performance functions 11 SID~ L~1 FID FID PID 117 23 81 23 59 71 PIN FUNCTION NA?IE SID I/O 117 3 Yl 21 0 81 4 A2 21 I 59 2 CK 21 I in 2 - database. the STROBE 2inp. NAND 2inp. NAND D FF w/ P,Clr PIN NA?IE Fig. SIGNAL NAI’IE Complex Object Fragment The overhead of the for a Signal Path record-at-a-time SQL interface systems) high to allow adequate performance. We are therefore providing an object-oriented interface to allow a data from the data in one complex object or a set of structure to be built addition In to creating a data structure from complex objects, objects. this interface will provide language constructs to initialize elements in the structures that do not contain data from the database, and will auto matically translate structural interrelationships defined in the complex object into pointers in the data structure. (shared by most is other Storing Non-Coded Data. In too common with most business-oriented data R has only rudimentary facilities for handling management systems, System the non-coded data necessary to many phases of the design process (e.g. simulation checkpoint data, circuit mask patterns). System R’s facili ties for managing non-coded data are being modified to greatly improve performance on updates, to support data items of essentially unlimited length (2+ Gb), and to manage data stored outside of System R (e.g. in VSAM datasets). Preliminary Results A will description of these extensions is available in 2], and However, experience with the design gained repeated here. implementation effort have led us to several interesting obser detailed not during be the vations. Our tuple original intent was to implement complex objects by giving each the object a unique identifier, and handling structural naviga in 12 (e.g. retrieving all tuples in a relation belonging to a given object) using joins. This is, of course, the way a user would implement This proved unsatisfactory such objects on top of a relational system. for three reasons: the space overhead of storing identifiers in tuples of large objects, the time overhead of performing a join (or at least consulting an index) to follow a reference, and the fact that duplicating an object would have required a network copy, generating new identifiers therefore implemented intra-object and resolving references to them. we the ‘object map’ The object called access paths using a special table, the for each in root tuple occupy tuple object (the map contains an entry The ing the first entry), each entry holding the tuple’s address (TID). tioii . user they that thinks contain links (to an at duplicating COMPOF index two most the and into tuples REF the object I/O’s) and columns contain and in fact speeds following logical copying an object by merely the the new tuples are as map map. enables rebuilding identifiers, but This created. interesting question involves the suitability of the relation Consider the query language for performing queries on complex objects. all modules wish select in 1. to shown we Further, suppose object Fig. than This would is connected ten where to an more inputs. output pin the following SQL query: require Another al SELECT UNIQUE MODULE NAME ,PARTS ,FUNCTIONS ,PINS P1 FROM MODULES WHERE MODULES.MID = PARTS.PID FUNCTIONS.PID = FUNCTIONS.FID = PINS.FID < only is AND AND = FROM PINS WHERE P2.10 P2 this query ‘I’ = P2.SID Not AND ‘0’ AND (SELECT COUNT (UNIQUE PNID) PINS.IO 10 PARTS.MID = AND Pl.SID); clumsy, requiring explicit coding of the joins necessary for navigating from the pins to the modules containing them, but they do not even map well into the access path that will be used since, as above, the root tuple is known to be the first entry in the It therefore appeared desirable to provide improved facili object map. ties for maneuvering in complex objects, for example: mentioned FROM UNIQUE MODULE NAME MODULES,PINS P1 WHERE MODULE.NID SELECT PINS.IO 10 < = = ‘0’ ROOT OF(PINID) AND AND (SELECT example schema and queries are rather contrived, we are in investigating using the extended System R to manage data process for a large internal design system. Preliminary estimates show that in addition to the added integrity offered by complex objects, the perform ance will be dramatically better than it would be for a comparable schema Although the the of 13 using INTEGER object map. columns and rather joins than IDENTIFIER, and etc. the Summary We believe the System R extensions described here overcome many of problems conventional database systems have in managing design data. particular, 1. 2. By defining the structure of objects to the performance, structural integrity, and ease ming can be. achieved. Complex objects In improvements in applications program system, of appropriate unit of locking in many cases tuples. Object locks were used to implement conversational transactions, which greatly improve the ability of the system to be used interactively. than 3. the are are relations Providing the large objects a more or ability to sets of build program data structures directly from objects, and allowing non-coded data to be stored and retrieved efficiently and in synchronization with the tran saction and recovery mechanism enhance the performance and utility of the database system for many common design operations. or References 1. Astrahan, M. N., Management,’ ACM 1976, 2. et. ‘System al., Transactions on R: Relational Database Approach Systems, Vol. 1 Database to No. 2, June pp 97-137. Haskin, R. al Database L., Lone, R. A., System,’ Proc. ‘On Extending the Functions 1982 ACM-SIGMOD Intl. Conf. on of a Relation Management of Data, June 1982. 3. Gray, J. N., Lone, R. A., Putzolu, G. R., and Traiger, I. L., ‘Granu larity of Locks and Degrees of Consistency in a Shared Data Base,’ in Modelling in Data Base Management Systems (G. H. Nijssen, ed.), North Holland, 1976. 14 PERFORMANCE OF DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS IN VLSI DESIGN Anne Beetem Jack Milton Gio Wiederhold I. Introduction. VLSI custom need design involves the manipulation of large invest 4 to 30 to man years for methodologies infeasible Sch79]. The microprocessor design makes single-designer oriented The effort to communicate concepts and data among multiple design specialists probably contributes significantly certain to grow volumes of diverse interrelated data. to the design cost, and the volume of data is refinements in fabrication methods allow increases in component count and as heterogeneity. Because database technology has dealt with both the management of large volumes of data and problems caused by concurrency of data effective handling of VLSI design data through the advantages attendant of flexibility, ease of access use Ful8O], Mal8O]), of database management systems with their provisions for use, investigate the we protection, increased data independence, and concurrency control, for example. There VLSI are several key issues which must be addressed if databases There design. seems to be Iitt~e are to become effective tools in disagreement that design systems should exploit hierarchy Additionally, it is of critical importance that the system allow for Kat82]. methodologies so that 1) changes variety of design a be reflected both up and down the at any level can design hierarchy, and 2) different representations of the design (e.g. sticks, layout geometry, circuits, gate logic) are allowed. representations more or less elements at lower levels of change emanating at the Ultimately, a system should automatically e82],Kat82]). design higher levels, maintain Explicit storage for must be avoided in order to because excessive equivalence between these all attributes of all permit effective management of replication of lower level elements vitiates the benefits of hierarchical design methods, and because explicit storage at the gate instance level creates excessive storage demands. To avoid these demands the database system must be able to fetch actually instantiated data, compute potential, non-instantiated data using stored algorithms, “infer” certain parameters of the design Moreover, in order acceptable that the to the to make the move from relationships between elements (See Ko81]). away from design engineering professionals, degradation of performance relative or specialized design files to database systems the performance of the system has to be such to that of gained. 15 specialized files is proportional to the benefits II. Current Work. The main objective of knowledgeably, work is to determine whether commercial database systems, used our perform adequately. can The initial set of experiments has revolved around DEC’s DBMS-20, published CODASYL database definition DBT71]. order to In schema. database obtain correct We spent and a a system based major initial effort to the on design the high performance operation from current commercial systems it is essential that the semantics of the application be modelled carefully before attempting we are to map them into as problems are similar, to model the VLSI believe that the results we importantly, by using More existing specialized design files Due to availability of data and programs, WEM79]. using data from conventional circuit board design many of the well. database schema a this data, and programs we were on the same Language vC79]) is a transistors). The SDL compiler produces contains the we timer), r12 a binary file from chose the PDP-1 1 processor, description: (register files), The CODASYL schema advantage of the network the DBMS-20 database. and equivalent database representation. SDL the control. a if was cpu as are design written in the the specialized control subject, via vC77], levels in the hierarchical and as logical description of each component described the SPRINT database purposes, an described in terms of gates, gates are process comparisons with (Structural Design straightforward hierarchical description language (e.g. registers flip-flops, flip-flops in terms of design data. used were Since process. to the VLSI able to make benchmark We first demonstrated the replacement of design files by Specialized design files of circuit information applicable are design described in SDL a described are described in terms of in SDL. binary file The design which is then loaded into “hardwired” schema. SL79]. There are For test eight different (central processing unit), reg (registers), rf 1 (priority arbiter (flip flops), gate (gates), trans (transistors) and bottom (primitives). modelled closely to the SPRINT schema except for revisions to take The binary file structure. The initial loading of produced by the SDL compiler example took SPRINT the PDP-11 required about four minutes for DBMS-20, which we find was about loaded into one minute acceptable. Reading from the Database The next experiment tested the time i~ takes to both read from and write into the database. macroexpander program Pay8O] component from a was The database. used which first reads the logical description of user then specifies the levels to be expanded. requests that the program expand all levels down logical description of the producing the to a simulator ~rogram. high level Thus, if the user transistor, the resulting output will be the original component described totally description could be the input the first step in to the a A in terms of transistors. This form of Also, in the VLSI environment, this could be layout diagram. The macroexpander program needs to do very many random read operations, component that is being expanded is large and described of expanding the PDP.1 1 and its ALU: 16 at a high level. The especially following are if the the results SPRINT ALIJ time 10 CPU PDP-11 10 time 21s 33s 30 45 time. 66 115 time 120 190 CPU These results show less than a Records DBMS-20 factor of two in degradation Words read read 1514 7754 5925 28501 performance of This is the DBMS-20. an acceptable trade-off for the increased flexibility and generality of CODASYL and disputes the original theories that there would be at least order of an magnitude difference performance. in Writing iat~ the Database To test writing into the database acceptable both in an absolute application of VLSI design, modified so component, it the stores new makes user a is representation some were seconds. changes can corresponding this level (the MUX and the an was design system does not the times would be that hoping In order to simulate In this mode, after the program a were In description. original description at a was tested the ALU are on one the given le~’eI, and were design stores use when of the registers, the ALU. the 40181 and the 40182. When these total read time of 17.4 seconds and times for the 40182 XOR) internal a total write time of 41.3 a Two other pieces at 8.78 and 8.82 seconds. also expanded, and the ALU was expanded again with the in the database. The total read time was 48.0 seconds, We consider that the DBMS-20 implementation showed 203.0 seconds. acceptable performance. Signalling Changes At this stage, we ui resource to all the Database explored implementation of data management facilities specialized design files. A strong motivation for using design participants and design environment. To database is that it provides the data becomes the communication medium in so carry this function a provided by not effectively the database system has to be a down between different hierarchical levels, and sideways between different as a future VLSI augmented with communication paths. These paths may ultimately be oriented in any combination of directions or real a expands choose the appropriate internal description to expanded versions of these lower level pieces and the total write time to the description of expanded, the 40181 gave The tests another as expanded. This scenario Two of the parts in the upper level pieces the SPRINT given device within the database, the macroexpander program this version in the database, the program higher level component as considered how the database would handle instantiations. we that it could write back into the database. atmosphere, if the a control, and relative to the retrieval times. sense To exercise the representation of was a proceeded with the DBMS-20 We have this capability. do not have we representations - - up of a given design. The downward direction is supported by the hierarchical 17 design process, but in practice design changes also flow upwards, and other as instances at oriented needs. performance direction, which relates detail a lower level are We hence have to more abstract modified to satisfy layout, timing, fanout in the developed communication specifications. The creation or upward modification of lower level instances has to be bound to the appropriate higher level elements. We implement this task by signalling scheme. Multiple element may be defined by structures at an higher hierarchical levels The signal of the change level to which the signal the system provides a creates was a exception flag an functional component and at the higher a warning component, One approach to the level parts that that change a a or a new has been made. method to find the signalling problem would be owners upper level components. flagging Ill. parameterization of This is that component. use At structures. a a a a the at that library description. later time, when the level, the introduction of going into further new a component keep track of the upper costly and rigid approach. Alternatively, a design level, appropriate action could then be library description. to have each indirectly and implemented Without An an simple example is directed is accessed by the specialist responsible at that taken; for example, verification of continued correctness version of Wie77]: association of several higher level entities element that is defined from the expansion of an may become involved because a “height first” algorithm detail (See Wie82]), we to developed we signal by flagging indicate some sample times: Dealing Level ALU reg 0.13s MUX,XOR gate 0.9 INV trans 7.1 TN bottom 21.0 with Partially Instantiated Levels. We have written element. elements This are Time Piece procedures which will obtain all dependent instances requires that first all actually instantiated elements an a lower level of some retrieved, and then all other using the macroexpander. Actual instantiations obtained by expansion be stored whenever are at are required to element contains data not derivable from the expansion. This is typically true for elements at the extremes of an otherwise regular structure. transistors, the connection configuration, or some layout detail For such elements the may have to be driving specified. IV. Conclusions and Future Work. The initial approach continues to seem promising: DBMS-20 allowed us to implement both initial designs and modifications relatively quickly and easily. Coupled with the fact that performance has not been badly affected, this has allowed experiments to obtain the us to experiment productively. We expect to use these knowledge needed for eventually designing versatile and complete database systems for VLSI design. Our immediate goals and activities 1.) The database description needs to be expanded 18 to deal with the are the following: signalling procedures. We are expansions using the involved in using 2.) We plan a same incorporate multiple representations and other desirable to reloaded data and timing tests to reaffirm the passage of information using procedures. design), our we plan information in order to handle different representations of the schema is 4.) We designed to facilitate this in the process of to test the same design in “sideways” passage of a unified The manner. investigation. acquiring relational database management systems and wish to do experiments with those systems. similar 5.) are theory that the overhead development of systems for maintaining equivalence between representations (for instance the logical and layout aspects of new our commercial database is not prohibitive. investigate to With the 3.) Be81J the schema further developing We would like to develop further ways to manage queries that access partially instantiated, computable and/or retrievable elements. References Be81] Approach to Communication in VLSI Design: Part II The Schema”, Stanford University, Department of Computer Science, Internal Report, Beetem, Anne: New “A Database - 1981. Be82] Beetem, John: “Structured Design of Electronic Systems Using Isomorphic Multiple Representations”, Stanford University, Electrical Engineering Department, PhD Thesis, January 1982. DBTG(71): Report of the CODASYL Database Task Group, available from ACM, NY lAG, Amsterdam, April 1971. DBT71] Fu180] Fulton, Robert E.: and Aeronautics, “National Meeting to Review IPAD Status and Goals”, Astronautics July/August 1980. Kat82] Katz, Randy H.: “A Database Approach tor Managing VLSI Design Data”, Design Automation Conference Proceedings, June 1982. Kó81] Koenig, Wolfgang and Raymond Mallmann, Felix P.: System”, “Storage of VLSI Physical Designs Laboratory, unpublished report, 1981. “The Management of Engineering The Seventeenth Design The Nineteenth A. Lone: Relational Database’, IBM Research Ma180] or Changes Using Automation Conference Proceedings, the in a Primus pp. 348-366, June 1980. Pay8O] Payne, - Thomas: Pascal Engineering Department, macroexpander program, Stanford University, (Computer Systems Laboratory), CIS, 1980. Electrical CSL Sch79] Scheffer, Lou: SL79] Slutz, Eric: SDL description of DEC PDP-1 1, Stanford University, CSL, CIS, 1979. “Database Considerations for VLSI Design”, Design Automation at Stanford, ed. W. vanCleemput, Stanford CSL Technical Report No. 178, 1979. 19 vC77] vanCleemput, W., T.C. Bennett, J.A. Hupp, and K.R. Stevens: “SPRINT: System for Printed Circuit Board Design”, Proc. IEEE Computer Society Software and Applications Conf., pp. 113-119, November 1977. vC79] vanCleemput, W.: SDL: A Structural Design Language for Computer Digital Systems, Stanford CSL Technical Report No. 136, 1979. WEM79] Wiederhold, Gio and Ramez El-Masri: An Interactive mt. Computer Aided Design of “The Structural Model for Database Design”; Proceedings of the International Conference on Entity- Relationships Approach Systems Analysis and Design, pp. 247-267, December 1979. Wie77] Wiederhold, Gio: Database Design, McGraw-Hill, 1977. Wie82] Wiederhold, Gio, Anne Communication in VLSI Beetem and Design”, IEEE Garrett Integrated Circuits, April 1982. 20 Short: Transactions Database Approach to Computer Aided Design of “A on to USING RELATIONAL A .?OR DATABASE COMPUTER AIDED MANAGEMENT DATA SYSTEM DESIGN Antonin Guttman Michael Stonebraker University of California Berkeley 1. Introduction There relational has been interest considerable to data systems manage database in for using computer been have concerns However, design (CAD) systems. database have been that designed systems generally expressed In well for other uses and might not be suited CAD. to that too there relational DBMS’s is are concern addition, The purpose of this paper is to report our experience slow. with implementing a CAD application in a relational DBMS and comparing its performance with a non—database CAD package. aided In Section 2 the database schema that was structure of the special purpose CAD Then in Section indicate the we 3 package. experiments and Section the results. contains a 4 performed give discussion of the results. Section indicates 5 Lastly, where a relational DBMS was found to be inadequate as areas a support tool for CAD applications. used 2. The Database discuss we describe and the Schema The application package benchmarked was KIC, a graphics editor for integrated circuit designs developed at Berkeley 2]. A KIC database consists of a collection of circuit “cells”. Each cell contain mask geometry and subcell can A complete circuit design expands into a references. tree, with single a for subcells, associated stores a Our five main the with circuit cell at non—root each node in virtual INGRES schema relations: the root and nodes. in the tree. memory on reflects the 21 other cells, used as be can geometry KIC During editing VAX 11/780 computer. Mask a above structure and has cell master cell ref box ( author, ( ( ( wire In the to given designed assigned The and Master each to the cell ref if references For master cell to it. example, Id, width polygon id, use, cell the ref id defined) Id, tll—t32) xl, ~ ~ vertnum relation, name author the is a cell. cell within relation the Id, yl, y~) x2, wire use, ( polygon cell child, xl, use, master is is the textual name person who number identification unique It used is for unambiguous the database. of name describes cell x, subcell contains “cpu” the references. “register” as a which in tuple part, then the cell ref relation contains a identifier is of the is the and child “Cpu” parent identifier of “register”. Tll X 2 a are 3 t32 through matrix specifying the location, orientation and scale of the subcell with respect to the parent. This representation of transform is the one generally used in computer a spatial graphics 3]. The box relation describes mask Owner is identifier of the cell of which the box is a part. metal or diffusion Xl specifies the mask layer; e.g. x2 the x—coordinates of the left and right sides of are box while ~ and ~ are the y—coordinates of the top Use and the rectangles. the and bottom. A “wire” is a connected path of the describes wire relation coordinates of its centerline id is and use “polygon” is width. Wire Owner wire. A vertices. relation. vertex X y the and orders 3. Experiment The (xl, y~, mean the Each in tuple segment, giving the x2, ~) and its identifier same as for for the a box particular relation. solid with of number shape any stored in each tuple of the polygon the coordinates of the and are vertex, vertices (tuples) within one polygon. One vertnum line unique a lines. one a is data we used circuit cells from two design GORDA is a prototype layout for a Berkeley. switched capacitor filter 5], and decO—i of is a part the RISC VLSI The 6,7]. computer design descriptions were For our projects at translated database. test from KIC files and 22 loaded into the INGRES We three programmed and measured operations compared to KIC performing the C and written were programs in CAD retrieval representative of test programs our speed the same test The operations. made calls to INGRES the DBMS L4]. retrieval The first geometry program geometry data associated with a given circuit This is cell, not including geometry belonging to subcells. the first step in most CAD editing sessions. ~p—leve1 retrieved the retrieval Geometry with tree The second expansion for all cells referenced in a geometry cells fully expanded design tree. Geometry for lower level transformed to its proper position relative to the root was cell. This operation produces a plot of an entire design. retrieved program Retrieval top—level middle of circuit. a The ~ location that geometry cell. a tables This The fell third within a operation would be below show the retrieved program small area in the used results to of “window” the tests. Tuples refers to the number of tuples representing Geometry INGRES the database each geometry retrieved from during CPU Time and Elapsed Time were reported by the operation. operating system. The msec/Tuple figures are time divided by the number of INGRES tuples. The Relative Time rows give the slowdown factor of test our programs relative Circuit GORDA Geometry Tuples 592 to KIC. — CPU CPU Seconds msec/Tuple Relative CPU KIC INGRES 7.5 24.0 13 Time 41 1 ~ — — Elapsed Seconds 7.5 Elapsed msec/Tuple Relative 13 Elapsed Time Pest 1: 41 ~ 1 Top Level Retrieval 23 69 5.5 Circuit Ge ometry GORDA 12,7T9 Tuples — KIC INGRES — Seconds CPU 128.3 msec/Tuple CP U Rel ative CPU El apsed 10 Time Seconds Elap sed msec/Tuple Relat lye Test 2: 1 3.5 128.3 649 Retrieval 1 with Tree Circuit G eometry 35 10 Time Elapsed 443.5 CPU C PU 5.1 448 Window 87 Seconds .75 msec/Tuple Re lative 1 decO—i Tuples in 51 Expansion KIC Geom etries ] CPU 9 TIme INGRES 85 14.5 171 1 20 .75 33 — E lapsed Ela psed Rela tive Seconds msec/Tuple 9 388 Elapsed Time 1 45 Test 3: Retrieval 24 by Location 4. Discussion Results of In in CPU Tests 1 and 2, the factor of three increase for INGRES can be attributed primarily to the fact that INGRES is a general—purpose DBMS KIC includes while only DBMS used in place of functions that it requires. Any time purpose code will show some decrease in performance. cost must be balanced against the advantages of using a special This DBMS, of simplification e.g. independence, etc. data software, application The elapsed time measurements show a larger performance This is mainly because about a factor of five. difference, KIC data INGRES geometry data is disk resident. geometry resides actually KIC quickly has no virtual memory, and since the tests were run KIC’s data machine with ample main memory, in real memory. in dedicated has bin spatial a and for window the must allows that structure in isolate geometry such access method Test perform on a was it to INGRES 3. sequential a search. The features new narrow the manage a virtual memory next the in suggested performance section may changing INGRES to database would dramatically improve gap. In addition, performance. 5. New Peatures During that our should be applications. 5.1. identified we added to a relational DBMS to We discuss them in turn. four experimentation features facilitate CAD Ragged relations It would been have convenient for field a in relation a to In our database, for repeat a variable number of times. data store for to a example, this would have allowed us of “boxes” the cell master relation, in varying number instead of in a The cell master box relation. separate relation could have been defined by cell master ( id, defined where fields wire, the “&(...)“ notation describing a and polygon coalesced with the This revised understand. In box is cell cell name, author, &(use, xl, x2, ~, ~fl. means that repeated, reference master the group for each once relations relation schema might be more it would addition, 25 in a five The could be similar natural speed of box. for a access way. user to to the geometry for in one tuple particular cell, a rather since distributed than the would geometry across three be relations. We this extension under the name “ragged propose relations”. One way to support ragged relations would be to first provide ordered relations, which has been suggested by Stonebraker nest, so relation. A and that a We of and then relation a allow could be relations an to ordered idea. this investigating are database 8,11], others field with ragged relations or nested relations is and reflects the hierarchical form, that the just language provides standard relational data manipulation operations must be with relations or augmented before it can be used ragged nested relations. We such are an investigating augmentation. in not first normal nature of the data. A 5.2. Transitive Our second could which Closure test nest required to was program of range of retrieve r is t is ~ This is an number of times. not transitive and does closure INGRES query. We have extended the cell facilitate to such tasks. ref tree into tree ( where or subcells variable a a operation similar to to a single correspond syntax of QUEL with a * operator For example: range expand r.child) = ROOT r.parent t.cell r.parent = = the tree Here the tuple variable t ranges over relation, which is the result of the query. The retrieve adds tuples the to tree and is new over (with t repeated ranging tuples) until~ there Some database in possible system 13]. are 5.3. Access are ~ spatial Many CAD programs, data design be test would have run classified according by approximate We INGRES new location like third faster in system of spatial “bins”, bin mechanism according much to a test program, need to spatial location. INGRES if data could our to its i.e. location. are considering adding as an two—dimensional additions. closure transitive operations involving ORACLE and the in 12] Query—By--Example retrieve This no extension array of a of the bins is spatial secondary 26 defined facility. A grid. index by a to A bin inaex is file containing, for each bin, pointers to all a in Geometries objects that might overlap that bin. a particular area can be found quickly by looking in the index under the appropriate bins. For example, a bin index could be defined by: the index box on is boxbins ~(i~i,x2) through max(xl,x2) ~ min(~j,~) through max(~,~) ~ This The define 5.4. bin index mm—max the set Unique is based expressions of bins it on a grid of 10 the size specify could overlap. 10 io5. X 10 of each squares. box and identifiers Codd and others 9,10] have suggested the usefulness of identifiers for database unique objects. They should be and handled generated automatically by the database system In our application we were as a internally special type. forced to manage identifiers our for own unique cells, wires, etc. 6. Conclusions INGRES performs typical computer aided design retrieval than slower considerably special purpose We have suggested a number of enhancements that programs. could be made to relational database system that would a to for improve performance and make the system easier use CAD We are continuing to look for additional applications. mechanisms along the same lines. operations 7. Acknowledgements This 2/82 8. 1] and work was sponsored by NSF grant ECS—8007683—Wong— by AFOSH grant 78—3596--Stonebraker/Wong—6/82. References Held, G.D., Relational Vol. 2] 3] 44, M.R. Stonebraker Data Base AFIPS Keller, K. Circuits Press, and “INGRES: A E.Wong Proc AFIPS 1975 NCC, System,” Montvale, N.J. A Editor Kic, Graphics Masters Thesis, Dept. and Computer Science, Engineering California, Berkeley, CA. Newman, R.F. W.M. Interactive and Computer June for Integrated of Electrical of University 1981. Sproull “Principles Graphics,” McGraw—Hill, 1979. 27 of N.Y. 4] 6.2 Reference ‘I~GRES Version al. Woodfill, J. et Research Electronics Memo No. UCB/ERL M79/43, Manual,1’ CA. of California, Berkeley, Laboratory, University July 1979. 5] The cell circuit switched GORDA capacitor Instruction International 1981, 7] made Reduced A “RISC I: Sequin Proc Eighth Computer,” Architecture Nay Symposium on Computer D.A. Patterson, a Labs, Electronics Research Berkeley, CA. 6] of a prototype layout at Guinea Jesus by of California, University is filter C.H. and Set VLSI 443—457. pp. to “A RISCy Approach Fitzpatrick, D.T. et al. VLSI Design Fourth Quarter (October 1981), pp. Architecture in News (Also appears Computer VLSI,” 14—20. March 1982.) 8] Stonebraker, Relation M. J. and Brouser,” University Electronics California, of 1981. December CA. Berkeley, Sophisticated A UCB/ERL M81/94, No. Memo Laboratory, Research “TIMBER: Kalash 9] “Extending the Database Relational Model to Codd, E.F. Transactions on Database ACM More Meaning,” Capture December No. Vol. 1979, pp. 397—434. 4, 4, Systems 10] Lone, Applications,” Research IBM for Design RJ3176 (38928) Database in “Issues R.A. Report 7/10/81. ii] Lone, R.A., Relational Zloof, N. Transitive (Revised) 13] “ORACLE A and J.L. Becerril “GSYSR: IBM for Interface Graphics,” Casajuana, Database Report RJ2511 Research 12] R. “Query—By—Example: Closure,” IBM Operations Report Research on the RC 5526 (#24020) 10/29/76 SQL Language Relational (32941) 4/24/79. Software — Reference Incorporated, 28 Guide,” October Copyright 1980. by DAVID: for Aids Design Randy Integrated Databases using VLSI Katz H. Sciences Department Computer University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison, WI 53706 Abstract 1. research briefly describe on—going We database of applying ways computer—aided design data. Wisconsin management of into of at the University technology for the Introduction Modern ments database EDP satisfy the require applications. These have had either little data) or evolved have systems traditional of touch to a (read report (short duration, touch most of database) orientation. Database research has only, recently been directed towards the needs of the design automation design systems have a tremendous need Computer—aided community. the those unlike facilities by for data management required transaction canonical Some debit—credit transaction of described these are GRAY78]. here. data design A management construction of a support system of hierarchical wide the use to mirror spread object, For a microprocessor consists of example, methodologies. trol and part data a and a register file; ple representations, path part; forth. so design design hierarchical the must consists latter the Further, a design of a in exists con ALU an and multi representations example, a VLSI circuit by system. functional design can simultaneously exist as a block diagram, a stick a transistor diagram, a logic a network, description, the must The and mask a manage system layout EMEAD8OI. diagram, of a design, as it progresses from release to release. evolution must the system complex, Finally, since design objects are so simultaneous designers. support multiple 2. The equivalence the across For Library Paradigm major A the enforced be should and complaint of the community is automation design database relational systems real—time design applications (see GUTT82]). We unrealistic to expect a database system perhaps state—of—the—art perform updates data extract period of the usage A time, to from and a design. the A system, return it realistic more when are too feel that slow for it is that interactively to is approach over a long memory update it in done. We call to this model of Library Paradigm design database resembles a hierarchically structured a serves “electronic reposi filing cabinet,” ALU an tory of a design information. A subpart of design (e.g., is of of the Path of the a Microprocessor) ALU Data slice concurrent that no checked—out for design activity in such a way and 29 as centralized is designer contain on any of its mechanism is based working it. The subparts, on nor on parts any hierarchical locks that with intentions. Designers can work in parallel as long as they are in the parallel subtrees of When a design hierarchy KATZ82a] design part is successfully checked out, the data associated with . it is loaded into virtual pulated directly by data memory structures, which are mani the applications program. The data structures are back into the When database. periodically checkpointed the through, design subpart is returned to the database (i.e., the locks are released). The system must enforce now integrity constraints the hierarchy and across equivalent representa up tions (e.g., has a cell its now of box” outgrown “bounding has a geometries?, representation been invalidated by a design change?). the updating the database directly, we avoid much of entering and leaving a database system. Applications is programs have more knowledge about the design data and how it to be manipulated, and thus provide special purpose data struc its representation. The database system still tures for provides the sharable, centralized data repository, as well as a standard By not overhead of interface for 3. Schema for choose data access. Design Data Management tables. design with three types of primitive and composite design cell. Associated with cell—id is cell~s the a unique name, and other control information. The composition table designer, encodes the design hierarchy by how more describing primitive cells and oriented within are placed higher—level composite cells. Finally, the representation tables describe how primitive such transistors as or objects, geometries, are placed within cells. The details of the representation, as well as the encoding of orientations and placements, are determined by the programs that use the representation. For mask are example, geometries boxes assigned to specific layers and placed on a as represented Cartesian grid. We The 4. cell Work to table at represent describes a each Wisconsin just begun to undertake a research program in design Currently underway is an effort to implement a low—level database system based on System—R~s The RSS. system, called WiSS is being designed and (Wisconsin Storage System) Professor David DeWitt and a implemented in conjunction with group of students led by Tobin Lehman and Richard Simkin. It pro vides facilities for sequential B—tree files, indexes, binary links (also implemented wih B—tree structures) long records, and file level versions. We are using the system as a research vehi— cle for a number of experimental projects in database management. We data have management. , , 30 are The the than a features of latter two. single page. data, such in the design is the same location at that We WiSS most Long records They relevent random as files. access record and that and releases. old versions of the ful data keep of legal Since it is It for Alternatives possible to seek to any of data any length should system the support design environment, on—line versions, it is use for reference. Further, requirements, old released versions cannot be is not feasible to keep all versions on—line, provide facilities for encoding differentially are hypothetical designs, must system mechanisms longer non—traditional handle read/write to In the management much are text and rasterized images, that frequently arise environment. Our model of access for long records strongly believe because which as within the location. destroyed. data design to those to meant are alternatives, to are archive old and restore, on—line and versions. and are implemented as hypothetical databases STON8O, STON81]. System generated surro used to identify records across versions. An implemen are gates tation of is gates differential described in files based KATZ82b] on B—tree indexes surro over addition, we have been inves tigating how optical digital disk technology can be used for ver sion management (similar work appears in SVOB81]). 5. In . Work Future WiSS is for the essentially an access method with some features use environment. We intend to build DAVID, a design will DAVID design management system, on top of it. con keep sistent a design~s multiple representations and design hierarchy. It has been structured to keep small that part of the system that is to VLSI design. It should be possible to use DAVID specific for other design domains, as long as the are objects designed hierarchically. ful We also are “server” base Again, Design paradigm a parts “on—reserve” “held” 6. examining within for a are a the local role of network related to a checked out and a centralized of designer design data workstations. library later appropriate. appears returned. They can be put (read ible, but not updatable). designer if already checked out They to can someone also be else. Conclusions The needs for design automation community has real design facilities, many of which are not currently supported for data by state—of—the—art database systems. A fruitful area base research will be to how database systems can be study extended to fit into this new environment, providing the needed with a reasonable (and hopefully small) additional functionality management overhead. 31 7. References GRAY78] Gray, “Notes J., Systems Graham, Seegmuller, GUTT82] G. Guttman, A., Database on Operating —- M. R. Operating Advanced An eds., Course Springer—Verlag, in Systems,” R. Bayer, N.Y., R. M. 1978. Relational a “Using Computer Aided Design Data,” Stonebraker, Database Management System for Database Engineering Newsletter, this issue. for VLSI KATZ82a] Katz, R. H., “A Database Approach Managing Data,” 19th Design Automation Conference, Las Vegas, Design (June 1982). NV, KATZ82b] for Structures Lehman, “Storage Alternatives,” Working Paper in progress, Katz, sions R. and H., T. Ver (Mar. 1982). MEAD9O] Mead, C., Conway, L. Introduction Addison—Wesley, Reading, MA., STON8O] to VLSI Systems 1980. Stonebraker, Knowledge tem,” Proc. M. K. R., Keller, “Embedding Expert Hypothetical Data Bases into a Data Base Sys ACM SIGMOD Conference, Santa Monica, CA, (May and 1980). STON81] Stonebraker, ACM Proc. SVOB81] for SIGMOD Svobodova, a as Views,” “Hypothetical Databases Ann Conference, Arbor, MI, (May 1981). M. L., Distributed Operating Systems R., “A Reliable Object—Oriented Repository Computer System,” Proc. 8th Symposium on Pacific Principles, CA, Grove, (Dec. 1981). 32 ANNOUNCING The 3rd SPONSORED BY International Conference ~1jEEE COMPUTER S0CIE~Y on THE INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS, INC DISTRI BUTED COMPUTING SYSTEMS in Cooperation with Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ) Information Institut National de et en Miami/Ft. Lauderdale, Florida en lnformatique Automatique (INRIA) Recherche October 18-22, 1982 • SCOPE The scope of this conference encompasses the technical aspects of specifying, designing, implementing, and evaluating distributed computing systems. In such systems, there is a multiplicity of interconnected processing resources able to cooperate under system-wide control on a single problem, often with minimal reliance on centralized procedures, data, or hardware. The location of computing resources may span the spectrum from physical adjacency to geographical dispersion. The topics of interest include the following aspects of distributed computing systems: El El El El El SYSTEM AND HARDWARE ARCHITECTURE, INCLUDING SIMD DECENTRALIZED CONTROL, EXECUTIVES, AND OPERATING SYSTEMS DISTRIBUTED DATABASES LI LOGICAL AND PHYSICAL INTERCONNECTION NETWORKS SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES El The conference will include technical General Chairman H. J. Siegel Purdue Univ. School of EE West Lafayette, IN 47907 Program Chairman Carl G. Davis Ballistic Missile Defense Advanced Technology Center Tutorial Chairman K. H. Kim Univ. of South Florida Exhibits Chairman Edith W. Martin Deputy Undersec. of Def. (Res. & Adv. Tech.), Pentagon, Rm 3E 114 Washington, D.C. 20301 Standing Committee Chairman Charles R. Vick Auburn Univ. Awards Chairman T. Y. Feng Ohio State Univ. Treasurer Duncan H. Lawrie Univ. Illinois~ Urbana Local Arrangements H. Troy Nagle, Jr. Auburn Univ. Publications Chairman Ben Wah Purdue Univ. Professional Societies Liaison S. Diane Smith Univ. Wisc. Madison Publicity Chairman Bill Buckles Univ. Texas Arlington SURVIVABILITY, RELIABILITY, AND FAULT TOLERANCE El SPECIFICATION, VERIFICATION, AND VALIDATION El DESIGN METHODOLOGIES VLSI-BASED SYSTEMS El El ANALYSIS, MODELING, AND MEASUREMENT El APPLICATIONS, INCLUDING SIMULATION COMPUTER COMMUNICATION presentations, panel discussions, tutorials & exhibits. TUTORIALS Complementing the Conference there will be two full days set aside for tutorials. The following have been tentatively selected: “Pragmatic View of Distributed Processing,” by Ken Thurber “Microcomputer Networks,” by Harvey Freeman “Fault-Tolerant Computing,” by Vic Nelson and Bill Carroll “Decentralized Control,” by Bob Larson, Paul McEntire and John O’Reiley PROGRAM COMMITTEE John Musa (Bell Labs) Chong Nam (Systems Control, Inc.) c. V. Ramamoorlhy (UC/Berkeley( Azriel Rosenfeld Lana Kartashev (U. Maryland) (U. Nebraska) Jack Lipovski (U. TexasAustin) Mike Liu (Ohio State U.) Chairpeople Kerrter, Austria C. M. Woodside, Canada Paul Pearson, England Gerard Le Lann, France Herbert Weber, Germany Helmut Steve Smollar (Schlum berger-Doll Research Joe Urban (U. Soulh western La.) CONFERENCE LOCATION Mariagiovanna Sami, Italy Hideo Aiso, Japan Diplomat J. Wilmink, Netherlands R. C. 1. Lee, Taiwan airport at Miami. Beachfront with tennis, golf, swimming, Leah J. Siegel, Florida by Hotel in near shopping, U.S.A. Additional Program Committee Members will be chosen • — — Bhargava (U. Pittsburgh). Doug DeGroot (IBM) Clarence Giese (Dept. of Army AIRMICS) Bob Heath (U. Kentucky( Vic Nelson (Auburn U.) Peter Ng (U. MissOuri( Dan Siewiorek (CarnegieMellon U.) Harold Stone (U. Mass.) Ken Thurber (Architecture Tech. Corp.) Larry Wiftie (SUNY/Buff.) Ken Batcher (Goodyear) Mapping Agency) International Associate Bharat (Systems Development Corp.) Bill McDonald Bob Arnold (Honeywell) Geneva Belford (U. Ill.) Bill Carroll (U. Texas-Arlington) Glenn Cox (General Research Corp.) Barry Gilbert (Mayo Clinic) J. C. Huang (U. of Houston) Robert Keller (U. Utah) Annette Krygiel (Defense the International Associate Hollywood, the international and resort boating. Chairpeople. _._ ___________ — — na__a If you wish to receive a copy of the Advance Program for the Third International Conference on Distributed to: Harry Hayman, IEEE Computer Society, 1109 Spring Computing Systems, clip and mail this coupon Street, Suite 201, Silver Spring, MD 20910. . NAME EMPLOYER ______________________________ ______________________________ STREET . __________________________________ CITY STATE __________________________________ COUNTRY ZIP _____________ ______________ ______________ _____________