Coming Home - Habitat for Humanity | Mesa County


Coming Home - Habitat for Humanity | Mesa County
Coming Home
Building Homes… Building Lives
Volume 4 Issue 1
Spring 2013
Recognizing our “STARS”...
Our Mission
It is our mission as the
Mesa County Habitat for
Humanity to construct
simple, affordable, decent
housing in partnership with
families, volunteers, and
the community for God’s
people in need.
Thank You
To our donors, volunteers,
customers, board, staff,
and community for your
overwhelming support!
Habitat for Humanity of Mesa
County’s biggest STARS were honored and recognized at this year’s
Volunteer Appreciation Event.
There was standing room only at
the Taste of Heaven Catering Venue and the room sparkled with star
themed décor! This event helps us
to remember that our organization
is only a success because of the
hundreds of volunteers that give
their time, talents, and energy towards our mission! The room lit
with smiles as each volunteer received their awards and special
recognition was given to volunteers in the areas of ReStore, Construction, and Committees. The
evening was surely a memorable
Darrell Kitzman was the 2012
Volunteer of the Year and the
recipient of the distinguished
Bob Stratton Award!
Committee Volunteer of the Year (top) - Darrell Kitzman
Construction Volunteer of the Year (middle) - Patty Fisher
ReStore Volunteer of the Year (bottom) - Ollie Rose
Inside this issue:
A Perfect Fit
Engaging our
Building Relationships
as well as Homes
Welcome Home
Gary and Donovan
We are looking
for Homebuyers
Well Worth the
Women Build Event 2013
Habitat for Humanity International
together with Lowe’s are gearing up
for this year’s National Women Build
Week with affiliates all over the country taking part. We are jumping in and
hosting one of our largest Women
Build Days to date! Join us as we challenge women from all walks of life to
build and advocate for decent and
affordable homes in their community
and throughout the world! Come pick
up a hammer, screwdriver, or paint
brush and laugh your way through
the day! Maybe you will learn a few
things too!
Women Build Event
Saturday, May 4th
Shifts: 8:00 - 12:00
12:00 - 4:00
Event Cost: $50
(includes lunch, shirt, hat,
water bottle, nail apron)
CONTACT: Stacy Kelley for more info or to reserve your spot!
(970)255-9850 or
Page 2
Coming Home
A Perfect Fit! By: Lindy Hodges
Lindy soaks up the
opportunity to engage
with our ReStore
customers at last year’s
Anniversary Sale!
Stacy thanked each
volunteer that came to
this year’s Volunteer
Appreciation Event!
The ReStore is one of my
favorite places on the planet! I am always collecting
some new treasure from the
aisles of our store. When
the opportunity presented
itself to change gears and
take on the role of Acquisitions Manager for the ReStore, all I could think was...
what a perfect fit! Now I
venture out into our community and advocate for
donations for the ReStore
so we can fund our mission.
Those donations from such
a generous community benefit in more ways than one!
Our donors benefit from the
tax credit, our community
can purchase those goods at
a discounted rate, and our
local landfill is spared from
the overburden of reusable
materials and goods. My
passion has always been for
our Mission; building safe,
decent, affordable homes
for all of God’s people in
need and I love spreading
that enthusiasm throughout
the community. In this new
role I am blessed to be able
to blend my heart for our
mission and my love of the
ReStore… what a perfect fit!
If you have items that are
no longer a fit for you…
Don’t store it, ReStore it!
Engaging the Community By: Stacy Kelley
I was always told that people like to get involved; you
just have to know how to
ask. I never realized how
true that statement was
until I came on board with
Habitat! It’s amazing to me
how eager people are to be
a part of something so
great; just mentioning that I
work with Habitat generates
a buzz and an excitement
around me. I am constantly
humbled each time some-
one says… “Let me know
how I can get involved!”
Recently, I came to the realization that my “job” with
Habitat isn’t just about finding volunteers to fulfill tasks
that need to be completed.
It’s about finding ways to
engage our community in
giving back and making a
difference! The key to engaging a community of individuals is continually finding
ways to empower them to
give back in a meaningful
way! What a better resource than through Habitiat! I feel so blessed that I
have the tools to impact
neighborhoods, community members, and businesses to
come together for one common goal… ending poverty
housing! The next time I
see you… ask me how you
can get involved too!!!
Building Relationships as well as Homes
Robynne introduces Gary
and his son Donovan at
this year’s Volunteer
Recognition Event!
Habitat for Humanity of
Mesa County is always looking for applicants who fit
our program guidelines (See
Homebuyer Guidelines, pg.
3). Since we offer a homeownership opportunity, the
challenge is to find people
who are able to afford a
mortgage but do not make
enough income to be able
to qualify for a home
through traditional means.
Once families and individu-
als are able to secure safe,
decent and affordable housing, all other areas of their
lives (and the community at
large) become more stable
as well. In order to increase
our exposure to these families, we are focusing our
outreach to form partnerships with public, government, and non-profit agencies who serve the same
population. It makes perfect
sense to share community
By: Robynne Wilson
resources and referrals as
Habitat for Humanity is
about building relationships,
not just houses. We are so
thankful for our partnerships with Grand Junction
Housing Authority and
Hilltop, as well as many other businesses and agencies
throughout Mesa County.
Together, we are able to
transform our community
by transforming lives.
Volume 4 Issue 1
Page 3
Welcome Home Gary and Donovan!
On Saturday, April 13th, Habitat for Humanity
will welcome Gary and Donovan into their new
home! As a single father, Gary has experienced
the highs and lows that accompany parenting
each and every day! Caring for Donovan and his
changing needs will be simplified by the special
accommodations made to their home!!! Gary’s
home is the 59th home to be dedicated here in
Mesa County to date!
Board of Directors
Beverly Salazar
Vice President:
Bruce Phillips
Nathan Knoll
Vi Crawford
Board Members:
Kevin Chesney
Peter Icenogle
Lee Kreidler
John Lupfer
Lyn Mosher
Duncan Rowley
BJ Venegas
Past President:
Duncan Rowley
We are looking for Homebuyers!!!
Habitat for Humanity of Mesa County is currently looking for qualified
homebuyers to be a part of our program! Below are the basic guidelines for our
homeownership program!
Must be a US Citizen or Legal Resident
Must have lived in Mesa County for 1 year or longer
Must have a regular income that is between 30-50% median income
Must not have filed Bankruptcy in the past 2 years
Must not have owned property or a home in the past 2 years
For more information or questions about becoming a homebuyer, please contact
Robynne Wilson at (970)255-9850 ext.207.
Well Worth the Wait!
After completing well over 500 sweat equity hours, Kendra finally got to
experience the groundbreaking of her new home! Since the groundbreaking,
the structure is moving quickly and soon we will be welcoming Kendra and
her family into our 60th home here in Mesa County!
Interim Executive Directors:
Kevin Chesney
Duncan Rowley
Jacki Solis
Construction Manager:
Gregg Chaffee
Programs Coordinator:
Stacy Kelley
Family Services Coordinator:
Robynne Wilson
Acquisitions Manager:
Lindy Hodges
ReStore Manager:
Barb Lancaster
ReStore Volunteer Coordinator:
Allison Anderson
Naomi Story
ReStore Staff:
Don DeLaney - Sales
John Ditzler - Driver
Derry Gregory - Driver
LeeAnn Harold - Office Admin
Lonnie Maestas - Receiving Mgr
Liz Pierce - Cashier
Tamera Starcher - Lead Sales
Roberta Stanbuck - Cashier
Tanna Thompson—Office Admin
Michelle Wittwer - Sales
P.O. Box 4947
Grand Junction, CO 81502
Women Build Event
Saturday, May 4th
Shifts: 8:00 - 12:00
12:00 - 4:00
Event Cost: $50
(includes lunch, shirt, hat,
water bottle, nail apron)
See page 1 for more details!
Words Cannot Express Our Profound Gratitude...
Get Involved!!!
Become a …
Call us today:
Visit us on the Web!
Follow us on Facebook!!
Airtek Refrigeration
Alpine Computer Solutions
Atlasta Solar
Charlie Dwellingtons
Choice Hotels International
Colorado West Mental Health
Cynthia Sandels Palisade Peddler
E.C. Electric
Encana Oil & Gas
Fruita Marketing Management
Gold Mine Bingo
Grand Valley Surgical Center
Humphreys RV & Trailer
Jenkins Landscaping
John O. Spendrup, LLC
Junction Square
Kwal Paint
La-Z-Boy Furniture Gallery
Lewco Warehouse
Mak Energy Inc.
Old West Oil Field Services
Palisade Pharmacy
Ponderosa Window
Quality Assured Contractors
R & S Properties
Shermin Williams
Spendrup and Assoc. Inc.
St Mary’s Hospital
Sutherlands Lumbers CO
Thompson Realty
Tile Meister
Village Inn
Which Wich
And Many More...