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OFFICIAL SONGBOOK 2004 EDITION Mike Martin, Head Coach Chip Baker, Director of Operations Jamey Shouppe, Associate Head Coach Mike Martin, Jr., Michael Futrell, Jr., Assistant Coaches 2004 THE ANIMALS OF SECTION B Section B Online ( DICK HOWSER STADIUM Tallahassee, FL USA Dear ANIMALS: FLORIDA STATE SEMINOLE BASEBALL is built on tradition and pride. Our Goal is to do our best to continue the tradition that was started in 1948. I want to thank each one of you for bearing the construction over the past year. As we head into the 2004 season, I want to continue to provide the best atmosphere in the best stadium in college baseball. SEMINOLE BASEBALL fans have a reputation throughout the country as being the most knowledgeable, classy and unique in college baseball, and THE ANIMALS have become an "institution" at Dick Howser Stadium. Your constant support, endless enthusiasm and class are sincerely appreciated. It is especially nice to have the support of THE ANIMALS on the road! In every city we play, Seminole fans always support our team, and our players appreciate each and every one of them. As you know, we have worked hard, within university guidelines, to provide you support. Local businesses have provided their financial support to THE ANIMALS to keep the tradition going. We are sure, with your “wit and wisdom”, you can voice your approval towards your "sponsors" during the course of the well as patronize them during the year. The popularity of the Section B website keeps a lot of Seminole baseball fans and parents from all over the world connected together. We all have a common goal of having a positive baseball environment that makes us all proud. This service you provide helps keep Seminole Baseball only a touch of a computer mouse away! The players, coaching staff and administration appreciate THE ANIMALS OF SECTION B. We want you to have fun, enjoy the games, pull for the SEMINOLES, and continue to keep it clean and classy! Sincerely, # 11 Mike Martin ACC Champions 1995, 1997, 2001 - Regular Season 1996, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003 26 Consecutive NCAA Regional Appearances: 1978-2003 17 College World Series Appearances: '57,'62, '63, '65, '70, '75, '80, '86, '87, '89, '91,'92,'94, '95, '96,'98, '99, '00 University Center C-5406 P.O. Box 2195 Tallahassee, Florida 32316 Phone: (850) 644-1073, Fax (850) 644-7213 TABLE OF CONTENTS A Brief History of the Animals of Section B .......................................................................................... 3 Traditional ............................................................................................................................................. 4 The Star-Spangled Banner.................................................................................................................. 4 O’ Canada.......................................................................................................................................... 5 O’ Canada (French Phonetic) ............................................................................................................. 5 Take Me Out To The Ballgame .......................................................................................................... 6 God Save The Queen ......................................................................................................................... 6 School Songs ......................................................................................................................................... 7 Florida State Fight Song..................................................................................................................... 7 Garnet and Gold................................................................................................................................. 7 Victory Song...................................................................................................................................... 8 Classics.................................................................................................................................................. 9 Take Me Out Of This Ballgame ......................................................................................................... 9 The Animals Fight Song .................................................................................................................... 9 The Battle Hymn of the Animals ...................................................................................................... 10 Batting Practice................................................................................................................................ 11 Yo-Ho, Yo-Ho (A Pirate’s Life For Me) .......................................................................................... 12 How Much Is That Batgirl?.............................................................................................................. 12 Mamas, Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Batgirls................................................................. 13 The Beer Song ................................................................................................................................. 13 That Hee Haw Song ......................................................................................................................... 13 Stall, Stall, Stall ............................................................................................................................... 14 We’ve Been Yelling At The Umpires............................................................................................... 14 O’ Omaha ........................................................................................................................................ 15 O’ Sunshine Network....................................................................................................................... 15 Happy Trails .................................................................................................................................... 16 Anti-Fight Songs.................................................................................................................................. 17 The Notre Dame Misery March........................................................................................................ 17 The Boys From Old Florida ............................................................................................................. 17 Swing Low....................................................................................................................................... 18 The Doormat.................................................................................................................................... 18 Climpsin's Fight Song ...................................................................................................................... 19 There Goes Ol' Carolina................................................................................................................... 19 The Seminoles ................................................................................................................................. 20 Nervous Wreck from Georgia Tech.................................................................................................. 20 Deflate That Big Yellow Bumblebee................................................................................................ 21 O’ Maryland .................................................................................................................................... 22 Cheers.................................................................................................................................................. 23 Assorted Cheers ............................................................................................................................... 23 Pitching Situations ....................................................................................................................... 23 Coaching Situations ..................................................................................................................... 23 Visiting Batter Situations ............................................................................................................. 23 Game Situations ........................................................................................................................... 24 You Might Be A Blue Devil............................................................................................................. 24 Show Me The Way To Go Home ..................................................................................................... 25 We Don't Give a Damn About the Miami Hurricanes ....................................................................... 25 The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition 1 The Strike Zone ................................................................................................................................26 Here Come The `Noles .....................................................................................................................26 Jabs ......................................................................................................................................................27 Mr. Baseball .....................................................................................................................................27 He's A Short Coach ..........................................................................................................................28 Short Coach......................................................................................................................................28 Mail..................................................................................................................................................29 The Lazar Song ................................................................................................................................30 Archived ..............................................................................................................................................31 Luis, Luis .........................................................................................................................................31 The Spano Song................................................................................................................................32 Lord, Throw The Ball .......................................................................................................................33 The Itsy Bitsy Spiders.......................................................................................................................33 The Rodney Brewer Song.................................................................................................................34 The Herbert Perry Song ....................................................................................................................35 Anecdotal .............................................................................................................................................36 He’s A Hero After All ......................................................................................................................36 Take Me Out Of This Wedding.........................................................................................................37 J.D. At The Bat.................................................................................................................................38 Attempt At Your Own Risk ..................................................................................................................40 Cheeses In The Underworld..............................................................................................................40 The Tech Series Of May 2003 ..........................................................................................................41 You Should Call Me Al ....................................................................................................................42 Push Just One More Time.................................................................................................................43 Runnin' With The Big Dogs..............................................................................................................44 2004 Florida State University Baseball Roster ......................................................................................45 2004 Florida State University Baseball Schedule ..................................................................................46 Credits..................................................................................................................................................47 Sponsors...............................................................................................................................................48 Letter from the Zookeeper ....................................................................................................................49 Letter from the Editor...........................................................................................................................50 2 The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE ANIMALS OF SECTION B It was twenty-six years ago the Animals first came into existence. Twenty-six years since a group of FSU baseball fans threw stale donuts back at FSU’s #1 Fan, Sol Carroll. Twenty-six years since Sol christened these rowdy fans as ‘The Animals’. Who are these fans? Are they really as storied as their reputation makes them out to be? First, a little history: When Seminole Field, later Howser Stadium, opened in 1983, the Animals took roost in Section B, and have stayed there ever since. The Animals consist of students, alumni, business people, families, public servants, and anyone else who has a deep passion for Florida State Baseball. The Animals use intimidation through noise to rattle the visiting team's psyche. We use cheers and songs to help get our crowd and team into the game, and the visitor's out of theirs. We have worked hard to establish a reputation for originality, positive energy, general zaniness, and of the #1 cheering section in college baseball. We always attempt to show sportsmanship, and routinely congratulate opposing players and teams when a good play is made (though not too much of course). ESPN, Sports Illustrated, The Sporting News Online, Seminole Uprising, The Mike Martin Show, WTXL 27, WCTV 6, Fox SportsSouth, The Tallahassee Democrat, The Florida Times Union, FSView, The Last Word, Gainesville Sun, Durham Herald Sun and Wakulla Digest have all done features on the Animals. The Baseball Heckle Depot website even inducted the Animals of Section B into their Hall of Fame in the fall of 1999. ESPN has called us a class act, echoing the statements of many opposing fans, players, and coaches. The Animals have even been interviewed on WFLA 1270 and WTAL 1450 radio stations here in Tallahassee. Recently, ESPNet Sportszone even called The Animals "The best college baseball cheering section in the country." In 2003, the Animals made national news by singing “God Save the Queen” instead of “O Canada”, with a syndicated article being carried all around the country. In addition, radio show host, Bill O’Reilly even talked about the Animals last season on his national radio show. Each year since 2000, the Animals have been presented with awards from the Florida State University Alumni Association for their hard work and endless spirit while supporting Florida State. In recent years, the Animals website, Section B Online ( has begun generating hundreds of thousands of hits per month and is the premier source of Florida State Baseball on the Internet. An ever-growing e-mail list provides up-to-date news, information, and game stories to 3000+ subscribers that include everyone from journalists to players to coaches to parents of players and even fans of rival schools. Game stories written by members of the Animal section can also be found on ( We hope you enjoy these cheers, songs, and FSU Trivia. Now, there is no excuse for not participating and helping us generate even more enthusiasm for our Seminole Baseball team. GO NOLES!!!! The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition 3 TRADITIONAL THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER Melody: The Star-Spangled Banner Lyrics By: Francis Scott Key O say can you see, by the dawn's early light, What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous flight O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there O say, does that Star-Spangled Banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. (and the lesser known second verse) On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes What is that which the breeze o'er the towering steep As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses? Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam In full glory reflected now shines on the stream. `Tis the Star-Spangled Banner, Oh long may it wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. (and the even lesser known third verse) And where is that band who so vauntingly swore That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion A home and country, shall leave us no more? Their blood was washed out their foul foot steps pollution No refuge could save the hireling and slave From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave. And the Star-Spangled Banner in triumph doth wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. (what? There's a fourth verse?) Oh thus be it e'er when free men shall stand Between their lov'd homes and war's desolation! Blest with vict'ry and peace, may the heav'n rescued land Praise the Pow'r that has made and presrv'd us a nation And conquer we must when our cause is just And this be our motto: "In God is our trust." And the Star-Spangled Banner in triumph shall wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. 4 The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition O’ CANADA Melody: O’ Canada Lyrics By: Mr. Justice Robert Stanley Weir O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love, In all our sons command. With glowing hearts, We see thee rise, The True North strong and free; And stand on guard, O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. O Canada! Glorious and free! We stand on guard, We stand on guard for thee! O Canada! We stand on guard for thee! Note: Please don't give us any B.S. about the lyrics… "the version that gained the widest currency was made in 1908 by Robert Stanley Weir, a lawyer and at the time Recorder of the City of Montréal. This is the version which was published in an official form for the Diamond Jubilee of Confederation in 1927, and has since been generally accepted in English speaking Canada." O’ CANADA (FRENCH PHONETIC) Melody: O’ Canada Lyrics By: Calixa Lavallée Oh Canada Teer-uh deux knows i-u Ton fron ess-ay deux fleurons glor-e-uh car ton bra say portay la pay ill say portay la cwah ton histwah-ay un ay-pu-ay day plooh brill-yan ex-pwah ay ta val-er deaux fwa trom-pay pro-tay-jer-ah no foy-a ah no drwah pro-tay-jer-ah no foy-a ah no drwah!! The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition 5 TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME Melody: Take Me Out To The Ballgame Lyrics By: Jack Norworth, 1908 Take me out to the ballgame, Take me out to the crowd. Buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks. I don’t care if I ever get back. Cause it’s root, root, root for the home team. If they don’t win it’s a shame. For it’s one, two, three strikes you’re out, At the old ballgame. A view from Section B Note: One day when Norworth was riding a New York City subway train, he spotted a sign that said "Ballgame Today at the Polo Grounds." Some baseball-related lyrics popped into his head that were later set to some music by Albert Von Tilzer. It is one of the most widely sung songs in America. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Melody: God Save The Queen (My Country ‘Tis of Thee) Lyrics By: Historically Controversial God save our gracious Queen, Long live our noble Queen, God save the Queen. Send her victorious, Happy and glorious, Long to reign over us, God save the Queen! Note: Yes, there are an additional 5 verses of the official British version. However, given that FSU Baseball would almost certainly be considered an “unofficial event” in the eyes of the British, the first verse should be appropriate. 6 The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition SCHOOL SONGS FLORIDA STATE FIGHT SONG Melody: FSU Fight Song Lyrics By: Dr. Tommy Wright You’ve got to fight, fight, fight for FSU, You’ve got to scalp ‘em Seminoles. You’ve got to win, win, win, win, win this game, And roll on down and make those goals. For FSU is on the warpath now, And at the battle’s end she’s great. So fight, fight, fight, fight to victory, The Seminoles of Florida State. F-L-O-R-I-D-A S-T-A-T-E Florida State, Florida State, Florida State! WOOO! Note: There are no breaks in the Fight Song where grunting is appropriate. GARNET AND GOLD Melody: Garnet and Gold Arranged By: Charlie Carter Garnet and gold, And may we ever loyal be; As in days of old, Thy daughters bore the torches three. Sons and daughters all, Will know that at the top we'll stand; And Florida State will be, The very best in all the land. WWW.SECTIONB.COM The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition 7 VICTORY SONG Melody: Victory Song By: Clifford Madsen and Charlie Carter We are on the warpath tonight! Onward Florida State! Show all the world the spirit and might, That the Seminoles create. Stand up for the Garnet and Gold, Ever loyal shall we be! We are proud to shout, "The Warriors are out!" And they will lead us to victory! 8 The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition CLASSICS TAKE ME OUT OF THIS BALLGAME Melody: “Take Me Out To The Ballgame” Lyrics By: The Animals Take me out of this ballgame, Take me out of here now. Put someone in who can throw the ball. My curve is flat and I can’t get a call. So it’s hit, hit, hit for the home team. My E.R.A. is a shame. For it’s one, two, three runs are in, And I pray for rain. Be afraid…Be very afraid! Note: The Animal’s perennial #1 hit, sung here at Howser Stadium, Florida’s McKethan Stadium-Perry Field, Georgia Tech's Russ-Chandler Stadium, Knight’s Castle, Omaha, and everywhere else we’ve belted it out. We sing this song when we deem a pitcher worthy, usually after he surrenders 3 or more runs (or multiples of 3). THE ANIMALS FIGHT SONG Melody: The FSU Fight Song Lyrics By: Dr. James Brey, PhD You've got to score more runs for F-S-U, You've got to scalp 'em, Seminoles. You've got to get them out, to win this game, And step right up and hit homeruns. For F-S-U is on the warpath now, And with the final pitch we'll win. So strike, strike, strike, strike, strike them out. The Seminoles of Florida State. F-L-O-R-I-D-A S-T-A-T-E, Florida State, Florida State, Florida State! WOOO! Everybody! 1!…2!…3!… Note: There are no breaks in The Animals Fight Song where grunting is appropriate. WWW.SECTIONB.COM The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition 9 THE BATTLE HYMN OF THE ANIMALS Melody: Battle Hymn of the Republic Lyrics By: John Armstrong Mine eyes have seen the glory Of the scoring of the 'Noles; If you think you will beat us Then you're nothing more than fools; The Gaytors, 'Canes, the ACC, And every other school; The 'Noles will beat you all. Chorus: Glory, glory to the 'Noles Glory, glory to the 'Noles Glory, glory to the 'Noles, And to hell with ( ) You'll leave this game with broken Pride and eyes swelled up with tears; With fans so loud our shouting Causes ringing in your ears; Our bats are strong your pitcher's weak, Your hearts are filled with fear; The 'Noles keep marching on. What's wrong with this picture? (Chorus) Note: Insert a three-syllable opponent’s name, such as Georgia Tech, UNC, NC State, Florida, Miami, UVA… 10 The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition BATTING PRACTICE Melody: Frère Jacques Lyrics By: The Animals Refrain: Batting Practice. Batting, batting, practice Batting practice…What a team are we! Will the 'Noles get lots of hits? Yes, the 'Noles will get lots of hits. Lots of hits, lots of hits. Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh… (Refrain) Will the 'Noles get lots of runs? Yes, the 'Noles will get lots of runs. Lots of runs, lots of runs. Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh… (Refrain) Does player’s name mother drive a bus? Yes his mother drives a bus. Drives a bus, drives a bus. Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh… (Refrain) Could your grandma hit his curve? Yes, your grandma could hit his curve. Hit his curve, hit his curve Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh… (Refrain) Note: Someone usually makes up new verses until something interesting happens on the field. The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition 11 YO-HO, YO-HO (A PIRATE’S LIFE FOR ME) Music By: George Bruns Lyrics By: Xavier Atencio Yo ho yo ho a pirate’s life for me. We pillage, we plunder, we rifle and loot Drink up me ‘earties yo ho! We kidnap and pillage and don’t give a hoot Drink up me ‘earties yo ho! Yo ho yo ho a pirate’s life for me. We extort, we pilfer, we filch and sack Drink up me ‘earties yo ho! Maraud and embezzle and even hijack Drink up me ‘earties yo ho! Yo ho yo ho a pirate’s life for me. We kindle and char and inflame and ignite Drink up me ‘earties yo ho! We burn up the city, we’re really a fright Drink up me ‘earties yo ho! We’re rascals, and scoundrels, and villains, and knaves Drink up me ‘earties yo ho! We’re devils and black sheep and really bad eggs Drink up me ‘earties yo ho! Yo ho yo ho a pirate’s life for me. HOW MUCH IS THAT BATGIRL? Melody: “How Much Is That Doggie in the Window?” Lyrics By: The Animals How much is that batgirl in the aisle? Woof! Woof! The one with the waggely tail. How much is that batgirl in the aisle? Woof! Woof! I do hope that batgirl’s for sale. Cheap! Cheap! 12 The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition MAMAS, DON’T LET YOUR BABIES GROW UP TO BE BATGIRLS Melody: "Mamas, Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys", by Ed & Patsy Bruce Lyrics By: The Animals Mamas, don’t let your babies grow up to be batgirls. Don’t let ‘em play softball and ride the old bus. Make ‘em be doctors and lawyers and such. Mamas, don’t let your babies grow up to be batgirls. You’ll be all alone and they’ll be on the phone With the 'Noles that ride that old bus. THE BEER SONG Melody: “Take Me Out To The Ballgame” Lyrics By: The Animals Take me out to the beer bash, Take me out to the beer. Buy me some pretzels and beer from Jax. I don’t care if I’m flat on my back. So it’s drink, drink, drink for the An-i-mals. If we run out it’s a shame. For it’s one, two, three kegs are down, And we feel no pain. Yes, it is daytime! Note: The Animals’ official party song…when we can remember the words. Typically, this song is followed by a rousing chorus (or two) of the Budweiser Song. THAT HEE HAW SONG Melody: “That Hee Haw Song” Where ‘O where is it going to now? Why do they hit ev’ry thing that I throw? I searched for a good pitch And thought that I’d found one. I threw another and (Bronx cheer) it was gone! Where ‘O where is it today? Why does it move all over the place? I searched the plate over And thought I’d found the strike zone I threw another and (Bronx cheer) it was a ball! The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition "What do you think? If I were to mix pork, with pork…" 13 STALL, STALL, STALL Melody: "Turn, Turn, Turn" Lyrics By: Robb Van Eck To everything Stall, Stall, Stall. There is a reason Stall, Stall, Stall. And a time to every purpose, Unto Martin. A time to talk A time to walk A time to play with the rosin chalk A time to delay, I wonder if he's ready. Note: It's like clockwork. The famous "Mike Martin Stall". So, we have a song for this too! WE’VE BEEN YELLING AT THE UMPIRES Melody: “I’ve Been Working on the Railroad” Lyrics By: The Animals We’ve been yelling at the umpires, All the livelong game. We’ve been yelling at the umpires, Cause the strike zone’s never the same. Did you have your eyes open? And were they watching the ball? We think you could use some glasses Cause you really blew that call. Ump, you blew that call. Ump, you blew that call. Ump, you really blew that call. Ump, you blew that call. Ump, you blew that call. Ump, you really blew that call. Don't look over here! Note: The umpire’s real name can be used in place of “Ump” (Bruce, Al, Joe, etc…). 14 The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition O’ OMAHA Melody: "O' Canada" Lyrics By: Dr. James Brey, PhD, Drew Hankin, and Robb Van Eck O’ Omaha! The `Noles are going there! On to Rosenblatt, the War Chant's in the air. With glowing bats and great defense, Our pitching's on a tear. And the way it's going It looks as if Coach Martin's walking there. O’ Omaha, Garnet and Gold O’ Omaha, let's win the whole darn thing O’ Omaha, let's win the whole darn thing. O’ SUNSHINE NETWORK Melody: "O' Canada" Lyrics By: Dr. James Brey, PhD Sunshine Network! Our favorite sports TV! Broadcasting live, Another `Noles victory. With three cameras, we watch replays As the 'Noles crush Mi-am-i. We stand and cheer GO SEMINOLES! We stand and cheer on TV. Sun Shine Network! On cable TV. We stand and cheer We stand and cheer on TV. GO SEMINOLES! We stand and cheer for Thee! The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition 15 HAPPY TRAILS Melody: "Happy Trails" Lyrics By: The Animals Happy trails to you. Until we meet again. Happy trails to you. Keep rolling down I-10. We care about the games we’ve had together We’ll be rooting for the Seminoles forever. So, happy trails to you. Until we meet again. 16 The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition ANTI-FIGHT SONGS THE NOTRE DAME MISERY MARCH Melody: The Notre Dame Victory March Lyrics By: Terry Goodwin, c. 2002 Jeer, Jeer at old Notre Dame, Once proud tra-di-tion, now they're a-shame, Touchdown Jesus has to cry, Fire'd O'Leary 'cause of his lie. Be it foot- or ba'ase- ball Old Notre Dame will-flop once and for all, While the SE-MI-NOLES are marching Onward to VICTORY!! Note: This song was written for the 2002 Super Regionals in Tallahassee vs. Notre Dame. That series happened to fall not long after the George O'Leary "Resume Scandal" (hired by Notre Dame as their football coach, fired a week later after it was found that he had lied on his resume). Anyway…this explains it's "football" flavor. THE BOYS FROM OLD FLORIDA Melody: "We are the Boys of Old Florida" Lyrics By: The Animals They are the boys from old Florida. F-L-O-R-I-D-A Where the girls are real butchy, And the guys are real wussies, Unlike any old 'Noles down our way. Hey!! They are the boys from old Florida, Down where those old reptiles play. Where they all have VD, And they’re back on TV, In the good old Gator way. Hey!! Note: Only to be sung with a large crowd. Many Gators feel the original song is sacred and get very upset when they hear our version. (Which is why we sing it to begin with) The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition 17 SWING LOW Melody: "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot" by Harry Thacker Burleigh Lyrics By: The Animals Swing low, you Florida Gaytor. The ball is heading home. Swing low, you Florida Gaytor. The ball is heading home. Ya looked up and what did ya see? The ump was calling strike three. Now the Animals are cheering up in Section B. Cause you can’t hit what you can’t see. Ya swung low, you slimy swamp lizard. So, warm up the bus and go home. Ya swung low, you slimy swamp lizard. So, warm up the bus and go home. THE DOORMAT Melody: "Auld Lang Syne", by Robert Burns Lyrics By: Terry Goodwin, c. 2003 The Do-or-mat of-the A-C-C, They're here it's U-V-A!! So Wah-ah-whoo, you'll lose again, Why do you even play!! You're here in good-ol' Flor-i-da, Down Tal-la-hass-ee way... We're Flor'da State, we're here to say, GO-O BACK TO U-V-A!! 18 The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition CLIMPSIN'S FIGHT SONG Melody: "Tiger Rag" Lyrics By: Terry Goodwin, c. 2003 Hold that Tiger…Hunting Season…Grab the shotgun…Pull the trigger…Taxidermist…Gonna stuff ya…Trophy on the wall! Chorus: Football's worthless, Roundball's hopeless, Bank it all on Baseball… Your School ain't won a title since way back in '81! R - E - D - N - E - C…K I pay twenty...Every season...What's it get me...Nothing really...Coulda' used it...On the pickup...Need a new one now! (Chorus) What's your major...Livestock Breeding...Gonna be a...Emu rancher...Tastes like chicken...Lotsa protein...Future of my clan! (Chorus) Have you ever...Seen that movie...With Burt Reynolds...And Ned Beatty...My life story...What's that movie...It's DELIVERANCE!!! It's a camera. (Chorus) THERE GOES OL' CAROLINA Melody: "Here Comes Carolina" Lyrics By: Terry Goodwin, c. 2003 Here comes ol' Car-o-lin-a, Here comes ol' Car-o-lin-a. Welcome back to F-S-U. We have your number this year, You'll get kicked in the rear, We just don't like powder blue. So go run-and-hide in Car-o-lin-a, As Bun-ting did not long ago. As we gather round the plate, Watch us cheer and celebrate, For the glory of F-S-U!!! The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition Animal Treats 19 THE SEMINOLES Melody: "The Eyes of Texas" Lyrics By: Terry Goodwin, c. 2003 The Se-mi-noles are gonna whip you, on the field today. The Se-mi-noles are gonna spear you, you'd best be on your way. Texas' best will finish second, to the Garnet and the Gold. The Se-mi-noles are gonna beat you, another Victory!! Note: Sadly, this tune never made it's debut in 2003. However, in the spirit of originality, and in the hopes that the `Noles will get another shot at Texas in the future, we've decided to include it. NERVOUS WRECK FROM GEORGIA TECH Melody: "Wramblin' Wreck" Lyrics By: Unknown, contributed by Geoff & Debbie Cryan, c. 2003 I'm a nervous wreck from Georgia Tech, What the hell am I doing here? The ratio is four-to-one, And half of them are queer. I can't afford the whiskey; I hate the taste of beer. I'm a nervous wreck from Georgia Tech, What the heck am I doing here? We've got Ribs. We've got Chow-dah. Note: We're not real sure where the lyrics for this number originated. But, we figured it was worthy of a place in our songbook. I do recall Geoff's other quote from that weekend in Atlanta…(in his best local accent) "I used to not could spell Eng-ger-neer. Now I are one!" FIREHOUSE SUBS OF KILLEARN 20 The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition DEFLATE THAT BIG YELLOW BUMBLEBEE Melody: "Yellow Submarine", by The Beatles Lyrics By: Terry Goodwin, c. 2003 In the state just to the north, There's a school…it's called GT. Forced to play the Seminoles, So they came to Tallahassee. And so we played under the sun, On a field the color green. And they came to beat the `Noles, But they'll leave with a defeat! Chorus: Deflate that big yellow bumblebee, Yellow bumblebee, Yellow bumblebee. Deflate that big yellow bumblebee, Yellow bumblebee, Yellow bumblebee. And the `Noles scored lots of runs, Many more than did GT. Fat lady, she came to sing… (Laughing…opera singing…badly) (Chorus) And this game we'll win with ease, Another win (Another Win!), in the ACC (in the ACC!!). Sky of blue (Sky of Blue!), and field of green (Field of Green!), The Seminoles (the `Noles!) will reign supreme (Reign Supreme!). K-Time (Chorus) Note: This was inspired by the Animals attendance at the 2003 FSU v. Georgia Tech series in Atlanta. Where does "Yellow Submarine" fit in you ask? Well, during the Saturday night game, there was one particular GT Fan who liked to make a lot of noise…obviously trying to rally the GT fans and mock the Animals in the process…he was a rather rotund fellow, wearing a bright yellow shirt. It works. McAlpin Signs, INC & OUTDOOR ADVERTISING Custom Lettering Of all Types Professional Work - Free Estimates Dewayne McAlpin 1768 Tallokas Road Moultrie, GA 31768 The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition (229) 985-1679 1-888-985-1679 FAX: (220) 985-0504 Billboards Sanblasted Red W ood Vinyl Graphics Custom Logos Banners Magnetic Strips Truck Lettering Race Car Lettering Plastic Letters Airbrushing Store Front Windows Real Estate and Auction Signs Electrical Signs 21 O’ MARYLAND Melody: “O Canada” Lyrics By: Dr. James Brey, PhD, c. 1994 O' Maryland, Our victory is your loss! Many strike outs, And all thy sons make errors. With no offense, go start the bus; We own the A-C-C. We’ll throw you out, O' Maryland We’ll throw you out you’ll see. O' Maryland! No relief in sight. We’ll hit it out We’ll hit it out of sight. Think about what this sign says… O' Maryland You’ll take a loss tonight. Note: We first sang ‘O Maryland’ in 1994, and the Maryland Athletic Director was so impressed, he wrote us a letter thanking us, and hoping we could someday sing it in Maryland. Alas, budgetary constraints have stopped us from going, but we always hold out hope. In 1998, we gave Honorary Animal status to Maryland Assistant-Coach Jim Flack who had been a fan of ours since we first sang ‘O Maryland’. During game three of our series with UM a couple of years ago, he even wore an Animals shirt under his uniform jersey. When Maryland came to town in 2000, we even treated the entire team and coaches to dinner at Larry’s Giant Subs. 22 The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition CHEERS Many of the Animal cheers are based on game situations or plays that happen during the game. The following is a list of some of our favorite situations explaining when we use them. ASSORTED CHEERS PITCHING SITUATIONS • • • • • • • Rag-Arm, (clap, clap), Rag-Arm, (clap, clap), etc.. Load ‘em up Rag-Arm, Load ‘em up, (clap, clap), etc.. Walk ‘em in Rag-Arm, Walk ‘em in, (clap, clap), etc.. Take her out! Leave her in!, etc. My Three Son’s: The theme to “My Three Sons” is sung when the third pitcher for the opposing team enters the game. Whoop, Whoo, etc.: When a new opposing pitcher is warming up. If the catcher is throwing harder, reverse it. RRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGG AAAAARRRRMMMM!!!! COACHING SITUATIONS • • Hut, hut, hut, etc… • These are done whenever an opposing coach comes out on the field to talk to his pitcher or argues with the umps. You may spice up the cheer by shouting military cadence, or animal sounds for particular teams (slithers, crawl, flap, etc…). When the coach reaches the dugout we shout “Trip, stumble, fall, boom. Damn dugout!!” • Anything may be substituted for “dugout” including pizza boxes, honey, RAID, probation, etc… Waaaaaaaah • A crying baby noise is done whenever an opposing player or coach complains about nearly anything. VISITING BATTER SITUATIONS • • • Hero or Goat • Shout “hero or goat” when a batter is up with men in scoring position. Do goat noises after you say goat. Rally Killer • Shouted when the aforementioned goat makes an out that kills the scoring threat. Come On Back • Chanted when a batter heads towards first base when he shouldn’t and/or a batter hits a foul ball and the base runners must return to their bases. The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition 23 GAME SITUATIONS • • • • • • Circus Song • Loudly hum the Circus Song when the opposing team makes an error. At the end of the song, say “Who are these guys? The Bumbling Brothers!” Nearly anything can be substituted for “brothers” to fit the opposing team (example - Julios for Miami). N-O-L-E-S Cheer • The NOLES cheer has historically been led by Mongo, the official mascot and spirit-leader for the Animals. Recently is has also become a tradition that sometime during a rookie Animal’s first season, he or she must lead a NOLES cheer in front the whole section. This will be strictly enforced. Tequila • The Tequila song is sung when we have men on base and need a rally. We have about a 63% success rate with this cheer. More recently, Tequila was the theme song for FSU Infielder Jose Zabala (shouting Zabala instead of Tequila) War Chant • The infamous chant stolen by the Atlanta Braves, Kansas City Chiefs, Cleveland Indians, Washington Redskins, and most other sports teams with a Native-American themed mascot. Just remember…WE STARTED IT!! Hey, Yo Mama • Same tune as the war chant except use the words “Hey, Yo Mama” • May also be sung in Spanish if playing Miami. “Hey, Su Madre” K-Time • We use this chant when an opposing player is on the verge of striking out. K being the baseball scorer’s symbol for strikeout. YOU MIGHT BE A BLUE DEVIL Shots By: Robb Van Eck, c. 1997 If your parents gave you money to paint your truck to match your bass boat and trailer... If you've ever missed a football game to go to a basketball practice... If you have ever listed your campus address as 4th tent in the basketball ticket line... If you've ever got an excused absence from class to paint your body two toned blue and white... If Phillip Morris or RJ Reynolds paid for your medical school scholarship... If you really wanted to go to UNC but insist on wearing shoes, have all your teeth, and are uncomfortable in overalls... If your hunting dog is an AKC registered poodle named Fluffykins... If you wanted to go to Vanderbilt but didn't have the grades... If your divorce settlement includes a clause for dividing the ACC Men's Basketball Tournament tickets... If you've ever named a child after Dick Vitale... If your wedding plans include a basketball pep band or cheerleaders... If you threw a party when Dean Smith retired... If your Ivy League school application was rejected because you use the word y'all... If you got to a football game and wonder why they kick the 3-point shot... If your idea of the holy trinity is The Krzyzewski, The Hurley, and The Laettner... Note: This isn’t really a “song”, but it is hysterical! This is analogous to the “You might be a Redneck” comedy routines of Jeff Foxworthy. The orator needs to bellow out each of the phrases, followed by the crowd yelling, “You might be a Blue Devil!” 24 The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition SHOW ME THE WAY TO GO HOME Melody: "Show Me The Way To Go Home" Lyrics By: Irving King Show me the way to go home, I'm tired and I wanna go to bed. I had a little drink about an hour ago, And it's gone right to my head. Where-ever I may roam, O’r land or sea or foam. You can always hear me singin’ this song, Show me the way to go home! "We are the family who say, NEE!" (Nee! Nee! Nee!) WE DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT THE MIAMI HURRICANES Melody: "The Old Gray Mare (Ain't What She Used to Be)" Lyrics By: The Animals, c. 2002 Oooooo… Chorus: We don't give a damn about the Miami Hurricanes, The Miami Hurricanes, The Miami Hurricanes, We don't give a damn about the Miami Hurricanes, They can all kiss my ass! They can kiss my ass! GO `NOLES! They can kiss my ass! GO `NOOOOOOOOOOOLES! (Chorus) Note: Ok folks…I know that some of you don't care for the title. I know that some of you don't care for the lyrics. This is something we sing only one weekend per year (soon to be only one weekend every other year), and then only if the Hurricane's manage to score. So, having said that, please don't freak out too much when (and if) we do sing it. If it bothers you that much, plug your ears if Miami scores a run, or…pull for a shutout. For a little history, I got the inspiration for this song from "We Don't Give a Damn About the Whole State of Michigan" as performed by The Ohio State University Marching Band. It is their tradition to sing this at the Skull Session (pep-rally) before every home football game. The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition 25 THE STRIKE ZONE Melody: "Show Me The Way To Go Home" Lyrics By: Terry Goodwin, c. 2003 I invented my own strike zone, Thought it up in my own little head. I shrank it for the home team an inning ago, I'll expand it this time instead. Whoever stands at home, No matter tall or gnome. I'll shrink it this time, expand it the next, I invented my own strike zone!! Cheers! This cheer was written in the middle of a game, on the back of a napkin. If memory serves (and sometimes, it doesn't), the game in question was Game 5 of the 2003 NCAA Regional in Tallahassee, against South Alabama. FSU happened to lose that game, and I don't recall there being a consistent strike zone from one inning to the next. HERE COME THE `NOLES Melody: "God Save The Queen" Lyrics By: Terry Goodwin, c. 2003 Onward to Omaha, Off to the Promised Land, Here come the `Noles. Seminole victory, Garnet & Gold are we, To every other team, Here come the `Noles. WWW.SECTIONB.COM 26 The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition JABS MR. BASEBALL Melody: "Talkin' Baseball" Lyrics By: The Animals He’s Mr. Baseball, He hovers round the ballpark, Mr. Baseball, the clothes he wears are all dark. He looks like Joe Paterno but he’s not (soft hand slaps) He likes to pick his nose and eat the snot. (eeewww gross!) He grabs his crotch, Oh! Walkin’ round the park. Yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah. (One, two, three, four) His ring around the collar…makes you wanna holler. All his pants are ready for the flood. (soft hand slap) And when he starts to talk, He really pisses you off, Cause then you’re gonna need a switch To turn him off. He’s Mr. Baseball, He hovers round the ballpark, Mr. Baseball, the clothes he wears are all dark. He looks like Joe Paterno but he’s not (soft hand slaps) He likes to pick his nose and eat the snot. (eeewww gross!) He grabs his crotch, Oh! Walkin’ round the park. Yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah. The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition "What? This isn't flammable!" 27 HE'S A SHORT COACH Melody: "It's A Small World" Lyrics By: John Armstrong & Danielle Disston, c. 1998 It's a store full of pants with the legs too long, It's a fair full of rides that you can't get on. When you go out to eat, They bring a kid's booster seat. You're a short coach after all. Chorus: He's a short coach after all, He's a short coach after all, He's a short coach after all, He's a short, short coach. When they put up your sign, no one gets in free. Except maybe some kid who is under three. And even at two, Katie's taller than you, You're a short coach after all. (Chorus) SHORT COACH Melody: “The Hokie Pokey” Lyrics By: The Animals You put your short coach in. You take your short coach out. You put your short coach in, And you shake him all about. You do the Hokie Pokey, And you turn yourself around. That what it’s all about! CHIP BAKER!! "I once caught a fish…" Note: Especially sung for FSU assistant coach, Chip Baker - a man of not exactly tall dimensions. OK…he’s downright SHORT. Let’s just say he’s vertically challenged. In August of 1999, Chip underwent hip replacement surgery to try and make himself taller, but it didn’t work. Special Note: “Fat Coach” may be substituted in for “Short Coach” along with that coach’s name for “Chip Baker”. We’ve seen our share of porkers pretending to be coaches. 28 The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition MAIL Melody: "Fins", by Jimmy Buffet Lyrics By: Terry Goodwin, c. 2003 It gets sent from Cincinnati, It takes it two days to get to Maine. Workin' on my (third) retir'ment, Prob'ly gonna start again. But the perks are good...that's the reason, I just-can't seem-to stay away. Tried to hide allot'a ballots, G-Dub found 'em anyway. Gotta watch out for the anthrax, Hope I don't con-tract smallpox. Wish that we were still with Fed'ral, Then I could'a got free shots. (Chorus) Mailed it-off-to Cal-i-for-nia, It takes it three-days to Fullerton. This could-make-a nice little stipend, Hope it doesn't go-up-in smoke. Chorus: Can't ya tell it's Christmas time Larry, All these boxes pilin' up. Ya got mail to the left...mail to the right, And you're the on-ly collator 'round. OH NO! (Goin' Postal!) OH NO! (DUCK!!) Ya got mail to the left...mail to the right, And you're the on-ly collator 'round. But-now-I feel a lot a boredom, Guess I should re-tire again. 'Cause-if I don't now, they-may force me out, Somethin' 'bout a Senior Cit-i-zen. (Chorus) Ya got mail to the left...mail to the right, And you're the on-ly collator 'round. Liftin' stuff that's way to heavy, Want that compensation pay. Need it all for the RV, Rolled right off the hi-i-way. "There's nothing wrong with retiring…three times." Note: "Scrooge", "Hippie"…whatever he is referred to as, Larry likes to boast. Be it another retirement, life at Fullerton, his Berkley-esque behaviors and opinions, or the unfortunate travels of his RV…Larry has been there, and done that. Occaisionally, (more often than most) Larry will "leave the door open" for one of the Animals to squeeze a jab in. This was my contribution (one of them, anyway). Still, Larry remains a good sport! The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition 29 THE LAZAR SONG Melody: "B-I-N-G-O" Lyrics By: Robb Van Eck, c. 2003 There was a coach who paid a kid, And LAZAR was his name-O. L-A-Z-A-R L-A-Z-A-R L-A-Z-A-R And LAZAR was his name-O. There was a coach who paid a kid, And LAZAR was his name-O. (Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap)-R (Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap)-R (Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap)-R And LAZAR was his name-O. There was a coach who paid a kid, And LAZAR was his name-O. (Clap)-A-Z-A-R (Clap)-A-Z-A-R (Clap)-A-Z-A-R And LAZAR was his name-O. There was a coach who paid a kid, And LAZAR was his name-O. (Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap) (Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap) (Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap) And LAZAR was his name-O. There was a coach who paid a kid, And LAZAR was his name-O. (Clap)- (Clap)-Z-A-R (Clap)- (Clap)-Z-A-R (Clap)- (Clap)-Z-A-R And LAZAR was his name-O. There was a coach who paid a kid, And LAZAR was his name-O. (Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap)-A-R (Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap)-A-R (Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap)-A-R And LAZAR was his name-O. "Here's to…" Note: I think this one speaks for itself. We did take a little factual liberty with the opening line to each verse, but it's even more amusing this way! Lazar Collazo was a pitching coach for the Miami Hurricanes. An NCAA infraction involving a recruit doesn't do much for the coaching career. WWW.SECTIONB.COM 30 The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition ARCHIVED LUIS, LUIS Melody: "Louie Louie", by The Kingsmen Lyrics By: The Animals, c. 1984-6 Luis, Luis. Oh, Oh. He’s gonna slap that ball. Luis, Luis. Oh, Oh. He’s gonna slap that ball. Luis, Luis. Oh, Oh. He’s gonna slap that ball. Night and day, he slaps that ball. Down the line, and over the wall. Luis, Luis. Oh, Oh. He’s gonna slap that ball. Note: Sung to former FSU second baseman Luis Alicea when he came to bat. After his days at FSU, Luis went onto a professional career, spending time with several organizations including the Kansas City Royals, the St. Louis Cardinals, and the Texas Rangers. The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition 31 THE SPANO SONG Melody: "B-I-N-G-O" Lyrics By: The Animals, c. 1999-2000 There was a player from FSU And Spano was his name-O S–P–A–N–O S–P–A–N–O S–P–A–N–O And Spano was his Name-O. There was a player from FSU And Spano was his name-O (Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap)- O (Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap)- O (Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap)- O And Spano was his Name-O. There was a player from FSU And Spano was his name-O (Clap)- P – A – N – O (Clap)- P – A – N – O (Clap)- P – A – N – O And Spano was his Name-O. There was a player from FSU And Spano was his name-O (Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap) (Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap) (Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap) And Spano was his Name-O. There was a player from FSU And Spano was his name-O (Clap)- (Clap)- A – N – O (Clap)- (Clap)- A – N – O (Clap)- (Clap)- A – N – O And Spano was his Name-O. There was a player from FSU And Spano was his name-O (Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap)- N – O (Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap)- N – O (Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap)- N – O And Spano was his Name-O. WWW.SECTIONB.COM 32 The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition LORD, THROW THE BALL Melody: "Kum By-Ya" Lyrics By: Drew Hankin, Andres Naranjo, Steve Friedlander, and John Susco, c. 2001 Someone's swinging, Lord. Throw the ball! Someone's swinging, Lord. Throw the ball! Someone's swinging, Lord. Throw the ball! Oh Lord! Throw the ball! Strike him out, Lord. Throw the ball! Strike him out, Lord. Throw the ball! Strike him out, Lord. Throw the ball! Oh Lord! Throw the ball! He will swing at junk. Throw the ball! He will swing at junk. Throw the ball! He will swing at junk. Throw the ball! Oh Lord! Throw the ball! Throw him strikes, Lord. Throw the ball! Throw him strikes, Lord. Throw the ball! Throw him strikes, Lord. Throw the ball! Oh Lord! Throw the ball! Section B…in Russ-Chandler Stadium Note: No, we’re not being totally sacrilegious. The 2001 Seminole squad had a pitcher named Justin Lord. We thought we’d honor him with this song. THE ITSY BITSY SPIDERS Melody: "Itsy Bitsy Spider" Lyrics By: The Animals The itsy, bitsy, Spiders come out of the dugout. Out come the 'Noles and wiped the spiders out. Then came the umps to dry up all the blood, Now the itsy, bitsy, Spiders console themselves with Bud. "I am Mongo. I am here for your daughter!" The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition 33 THE RODNEY BREWER SONG Melody: "Frère Jacques" Lyrics By: The Animals Refrain: Rodney Brewer, Rodney, Rodney Brewer Rodney Brewer, what a bum is he! Did the Gators move his mom? Yes, the Gators moved his mom. Moved his mom, moved his mom Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh… (Refrain) Did the Gators buy his car? Yes, the Gators bought his car. Bought his car, bought his car. Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh… (Refrain) Did he get a big Pell Grant? Yes, he got a big Pell Grant. Big Pell Grant, big Pell grant. Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh… (Refrain) Does wash Galen’s car? Yes, he washes Galen’s car. Galen’s car, Galen’s car. Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh… (Refrain) Does he try on women’s clothes? Yes, he tries on women’s clothes. Women’s clothes, women’s clothes. Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh… (Refrain) Do the Scarlet Knights love him? Yes, the Scarlet Knights love him. Knights love him, Knights love him. Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh… (Refrain) Note: Sung to Rodney Brewer, a Gator first-basemen and pseudo-quarterback. He led the Gator football team to an infamous 28-28 tie with Rutgers, while playing quarterback for UF. He was actually a good sport when we serenaded him game after game. 34 The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition THE HERBERT PERRY SONG Melody: "Frère Jacques" Lyrics By: The Animals Refrain: Herbert, Perry, Herbert, Herbert Perry. Herbert Perry, what a bum is he! Does his mother drive a bus? Yes his mother drives a bus. Drives a bus, drives a bus Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh… (Refrain) Did he lose the Miami game? Yes he lost the Miami game. Miami, game, Miami game. Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh… (Refrain) Did he make a good quarterback? No he made a bad quarterback. Bad quarterback, bad quarterback. Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh… (Refrain) Will he make lots of errors? Yes he’ll make lots of errors. Lots of errors, lots of errors. Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh… (Refrain) Does he wear an empty cup? Yes he wears an empty cup. Empty cup, empty cup. Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh… (Refrain) Will his team be swept by the 'Noles? Yes his team will be swept by the 'Noles. Swept by the 'Noles, swept by the 'Noles. Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh… (Refrain) Note: Sung to Herbert Perry, another Gator first-basemen and pseudo-quarterback. He wasn’t a good sport when we serenaded him game after game. The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition 35 ANECDOTAL HE’S A HERO AFTER ALL Melody: “It’s a Small World“ Lyrics By: John Armstrong & Drew Hankin, c. 2001 Refrain: He's a hero after all, He's a hero after all, He's a hero after all, He's a he-ro after all We pick on our coach, Cause he's 5 foot 3. And he can't hit a ball, If it's on a tee. On a bus by the bay, Our short coach saved the day He's a hero after all (Refrain) "Ladies and gentlemen, there is no truth to the rumor that I'm standing on a ladder." We like to kid Chip Baker about his height, his hair, his hip, and basically anything else we can think up. But on February 8th, 2001, Chip committed an heroic act that will go down as "The greatest save in FSU history". While out in Stanford for a series with the Cardinal, the FSU bus driver had a heart attack and slumped over at the wheel while going 70 MPH on Highway 101 along San Francisco Bay. What Chip did next is simply remarkable, as he immediately jumped into the driver's seat and was able to control the bus and eventually bring it to a safe stop while Coach Martin was able to remove the driver's foot from the accelerator. The driver of the bus, James Ragland, did not survive the heart attack, but thirty-five players and staff did, and have Chip to thank for their very lives. FSU's family, friends, and fans everywhere owe you, Chip Baker, an immeasurable debt of gratitude. Chip has since moved from the field up to the front office and is currently the Director of Baseball Operations – but wherever he is, we’ll always remember what he did. Here's to you Chip – 36 The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition TAKE ME OUT OF THIS WEDDING Melody: "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" Lyrics By: The Animals, c. 1991 Take me out of this wedding. Take me out of here now. Find me a place where it’s safe to hide. I want to back out, And I can’t face my bride. Sot it’s cold, cold feet for the bridegroom, My hangover’s really a pain. It’s one, two, three innings left And I’m praying for rain! Note: This song was specifically written for Chip Baker and Julie Larson who were married between games of a doubleheader with Virginia Tech on May 7, 1991 at homeplate at Howser Stadium. The first game went into extra innings, so it was a nerve-racking experience for all involved. CNN called it the “Play of the Day”. The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition 37 J.D. AT THE BAT Origin: “Casey At The Bat” Words By: Clark Moore, c. 1997 Things were looking dismal for the Seminoles that night; The score stood four to one with but two innings more to fight, As Hudson ruled the hill, it seemed our pipes were turned to stone AU'd be off to Omaha, and we'd be staying home. The Bat Girls argued balls and strikes, the Animals led cheers The scouts deployed their radar guns, assessing pro careers; But confident were those of us who in the grandstands sat That Auburn U would rue the hour J.D. next came to bat. And true, J.D. was up on deck, but two were fast away As Brooks Badeaux was in the box, and we began to pray But then, our prayers were answered with the bases ripe with juice Brooks drew ball 4, 4-2 the score… And then, all Hell broke loose! For all among 5,000 fans who packed the stands that hour Unleashed as one, in unison, a sonic blast of power 3 on, two out, down two, and dwarfing even all of that, Your Player of the Year, J.D., advancing to the bat! The young man didn't swagger as he stepped inside the line A solemn executioner came number thirty-nine Large as life, a juggernaut, all pecs and delts and lats The faith of thousands on his shoulders, Drew stepped up to bat. And Hudson, standing on the hill, so tiny did appear But showed no signs of worry, nor fatigue, nor even fear Still he must have cursed the Deities, the Furies and the Fates For loading up the sacks and putting Drew upon the plate. 38 The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition J.D. AT THE BAT He threw the ball and stunned surprise resounded through the stands JD stuck out the bat and shot the handle down his hands He, bluffing at a 2-out bunt, our hands upon our heads But Hudson's heat was off the plate; "Ball One!" the umpire said. To the dugout shot ten thousand eyes, and deadly was their aim As we wondered what would prompt that call in this, the title game "A two-out sac? From J.D. Drew?!?" the crowd began to rage But Drew regrouped, and took his stance, and once more seized the stage. We marveled at the sight of him, the best we've ever had, Who dined on expectations that would drive mere mortals mad For this hour was Drew created, and the hour was his, we knew-But again, the pitch was off the plate. The umpire cried, "Ball Two!" Tension mounted on the field, and elsewhere in the place As sparks flew off our hero's bat, sweat formed on Hudson's face A walk would bring up Morris, and another run would score, But you somehow got the feeling Drew would never see ball four. And Hudson fires at 2 and 0, as Drew uncoils the steel The bunt charade now cast aside, the moment thus reveals: As bat meets ball, metallic thunder crashes through the night And history plays out beneath the blazing grandstand lights. In Baton Rouge, Miami, and in Tuscaloosa, too, Their eyes are aimed upon the prize, their fans are born anew In Starkeville, Palo Alto, and Los Angeles they shout, But it's quiet in Tallahassee--J.D. Drew has grounded out. Note: This didn’t come from the Animals, but we felt it was worthy enough to be included in our songbook. This poem was re-written by Clark Moore following the FSU/Auburn game during the 1997 NCAA Regionals. McAlpin Signs, INC & OUTDOOR ADVERTISING Custom Lettering Of all Types Professional Work - Free Estimates Dewayne McAlpin 1768 Tallokas Road Moultrie, GA 31768 The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition (229) 985-1679 1-888-985-1679 FAX: (220) 985-0504 Billboards Sanblasted Red W ood Vinyl Graphics Custom Logos Banners Magnetic Strips Truck Lettering Race Car Lettering Plastic Letters Airbrushing Store Front Windows Real Estate and Auction Signs Electrical Signs 39 ATTEMPT AT YOUR OWN RISK CHEESES IN THE UNDERWORLD Melody: "Orpheus In The Underworld", by Offenbach Lyrics By: Drew Hankin & Terry Goodwin, c. 2003 Baby Swiss and Buffalo. Lairobell and Pressato. Rabacal and Xanadu. Sardo, Postel, Waterloo. Swiss, Butte, Castelleno, Bra, Brick, Cornish Pepper, Danbo, Permejano, String, King Island Cape Wickham Brie, Queso, Fynbo, Halloumi. Lancashire and Manouri. Roquefort, Swiss, and Cotherstone. Asiago, Gospel Green. Ta-mie, Frisian, Chedder, Toma, Stinking Bishop, Fontel, Double Worcester, Vasterbottenost Finn, Curd, Man-ur. Samso, Quark and Sap Sago. Bel Paese, Leafield. Dunlop, Esrom, Gabriel. La-runs, Gra-na. Gippsland Blue and Passendale. Tyning, Wigmore, Provolone Boursin, Dry Jack, Golden Cross Grand Vatel and Jubilee Blue Kashta, Molbo, Ridder, Selva Saga, Raclette, Ro-mano Penbryn. Matocq, Lanark Blue Limburger and Hushallsost, Lairobell and Mycella... Pa-neer, Rubens. Cream Havarti, Feta, Baked Brie, Red Hawk, Wessex, Cheshire, Esrom, Mascarpone Jarlsberg, Farmers, Finnish Lappi, English Cotswold, Swiss Emmenthal. Port Salut, Florette, Baked Brie, Queso Fresco, and Montagnolo Col-by, Devon Garland, Doolin, Four Herb Gouda, Fresh Jack, Glastenberra, Brie, Anejo Enchilado Gloucester, Monterey Jack, Munster, Mozzeralla, Orla, Gorgonzola, Hubbardston Blue Cow WWW.SECTIONB.COM 40 The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition THE TECH SERIES OF MAY 2003 Melody: “The Battle of New Orleans” Lyrics By: Terry Goodwin, c. 2003 In May 2003 we took a little trip, Up-to Atlanta Georgia, Up the Interstate a bit. We brought ourselves a grill and we bought ourselves some beer, We found the Yellow Jackets and their stadium was near. Chorus: The `Noles swung their bats and they just started scorin'. The Jackets couldn't pitch and their coach began to cry. The `Noles scored some more and Tech was-a trailin', Hangin' their heads 'cause they knew they 'd never win. `Noles stared down their batters, And the Jackets couldn't hit. There wasn't much they could do save sulk their yellow heads and sit. Heard so much about 'em, thought we'd feel a sting, But this is Georgia Tech so ain't no way we'll feel a thing! Chorus 2: Tech ran out of that ballpark, Not stoppin' for a second, 'Cause the `Noles were on their heels makin' sure they didn't slow. They ran so far and made it to Savannah, They ain't Yellow Jackets, Yellow Chickens don't ya know? The `Noles hit home-runs and they pitched the ball so well, At the end of day three another `Nole victory was ours. The Garnet and Gold in the stands cheered in celebration, We knew Eleven was thrilled as he gave us a NOLES Cheer! (Chorus) (Chorus 2) (Chorus) "Eleven" looked up, grinnin' from ear to ear, 'Cause the `Noles had played all out, another series win this year. We cheered and yelled and got all over Watchko, Then we ragged on that big guy who ate the yellow submarine! (Chorus) "Hold it Gov-nah! You're not Brit-ish!" The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition 41 YOU SHOULD CALL ME AL Melody: "Call Me Al", by Paul Simon Lyrics By: Terry Goodwin, c. 2003 Man walks out to the mound He says, why is my stuff getting hammered now, Why is my stuff getting hammered Been painting the corners so well. This is my career opportunity, I want to go professional Don’t want to end up a lifer In the rookie bus-leagues Round-tripper, Round-tripper. Tattooed my fastball, Sailing past that outfield wall. Mr. Umpire, Umpire Call that outside strike for me, Then I might not get my stuff abused all afternoon! Man walks up to the plate Hey says, why am I 0-for-3 today. Can’t let myself go 0-for-4 this game. I’ll end up riding the pine! I deserve more than this, There is no strike zone. Got to protect the plate Now that the umpire has called Strike, Strike Stepped out of the batter’s box I coulda’ swore that last pitch was way outside Called Strike-Three, Strike-Three I stood with disbelief and horror, I stood with a really blank stare. Chorus: If you argue any call, You can hit the showers pal. Call it like I see it, And next time when you argue, You should call me Al! (Chorus) FIREHOUSE SUBS OF KILLEARN 42 The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition PUSH JUST ONE MORE TIME Melody: "The Longest Time", by Billy Joel Lyrics By: Terry Goodwin, c. 2003 Chorus: Whoa, oh, oh, oh, Push just one more time! Whoa, oh, oh, Push just one more time! Do-you know how much longer this should take? Twenty minutes more for goodness sake! Maybe she’ll jump out! Kicking, crying, thrown’ her voice out! Heard someone say “Jen push just one more time!” We went to the hospital last night, Waiting for a baby birth all right. We didn’t need to, We’re all real tired now too, Heard someone say “Jen push just one more time!” Trey was pacing right from the start. But Jen didn’t care, She was knocked out. Now we know Trey didn’t have to fret. Jen had this in the bag, And soon all will be over. Once we all felt hunger setting in. Found the cafeteria open. That was a mis-take Had time to just take a food break Heard someone say “Jen push just one more time!” Whoa, oh, oh, oh, Push just one more time! Whoa, oh, oh, Push just one more… Then just after one-eighteen AM, Lora-Elizabeth, she was born. Another Thaxton, Mom & Dad could not be more proud! Heard someone say “Jen push just one more time!” (Chorus) We were all just sitting in the hall, Trey came out to announce to us all, Just twenty minutes, Gave Jen the epidural. Heard someone say “Jen push just one more time!” Maybe this won't last very long. Trey said once or twice, Should not be too long. Maybe Jen’s been trying to hard. But she’s come this far, And we hope she’s not tired. The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition 43 RUNNIN' WITH THE BIG DOGS Melody: "Runnin' With The Devil", by Van Halen Lyrics By: Terry Goodwin, c. 2003 I'll drink some beer 'til it's outta style, Drink 'til I no longer feel! And if I've got, to drain my bladder, I know, Pappy's truck has got a wheel! Runnin' With The Big Dogs Runnin' With The Big Dogs I'd found that beer and pork, mix real well, 'Til I puked it, on the ground. It's 'bout that time, to go to the game, Has anybody got anymore Gold? Runnin' With The Big Dogs Runnin' With The Big Dogs (Break String) You know there's, Phil & Pappy, Nolezilla & JD (WOOOO!) Fester's there, puffin' away!! Got no more, room in my mixer Time to pour out, this worthless ice!! Runnin' With The Big Dogs Runnin' With The Big Dogs Runnin' With The Big Dogs Runnin' With The Big Dogs 44 The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition 2004 FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY BASEBALL ROSTER NO. 1 NAME DiCarlo Thompson POS. B T PLAYERS HT . WT . Y R. HO MET OWN P L R 5’11 170 FR Tallahassee, FL Leon HS HS OR JC 2 Shane Robinson OF R R 5’9 165 FR Tampa, FL Jesuit HS 3 Ryne Malone IF L R 5’11 175 FR Gainesville, FL P.K. Yonge HS 4 Stephen Drew SS L R 6’1 193 JR Hahira, GA Lowndes County HS 5 Danny Diaz C R R 6’3 215 FR Miami, FL Southridge HS 6 Brandon Manasa INF S R 5’9 170 SO Miami, FL Southridge HS 7 Dennis Anderson IF R R 6’1 170 FR Jacksonville, FL Bishop Kenny HS 8 Matt Sauls OF R R 6’1 215 SR Panama City, FL Gulf Coast CC 9 Hunter Davis P R R 6’2 180 JR Wakulla, FL Florida Community College 10 Tyler Chambliss P R R 5’11 180 FR Live Oak, FL Suwannee HS 13 Eddy Martinez-Esteve 3B R R 6’3 215 SO Miami, FL Westminster Christian 14 Bryan Zech 2B R R 5’10 175 SR Wellington, FL Wellington HS 15 Brian Schultz P L L 6’0 175 FR Lakeland, FL Lake Gibson HS 16 Louis Rojas 1B L R 6’3 229 FR Miami, FL Belen Jesuit Prep 17 Brant Peacher OF R R 6’2 198 FR Milton, FL Milton HS 18 Bobby Ingles OF L R 6’2 195 JR Glen Elly, IL College of DuPage 19 Aaron Cheesman C R R 5’10 195 JR-R Sarasota, FL Sarasota HS 20 Gibbs Chapman 2B L R 5’10 180 JR St Cloud, FL Lake Sumter CC 21 Mark Sauls P R R 6’4 210 SO Panama City, FL Bay HS 22 Rhett James P R R 6’1 205 SR Pensacola, FL Pensacola JC 23 Frank Radziwon Palm Beach CC 24 Derrick Smith 25 Raul Rodriguez 26 Kevin Lynch P L R 6’2 200 JR Fort Pierce, FL John Carroll HS 27 Danny Wardell 1B R R 6’3 225 JR Wesley Chapel, FL Pasco-Hernando JC 29 Eddie Cannon P R R 6’0 170 SR Sebring, FL South Florida JC 30 Brian Chambers P R R 6’2 210 FR Tampa, FL Jefferson HS 32 Matt DiBlasi P L L 6’3 190 SO Clearwater, FL Countryside HS 33 Trent Jarvis P L L 6’3 204 FR Destin, FL Ft Walton Beach HS 35 Hunter Jones P L R 6’4 230 SO Palm Beach, FL William T. Dwyer HS 42 Undra Griggs 1B/OF R R 6’2 225 FR Palm Beach, FL Royal Palm Beach HS P L L 6'1 170 JR Palm Beach, FL OF L L 5’10 196 SO Vienna, GA Dooly County HS C R R 6’0 215 FR Miami, FL Florida Christian School 45 Alex Boston OF R R 6'3 250 FR Bartow, FL Bartow HS 51 Glen Simon P R R 6’3 225 SO Lake Worth, FL John I. Leonard HS NO. NAME COACHES & SUPPORT ST AFF ROLE 11 Mike Martin 12 Jamey Shouppe Assistant Coach - Pitchers/Recruiting 28 Mike “Meat” Martin, Jr. Assistant Coach - Third Base/Catchers Mike Futrell Assistant Coach - First Base/Outfielders 37 Head Coach Bob Holland Equipment Coordinator/Clubhouse Manager Zac Conner Strength/Conditioning Coach Jerry Hilker Head Baseball Trainer Dean Demetriadis Student Trainer Tom Bernier Manager - Head Student Manager Dane Smith Manager Travis Nafe Manager Tye Gonzer Manager Jeremy Back Manager 44 Adam Alexander Bullpen Catcher 38 Bernard Calibuso Bullpen Catcher Justin Wilmot Field Supervisor Jeff Purinton Sports Information Director, Baseball Michael Morrell Assistant Sports Information Director, Baseball Chip Baker Director of Baseball Operations The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition 45 2004 FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY BASEBALL SCHEDULE DAY DAT E OPPONENT JANUARY Sat 31 Virginia Military Institute Sun Mon Fri Sat Sun Sat Sun Fri Sat Sun Fri Sat Sun 1 2 6 7 8 14 15 20 21 22 27 28 29 Virginia Military Institute Virginia Military Institute Arizona State University Arizona State University Arizona State University Jacksonville University Jacksonville University Oral Roberts University Oral Roberts University Oral Roberts University UNC-Asheville UNC-Asheville UNC-Asheville Fri Sat Sun Wed Fri Sat Sun Wed Fri Sat Sun Fri Sat Sun Wed 5 6 7 10 12 13 14 17 19 20 21 26 27 28 31 Metrodome Tournament Metrodome Tournament Metrodome Tournament Butler University Michigan State Michigan State Michigan State Jacksonville University University of Maryland University of Maryland University of Maryland North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina University of Florida Fri Sat Sun Wed Fri Sat Sun Fri Sat Sun Wed 2 3 4 7 9 10 11 16 17 18 21 NC State University NC State University NC State University Jacksonville University University of Miami University of Miami University of Miami University of Miami University of Miami University of Miami University of Florida LOCAT ION TIME DAY DAT E OPPONENT LOCAT ION TIME Tallahassee, FL 2:00 Fri Sat Sun 23 24 25 Georgia Tech Georgia Tech Georgia Tech Tallahassee, FL Tallahassee, FL Tallahassee, FL 7:00 7:00 1:00 Tallahassee, FL Tallahassee, FL Tempe, AZ Tempe, AZ Tempe, AZ Tallahassee, FL Jacksonville, FL Tallahassee, FL Tallahassee, FL Tallahassee, FL Tallahassee, FL Tallahassee, FL Tallahassee, FL 1:00 2:00 9:00 4:00 4:00 2:00 2:00 3:30 2:00 1:00 3:30 2:00 1:00 Sat Sun Mon 1 2 3 Clemson University Clemson University Clemson University 7:00 2:00 4:00 Fri 9 University of Virginia Sat 10 University of Virginia Sun 11 University of Virginia Wed Fri Fri Sat 12 14 15 16 Minneapolis, MN Minneapolis, MN Minneapolis, MN Tallahassee, FL Tallahassee, FL Tallahassee, FL Tallahassee, FL Tallahassee, FL Tallahassee, FL Tallahassee, FL Tallahassee, FL Chapel Hill, NC Chapel Hill, NC Chapel Hill, NC Gainesville, FL 1:15 7:00 4:05 6:00 7:00 7:00 1:00 6:00 7:00 7:00 1:00 6:00 2:00 1:00 6:30 Thurs 20 Fri 21 Sat 22 University of Florida Duke University Duke University Duke University Wake Forest University Wake Forest University Wake Forest University Clemson, SC Clemson, SC Clemson, SC Charlottesville, VA Charlottesville, VA Charlottesville, VA Gainesville, FL Tallahassee, FL Tallahassee, FL Tallahassee, FL Winston-Salem, NC Winston-Salem, NC Winston-Salem, NC Tue Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun 25 26 27 28 29 30 FEBRUARY M ARCH APRIL 46 M AY 7:00 1:00 6:30 7:00 7:00 1:00 1:30 1:30 1:30 ACC TOURNAMENT TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA Salem, VA Salem, VA Salem, VA Salem, VA Salem, VA Salem, VA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA JUNE NC AA REGIONAL ROUND Fri 4 TBA TBA Sat 5 TBA TBA 7:00 Sun 6 TBA TBA 7:00 NC AA SUPER-REGIONAL ROUND 1:00 Fri 11 TBA TBA 7:00 Sat 12 TBA TBA 7:00 Sun 13 TBA TBA 7:00 NC AA COLLEGE WORLD SERIES 1:00 Friday, June 18 through Monday, June 28 - Omaha, Nebraska 7:00 7:00 1:00 7:00 All times Eastern Conference Games in Bold Tallahassee, FL Tallahassee, FL Tallahassee, FL Jacksonville, FL Tallahassee, FL Tallahassee, FL Tallahassee, FL Miami, FL Miami, FL Miami, FL Tallahassee, FL 7:00 TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition CREDITS Drew Hankin Shannon Glusko Robb Van Eck Terry Goodwin Chris Nee Andres Naranjo Jeff Dalton Laura Speake Mongo Dan Wilson James “Pappy” Moody Mike McCall Kevin Wable Dr. James Brey, PhD Katie Spencer Chip Baker Mike Martin Zookeeper, Fearless Leader, and Webmaster of Section B Online Assistant Zookeeper and Fearless Leader Assistant Zookeeper and Fearless Leader Assistant Zookeeper, Songbook Editor, and Fearless Leader Assistant Zookeeper, Gopher, and Fearless Leader Animal Translator Consultant Photographer Mongo Northern Coordinator Tailgating Consultant He who makes the weather Publisher Animal in Exile K-girl Director of Animal Operations Head Coach of the Best College Baseball Team in the Land …and to everyone else involved with the Animals…Thank You!! We couldn’t survive without you!! The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition 47 SPONSORS For their support, The Animals would like to thank: THE BAKER FAMILY CHIP, JULIE, AND KATIE HINKLE & FORAN ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1545 Raymond Diehl Road Suite 150 Tallahassee, FL 32308 Phone: (850) 205-2055 Fax: (850) 205-2056 BODIFORD ELECTRIC MCALPIN SIGNS 3976-9 N. Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32303 Phone: (850) 562-8118 Mobile: (850) 545-1575 1768 Tallokas Road Moultrie, GA 31768 Phone: (229) 985-1679 Phone: 1-888-985-1679 Fax: (229) 985-0504 CHICK-FIL-A TARGET COPY 3101 Capital Circle NE Tallahassee, FL 32308 Phone: (850) 531-0720 635 West Tennessee Street Tallahassee, FL 32304 Phone: (850) 224-3007 Fax: (850) 224-5014 FIREHOUSE SUBS 3491 Thomasville Road Tallahassee, FL 32309 Phone: (850) 906-0007 48 The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition LETTER FROM THE ZOOKEEPER Welcome back. For those of you who don't know, my name is Drew Hankin, and I am the Zookeeper of the Animals of Section B. With the help of assistants, Shannon Glusko, Robb Van Eck, Terry Goodwin, and Chris Nee, I run the best cheering section in all of college baseball. With the stadium expansion, The Animals had the opportunity to grow in 2003, and that growth brought in some much-needed new blood to the section. That trend is continuing this year, and I'm encouraged for the future of the Animals because of it. The question I get asked time and time again, is 'How do I join the Animals?' The answer is easy - simply (try to) sit with us during games and make your presence known. Participate in our cheers and songs, show up to our Animal Events, and let us know that you would like tickets in the future. While we do have a small waiting list, there's usually enough turnover to fill requests for the next season. The main purpose of the Animals is to support Florida State Baseball in a "unique", yet "clean and classy" manner. What this means is, if you're going to sit with us, and call yourself an Animal, you had better be prepared to contribute. This means yelling when the rest of yell, standing when the rest of us stand, and basically supporting the team and school in a positive way. We don't have rules in Section B, only traditions. Although the Animals are not an officially sanctioned organization of Florida State University, we do appreciate the support of the entire baseball program and members of the FSU administration. There are a few people who I'd like to mention by name: Dave Hart Jr., Charlie Carr, Jeff Purinton, Marian Lee, Lee Bowen, Jim Crosby, Mike and Carol Martin, Sandy Hough, and especially Chip Baker. As I'm sure most of you know, I'm also the Webmaster of Section B Online (, which is quite simply, the premiere site on the internet for Florida State Baseball information. I also run a 3000+ member email list dedicated solely to FSU baseball. I've put a lot of work into the site and I'm always looking for new ideas, and ways to improve it, so please don't hesitate to contact me if you've got something you think might be good for the site. Finally, I would like to thank all of you for helping to make the Animals, as ESPN calls us, "The best college baseball cheering section in the country." Drew Drew Hankin Zookeeper, Animals of Section B (850) 575-5246 The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition 49 LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Greetings Seminole Fans! Thank you for picking up a copy of the Official Songbook of "The Animals of Section B"…the cheers behind some of the best fans, in the best facility, of the best team in college baseball. I hope that you enjoy the songs, chants, and humor contained herein! I volunteered to take the reigns of the songbook this season, and as a result, you may notice a few changes…not to mention the addition of new tunes inspired by the events and persons of the past few seasons. But, the classics still remain! A number of the new songs are "jabs" at particular individuals (most of them, Animals), so you may not quite understand the humor behind them…but believe me…they are meant to be funny! Of course, not everyone finds the humor or antics of the Animals to be funny or even appropriate. Please know that when we're not trying to amuse ourselves, we are trying to cheer on the `Noles, or psych-out the opposition. We'll be the first (usually) to bark and howl at poor sportsmanship or a bad call (as we see it), but we'll also be the first to applaud and cheer on a great play or great accomplishment by any player (except for maybe one from Miami or Florida!). All that I ask is this — if you should find yourself disagreeing with something that we've said or done, bring your concerns to my attention. At the very least, I'll hear you out…I can promise you that! However, please understand that, although we do make efforts to police ourselves, we can't please everyone. Our primary purpose is to support the team, and to that end, we will continue to do what the team and coaches appreciate! Thanks again for picking up a songbook. With your support, and the support of our sponsors, we can continue what has become a 26-year tradition! Best of luck to the Seminoles for a successful season! GO 'NOLES! Terry Terry Goodwin Assistant Zookeeper and Songbook Editor 50 The Official Songbook of The Animals of Section B 2004 Edition
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