Improving Mechanical Properties by KENAF Natural Long Fiber
Improving Mechanical Properties by KENAF Natural Long Fiber
Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 275-280 (2012) 275 Improving Mechanical Properties by KENAF Natural Long Fiber Reinforced Composite for Automotive Structures S. Jeyanthi* and J. Janci Rani Department of Automobile Engineering, MIT, Anna University, Chennai, India Abstract Natural fibers have recently become attractive to automotive industry as an alternative reinforcement for glass fiber reinforced thermoplastics. The best way to increase the fuel efficiency without sacrificing safety is to employ fiber reinforced composite materials in the body of the cars so that weight reduction can be achieved. Designing the structures with the focus on improvement aspects is very important in the automotive industry. The goals are to increase the performance of the beams and also to find the solution to reduce the cost of beams hence able to reduce the production cost. The latest thermo plastic developments have resulted in higher material properties and more possibilities in the design of bumper beams. However the use of steel, Aluminum, Glass mat thermoplastics (GMT), sheet metal components (SMC) Bumpers becomes at higher cost than long fiber reinforced thermoplastics. This research is focused on partially eco-friendly hybrid long fiber reinforced thermo plastics with natural kenaf fiber to enhance the desired mechanical properties for car bumper beams as automotive structural components. A specimen without any modifier is tested and compared with a typical bumper beam material called LFRT. the results indicate that some mechanical properties such as tensile strength, young’s modulus, flexural strength an flexural modulus are more advantages to LFRT, the new material also must improve the ability to absorb more impact load and increase the protection of the front car component. Key Words: Bumper Beam, LFRT, GMT, SMC, Kenaf Fiber, Hybrid 1. Introduction The natural fiber-reinforced composites is growing rapidly due to their mechanical properties, low cost, processing advantages and low density. The availability of natural fibers such as kenaf in Asia is more and also has some advantages over traditional reinforcement materials in terms of cost, density, renewability, recyclability, abrasiveness and biodegradability. The performance of the fiber reinforced composites mainly depends on the fiber matrix and the ability to transfer the load from the matrix to the fiber [1]. *Corresponding author. E-mail: Bumpers are one of the key structures in automobiles to protect the passengers which careful design and proper materials should be considered in order to achieve good energy absorbing behavior [2,3]. To achieve the fuel efficiency the weight reduction plays vital role in automobiles. Considering the safety the reduction of weight should be achieved without compensating the mechanical properties of the traditional materials. With the introduction of the automotive safety legislation, crash worthy ness and safety should be considered as pre conditions in light weighting the bumper beam [4,5]. Thermo plastics composites are being used in a variety of application such as mass transit, automotive and military structures. They have an edge over 276 S. Jeyanthi and J. Janci Rani traditional materials such as steel and aluminum. In these bumper beams long fiber thermoplastics were widely used due to their high specific strength, good damping capacity and corrosion resistance. The matrix in thermo plastic composites is generally comprised of poly propylene (PP), poly ethylene (PE), nylon or other inexpensive polymers. E glass fiber is a commonly used reinforced material [6]. Long fiber thermoplastic composites have seen one of the highest growth rates approximately 30% per year in the plastic industry during recent times [7]. The fiber length in long glass fiber decides the mechanical properties of the long glass fiber thermo plastics.hybridization of natural fiber with glass fiber provides a method to improve the mechanical properties of natural fiber composites [8]. The availability of kenaf fibers in India and also in Asian countries are extended towards usage in automotives. In this research we developed a hybrid material using natural kenaf and synthetic glass fiber as reinforcements. The hybrid of synthetic glass fibers and kenaf fibers were used to enhance the mechanical properties. Kenaf fiber is extracted from the bast of the annual fast growing plant named Hibiscus cannabinus. The main constituents of kenaf are cellulose (45-57 wt.%), hemicelluloses (21.5 wt.%), lignin (8-13 wt.%), and pectin (3-5 wt.%) [9]. Kenaf fibers having good mechanical properties and thermal properties compare to the other types of natural fibers when it’s Blend with PP [10]. Amongst eco-compatible polymer composites, special attention has been given to PP. PP could not be classified as a biodegradable thermoplastics, but PP takes an important place in eco-composites materials to improve the matrix with natural fibers [11]. duce impregnated kenaf/glass fiber. For this research processed kenaf fiber were used, kenaf fiber was heated up to 140 °C. In LFRT the reinforcement was the synthetic glass fiber; to increase the mechanical and recyclablity the natural fibers were used along with the glass fibers. In this process two fiber roving were used one is synthetic glass fiber and another is processed kenaf fiber. The natural kenaf fiber was sent along with the synthetic glass fiber to increase the mechanical properties. Tows were protruded with kenaf fiber, ordinary kenaf fiber and glass fiber sent through a heated die during which the individual filaments are impregnated with matrix PP as shown in Figure 1. In Figure 2 the twisted kenaf fiber and in Figure 3 the ordinary kenaf fibers were shown. The pultruded tow impregnated with the PP matrix was cooled and then chopped in to kenaf/LFRT pallets approximately 11 mm in length and 3 mm diameter. The glass fiber content by weight 40% and kenaf fiber 25%. Hybrid Glass fiber/PP LFRT pallets were used as a starting material for injection molding process. The specimens were molded according to the ASTM standard using injection molding process. The orientation of fibers is anis tropic and the flow axis is longitudinal. In another process for increasing the mechanical properties of LFRT the Kenaf fibers were twisted manu- Figure 2. Twisted kenaf fiber. 2. Materials and Methods A hot melt impregnation process was used to pro- Figure 1. Manufacturing of hybrid LFRT. Figure 3. Kenaf fiber. Improving Mechanical Properties by KENAF Natural Long Fiber Reinforced Composite for Automotive Structures ally to increase the strength. The twisted fiber had bundle of kenaf fibers twisted by hand the twisted roving were winded as a tows. In this study two types of specimens were taken for analysis. First one is ordinary kenaf hybrid LFRT (KLFRT) another is twisted kenaf hybrid LFRT (TKLFRT). All the properties were compared with LFRT Bumper materials. The material properties were tabulated in Table 1. 3. Results and Discussions 3.1 Tensile Test The tensile test were performed according to the ASTM D3039 standard five set of specimens with recommended dimensions are created and tested by a calibrated AUTOGRAPH-AGS-2003 testing machine with speed 5 mm/min. Five set of specimens with three different reinforcements were used for testing and the readings were plotted in Figure 5. The tensile strength and the Young’s modulus of the TKLFRT specimens were higher than common bumper beam materials such as LFRT [6]. The typical yield strength and Young’s modulus of the LFRT is 101.3 MPa and 5.5 GPa, respectively [6]. The KLFRT material is also higher than the LFRT. The tested specimens and the test machine were shown in Figure 4. Tensile modules of TKLFRT show dramatic property improvement with LFRT. Under a tensile load, this is likely due to the improved adhesion at fiber/matrix interface also the reinforcement of the kenaf fiber results in a more efficient stress transfer from the matrix to the reinforced fibers. 3.2 Impact Test Isod impact test methods were conducted according to the ASTMD256-04 standard [12]. Six samples with specified dimensions and defined notches were prepared and the results were compared with LFRT material in Figure 6. The density of the hybrid is slightly higher than LFRT materials. While comparing the izod test results it’s proven that KLFRT having challenging strength to LFRT. Impact strength of the KLFRT has to be improved considerably to compete with LFRT. Though the poor impact strength of KLFRT restricts their use in structural applications were high impact strength is required, they can replace engineering plastics in applications where tensile and flexural properties are important than the impact strength. Table 1. Material properties of hybrid materials Material Density Kenaf Glass 1.4 2.5 Strength 284-800 2000-3000 Modulus Elongation at (GPa) Break (%) 21-60 70 1.6 2.5 277 Figure 5. (a) Tensile modulus; (b) Tensile strength. Figure 4. (a) Tested specimens; (b) Three-point bending machine. 278 S. Jeyanthi and J. Janci Rani 3.3 Flexural Strength Analysis The specimens were tested by a calibrated AUTOGRAPH-AGS-2003 testing machine. The flexural strength was conducted according to the ASTM D790 (3 point bending) [13] standard as shown in Figure 7. The five specimens with desired dimensions and velocity of 10 mm/min were tested. The testing was conducted for various span length like 100 mm, 80 mm and 60 mm. The sbh flexural strength, namely the maximum stress at break, is calculated using the formula (1) where sbh the flexural strength, M is the maximum bending moment in the specimen, K is the cross-sectional coefficient. Taking the moment and the crosssectional coefficient: Figure 6. (a) Impact property; (b) Density. (2) (3) After simplifying the equations (2) and (3) above formula of the flexural modulus becomes (4) where sbh in MPa, F is the breaking force in Newton, L is the support distance in mm, b is the width of specimen in mm, h is the thickness of specimen in mm. By substituting the values in equation (4) the flexural modulas values were obtained and the graphs were plotted. The average flexural modulus and strength of five specimens are calculated and plotted in Figure 8. This graph shows the flexural modulus of the LFRT is 5.6 GPa [6]. It is essential for the bumper materials to have the flexural modulus more than 2.1 GPa [14]. Due to the matrix and fibre orientation of the Long Kenaf fiber the flexural strength and the flexural modulus of the TKLFRT material were higher than the LFRT and KLFRT. The results for flexural modulus are reasonably consistent for the three different span length in Figure 9 shows the flexural analysis of the specimens for 60 mm span length, Figures 10 and 11 shows the graph of the span length 80 mm and 100 mm. from the above graphs the TKLFRT shows challenging strength compare to LFRT and KLFRT. Hence its clearly proven that the twisted kenaf fiber can help to increase the flexural modulus and strength of LFRT by hybridation with natural fibers. 4. Conclusion Figure 7. Three-point bending. 1: load probe, 2: support, 3: specimen, h: thickness of specimen, L: support distance. This study focused on the mechanical properties of a hybrid kenaf/glass reinforced composites for utilization in passenger car bumper beam. A twisted kenaf hybrid material, which is fabricated by hot impregnation method present a good mechanical properties. The comparison charts shows some mechanical advantages compare to LFRT bumper beam material. This implies that a hybrid kenaf/glass reinforced material could be utilized in Improving Mechanical Properties by KENAF Natural Long Fiber Reinforced Composite for Automotive Structures 279 Figure 8. (a) Flexural modulus; (b) Flexural strength. Figure 10. Flexural analysis for 80 mm span. Figure 9. Flexural analysis for 60 mm span. automotive structural components such as bumper beams and front end modules. More over impact properties could be improved by optimizing the structural parameters like thickness, beam curvature, and strengthening ribs. References [1] Shibata, S., Bozlur, R. M., Fukumoto, I. and Kanda, Y., “Effects of Injection Temperature on Mechanical Properties of Bagases/PP Injection Molding Components,” BioResources, Vol. 5, pp. 2097-2111 (2010). [2] Cheon, S. 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