aligned - EllisDon
aligned - EllisDon
ALIGNED BUILDING. REDESIGNED. CHRIS ANDREWS, P.ENG. SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT ALIGNED 416.575.0965 CANDREWS@ELLISDON.COM WE SEE THE DISCONNECT BETWEEN DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION. WE KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENING WITH PROJECT DELIVERY AND RISK. WE ARE SEEING TECHNOLOGY TRANSFORMING BUILDING. WE KNOW THERE'S A BETTER WAY TO BUILD. THAT'S WHY WE'RE CREATING A NEW BUSINESS. IT'S CALLED ALIGNED. EllisDon has been building for a long time. During this time we have seen the disconnection between building design and construction. A NEW WAY TO BUILD Because of this disconnection, we have seen increased risk with project delivery. We have seen risk with cost, time and in effectively executing a great vision. We have listened to the demand by owners for changes to how things are done. Right now the building industry is changing – driven by new roles, new technologies and international competitiveness. EllisDon has looked at what is going on and has created a new business that fundamentally shifts the way that buildings are delivered. The new business is called Aligned. Aligned is transparent and simpler for everyone. It supports and values design thinking and design integrity. It completely links design, construction and building craft as a single activity. It puts a premium on flexibility and ingenuity while increasing predictability and decreasing uncertainty. We are calling this new EllisDon business Aligned. It aligns the interests of what owners want and need with what EllisDon will do. It aligns design and construction disciplines. It aligns the purpose of EllisDon with our core values of Trust and Openness. We think it changes the game. “AS WE CREATED THIS NEW BUSINESS, WE LOOKED AT WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF WE WENT BEYOND BEING A PLAYER DESIGNING AND CONSTRUCTING BUILDINGS AND REDESIGNED THE WHOLE PROCESS OF BUILDING.” THE SERVICE AND STRUCTURE OF ALIGNED “DESIGN EXECUTION IN ALIGNED IS BASED ON A FUNDAMENTAL SHIFT IN THE EFFORT OF DESIGN DELIVERY, FROM DOCUMENT PRODUCTION TO CONCEPTUAL THINKING. IT IS BASED ON VALIDATING A BUILDING CONCEPT WITH REAL-TIME CONSTRUCTION EXPERIENCE, COSTING AND DESIGN INNOVATION BEFORE PROCEEDING TO DETAILED DESIGN.” Aligned is a service that EllisDon offers to owners to help them deliver better buildings faster and with certainty. Aligned is based on a single point of contractual responsibility for design and construction within EllisDon and guarantees the result. The Aligned business unit is positioned laterally beside the traditional construction delivery business in the EllisDon organization. It has the mandate and responsibility to manage and link design with construction as a single process. It is staffed by experts in design management, BIM systems and modelling, professionals in architecture and engineering. It is supported by teams of outside consultants, retained by EllisDon. It is driven by a cultural identity of innovation, technology and shared ideas. Complete delivery for design and construction will be undertaken within a simple contractual and organizational structure. The team structure maintains the continuity of an owner’s vision and connection with a project from the initial idea to the completed project. SHIFTING THE DESIGN CURVE FROM PRODUCTION TO CONCEPT SHIFTING THE DESIGN CURVE FROM DESIGN PRODUCTION TO CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT PROVIDES THREE KEY ALIGNED BENEFITS: AN CH EFFORT TO CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGIES EARLY ON IN THE ST TO VALIDATE THE DESIGN FOR COST, SCHEDULE AND GE IT ALLOWS THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION TEAM CO 1. TRADITIONAL PROCESS. 2. IT ALLOWS THE TEAM TO MAKE CHANGES AT LOW COST AND REDUCES COST FOR CHANGES DURING DETAILED AB DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION PHASES. 3. IT ENSURES WE DELIVER DESIGN VALUE. CONCEPT ILIT PRODUCTION YT OC HAN GE CONSTRUCTION TIME ALIGNED ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE POSITIONING Aligned is positioned laterally beside the construction sector in EllisDon and manages design, delivery and interfaces with EllisDon construction resources. ALIGNED ELLISDON ELLISDON CONSTRUCTION OWNER INITIAL INTEGRATION Owner contact with EllisDon starts project conceptual studies and team selection. ALIGNED ELLISDON ELLISDON CONSTRUCTION OWNER DESIGN/CONSTRUCTION PHASE Design team retained through EllisDon, design managed and construction delivered by Open Book GMP contract. DESIGN TEAM ALIGNED ELLISDON ELLISDON CONSTRUCTION WITH ALIGNED, ELLISDON PROVIDES A SINGLE POINT OF RESPONSIBILITY, ASSUMPTION OF RISK, AND GUARANTEED RESULTS. HOW IT WORKS Aligned is targeted at projects with an emphasis on design value and complexity. It begins with an owner coming to EllisDon with an idea. EllisDon will test the idea for cost, feasibility, design skills and required design resources. Following a decision to proceed, EllisDon will select, jointly with an owner, teams of design professionals chosen for their particular skills, culture of innovation and commitment to shared responsibility. These will be teams we value, trust and have a commitment to this process. Experts in costing, planning, logistics and energy modeling are brought in from EllisDon’s construction and service businesses. Key trades are introduced into the design process to facilitate coordination and planning. A concept will be developed with everyone at the table and validated with real-time costing, 3D modeling and interdisciplinary coordination. We will then execute the detailed design efficiently, using 3D modeling, based on a proven design concept. Construction will be delivered with certainty because the design has been proven and coordinated. Because we understand the design completely, we can easily adapt to site, logistical and market conditions. “THROUGH ALIGNED, OUR MANDATE TO BUILD EFFICIENTLY AND WITH CERTAINTY IS EMBEDDED IN OUR OBLIGATION TO GET THE DESIGN RIGHT AND THE CONTRACTUAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR BOTH DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION PHASES.” CONTRACT STRUCTURE AND COSTING EllisDon will undertake projects through Aligned based on a single contract for design and construction services. The contract will be structured to undertake design under a design services scope and construction on an open book GMP basis. The extent of services in the contract can be phased. The contract is based on existing CCDC terms and conditions. The point of conversion to a GMP price is targeted to be prior to completion of production design. The complete process of developing cost estimates, retention of trades and setting a GMP price will be on an open book basis, between EllisDon and the owner. Options are available for incentives relative to cost and schedule targets, established as part of the design phase and commitment to a GMP. COST OF SERVICES FOR DESIGN The costs of design services through Aligned are not greater than the cost of services for design under traditional delivery methods. COMPARISON TO OTHER DELIVERY METHODS Aligned draws on the experience of EllisDon with delivery methods that involve design and traditional construction services such as Design-Build, IPD and CM approaches. It is fundamentally different from Design-Build because of the emphasis on the support of design value, the owner’s connection through the process and the development of a design concept that is proven by EllisDon rather than an emphasis on hitting costs for a pre-determined concept. It is fundamentally different than IPD because of the complete assumption of design and construction risk by EllisDon, rather than shared risk by all parties. It is different than CM delivery because the contractual basis for design and construction with EllisDon drives design value and overall project coordination. THE RESULTS RISK 1. ALIGNED SHIFTS THE DESIGN EFFORT BY FOCUSING ON THE CONCEPT AND VALIDATING IT. 2. ALIGNED SHIFTS THE CONSTRUCTION CURVE REDUCED COST TIME EFFORT TO REDUCE UNCERTAINTY, RISK, TIME AND COST. 3. ALIGNED SHIFTS THE KNOWLEDGE CURVE BY REDUCED TIME LINKING DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION AND TECHNOLOGY TO DRIVE NEW THINKING. TRADITIONAL DESIGN CONSTRUCTION ALIGNED CONCEPT FOCUSED DESIGN LINKING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION WITH ALIGNED ELLISDON HAS CREATED A WAY OF BUILDING WHERE OWNERS GET THE CONTROL AND TRANSPARENCY THEY NEED. WITH ALIGNED, ELLISDON HAS CREATED A PLACE WHERE PLANNERS CAN PLAN, ARCHITECTS CAN DESIGN, ENGINEERS ALIGNED IS ABOUT BEING BETTER. ALIGNED DELIVERS CERTAINTY FOR OWNERS, BETTER BUILDINGS, LOWER COSTS, SHORTER TIMES. IT IS A WAY TO WORK WHERE TRUE DESIGN THINKING IS SUPPORTED, WHERE NEW TECHNOLOGIES OF DESIGN AND BUILDING ARE BROUGHT TOGETHER AND WHERE DESIGN IS TESTED AND PROVEN. CAN INNOVATE AND BUILDERS CAN BUILD. WITH ALIGNED WE HAVE CREATED A NEW WAY OF BUILDING IN A COMPANY THAT LEADS – ELLISDON. ALIGNED IS... DESIGN ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION RESULTS THE NEXT IDEA. ALIGNED.