SHETLAI\D SEEEPDOGCLUB OT SOUTEENNNEVADA SHELTIE RDSC{IE Adoption Application notethatwehavetherighttorefuseany . Please E-mailtris application applioant. cut & pastedirections: (win95 or 98). Placeyour mousepointenalywhere on lhis page. Right click one "selectall". Then,rigtt click again,and choose"copi'.. Thet tidr€. (Riglt buttonon your mouse)choose opcnyoUre-mail editor,or a word processingpogram. Wlen you havethe blank documcntreadythat you want to past€this into, placeyour moas€pointer in the blank space,and click your mouseonetim€ to make surette cursoris IN the document. The'nright click ageinonly this tfunechoose?aste". Or fht out the applicationandmail to: AnnetteMcNaughton SheltieRescue 3231W. DonnerSt Pahrump,NV 89048 SHELTIE RESCUf, AdoptionApplication Persond Information Name: Addregs: Cityl$tttelZipz Phones: Eorne: \[orlc Employen May we call you st work? E-mail: Do you checkemsil everydty? **Neme of dog you are applying for if nameic lmown? Do you have an rpplicrtion pendhg with etry other rescuegnDup? Have you beenturned down by any other group? Why do you want a rescueShehie? SheltieHabits Have you ever owned a Sheltie before? Are you rware of all a Sheltie's rceds rnd habits? (t e. regular grooming' exercise) Arc you awars thst Sheltiesare 'barkerst? ( door-bel[ UPS mrn, mailmrnt strmgers, ect ) Are you rwrne thst t Sheltie is e long hairrd' double coated breed, that WILL SEED? Are you aware that Sheltiesmry be somcwhatrhy around new peoplerstrd may trke awhile to bond with? Are you ewarc thrt bocruseof their rhyness,Shelti$ are s high runaway risk dnring the first month? Your Presento{ PreviousPets Pleasetell us ebout your prut and prerent pets; (continuc on back if needed) Brced: Sex: Fired: What egeyou got the pet Age the pet left you. What happenedto the pet? Brced: Fixed: Ser: you got the pet What age Age the pet left you. What happenedto the pet? Brccd: Fired: Ser: Whet ageyou got the pet Age the pet left you. What happenedto the pet? Breed: Sex: Fixcd: got the pet you What age Age the pet left you. Whet bappenedto the pet? Breed: Sex: Fixed: Whrt ageyou got ihe pet Age thc pet left you. Whai happenedto the pet? Brced: Ser: Fixed: What ageyou got the pet Age the pet left you. Whrt happenedto the pet? Broed: Se* Fired: Whet ageyou got the pet Age the pet left you. What happenedto the pet? Ifrny ofyour prcsent or pest pets wele not spryed or neutered' pleaseerplrrin why? Do you (or did you) always keep all ofyour pets up to date on a[ shots? What brrnd? On heertworm pnevetrtionmedicrtion? On llea prevention medication? Licensed in your county? What bnnd? Routinevet visits? What dog food do you phn on fe€dihgyour dog? Name,address, d phonenumber ofyour Vct Pleasecircle one: My vet mry/mey rot be-uEedar a referetrog' Your Home Who lives in your home? Plcare list agesof oven nerson living (e4renpart-time) in you home: Wh*t is the speedlimit of the roadyou live on? Do you llve in r: (circle onc) Eouse,Apartm€nttCondo. Do you ownor rent? If renting,doesthe landlord allow petr? Do you hevea yard for the dogto use? Is it gggfry&&lgd, with no hohs or gapson all sidessothat e smallanimd could not e3crpe? Describethe materid and heightof your fence? Doceyour fencecomeall the way to the groundto preventrn animalslipping under? Doera door from your houseopendirect$ into the fencedyald? Arc you planninga movein the fortseerblefuturs? lfyou wereto move,would you insisl on r neryhousehrving a fencedyard? Ifyou don'thavea fence............... flow wil this dogrelieveitself daily? I will walk it on leash. I plan on training it to stry in my yard. I have a *tie-out' trolley or strke. 0ther explaln: How will you allow thio dog to run rnd get exercire? milec every day. I will walk it on r lersh for I have a lerge yrd for the dog to run in. There is a largc perk or field nearby where I can let it run. Daih Schedule Do ell adults in the bousework away from home? Will anyonebe homeduring the day with the dog? Specifcalty,how many hourswill this dog be homealonedaily? Where will this dog staywhile homealone? loosein house outside crrte x-pen kitchen basement other: explain: Pleasecheckall th&t tpply in your home: Busy household- visits by friends, in and out a lot. Noisy- TV, Stereo,machinery,tools' children playing, dogsbarking. Moderrte - normal corningsand goings chomebodies"few guest,comchomeand stay home Quite Lots of children in the neighborhood Live on a busy rtreet or highway Wherewill this dog spendmost of its time? outside inside outsideduring the day and insideat night outsideand in the garege Will this dog be allowedin all the roomsin your home? Explain: Wberewill the dog sleepat night? Your Preferences Do you havethc time and or patienceto housetraina dog, if it is not alreadyhouse trained? Would you be willing to take a *specialneeds' (slcrtd, shy, handicapped,or needs medication)dog? Would you bewilling to work with e cbehavlorproblem" dog? Will you bewilling to take on older dog? ' Up to whet age? Do you havea colorpreference? Do you havea sexpneference? Will you takethe oppositesex? Doyou haveen agepreference? Do you havea sizeprcference? . FinancialCommitnent Are you awareof the fnancial responribilitiesof dog ownerrhip.... Including vet core,medicatlons, food,llcensing, rhotq grooming....cct? per ycrr to nroperlv canefor a dog' will thig fit into AKC reportsit costover $101X) your budget? Will you rgrc,eto useq[ a prcmium,qmlity dogfood for your shehie? If your Sheltieneedederpensivesurgery,or ongoingmdication' *ould you: Do whateverI sm rblc to do to get my shehiewhateverit nceds givethe dogbackto us havelte doghumanlyeuthrnizcd keepthe dogfor er longasit couldgowithout any treatment Othen AnD YOU AWABE THAT IF your Shehiewnsto get loosernd run avry, bccause this breedir soshy....itcouldtake$l0lXf'sof dollarsin postersradsin newspaperst and lrerards,to find it? Check any of the following circumstancs thrt would ctuse you to give this dog beck to us? (Check all that apply) None _a new job (working morc, longer hourc) kiih gruw up and move out divortce moving ne* baby if thc dogneededexpensive vet crrt (pottying badhabits in thehousgchewing,destruction'...ect ect.) if it bit someone other (pleare erplaln) I have checkedover this application, and have answeredall questions? Arc you aware thet the next step in becoming approved, is for someonefrom recue to come out and meetwlth yo[? How are you planning on gettingihis dog to you? (We don't ehip dogr) Are you aware of the donation that our rcscueorganization rsks for? A minimum donation of $EOunlessotherwisespecilied. All of the $rswerr I have given, arc true and correct to the be.rtof my knowledge I aho understand that if any of my answersarc shown to be fabe at a later time, that the adoption contract will becomenull and vold, and I will immedlately rcturn the Sheltieto the ShetlandShecpdogClub ofSouthern Neveda,SheltieRescue. Signature of applicent Drte : Ploasecheck to be sure all questionslrt answertd. Incomplete applications mry not be considcred. cut'pasteand@!@ Or nail the applicrtion to: Annette McNeughlon Sheltie RescueCootdinator 3231W. Donner St Pahnrmp,FiV E904E Pleasenote that we heve the right to refuse any applicant