The Link 2000-10 - Motorsport Club of Ottawa


The Link 2000-10 - Motorsport Club of Ottawa
October 2000
- Rally Association
- AGM & Banquet Information
- US GP Report
- Solo-I
October 2000
2000 Executive
Rob Microys
4287 Owl Valley Drive
Gloucester, Ontario K1V 1L8
H: (613) 822-7204
W: (613) 765-5744
C: (613) 761-0306
Ronald Woltman
H: (613) 592-0141
W: (819) 997-6988
Past President
John Blouin
H: (613) 443-3507
David Butler
H: (613) 596-5518
C: (613) 762-8268
Jaak Laan
H: (613) 835-3966
W: (613) 943-2520
Sam Mandia
H: (613) 745-4227
W: (613) 228-0250
Sherissa Microys
H: (613) 822-7204
Karting Director
Jeff Watson
(613) 726-2943
Gordon Acorn and Helen Zhou
H: (613) 271-1161
W: (613) 763-1155
Robert Benson
H: (613) 837-2051
Chris Capowski
H: (613) 228-1180
W: (613) 526-5202
LINK Editors
Ayan Gangopadhyay
H: (613) 798-1266
Richard Muise
H: (613) 277-7269
(613) 788-0525
Editorial Exhaust
Idle Ramblings
maintained by Rob Microys
Hosted by
Anjura Technology Corporation
General Meetings
Louis's Steakhouse
1682 Cyrville Rd., Ottawa, ON
First Tuesday of every month
All are welcome
P.O. Box 65006,
Merivale Postal Outlet
Nepean, ON K2G 5Y3
The LINK is the official publication of the
Motorsport Club of Ottawa.
opinions expressed in the LINK do not
necessarily reflect those of the LINK
Editorial Staff or the Club's Executive.
Though all efforts are made to ensure
that facts stated in the articles herein are
accurate, the individual contributors
should check the accuracy of their
articles prior to submission.
18th day of every month.
Members are welcome to submit classified
advertisements for non-commercial purposes
free of charge.
Members may also submit business card-sized
advertisements for their businesses free of
charge. These will be published space
Special Thanks
Bev Millar and Ken Baird
Collation and Distribution
In terms of racing enjoyment, this past
month was a wonderful peak for me. Two
Solo-II events (including my first bronze
pin!!!), an EVCC event (less spectacular
perhaps, but I had a good day in the sun),
and finally the US Grand Prix in
Indianapolis. A good way to round out the
season, as most racing series are coming to
an end. As horrible as it sounds, I'm sure
by February, I'll be anxious for just about
any kind of racing; I hope the winter
(yuck) slalom will scratch that itch.
Things are settling down in the Link. The
transition is over, and Ayan and myself are
getting into the swing of how it all comes
together. As always, we are looking for the
members of the club to help us the most by
contributing to the Link. Photos, stories,
jokes, reviews, reports -- anything is
welcome. A bonus for contributors is that
each article is worth worker points for
those of you in the running for trophies at
the upcoming MCO banquet (November
This is also the last month with this cover.
Next month will be the 2 colour cover that
has been mentioned often this year, but
was delayed until the November issue.
Perhaps appropriately, as it will be
distributed at the Annual General Meeting,
where we will see the new club executive.
The new cover will be cheaper to produce,
which will directly effect the cash flow of
the club.
Until then, I hope you enjoy this edition of
the Link.
- Richard Muise
October 2000
2000 Calendar of Events
First Tuesday of every month, 8:00 pm
Louis's Steakhouse, 1682 Cyrville Road
Third Tuesday of every month, 7:30 pm
Louis's Steakhouse, 1682 Cyrville Road
April 16
Test Day Alcatel
May 7
School Alcatel
May 28
Event #1 Alcatel
June 4
Event #2 Alcatel
June 11
Event #3 Alcatel
June 25
Event #4 Alcatel (rained out)
July 16
Event #5 Alcatel
July 30
School Alcatel
Aug 13
Event #6 Alcatel
Aug. 27
Event #7 Alcatel
Sept. 10
Event #8 Alcatel
Sept. 17
Event #9 Alcatel
Oct. 1
Event #4 Alcatel (rain date)
Event #10 Alcatel
April 2nd
Open House
CSC Racing Products
April 29th,30th School
April 30th
Lapping Day
May 13th
Event #1
May 14th
Event #2
June 16th
Lapping Evening SMP
June 17th
Event #3
June 18th
Event #4
July 15th
Event #5
July 16th
Event #6
August 5th
Event #7
St. Eustache. Que.
August 6th
Event #8
St. Eustache. Que.
August 18th
Lapping Day
August 19th
Event #9
August 20th
Event #10
September 9th Event #11
September 10th Event #12
National and Regional Performance Rally Schedules
The Link editorial staff provides this calendar for your convenience.
Although we attempt to ensure its accuracy, you should always verify
events with the event's organizers.
Saturday, October 21. See article on page 5.
April 14,15
HRC Driver Schools
April 21,23
Spring Fling
April 28
Test Day
April 29,30
ALL Classes BARC
May 12
Test Day
May 13,14
ALL Classes BEMC
May 19-21
Trans-Am (CGTCC only)
June 2
Test Day
June 3,4
ALL Classes CRDA
June 23
Test Day DAC
June 24,25
ALL Classes DAC
June 30, July 1,2 Mosport
Vintage only VARAC
July 7
Test Day
July 8,9
August 11
Test Day
August 12,13
ALL Classes BARC
August 26-27
Sept 1
Test Day
Sept 2,3
(SCCA Nationals) CRDA
Sept 15
Test Day
Sept 16,17
ALL Classes BEMC
Sept 29
Test Day
Sept 30,Oct 1
October 2000
Rally Affiliation
by Jaak Laan
forward by Rob Microys
There has been some continuing puzzlement
as to the MCO's position towards becoming
affiliated with Rally Sport Ontario (RSO)
and Canadian Association of Rally Sport
(CARS) and the financial arrangements that
are in place between CASC-OR and these
rally sanctioning bodies. Jaak's article,
originally published in the June 2000 issue
of The Link, describes the relationship
between the organizations as it is in place
today, and intention of the current
executive, which the new executive in
November will hopefully also support fully.
As a side note there currently are a number
of other dually affiliated clubs who use the
formal agreement which exists between
CASC-OR and RSO, including BEMC, TAC,
PMSC, StCat. We hope that the members of
the club intend on supporting this.
First the facts...
MCO (the club, not individual members)
will pay $100 annually to join the national
body, the Canadian Association of Rally
Sport (CARS). $50 will then go from
CARS to Rally Sport Ontario (RSO). As
per a formal arrangement with CASC,
affiliated clubs then decide independently
whether to, and how, to split the members'
CASC-OR fee so that their members can be
officially part of rallies according to two
possible options:
(1) (PROPOSED) MCO would choose that
the $15 CASC-OR fee be split ONLY for
those members who choose to affiliate with
RSO. In that case, for those members only,
$7.50 would go to CASC and $7.50 to RSO.
For the majority of MCO members who are
not interested in rallying, ALL of their $15
would continue to go to CASC-OR as usual.
The original article as printed follows…
OR, the other option...
There has been some confusing information
about the allocation of membership fees
with MCO affiliating with the national rally
sanctioning body. The facts are relatively
simple and are part of a formal arrangement
made with the Canadian Automobile Sport
Clubs (CASC-OR), the Canadian
Association of Rally Sport (CARS) and
their various regional organizations.
(2) (NOT being proposed) MCO could
choose that the $15 is split equally for all
members i.e. $7.50 to CASC-OR and $7.50
to RSO.
Under Option 1, if five current members
check off the rally option on their
membership application form that would
mean $37.50 less annually going from our
Saturday November 25th, 2000
Louis' Steakhouse, 1682 Cyrville Road
Doors open 5pm and dinner at 6:30pm
Tickets $35 per person, available from Sherissa
Microys (613-822-7204, or
any executive member.
club to CASC-OR and instead going to
support rallying. Those members would
still be supporting CASC-OR with the other
half of their fees. That would still leave
CASC-OR receiving $2,512.50 from MCO
members if we continue with having 170
members. Even if double that many people,
say 10 MCO members, choose to support
rallying, CASC-OR would still get $2,475
from us and RSO would get $75 from
members' levies. As MCO membership has
been growing, CASC will actually receive
more money from us over the next year, not
At the May Executive meeting, your
Executive decided unanimously that MCO
should affiliate with rallying according to
Option 1 in time for our members to plan
for the 2001 season. That will mean that
this coming December, after the Annual
General Meeting where members elect their
next Executive, MCO will contact CARS,
will submit the $100 for the calendar year
2001, and then will amend our MCO
membership application form to allow
members the option of directing $7.50 from
their $15 CASC fee to rallying.
The benefits to MCO members who choose
the rally option will be that they will be able
to earn points and compete in road rally
championships such as the Yokohama
Winter Rally series or the whole Ontario
Road Rally Championship that has events
throughout the year and also qualify for
travel money and prizes. With MCO
becoming rally affiliated those members
who choose the rally support option can also
apply for regional and national performance
rally licences and compete in Canadian
performance rallies as MCO members.
MCO currently has one member from
Ottawa who is competing in regional
performance rallies but as we are not
currently rally affiliated he and his
navigator are members of another club that
is rally affiliated and compete as members
of that club. A couple of MCO members
last winter joined other Ontario motorsport
clubs so that they could qualify for
championships, prizes and travel monies in
road rallying. Hopefully, these members
will choose to remain part of our club when
we are rally affiliated in 2001. And a final
opportunity for growth, should MCO
members wish to organize rallies our events
can end up being part of Ontario series.
October 2000
by Sherissa Microys
November 25th MCO is holding its annual
banquet during which we recognize members
who have worked hard or made some
achievements over the past 12 months. It is
always a very enjoyable night with a great
dinner, friends, and loot. The trophies handed
out are significant and we would like you to
know what they are and how you could
All competition trophy recipients must be
members, although this is not required for
worker trophies. One must also have a
minimum of 300 worker points (100 points for
one days work usually, such as helping at a
Solo or 75 points for writing one LINK article)
to qualify for any trophy. This is a very
important point since there have been many
deserving members in the past who were
passed up for trophies because they did not
meet this requirement. MCO is a group of
volunteer car enthusiasts and if everyone does
not help during the year, we cannot function,
therefore this rule applies and we very strongly
encourage you to help out at events and don't
you miss out on an award.
Included in the previous LINK is a form on
which you can list your competition results
and on the opposite side, your worker efforts.
This form must be returned to an executive
member (see list inside front cover) prior to
Oct 27th. We will be meeting the following
day to make assignments, therefore do not be
· Solo Events Champion
overall winner of the winter and
summer series
· Order of the Bent Valve
2nd overall winner of the summer and
winter series
· Dow's Lake
winner of the summer Solo series
· Bridgestone Blizzak Cup
winter solo champion
· Novice Slalom Champion
most points by a novice solo competitor
· Solo Fanatic
one who has put forth more than
required, for the love of the sport
· MCO Racing Champion
Race driver of the year, usually the one
who has the most points
· Frank Hick's Sedan
through sheer dedication and perseverance,
obtained reasonable success in a closed
wheel series
· Frank Hick's Formula
through sheer dedication and perseverance
obtained reasonable success in a
formula series
· Hard Luck
a member who perseveres against all odds
· Frank Hick's Technical
one who shows good sportsmanship
in contributing to the sport
· Paddock engineer
a crew member who contributes to
the success of club competitors
· Dewar Trophy
novice race driver of the year
· Gary Hunt Memorial
worker of the year
· Top Female Worker
Female with the most worker points
· Order of the Holed Piston
top novice worker
· The Golden Pen
most LINK contributions
· Rally Driver Trophy
best achievement by rally driver
· L. Smith Trophy
best achievement by rally navigator
· Ladies Cup
top female competitor in solo, rally,
or racing
· Annual achievement
notable achievement by a member
in competition or furthering the club
· Ted Powell Award
not awarded very often, given for
lifetime achievement and outstanding
contributions to motorsport
If you won trophies last year, please return them to
one of the executive members by Nov 7th (AGM).
See the inside cover for contact information.
October 2000
The Highland Rally
by Jaak Laan
Editors' Note: this article is a little late
due to our, um, confusion. We offer our
most sincere apologies to Jaak and to the
readers for this oversight.
At the time of this writing, in early
August, we have 4 teams signed up
already for the Highland Rally, which will
be happening Saturday, October 21
starting in Almonte.
Remember, all you need to participate is a
watch, a pen, a simple calculator for
multiplying simple things like 7.6 km X
1.02 odometer correction factor (example,
not the factor you will use!), and a
navigator with whom you want to spend
an afternoon on country roads under the
Fall colours. Oh yeah, the more fun your
car is to drive the more fun you'll have. If
you ever get lost you'll just have to
exercise that car as you get back on
course! "Oh darn, my navigator just told
me to speed up!"
The directions will be simple, because
we're trying to encourage people to try
TSD (time speed distance) rallying as a
grassroots alternative to what we watch
on TV or read about in magazines.
The calculations required are only
required because every car's odometer
measures differently. You want to match
your readings to the instructions (set
using the rallymaster's car) so you know
for sure that when it says "bear right" (no,
wildlife…although it could be…) at 4.6
km, you turn right at the correct road.
There could be another road 0.1 km over
the crest which might be the correct one
(see above re. seeing the bright side and
enjoying your car when getting un-lost).
The "odo check" is always within the first
15 km of the start. You zero your trip
meter at the start line. You follow
directions (which are always intentionally
simple) before the odo check, and when it
says "odo check" in the instructions you
stop exactly there and note what your
odometer reading. You then compare it
to the instructions, and calculate your
correction factor that you will use for
every instruction for the rest of the rally.
We will explain how to do this during the
pre-event seminar. This is the only
calculation required, but it is CRITICAL
or you WILL get lost. You just keeping
multiplying every distance reading in the
instructions by this correction factor. You
also work ahead so you're not scrambling
when the turns are close.
The Highland Rally is designed for
people who have never done this before,
so we will not be trying to trick you in
any way. You still will have to pay
attention to the navigation and go through
all the usual steps. You still will have to
follow your navigator's instructions with
good humour. You may still have to
forgive your navigator for errors and be
patient as they figure out where they went
wrong. And hopefully your navigator
will not have to forgive you for any
driving errors.
Useful Web Sites
Motorsport Club of Ottawa
ASN Canada FIA
F édération Auto Québec
Sports Car Club of America
Solo I in Ontario
Another Ontario Solo I/II Site
St. Lawrence Auto Club (St. LAC)
British Automobile Racing Club,
Ontario Centre
Deutscher Automobil Club
RallySport Ontario
National Capital Kart Club
Motorsport Marshalling Services
Isseco Kumho F1200 Championship
ChampCar Lights
If there are any other websites that you
feel should be added in this column,
please e-mail the link to
January 2000
- Interior and Exterior
cleaning and detailing
- Mid to highend maintenance
- Custom engineered upgrades
- Design and consulting
- Custom mandrel-bent
stainless steel exhaust
systems up to 3" diameter
- Precision MIG and TIG
welding of:
- Aluminum
- Stainless Steel
- Inconel
- Titanium
- Various other metals
1) April 29 - Annual Garage Sale
at Robson Racing
2) May 27 - Annual Robson
Drag/Cruise Night at Luskville
by appointment only
(613) 798-8163
October 2000
October 2000
The Vice-President
By Ron Woltman
Back at the word processor after a wee
lay off. I hope you missed me?
Couple of things to speak to this
First, and most important -- THE
ELECTIONS! Now is the time for all
good men to come to the aid of the
party. In other words, let's stand up
and be counted. Stand for election. It
will be the best of times. Yes, it may
be the worst of times, too, but you will
feel involved. I am standing again,
God willing. Who will stand with me?
MCO had a rally this past month,
organized by long-time member Dave
Butler. While the weather was
atrocious, the entries were good and
everyone had fun, including yours
truly, who acted as a checkpoint.
And, I did not get lost. If you read
early Links you will find I got lost in
my very first rally. However, many
of the novice rallyists from the hightech firm of LEARNIX did. Methinks
the rally was trifle too difficult. Next
time - go easy on the beginners so
they will come back.
hare kind of thing. The tortoise won
by the way. (see photos below - Ed)
Much thanks to Bob McLeod (older
ex-member), Sam Mandia, Richard
Muise and Dave Butler (albeit a wee
tardy himself). We are going to do it
again next June at Capital City
If you have not
participated -- do so - it's way cool.
Remember --- get involved and stand
for office. It's your club.
Just finished running the EVCC
ELECTROTHON at Paul Swinwood's
Quyon go-kart track. Only four
entries, unfortunately, and only two
starters. One more joined the fray with
20 minutes left in the one-hour event.
But, everyone had fun - we had a 'dice'
for the lead…sort of a tortoise and
This was the second place
entry. It started very strongly,
lapping vehicle #46 roughly
every 4 laps, but it ran ot of
juice about mid-way through
the event. A number of driver
changes didn't seem to help.
This dark blue electric beast
seems to echo the lines of the
Silk-Cut Jaguars at Le Mans.
This was the winner of the
EVCC. A well made, sleek
three-wheeler, it won the race,
despite being lapped repeatedly
during the first half of the race.
Style-wise, it was reminiscent of
the rocket-powered Bonneville
Salt Flats record holders.
October 2000
by Jaak Laan
Six MCO members participated in the
August 7 and 8 Solo I events at the exTransport Canada test facility now run by
PMG Technologies at Blainville, just
north of Montreal. Results, general
information and even maps to get there
are at . PMG's
at This event
was supposed to have been held at the
Ste. Eustache track, but Blainville worked
out well, at least for novices like me. I
had never been there, and the speeds were
pretty high - which meant the opportunity
to learn heavier braking from higher
The track was laid out beginning with
cones on the huge paved test area, and
then streaked slightly downhill (I think I
was doing about 140 km/h) on a straight
towards an almost 180 degree corner onto
the concrete straight. We were able to use
most of one straight of the 5.5 mile
banked oval track. Runoff room at the
end of the straight if you didn't make the
180 degree turn was the banking
(tempting!). I hit 170 km/h in my wee
stock Civic, and was still accelerating
before having to brake to about 20 km/h
for the corner. The track then scooted
through a sea of cones, marking out some
interesting corners, back to the start/finish
line. Grip is good on the whole track,
perhaps because it is nice and flat and
clean. Despite being warned about it, I
did not experience extra tire wear. The
long straight was concrete and was
actually rather surprisingly undulating.
When I got it up to 170 km/h at the end it
seemed to smooth out, but more likely I
was just a tad distracted by picking my
braking point! I think it would be pretty
frightening to come off that 35 degree
banking in some fast car and whistle
down those narrow straights. I am told
that some character called Eddie Irvine
had some difficulty at this venue, scraping
the side of an XJ-R on the guardrail
during a Jaguar press day at the time of
the Canadian GP this year… made me
respect the place.
It is an interesting facility what with tight
security...we had to be escorted 2 km in to
our paddock five cars at a time etc.
Depending on how you drive, it is about
1.5 to 1.75 hours from Ottawa. The
L.A.P.S. (l'Association des Pilotes Solo)
people who ran the event for the interprovincial gang were very nice folk and
seemed to be well organized. After the
first run they used their computer to slot
people into a run order with fastest going
first. Then they used the huge open
paddock area to line us up in side by side
rows of five cars each. Each five car row
went out on the track together.
While most of the real race cars from
Ontario didn't make the trip, the field was
brightened up by a new black Corvette
which arrived on a black trailer pulled by
a black ML55 Mercedes sport ute. That
Corvette just accelerated like wild fire.
But I probably had as much fun on 2% of
his budget!
Perhaps most unusually there were I
believe 5 brightly coloured T-Rex trikes.
These things cost something like $38,000
and have mid engined Kawasaki bike
motors (163 hp for 900 lbs.) with 6 spd.
sequential transmissions and very open
bodys. Your legs go over the open
suspension pieces and you can see ground
around your knees. Huge single rear
wheels (315 width) which they kept
smoking off the line. Scary creatures.
They are street legal in Quebec but I don't
think I would want to be passing a semitrailer truck on the inside with one of
these things looking up at the truck's
whirling hubs. Would be fun to try on a
track though.
T-Rex site at
Having done the Solo I driving school, a
lapping day and two Solo I events this
year to try it out I can recommend it to
others. It is a great opportunity to drive
on race tracks at the lowest cost. These
people are very good drivers with some
pretty hot cars but everybody seems to be
treated the same…we're all there to race.
I used my stock old Civic on worn street
tires and I was as welcomed as anybody.
I'll be back for more!
October 2000
Beat the Snow and the Cold Race Indoors
The MCO INDOOR Racing League at Capital Karting
FALL 2000
The league shall be comprised of MCO members and is open to
invitations with the possibility of non-members entering into the league
events. Each event shall have points awarded to all participants with
the results posted on the Capital Karting Web site which shall include a
link to the MCO web site.
5 weeknight sessions rotating on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
evenings. Starting Thurs. Sept. 14, Tues. October 3, Wed. October 25,
Thurs. November 16, and finishing Tues. Dec. 5.
- The cost of each event will be $33 per participant for 3 races each.
- For non-members of Capital Karting it is $45
Annual Membership at Capital Karting is $10 hence
the cost of membership is recuperated at the first session.
- Each evening will consist of a 5-minute practice,
a 7 minute qualifying session and a 12 minute race.
NOTE: A one time fee of $5.00 will apply to cover the costs of
trophies and food for the last event, or whatever the group decision
might be.
Points System
- The lowest average race time of all members will be determined.
- Points will be awarded to the top 9 racers, from 10 -2 points.
- All other drivers will receive 1 point for the event.
- Point standings will be posted on the Capital Karting web site
Call Capital Karting at 742-4404, Anyone who answers the call can
register you in the master file. Marc Gaudet is the League Convener
Capital Karting is located in the Beacon Hill Shopping Centre on
Ogilvie Road in Gloucester. Please park at the back of the building.
NOTE: This is an Official MCO event.
October 2000
The 2000 MCO
Annual General
November 7th, 2000 at 8pm;
Steakhouse, 1682 Cyrville Road
A brief regular meeting will take place at
8pm, followed by the annual general
meeting. During this the actions of the
past executive will be ratified and voting
on any new issues will occur. If you
would like to propose any changes to the
bylaws or issues for voting, you must
submit the exact wording to the Link
Editors by Sept 18th, to be printed in the
October issue.
They can be reached at
If you require a copy of the bylaws please
contact one of the executive members on
the inside of the front cover.
Attendance at this meeting is
MANDATORY, as we require a
minimum of 33% of the members to be
present for a quorum. As many of you
know, we have had difficulty in achieving
even this small number in past years and
resulted in a massive phone campaign and
a second meeting.
Anyone living more than 80km from the
City of Ottawa may vote by proxy. A
form has been included in this issue of the
The F1600 Series
The US GP, Sept 2000
by Pier Bortot
by Richard Muise
I must say, the last event in the Formula
1600 series championship was a blast.
This was the sixth and last event for the
F1600 championship season. The two
races that complete the series were held at
Mosport (definitely my favorite track,
now). Before going into this racing
weekend, I was fourth in the F1600 Bclass standing. A second and third place
finishes in the first and second race
respectively gave me a second place final
standing in the championship. Great work
from the entire team paid-off. The car setup was superb; It allowed me to
experience some interesting "four wheels
drift" in some of the most notorious
corners, namely 2 and 4.
Formula-1 competition returned to this
continent for a second time this year for
the 2000 US GrandPrix at the
Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
In the first race, a fierce battle developed
very quickly between myself and Jeff
McGibbon from Toronto. We changed
position on every lap between corners 5
and 8. By lap 12, I decided to put some
distance between my faithful #151
VanDiemen and Jeff's Lola thus finishing
In the second race, I quickly moved away
with a pack of four and started to
challenge Mike Lee (the current leader in
the B-class championship). After several
failed attempts to pass his Lola, I had to
settle for third place.
The trip down (through Toronto and
Detroit) took about 15 hours, and we
arrived in the construction zone
surrounding Indianapolis during the
Friday 5 o'clock rush hour. That night we
Indianapolis looking for food, but instead
found Ferraris, which was more to our
taste. The Ferrari club had a display of
street Ferraris in a downtown square,
including some of the older models from
the 1950's, right through the latest 550,
360s, and my favorite - two F40's. Soon
enough the length of the trip caught up
with us, and we made for the hotel, which
was about an hour south of Indy.
Saturday we left for the track early, not
really knowing how long it would take to
find parking. We arrived at the track
during the morning practice. I personally
was not expecting the track to be quite so
enormous. Television does not give
enough sense of scale to truly display the
track as it appears to someone in the
stands. The straights are a kilometer long,
but it doesn't really hit home until you see
how small the cars appear from that
distance, barely seeming to move, despite
reaching almost 220mph. From our seats
on the north end of the track, we could
MCO General Meetings - 1st Tuesday of every month
MCO Executive Meetings - Third Tuesday of every month
1682 Cyrville Road
(613) 741-2130
Take 417, get off at Innes Road (by 417 Nissan and Costco (Price Club))
all are welcome!
October 2000
their yard for parking, about $15 to $40 per
day. I imagine from the air, you wouldn't be
able to see any grass for at least a mile around
the track. Sunday had terrible weather, never
quite raining, but constantly cold and damp,
and I wondered what was the record for the
coldest F1 race. The stands, being at a
permanent facility, had more room than the
temporary stands at the Toronto Molson Indy.
But 8 hours is a long time to be sitting in any
barely make out the south-end grandstands.
And to walk around the entire course is a long,
long hike.
The qualifying was interesting, with McLaren
using a high-speed draft from Mika to catapult
DC into second place on the grid. But it was
all Schumacher's weekend, starting with
winning the pole position. The crowd, both at
the track, and on the local news reports, where
very much behind Michael.
Later Saturday was a Porsche Pirella Supercup
race, the first of the two scheduled during the
weekend. This was the first race on the new
course. Mario Andretti and Little Al drove, but
were not very competitive (they were not
running for points, and were really just
celebrity drivers for the race).
Again Sunday we left for the track very early,
trying to get there when some parking was still
available. We parked on a front lawn about 6
blocks from the track. Most of the
homeowners around the IMS track rent out
There were two races Sunday morning, the
second Porsche Pirelli Supercup race, and the
Ferrari Challenge. Both races provided some
good racing, the wet weather accounting for a
few drivers missing their lines. The Ferrari
race was entirely amateurs, in the sense that
there was no prize money, and most of the
drivers owned the car they drove. Some went
home with some expensive damage to repair…
The race itself was lots of fun. For those of you
that have not had the pleasure of attending the
Montreal GP, F1 races are painfully loud, and
you need ear protection! Michael had a good
race, winning from the pole. But for me, the
best racing was the dice between Jacques and
Heinz-Harold Frentzen. Jacques almost had a
podium finish, but was not able to complete
and hold the pass for third place, and was less
than a second adrift at the checkered flag.
I'm looking forward to going again. I didn't get
an opportunity to see the IMS museum, and I
think I'll try for different seats closer to the
track. And I'm definitely going back for the
Indy500 in the coming years.
About an hour before the F1 race started was
the drivers' parade. Michael easily got the
most fanfare, but interestingly both Jacques
and DC were a close second and third,
followed by a smattering of applause for the
current champion Mika.
Our seats were at the far north end of the track,
and we could watch everything from the end
of the front straight through turn-6 of the 13turn course. If we had had seats another 150
feet to our right (closer to the first turn), I
think we would have been able to see the back
straight and turn 7 as well.
MCO: The First Fifty Years
On Sale Now!
Before OCT 3
After OCT 3
Plannning for a November delivery of 300 numbered copies. It is a hard-covered coffee table style book
recounting the long history of motorsopts inOttawa and the regions. With 150 pages, everything and
everyone is included. Don't miss out on your copies!
There is still space available for sponsorship as well. For $20 you can ensure your name is in the book by
sponsoring a page of your choosing. Full or partial page ads are open.
Contact Sherissa Microys at (613) 822-7204 or e-mail
October 2000
August Executive Meeting
Start: 19:51
End: 21:10
- Rob Microys, Sherissa Microys, Gordon
Acorn, Helen Zhou, Mike Lowe, Ron
Woltman, Jeff Watson, Dave Butler,
Richard Muise
- Jaak Laan, Chris Capowski, Ayan Gangopadhyay, Robert Benson
50th Book:
- 72 of 110 pages already sponsored.
- First run will be 300 books, which has
complete funding for costs.
- Possible local retail sales of book in bookstores.
- The deadlines are tight, but should be ok.
- hoping for 4 races next year, but none this
year (it's too late in the year).
- They are now affiliated with ASN, but are
waiting for the complete confirmation.
- investigating using local tracks (Corel
Center, Alcatel, Karters Corners, Quyon,
and St Lawrence Motorsports park (in the
USA), or possibly local airports).
- series will require licensed and trained
personnel. There is a need to have members obtain qualifications (licenses). Contact Ron Woltman to coordinate licensing
- ASN pleased to have us affiliated
- investigate promoting karting throughout
rest of year and winter. Mike Lowe mentioned promoting to Cubs and other youth
Canaska Cup:
- Canaska Cup was quite profitable, still
waiting for final numbers from TLMC
- Ron and Rob will engage Gunter to understand relationship and TLMC for next year
- Sherissa will be Chief Registrar for 2001.
- people who want to be a part of the race
can contact the executive
High Performance Driving School/Lapping:
- Ron will have information by end of
month (for the Sept. MCO general meeting) on track availability
Annual General Meeting:
- Mike Lowe and Dave Butler will be members of the Nomination Committee.
- Rob will create proxy form. Should be in
September 2000 Link and will provide
some text for an ad for AGM
- no suggested changes to bylaws this year.
- Dave and Jaak will submit to Link about
Rally affiliation
- new members should be given a copy of
the bylaws
- Nov 25, 2000 at Louis Steakhouse
- Sherissa and Bev Miller will co-organize
- Dave and Rob will work on trophies
- trophy meeting Saturday October 28. (just
for voting members)
- Sherissa will confirm ticket price by next
meeting, but will be around $30 per person
- organizers for next events:
- Aug 27th - Richard (StLAC club challenge)
- (Sept 3rd is an away event in Montreal)
- Sept 10th - Rob (CADL up)
- Sept 17th - Jaak (conflict with Mosport
road race)
- Oct 1st - Gordon (conflict with Mosport
road race)
- Oct 15th - Ron
- new laptop (to replace failed timing laptop). Voted in favor. $125 approx value.
The Link:
- new editors: Ayan Gangopadhyay and
Richard Muise
- no update on 2 colour cover
- 18th is deadline
- Rob presented in leu of Bob.
- 2 colour Link cover will help in positively
altering cash flow.
- Dave updated on status of Learnix Rally
(Sept 23rd). Will need people to help with
9 to 10 check points
- Dave will co-ordinate with Jaak to put
affliction report in Link
- 175 members
- Sean will buy a new shed for storing MCO
- Ron will investigate racer Solo-II event
- MCO cloth badges status on hold
- no sponsorship update
- CASC-OR Annual General Meeting and
Banquet is Nov 18th, 2000.
October 2000
For Sale/Wanted
1. Ready to Race 125 cc Shifter Kart
TM 125 cc engine. Only 8 hours testing.
Mint condition. Raced 3 times. Engine rebuilt June 2000
Purchased from PTK Racing October 1998.
Ready to race price new: $ 11,000
Will sell for: $ 7,900
Will sell chassis ready for your own motor for $ 2,999
2. Ready to Race 80 cc Shifter Kart
Honda CR 80 engine. Only 6 hours testing. As new.
Raced 4 times. Purchased from PTK Racing April 2000
Ready to race price new: $ 8,900
Will sell for: $ 6,995
3. Chassis for 80 cc Shifter, F-100 or InterContinental engines
8 races only. Will sell for $ 1,799. Can add engine to suit
Bilstein racing shocks and springs, Neuspeed sway bars, ARP hardware,
Heads (2.0L 16 Valve), Schrick Cams, Techtonics Lifters, Lightened
Flywheel, Kevlar Clutch (for 8 valve shaft). Other racing and stock
parts available. Call Sean 836-3766 for details and prices.
Eight (yep, thats right, 8) used FF dry racing tires. Please call
Robert Chartrand @ 725-9229.
Yamaha Seca 650. Mint condition. Always stored indoors. $1,200.
19,000 km. 550 lbs+73 hp = 12.83 1/4 mile. Shaft drive, four into two
chrome exhaust and new tires. Includes luggage rack, removable
windscreen, $250 one piece rain suit, three helmets including a
$550 Arai. Not licenced for two years.
Contact Jaak Laan at (613) 943-2520 or
Call: Jeff at (613) 726-2943; Email:
Race team looking for 2 individuals to aid with
Year 2000 CASCAR team running CARQUEST Series and Formula
1200 team. The main focus for these individuals will be on helping team
with marketing responsibilities for the team's various sponsors. This
is a PAID position. You will also be shown the ropes on how to attain
and retain sponsors in the racing world. Excellent opportunity for
someone who is trying to get involved in the racing industry. Contact
Dave Connelly (613) 623-8379 or e-mail
See the team's website at
A & C Class Motorhomes
Qualified technicians
Fifteen years experience
Courteous Fast Service
4 6X14" alloy wheels from Datsun 280ZX.
Also 4 5.5X14" wheels from Toyota Corolla GTS. Will fit other cars
with 4X11? bolt pattern. Must sell. Call Frank at 613-722-1580 evgs.
Repairs to all
makes of cars
and trucks
Open at 7am
6 days a week
6104 Perth St.
Richmond, ON
(613) 838-3524
Seniors Discount
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Thanks to
our Proud