the publication
the publication
ISBN 2-7461-1453-4 Warning No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or distributed by any means whatsoever, including electronic, except for private and individual use, without the express permission of the International Union of Railways (UIC). The same applies for translation, adaptation or transformation, arrangement or reproduction by any method or procedure whatsoever. The sole exceptions - noting the author ’s name and the source - are analyses and brief quotations justified by the critical, argumentative, educational, scientific or informative nature of “ the publication into which they are incorporated”. (Articles L 122-4 and L122-5 of the French Intellectual Property Code). © Copyright - Paris, 2008 IRTN International Railway Telecommunication Network Current telecom infrastructure in Europe Technical Report 2008 Source: UIC Telecommunication Panel of Experts (PETER) Distribution: • ERTMS Platform Members • PETER Members • ERIG Group DOCUMENT DATA SHEET Title of the document Version number and date Document code Number of pages Prepared by Approved by Filing name IRTN International Railway Telecommunication Network Current telecom infrastructure in Europe V. 1.0 –26/02/2008 2008-2054 57 UIC Telecom Panel of Experts (PETER) Paolo de Cicco IRTN Technical Report 2008 v1.doc Contents Foreword ......................................................................................................1 Railway fixed Telecom Network in Austria ................................................3 1 - The Transmission Network .................................................................................................3 2 - The IP Network ...................................................................................................................4 3 - The administrative Voice Network ......................................................................................5 Railway fixed Telecom Network in Belgium ..............................................7 1 - Introduction. ........................................................................................................................7 2 - The Fiber Optic Network. ....................................................................................................7 3 - The transmission systems. .................................................................................................8 4 - The IP-network ...................................................................................................................9 5 - The Fixed Telephony Network. ......................................................................................... 11 6 - The GSM-R network .........................................................................................................13 International Connections of Railway Telecommunication Network in Czech Republic......................................................................................17 1 - Cable network ...................................................................................................................17 2 - Transmission Equipment Network ....................................................................................17 3 - Voice network ...................................................................................................................18 4 - Fixed RTN ........................................................................................................................19 5 - GSM-R (Mobile RTN) .......................................................................................................19 6 - Fixed and Mobile RTN Numbering Plan ...........................................................................19 7 - Data network.....................................................................................................................20 Transmission network in France - High Level description ....................21 1 - Object ...............................................................................................................................21 2 - Generalities - Introduction to the Transmission Network ..................................................21 Railway fixed network for office communication in Germany ..............27 1 - Abstract .............................................................................................................................27 RFI Fixed Telephone Network .................................................................31 1 - Starting .............................................................................................................................31 2 - The RFI fixed voice network .............................................................................................31 3 - Fixed voice architecture ....................................................................................................31 4 - Inter-departemental network .............................................................................................32 5 - Departemental network.....................................................................................................34 6 - Metropolitan network ........................................................................................................35 7 - Conclusion ........................................................................................................................36 Railway fixed network for office communication in Poland ..................39 1 - About us ............................................................................................................................39 2 - History...............................................................................................................................40 3 - Offer ..................................................................................................................................41 4 - Infrastructure.....................................................................................................................41 5 - DWDM network.................................................................................................................42 6 - Telephone network ...........................................................................................................48 7 - Development plan of telecommunication network ............................................................49 8 - Network safety ..................................................................................................................49 9 - Network safety ..................................................................................................................50 Railway fixed network for office communication in United Kingdom.....................................................................................51 1 - Introduction ...................................................................................................................51 2 - Current Systems ....................................................................................................51 3 - Beyond Network Rail ........................................................................................................54 PETER Member List ..................................................................................57 List of figures Figure 1: map of the network in Belgium ...............................................................................10 Figure 2: Quick overview of the fixed telephony network in Belgium .....................................12 Figure 3: SNCB map ..............................................................................................................15 Figure 4: International Connectivity of voice RTN in Czech Republic....................................18 Figure 5: RFF transmission network .....................................................................................25 Figure 6: Architecture of Railway fixed network in Germany .................................................28 Figure 7: International routing tables of the railway fixed network in Germany .....................29 Figure 8: Inter - Departmental Meshing ................................................................................33 Figure 9: Regional Codes Voice Fixed Network (2007) .........................................................37 Figure 10: Divisions seats and operation areas .....................................................................40 Figure 11: Fibre optic cables network ....................................................................................42 Figure 12: DWDM, SDH STM16 ............................................................................................43 Figure 13: International connection........................................................................................44 Figure 14: Transmission network ...........................................................................................45 Figure 15: ATM, FR and IP network .......................................................................................46 Figure 16: X.25 network .........................................................................................................47 Figure 17: Telephone network................................................................................................48 Figure 18: Nokia Dynanet ......................................................................................................52 Figure 19: Existing fixed voice switched network...................................................................53 Figure 20: ETD Network DPNSS Connectivity ......................................................................54 Figure 21: UK Rail Telecommunications Link to Europe ........................................................55 Foreword The UIC Telecommunication Panel of Experts group (PETER) is formed by about 25 active members mainly responsible for implementation and maintenance of the national telecommunication network (fixed, mobile and data networks – digital and analog technologies). The group has been working, since the beginning of 2006, at an integrated telecom vision with the objective of designing and realising a unique railway telecom infrastructure where fixed and mobile telecom networks are fully integrated and “signalling railway applications” can run with the requested QoS. First step was represented by the signature of the “ERNST/EIRENE Memorandum of Understanding on the Integration of Fixed & Mobile railway telecom network numbering schemes and its first pilot implementation”. The MoU has been accepted and signed by 17 railway administrations. The first consideration was that there was benefit to aligning the numbering schemes of the railway fixed telephone networks with those used on the GSM-R systems. From an interoperability point of view, the area of synergy considered was the numbering range of the fixed telephone networks in the countries. The ERNST project, developed at UIC, defined a single European railway telephone numbering area compliant with the European standards. The «ERNST data base (European Railway Numbering Scheme for Telecommunications)» currently contains the numbering schemes of the railway telecommunications networks, fixed and mobile, namely GSM-R. The data base, hosted at the UIC Web server in Paris, contains values from 27 Infrastructure Managers, Railway Operators and Railway Organisations in 24 countries. With the new features recently implemented, it has become an efficient tool to manage the IRTN network. A restricted area, recently set, contains a complete inventory of national circuits which form part of international telecommunication lines, and routing tables of telephone switches. These pieces of information help telecommunication staff to operate and maintain the network (visit the ERNST database at the URL address or IRTN - Current telecom infrastructure in Europe Information on current telecom infrastructure has been collected in UIC, as part of the PETER group activity and stored at Infrastructure Department. This document reports information on railway telecom infrastructure from the following networks: DB, Network Rail, ÖBB, PKP, RFF, RFI, SNCB and SZDC. I take this opportunity to thank all the railways and PETER members that are participating in this work, without their contributions this report would never have been produced. Paolo de Cicco Chairman of the UIC Telecom Panel of Experts Austria Railway fixed Telecom Network in Austria 1 - The Transmission Network ÖBB owns a digital transmission network covering all Austria with extensions to neighbouring countries, which is based on the ÖBB fibre optic network, but partly on copper cables. ÖBB have installed in sum 6.500 km of fibre optic cables and 11.000 km of copper cables. Specialists of ÖBB are responsible for planning, installation and operation of the telecom transmission network, which is permanently modified and adapted to meet all necessities of the users concerning locations, capacity and quality. The structure of the network is in accordance with the railway lines and comprises three hierarchy levels: backbone, regional and local level. The backbone network is a photonic network which connects with STM16 (2,5 Gbit/s) SDH links the major cities and railway nodes of Austria. The lower levels are the structures of the STM16 and STM4 regional network to connect the railway stations in between and the STM1 local network for all other operational sites along the tracks. The users of the network are all entities of the ÖBB for railway internal applications, but also “ÖBBTel”, which is a 100 % daughter company of ÖBB offering services to customers on the telecom market. Concerning railway operation the transmission network is used for: • • • • • • the ÖBB IP network, the ÖBB administrative voice network (part of IRTN), connections for the ÖBB operative voice equipment, connections for the ÖBB digital radio equipment, connections for the ÖBB electronic signalling equipment, connections for the control of the ÖBB electric power system. The operation of the transmission network is performed by the central Network Management System in Vienna. The service and maintenance activities are also provided by experts of the ÖBB staff. 3 IRTN - Current telecom infrastructure in Europe 2 - The IP Network ÖBB owns a data network based on IP. The IP network is set on top of the SDH transmission network through all areas of Austria. In metropolitan areas the IP network is directly attached to dark fibres. Copper lines with modems are mainly being used in regional areas. Planning, installation and operation of this network is performed by specialists of the ÖBB staff. The network hierarchy consists of a backbone layer, regional layer and local area networks (LAN): • The backbone layer is based on 155 Mbit links connecting the major cities and railway nodes of Austria and 1 Gbit links in the metropolitan area of Vienna. • • The regional layer is being interconnected with links between 128 kbit and 100 Mbit. All LANs are exclusively based on Ethernet technology. The network is for universal use as well for railway operation as for administration and connects railway stations of all sizes, control centres, service centres, office buildings, workshops, power plants and so on. It is also used for other external partners on contractual basis. Using MPLS technology the different applications can be served by different VPNs (“Virtual Private Networks”), critical applications can be prioritised on demand by the option QoS (“Quality of Service”). The IP network consists of approximately 1.100 routers and 3.000 switches and hubs. More than 30.000 end nodes are attached to this network. The operation is performed by four Network Management Centres in Vienna, Linz, Innsbruck and Villach. The service and maintenance activities are also provided by experts which belong to the of the ÖBB staff. Additional to the IP Network ÖBB runs an X.25 network. POS (“Point of Sale”), ticket machines and railway control centres are attached to this network. 4 Austria 3 - The administrative Voice Network The ÖBB own a digital voice network for administrative purpose (so called “Basa“), which is installed along the railway lines and by which railway internal as well as railway external communication can be achieved. This network is connected to the public telephone network and to the networks of neighbouring railways. The principles of ERNST (European Railway Numbering Scheme for Telecommunication) are applied, which means, that the ÖBB Voice Network can be considered as as part of the IRTN (International Railway Telephone Network). In Austria there are 184 telephone switches, which in sum represent the voice network. The size of the switches can be divided in three categories: • • • small: up to 200 subscribers, ca. 75% of the switches. medium: up to 500 subscribers, ca. 15% of the switches. big: more than 500 subscribers, ca. 10% of the switches. The communication among the switches is achieved by ISDN-QSIG and IP - connections, which guarantees high availability of the services. For the connections to the public voice network according to the number and demand of the subscribers ISDN “basic connections” (2 voice channels) or ISDN “multi connections” (30 voice channels) are applied. At present there exist ca. 26.000 subscribers, which can be divided in four categories: • analogue telephone sets for operational applications, emergency calls, fax and modem equipment, • • • system telephone sets for office working places, ISDN telephone sets in special cases and for digital data transmission, IP telephone sets. The complete spectrum of telephone applications and the appropriate equipment of all ÖBB entities are designed, customised, operated and maintained by experts of the ÖBB staff. The variety of applications extends from simple voice mail boxes to individual designed contact centre solutions. Some hundred contact centre working places are operated with a capacity of approximately four million calls per year. 5 IRTN - Current telecom infrastructure in Europe All maintenance and trouble shooting services for the voice network are managed by helpdesks which are operated by 24 hours by ÖBB specialists. This guarantees optimal availability of equipment and services. 6 Belgium Railway fixed Telecom Network in Belgium 1 - Introduction. Since January 1st 2005 the former SNCB/NMBS (Belgian State Railways) has been transformed into the SCNB/NMBS-group, which consists of three members: • • • Infrabel, responsible for the fixed railway equipment; the (new) SNCB / NMBS as a railway operator; the SNCB/NMBS Holding dealing with issues of common interest as HR-management and ICT-activities. Fixed assets related to the network belong to Infrabel and ICT is responsible for operating them. Below, a brief summary of the ICT infrastructure and in particular the Fibre Optic, the transmission, the IP, the fixed telephony and GSM-r Networks. 2 - The Fiber Optic Network. The SNCB/NMBS started the deployment of his fibre optic network in the second half of the nineties. For the moment only a few secondary lines have to be equipped, so the network is in place from border to border. Interconnection has been realized to the Netherlands, France and Luxembourg. The major part of the trackside being electrificated, the Belgian Railways have chosen for an airline construction on their 3 kV tracksides. In the beginning 32 or 36 fiber cable was used, afterwards some tracks were equipped with 72 or even 144 fiber cable. The cable consists of modules with 6 fibres and there is always a module reserved for (Infrabel) signaling needs. The project has been financed by the SNCB/NMBS company themselves. That’s why the company is allowed to commercialize over-capacity of the network. 7 IRTN - Current telecom infrastructure in Europe Syntigo, a commercial subsidiary, is in charge of the related commercial activities. To join their clients outside the railway territory they need to look for appropriate last mile solutions. The map in attachment illustrates the network available at the moment (end 2007). The map only shows the railway network. Last mile extensions for commercial projects are out of scope. 3 - The transmission systems. In relation to the installation of the fiber optic cable network an appropriated transmission system was needed. Since the construction of the first high speed line (L1 Brussels –Paris) SDH-technology (provided by Alcatel) has been generalized. For the moment a STM-16 bandwidth is available on all major links. On all links a STM-1 daisy chain offers access for the most important applications as GSM-R. The major part of these STM-1 links have been built using Lucent equipment. However a lot of legacy applications still need low bandwidth connectivity involving to maintain PDH in the access part. Because of Ethernet becoming a standard in industrial environment as well, the support for Ethernet access has been implemented in the most recent installations. As the need for extra fibre capacity seams never ending a project has been started to implement CWDM technology on some links where a lack of fibre seems to be probable. CWDM-links are planned for interconnecting Brussels-Charleroi, Brussels-Namur, BrusselsLiège, Charleroi-Liège-Namur, Brussels – Gent and Antwerpen-Hasselt. At the moment we operate SDH-links over Fibre Optic for railway needs to France, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. Facilities are available at the German border as well but they are still using DSL-modem on old cupper cable. 8 Belgium 4 - The IP-network The ICT-department is operating a country wide TCP/IP datanetwork interconnecting approximately 100 sites equipped with LAN facilities. These LAN are Ethernet networks either 10 Mbps shared or 10/100 Mbps switched type. They are interconnected using routers or Layer 3 switches. Over all approximately 20.000 end stations are connected to the network. The network is using an internal IP address scheme according to RFC1918 and applies the EIGRP routing protocol. A campus network is implemented on 15 backbone sites. Here we use layer 2 switches, while the link to the backbone is implemented on the layer 3 level by Cisco Catalyst 6500. These backbone nodes are being interconnected by GigabitEthernet links using fiber. Other important LAN-sites are interconnected to the backbone by layer 3 switches Cisco 3750 and GigabitEthernet in daisy-chain. Smaller sites are connected via router and E1 links (or even 64 kbps in some isolated locations). The different buildings of the headquaters in the neighbourhood of the Brussels MidiStation belong to the most important campus network. Two computer centers hosting the IBM mainframes and an important server farm are connected to this campus network using Fast- or GigabitEthernet. At the end of 2007 we are operating nearly 500 WLAN (Wifi) Hotspots for internal use. At 38 railway station premises Wifi-services are offered to the passenger in collaboration with an external partner. Our central site in Brussels is interconnected to • • • the international HITRAIL (MPLS)-network; the internet via two 100 Mbps links to different ISP; a third ISP via a 8 Mbps dealing with the internet traffic of our passengers using WiFi services provided by an external partner in 38 railway stations. A map of the network is represented in Figure 1. 9 IRTN - Current telecom infrastructure in Europe n° tête : Range: 2 050/ 30 21 11 050/ 30 2***/4*** n° tête : Range: 901 BRUGGE 1 KORTRIJK n° tête : Range: n° tête : Range: 1 1 056/ 26 31 11 056/ 26 3*** 065/ 58 21 11 065/ 32 2*** 065/ 323 0**/1** 065/ 58 2***/3***/4*** 2 2 2 2 2 2 09/ 241 21 11 09/ 241 2***/3*** 09/ 242 6*** 991 GENT 981 MONS n° tête : Range: P 2 1 2 T2 T1 2 2 1 P 015/ 40 21 11 015/ 40 2*** 1 n° tête : Range: FBMZ FRAN 1 2 016/ 21 21 11 016/ 21 2*** 1 AVIM 2 071/ 60 21 11 071/ 60 2***/3*** 071/ 604 0**/2**/3**/4**/5**/6**/7** LEUVEN n° tête : Range: 1 TA n° tête : Range: M MECHELEN 1 03/ 204 21 11 03/ 204 2***/3***/4***/69** 03/ 2048 0**/1**/7** 03/ 229 5*** 921 2 ANTWERPEN 2 TB 971 CHARLEROI 931 2 2 2 HASSELT 961 961 NAMUR 1 1 Figure 1: map of the network in Belgium 2 Liaison 2Mb/s (DPNSS vers Omni / Cornet N entre Hicom) (+ number of 2 Mb/s) Central principal Hicom + Omni Hicom + Omni Hoofdcentrale 2 M = Mobistar P = Proximus Liaison PRA vers opérateur public (+ number of 2 Mb/s) 04/ 241 21 11 04/ 241 2***/3***/4***/5*** 04/ 2415 2**/3**/5**/6**/7**/8** 061/ 22 88 11 051/ 22 5*** 051/ 228 3**/4**/6**/7**/8**/9** 081/ 25 21 11 081/ 25 2***/8*** 081/ 255 3**/4**/5**/6**/7**/8**/9** LIEGE 941 2 n° tête : Range: 011/ 29 81 11 011/ 29 8*** 011/ 298 0**/1**/2**/3** 2 n° tête : Range: n° tête : Range: n° tête : Range: 1 956 LIBRAMONT 10 Belgium 5 - The Fixed Telephony Network. The backbone of the fixed telephony network is based on E1 links in a double star topology with Brussels in the center. The break-out to the public network is centralized in Brussels by routing the traffic involved towards two transit switches (TA and TB) using 3 (E1) PRA. F2M facilities, the interconnect to the GSM-R and the UIC-fix-telephony network is implemented on the same switches. On the regional level break out facilities are available in case of overflow by using 2 PRA links. At the moment the network includes three generations of switches : 56 Siemens HiCOM, 18 Siemens HiPath and 53 ATEA (now Siemens) Omni. Some of them have a limited number of users as many small premises are distributed on the field. The network has a capacity of nearly 33.000 connections, nearly 25000 are in use. The 53 Omni switches will be replaced by an IP telephony solution (provided by Alcatel) according to an investment program starting in 2008. The Figure 2 offers a quick overview of the fixed telephony network. 11 IRTN - Current telecom infrastructure in Europe 2 Oostende Blankenberge 2 B K 2 2 2 Gent-Zeehaven G Lokeren St-Niklaas Dendermonde 2 2 2 2 A Nivelles Brainel'Alleud B.k Denderleeuw Aalst 2 Geraarsbergen Zottegem Ath Oudenaarde T BraineLe-Comte M C6500 switches: Antwerpen-Centraal Brugge Bruxelles-Midi/Brussel-Zuid(Atrium & K-2) Bruxelles-Nord/Brussel-Noord Charleroi Gent-Sint-Pieters Hasselt Kortrijk Leuven Liège Mechelen Mons Namur Tournai C3750 switches C3500 switches 2 Gbps link (etherchannel) 1 Gbps link B.At 2 M Lier 2 N Geel 2 Mol 2 Landen Tienen Aarschot L Gembloux Ottignies 2 Herentals Antwerpen-Noord 2 4 C Jemelle H 2 2 Libramont L 2 Arlon Verviers k-2 4 Bruxelles-Midi/ Brussel-Zuid Bruxelles-Nord/ Brussel-Noord Linkebeek Etterbeek gare Bruxelles-Luxembourg gare/ Brussel-Luxembourg Brussel-Schuman Brussel-Noord Bruxelles-Schuman gare/ Atrium Figure 2: Quick overview of the fixed telephony network in Belgium 12 Belgium 6 - The GSM-R network The GSM-R network is being rolled out for the moment. At the end of 2007 nearly 300 of the 450 BTS are operational. The network uses 3 BSC, located in Brussels, Gent and Namur. Each of them handles the traffic for approximately 150 BTS. Two MSC have been installed in our two data centers located in Brussels. Those are interconnected to the MSC of DB Netz in Frankfurt, ProRail in the Netherlands and SNCF in Paris. Backup facilities have been implemented by an interconnection to the public GSMnetwork (actually Mobistar). 13 Figure 3: SNCB map IRTN - Current telecom infrastructure in Europe 14 15 IRTN - Current telecom infrastructure in Europe 16 Czech Republic International Connections of Railway Telecommunication Network in Czech Republic The Railway Telecommunication Network (RTN) in Czech Republic consists of several parts, namely cable network (metal and optical fibre), transmission equipment network, fixed and mobile voice network and data transmission network. Every part has been used for establishing international connections to railways in neighbouring countries and through them to other European countries. The article focuses on technical aspects of existing international connections. 1 - Cable network The optical fibre cables with at least 36 fibres have been installed across the borders to Germany, Poland and Austria. The optical fibre cable to Slovak Republic could not yet been installed due to the planned reconstruction of the railway track across the border. After its building-up, all neighbouring countries will be connected through optical fibre cables. If the optical fibre cable is not available, the copper pairs or quads in metal cables have been used. The cables are terminated in the cabinets located on the state border (or several meters from the border). 2 - Transmission Equipment Network The SDH technology with STM-1 (155 Mbit/s) or PDH technology of 3rd order (34 Mbit/s) is used in transmission equipment network for making a connection from the location of an international telecommunication node to the border and neighbouring railways. The growing requirements of applications aim at implementation of higher transmission speed (STM-4 and STM-16) in the national backbone transmission network however the transmission speed of 155 Mbit/s to the neighbouring railways seems to be sufficient regarding existing international applications. While the PDH technology has been designed and built-up on the products of Czech firm TTC Marconi, the Cisco products of ONS family and Marconi products have been implemented in SDH transmission network. 17 IRTN - Current telecom infrastructure in Europe In several cases, SDH and PDH technologies coexist in the same direction (of course, in different ways and cables), e.g. the connection to the German border can be built-up in both technologies mentioned above. However, the SDH technology is preferable. Digital connections based on SDH technology have been installed on the borders to Germany and Austria. At the moment, just one 2 Mbit/s channel is operated in every direction, serving for GSM-R connection to Germany and for fixed RTN connection to Austria. However, the transmission capacity can be increased almost immediately. The connection to fixed RTN in Slovak Republic has been established on leased line from public provider. The old analogue twelve channel transmission equipments are used in cases where the optical fibre cable across the border is not available or the transmission equipment has not yet been installed on both sides of the border. Such connections have been still operated to Poland and to Germany. The connection to Germany serves for fixed RTN connection. 3 - Voice network The overview of existing international connections is presented in Figure 3. Germany MSC Poland Int RTN PBX Austria Slovak Republic Explanations: MSC - Mobile Switch Center (GSM-R) Int RTN PBX - International Railway Telephone Network Private Branch Exchange - Analogue Connection - Digital Connection Figure 4: International Connectivity of voice RTN in Czech Republic 18 Czech Republic 4 - Fixed RTN Fixed voice RTN was renewed in 2004. New digital PBX´s of type MD 110 from Ericsson were installed having formed the backbone part of fixed voice RTN. The renewal of former analogue telephone exchanges enabled to built-up the first international digital voice connection to Austria. It was followed by the connection to Slovakia but the leased line had to be used for that purpose temporarily. The international PBX is located in Praha, Pod Taborem, in the premises of railway telecommunication centre. The international analogue telecommunication trunks have not been connected to the digital PBX directly. Small digital PBX from Czech firm TTC Marconi has been inserted between an analogue trunk and digital PBX. The reason for such solution was motivated by an idea that the international PBX would be equipped with digital interfaces only. Consequently, the calls to and from Poland and Germany are routed in this way. 5 - GSM-R (Mobile RTN) After GSM-R commissioning in 2006 it was necessary to connect the Mobile Switch Centre (MSC) to the MSC in Germany. At the moment, the connection is operational. The MSC is located in Praha, Pernerova, in the premises of GSM-R telecommunication centre (another place than location of the international PBX). 6 - Fixed and Mobile RTN Numbering Plan The integrated numbering plan of fixed and mobile RTN according to the conclusions and recommendations of the UIC ERNST (European Railway Numbering Scheme for Telecommunications) Project has been implemented in Czech Republic. The subscribers of fixed RTN can be dialled from GSM-R without any restriction, however some types of calls from fixed RTN to GSM-R are barred from obvious reasons. 19 IRTN - Current telecom infrastructure in Europe 7 - Data network At the moment, two types of data transmission connections with Internet Protocol (IP) are available. The first solution is based on HERMES IP VPN (virtual private network), the second solution on EURADAT connection. Both solutions are built-up on Cisco products. The connection through HERMES IP VPN cannot be considered as technical solution, it s solution based on delivery of electronic communication services from the third party. Transmission equipments and trunks are hidden and a third party, an Internet Service Provider (ISP), offers their functionality as a part of a VPN “cloud”. The internal parameters of the ISP network need not to be known because the quality of service is guaranteed by a service level agreement. The provider of HERMES IP VPN operates a Point of Presence (PoP) in Praha. Railway data transmission network is connected to the PoP through customer premises edge router. In fact, the international connection is not performed through railway telecommunication network in this case. At the moment, the HERMES IP VPN is used by applications that are operated by Railway Undertakings such as seat reservations or freight train announcement. The connection through the HERMES IP VPN is available to Austria, Germany, Poland and Slovak Republic (and to other members of HERMES community, of course). The guaranteed transmission speed of PoP in Praha is 2 Mbit/s. The acronym EURADAT stands for European Data Transmission Network that is built-up by connection of national railway data transmission networks. The connection can profit from the existing railway telecommunication infrastructure mentioned above in the part related to the international connection of voice communications. At the moment, the pilot project of Voice over IP with 2 Mbit/s connection to Austria is being implemented. 20 France Transmission network in France High Level description 1 - Object The object of this document is to present the RFF network transmission, and precisely the whole of architecture concerning the interconnexions between RFF and other european railway gestionnaries wich are rolling out a GSM-R network. 2 - Generalities - Introduction to the Transmission Network This network allows to establish links between different equipments wich are belong to the infrastructure network. It is shared by several applications, notably by railway signal applications and railway telephony. Two main levels are constituting the netwok : • • Transport network, Capillary network. This classic cutting are known in all important transmission network. These two levels are different by their adaptation to the mode of flow transport. The capillary network drains a multiple low bandwidth access points until backbone on a short distance. The transport network (backbone) aggregates flux coming up from capillary to BSC and switch. The difference between capillary and transport network is the bandwidth level. Up to 2 Mb is considered as capillary network, higher is Backbone. That one is composed of SDH technology, ADM1, 4 or 16 nodes. The Backbone is a meshed networks witch assures a high available secured architecture. 21 IRTN - Current telecom infrastructure in Europe It is composed by : • Media telecom cables built on aerial or underground arteries. Those cables are cupper or fibber optical technologies. • Transmission and synchronization nodes : o High bit rate Add and Drop Multiplexers (ADM) : 211 are operated for the moment, up to 400 in the future, o Low level bandwidth multiplexers and modems : now, around 2000 remote MICs, 1150 local MIC cards, and 504 modems. The main wires are in whole cases constituted by fibber optical and rarely by long-distance coaxial cables. Capillary network wires are built with metallic cables (cupper). Railway regulation circuits, alarms circuits, energy supply remote control, railway signageTC/TK remote-control are transported by telecom cables. Metallic cables have 22 thousand km length, and fibber optical cables are 8 thousand km long. 2.1 Interconnections with foreign countries Mostly European railway networks are equipped with GSM-R. Considering that trains have to ride through borders, for international passengers and products transportation, it is necessary to synchronise switches together, permitting operational border crossing. To realise, it is necessary to link transmission networks. 4 interconnections are operational, the others are planed until 2009. A transmission interconnection link is built over a main and a secure 2 Mbits-circuits. The architecture is either direct between 2 MSC or by a transit with a 3rd MSC. That one is Ok with Holland and Switzerland. 22 France 2.1.1 Link France-Belgium (SNCB) → Operational Main bond 1 • • Passing by RFF Network from MSC Paris-Evangile until Hautmont Border area city : Hautmont, France Main bond 2 • • Passing by RFF Network from MSC Paris-Evangile until Tournai Border area city : Tournai, Belgium 2.1.2 Liaison France-Angleterre (British Rail) → Planed Main bond • Passing by RFF Network from MSC Paris-Evangile until Calais – Frethun Marchandise • Border area city : Calais – Frethun - Marchandise, France Secure bond • Passing by RFF Network from MSC Paris-Evangile until Calais – Frethun Marchandise • Border area city : Calais – Frethun - Marchandise, France 2.1.3 Liaison France - Luxembourg (CFL) → Planed Main bond • Passing by RFF Network from MSC Paris-Evangile until Thionville in France and up to Luxembourg border by IRU wires contracted with an operator – Frethun Marchandise • Border area city : Calais – Frethun - Marchandise, France Secure bond • Passing by a transit bridge on a foreign MSC (DB or SNCB) 23 IRTN - Current telecom infrastructure in Europe 2.1.4 Liaison France – Pays-Bas () → Operational Main bond • Passing by a transit bridge on INFRABEL MSC (SNCB) Secure bond • Passing by a transit bridge on DB MSC 2.1.5 Liaison France - Suisse (SBB) → Operational Main bond • • Passing by RFF Network from MSC Paris-Evangile until Saint-Louis in France Border area city : Saint-Louis in France Secure bond • Passing by a transit bridge on DB MSC 2.1.6 Liaison France - Italie (RFI) → Operational (main link) Main bond • Passing by RFF Network from MSC Paris-Evangile until Lyon and up to Modane by a rent wire to an operator • Border area city : Modane in France Secure bond • 24 Passing by a transit bridge on SBB MSC → planed France Angleterre Hollande Eurotunnel Fréthun Calais - Tornai Luxembourg Gare du Nord Longwy Forbach DB Reims Paris Evangile Strasbourg Khel St. Louis Tours SBB La Rochelle Lyon Chambéry Bordeaux Modane Arcachon Dax Bayonne Marseille Hendaye Perpignan Cerbère Port Bou RFI Espagne Transport Network 2 Mbits 4 Mbits 6 Mbits and up Figure 5: RFF transmission network 25 IRTN - Current telecom infrastructure in Europe 2.1.7 Liaison France - Espagne (ADIF) →Planed Main bond • Passing by RFF Network from MSC Paris-Evangile until Perpignan, in France, than up to Port Bou in Spain or Cerbère in France by an Hertzian beam • Border area city : Port Bou in Spain or Cerbère in France, to be confirmed Secure bond • Passing by RFF Network from MSC Paris-Evangile until Bayonne, in France, than up to Hendaye in France by an Hertzian beam • Border area city : Hendaye in France, to be confirmed The interconnections deployment is now planed until 2009 with the countries described before. In the future, regarding to the railway development, it will be possible to extend technical perimeter and pull up the interconnections to eastern and north Europe. Than, the architecture of transmission links will use MSC transit bridge one. Concerning Eurotunnel, a project to build GSM-R into the 3 tubes is running on. One of the possibilities is that RFF offers a Switch-GSM-R - service, resolving in the same time interconnection problematic. In case of acceptance, Eurotunnel will construct his own BSS System. 26 Germany Railway fixed network for office communication in Germany 1 - Abstract • • • • 120.000 subscribers, 2.100 PXB of different suppliers, National transit network and VPN functionality hosted by ARCOR, International Gateway in Frankfurt/Main. The BASA network consists of approx. 2.100 PBX systems of different stage of expansion and suppliers, which are grouped in local area PBX networks and in single PBX locations. Most of the systems were directly connected to ARCOR. But some of them were optionally interconnected by pre-selection of Deutsche Telekom. All subscribers, approx. 120.000, are also part of the public PSTN. The VPN functionality and the national transit network is implemented by ARCOR. With the VPN functionality all subscribers of the BASA are merged into a uniform, private railway numbering plan. The interconnection to the GSM-R network and fixed dispatchers is realized by ARCOR, used as a transit network. On this interconnection SS7 signalling protocol is used. 27 IRTN - Current telecom infrastructure in Europe PBX DSS1 y EWSD SS7 (PSTN) PBX ARCOR DSS1 PBX IN IVPN National transit network with IN functionality to provide the IVPN. EWSD PBX Private local area network SS7 RNE EWSD RNE SS7 DTAG SS7 (PSTN) DSS1 DSS1 PBX PBX DSS1 RNE DSS1 Preselected ARCOR Railway fixed network Office communication SS7 DSS1 DSS1 PBX Figure 6: Architecture of Railway fixed network in Germany GSM-R / fixed Disp. International Gateway Frankfurt/M UIC Connections RNE: Railway network exchange (S12 Alcatel) PBX: Private Branch Exchange (Siemens, Alcatel, Tenovis ) EWSD: Switching System (Siemens) (PSTN ARCOR) 28 de st. ra ilw a y France/Great Britain - ET Austria - ÖBB Belgium - SNCB Bulgaria - BDŽ Switzerland - SBB Czech Republic - ČD Denmark - BDK Denmark - DSB Spain - RENFE France - UIC France - SNCF Great Britain - BR Croatia - HŽ Hungary - MÁV Italy - FS Luxembourg - CFL Latvia - LDZ Netherlands - NS Norway - JBV Poland - PKP Portugal - RT Romania - CFR Sweden - BV Slovenia - SŽ Slovakia - ŽSR Ukraine - UZ dk at nl dk pl ch cz dk dk fr fr fr fr at at ch lu prim . route fr at be Frankfurt Figure 7: International routing tables of the railway fixed network in Germany Dia lle d C ountry C ode R oute d C ountry C ode 9080 xyz 80 xyz 9043 xyz xyz 9032 xyz xyz no Routing 9041 xyz 41 xyz 9042 xyz xyz 9045 xyz 9045 xyz 9045 xyz 9045 xyz 9034 xyz 06 xyz 903326 xyz 26 xyz 9033 xyz xyz 9044 xyz 44 xyz 903685 xyz 03685 xyz 9036 xyz 036 xyz 9039 xyz 39 xyz 90352 xyz xyz no Routing 9031 xyz xyz 9045 (P) 9047 xyz no direct Routing 9048 xyz xyz no Routing no Routing 9045 (P) 9046 xyz no direct Routing 90386 xyz 0386 xyz no Routing no Routing Germany 29 IRTN - Current telecom infrastructure in Europe 30 Italy RFI Fixed Telephone Network 1 - Starting • This document represents the activity and the structure of RFI fixed voice communication network In particular : • Voice System Architecture as network infrastructure, switching equipment, wired lines, to the PSTN and Management system. 2 - The RFI fixed voice network Section task is to analyze the fixed Voice architecture of RFI. 3 - Fixed voice architecture 3.1 Voice network The fixed voice network coverage is on national base. The RFI Network uses the railways digital core national backbone to connect all the about 330 railways PABX distributed on national base organized on hierarchy structure with connection/links to the PSTN in relations with principal node. For every Departmental Area there is a main Departmental PABX connected in star architecture. Inside the Departmental area PABX, the link with the same level of other Departmental node are utilized realizing a mesh network. The network is a mix of star and mesh topology . 31 IRTN - Current telecom infrastructure in Europe From the architectural point of view the voice network is diveded on three sub-network : • Metropolitan Network: include a urban center and if the dimension is limited can managed by a single PABX responsible to the lines distribution throw the local equipment. If the urban area is extended and there are more site to connect are present more nodes with a sub network full o partially Mesh, dipending the location Some sites are located outside of railway trackside and RFI use leased lines or radio minilink to connect them at the phone network. • Departmental Network: the extension is related to the Departmental area; including the link to center at all the urban areas using the radial architecture. • Inter-Departmental Network: the extension is related at the total national environement and perform the link with the other Departmental PABX using a partial mesh network architecture. We can perform telephone link with the other european railways network using three trunk available in the border corrispondance. 4 - Inter-departemental network The Inter-Departmental Network perform using the junction links to the 15 Departmental PABX Center : a) ANCONA f) GENOVA k) ROMA b) BARI g) MILANO l) TORINO c) BOLOGNA h) NAPOLI m) TRIESTE d) CAGLIARI i) PALERMO n) VENEZIA e) FIRENZE j) REGGIO CALABRIA o) VERONA The Figure 7 shows the mapping of junction links to realize the newtwork partial meshing. 32 Italy Figure 8: Inter - Departmental Meshing 33 IRTN - Current telecom infrastructure in Europe 5 - Departemental network The existing number 15 Departmental Network to connect as above mentioned in the radiale structure the periferihal nodes to the Departmental central node. The following scheme summarize for every Departmental area the periferihal nodes and the total users point of connection for each Departmental Area. Department Ancona Bari Bologna Cagliari Firenze Genova Milano Napoli Palermo Reggio Calabria Roma Torino Trieste Venezia Verona Totale 34 N° nodes 24 16 22 10 27 15 34 22 23 21 29 35 13 19 17 327 Users Point of Connection 3.088 2.080 4.138 907 5.244 2.918 8.631 5.221 3.051 2.274 11.307 4.504 1.705 2.599 2.639 60.306 Italy 6 - Metropolitan network The Metropiltan Network include che hurban center: The difference is related to the coverage area extension Following there is a summary report for those hurban area where are located external railways building/premises at the trackside directed linked with a own connection at the railwayu phone network. 6.1 Private switching equipment (PABX) Starting from 1997 and 2007, the analog switching equipment of RFI phone network has been completely upgraded throw the digital equipment. The actual asset is caratherized from the new digital equipment. The RFI telephone network upgrade starterd upon 1997 with the decision to realize a common standard equipment The replanishement of these equipment was supplied by Siemens selected throw a public tender. The PABX architecture is based on HiCOM and Hipath lines equipment. In the Turin Departmental area are used ERICSSON equipment. 6.2 Junction to the PSTN To define the caratherization of RFI voice telephone system is important to know the external trunk needed for the link/junction to the PSTN. The parameter is been obtained from the following data analyses: • PABX mapping with the number of lines/trunks indication of inbounding and outbounding bidirectional connection; The data are been aggregate on telephone district area bases and the relation ship between telephone district and Departmental area is been done using mapping procedure on the PABX. In the following table is reported the Departmental area external telephone lines number. 35 IRTN - Current telecom infrastructure in Europe Department Area Ancona Bari Bologna Cagliari Firenze Genova Milano Napoli Palermo Reggio Calabria Roma Torino Trieste Venezia Verona TOTAL Total external RTG Lines 423 420 504 174 782 398 831 620 540 302 1.643 555 276 297 355 8.120 7 - Conclusion In the RFI fixed network the lines are used basically for the internal network traffic. The external lines supplied by public operator are used for the needing of link for the commercial reasons . RFI is moving toward a new assett: • Complete control system in the unified management center in Rome ( now up the 200 PABX are monitored ), • Decrease the number of single line connection/link throw the public operators using the capability of multiple trunk E1, • Encrease the capability of own internal phone network for the inter-Departmental communications, • Full integration with the GSM-R mobile network, • 36 Blocking of the dial-up connection to the public internet. Italy Figure 9: Regional Codes Voice Fixed Network (2007) Brennero 854 Vipiteno 854 Sondrio 823 Chiasso Luino 843 Domodossola 862 Aosta 29xxx Bardonecchia Ivrea 27xxx 243xx Varese 26xxx TO 2xxxx 2xxxx CN Asti 460xx 42xxx Limone 410xx 819 2xxxx 35xxx MI 32xxx 350xx AL Novi 350xx 823 XXMiglia Imperia 843 863 Stradella PC 854 Fidenza VR 822 Legnago 834 811 876 Carpi Crevalcore 884 821 Reggio E. 817 833 Fornovo Modena Chiavari 811 Lucca Levanto 811 La Spezia 813 827 Imola 821 822 Cesena Rimini 809 807 Pesaro Fano 967 823 Falconara M. 863 Pontassieve 825 868 Arezzo Siena 845 Pisa 821 AN Livorno 855 892 Sassari 854 Campiglia 856 Olbia 890 811 Civitavecchia 855 884 Fara S. Ponte G. 872 825 891 894 Abbasanta Macomer 894 Oristano 846 S. Gavino 849 Decimomannu 848 NA 801 Trapani Isernia Campobasso 835 835 873 Salerno Battipaglia 872 874 Agropoli 873 Vallo 871 Sapri 871 Diamante 872 Roccap. 805 808 Castelvetrano 830 S. Agata 833 Patti 856 Caltanis. Canicattì 835 Milazzo Vibo M. 826 Gioia T. Vila S.G. 802 811 Acireale 842 Taorm. 825 856 837 Savignano 801 Rocchetta 873 Avellino S. Nicola M. 877 Giulianova 833 Pescara C.le 835 Vasto 875 Sicignano Spinazzola 876 Potenza Inf. Cosenza S.Severo 831 Foggia 815 Cerignola 814 Barletta 811 Molfetta Gioia C. 847 Taranto 860 855 801 810 834 999 821 Monopoli Metaponto Sibari Crotone Francavilla F. 826 Ostuni 822 Brindisi 823 Lecce CZ Lido Badolato Roccella 903 848 CT 807 Agrigento Gela 859 Caltagir. 844 Ragusa 847 848 Bicocca 843 Lentini BA 864 858 817 834 Termoli 835 876 Potenza Sup. Grassano 856 810 CZ 832 846 Mercato S.S. 878 870 825 S.Benedetto T. 842 836 841 Torre A. Lamezia T. Messina 805 802 Termini I. Cefalù 836 834 Benevento 834 854 843 Cancello Marcianise Nocera I. Paola 904 832 Avezzano 804 Roccasecca 826 985 841 802 Frosinone Vairano 808 Aversa 803 Ce 822 Villa L. PA Sulmona Torre P. 841 887 Ciampino 826 Latina 828 Formia Na C.F. 804 819 Tivoli Civitanova M. 828 Aquila 816 809 Cassino Na Bruna 842 821 Macerata Rieti 825 Campoleone 801 Colleferro RM 945 Pa Notarb. 813 970 Ozieri-Chilivani 851 Terni Orte Orbetello 858 926 822 Foligno 861 Orvieto Viterbo Grosseto 857 897 Fabriano Perugia 869 Chiusi Cecina 854 Golfo A. 935 TS 834 824 Viareggio 826 831 Monfalcone 805 866 Prato 844 814 Portogr. Ravenna 805 Faenza 806 Forlì Empoli Sarzana 812 Gorizia 822 Lugo 808 870 Udine Villa Opicina 832 Ve S.L. VE M. 865 S.Benedetto S. Pistoia 810 845 S. Donà 934 841 875 Sestri L. 822 856 841 Loreo Porretta 816 Pontremoli 843 Cervignano Rovigo Ferrara 822 921 861 860 Pordenone Monselice 841 Ostiglia Parma Savona Albenga 852 Piadena 875 821 844 842 Grisignano PD Vicenza Casarsa TV Camposamp. 842 845 830 MN 823 Conegl. Castelfr. 891 893 Peri 861 Fiorenzuola 854 Lodi GE 958 838 Cremona 899 858 824 863 Desenzano 933 854 Ronco S. Ovada 835 821 831 Treviglio Teglia 826 S.Gius 400xx Pavia Abbiat. 814 Voghera 817 Casale M. Arquata 811 850 852 Tortona Brà Acqui 430xx 894 Brescia 847 Gemona Sacile 892 817 Rovereto 912 560xx 322xx Nizza 450xx 56xxx Valenz Mortara Mondovì Ceva 842 2xxxx Borg 54xxx Trof. 229xx Fossano 511xx Chivasso Santhià 959 Carmagn.4xxxx 873 Rhò 825 895 Montebell. Cittadella 811 Trento Pontebba 841 Vittorio V. 898 Belluno Bassano G. 811 Mezzocorona Bergamo 897 Vercelli Novara 853 822 Bolzano Carnate 810 Monza 2xxxx Bussol. 823 Merano 821 Lecco 816 853 Tarvisio 845 897 850 Bressanone 822 Colico Como 841 Arona 861 Biella Gallarate 841 853 Fortezza 818 Calalzo Brunico S. Candido RC 841 Siracusa 37 IRTN - Current telecom infrastructure in Europe 38 Poland Railway fixed network for office communication in Poland 1 - About us OUR COMPANY’S mission is to offer high quality modern telecommunication services for the needs of railway companies, institutional and individual clients. • „Telekomunikacja Kolejowa” spółka z o.o. state owned company, is one of the two polish telecommunication companies qualified and entered by the Goverment to the register of special economic – defense purpose companies, because of the ability to administer a safe telecommunication network (Dz. U. no 13, pos. 122). • The company’s business capital amounts to 193 025 000 PLN. Railway Telecommunications Ltd. is a telecommunication operator functioning on the basis of Chairman of Post Office and Telecommunication Regulation Office Decision No 111-213/97(2)/03/Z from 25th of February 2003 which is a license for running of stationary public telephone network. It is also functioning on the basis of handed over Telecommunication Regulation Office applications for carrying out the following activities: • • • running and providing services for nation-wide telegraph network, running of public data transmission network, providing telecommunications services, also international services: - data transmission, - telecommunication circuits lease, - Internet network access , by using data transmission network and circuits which are leased from the other entitled operators . 39 IRTN - Current telecom infrastructure in Europe 2 - History • 01.07.1998 Railway Telecommunications was a part of Automatics and Telecommunications Department, from which Railway Telecommunications Divisions were formed. • 01.04.1999 Department of Telecommunications was formed. • 01.01.2000 Department of Telecommunications and IT Department were united. • 01.10.2001 Railway Telecommunications operates as a commercial company within the confines of PKP Co. under the name of Railway Telecommunications Ltd. • “Telekomunikacja Kolejowa”spółka z o.o. is multi-divisional Company which is made up of eight TELECOMMUNICATIONS DIVISIONS in: Warsaw, Lublin, Kraków, Katowice, Gdańsk, Wrocław, Poznań, Szczecin. Figure 10: Divisions seats and operation areas 40 Poland 3 - Offer We offer provision of services in the fields of: • international and domestic: - optical ducts lease, - digital lines lease, - data transmission. • nationwide Internet access; • telephony; • Call Center: - consumer’s service, - telemarketing. • maintenance, repair and measurement of: - telecommunication lines, - telecommunication equipment. 4 - Infrastructure Railway Telecommunications manages Polish nationwide Telecommunication networks: • Cable network which contains of: fibre optic cables of total length of 6000 km, fibre optic cables in local rings - 400 km, long distance copper cables, local copper cables network (of total length of 26 000 km); • Transmission network is built with using systems: DWDM, SDH STM 16,SDH STM 1, PDH 140 Mbit/s, PCM terminal equipment; • Data transmission network operates in protocols: MPLS, IP, ATM, Frame Relay and X.25; • Telephone network up to 120 000 numbers, with 80 000 subscribers and 65% of them is connected to digital exchanges. 41 IRTN - Current telecom infrastructure in Europe Figure 11: Fibre optic cables network 5 - DWDM network In August 2001 Railway Telecommunications Ltd. set in motion first DWDM fibre transmission system in Poland of transmission speed n x 2,5 Gbit/s and SDH STM-16 system. The network managed by Railway Telecommunications, equipped with modern optical DWDM equipment, connects Poland to the world fibre optic network. This is the first of this type optical network in Poland, which provides international, interurban and local data transmission. 42 Poland Thanks to these investments we can offer a wide range of services connected with the transmission speed lease range from E1, through E3, STM-1, STM-4, STM-16 up to Lambda (λ)-(2,5 Gbit/s)– in national and international relations. Figure 12: DWDM, SDH STM16 43 IRTN - Current telecom infrastructure in Europe The Company as the first telecommunication carrier offers international connection of 10 Gbit /s transmission speed Figure 13: International connection 44 Poland Figure 14: Transmission network 45 IRTN - Current telecom infrastructure in Europe Figure 15: ATM, FR and IP network 46 Poland Figure 16: X.25 network 47 IRTN - Current telecom infrastructure in Europe 6 - Telephone network is built on the basis of: • • • • • EWSD and 1000 E10 MM transit exchanges, Meridian 1 exchanges, DGT 3450 exchanges, MECT 800E exchanges, analogue exchanges. IN S y m bo ls : Trans it exchanges Telec om munic ation network s witc hes IN Inteligent platform Figure 17: Telephone network 48 Poland 7 - Development plan of telecommunication network Railway Telecommunications wishing to satisfy its clients’ needs is developing and modernizing network infrastructure. The transmission speed and availability of links is being increased. The Company as the first telecommunication carrier offers international connection of 10 Gbit/s transmission speed for academy environment. • Till the end of 2005 the next 2250 km of lines is going to be put. We are planning mode fibre optic cables installation, as per order ITU-T G.652 and also ITU-T G.655. • Digital transmission network based on DWDM technology with STM-16 system is also during development. 8 - Network safety The networks managed by Railway Telecommunications are characterised by high quality (QoS) and safety. • 98% of fibre optic cables are put into the ground. That’s why they are less sensible to mechanical damages caused for example by unfavourable and changeable weather and climatic conditions. • Transmission network is built in ring topology (in backbone network and local rings). Thanks to using such construction there’s always data transmission reserve way. • Transmission network is managed with the help of dedicated system from NMC level, which has the ability of quick remote network reconfiguration and detecting all the abnormality in its functioning. • For increasing safety of transmission network DCN router network has been created. It guarantees management system communication continuity with the regional network elements. It also provides the whole transmission network control while emergency situations. 49 IRTN - Current telecom infrastructure in Europe 9 - Network safety • • • Access time for digital channels depending on class service up to AT>99,95%. Maximum error rate (BER) for digital links - (BER) < 10 -12 . Synchronization of network is consistent with ITU-T G.811. PRC clocks are built on SSU synchronized GPS receiver. • Digital channels meet recommendation ITU -TG.821/826 i ITU-T M.2100. Access interfaces for E1, E3, STM-1, STM-4 i STM-16 channels are consistent with ITU-T G.703 and ITU-T G.957 recommendation. • We offer opportunities of setting up safe separated IP VPN networks on the basis of MPLS technology. • There are also opportunities of signing SLA (Service Level Agreement), which guarantees individual safety condition of leased network. 50 United Kingdom Railway fixed network for office communication in United Kingdom 1 - Introduction Historically the UK rail’s network was developed by the interconnection of a number of smaller networks. These networks were designed and incorporated alongside Signalling schemes. This has led to a disparity in chosen systems and in some places has led to a reliance on Public Telephone Operators (PTOs) to provide extra network capability. Today Network Rail is in the process of replacing the legacy fixed network with a network that will be able to handle every increasing demand on capacity and unify the rail’s use of transmission technologies. This project, FTN/GSM-R, will also provide the base from which to launch new signalling systems and support other applications necessary to run the operational railway. This document will try and capture the current network topology and the interfaces we share with the international community. 2 - Current Systems Network Rail uses a number of different transmission mediums on which to carry its circuits. Traditionally copper cable has been used past because of its availability and cost. With the relative cost-benefits of fibre to copper improving, fibre has been introduced on new schemes where the location and capacity required meets the business case. So depending on the location, circuits may be transported over copper, fibre or a mixture of the two. We have 30-channel PCM systems (GEC / Marconi / Ericsson) still in operation on the network infrastructure. More predominantly we use Nokia PDH / SDH equipment. In some areas the Dynanet systems has been employed. This “Dynamic Node Equipment” is effectively a cross-connect with drop and insert functionality. It is capable of dealing with both copper and fibre 2Mb/s streams. 51 IRTN - Current telecom infrastructure in Europe Figure 18: Nokia Dynanet All these systems are now life expired and all the associated circuits will be migrated across to the new Fixed Telecoms Network (FTN). The FTN is currently being deployed - some of the stages have already been constructed and commissioned. The FTN consists of Alcatel – Lucent SDH and PDH nodes, with a series of STM16 rings, and STM1 access rings. The Fixed Telecom Network will also provide a number of operational Ericson MD110 switches for voice services as follows. Operational Switches These will provide UK wide services from locations using Channel Associated Signalling (CAS) extensions. Typically these will serve lineside phones, signal box ETDs, electrical control room ETDs and small/depot offices. Transit Switches These route calls around the network; allowing calls originating from one type of switch to be connected to phones on another type. The switches have DPNSS/QSig links to the core business and operational switches. The transit switches also allow connection into the GSM-R system, the Global Crossing ETD network, network and emergency operators. There are currently a number of Business switches at key Corporate Offices which connect into the Global Crossing Network via DPNSS. Future deployments in large corporate offices will be by using VoIP. To date a Nortel VoIP solution has been provided in Manchester, which currently connects into the rest of the network via DPNSS. The two operational transit switches will have connections to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) and the legacy voice ETD network. 52 United Kingdom Depending on the availability of network resources and the demand in the local area, each business switch has direct connections to Global Crossing’s ETD network, PSTN (run by British Telecom) and its associated local business switches. Network Rail has adopted the Ericsson MD110 PABX, used throughout the railway industry, but it has been designed so that supplier diversity can be achieved if required. Core Business Transition 2Mb Connection (Transit) HQ, Euston East Anglia House, Liverpool St Waterloo James Forbes House, Southwark Figure 19: Existing fixed voice switched network The future network aim is to extend the existing voiced network to each region and include the introduction of operational switches. 53 IRTN - Current telecom infrastructure in Europe 3 - Beyond Network Rail Our network links into Global Crossing’s ETD network via a number of DPNSS links between switches located around the infrastructure. In some places we use British Telecom (BT) links to add diversity or to join into the Global Crossing network. The diagram below abstracts our connections to Global Crossing. Other Networks National Radio Network Legacy Switch x 21 AXE10 AXE10 Centralised Operator AXE10 AXE10 AXE10 Legacy Switch MD110 MD110 VOIP MD110 Network Rail Assets C7 Interconnect (DPNSS encapsulated) Global Crossing Assets DPNSS Links Figure 20: ETD Network DPNSS Connectivity Network Rail’s assets interface with Global Crossing’s AXE10s via two DPNSS link to allow for diversity. The routing of these connections are dependent on the availability of resource in the surrounding area and the locations of the AXEs. The Global Crossing network (for the Railways) is parented with Europe via an ISDX (v3.4 software) gateway switch at Waterloo, London. The switch uses a nonstandard QSig signalling protocol to transmit the data via two links to Ashford. From here it is transmitted to Dollands Moor using Network Rail PDH 54 United Kingdom transmission before being forwarded to France on Eurotunnels transmission network through the Channel Tunnel. 2 x QSig links Network Rail PDH SNCF Transmission Figure 21: UK Rail Telecommunications Link to Europe 55 IRTN - Current telecom infrastructure in Europe 56 PETER Member LIST Company Contact UIC (The Chairman) Paolo de Cicco UIC Dan Mandoc ADIF Alfonso Diez Perez ADIF Carlos Rincon ADIF Luis Garcia Tassias BANESTYRELSEN Lau Rentius Kenneth BANVERKET Peter Carlsson BANVERKET Ulf Hellström BANVERKET Tord Nilsson BDZ Valentin Staykov CFL André Feltz CFL Henri Werdel CFR Tel. Virgil Andronache DB Netz Klaus Konrad DB Systel Dirk Brucks ET C. Vandenbussche HZ Mladen Strizak LDZ Dragana Stosic MAV György Gajdos MAV Gellert Halmai MAV Gabor Pete Network Rail Stephen Hailes NRIC Valentin Doytchev ÖBB Herbert Müller ÖBB Ernst Strommer PKP Piotr Konstanty PKP Ryszard Rudnicki PKP Janusz Walicki Railtelia Ltd. Irja Koskela REFER Mario Alves REFER Fernando Leal REFER Pestana Neves RFI Carlo Caputo RFI Simone Carnevale RFF Dominique Perrin SBB Telecom Paul Messmer SBB Telecom Hans-Peter Vetsch SBB Telecom Helmut Wehren SNCB/B-Telecom Alex Raviart SNCB Holding Vincent Caudron SNCB Holding Frans Van Geel SNCF Remi Bevot SNCF Stéphane Goueffon SNCF Alain Guillaume SZDC Arnost Dudek ZSR Vladimir Milosovic ZSR Peter Predac 57 ETF EDITIONS TECHNIQUES FERROVIAIRES RAILWAY TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS - EISENBAHNTECHNISCHE PUBLIKATIONEN 16 rue Jean Rey - F 75015 PARIS Printed by Xerox Global Services France 16, rue Jean Rey 75015 Paris - France March 2008 Dépôt légal March 2008 ISBN 2-7461-1453-4 (English version)