FALL G LF - Charlotte County Homeless Coalition
FALL G LF - Charlotte County Homeless Coalition
Charlotte County Homeless Coalition Player Entry Form 2014 3rd Annual FALL G E TL TI NSOR SPO LF SCRAMBLE at TWO Hole-In-On e Contest Registration begins at 7:30 am • Shotgun start at 8:30 am 85 per person $ 340 per team $ ($55 per RGC member) (4 players per team) too! p o r D l l a B 2015 Ford! s! (Voted 15th best course in the state!) Saturday, November 15, 2014 Hole #13 2 year lease on a Hole #5 Sponsored by www.charlottecountyford.com GOLF CART Giveaway! Sponsored by Includes: Continental breakfast, 2 Drink tickets, Greens fees and golf cart, Golf bag handling, Raffle and Buffet lunch All proceeds benefit the programs of the Charlotte County Homeless Coalition. Par 3 Hole Prizes and More! GOLFER REGISTRATION FORM - Registration MUST be paid by November 14, 2014 To register online or for more information, go to the Events page at www.cchomelesscoalition.org or contact Tina Figliuolo at events@cchomelesscoalition.org or 941-627-4313 ext 118. GOLFER’S NAME E-MAIL MAILING ADDRESS PHONE Member Y/N c Enclosed is my/our check(s) totaling $__________. Please make checks payable to Charlotte County Homeless Coalition. c Pay by credit card $__________. Please call ______________________ for card number. Visa, MasterCard & American Express accepted. 198 9 of 25 Years Caring 2014 $5 off non-member Registrations before October 31, 2014 Please mail your check(s) and this form to: Charlotte County Homeless Coalition P.O. Box 380157, Murdock, FL 33938-0157 No rain date - if cancelled due to inclement weather, your entry fee and sponsorship will be considered a donation. NO REFUNDS 2014 Sponsorship Form You are invited to sponsor our 3rd Annual ES TL I T PONSOR FALL GOLF SCRAMBLE Saturday, November 15, 2014 • Shotgun start at 8:30 a.m. q WELCOME SPONSOR..........................................$800 •Name/logo prominently displayed on banner at the event •One 4 person team •Recognition at two holes as a sponsor q BEVERAGE STATION SPONSOR w/team............$500 •Banner displayed at station •One 4 person team • Tournament sign at event •Banner displayed at station • Tournament sign at event q 19TH HOLE SPONSOR........................................$150 •Name on banner over the bar q SIGN SPONSOR..................................................$100 •Tournament sign at event displaying business/organization q GUEST SPONSOR...............................................$50 4100 Riverwood Dr Port Charlotte, FL 33953 (Voted 15th best course in FL!) q BEVERAGE STATION SPONSOR.........................$250 Riverwood Golf Club •Breakfast & lunch during event Proceeds to benefit the Charlotte County Homeless Coalition. For more information regarding sponsorship, please contact Tina Figliuolo at events@cchomelesscoalition.org or call 941-627-4313 ext 118 BUSINESS NAME_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CONTACT NAME__________________________________________________________________ TITLE______________________________________ ADDRESS____________________________________________________________ CITY ______________________________ ZIP ________________ E-MAIL ____________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE______________________________________________ c ENCLOSED IS MY CHECK FOR $____________ (Make checks payable to Charlotte County Homeless Coalition.) c PLEASE CHARGE $____________ TO MY: c VISA c MC c AMEX ACCT #___________________________________________________ SIGNATURE ___________________________________________________ 1 989 of Caring 25 Years 2014 EXP. DATE_________ CVC#_________ BILLING ZIPCODE___________ To register online or for more information, go to the Events page at www.cchomelesscoalition.org or contact Tina Figliuolo at events@cchomelesscoalition.org or 941-627-4313 ext 118. Please mail your check and this form to: Charlotte County Homeless Coalition • P.O. Box 380157, Murdock, FL 33938-0157 No rain date - if cancelled due to inclement weather, your entry fee and sponsorship will be considered a donation. NO REFUNDS
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fall golf scramble - Charlotte County Homeless Coalition
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