Canyon Lake Art Association Newsletter ~ Jan. 2013


Canyon Lake Art Association Newsletter ~ Jan. 2013
Elin has been pain ng since the age of 9 and selling her pain ngs since 1983. She was recognized for her ar s c talent in her teens by the late Millard Sheets. Since then she has studied and painted in South America, Central America and Europe. She is tradi onally trained, with a bachelor’s degree in Fine Art from San Diego State University. Her award‐winning pain ngs are found in both private and corporate collec ons throughout the United States & Europe and she con nues to produce commissioned work. In addi on, she is a skilled teacher and she conducts workshops for aspiring painters featuring her Color System; a system for ge ng the color right every me. She markets her work primarily through her web sites and her higher‐end galleries. Her website is: 1 Current Board Members & Chairs President: Joanie Everts 951‐244‐3378 Vice‐ President / Program Director: Marilyn Sarkisian‐Latimer 951‐246‐2435 Secretary: Chris Fagan 951‐245‐5244 Treasurer: Lori Gundrum 951‐244‐4800 Publicity Chair Vacant ~ Need a Volunteer Membership: Marjorie Wicen 951‐244‐4358 Historian Leann Kluck 951‐741‐4100 Show Chair / Hospitality Joan Fakhoury 951‐347‐7043 Reminders:
Upcoming Demonstrators
Refreshments will be on a voluntary basis.
We would like our meetings to start at 7pm
sharp, thus giving our demonstrator plenty
of time to finish his/her project. (we pay for
this). Come as early as you wish to sign in,
get your badge, say hello to your buddies,
look at the paintings and get a cup of
coffee, but no later than 6:45 PLEASE
January 2013 ~ Elin Pendleton
February 2013 ~ TBA
March 2013 ~ Barbara Parrish
“Sharing Art”
Our members are welcome to bring in their
artwork to share. At each meeting you can
bring in as many as you like but only 2 will
count each month. If you need anything
else let Jennifer know. Her email is:
“Monday Night Painters”
The Monday night ad-hoc painters are still
painting. They meet at Bluebird Hall from
6:30 to 9:00 pm. This is open to anyone
who would like to join them. Come on by
& enjoy the fun.
“Art at the Lodge”
Get your paintbrush loaded and get busy
painting. Meet up with Joan Fakhoury &
hang your art in the Canyon Lake Lodge
for everyone to see.
Below are the art themes for displaying
your art. Dates of each new theme change
are the Monday after the club meeting at
10am at the Lodge
Newsletter Editor Rhonda Strickland 951‐522‐8757 
Jan. - Animals, birds, fish
Feb. - Portraits, & figures
March - Structures, buildings,
houses, bridges
April - Artist's choice
May - Landscape
June - Tropical
Remember, if you have not paid your
membership dues please pay them at the next
The club is in need of a volunteer to take the
position of Publicity Chair. Duties include
but may not be limited to attending board
meetings, preparing articles and taking
pictures to be published in the newsletter
and local papers, creating and putting up
signs for club events.
If you have items for the newsletters you can
contact me at or by
phone at 951-522-8757.
Rhonda Strickland
CLAA Newsletter Editor
RestLeSs Designs ~ RestLeSs D Graphics
Newsletters can now be downloaded—
ClAA is on Facebook!! You can visit our
Facebook page & see current & upcoming
ref=hl 2 Canyon Lake Art Association Party
December 2012
A Big Thank You to Marilyn Latimer!!!
December’s meeting was a PARTY!! Marilyn supplied all the beautiful Xmas party decorations including the dinnerware, door
and raffle prizes. She also brought the Karaoke machine,. Thank you for putting in so much work to help make the party a
wonderful success!!!!!
3 Canyon Lake Art Association
Paintings at the Lodge December 2012
Ar st: Leann Kluck ~ Medium: Photography Ar st: Marilyn La mer ~ Medium: Oil Ar st: Christy Bruce ~ Medium: Watercolor Ar st: Marjorie Wicen ~ Medium: Watercolor Ar st: Joan Fakhoury ~ Medium: Watercolor Ar st: Marilyn La mer ~ Medium: Oil Ar st: Christy Bruce Medium: Watercolor Artist: John Sullivan ~ Medium: Pencil, Graphite & Ink A special thanks to Leann Kluck for running around & ge ng all of the photographs for us!!! 4 DECEMBER XMAS PARTY A Note from Marilyn I hope everyone who came to the party had a good me. I want to thank all my helpers, especially my husband Kris, Leann and Rhonda. Without their help it would not have been possible. HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Be sure to put this email address in your safe
email list.
Marilyn La mer CLAA Vice President/Program Director MARK YOUR CALENDARS 2013 “Art at the Lake” will be on Saturday, June 2nd. This event is held at The Lodge banquet room. For more info contact Joan Fakhoury at 951‐347‐7043 or You can help
monthly newsletter via
Let your newsletter editor, Rhonda know
your email address.
Send it to: A Gentle Reminder to All Members
Regarding Sharing Art at the Meetings:
All participating art & paintings can be no
older than 2 year since its creation. If your
art is older than 2 years you are welcome to
bring it to display but it will not be allowed to
participate for a ribbon award.
Let's keep Painting!
5 Canyon Lake Art Association
23066-18 Canyon Lake Drive, South
Canyon Lake, CA 92587
Advertise Your Business in the CLAA Newsletter!
If you have a business and would like to advertise,
Please contact a Board Member for more information.
Thank you for Supporting Canyon Lake Art Association. “Suppor ng educa on, apprecia on, and par cipa on in the arts since 1976” 6